Newspaper Page Text
IM WS UMSTABLE' mtar o! Oeveipents. ?(tat) Brie sit nation was Intensified by the term* of the Interstate C'omniaree Commission ruling on the so-called Spokane rate case. The detailed at Itention gives in that ruling to qnes I'iouH of eont ni railroads, capltali/a tlrtn ami manner of Issue In forming a judgment or the reasonableness of ! freight charges cad H|_ specific opin? ion that .arnlngs of 'he tlreat North? ern ami Northern Pacific in reeenl years have been excessive, threw open j it wide field for conjecture of the ef int mm were mm au* r? '^vT^ j in the latter pan of the daj _y the ________ [announcement of the plaoiug oC a I year's order for steel rails by the New Considerable Selling from Foreign York Central system. - *^jr%,^ ha?; Balkan Situation?Defeat of Ship made a weak ekkrin?. _ . ___ : _ ,_ .. i The bond market was irregular and Subsidy Wsaktned Pacific Mail. (By Assof l-ted Press \ NEW VOHK. March 2.- It was a day of small things in the stock mar ket, and the major business came almost entirely from tin1 class of pro? fessional operators who make u live? lihood by the daily lluct nations in prices. The traders who had bought stocks yesterday on a rising scale up to the dose of the day. were some? what disconcerted over ? number ol chemical. |A0 there was less ?ctivlty than of lu'e. Total sales, par value. I4.32u.000. I'nlted Stales bunds were un? changed on cnll. Total sales today 447 !?oti shares, In. eluding Copper. 30.700; Sugar, 4<l?: Tobacco, "on; Atlantic Coast Ijne. ;:*???; Chesapeake ft Ohio, :t.?;tto: Louis ville ft Nashville. 7<Mi; Beading. I?. 4110: Sloss Sheffield. 600; Southern Railway, 3.300; Tennessee Copper. 2, fllHl; Cnloli Pacific. 48.300; United States Steel. 47.8W0; Virginia-Carolina developments which confronted I hem when they started business today. They unloaded their light holdings its a, BOB sequence with some preelpltau Cy. While this selling was light tlx demand was even lighter and the result was a rather violent break In prices. The selling frrjm foreign sources was prompted by the sudden turn for the worse In the news of the re? lations between Austria and Servia The foreign markets plainly showed the disturbance of sentiment caused by this news, and 'he reflection of this feeling was oin; of the factors in the opening weakness here. The clearing of the outlook In th1' B?lkaus during the day was reported too late to effect a recovery in the foreign markets, but there was buying of stocks here lute in the dav on the assumption thai orders win come from abroad tomorrow to buy bac\ the stocks sold for thai account to? day. The defeat in congress o: the ship stitaidy measure caused a slump in Pacific Mail, u* that stock had been lifted aggressively on the strength of assertions that the bill had a good prospect of passing. A feeling of nisquiet on account of _ f.:i7i iti'i pfd lid .... r?_?4 pfd ::7 ... 25% _ 13 . . .'.2% . . 112 Ml Closing Stock List Amalgamated Copper . American Car ft Foundry . American Car ft Foundry American Cotton Oil _ American Hide ? Leather, American Ice Securities ... American Linseed . American Loeoiw live . American Locomotive, pfd . American Smelting ft itef'ng Amer. Smelting ft - Rif'ng. pfd 103 American Sugar Refining . 123 American Tobacco, pfd . ?' 1 l-i American Woolen . 28% Anaconda Mining Co. . 1 Atchlson. 103o>i Atchlson. prd . 1"2 Atlantic Coast Line . 118 Baltimore ft Ohio . 107',. Baltimore ft Ohio, pfd . Brooklyn Rapid Transit . 7.'4 Canadian Pacific ....... 105% Centtal la-ather . Central Leather, pfd _ Central < f New Jersey _ Chesapeake ft Ohio . Chicago Great Western . . Chicago ft North Western Chicago. Mil ft St. Paul 28 102 2 12 17ti'-s 143% The Only Gauze Lisle Hose That Is Sold Which Is Guaranteed GUARANTEED H33E OF Q??UTY Made In ell orrc-tabU color. and _uur. nL et! to WOai ?IX maCHS w ithout djrnic.. mi. SHtfk. i::hi stromc ?-ir-s - Par. mih I tats, u?l six r'aiks .1-, 1 <s? kimt * >a're locking lor. Arc Your r\\ And ? e Hose as jJust a: a Sheer as /Strong 6 Pair TTl A R |A N T E E L1 LAST 9 DAYS AT THE BIG SALE! ! Slash! Slash! Slash! Go the Already Slaugh? tered Prices! ! I I Buy Today; Don't Wait ? We Tsjsittvrly clou our ioors on March 15. All good* not sold will be ?hipp*d to New York. The Famous Clothing Co. Sold Out To i * i VanPraajt<lfo?,A* { . ad 3ta St. J O, C, C. ft St. Lout*. 75 Colorado Fuel * Iron. 32% Colorado * Southern . ?2% Colorado & Southern, lat (pfd 82 Colorado * Southern, 2od pfd 79% Consolidated <;u- . 126% Corn producta . 17% Delaware * Hudaon . 173Mi Denver ft Rio Crunde. 44% Denver ft Kh> tlrandc, pfd- 86% Distillers Securities . S&Ml Krle . 2?% Erie, tst pad . 41% Erie, 2nd i>f?l . 32 General Electric .165% (Jreai Northern pCd . 14.1 Oreat Northern Ore Of* . 68 Illlnoia Central . 14lit liiteriKirotuch-Met . 16% luterboroucb'Met, pfd. 42 International Paper .s 101? International Paper, pfd . 51 I j international Pump .... 3?;'^ Iowa Central . 29 Kansas City Southern . 41% Kansas City Southern, ofd .. Tl% Louisville ft Nashville . 128*4 Minneapolis ft St. Ixml.s. 32 Minn.. 81. I*, ft Saull St. M. .. 139 Missouri Paelflc . ?8% Missouri. Kansas & Texan _ 39's I Missouri, Kansas ft Texas, pfd ~n 1 National l>?ad . "% New Ycrk Central . 124 New York, Ontario ft Western 45 St rfolk ft Western . 86% North American . 80% Northern Pacific . 137% Pacific Mail . 31 Pennsylvania . 129% People's Oas . . 1 l?-1s Plttsburg, C .<\ ft St. Louis .. 89%, Pressed Stiel Car . 36 Pullman Palace Car . 169 Railway Steel :Spring . 41 1 tea dim; . 124 V4 Republic Steel . 2u Republic Steel, pfd Rock Island Co. 22% Kock Island Co.. pfd . 61% St. Ixiuls. ft San Fran 2nd pfd 22 St. Louis Southwestern . 21% SI. Louis Southwestern, pfd .. 31% Sloss Sheffield Steel ft Inn .. 71 Southern Pacific . 117% Southern Pacific, .pfd . 120% Soul hern Railway . 23% Southern Railwny, pfd . 0."! Tennessee Copper . 38 Texas ft Pacific. 32 Toledo, St. lxnils ft West . 4? Toledo, St. Louis ft West, pfd ?8 Union Pacific . 17."? Colon Pacific, pfd . 94 United States Rubber . 29 United States Rubber. 1st pfd 102 Cnlted Slates Steel . 44% I'nlled Slates Steel, pfd . llo% Utah Copiter . 41 Virginia Carolina Chemical .. 43*? Virginia Carolina Chemical, pfd 113'4 Wabash . IV3* Wabash, p.'d . 45 Wegtingbonse Electric .i 78% Western Union .65% Wheeling ft Lake Erie . 9% Wisconsin Central . 48% A. T. ft T. Co. . 128% Standard Oil . 647 : Chicago Grain and Provisions. CHICAGO. ILL, March 3.?New high records for the season -were made in wheat, corn and oats on the Hoard of Trade today. Wheat for May delivery sold at 119%. while at the same time the July cptlon touched lu7. Articles Open High Wheat May ...118% 119% July ...105% 107 Sept ... 99% 100 Corn May ... 66% 67% July ... 66% 67 ... 65% 66% Oate? May ... U% 56% July ... 60% "'1 Sept ... 41% 41% Mess Pork, per bbt ? Msy 17.32% 17.47% 17.32% 17 3.". July 17.45 17.56 17.42% 17.43 Lard, per KM) lbs May 10.00 10.10 10.00 10.02% July 10.15 10.30 10.12% 10.16 Short Ribs. per 10O lbs ? May 9.20 9.25 9.20 9 22% July 9.3.% 9 40 9 33 9 37%' IjOw Close 118% 118%' 10?** 106 99% 99% 66% 67% 65% 66*, 65% 66% I 55% 36 % 60% 50% 41 41% j Mew York Money Market. NEW YORK. March 3 ? Money on' call easy. 1% s 2 per cent; ruling rata 2: closing bid 1%: offered at 2. ? Time loans very dull and easy. (m. days 2% to 2% per rent: '?> days 2% a I 3 per cent and six months offered at! :: per cent. Close; Prime merran-1 tile |iaper 3% to 4 |?er cent; sterling exchange steady with actual h??i-: nesa In bankers' hille a- 4*5.0? for 601 day hills and at 487.65 ' ?r demand 1 Commercial bill* 4*:-\ a 483%: hmr. sliver 3ft%: Mexican doilsrs 44. I Baltimore Product Markets | BALTIMORE. MO. March 2 ?J WHEAT?I'nsettled and blgh-r. | spot contract 12?%; Southern on* grade 13? a 128% CORN?Firmer, snot contract 72% a %. Sinthern yellow 7?% a 72%. OATS?Firmer. No J mixed 3? s %? RTE?Rl rater. No. 2 Western do m?tic 88. COLONEL TUCKER RfTIREO Secretary of War Approves Action of Retiring. Beard, r , Associated Press ) WASHINGTON. D C. March 3 ? Secretary Wright today approved the finding* of tie retiring hoard in the caae of Colonel Willtam F Tucker. ? f the pay department of the army, and In law of Mrs Jobs A !/.?an This ? . < .u.,r.cj Tucker on the retired Ibrt for Ihv oa three quarters pay The Want Ads Are Business Peacemakers! In the store, the office, the factory, the work places, the home wherever human interests clash, wherever workers and employers come to be discordant, wherever new workers c? .ew work are the urgent need?tha road to peace lies through the want ad. columns. In almost every case, a peace-wrecking incident of daily life needs but the simple remedy of a little want advertising?whether it is th? sudden exit of the servant, stenographer clerk, cook, room, er, tenant; or the unexpected need to quickly "raise some money." More and more, every day, in the lives and affairs of the people of this city, the want ads. are coming tc play the parts of adjusters, of vexation-preventers, of BUSINESS PEACEMAKERS! Advertisements ander classified heads will be Inserted at the anUorm rate ot one cent a word tor each Insertion. No adver? tisement, however small, less than 25c for the first Insertion. Special rates made on long time contracts. WANTED. W ANTED?EXPERIENCED LADY bookkeeper, one who tan use a typewriter. Kass Brothers. it WANTED?TO BUY. SELL OR Ex? change, furniture and stoves. C. W. LEWIS. 2SC2 Huntington avenue. SPECIAL NOTICE. WANTED?TO SELL SEED POTA toes, Irieh Cobblers at lowest prices; flour, meal, hay and grain. Pull line of fruits. COUNCIL PRODUCE CO.. Twenty-eighth Street and Huntington Avenue. 3-16 FOR SALE. FOR SALE OR RENT. CHEAP? Nice, airy dwellings on 47th Street, between Washington and Hunting ton; 45th Street, near Huntington: No. 1142 25th Street, north side of 29th Street. n>-ar Washington ave? nue. No. 515 .*: 1 st Street, and one vacant lot north side of 47th Street. All have baths and other modern conveniences. Nelms A Company. Inc.. Real Estate, Insurance. Rents and Loans, No. 2517 Washington Avenue. Newport News, Va. lu ATTENTION LADIES?THE MAN , who is not i>articular about his clothes is not apt to be particular about anything at all. and the man who is particular about his clothes might as well not be. unless he linds the right tailor. Particular people are always pleased with the clothes made bv T. P. Keating. 221 25th Street, and treating ft Wrnble,! 428 Main Street. Norfolk. A PHOTOGRAPH OP PRESIDENT | Taft will be given with each copy of Thursday's New York World. Order today. C. W. HO ULKEN 4. AMUSEMENTS. Academy MARCH 5 Friday right awae-m-m-ar- ? na? Lew Dockstader And HIS 70 MINSTRELS Prices 25c to $1.50. l?W Now Open. T. S. BOONE. EXPERT HAIRCUT ter; first-class barbers employed: best attention paid to all. .1112 Washington Ave. 5-27 DR. R. LEE ROBINSON. DENTIST, will move March 10 to opposite corner Washington Ave. and 28th St.. over -The Mirror." 6-19 LOTS FOR SALE OR LEASE IN ALL parts of the city. Call and get prices. OLD DOMINION LAND CO.. Hotel Warwick Building. FOR SALE?MARCH ISSUE EDISON records just received. Also the Co? lumbia Double Diac records that play two selections for the pricw of one. Geo. n. Hampton Piano Co.. 210 28th Street. tf FOR RENT. FOR RENT?FOUR NICE BRIGHT communicating unfurnished rooms Rent cheap. _.;u 50th St. tf. POR RENT?316 AND 318 FORTY fourth Street, two tea-room bouses: modern conveniencea; apply .110.1 Washington Avenue. 3-2-tf FOR RENT?BRIGHT. DESIRABLE front room for a couple; apply 122 14th St %4 POR RENT?TWO FURNISHED rooras. one front. 117 Thirty-first street. .1-5 NELMS ft COMPANY, INC- 2517 Washington avenue. Insurance of all kinds, loans, rents, real estate, notaries public. ' The oldest agency in this city. See them first. Of lice hours from 8 to 6:00; Saturdays 8 a. m. to 9:20 p. m. :i-18 ATTENTION. FARMERS ft TRUCK ers?For sale: Canada field peas, seed oats and full line garden seed and fertilisers. S. A. RUDD, phones. NORFOLK TALLOW CO. ?DEAD animals removed free of charge by C H. Scbofleld, 'Phone 84-L, Hamp? ton. 12313m. HOW ABOUT THOSE OLD BILLS? WE can collect them. Guarantee to collect or no chsrgdj GEO C. Bland. Room 2. Colaelan Bids. STOLEN. FOR RENT?NICELT FURNISHED aad comfortable room; all conven iences: best locatioa. References ex? changed. CENTRAL, care Daily Press .1-4 STOLEN?LA ST FRIDAY NIGHT, horse and buggy, alno set of harness from A. L Parker. Horse stolen has white s|tot in forehead and cut on foot bv barb wire. Buggy is old with new curtains. Liberal reward will lie paid if found and returned to GBO W DILWORTH. dairyman on BriarBeld road, near ahipyard. tf AT The heatre BcllC Home of High Class Amusements. Picture Programme "The Suffrar.ette'a Dream." Good Comedy by Pathe. "The Test," Drama. Beautifully Colored, by Pathe. VAUDEVILLE Clark and Bradley "Teddy Bear Gr Is." Tins is a Hummer. See it. Monte Wolfe Mimic A Good One. Performances?Matinee 3 to 6, Night 7 to 11. Admission 5 and 10c Wonderland \ Vaudevillei RESTAURANT*. FOR RENT?2 BRIGHT. AIRY with board; mod. conven 1.10 St. Bell phone 36? 2 It-lm 31st. FOR RENT?LARGE, WEM. LOCAT ed store room, fnenanrty eni by T. W. JTTDKINR, Terms reasaaakli. For u Dally Frees a.fea. lost. ??r. 1 ? ? i. IXrST --BETWKKN 2JTH ST. AND Washington Av.iuh. aad pos offnc a lady's scarab ring with bine stones Finder .,11 pteaee retain lo Miss Barksen ijf. .nth St. St THE STAR RESTAURANT. Far Ladies and Oeritismsw. We bay and nee only the highest grade of everything that's good. We waat your patronage aad we will'do alt ia oar power to earn iL Cleanest and moat satisfactory place la town 211 Twenty seventh street, naat SB? hy Bldg. MM rr SEALED PROPOSALS. OFFICE PVRCHASIKO COM MIS SART. Cn'ted States Army. New port N>ws. Virginia March 2nd. 1909 Sealed proposal* in dnpBca'e for far nlshlng and delivering Snh?i?fnc< Stores la this eWrbag t~e month of April. Iin accordance with specifications of the rnmmtssary Gen? eral. Waidilne i.n March JTth. 19W Will he received a/ this o?b e sMU eleve, n'ctork A M Friday. March 12th. ???-<> and rben pawns d Informa tlon furn shed on application Rh veioeea e~nt_miBs hfda aaevM b? marked Proposals of swbewtenee stores opened March 12ib. 19*9." and *ddr*s??d to Captain i. N KILIAN Coaealasary rotted at ate* Amy. <* v Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The Novelty Comedian, JOHN WAT KINS In a Hebrew sketch That Is "The Funniest Ever." MOTION PICTURE. ??The Helping TORES Han/' Ami. rwraltar? gepefre* awl K?-?"<1?> Saw Wrnnnrrr Meee t" order OM Faraiiere Bepsire*. An W. ROUNDS Cabinet Maker and Weed Carver. 235 and 237 Thirty renrth Street. And Other Geed Ones. $5.00 PRIZE To be given ia Hissing: Word Contest See proeram at Theater ass THE BIG SHOW ass ?%? AT ?E ?-tTTLE -SC **** PRICE. M. NATANSON Merchart Taller. Suite $25.00 and Up. Workmanship and Fit Guaranteed. 2*1? Washington Avenue. Vs. TRANSFER COMPANIES. OLD DOMINION RAOGAOR TRANS fer; oeaees C ft O station 'f-Moaea.' Refl. Noa etil aad 135 Cttlteas No. II tt Chances for Quick Profits Otttr td Ml Purchasers at These Sales CONSULT POWELL TRUST COM PANV. Inc., ABOUT THESE TRUSTEES' SALES OF VALUA BLE PIECES OF REAL ESTATE To be held on TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1*09. For default thereunder, respective lv. at the request of the parlies Sev? erally secured in the hereinafter men. tioned Deeds of Trust, the undersign? ed will offer for sale under the terms of the same, at put.lie auction. In front of tin- several respective prem? ises on Tuesday, Marco 9, 1909, AT 11 O'CLOCK A. M. That property on the East Side of Oak Avenue, between Twenty-fifth 'and Twenty-sixth Streets, known as lx>t Number Thirty four <.!4? In Block Number Forty-five C. (45-C) o.i lira*, ton's "Map showing the location of 100 lots. etc.". as described in Deed of Trust dated Marcli 20. liiOS. exe? cuted by George llaycox and wife to the undersigned Trustees, recorded in Clerk's Offi'-'e of Newport News Cor I poration Court in D<>ed Hook No. at iKifc-e 21 ; AND ON THE SAME DAY AT 11:15 O'CLOCK A. M., That property on Hie East side of Chestnut Avenue, between Twenty sixth and Twenty-seventh Streets, known as Lot Number Thirty-five (?,;,) in Hlock Number Ten C. (UM?), on Braston's "Map of part of the City of Newport. News," as described in Deed of Trust dated May 14, 1904. executed by John It. Kayfleld, (unmarried), to the undersigned Trustees, recorded in Clerk's Office of Newport News Corpo? ration Conn in.Deed Hook No. 26, at papo 342; AND ON THE SAME DAY AT 11:30 O'CLOCK A. M.. That property on the South Side of Twenty-first Street, between Roanoke and Chestnut Avenues, known as Lot Number Forty-nine (491, in Block Number Thirty-two c. (.12 C). on Brav, ton's "Map of part of the City of New. port News," as described in Deed of Trust dated August 30, 190<;, executed by Florence .1. Dickens and husband to the undersigned Trustees, recorded, in Clerk's Office Newport News'Cor? poration Court in Deed Book No 31, a: pane fi": AND ON THE SAME DAY AT 11:45 O'CLOCK A. M. That property on the North side of Twenty-eighth Street, between Orcutt and Roanoke Avenues, known as Lot Number Sixteen (16), in Block Num? ber Seven *?. (7-C). on Braxton's "Map of |>art of the City of Newport News." AND ON THE SAME DAY AT 12:00 O'CLOCK M. j That property on the North side of ; Twenty-seventh Street, between Or j cutt and Roanoke Avenues, known as I Lot Number" Twenty-six (2C) in Block Number Eight C (8-C). on BraxtctV* "Map of part of the City of Newport News," as described in Deed of Trust dated September 17. 1906. executed by Vandalla A. E. Blrchett and husband to the undersigned Trustees, recorded in the Clerk's Office Newport News Corporation Court in Deed Book No. 31. at page 221; AND ON THE SAME DAY AT 12(15 O'CLOCK P. M. That property on the Southwest Cor? ner of Marshall and Hampton Ave? nues, known as Lots Numbers One (1) and Two (2). In Block Number Six? teen (16) on "Map of part of the City i of Newport News. Virginia." as de? scribed in Deed of Trust dated Jan nary 1?. 1906. executed by Jerry H. J Hsywood, and wife to the undersign I ed Trustee*, recorded in Clerk's Office 'N'ewport News Corporation Court tn ! Deed Book No. 30. at page 60; I AND ON THE SAME DAY AT 12:30 O'CLOCK P. M.. ?That property on the North aide of Twenty-eighth street, between Jeffer I sen and Madison Avenues, known as j Lot Number Twenty-one (21) in Block I Number One Hundred and Thirty-nine ! (139) on -Map of part of the CRy of I Newport.News. Virginia." as described j in Deed of Trust dated August 16. ?1902, executed by William C. Llewel? lyn and wife to the undersigned Trus I tees, recorded in the Clerk's Office Newport News Corporation Court, in Deed Book No. 24. a* P**e 72. TERMS?In the case of each sale terms to be: Cash sufficient to pay (he indebtedness secured, and due and unpaid to thnapeneficiaries. respective, ly. in said Deeds of Trust named with interest, expenses of snle and execu? tion of trusts: balance upon terms to be announced at sales. A deposit of $150.00 required in each case at time of sale; terms in each case to be complied with within ten days, or , respective properties will lie resold I at costs of defaulting purchasers j JACKSON H. RAI^STON. I and K. QITNCY SMITH. Trustees. WILLIAM C STUART. Attorney. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINGS. NOTICE The snconl meeting of the stock? holders of the Newport News Ship? building and Dry Dock Company will be held at the office of the (general Manager of the Comnany. at Newport News, Virginia . on Thursday. March 11th. 1909. at twelve o'clock, noon for 'he election of Directors snd a Pres? ident for the ensuing year, and lor the transaction of such other Mi si? nes* as may properly entne N-fore the meeting C E GRAHAM. 3 11 - Secretary UMOffnrrsKBitB. W. E. HOUSE Ofnes and Showroom 234230 2S4R St. *w^?^o*^iJa? Si? VvB J. HUGH CAFFEE PI'NER 4L DIRECTOR AND KM he ha er. OOVe 'Phones. Reffl ami Cits, No 1. Residence. Aril No. 4L