Newspaper Page Text
— The hvi from Mexico indicates that Maximilian’s tenure of authority ia vary pre rs-irst b is said that the management of affairs ia left almost entirely to the Empress. The foreign mercenaries are becoming disor ganised, aad the French troops look to Mar shal Basaiae for orders. It is reported by (be way of Brownsville, Texas, that Gen Negreie has been defeated and taken prisoner by the Imperialists. The rebels who hsve sought refage ia Mexico, find them selves unwelcome visitors, beiag treated by Liberalists aad Im panelists with neglect and contempt. — The National Council of Congregational iata, which has been ia session in Boston s conple of weeks, adjourned on Saturday. It wasvotod to raise this yesr $800,000 for borne . missions, $200,000 for tbs education of tbe freedoms, and $200,000 for building Congre gational meeting booses. — The Frederiektburgb Ledger of the 10th Inst., notices the etrival there of the First Bagimant Hancock’s Corps, ea route for Wil darassi aad Spottsylvsaia battle-fields, to intor the skeletons of the soldiers who fell to the engagements of May aad Ians, 1864. The pony brought with them 20 wsgon loads of cams and three week’s rations. — Mrs. Seward was buried «o Saturday, in the cemetery at Anbnrn. 1*0 funeral ceremo nies were very toaehiegsnd impressive, and a grant aamber were reseat The Secretary, who has not full* recovered from his bodily wewasa, and bo»ei down by this recent afflie tioa. was an object of much affectionate so Hcitoit --Ovor three hundred applications for par dan have been received by the At’y Gen , from civilian;, since tbe promulgation of the last amnesty proclamation. —It ia reported that Gen. Halleek has be come possessed of the original order of the rebel authorities directing a detachment for service at City Point, and authorising the blowing up of the ordnance veaaels that pro- ] doeed each terrible destruction last fall Tbe evidence as to theso facts will be offered be fore the Military Commission. — Assistant Secretary of War Dana will sur reuder his office to day, and soon assume the duties of editor of the Chicago Republican, eg-,l jl_ _ .jji." '■ j —. ■ DIED June 28th, Mrs. Emelioe F., wife of Fred’k Remer, aged 27. Hartford papers please copy. SPECIAL NOTICES. 3000 YARDS MSW AMD Desirable Prints. E have the ’* inside track” in this art l T ▼ cle, nut only in quantity and variety of style but in point of Cheapness. Notwith standing the great advauce of last week, we can sell them at low figures the prices of which we will give over the counter. A word to the wise, Ac. HABT, BROS. & CO. May 2, 1866. 3 tf. Tun Voice or ins Pkopls.—Liberty is one of the dearest blessings which our forefathers have handed down to us. It was purchased by the blood of many a valiant revolutionary he ro ; has been guarded by a Washington, a Jei feraon, a Clay, and a Webster. But dearer still to the hearts of the people is that world-re \ nowned remedy, known as Coe’s Cough Bal sam. It cures like magic the most violent at tacks of croup, and is indispensable in every family of children. Colds, sudden coughs, sore throat, hoarseness, and Inflamed lungs, are in stantly and surely cured by its timely use. No coughsmixtue has ever been known that equals It, which accounts for its great popularity with all classes The young and old—the rich and poot—physicians, druggists—and all who have ever tested'it speak in the highest terms of its merits. We say to out readers—buy it and try it. It costs but 40 tents the bottle, ooutains twice as much medicine as you can obtain in any other way at the same cost, aud all OHr drug stores keep it. 9 lm Whiskers! Whiskers! DO you want Whiskers or Mustaches ? Oitr Grecian Compound will force them to grow on the smoothest face or chin, or hair ou bald heads, in Six Weeks- Price $1 00. Sent by mall anywhere, closely sealed, on receipt of price. Address WARNER A CO. 36yl Brooklyn, New York. hM7 E have during the past week made im w v portant additions to our Stock of DR Y GOODS, Among them may be found French Poplins, Bl’k and White Plaid Mohairs, . Plaid and Striped Mohairs, in colon, Plaid De Chevers, Fig'd OeLaines, Plain all Wool DeLaiueB in 'Magenta, Piuk ar.d Blue ; Plaid and Plain Alpaccas, Mozambique*, Ohallies, Foulards, to which we invite the attention of the Ladies. Among them are some beautiful goods for Children HARP BROS. A CO. W, Goshen, 4th May, 1866. 3 tf. • A GENTLEMAN cured of Nervous Debility, rm Premature Decay, and the effects of youth ful indiscretion, will be happy to furnish others with the. means of care, (ruga or charge ) This remedy is simple, safe, and certain. For full particulars, by return mail; plesas ad dress JOHN B. OGDEN, 6 8m60 Nassau St., N. Y. flen> 3tbutrti0ements, FOR FOURTH 6f JULY A NEW HAT. • SPLENDID STOCK OF FUR, WOOL, CLOTH and STRAW HATS, Arriving this morning at BISHOP & SEDGWICK’S. WHEREAS the undersigned Justices of the Peace in the town of Harwinton, do judge that the inhabitants of the State of Con necticut and their property are in danger from Mad Dogs; therefore by authority of the stat ute in such case mode and provided, we do make the following rules, orders and regula tions : That all dogs belonging to or fbnnd within the limits of the said town, shall be confined and restrained for the space of thirty days from and after the advertising and publication of this order, and it is further ordered that all dogs in said town found at large and unconfined within the period aforesaid may be killed and destroyed, and that all persons violating this order shall be liable to the penalty proscribed by the statute aforesaid. It is further directed, that this order shall be published in the Litchfield .Enquirer and a notification of the same shall be posted at the post office in the centre of Harwintonand upon the grist-mill at Cmnpville, and upon the saw mill of Henry E: Hinman, these being three of the most public places in said town and a like notification upon the sign post in said town and the school society of Harwinton therein. . Dated at EarwiuUm, this 26th of June, 1866. ABU AH CAT LIN, I LEWIS SMITH; J 8* Justices of the Peace. MaolKerel. SO. 1 SHORE MACKEREL. BI(fc FAT ONES, also SMOKED HALIBUT AT BISHOP A SEDGWICK’S. JS* Wing’s Churn. BEST CHURN MANUFACTURED. A -A large supply of all sises for sale by Al HABT BROS. & CO. ONE COUNTRY ! ONE CONSTITUTION ! ! ONE DESTINY ! !! The Committee appointed to make arrange merits for the oosereation of a NATIONAL JUBILEE) AT Lltebfiefd July 4tn, 1865. RESPECTFULLY FII.UI THE FOLLOWIXO PROGRAMME FOB THE DAY Col WM. F. BALDWIN, Grand Marshal. At 11 o'clock, A meeting will be held in the Congregational Church under the direction of Hqn ORIGIN 8. SEYMOUR. PRESIDENT OF THE DAT. when an ’ Oration will be delivered by HON. GIDEON H. HOLLISTER, together with other exercises appropriate to the occasion ; Music by the Choir and the IiITCHFI BZiD BRASS BARD At 1} o’clock, All Returned Soldiers add Sail ors with their wives and also the Widows and children of deceased Soldiers and Sailors are invited as the Hon. ored Quests ef the Day to partake of (EllFIESSiaiilSSirS which will be orepared in the Tent on the green and will be under the direction of a Com mittee of Ladies from the Soldiers’ Aid Society, after which the following Qentlemen, among others, have been invited to make addresses: HON. JOHN H. HUBBARD, EDW. W. SEYMOUR, ESQ., FRED. 8. TALLMADUE ESQ E. 8. TAN WINKLE ESQ , REV. OEORUE RICHARDS, REV. WM. 8. PERRY, N. B Ail Soldiers able to be present are re quested to appear in uniform and with muskets or side arms. FXRB-WORKB. From sunset until dark, Signal Rockets will be fired ftom the green, under th} direction of the committee. After which a display of fire works from the labratory of Messrs J, Q. A 1. Edge, Pyrotechnists, New York will be made, consisting of Roman Candles. Torbiliions, Hex igans, Bombs, VerticaisTand the following ex fa ition pieces : POLKA DANCE, SCROLL, CHAPLET OF HONOR, TRUE LOVERS KNOT, DATE TREE, and PALM OF INDIA. COMMITTEE. Henry W. Buel, M. D , George H. Baldwin, Win. H. Branian, Cbas. B. Andrews, Bnfus Smith, Henry K. (joit, Geo. M. Woodruff, War ren Bissell, John D. Champlin, Jr.; David E. Bostwick, M. D., J. G. Beckwith, M. D., J. K. Wallace, M. D., Eli D Weeks, F. S. Porter, Pref. H. B. Buckliain, Henry A. Botsford, H. E. Wing, F. M. Hale, D. C. Buckley, E. H. Wright, Royal A. Ford, Jas. H. Hopkins. Amos t!. Benton, Kiverius Marsh. Henry B. Graves. F. D. McNeil, C. B. Bishop, H. S. Griswold Ed. Crossmau, Henry A. Hull, And. J. Pierpoint, A. S. Lewis, M. 1). J. DEMING PERKINS, Chairman. Wm. F. Baldwin, Sec't. S15 REDUCTION -IN MOWING MACHINES!!! FIRST CLASS TWO HORSE MOWERS new offered for $120 and $130. Older pat terns at less prices.. See Adv. [in another col umn.j No time to be lost. To gat your orders filled, send them in promptly to R. B. BRADLEY & CO., . 242 State 8treet. or to their Agents. 11 2w WHEELER BIO’S AT THE WEST MAIN STREET Fruit and Confectionary STORE, ARE DAILY SUPPLYING OUR CITIZENS WITH F1MH PICKED STRAWBERRIES* From Mr. Turner’s garden. Please leave your orders. ICE CREAM! Ladies and Gentlemen will find it refreshing daring the summer days, also BOTTLED SODA AND LEMON BEER ON ION, JELLIES of all flavours iu bottles and tumblers! We are receiving this week a fresh assortment of PINE APPLE8, ORANGES, LEMONS, NUT8 OP ALL KINDS, Ac. In the Basement, FRESH VEGETABLES. SEA FOOD OP ALL KINDS, HAMMER’S CHAMPEIGN ALE, LAGER BEER, Ac., Ac. SEGARS, PIPES. TOBACCO in balk or papers, “ HAMMERS' ALE” by the bbl. or half bbl 2 4m * C TAKEN UP f A„ni?“^th,eno'0*ur« of th« subscriber, Tear o?d 21g* June’tw0 "* year old Heifers, no artificial maiks. The owner is rerouted to prove property, pay charges, and take them away. ^ w Warren, June 28, 1865. H J C°MSJ^!^o - ---______ ESTUJiW BROKE out of the enclosure of Seymour Stevens, in Milton, on Saturday the 24th inst, a small bay mare, about 10 years old, with switch tail, and a few white hairs lb forehead. Any person giving information of the where abouts of said mare, to the subscriber wttl be1 suitably rewarded. NEWTON ENSIGN. Watertown, June 29th 1866. 11 8w* STRAYED FROM the premises of the subscriber in East Litchfield, Friday evening, Jnne 28, a dark bay or brdwn boise, with black mane tail and star in the forehead, about 16 hands high, had a little white on two feet, and suo posed to be about 6 yearn old. ' Any peison who will return said horse or give information where he may be found will be suitably rewarded. FREDERICK WEEKS. 11 3w* POUND ON the 20th of June, at Cornwall Bridge, near the Iron works, a Pocket Book, con iainiug a small sum of money and papers. It can be seen at the boose of MARCOS B. HDNTLET, 11 lw« WoodviUe. Conn. “ Unquestionably the but sustained work of the kind in the World." HARPER'S MEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Critical Noticu of the Press. It fo the foremost Magazine of the day. The fireside never bad a more delightful companion nor the million a more enterprising friend, than Harper’* Magazine — Methodist Protestant (Balti more.) The most popular Monthly in the world — New York Observer. We must refer in terms of eulogy to the high tone and varied excellences of Harper’s Maga zines—a journal with a monthly citculation of about 170,000 copies —in whose pagts are far be found some of the choicest light and general reading of tbe day. We speak of this work as an evideuce of tbe American. People ; and the popularity it has acquired is merited. Each Number contains folly 144 pages of reading matter, appropriately illustrated with geod wood-cuts ; ana it contains in itself tbe racy monthly and the more philosophical quarterly, blended with the best features of the daily jour nal. It has great power in the dissemination of pore literature.—Tntbners Guide to American Literature, London. Tbe volumes bound constitute of themselves a library of miscellaneous reading such as can not be found in tbe same compass in any other publication that has come under onr notice.— Boston Courier. SUBSCRIPTIONS. 1865. The Publishers have perfected a system of mailing by which they can supply tbe Maga zine and Weekly promptly to those who prefer to receive their periodicals directly from the Office of Publication. The postage on Harper's Magazine is 24 cts. a year, which most be paid at the subscriber’s post-office. TEBM8: Baarsa’s Magazine,' one year.V... .$4.00 An Extra Copy of either the magazine or weekly will be supplied gratis for every Club of Frvx Subscribers at $4,00 each, in one remit tance ; or six copies for $20. Rack Numbers can be Supplied at any time. A Complete Set, now comprising Thirty Yol omes, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by express, freight at expense of purchaser, for $2 2f per vol. Single volumes, by mail, post paid, $3- Cloth cases for binding, 58 cents, by mall, postpaid. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, Franklin Square, New York. NOTICE. f 01HE fine Black Hawk Stallion Flying Cloud Jr., will stand at my stable, in Morris the coming season. This Beautiful Horse is 4 years old, jet black in color, 164 hands high, weighs about 1000 pounds, ana can trot his mile inside of three minutei This was sired by the celebrated Black Hawk Stallion Flying Cloud ; Dam an Eclipse Mare. For further particulars enquire of 9 tf HENRY J. PECK, Morris, Conn. NOTICE. rilHE Annual Meeting of the Litchfield Mu JL tual Fire Insurance Company will be held at the Office of said Company in Litchfield on the First Monday, in July 1865, at 2 o'clock, p. m. for the choice of Officers, and to transact any other business proper to come before said meeting. JASON WHITI.NG, Sec. Litchfield, June 13th, 1865. 9 td. FLOUR, FEED AND MEAL, AT THE MjiicMeia BAST MIZiIi. 1 have on hand and for gale the beat brand of St. Louis Flour, ‘The Brilliant,’ at f£13 per bbl. Also the P P or Tlp-TOP made from selected white Michigan Wheat, EVERY BARREL WARRANTED, at $10 75. I will sell Flour (until I’ve played out) at 44 oeets per barrel above cost. Ihave FEED ground from CORN and OATS, (Without the Piaster) at *2 40 per cwt. RYE FLOUR, WHEAT GRAHAM, BOLTED MEAL, BRAN, Ac., Ac., on hand. Those wishing anything I have on ■ale, will please leave their orders at Mr. Cross man’s Barber Shop, or at Mr. Beach’s Clothing and Shoe Store and they will be promptly filled. Flour and Feed will be delivered at any point (except straight up or down) within one mile of the mill. L. B. PRINDLE, A sent. June 18th, 1866. 7 6m Ttae Splendid Stallion ‘ VIBGINIA BOY,’ %AJ ILL stand for the benefit of Stock at the Vw Stable of Capt. Sim. Smith in Morris! every Tuesday and until 2 P. M. Wednesday. The balance of the week at the atahle opposite J. D. Clinton’s, 8outh Main St., W&terbury. Hie above Horse was raised in Virginia, is a dapple Brown, nearly Black. Btands 16 3-4 hands high. The best judges say “his style and build cannot be improved on.’’ His disposition is kind, has no vicious tricks, is good in harness, and under saddle cannot be surpassed by any horse In Mils State. WT All persons who wish to improve the site and quality of their stock are requested to and see him at either of the above places. His Mood shows itself. Texas, Reasonable. 9 8w S. M. CATE. Ja. TBEA8URY DEPARTMENT, ) Omci or tbc Conttoun or ths Cerrihcy, \ Washington, May 80, 1866. ) 1% HKBKAB by satisfactory evidence pre v v nted to the undersigned it has been made to appear that, The First National Bank of New Milford, in the town ofNew Milford, in the County of Litchfield and State of Connecti ent has been duly organized nnder and accord ing to the requirements o f the Act of Congress entitled “ an act to provide a National currency secured by a pledge of United States k onds and to provide for the circulation and redemption therert approved. Jane 3d, 1864,’’ and has complied with all the provisions of said act, required to be complied with before commencing th* Banking under said act. nVM.vT®*01®’ *» Clark; Comptrol Curreimy do kereby certify ibat, The town of New ?fNew MUf°rd- the fid?.«twT*1In*fo«d’ ,n th® County of Litch «* Connecticut is authorized to STafor^iA6 810688 of B^kiogooderthe *n °®7, wbsreof witness my hand and seal pf office this thirtieth day of May, 1865. _ FREEMAN CLARKE, jt, si Comptroller of the Currency. — No. 1193. 8 2m. Stoekholder’s Meeting. fffitHE Stockholders of the *« National Iron * Bank of Falls Village’’ are requested to meet at their Banking House in Falls Village, on Tuesday the 4th day of July next, at 10 o’clock, A. M.t to hear the report of the Direc tors and to transact any necessary business ; that being the time of the former annual meetings of the Iron Binkr „ „ „ A. C. RANDALL, Cashkr. Falls Yillsge, Jut* 6tb, 1866. Tobacco Growers. ft i)T ICC. 1 would respectfully inform the Tobacco Groweis of Connecticut that lam now pre pared to receive additional consignments o; leaf from growers and dealers ihioughmit the State, having just completed the extensive im provments on my piemiaes making it the larg est warehouse in the State, believing it will be to the benefit of growers generally to con centrate their interests in leal this yeai at our centnri'market, the bulk of leaf unsold in tbit county, having alieady been commissioned to this point, as it is becoming more of a centre for buyers to supply their stocks than ever, and especially this year, with the large crop on hand which is being warehoused to a great ex tent here. The views ->f buyers will necessarily be met here, precluding in a great measure purchases from growers as has been the case in former seasons, when we have had smaller crops than the present. My efforts will be confined strictly to t/ie commis sion business with unusual facilities for making sales at the earliest market requests. My terms for doing the business wi.l meet with the acceptance of all consignors. H. B. WILCOX, 169 and 171 Front St., Hartford, Conn. . 2 3m TREASURY DEPARTMENT, , Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, v Washington, June 3d, 1865. ) WHEREAS, by satisfactory evidence pre sented to the undersigned, in has been made to appear that “ The National Iron Bank of Falls Village” at Falls Village, town of Ca naan, in the County of Litchfield and State of Connecticut, has been duly oiganired under and according to the requirements of the Act or Congress entitled “ An Act to provide a na tional currency, secured by a pledge of Uuited States Bonds, and to provide for the circulation and redemption thereof,” approved June 3d, 1864, and has complied with all the provisions of said Act required to be complied with before commencing the business of Banking under said .Vet; Now, therefore, I, Freeman Clarke, Comp troller of the Currency, do hereby certify that “The National Iron Bank of Falls Village” at Falls Village, town of Canaan, in the County of Litchfield and State of Connecticut, is au thorized to commence the business of Banking under the Act aforesaid. In Testimony Whereof, witness my hand and seal of office this Third day ot June 1865. FREEMAN CLARKE, No. 1214. Comptroller of the Currency. EDUCATIONAL AND GENERAL A.a-EnsroY, To Aid Committees, Parents and others in ob taining suitable Teachers, To Assist Deserving Teachers to Find SITUATIONS; l'o furnish, on the most liberal terms, Books for educational purposes and general reading, for schools and families; TO PURCHASE AND FORWARD ANYTHING ORDERED, Will aid, if desired, in the trauster of Farm La borers. Gafdeners, Domestics and other Employees to Countrj Situations. As a City Correspondency, it affords reliable information to all inquirers. Aro effort spared to give satisfaction in each Department. ORDERS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. Circula-s with full Details, Terms, References, &c., sent upon request. Address, J. A. NASH & CO., No. 5 Beekraan Street, Now York. 6 6t eow SALT SHAD!! No. ONE CONNECTICUT RIVER SHAD CAUGHT EXPRESSLY for BISHOP & SEDGWICK. Sheffield Scientific School, YALE COLLEGE. fBlHIS Institution furnishes instruction in JL various branches of science. The full course of study extends through three years. Pupils after the first year of instruction will choose whether their attention shall be direct ed to Chemistry and Natural Science, to Engi neering and Mechanics, to Agriculture, to Min ing and Metallurgy, or to a Select Course of scientific and literary studies: Pupils may be received for a partial c jurse of one or two years in some of the studies of the School. In Agricultute a shorter course of seven months duration, is provided for such as are unable to take the full course. Special lectures, for the benefit of those engaged in in dustrial occupations, will hereafter beannounc ed. Tuition $100 per year. Explanatory cir culars will be sent on application. STATE STU DENTS. In pursuance of the acts of Congress and the Connecticut legislature, this Institution, hav ing received the proceeds of the sale of certain public lands, will receive during the coming year from among the citizens of the State, fifty-two free pupils—to be selected by an ap pointing board designated by the Legislature. Any person desiring to avail himself of this gratuity will receive full information respect ing the mode of appointment by applying to the undersigned. j®” The next academic year commences Sept 18, 1866. GEO. J. BRUSH, Secretary. New Haven, June 16, 1865. 10 3w THIS SPACE WAS RESERVED FOR PATTON THE CELEBRATED LIBRARIAN OF The Book Haunt, WATERBURY, CONN. It is a fact that Patton sells immense quanti ties of Books, Newspapers and Magazines—but he has not sent the new proprietors of the Eu qcibeb his advertisment so we leave the space blank. 19 tf The Clipper Mowing and Reaping MACHINES, ARE adapted to every variety of surface and to cutting every kind of grass. They are lighter in weight and draft, and more perfect in cutting than any other machine in market. The height of. cut can be varied by the driver while the machine is in motion and without leaving his seat. They are simple durable, and not liable to get out of order. The One Horse Mower can be drawn by one horse as easily as the ordinary two-horse ma chines by two horses. All kinds of Agricultural Implements, heeds and Fertilizers constantly on'hand. Send-for circulars. " R. H. ALLEN & CO., 9 4w] 189 and 191 Water at., New York. TAKEN UP CAME into my possession, on or before the the 15th day of June, TWO SHEEP, one ewe and one wether, with no artificial marks. The owner is requested to prove .property, pay charges and take them away. MILO BARTHOLOMEW. Goshen, June 20th, 1865. • C1UPEBIOR LIGHT COLORED POTASH, ™ Just received at F. D. McNEIL’S. 'MASON & HAMLIN’S J. BID WELL PECK, General Ag’t for Litchfield Co. FOR THE Celebrated Cabinet Organs OF XgEASOiW & 1AMUN, BOSTON. These instruments can be 6een at the lesidence of MR. CHAUNCEY PECK, OPPOSITE THE EAST MILL, LITCHFIELD, CONN. Cabinet Organ circulars sent to any address on application. The Cabinet Organs are made ONLY by Ma son & Hamlin. Every one bears upon its name board these words in full : “ Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organ.” When a dealer represents any other instru ment as a Cabinet Orgau, oveas ”tbe same thing,” it is almost always an attempt to sell an inferior instrument 01^ which he cau make a larger profit. On introducing the Cabinet Organ therefore Mason & Hamlin were careful to legally secure its name as their private trade mark, so that it cannot be used by other makers without a se v’ere legal penalty. Cakd.—This Certifies that we have appointed Mr. J. Bidwell Peck, our General Agent for Litchfield County, and all instruments of our make sold by him are as fully warranted as if sold directly by us. f Signed) MASON & HAMLIN. Boston, May, 1805. 0 3m. DIVIDEND. T1HE Directors of the Iron Bank have this day declared a semi-annual Dividend of 5 per cent, on the Capital Stock, free of Gov’t tax ; out of the earnings ot the last six months, payable on the first day of July next. A. C. RANDALL, Cashier. Falls Village, June 12th, 1865. 9 3w ATTENTION Housekeepers! NOW IS THE TIME TO CLEAR OCT THE OLD BOOKS AND PAPERS, That haVe so long lumbered up your dwellings. Until further Notice WE WILL OIVE 3 Ota Per Pound. for old books and papers delivered at Charles McNeil's Act., Litchfield, Conn. N. B. Lathrop’s, Wolcottville, “ Watson & Dun well’s Winsted, “ or at onr Mill at Litchfield Station. WHITE & WELLS. Litchfield, May 11th, 1865. 4 tf . COLD ICED SODA WATER, WITH A VARIETY OF SYiUPS, — at — WESSELLS & BUELL’S WORTH STREET DRUG} STORE, Where may be found a good assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERY, SOAPS, BRUSHES, CONFECTIONERY, &c., &c., &c. Prescription i CAREFULLY AND NEATLY PREPARED. ——o RIDLEY’S VANILLA, CREAM & BROKEN CANDY, JUST RECEIVED. ——o Lot of Cigars SELLING AT COST, To make way for new ones. • May 29th, 1965. 7tf “ Consolidated National Claim Agency.” . RICE & SWIFT, 200 Broadway, - - NEW YORK. ASSOCIATED WITH harvey, dietrick & brown, No. 7th476 St, aqgl 234 Pa. Avenue, WASHINGTON, D C. ;■ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS T I* AW. GENERAL AND SPECIAL, AMERICAN AND FOREIGN CLAIM SOLICITORS. With Branch offices and correspondents in all parts of the United States and Canadas. Officers Accounts with the Government promptly settled. JUTBack Pay, Bounties, Pensions and Prize 'Money, obtained in the shortest possible time. HT* Applications may be made personally or by letter. 4 tf. probate Notickg. ATa Court of Probate bolder, at Sbajron with in and for the District of Sharon, on the 6th day of Jane, A. D 1865. Pkesknt. Charles Sears, Esq. Judge. On motion of Elizabeth P. Stoddard, Execu Mix on the Estate of ELI AKIM S. STODDARD, Jr , late ol Sharon, within said District de -eased, This <’<>url doth .'ccree that six months beat lowed and limited for the creditors of said es tate to exhibit thiii claims against the same to the Executrix aforesaid, and directs that public notice he given of this order by adver rising in a newspaper published iu Litchfield audby posting a copy thereof on the public sign post in said town of Sharon, nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt. Certified from Record, 9 3w CHARLES SEARS, Judge. AT a Court of Probate holden at Litchfield within and for the District of Litchfield, on the 10th*day of June, A. D. i.866 Present, Edward W. Seymour, Esq. Judge. On motion of William M. Ensign, Adminis trator on the Estate of MARY GUTHRIE, late of Litchfield within said district, deceased : This Court doth decree that six months be al lowed and limited for the creditors of said Es tate to exhibit their claims against the same to the said Administrator ; and directs that public notice be given of this order by adver ting in a newspaper published in Litchfield, and by posting a copy thereof on the public sign-post in said town of Litchfield nearest the place where the deceased last dwelt. Certified from Record, 9 3w° EDWARD W. SEYMOUR, Jupge. AT a Court of Probate holden at Sharon, within and for the District of Sharon, on the 8th day of June, A. D. 1865. Present, Charles Sears, Esq., Judge. Upon the petition of Edward K. Dean of the town of Sharon, County of Litchfield, shewing to this Court, that he is Guardian of Clarinda J. Dean of said Sharon, a minor : That said minor is the owner of certain real estate in said District, to wit, one eighth of a certain piece of land situated in Sharon, which is bounded northerly on highway and on land of George R. Woodward, easterly on land of Ralph Dent ing, southerly on land of Elijah Jackett, and westerly on land of S. S. Woodward and wife. The interest of said minor being valued at 'Ihirty-Eighi Dollars. That it would be for the interest of said minor that the real Estate thus owned by her should be sold and the avails ot such sale vested for her benefit accor ding to the statute in such case made and pro vided, and praying for an order to sell said real estate, as per petition on tile. It is ordered by this Court, That said Guar dian give notief of said application, by causing the same to be published in a Newspaper prin ted in Litchfield three weeks successively, at least six weeks before the hearing ; and that said petition will be heard at the Probate office in said district on the 12th day of August next, at one o’clock, afternoon. Certified from Record, CHARLES SEARS, Judge. DISTRICT of Kent ss. Probate Court, June I 10th 1865. Estate of ROBERT W. AMES, late of Kent in said District deceased. The Court of Probate for the District of Kent hath limited and allowed six months from date of this order, for the Creditors of said estate, represented insolvent, in which to exhibit their claims against said estate ; and has appointed Austin St. John and Ezra M. Howland, Com missioners to receive and examine said claims. '. . M. S. BARNUM, Judge.' The subscribers give notice that they shall1 meet at the House of E. M. Judd, in said Kent on the 24th of June and the 13th of December, at two o’clock in the alternoon. on each of said days, for the purpose of attending to the busi ness of said appointment. AUSTIN ST. JOHN ) eommig8:oner8 EZRA M. HOWLAND, f commissioners. All persons indebted to said Estate are re quested to make immediate payment to 9 3w CLARK PAGE, Administrator. GREAT_RUSH I PEOPLE EXCITED!! NOBODY HURT! CALL AT THE NEW Photograph Gallery, West Street, Litchfield, Conn. AND GET A ®a CHEAP! I ’ . The Subscriber would respectfully inform the good people of this and the neighboring towns, that he has taken rooms over Wheeler Bros.’ Confectionery Store, where he is prepared to furnish them with as good pictures, at as little cost, as they can obtain anywhere. gTCALL AND SEEJIJ VIRGIL BUELL Litchfield, Conn., June 8th, 1866. 8 tf Farmers, Attention! MOWING MACHINES! PRICE REDUCED! —AT THE— NEW HAVEN AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE 242 STATE STREET, .W3»’ vojyjy. WOOD’S ERIZE MOWER, with Hinge Bar and Spring Seat. The cheapest* Two-Wheel Mower in New England. Price for Two Horse Machines, $120,00. Price for One-Horse Machines, $110,00, at the factory. The celebrated “UNION” Mower at the fol lowing low prices: For Two-Horse Machine, (4 loot cut) $130,00. For One-Horse Machine, (3J foot cut) $115,00. One Two-Horse Machine, (4J foot cut) $140.00. We believe these Machines to be superior to any others, in finish, material, general work manship and light draft ; and that for catting fine grass at a slow rate of speed, they have no equal. • w We also offer the New “KNIFFEN” One Horse Mower, designed to combine all the points required in a Mower, build exclusively for one-horse use, being about one-half the draft of ordinary two-horse mowers, and very simple in its construction. It is Thrown out of gear with a single movement, rriceat the factory, $125.00. The attention of Farmers is also called to the well known and highly approved “ DALY & TREAT HORSE HAY RAKE.” which is consid ered ‘The best,” It is raised not by thedriver but by horse power. We are also selling the “CHAMPION” Rake. Applications for circu lars or information should be made to R. B. BRADLEY & CO., 10 3w 242 State Street, New Haven, Ct. WE have found it! A brand of Flour di rect fio.u the Mills, taking quality and price into cm a'deration, thfajan’t be beaten, ’lisgood en<U;h for anJ^Hre and Cheap enough for the Million. ■ 1 tf nlWBKCg. & CO. U- S. 7-30 LOAN third s e m e s $230,000,000 ’ By authority of the Secretary of the Treasury the undersigned, the General Subscription Agent for- the sale of United States Securities, offers to the public the third series of Treasury Notas bearing seven and three-tenths per cent, inter est per annum, known as the 7.3 0 LOAN. These notes are issued under date of July U 1865, and dre payable three years from that date in currency, or are convertible at the option of holder into 17. S. 5-20 Six per cent. GOLD-BEARING BONDS. These Bonds are now worth a handsome pre I mium, and are exempt, as are all the Govern ment Bonds, from State, County and Municipal taxation, which adds from one tothree per cent per-annum, according to the rate levied on other property. The interest is payable semi annual, ly by coupons attached to each note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or baDker. The interest at 7.30 per cent, amounts to One cent per day on a $50 note. Two cts. “ •< $100 “ Ten “ “ *i $500 “ 20 “ « •* $1000 “ $1 “ “ n $5000 “ No*os of all the denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt of subscrip tions. The Notes of this Third Series are precisely similar in form and privileges to the Seven Thirties already sold, except that the Gdvcrn ment reserves to itself the option of paring in terest in gold coin at 6'per cent., instead of 7 3-10ths in currency. Subscribers will deduct the interest in currency up to July 15th, at the time when they subscribe. The delivery of the notes of this third series of the Seven-thirties will commence on the 1st of June, and will be made promptly and con tinuously after that date. The slight change made in the conditions of this THIRD SERIES effects only the matter of interest. The payment in gold, if made, will be equivalent to the currency interest of the higher rate. The return to specie payments, in the event of which only will the option to pay interest in Gold be availed of, would so reduce and equal ize prices that purchases made with six per cent, in gold would oe fully equal to those made with seven and three-tenths per cent, in cur rency. This is The only Loan in Market now offered by the Government, and its superior advantages make it the GREAT POPULAR LOAN OF THE PEOPLE. Less than $230,000,000 of the Loan anthotiv. I ed by the last Congress are now on the mar I ket. This amount, at the rate at which it is being absorbed, will all be subscribed for with in two mouths, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as has uniformly been the caso on closing the subscriptions to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and sec tion of the country maybe afforded facilities for taking the loan, the Na tional Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the country have generally agreed to rcceive sub scriptions at pur. Subscribers will select their own agents, in whom they have confideuce, and who only are to be responsible for the de livery of the notes for which they receive or ders. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent, Philadelphia. May 15th, 1865. Subscriptions will be received by the First National Bank, Litchfield. 4 3m. Mill ing Campaign for 1865. E have just r eceived a large and care fully selicted Stock of DRY GOODS, adapted to the seasou and the wants of our trade. TheLadies wi 11 find a good assortment of DRES-S GOODS from which to select. The wants ot the CiilLUnEJY were not forgotten. Gentlemen will find CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES • to-their taste. « We shall endeavor to make it for the purchas ers interest to buy of us. WE KEEP TIME TO THE MUSIC. If Gold goes Up or Down We are There. We keep posted of the Market and the prices will correspond thereto. HART BROS. & CO. West Goshen, April 20th, 1865. Hryaiif, Stratton & Corbin’s BRIDGEPORT BUSINESS COLLEGE, AND TELEGRAPHIC INSTITUTE. T INK IN BRYANT & STRATTON’S great JLi International Chain of Mercantile Col leges Smdents who enter this College become members of thirty-one of the most prominent Institutions in the country. This College offers superior inducements to Young Men, Boys, Men of middle age, Ladirs, desiring to act as Bookkeepers. Ac countants, Salesmen, Agents, or wishing to perfect themselves as Teachers of Penmanship, or to engage In active business of any Any person who will send us the names o; forty young men. we will send free of chaige an ‘Ornamental Poster’ designed by P. K Spencer. The College Monthly, containing full partic ulars, will be sent free to those desiring it. Address BRYANT. STRATTON & CORBIN, 1 3m Bridgeport, Conn. AT THE STORE OF L. O. MEAFOY CAN be* found the LARGEST and BEST assortment of BOOTS and. SHOES Ever offered to theLitchfleld public,just received for the summer trade, comprising nearly every thing tor Ladies’, Gents and Childs weitr, and some Ladies’ Balmorals of both kid and cloth that are beauties and no mistake. Now don’t forget to call at the Old Stand in the Briols. Bulldlnc WEST OF THE COURT HOUSE. Litchfield, June 16, 1865.' .9 8m CHEESE HOOPS and CHEESE TUBS, at [1 tf.j HART BROS, & CO. A.. . .4 Lj-*. ... .. /