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Daily press. [volume] (Newport News, Va.) 1896-current, October 30, 1910, Image 12

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(Krcrpt Monday)
?AI the?
til Twenty fifth atreet ny the
Tb? Daily Preas la delivered by car
riara anywhere In tba eity ilrnlta foil
lu cents a week. Any irregularities |
reported to the office of publication
will receive careful and prompt at
tmtion. Order* for delivery of tb<
Dally Press for either lesldence 01
places of business may be made bj
postal card or telephone.
(Payable invariably la advance).
One Month . I .SC
Three Months . l.Jto
?la Montua . 2 ?'?
One Vear . 6.0''
Editorial Koomi. ii'-il 'Phone No. 14
Business Office, Bell 'Phone No. 1X1
Citizens' 'Phone No.181
Entered at the Newport Newa, Va
Poetofnce aa Second-Claaa Matter.
St \1)AY. OCTOBKR 30, lslU.
IIn declining to assume Jurlsdictlor j
and dissolving the temporary Injuiic
tlon restraining one hundred and four?
teen saloon keepers from doing bust
neas in Memphis. Tenn., Federal j
Judge Mi i'all pursued the only course j
open to him under the constitution
Had be desired and dared to follow
the Roosevelt "New Nationalism"
idea, the judge might have attempted J
to put his finger Into the domestic
affairs of a sovereign state, but, for
tunately for the country, even fed
ernl Judges appointed to their i ou?
tturns by Roosevelt havo shown M
disposition to abandon their senses,
their traditions and their respect foi l
the law of the land in order to follow j
the lead of the ambitious and reck
lessly dangerous colonel.
The Memphis proceedings were In?
stituted by the Law Enforcement
League of that city, an organisation I
formed particularly for tho purpose J
of securing the enforcement of thr
prohibition law of Tennessee. At.
cording to the charges of the league
which general reports from Tenness e
say are true, the law Is openly aui
flagrantly violated.vV-speclally In th<
city of Memphis. Though the Slat'
prohibits under pain of severe penal
tlos the tale of liquor within its b..r
dets, one hundred and fourteen
open saloons are said to flourish it
Memphis, with the knowledge of th<
police authorities and the public gen
erally. conditions being practically
what they w.-re when the sale of li?
quor was regularly licenced by city
snd'State. This, of course. Is a most!
extraordinary and out rattens state of]
affairs. It ought not to be tolerated
But. as Judge McCall pointed out Je I
delivering his opinion, the situation |
must be dealt with by the State au
thorities. The federal government j
baa nothing to do with the domestii
affairs of the State of Tennessee, andj
It would be an unwarranted and high)
handed piece of meddling It the t'nit
ed States authorities should Interfere |
in such a ease as the one at ifaue.
unless the governor of the State, un
able to maintain order In hia com
monweaitn. had called upon the cen
trnl government for assistance If ib
fourteenth amendment to the const!
tution ever is stretched to the poin- j
of furnishing federal courts with au
thorlty for undertaking the enforce-!
ment of municipal police regulations
the day of "New Nationalism" will ]
have gone the way of dead republics
Judge McCall totd the law enforce
aaent leaguers that their remedy lay
in prosecution through grand Jury
Indictments, and. referring to the al?
legation that the State authorities
are In aympathr with the Honor deal
eta. he suggested impeaajament _ pro
a* the proper method of ac
performance of duty by ft
If the >ea?ue will follow the
JaSsw'a advice and e*haust their re
aaareea la the Bute, they will get at
leant a semMeare of lew eeforceaseat
?nleas eoadirjeen la Memphis and all
stale for aa outsider to cone, ive of
? wwuld ereta that ta order to oper?
ate one hundred and fourteen open
a elty of a "dry" State it
for the Itqaor aa. a
as have the sap port of the whole gov
If each a thtag
ad here la Newport Mown, far la
?aaaee. with Virata at "dry the paste.
and the Judge of the Corporation
Court would have to be In on (he
deal. putting their oaths of office aud
loiiKcieiKOH tiehind ihem aud deliber?
ately Joining In a detlaiic? of tilt- l,i ?v
lily are nworu to enforce And.
moreover, the executive, jiidiel.il and
legislative branch*h of the municipal
government could not successfully
carry out auch a conspiracy without
I ihe support of the governor and leg?
islature oi ihe State.
Can It be I hat such a condition a:i
' this i m ' - In Memphis und Tennen
see? To admit such a thin* U a sac
commentary upon the manhood of
Tennessee, and if the people de not
promptly bring about a chaugo they
will prove theniHclvcs._iliitlt for self
governmt m.
This paper does not believe In
State-wide probIbit ion. but I) does be?
lieve in enforcement of the luw. And
it believes, too, that when prohibition
laws actually are enforced a lot of
people who now hypocritically ac?
quiesce In or even actively support
the cause will bo found missing from
prohibition < amps.
liecause two of the members ob?
jected on ilie ground that ihe "chain
gang" cannot be worked at night
It would cost something to have tl
work done by paid laborers, the high?
ways and sewers committee of the
city council railed to recommend
that provision be made for sweeping
?lie streets by night Instead of by .
day. The commiffte took this post^
tlon hi the face of an urgutit plea,
from the mayor for clean streets, and
an official warning from the health
officer that sweeping by day Is a
menace to the health of the Com?
The committee has made a grave I
mlatake. we believe, and it Is to be *
hoped that the council will act
promptly upon the advice of the may?
or and health officer, regardless of
the committee's failure to make a re
When the physician employed to
guard the city's health advises after
investigation and deliberation that
street sweeping during the day, when
the thoroughfares are thronged with
pqQple and the stores and business
houses are open. Is a menace to the
health ol the public, the council smol?
ders a great responsibility in contin?
uing the practice. What Is I be in?
significant sum that would be expend?
ed for a few men to operate sweepers
compared to the public health? The
dust kicked up during the day is de?
cidedly disagreeable, as woll as germ
laden and dangerous. And it is not
a particularly edifying spectacle to
have the "chain-gang" on the princi?
pal streets during the busy time of
the da/, anyho v. There Is plenty M
work for the gang In grading and
cleaning up the sidestrects. and the
residents of certain sections no doubt
would be delighted, to have a little at
tention paid to the gratis plots and
mudhoies in front of their homes.
Aside from the sanitary question.
Mayor Jones has sufficient nrovoct
tlon for his complaints that aft ?
streets are not kept clean. Most of
the thoroughfares are in a tilt by con?
dition almost continually, and visitors
no doubt wonder why we spent hun?
dreds of thousands of dollars in pav?
ing, se.dng that we apparently prefer
dirt to asphalt or brick.
Lot ? have decent looking urecta
If the council puts the city's money
to no worse use there will be no com
plaint 'ion the people.
Two of the State pepers disagree
on the question of whether or not
women should be allowed to drive au?
tomobiles through city streets, it
makes no difference whether the auto?
mobile dr.v t Is a man or a woman;
in fact many women are better driv?
ers than the average man. Hut all
cities should require applicants for li-,
censes to operate automobile? to pass
kind of aa examination andj
i"irate their fitness to take p>w
er vehicles through the streets. Men
and womes alike should have to stand
such an examination, and anv one
who fails to give a satisfactory ae
rount of himself or herself at the
steerlns wheel -TmuM be denied a II
A* we have said in discussing 'be
subject before, the . atom of burning
automobile driving licenses Indisrrtsa
lantely and allowing exrPable green?
horns t-> race ahnet the streets in ma?
chines m dangerous and owgat not to
be 'iterated n any city.
in which lev ia
only dear the assertion that the Dem?
ocratic candidate Ian. beam unfair to
its the li.sir.i
wastes are pa. I"
to any of the employes at (he far
recently, if net before, tnnc an not
HM?? aimtes fwMPf1
We have |k(M loo Sulla In
broken lots tu close out at once
- lange lu price from SI.'i.uO to
I20.IK). Your choice,
Washington Avenue,
Nat*port New?. Va.
only Ih outrageously reckless In his
statements concerning other men. but
that he Is not gentleman enough to
[apologise when proven to be a liar.
Some people who advocate the
amendments to the constitution alfM
that the proposed changes must be
proper ones 'because the legislature
passed the law putting them to a vote
of the people. And those same people,
told the legislators that they were
assuming no responsibility In putting
the amendments before the people:
that they were merely giving the pan)
pie a chance to say what they want.
The Richmond Evening) Journal is
the last paper in the State we would
have siiFpected of favoring the pro?
posed constitutional amendment al?
lowing treasurers and commissioners
of revenue to succeed themselves.
Tho defeat cf this amendment would
he a blow to machine politics, against
which the Journal usually is a staunch
President Taft may have acted wl h
the purest motives In appointing a
: C o. an assistant to the altornev
general, flut many will believe, and
we are not prepared to say that we
won't he among the number, that the
appointment wss made Just at this
time as a bid for negro votes iu the
Northern states in the congressional
elections about to be held.
Newport News ousbt to have i
weather bureau and our shipping men
ought to be advised of vessels pass
ing in the ("ajies. We can get tveh
of these things by going after them
as we went after the gas ha-bur
Of th? ts.i.i.rtO people who saw the
Passton Play at Oberammergau this
year eighty per cent, were Americans.
1'nfortupately, Amern an tourists arc
tle|>euded upon lo keep up many less
creditable European institutions.
We'll get some tori?edu boat on
trarts nest week, and in December
we'll land a battleship.
The prayers of tho nothing deal
er? have b., n answered.
Bt the Candy Trade ia Slow.
Thu- hnibiiar rinse for being
slender has k.iork. d the bottom o it
of our bu nea.s. said the man in
charge oi s <R?i.!osn Lraneh o'a ~<*
candy cones m "Some u?-.\ who ?er..
- "J lor at lea.-t flu sorb <f esnd.
each week never cow.' rnsid,. u?e
dt?r now. aad when I SM them trade
in*, pest the stnr?. ?Ith a package of
fruit 1 make up my mind iber whta
and daughters or aweeth-tarta have
tabrn a utand againat candy One
mta with a wife and for.- daughter*,
who used o be a splendid customer,
loM me the other day that bed as
soon come htaae with a Viper as wttl
a Ir.rpovnd boa e.f rand*, although
a year ago he need to hay two ffve
poond hose* each wee*. We notice
the aaaae difference |B small sales to
women employ-d a oaVea. There's
aot baif the cumber .alii r r half
pound bos.*, though our sales of
?fe?t .horolate are alwax htg.
tea of koalasa? woaaaa nibble it In
stead of taking a regular lunch.-**
The c*t!aua| running la of Sata*
?t. r. ?rapher- aad telephone op.-a
tors I? getting to be a thing of the
past, aad lemon drops are ahoat tae
caly tweets these h?i?>nee? girls ?t?l
es* Rrary aaotber a easgater seem*
ta seed set agaiat gain.as aa
nacre of lmn\ aad se>il ft fsabior
weT notice tb. diffcc^ce" ha asSs"^
New York San.
2905-7 Washing ion Avenue
Popular Dress Goods
We are stowing a full and complete line cf all the newect
weavee and coloring 'or Tailor ad Suits and Dreaaet.
'?'i inch wide, in black anil navy
ILM valm . yard. 73o
AM.Waal Berges Btaek aid
all popular lhadi l, 59c to 98c
>-rd. _
Uiess Good-- .ill slaa inecks
20c to 98c yard.
.4 Inch wide in black and iot
uia, yard . 9bc
Ali Wool l'urfumas in bla< k.
navy and Mr??, 48c to 98c.
Plata weaves or stylish stripes
48c to 98c yard.
New Persian Silks
Shown In a large rauge of col?
ors combinatiiins. ai 98c yard.
:t?>-irieli wir.e. in both street
and evening lhadei at 98c yard.
ICIiuh wide, medium weight;
good black. Special. 89c
30 inches wide, in both street
and evening shades at 98c yard.
IX inch wiile. all pretty c ?lor
combinations. 73c and 98c yard.
Underwear Department
Ladles' Bleached or t'nbleacli
cd Fleeced Vests and Pants ?
?SOd weight: a garment... 25c
!.Hdi(.-' Bleached Vests ami
Pants; r.Oc iptalily; for, a gar?
ment . 38c
Ladies' Mem lied I'liion Suit",
50c, 73c and 98c each.
Infants' Vests. In Cm to .
Part Wool and^AleWool; al
weights and all pneMl
Misses' Union Suits?blotch
ed or unbleached; light <>
heavy weight, at . 48?;
Hoys' Fleeced Lined Shirt
and Drawers, at 25c and 48c a
Special For Monday
Fruit of the Loom Muslin, :? 0-inch wicb
regular 12}c value.
. 10c
Hy far the largest and most complete line we have ever shown.
Shoe Department
Infants' Shoes, pair.'. 50c to 01.28
Children's and Mis-es' Shoes, pair . 75c to $2.50
Splendid line of Boys' School Shoes. AH solid leathers. Price
from, pair .W.$1.50 to $2.50
Men's Shoes, all extra values; prices, $1.50 to $3.97?in Boot Calf.
Uun Metal and Patent L<aUie:s.
Ladies' Shoes?all the new styles In button and lace, shown in
Vlci Kid. (inn Melal and Patent Leather, ranging in price l am
$1-25 to $3.97, all of which are exceptional values.
R .iTttid, R?spr>Ir?;d, Tun^J
Pianos Our Business
S3 $250 Piano
our >p
NEW?and 10-Year Guarantee
The Feipsson Music Co.
227 Thirty flrat street (Next to Hloh School) Cite. Phone No. 90
Woman's Friend
for MOTHERS and DAUGHTERS, a safe and efficient remedy for
female e n plaints. It's dally nse will cure that heavy bearing down
areirht In 'he vaginal region, and stop that awf<:1 backache, so com
iron smonc women It tones a;? the eenera! system bv removing
the neaw CRAIN rau?.*d from l-e-oeorrhoe (or whites). Its use after
periods is moat beneficial. He moves odor from feet and armpits.
Avid by Snag store*. 23 and cents, fully guaranteed.
svHiNcr. at.oo
Office CsWee't Livery Stab's.
Okaim ktx OrTiciAira
ra-inrr arav;< s
ii? T?.?t...(,?? M.. Sai?part Skrws
For Life!
Yam May Think So?Rut Try
H May Cbenge Your Mind.
TEN ton 10?. SORTY FOR 28.
Virginia Transfer
& Storage Co.
Successor to
A Pleasant
I Surprise
That's what you've got
j coining when you get your
> first month's gas bill for
cooking and lighting.
We venture the opinion
that it will not be one-half
as large as you expected <t
would be.
If you think that gas Is
J too expensive for you to use
j for cooking why not satisfy
yourself on that point?
We'll charge you nothing
for telling you about what
the amount of gas you'd
likely use would cost you
each month. Just think of
tho comfort you're missing
by not having a gas range.
Newport Newt Gas Qe.
Newport News, Va.
and WOOD
i cord Pine Wood SI.75
I cord Mixed Wood SI.80
! cord Oak ? Vood $1.85
No Extra Charge for Splitting.
AH coal well screened and kept uu
der sheds, both wood aud coal belli i
delive-red perfectly dry.
Distilled Ice Co.
35th St. and C. ?. O. Ry.
Bell 'Phone 93. C tz. 'Phone 308
Have Your Clothes Dry |
This service brightens up the
colors, removes soil, freshens
the fabric, takes out the atataa
and really makes the clothea aa
suitable for wear aa when new."
Ladies' Dainty
Surh aa shirt watata, skirts,
lingerie. e'e_ la a part of our
work that we give more than
ordinary care and attention
OBNTS. don't forget that soft
domestic** finish we glvo your
ahlrta. collars aad ruffe.
Hotel Warwick Laundry
11f Twenty fourth Street.
Beth 'Phone* No. IS
??? ???????
gtoamar* leave Mondays a. a..
Thoreeeys and Saturday*.
Laar? PntianeiphJa Tuesdays.
Thursdays aad Saturday*
freight received an? aeTtrered deny
at C * O rweetr^htrS arrant tap
?owa. station OS.ee attaar RoaaV
Jaaae* %v wnamea.
** Fast Trains to Richmond and tha
L-cave Newport News 10:05 a. m,
and l:M p. m dally.
Local Trains to Richmond
6:00 a. m.; 6 20 p. m. daily.
Trains arrive Newport News 10:0?
a. m. 10 30 a. in., 6:30 p. m. and
7:20 p. ru.
Steamer Service for Norfolk.
Leave Nwam News 10:30 a. m,
am' e:M p. in dully.
Old Dominion Line
Daily Service
Steamer leaves Norfolk, (toot of
Church st.) 7:oo p. m. dally except
Miuday for New York direcL
Leaves Pier "A" 8:30 every even'as.
Mi t?eugera only. Stop at Claremont
'o land or receive passenger* on
CANY, James River Dar Line *c
li cbmond and all James River lanl
nga. Steamer leaves Newport Newa
."'jesdays, Thursdays and Saturdaya
it 8:45 a. m. for Richmond. Leaves
wport News Monday, Wednesday
?.lie' Friday at 6 p. m, for f'orfola
and Old Point.
"SMITHFIELD" leaves Pier "A"
daily except Sunday 9:15 a. m. for
Norfolk, and 4:30 p. m. Mondays.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays and
33 p. m. Wednesdays and Saturdays
for Smithfleld. Ocracoke leaves pier
A" dally except Sunday, 9 a. m . for
Smithfleld and 3 p. m. for Norfolk.
All freight received and delivered
it Pier A, foot of Twonty-flfth street..
Acting Agent,
Newport News.
Time Table of Express
Service Between New?
port News & Norfolk
Norfolk & Atlantic
Tormina! Go.
In Effect Thursday, Sept. 29, 1910.
Subject to Change Without Notice,
5:50 a. m.. dally except Sunday;
:00 a. in., daily ercept Sunday; 8:20
l. m.? daily; 9:35 t m>; 11:35 a. m.;
12:50 p. m.; 2:40 p. in ; 3:50 p. trt;
1:05 p. m.; 6:20 p. in ; 9:35 p. u>.
Sundays only.
:20 a. :n. Daily Except Sunday:
[S:45 a. m.; daily; 10:00 a. m.; 12:00
noon; 1:15 p. m.; 3:00 p. m.; 4:15
? p. m.; 5:30 p. m.; 6:45 p. no.; 1.0:00
m.. Sundays only.
[The Norfolk 4 Washington
Steamboat Co.
(Schedule Effective Nor. 1, 1908.)
The N-;w and Powerful Iron Palace
I Steamers SOl'THLAND and NEW
PORT NEWS will reave daily as foe
j Lv. Portsmouth . ?6:00 p. m.
Lv. Norfolk . . ?6:00 p. m.
Lv. Old Point . ?7:00 p. m.
At. Washington . ?7:06 a. a?
Lv. Wash., B. * C. Ry..?? 9:00 a. m.
Ar. Phil., B. & O. Rv....??11:50 a. at
Ar. N. Y., B. * O. Ry...?? 2:10 p ru
Lv. Wash., Penn. Ry_??7:30 a, m.
Ar. s. Y., Penn. Ry.??1:16' p. m
|Lv. Wash., Pena. Ry_?? 8:00 a. u\
I Ar. N. Y., Penn. Ry. ...??10:49 a. ta
I?. N. T., B. & O. Ry....?11:50 a. ?
Lv. Phlla., B. ft O. Ry...? 2:17 p. m
Ar. Wash., B. 4 O. Ry...? 6:M p. m.
Lv. s. T, Penn. Ry.?12:55 p. m
Ar. Wash.. Penn. Ry....?? 6:1? p. m
Ar. Wash.. Pean. Ry.! 6 : 22 p. tu.
Lv. Phlla.. Penn. Ry.?3:20 p. m.
Ar. Wash.. Penn. Ry.? 6:22 p. tn.
Lv. Washington .?6:46 p. m.
Ar. Old Point Comfort ...?7:00 a. m
Ar. Norfolk.??:00 a. ro.
?Dnily. ??Daily except Sunday.
'Sunday only.
For information apply to
J. N. SMITH, Agent. Union Ticket
I Office. Chambertln Hotel, Old Point,
P. M. PRITCHARD. Cen. Agent.
INO. L. WILLIAMS, City Pane.
| Agent, comer Grnnby and Plume
[street*. Narfolk. Va.
M. A M. Transportation Co.
Passengers and freight.
Newport News to Baltimore.
Dally Except Tues lay and WeJ
nesday. a n. *m.
Fares ?3 00 One I ?y?S5 00 Round
Trip?Including Stateroom Rertn.
Tickets to AH Points.
Norfoik to Boston.
Tees.. Wed.. Frt. and Snn.. (i. R
Norfolk to RrovMenee.
Peary Man.. Wet. and Set. ? ? rr
First claaa far* to
Boat.ni. Providence
One way . II?.?* ? l ?"
Rownd trip . IlMd 117 tw
Including Urals and Suteroom Berti
For tickets and further is format! on,
anplv tn F B. RRAOtl. Agent.
Newport Netra, V?.
phillips line
Faat steamer POKONOKFT leave*
Pier A wrery Monday.
if, 7:45 a m.. far

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