Newspaper Page Text
X vi V0 Uuiln'J he iS ous ifftti lowr' nlin rdKft- Mr.'; Iiint, ar ; . O 'ft. I 4 i A SAFE ar.J certain rum fur Conswiip linuol il Luncr, -.pitiitif-oi Wood, Coui(h, ColJ, Aiiiuia, Vuiu in tha "de. Brum hu, lloopuig Cough, and all pulmonary ailce- opinions or Tin: mi:. Tlla' Iiiiim ill Journal uvi: "Ir. Fo- 3 P'f. Iirrrort and Tar ihK only frirea iur "4 ri'hi f in oui'h auil rold. but. (roiii the ttiminiy vi rn-n of the lngliii nurtilinjj here and rlw!irr it ia niHkinr Kitne very rniutri.nbt ciirra t.A toijiiiiij "tutn.''' The Rtibway RejjiMrr ad.U: "We have IttarJ it ttatPil. by .rm of grl wf lability, who have UM-d thia mi-dicitie, thnt it U one of (lie inl rcniarkablu nifdii-ini-a of the ar, fur (oiieh. Cold", Influenza, lkotu-hiitf,' A"tlium, l'uin in the vide ami brat, Spilling of Hlnod, Wlniopiiijr cough, mid all Lu:isf ctiiriplaitiu, which, if nglrc tnd, twiiMlly UTiiiiimtc in cmvir.::!iii; and the ctrtilii'Mion attaclied to the advcrtiofl jr , tnnn! would twin fully U juwiify this tte l.ut 6't - inent." iliettuw. LIVERWORT. ? ... "irrbis cluiit ba, tir inauv ypr, bp"li tU- , torrid to bo of amirular virtue iii the cure of t";'- J' fcii!ytioii of the Livirr. More recently it , 0 ' mWaurtnim-d (hat it prrat jhjw. r in rritui Dletling at the Lung, Cough of ciironio character, ice, and of 4 essential tervi in all dieae of a piilmo- riary rharacuv. ; TAR. ,Thi article U now utitvern!ly ncknowl' cdgi'J to be the inot hniling and tftlicimt j Application for diivtutcd or tlocuying lung, twiiny portion of the flethy or nitiacular ptrrta of the butnun body. lis mrdicinnl iifpr"ctvotive qtmlitiet were undurstiKMl bjjjihB Egypt inna in the curly OKoaofthe wo;ld, and no doubt now exit nmcng atii tfrjjilla men, tlmt the jircpiirntion uod in thu embalmment of bodies, was rotnrHmed prill tipully of this Ingredient. In later nges, it va toniid to b in univomnl tine among the n mrigines of Ami'rii, and at thia day it is their principal, Hud, in fact, only medicine vfir an unsound state of tlio lunj. or tiny ' ppproacii to it. lhofo who are'rj.,amted i . wiui tne nistory oi tins Imniy nww ot nen, jknow thnt tltnthfrom Consumption is , ,s , unknown among them ! The medical fuq. "i w ulty in all countries annenr to have become ctory aware 6f tho great henlinj- proportics of this ortiml article, and are now introducing it In their riving prnRtice. Dr. Uuchnn, of England, Ds. ni'itinn, ta Crii hton, of St Fetcrithurg, Dr. Lo Friouro, Vi thu ii!i0UV'i nl" h distinguished Dr. Cooper, l! did nitf""ve bessw in the habit of combining it vith . m, y'Her articles in their proserin! ions, und with ,. 'entire tucues. 07 MewafS qf Countcrfcdi anil Imitation .' Tlio genuine article is signed Andrew Rooicits, on tha engraved wrajii)er around "It bottle. l'rice. Sl ft bottle, or six bottles for S3. 1 For sale in Woodvillc, by WRIGHT & ELDER. January, 1950. 3-1 y Jlrlcklnvliiff r AND CISTERN BUILDING. fWVIR subscriber will attend to all kinds of Bricklaying, Cistern Building and riastnrtng. Rooms whitened and colored cheap for cash. JAMES M. MILLER. Febnmry 2C, I860 10. ) ' JUST ltll'IMVCn tun'orm nlililnrf imnta A J ' J " v.u Hk4a'.tof latest style prints of calicoes, and tnous. f liudo lames. H & T W While, Dud 4, 1819. Witzthuiii JL flayer ESFECTFLLLY aimounco to tho public that they have taken the MVOUVILLE TAN YARD, and will devote their exclimivo time ta the Tanning aud preparation of Leather, and to all the departments of Rout ff Shornuiking. A long experience enables them to invite publio custom, conlidout that they cu give the ut moat Mtiafnctioii. HIDES, given or dried, will bo taken in trade. They will also manufacture, and keen on hand, a large quantity of RUSSETS of II sizes. January 20, 18.50. My TRUSTEE SALE. U 1RTUK of a certain Deed of . Trust, made- by James L. Ilodgw, to me flie . as Triitt nn ll.n Qltlh ,Lu ni'f1.l. Vf-A. I). 18U, and recorded in the Tiob-. ate Clerk's ollice. of Wilkinson y State of Mississippi, in Book M., pages -'oiunnu aa,oi tne Kecord ot Deeds, to secure George II. Gordon, on account JtA SCnl.s nav'nR become aecurity of and "sTtiniofihe said James L. llodge, on a pro li;vmissory note therein tnenlionedi and . wliereas, the said George II. Gordon thas been compelled lo pay said note, I i will. therefore, on .between the hours ol io o'clock. A. M j. -" ""J V" ' . I JL. lOOU, and 4 o'clock. l of that dav, sell at public auction, to the highest bidJer, for esu, at the CourUhouse door, in tho town of Woodville,' the following des cribed property to-wit: A negro man slave, named MOSES, about 3S years old. 4 I shall sell said negro, for the pur pose of paying said Gordon, the amount paid by him on account of said note with interest thereon, and cost of this' sale, and make such title as is vested Jn me by said Deed of Trust, which is believed to be good. STANHOPE TOSEY. !cv. 27, 18IOnift. Trustee, j LMlor.ii.'i vt i .io ' 4. 4 MI A Ml L'J -IX TUT (iilwiiUrf las 1rl al tfj rm u-lMOf Mr. Ja I'latt, or. Ilotmn How. f tc a-iagm! ce ul " mnl of Div (mmk, Cl'rthi")!. B""l. I'hos'S, ban, (!, tiM-mlrri, 4- Vi spar ed neither time iinr eprie, in flection fr (bit maikei with lh Hants f lii b we well acquainted, our pr-'sml -to k fod. flatter ourselves that men lio purchase eftfcem willb cans to rmnplsin of neither lb price or article. Tu enumerate ibe contents of their store, woiiIJ rm In furnish a catalofrue, of til articles, urd fur fancy dress or utilitarian puips-sea. Nothing lhat the mind of Ihe mofl fanciful or srdate, ran conceive, (bill in to l fimnd sny where else, hst been omitted in our slock. In offering our services to the good people of tli tat place, w would return our sincere thanks lor favors shown n on th r occnion, and In soliciting their patro nage, believe it tu be their own internt- Those wanting any thing, and every tiling "useful, neat or ev." will fiinl it at the store of SWART.. LEHMAN. Oct. 0, '49. tf. Ilostun Row. S. 11. WtHAM. I.Otis CI.CBER. WinaiM & C'lebrr, DRAPER AND TAILORS. 1 II. WINAXS reHMictfully inform hi 'AA friend and cuMomrr-,, and the publio generally, that he has awociiited with him, in tho uIhivo bunineM, Mr. Ioui Cleber, lute of Paris, and having received un eKirtineiit of goods in their hue. of bu siiies, surh ft- - Ciolhi, rmtimrrri mid Trstinpv They arc prepared to nmkc thcni up lo or der, and in good style, at a sninll advance on cot, for cbIi, I-Hti'nt Nfcw Vork and Fur- is Fashions received regularly. Jan. 2.1, 18.30, G ly JFST RECEIVED. (100 prs. best Oak tanned l(l!SETTS. Also a new assortment ol Groceries, Hard ware, Suildleiy, WoiHlctiswaie, Staple Dn Guods, (5.C., which will be sold very cheup. WOLF At IllKUOWKR.. Boston Row, Oct S, 1840. Taync cV Ilnrrhon, tuitii. NEW ORLEANS, LA.. Wf ES PEC TF ULLY announce to their friend and correspomletils, that although their ollice was destroyed by tire, on the 16th instant, yet their books and most valunhlo papers nro saved, and their business will go on as usual, Q3?" Payne h Haheisom have token the store No. 68 Foydras street, between Mag azine and Camp street. Feb. 22, 1850. IOwG It. IV ii rent A Co. COMMISSION M ERC1I ANTS. No. 98, GitAvita St. NEW ORLEANS. Wm. Stamfs, Agent, Woodville, March 20th, 18.10, 15-iy Notice. THE Firm of Sktii Klink & Co. ha ving been dissolved by limitation, the un. dcrsigncd beg leave to inform thuir friends and tha lillhlm that thev buv.i tliiu Aav .n. - ------ - ; -.. tered into Copartnership, for the purpose of transacting a Genera I Smiting, Forwarding, A Nil COMMISSION BUSINESS, under the firm and stylo of Kline & IIiirffi'HN, And hope by continued exertions for the in terest of thuir customers to give satisfaction to all who may entrust business in their bunds. They will keep constantly on linntl, Drug! and Mrtlicinn, ALSO, Dry (,W., Gmrries, and Hardwire, which will bo sold Cheap for Cash, or to punctual custom ers on tho usual time. SETII KLINE, JNO. W. BURGESS. Fort Adams, Jan'y. lOth, 1S,i0. 5 Important! t rcqtieKt our customers, who are 9 accustomed to send their servants for such articles as they want of us, to call and give us standing orders, so that we may meot with no dilliculty under tho Into law. HENRY At MYERS. AprU 2, 1 850. II AY IMr to be absent from Woodville most of my time, i earnestly request all those Indebted to me by note, account, or otherwise, to come forward immediately and settle ap. as no longer Indulgence can be given. . S. A; T. W. Whits are an tliorited to receipt lor me. II. E. SALE. Deo. II, tf BRICK! BRICK I flnilE subscriber has just burned a Kiln and intends keeping constantly on unuu K Sllpiy OI X in IHIl'k. H? Apply at his residence. D. HOLT Feb. 12, 1S50. Notice. rERSONis having business with the County Treasurer are hereby uotificd that I will be found at my ollice on Pimi.i;a.i uow, over wo store tonnerly occupied by , V.IMIIVI Vlll vi. . A.nne, every Tuesday, try At anv iune ounng my auscucc, II. II, Davis will ui as my agent. SAML. R. HARRISON. -itj t Corty Treasurer. ood ville, January 1 at, 1 SOU 3 iXtVf !, Co- "pectlulljr in. Tjf'"a Public h I'sts pur chared the entire stock of Mr W K Collint, to which tber ksva added a . . . . of Winter Goods, of all inscriptions. They Solirit a lir nf n.,kl: .... ' Dec. 149. r 4 ci 6 48i(. Johns. Holt, Jau'c of the Pcacr, Ako CoMMissiosra w Chacev. Oflics en Ccirnnc rcial Kow, ,,.. r u i:s, i'" r't T!ll lii' n i o' and i i n iiw ill u-ent the ree'-'i"n i .I i.iipiI The 'r:ii.-il ha- n'lfnaiieiitly hx-a-!'. nihI will ie pain ui eii'-ii n pi.i' iii? the ii.titiiin aini'; I'm? tif1 "' 'I11 "Muitiy. The mrthfl if in hi il..' Mih. I niut oriiuii" nlul brau- ..i.... ..f I". in;.'.. K.lui .itioii. - ill be such, it ! i beln-wd, will l-t d. -velope and mature the inn lie. tu:il and moral faniti . I he Wll! L:! kind fliJ Jflrelital, )et liriuiy iimiiitmie-d, while the refiiM'ilK'iit of the niaiiiiiTu and g iii'ial depufliueiit l the pupils, will receive ibe conMant attention of the ilitnn:tr.i. The Frite ipal will I ,.l...t t,v s.-kenil ai.Mtitits ot iiruetn at a- t.ility. Tina i-ku Puii)M or Five moxtiis. Tuition in all EmMi Rram he, $15 to 20; French, 510; Iiiiirumeutiil Music, j:j(l use iii-truiiu nu, fi; Embroidery, Drwins and Fiiuiiiiig at the uual rale. Board $-,0; WaMuie $7 00; fuel and light SI, furiu-lwna; remm, 51 l0 per mouth. Ther-c charL"' liiu-t be paid in advance, . .. ,- ...... i- : or ariruc'ed to llic hati-iuciion oi me i ruici pal. WuatlviUr, January, 22, H?0O. 5-1 y. rjjFTlii; very commodious and ele gant house belonging to Col. Hamilton, has been procured lor thU institution. THE BEST remedy ever known to man, for Coughs, Asthma, Colds, Croup, Bronvhitis, Inlliieir.a, Bleeding of the lungs, Dilliculty of Breiithinir, Liver Alfections, i'aiu or 'Weakness of the Breast or Side, First slaves of cousiimptioii, AVc. (TJf-UEMARKABLE ClRES.0 Of all tho cures that have yet been recorded, there are ctrtaiuly nine equal to the one first mentioned, which plainly shows the curability of consumption, even in some of its worst forum. Jkffkbsos Coi'ntv, la., Feb. 27, 181. Messrs. Snnfurd J- Pioi' Gents: This Is to certify, that my wife, Nancy Donoticy, has been in a Inclining state of heullh for the lust two years. Her disease bullied the skill of the best medical aid 1 could procure her physicians pronounced her disease "Consumption in the Inst stage," and said that her recovery was past all human hopes. As a Inst resort, with very little hope, L pro- cured Wistnr's Balsam of Wild Cherry. After using a few bottles, I found, to my agreeable surprise, that her health was tin proving rapidly. She is now so fur recov ered, as to be able to attend to her regular household duties, without suffering any in convenience. Her rtipid improvement and present health, warrant mu in the belief that she will soon be entirely restored, K hooks Doiiongy. Stntn of Indian, Jefferson county, ,v.s. I, James M. Humphreys, a Justice of the peace in and for said county and State, do certify that the ubove named Rhodes Dohoney sub scjjbed and made oath to the foregoing cer tificate before me, this 27 th day of February 1819. Jas, M. HiMriMKYs, j, p, To tub Fi'BUc. I, Jacob Green, of the county, of Jennings, and State of Indiana, do hereby certify, that in the early part of lust season, I was taken with a violent cough nttcmled with a pain in the breast, and some times fever, aud that I employed a skillful physician for some time, who said he could give me no relict, i men commenced usinjr Wistnr's Balsam of Wild .Cherry, and felt almost immediate, relief; and after taking three bottles, I find myself m ns good health as I have enjoyed for a number of years. My restoration, under the blessimr of God, I attribute to tho use of tho medicine nbove named. Jacob Oiiei:n March 1st, 1810. Stato of Indiana, Jennings county. I, David T. Skinner, a Justice of the Fence in and for the said county and State, do cer tify that the above named Jacob Green, sub scribed and niai'e oath to the foregoing cer- tilieato, betore me, tins fust day of March, its Hi. Wo would ndvise thoso of our renders who are laboring under an n flection of the lungs, to make immediate trial of this truly excellent medicine. The most intelligent and respectable families of our city have a dopied it ns a faorite medicine; and persons predisposed to consumption, who have used it, speak in the highest terms of its etheaey Beware of counterfeits and imitations syrups, and all olher preparations of Wild Cherry. Remember, they only imitate in name, without possessing the virlure. Buy none but the genuine and originil DR. WISTAR'S B ALSAM OF WILD CHER. RY, signed "Snnford & Park," on tho wrapper around each bottle. TJr' Sold by the following AGENTS. V right & Elder, Woodville, S. Kline Sc. Co. Fort Adams, Ball tV Latham, Bayou Sara, 1 Centreville, , W. F. Knnan, Jackson, La. Badgett Sc Covington, Liberty. January, 1850. 3-jy 'Op.irtiirr-i.iii.. YOIINSA k BEAL O. DORSEY have w this day. (April Cth, 1819,i entered in to copartnership under the name and style of J. Sc. B. G, IVirsey, for the purpose of transacting a General Rrttiring, Forward ingwtil CotiitnUsion Dimtrsj, and will constantly keep on hand a general assort ment of Dry Gonte, Groceries, Hardware, rantttfwn Si4p)iirs, Sec, which they will sell as low as can be had elsewhere. Fort Adams, Oct 21, 1839. f fyl HAVING sold out mv cntiresJi stock of Merchandize to aa, a.. l) nilf , I now return my sincere thank t. .11 r V fc- I - ran . . . . 1 - late cuslomrri, who have so libirally patro nized me. and hope they will contiuue their patronage lo the present incumbent. i feel tatistied they will do tbem i istice. , H. E. SALE. Maich 2, 18t9. wasj------a- WL'ST received, from New York, a lotol v andom WIXTER GOOns. aope our friends will civ us a call. .. . are drlermined lo sail cheap for cash. WoedMllr.Msrvh Sfilh, lPl'i. 5,f; N?YTON ISSTITUTF. FOK YOUNG LADIES It CHILDREN MJ (,lk Stn'ion vprm iepicmlrr 3l. 1 8 1 1 The li-istion ol lbs .V inrar tines viite, 9 miles es.l of Vtd. lie. Mississippi.) , :. .,,,,..1 l-.i.i,r,,l l,alihful. The i crouwU occutiy IS acres, covered with a beautiful natural g'o. ' nMt ,ui'n sidy sprcies of liHligenutis lorest Irees The course of instruction is thorough and nienaive, embracing all thai is esiential to a substantial and highly finished education. The Institute is furnished wiih suits ol spe a. s i . I i ' 1 . ... f i mana in I .dtnv 1 .r.ura nitV IH1 If rwiUL! 1.1 ...J i.h . I.-' '.:.J mil .elected Li-! brarv. embracin? ererv deoartmellt Ol the ' .. .. jt ine --j . n 4 . Arts and Science. It is also supplied wiih Apparatut for il lustrating .Mathematics, Geography Astrono my. Natural I'll) losophy, Chemistry, Mag ueliam, Galvanism, Elect riciiy, die, 4"c Per Half Session oj Jhr Months: TUITION in Primary and Sopho more classes, 815 00 do do Junior and Senior, do 20 00 Ancient ar.d Modern Languages, each. 10 00 " Drawinu, Fainting Em broidery, and Wax, Fruits, and Flosers, each. 10 00 i " Inslrutoental Music, 30 00 Use of Instrument, 5 00 BcRn, Limit, & Fuel, 46 00 Furnishing rooms per mouth, 1 60 Washing per moulh, 1 60 These charges must be paid in advance, or increased ten percent, and satissfactorily secured- Pupils may enter at any tune and will be bound for the remainder ol'lhe session only. A suflicient number of competent assist ants will he always in attendance, Applications must be addressed without delay, to the Principal. D. L. PUARES, A.M..M. D., Principal. Neieton Place, July 25, 1849. 39 Blackwood's Magazine, AN0 THE BRITISH QUARTERLY REVIEWS. Owing to the lato revolutions and counter-revolutions nmong the tuitions of Europe, which have followed each other in such quick succession, and of which 7ie end is not yet" the leading periodicals of Great Britain have be come invested with a degree of inter est hitherto unknown. Thev occupy a middle ground between the hasty, dis jointed, and necessarily imperfect re cords ot the newspapers, and the elab orate and ponderous treatises to be I ur nished by the historiun at a future day. Whoever reads these periodicals ob tains a correct and connected account of all the important political events of ttie om world, as they occur, and learns the various conclusions drawn from them by the leading spirits of the age. The American Publishers therefore deem it proper to call renewed atten tion to the works they republish and the very low prices at which they are ollered to subscribers. The following is their list, viz: jf'ic London Quarterly Review, The Edinburf; Review, The North British Review, The Westminster Review, AND Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine. In these periodicals are contained the views, moderately, though clearly and firmly expressed, of the three great par ties in England Tory, Whig, and Rad ical " Blackwood" and the "London Quarterly" are Tory; the "Edenburgh Review" Whig; and the "Westminster Review" Liberal. The "North British Review" owes its establishment to the last great ecclesiastical movement in Scotland, and is not ultra in its views on any one of the grand departments of human knowledge; it was originally edited by Dr. Chaltnejs, and now, since his death is conductrd by his son-in-law ur. nanna, associated with S r David Brewster. Its literary character is of me very highest order. The "West minister," though reprinted under that title only, is published in England un der the title of the "Foreign Quarterly and Westminster," it being in fact a union of the two Reviews formerly pub lished and reprinted under separate ti tles. It has therefore, the advantage by this combination, of uniting in one worn tne Dest features ol both as here tofore issued. The above Periodicals are reprinted new i oru, immediately on their an rival by the British Steamprs i tiful clear type, on fine white paper, and are faithful copies of the originals ...u..uuu i,.aSiiut uemg an exact iac-smiie ot the Edenburgh edition. TERMS. For any one of the 4 Reviews, $3 per an. lor any two, do. $5,00 " For any three, do. 7, 00 For all 4 of the Reviews, 8,00 " For Blackwood's Mngizine, 3, 00 For Blackwood and 3 reviews 9, 00 For Black wood mid 4 reviews, 10,00 " J. aymenU to be mute in aJt cases in advance CLUBBING, Four copies of any or all of the above works will be sent to one address on payment of the regular subscription for three the ourui copy Demg gratis. iiciiiumnce aud communications should be always addressed, post-paid or franked, to the Publishers. LEONARD SCOTT k Co., 79 Fclton Stkeet, New Y'ork. Entrance 54 Cold street. Dr. II. Baldwin. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. RESIDENCE as formerly, on the "Greenwood" Plantation, adjoining the plantation of Fielding Davis Enti Feb. 12, 18.50. .otirr. 1 III! ore!o.itruel btif prrx nl.'d k inseil ; l.;- ,rt,i. t nvrnienl to ll.e ' Neam Hoat Landinetake. th-s mntbr.l of; iutorming the puli'ic thai tie It pirpareq to ( receive andf-rward the prodixe olthe couxly, and trsnaci a ,-roo OKNERAL COMMl.'jiON HI SI.NESS. lln would rsewctlu'lv solicit a of patrona". Flirt Ailams, Aug A. N. SMITH. 10, 149. M;V (.(K)DS. 1 Just received fiom New oik. and ISew i Oileans. a lare and valuable assortment of , the latest style. Kali and winter goods, j . . . . 1 wan are uei-iruut oi u.n-s de e1"11""' ."ho"' ?n .Ir A. tun -v pnikls irpncra V will nild II 10 j " f . .. their advantage to give me an early call. My terms are reasonable and goods all of j the best quality. JACOB WOLF. Fall and Winter Good! rpilE attention of the public is respect- - fully invited lo the new and fashion- fully able supply ot Goods which I hare just re ceived and opened. consisting of Fine woostcd plaids of all kinds: do Alapaca, black, col'd. &z plaid; do Bl'k silk for dresses, 6c fringe; do Thread luce and edging; do Mouslin de-laities; do. cttssi- meres, for dresses, Calicoes, flannels spotted and Canton Sbawles, children's dresses and cloaks: Dark colored ginghams, Green baze, Sivijs Goods do. ball dresses; Irish linneu; linen and ootton diaper; Brown Sc white damask; do towels, napk'ns Fashionable bonnets, ribbons, and flowers; Ladies' caps, and hosei ies of all kinds; Gloves, mils, cravats, perfumery, &c. ALSO Gentlemen's clothing; boys' do.; Cassitncres for pants; satinettcs, tweeds. Ky. jeans; fine silk hats; caps & umbrellas; Plaid linseys and Kersies; shoes and boots; Blown bleach'd domestics; ticking, checks. Together with a full assortment of to bacco, some groceries; and many other ar ticles unnecessary to mention. JACOB l ULI'. Boston Row, Nov. 1349. Cieorge Ellis, Paper Hunger and House Painter. Offers his services to the public. Residence, Woodville. (July 1849.) 8. BULL. W. O. RODNEY. Rodney, E.ill & Receiving. Forwarding it Commission Merchants, Fort Adams, Miss. ILL give particular attention to the storing and shipping of cotton, and to receiving and delivering of freight. They will also keep constantly on had a general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware, &:e., which they ofTer on advantageous terms to punctual customers. October 15, 1849. 43yl. PROSPECTUS OF TUB DEMOCRATIC REVIEW. 21. Volume, Price Reduced Matter Increased. $3. In commencing the 21st volume of the Review, we have to acknowledge the continuance of a liberal patronage on the part of the public, and an enthusi astic resporiscvt; om the democratic par ty, to those great principles of Nation al Policy, which it is our endeavor to elucidate. We have entered into ex tensive arrangements for a great vari ety of novel and interesting matter.that will add to the attraction and value of the New Volume. First We have engaged for exclu sive publication, the "Souvenirs of the life of Gen. Court Montholun," begin ning with his first campaign under gen. Dumourier, at the commencement of the French revolution of 1789, and closing with his late imprisonment with Prince Louis Napoleon, at Ham. Jt will comprise the most extraordinary revolutions of the wonderful epoch he has lived and acted in, that has ever been given to the public, disclosing sin gular traits of the private life, intrigues --political and amatory, secret negotia tions, &e., of all the Sovreigns, Chief Ministers and Marshals, who moved with all the vividness and .riety of a brilliant panorama, around the great central luminary, Napoleon. Secondly We are in treaty for a re markable work on England, to be pub lished exclusively in the Democratic Review. This may be counted on as forthcoming. Focrtii We have contracted with foreign writers of great ability, and en- joying exclusive opportunities, for oc casional Reviews of tho politics and li terature of Europe. And Last We shall give from time to time some able papers from our own more distinguished writers. The accustomed features of the Re view will be continued, including por traits and biographies of distinguished Democrats men whose patriotism and steadiness of principle have won the confidence of the people. We have to remind our readers that the low terms on which we furnish the Review, can be maintained only by the subscription in advance, aud that the expenditure incurred to improve the work, can be met only by the prompt remittance of subscriptions. The publication of the Review has ecbn committed to the charge of Mrt John W. Moore, who has been connec- leoioriuo last eight years, with the publishing department of the "Merch ant's Magazine,"and whose experience and well-known energy will no doubt exert a favorable influence on the bu siness, &c, of the Review. All subscriptions aud letters on busi ew hereaAer be addressed to J. W. Moorer office Democratic Review. 170 Brood way. T.T. KETTELL, Editor. 4 Ml I ICE. 1 knnainga LJy of the C,:0 I AN l prr-on inj description, if they w ill iulorm tha ,nd signed wi Ibe .ilieraily rewarded Or all ito. ie. i nit i-auv raisra in mis nisie in uie pf. in fx napiurt. son was a imss inni I errr married in the p.irisb of Rapides to Peter R. (rim'-all, lived tiether near two jeart, one child a boy; alter lhat they sepsratej -j k!l the Stale with a Mr. Mojic ber Bitakot. in-law, and the last heard from her she wl( in Mioiatinni: l!.! is unuardi of twentv t : L ft.. : I . . i I - t fx a,,; herlortner husband Peter K (Irimball ; 63Si j fcf r ,je n)Anie hgtit j,,,, dono, ,now ,0 whJj of wber n8 ,iveg; Av person who will give me information' mU ue Ter). mankfu'.lv received and rewind. - ! d- J0. P. GRIM BALL. it... sou Rouge, Louisana, Aug, 27 1849. PROSPECTUS FOR 1950. THE NEW YORK LITERARY AMERICAN j acKnowedged by both the Public and n-oc k tug x I v - i" uiv FAMILY JOURNAL of the most elevated character, second to none on the continent, will enter upon its fourth Volume 011 the 5th of lanuary, 1850, with new attractions in the shape of Original Contributions from the most distinguished writers irf America, a galaxy of talent rarely equolled. Its contents will embrace every variety in the field of Polite LiK erature, Tales, Sketches, Itevieivs, Poems, Anecdotes, Essays, and a most agreeable Miscellaneous Melange. Extracts will be made from new books, as they issue from the press ; and we shall never draw, save from sources too expensive or rare to be within the reach of the general rea der. Our watchword is Excelsior ! and we will do our best to spread be fore our readers, during the ensuing year, a rich literary treat. During the next volume we shall in sert no long serial articles, or at least none that will be continued in more than two or three papers. Thc American is issued in the best form for binding, and forms, at the end of the year, two fine volumes of more than one thousand pages. GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO SUBSCRIBE TERMS REDUCED ! ! To place the Literary American within the reach of every family in the' country, the proprietor olfers it on tho following reduced terms advance pay ment always required. One copy, a year, by mail, $ 2 50 4 50 1 wo copies, " Clubs of 5, " Clubs of 10, and a free copy to tho person getting up the club, Clubs of 20, and two free copies to the order of the person getting up the club, 10 00 18 00 34 00 It is requested of every person rea ding this Prospectus, to get up a club, and secure a free copy ! ! Send, without dclaij, the names and money, by mail, at our risk, being care ful first lo obtain the Postmaster's re, ceipt. Agents wanted in every town in the U. S. Address all communications to the1 Editor and Proprietor O. P. QUACKENJ30S. 105 Nassau street. New York. Q.UORUEII. GORDON and Carnot " Pusey havo entered into partnership in the practice of the Law. They will practice in the. Circuit Courts cf the coun ties of Wilkinson, Adams and Amite, and in the. Supeiior Court of Chancery and the High Court of Errors and Appeals at Jack son. Tho strictest attention will be given Jo all business entrusted to their care Their ofiico is in If oodville, ami the same lately occupied by Gordon and S. Posey. November 20. 1845. Attorney for Prosecuting Claims at Washington. The subscriber undertakes the collection settlement and adjustment of all manner of claims, accounts or demands against the government of the United Slates, or any fors etgn State or country; before Commissioners before Congress or before any of the public Departments at Washington. The proewrng of patents, Army and Navy pensions, bounty land claims, soldiers' duesy draw-backs.the collection ofaccountsagainsf the government, all land claims, and every demand or other business of whatever kind requiring (he prompt and efficient services of an attorney or agent. A residence of fourteen years at the soak of the r ederal Government, with a thorough and familiar acquaintance with the various systems and reutine of public business the" diflcrent ofllces, a, well as in Congress? dedtothis, free access to the ablest lega advice ,f needed, justifiie, tha undersigned! n p edguig the fullest satisfaction anl M most dispatch to those who may entrust their business to his care. Being well known to the greater nart of Ibe citizen, of the District"; a. well 1. Z many gentlemen who have bee members of both houses of Congress in tf,. twelve years it u deemed useless to extend this notice by special references. ' Communications must be prepaid in all cases. Charges or fees regulated br nature and extent of the business, but alav. mnA. erate Address, II. C. SPALDING. Att'y. je?0 " asmngton, V. C, Post-OIIlcc at WoedYille. B atches Mail arrives on Sunday & Wedi- nesday evenings - Closes for the South same days at 5 o'clock, r. m. New.Oruans Mail tPrive, Mond & 1 hursday n.ghts.-Closes forNatcbe .L days at 9 o'clock, 1. m. FrS0"'5", ,Wail rr,VM Tuesday & Fridays at 10 o'clock, a. K.-Close. tback same days at i o'clock, t. V A HoiMEsviLLE Mail arrives Mondays & Friday, at 6 o'clock, M-Close. (back same day. at 9 o'clock, r. . V ' nP'1?1!?" 1,6 dePO'ld in the Post Office half an hour before t e Mui cotes. V