Newspaper Page Text
r, . I V. V V 1ISSISSIITI, AUGUST 15, bT.2. V f rii it.! 1 ' HI. - mi rf,1,l;.v, s, , - n h , , the fnnnl'es "f '.'Hiroll. I hoi tew, 1. a.loliuslia. Tallli'"'. SunS.nm. Hohm- sn.i in the llltt-' .Cnurl of Frrnr and Appeals Ht .lackaen. All i.o-in entrus'i-d to il"ni shall be prompth attended m. , flWl,ii, ov. !'.. K-t' .IA11FS J. M OS ROE, A T T O It S f. Y A T L A ' , tTIM -lone his profession in Newton snr1 thi ailioinine-eoiiniiesof the 4th Indicia! District. IWrtur. Iter. 1 '-t' EVAM A CHAPMAN, IT O K X K Y H A T I. A W , HAVF lormed a co-partnership in the practice o Law Any himnoss entrusted to them will re ccive prompt Attention Thf Arm mav he ulilrHml m Qnitmsn lrH c ,,,, .In'.y vie ln M l) I. ft Terral H. Tern J. H. H. II. TERRAi., j i a w . t,irr,.k C. Horn Vohile. Ala.: 8. R.Adsit. "anlriintr : "..n-l 'iriffin. Knterpria Mi's ',...,,... March 7 1S '' ti'mu n. COM1 AS. i r 7 ' t f ' T I H' . tl. ,n.-n "h !!' 'lliy ,m- oe- si,nii'o. I" h". ' are in hP "ie Cnt.rt -in r mitip. .,' -siuip-on. I'ovinifion rnth ' .1, u, i H i.l n iiriet .neonon nl be i.vco lo the OoLl.e-Tl"A ' c xne-.irtlee 'n 'If- Court Hon,.. IWl.0.. .lilUC i-l. I11. HS-ll 0. S. iTllXMF.t'fc, A T T ') K F, Y AT LAW, 1M1,I. itrH.'ti- r- ;n a" ''ooris oi orth Missis V ipii and Wf..i Tennessee, and in the Unite Htates Court At Ponlote.-. -Collccti,.ne mide Wwfirfo. Vio., MmT' h 2 WJ, -IT THOMAS B. JOHSON, A T T ' fl "' K Y AT I A W , tVIM.IAMsWtiRtJ. HISS. ffil.i. prai iic- in lU" evtn'H! (.ouris of Covintr.u ntl th" .ltoK'n f'o'tntirs. AH hil"lnf -trul t hi ciue will prompt atti-ntion. Nhi-ot, ;'.!.:.!'. 'ii-tf JOHN C. TlYIMCIfSO, ATTORSKYfTLA. Itril.L r pi'oituH ati"itio.-i In lHiKiii-iii .l V i.oii''. ofSmi'liar Jthe Put cuuuliea Ad diem. Ralriifh. Min. Wn'rmA. July - ui. JAMES WATTS, (Ltl- of thf flvm nt M'Alim.i Wntts,) ATTORNEY AND CiPSrKLW AT LA W (IKHI'EINI'KKAI.U, Am. 8int.9,isy. l- W. P. HARRIS, - - 'n c T t h n v u ; x J ir,.. . .'AKM'i'N, mis. Qftp ovi. r Wil-i'i'-Mi & C.'s ntore, StaV Atret. Jwiwm, Fob. J1.1S5T. -0-U CHAM. A. SIIll, A TTO K N E Y AT LAW, TH.Ii prAoiicc hi prnfriwinn in the peter! VV Courtnif the KiL'hlh .luilioial liistrict. Quilnan, fi-pl. 14. 1M. M-tf HOBKRT N. OUDEH, Jr., ATTKRNRYAT LAW, RHIKI.lHHOHO'. MI3H. (BT St. I.nm.) i" '"nmp Street, NEW ORLEANS. Will pffHee in the rnreral Courts of the Eiglitl) Jn dipial district of MiSHissippi. Jn. 16. W. 'IT R. KVAKS, R. LEACHMASi, H r T 'i i? ' B V S AT LAW. -A'l'lre the Arm iitheml QcnuiH or Maio .Mi .In It 'J-V 1 MHO. '-"T JOHW O. FRERMAN, ATTORVKY AT LAW, (YIVTI M'EP the pruritic of hi prnfeiwion form , erlr Mr. nixon hnTinZwiihdrHn from the latf flrm of Freeman A lion OHO. T. gWAWW, ATTORNiRV AT I, VW. tin I.l. nwleo in 'he Tin-nit ant r,tinoery Count of llm-U. R.inliin -ott N.-t..n. mii dale n I In 'he f., li tri -t rmirte M Jai k or. A . Ii'k"n. Mi iippl 7.,rt. 1'l'v 1 l'l 4.J.ITTOH. M. D 1.1 N. D i. WALTM, V. P - iVr rnfrnv 4 wiiioji UVF. torm-H I'opinnei -liip lor the prai'tlce ol th-if pr.,ri-ion m' re-T'-e-fii! r l. nH.T their 4nrTiee to ill" oirtr-n Ol Prill1. rlif Ani TteinHV TheT haTe ANn elat.lihei an N1!:MVR for I),' rpftr.niion o' patietii. to whorr- tlivn nn;le.l ntr. nlion will tie ..iren. i-l where hutter treatment i.n hr ren dereH than ro tho-e at a distance, especially iu ehion oae rh-iiei. mn.iera'e. iiru; onerationr etmrBed extra. FWifina Aug. SO IKA1. ' At-ly GEO. WOOD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, T II. 1. praotu-e in the f'ourtanfl.auilerduie.f"'arH Wivne Japer. and in lonea. Green, PerrT ; Harrion and Hanr-oek Cnnlie. 4 r,i.Cr""'knn County. Mi. mi- uro. Wool, and W. T. Powi will practice m eo parttiernhip in -laper County. Ot. a, mn. '-iy na. ii. s. wnun n A VI NO perniKiienlh hn'iiu-d hiinaelf t Fll rille. HMmDL t..ntlm hie pr. fe-ir.nal n e In the I'iiirene ur iiie villii'. anil ft'll intiri'lln country. OnV orer the Pol I'ftVe. ulioie he .' 'he num. I al all mnea. mile proie.i..nnily enaiiued RefereU'-e llim-ell. and oilier- ir nei-esfcary 4epl ft ft-ll JAIE II. fAUPKI.L, ITI'riMVKY AT LAW ANI LICIT0R I CHA TFi'IV. T tl ramw.,.1 h' I II onVe tYom Fntert'rie I. I I ' It U 'i'1 ,n Fnreroeen the ftr' week in er." m -th. lU'tTViT at ""Oi nmei t n q-iirnii t..r hi .u -erii. -uy"..iv,v rrn, w. Jan. 17, lwtj. u tf i.O.MArii MAYFIiS A LOWRV, 4 T T O R S H Y S A 1 I A , KHaM'oN, Min.ilhSlPI'1. WILLnrvticein the eeveral Oairtnof Simpsor ,. uiih. S. "ti ana Kukin Cuaouss, and la al he i:ourt at ai'lion. Jan if,. 11. 'r-i! Dr. R. "WH. M. MeKISXOJT, HAVI. NO Im.attd at t-m Hemmn-y. respectrul'y lenders his pr..f. w.nai aerne. to th eitisetu ol that Tiiiinut. H may at : tim he found at hie rahvn. aniens prol. i'.ojiy w ut. April f,. lnnl 5My 1.0. WCUTT, 0!0 1. IUI) UTKEIf FEARS, iSt..' ''ora to law.,a k Lu.'keitl iTTORlTF. TS AT LAW, CAN'lN- MiifiSIPPI. Orrict e)r"e aa peral,.fore wi cp-rd try t.woa L-nc("rt, Oa li.e fOJ.ii n. ic vi .i.c Anf(. S, ! 13-ly J. T. TAJtMEHILr., HI. D., TTiviM, i(..'. 1 hmieell ten rt:" .it if H .;r 'r raavteticro .y'f..ird re .:..; 1 envi-tii. ir-eaof hmfirjieriioa to u. b?i .r.j ao-;ir.hBc:4 1;1"-,.., w t nrv (iMViw' yrihe X'miul S-utlf in Itir city ol' Waliinpion, on the) very ilay thnt the caitrl wus signed in Vitginio, iJiiectr the military cotiitiuiiitk'ni nt tlm Unili-it 8tultn to take the it ivnle iiioj eri) of out )eoi! fur the ronwiiirnce hik! uie o ttirir rmie, wiiliout Ciiniiienraiiiin. 'l'he general ordt-r ibeupil l.y Jlujui Gen Pojie, on the 2id of July, the u., tiller the tinning of the curli-l. ilireol tin imiiiii-r ol our ii-cvlul iniinliiiHiiis -pie if found quii'ily tiiiini' tin' l.itnia ii hH lear, or even ouieidtt of his lim a, Him one ot his Bi ig. Heni'ial", Sleinwehr, hit uxii iieULi'lul niliuliiiiiii to In held as ho.-t ijiv, to the end that the in.) he niuideivd i i rnld Mood it any o hi eoldier ate k ilh d by soma unkimwi .fiMine. tvhoru he iif6ij;iitt'.t8 aa ' Buh .. l.-i keis." . Uml' l ihia shite of f.icts. tlii- Govt Ii tneiit luti i.-su'd i lie fin luced Gi m-ial O ,l, r i iMfjiiiz II 'Ji II Tupe Mini liix dull, mlM-ii'li' tl flHi'i Is t.i In' in the oeil iu iviiicii th.y li.ivt- rhii' n lor tin in ilvt ilnic nl I'l U Mia aii. I iminli ivi, hihI n ilmlllt' I'llhht! I'lii llllrs. enl'tl, d. it i-n lUleil, in h,. I'liiiriii, l d lie l'IMiieie i Hiir. Wh find utiiS' lvia driven l.y i eiiemii , by Rli-mly iiniva lim-nr,' l.r.ictice which ahimi', mid which lira Vainly (.Hiving In avoid. Koine of tt. military KUlhiMities of ihe United StHti teem to euiiioac that betier euci-eds win attend a bavage war, in which no tjuai ti 1 is to ho given and no age or sex to h. spared, than hah hitherto been tenured h gucli hostilities as are alone recognized ti be lawful by civilized man in inoderti times. For the present we renounce oni right of retaliation on the innocent, anri shall continue to treat pri'ate enlinteJ soldiers of Gen. Pope's army aa prisoner of war; but if, after notice to the Govern mnit ut Washington of our eonliu;ne: re pressive measures to the punishmeiitonly J commissioned officers who arc willing pariicipants in these erimes, these savage prai'tiees ore continued, we shall reluct i'.y be forced to the last resort of c ti wix.t rin ttin- trrma -cfe'oeji hy our lb-8 until the outrafed voice of s couimon h'.Hiianily forces a resp cl for th rccogiii'.cd rules of wur. While thest facts would lustily our refusal to rxecuti die generous carlal by which we havi consented to liberate an excess of thou sands of prisoners held by tho enemy, B eacred regard to plighted faith, springing from the mere semblance of breaking b promise, prevents our resort to this ex tremily, nor do we desire to extend ti any other forces of the enemy, the pun Himent merited alone by Gen. Tope aim such commissioned officers us choote ti participate in the execution of his in In iiious orders. You are, therefore, instructed to com municate to the Commander-in-Chief " the armies of the United States the con lents ot this letter, and copy encloed o General Order, to the end that he may bi notified of our intention not to eoni-idei any officers her alter captured from Gen. Pope's "tiny as prisoners of war. Very respectfully, your, 4c, Jeffehson Davis. To Gen. It. E. Lee, Commanding, 4c. The Spirit of the War. That our dispatches from Richmond, siiys the Mobile Evening News, touchinj I he order given by the President to Gen. Lee on the subject of Gen. Pope's war pol icy may be understood, we enpy the fol lowing from the Richmond Whig. Oui enemies are rapidly paving the way lor a war ol extermination. Terrible as the re solve may be, the Confederate O.iverii ment and people may be driven tolioi the black flag as a measure of d- fence. Lincoln piettuds, fays the Whig, the he is waging war against the .Soulht-n States to restore the Union; and Seward declared some time ago that the restored Union was not to be the symliol of force, i ut of a(f. ction. We suppose that tl. p'Hiiel in his own nulureinnde him think .hat we could lie whipped into a love f r lin-e vi ho stimle u. The Yankee plUi, nr niukiiig os like them and long for re union w i hlln in is explained in the Ymk Timet of the 'Joili ult , m an articl. ;'rotii . which we copy tho opening ren te nee: One remiukable peculiarity ws nnliod by all in the grand Union rquare lnee:- ing, and is an evidence, no uouot, o- t:. . eral popular feeling, and that was. thi ail j drmanda for tiie rnoet uin-paring puniaii i ment of the retiele and for the nioni vii?nr-1 ous measures towards them, were met niiij the greatest apilause. From every quar ter we receive, ourselves, communion! ins urging tho most txtieme pendiiej of the law on the treasonable States and cornmu nities. A universal confi'cation of real estate, M thai li,jnl iet'Urt may occupy tfo de-ta-lid prijiett'f-4, the wasting of rebel fields pnd harvests, the armed occupation ol their houses, ?nd the appropriation of all properly, are some of ttie mildest of the penal remedies rccornmendeJ. In the mpeifn before referred to, one of our most benevolent and exo-llent ciiii-na. e-'.inilv advised ttmitrg all tle rcld ir.n. .'t tnntg further Sjuih, and occupying their l.oi.e- titb otirsoldiers. All tin stst::; iy "xprse''d feeling art) g-wl signs in ore r:iic..thpy show tbit tiie people de- B.&Bd r'gNTvuf mica, oi rill tia tb the .'! thus tit our ho more BllJ .ii.ila ami o!u'(i the 1- oct u ii iheTii- i-tliy beU Z. itiClll. ur over . r.d like . ' .'( if i whole coast ol Ihe ft.iuiii limn "ihff'lnM'if' tv.ue to the Rio Grande must be a Wt tide" The Yankee commander at Fredericks burg Gen. Pope, is the first to sanction iifficiiil'y and adopt openly this mode oi war lair. He exiles from lit: me and "sends urlher .South" all who will not perjure their roul- by swesiing loyally to Lincoln. 01' course the pioprty from which they ire dtiven will b' nppinpna ed by the r ibbersr- H-ir rre1! his swldiera to tup ,ioit themeln- fiom the means of the iiople ainntig whom they go to eeiiti 'inn-es, mule, wagons, tlives, and what ver ele they can use in cairying on the vaf. Ad this ha- been done before, bu I i' is in w avi wed kb I he pel cy of the wai. in1 hoi iz-tl and ilir.i'ied by the Lincoln : v iiiiin-iii. W,. ili I me need prot la it .lion.-, in i. pel, i ur 1 1- io the spirit inn .mael.r nt Hi- . i, , 'ir to eulighiei it as to t'.e, mud.' ir war iheywtrowa ; but for the in'oi l.ution of the civil J wt rid, and ior truth of history, ;, nre gl id ilint lin y me j ut forth. Wt I -i ui . low slum! j.i-nfitd before the na- uoiis oi Iho earth and to posterity for meeting such a fH, likrj with like, an eye foi an eye mid a tooth for a tooth. It will not be long, we trust, before we are in the "imy'i country, and have an opportuni ty of applying the policy of their Prci lent and their Generals lo themselves. If there was ever any doubt about the propriety of pushing our armies aero s the border, there can bo none sinco L!:iouln' new order, and Pope's adoption of it. A Sikp Well Takes. We understand ibfit Governor Letcher has mada appliev i.ion to . ihj S.'-cretni v oi Wur to deliver ivcr to the anthont'tP irginta raitors who have been in arm? tpiiust the iSlnte, and all ot the Yankee prUoners lio.v in or nenr this cily, who i.iere may be cround for aurpectina, havi heen engaged in violating those statute of Virginia that mako criminal and pun Uhahlo such acts as inciting slaves to re bellion, enticing them to leave their mas icrs, using incendiary language, passing iiounterltit money, Ac., Sc. there is nt doubt that many of these prisoners an jin it v of these offences, and that they a veil deserve to be hung as old .lohn Browi lid, lor violating the same laws. An s these offences have been perpeiratei tear this cny and in communities ol lot .1 citizens, it nvght not be impossible oi lifhuuU to obtain in some c ses the ne iessary proof. The Secretary of Wac i if course, lamiliar with these matters, and Are do not permit ourselves to doubt thai ie properly appreciates the rights of III taies. Under these circum-dHiices, h- t ie any option but lo accede to the appl ation of the Governor? Rich. Whig. A Good Onf. We have been told aveij .'nod anecdote of a lady living in William on county, Tenneee, which will beai ivitilt to the public. As the story ruin. oine half dozen Fedeial officers rode uj o her hoiife one tveniiii; and askd to b. furnished dinner. The lady replii d thai dinner was over, and that she was tioi hie to cook another heisoil. The ofll cers aiirwered that she h id several ser vanl Women about I lie hou-e who couh do the cooking. "No," i plied the lady nv negro women have nil Kmabove iheji 'vi-lnes- of late. Tbey iXjaC't to mam fede'al i ftieers Vert souu, and 1 can d .milling with them." Ii is ie diets to tat hat tlie tilhceis "skedaddled wiihoul urlher parley. Gienada, Apptal. g?A dispatch Tom Gen. Pillow tot lei d al bi nidi n, "totes l hut Curtis t in my ht foice, nearly fou numbed iievroes beloi eii'g to bitn, killed ,'lie ol ins ot eie-lt illnl unt tiireeOlheir u Jail, and liternilt laid w-te his auni lici-nt pUiiiaiion. He i ihus nearlv re lueed io poverty nl one tell oop ol the in my. for bis det oiinii to Southern lights. JIiisippin. HOI,. T. STHEET, A T T 0 u v r r AT LAW PAi' li -it. MIJ8. Ann. air,, Ism,. iT,-ly wn r. PiiWE, A T T o ft v i. Y T LAW, rAri.Divi. mi M. r- tit W ixiiai,d T. P"e. will practice 1b "KSf1. 'S tr 'J -f J. 'PT. A;.nl,s IN.I ZS-1T CHARLFM A. KTOVAI.I., A 'i 1 t) U V g Y A TLA W , V II I. p-ar't or fc: i r(iiei'.n ir the Courts If ;aikaiid stirr' iniing tount.e VMOron, Man-h au. V'Jt 16-1 y .-A, i. czarsAS. " i-ni CHAPMAN ar, JFS SliGS. (Successorr to Iir.tiler Chapmiii.anil to JemuriKsA Jixoa.; PAL'Ll'INO, Mi'-a. H AVISO aaaoeia'cl theiilTe In t'le practtcee law whI ftffr'l romptlT n sii Misne,. t .i'ru id tr-them !n the Circrot and p,oba,. f.i,rt r,( I ruin'.es of Japer. Smith, tte r, wt.-.n. per.T Jon'-, Cjuk. aid lAUl'Ha!. The -;;l tlsn pi i,.-e in the H.s'i f ourt of the rst-ite. sad in the Lnit vni... 'nil net (. oi-rt ! nt "i a"s'!.:i i-iten to theCvLucnos of Cu:s. A'ii-1-.t I-'., 4-t AV. 11. TUOT1 EX, AUf'BNEY A-'' 'J Nr.Ictt AT LAW, r ,-f -M M V tvOKsa, A Ji.-il , IWf BY THE LAST I.IA1LS. Rvejuiij; Nona and TuUmo. fc'na. Curiam. Later from tho North. Tfr. AnguM t.-4'hirago paper tvntam. Wsah mit m dfilea of the 1st inat. There wa inieuse eieitement at th reported r r.ral of a Cone-derate gunboat fleet At Mohile. The affair was laid bef, re the Mnvy l, partmenl. and dia erediled. Met'lellaa lias issued orders for eyery man to 1 reei at a tieaavul a lluikc.. i& ::n :ltt I'k Ir,lV. a.iQ is saiii.ip.ited hut ills ui.knnan whether it be upon Pope or upon MeCit'lltin. Pope a army marched foruard from Wsri enlou, on I1- li. 1:..' I'o.iriai 'lovi-rnmeiit his re;n -iiO;ited w.tli K-.. ii .' fi.i.init t!.e r-.. ore of a f..rm !;.Mt. Fn-n. li -; .1 in'i.'!:..-.!! 'r, n n 1 d.-r,:-', I-5 mi ?5ii. lorn. t. waiT.iut"llie aj."oV..oail,;0 orsoT.eail a U;..,u a.r.;:t I ent. The New York Enlistment Committe pmpoi- to he Pres dent that no boun h-s b. paid, and ihal at t. r die 16th Inst, tf the State quot lie not tiled. di aft be resorted to. The proposition has been so c-pted. Maine hsa more than filled its quota. Thete was an immense war meeting at Milwaukee on the 3Ut ult , attended by 6 itnoo people. All Ihe railroads in the StaUi were free fur ioieins attending the nw t iijj, and Tory dcaeriptioii of bunnesa was s ispi-iuled. The lesiilaiiona reooinmen led Ihe drafiinK of a imili..n of na n h.ilf a lntlluui lo be held aa a ra serie and for instrnetion. After the Ulh. if the Ohio quota he not filled, the n'OTeinmeiil w ill di ait. Philadelphia ha subscribed fcMO.Ooo for bouuiy money. Numbers are letting St. Louis for the Southern army to avoid lh Northern drafi. Half ar. icjta are made there daily f ir di-dnyalty. Hack of Cape Girard.-tu a Wisconaln regiment was urrounded by ('orjlcderalaa. iln-ie was flylituiK at Ulootiifted. Mo, which had uiiti med three dyn. Additional force hail Is-en l aiiotn the asistanie of the Yankees. Memphis dispatches, of July 90th, slate that Ueti I niKK lia t Inrce of 8n,OdO men in motion, tnd that tleiiipliia is tlireatencd. It is expected Ihiit ohstriie. ioiii to natination will Isi established aboto M.-in phis. The KUnbott fleet will act t patrol, to keep he river open. .'urlia has reliiscd U)pi to Vicksbuift wllhout a di rect order frmn (he Piesident. The Confederate have been defeated tl Mount sterling. Ky. lien. Armstrong rntiirned hor Uwlsy from his very successful foray, bringing a oontidi ruble num lierofsnns, and quantity of Ybi kec alorea, com. prising In all tin wagon loads. N'IMPORTE. later rnon R1C1I.110.U. McOlsllta's M o v e in e n I s ! Kn smisd. Aiipust S. The Federals haie quit Mid. vein Hill. Their movement upon thatpuititviiisonli a reeonnoisiiiice, or feint to outer the tinnsport of troops across the river. The FcJ rids hato fallen back also on the south "ido of ihe river, and arc culratichiug nt Covin's Point ind below. 4 Thrte of Cohh's Legion woro token prisoners fti Malvern Hill Slovall, Iiearing and auothci'. P. W. A. Ram Arkansas IteportcdDeHtroycd. Groat 'Slaughter of Federals!. J.t. nans. Aug. 8-(ien. Van Vora permits mo to opy the following despatches : "Amm Rites, Aug. Alsmt t o i lock this morn ing ihe Federals giinboun attacked the t'oiifcdcrali iitm Arkansas. Messengers tell me that the foughl siem well for some time, afflicting a great deal nj ('things. Hhe was then blown up by her crew. The nesM'iiger thinks they all escaped. signed J. ('. IlsaciisKiniis. "Court's RiTtt, Ten Miles from Raton Rouge. I Wedneaduy, Aug 8. I "We occupieil part of the town and the hattle-fleld 'htil eveniug. but no decisive reuit was gained after .ny last despatch. There being no water between i. re and the Misinippl river, 1 was compelled Ii ome lieieforlt. I moved at my own time tnd in der. "Tin Arkiin-us lay, with her machinery injured, ftvo mles above loan on the opposite bank of the river ill day yesterday. Her commander seal nie wmil a t evening that he Would try to got tip the liver, mid nsks that, If possible, you send t b wt to aid him. 'roni die report, ahe la permanently unserviceable. We burned neaily all of their eunip, and large .mount of stores, and ml then, u? budly. Gen. .Villiams sod other prominent officers aie killed. Kigned J- C. Btttiaif.t." Humor ay Ocn. Clarke la t p;ls oer. Porn rom ths Held ssy our land victory was quite romplei. Hie grouod tits strewed with tnelr d'd and wound d. OFFICIAL REPORT. Destruction of the Ram Arkansas UicuMm Aiifftw: 8. A dfpt.'h from G.-n. Van :Uirn inSwi'rf.Jirv M.illorv HUiU-H lhJtt'fef('onfrJltit' Harn Arkflnw, IJeut.8tfvenwniniCiiingP bw b m Klm i- ft VieUfhurg on Mon-liiy U t'tx.pTato in th' t ta k ou U;;tou R"Ui:Q untl nftr ran-tn, Pnymi Hat, lu r mK himry Iwmne (ikm)th nwi wh:)tj mtinpt iutttu -Ju.t it fteifll Yttkc giiuWn ttm-kd nr. uhen, titer m gHent reitr.f, lif wiwahiin- otitfi and blown up. The oftWrB and crew iwhH the ehor, in Mf-ty. LATEST rnOM THE WEST. Tie People of Missouri Moving. OtTAD.t,Aug. . The St. Louis Republican ot the Mh fays that rebel guerrilla have teken eompietc possession of Mi!outi,nd are dtily growing into a va-t am.y. Nearly three thousand ol them have crossed the Miseou.i neer nnder Porter tnd Thompson, cleaniog home guards tnd mihii out a they progress. They are raising norr.berleas recruits for the r.on- ferierate army. s hundred men have turned up t B rd t Point threatening Ciro, wher there is but small gar rison. fw,T. C-smh'e find? It imposs hie under th clieum- stancea to netjihe militia t rospoud to his call tnd las issued another impotent tppeal to them to ra. y, 'mptjiD,g of iheirspithyin tli Federal cause. Ii M. 8. Gtisaj., Ai.g. 9-The Mercpblt fi'illitm of theT.'j says tiieCotitedertte! have i&iuigttitr.! jnnihs wr. fe.r in Arkanfaa on a eery extens;Te vii4l mid men tions several brilliant exploit. On fried? thj at t.v-ked two Tank" regiments, d--j - sing theni er.uv pietlT, and e.qtiired from tl.m nuj wtgoiit of proTion snd r m t" ks njr' , "tut JT s" f4. Tiie tMiiue ,1-iy ihey 1: -1 a,, .t:. r I .r: , Ja -ks-inporl, kiihmt 17 cf uiiitilK-r :es I 'I1 i u tsi'nu- a prov:.i.,ii!i ..l(l'V : i 1 a;ta. Kc 1 near lle'.-n and m nil .u.,:i!i! st -l, t u ' Iwo escaping. Tlie Moinptsis r- irrei-p r. t.'tit c! ti... i i, T .... -siytCMrns has reiusd toot-cr it.sui k w i r t" o t1' V.ekststrg unless or l.-re.t t.- Ily ( t Jut aiy. ( -sr w eel, ' iM'i . f;:s 1- I ... . I, viuld ioilce hi anny on.. in!i. li .j..t ! v,.,' ti e ami summer w a over he t Ice c a m hi left. The (enenvor of N'-w York his oiH.l': .tMiiciiu ,hhJ hi der. rimeioien 10 diait. Tlie Briich iicoiicr loitiphit, rptu-'cl ..'.Vnnsl. iiui. atrir, d ai N'. v V irk on the i d a.ih ti c'v ..o ol A acnoiis rcUln.-u is r- p riid !n,.e.: t' M. i-j (ii.'iis. al.:.. h ii is I'citrcd Kill re-ult ia wm-wit'i i'h , g nors! goto: tuiient li. M H. j Latrr from i:at Trancasv-. Ksoxvills, Aug. .The enemy's loas in the I. if U of T.aewell ia estimated at thirty (30 ! UiilcJ, ! aoun-led and &0 prisoner. lur los tt-tis S killed and 3 'wounded. The loss fell principally upon Va.igha's 3U Tonne, see regim nt, who beliavod her- icatlj. nencral Fnrrent trrived hero to-day. On Wcdne-day 2is) of the (Federals) 2d Ken'.ie ky regiment li ft Rock Island, loan., and came over cur line. 1H tortious from the Federal army are eonhtmull , taking place. The Federals have no ciiittideoeo in die troops in Middle Team s-e. null Nelsda'a forces are at MeMii.iitillc; tood-, at Dechlrd. All th ttirnpjkxa between Mnrfr, and Me Minnville are Mroagly banicided. UHA. Juiiiis, Aug. to. iwciiiy-i.evcii Pedeial prnoner srdved here from Raton Rouge this evening. The Federals are nulling pUntsliors en the MU-I-tippi. plundering gi uerally. Several of Iheir iiiamu- d To have tieeilCHplUn. il. The Confederate guenllaa are Tory active and siio cessfu) la Aikaii.-.. BATTLE IN VIRGINIA. Jarksua has Kurountt rrd the Enpiny, OUIl VICTOUY COM VLTYl'VJ. rope Cliaugrd Ili ISa?." Threa Hun tired Pnonors Taken. GO OF OFFIOtlKS. Brlgadirr Gtnrrnl Prince a Trisoiifr. OoDo.r,!,.i, Aiij(. loth. A ft:l toilt p!mM nt HoitthweiwU'rn Mtitiriltiin y-'-Htor-lfiy, rumilii.iit in P com pie to vifUuy mr the fiit-niy. .Stfricnall J.ick mn rf'ttlfd Top ati.i ilrf.w hint t.'Vt:'ti iiiiIpm fn.m hill position ; 300 prinwft Imva a n v iitclii Vvit. Mrig. 0( mrul Triiiw nnd iwr-iKv nino Hflluorv. Urn, ('urn. 0, 'ih'liT Wim killnti ('HARLi.tTo',. Aujf l't. lrint iiititninivf r !'!' fl Tcrw aniif)un('(J the rspfur t( th farm htvl sjti' n did iftiii oi'iw Htmi)rhip Mt'iJipliH, wh)'h h it lt't' : fortnight ftKd, heavily hnivn with cotton. Mill Later from Hlilimoitd. . -tiat - EiniMoi Aug, IV In the (tftWlr boyoiuHionlon -ville, on Mulnrtiay, HlunowU Jaijkf-on U rep'Ttd u have oupturei. mnny primmem. Thro hun1r"-l o the lot rriP,i hcr thi .norning, ii.' liiil;n( Uiutu iK-i General Prlnoe, nt.d thirty rominifiini'd ollidora, Tho migaKoment is not h!iPTt?(I to have I w-n ft n era), hut lu'cording to one tu'count .1 wr tlie r rttit ot clH'.r picwof HtmtOiiy on the jan of '(1uiku Old StonT.H.,, Thm rpitrt my a ihM Hi turn wnn jvuit niifwl at.fl lulled thu ViUikcfn on, vhi'ii HtoiK'vll nt II, f pmp. i tiim rjtfppeil in httwe'-n and lugm-ij the lt. Trwidpnt I.inoolu haHletnufd dm irWT ftrmJi.tT of 0,it) men to m-rvr nine month!,, uuU hoi,tu r ill - CllftfgPtl. A groat wr mrflting hiw hrn hold in VVittinttn; Hrotfidont Liin-oin WH prMcnt fnid mftdi it spfrh He corrtpliinonlcd hoth fttnnton hm Hfcr.tary ol war and Onoral MoCh Man. JIo smh! tliat he (Lin coin) m rcponMihle fur not Mi-nding fHiitiuit'vUi. ti c to Md.'hd'au and the r.'iton ho iini.ii t si-n-J ih-Tii h. di'i't t Un thf-m to wnd. Anothor monitor wr m' ting Int h'on h'lu in , Vtiiii, hut ufiei all the fu.ii iiiitj , ('!,-!(, dn!j (ftir triw-n fnliitod. Tho Wiitthmton fi4rflTii Un-ln ht r'ud to roctjive two Atncnn rciim?iitsi tfit.i.Twd h rn, dH uiny to put th j,ro oh a fading with thf uh t rut" f A Moody riot hi.- tttkn pl-e in Ur.okr n h- hM,-'!. th n i7t (4'H end Irit-h. A neio riot it threatened in Wahtjiion. Mnny nrtenti. aro twint innl in M tryhiod and Alex. aiidriB, Tho Ftdt raJsj fear gnern) ri. ing of thf The (jm rn) Winder kill, d in the affair of ftilnrd y wits from Maryland nd not th Qt.nral ol Vm upuw u comriund at Itichrnond, P. W, A. Ilajou ftaraTakrn by Slcrals MECSISBIUGE -I DDI! ENS TO JUS TR00I JifRaoT, Aug. 1'i. Tne V, oh ral trt,ps have titkeit iosej.ion of llnyou slurs. Oen. Breekinrldce has insiud a congraiuhiioiy a V dn'ss to his ai my. lie eluims lo hive gained a "iin pletc victory by land at Puiori Rouge, the m...-lef- nt i4l frtiiis of which, loiwever, loul by Ihe failure of the Arkstiaas to eowijieraie. All accounts agree in ssyu.g that th Vnnkees aeie lienti n lo and iflfo the liver. All our wounded are d ;ing well. Federal prisoner continue toariire here. 8. 0. J. ORE, RESIDENT DENTIST. PACLM5,'';, MlnS. r'S WILL attend to profeaalorisl enlll in nSvt. t, Jtr annti nioinipg t,onnti NiTxX t r A practice ol yei,ra. c.l Ihe posses sion of .ill tli latent irriproi'em..nia in nie,.hi,ri.eal ilcnujtry. tr.i.'oeee bitn t., tl-iek he sMiitsi tion to his patrons. Terms moderate, aod "iU wi;r rarile.1. Rr.risrce. Tho who know him, and for whom he hsa done work. ttuJtng, March 20. 11)1. 22-lf P. C. OLE .V, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Mit8!.ippi cnr. llTTTvL practice in ihef'onris of thi Fii'M JoHiei,- If Iistrd. Hnwdi raareiiuttr ia hit ttDdi ct of iho f.ireiiit Courts oi tisrke trj-jnty. Mnrch 1J, lSoi, ;j.jy usu 1. tssc -w lTim x. r.nm, miASKOf PAKorE 1 JkVT. forrred a partnerihip .a the .ra-tie of t". It iast, nd w.ii aiierjii i.:i ,r 'y in nn'' t". -lesssT-tru-t to them in tlie ( irruii or Prot.sre C, tins of the CoTn'iea o; .lasr-er.f ii.rke. i.eTre .-.'el Joes. JlMtS J. JWasv-w w.ll s'so .tten'il the ro ! 1 of eisime, or other law bus-rn-ni,, in th.iVniiiies of Sr.:':., g,.utt Laudrdt.t tnd aimce r. Fq.T,lH.. 1 17-ly C 1 itC Uij. f in;! v. iin... i - io i i. -s i hWetn-r Itf " '! ;',.! ii: 'id loo- .v i f il.e i '..!. d. hi,' rvi.ii thf 'i- -'i-ti n 1 i I ein tn i' i, .. i I ; . v 1 A u 1'" , t , ILtULf.. ,... -. ( 1 .!. .'.'M-s. L-V,.,.,,-, ,..'i.,' I .l.y. f.kein.-l W,,;, ,. Aii i u.... i. ( i If li United tie ! .l'. p i .... ii, l I.V II d Inn II ll.rl. .Ii l X i'ept I ili.'i lj t 1" le'i.'etiU ol iiit; .intipj! lh Unite, jl.jij.ilid, v rli ill I ly cl Us m.iiii I ur ill., t) ,n,.t tit CniUwbia, CI I- -To! i ',:.! i. h' ( ! Nl AT Ml X:CO, AlUOluR, Of tiii- I iidimi '1 1 1 linn j -smalt ol lui.w..,ie I niien ei.i'iua s w.ili'.i, ii.e at I ; "'e ' I ail -. u i r i i i I '. '.: ' I' 1 1 v, tcli i i ! 1 In- hliot liilllli ti M. .If, I)...lii-t Bill ')' I i i;i IU . I, ,1 r i . (,1 11..1. I.' .i. ,i t . -. 1 1 , H 1 . e. liculll-l llici (, ',.!.!,.. i, : ... , .n :. .... i.i- Ui L lnl' d .w'Sni y In i,.t e i ii I,, l loot i,, t n i i., m , , , . Ill nil Jijnj.t jl) , Hlil or I i lsll.,.1. ul. U nil I ig Ills Hill 111,1 I It,. a, Heilv, ttu. neili ,i el . ii i . iu., titti.t-il ul i,rhi l y ui lur (In- Li i t Id oi, ,n, d iill debts due i, any allell e.'ieu ) ; i.nd oil iiiimu ys bji nij, oirini rs, tiuslce. nnd o;ln r isyifOin,, imid l Met ! eoniii 'nl'd! liny sunn lnjei i y ur ill'iils, HID M lU;l't'il, Ulluel lieot y lielniliu t, ..; C'i'v 10 give Mil.' Ii lltlnl Hint inn, nod. i H'llder III! inO.'Ulil ot Midi jiliii iiiy , . t reditu, iiinl, so lur ns is jmu nrnlilit, .'uv the ttntt in lht Imiah ij the lircuvtr. l or jieiieiitl iiilni minion, tint niiintl .UlU lllilll M'CllOtlS ol tltll Aol t'l Clllljru-S UIO ltiielid.d. 'l'lie !, ,. eivnr loin toliti dt titly ujiou ll;f enl iiml l utiinlislii ol the ii.OiU to ttll'iiisli liim .nilil.lly Mali ill lorniitiioii us will maLle luin iiioioolily lo di-iliiuyo liis dunes, ti it liitlilnlly to cut I y out the i iilijitiu iit-d jiolicy ot llio iiovt'iiiiiit'iit. 1!. C. LUCKLLV, Kereivrr. taj OIKi-e, si l'. in kUat ini, ilia.s. iX'(lM AND TIUKIi set "I iii.NS OF 11110 SE tjt i.-lli,tl HliN At I. SrcTinN 2. And be ii Jurthfr rmdoK Tliat it slioll lio tiie duty ol ent li uinl every ritUell Ol llll-su (.'oljleili r.llll t-lillcs, Sj,i edl- ly to jtive iolortiiiiiion to llie olllivis clmr ged with tli t-si tiiiinti ol'tliiM lttt, ol iiny utid fveiy liiinls, ttMieineiils nml lieredit smpuis, j:onds nad t'lnttieli, rights mid i-iedits, wnliiii this ('linl'i d'-iiicy, ami of evfty lijild nnd inleresl tlmrciii held, own. "1, ciesfsst-il or onjoyed by or lor imy (tlimi eiii'ioy lis lit'ori-saul, l'aa:. Z. ikit Itttiktr tmt-tfd, That it slmll In tins diity of v ry uiioini'y, ai" id, lor- uit r j ui tiici , tnKtce, or oilier tH r.on liold itij! or I'oiilrnliiiijr imy sneli lutids, temv ineiiis or hcri'ilitnracnis, goods cr clmilels, rights or crediu, or imy inli-rt'st tin-rein id itiitl for sny Midi ulii-ii tti.e.oy, ejn'i'di ly to iiilorm tint lii ctivcl' lieicit'er , li ,i di'd to lie it. pointed, of tim sunif1, and to rendor nil tte.count tlieveo', nnd so I tr tei i.i pfai'lif-i '.I-, to .'"!'.) lie mm in tint innnlstif fii'll lieei'ivrr j win run j mi such iersoi) slnill to fully (icijitilti'd of nil 'ft ejion iiliiliiy fur iiourty mid clli'Pts so re iuiied ami tnrtit'il ovtr;un l any sm:h icivrn tvillul!) iiiiliiij,' lo u'ivv? euoli iulor ination nnd render sm li kii onnt, slnill tio ginliy of hicjii nii-dei'ieHiiiir, nnd noon liiiicl Ini-li t u;ni ronvii'tlori, elntll lie fined hi a sum not fxc edirg (foOdO) fivt. thou- olld (loliiils. ti Hii. :.-one.l tint lohji'T lllilll six mnlillis, enld tine uliU tin; iisuiis ment to ht d -li-i mined ly llie i't urt try. nig tlie c,i.-e ; in.d rliall iui lln r lie Imblo io tic twi l y tuld Cniiledci'ule finiles, uinl siilijeoli d to iy doul lei 1 lies vnliie, of llin esltttt., jirnjiiriy or fllei-is of llie ulieii neuiy liiiKJ liy liim, or ruljett to lii-. t-on-nol. 1'i-ti. 2H, l,ir,2. SO tf Suianttrvil.'e In iiiutt-. A FIKM ( I.ASo iidtl;i;i(, si itooi. I' O H 1 1 ( ) Y ft A N 1 ) V ) 1 1 N .1 M K , , lmt,tnertiilJt, (dhuttun P. O..) AWaAaa U,, AO,, I'ffK Fi-'htli Aliiniiil nun nl On. i-siHh.isiir.i H. hool wol In ..., ,.n M-.iiilny llie ;ih h t ollic. OCs-i ..l a. 1. 1 el on 11. WILL ol'.li.iy lolioSh.w i ll," MMVllMll . Is-TIUTI hill- Ie I I, al l. I.. -11.1,1 f l psiione o.-r iiji 'oe 1 1 l so., inn tliooh h, ai'io.M - II I-. I- ,-oeia 1 fo,,e l en .ornj,elle.l to elo-i. ' 1 e ' h '' ' ' I 'lo n-? ' .i s ion il' In- the ,nie tin -e-ei .Ion- T-i" Hi n.i. isiil.s. tor the n-rm one. hM .-.! . I..".' Oie o'her on ill nd At"n ..m ;' p. Vii.i, o, f ,1 i.j Hiici.- pnix sv, llies.-a.rioi n'-io cmsIi. Il,,.y non pny aov tea .oiiel.l. a.-i.ii.,1 ... 1 n i...r .1. tlon, iw.-i.ty.five J .I.-.T. slot I. r .1: ' 'ol- .. .hulls o'l ih '"00 ed -He ,s. ,:.s .0 .0 tli- ir 111 n.-les do one .i.i slier. .si. H. nro.e UiU irs: .... pr celil. ti doe (ooiiti ' i 1. . r.. , i .-. nt . ii!, r. -1. T1 I'rni-i a i 1, in-. 'I '.oiu. -m; roi in. n's tod s.lilttl. ns t.H si t .e ..,"o..i ... m ;.,...i ei) i.,.r ever) liailli as l rn,' riW- e:n Ie-M'e ,r ini'. I So ho - .s-l li.y a I, .tori ao.l il. ii do iheir s'U.1 ln So e..rij,i.ern''i,t ,i. the sctiiw.. r-'iitn, r'.l loli ree.lui..n. sj.l itoid j,!.p...oit,,el fs. i,d p. r lOOoloertce. l. SJl M,,.HVRI IlTltl ?r lands en. ipmlled by any private Rfialdilia 8 ho.o in or ...e'.oo aielognes of the present teim form-lied on i.;i. atii.n. Piirm s ifoioroiK to engiiue a phiee In IlieU. hool had la tier 'lo oj at oiu e. tt, Imve Iiit :4 t 'on-, till is H. lit I lIHn.HT. I'l 'lie . jnl tioi Ptopru-tor. Airhn'plfiifV Plsl-on Is the poinl f,or to(i,.ms to L-ev. to fly ltKK"tf weon will 1. in nt e,idtie. X. M G. .V'fs. .Inly Vi, IsCl. ;; Pcachuood Nurrcricn. T UK BeWVr r-j.i ciruiiy cells at- ein em t.. ir ! Ii.e j-1 -1 wr-i! n I,,,.!, f r ' Jof Ull'l r l HI.I'.S I.HI'f V.M PH. tj-- jh.u snt:r;j,Mi rawhi hrii a iubP- , 111 Hl'li-s, . aii in )'' ii-irsr. ii to ph.rit Frn:t Tr-es ii.i-Miuau 111,9 in ii-.H .'-nrs.i,,s iie.ryevtrT TarlslT 01 S eint 'I vw e.isrec4 10 our elm a e. T 1 will lake f ill M HV pll".,ri K rleliver!l tt fi'sre 1 llie r'Hj..n In eselisnj-e tor Kroi Tree Catalogues si nl grant to nil appJ-.e, r.... Address Cr'J. S. I.AI i-Si. Ner Stui Linn, U u Couau, M:. Jan. 'it "Z ivtf A LL rlfiimi tlnej tlif estate of ROBERT 1. CXX)PER, deef-ased, in bU;t or judg-mi-iit, can Lo jiaid to Mr. L. li tassiter, dittin j ir nlewni'c) from tinme,s lioe rej (nipt for the, sarin W'll be duly rVcsnized. J. J. .SHANNON, Adra .Tune 14. 1r.L 35 Tome. 4 LL Rctesj pr siTcimnts dijn tw r i left in the lirinds of A. It. CAR TFrt, i., lo wLcm r.ayiiint ctn L ruailc, tiui- lug n.y tsiiienct). .f. -T. PUANNON. .Ilir.n I t li-dl w. r. cM Mrvoy, a Tro.'.t n y at la ir, W'lt l rfe"" it D ' i.r. n of IsiH.-rdile, 1 f Ksiiir't, es:ea,, isrgs sai v5i.- t. fb. s, il. U-iy t