OCR Interpretation

Litchfield enquirer. [volume] (Litchfield, Conn.) 1829-current, October 25, 1832, Image 4

Image and text provided by Connecticut State Library, Hartford, CT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84020071/1832-10-25/ed-1/seq-4/

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usd OOlUVt
gteyhae. received • h* «fflf*fc2U
Sold and Upper LEATHER,
wj.. ii in l, midlow for Cash or Grain.
mom earneetly reoueat all thoao
Whom Mcmintt am due. to paybefore the let
**■«•* r o.*!f " W»oSwe*TH.
Wheat and Rye Flour,
(warranted) by the bare*, Woe 1«n goto -
ttty, eonatenlly on band.
LitckjUd, Oct, tl ** 18
Joiners PUflkes, Moulding Tools.
the ausacniBKa hab ok rand.
ENGLISH and American caat ateel and
Germtn ji#bi Mill SaWaj Croat-cut
Sawa. TenOnSitWt, Hand and Panne! Sawa;
mod, turning, Webb, compaaa and key-hole
$aw«—and a general aaaortment of Jbinera
end Carpentem' Toole--ft* *ale oh ha good
terma at any where In the State,
trarroniad Aral rale.
CAST STEEL in large and email bam.
funr BaagiBgii •»
With a General Aaaortment of Other G<w»i.
r ti.kUM Ant. it 16
RMKtTrui.LV solicits the puWte to 'cell
end eiemlneen extensive end well«el|c*
ted assortment or GOODS, jeat received
from New-York, and sellable for the preeenl
and approaching season. He la enabled, by
advantageous purchases at auction and pri
vate aate, to offer his Goods at prices which
must be satisfactory. Most kinds of Prodoe*
received In exchange for them,
One door south Post O^tee, Oof. 18
jfn*p atilt T.AiwM^
float* Hair Oaxahlata.
BLUE, black, mixed, brown, green, end
olive super, superfine It common Brood*
cloths, oheapsr than ever before offered In
this market » extra fine French Mermoto, com
prising various colon t genuine brown It blue
Qeatr Hair Cambleli; brown and blue Imi
tation do.» Tartan Plaid, Balnea, Friexes,
Flannels, Rose Blankets, Marseilles Quilts,
cloth Table Covers | Petersham and Hon Skin
and drab Keney for ever coats—good arti
cle* | merino Circassians, a great variety of
colon and shades | merino, Mark, white, and
acarlet Shawls t 1-4 and 8-4 Thibet, Cash
mere end English Marino do. | black 8-4, 4*4
and- 8-4 Grosde Swiss, Italian and Marcrline
Silks | cold Grosde Naps, Comforters $ meri
no, buck and horse skin Gloves < silk, wonted
and cotton Hosiery i prlntadFloor CliHnt MM
damask Table Cloths t 8,4,6-4, and 8-4dam
ask and hirdMtyeDlapen j 4-4 and 8-4 white
boblnet Lacet Cambrics—with a general is
■ortraant of DOMESTIC GOODS.
Selectad expressly for fondly ust—all which
will be sold cheap, by
IMehjkU, Oct. 18 10
Stage and Steam-Boat Line
For New-Haven and New-York.
Fan through from lAietyeU is N«ic- i
York 9 Dollars
* Kb ' ",l.
VT1HB above Hoc leaves Parks’ Stage House
, BoiImvwiNew-Haren precisely at
liSS***' nooJ-*rrl™ In. Nsw-York at 6
seme afternoon, att.‘
oo. For information Hh
Auguot 80 II
“fTTOE Court of Probate for the DUimt o
, %#> Lit oh field hath assigned the t7th day •
• >0 Rm** October, at nine o'clock In (be fore
noon, at the Probate Office In Litchfield, fo
the aettlemant of the accounts of the euhicrl
bare, Truoteee and Assignees of the suleM e
Atmm P, Robert*, for the benefit of fhecredi
tore of the said AI non P.j at which tibia ant
piece all persons Interested hi said ootate bill
% W they oee-cauee, attend before said Coort dn<
be beard in the premises.
• By order of said Court.
Samuel*!*! BolmhI | Twtttt,
LUetytU, Oct. 15, IP
f _
New Foil Goode.
doth*, Casaimwsa, Petershams, CumMs,
PtnMs, AfeHne CiwmOmt •fall colors, Silks,
Muslins, Shawls, Randk'lb, ©term, Hosiery,
Flannels, Babes and Prime, Calicoes, Ging
hams, Shirtings, Tickings, Rneeht Diapers,
Linen and cation Damasks, Footings, Laces,
Ribbons, lac. toe. AS the subscriber's stock
of DRY GOODS is entirely new, and bought
at the present eery low prices, he is able to
sell them at good bargain*—and is resoleed
not to be undersold in any instance.
Butter, Cheese, Oats, Corn, Rags, Domes
tic Flannels, add most kinds ofBarter, as well
as cash or g«H>d credit, will buy Goods.
Litchfield, Oct. 1818
Lyman Gill
Fall and Winter Fashions.
Litchfield, Pet. 18__19
HAS Just receleed tho Fall and Winter
FasnionsTor Hat*, Cloaks and Dresses,
together with the most (kahlonuble GOODS
for the season.
' Fancy Goods, of the latest style.
Litchfield, Oct. 18 _ !•__
HAS just received from New-York, a
large assortment of
Among them may be found a great variety of
Broadcloths and Cassimeres, well worth on ex*
ominatiun by those who wish to purchase.
Litchfield, Pet. 18 _ !>
Bt the subscriber, at hts store, Adam’s Cor*
net, In Nxw-Preston,
10,000 BRICK,
5000 Barrel Staves and Heading,
Oak, Hemlock and Chesnut Boards,
A few thousand sawed Cheenut Shingles,
A lot of Hooshkaos end Barrels, suit
able for Cider.
also, a good assortment or
Wines, Liauors, Provisions, fife.
wbirh will bo sold low lor Gash or approved
credit. All kinds of Produce taken for Good*
its usual. An assortment of good SHOES
and BOOTS constantly on hand.
New-Praston, Oct. 10, 1088 10
JVew Goods
North Street Store.
HAS r^lml an^^Jm«J^f seasonable
DRY GOODS, consisting of
most kinds wanted, whicEwill be sd|d at pri
es* that will suit. Also, a fresh supply or
, orootboi.
k l„t of CROCK&%f*om*h,nd tor ..to at
cost. Also, a variety of HARDWARE.
North Street, Oct. 10 10
Tin 4* Sheet Iron Ware
In East Streot, LITCHFIELD,
Has op bend en assortment of
Plain and Japanned Tin Ware, Stove
Pipe, Coetl Hods and Fire Fane.
Also, Meek Tin TewPoto and Spoons.
- AUO, 1
Tin Envetrough* & Conductors,
which sre found by experience to be the most
durable, cheapest and best thst are In use.
67* Any artldsi in hU Una uf business w ill
be made to order on short notice.
LUehfiotd, Oct, IT, 1888 _j§
ira ntu. —11
^XTILL BE SOLD at Public Auction, on
TT Thursday the fit if November mrt, ir
70 acrmSXand, with a Dwelling
House, Corn Houae, Horan Shed,
rn, two Cow houses, one 40 (bet the
other 80 feet long, a Aral rate Meadow of a
bout te acres, a suRIcleot quantity of Plough
Land, three Orehards. a law supply of Wood
and Pasture Land. The above Farm Hi three
mites west from the Court House in Llteli-1
field, end ie known t*y the name of Wolcott
Fash. Sate to commence at to n'eloek in
the forenoon. Terms of peymeut made
known at the time of «*!*•
Litchfield, Oct. 10, 1888 _10
New School Book.
DVRRIR a peck
ravb just ruBMenan,
i A History of the United states,
To which is prefixed
! A Brief Historical Account of our English
Ancestors, from the Dispersion at Babul to
their Migration to America,
j Bv Noah Wkbster, LL. D.
The following art from among the numerous
testimonials in favor of the work which have al• i
ready appeared:
I W* consider Dr. Webster n* eminently qualified lo
prepare n work of this kind.' Hie extenaite ncquaiu
mace with the eurW hietory of imihmm, andespeeixily
our own—lb* reaufl of lilty yanre of inyestifoiioa—pi
the boat pledge for the accuracy of In* ■tniemehls;
while the prrlonal knowledge n! the event* of our re
volution end the eetubliehotont of oor government,
give* n fruhntu and Mmrt to hie narrative, which
ere rarely If ever lo be found In the pugee or n mere
compiler. We therefore cordially recommend title
Preeident of Yale College.
Prof." Chemletry, Mineralogy, die.
Prof. Illiet. nnd Oratory, do.
Prof, of tho Lntiu Lang, nnd Lit. do.
Prof. Didactic Theology, do.
Paetor First Cong. .Church, N. Haven.
Principal N. Haven Female Institute.
Pastor 3d Cong. Church, PJ* Haven.
New-Hnven, July 17,1833.
Ntw-Uavtu, July SO, 1833,
Messrs. Durrle it Peck—I have taken some pnine
to acquaint myself with the ohnraoterof Dr. Webeier'*
" Hietory of tho United State*." It is, in my opinion,
a work of grout merit, and admirably adaptor! to the
purposes alike of oor public and private schools. It
will not injure the reputation of it* illustrious nutltor.
1 shall immediately recommend It to lit* Visiting Com
mittee for adoption into the higher classes of the Lrnn
casterinn School. ^OhKl^LL,
Principal of the Laacavterinn eeheol.
The Committee of the School Sooiety in New-He*
veil hnv* concluded to introduce Webster’* History ol
the United Slnle* into the Lnncnsterian school, nnd in
•laanlnmaMrl lie steis 1st ihfi nlllBP Ut linn Id In lltn Mams.
Haven School Society) *■ n tteeful nnd eonclee coat
pend of liietory, well mlnpted for juvenile instruction.
The volume conthlne many feet* not conmlnad In
nny other Hietoi-y, end me ecnool book hn» tho advert
ing* of oomblning at once, with the exeroleea of tho
school*. a knowledge of our country nnd lie intllia*
lionv.—Conn. Herald.
Tho work will not foil to meet with a welcome re*
oeptlou whenever It le seen.—H. Haven Palladium.
From the Rav.T. Marelt, late Rector of Bt. Miohttol'i
Church, Litchfield.
Thlicertifier, thni 1 have panned "A Hietnry ol
the United Sinter,” written by Notth Webster, LL. D.
)l ir well caluulnled lo benefit the rising generation,
t give* nn Intuitive nod correct view of the most Im
port ml event* attending the diroovery and history of
North America. It ie adapted to the want*, cupnoity
and testa of youth. 1 hope It tnny find a pine* in eve
ry liltrary, and especially hi our High und Cuuimon
tlehuole#, The purhy of its etylo, and the eurreoUtese
of its fade, must planso every pnlren of eeienoe, and
every Rtienti uf virtu* end huintinity. Duct. Wbbeier
wn# the Anil man who succeeded in attempting, lo an*
alya* or parse the English language, lie line dope
more la explain it* true principle*, to investigate it*
peculiar idioms, to irneo it* etymology, und banish it*
corruptions, than any either perron that ever lived.—
His name ought in he revered, nnd his philological
writings ought to be studied, by every classical scho
lar, and mure especially by every American, who 1*
From the Rev. Mr. Hiekek, Forfar of tit* Fleet Con*
. . gregntlonnl Clturuit, Lltobfield. •
I Imvo examined to some extent Dr. Wcbetor'e
Hietnry of the Uni tad State*, nnd am hlaltlir pleusvd
both with tb« plan ami execution. While It ie emi
nnntly oalculuMd far the improvement of the youthful
mind iu Common School*, thase ie elan much vuluabie
information, both of historical facts and philosophical
aud philological disquisition, which render* It pwAla*
bl* to marc mature and cultivated intellect*. 1 one*
net but hop* that It may have a very jjenernl circle
fiVom the Principal of the lit rbfield Female Academy.
4 Imw examined, with muah pleasure, Or. Web
emr’e Hi.lory t»( the United Stair., and have Uea
highly gratified with lie plan and execution. Ae ha
elementary WoVk for our primary echuule, It wir|Htwe»
any I have eeent nod wbttiwr'road e. a uIhm hook,
we*rr Til "wm?
Litchfield, dept, 4, 1833.
For Silo hy
Qo<MnZkQ^iiir, \ Li,ehfle,t1,
September » _gmJS
At° Conrl Protoe kolden at Sallsbnr*
'tAteS* 9^^ V SalMiery, on Me
*4<to*vf October,*, ft ust:
« CV?"!*''? mW district, shewing to this
Court (hit ho I* the guardian of Charles W.
Kingsbury, of said Cannon, ■ minor; that e**id
***• •**•» of real estate situate in
•oW Canaan,»I* t th« one undivided third part
M» certain form of land situated in said Cn
nson, of which Marsh, lata of said On
***"/^K‘‘f mined, to which aaid mi
‘Wor lS’eatlHad ky v *«,»,, of tho loot wili and
Jisfamwit dr tho esld Rnf„, Marsh, deceased.
n,rr** fi wtaor *,"t
SfaBK*^ -Jttsaft
7%treupm sndw^ that the farther coneid
eratttm ofenM petition bn adjourned until the
that eard guardian ^ gfee notice thereof by
pwhlwhfaf.lbie ogder three weeks oncceeoiweiy
!?■ \rzwr •Tinl*d In L4tcbfadd, ntlonst
~rk * 1»' j~“i
||Bf ofOctoberJ&feYBARLimi
SULas HEIFER# m. • Burk Red,
with a alit in the under aMAwf the right ear,
and the other a lightish Red. Tha owaer is
requested to prove property, pay charges, and
take them away.
Cornwall, Oct. 0,183* 18
Patted at the Annual Town Meeting of the
Town of Canaan, October 1, 183*.
VOTED, That if any owner of any Neat
Cattle shall suffer the snore to go at
large, or out of Ills nr her enclosure, tueh
owner shaft forfeit and pay tolhe person who
shall take up and impound the same, the sum
of twenty ^11 ve cent* for each creature so found
at large, or out of the owner's enclosure, or
taken up.
Voted, Thai it shall bo.lawful for any per
sOTi or persons to impound any creatures so
found out of the enclosure of.the owner, and
at large; and any personwt impounding any
creatures shall give notice thereof to the own
er, and proceed according to the Sd and 4th
sections 'of a Statute law of this state entitled
an actio provide Pounds, und to regulate
the impounding of creatures.” And the own
er of creatures soimpounded shall not receive
the same from the pound uritil he shall have
paid to the person impounding the same the
emount of the forfoitnre, and to tho pound
keeper his fees and his expenses for keeping
said creatures, as in other cases of erentdires
impounded. Prodded, neverthelett, that any
person who has a family residence within said
town of Canaan, who shall get permission by
a certificate in Writing from the Select-men of
said town, may suffer one MUch Cow to run
at large on the public highway, between tho
wi.»_ .i_.,i__:_L. .1__J
nuu lliw ■VUIlip^ »*l IIH BUI! VOW!* Mny | ■ HM
not incur the aforesaid penalty.
4 >8Tottm Clerk.
T HE buildings occupied (or this institution
are pleasantly situated in the elevated
and healthy village of South Farmt, four and
a half ndles south of Lilchjltld, Conn, and
famish convenient buildings for the whole et
The course of instruction in this institution
embraces Heading, Writing, Arithmetic, Ge
ography, English Grammar, Rhetoric, Com
position, History, Logic, Mathematics, Natu
ral Philosophy, Chemistry, Astronomy, the
.use of Globes, Mapping, Book-Keeping by
Double Entry, and Declamation.
The morals and habit* of the pupils are at
all times under the inspection of the Instruc
tor. The period of instruction for a year will
consist of farty-eight weeks, divided into two
terms. There will be tWp vacations in each
year, the nrst two weeks from tlm 15th of
April, the second two weeks from the 15th of
October. No reduction will be made far ab
sence ekeept in case of sickness. Pupils will
be received at any period of the term.
The text books used in Ibis institution are
the Bible, Barber's Elocutionist, Bascom's
System of Writing, Debnll's and Colburn's
Arithmetic, Olney'ssnd Wood bridge’s (targe
edition) Geography, Murray's Grammar,
Jaimeson's Rhetoric and Logic, Whelpley’s,
Tiller's, and Webster's History, Day's Math
ematics, Playfair's Euclid, Blake's Philoso
phy, Comstock's Chemistry with Blake's
questions, Bennett's System uf Book-Keep
ing, Webster’s or Walker's Dictionary, Ha
sun's Speller and Deflner, and Moray's Ex
ercise. Number of pupils limited to »na
no day scholars will be received after the
above number is completed. *
treks or admission.
Preparatory department, glOO per year.
Higher do. HO “ "
including hoard, instruction, washing, mend
ing, rooms, fael, lights, beds and heading
each pupil to provide his own books snd sta
tionary. Terms of all not received by the
year made known on application.
School Teachers Who wish to review their
studies, and such ynuag men as may wish ta
qualify themselves ms teachers, will have that
attention given them which they may require.
A teacher of Writing la constantly employed.
This Institution is permanent, aod is conduct
ed by the Proprietor, and rests sole y upon
his exertions far Its support. No labor will
therefore be spared to have.it maintain that
standing and receive that liberal encourage
ment it hue hitherto received.
South Farmt, Stpt. 4,1 88f 1*w18
HAS ofhrnd^nd^SrSJffy receding
from Ne*-jork, a good supply of
Books and Stationary,
Which wiH be Mid at New-York price*, and
cheaper then they een he purchaaed In this
In all Ita varieties executed In the moat fho
rough manner.
Man^ctum^ ol food p^er( aiiJ^p shorl
C7- Choh\ and the highest pria, mid
for SHEEP SKlIfS, nitablt for Bin
din*. jr
FA ~
THE Boston Edth^^oU'i FAMILY
BIBLE, la six twynf toteWMMmto, pub
lished by Samuel T. Armstrong ami Crocker
k Brewster—last edition, in strong and hand
some sheep binding, of 7W*t Dollars in mx->
Litchf'M, August SO ‘ IS
Wanted, as clerk, "
AN inteiiigent YOUNG MAN, who w
faith lot, end canbeer^dtiftneotebt; who
wishes *to pursue Ids studies, (either English
or Classical;) and who wHi render thouervi
ces required urhim, io consideration of receiv
ing his tuition, board, kc.; Thn aarjriceo ren- ,
dered will not interfereMHitorblla with higflgt
1 stir lies. Inquire iftt
| LilckfitM, Oct. II,1
List of letters remain
South WflisK ___ .
Alfred G. Brown ffcuhlaiel Goodwin )
James Uoiitoa v Diaaa Ball 6 .
James Cables Maria M' ,
Celia A. Da Forest Kernel ft
Isaai: Dorman Henry
-F"*" a/r1 _ftfc 1
Just Received, • -V
At the sign Drugs and Medicine*,
Drags and Medicines,
Paints, Oils, Wines, Porter, &c.
- ■ *> nLD P«* and Old Madehr*
tiSSSm U WINES, in bottles or 6ft
YBGj draught—Pure Holland Gin, Cog
Disc Brandy and other spirits at
medicines—Congress Water, kc.
•II which wdl be sbld very tow tor cmih or
mnri prsdil.
Litchfield* Aug. 14 _10
New-Hat m Steam Boat Line,
Fan from Hartford to Ntw-York, inclu
ding thnre Jbrt, -$9 00
" New-Haven, ’Ml 00
,4* .
' * : f.lr
THE Steamboat SUPERIOR, Capt.Buit
ford, and the new Steamboat SPLEN
DID, Capt. Beeclter, commenced a DAILY
LINE between>New-Hgven and New^York,
on Monday theS7th Inal." The Superior will
leave New-Haven every Monday, Wednesday
and Friday, at 1% o'clock, noon. TbeBplen
did will leavo New-Haven every Tuesday,
Thursday, and Saturday, at the same kour.
Returning, each boat.wlll leave New'-York on
the alternate days, at 7 o'clock A. M.
The Superior is well known to tba travel
ling public, und needs no commendation. No
pains nr expense have been spared )n the con
struction of the Splendid, fe render ber th
every respect a first rate boat. It is expected
she wilt equal the Superior In speed, and ih
other respects it Is hoped she wHI No thought
wurthy of her name, The Captalhe bud the
Agent will not bo wanting In their exertions
to promote tho comfort and safety of pesseo
fly Excellent Post Coacwks and tfeboan
nru always ready on the arrival of tbs Boats,
to convey passengers to Hartford, Provideoco
und Boston.
Nao-Haven, Aug. 80,1888_ HI
For NEW- '
I ' S '4 I |
Despatch Lme Coach**, via
T1TILL leave LltehfleM eVe
W Wednesday, ami Friday
4 o’clock, by woy of Woodbury,
Newtown, and Redding, to Norwalk—mmI
there take the low pressdro Steam Bflaf CIT
IZEN, Capt. John Brooks, and urrlve ln ft.
York at ft o'clock the same afternoon. Fare
“o^T-he'ISSim Boot CITIZEN
leaves New-York, foot of Cath»r|nef
at 8 O'clock A- M. Tuesdaj's, Thu
Saturdays, and strives at NorwaU
Thors passengers toko Iko Coaches,
rive In LitehHeld at T ri u. , .
N. B. Agent fer tbe Proprietor In llUfl.
Aeld, Orlando Wadhanjs.
■ * V# rURTIfiVA^
Litchfield, 4>WI 19, 199*. <f»9
-—stst-tts—-->•* v '-*1' :T"
Mail Coach Line* >

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