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The daily worker. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1924-1958, October 10, 1924, Image 1

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Vol. 11. No. 173.
Communists Stay on the Wisconsin Ballot
(Special to The Dally Worker)
LONDON, Oct. 9.—Premier Ramsay MacDonald, head of the
Labor government, officially announced this afternoon in the
House of Commons that the present parliament is to be dissolved.
King George has assented to the formality of agreeing to the
labor premier’s request for dissolution.
The only bill this session will consider is the Irish boundary
dispute. Very likely the next order of business will be to pro
rogue parliament. In that event, nominations are scheduled to
be made on Oct. 29.
The cabinet decided to resign upon the adoption of the tory
motion of censure by a vote of 364 to 196. This motion was based
on the government’s withdrawal of a criminal prosecution
ALL 11. $. POWER
Dawes Plan Has Back
ing of Washington
(Seventh Article.)
From the very moment that
the Best Minds of the American
employing class saw that con
ditions were ripening for their
open, large-scale participation
in and domination of the Euro
pean politico-economic affairs,
the United States government
put all of its powers and re
sources at the disposal of these
rulers of finance and industry to
help them establish and make
6ecure their receivership of Ger
Within two weeks after the
“unofficial” American members
of the experts’ committee, the
Banker-Generals Dawes, Young
and Robinson signed their
names to the reparations repoi’t,
President Coolidge spoke of the
proposed German loan before
the Associated Press in New
In these words: “Sound business
reasons exist why we should
participate in the financing of
works of peace in Europe.”
Shortly afterward the Federal Re
serve Board advisory council declar
ed: "The council recommends
when the new German note-issuing
hank, provided in the Dawes plan, Is
erganlzed, the federal reserve banks
take the steps necessary in order to
facilitate the rediscounting in this
country of properly protected German
gold bills. . . ."
On August 14, 1924, Coolidge reaf
firmed his Indorsement when he stated
In his speech of acceptance: “I shall
do what I can to encourage Ameri
can citizens and resources to assist
(Continued on Page B.)
The Chicago Young Workers League is beginning immediately to carry
out the work assigned to it in the Program of Action adopted by the National
Executive Committee.
The first task confronting the Chicago league is to reorganize upon a
completely new basis. This means abolition of all the present territorial
branches and a reorganization into'
area branches upon the basis of dis
tricts of work. This is a direct transi
j tlonal step to the complete reorganize
l*'tlon of the league upon the basis of
■hop nuclei.
This has been accepted by the Chi
eag<> executive committee and will be
presented to the membership at a gen
eral membership meeting of all mem
burs of the Young Workers League to
bo held tonight at Greek Workers'
Hall, 722 Blue Island Ave., (one
block from Halsted St.) at 8 p. m.
Comrade Max Shachtman will pre
lent the new plan of organization and
K thoro discussion is expected so that
111 members will be thoroly acquaint-
Id and ready to start their increased
** g—oad-clA— matter September 21, X92S, at the Poet Offloe at Chicago, lUiaoU under the Act of March S, IMg.
In Chicago, by mail, 18.00 per year.
Outside Cb«*vigo, by mail. 86.00 per year.
‘against James Campbell, the
editor of the Workers’ Weekly,
official organ of the Communist
Party of Great Britain.
' MacDonald Voices Regrets.
Reviewing the situation at this
juncture, premier MacDonald declar
ed: "I regret the turn of events, but
It is not of our seeking. It has beer
forced on us. I would have been glac
if we had been able to carry on our
policy, which I believe was for the
promotion of the common weal.”
The labor leader, Mr. Clynes, gave
another angle to the critical political
situation when he told the annual la
bor conference now in session: "We
were unable to get fair treatment
from the commons last night, but we
are getting it from the throne today
in authority for the dissolution of par
liament.” It is interesting to note
that there was considerable opposi
tion to the MacDonald request for dis
solution on the ground that the king
should deny "the right of a minority
to force the dissolution of parlia
This defeat is the eleventh suffer
ed by the labor cabinet. The reaction
aries are planning to unite all their
forces and score heavily on election
. day, which will probably be Novem
ber 8. They are counting on the wav
ering attitude of MacDonald and his
followers as well as on the acute eco
nomic crisis now confronting the
country in mounting unemployment
Expect Interesting Developments.
Many interesting developments are
expected in the impending election
campaign. The liberals are planning
to spread the notion that Premier Mac-
Donald had special personal reasons
for dropping the indictment against
J. R. Campbell, the Communist editor,
against whom sedition charges were
brougb. There is no denial of the fact
that unless MacDonald meets this
challenge squarely on the basis of all
workers lighting against the em
ployers along national class Ijnes, he
will be in a most unfavorable position.
It is the plan of the torles and
liberals to turn their every gun
against the Russian treaty also. They
point out that on the very day on
which the Soviet treaty was signed,
the Communist indictment was drop
In the ranks of the Labor Party
following there is much stir over the
slfhation. The extreme right group
does not welcome the election at this
time and regrets that it was unable
to avoid the untoward current events
have taken.
activity as a result of the new form
of organization.
This meeting is a historic one In the
annals of the American league since
It means the first direct step to com
pletely reorganize a large city unit
upon a basis that will make the Anal
reorganization on the basis of shop
nuclei, a fact instead of a mere theory.
Admission will be by card. All
members must attend or they will not
be In good standing. Announcement
will be made of the meeting places of
all new area branchss.
Building Bolsheviks—the D.
W. B. U.
Chinese Lose Faith in Imperialist-Paid Generals
Here we have a group of Cheki
ang troops resting up after being
driven back by a fierce assault of
the Manchurian forces. The picture
was taken five miles behind the
lines of the Peking army. For ten
Georgia Lynch Law in Chicago
Police from the Maxwell St.
police station were washing the
blood of William Bell, 29-year
old victim of a mob of rowdies,
from the sidewalk near the cor
ner of Miller and 14th Streets,
yesterday, but they could not
wipe away the stain of the
transportation of Georgia lynch
law to the city of Chicago.
It has been disclosed that
William Bell, 1067 Frank St., a
Negro lynched by a mob, many
of whom were declared by by
standers to be drunk, was
standing on the corner of 14th
and Maxwell Streets, talking to
friends when the alleged assault
on two stenographers occurred.
Killed With Bat.
The two Negro friends of the mur
dered man, Thomas Clark, of 1040
West 14th street, and Walter Harper,
1045 W. 13th street, and the brother of
the murdered Bell, George Bell, 1243
Miller street, have identified Otto Ep
stein, as the man who struck William
Bell over the head with a baseball
bat, almost instantly killing him.
In the sacramental wine shop of
George Shapiro, 1014 W. 14th street,
a few feet from the scene of the brut
al lynching, Shapiro and his assist
ants denied all knowledge of the af
fair, when interviewed by the DAILY
"Epstein is only a common labor
er,” Shapiro told the DAILY WORK
ER. “He was employed by me as
i night watchman.”
Shapiro’s assistant, who was in
barge of the wine shop yesterday,
made several contradictory state
ments to the DAILY WORKER. “Ep
stein generally sits outside the door,”
the assistant said. “He probably saw
the affair and ran for the police.” A
little later, however, the assistant con
tradicted himself. “Epstein generally
locked himself In the wine shop,” he
declared, closing the door and demon
strating to the DAILY WORKER re
porter exactly how Epstein closed the
door and locked It from the inside.
“He never wont out unless some ex
citement occurred. This place is sup
posed to close up at ton o'clock every
night, you know.”
Picks First Victim.
The Negroes of the "Valley Dis
trict,” which Is populated by both
days these soldiers were in the
trenches. The only rest they had
was when it rained, as it Is the
Chinese custom not to fight when
it pours. The Chekiang forces are
thoroly demoralized. They are los
ing faith In their generals, who, In
HUMANITY is again approaching a world war as a result of the preda
tory attack of the English, American, Japanese and French govern
ments upon the peacable inhabitants of China. What are all these gov
ernments after in China? Why do they send an ultimatum to the revo
lutionary democratic government of Sun-Yat-Sen? Why are they meddling
in the inner affairs of the Chinese people? They are coming forward
to protect the Chinese counter-revolution against the workers and peas
ants of China. They are dispatching their war ships to China because
the broad masses of the Chinese people wish to liberate themselves
from foreign domination. It is in this manner that the labor government
of England and the block of the left in France testify their love of peace
and their efforts of disarmament.
We, the workers of the Soviet Union, who have suffered from the
attacks of the world bourgeoisie, know who is directing this predatory
attack upon the broad masses of the Chinese people. We call upon the
workers of all countrips to stand up determinedly against this shameful
interference In the affairs of the Chinese people. It must not be per
mitted, that the bourgeoisie of England, America, France and Japan
place a noose round the neck of a people numbering 400 million. We,
the trade unionists of the Soviet Union, have formed a “Hands off China
League.” Organize similar leaguesl Set the broad masses in motion
against this attack! Do not let world-imperialism strangle the Chinese
people! '
Down with the predatory attack upon China!
Down with intervention!
Down with the world warl
Hands off China!
The Trade Union Council of the Soviet Union.
Jews and Negroes, have a different
story to tell of Epstein's activities.
Harper and Clark both claim Epstein
rau out of his shop trailing a base
ball bat, and crashed in the skull of
the first Negro he saw, which happen
ed to be Ball. The girls, meanwhile,
had run into Bertha Deutch's house,
1047 Miller street.
"They killed Bell for nothing at all,”
a Negro in the pool hall at 1041 Mil
ler street, across the street ffom the
murder, who saw the affair, told the
DAILY WORKER. "Epstein was sell
ng booze to a gang of yottng retiows,
and they were all standing in and
around the wine shop. Most of them
were drunk. Bell was standing on
the corner of Miller und 14th streets,
talking to friends, when the two girls
screamed and ran in the house. There
was an auto across the street, but I
saw no one lay hunds on the two girls.
At any rate it was not Bell.”
As soon as the girls screamed, Ep
stein ran out of the wine shop with
a baseball bat, followed by a bunch
of his drunken customers. Harper
and Clark ran, and Bell was Immedi
ately beaten to death by the crowd.”
Epstein Held Without Ball.
The desk sergeant at the Maxwell
street police station declared that Ep
stein will bo held without ball until
after the coroneFs Inquest, to take
place this morning at the county
the main, are bought and paid for
by American and British interests.
General Wu Pei Fu is especially a
notorious American henchman.
Many American business men have
labelled him the Chinese George
Compiled from documents and
data furnished by the rank and file
of the Illinois district of the United
Mine Workers of America, which
Farrington exploits, the series of
articles which the DAILY WORK
ER begins to publish Monday, con
tains what Is probably the moat
extraordinary story of corruption
and betrayal in the history of the
American labor movement.
Written by T. J. O'Flaherty In the
pungent style that has made his
“As We See It” column the subject
of favorable comment wherever the
DAILY WORKER Is read, these
articles will throw the searchlight
into many dark holes and corners
of the Illinois labor movement and
become part of the evidence on
which the American working data ia
building its indictment of the tools
of capitalism In the American labor
If you want to be certain of get
ting all these articles subscribe to
Published Daily except Sunday by THE DAILY WORKER
PUBLISHING CO., 1113 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago. lIL
(Campaign Manager, Workers Party)
The Workers Party has successfully called the bluff of La-
Follette’s Wisconsin officials in their own bailiwick.
In spite of the last minute joint attempt of H. L. Ekern,
attorney general, supported by secretary of state Fred. R. Zim
merman, both of Wisconsin, to rule off the official ballot the
names of William Z. Foster and Benjamin Citlow, Zimmerman
now rules that the Communist candidates will go on the ballot.
Ekern’s discriminatory and last minute ruling insisted upon
a petition of one thousand signatures for the names of the pre
sidential and vice-presidential candidates to be placed at the head
of the independent column.
The regular petition applying to the party electors had
already been filed and the date*-
for the filing of all petitions was
but a few days off when Ekern
made his ruling.
All Plans Well Laid.
The Workers Party was not sur
prised at this last minute attempt to
keep its candidates off the ballot,
while at the same time LaFollette’s
supporters had been tipped off and all
such fake rulings as those made by
Ekern provided for. LaFollette and
Wheeler were to be on the ballot in
Wisconsin but not Foster and Gitlow,
according to the plans of the Wis
consin “progressives.” Immediately
upon learning the facts, the Workers
Party proceeded to call the bluff of
attorney general Ekern.
Morris Fromkln, legal representa
tive of the party in Wisconsin, went
to Madison and Interviewed the various
officials, both the secretary of state
and the attorney general. Their ex
cuses and explanations for their hasty
| RCtlon was not accepted by the Work
ers Party. The party announced its
intention to fight this kind of gang po
litics and expose the methods of those
who run the “model commonwealth”
generally thruout the country. Now
we learn that the secretary of state,
Fred R. Zimmerman, will disregard
the ruling of the attorney general and
will permit the name of William Z.
Foster and Benjamin Giflow to be
placed on the official ballot in Wis
Workers! Draw the Lesson!
The foregoing incident should serve
as an object lesson to all those suffer
ing from the LaFollette illusion. La-
Follette recently has again assumed
his favorite role of martyr, caused by
the ruling of the California supreme
court, the judges of which voted four
against three to rule LaFollettes
electors off the ballot in California on
some such legal technical and flimsy
excuse as his own man Ekern now
tried to avail himself of against the
Communist candidates in LaFollette’s
Wisconsin utopia.
Attorney general Ekern is the same
one to whom LaFollette, from his At
lantic retreat, addressed the Infamous
letter denouncing the Communists and
the St. Paul convention. In this letter
he says, speaking of the Communists:
“Their real purpose is to establish, by
revolutionary action, a dictatorship of
the proletariat which is absolutely
repugnant to democratic ideals and
to all American aspirations.”
Both attorney general Ekern and
secretary of state Zimmerman are
LaFollette Wisconsin lieutenants.
Surely no one will claim that their
attempt to keep off the ballot all in
dependent candidates and reserve the
space for LaFollette and Wheeler Is
democratic. It is Just as unfair and
outrageous an attempt as could be
made by the lieutenants of Cal Cool
idge himself. It is a general indica
tion of the precinct politics played by
LaFollette and his gang in Wiscon
sin. Should LaFollette, by a miracle,
be elected, the same gangster and
precinct politics would be a part of the
national LaFollette regime.
Realize LaFollette Menace.
The Workers Party from the outset
has been conscious of the LaFollette
menace to the American working class.
Should It get the opportunity it will
go further in its frantic support of
capitalism than Noske, Hcheidemann
or MacDonald, whom it likes to hall
as its English prototype.
The victory of the Workers Tarty
in Wisconsin in compelling, thru Its
militant and aggressive tight and its
state-wide publicity the LaFollette
lieutenants, attorney general and sec
retary of state, to back away from
Communist Candidates
For President:
For Vice-President: ■
That white men and not a Negro
approached Betty Goldbiatt and
Bertha Deutsch, Wednesday night,
has just been disclosed by eye-wit
nesses to the lynching of William
Bell, a Negro, whom police admit
had nothing to do with the affair.
Harry Crawford, Negro, who runs
a pool hall at 1339 Miller Street, a
few feet from the spot where Bell
was murdered at eleven o’clock
Wednesday night, paved the corner
of 14th and Miller St. while the two
girls were talking to two white men
who 'had tried to “pick them up” in
a Ford car which had stopped near
the corner. Crawford declares he
heard one of the girls say as he
passed by, better go about
your business or something will hap
pen to you.”
Crawford says he stopped near
the corner, and after a few minutes
the Ford car drove away. The two
girls then walked to the wine shop
of George Shapiro, at 1011 W. 14th,
and told the crowd of men standing
around there that a Negro had at
tempted to assault her.
Epstein, according to Crawford,
came up with a bat, and some of the
other men also came up and threat
ened the Negroes who were ohattlng
on the corner. “One of the men
struck me twice and I ran,” Craw
ford declared. “As I fled, I saw Ep
stein hit Bell on the head with a bat
and the othera started to kick him
as he crumpled to the sidewalk."
When asked about this version off
the story by a reporter of the Ne
gro press, Miss Goldbiatt admitted
she had been approached by two
men In a Ford car, and the two girls
sent them on their way. Miss QoUh
blatt claimed the Negro, whom eh#
declares she cannot Identify be
cauee it was dark, approaohed her
after the two white men had made
advances from their oar. Then she
declared, she went to the wine shop
and told the men there about the Ne
gro aproaching her. She did not
mention her talk with the two white
men in the Ford car to Epstein, It
their bare faced discrimination la a
victory for the workers of Wisconsin
and the country generally.
The Workers Party exposure of La-
Follette's latest autocratic methods
has aroused tremendous sentiment
among the workers of Wisconsin and
is causing much uneasiness in the
rankß of LaFollette’s official family.
The sincere socialists of Wisconsin
cannot stomach such LaFollette tac
tics and are going over, boots and bag
gage to the Communist candidates.
LaFollette again, as he did in the
case of the St. Paul convention, has
called to tho attention of the workers
the rising Communist movement. The
workers with a few more such ex
periences as these will be willing to
swap LaFollotte’s brand of “demo
cratic ideals and American aspira
tions,” for working class political
solidarity and a workers' and farmers’
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