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th Present Assistant HI Succeed Mr. Tennis. mm PAY OF DRIVES $15 torney Lews Informer) the Council That the Election Case Has Been ?t Bottom of the Docket of the Supreme Court and May Not Be Heard Until Next November. Although the actual elect ion was act considered last nigh; the Hainp ton city council made it clear that Mr. Norwood done-, will succeed Mr Robert L. Tennis as chiel engineer of tic Hampton Fire Department on th' first dav ol Mai. when Mr Tennts' reaivnation becomes effective. The matter cattle before the eo'lltcil fur an opinion so that the d-'partmeni -ean go ahead with the election at its meeting in April The count il mrith decided to pav th.' driver an a'dttion SI salar> of tK, per month and to ' ?tve Mr. Jones the vim of $7;, 11 r< , ; totere Mr Timris has been inning t|}e driver and also turning over to! SauT. Jones a i?ortion of his salary. Card Fr.ini. \V lmrling tirougbt th.-' SjUestIon It;. Several ( tile, tetj.I, .-ts "ROm the firem -n were referred to tile, committee on Arc department Little Business Taken Up. .- The ression of council last' nigh . while la: ting more than on- J Tand one hslf hour, was not out of the usual us little tasinees was! 'transacted. When the council was called to order by Mayor Thornton Jones the following members were iPnaent; Messrs. Krank W Darling. John Weyntouth Frank C. Rees. W rip. Hndgin -. Frank W. Moore, tieorge . W Rowe. C Vernon Spratley. R. C.I frtjue. C. T. Holtzclaw. U F. Whiting. at R. Schraudt. W. W Richardson. [Und W. H. Face |. Want all the Readings . R An ordinance, offered by Councll . man Weymouth. compelling gas. elec I trie light and water companies, using meters In the city, to render the cur? rent bills upon a statement showing the total amount of electricity, gas :/or water consumed, as well as the '.monthly amount, was sent to the com 5. mittee on ordinances, t Ordinances changing the system of ?the payment of hills and forcing the I 'Wood and coal dealers to have their 5-rarts measuretl hv the city cl--rk he I tween March 1 and 1." of . 'each year J were uiiaiiimnuslt adopted A resolution was adopted authnrix I lag the payment of the bill: f $774 7 . It to the Newport News and OKI Point Railway and Electric company for I paving the city's share of K?rnst street. Cha'rman R. C. I ee. rf the strce.' committee, recommended that the edty I pay to Mr. Arthur s. Segar the sum ?f si00 for IS feet of proper! ?- in Ma Dory strpet now used as a public street. Mr I.00 sail the comitttee thought that amount sufficient to re? imburse Mr. Segar Attorney B. A. Lewis, representing Mr. Segar. told the council that bis client will give the cltv 30 feet fn* .the $100. but would contest any at? tempt to taking more than the ja fe. t '?Mr. Lewis said it was not the desire of his client to close !he street. The entire proposition was referred back to the committee on streets. The City Election Case. The matter of additional cos's in the cantesied election case was brought uo and discussed The costs have alreadv reached $ir>s and may run up to $200 owing to the printing and additional briefs deemed necessary hr the' attorneys. The council decided to pay all bills made up to this time. During the discussion of the matter Mr. R. A. Lewis told the council that the clerk of the courts of appeals has informed the attorneys In the ca?e that the cause was placi-d at the foot Of the docket and probable would not come ap for a hearing ttntil next No ;una?t?er. Mr Lewis staf'd 'hat the counsel on isith sid-a have joined in ? request to the supreme court to '?ate he case a special on-- so that the decision can b-- had during this tenr. of the curt This Mr i.cwi thteks will b?- acquiesced in K fh> highes- conn The general election iff one is to re- held, should take plac. next June Mayor Thornton Jones reported gase? and fees collected 'o his onV slice justice during Pehmen Stmg to $<;* and Citv Sergeant Jter B. Oweus' report showed tha ' police officers made .1* arrests an?1 jaported 7 riotatkms of cltv ordl Guilty of Petty Larceny. George Widgeons, the negro, who 1 w='h stealing ch>thlng fron Cooper s afore In Phoebus wai gnHtT hv Mayor I. P Pome* and sent t* Jail for sixt' in d? fault of a one of $;?? am Sent to ajeforwatory James Joaoene and fa-, rvnm? youths arrested f?i -JSaaRug. We-? o^flcer-d ' Saasas lefianaxtor? by Ma ' P Jrmer venterdar Tb WIR he held In jail nr.ttt the r guard cmcs ft* them RAISED THE WISCONSIN'S LAUNCH AT OLD POINT Trim Little Steamer Went to the Bet torn Cur.rg the Storm, But Was Only blightly Damaged. The large steam launch of ihe ba! tleshi|> Wisconsin, which wns sunn at Old Point during the storm Wed I nesdu.v night, w uh raised yesterday l,if.:,. n ainl found to in1 in ox'el lent condition. The damage is so trilling that the launch was able In maka a trip buck lo the Wlaeouaiu under her own ateam ttfter being re? lieved of the water in In r, whien balled out by jack ley from the bailie ship. The launch .-sank near tin end uf( Ihe passcugi r launch pier on the left hand side <f the wuarf. The wind blew In r hew under lh<< pier and a on caused ihe little steamer m turn turtle and sink. At noon >< ? j terday the Wisconsin Bent a force of I tars ashore and put them t> work to raise the Pulleys an(| ? I hoisting machine were secured from the fort and after two b urs uf hanl work the vessel v.u.. bruuglil la the: surface. T!;.- fact thai tie- luuuohl I was not dama ? d by the sinking is j remarkable. Quite a number of small craft fatf ' fered greatly during ihe storm and it was said lit Old l'oini that ai least six or eight small canoes and r w beats were wlssing. fortunately the crews of the missing vessels Were ashore before the storm came up. A part) o fin1 young men fr in N--? jiort News, whose names could not he learned, bad a thrilling experience in a small launch, but were pi k .1 up b) a tug and towed into the I Chamberlin h<vtel wharf. ? One of the munches from the Ken- ! tuoky w:m blown out to the ca ? ... h. ? was able t ? recover herself and re? turn to the ship yesterday. WtlLIAM AND MARY TO PLAY HERE THIS EVENING 1 Fast Game of Basketball Is Scheduled, for the Y. M. C. A. Gymnasium Tonight. I Probably the most spirit.a; conttst ? Ihe gymuasiuni in the Young Men's Christian Association has been the scene of this season will take place j tonight when the representative live of the assoeiaii.m will meet the basketball quintet of William and and Mary Ccliege. The visiting five is 'said to !?? one of the best in Tide? water. j During the past several day.- the I local quintet has been doing gcod liractico work and, lasl nigh; i! was given out that the leant Is hopeful of ! making tilings mighty interesting for the collegians from Williams burg. The pome will start ptomptly at S:3t o'clock and as usual the ticket:; will be limited owing tj the sentir.g capa? city of the gymnasium NEGRO SUMMER SCHOOL Colored Teachers to Spend Month at H. N. I. Dunrrj the summer. The normal School sill conduct a summer sch< ol for en m ed toachnrs from bine ir. tu July i : under Ihe auspices of the State Hoard of Kduo.v t on The aim of the Hampton suin ir.op school is to help the teach' rs ol the common schools to do better work, an.i thus to reach the colored boys and (tirls who are crowing up tn the public schools of the South " Pre. for. nre will be given to those I'-ai-hers whose record give evidence of an earnest desire to help their people. Preference will ai.-o be given to teach? ers whose schools are in rural- com munities. Teachers wishing t.-i a'tend the sum tner school s'ion'd write for an ap plication blank tn a-plii-atlon depart nieni. Hampton Institut". Virginia The following course* will In- given: la i cooking, manual traimnr elementarv ?-?w'ng. upbola tery: <hi arthmetic. emlish. geogra phv. history, rrrc'i. al nature study, principles of .;ehlfir. poultry keep Ing. The stiti' rts of the summer session will '*> g.ven ? very advan? tage of rises room librnrv. laboratory. workshop, kitchen', and garden which students |n the lcgiPar classes on jov The Hamilton neuro conference for Pm? wi'l he hebj on Jnly 14 and IS The f, Ikiwine subjects wii! be dis cussed the relation of the scnool to tin- coeaaaanity. countv life, heslth. 'he Rnndav school. Pf- insurance, and rouperation as a moans <?f pro grosii MR. WHITINGS WILL. Left H's Property tc Mi? Da.. . ?? S'tter and Grand dauq ?? - Pv the terms of his will (>f ,U'. of Ootnoer 12. I tel. and admitted ; ? probate before t <? rk of Ihe Cmrts Harry H. Holt thi- Ute Mr William Henry Whiting left his enually to tit daugM?r sUt> r v*. ! granddaughter V-? Annie linrd' ? ws? narved as the exeeu'riv ?nd Ha? mial'tVit a< such The will Is ?r. ten ir. the band writing of -h" <!--a.| man and directs that one third of hi estate Khali go to his daugh'e- Mrs Fannie Wliitlng Conver: on. tVr,| >n hi* sinter. Mrs Annie H Ilard. an-l ooe-thlrd to his srsnd dauab'er M;?? Italia R Harden It is on. ?h ??<-.. wills eior admit*.d ?? pro ha'e here noite to Ciecuit Court .1 W Rr*ww f'nespeny v- \\ ' Psrk'r. ?rtk-e) on a r Irs racks* I I. Ptts ,? J 11 Hrinsoe setts* m .-<s sumpsl' on th< '.ise .FEBRUARY HONOR ROLL OF WEST ENO ACADEMY : Prof. George W. Guy Announce* the Name' of the Successful I Children. Melon are given the names of tbe pupils in the Weal Kurl academy se curing positions on the mil of honor lor ilie month of February. Senior Class Wille Alexander, .lames Mi M" uauiln, Kits Hope. Ed ?;.ir Outten. Ohio I'.in tin,ore. Allen Sinclair. Third Yea . il S Marion Sinclair, Sarah Shelton, Louise Howe. Panuie Robins, .May franklin. Helen Parrcll. Bird Kdwards. Maebeile Clark. Louise Watson. Rdith liloxom, Mamie Alter back Hazel Woo l I'reson Phillip*. Second Vear II S Mary Miller. Eleanor .lames. Hertha Hunt, Mary llopklus. ?rsiiiisc xndrews, Herbert Speiic r. Myron Pull.. Cuiuming Haw. All -it Haijey. Seventh tirade Minnie Souder, Marlow Davis Grade Sevenili Minnie Souder. I indlej Harbour Pearl Moor.'. Olive Nottingham, Arllne Thompaon, Pearl Price Krina Phillip*. Pearl M Moor:-. Kva Todd Ib-ss.'e Davis. Slx'-h Grade Amos Kountree. Cecil Saundera, Sarah Davis. Lillian Ran sone. Margaret Sinclair. I Milan Todd Fifth Crude 1 It. Mollte Epati In. Kllzabeth Hunt. Pearl Powell. Finnic Mliclalr George D"iltley, Arthur Pence. Donald Cnniniihg Fifth tirade 1A1 -danie Dyke, lies sie Kll/aheth I al;e. Floyd Dunn Fourth , (iride.?Hoi-son Raines. Davis, "arther Watson. Renal Walker. Helen Bradley. Thelma Dar den, Vera Cage. Maria CamineU. dosie Moore, i.e'a Powell, l.ois Roli Inson, Mildred Thompson, Cornelia Vansatit. Pauline Watson Third Grade. -Joe Seaich. fjeorge Ttultfant. la Reine Fras 1 Beul ah Watson Fddle Hudgins. Elizabeth Koche. Neliie t'randal. Wesley flard tier Second Grade.?Margaret Law son Grace l.onllo. Kleanor Roche. Alice W 1 inwright. Edwin Hranehili, Ross Tt ueblood . First Grade, Section B?Marienettj Hrtttiiiaham, Emily Cheyne, Sophie Massey, Lottie MrGuirr. Camilla Storms. Lerov Moore Second Grade. Section A.?Jessie Miller, Vivian Parhara, Georgia Sin clair Claudia Vaughan, Vera Brush wood. Kemi-ton Bell. Frank Gardner, I eo Kelly. Charlie Seaich. Hen Ten? nis. Thomas 80be. Robert Davis, .lack Cht ist Ian. CAP1. TOPPING LEFT LARGE ESI ATE TO RELATIVES Niessrs. G. W. Topping and M. T. Weber Qualified as the Execu- - tors?Give $24,000 Bond. The last will and testament of the late Capt. Charles W. Topping, bear? ing date of June l'J. 1905. was admit? ted to prrbate before Clerk of the Court;- Harry H. H It yes'ernav Capt. George W. Topping and Mr. Marcoil li s T. Weber, who were named as the execut-. rs. c.nalificj as such, glvitig a pe-scnal bend in the sum or $2-1.000, Cant. Topping, after directing that his dr'ts shall be paid .ami making one or two bequests left cite third nl his estate to his son, Capt. George \V Topping and -he remaining tw?e thirds to his grand-children -?-r Stirpes. Tb?- grand-daughters are to receive one-tUiid titrre o," the p rlioe of the estate left to the grand-chileren than 'he grand-sons Capt George W. Topping is !o rr ceive the gold watch and chain cf his fa'her; Mrs. Virginia A. Fartherle a grand-daughter, is b-ft $.'.wi in ad? dition to her share o* the estate; Mr.' Birdie Welver is given the lounge Hml nat rack, and Mr M T W. ber is left the horse and buggy. The res of the h u-eh.dd furniture is o ? distributed among the heirs by the executors. Following the probation of the will a suit was brcnghl against Mi- cxe cuiors and h.-irs at larg.- of the de? ceased by Mrs. Annie Won. Mrs. Befle Hastings Hampton. .1 It Top ping. W T T pptng an 1 Braxton Hastings, asking for a dist: i!u;ilon of the estate Mr B A Ijewis is the ?vttomej for the plaintiffs in the WHITE MAN C0NVICTED.0F ASSAULTING WHITE GIRL ? i. - Gua'd B-o^Ks Reactors Hampto 1 Witw Four Prisoners Sent to Pen From ACCOT-Jc County Ha>nig in rusti-d. focr pi m?-ts eoiiVM t d and s.w-n t? rn-s the j?-ni tentiari tn :h-- \... ?. .. County fir < nt Court. Gnards itrooUs one of the men under Major K F Morgan sTive-.t in Hampton Us' night and lodged in tb? county jat' for the nicht Th?- guard ?1!! !ca?< for Richmond with hi* |, isoner? this moiiitis fine of th. rc-n Ravn-.-md K> 1' THE NHW A Poor Teddt ? U? ?One \ n ? nowst w/pbPu In peff-f \inW~ <Om< t'otne .fH K- h'm thi* funn;. It H? has a tall hi which he fangs a H. la at SCHRAUBT'S BOOK 8" was <-om i<-lf(j of criminal assaultiuil h white (Irl, and sent'in-. .1 lo serv? (IV.- veal's. Ki IIinuIi 1? |>i .l.alily lh? Or gl while man eoni .. "> Ihbl m-rlouti crime In many years in Vir. glnla. The oilier prisoner* a:- uejj ami were seiilelicod for !? .eiuous ting and shooting. Tin . an Georg? wise two years: Thoinu- White, thn years and .loshila Tollvei *'?i yeal The inen wer?' convict* d it the se ?Ion of i he court last ?? and sei tenee was pronounced poii lhem| Uv jjudg? CUreaco W. Id luuson last Sa:urda>. Mr.-. A. .1 Mont gone who been the ?liest of her daughter. Mrs. Edward A. Semplc, has returned v her home in Washington Mrs. Robert Stockei- ami Mrs. Dim can Williams, have lei tor Wash, inglou. where they will sj>ou,| several da>s. RECEIVERSHIP CASE COMES UP IN RICHMOND LAIER Judge Waddill Names March 12 as the Date for Hearing the Peti tion of Trust Coroany. .ludge Kdmuild Waddill .Ii if I lie Cnited Stales Circuit Cmtri for tin Kasten: ilis'iict of Virginia lias sell Krida) March Pi. as lie da ?? for| hearing the arguments on the appli? cation i> tile Maryland Trust C .m ?iany, of Raltlmore, fcr tb" ap|toint menl of receivers for the Newpor \. as iii'd Old" Holm Railway atid| Electric C uipany. The case wa* docketed to come up m Norf Ik to day. but with the cense in -if the vari? ous attorneys interested. Judge Wad dill lias changed the date i<> aext Fri? day and name,! Richmon !. In Uead of Norfolk, as the place for bearing tli? arguments. The Newport News and Old P Int Railway and Electric Company Isl suing to contest the | roceodiugs ami | the attorneys for the r ad oxpre every confidence of keeping the rcad| from beinc placed In the hand of r? (??'i^ ers ROBERT AMORY MHY RECOVER PROM INJUHES Man Shot by LeRoy Amory, in York County. Reported as Improving Yesterday. Sheriff .1 H. Phillips, of York e ly. spent several hours in the city yesterday morning. Sheriff Phillip; said that the re-ports from the bed? side of Robert Amory, who was siio' by his cousin. l^eRoy Amory* were to the recovery of the wounded man. 1'nbss hl od poison? ing de?clops lat< r tue attenglng phy? sicians thought the man had gsotll chances of recovery. Robert Amory w as shot in the left side c. his head I and a p rtiiin of ib.- left eye is lorn | away while the sidw of bis head t* also badly w: tindeo. Will Read Paper on ?"Berlin" The Rpworth League of the First M. K church will bold a literary meet in- this evening at S o'clock Mr. (!. Wille \Vra\ will read a paper on "oer. Iln" Mr* Burke eji] sing a solo and| Mr- KIl.s mil) ,-c|te Mr. John S. Wise Here. Mr John S. Wise. ?f N?-? Y rk Is tl '? guest of hts daughter. Mrs Uar ney. the wii>- of i.ieuteuant Perrtne ll?r..?'.v. at Fort Monroe. Waterways Commission. (By Associated Press.i WASHINGTON. 1) C. Manb 4 In acrordatu <- wi''i The pr vision* of the livers and harbor? bill, the fol? lowing have 1? ? li ap|iointr?i as th* waterways romml sion; Sennin. I lialllng.-r New Ham shire: Barton. Ohio: Piles. Wasbington: Smith Michigan Simmons. Ncr'h Carolina, and Clark. Arkansas, and Represen tat ire-* Alexander. \. w Tork: l*>rl ?tier Illin is: Steven*. Minnesota Wang? r Pennsylvania; Sparkman Flor an?i Moon. i"i nnes*?-e. v^e Ore Tring of Consequence. What we think -?'tat wc know. ?ir wha' we belle-ir i* m the end nt lit Iii . ..r-- i;u. nee Thi onlv thing of |U ace .- we do- Rn?kio j ??Charity'- on -.our prescrlpMonj |Cot.gdon tills lurm free. Ml Im For Rent?Truck Farn?. I . \< .-?-? -Good i .us.- adjoining [fnwn M O I.ACKKT. *t .Nlr-JIAL TOY IV-er M his lair i>l weed and 111? "in nsi Stealth t He alth Mart Puesmn "t!r Rilly pneeum rd thereby han-rx a 'ail. rOkh. 42 W. Uuecfi St. TO PREACH SERIES OF SERMONS. Rev. G. W. Wray to Begin Special Serie? Sunday Night. Taking the eighth rhupter of Romans as hip theme. Rev, George \V. Wray. pastor of the First Met ho dist church, has aunounced that he will begin a series of special sermons next Sunday evettlug. His first sub jeet will lie Tlie Spirit and tin Flesh. For Rent?Truck Farm. 1. Acres- tiood House, adjoining town. M O .LACKEY. 2t Congdon's pharmacy accurately compounds prescriptions. 214 1m HELP WANTED?FEMALE. WANTED?2 YOUNG LADIES WITH sopie experienced in millinery. A| ply at once, c t'. BPRGEa. ;:< LOST. '-i LOST?NEAR DARLIaG'S CORNER, red iMuse containing small amount of money. Finder wilt kindly leave tit Dr. Pressey's office and receive suitable reward tf SflVOV THEATRE,1 J. J. LINDSAY, Manager. Best Moving Pictures; Attractive II lustrated longs by Mr. Lindsay. ADMISSION. 5 CENTS. American Theatre P N O E b V S Motion Pictures -nd Vaudeville SPECIAL CAW SALE! Maple Walnut Cakes. Some? thing uew and nice, 15c each Butter Sponge Layer Cakes lthree layers, ail flavors. ::(.r each: for Sat? urday "Raspberry" fruit layers. Extra for Saturday?Raspberry Fruit Jelly Rolls 15c per pound. Try our Family Pies. 12c each. For Saturday?Huckleberry and Home made Mince. THE HAMPTON BAKERY Corner Queen und Hope Streets. ALWAYS Inj FRONT. When you do drink, drink right, and l>e sure your liquor is pure and matured. You ran test it by chemical analysis, hut it more convenient to obtain your suply from a reliable and houent dealer, and just a< sure. Buy what you need at Leonard's, ami you will get the pure stuff. Port, per gal.$1.00 Sherry, per gal.100 Caret, per gal.LOO Swd#t Cat aw ha. per gal.1.00 Tokary, per gal. L00 Blackberry, per bottle .25 Rhine Wine, per bottle.50 DiilTey's Malt Whiskey, per hot.. .85 Whiskeys In Bulk at the Following: Bourbon Whiskey per gsi.$1.50 Parkwood. . 2.00 Star A Rye. straight . 2.25 Old Charter, straight . 2.5*. Paul Jones . 2.75 Hunter .?00 Harper . .L00 Double S'amp Gin ... . 2.00 AI! bottle beer Be per hottle; 50c per dozen. Wa'eh my imitators! N. Leonard Original Price Cotter. PHOEBUS. VIRGINIA Newell&Co.,l Rf. 71 te 25 W. Queen St. Hampton. Va. We are crowing soro Our business for |Sf>5 over $ 7..".?"> ,Our bnslnews f<n- I** over IIMgg.M t?nr h?t?in?-sa for l>?7 over $ir, own o? Our h i*?nc?s for i'ms pearl. ! ' '?" There Is a Reason Csll SOd if cooncd We keep everything in Furniture and Horse furnishings t 'othln- f?r men sad women Your Credit Is Good Jl Ii B W Queen St Pt"-?oe SJSj ? r 1 " ~.. jcrrz ..??"??-"?~~izjO!i, CLOSE ?rOO P. M. ? X C E PT 8 A T L'RDA Y Soft Finish Cambric, 25c Yard You really want, tu nee this sort finish cambric, its positively beau? tiful, exceedingly fine, evenly woven cloth, with snow white finish, particularly good for waists?per yard.25c Plaid Linen, 49c Yard Several pieces of riald Linen walstiug have just come. I'luid Linen waists tire very much in evid- nee these days. Rowe's DEPT. STORE HAMPTON, V A Ransone Bros. Ladies' Spring Suits! New Shades, latest style. $10.00 $15.00 $18.00, $20.00, $22.00 Ransone Bros. 8 and IO West Queen Street Geo. W. Phillips Thot. L. Sclater Phillips & Sclater Real Estate, Loans, Rents, Fire Insurance. General Auctioneers. Bonding, FOR SALE 3-room dwelling and two lots. West End, for; $10.00 cash ami balance $ a month. This is a bargain, "?.'?foot front lot on Curry Street, (Phoebus), price. $::oo.0t>. Two 50-foot front lots on LaSalle Avenue, and UO-foot street, price $.''>. 12-roorti modern dwelling. 1 no-foot front lot on easy terms, will sell for less than cost to build house. Center Street.$13.0? ::23 Center Street.130.00 Sis Center Street.$L'."<? Marshall Street.$12.00 .Marshal! strei t.$25.011 f'ary Street.$33.00 Academy Street.flO.Ofl Randolph Street.$14.00 Elm Streel.$tl.oo a>:z Holt street.$10.00 .'34 Hoi' Street.$10.0? 43t; Holt Street. $3.30 LoCUSt Street. $S.O0 North King Street.$11.50 Call and See Us. No 3 South King Street. Phone No. 50 M. H. MORGAN & CO. _9-11 N. King St._ Furnished Bouse For Rent! Eleven Rooms?seven bedrooms?all modern conveniences. See us for particulars. BOULEVARD INN Partially furnished. All modern conveniences. Ten acres of ground, on car line, and having a waterfront of five hundred feet. Fine bath.'ng, boating fishing. Price reasonable. Real Estate, Rents, Loans, Insur - ance and Bonds si HENRY !_ SCHMELZ, FRAkVX W. OARLHs*, Pr-a dent, Vice-PresideoA. ^BANToF HAMPTON ITS THE OLOErT A MO LARGEST IN EITHER HAMPTON SN NEWPORT NEWS. Capital, ? - ? 1100,000.00 Svphis, ? - - 1140.000.00 DEPOSITS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The only designated d positary la the S'atr of Vtrgiala ta Baa* era Virgin's. W? ma*? mans on Real Estate?NOT PROHIBIT ET>?as are 'he National Baits 4 PER CUT. MTEtEST PHI SI SII1NS ACC?ITS NI-XSON S. QROOnE Cashier