V ;7" " '" iff. . .' A'VtLr. ) i- rl. -ft 3; ',,i.li: V'!! rf V 8"V tej - .M "1 ' n ( ''. Cf &j V "S - SHIPPING AltMVALS. Muy 7th, 1895. Gov Bli llelon Browor.Muhoney, 113 days from Boston. W G H.ill, Simorsm, from Muni and Hawaii. 9 DKPAnTOltKB. Str. Wuialoalo, Symtli, for Str Knaln, Burn, forWaianao. Str Koauliou, Thompson,' tor Kauni, Str Mikuhulit, Hafiland, for Kauni. Str Olaudino, Oameron, for Maui. BktnoRoboit Suddon, f jr S.iu ,FranulBoo. ' Bk dylou, Calhoun, Tor bin Francisco. VESSELS LttAVlNO To-DAY. " Bark .7 0 Glndo, for San Francisco. S S Australia .Houdlelto.f.T 3an Frantidco, at -1 p.m. . Str Likolike, WoiBbarth, for Ookala and Kukaiau at 4 p.m. Passenokiis. For Maui por Stmr Olaudine: C B Wolla, Mr. Bovlowitz, Mrs Von Gravomoyer, Rov J B Ehard, Rev J B Kim, H 0 Over-end, Sum Loy, and 50 deck, 270 Japanese laborors. For Kauai pur Str Mikaliala, May. 7th: A Hamioborg and wifo, A MoBrydo, M Dasenborg, 0 H Willis, W H Rioo jr, and 25 deck. From Maui and Hawaii, por W. G. Hall, May 7. Volcano j; Huo and wifo, Miss F Huo, G, Huo. A Hue; way ports Geo. ""MaDougaU, Mrs Barrott, Jona Kalama.Mamau, Mraalte&iOrY. J. Wright, L A Androwa, Letn Wa, S Nowloin, aud 71 deck. Outward Cargoes. Por Robort Sudden for San Francisco, May 7: 2.1 72,805 bugs BUgar, vafuo $55,175. Por Ooylon for San Franoisco May fli 1,831.770 bags sugar, valuo 45,704.27. Inward Cargoes. ' Por W G Hall, May 7. 2'J houd cattle. 27 bags coffoo, 03 bugs awa, 4 horses. 45 sundries, 14 hides. READ THUS. N. S. Sachs, has just rocoivod u lurgo shipmont of Now Goods, among which aro tho Now Tuflbta Silks, New Cotton Duoks, latost atylo Ladios' Hats, Now Roses, Violets and other novoltios ih Gonealvos & Co. received bv tho S. S. BrauufolB u frosh supply of fiuo red tablo Wino from Opm to and an invoioo of extra Silado Oil from the samo place. Can't hic bbt! Cool and diclioousI Ice Croam Soda and Sher- bot Soda, -as served at thn ELITE 10B01U3AM PARLORS. May 4. 4ts. ,T. P., Rodriguos, tho tailor on Fort Stroot, noxt to Lovoy'a auction room, can furnish a suit ol clothes, a coat or a pair of trousers not to bo snrpassod iu Honolulu Ho has on hand a fino assortment of tailoring goods from whioh any enstomor can tako his olioiooj , Oh. ye, Wing Wo Tai & Co. kuoctc spots out af evorythlng in tho lines that thoy advertiBe. You go to their stnro and hop ind dol lara to doughnuts you d not leave without buying aomothing. Mossra S. Lowden niul I'. Vnol lor, under tho firm name of VOELLERitCO, will this day open a Cash Grocery In tho Waring Blook, corner Fort and Berotania st roots. Mr. Vooller lias just returned from Sun on tho "Australia," with a fullBtook of fresh goods whioh wi'l bo oflVrod to their frionds and tho public at lowest Cash Prioo. LOCAL BREVITIES Tho W. G. Hali arrived aftornoon. Look out for Uolbnrn's Oyhtor ad. to-morrow. Tho Circuit Court, will open at o'clock this morning. MaWo island jwasVlho scono of last night's build concert. Thoro au entortiiinment at Punabou Collogo last night. ,Adam G. WycoiV Is tho lutost addition to the Hawaiian bar. Choster Doylo mado a flying trip to Ewa yostorday. Another riot? The Gorman shipHelon Wfis gny with flags yeBtorday. There will bo a battalion drill on Union Squaro tomorrow ovoning. Cloth and buttons for military uniforms liavo boon reoeivod from tho coast. By tho Maripnsi duo tomorrow the latost about Nicaragua will bo received. . Tho Jookoy Club will hold an important mooting next Thursday ovoning. . Tho councils sat in exocutivo session an hour and a half ytstorday ovoning. Judge Cooper opened tho con rt at 9 sharp yostorday morning, Ho waits' for nobody. It is to bo hopod tho whoolmon will bo'accordoit a clear right of way on Friday ovoning. read a troatiso on silver before tho Social Scionco Association. The Japs had drill again at Italian's last night. Thoir oilicors havo voices to lond tho N. G. H. for battalion drill, Goorgo MoDongall, ono of Kona'senterpriBuig cotToo growors, camo to town by tho W. G. Hall. Thoro will bo a spooial mooting of tho Healani Boat Club to-night nt tho Hawaiian Ilotol. Julian D. flayno, tho editor of tho Hawaiian, gavo a dinner at the Hotol last evening to Captain Palmor. It is roportod that tho negotiations for tho sale of Waimanalo plantation to San , Franoisco capitalists aro off. Silky was a passongor on tlio Hall yostorday. She is in condition and Bob Ballontyuo smiles soronoly. Particular attention is paid to ships blaokamithing by tho Honolulu Iron Works, whoso card will bo found in tho Independent. Coriteraporarios liawo at just discovered that tho, baud is going to San Francisco Tho Independent told its readors tho nows last Saturday.' Mrs. Hugh Gunn has boon appointed assistant to Miss Rhoda Groon in Kawaiahao sohool. This has only boon open as, an English sohool sinco tho Easter holidays, yot tho attopdauco has nlroady grown to children. W. E. Howell, suporintondont of Public Works, and C. B. Riploy, architect, hoaded an oxport examination of tho Opera House ruin. It was dooidod that tho sido and front wall night stand, whilo tho roar wall would havo to bo rebuilt in tho ovont of reconstruction of tho odiflco, Admiral Boardsloo and tho ofllcors of tho U. S. flagship Philadelphia gayo n farowoll party to doparting frionda by tho Au tralia ou board tho whito oruise.r yostorday ovoning. Thoro woro presentJMr. and Mrs. Maxwell aud tho Misses Maxwoll (3), Mr. nnd Mrs. Towlo, Miss Halsoy, R.O.A. I'otorson, Mra.G.K. WiWor oI IIil and sistor; Mrs. (Captain) Cotton, Mrs. (Dr.) Winslow, Mrs: Hubbard of SaCrumont'o, CaL, and Miueos Hubbard (2), Mrs. Ourrlo and Major Potter, COURT RECORD. Trial of Busli and Nawahi for Conspiracy. Other Term business. Thoro was half an hour of gouo ral business boforo tho natiyo jury was called at 0:30 o'clock yestorday morning. J. K. Nakookoo, charged with malicious burning, ploadod not guilty. Ho was arrostod for tho firo in Kaahumanu shoot in tho early part of martial law. . In the caso of seditious libol against E Norrio, a nollo waB entered. Neumann for defendant. Frank Gouvoia withdrew his appeal from tho District Court for larcony third degree Harada Matzukami and I to', charged with malicious injury, on changing their ploa of not guilty to guilty, woro sonteucod to pay a fino of 50 ouch. J. E. Bush and Jos. Nawahi woro put on trial for couspiraoy. W. O. Smith, Attorney Gonoral, appoarcd for tho prosocution; J. K. Kaulia, J. M. Poopoo and J. M. Kanoakua for tho defendants. Only four jurors woro oxousoa in drawing tho panol, namoly: Achi K. Akan forcauso, J. Karcoaloha by Mr. Nawahi, J. U. Kawamui by tho prosocution and J. Tho following aro tho jurors found satisfactory and sworn: H. E. Cook, Hiram Kaaha, Jas. L, Holt Jr., J. S. Kuwowehi, A J. Kapali, William Mc-Gurn, II. Kahalowai, C, A. Long, J. W. Akaua, H. Kolomoku, Win. Chung Hoon. J. H. Van GitSen was tho first witness caiiou. ija4iirving leoir Tliin spy"wl!o stayed at Bush's houso and printing offico under covor of helping Bush in his loyalist journalism. Tho whole caso in too familiar to tho community to'boar retell ing. Bush, Nawahi and E. C. Crick woro arrostod for conspiracy sonio time beforo tho insnrroc tion of this yoar. Van GieBon vvnuo tlio etuml until 3 o'clook, A. D. McEvoy, another momber of tho "socrot sorvico," was tho noxt witnoss. ' At a fow minutos to 4 o'clock tho Court adjournodat tho request of tho Attornoy Genoral. who had important business olsowhore. Emma Dofries has filed n suit against tho ostato of tho lato Dr. Troussoau, roturnablo at tho August term of tho Circuit Court, It Is an action on a promissory noto, and tho icUo is a curiosity 'in that speoios of doenmont. It roads as follows: iooi7 nn "HoNoi.ur.u. May 5th, 1895. "Throo ipontha aftor dato for valuo rocoivod 1 promise to pay to tho order of Mrs. Emma Dofrios the sum of Two Thousand Nino Hundred and Dollars, with intorost.thoroon from dato untill fully paid at tho rato of ten por cent por mouth interest p yablo at dato oxpiros boing of sound mind aud memory without my attornoy my siguaturo will bo suilioiont on domain! sans on presentation. 'Valuo roceivod 3000.00. "Witnoss my hand this 5th day of May 1894. "UEOJiaE 1'. T110US3EAU." In tho margin aro tho words, 'Secured by noto of said dato herewith ," and "Duplioato" is writton in tho lowor loft hand corner. , In tho mnttor of tho guardianship of Lilia Wahino, cr Mdlo Kurauokalaiii, Judgo Whiting confirmod a salo that had boon ordorbd', and approved the accounts. Tho not procoods, loss costs of court, aro to bo paid to tho dork for invostmont, ho to nay tho inoomo thereof to tho guardian for tho benofit of taq waul. Castle for petitioner Fond Mothor Glaronoe, didn't I ovor jioar you praying at fur God to koop Willy Wiggles from harm during tho night? Little Olaronco Yop! I him sparod bo's I could lick ho stufl'n out of hira today. A PHARAOH HUMILIATED. His Mummy Pays Duty as "Dried Fish." Tho official Egyptian has apparently no particular rcanoot for tho remains of his ancestors, oven whon those arJ of 'royal linojgo. Brugdoh Bay, who has boon assisting M. do Morgan, tho Egypblog'iBt, in his oxplorations, reoontly dlscovortd a mummy boliovod to bo one of tho and propnr d to tr.mspirt tho prizo to Cairo. On reaching tho railway station ho resolutely doclined to confido his precious package to tho luggage van. This tho officials did not greatly mind, but thoy compelled tho discoverer to tako a first-class t'ekot for Pharaoh as woll as ono for himsolf, On reaching' Cairo, thoro was frosh troublo with the octroi offioials. 'What havo you got thoro V Brugdch Boy was asked. 'A mummy, ' was tho roply. cAh, you can't got that through without payiug.' 'But,' argued guardian, 'mummios suroly don't pay octroi duty?' 'Don't thoy V roplied tho official, 'wo will soo what tho rogister siyB. ' Horo tho ontiro staff consulted tho rogiater, but, Btrangely onough, tho articlo in question had boon overlookod by tho adminslrution. 'Woll,' slid Hio officor, 'wo will outor that ..J dried fish; duty, throe piaatro 1' And so poor Pharaoh was compel lod to mako his solemn entry into Cairo under tho degrading category of dried fish. Westminster Gazelle. May Bo No flood. l . - JosopirrilTrfSTroTi, ConTtitrSsiouor of Agriculturo, iu convoraation with an Indbpenpknt reportor, said tho merits of sucaline, tho lately introduced forago plant, would bo thoroughly tested at tho Government nursery. If tho plant did not prove what it had been reprosonted by American caro would be taken to havo tho wliolo planting dostroyed so Tin propagalfon, Ho was doing all he could to prevent privato importers of tho seed from growing tho plant beforo they knew anything about it. Sacalino might beoomo a nuisance liko lantana, as Mr. Marsdcu assontod to a suggestion by the roporter. Reports from official sources received at tho buroau aro not favorablo to tho plant. The Proposed Roadway. Thoro was an examination yos torday by tho jury on tho proposed roadway from tho Ooeanio wharf to Brower'u wharf, along tho water front. S. C. Allon and M. P, Robinson with their attornay, W. A. Kinney, accompanied the jury; also J. A. Hassinger, chiot clerk of tho Interior Department, and W. E. Wall of tho Government Survey. Mr. Kirrnoy objected to tho oponing of tho roadway on the score of 'expense, saying tho ground was very valuablo 1 1 Allen & Robinson as a lumber yard, and a road on its frontage would largoly destroy its value to thom. Bosidos tho yard was open to tho publio all day as it was; yet tho publio did not tako much advantage of tho privilege. Ship Helen Brewer. Tho fiuo stool ship Holou Browor, Mahanoy mastor, arrived yostorday morning, 113 daya from Now York with 8500 tons of freight consignod to O. Browor it Co. Sho sighted tho Norwegian ship Fortuna from Swansoa Qi dog. 50 mm. W. long. From i it C? .ill. A il a. 2 I ("A a Paoifio was made in 10 days with modorato southeast trados. Crossed tho oquator in 1 27 W. In 1.20 N. spoko tho British ship Loudonhill bound for Astoria. Had fine wrfathor tho remainder of tho pussago. Tho Helon Browor is on her socond Yoyogo to tho Paoifio. Sho is undor tho Gorman flag. C, Browor ib Co. and other importing houses recolvo stooks of morohandiae by the Helen Browor. I Sowing in School. Seeing a carpontor's bench and piocos of boards on tho back veranda of tho Judiciary building, an Independent ropoilor wont to tho Board of Education offico to inquire tho csuso, Sccrotary Scott oxplainod that tho Board was making boxos for convoying sowing material and implomonts to schools whoro tho girls woro taught noedlowork. Ho said that sowing was now taught in many of tho country schools. 1 , Lg5 Chinese Printing. Tho only place whero Oliincso can bo printed from typo in Honolulu is in Japoneso printing offices. Chinese local aro all printed by lithography. As tho charactois aro tho samo in both wrMon langungos, types of the Japanoso offices servo for printing Chinese Tho Government gets it3 Chinese printing done by tho Japaneso offices. Glanders. Dr. Rowat, tho well-known lorinariau,killodn valuable horso yostorday, which suffered from glaudors. This was tho third caso of tho fatal disease whioh camo under tho doctor's notico during this woolc. Ho boliovos, though, that tho glanders aro only sporadic and do not appoar as yot in an opidomic form, A closo watoh should bo kopt and tho Govornmont officials bo on tho alort to chock any progress of tho disoaso. Notice. All accounts due to the Publishing Company must bo paid at onco to tho undersigned managor at his office in the Independent office, on Street, Honolulu. Edmund Nokiui:. Honolulu, May 3. 1895. tf. Merchant JSxchange Cornor KlnBnnn Nuiinmi Streets. S. I. SJIAW.... Proprietor. QTho l?inost solectlon of ':LIQU01tS ami BEER, Bold any whero in tlio towu.SSfl First-class -i. Call and judgo for jouraelf. AN ' rNDEPENDENT" MAN. OCEANIC Steamship ' Co. por an prancisco TUB Al STBAMSB1P )AUSTRALIA Will LEAVE Honolulu for tho abovapoi t on W UUIN bolJ t 1 , 1YI A 1 0, at 4 o'clook v,M. Tho undorsignod aro now prepared to issuo 'Through Tiokots from this City to nil points in tho Unitod States For further particulars rogar d ing froight or pussago. apply to WM, G. IRWIN & CO, L'd, Qouoval Agonts. myGQt o o ft Hi o Pk trj to o o U to 0 O H W EH Hi o xfl O to m O FOR SALE. ONEJ GORDON I COITEE l'ULPER, 5Iaiul Power. Alliargain. Aj'ply for terms at this Ofllcc. CITY SHOEING' SHOP. Horso nil oing a speciality. All woik promptly and caroftilly to. J& 'L'orms reasonablo j. w. Mcdonald, , Proprietor. 00G Foit Street, opposite tho Pauthoon Stablo. F.J. TESTA. BEARC11EK OK RECORDS, COLLECTOR. Using Agent, etc., etc., EST" Any business entrusted to litm will b p ctuolly uid rromolly attciulcd to. as w 1 all matters connileiitl.il. Hawaiian co cctlon a speciality. t5T" Ofllcc, o. S27, King St., tlio former iirlvatcolllco of E. 1). Thomas. Tlio olllco O ilia natho newspaper KA JtAKAAINANA U In tlio olllco In tuu rear under tlio samo roof W. H. DANIELS.- REAL ESTATE AGENT, Conveyance, utc. GF All land buslncBR ontmstcd to him will bo promptly attended to. Offlco nnd Itosidcnco : Wuiliiku Maui. E B. THOMAS, Contractor and Builder J3T ESTIMATES GIVEN on AU Klnils of Stone, Ilrieli anil Wood Work. King street. mj3 S. KIMUBA, Corner Allen and Kekuanaoalsts DEALER IN JAPANESE PROVISIONS. Fresh Shipments Recoived by Every Stoamor from tho Oriont. Goods Sold at Lowest Prices Island Orders recoivo special attention. my4 ltn LEWIS & CO.. WrjOLESALE A;ND REJIL QrOCEtIES AND IJPROVISION DEALERS, g FRESH CALIFORNIA SALMON'OYP lly Evory San Francisco Steamer, tffi Salt Salmon in Barrels a Speo'ialty. m Fori St.,' Honolulu. Tel. 24c, P, O. Bex 297. Merchants' Exchange S. I. SHAW, Proprietor, Car. King aml,Nuuauu Streots, Honolulu, Choice LiquorandFine Beer HELL TELEPHONE 401. '1 nil an J (Successor to Clias. Hammer.) HilRNE S R 'ICIng and Tort Streets, Is prepared to manufacture all Minis and giadex or Harness at short notice Loirest of Trices Tor Caslt.f AU'work guaranteed to be satisfactory btj forolenlng the shop. W1NGSW0 TAI & 'CO No 25 tyuiami Street llonolnlil, II, I. Commission Monlmntu, Importers rnnd Dealers in (lenoral Merohauilise, due Manila Cigars, Cutuei.0 amt Japonoso Blattliigu, yawn ol all Kinds, Oatn ptiorwood TmnkH, ltuttkn Ohi.Virn. A lino aHsortmont of Divss SilkH, choicest llraiuls of Chlneflu and Japaneuo Teas of Latest Im portatloni', (T Iiia)cetu)iif (Haw floods respect- uiiy Hououeii Rill Tol. 2 .(3 1, O. Box 153