Newspaper Page Text
SPECULATIVE DULLNESS REIGNS New President'. Expression With Re gard to H s Tendency to Pursue "Legal Methods" Gives Satisfaction ?Wir? Interruption Handicaps. (By Associated Press.? i NEW YORK. March 4.?The luau-1 guratlou of the new President wa ? received with passive satisfaction in the financial district, so far as the operations iu the stock market save any sur.ace indications. The p^ltu lu the character of the new ""President which Is most prized In financial clrcies Is that stated I? him in the appreciative estimate or, his predecessor, published in a perlo-. dical in the wcrds "his intense' dealru to reach practical results for good ihas made him at times Impatient orj the restraint of legal methods, while 1 have been trained as lawyer and. Judge, and am strongly Imbued wilhj the necessity for legal methods eleven years on the bench are likely to make me." The Inaugural address contained] nothing to surprise stock operators. As it 60 happened that subsequent considerations induced the closing outj of much of the recent pun liases, the professional traders found little left for them to d.> as an expression "l I opinion over the political succession.| The day's dullness was attributable In no small part to the serious Inter suption of wire communication wit it j all parts of the country The tele graphing by cable wns freer than by land lines, and foreign cperations ml this market, narrow as were their | dimensions, were of considerable ef? fect. The brightening of the Balkan I situation rprcmpted some buying of stocks and helped the opening show j of strength here. The clearing of the steel trade situation, reported by the organs <d | the trade, was not definite enough, nor followed by enough buying to| cause any great impression. There was another drive against Erie on the score of restriction on the jmt raisslcn for its bond issue. The sustained strength In the wheat merket, speculative as it is in ori? gin, directs Increasing attention to the promise for the winter wheat crop and keeps alive anxiety over Its fate. Money rates are tending downward I again and ready sale I. still reported | for new Issues of railroad bunds. Bonus steady. Total sales par valne, $2.284,000, United States bonds) were enchanged on call. Total sales of stocks today t'.i, TOO | rlftrrs. including: Copper 57.500; Sugar 200; Tobacco none; Atlantic Coast Une 500; Chesapeake & Ohio| t?ftO: Louisville & Nashville 1 !M1 Reading GT.tifcV Sloss Sheffield Steel I * Iron 400: Southern Railway 1.400; , Tennessee Ccppe- 60?; Union IT.eirl.-j 4S.5O0: United States Steel 70.500; Virginia Car. lira Chemical 500. Clos'ng Stock List. Amalgamated Copper . fit1; American Car k Foundry . 4S'-i American Cir & Foundry, pfd 110 American Cotton Oil . ?''-''??I American Hide & Leather, pfd """-T American Ice Securities . C'>7? American Unseed . 1?. American Locomotive . r.2 American Locosootive, pfd .... Ii: American Smelting <V KeTng .. 80?; Amer. Smelting *.- RC'ng. pfd Hrt American Sugar Refining . I'S'i Amer can Tobacco, pfd . 9l\ Omerican Woolen . ?_,'i?4 Anaconda Minine, Co . tnvi Atchiscn . W*> Typewrite We have for sale, rent or ?? Typewriters, in frrst<lasa i t)nc Remington No. fi ...$";T.i<o One Bartoek No. 1? ... $."M .no One Remington No. 6_$.10 etc One Smith r-rcmier No ; $n; ?M> Charles C. I TYPEWRITERS AND ALL SUPP Visiting Cards and We If you art* in DPfxi of any rpm wh-i *rm , gn do f ?r yon. ri.t>work M iiOatraBi Statioi Invitations. Kf?. We turn < ?t nothing bol I J. J. Pain The \jemdi -Krtabl? 'AtchUon, pfd . ,n;f? Atlantic Coast Line . H8 Baltlmoie & Ohio .+ 107% Baltimore A Ohio, ;>fd .m W Brooklyn Rapid Transit . "l i Cnnailiaii PaclAc t. ^'Jj'a j Central leather . Central Leather, pfd . Central of New Jersey . 2J2 Chesapeake ft Ohio . 6t% Chicago (Jreat Western . " Chicago ft Ntrth Western. 176% I Chicago. Mil ft at. Paul . 11 . <?.. C. C. ft St. 1. tils . "3 j Colorad > Fuel ft Iron . 31 Colotncio ft Southern . 1 Colorado ft Southern. 1st pfd si I Colorado ft Southern, 2nd |>M TH 1 Cons. Miltner) Gas . t Corn Products. Delaware ft Hudson . l"! l>? nver ft Rio Oraode. Denver ft Rio Grande, pf.l ... 85% Distillers' Securities . :('>*4 Krle . 25% Brie. 1st pf<l . Krle 2nd pfd . :,1 General Electric . K,i Oreat Northern, pfd . 139% (Ireat Northern Ore Ctfs . (is Illinois Central . 1 11 luti rlmrougb-Mei . H*4 Interborough-Met. pfd . *19fc Intel national Paper . . '"'"J Intcrnatirnal Paper, pd . W Internati mal Pump . 35% Iowa Central . -* Kansas City So uthern . 42?? Kansas City Southern, pfd - Louisville & Nashville . ljs'<4 Minneapolis ft St I/mis . 62 Minn.. St. P. ft Sault St. M. . 13*4 Missouri Pacific . "7% Missouri. Kansas ft Texas. 39 Missouri, Kansas ft Texas, pfd 71 Vit National Lead . "?' New York Central . 122'i New York, Ontario ft Western 444 Norfolk ft Western . 86% .V .rth American . s" Northern Pacific . 136*i Pacific Mail . 30% Pennsylvania . 129% Peoples Gas . 11? Pittsbnrg. C. c. ft St. liOtiis . 89 Pressed Steel Car . Pullman Palace Car . 16!? Railway Steel Spring . 41 Reading . 123 Republic Steel . !!>>i Republic Steel, pfd . 721-.. Rock Island Co. . 23 Rock Island Co. pfd . ?1% St. Louis San Fran. 2nd pfd. . 36% St. Louis Southwestern . ?1 St Ixtuis Southwestern, pfd.. 50% Sloss Sheffield Steel ft Iron.. 69?^ Southern Pacific . 116% I Southern Pacific, pfd . 127^i j Southern Railway . 2374 Southern Railway, pfd . 62% Tennessee Copper . 37s* 1 Texas ft Pacific . :tj 4 Toledo, St. Louis ft West. . 4.'. Toledo. St. Louis * nest, pfd 68 Union Pacific . 171 Lnlon Pacific, pfd . 94% United States Rubber. 2!? United States Rubber, 1st .pfd 102% Tnlted States Steel . 44% United states steel, pfd . no's Ctah Clipper . ln*4 Virginia Carolina Chemical . . 13% | Virginia Carolina Chemical, pfd 113% Wahnsh . 17 | Wabash. pfj . 1 Westinghuuse Electric . 7 s'?. j Western l nlon . 65 | Wheeling ft Lake Krle . !? I Wisconsin Centra] . 4ss4 A. T. ft T. Co. . 12<t j Chicago Grain and Provisions. I (By Associated Press.) CHICAGO. ILL. March 4 ? Wheat . prices broke sharply here today I owing to the private reports Riving I estimates < f farm reserves of wheat which reports showed a much larger amount of grain in fanners' hand. than had been forecasted by leading local bells. Part of the loss was re gained but at the close prices were still % to % below yesterday's final quotations. Corn and oats closed firm, but previsions were rather weak Articles Open High ls>w Close Wheat - May . .Iis:, 119% 1174 1l7r, July ...105% ltn>% Ii?."?1* 106% Sepi . \>9K 9VS, 9SN, 9\:? Com? Mai ?iT1-.. 6tt% ti7>- ijs's rs for 5ale xchange. the following rebuilt ondiflon: One Remington No. K . %i' .At) One '?, Premier?wide carriage ... .tpvnn ? e 2pes & Bro. LIES -9<>9 Wsshington Avenue dding Invitations thin? ia this 1'ne. < all and Wo do ?11 kindf of Copper scry. Visiting Card*. Wedding . the very finest ?'laus of work. ner's Sons* ng Jewe>legv. hed 1892? July Sept Oats? May ? S?pt 66% M % 67% 87 ?>''? % 31% 42 50% 41% Most Pork, per bbl.? May 17.32% I7. i.> 17 July 17 40 17.42V* 17 I>ant. per 100 lbs.? May 10.00 10.00 9 July 10.10 10.12% 10 Short Klbs. per 100 lbs. May 920 9.22% 9 Jnlv 9.35 9.35 9 66% 50% 11% ?2% 02% 67% ?ti'i* 56% 50 *h 41% 17.80 17 3.'. 9.97% 10.07% 9.17% 9.30 New York Money Market. I By Associated Press, i NRW YORK. March 4? Money oil call, l*i per cent, ?-asy; ruling rate 1 \: closing bin 1%; offered at Time loans rather soft; sixty days 2% a 3 per cent; 9o days "ai per cent and six months 2% to 3 per cent. Close: Prime mercantile pa? lter 3% a 4 iper cent; sterling < change steady with actual business In bankers' bills at 48.V60 for sUty day bills and al 487.70 for demand. Com? mercial bills 4S.".% a %. Bar silver 54%; Mexican dollars 44 STILL OWED IT. Gladys?My brother Is just awful. He can't save a cent. Harold?He has saved a ten spot of mine for the last eight months.? N. V. Herald. In the Days of the Past. Hnml In band, with the tniirrh of time. Come mnny sweeping changes. The Btovt s that prehistoric mm once used Wer?- ?Impty mountain ranges ?Jutljr*. Hopeless Case. Dill -I lost my silk umbrella yester? day at the club . Pickles?Too bad! But you'll get it back, won't you? Aren't your initials on II7 Dill?Well, come to think of it, there nro some initials on it. but they aren't mine. Cool. Boy? Pardon me, but are yon the gentleman who Ib waiting for Miss Mlghtie? Swell?Yes. Hoy?Will you kindly have pa? tience. She asked me to tell von she would come as soon as the rain stops. Simultaneous. "My daughter." reniarfced Mrs. Nex dore. "has developed u perfect passion for music." "Yes.'" returned Mrs. Peppery. "But "I'll warrant it Isn't so strong ss the passion your daughter's music arouses iu my husband." Perils "Isn f there danger, ' satd the timid man. "of dropping! thing* from an air ship on the people below "" That isn't the w.rst. ' answered the candid Inventor. "You re lucky if the whole airs, ip doesn't fal! on you." Plenty of Time. "(live me a little time." said the -oung msn. "and I will do something t.i arouse the country." Three mouths lat??T ke had Ms cl-.anee He was hawSlog aiarni riocks from bouse to house. Striking a Balance. "Why are women who Pgnre in the press items Invariably beautiful*" "To offset the newspaper cuts. 1 Imagine " Winged. Her- Whet became of Aggie Stage? s'-inks angel? ife?He was too fly for her. The Feast of Dolls. The feast of the dolls is the quaint? est of all the ht?e Japanese ?Irls :estiva!s In the storehouse, where are kept all the famity treasures th- :.? are boxes filled with dolls which have come down from th. g. an?!mothers I and great grandm: Ibers F-ach new tiridr brings dolls when -he tomes to her father in law * honae. and she keeps the feast fS? h vear :>I| her ekl? est daughter Is old '-polish to lake ,t up?London.ItsUv News. He Gave it Up. After Ife-rolew had -d ?sVr? j throuch twn Fnartb of Jnlv r. lehra i 'lens, a half ?Wer. fnoihill games and a hnnttnc season !n the Maine woods . hS iiervertrtor cave n;i trying and snr 1 rendered tVe s'oien rr?*s-? ATTENTION HIBERNIANS Ou account of the death of Mrs Rose o I'a'llghatt. t'-love<i * fe o' Jas O'Cailishan, an ?n'i-?-m<'ii itiom'vr of this division, oiii ?r? b? r?-bv noti ned to a tend 'n * bod- for tfce fnas ral I from the residence. r-K% .und S' I at 4 p as. this i Frida-i afternoon M A HICK ET. Pr-? P A. OHARA. Secty iaoooosaooooooooooooooooeoooooooooooot: The Want Ads Are Business Peacemakers! In the store, the office, the factory, the work-places, the home wherever human interests clash, wherever workers and employee come to he discordant, wherever new workers c ..ew work are the urgent need?the road to peace lies through the want ad. columns. In almost every case, a peace-wrecking Incident of daily life needs but the simple remedy of a little want advertising?whether it is the sudden exit of the servant, stenographer, clerk, cook, roonv er, tenant; or the unexpected need to quickly "raise some money." More and more, every day, in the lives and affairs of the people of this city, the want ads. are coming tc play the parts of adjusters, cf vexation-preventers, of BUSINESS PEACEMAKERS! Advertisements under classified heads will be Inserted at the uniform rate of one cent a word lor each insertion. No adver? tisement, however small, less than 25c tor the first insertion. Special rates made on long time contracts. WANTED. SPECIAL NOTICE. ' WANTED?BY YOUNG MAN. Posi? tion; can do anything. Salesman preferred. Willing to work one w< .-k as trial. PA.M, Care Daily Press. 5 WANTED?TO BUY. SELL OR Ex? change, furniture and stoves. C. W. LEWIS. 2502 Huntington avenue. I WANTED?TO SELL SEED POTA tocs. I rich Cobblers at lowest prices; flottr. meai, hay and grain. Full line of fruits. COUNCIL PRODUCE CO., Twenty-eighth Street and Huntington Avenue. 3-16 FOR SALE. FOR SALE?SMALL STOCK OF groceries; good stand and cheap rent. A. It. C. care Daily Press. 7 ATTENTION LADIES?THE MAN who is not particular about his clothes is not apt to be particular about anything at all. and the man who is particular alvnit h!s clothes might as well not be, unless he finds the right tailor. Particular people are always pleased with the clothes mude bv T. P. Keating. 221 2.1th Street, and ?veating & Wruble. 42S Main Street. Norfolk. AMUSEMENTS. ? MARCH 5 Lew Dockstader And HIS 70 MINSTRELS Prices 25c to $f,50. Pale Mow Open. T. S. BOONE. EXPERT HAIRCUT ter; first-class barbers employed; best attention paid to all. 3112 Washington Ave. 5-2" DR. R. LEE ROBINSON, DENTIST, will move March 10 to opposite corner Washington Ave. and 28th St.. over "The Mirror." 5-19 I FOR SALE?THE DOCKSTADER Minstrel soncs now on sale. GEO 1). HAMPTON PIANO CO., 21 2'ith St. tf |FOR SALE OR RENT CHEAP? Nice, airy dwellings on 47th Street, between Washington and Hunting ton; 45th Street, near Huntington: No. 1142 25th street. North of 29th Street. n<ar Washington ave? nue. No. .",15 .list Street, and one vacant lot north side of 47th Street All have baths and other modern convenient s. Neltns & Company, Inc.. Real Estate, Insurance. Rents and Loans. No. 2517 Washington Avcnce. Newport News, Ya. 10 1 LOTS FOR SALE Of* LEASE IN ALL parta of the city. Call aDd get prices. OLD DOMINION LAND CO.. Hote: Warwick Building. FOR SALE?MARCH ISSUE EDISON records Just received. Also the Co? lumbia Doubl? Disc records that play two selections for the price of one. Geo. D. Hampton Piatto Co.. 210 2%th Street. tf FOR RENT. FOR RENT 31* AND .".1* FORTY fourth Street, two ten-room houses modern conveniences; apply .tit'.' Washington Avenue. 3 2 If FOR RENT?BRIGHT. DESIRABLF front room for a conple; apply 1 r Ith St. " 3d FOR RENT rooms, one s' rert. TWO FURNISHEr ror-f. 117 Thlrfv-first FOR RENT Nit ELY FURNISHED and oomfo'-'aW.- room: all conven lences. bem lo ;? ton. References ex. changed. CENTRAI*, csre Dell Press. 3-4 FOR RENT- 2 BRIGHT. AIRY rooms with board: mod. conven. 13a 31st. St. Bell phone 34*. 21?-lm FOR RENT?LA PGR. WnTlX LOCAT ed store r*K*m. hp T. W. JCDKIVg. reaaonah!. For Information sppo DsJtj Prem o.*fleu. LOtT. LOST i;OLD WATCH BETWEEN 231 Tw ntv ninth street and M.y i r's Pro? store. Retara to Mev i-rs Bros |; ,r,| TRANSFER COMPANIES. OLD noMJNION RAOOAOR TRANS fer; offers C * O Station 'r none* Reil. Kos p?| and Itt: CINt'ti? No 12. tf. NELMS & COMPANY. INC.. 2517 Washington avenue. Insurance of all kinds, loans, rents, real estate, notaries public. ' The oldest agency In this city. See them first. Of? fice hours from 8 to f,:0U; Saturdays S a. m. to 9:30 i>. m. 3-18 ATTENTION. FARMERS & TRUCK ers?For sale: Canada field peas, seed oats tnd full line garden seed and fertl Izers. S. A. RUDD, phones. NORFOLK TALLOW CO. ?DEAD animals removed free of charge by C. H. Schofield, 'Phone 84-L. Hamp? ton. 12 31-3m. HOW ABOUT THOSE OLD BILLS? WE can collect them. Guarantee to collect or no charge. GEO C. Biand, Room 2, Coleman Bldg. RESTAURANTS. THE 8TAR RESTAURANT. For Ladies and Gentlemen. We buy and ?--*e only the highest grade of everything that's good. We want your patro:isge and we will do ill In our power to cam iL Cleanest ?nd satisfactory olace in town ?11 Twenty-seventh street, next Sil? t Bldg. MM yr AT The heatre BellC Home of High Class Amusements. Picture Programme "The Suffrarjette's Dream." Good Comedy by Pathe. "The Test," Drama. Beautifully Colored, by Pathe-. VAUDEVILLE Clark ?nd Bradley "Teddy Bear Girls." This is a Hummer. Sc.' It. ""oote olfe Mimic a Good One. Performances?Matinee 3 to 6, Nisht 7 to 11. Admission 5 and 10c Wonderland VAUOBVILLE I JOIiiN WaiKInS In His Funry Hebrew Sketch. MOTION PICTURES Feature Subject. Fri. and Sat. "Shanghaied" A thrilling story of beautiful California and the Pacific coast. $5.00 Pnse Given ?*,-, m Miss- | inj Word Contest. SEE PROGRAM AT THEATRE i Sc Only! My 5c! Tfctrt *Ve Facts k Tc ivf% f*wn Teat Ire W irrte Bcaty Tc Tea! Fart 'hat will have much *o ?i'h vour purse with your pians. with vour con-fort. Fs?l? ?hst will .-fford \ r>n 'he ' aerwer" to a good many que? d'l. that distort* you -f-spect al>> pt rseooestion?. Your da?1'? work is nnttnished until vnti have Poked up these facts?and von will find som of them In the s'ore-ads. ?nd ?rsnje of them in 'he want ads COMMISSIONER'S SALE. Under decree of the rorporation f.urt of Newjiort Newa, in the csuae of old Point Comfort Impro-.ement Co vs. OwweH's Ex. et al. I shall ot fer for sab-, at public auction, lo th highest bidder, for cash, in front o; tb?- roerthouse door in Hampton a' 1:30 o'clock p. m..on Saturday. March Sth. I9i?9. all that certain piece of land containing -V3 lere? m E-ira hetji City County. Virginia, nweuded on th?- East hy the lands of Adam Perkins, on the. west b> 'h" linds of S E Bickford. and on th.- north hy the Ixnds ef Shields and Bi< kford. h? !ng commonly known as Mck Swamp. c. AY LETT ASWBY Special Commissioner I herrhy eertlfv Hist the bond re? quired of the foregolue atrial com? missioner has ">eea dttlv given D. G. SMITH Ork BT R E MAR ART ?B. Deputy Clerk Chances for Quick Profits Offer? ed All Purchasers at These Saks CONSULT POWELL TRUST COM? PANY. Inc., ABOUT THESE TRUSTEES' SALES OF VALUA? BLE PIECES OF REAL ESTATE To be held on TUESDAY. MARCH 9. 1909. for default thereunder, respective? ly, at tho rennest of the parties sev? erally secured In the hereinafter men. tinned Deeds of Trust, the undersign? ed will offer for sale under (he. terms of the same, at public auction, In front of the several respective prem? ises on Tuesday, March 9, 1909, XT 11 O'CLOCK A. M. That property on the East Side of Oak Avenue, between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth Streets, known as Lot Number Thlrty-rour (311 in Block Number Forty-five C. (45-C) on Brax ton's "Mop showing the locution of 100 lots, etc.", as described in Deed of Trust dated March 20, 1908, exe? cuted by George Haycox und wife to the undersigned Trustees, recorded in I Clerk's Offl 'c of Newport News cor? poration Court in Deed Book No. 31, at page 21; AND ON THE SAME DAY AT 11:18 O'CLOCK A. M.. That properly on the East side of Chestnut Avenue, between Twenty sixth and Twenty-seventh Streets, known as Lot Nutubvr Thirty-five <...>) in Block Nuniber Ten C. (10-C), on Braxton's "Map of part of the City of Newport News," as described in Deed of Trust dated May 14, 1904, executed by John R. Ray field, (unmarried), to the undersigned Trustees, recorded in Clerk's Office of Newport News Corpo? ration Court in Deed Book No. at page 342: AND ON THE SAME DAY AT 11:30 O'CLOCK A. M.. That property on the South Side of Twenty-first Street, between Roanoke and Chestnut Avenues, known as Lot Number Forty nine (49), in I! lock Number Thirty-two C. (32-Ci.onBrax. ton's "Map of part of ;he City of New. port News." as described in Di ed of Trust dated August 20. I'.'Or,. executed by Florence ,T. Diekens and husband to the undersigned Trustees, recorded in Clerk's Office Newport News Cor? poration Court in Deed Book No. 31, at page C7; AND ON THE SAME DAY AT 11:45 O'CLOCK A. M. That property on the North side of Twenty-eighth Street, between Orcutt and Roanoke Avenues, known as Lot Number Sixteen (16), in Block'Num? ber Seven C. (7-C). on Braxton's ".Map of part of the City of Newport News.'' AND ON THE SAME DAY AT 12:00 O'CLOCK M. I That property on the North side of I Twenty-seventh Street, between Or icutt and Roanoke Avenues, known as | Lot Number Twenty-six (26> In Diock Number Eight C (8-C), on Braxton's "Map of part of tbe City of Newport News," as described in Deed of Trust dated September 17. 1906, executed by VandaHa A. E. Bircbett and husband to the undersigned Trustees, recorded In the Clerk's Office Newport News Corporation Court in Deed Book No. 31. at page 221; AND ON THE SAME DAY AT 12:30 O'CLOCK P. M.. That property on the North side of Twenty-eighth Street, between Jeffer ! sen and Madison Avenues, known as i Lot Number Twenty-one (21) in Block Number one Hundred and Thirty-nine 1(139) en "Map of part of the City of 'Newport News. Virginia." as described jin Deed of Trust dated August 16. '.902. execnted by William C. Llewel llyn end wife to the undersigned Trus I teeR, recorded in the Clerk's Office i Newport News Corporation Court, li ; Deed Book No. 24. at paje 72. TERMS?In the case of each sale i terms tj be: Cash sufficient to pay the indebtedness secured, and .-.'tie and [unpaid to the beneficiaries, respective. !ly. In said Deeds of Trust named with interest, expenses of sale and execu? tion of trusts; balance -:pon terms ' to Ik* anno"nced at sab s. A deposi* 'of 915A.n0 require,] in each case at ; time of sale; terms in each case to I be complied with witbi:? ten days, or I respective properties will be resold [at costs 'f defaulting purchasers. JACKSON II. RALSTON, and E. QCTNCY SMITH. Tr JStee*. WILLIAM C. STUART. At'orner. STOLEN. j STOLEN?LAST FRIDAY NIGHT. horse and buggy, also set ni harness j from A. L. Parker. Horse stolen has white .?!>ot in forehead and cit I on foot bi barb wire. Buggy :? old I with new curtains. Liberal reward I wifl he paid if found and returned to GBO W niLWORTH. dairyman. j on Briarfleld road, near shipyard It STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINGS. NOTICE. The snnnal meeting of tbe stock? holders of the Newport News Shi|e buiMtns; and Dry Dock Company wl I be held at tbe office Of th" General Manager of the Company, a* Newt-ort News. Virginia, on Th'irsda*. March itih. IMS, at twelve o'clock, noon, fo 'be election of Dtnarfors and a Pres? ident for the enduing year, and for the transaction of naefc o'b r '?u.-t less as me* properly e-?ni-? ib?? meeting. C. K GRAHAM. Til Serr-tarr. tiasDCRTAKSPJS W. E. HOUSE Office anal Swowroom 234-2.w 75th St. ?Phones si. Res. 110 J. HUGH CAFFEE rrvrnAL director and em bakner. Office 'Phonos. Bell and Cits. No. l Reeid*!*-" IM; No r,. 1 Wtf.