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PAGE TWO Advance Easter Greetings EASTER GREETINGS FROM Independent Social Club 965 Tremont Street Arthur Simmons, Director Happy faster Jo All Our Customers and Friends Norfolk Tailors 702 SHAWMUT AVENUE Cleansing - Pressing - Repairing . Expertly Done BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY EASTER MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT THE New Apollo Billiards 567 COLUMBUS AVENUE VERNON PIRCIVAL, Prop BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY EASTER WRIGHT’S TAILORS and CLEANERS Remodeling — Repairing We Call and Deliver 537 COLUMBUS AVENUE . KE 6-4441 RELAX AT EASTER TIME HEALTH HAVEN Howard's Ultra Violet Ray- Vapor Bath Swedish Massage-Physio- Therapy 119 HUMGOLDT AVE., ROXBURY 21, MASS. COR. HARRISHOF ST. HI 5-0854 Tremont Chicken Market 764 TREMONT STREET Fresh Killed Chickens — Fowl and Turkeys of Hightest Quality JUST WAVING YOU A HAPPY EASTER Thelma’s Beauty Shop 476 MASSACHUSETTS AvE. AH Branches of Beauty Culture Ob A nn>v*««y W. Extend Bett Withes To All Our Customers end Friends A Happy Easter Charlie’s Sandwich Shoppe HIGH QUALITY FOOR Always Clean, Cheerful and ‘Sanitary 429 COLUMBUS AVENUE EASTER GREETINGS TO ALL OUR PATRONS and FRIENDS Mr and Mrs George Beckair ELITE CLEANSERS 797 Tremont Street LaNewton School Of Beauty Culture 462 MASS. AVE., BOSTON BUS. KE 6-4554 RES. AR 5-4977 M Passed to teach Veterans & Foreign Students * LA NEWTON BEAUTY SALON Above School KE 6-4554 Operators-Mary Frances Moore-Mary S. Cantrell Arnold Crook-Deborrah Fuller-Charlotte Henderson-Itra Gloster-Camelia Brown. • LA NEWTON BEAUTY STUDIO St - West Medford MI 8-4977-Operators Gertrude Phillips 8t Portia Thompson PORTRAITS Preserve the Highlights ’ °f your Children's Lives w ’ - . jB for the gj ■ S Years To Come BROWNE STUDIO 560 COLUMBUS AVI.. BOSTON • KE 6-15 M Decco Supplies Co. HUMAN HAIR — WIGS PAGE BOYS — CLUSTER CURLS PONY TAIL CHIGNONS — BRAIDS STRAIGHTENING COMBS HAIR STRAIGHTENERS:— Pomades — Pressing Oils — Wax EVERYTHING FOR THE SKIN, SCALP and HAIR Electric Stoves — Gas Stoves Oil Stoves Manufactures Agts. & Wholesale Distributors 93-97 RUGGLES STREET, BOSTON Highlands 5-2312 BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY EASTER Mr and Mrs Maurice L. Smith Smith Accounting’ and Business Service 784 Tremont St. - CI 7-8966 Easter Greetings to All My Patrons and Friends Marjorie Johnson J. B. JOHNSON FUNERAL HOME 608 SHAWMUT AVENUE BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY EASTER Dr. W.O. Taylor 362 MASS. AVE. BOSTON BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY EASTER Norman’s Barber Shop CAMDEN ST BOSTON BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY EASTER Hammond Laundry Self Service 93 Hammond Sireei Albert E. Costa, Prop. BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY EASTER Atty, and Mrs. Victor C. Bynoe 616-A Shawmut Ave. BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY EASTER Geanie’s Beauty Shop 36 SUSSEX ST., ROXBURY Imogene powell, Prop. BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY EASTER Shawmut Variety Groceries - Provisions Harry Liederman, Prop. 563 SHAWMUT AVENUE BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY EASTER Jack Mulligan REAL ESTATE 96 HAMMOND STREET BOSTON NEW FRIENDS From All Over the World ONE WORLD Free Information Box 6435, Washington. D.C. M. Strong Elma Lewis School of Fine Arts 7 Waumbeck Street, Roxbhry Classes for Children, Youths and Adults DANCE, Drama, Music, Art IN Registration For Fall Term Starts September 15 PHONE Hl 2-4881 - Hl 5-2604 Learn APEX BEAUTY CULT ÜBE Hl 5-7571 APPROVED FOR VETERANS Women, Men: Earn SIOO a Week? APEX BEAUTY SCHOOL 720 SHAWMUT AVENUE BOSTON Leader in Beauty Culture Training Marcel — Finger —• Croquignole —• Permanent Waving Machine and Mnehinelen — Cold Waving Taught MARIONETTE SCRUGGS, Cirector Onio Beauty School in New England THE GUARDIAN, BOSTON, SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1957 BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY EASTER Dr. Sidney S. Gahan Successor to Dr. A. Praglin 652 Tremont Si., Boston CO 7-0885 BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY EASTER ICE . OIL - COAL 5 DILWORTH STREET Joseph A Warrell BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY EASTER Dr. Samuel A. Merlin 493 Massachusetts Avenue BOSTON BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY EASTER Wellington Pharmacy Francis Porctor Reg. Pharm. 559 COLUMBUS AVENUE BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY EASTER w. w. Variety Store Fresh Eggs a Specialty Groceries 85 WINDSOR STREET GA 7-3860 BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY EASTER Douglass Pharmacy 1002 Tremont Street Douglass Square C. NOEL JACKSON. Prop. CO 7-0612 iibson's Studio ol PHOTOGRAPHY REALISTIC PORTRAITS Weddings — Reproduction* • Colorinqs Studio and Home Sitting* 767 Tremont Street Registrar King Continued From Page One their vehicles Inspected as soon as possible after April 1 to avoid, being disappointed at the end of the month by overworked inspection station personnel who may be unable to accommodate them. After the April 1956 inspec tion, there were 576 delinq uents who had to pay a fine or had to appear at a hearing on suspension of their certi ficate of registration. The full and complete co operation of the public is re quested in an effort to avoid accidents resulting in injury or death caused by defective equipment. Motorists and owners are urged by Registrar King to patronize neighborhood ins pection stations as soon as possible after April 1. Aid- to Africa Continued From Page One of persons and ideas with the leaders and peoples of these countries” and finally added that “we must do” a far more effective job” in “telling the true story of the real pro gress” in elminating discrimi nation here. Bad Habits One way to indulge bad ha- I bits is to arrange a physical culture schedule to enable one of survive them. Politics is one thing in Am erica and something else in those benighted regions where the “masses” don’t vote. To Make Your Day Complete Find A Good Place To Eat s . . Try the . . . WESTERN LUNCH BOX 417 Mass. Avenue Mary C & Chas. W Jackson Props. Enjoy TV All Meals Home Cooked Phone Cl 7-9642 Recommended Boston Beauticians O 7-3218 UNITY BEAUTY CENTER 399 MASS. AVE. Specialises in ALL PHASES OF BEAUTY CULTURE MURIEL GILFILLIAN Prop. MARY L. McCREAR JA 7-9387 Yvonneties Beauty Shop 44 WINDSOR STREET (Cor. Westminister) Specializing In All Branches of Beauty Culture ELIZABETH HOLMES and FLETIE DRAKE, Proprietors Space Available For Hairdressers or Operators Hl 5-4834 Res. HI 2-3563 THE HARRISHOF BEAUTY SHOPPE 131 Harrishof St., Roxbury Beauty Culture In All Branches Ida Johnson Battle. Prop. THE RAIHBOW BEAUTY SOH 157 NORTHAMPTON ST. (near MTA Station) fcE 6-0146 All Branches of Beauty Culture Scale Treatments Featured SARAH LOVE SMEDLEY LUSTRASILK PERMANENT FEATURED Lois Jordan, Hairdresser APPEX SYSTEM KE 6-8324 BETTY'S BEAUTY SALON Hoi Oil Shampoo Marcel Waving Finger Waving • Croguignole 609 Columbus Ave. Boston ADVERTISING is the life of trade and the best results come from local newspaper ads. They pay big dividends. Beauty Hints By NINA TEMPLE A woman of sixty-nine told me her own personal secret that has kept her within the ranks of “THE BEAUTIFUL” these many years. She still has the clear, bright unwrink led eyes of girlhood, while women twenty years younger have had their claim to at tractiveness cancelled long ago This lovely woman was liberal enough to whisper has secret , to me and I shall whisper it i to you, for, if it is not too late j you too may lengthen the! days of your charm across the perilous line of maturity and age. Shish, shish . . Never never forget to massage the 1 tender skin about your eyes with a rich skinfood every night faithfully. If you do you will make it impossible for those cruel little wrinkles to dig their way into the fragile skin that surrounds them Do this and you too may retain the girlish eyes of your youth far into your Indian-summer days. Oddly enough, an unattrac tive nose or mouth is not a woman’s greatest defect. There have been women who won the distinction of being con sidered beautiful, who were rather ill favored in one or the other of these features. It is well that life has so many compensations making achieve ment possible. It has been proven that the greatest suc cesses have been largely due to the goad of handicaps. One of the most fascinating women at a certain period in Paris j had a mouth that would have | destroyed the ambition of a lesser woman, she, however had a quality that made it possible for her to soar far above the pert ct beauti'es that surrounded her. The wo man with assurance and the ‘know how’ can place the world at her feet. She knew as many other may learn, that it is the size of a woman’s Or. R. A. Simmons DENTIST 222 Northampton St. Bostort KE 6-9723 Hl 5-0283 PEGGY'S BEAUTY SHOPPE PEGGY E. MORRIS, Prop. 977 Tremont St. Roxbury Specializing In All Branches of Beauty Culture Sarah Arnold Elizabeth Hayes Lucille Bonds Beauticians GEANIES BEAUTY SHOPPE IMOGENE POWELL, Prop. APEX BEAUTY CULTURE In All Its Branches 36 Sussex St. Roxbury Tel, GArrison 7-4658 GAR. 7140 Apex System Mae’s Beauty Shoppe Mary Raynor, Prop. Beauty Culture In All Branches 140 LENOX ST BOSTON Satin Tress Featured Here RENA’S DMHTY SALON ALMENER ELLIOT HAIRDRESSER HAIR STYLING SCALP TREATMENTS Hours: 9 A.M to 9 P.M. Quick Service 72 Ruggles st. GA 7-9026 WASHINGTON’S BEAUTY SHOPPE Al) Branches of Beauty Culture Maior and Mary Patterson Proprietors 303-A WARREN STREET ROXBURY 19. MASS. Hl 5-1761 Reboundlug Maybe It’s high time for a big rebuilding program In Bos ton. They’ve been busy for a long time tearing the place down. inferiority complex that de feats her Instead of an un lovely featuer. Ww w -* ■ * DRIVI Ng” ©A *4 ROUGH f It’s rough on you ... your pocketbook ... your car. Even a small collision costs plenty, these days ... and insurance doesn’t cover everything, not by a long shot. You can smooth your commuting or any trip intown simply by leaving your car at home ... riding swiftly,- safely intown under the confusion. _ Round-trip fare only 40(1... compare that with cost of intown parking plus time and gas wasted looking for space! fl UTR W Plenty of seats on the MTA during ELIVI lAB shopping hours. KENmore 4319 MME. F. S. BLAKE BEAUTICIAN Beauiv Culture In All Branches 363 MASS. AVE. BOSTON Salon DE BEAUTE “The Salon with the Relaxing Atmosphere” 626 A Shawmut Ave., Roxbury MODERN HAIR STYLES All Branches of Beauty Culture Recondiiionipg — Manicuring BILLIE DIGGS BONNER, Proprietor GA 7-7020 Res. Hl 5-1423 Bus. GA 7-9448 Ruth's Beauty Salon 7 Winthrop St., Roxbury Near Warren Specializing In All Branches of Beauty Culture RUTH HALL, Prop, . Why Live and Lot Your Hair Die? ESTELLA LEE CROSBY Scientific Scalp Treatment, Facial Violet Ray Hair Dyeing Marcel Waving & Croquignole - APPEX SYSTEM - 11 Greenwich Pk ..Boston CIR. 8709 Bus. GA 7-7151 Res HI 2 2144 LORINES Beauty Shoppe 532 Warren St,, Roxbury Specializing in scalp treat ments. nulox, lustrasilk hair cutting processing, permanents. » All Branches of Beauty Culture Lorine Crawford. Prop. FOR BEST results use local newspaper advertising. All travelers should have the technique of the robins, who arrive from the South'fat, un stained and fresh. • GA 7-0966 STEELE’S Beauty Culture CHARLOTTE STEELE Proprietor 46 Woodbine St. Roxbury Phone Com. 2330 J CLARK - MERRILL 7 Beauty Shoppe Beauty Culture in all Its branches. Human hair ■ toilet • article* • pomades of all kind* for men and women. Courtesy & Sanitary Service 507 Shawmut Ave. Boston sr****#**- UN 4-8568 Hours 12-8 pm EASTER’S BEAUTY SHOPPE All branches of Beauty Culture 121 Columbia St., Cambridge UN 4-8568 EASTER’S Card & Gift Shop Gifts for Men, Women and Children of All Ages 123 Columbia St., > Cambridge 39 \ CO 6-5631 House of Styles Beauty Salon Specializing in > Hair Styles for the Particular Woman COMPLETE BEAUTY SERVICE 169 A W. Springfield Street Mildred Richardson and Dock Richardson, Props. Hairdresser Space Avail, for hairdresser • or Operators