OCR Interpretation

Washington sentinel. [volume] (Washington [D.C.]) 1853-1855, March 02, 1854, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84020104/1854-03-02/ed-1/seq-4/

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Agencies ani Ifato
Agency at w ashing to n?t?
Claimants.?FRANCIS A. DICKINS con- j
tuiues to undertake the agency of claims liefore
Congress and other branches of the government, j
including commissioners under treaties, and the
various public offices. He will attend to pre >
eraption and other land claims, the procuring ol j
patents for the public lands, and procuring scrip
?for Virginia bounty land warrants, and the confir
mation by Congress of grants and claims 10 lands,
claims for property lost in or taken for the serviee
of the United States; property destroyed by the
Indians, or while in the possession of the United
States; invalid, revolutionary, navy, widows',and
hull-pay pensions; claims for revolutionary ser
vices, whether for commutation, half-pay, or
bounty lands; also, claims for extra and back pay,
dec., of soldiers, sailors and marines: as well those
against the State of Virginia, as the United States;
all claims, growing out of contracts with the gov
ernment, for damages sustained in consequence of
the aciton or conduct of the government; and, in
Weed, any business before Congress orthe public of
fices which may require the aid of an agent or attor
ney. His charges will be moderate, and depend
ing upon the amount of the claim und the extent i
of th? service.
Mr. F. A. Dickitis is known to most of those who
have been in Congress withiu the last few years,
or who have occupied any public attention at
His office is on Fifteenth street, opposite to the
Treasury Department, and next doo- to the Bank
of the Metropolis.
All letters must b? postpaid.
Sep 28?lyd (m)
Capital 9100,000. paid la and securely
A. A. ALVORD, President.
Among its directors ar? Ambrose C. Kingsland,
Silas C. Herring, George 1). Phelps, John P.
Brown, Edwin D. Morgan, Myndert V an Sehaick,
and other substantial men of New York.
Insurances made uj>on the most favorable terms.
C. B. ADAMS, Agent,
Office 9th street, opposite the Patent Office
Oct 16?eolm (m)
J\ all journals throughout the United States,
Canadas and Europe, and arrangements made at
the lowest rates. All papers kept on Hie for the
inspection of advertisers, and every information
given. Oct 1?tf
Auditor's Office, Post Office Department,
Nuvcvibef 1, 1853.
of this office to pay the drafts drawn and nego
tiated by contractors for carrying the United
States mails, for the amounts, respectively,of their
quarterly pay. It was established to accommo
date the contractors. and meet their necessities, in
advance of the regular and slewer process of pay
ing by the drafts or warrants of the department,
and was intended only to apply to one draft per
route from each contractor for the u-hoLr amount,
(deducting lines, collections, &c..) of his quarterly
pay; but it has been, and is quite generally so
misunderstood, as to -be supposed to allow any
number of drafts, and tor any amount, not exceed
ing in the aggregate, the contract pay for the quar
ter. A privilege conceded for accommodation (for
it was never anything more) has thus been made
to embarrass materially the business of this oriice.
forced upon it the settlement of the private ac
counts of contractors, and thrown upou the ex
changes ol the country, with a quasi sanction of
this office, a species of paper currency unauthor
ised by the laws.
It not unfrequently occurs, too, that this office is
exposed to great and unnecessary risk in deter
mining upou the genuineness of the signatures to
the assignments or endorsements ol' the various
persons through whose hands these drafts are
made to pass before their presentation."
It is therefore deemed proper to give this public
notice to contractors, and all concerned, that from
and after the 1st day of January. 1654, but one
draft for the pay upon each route per quarter will
be payed, or filed for payment, in this office. This
draft should stale upon its face, that it is the only
one for the quarter and the route (both to be speci
fied) on which it is drawn: xind the signature there
to should be attested by the postmaster at the place
where it may bt drawn, and one other witness; and
taeJi assignmer.: thereof should be attesttd by tiro
Auditor of the Treasury for the
Nov. 13. P. O Department.
""YTEW YORK, May 2, 1853.?The undcr
I t|| signed has this day opened an office, No. 42
William street, (Merchants' Exchange.) for the
transaction of a general brokerage business.
Bank, insurance, mining, railroad, government,
State, and city securities bought and sold.
Promissory notes, bills of exchange, and loans
Sep 21?dtf EMANUEL B. HART.
pwR. RALEIGH T. BROW NE, late of Vlr
1 / ginia, having located in Washington, offers
his professional services to the public.
Office and residence on Pennsylvania avenue,
betwe?n*3d and 4J streets, opposite Gadsby's and
the United States Hotels.
Dec 6?eolm
late attorney general of Virginia, has re
moved to Washington to practice law.
He will practice in the Supreme Court of the
United States, the courts of the District of Column
bia, and attend to any professional business con
fided to him.
Office in Morrison's new building on 4i street,
east of Pennsylvania avenue.
Hon. J. J. Allen, t Hon. Wm. Daniel,
Hon. Richard Moncure, Hou. G. B. Samuels.
Hon. G. H. Lee, of the Court of Appeals 01
To the Judges of the Circuit Courts of Virginia.
To the senators and members of Congress from
Sep 21?lyeod. (ru)
FY. NAYJLOK Copper, Tin, Sheet-Iron
? and Stove Manufacturer, south side Penn
sylvania avenue near Third Mr?>?t. invites the
attention of all who are in want of Stoves to one
of the most extensive assortment of the latest
and improved styles. They comprise Furnaces,
Grates, and Cooking Stoves, of the most approved
patterns, including the celebrated Kisterbock
Cooking Stove, fancy Parlor and Hall Stoves for
coal or wood, as also the Saratoga Radiator,
adapted either for the parlor or hall, which he
otfers for sale at the lowest market prices.
Also, manufacturer and dealer in Tin. Copper,
and Sheet-iron Ware, made of the best materials
and workmanship. An excellent assortment o
Culinary articles always on hand.
Rooting, Guttering, Spouting. Arc... executed by
experienced workmen, and repairs neatly done
Sole agent for Winston's Improved Patent Cof
fee Roaster
Sep 24?3meod (Intelligencer) (ni)
ventor (Dr. Kidder) of this economical and
useful instrument deserves the thanks of the gas
consuming community. The saving effected by
the use ol it will I>e found fully 25 per cent, in ev
ery person's iras bill. It can be so adjusted as to
supply the pas at any desired pressure les? than
that of the street, and when once adjusted, the
Regulator will continue to supply the pas at that
pressure uniformly, without requiring further care
or attention, and independent of all the fluctua
tions of the street pressure. An additional advan
tage obtained by this Regulator is a light of a more
agreeable quality, in place of the bluish white
color of the ordinary gas light, occasioned by the
high pressure at which the gas is consumed. As
an evidence of its itractical utility, it is now in op
eration in some of the principal notels and lar^e
stores in New York city, who all l*>ar favorable !
testimony to its value. It has also received the
united commendations of the press.
Hotel proprietor* and storekeepers in the city of J
Washington and its vicinity, desirous to avail
themselves of the economiser, can obtain all fur- j
ther information by calling on the subscriber, who ,
has fitted one of these Regulators up in his store,
and will give an illustration of it.
Practical Gas-Fitter and Plumber,
South West corner of 9th and D streets.
Sep 22?2aw3w.
Dr. VAN PATTEN, "" j
Penn. avenue, betweea 6th and 7th sts., next to !
Todd's Hat Store. Sep 21-tf
& Ideational.
Medical department of hamp
den Sydney College, Richmond, Va.?The
sixteenth annual course of lecture? will co?"
me nee on Monday, the 10th day of October, 1&53,
and continue until the 1st of the ensuing March.
The commencement for conferring degrees will
be held about the middle of March.
R. L. Bohannan, M. D., Prof, of Obstetrics and
Diseases of Women and Children.
L. W. Chambcrlayne. M. D., Prof, ol Materia
Medka and Therapeutics.
Martin P. Scstt, M. D.. Lecturer oa Chemistry
aud Pharmacy. ? ? .
Chas. Bell Gibson, M. D., Prof, of Surgeiy and
Surgical Anatomy. ,
Carter P. Johnson, M. D., Prol. of Anatomy and
I P?: Tucker, M. D., Prwf of Theory and
Practice of Medicine.
Arthur E. Petieolas, M. D., Demonstrator oi
I Anatomy. , , ,
I The study of practical anatomy may be proae
i cuted with the most ample facilities, and at very
' trilling expense. ... . i
1 Clinical lectures are regularly given at the col
lege infirmary and Richmond almshouse. The in
firmary, under the same roof with the college, and
subject to the entire control of the faculty, is at all
times well filled with medical and surgical cases,
and furnishes peculiar facilities for clinical in
struction. Many surgical operations are perform
ed in presence ??fthe class; and the students, be
ing freely admitted to the wards, enjoy, under
the guidance of the professors, unusual apportu
nilies for becoming tainiliar with the symptoms,
diagnosis, aud treatment of disease.
Expenses.?Matriculation fee, $5. Professors
fees. $100. Demonstrator's fee, $10. Graduation
f'ct? ?Of).
jr-ff The price of board, including luel, lights,
und servants attendance, is usually $3 or $3i per
week. DAVID H. TUCKER, M. D.,
Sep '29 tf Dean of the Faculty.
ELECT CLASSICAL and Mathematical
School.?'The subscriber has removed his
school to College Hill, where a commodious build
ing is being fitted up for its reception.
As the Preparatory Department of the Colum
bian College, it will continue to preserve ohnr
acter of a strictly select school, designed tor lay
ing the foundation of a thorough English, Classi
cal, und Mathematical education. The next ses
sion will commence on the 12th ol September, and
close oil the last of June.
Terms: $12 50 per quarter, payable in advance.
At a small additional charge, the students will
be permitted to attend the Lectures delivered in
College on Chemistry, Geology, and Mineralogy,
and also to receive instruction in French and other
Modern Languages by the Professor in that de
'' Pupils may be boarded at the College, under the
special care and superintendence ol the Principal.
The necessary expenses of a lull boarding student
will be about $190 per academic year, and of a
weekly boarder will not exceed $150.
GEORGE S. BACON. Principal.
Refers to the Faculty of the Columbian College;
Col. J. L. Edwards, Col. Peter Force, Wm. Gun
ton, Esq.; L. D. Gale, M. D.. of the Patent Office;
Joseph Wilson, Esq., of the Land Office ; and Pro
fessor C. C. Jewett,ofthe Smithsonian Institute.
Sep 21? tf .
session of this institution will open the 1st ol
October, and close the 29th of June following.
The university embraces the following schools,
viz: 1. ancient languages; 2, modern languages;
3, mathematics; 1. natural philosophy, mineralogy,
and geology; 5, chemistry; 6, medicine; /, com
parative anatomy, physiology, and surgery; 6, mo
ral philosophy, rhetoric, and belles lettres, and po
litical economy; 9. law. Also a lectureship ol
special anatomy and materia medica. and a de
monstratorship of anatomy. '1 he schools ot an
cient languages, modern languages, and mathe
matics, have each an assistant instructor; a^d in
the school of law there is an adjunct professor.
The expenses, (not including clothing, books, or
pocket-money.) are as follows: ,
Tuition fee. say three schools, at $25 each.$70 00
Boarding, including diet, room-furniture,
nnd attendance of servant, payable in
three instalments in advance 120 00
Room rent, two occupying a room, $8
each 800
(Rents without the precints, something
Nkitnculation fee. $15; contingent depo
sit. $10
Washing, say $10, fuel and light, say $20 30 00
I ? $258 00
Students of medicine are charged with four
tickets, at $25 each, and a dissecting fee of $5.
The fee in the immediate class of law is $60 ; in
senior class. $75. GESgNER HARRISON,
gep 21 tf Chairman of the Faculty.
?\| Washington.?The Thirty-second Annual
Course of Lectures will commence on the fourth
Monday in October, and continue until March.
Thomas Miller, M. D., Professor of Anatomy
I and Physiology. ?
Wm. P. Johnson, M. D., Prolessor of Obstet
i rics and Diseases of Women and Children.
Joshua Riley, M. D., Professor of Materia Med
I ica. Therapeutics and Hygiene.
John Fred. May, M. D., Professor of the Prin
ciples and Practice of Surgery.
Grafton Tyler. M. D., Professor of Pathology
and Practice of Medieine.
Robert King Stone. M. D., Professor of Micros
' copal and Pathological Anatomy.
Lewis H. Steiner, M. D., Professor of Chemis
try and Pharmacy.
William H.Saunders, M. D, Prosector and De
monstrator. .
The facilities for the prosecution of practical
anatomy are ample.
Like most similar institutions in Europe, the
desks from which the regular lectures are given,
and the wards for clinical instructions are under
the same roof.
The extensive additions to the buildings since
? a>t session, lor the accommodation of the
tc, will greatly extend the usefulness of the
medical and surgical clinic.
The entire expense for a full course of lec
tures is ^ ? .$90
Practical anatomy by the demonstrator 10
Martriculating fee (payable only once) 5
Graduating expenses 25
Admission to the Medical and Surgical Clinic
trough the whole course without charge.
Dean of the Faculty.
Office and resideaoe corner of F and 14th sts.
Sep 21?tf
EDICALCARDr-Dr*. K. & J. Hunter,
(physicians for diseases of the chest, &c..)
beg to announce that they will remove to New
York on the 5th of December next, or as soon
thereafter as they shall have completed desired
professional arrangements in regard to their prac
tice in Washington and Baltimore. The motive for
this change is that ofLeing mere central and easy
of access to those visiting them from distant parts
of the Union. , . ?
Dr. James Hunter will, during the winter, visit
professiouall/St. Augustine, Jacksonville, and the
principal resorts for invalids on the southern
coast. ,. ,
Dr. Robert Hunter will visit W ashmgton and
Baltimore on professional business once in each
month after December.
Will be published in January next an American
edition of Sir Charles Scudainore's work on Inha
lation, with an "Introduction," "Note?,"and an
Appeudix, by R. Hunter, M. R. C. S.
Nov 10?ly (m)
PW. DROWNING, Merchant Tailor,
, under the United States Hotel, having en
larged and improved his store, would now respect
fully call the attention of citizens, and strangers
visiting Washington, to his well-selectcd stock ot
French and English cloths, casm meres, and vest
ings, of the newest and most elegant styles ol
goods from the New York market.
Having had twenty years' experience in the
purchase of goods from the b?*st importing houses
in the United States, with such advantages as will
enable him to offer them to the public on such
terras as will give entire satisfaction to the pur
chasers, and, in view of increasing his business,
he has purchased an unusual large stock of goods,
such as will defy competition lor their beauty,
style, and cheapness.
All he asks is a call before you purchase else
where, and he will convince you that you will
save your money by so doing. A suit of c othes I
can be made up in the most elegant style at twelve
hours' notice.
Superior Read jr-made Clothlaf.
I have on hand a superior assortment of resdy
made clothing, of my own work, made up in the
most fashionable manner, such as overcoat* in
va>ious styles, frock and dress coats, and also
pants and vests, which will l>e sold at much less
price than work made to order.
N. B. Sole agent for Scott's report of Fashions
for the District.
Oct. 15?6m. $J?)
MARBLE MAMTLEU.?Marble works.?
The subscriber begs leave to inform his
friends and the public that he haa increased his
stock of Marble Mantles, comprising Sienna,
Brockedelia, Spanish, Egyptian vein, Italian, and
black marble, richly carved and plain, of the best
quality, newest style, and superior ftnish, which he
oilers for sale low for cash. Also. Marble Monu
ments, Tombs, and Headstone Slabs; Eastern
Marble for window sills, lintels, steps, and plat
form*; Marble tile, counter and table topaj soap
stone, calcined plaster, $2 75 per barrel.
Also on hand a large lot of Connecticut Brown
Stone, New York Hags and Steps, suitable for
building purposes. He invites the attention ot
builders and others to hi* stock, and will endeavor
to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with
their orders.
On E st., bet. 12th and 13th.
Oct. 9?6m. (m)
FOR RENT, the Building now being fin
ished on the northeast corner of 7th street and
Louisisna avenue, in this city.
The first floor has bean constructed for a Bank
ing Establishment, of marble, with vaults, Jec., and
two stores on 7th street. The basement is con
structed to embrace all the modern conveniences
for a restaurant, in connexion with a kitchen and
vaulu for coal, oysters, provisions, dec. The restau
rant communicates, both from inandout doors, with
the second story, which is composed of four rooms,
communicating through ample folding-doors, for
the accommodation of either large or small private
parties. Should the second story not be taken in
connexion with the restaurant, the rooms will be
rented for offices. The third story embraces near
ly the whole extent of the building, and is well
adapted for a commodious billiard-room for three
tables. The fourth story embraces the whole ex
tent of the building, and is well adapted for a
printing room or amory, and, if not rented, will be
reserved for a meeting and exhibition room. Gas
and water and all the modern improvements have
been introduced on each floor of this building, and
its position, situated in the very heart of the most
business portion of Washington, must ensure large
profits to competent tenant*.
Apply to or address S. C. BARNEY,
Sep 21?tf E.bet. i and 7th its, Washington.
f*xni6itton of the most splendid assortment
of fall patterns, at the Metropolitan Payer Hanging
and Tpholstery Ware rooms, No. 5, Washington
Place, east side of 7th street, 5 doors sonth of E
street. 1 would most respectfully inform the citi
Zifn9? ^f'kington, Georgetown, and vicinity,
that I have just received from the manufacturers a
splendid assortment of Paper Hangings, of the
richest designs and best finish, embracing all va
rieties and kinds?vit: Gold, Silver, Velvet, Satin,
and Unglazcd Papers, at all prices, from 10 cents
to $3 cents per pieee. Borders of the richest
patterns, ranging in price from 12$ cents to $2 50
for nine yards. Window Shades from 37J cents
to $4, and upwards, according to quality.
Paper hung by the best workmen. All work
warranted to give satisfaction. Designs for halls
and vestibules are kept on exhibition. Statuary
and ornamental work done in an artistic manner.
Churches and halls papered and decorated after
the Parisian and New York styles.
Upholstery work done in the best manner, and
at short notice, by skilful workmen.
Particular attention is called to my 25 cent Satin
Papers. My assortment is unrivalled by anyother
in this city. No trouble to show goods. A call is
respectfully solicited. Doors open till 9 o'clock in
the evening. JOSEPH T. K. PLANT.
Sep 24?3ineod (m)
Office on Pennsylvania avsnut, between 10<A and
lltA streets, Washington, D. C.
and Contracts for new buildings prepared,
and their erection superintended.
Old Buildings altered and modernized.
Draughts and Specifications of Patents and
Drawings of every description executed.
Hon. John Wilson, Com. General Land Office.
Hon. B. B. French, Com. Public Buildings.
Captain B. S. Alexander, U. S. Army.
S^0^^^?*^leVwC'T,^eweu, Smithsonian Institute.
Dr. William P. Johnson. Dec 3?3md (m)
Purely Vegetable in iu composition.?This
invaluable Cordial is extracted from Herbs and
Rrrts, which have been found afte* years of ex
perience, by the most skillful physicians, to be
possessed of qualities the most beneficial in the
diseases for which it is recommended ; and hence,
whilst it is presented to the public as an effica
cious remedy, it is also known to be of that char
acter on which reliance may be placed as to its
safety. In cases of Impotency, Hcemorrhages,
Disordered Sterility, Menstruation, or Suppression
of the Menses, Fluor Albus or Whites, or for
Debility arising from any canse, such as
weakness from sickness, where the patient has
been confined to bed for some time, for females
after confinement, abortion or miscarriage, this
cordial cannot be excelled in its salutary effects ;
or in loss of muscular energy, irritability, physical
prostration, seminal weakness, palpitation of the
heart, indigestion, sluggishness, decay ol the pro
creative functions, nervousness, See., where a
tonic medicine is required, it will be found equal
if not superior to any compound ever used.
To Females.-?Henry's Invigorating Cordial is
one of the most invaluable medicines in the many
complaints to which females are subject. It as
sists nature to brace the whole system, check ex
cesses, and creates renewed health and happiness.
Less suffering, disease, and unhappiness among
ladies would exist, were they generally to adopt
the use of this cordial. Ladies who are debilitated
by those obstructions which females are liable to,
are restored by the use of a bottle or two to bloom
and to vigor. <
\ oung Men.?That solitary practice, so fatal to
the existence of man, and jt is the young who are
most apt to become its victims, from an ignorance
of the danger to which they subject themselves,
Nervous Debility, weakness of the system,
and prematura decay. Many of you may now be
suffering, misled as to the cause or source of dis
ease To those, then, who by excess have brought
on themselves premature impotency, involuntary
seminal emissions, weakness and shrivelling of I
the genital organs, nervous affection, or any other
consequences of unrestricted Indulgence of the
sensual passions, occasioning the necessity of re
nouncing the felicities of
Marriage, lessening both mental and bodily ca
pacity, hold! Henry s Invigorating Cordial.a medi
cine that is purely vegetable, will aid nature to re
store those important functions to a healthy state,
and will prove of service to you. It possesses rare
virtues, is a general remover of disease, and
strengthener of the system.
As a Tonic Medicine, it is unsurpassed. We
do not place this cordial on a footing with quack
medicines, and, as is customary, append a long
list of recommendations, certificates, tec., begin
ning with " Hear what the Preacher says," and
such like; it i* not necessary, for "'Henry's Invig
orating Cordial only nerds a trial to prove that
it wiii accomplish all we say.
<ieuulne "Hcu?"y'? Invigorating Cor
dial is put up in eight ox. pannef bottles, and is
easily recognised by the manufacturer's signature
on the label of each bottle, (to counterfeit which
is forgery.)
|Jo JJ" *?ld for 88 bottle"; *ix for M; per
Prepared only by S. E. COHEN, No. 3, Frankli
row, \ me street, below Ewhth, Philadelphia, Ps.
to whom all orders must & addressed. For ?ale
by all respectable drurgists and merchants throuah
out the country; and by
W. H. OILMAN, Washington, D. C.
CANBY & HATCH, Baltimore.
PELL & STBVENS, Alexandria, Va.
Jan 24?ly
No. 8 North William Strut, New York.
THIS TYPE la now uaed exclusively In
many of the largest newspaper and geueral
printing offices in this country and in England ;
and the company have the strongest testimonial*
that it will do at least double the amount of work
done by common type ; while it gives, at the sama
tune, a finer working surface.. The cost of facing
is about 25 per cent, upon the tariff prices of type.
The. following journals are printed from the
conper-faced type:
v i T York tribune, New York Herald, New
vi ?un' Mornin* Courier and Enquirer, New
vorlt Express, Universal, City of Mexico; Boston
v Po#t' TrV* Democrat, Cleveland.
fh.M: i>W Journal, American Messenger,
Pom ,TJ!P*r',Ph,1,,dele.bi" Saturday Evening
Bo?inn T Journal, Boston Commonwealth,
ethersCincinn*?i Commercial; snd
others in this country and England.
Orders solicited by'
Eleventh street, 2d door .ahi, t> Agents.
Deo 10?eod 2 w ??enoe.
A N Illustrated Record of Agriculture, Me
J\_ ehanics, Science, and Useful Knowledge,
published monihly, by ALFRED E. BEACH, No.
SO Nassau street, New York.
Sent by Mail to any part of the United States.
Every number contains 32 large pages of letter
press, beautifully printed on fine paper, and
ProfliMljr Illustrated with Engravings.
Farmers, mechanics, inventors, manufacturers,
and people of every profession, will tind in the Peo
ple's Joirnal a repository of valuable information
peculiarly suited to their respective wants.
Terms?To subscribers, Jifty cents a volume.
Subscriptions may be sent by mail in coin, post
office stamps, or bills, at the risk of the publisher.
The name of the post office, county, and State,
where the pa|ier is desired to be sent, should be
plainly written. Address, postage paid,
No. 86 Nassau street, New York City.
Two volumes are published annually.
Back numbers and volumes always on hand for
sale. Single copies 10 cents each, to be had at
nearly all the book and periodical stores in the
Inventors and others desiring to obtain letters
patent for inventions, are requested to communi
cate directly with the editor of the People's Jour
nal, by whom all the necessary documents are
prepnred, with ths utmost fidelity and dispatch.
Patent business of every description promptly at
tended to. Persoas wishing for information relar
tive to patents or inventions, may at all times con
sult the undersigaed, without charge, either per
sonally at his office, or by letter. To those living
at a distance, he would state, that all the needful
steps, necessary to secure a patent, can be ar
ranged by letter, just as well as if the party were
present. All consultations and business strictly
confidential. Patents promptly secured in Eng
land, France, and other foreign countries. For
patents in the United States, a model of the inven
tion is always necessary, in size it should not
exceed one cubic foot.
Editor of the People's Journal, Patent Agent, Jec.*
No. 86 Nassau street, New York.
Nov. 23?*
THE undersigned propose, on the first day of
January next, at Raleigh, North Carolina, to
begin the publication of the North Carolina Statej
man, a semi-weekly and weekly paper, devoted
to politics, news, and miscellaneous subjects, and
respectfully solicit for it a share of the patronage
of the democratic party, their friends, and the
Invited by many leading persons of the State
rights republican party to propagate and defend
principles which we have always held, and regard
as the only basis of prosperity in our form of gov
ernment, and inspired with a sincere desire to
serve that party and advance its interests, we pro
pose to issue a paper at the seat of the State gov
ernment. In the field of editorial enterprise, there
is ample room for those who are now holding po
sition, as well as for others, who choose to enter
into fair competition. The propagation of the
principles of our party is a duty at once import
ant, and to us peculiarly agreeable. The attrac
tions of the editorial profession and its hohorable
toils, together with a desire to extend its influence,
has had much weight in the decision which we
have made?a profession at once dignified and
elevated, where the highest intellectual gifts may
find ftill employment, and the purest patriotism
malce contribution to the public weal. We are
persuaded that a journal, conducted with fairness
and discretion?uninfluenced by selfishness and
devoted to principle, may secure sufficient patron
age, without interfering with the claims or rights
of any now prosecuting the same great work.
Although mainly devoted to the discussion of
such political questions, as they arise, which affect
the welfare of North Carolina, whether relating to
the federal or State governments, or such local in
terests as may be of importance, it is nevertheless
intended to make the Statesman a medium of ge
neral intelligence. Accordingly, the state of the
markets in tne principal citics, to which eur com
merce goes, shall be fully and accurately reported;
nor will the attention of the condactors be less ad
dressed to the subject of internal improvements,
as a means indispensable to the development of
the mineral and agricultural resources of the Stnte.
These interests, of primary importance, shall al
ways command their fullest attention. To this
they propose to add carefully selected and original
literary matter. Being strictly conservative, they
propose to avail themselves of all the lights of ex
perience, in that progress, which promises the ad
vancement of the interests of North Carolina.
The general objects of the proposed paper being
thus clearly indicated, it may not be amiss briefly
to state the particular views which are to be sus
tained by it as a political journal.
1st. Our purpose beingto publish a paper purely de
mocratic, according to the straightest requirements
of that party, we shall advocate strict party organi
zation in its fullest and most comprehensive sense;
an organization which originates in the popular
will, expressed by the people in their primary as
semblies, and which has been so successfully in
troduced among the democracy of many of the
ether States, by which the rank and file of the
party are, in fact, those who indicate its decisions,
and, being all brought into action, express their
will imperatively; thus, by open and fair dealing,
commanding respect and obedience; an organiza
tion of the people, and not of intriguers; restoring
power to those who, by sufferance, have tolerated
its temporary usurpation.
2d. The democratic party shall always find in us
advocates of their right to select their standard
bearers, aud to command acquiescence in decisions
made by conventions fairly elected in their primary
meetings. Standing upon the good old State
ri^its platform of '9S, we shall oppose government
corporations created by Congress for the purpose
of internal improvement, the regulation of finance,
or any other measure inconsistent with the rights
of the States.
3d. Believing that the platform adopted by the
late Baltimore convention contains th^democratic
creed, they expect cordially to sustain the present
administration, trusting that the policy adopted by
those who compose it will be regulated by the
cardinal doctrines of the American democracy.
4th. They will advocate all such measures of in
ternal improvement as promise by judicious prose
cution to promote the interests of the people and
diffuse the benefits of a system already enjoyed bv
portion* of the State.
5th. The deposition of the public lands being a
question of the most absorbing interest, we be
lieve it should be at once met and settled. The
unjust and unequal legislation of Congress, in re
lation to those lands, and the large and frequent
appropriations made to the new States, indicate a
final departure, from the old and wise policy of ap
propriating the proceeds of their sales to the pay
ment of the public debt, and the expenses of the
government. It has for some time censcd to be
either a subject of hope or expectation that there
will ever be a return to a policy which had so
much to recommend it. Believing that this sys
tem of squandering and prodigality is not only to
continue but to grow worse, we shall pretest
against it, and assert the right of the old States to
their equitable share of the lands which remain.
The power "to dispose of the public lands being
explicitly declared in the Constitution, the exer
cise of that power is a question of policy, both as
to the time and tbe mode.'' Believing, as we do.
that it has become the settled policy of Congress
to squander the public lands, we adopt the patri
otic language of Mr. Dobbin, and say that "all
of North Carolina's sons, both whigs and demo
crats, should protest, and demand North Caro
lina's share of the public domain."
6th. Approving of the sentiments of the inaugu
ral of the President, we shall oppose the acquisi
tion of Cuba or any other foreign territory, unless
such acquisition be in accordance with existing
treaties, and entirely consistent with the national
Terms.?For the semi-weekly, $4 per annum;
and for the weekly, $2; payment in advance.
Communications should be addressed to "The
editor of the North Carolina Statesman, Raleigh,
Oct., 1853, W. WH1TAKER.
VIEW, volumes XIV. and XV., adapted pri
marily to the southern and western States of the
Union, including statistics of foreign and domestic
industry and enterprise. Published monthly in
New Orleans, at per annum, in advance.
A few complete sets of the work, thirteen
volumes, bound handsomely, (600 to C$0 pages,)
are for sale at the office, New Orleans, deliverable
in any of the large cities or towns. Sep 7?tf
'J. to Industry, Science, and Mechanics.
Published weekly at 128 Fulton street, N. Y., (Sun
Buildings,) by Munn & Co.
Terms: tU a year: *1 in advtnoe, and tbe re
mainder m six months.
Sep. 7?tf
$0flks, Statifliurg, &r.
COLLINS, BOWNE A CO., 11th street,
2d door north of Pennsylvania avenue, im
porters and manufacturers, ofler at low cash prices
every variety of account books, paper, fancy, and
staple stationery. Copying and notarial presses
Writing paperr, notes, drafts, receipt!, hotel
registers, sets of books ior societies, writing desks,
scrap books, shipping receipt books, patent ink
stands, tin cash and deed boxes, manifold letter
writers, bankers' note cases, slates, pencils, chess
men, perforated board, copying presses, bills oi
exchange, memorandum books, time books, port
folios, gold and steel pens, superior writing ink,
elastic paper holders, seal presses, pass and copy
books, penknives, backgammon boards, wax, wa
fers, tissue paper. Fancy stationery in great va
riety. Books ruled and bound to pattern.
Job printing executed at low rates. Cards, cir
culars, bill heads, checks, receipts, &c.
174 aud 17C Pearl slre?*t, New York.
Nov. 5?tf.
1 Medium, demy, and flat-cap papers, for sale
11th St., six doors north of Penn. avenue.
Branch of Stationers' Hall, 17-1 und 176,
Pearl street, New York.
N. B.?Orders received for book-binders' mate
rials. (m) Oct. 11?tf.
aud Choral Advocate?Is the cheapest and
best Musical Paper in the world. This journal,
(which has heretofore been published monthly,)
commences its fifth year in January next, aiid
thenceforwarded it will be published every two
weeks?on every other Thursday; thereby giving
more than twice as much matter without any in
crease in price. Each number contains sixteen
quarto pages, lour of which are new music, con
sisting of glees, hymn tunes, chants, anthems, dedi
cation and holyday pieces, and, in short, every
variety of music adapted to purposes of religious
worship, to public occasions and to the home cir
cle ; all of which will be of a practical character,
and such as can be sung by persons of ordinary
musical attainments. In the editorial department
ot the Review are engaged, (in addition to Mr.
Cady, the former editor,) gentlemen of the highest
talent and ripest musical experience, among whom
are, George F. Root, Win. B. Bradbury, Thomas
Hastings, and Lowell Mason ; and its circle of cor
respondence, home and foreign, is complete. The
jRerwwwill also be a regular medium for the an
nouncement of new musical publications by all the
leading publishing houses in the Uni#n. The sub
scription list of this paper is now larger than that
of any similar journal in the world, and the new
arrangements, rendering it the cheapest as well as
(it is hoped) the most valuable paper ever pub
lished, must largely increase its already unparal
elled circulation.
Terms: One dollar per annum, or six copies far
Jive dollars, always in advance.
JpSF The music alone in a volume would cost
over five dollars in the usual form. Besides this
there will bean immense amount of musical news,
essays, criticisms, instructions. &c., &c., all fur
only one dollar! Everyone feeling a particle ol
interest in the cause ofmusic will surely subscribe.
Specimen numbers sent on receipt of two letter
postage stamps. Address, (always post paid)
23 Park Row, N. Y.
Dec 16?3t
lisher of thi? large and popular family journal
oilers for the coming year (1651) a combination of
literary attractions heretofore unattemped by any
of the Philadelphia weeklies. Among the new
features will be a new and brilliant series of origi
nal romances by George Lippard, entitled Legends
of the Last Century. All who have read Mr. Lip
pard's celebrated Legends of the Americun Revo
lution," published for iifty-six consecutive weeks
in the " Saturday Courier," will find these pictures
of French and American history endowed with all
the power and brilliancy of his previous produc
tions. The first of a series of original novollettes,
called Morris Hartley, or the Knights ofthe Mystic
Valley, by Harmon W. Ainsworth, is about to be
commenced. It will be handsomely illustrated by
twelve fine engravings, and its startling incidents
cannot fail to elicit undivided praise. Emmerson
Bennett, the distinguished novelist, and author ot
Viola, etc., etc., is also engaged to furnish a bril
liant novelletle to follow the above. Mrs. Mary
Andrews Denison, author of Home Pictures, Pa
tience Worthington and her Grandmother, etc.,
will continue a splendid domestic novellette, en
titled the Old Ivy Grove, and H. C. Watson an
illustrated story called the Two Edged Knife?a
graphic picture of early life in Old Kentucky. To
these will be added original contributions and se
lections from Mrs. Caroline Lee Hentz, Clara
Clairville, Lille Lilberne, Mrs. Stowe,Grace Green
wood, and other distinguished writers ; the news
of the day, graphic editorials, full reports of the
provision, money, and stock markets, letters fruiu
travelers at home and abroad, etc., etc.
Terms?One copy one year $2^ two copies one
year $3; four copies one year $5; nine copies One
year, and one to the getter up of the club, S10;
twenty copies one year and one to the getter up
of the club, $20. ?
Address A. SCOTT, Publisher,
No. Ill Chestnut st., Philadelphia.
?Nos. 174 and 176 Ptarl street, New York.
COLLINS, BOWNE & CO., Importers ot
foreign and dealers in domestic stationery,
are now offering one of the largest and be>t se
lected stocks to the trade that can be found in this
market. Our stock comprises all the various
styles and qualities wanted in the United States
and Canadas, consisting of bath post, plain and
gilt edge; plain, gilt, and embossed note; cap, let
ter, commercial note, commercial packet, and folio
post; flat cap, demy, medium royal, sup. royal;
American and English drawing papers; plain, em
bossed, and colored cards ; card, perforated, Bris
tol, bonnet, and straw boards :J>lank, pass, and
memorandum books, of every variety; fancy, mar
ble, and colored pnpers, at very low prices. Gold
pens, with and without silver holders, and steel
pens, cutlery, flee., with an endless assortment ol
stationers' goods, and envelopes of every descrip
11th * 1 doors north of Penn. avenue.
Oct. 4?ly* (m)
icle of the turf, agriculture, field sports, liter
ature, and the stage, embellished with splendid
steel engravings. Published every Saturday morn
ing, at No. 3 Park Place, New York. John Rich
ards, publisher. William T. Porter, editor.
Oct 12#
RICHARD W a MS, the Patagonlari
Missionary; by the Itev. James Hamil
ton, D. D.
Jaqueline Pascal; or, A Glimp.*e of Convent
Life at Port Royal.
The Flower of the Family ; a Rook for Girl*.
The Religions of the World, and their Relation
to Christianity ; by F. D. Maurice.
Berridges Christian World Unmasked ; by Rev.
Thos. Guthrie, D. D.
Parley's Present for nil Seasons.
The Edinburgh Doll, and Other Tales, for chil
Fine English editions of the following juvenile#:
Guizot's Moral Tales.
Evenings at Home.
The Swiss Family Robinson.
The Little Snvage; by Capt. Marryutt.
Celebrated Children ; by M. Mason.
Sandford ic Merton.
For sale by GRAY & BALLANTYNE,
Dec 11 7th street, near Odd-Fellows' Hall.
THE uiirfcrftlgiied respectfully Invites the
citizens of Washington and its vicinity to
an inspection of his stock of BOOTH, SHOES,
GAITERS, fe., all of his own workmanship, and
manufactured from the very best material. Also,
Boots and Shoes made to ?rdcr from the finest
French Calf Skins and Patent Lcnlher, at a price
equally as U?w as charged elsewhere.
Prize Boot and Shoe Store, Elevenlh street,
east side, three doors north Penn. avenue.
Nov 11?eo3m. (m)
1th street, between Louisiana avenue and D street.
The auBscRiiiER ham just he.
ceived, from the north, a splendid assortment
of China, Glass, and Earthenware; also, magniA
cent Girandoles and Lamps of many patterns,
adapted for halls and parlors.
Paints, boiled and raw, linseed oil, putty, win
dow glass, of every variety, always on hand.
Clocks, brushes, tec., and every article for gen
eral housekeeping kept for sale.
C. S. WHITTLESEY, 7th street.
No* 20? ly (na)
gail $0*&s,
and after Thursday, January 1st,
lb54, daily trains (Sundays excepted) will be run
over this road, agreeably to the following arrange
A train for Warrenton and intermediate points
will leave the Station, corner of Duke and Henry
streets, at 8J o'clock, A. M; arrive at Warrenton
at 11 o'clock, A. M.
Returning will leave Warrenton at a quarter
past 1 o'clock P. M., arriving in Alexandria at a
quarter before 4 o'clock. P. M.
A train from Culpepper C. H. to Alexandria and
intermediate points will leave Culpepper C. H. at
7i o'clock, A. M., arriving in Alexandria at 10J
o'clock A. M.
Returning will leave Alexandria at U o'clock,
P. M., arriving at Rapidan Station at 5 o'clock P. |
M., connecting at this point with the stage to and
from Gordonsville.
A^daily stage is running between Gordonsville
and Hapidan Station, in connexiop with the cars
on this and the Virginia Central roadp.
To Gordonsville $4 50
T*j Stan a ton - 7 50
To Lynchburg 7 00
To Winchester i... 4 00
Per order: W. B. BROCKETT,
Oct 5?tf Agent.
- ..t[r*ojiBALTIM()RE- ANI) 011,0 kc
tSiiMriMfiiSSC Railroad, from Baltimore to
Wheeling, and connecting there with the large, new,
anif splendid#Sleaiuers of the Union Line on the
Ohio, and the Stages to Zanesville, dcc.
This expeditious line being now thoroughly com
pleted, by the late finishing of the Great Board
free Tunnel, and the road being in excellent order,
the earnest nttention of travellers is confidently
directed to its superior advantages and low fares.
The scenery upon this road is of the most stupen
dous and attractive character.
The Express Mail Train leaves Baltimore daily
at 7 P. M., and runs directly through to Wheeling
(380 miles) in IS or 19 hours, including all stop
pages, arriving there at 2 or 3 P. M. next day; or,
passengers leaving Baltimore at 8 A. M. may lay
over for lodging in Cumberland, (179 miles,) and
proceed thence to Wheeling in the morning.
To connect with these trains, the cars leave
Washington at 6 A. M. and 5 P. M. daily, meeting
the cars from Baltimore at the Washington Junc
tion, (better known as the Relay House,) nine
miles from Baltimore.
At Wheeling the seven unrivalled Steamers ol
the Union Line, which have just been completed
for this route, form a daily connexion with the
11 cars, and convey passengers down the Ohio to
Cincinnati and Louisville, where the Stages for
Nashville, dec., or the St. Louis and New Orleans
Packets, may be taken by those going further on.
Passengers for Columbus (or who prefer the
land route to Cincinnati) and other parts *f Ohio
and the West may also proceed direct from
Wheeling in the Ohio Stage Company's excellent
coaches over the best part of the .National Road
to Zanesville, &c., naif thence by railrotfd.
Passengers for Wellsville and Cleveland by
steamboat and railroad will also find this a most
agreeable route, there being a regular and speedy
connexion at Wheeling to and from those places.
Baggage checked through from Washington to
Wheeling, and no charge for transfer of passen
gers or baggage.
Fare by through ticket, (with the right to lie over
anywhere on the route,) from Washington to
Wheeling, $9.50; to Cincinnati, $11; to Louis
ville, $12.
Tickets to be had of Mr. Parsons, Agent, at the
Railroad Station, Washington, and of th? other
Agents of the Company.
Sep 21?dtf* General Superintendent.
Leave daily, except Sunday, at 6 and
8 A. M., 3J and 5 P. M.
On Sunday at 6 A. M., and 5 P. M.
The Train at 5 P. M. is express, and stops only
at Annapolis Junction and Relay; the others at all
wav stations.
Trains at 8 A. M. and 3J P. M., connect with
Trains at 6 A. M. and 5 P. M., connect West.
Trains at C and 8 A. M., and 5 P. M., connect
Fare from Washington to Baltimore... .$1 25
Do do do and return 1 50
Do do Annapolis.... 1 25
Do do do and return 1 50
The round trip tickets must, in all cases, be pro
cured at the office, and are good for the day upon
which they are issued. T. H. PARSONS,
Sep 21?tf* Agent.
How to Know who titk Hackman is.?All hacks
arc required to be licensed, and to have th? num
ber of their licenses tobs painted in black figures
of not less than two inches in depth, on the front
nnd side of each lamp attached to such carriage ;
or, if there be no lamps, the numbers shall be con
spicuously painted on each side of the driver's
In case any stranger or other person feels him
self aggrieved by any hack-driver, let him obtain
the number of the hack. How to reach him with
the law is hereafter pointed out.
Rates of Fare Allowed by Law.?For each
passenger for any distance not over one mile and
a half 25 cents.
Over one and a half miles, and not over
threw miles 50 "
When detained on route over five min
utes, driver to be allowed, in addi
tion, for each quarter of an hour de
ned 12J ?
The above are the rates allowed between day
break nnd S o'clock P. M. After 8 P. M. the rates
of fare allowed are as follows:
For each passenger for not over one
mile and n half. % 37$ cents.
For one and a half miles, and not over
three miles. 75 "
For detentions, for each quarter of an
hour lSj "
Rights of Persons Hiring Hacks.?When
more than two persons are in a hack the driver is
not permitted to take up another passenger with
out the consent of persons already in his hack.
When any number of persons employ a hack
t)ie driver is not allowed to take up any other pas
senger, provided the occupant will pay him the
fare of three persons.
llackmen are allowed to receive a greater com
pensation than is fixed by law if it be voluntarily
offered by the passenger; but if he receive the
same without informing the passenger that it is
greater than his legal fare, he is guilty of having
dem.-fhded the illegal fare.
In Cases of Refusal by Hackmento takk Pas
sengers.?Hackmen arc required by law to carry
all passengers renderingthem the l?gal fare, unless
previously engaged for the time necessary to trans
port passenger* offering him the fare, under a
penalty of live dollars.
When a hackman shall refuse to take passen
gers, on the plea of a previous engagement, he is
required to give the name and residence of the
person by whom he is so engaged, under a penalty
of iive dollar*.
If it should appear that the plea of a previous
engagement was a false one, or that the informa
tion of the name and resideuce of the person given
by the hackman was false, then the hackman
incurs a penalty of five dollars.
Penalty for Demanding Illegal Fare.?The
penalty for demanding a higher rate of fare for the
transportation of passengers, is five| dollars for
each offence ; and the person paying the illegal
fare may recover back the amount over and above
the sum allowed by law.
Where illegal fare is demanded or received of a
stranger, or any person who shall not at the time
have resided twelve months in the city, the pen
alty for so doing is double, or ten dollars .lor each
Sleighs.?The ratcsof fare and all the other con
ditions, terms, and penalties, prescribed by law for
the regulation of hackney carriages, apply to all
sleighs running for hire within the city of Wash
Drivers.?No person under sixteen years of age
is allowed by law to drive any hack, cab, or sleigh
for hire in this city, under a penalty of five dollars.
How to Vindicate the Law.?Strangers and
others arriving in the city by the Baltimore and
Ohio railroad, who shall apply to a hackman for
the use of his vehicle and be refused, or v*ho shall
be asked and required to pay over and above the
legal rates of fare, will observe the number on the
hack, and immediately inform the police officer
whose duty it is to be in attendance at the depot.
That officer will protect the passenger from impo
sition, secure him a hack, and prosecute the of
fending hackman.
Any refusal or neglect by the police officer at the
depot to execute the law in this respect he knows
will be followed promptly by his dismissal.
Strangers reaching the depot from steamboats
or other places from whom illegal fare is demanded
will apply to the police officer in attendance, whose
duty it is to ascertain whether the fare demanded
be illegal, and if so, to prosecute the offending
?ttam gtobipta.
Southampton United States Mail
Steamer*.?The ship? comprising
this line are the WASHINGTON, Captain E. M.
Fitch j HERMANN, Captain E. Higgins.
These steamers stop at Southampton, both going
and returning.
proposed dates or railing?1853.
JFrom No?r York. From. Bremm
Washington. .Saturday, Feb. 526. March 25
Hermann ... .Saturday, March 26. April 22.
Washington..Saturday, April 23. May20.
Hermann ... .Saturday, May 21. June 17.
Washington. .Saturday, June IS. July 15.
Hermann ... .Saturday, July 16. Aug. 12
Washington..Saturday, Aug. 13. Sept. 9.
Hermann ... .Saturday, Sept. 10. Oct. 7.
Washington. .Saturday, Oct. 8. Nov. 4
Hermann ... .Saturday, Nov. 5. Dec. 2
Washington. .Saturday, Dec. 3. Dec. 30.
Hermann ... .Saturday, Dec. 31.
From Southampton to New York.
Washington..March 30 Washington....Sept. 14
Hermann April 27 Hermann. Oct. 12
Washington. .May 25 Washington.. .^ov. 9
Hermann June 22 Hermann.... .?TOec. 7
Washington. .July 20 Washington.. .Jan. 4
Hermann Aug. 17 ?
First cabin, main saloon tlCO
First cabin, lower saloon 109
Second cabin 00
All letters and newspapers must pass through
the post office.
No bills of lading will be signed on the day ot
?ailing. " ?
An experienced surgeon is attached to ?ach
For freight or passage apply to
26 South street, N. Y
C. A. HEINCKEN it CO., Bremen.
Sept 21?3m r
, United States Mail Line.?These lirst
class steamships have been arranged
to leave New York for Savannah, from pier No. 4
Norjh river, at 4 o'clock P. M., as follows:
Sept. 10 Augusta. Oct. 22 Augusta.
" 17 Florida. " 29 Florida.
" 21 Alabama. Nov. 2 Alabama
" 24 Augusta. " 5 Augusta.
Oct. 1 Florida. " 12 Florida.
" 5 Alabama. 41 16 Alabama
" 8 Augusta. " 19 Augusta
15 Florida. " 26....... Florida.
" 19 Alabama. " 30 Alabama.
For freight apply on board, and for passngc to
Sep 21?tf 13 Broadway, N. Y.
ship Line via Nicaragua.?The shortest and
cheapest route for San Francisco.?The Accessoiy
Transit Company, of Nicaragua, proprietors.
Through in advance of the mail. Only line giving
through tickets, including the Isthmus crossing
The new double engine steamship STAR OF THE
WEST, 2,000 tens burthen, will leave from pier
No. 2 North river, at 3 o'clock F. M., precisely,
for SanJuan del Norte, on Tuesday, September
20th; (Snnecting with the new and favorite steam
ship CoRTES, 1,800 tons burtheu, over tho Nic
aragua transit route, having bub twelve miles ot
land transportation. These steamers are uiuur
fassed in their ventilation and accommo
or information or passage at the lowes: .* r>? p.
ply only at the agency of the company, JN'o.
Bowling Green, N. Y.
Sep 21?tf
ington Boat.?The WASHINGTON
will leave the regular steamboat wharf. The boat
has fine comfortable saloons. The coach leaves
the Capitol at 8, 10, 12, 2$, 4, and 5J o'clock.
Leaves Alexandria at 8, 10, 12, 2i, 4, and 6}
Leaves Washington at 9, 11, 1J, 3, 4|, and 6i
The ^bove Boat can be chartered for publie at
select parties. JOB CORSON
Sep 21?tf* Captain.
rfSiSSC Fort Washington.?Fare, roundtrip,
$1. From Alexandria, 75 cents.?Arriving in
Washington at 3 o'clock, P. M.?The Steamer
GEORGE WASHINGTON will make three trips
a week, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays,
leaving Washington at 9 and Alexandria at 9$
o'clock, A. M.
Coaches leave the Capitol for the Boat at 84
o'clock, A. M. Coach fare, 10 ccnts. Persona
wishing the coaches to call for thein will leav*
their names with Geo. & Thomas Parker ie Co
Refreshments to be had on board the boat.
Sep 21* Captai*
THE SUBSCRIBERS keep constantly on
hand a good stock of well-made account
books, and manufacture to order, at short notice,
any style that may be required.
Their stock of paper and stationery articles com
prise everything desirable in a counting-room or
office. American, French, and English writing
papers, wrapping papers, copying and notarial
Bill heads, cards, circulars, &c., printed neatly.
Orders solicited by
11th street, 2d door north of Penn. Av.
Branch of Stationers' Hall, 171 and 176 Pearl
street, New York. Nov. 8?tf.
Another new book by the au
thorof the "Wide, Wide World"?Carl Krin
ken: His ChiiMmas Stockings, beautifully illus
trated. price 75 cents, gilt, $1 25.
The Bow in the Cloud, or Covenant Mercy for
thej Afllicted, numerous engravings, price S3 50;
Glad Tidings, or the Gospel of Peace, price 63
cents; Popular Legends of Britany, illustrated,
price 75 cents.
Spiritual Progress, or Instructions in the Di
vine Life of the Soul, from the French of Fini
Ion and Madame Guyonc, price 75ccnts.
The Old and the New, or the Changes of thirty
years in the East, by William Goodell, price SI 25;
Uld Lights with New Eyes, price SI ; Conver
sion : its theory and process, by R?iv. T. Spencer,
price SI 25. .
Christ in History, or the Central Power among
Men, by Robert Turnbull, D. D., price SI 25 ;
Autobiography of Rev. J. B. Finley, or Pioneer in
the West, price SI.
Sword's pocket Almanac, Church Almanac.
7th street, near Odd Fellow's Hall.
in December, Lippincott, Grambo dt Go's
new and complete Gazetteer of the United States.
Edited by T. Baldwin and J. Thomas, M. D.
With a new and superb map of the United States,
engraved on steel.
The publishers take pleasure in anhouncing the
completion of this, the most elaborate, compre
hensive, and perfect Gazetteer of the United
States that has ever issued from the press. In its
preparation no considerations of expense or labor
nave been allowed to interfere with a work de
signed to be as perfect as possible in every de
partment, and in all of its detail. Nor have the
successivo issues of other Gazetteers, hurried
through the press to claim the market, tempted
the publishers to offer their book before all the
ample census (of 1850) and other material in the
hands of the editors were fully digested ond^^u
rately arranged.
When the Gazetteer was first announced't>00
f>ages, or at the most 900, were designed as the
imit of the book. But so vast was the amount of
matter, accumulated through the personal labors
of the editors and their assistants, as well as
through the active efforts of several thousand cor
respondents in all narts of the United States, the
work has swelled to near 1,300 pages. The
amount of new matter which it cohtains, all of a
recent character, is very large, and in many in
stances embracing statistics and populations to
1853. This gives it an intrinsic value over every
other work of the kind in existence.
We therefore offer our Gazetteer confidently, as
the only complete and thoroughly reliable Gazet
teer of the United States yet published.
As above stated, the work is now ready, and
will be published in December, 1853. Price to
subscribers, 83 50; to non-subscribors, $4.
N. B. Those having subscribers for the work
will please forward their orders by the 1st of De
cember, to
Dec 18?* Publisher, Philadelphia.
andria at 8^ A. M. and 3| P. M. Leaves
WASHINGTON on the arrival of the cars, at 11
A. M., and 5f P. M.
Office at Irving House, Washington, D. C., and
at Eotwistle'a Drug store, King street, Alexan
dria. i
Jan 1 ?

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