Newspaper Page Text
rim lb. ' H twice dollars a ixih, ir paid ;.v .inr.i.vcK, "ajC mvi ;;.;. i";TTi"i fIiK.'(7' .vor TvTimlTfci:. su : S 1 . J 1 . .... 1 I:. . 1 I v I -v k: w . - . . ZZTZ" z rrr - : : : " 1 , - .- , zzZTi From the German of Wilhelra Muller. THE SUNKEN CITY. Mark ! the faint bells of the Sunken City Peal once more their wonted evening chime ; From the Deep's abysses floats a ditty, Wild and wondrous of the olden time. Temples, towers, and domes of many-stories : There lie bnried in an ocean grave, llndescried, save when their golden glories Gleam, at sunset, through the lighted wave. , And the mariner who hath seen them glisten, In whose ears those magic bells do sound, Night by night bides there to watch and listen, Though Death lurks behind each dark rock clouil. So the bells of Memory's Wonder-city -Peal for !ac their old melodious chime : So my heart pours forth a changeful ditty, ' Sad and pleasant, from the by-gone time. i Domes and towers, and castles, fancy-builded, There lie lost to daylight's garish beams, i There lie hidden, till anveighed and gilded, Glory-gilded, by my nightly dreams! And then hear I mc sweet upknulling , From many a well-knowri phantom band, ' And through tears, can see my natural dwelling Far off in tho spirit's luminous laud ! FROM DAVID COPPERFIELD. BY CHARLES DICKENS. The Irst objects that assume a distinct ' presence before me, as I look far back, ihto w the blank of my infancy, are my mother jwith her pretty hair and youthful shape, and Peggotty with no shape at all, and eyes so dark thai they seemed to darken their Vhole neighborhood in her face, and cheeks and arms so hard and red that I wondered the birds didn't peck her in preference to tipples. ' I believe I can remember these two at a tittle distance apart, dwarfed to my sight by stooping down or kneeling on the floor, and I going unsteadily from the one to the dther. I have an impression on my mind which I cannot distinguish from actual remembrance, of the touch of Pegotty's fore-finger as she used to hold it out to me, and of its being roughened by needlework, like a pocket nutmeg-grater. Thii may be fancy, though I think the memory'ofnost of us can go farther back into such' times than many of us suppose. jjjJust as I believe the power of observation lin numbers of very young children to be Iquite wonderful for its closeness and accura cy. Indeed, I think that most grown men i'i ill" remaraauie in mis respect, may ' I L f wit' greater propriety be said not to have i,Tf pf'lost the faculty, than to have acquired it; m ...i.- t n.. i u Jk to retain a certain freshness, and gentleness. I "( 4 and capacity of being pleased, which are ' iL. f also an inheritance thev have preserved from I 1'heir cHildHdod. i mtgui nave a mistrivinjr mat i am eandering" in stopping to say this, but Jv it brings me to remark that I build .hese conclusions, in part upon my own ex perience of myself; and if it should appear from any thing I may set down in this nar rative that I was a child of close observa tion, dr that as a man I have a strong memo y of my childhood, I undoubtedly lay claim 3 both of these characteristics. . . Looking back, as I was saying, into the lank of my infancy, the first objects I can 'member as standing out by themselves om a confusion of things, are my mother id Pegotty. What else do I remember ? el me see. There comes of the cloud, our house )t new to me, but quite familiar, in its ear ist remembrance. On the ground floor is 'gotty s kitchen, opening into a backyard ; th a pigeon-house on a pole, in the cen ,. without any pigeons in it ; a great dog anel in a corner, without any dog ; and (uatity of fowls that look terribly tall to i, walking about in a menacing and fero jus manuer. There is one cock who gets ion a post to crow, and seerrm to take par- ar notice of me as I look at him through ,itcben window, who makes me shiver, i so fierce. Of the sreese outside the gate who come waddling afler me with ir long necks stretched out when I go i i way, 1 dream at night as a man envi , led by wild beasts might dream of Hons. Here is a long passage what an enor jms perspective I make of it! leading 's to Peggotty's kitchen to the front door. dark store-room opens, out of it, and that i place to be run past at night ; for I i j't know what may be among those tubs t 1 jars and old tea chests, when there is i dy in Jhere with a dimly burning light, ig a mouldy air come out at the door, - hich there is the smell of soap, pickles, ' er, candles and coffee, all at one whiff, a there, are the two parlors; the parlor hich we sit of an evening, my mother I a.'irt Pegotty for Teggotty is quite companion, when her work is done and i ire alone and the best parlor where j it on a Sunday, grandly, but not so ' dartably. There is something of a dole i air about that room for me, for Peggotty ? told me I don't know when, but ap i pfSy "S68 8g bowt iny father's fune- ( ral, and tho company having their black ; coats put on. One Sunday night my mo ; ther reads to Pegsrotty and me in there, how ! Iazarus was raised up from the dead. And j I am so frightened, that they are afterwards J obliged to take me out of bed, and show mo j the quiet churchyard ovt of the bedroom window, with the dead all lying in their graves at rest, below the solemn moon. There is nothing half so green that I know anywhere, as the grass of that church yard; nothing half so shady as its trees; nothing half so quiet as its tombstones. The sheep are feeding there, when I kneel up, early in the morning, in my little bed in a closet within my mother's room, to look out at it; and I sue the red light shining on the sun-dial, and thiak within myself, "Is the sun-dial glad, I wonder, that it can tell me the time again?" Here is Our pew in the church. What a high-backed pew ! With a window near it, out of which our house can bo seen and is seen many times during tho morn ing's service by Peggotty, who likes to make herself as sure as she can that it's not being rdbbed, or is not in flames. Hut though Peggotty's eye wanders, she is much oflen ded if mine does, aud frowns to me, as I stand upon tho seat, that I am to look ht the clergyman. Hut I can't always look at him I know him without that white thing on, and I am afraid of his wondering why I stare so, and perhaps stopping the service to inquire and what am I to do"? It's a dreadful thing to gape, but -I must do some ihing. I look at my mother, but she pre tends not to see me. I look at a boy in the aisle, and he makes faces at me. I look at the sunlight coining in at the open door through the porch, and there I see a stray sheep I don't mean a sinner, but mutton half making up his mind td come into the church. I feel that if I looked at hint any longer I might be tempted to say some thing out loud; and what would become of me then! I look up at the monumental tablets on the wallj and try to think of Mr. Bodgers late df this parish, and what the feelings of Mrs. P.odgers must have beeh, when affliction sore, long time, Mr. Bod gers bore, and physicians were in vain. I wonder whether they called in Mr. Chillip, aud he was in vain, and if so, how he likes to be reminded of it once a week. I look from Mr. Chilip, in his Siihday neckcloth, to the pulpit, and think what a good place it would be to play in, and what a castle it would make, with another boy coming up the stairs to attack it, and having the velvet cushion with the tassels throwh down on his head. In time my eyes gradually shut up, and from seeming to hear the clergy, man singing a drowsy song in the heat, I hear nothing, until I fall off the seat with a crash, and am taken out, more dead than alive, by Peggotty, And now 1 see the outside of our house: with the latticed bedroom-windows standing open to let in the sweet-smelling air, and tho ragged old rooks' nests still dangling in the elm-trees at the bottom of the" front gar den.. Now I am in the garden at the back. beyond the yard where the empty pigeon house aud dog-kennel are a very preserve of butterflies, as I remember it, with a high fence, and a gate ar.d padlock ; where the fruit clusters on the trees, riper and richer than fruit has ever been since, in any other garden, and where my mother gathers sortie in a basket, while I stand by, bolting fur tive gooseberries, and trying to look unmo ved. A great wind rises, and the summer is gone in a moment. Wc arc. playing in the winter twilight, dancing about the j ar lor. When my mother is out of breath aud rests herself in an elbow chair, I watch her winding her bright curls round her fingers, and straitening her waist, and nobody knows better han I do that she likes to look so wellrf and is proud of being sd pretty. After a while, this beautiful mother of David's dies, and he is brought from school to attend the funeral. AVhen it whs crver, and he goes home, dear Peggotty tells him of how she died. let him tell his own story. It is over, and the earth is filled in, and we (urn to" cdme away. Before ws stands our house, so pretty and unchanged, so link ed in my mind with the young idea of what is gone, that all my sorrow has been noth' ing to the sorrow it calls forth. But they take me on ; and Mr. Chilip talks to me ; and when we get home, puts some water to my lips ; and when I ask his leave to go up to rrry room, dismisses me with" the gentle ness of a woman. All this, I say, is yesterday's event. Events of a later date have floated from me ( td the shore where all fotgotten things will reappear, but this stands like a high rock in the ocean. I knew that Peggotty would come to me in my room. The Sabbath stillness of the time (the day was so like Sunday! I have forgotten that) was suited to us both. She sat down by my side upon my little bed ; and holding my hand, and sometimes put ting it to her lips, and sometimes smoothing it with bers, as she might have comforted my little brother, told me, ia her way, all that she had to tell concerning what had happened. . "She was never wsli," said Peggotty, "for a long time. She was uncertain iu her mind, and not happy. When her baby wasf born, I thought at first she would get bet ter, mil sue was more delicate, and sunk a little every day. She used to like lo sit alone before her baby came, and then she cried ; bnt after aids she used to sing to it so soft, that I once thought, when 1 heard her, it was like a voic np in the air, that was rising away. I thir.k she got to be moso timid, and more frightened-like, of Inte ; and that a hard word wa like a blow to her. But die was always the same to me. She never chan ged to her foolUh Peggotty, didn't my sweet girl." Here Teggotty stopped, and softly beat upon my hand a little while. "The last time that I saw her like her own old self, was the night heu you came home, my dear. The day you went away, she said to me, -I never shall see my pretty darling again. Some thing tells me so, that tells the truth, I know.' "She tried to hold up after that ; and ma ny a time, when they told her he was thoughtless and hght-hearied, made believe to be so ; but it was all a bygone then. She never told her husband what she had told me she was afraid of saying it to anybody else till one night, a little more than a week before it happened, when she said to him: 'My dear, I think 1 am dying.' ' 'It's off my mind now, Peggotty,' she told me, when I laid her in her bed that night. 'He will believe it more and more, poor fellow, every day for' a few days to come; and then it will be past. I am very tired. If this is sleep, sit by me while I sleep : don't leave me. God bless both my children! God protect and keep my father less boy !" "I never left her afterwards," said Pegot ty. "She often talked to them two down stairs for she loved them; she couldn't bear not to love any one who was about her but when they went away from her bedside, she always turned to me, as if there was rest where Peggotty was, and never fell asleep in any other way. "On the last night, in the evening, she kissed me. and said : 'If my baby should die loo, Peggotty, please let" them lay him iri my arms, and bury us together. (It was done ; fdr the poor lamb lived but n day be yond her.) 'Let my dearest boy go with us to our resting-place,' she said, 'and tell him that his mother, when she lay here bless ed him not once, but a thousand times." Another silence followed this, another gentle beating on my hand. "It was pretty far iu the night," said Peggotty. "when she asked me for some drink; and when she had taken it, gave me such a patient smile, the dear ! so beau tiful ! "Daybreak had come, and the sun was rising, when she said to me, how kind and considerate Mr. Copperfield Had always been td her, and how he had borne with her, and told her, when she doubted herself, that a loving heart was better and stronger than wisdom, and that he was a happy man in hers. 'Peggotty, my dear,' she said then, 'put me nearer to you,' for she was very weak, Lay your good arm underneath my neck, she said, 'and turn me to you, for your face is going far off, and I want it to be near.' I put it as she asked ; and oh Davy ! the time had come when my first parting words to you were true when she was glad to lay her poor head on her stupid cross old Peggotty's arm and she died like a child that nadgone to sleep!" Thus ended Peggotty's narration. From the moment of my kdowing of the death of my mother, the idea of her as she had been of late had vanished frdm me. I remember ed her from that instant, only as the young mother of my earliest impressions, who had been used to wind her bright curls round and round her finger, and to dance with me at twilight in the parlon What Peggotty had tdld rrie how, was so far front bringing me back to the later period, that it rooted the earlier image in my mind. It may be curious, but it is true. In her death she winged her way back to her calm untrou bled youth, and cancelled all the rest. The mother who lay in the grave, was the rritfther of my infancy, the little creature in her arms, was mvself, as I had once been, hushed forever on her bosom. "So there's been another rupture of Mount Vociferous I said Mrs. Parting, ton, as she put down the paper and put up her specs-"the paper tells all about the burning lather runniug down1 the mountain, but it don't tell us how it got afire. I wonder if it was set fire to. There are many people full wicked enough to do it, or perhaps it was caus ed by children playing with friction matches. I wisli they had sent for ouV iioston tiremen ; they would soon have put a stop to the raging aliment; and I dare say, Mr. Barnacle and all on 'em would have gtfrfe, for tb?y are what I call real civil engineers." There was a whole broadside of commendation of our fire department in the impressive gesture acc'oTijpanying her words. "Time and space" for a moment be came annihilated, and imagination fiz ured the Boston engines pouring their subduing streams upon the flames of Vesuvius, aud "hold on seving, "break her down twelve, rising above the vain roarings of the smothering crater. Ifatifinder. Large Feet. $orrfe think thnt large feet are ungenteel, but they Bre convenient. A person with large feet stands a better chance in a high wind than one of small feet, as be is not so liable to overset. Large feet are also-more convenient for kicking rascals. On the other hand, large feet are inconvenient on account of the expense of shoo leather and stocking yarn. It a Iso takes longer lo wash large feet than small. It isrtill another ad vantage of large feet, that h puts the owner on a "substantial footing in society ! besides. there is safety iii broad found ations every wnere. uosimt vote. Kn.m the Kuttkum Klug Staff. MI SICA L CRITICISM. ''The man that has not muslo luto his soul Is tit for treason, rtratasrpm and spoil, Let no such man be trusted At any of the stores.'' SWm. M. Fidel Sticku. The new performer from 1 itrls made his deboo lust night, and is likely to create a greut furore among the dillitunty", connoscety and habit ways. The hortton have not beeu stirred up with such an emuty since the Norway mnlesstrom Ole Bull. Let us see if we can give our renders a lit'le idea. The opening piece was a fan tasia minor divertisemong, taking all the powers of M. Fidel Stickh ; a composition, we believe, composed durittg the interval of sea-sickness on his hither voyage. But the creownin glory of the hull eve ning was Hail Coluuiby, with tisins. We never were more surprised in our life; we said to ourselves, Caii this be Hail Colum by, hnpp.v land, hail, ye heroes, heaven bom band? "Must be so," says pur left hand man; '".ho bill snys so." The irttita sia seemed to begiu with the army on the field of Lexington, with the snapping of musketry. So oli till wt collie to tho bat tle of Trenton. We could see the platoons very distinctly wheeling, and the word giv eu, Steady, boys! come near! take aim! give it to 'em! Slam bang! and when the smoke clear away, see 'em a-ruuiiing up the hill. "Once more unto the breach, dear friends! once more!" There they go: hands a-playing! flags waving! drums roll in! red coats entranced behind the works! left wing unto the plain! Trenton militia trying to out-flank them! play away with the artillery? Bum! bum! bum! Mus ketry pop-pop ! pop popppop! pp op! ppop! Huzza! ah! huzza! huzza! Bang! bang! They run! Aminadab, hold my musket while I take a chaw!" Hurrah! ah! hurrah! rah! Then came in Yankee Doodle again. Dressed the poor Yankee in flowers; tied sky-rockets onto his neck ; put him into a balloon, and set fire to him; when a spit spattin, zig zaggin rushing, splash in, gushin set of quiv ers, quavers, gnadelquivers, hemi, demi, semi, hemidemi, dem things blowed him right smack into the air, and uothin left of him but smoke. The excitement df the au dience wound up, we expect, to about the highest pitch. Mrs. Thomas would have' fainted. We said td her, "My dear Mad ame, contain yourself. Smell of your stilts. Would you lean upon our arm, and walk out into the open nirj" Turning then to rti. l-iuci, we said, "Will the performer stop tho programmy for one minute ? One of the fair sects is a little sick to her stomao, and will return when she is relieved." We then said to those around, "Make room for lady, and led her out. Mr. Thomas rasping our hand. In a few minutes we returned, and found John Snaps into our scat. We asked him politely to eo out of it, and lie would not go. We remonstrated with him. Said we, "Would you insult us by taking our seat while we are waiting up on a young lady ?" to which he replied by barely shaking his cane. By this time our collar was much excited. Suys-ah we to him, "Will ydu consent to come out of it, or we shall ring your fiosc ?" "Yes," says he, ring as soon you please, or if you like, or somethin to that effeck. "Were there not at this moment a lady hangin onto our arm and claiming our prdteclioh, we wduld ring your nose most unquestionably ; to which he merely retorted by squirting n long streak of tobacco onto our boots. Af ter that we had to set the whole evenins agin the piller ; and we now publish him in to the 1' lag Staff to let him know that the press has its eyes upon him. The press is a mighty indian. It effects revolutions; it reports speeches; it publishes advertise ments; it makes tho powers filial be trem ble in their shoes ; it docs. Uses or Charcoal The Horticul- turalist for April, publishes the follow ing report of-an experiment tirade by C. Robinson, of New Haven: "My cistern, holding some -fifteen hogsheads, is filled from the roof of my house, standing near a street much frequented, although regularly watered tfuring the summer season. Whether the difficulty arose from the dust from the street, or frorri the fact that a grape vine overhangs a part of the roof, or because the cistern is closely covered, the water has nearly all tho time had a slight unpleasant smell. Last sum mer the dihculty became so great that I was compelled to have the cistern emptied and thoroughly scoured. This winter the trouble has been greater than usual ; so great as to drive me to the unwelcome conclusion that my cis tern must be-again broken up, emptied, and clwwrseJ. "Such was the condition of things when 1 made the experiment above described and I very naturally went a step farther. Taking about six quarts of clean charcoal, finely powdered, 1 wet it thoroughly in a pail, and then poured it through; the water pipe into my cistern. "In ten days the whole difficulty was removed. Indeed th water became as clear, pure, sweet, and oft as th purest which falls from the sky." An exchange paper quotes from Puul's writings: "Owe no man any thing j" and then adds : "We fear some of our subscribers never read Paul's Epistles." . BERLIN, THE KINO S riliCK. Berliu is certainly adorned with many very "pinned public builililtj, but cannot admire the taste which has so crammed them to gether. Clustered in a small ipacn as they are, tnry tan to produce that dec,', irriprr- sion on a stranger, s eing them for the first time, which tliey deserve to do, as his men tion is too much divided among all, properly to appreciate the beauties of each. And when he has become familiarised with them and tiuds there are no more to be seen, the remainder of the city appears tame and tin- interesting, few public in comparison. There arc bnt squares, and these itro warly wnony uesiuuie 01 interest. W illielm s Platz, in addition to the grass, and a few trees and flowers of tho other squares, is adorned by six statues of heroes of the seven years' war. Tllo palace of one of the king's brothers fronts this square, but is a very or dinary building, in its outward appearance. Tho palace of tho king is a fine old pile, without any striking architectural oma menu, but borrowing interest from its ven erable appearance. It is a vast building of brick, plastered. It encloses two larire open courts, and has on three sides unostentatious entrances, supported by Cdriiithian columns. The fount! entrance is a projecting portico, having columns of the smiie order, richly adorned with statues aud carving; it is surmounted by tl)o vast doirio of tho chiipcl of tho palace, and presents a very inlawing appearance. Time has blackened the walls of this royal palace, and the plaster having fuilcit off iii many plnces, ratlier increases than detracts from its interest, as it adds the appearance of age. The interior is adorned with soma very stiff pictures of tile royal family, and is not especially remarkable till we come to the rooms of state used by the present king. In them there is a degree til Comfort and mngnillceiico combined, that I have not seen displayed in the palaces either of England or France. The throne-rooin is a blaze of crimson and gold. Tho facings of the doorways are of black nirirble, while the doors themselves, richly carved, are all of massive gilt carving, whieh richly con trasts with the crimson Velvet of tho curtains, chairs u.tid sofas. The walls are hung with scarlet damask satin, with the black eagle of Prussia worked upon it; and the ceilhng is a blaze of gilding and painting, with exquis ite sculptured designs, "in white plaster, at each corner. An orchestra of solid silver, beautifully adorned with carved figures, or. namcnts one side of the room, while the mas sive sideboard, loaded with the royal plate, stands on the other. Here are arranged huge urns for beer and tea, with immense silver driiiking-cups, all of silver brightly gilt; and against a mirror which stands against the wall, arc piled, in pyramidal form, heavy dishes, plates, nhd dther articles of silver for the table, all most elaborately carved and gilded. Against tho two other walls are very large mirrors, in beautiful frames of of sdlid silver, and beneath thorn stand side tables, also of silver, upon each of whieh is placed on exquisitely-wrought present, iu silver, to the king by brother sovereigns. Iii tliff construct iori of tho rdo'm, nothing less precious than marble seems to be used; tho doors, the window-facings, the panncling of llie walls, and the turniture itse f. all seemed of sdlid gold, glitteridg frculi from the himdi of the workmen. Then the velvet curtains, with their broad fringe of gold loco, chairs and sofa's, till looked as if tlfey had been placed here but yesterday, mid the plate, dazingly bright, gave an appearance of freshness to this magnificence which is not always seen in palaces, I he roam, too, was iri size more of a habitable apartment than the vast barns of marble and gilt which ordinarily fill the dwellings of kings. Ia the lower suit of rooms, where the hangings were faded nnd the gildiiigs were tarnished, there was nothuig very remarkable, except the splen did chandalicrs, which hang in several of the apartments, and the beautiful spccir.erfs of inossfrc in wood which are dieplavcd iu the floors; One chandeliet is hung entirely with immense pendants of rdck crystal, and the ball of the same glittering stone, which hangs from the ccritre, was too large for any of our hai, and is said td Ira've cost Freder ick the Great twenty thousand dollars. The floors, over which we had to slide in great woolen overshoes, like Siberian sleds present beautiful arrangements of flowers, birds and rtlter designs, all in mosaic, and brightly polilnnJ. Tho plumage of the birds, and the delicate tints of the ffowcrs, were all here exquisitely represented by dif ferent kinds of fine wood, artfully put togeth er. This hovel species of mosaic delighted and surprised me in no small degree. To this suit of apartments, which were occupi ed formerly by the royal family, an addition al interest is giverViy .Napoleon's using them after the capital of Prussia fell into his hands. In the attic of this palace is a historical rnweum of very considerable interest. The first room contains curious carvings in wood and ivory. Another with all sorts of old relics, among which is the drinking cup of tanner, a lofty vessel of figured pottery with a peWter lid, which from' its dimensions would produce the impression that the great reformer was a pretty fair drinker as well as writer, in the most interesting apart- tirciu in a ya uguiv vi ujc ureal i. roueric, in the uniform and cocked-hat he wore on the day oX his death. The coat of light-blue cloth with red cuffs and collar, b;;ars the evident marks of having seen' some service; the black velvet breeches are not so thread bare, but the high leather boots have about them evidcuces of great antiquity, lied, from the want of blacking, the ample wrin kles about them show how much loo farce they wrrc for his legs, and that the hew Volume 47.1-:.iiialrr "JI. muM have rut a inui-h Ix-ttcr figure in boots th:m ho would in i!k ftin knur. 1:. cane, hi flute and baton, are b!iw preserved and from a fifths ras i produced as a rHij the only hnmlkcrcliief he is said ever lo have had . It whs very dirty nnd very mucli patched nnd tattered, but. whatever Interest it may have nicwd in Pruinn eyes froid its frequent application to the nnal lirwe, I was twined to c it, far it iiuii. ud a ifsii. nes which I was lopth to n-smieiale with th, high qualities of a hero. Immediately pp- poxita is the plain tocked-hnt of NspoltgtM s with the tri-colored tosriie. wl MyT.Elrt as hy him in his rnrringn at Wtv., ' ca underneath, are shown the "Rr SClX ordtrs, w hich the submissive soviff a, &'C.f Ei'.ropc had presented to theu cuo-i 1 --f and which were captured at the sam, by the FritsMRii These objects 14 . me nu especml interest, for I have a' sui?1"1 stitious veneration for such relics Tfin fj,r. men, particularly great soldiers; and 1ft.1' '"e dully acknowledge that tho hat of Nopolf 'v1 and the old boots of Frederic detained,' ' J . much longer than the lndinu weapons11 ous idols, and CliiiiCo rarities with w tho remainder of the museum was stock tbfl' I hero was certainly nothing remarkabje me npjien ranee oi ine r.mperor Stocked but then il had covered llie workings of tt , j giant mind which great nature herself mts . proudly point to as a masterpiece such n,'Ti one, too, as t-he only produces at intervals o , ; centuries. What stupendous achom? to de j ambition, whatdreriin of glory migpf ArcJ that hat reveal if it could leu all that has? pco-L, sed wiihm it. How stmnire it is. tilnca anion myriads ot Human beings whoirv havo 'existed since tradition has given plnceiy to History, tnai lucre snouiu navo Dcyt.scvn. few really great minds. No nntion can pto- ' duco muny names which the whole world has united in pronouncing immortal. , 1' urtlier oh is a gorgeous coat Mid cloak . of Murat, of white cloth and profusely oma-V mentcd with gold lace. This suit is cha'.0."', acteristic of the peculiarities of thardasniug1 -compound of coxcomb and hero, who array ,!,J' ed himself for battlo as if for a ball. AntM'' who never forgot amidst the dnnjrer and ex- ' r' citernent of the bloodiest charge, his pride in his personal oppearofice. Amidst a hun- . dred less interesting things, is displayed the ,e model of a wind mill nindo by that royal ; -. ship-carpenter, Peter the Great. It dis- plays the skill of a practised mechanic. Tho tools with which he .worked are also to be g1 seen and aro very numerous. The front $ facing the square and the museum where t the platform Was creeled for the corouati of tho present Kiiig, is adorned" by two .tune- , the most spirited equestrian statues ! ,nX bronze I ever law. The horses seem ler " most to ureoine, ana tiieir distended nosH,11 and swelling veins have more of lifo in thenft 1 f than I have supposed it possible to give id metal. Berlin Cor. Lou. Journal. , Passports for the Isthmus. Messrs. Livingston, Weld & Co . wrote to the Stata Department for information on the hecesst ty of parties croising the Isthmus of Ptina.:'1;. ma, requiring passports. The Secretary ,0 , State in reply, states, that if it be the rc'sccrhcd ' demand such passports, he will instruscovered Charge d'All'uires of tho United nfiVetions' Bogota to remonstrate againit tho requii-, i tion of passports for Mich of our citizens as ",y may omlmrk for the Isthmus, and to endea-,cJ vdr td obtnifi tho removal of ahy rcstrictioiiw u upon' the communication, by that route. be u ......... .. .i i . it iwcen uui pons on mo Atlantic ana moso on the Pacific. A Jolly Life. lisects generally must lead truly jovial life. Think what it must be to lodge in a lily. Imagine a palace of ivbry or pearl, with nilfa'rs. no of silver and capitals of gold, all ex- aling such a perfume as never nroe ml from human censer. Fancy, again, tho 1 al fun of tucking yourselves up for the y night in 4he folds of a rose, rocked to'.. ere sleep by the gentle sighs of sumrrite my air, nothing to do when you awake to wasli yourself in a dew drop, anire dense to and eat your bed-clothes I dissipated Mehicai, Ilm-'EirEs. We are injetTtCJf ed to Doctors Paige and Nichols, of tho TseW York hunday Mercury, for the ratt following new medical receipes. N cermyiaie oi 'astonishing cures are given so we are inclined to believe the prescriptions worth following:-- n( lo sharpen me Appetite swallow a ,;,tv whetstone., , To give tone to the Stomach Get it . lined with bell metal. lie...:'"' To prevent the Tic-dollarowe-4-, . Never run in debt. 4 ,i,t ; For a tigh'trif ssof the chest First get v .'. ; your heart open with some mild char ' itable laxative, and the lid to your chest -vj, . will open easily. I or the iNeuralgia Cease taking too , much of the oW-ralgia. lo cause a white swelling to disap pear Cover it with shoe blacking or Japan varnish'. . Jo prevent the hair from tuTning grey Mako up your mind to dye. I or a Cataract Uam Jrouf eye". " For a Felon Ari'est a'nd irnpriscnw - ment. K r.'' r... ! :i . vv l i Dilator v hcMKATiosd. Sic Robert' i sneakinz of Lord Eidon. remarked, that ,! . '"l V "even bis failings leaned to virtue's , , , side;" upon which a gentleman obserr ed, that his Lordship's failin? resem bled the leaning tower of Pisa, which in spite of iti long incliiMtiou, trtd rn'Vff yet gone ovT , 1 r 7 1 ,f-' J ufl, of il neu ever -op-nt " .init io Arm oan bune SoukV It i V V