Newspaper Page Text
I. 1 - ADVEViTISEIl. 4 Saturday morning; ju: 1S5-'. 1 S. II Pettfkgili. & CoXf . r n- York, AVai. VfixTiizs, 221, Vine S:: nati, W. S. Swires, 4.3, Chci'ta v Street ; Are authorize! Agents to sollcr. 1 for the Advertiser, and receive v monies thereon. With our recent addit:onst"we m . have 1 most extensive Job Office in this Wf -tct rot Irv nnr? ora r.runfirnJ t,-v eTOPlltd .TV? V f .1. f rn TTT7 lllJCj every description, in the neatest si j t Xa lU0 C0lUiW 13 Bnuy n reasonable terms. Particular atteL. .?i';;ive:l sentiife the appearance of a coi l to Blank and Card work: having J -uri '1 ' or tl&o hundred years old, hil t! one of Foster's latest improved Ca: 1 J y . . but dLtitute of houses and for! j Oraers from a distance wul meet v; ztn- I ' I . , , fj attention. M ;.freb, here and there, have M ' Custom has made it obligatory of -oil 'as suming the active responsibility as ccxdtctor vf a Public Journal, 10 briefly, at jot'sot forth the outlines of a future course. It is not our intention to make a;v z.t .' flourishes, or take upon ourselfthe liicexfjc Public Teacher. Politically, in the lr anaiie iicnt of the "Advertiser" we acknev Icigc alliglance to no party; bat shall endeavor to nuke our paper a free, independent sheeta reuresor of grievances an enemy of i Jhc evils, and a promulgator of public inte?c t?-: .'ree to speak of ap proaching cr existing v - free to advocate what is la our opinion, t ; orrginata in whatever party they may. "We shall not shrink from what we conceive lo be our duty, "merely because we suppose it :T -disturb the equanimity of this, that or :! other boJy; At the call of duty we shall lo- ; I ,t:r ourseii, ana at tue expense of our own j j pare und happincs; o:tfor us tread it 'i i-2 sown thick witt h . . . , . . S ria:e and happiness, "tread the nath she a thouga paved with then th peril." . .. The principal object in" establishing this ja- j-o:, is to advance the already important ch; r- a;tcr of our youn and growing town, and in our zeal to accomplish this, our warmth shall lo tempered with prudence; and we shall net U forgetful of the interests of the Territory at j c large; we a.UI . endeavor to give correct infor- j i nation in regard to its facilities, its causes of Tospcrity t-nd business interests. Use fulness in every way in which the press Irsn l,f renlered useful. KltMU'lv a. rrnrprnin . . . r 0 . 6 prlaciT'le, ard-in order to accomplish so desira le aa oujecf, we intend to make our paper a velcorae visitor to every d iss of readers. In it the Lrme, mechanic and merchant, will find braeta'rg v.'orthy of note;, the christian and .oraltj ra..ttcr for reflection; the intemperate, i beacon to warn him of-' approaching danger, ml the ial'ss,-"a mirror from. which may be eScetetl thtir numberless virtues and winning racci'!- A goodly portion of the "Adveriis ; r" will bis devoted especially to the immedi- : e interests' of the farmer, in writing and se- w -eoung irera uie best sources, sucn matter as is j.ilavt?i to our soil, climate and agricultural "su.iS. . . . iLlv we have given a brief outline of cur xrarse, ai. ju conclusion, pledge ourselves to rctrr j-.bp "Advertiser" a. use 'ul p:.per .tj. every branch or viimuity and j i.i n mcfi rdeut friciids desire. To those ' ho are iwi satisfied with our contemplated ursi:, -or the character of our paper, we say Iry ti' and if found unworthy, ask but to be I' ;:sca'Med. Browaville. !t'exn:i!ia County. ..It. with promises made bur friends '.a the States, and in answer to numerous let- y: enquiry, we present this article, r j Nebraska Territorv is divided and knoVn as tracing two geographical. Divisions, known ?V..l. j O . T T"T ... . j wim aim oua.n i ia;ic. iirownviiie is V.ed in the centra of the South Tlatte, on . purchased of the Otoes is five miles -e the half-breed Reservation in the val )f the little Nemaha River, five miles north : mouth, and 27 miles north of the Ean hnc It is the seat of justice of Nemaha f :;ty; which is being settled with great rapid- J by an iiitelligent, moral and agrseable class j- people. The town site, which is surpassed !' cone and equalled by few, is the point se ;::&!."! y the Legislature at its last session, for . sana OScc in this portion of the Territory, -1 is one of the best poiut3 on the upper Mis--fi for commercial purposses; having a fine Jaadit-. It is directly east of Fort Kear y, to wli.ia place it is connected by a Terri-. nal roa3, and will, ere long, be thegreat emi tting point for that station and from thence i'on'1 There is more good timber near f hand, than any other poiut in the Territory. l and f tone abound in the. immediate vi jnity. -. ... . " The Town contains 4S0 acres; is divided , to 1 4 blocbt-of sir tffp'n InVc Pnrh 4.' hv 1 HO rt: the Etreeti oossing each other at right :.s corresPO'-urr,g to the different points of ; , . 1 euLole block is reserved for "-v r-uMtu o1";tttrra-6"Tiands tI-:i-:.c. -.v vreat work,SiashIbg'tne cdya 4a Elevation 'cn m'raandinr a fine . t"C s-rouodiu country for many aues m evcir Pv- i 7 c-r:on. . Within its corporate :mif are 1 tLe requisites to build a town of & k "r4 a & verv fpw vprirs. arvi from 3 central tof!;; ' . , . " B"i grow into importance, 3d be what Xe,,, . . - v m cotintv cow is to the Ter- her sister tl. ..... - . : .j -. , 'e.iutelligent mma cannot see it :a tLis lijht. . Canitalists areseein? s imjxjrtance anrl ; nl cff ding residents and locating here. Over ave settle j in the. town and county within ie last few u.cci l p vj -T9Tn. . othcr.Ioasted Toints in this Torritorv and Kansas. (V: . , r -i- i cumuer oi lamuies uave .rae Kansas and others on their way. '.c already have two large Dry Good and Gra ft 7 Stores, School House; Church, Court &:eaia Saw Mill, Lath and Shingle Ma ""p. Cahiuet Shop, two Blacksmith Shops, e Nemaha Valley Rank, several good Board l Houses, and a first class Hotel under con- f ; a population cf 400, which is increasing 'J, and scarcely a day passes without anew "Ciling beii g conitncnced and completed as t -.".i,t n o V r i . ' . . . tuc uuuim-r ui wotKmen ana supply t lumber will admit. 1 ' ".mate, same as Iowa and Missouri. Soil, r ' oara, intermixed with sand, from four to ct deep. Productions, spontaneous, are : : -P0. Hop, Potatoe, Artichoke, Strawber- "ackberry, R.pbcrry and Gooscberrj-; all 'A grow in wild lusuriaucc; The dif- -'! tj j grows Ira b tlio 'greatest abundance; i me 0; rl:2 alor.2 the river, are rir.1i i i " V . &!, j Seat Limes&e, Sand Stone, Coal, Red, Keel lo a I - - . qu&r; feet i lire Jn layers cf from sir ir,;V laicKiiess', oi ,.y size Iroiit i I squar j The scenery from the topa j v;nic: .Lj3 200 feet m height, is &v yond ;V-scription the bottom- Missojf side, the table or secor.'L getheH:' th view up and dor tl , ,:VC as far astb eye can reach, present; 1 Ti rid z, vTQ- cul;hd, ":e p'iP;hes ansiaof :.pe5 are .he I:c-ian c:ua7 are IvtJ'ersof ,nd it posing landscape. Th-: f U ' dd cultivated q-chards. Cr-; tiost flattering; etarcely a year-s: itle was extinguhed, and r . j rer two thousand inhabitant t li soil, which ber yields fcf,;n h"1y t -a lun-i'rjd-foldf ovricg care in i- . ..lea Itero ir cattle roam large, ai d ' coiue fat' and sieek upon theVraina in! Tild pea, e but 3T made ?, fai- ' .ccoding abcundicg in thisregion.' T hen has a most 6.cellent'll ivo ilx. made from cade runr.i: ui e" jj of red cot jr. !a IKS AS. AltBugli I , uf," we lind ii'cry d f: oi 4 the seat to pin correct .'jrrtation in re-d to -'ja-i nirint : events in xnss. Thatthre ha-: ttea rec t.t diiTcul :3 at Lawrence,' ad lives lost pv. both sides, ?re is no doubt TL :i,"3 rrj so varied V- i'l not atterrt fr. nyacnlars. Of tb ng wo feeliukii t TI 2tLt;tL.o end is vet to lc." 0 ur cnterprisicj City Cu:r.ci1 1 ave gone to cik in earnest, tc va the I -."nding, streets u i llcys in Brovnvillo. At ti.eir last neet- an ordinance was p.t:.5ed V ying a tax of e r..l'Is on theldoH.-, ca th-taxable prop er' v within the ccrpcrction, for ihe purpose of t'.i.'g streets throe h :o the river, and grad- ; ' i same up thro a the ton. The work il La pished aht-al as r.pidly as workmen c . be round to doit. One hundred day h 1 :crs can find ste-.dr emfloyment this sum- r-.:r. at good wages. . ' ' 4 0 1 . .. f : 1 Cie firitXj. of cur paper to a num frnds a:-d uaittances, and oth- eri ix.z. ' A by friLi.ds, who we could not see persona'. 'y, VuVip-.'tavf oujU to be subscri-be-s.- V.'t l.'rontirjie to do so for a few wcks, c. ; i r f 1 t & s.ammo tl e pa- pdicw i r ... iU 'l; . :. jil." Unless the latter is tnn.nliel 'ltl ia s. rouble length of time we!; rill cca 1 1 s:nd. : i , "' ' ' ja ot a can t without Seir - ? Cret an., I rc v gle'ria'". , the d.-t. . .! emjl ' som -i t 1 great are cor I ing to . . -: one 7iu, ': i have r-'.ir..-; i 3 $ i walk through our town, truck with the evidences of in ity. The Sawmill of Lake, ciirs a steam Lath and Shin t tCitwhhstanding this, such is ur.l tttj aro( kept. constantly it ' it -1 i3 tusilv :r '-i'd at . 1 t : - . yoS thcte i? a . rr:: c. 21 :v of our :.'itw:o ' CAT : . . ..ild their' own houses, ow- : , v of workmen. More than ' mj buildings and workshops i Ma the last twelve months, : 'juber that are compelled to L ?-'p can be procured. Acccs : : , le to our population, geographical position apd the town site, all reclaim that i. .und to betU town. All we : ::it number of mechanics cf besid :s a i u - j wait until rr:. l e sions arj c. ' . Our location, beauty cf a r BrowLvi:! s want ii a ;u;. every deicrit juj- Come one, come alL Dedicat:'W. O ir Office was dedicated the other ee;.I2 h a happy and unique manner. After the Cacr ' I Wen cleared of its rubbish, and before fur , ;U Hal was moved in, a num- pf youcg frl'xi o cf both Sxes,- gathered to- jrether, ani alt st before we were aware of 0 ' y what wa3 oirH-n, the fiddle struck up the inspiring fitrait) an! the merry dance com menced. We 1 joyed ourselves until a" late hour and left th m-ary crowd "still tripping it on the light (xi istic toe," and until near morning, the jroa:pt"rs voice was heard direct ing to "b..ila"C9 & tleir partuer and all hands around." Kventlit passed off with eclat, and even-body Ei.ujed to enjoy themselves' As for ourselves, y'pt ere highly gratified with the honor dor.etE, a-id the galaxy of beauty that graced ccr oSIca. ' Db. Mc?hit..ov hss just completed level- ins down t lot on the 1 ill immediatelv in front "of the Ste.' nl ci.t Lui icg, and a fine business house is be r irectei Hereon. Mr. Nuckolls B. B. & J. D. K. Th iapion and Mr. Johnston are following ti.3 exit'tle, and now have all dirt right and j-'1. rt 'notice vorkmen fur ther up, cutli.,;i c'cv.'u los. 1 The lot owners on the Bluff, k 10; r;-:ictitn' vith the Council, will soon have "t r..t u y h ol ing backbone," which has shut us t v-t 1'rcn a f ir view of passers by, up and dowr. tie rivtr, leveled down, which will then sho- v.- the aest town site on the Missouri "gi c-." i - ' ; As we were 'v : - ,-iiVsing in the arms of Morpheus, th. c . it a f Vng, with dreams as light as our txc a hovct g over our head, we - O i . .o-- were disturbed t y a rappi at the' door. Vis ions of departe I c: irit3 iitic us with their "knockings," y eT iiarvix ately presented to mind, but weie led by the pleas ant voice of Jt r- I-s, nho held a fine fish in his hand, which I im'oTaed us he had ta ken from our Hi e tai' t it out over night Knowing we I- - 'nary ae out," but being aware that so fice a P-'1 v.-?$ iot to be "sneezed at," especially as; l --id hieu living on "salt hog" for BometiLi'' o t' stomach to refuse., fried the fish, we It good. If this be f jviousj Ve had not tho we fot the fish, we 3 fiih and the fish teas ':rT according to the c vicii guilty, but de--i xcmplice for thus : - Ij in our way. statutes of Nebrasi nouuee the J udge placing temptation Our tews matter, ih.xited, a3 will be observed, owing to c i.r i;av but one or two exchanges from whl. to ( -ta. We promise a more liberal supply i : tl . r f.-di-xc.' fcrcrA iLdigf t:.mber are Ash, BUcl Elm. If t7, Cottonwood and Oak- .NEEEASKA CONTESTED ELECTION. . . . . . . - . , ve have . Dotora us the majority report oi vommiiuo uu ljiecuons ia mo wuitswu in Congress frcra this Territory, between B. B. Chapmaa, and H. P. Bennett. This eport is against Mr. Chapman. Mr. Stephens, of making a report, the further consideration of the matter was postponed until May 23d. Since which we have heard nothing. The Philadelphia Ledger, a ccutial paper, says : ' 'The report of the Committee on Elections is ia favor of Hiram P. Bennett taking the seat ia the House now occupied by Bird B. Chapman, as a delegate from Nebraska, it is not believed will result in anything more than making Chapman permanent in his seat, and giving Bennett the per diem and mileage." 'WANTED AT BBOWXTTLLE. Carpenters, Stone Masons, Brick Layers, Plasterers, Waggon Makers, Plow Makers, Shoemakers, Saddlers, Tia and Copper Smiths; in short to all kinds of Mechanics, and day laborers, we guarantee as fine an opening for profitable business as can be found in the Western Country. JTJST THE THDTQ. Mr. McCathron, from Wisconsin, am experi enced Nurseryman, arrived last week audio cated at thi3 point. He intends to engage ex- tensively ia the Nursery business ; brought with him over 100,000 Fruit Trees of one and two years growth, which will be for sale this fall and spring. Send ia your orders early. Aecheb.N. T. In company with a number of our citizens we attended the Sale of Town Lots ia Archer the County Seat of Kichardson Co., N. T. Quite an interest was manifested and the bidding was spirited. . The Lots Sold were those donated by the Town Company to the County, the proceeds from sales of which is appropriated for the purpose of erecting a Court House. The average price of lots was very fair indeed. The Town Company have certainly evinced taste and good judgment in the Location of this town.. The site is beauti ful, with a fiae water power adjoining and sur rounded by a rich and fertile country which is being filled up with rapidity by farmers. A number of houses are already erected, one Store and a fine Saw Mill nearly completed Success to our young neighbor. Daring the Session' of the United States District Court at this place we had the pleasure of forming the acquaintance of Judge James Bradly; Attorney General E. Estabbook; and the recently appointed U. S. Marshall for this Territory Hox. B." r." ItASKnr.T TLey oio all able men and well qualified for their several positions: The Administration has been for tunate ia these selections and appointments. Oub Mails. "Why are our" Mails so ir regular," is the universal cry of our citizens. Why they are so'we are unable to say, but that they are so, we, "do testify." Eastern matter which should step at "Sharps Grove" and come from their to Brownville, we know reaches us by lx way of Linden and Sor.ora, very often. mails and we hop e this "hint to tho wise" will ,,lbe sufficient." Oar friend Oscab F. Lake, Esq., of this place, has received the appointment of Deputy U. S. Marshall for the "South Platte." Mr. Lake, although "a young man, ha3 had con siderable experience in public affairs in this Territory, and will make an excellent officer. The United . States and Territorial Courts, Judge "Bbadly, were both in Session in this place within the past two weeks. No business of. particular importance was transacted in either. ' One or two cases of retailing Ardent Spirits wereup and disposed, of and also a few Claim difficulties adjusted. -.' Rockpobt, Mo. We made a "flying visit' last week to our sister town Rockport, in Atch ison Co., Mo., and ; was pleased to find so thriving and enterprising a village every thing about the town indicates the prevailing characteristic of the Western Country go-a-head-tiveness. They have a fine large Hotel Building already enclosed, Three Large Mer cantile Houses, two Saw and one Grist Mill, a number of fine dwellings and more under the way. . B. B. & J. D. N.' Teompsojt, have purchased the fine Stock of Goods brought to this place by Dr. M'Pherson, and have opened them up in the" Store Room on Front Street for the present, until their new and commodious build ing, now in progress of erection, near the land ing is completed. Call in. The CoL and Ben. will take jpleasure in showing their stock, and --you bargains. : " ' Mr. Westfallis making extensive prepara tions for the manufacture of Brick at this . . . place. He thinks the clay of a superior quali tyand informaus that he has already more Brick engaged thau he will probably be able to burn this season. - . Mr. Fagan is also erecting a large lime kiln. He ' too will find a ready market for that article. . ' . : .A Bill has passed both Houses of Congress appropriating one million five hundied thou sand acres of land to the State of Iowa, for Rail Road purposes. The Agricultural matter on the Fourth page was in type, and would have appeardtn season had not our press been delayed. o Our thanks are due C. G. Schultz, Clerk of the Steamer Key Stone for late St. Louis papers. Iji Torsr. Our neighbor and newly enstal led Editor, J. M. Dews, of tho Glenwoodlowa Times , paid us a visit last week. The Glenwood Times of May 22d, says: Our old friend. Col. J. L. Shabp, arrived at this pkico on the 20th inst., direct from Wash ington. He will remain here a few days among his old friends, and then he goe3 to Nebraska; The Cob looks hale, hearty and jovial as ever. . fj7"We have been delayed ia the issue of our uGrst number by a portion of tho press bemtf detained aa unreasonatle length of time between Cincinnati and thi3 point. There is evident carelessness somewhere in this respect, and much complaint by every one shipping. If Shipping Merchants would be more particular and not allow- goods to get poked off in some out of the way corner of their Warehouse, it strikes us, they would ulti mately be tho gainars. More ca this subject hereafter. - We are astonished to find At what low prices our Merchants sell their goods just the same as you can purchase at ; retail in St. Louis, Cin cinnati, New York or Philadelphia. We hereby acknowledge our indebtedness to "Ben" of B. B. & jl D. N. Thompson, for thosa fine Oysters - arjd Tomatoes. "A few more same sort", can - ha had by calling soon- 1 i To the gentlemanly clefk Kerchival of Steamer Omah a, we are indebted for late St Louis papers. Also td the Clerk of : Steamer Edinburg. f ... - ; . We call attention td the Advertisement of td 1 all i Hobblitzell & Co., Man street They are now receiving their supplies of Spring Goods, and ,-t i ,t . l a: i: iromtnerusa in was uireuuua we conciuae they "just suit" One thing ?we know, Billy and Raney, are a ccora'ii'lating gentlemanly fellows, and will sell at fright prices" if you will but give them a "sight! As an evidence of the importance of Biowa ville, we mention the fact that the Train for across the Plains, under command of Capt Foster, purchased their supplies in this place. Emigraats will sooa leara that this is the best crossing point, and also to . purchase supplies. . . S , . . . , . ... New Stage Lise. Mr. Stout, of P.ock- port, will commence next week, running a tri weekly Stage Line from Brownville to Rock port just what is needed. Success to the en terprise. '. We call attention to our. Advertising Columns too many to particularize at present; but we promise to pay our respects to each in due time. Attention Company ! THE NEMAHA GUARDS are hereby com manded to parade at the Armory, in Brownville, on Saturday, Jane 21st, 185(1, in full uniform, with fourteen rounds of blank cartridge. Isy order of the Capt. 0. F. LAKE, O. S, GENESAL ORDERS NO. 1. Ht'AD "quabtees op the division. J NEBRASKA VOLUNTEEES, Omaha City, N.T., March 10th, 1836.) The undersigned, having been elected by the Legislature Major General of the Division of Nebraska Volunteers, hereby assumes com mand of the same, gives notice of the follow ing appointments: y ' DIVISION STAFF, V Adjutant General of he Division:; T. G. Goodwill, of Douglas County. Quarter 3 faster to the Division : j William Kline oC Dodo County. - :'. - ' Inspector to f i.p'vision: ... . ' ' i ' ' ' ' ' . - r .. ' . - - , . : . ' . , . tj 'i. - -Ui. -.1.1 ': i .- - - ... 1 WiutliJ Chables McDokald of Pawnee County. Chief of Ordinance : AD. Goyeb of Douglas County, . .With the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. Surgeon General of the Division : Geoege L. Miller of Douglas County. CJicplain of the Division : ' Rev. Wm. Leach of Douglas County. FERSONAL STAFF OF THE JIAJ. GENERAL. B. R. FoLson of Burt County. Allek Root of Douglas County. " J. L. Allek " " J. Steblixq Mobtot of Otoe County. A. D. Kirk of Richardson County. Aids-de-camp with tho rank of Lieutenant Colonel. And it is hereby ordered that the above named officers be respected and obeyed by the Division as their rank requires. J. MILTON THAYER, Major General com'g Division Nebraska Volunteers. NOTICE TO SETTLERS IN KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. Surveyor General' Office, ) Wyandott City, K. T, Nov. 22, 1855. f AS frequent enquiries are made of this office in relation to the manner in which notices of Pre emtion claims to the public lands, in Kansas and Ne braska, are to be given through the Surveyor Gener al's Ofdce, this notice is published for the benefit of all whom it may concern. The following form of a declaration to claim under the law, any tract of land subject to pre-emption, has been furnished this office by the Commissioner of the General Land Office. The declaration of intention may be written or printed, and must bo signed by the applicant in presence of somo person who will sign the same as a witness. The declaration may be made and signed at this office, or any where else in the Ter ritories and sent by mail or otherwise to this office. The form must be carefully observed. Declaratory Statement for Cases where the Land is not subject to Private Entry. I, ,of , being- have, on the day of , A. 13 , set tled and improved the -quarter of section, number- -, in township -, in me a;s- iiumuti triet of lands subject to sata in the land office a1 and containing acres, which land hat not pet. been offered at puhlie tale, find thut rendered suhject. to private entry; and I do hereby declare my inten tion to claim the said tract of land as a pre-emption right, under tre provisions of said act of 4th Septem ber, 1841. .. - Given under my hand, this : day of , A. D.,18 In presence of ; Upon filing the declaration in this office there will issue to the applicant the followiag certificate: No. " Surveyor GemraVt Office, K. T- la . f J. certify that has this day filed in my offico a notica in accordance with the 12th flection of tho Act establishing the office of the Surveyor General of Kansas and Nebraska, and granting pre-emption rizhts to actual settlers for the quarter section e v. 1 number , m townsnip nam our , in rangu number , east of th 6th Principal Meridan, in Territory. Surveyor General of Kansas and Nebraska. BROWNVILLE STEAM MILL, LAKE, NOEL & CO., Proprietors, Hro wxiv JLllo, T. X. B. We would rospectfully inform tho citi iens of Nemaha county and adjoining Missouri, tha t we have always on hand ft Urge and well selected supply of LUMBER, which we ean furnish at low er raws than any mill in the Territory. Market prices paid for logs delivered at the yard, or on the bank of the river. ' ' All orders accompanied with the cash, will receive our immediate attention. ' j Fllsvs: Seed to -.Loan. TTE have at this offico a few bushels Rax Seed V V to loan to tanners wising 10 bow. Of ;vcry description ft sale at this oCkc. !!EV: GOODS ASID CHEAP GOODS! JUST-KKCEIVED BY ' B. 3. &, J. B. N. THOMPSON, BEOWNVLLLE, N. T. Eiprerslj for this llarket, a Largo and "Welt Selected Stock of DRY GOODS, . GROCERIES, CLOTHING, QUEENSWARE, HATS & CAP3, PINE DOOKS, CASTINGS, HARDWARE, NAILS, IRON, SASH, CUTLERY, . LATCHES LOCI ES, BOOTS & SHOES, WINDOW SHUTTERS HAVING beeiiLuiight and shipped at low figures, we flatter ouwolvea we are able to offer such ia dueements as have not heretofore been offered. We ask an examination cf our Goods and prices be fore purchaser :g elsewhere. The Ladies will nl at on? Store a large assortment of DItESS GOODS.Challi, Eera-e, Delains roplias, Ginshrtms, Victoria Lawns, Embroidered llobes, Plaid Silks, &c, Ac,. Slc All, OP "WHICH WILL EE SOLD VERY LOW. Juae 7, 1856. LiATE ABKIAIi!Z AT BROWNVILLE, N. T. ; ; W. IIOBLITZELL & CO. ASB NOW IS BECErPT OP A FBE3H STJTn. OF ' WTiioh, when complete, will compose the Largest . - . and best selected stock in this country. OUR STOCK OF GROCERIES ARE BOUGHT at the lorrest price for eash, and consists of . CoSee, Sugar, Teas, Fish, IUce, Currants, Itaislns, Candies, Zttolasses, Syrup, Trait. Nuts, &.c, &c. DRY GOODS. Ladies and Genta, call and see them, and price for yourselves. Late styles and a full assortment of Dress Goods, from a ten cent Lawn to a Two Dollar Silk. Also, a tew fine SILK SHAWLS, BONNETS & PARASOLS CLOTHING. A fina stock old and young, foies and 'fast' men, Call soon if you want a nice coat, vest or pants on reasonable terms. . II ATS. New Htyles cheap and durable. Tf A Till WARE. A very larce assortment, con- istino in Tart of Smiths' fools, Spades, Shovels, Rakes) Hoes, Bells, Mill, Crosscut arid Handsaws, Files, Augers, Axes, Broadaxes, Adzs, Chisels &c, c, to the end of the chapter. ', BUILDING MATERIALS. A large lot. consisting of Pine Doors, Sash, Shutter Blinds, O1I3, Faints, Nails. Lock, Latches, Putty, Glass 4c. " FURNITURE. Bureaus, Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Tin Safes, Cupboards, btands sc. . gr We will sell cheaper for cash than any house in Nebraska Territory. June 7,1856. JAMES W. GIBSON, BLACKSMITH, Second Street, between Main and Nebraska, BROWNVILLE, N. T. A. L. COATE, COUNTY SURVEYOR, BROWNVILLE, NEMAHA CO. Nebraska Territory. E. M. 1'COMAS, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON ATMTl OTISTF.TRICIAN. Cummnigs: Tenders hisprofessional services to the citiiens ot riemana county. NUCKOLLS & WHITE, WHOLESALE AXD SET AIL DEALERS IS III MI, ffiCiK, II .. W I i 4 1 .. k .Lii . -ir.i. f. QTJEEN3WASE, STONE VABJE, TINWASE, IRON, NAILS, STOVES, PLOWS Ac. Also Furniture of all kinds, "Window Sash, &c N. B. WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. . ' C. V. SNOW, PHYSICIAN, SUKGEON, ,v nri " iV.ocouolaoiir, EOCKPORT, MO, OLIVER BEXNKT. "WM. B. GARRIT. AUUCST fa KXIGHT. JAMES V. F1SKK. OLIVER BENNETT & CO., Manufacturers and Whalesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, K O. 87 iU AA il SI liltU A , (Formerly, No. 101, Corner of Mais ajtd Locust.) ST. LOUIS, MO. A. D. KIRK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Land Agent and Notary Public, ' Archer, Richardson county , N. T. Will nractice in the Courts of Nebraska, assisted by Harding and Bennett, Nebraska City. SPRIGMAN & BROWN, RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS. And General Commission Merchants. No. -46, Public Landing. CINCINNATI, OHIO. R. E. HARDING. O. C. KIMBOTGH B, V. TOOMER. HARDING, KIM30UGH & CO., Manufacturer and VTloletale Dealert in HATS, CAPS & STRAW GOODS, "So 49 Main street, bet. Olive and Pine, ST. LOUIS, MO. PwUmiAa .ttantloo paid to uiantxl su taring our finest Mole Hats. mm Oregon, Holt Conuty, Missouri. Keep constantly on hand all description of Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Ac, Ac. N. B. Every article in our shop is manufactured by ourselves, and warranted to givo satisfaction. R.W.FURNAS, MI 11 IT AGIT, INSURANCE AGENT. AND AGENT FOR AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS BEOWN VILLE, N. T. E. ESTABROOK, U. S. DISTRICT ATTORNEY. REQUIRED to be in attendance officially upon all the terms of the District and Supreme Court of the Territory, tenders his Professional servicci to f uch aa ned them. He flatters himself that his facilities for gaining a knowledge of the practice in e.'ich Dis trict, will enable him to give satisfaction tc such as entrustt their business to his care. x Omaha City, Juno 7, 1856. C. r. DAILY. B. P. RAKKIS. BALLY & PwVNKIN, OM AI I A C ITY, N. T. J. HART & SON SADDLE I fl DANIEL SOOK, WHOLESALE ANO BIT AIL 2T "O- Oregon, llti County, 2Io. n-iin Store : Pure White Lead, LiiiseeJ Oil, Spanish Whitinj lied Lead, Litherap:e, White Chalk, Venitian lied, f anish lrown, Cream of Tarter, Tartaric Acid, Sulpher Carb. Soda, Vinegar, Turpentine, Sal SvkIj, Coperas, Saltpeter, Borai, Mex. Liul:"0nt, Vol. Oil do, Morland's do, Xerver and Loce do, Farrels do, Louden's do, Jays Expt., Window Glass, Putty, Caster Oil, Ex. Logwood, L'lue Stone, Alum, Ground Ginger, Hoot do, Saint Louis Glue, " l'aris Green, Chrome do, t!o yellow,, White Zink do, FULOil. Whale ij, WrighU' PiH3, Chainpian'a do, Jayan's do, Loudon'a do, Radway'8R.Ii., Daris Paiu Killer, Fahnest ck's Yer., Stone's Cough Caudy, London's do, McLane s Liver rills. In additL a tothe'above, I hfcve the largest Stock of Drusgiit and Physicians Saop furniture, Cnemi cals, Surgical instruments, and Patent 2dedicien3 ever offeree, lor sale m tnis couiury. Merchants and Physicians of lo a, Kansas and Nebraska, ure respectfully invited to give me a call. Fresh Arrival of NEW GOODS! AT ROCKrOUT, no. THE subscribers would respectfully tender their thanlis to their customers and tho Public Gene rally for their liberal patronage heretofore, and solicit a continuance of the same : as tney are aoterminea to sell Goods as low if not lower than any other Ilouse west of St. Joseph. Having just r-jceived a large and well selected Stock of Spring and Summer Goods : also a superior Stock of Family Groceries with Hardware, Ulasa and tfaeensware, Jtumiture, Saddlery, Iron, Ac. Corns one and all, For well we know ; Agjin youH call, Well sell so low. Of Goods the best, And profits small, Well beat the rest, And suit you all. . Our Stock of Dry Goods having been purchased in the Eastern cities, we flatter ourselves that we can surpass our competitors in tho low prices and good qualities of our Stock, and earnestly believe all will make by calling tnd seeing for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. CAREY, JONES, A CO. N. B. Country Froduce of all kind3 taken in ex change at the highest prices, for Goods. Juno 7, '56. GEIST MILLS!! Tr TT i ; f n Patent Fortalile Mill. THE subscribers have entered into a partnership under the firm of Reed, Holabiri A Co., to manufacture the J, C. Reed, Patent Portable Grist Mill and are now prepared to fnrniih all those in w.ant of a good Corn or Wheat Mill that for dura bility, simplioty and economy ; excel any Mill in the world. Oa the late exhibition of th Mechanics institute in Cincinnati, a GM -Miial was awarded them for it. . It is adapted to all Grain grinding pnrpoies ; it is superior to all others for the most extensive Merchant Mill, aa it is for grinding the Farmers feed by Hor3o power. The above Mills are manufactured by the under signed at their shop in Cincinnati, O., where they con be furnished in any quantity at short notice. The above Mills warranted to perform as follows: 36 in. diam., psr hour 50 B. Corn, 25 Wheat, $300 30 " u " u 30 15 " 250 24 u u 20 13 u 200 2Q u a ig u g u As this Mill tells its own story, it is unnecessary to quote from our numerous recommendations, received. HEED, HOLABIRD & CO. Cincinnati, 0. A. B. HOLLA BIRD & CO. Machinists, Founders and nvrJEKGDfE BUILDERS Fr:nt iSlreot, Test of EnitS, : CINCINNATI, O, Would most respectfully inform their friends and the public generally, that they are now pre pared to execute all orders in their line, with prompt ness. Having lately enlarged their shop and with the increased facilities they now possess, they hope to merit a continuation of the liberal patronage which has heretofore been extended to thorn. Saw Mill Engines of every Description. Constantly oa hanJ: consisting of tho Sash, Circu lar and Muley. Mill Gears and every description of f. astings, warranted to be well made in every particu lar. They have also a Boiler Yard attached to their establishment, which enables them to oversee all work in that line furnished by them, and are pre pared to work on as rcasonablo terms as any other shop in tho country. Those in want of arythin; in our line, would do well to give us a call and examine our new iattern3. A. B. HOLABIRD 2t CO. JOHN S. HOYT, County . Surveyor and land Agent, OF Richardson county, N. T., will attend promptly to all business in his profession, when called on: nuch as Paying Tares, Itecording Claims, Subdividing Land, Laying out Town Lots,Draf dug City Plats &c. Residence and address ARCHER, Richardson co.. N. T. FRANKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY Uo. 163 Vine St., let. Pourta aad. Fifth, CINCINNATI, 0. C. F. O'DIUSCOLL Si CO. j Tanufacturers and derders In News, Book and Job ItJL Type, Printing Presses, Cases, Oallies, Ac, Jfcc. Inks, and Printing Material of Every Description. STEREOTYPING, of all kind BookB, Music, Patent Medicine Directions, Jobs, Wood Engrevings, Ac, c. Brand -and Pattern Letters, various styles, H. P. BENNETT, J. 8. MORTON, K. H. HARDING. BEXNET, MORTON & HARDING. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Nebraska City, N. T., and Glenwood, Ia. TTJILL practico in all the Courts of Nebraska and VV Western Iowa. Particular attention paid fc obtaining, locating Land Warrants, and collection of debts. REFERENCE: Hon. Lewis Cass, Detroit. ) r. Julius D. Morton, - Michigan; Gov. Joel A. Matteson, Springfield, III; (4ov. J. W. Grimes, Iowa City, Iowa; B. P. FiSled, St. Louis, Mo-; Hon. Daniel O. Morton, Toledo, Ohio; P. A. Sarpy, Bellevue, Nebraska; Sedgewich t Walker, Chicago, 111; Green, Weare A Benton, Council Bluffs, Iowa. CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COJirANY ! Hartford, Ct. Capital $200,000 With large and increasing receipt securely invented under tho sanction and approval of the Comptroller of Public Accounts. OFFICERS. ALFRED GILL, Pret. MOnN L. BUNCE, V. P, JAMES C. WALKLE Y, .Secretary. DIEECTOB3. Alfred GilL John L. Bunce, Wm. It. Cone, Jas. G Bolles, John A. Butler, Noah Wheaton, N. nollis tcr, Sam! Coit, Daal Phillips, C. N. niaphrey. BOARD OB FIXASCE. Geo. Beach, Esq., President of Phoenix Bank, D. F. Robinson, Esq., " Hartford u Hon. Isaac Toucuy, lata Attorney General U. S. Applications for insurance received by R. W. FURNAS, Agent. DR. A. S. HOLLIDAY, Med. Ex. W2L. H. TUOirSOX. J. H. TAAKFZ THOMPSON & TAAFFE, (Successors to Barrows it Thomps'n,) Wholesale Grocers, And Comrriission Hercliants, No. 13, Pearl Street, CiaciawiU, t-t7 Part t,.n7i attention will bo Fiv in rJr forGroccrie wliL-h will always U reviled, at current market price: m WM. MCLENNAN, Uro 'tST J . T. Mebraska City, .N.T. i miADFOKD, TJcLENNAX & SIcC.AIlY ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AND IiAND AGENTS. NEEP.ASKA CITT, 4 Er.O'R'NVILIJN. T. TV ILL PRACTICE ia all the Courts of" Nobraik Territory, and in the Courts of "Western Iiwa. Reic,tfuU'j Refer to S. F. Nuckolls, Nebraska city; Richard Drown, and Wm. Ilcblitr.ell L o Brownsville; Hon. Jami3 Cral, St. Jcsep'i, Mo Mossrs. Crow, McCreary A Co Hon. John iit. Shenley , Hon. James M. Hughes, ilessr?. Bogy, Miltenburr & Co., St. Louis; Hon. A, Williams, Qiiiney, i.Ij.; Messrs". S. G. Hubbard A Co., Cincinnati 0.; Solou Humphreys, New York City; lion. J. M. 10 e, Keo kcky Iowa. Jans 13 jo. 1S50. SPRING SiVLES. 1856. low rr.u-Es to cas3 and rEo.MiT ma Btrrrr.H JOHN EALSALL, "V7:iOLESALS AND KETATL BOOIISrLLEIl l STATIONEE. . ; AND BLANK BOOS MA NL FACT taiEHS. 173. 123 Haia, St. Louis, Ha, " HAS for s.'.Ie all the Spelling bxks; Ceorapb las , Header?: Historirios; Chen:iitries; I'ictionaries; A !thmetics; Fhilosr-phies, tfc. now in owe, toe-Jier w .th & large stock of Law, Medical and misoei! inoou U..k3 forming the most completo asscranent. t bo found in the city. Also, "Writica; paper, wd Foruign and Domestic stationary, of thu finest, qtiality, ccuntry merchants and others shoal J not fail to call at; No. 120 Main st. GREAT Clothing Sale. m. Y, MARTIN,) New York. I i85G. MARTIN & IOTEETu THE OLD ORIGINAL CLOTHIERS, No. 114 AZ2 7io. 1 2AET SXR2IT, ST. LOUIS, 2lO. FIR the approaching spring, we will lave a TRE MENDOCS STOCK OF GLOTHINa,iaannfiic tured by ourselvos in Now York, expressly for thi narket. In point of STYLE, QUALITY and PEICE, we defy any and all competition I We hva marked down our price very low; as wo intend sellin j to non. but cash asd rnoJipr irsy. To such we would ask a thorough exjiminaticn of cur Stock before purchasing. l-5fc AlAUiii li SHAW, BUEL & BARBOUR, IMI0ETEK3 A JOBBERS 0? jLir-y Groods 53 rear! Street, Cincinnati. L. BARBOCB, C. O. SHAW, L. C. UCELr, O. H. BAR1IOCB. YOUNG, NOUSE & POND, IMPORTERS AND WEOLiSALB DEALEB3 IX Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, No 15, Peakl Sttxett, CiscDiaATi. N. M. FLOEER, WH.0LE3ALE I) CALEB I3T Pork, Bacon, Laid, S. CuTed Hams, DRIED BEEF AND BEEF TONGUES. N 9, Sycamore Street, Cincinnati, O. ' BOBBINS & POMEROY,, WHOLES ALB P2AIER3 W BOOTS, SHOES & SOLE LEATip, Nos. 0, Pearl and 71, Main Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. m ii in 1 rt nr'i an i J, v '. ' , ,V..:-i .'', '. r'i' t,ri'. 4 11 LURING CHARLESS, BLOW & CO. IiIFOUTEB3 A WHOLESALE CEALEE3. No. 66 aid 67 Haia street, St.'Louia, Ho. Are now in receipt of their new SUck, eiulracic everything in their lino. s7Morchanta Tisiting our City are r-quted to give as a call, as we aro determined t soli for or Prompt Time I'apcr, as low as any Hoiico la tho United States. H. WHITTE1IORZ. R. B. WHITTEIIORE. J. Y. C AKTER II. & R. B. WIIITTEMORE t CO., Wholetale Dealer ; BONNETS XSD STRAW GOODS. NO. 113 MAIN STREET, (First doer above the Bank of Missouri.) It7Cash puid for Furs and Deer Skins. lorn :T)nPT7T!Tiv lorn iujo. biiubiiiiiii. im. JOHN W. TOOLEY. (Successor to NOONAN, TOOLEV Co,) 53 Main si., Old Stand, St. Louis, Mo. TMPOUTER, Wholesale and Betail Dealer, in Chin .1. Glass and Quoenswaro, Yollow and lfockinghau Ware. Chandoliei-s, Lamp?!, Lanterns, LK)idiig-jrUif Ues, Britannia Ware, Ac. Ac, with a great variety bancy .Vantla and 1 arlor Ornaments, direct from th. Potteries and MinufactuVer J2"Now arri-rng and in ttore, a full stock of th above line of good, which is offered to tha Trada M reasonable rates'. An examination ia lolicited. ftOn hand, Assorted Crates, for Coin try Trade. N. B. Packing receives ?pecial attention. J. T. DOWDALL. K. Z. CAR. DOAVDALL, CARR & CO., WASHINGTON FOUNDRY, Engine and Machine Llaniifactory. Corner Second and Morgan Stn.-cU. ST. LOUIS, 310. MANUFACTCliERH of Steam En;-ino im! Boil ers,. Saw and Grist' Mill Machinery, Ttb wco Screws and Presses Ird Kettlen, Lard Scrowe and Cylinders, Wool Carding Machines, Youngi Patent Smut Machines, Bailding Castings, Sw. J3"Agent-! for the sale of James Smith It Coa Superior MACHINE CARDS. YOUNG'S PATENT SMUT MACHINE. Well tried, always successful, fuKy Guarantied, ilaaa fact cured and for sale by DOWALL CAutR. k CO.. Washington Foundry, St. Louis, Mo. E. 0. TCTTLE. R. G. PEP.LEY. H. W. SMITH. TUTTLE, PERLEY c SLIITTL SPRING STYLES. 185G. 77 Main street, St. LouL?, Mo. - MANUFACTURERS of Straw and Silk Bonnet Importers and Wholesale dealers in Ribbon Silk Millinery, Flowers, Trimmings, Lice GoodJ, Em broideries, Ac. EMerchanta and Milliners are larticuIarlT in vited to examine our atock, before niakin,; iheir sprln purchases, as we (relying fully on th-j traperiority cf our stylos,) intend to offer inducemen ta e4aal, if n t supenon, to anyjobbiog pousa in the Ln:.tjd States. SAMUEL SPENCER h, CO,, No. Eighty-Two North Fourth Street, Near Locuif ST. LOUIS, MO. MANUFACTURERS of every description of Frames, dealers in Paintings, Enrrivinirs Litho graphs, Ac; Looking-glass Hates of 3very siie, and framed to any pattern in the best mamor. AdvcrthingCard., Ac, Stained and Vanished or Framed at short notice. Rosewood, Walnut and other fancy wood. Pktuxfl Frame Moulding;.. The Trade Supplied. Old Frames, Ac, Re-gilt. FRESH DRY GOODS. EEDY, JAM1SOX & CO., ie.-170 and 172 Jluin SL, St. Louis. WE aro now in reu'vl cf the most eomplete and mrvnifiecnt Bt.-k, evtrotlarcd k. tho Western 5 TmHa. Merchant. visiting this cty un invited to ! wake an ciaaif i-.-a of ,K''e?- fn A. A.BBADFOTID, D. 3 G KHT, f i