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Still no Wire Communication Except by Wireless System. STORM OVER BOT HAVOC REHRS Trains Are Running in and Out of City Without Orders?Miles of Poles and Wires Lay in Tangled Mass?Losses Heavy. (By Associated rress.) BALTIMORE. MI v. Marth ... Practically isolated from the outside world, sa\c by dickering wireless cominunicatii n and belated trains. Baltimore today made every effort to bring order out o chaos. The Storni that brought havoc in its wake gave place tu clear skies and cool, bracing air. A multitude of telegraph and tele? phone wires, not only iu the city, but tor a long distance in mam direc? tions, lay on the ground, trains ran in and out of ihc city without < rdeiv and city truffle was gem rail} im? peded. x Wires in Tangled Mass. For .'tu to in miles in all directions, poles ""d wires lay in a mass of tangled wreckage. Miles of poles and wires will have t > be rebuilt en? tirely. * Between Baltimore ond Havre De Grace. Md.. over one thousand pt-'lea with 14o wires went down and ap? proximately the same condition.- exist. ??(1 between Haltimore and Washing? ton. No confirmation was received of the report that five men were frozen to death while travelling aft ot from Patuxem river to Annapolis. Latest estimates, based on informs, tion obtained today and tonight, place the damage by the storm to public .service oorpoiaticns at from $700,000 to $1,000.000. Harry Granger, a brother-in-law of trt-orge R. Caliber, who at the last election, was the Republican candi? date for governor, was found dead ?today, a victim of the storm, beside the tracks of the United Railway. EXCITEMENT AT OLD POINT WAS DUE TO DENSE SMOKE Report That Catholic Church Was on Fire Caused General Alarm to be Turned In. Considerable excitement was caus cd on tne Fort Monroe reservation yesterday afternoon by the announo inent that the beautiful St. Mary s Star of the Sea Catholic Church was on fire inside the structure. Smoke was seeu issuing from the main audi? torium and through the windows and a general hurried alarm was turned in. Investigation showed that tin smoke was due to a congestion in one of the chimneys in the church and that there was no fire, but dense smoke. The soldier fin men found it unnecessary to resort to the use ot water. The building is slightly blackened by the smoke, but tint actual damage will not reach $.">. Rev. Father Wilson, the rector of j the church, was soon on the stene and naturally was highly elated upon the discovery of the trivial cause of the excitement. SUES FOR DIVORCE. Mrs. Ruth Moger Institutes Suit Against Her Husband. In the Circuit Court yesterday. Mr?. Ruth Moger. through her attorney. Mr. Bnrdette A. Lewis, instituted sub asking for an absolute divorce from her husband. Mr. George W. Moger. The papers in the case have not lieen filed with the clerk of the courts and ?he ground ujion which the separation is asked is not known at this time. IV. N. Tignor HAMPTON* BEST NOTION STORE Specials in the Candy Depart ment. Fine chocalatc Dates, fresh -ind delicto?!*?S|>eelal. lb . 10c Fine Walnut Ron lions, with r:ch cream ceo; er?special lb.fSB ? After dinner Mints, fresh and ? rlne?special, lb.'0c ? All of these Candles are gnud I as ant 4'*c kind >oa can bny IV. JV. Tignor Tare Stg Stores. Hampton, Va. 'Phone SCI. Caw. Osann an* Wine ?tr*et* Cracklins! \V< have a lot oi Hue count r\ Crackllns. ll?n.8? BUCKWHEAT Old fashioned lluckwhea:. Specials :; pkg. P Toast ie*.25c I; cans Coin.25c !j :: .-iins Peas.25c j Molasses j Fine X. O. Molasses, gal. ...60c j Agent Sinitblleld Mineral W ater. ! C.IwiLSON &S0N 129 Armistead Avenue, j Phone 296. Hampton. RAYMOND BRUTINGHAMIS CAPfAIN HIGH SCHOOL WNt James Tennis Chosen the Assistant Manager and the Team Looks Good for Many Victories. The hasehall nine of the Hampton Jligh school has elected Raymond! lirittingham as captain tor the com ing season and .lames Tennis as tin assistant manager. The work of getting the program in shape for the field day exercises| on May 7 is progressing splendidly and already Old Point Comfort Oil lego. Norfolk High school and Nor? folk Academy have written Manager i John H. Bowen thai they will send] representatives here to compete all the contests. POSTMASTER LIBBY BACK. He Witnessed the Taking of the Oath | by President W. H. Taft. Postmaster Harry Libby, wno at? tended the inauguration of President William H. Taft, returned to the city, yesterday morning. Mr. Lfbby said i the weather conditions were simply terrific and that the thousands of| $ tuple in Washington were greatly disappointed on account of not wit? nessing the ceremonies. As Mr. Libby served several terms in Con? gress, he encountered no trouble in feeing Mj\ Taft take the oath of office. JOIXIE BACK FROM WASHINGTON. Sailors From Atlantic Fleet Returned | to Roads Last Night. With the sailors on board, who tended the inauguration, the training ship Dixie returned to Hampton Roads frcm Washington at 7 o'clock last night. The sailors were im mediately transferred to their res? pective vessels. It is expected thai most of the bai l tleships in the Koads will leave fori their various navy yards to undergo | necessary repairs by tomorrow after? noon. MR. OIGgT CHOSEN. East Hampton Young Man Elected | Representative to I. O. O. F. At its meeting. Thursday night. Creole Unite No. 137. I O. O. F..| elected Mr. Floyd T. Diggs ss the representative to the Grand meeting In Rristol next month. Mr John Hope was chosen the alternate The lodge passed a resolution recommending Mr. M. F. Riggin- for :-"appointment by the-incoming grand master as the district deputy grand master fcr Tidewater Virginia Mrs. Levy Improving. Mrs Levy, the wife of Mr. S Ijcvy the West Queen street merchant, who underwent an operation in St. Vin cent's hospital. Norfolk, is rapidly re covering and it is now expected that j she will be able to return to her home next week Change in O. D. Boats. 1 Cspt. A W* Card, who has bees commander of the Old IV.minion i steamer l>nrsy. runnlns: between Hamt'on and Norfolk has been trans ferred to the Smi'hflcld run. He will he stirc"cd?-d here hv Capt W L Marrln. Benefit at the Savor From 1 *o 6 o'clock this afernnnn the Ksv y theater will rive a ?ene IP performance for the piano fund ?r i he Syms-Katnn Academy. The pro? gram will be one of the best ct?w offered at 'he Savoy. ate Ladies' Ganse Tonight. The game of hsskethall which was scheduled to he fough.' in the Y M C A gymnasium ineirht bet a eon two quintets made ap of vonng ?om*n Iis? hc?nj po?t|>oned un'il t,i \t Saru* day evening "Charity" on your prescriptions Congdon fills tVm free. 2 14-1 ? N, PHC FORT BAND HAD A BIG 1IME Al INAUGURATION Excellent M?t cil Organization of Old Point Given Ovation in the Parade in Washington. Killed ?Uli the satisfaction of bav in- been given an ovation nil along ihe lino of march in the Inaugural parade in Washington Tuesday, the Port Monroe band, one of the best musical organizations in the army. i. turned to Old Point yesterday m.m ing Tb" members of the band were royally received by Hie people goner ally and the splendid music it ren dered gave the Fori Monroe bind a lasting Impression. Prof. BurHone was In charge of the band with .Major Harton as the drum-major ROOSEmflillfsAll \ FOR AFRICA ON MARCH 23 Acknowledges Many Kind Communi | cations Which Are Tco IMumer. ous to Answer Directly. (Bv Associated Press ) OY ST Kit MAY. N. Y March 5.? Ex-Presideni Roosevelt announced to? day for the lirst time that he would sail from New York for Africa on .March 'S-'> at noon. He will take passag? on the steamer Hamburg. Mr. Roosevelt said also that he hud received so many letters, telegrams and cablegrams that it would be practically impossible for him to answer die tenth o! them, and while he appreciated the sentiment ex pressed in the various communica? tions, and would like to answer them, it would be impossible to do so. He added that he would have noth? ing to say on any subject nor would he attend any public functions before departing on his hunting irip. At the Turn of the Koad. In 'be perspective from the tntn ol the road we may now see how many times the paralyzing hand of procras tination touched the good deeds W? meant to do, the golden dreams w? longed to transform into actualities We wished to do. and we wanted to do. but we did not. will to do The fault was not in conditions, but In us We were not equal to opportunities It is a false philosophy that leaches that opportunity calls only once at any man's house. It comes with the persistency of an importunate cred it or. always in a new guise, and clam ors for admission, bill we m:iy bo too busy to answer thf bell ?Circle Mag? azine. Tactful Society Woman. One of the best known women In so eieiy. who is remarkable for having no enemies, laughingly s:iid not \cn? ago li;at she attributed her popularity to never letting those she disliked know- of it by any word of hers. "! avoid discussing i.r.y unpleasant per son." she eontinu. '.. "and I also nevei join any social dab where a membei is Included that I do not care to in vtte to my house. By this means I am free to do as I please, and I alsc never offend my own friends by hat? ing persons that ! know they dislike at my house when they are then-, a? that is questionable hospitality." Coming Evern? Cast Shadow* Rarber I looking for business)?Ex? cuse me. sir. but j nr hair is going to come out soon by ihe handful. Jaggs i ?ho was osit all night and is just going home to face his wife) ? Tan thici shpose I don' know thie) that??The Bohemian. On the Levee. "Ijenjmo te|] yer some n When Ah cnlls er nigger's bluff his chest caves In!" ' Huh' When er rousterbout tries ter call mah bluff Ahm stone defr Ah ran t heah a word yer say!"?Birming? ham Ace Herald. Signals That Carry Far. When an African chief of the Ni? gerian tribes is rcidy to begin harvest? ing and requires extra assistance, says Popular Mechanics, be nets some of Ms tribesmen dnimmina Thev hest a hnce kettledrum msdc of skin stretched on a calabash and s small Side drum The sound of the rtfim ?rinc carries a trrca' distarce. and la? borers come m from sll directions. C'eopatra Homely! So Cleopatra ass homely after all! Well at its worst, history is only ilka those newspapers tn which everv po? lice coutt heroine is >oung and bens> Ufsi. All's Wall Thai Ends Well. Happt are ?he miseries the' end fts lay 'iceman Proverb THE NEW A Poor Tedd\ Has snucl Ann nowtwi With F t In perfe? Alona conic Cnwte jnd see him this fnnnv lp He has a tail tu which He hangs, a He is at SCHRAUDrS BOOK 81 Yon'rc liable In find I Mailers Personal Messrs s. s. I*a?* M mid Charles Artulatead returned \csterda> fronii Washington. WILLEM AND MARY WON AN ?ASYVICTORY\ Coiiegians Defeated Representative] Y. M. C. A. Team Last Night. William and Mar-. Collis,. Iiaaki nail quintet defeated tin representa? tive five of the Hampton Voting Men's Christian Association last night b) the score of 30 to 17 The game was fought in the gjrnasium, which was well tilled with an enthusiastic crowd of rooters The local ti am played a fast game, but the collegians showed in better form and kepi the lead from [ start to finish. MR. WRIGHT'S SUBJECTS. Twenty nine New Members Received j Since He Came Here. Kcv. W I?. Wright ?i|l conduct both services in Central Methodisti church tomorrow morning Subject: "Healing Without Medicine m Kl?t hi Cure." evening "Sower, the Seed and] What Came of'It." Th,- first quarter Ij conference wns held Monday. Since Mr. Wright came here 2!' members j have i? ? ii admitted to 'he church I and the financial condition has creased. Three Worden Sent Up. Ill the Phoebus police court yester-l day morning. Mayor I.. P. Pit mess] sentenced Hattio Coleman to sixty days, Mary Jones to thirty days anil | Susan Jefferson to thirty days In th< county jail on the charge of heilig] "street walkers." The women are all colored. SATURDAYS. The original Mggltt's Saturday candy, sold only at HI LL'S Cut Rate j Drug Store in pound boxes on Satur? day at 29c. tf. For Rent?Truck Farm. 12 Acres?Good House, adjoining | town. M O. LACKEY. 2t Congdon's Pharmacy accurately] compounds prescriptions. 2-14-lro Fourth Annual MASQUERADE BALL! Will be given h\ the Hampton Hebrew Association MONDAY EVENING MARCH 8th, 09 at Pythian Castle. Hampton. Va. There will be three prizes awarded TICKETS, 50 fits. For Lady and Gent. Prunes Aiiotber lot just rcoeivfd. Poand.5c 6 for 25c Westcott's CHOCOLATES A nice assorted candy io TKYfjsd boxes?pound... 25c Franco American Soups All kiuds. Pint and ?|iitrt cans. Richardson & Bush ?phone ; * >.V Hampton Va. Old Point and Bou>rard Deliveries. iNIJVIAL TOY Rear. It his Istr at*weed and Mossosn. nnv Stealth i Health Rill' Poosiin, ttle RHU Po^em nd therein ' c * ?all rORE, 42 W. Queen St. ?m hanrtar b? t ' down. MALE HELP WANTED. ,\1A\ WANTKII TO TRIM CAR riages flood workman. Apply to IT.". West gii?i'n St Hampton, Vu FOR SALE. TOR BALK?GOOD YOUNG MILCH Cow aii,| Berkshire Pigs L HORN r.;i West Queen St.. Haniptoit ? HELP WANTED?FEMALE. WANTED YOUNG LADIES W ITH Born? experienced In nillliuery. Ap? ply at once C F B?RGE? Sc. LOST. LOST 1.5?NC Uli" RUBBER BOOT In Phoebus, letween leu plant mid Fosti>r>. nullit Reward If r?' lurni'.l in lev Plant. .1 P. Poster It. LOST?NEAR DARLING'S CORNER, red purse containing small ami. tint of money. Finder will kindly leave at Dr. presscy's office and reeelve suit a til?- reward. tt SAVOY THEATRE,) J. J. LINDSAY, Manager. '! Best Moving Pictures; Attractive II lustrated longs by Mr. Lindsay. ADMISSION. 5 CENTS. i ~- ... American Theatre PHOKbl) lotion Pictures "< Vaudeville SPE~c?fCAaE SALE] Maple Walutit Cakea. Some? thing uew and Dice, !">c each Butter Spougc l<a>cr fakes (three layers, all flavors, 20c ??aeb; for Sat? urday "Raspberry" fruit layers. Extra for Saturday-Raspberry Fruit Jelly Rolls 15c per pound. Try our Family Pies. 12c each. For -Saturday?Huckleberry and Homemade Minci THE HAMPTON BAKERY Corner queen and Hope Streets. ALWAYS IN FRONT. When ' you do drink, drink right, and be sure your liquor la pure and' matur'-d. Y'ou can test It by chemical analysis, but it more convenient to obtain your suply from a reliable and honest deub-r. and just as sure. Buy what you need at !>>onard's. and you will get the purr s":ff. Port, per gal.fl.Od Sherry, per gal.100 Claret, per gal.LSt Swtet Catawba. per gal . 1.00 Tokary, per gal. L00 Blackberry, per bofla .25 Rhine Wine, per bottle.50 Duffey's Malt Whiskey, per bat.. .86 Whiskeys In Bulk at tn* Following: Bourbon Whiskey per gal.$1.50 Parkwood . 2 00 Star A Rye, straight .2.? Old Charter, straight . 2.5* Paul Jones . 2.75 Hun'er .< 00 Harper .4-00 Doable Stamp Gin .- 2.00 ATI bottle beef Re per Vjftle; ROc per dozen. Watch my Imitators! N. Leonard Original Price Cottar. PHOEBUS, VIRGINIA NewelluCo.,L 21 t? 25 W. Queen St. Hampton. Va. VAc are growing sotne Our bastacai for |SOS over I 7M9M Our business Utr Hew; over S1?.HO?.fW Our business for l>*7 over |!J.< Our business for Item nearly 20.000 no There Is a Reason Call and lie convinced We keep' everything In FaraMar> and Hooao furnishings CVitbhsg f?f m?-n and women Your Credit Is Good 21 to 25 W Queen St. P*tone S3?J ,D POINT, CLOSE ?W I'. M. EXCEPT SATURDAY Soft Finish Cambric, 25c Yard You really want to see this soft finish cam trie, Its positively beau tlfui. '. xcci UIiikIv fine, evenly woven cloth, with snow white finish, particularly good for waists?per yard.26o Plaid Linen, 49c Yard Several pi.s of piufd Linen walstiug have just come. Plaid Linea waists are very much in evidence these days. Ro we's DEPT. STORE HAMPTON, V A Ransone Bros. Ladies' Spring Suits! New Shades, latest style 510.00 $15.00 $18.00, $20.00, $22.00 Ransone Bros. 8 and IO West Queen Street iE Geo. W. Phillips Thot. L Sc later Phillips & Sclater Real Estate, Loans, Rants, Pi re Inauranee, General Auctlonesra. Bonding. FOR SALE Groom dwelling and two lots. West End. for IsoO.OO; ftO.OO cash and balance $10.00 a month. This Is a torgaln. 72-foot front lot on Curry Street, (Phoebus), price. $300.00. Two 50-foot front lots on LaSalle Avenue, and 30-foot street, price $375.00. 12 room modern dwelling. 100-foot front, lot on easy terms, will sell for less than coat to build bouse. ' 329 Center Street.$15.00 825 Center Street. 318 Center Street.$12.00 Marshall Street.$1200 Marshall street.$25.0? Cary Street.$$5.00 Academy Street.$10.00 Randolph Street.$14.00 S33 Kim Street.$11.00 4?2 Holt Street.$10.00 254 Holt Street.$10.00 456 Holt Street.$5.50 Locust Street. $8.00 North King Street.$11.50 Call and See Us. No S South King Street. Phono No. 80 M. H. MORGAN & CO. _9-11 N. King St._ Furnished Bouse For Reut! Eleven Rooms?seven bedrooms?all modern conveniences. See us for particulars. BOULEVARD INN Partially furnished. All modern conveniences. Ten acres of ground, on car Hoe, and having a waterfront of five hundred feet. Pine bathing, boating, fishing. Price reasonable. Real Estate, Rents, Loans, Insur? ance and Bonds? HENRY L SCHMELZ, PRANK NL President. Wo ^ BANK OF HAMPTON ITS THE OLDEST AND LARGEST IN EITHER HAMPTOM SJS NEWPORT NEWS. Capital, - - - 1109,000.00 Mtm, - -_- 1140,000.01 DEPOSITS OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS. The only deotgnated d-poattsry In the S*ute of Mrglnia to Basn> era Vlrgta a. We nsaae loans on R?el Not at*?NOT PRtMUBf? ED?as are the National Bants 4 hm corr. iiTEKST w m sirais mmm NELSON S. QROOilE at.