Newspaper Page Text
i . 5 I i HE . ADVERTISER, It. V FURNAS, Editor. ATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 23 1S56. . 1T.0Favix, No. 63 Fourth street, between -.ut and Vine, Cincinnati. . M. Pettegiix A Co. New York. . S. Swyuuek, No. 43 Chestnut etrect, Saint i. . F. McLrsa, Troy, Oliio. . u II. H. Darst, Tippecanoe, Ohio. '. C. Mckger, Covington, Ky. D. Kirk, Archer, Nebraska. . W. Peter, Oregon, Mo. ius & Hawk, Rockport, Mo. r.S it WfiiTK, Nebraska City, N. T. ? authorized Agents to solicit Subscriptions and rtisements for the Advertiser, and recieve and t for monies thereon. - t our recent additions, We now hare the most .-e Job Office in this Western Country, and rcd to execute Job Work of every descrip ihe neatest style, and on reasonable terms. lar attention given to Clank and Card work: purchased one of Foster's latest Improved -esses. Orders from a distance will meet ompt attention. T - t ns resident in this. Territory, coming from t portions of the "States, often suggest to us aes of persons in their old neighborhoods, who doubtless become subscribers if they could see of the Advertiser." We always send a speci fy, and persons recisvirg, will consider it a lion to become a regular subscriber. Post : ? and others, feeling sufficient interest to make ub, can retain the usual per cent for their gle At. LANK Q-it Clah Duds, and Dxclaba t Statxuxnts, for sale at th .Advertiser 3 want a good industrious boy, to learn the Lnz business. EXCHTXQ NEWS FEOK KANSAS. . a learn," from Gen. Rgbebtson, who was enger ou the' Edinburg, which passed yesterday, that the excitement in Kansas, , is greater than ever. The reports are Lane's men had attacked .and destroyed . !in, killing the Tost master in the affray; 1 burned down Lecompton, and set at Sobinson and other free State prisoners. above transactions are said to have . '.ace on Saturday last. . The particulars -5 unable to obtain. We presume, how ' is generally the case with first report t we have, is rreatlv exaserated. Yet prepared, just now, to hear almost any ; om Kansas. Strong forces from both -.e-State and Pro-slavery parties, have : ncer.trating for some time, preparing for 3d struggle, which is yet to take place no doubt of that. In our next we wil red to give cur readers the particulars. . 5CRI Election: Oar latest and mos '.".c information from Missouri, warrants coming io the concl'usion'that Polk, -it, is elected Governor. 3 the above was put in tvpe, we learn, " e Weston Reporter of the 15th, tha t returns have been received to indi ; Col. Benton has been defeated for ;r. The race lays between Polk and ;.nd at the present writing it is difficult Lich' will, be elected. -'The Congres , turns indicate that Craig is elected to 3 from the 4th district, Green from the I district, Ande'rson from Porter's dis 3 lair is elected from the StL Louis dis--d Woodson from the 3th "district, and from the" sanle, to fill a vacancy. In district the returns are pot Sufficient to 3 who is e'ected,t nof are we advised ilected ia Caruthers district. . next Legislature we doubt, cot, will large majority of Benton and -Ameri-both branches of the General Assemblv. publish on the first page of .our paper, an c extract. from thai truly patriotic delivered by lion.' E. R.- Harden, & a City, July ith, 1836, and commend 3 particular attention of our readers in a Territory. Wt have labial pri- nd publicly since our. residence in this y, in promulgating just Such doctrinej 1 to the'veied question," which now zumz tiiis jrionous Union e are know that such men as' Judge ILtE tckiDg such a position. We are" cofr at it is the sentiment of ninety-nine' 13 ol tne inhabitants of Nebraska, we make choice of Nebraska V , Be t oniyrof her fertile prairies, happy energetic and prosperous people, but sace and harmony pervaJe het bor t it continue so let ns ba "prudent, 1 do nothing calculated to . disturb' it lue our liemes; tha harmony,- pros good feeling, as compared with our ritory; let our motto be "hands off." va together, that when the proper 23 for; the settlement of this question, eet together as friends and neighbors, i and act upon it a3 becomes a free, ?, enlightened and law-abiding peo 3 have matters of more immediate in .t demands our attention the settling proving our beautiful country. Let -ergies be directed in that course. :ss Peospects -in Bbowntille. ;e last week, a large amount of capi terprise have been located in Brown Urge wholesale Stove and Tin ware ent, with capital sufficient to supply "ore vast destitute Territory, in that' 3 opened up in two weeks. A shoe ring sablishraent hasalready, ar Cabinet maker has purchased prop ill ba hero as soon as possible. extensive mercantile houses will be 1 this fall; with capital, enterprise suited to the present large and rap ing demand of this go-ahead coun a Wagon', Buggy and Plow raanu- fc become of the street improvement commenced, sometime ago. "We powers that be" will not allow this 5 behind. . Let us hare Jlain street before cold weather sets in we s are scarce;ut put if through. :scitemc?ntu now runnicg high in The great olject appears to be to - Jates of- the opposite party, the luteal ojf exhibiting the merits - ."Things ain't now as they used the Admiral, and M'Ckight of Jcwett, have our thanks for- late We wero upon tbo claia of Sheriff Cole. VAX last week. All that know the Sheriff kcow that he is fond of -good horses, 1 cattle and all kinds of stock. He invited us to look at a SO acre field of corn he is now cultive the field the second jear. We found the corn to correspond "with hi fino stock, and aro not goinz to "gaas" abent his fine prospects. He has agreed to let us know tthen he gathers the corn, the average yield. One little circum stance we will just here mention, that the reader may form something of an idea of the Sheriff's corn crop. We counted on one sin .stalk eleven silks, six of which' are cow common sized, perfect ears of corn. Xatioxal Magazine. The August No. of his fine work is upon our table. As a family Magazine, we look upon the National as one of the best in theUcited States. It is published at New York, by Caeltox & PJullIps; Abel Stevess Editor. Terras, $2 a year. Address as above, New York; W. Doughty, Chicago, III "We publish in another column, the proceed ings of a meeting held in township six, of this county, and wish it distinctly understood that we fully endorse article 7th and further, take the responsibility of appointing the Chairman and Secretary of that meeting a committee to see that said article is rigidly enforced. ohs C. Clark has presented us with a musk melon 21 inches in length, and 2(j in circumference. Tt "wasnl bad to take.' '. Good AVhlat. Mr. Fredrick Schwartz, whose claim is in this county, near the Little Nemaha, informs us he sowed on sod ground this spring, of spring wheat nine acres, from which he. gathered 200 bushels of wheat, weizhinz 60 pounds to the bushel. That is certainly doing well for a begining. ' Coate ia. on hand again this week, with a supply of melons for the Advertiser office Our supplies have been so large of late, from numerous sources, that we think of opening a melon saloon.- - - "We are pleased to see all kinds of raechan- ics coming to our town. Mr. oamselii, irom Boston, as will be seen by his card, in another column, has commenced operations in his line of business, in this place. We hope he wil be liberally patronized. Aerisos, who was tried at Cincinnati for the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Allison, some to years -ago, has been again tried and found iruiltv of manslanshter. as to Mr. Allison. He is vet to bo tried again, for the murder of Mrs. Allison. Mr. Russell will fine watermelons. . accept our thanks for ' Yallet Farmer. Is published monthly at St Louis, Mo., and Louisville, Ky., at the low price of.$l six copies $5 ten copies $8 thirteen copies $10. We" have received the Aurust Xo.- of this excellent agricultural periodical, which we find upon perusing to abound with useful inforina tion to the Farmer. Address 2Corman J. Coleman, St Louis. Gov, Shannon has been removed from the Governorship of Kansas, and John W. Geaet, of Pennsylvania, appointed in his place- TOWNSHIP MEETING. ' July 12tb, 1856. The citizens of Town snip Six, Range Fifteen, met at. the shop of A. Medley, on Homey creek, for the purpose of forming a Township Protection Society, to protect their claims from intruders. S. A Chambers was called to the Chair, and W. S. liorn appointed Secretary, when the subject Was discussed by several persons. After which, .W. S. Horn, R. W. Frame and S. A. Cham bers were appointed a committee to draft rules, and regulations for tho Society, and present then at the next meeting. On motion, the meeting adjourned to meet at the house of R. W. Frame, On Saturday, 26th inst. Saturday, July 26th. Met pursuant to ad journment S. A. Chambers in the Chair and W. S. Horn, Secretary. W. S. Horn was cal led upcir tc read the resolutions prepared , by himself, (the other raenibers of the commit tee not haviDg prepared any) which were read and adopted item by item, without a dissent ing voice. BESOLCTIONS. " 1st This Society shall be called Mu'tual Protection. - . 21l All tho male inhabitants cf TownSlrip' G, over "21 years of age, shall constitute a com mittee whose duty it shall be, to attend to their own business. 3d. "Should any person fail to be governed by article 2d, then It shall be the duty of fcaid committee to . sea that the offender comply with said, article 2d, or be expelled from the" company of gontlemen, and discountenanced by the same, 4th. Any person. wishing to become 8 cki- zen of said Township, and a mentiber of said committee, .can do so by making his wishes known and complying with article 2d. . 5th. The inhabitants of . Nemaha county are hereby requested to form similar societies. 6th. Should the inhabitants of said county of Nemaha, fail, or refuse to form similar so cieties, tlien it is made the especial duty of the Editor of the Nebraska Advertiser to give then-.: the latest and best news," in reference to their best interest . 7th. It. is hereby rcccomraended (in order that each inhabitant of the Territory may be cone acquainted with the doings of tha com. mittee,) that the head of each family subscribe lor the Nebraska Advertiser and pay their sub- scnpnon m.aavance. 8th. All who fail, or refuse to complv with article 7th, as reccommended, shall forfeit the pleasure of knowing the doings of tho com mittee. Resolved, That the proceedings of said com mittee be published in the Nebraska Adver- tiscr, and that W. S. Horn be appointed to see the Editor for that purpore. Resolved, That this meeting adjourn, to meet at the house of R. W. Frame, on the last Saturday in August, A. D. 1856. . S. A. CHAMBERS, Chairman. W. S. HonN, Setretary. . Cou papers. Thompson has our thanks for late Ssveral fine residences are now being com pleted, and others beinz commenced. ' That's. the way to do it keep it moving. ' . A Comet Expected to Tens TTp ' AStrOROiaera expect that, Some time daring iha rwewnt vMr the comet uurmg ine present yeai Itie conitl Known as (JnarleS V. Will make its ap- Dearanpp ; Tt vjiilnnlrpi1 for in 1848 pearance. ltwaSlOOJuea ipr m lO0, DUt tailed to appear. This IS Supposed to be the same wandering star that ap- i- oo nnr infA J peared m 683, in 995, in 1264, and m 1556. In the last named year it so ii j ni 1 ir e o j appalied LnarleS V. OI bpam and the jNetherlands, that he abdicated the . 1 ,i . r throne and retired: to the convent ot O A. T L 1 1 J1 A. 01. oust, Avnere ue uieu in comparauve obscurity. Perhaps this comet had something to do with Yho knows? the late drouth. Presidential Candidates. rUESIDEXT. VICE PKESTDEXT. Democratic.' -Jas. Buchanan. J, C. Breckenridge. 7f.!puWcoH J. V. t rcmont. W. It. Day ton. American Millard Fillmore. A. J. DonelSon. lV. Am erica -Nathl Banks. W.F.Johnson. Hid Shell Ain't R. F. Stockton. Kenneth Raynor. Abolition Gerritt Smith. S. McFarland. Spiritualit$" .Judge Edwards. A.J. Davis. . ELECTORAL VOTES OF THE STATES. . Alabama 9 4 4 ...C 3 Mississippi 7 .-9 Arkansas California Connecticut Delaware Missouri New Hampshire 2few Jersey Jfew York North Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island 5 7 ....35 ..-10 ...-23 .27 Florida.-...... t ... Ooorgia ..... Illinois... Indiana .10 .IX 13 4 Iowa... ...... 4 South Carolina 8 Kentucky 12 Louisiana .6 Tennessee 12 Texas. ...... ....4 Vermont 5 Virginia 15 Wisconsin . 5 M'a.ine 8 Marvland 8 Massachusetts ...... -13 Alichigaa ....6 . Total ....299 I JOHN P. SAMSELL, (late or eostos) Fashionable Tailor, BROWNVILLE, K. T. INFORMS the public that he-is now prepared to serve them in the above named capacity. Having had loDg and extensive experience, he flatters him self be can please au who favor aim with their pat ronage.' Uood fits warranted in all cases. PARTICULAR ATTENTION Given to cutting out garments for home making. Brownville, Aug. 23, 1856. vl-nl21y ridge Notice. mHE stock holders of the Nemaha Bridge I Company are hereby notified that it ia necessary to insure tha immediate erection and completion of said Bridge, that the amount of stock subscribed, be paid in in full, bsforo 1st, September. By order of the Board . August 2, 1855.-v2-n9-2t JOHN S. MINNICK. G. & C. TODD & CO., " JV(. 212, North Firtt or Main Street, Si. Louis. IUPORTEBS AND M AKCFACTCREB3 OF Mill Materials INCLUDING Bolting Cloths, Mill Stones, Saws, Screens, Damsels. Ac. Also, portable mills, leather and mctalio rubber belts; the leather is selected in the hide and tanned with cak bark expressly for belting, then it is ce mented, riveted and stretched by machines, until it will run straight a&d even. All work sold warranted. St. Louis, Aug. 23, 185S. vl-nl2tf : : F. DINGS &. CO., Importer of, and Wholesale Dealer in French; German: British & American x ancy ooas. . " If HOSIERY. GLOVES. TOYS, MOTIONS Manufacturers of all kinds of Brushes. 39 North Main Street, (Up Stairs,) ST. LOUIS, MO. HAYING since tho first of January, adopted the Exclsive Cash System we draw the atten- siou of close buyers to the fact that wo have revised our entire stock, and reduced formsr Credit Prices from 9 to 20 per cent, according to the nature of the different articles. Comparison Respectfully Solicited. Price List? may be had on application. St. Louis, Aug. 13, 1S55. rl-n!2tf 1856 SPRING TRADE. 185G EDWARD MEAD. W. H. MAUBICE. E. H. MEAD. Oldett Houte of the kin i in the West EitaUit.hed 1835. EDWARD MEAD & CO., No. 50 Main, cor. Pine st, Importers and Wholsalers OF Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods. ver anl plated ware, shoi guns, rifles, pistols, revolvers, musical instruments, daguerreotype ambro- types, sc, chrystalotype materiiUd; iiotel ami steam boat table ware. St. Louis, Aug, 23, 1857. vl-nl2tf BROWN & CO., No. T8, Main Steet, St. Lonis; Mo. SPRING STOCK COMPLETE. The cheapest and most extensive Fancy Goods and Yankee Notions Establish ment in the Western Country. MESCH ANTS in search of cheap goods are invi ted to examine onr stock of silks, dress goods, shawls, white goods, Embroideries, ribbons, gloves and hoeiery, trimmings, furnishing goods and small wares eerie: ally, together with 15 .OOO Parasols of the latest xnd most fashionable styles, at manu facturers' prices. Cash buyers, close; purchasers, and prompt men will find our stock adapted to their wants in every parucnnir. ; A can trom mo trade is respectfully so licited. . : Tlnl2tf .August 23, 185. ALOSZO r-RATr, - New York. K. O. TEATT, O. W. CHILD. E..TV. FOX, 8. C. M AN-3TR. Bt. L.OU13. , bt. Louis. , CI1ILD, PRATT & CO., ' rJirect Importers, Jobbers and Manufacturers' Agents Eno-licK French frPrrmn A mprip qn JUllU) " rtJlltn, Utrman AlTienCan , Hardware and Cutlery. Guns, rifles', pistols, &c, &c 139 & 141 Main St, cor. Washington Avenue, ST. LOTJlS, MOV , GEO. C. FERGUSON. MULWRIGIIT AND ENGINEER . BROWNVILLE, N. T. VNMJUCUS to the public, that he is prepared to erect Steam Sw and Merchant Mills at short notice and reasonable terms. ALL WORE WARRANTED. He is also Agent for A. 13. HOLLIBfilD & CO'S., Western Foundry. ' CINCINNATI O. LEE & LEAYITT'S Saw Manufactory, : CINCINNATI, O.,. And is prepared to receive and fill orders for any ma chinery manufactured or kept on hand, by these es tablishments. ' - Letters of enquiry, promptly answered. : -: ftEFFERENCES. Noel, Luke & Co., Bmwnvillo," N. T. Steam Mill. Nuckolls & White, Rockport, Mo. u James Lowe, Linden, u u ' u vln3ly. Brownville, June 21, 1S5S. -LOOK. OUT! ALL persons aTe hereby forwnrned from buyin" tho Socth West fourth of Section 25, Township 6. North Rryg U, Ea?t of the sixth Principal Meri dian, iri Nemaha county,- N. T., now occupied by The. Keddy; as I hate a right to said claim that is indisputable. . B, B. THOMPSON. BromviIl, July 5th, 1S55. . vl-n5tf Bailout Pictorial " praying-room J I .Companion, (LATS CLEASOJf'S KCTORIAL.) FT1TTTQ PA'DfT? in tV- . 'l -1 i notable events of the day, Its eolumns are devoted 10 oriinal Wes, sketches and poems,by the best amebica Armors, and the cream of the domestic and foreign news; the whole well spiced with wit and uumor- Jaca paper uueauuiuiiy illustrated with Dumerous accurate emrravings, by eminent artists, of notable objects current events in all parts of the SfSiwf J?neTkinka paper eEtirely original in thia country. Its pages contain views of every populous city in the known rft5.?SB0"?aia?iteni40r.west" em hemisphere, of aU the principal :tup3 and steam- ers of the navy and merchant service, with fine and fc"a" Jrtn"u rerT no ed chMactcr ln to world both male and female. ; terms. ixvawably in advance. : . : 1 subscriber, one yew $3,00 4 subscribers, " - f : ; ' 10.00 10 u a , : . .. . 20.00 Any person isendin us tixtecn subacribers at the last rate, shall receive the teventeenth copy gratis. One copy of The Flag op oub Uxion, and one copy of BaLlou's Pictorial, together, i per annum. rublished every Saturday, by M. M. 1JALLOU. Corner of Tremont and Bromfield Sts. Boston. NATIONAL MAGAZINE. EDITED BY ABEL STEVENS. TT WILL be the aim of this periodical, to combine, J wita sucb articles as the puoiio mind usually rel ishes with most avidity an elevated literary tone, a critical appreciation of art) the discussion of great practical questions, and a just recognition or religion religion without dogmatism ana witnout sectarian ism. ::!; . ' -y- ; " Besides an Abundant ftllScellany of essays, sketch es, translations, poetry, -c, original and selected, it will comprise departments of literary newB, art in telligence, book notices, religious information, and general news, tfrepared thoroiicblY bV skillful hands. it is embellished with numerous engravings most of them illusrative of real scenes or facts.. - Every number contains ninety-six pagrs, tnaking ,two toI- omes a year, ot six hundred pages eacbi . it is the largest monthly of its price in the United States. A liberal discount made to wholesale purchasers. A fifth copy of the work will be allowed for four sub scribers; and t.ny person forwarding sixteen dollars shall have the MaeaZitie for ted subscribers, and. as a premium, a bound volume worth $2. Clubs of ten, to one address, shall have the work for fifteen dollars a year. Urders for the Magatme may be directed to either Carltos & Phillip, Now York, Swobmstebt A Poe Cincinnati, W. M. Doughtt, Chicago, J. L. Read, Pittsburgh, or J. P. Magee, Boston. . : Terms, $2 a- yeaf, in advance. Single numbers, 18 cents. CARLTON & PHILLIPS. NOMC& r; NOTICE. Merchants, Sportsmen and Manufacturers. HORACE E. DIHICK & CO'S GREAT WESTERN EMPORIUM, for Shot Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Fishing Tackle and Sporting Ap paratus of every variety, is at No. 12, North Main street, St. Louis, the sign of the Deer in the Win- aow. : 1 . We keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Hunting, . Target and Minnie Rifles, Together with every variety of Purcussion Cap Guns, Wads, and Wadding Paper, Fishing Tackle, Ac, Ac; in fact, everything connected with the Gun irade. Two Hundred Breech loading Rifles of various patents. N. B. All kinds of gnu material and mounting, in the forged, filed and finished state. 1 lease call and examine for yourselves before you make your purchases, as experience is tho only true guide. 37 Our goods are all warranted by us. August 23, 1855. vlnl2tf II. G. IIOLES & CO., No. 16, Main Street, St. Louis Mo. AGENTS for Straub's Corn and Wheat Mill the "Queen of the South." This reraarkabla Mill has been kept secured to the inventor by caveat . 1 1 i . J W - A Y 1 1 .rir.N". , recently, nowow, iiuue ilia, lOJi.) ueiieTi Patent for the United States have been granted, se cunng the invention for fourteen years. This Mill has sustained iNplf )iirmpr it Tin.hpnn KrAnn-V.t to competition with other mhis. it was run against air iv850 u re? w best :nrn Mill nml w t tt wn rr! art a finn oil tret- mAilal Of these Mills we manufacture five sizes for corn. and three expressly forrrindinhoat flour. Ihe peculm novelty of this Mill is. the under stone is the running stone, in all cases. There is no limit to tho speed, and as speed is overy thins in wind ing, it will out grind any upper grinder in the world. beconaly; lij this arrangement we are enabled to get grain into the Mill with a very small eye, conse quently we grind nearer the centre, Had of course with less powei than any upper runner can be made . Thirdly: Our Mill takes any kind of crain without choking. We warrant against choking in any and all cases. This is a great vexation causinz delav and trouble in all Mills where the upper stone is the run ner. VI course, we mean small Mills, where the mo tion must be high to do much bnsiness. Fourthly: Our Mills never take unjuryby running empty the under stone not touching the upper one, no injury can be don 3. This is an important advan tage over au Jttills where the upper stone is the run ner. August 23. 1855. vlnl2tf Land Office at Brownville. All persons knowing themselves indebted to us, are I hereby notified that their accounts are due, and must be settled Immediately, by ote or Cash: as asettle ment we must have, in order to continue our business B. B. & J. D. N. THOMPSON. Brow nville, August 1st, 1858. r I ' U IT . U A j L1, lAlJ Ir L1 I IV X I I I 1 OjLXLJLil JL) ill I i Tj I Ji. j AND ; MIXED-BLOODS, Of the Iowa, Otoe, Omaha tribes, and the xanKion ana santie Dands of Indians, having an interest in the Ileserv a tion between the Great and Lit tie Nemaha rivers, in the TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA TVTOTICE is hereby eiven to all nersons interested. l by the undersigned Commissioner, appointed in pursuance of the second section of an act of Con gress, passed July 17th, 1854, entitled "An Act to authorize the President of the United States to cause to be surveyed the tract of land in the Territory of Nebraska, belonging to the Halfbreedsj or Mixed bloods, of the Dakotah or Sioux Nation of Indians, and for other purposes,-" Providing' 'Thirt the Pres ident be and he is hereby authorized to cause to be ascertained the number and names of tho half-breeds and mixed-bloods who are entitled to participate in the benefits of a grant contained is the ninth article of the treaty of the Prairie du Chien, of the 15th of July, a. V. liUU, between the Lnited States and de putations of the confederated bands of Sioux, Fox, and other Indians, wherein a reservation of land on Lake Pepin and the Miss6irri Itiver (described in said treaty ) was granted to the half-breed relations of the Iowa, Ottoe, and Omaha Tribes, and Yankton and Sanlie bands of Sioux Indians,- ; ,- -. That I will attend at Sioux City, Iowa, on the last Monday,' ZJtli tray or August next, remaining; there thrco weet.s"; then at Bellevi.ew, on the 23fd of Sept., remainlnS there two weeks;; then at Archer, Riehard- son county, Nebraska Territory (neaf the half-breed uue; on me tax aay ot uctoocr, remaining there four weeks, for tho purpose of ascertaining the num ber and names of the half-breeds or mixed-bloods, now living, of the Iowas, Ottocs, Omahas, Yankton and Santie bands of the Sioux Inoians. parties to the treaties aforesaid.". When the duties of the commission will be closed as soon thereafter as possi ble, at Glonwood, Mills county, Iowa. All persons interested, are hereby notified to ap pear with their evidence at either ot the rdaees he. fore-mentioned; at t5e time specified, to prove thoir rigm -io participate in me Deneni oi tno said grant, or rcscn-ation," commonly known as the "half-breed tract," situated on the Missouri river, between thn Great and Little Nemaha rivers, in the Territory of Nebraska, and derived from said treaty and law of Congress. In order to carry out the Instructions of the- De partment, it will be necessary to furnish names of all the applicants arranged by families and single ersons sex, age, and relationship to the Sioux, and place of ;j , i , residence oi eaca; aiso, wno are orpuans or wards, and their guardians, legally appointed, or otherwise.- - At all times the Eest evidence the rJatcre cf the 'case will admit of, will be required to prove identity an degree of relationship to the Souix and bands herein named, and of an amount sofEcient to establish the facts herein, required to be provedj and unless good reason can be shown, such as age, distant residence, or sickness, the applicant should appear iu person, in addition to their other testimony. All interested Will see tha nwp.qitv of rmsinHn t.Kt!ri1iiiina - , -J l .MbUlQ that they may obtain the benefits designed by tho said grant or reservation. -JOSEPH L. SHARP, . . . Vouiniiasioner. Archer, N. T., July 20, lSi.6. no ll:lw: ISBrownvillo Advertiser, Nebraska City News, Council Bluffs Bugle, and St. Louis Republican will please publish four weeks and forward their bills to tais otace for payment. A. D. JONES, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE General Land Agent. - OMAHA CtTt, . N. T. !' ..First Coniei First .Served, ONE HUNDRED TOWN LOTS Donated to actnal settlers, in the best town Site on tne iJlissouri river, Ncnalia City, .Nemaha County, .. -. Nebraska Territory: NEMAlf A CITY, is situated at the junction of the Little NerSaha and Missouri rivers," iri the most thickly set tied and improve 2. part of the nemaha Val- ley, being the centre of the county, on the river, 72 miles a.boT-o St. Joseph, and 05 miles below Council Bluff-, an J on the Stage thoroughfare from Iowa to Kaniud. The town site is beautifully located on an elevation of Zl feet above low water mark, on a level plain, rolling enough for drainage, but not a hill on the town site no unnecessary , expenses for grading Lots or streets.' . A beautiful Public Square, 315 feet by 352. Two streets 100 feet wide, crossing each other at right angles, in the centre of the town; all other streets are 80 feel wide; Lots 4i by 19 feet, with a sixteen foot alley. A Ferry is in operation at this point, the road from which intersects the Bluff City road through Missouri. A permanent landing, a Saw and Grist Mill now in operation, and a Steam Sawmill to be in operation by 1st September next. It is immediately on the Territorial Road from Brown ville to Archer, where it intersects the Territorial Road from Oregon, Mon to Fort Kearney; a Post Offlce a weekly maiL building material, Timber, Stone and Stonecoal in abundance. The- Proprietors pledge themselves to donato 100 lots in the town to actual settlers, who wui erect on a lot, they may select, a respectable building, within a reasonable time, to be agreed upon. For particulars address either the Secretary or Pres ident, at Nemaha City. Nemaha county, N. T. JEROME HOOVER. Prest. E.M.McCOMAS,Socy. Nemaha City, N.T.Aug. 9,1853. vl-nlOtf Bfficln Bricli! ! WE HAVE now ready for sale 100,000 good mer chantable Brick. WESTFALL A MARLOTT. Brownville, August 2, 1858. yl-n9tf : CLAIM FOR. SALE. A 1GO acre Claim within 2 miles of Brownville, on the" Cohn'y Road le&ding to Nebraska City; with a good log House, 20 acres ia eorn and under feiice, and a good spring. Enquire of Brownyillo, Aug. 2, 1856. R. W. FURNAS. TO STEAMBOATMEN. CORD-WOOD FOR SALE At 2,25 per Cord. JAMES W. COLEMAN informs the Boats running the upper Missouri trade, that he keeps constantly a3 good a supply of Dry Uord-VVood, as can be found on the river; Landing always good. Wood Yard one mile above Brovfnville, Nebraska Territory, on the Nebraska sbofe. August 2, 1835-H ntftf D. FLASTL'ES, H. BAKER. BROWNVILLE FERRY PLxVSTERS & , BAKER, ANNOUNCE to the Travelling Public, that they are prepared with every facility to accommodate those crossing the Missouri river. This being the best crossing point on the upper Missouri, travellers coming to Nebraska, will find it greatly to their ad vantage to cross at this point i .. FERRY RATES. For every two horses, mules or oxen & wagon, $1,00 " each individual pair of horses mules or ox n 25 u horse cr mule and buggy. 75 u u led horse or mule, 25 u loose cattle per head, ' 10 " sheep and hogs per head, . . 05 each footman, j - l 10 u . ewL of freight, 10 " M feet of lumber, . : 2,00 u u unloaded wagon and horses, mules or . oxen therewith, j 75 Brownville, August 2, 1856.-ly ' j f E. A. 'WniTRIDGE.. R; J. M'KIXNET. MRS. E. A. WIIITRIDGE Jt CO. MANTFACTrBERS OF . Masonic Clothing and Odd Fellows Also Eegalia for Temperance'and other Societies, AV. 128 Walnut Street, up Stairs, Cincinnati, a ' : ; .M.V80X3. , . References. , odd fellows. W. B. Dodds, G M of Ohio O. P. Morton, PGM Ind C. Moore Ed Masonic Rev; Turner & Gray, pub Casket F. J. Phillips, II.' P. City W.G.Neilson, PGM Ohio The Editof of tho Advertiser will have specimens of Regalia from the abovo Manufactory, and recieve orders from Lodges or private members for Regalia. AUgUSt 2, 13015. vi-nvlf Improved Little Giant CORN & COB PLANTATION MILL Prico Hoduoocli fTtHE subscriber has purchased exclusive right of X icrritory in the est, of the above celebrated Mills, and is prepared to furnish them at all times, either wholesalo or retail, and guaranteed in the most positive manner. it is now more than a year since the "Little Giant" Was introduced to the public, during which timo, it -.. . . o f tr . 1 he improvements recently effected and patented, makes it the most perfect machine ever offered for genera farm use. It is furnished ready for attaching team, and weighs as follows: No. 1, 22j No. 2, 330, ISo. 6, 4UU, JNo. 4, aUU pounds. 1 wenty minutes are sufficient to set one up, without mechanical aid, and when onco adjusted, it can with safety be entrusted to a boy. r ull d irections accompany each Mill. No 1, $35, will grind 8 bu meal per hour with 1 horse I03 4U, " J w " a No3 50, " u 15 m i m No4 60, 20 " " 2 " JS Liberal discount to dealers. JAMES B. CHAD WICK, No. 63 Locust street, bet. 2d and 3d June 23, 1856. vl-n4 - St. Louis, Mo. Virginia Hotel, ' ST. LOUIS, MO. e traveling TO PUBLIC. rpiIIS new and extensive Hotel, located on the cor JL ner of Main and Green streets, in the citv of St, Louis, continues in successful operation, under the Proprietorship of J. H. Spake and his at-lo assis tants. For the iuformation of trangers, w would state that this is tho most extensive Hotel in this City, fronting on Main, Green and Second sts, and having a southerly front ot ?i.U leet, whicti affords good ven tilation during the summer months, the fporcs being well arranged to insure that end; and is ONE square 6XLT from tho Railroad Packet Landing, and directly opposite the Railroad Ferry. There is attached to the Hotel, an extensive shaving Saloon, with Baths; and the Proprietor has httcd up Bathing Booms for the Ladies, "Which they may enjoy free of Charge. The Public arc respectfully invited to call, the Proprietor pledging for his house, every comfort us ually found- in rst olass Hotels. Meals f urnishod to suit Railroad time. Charges $2,00 per day. vl-nl J. H. SPABR. H. WHITTEMOBE. R. B. WHITTEMOBK. J. F. C ASTIR H. & R. B. WIIITTEMORE & CO., Wholethle Detlfert in JiU.-M KL S A.H13 ST11AW GOODS. NO. 1 MAIN STREET, (First door above the Bank of Missouri.-) S3t. Xiouls, ixo. . T'Cash paid for Furs and Deer Skins. iiiicrass, : PAINTS, OILS, VAJIMSSES; T . 1 . J J TTT , . i r. . a1 r x renew- ana American n inaoto Ula OC Ulatttcare, Spicet, Indigo, Madder, Perfumeries, Sc. SPRING-STOCK! CHARLES 3, BLOW & CO. rkrORTEBS k WHOLESALE DZA.LXB3. Ho. 66 and 67 Kaimtrect, St. Louis, XI. Are now in receipt cf their new Stock, embracing everything in their line. 537Merchants visaing-our City are requested to give us a can, cs v7e are determined t sell for Cash or 1 r&nrpt Time Paper, as low as any House ia th United" States. Twenty Laborers Wanted ! ! npWENTY LABORERS, who can handle JL. tho apade, are wanted immediately at . ' Drownville, Nebraska Territory. Liberal vragca will be given by the subscriber, ? - ' ; J- N. THOMPSON. ot-every riscnption, frr sale at t&i l vmce. - . ,'',."- L 0. of G; Tt TEE Brownville Lodge, No; S, Independent Order of Good Templars, meets every Saturday eve- ning at 7 o einclr, at 1 cmpiara iia, xo. o, auib- tic street (Thurturs Block); . ' ' . Jleaibcrj of the order visiting th$ city, aro respect fully Invited to attcnJ.'wheu convenient; and those locating here," are earnestly solicited to joia the Lodge, as we look for tho support of all friends Of Temper ance, both male and female. . . v -For informat'.on concerning th 0?ue,' enquire of Wm. Thurbur, Atlantic street, O.'F. Lake, No. 27, Main street, cr Richard Brown, corner of iiain and First street. By order of tha Lod?s, Mrs. C. E. THURBUR, W. C. T. Attest: H. P. BUXTON, W. S. July 25, 1855. vl-nStf ' GEO. P. LUCILHAI1DT, WATCHMAKER I - OREGON, HOLT COUNTY, MCl HHAKES the liberty to iliform the.citizecs cf JL Brownville and.vicinity, that he has opened a WATCH,; CLOCK A JEWELRY STORE In Oregon, Holt county, Mo., where' ho will keep con stantly on hand, and for sale, a good assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, which ho will sell extremely low, for CASH. Also, a fine lot of Violins, Accordeons, Silver, and Plated Spec tacles, Gold Pens with Gold and Silver extension cases, Silver Thimbles, Ac, Ac. He is prepared to repair Watches, Clocks and Jew elry, of every description, in the best manner and on the most reasonable terms. Every article bought in his establishment, is war ranted to be what it is represented to bo. Watch re pairing warranted for one year. July 26, 1353. - vl-nSLf . . : UNITED STATES ESPKESS COBIPAWY GIVE every possible facility for the safe and speedy transmission of . Money, Valuable Packages, Parcels, Goods, and ."I ere nan due " Of every description, on reasonable terms. Peincipil OFncra ew York, Buffalo, Cincin nati, Toledo, Chicago, Dayton, lndianopolis, and all the smaller towns on Railroads in the Eastern, Mid dle and Western States; connecting at St. LotiU with Kicrrardaon s Missouri River Express. H. KIPP. July 20, laoo.-vi-nS Uerferal superintendent. TVTOTICE is hereby civen, that the co-partnership L heretofore existing under the name and style of isrown, lgors x Go was, on the 20th day of t ebru ary, A. D., 1856, dissolved. it; Bliuwrr. ' S. E. R0GER3, B. B. FRAZER, HENRY EMERSON. July23;lS56.-vl-n3 II. W. LAKE & BRO. NOTICE is hereby given, that the co-partnership formerly existing between IL W. and O. F. Lake. under tne name and style of 11. W. Lake & Bro.was by mutual consent dissolved, Fobrnary 20th, A. D., 1800. U. W. LAKE. .July 26, 1356.-vl-'n5-3t O. F. LAKE. CHARLES WEST. N. J. Ji'ASHEX IV EST & MclSIIEX, FORWARDING & COMMISSION 3VToroli.a.xxts, -Grocers and Steamboat Agents, Corner Second and Francis Streets, (Opposite A. Beatie's Banking House.) 3t- iTotioTplx, IVri&faoTLrx"!. A N assortment of Boat Stores, Groceries, Wines, Xjl Liquors, Meal, Flour, Ac, kept constantly on band. Julv2, lsoo, vl-n3 1S5G. r. ' FURNITURE. 1856. , SCARRITT. & MASON. FURNITURE &TJPHOLSTEIiyt : DEALERS AND No. 40 and 42 Washington Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. T TAVING completed our arrangements for a full XI stock of Goods in our line, and haviDg the best assortment in the V est, we take pleasure in offering to purshascrs botn WHOLESALE and KLTAIL: 3000 Bedsteads, 500 dozen wood seat Chairs, 1000 Bureaus, ZUU do cane seat do, 100 do rocking do, 100 .do childreas'Vdo, 500 tin safes, j 200 Cribs, assorted sizes, 200 Lounges, 100 doi. Rush and split bot 500 Dining Tables, 500 Breakfast do, 200 Work Stands, 200 Wash do, 100 Wardrobes, - 1000 Looking Glasses, Tom iuairs. E"To which we add mahogany and walnut, par- lor ana roc King vnairs, doius, centre, siueana exien- ni . O f j. . - i sion Tables: Secretaries and liook Cases. Uoholsterv in ereat vanctv. such as spi'msr. hair. cotton, ffioss and busk JJatresses, Comforts, spreads, and Blankets. Our work is all Warranted , as represented our Prices as Low as the Lowest. Orders prohrpfty and faithfully cxectftcd end re spectfully solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Please call and satisly yourselves. St. Louis,-July 26. 1856. vln3-6m NEBRASKA CITY HOTEL. NEBRASKA CITY, N. BARNES & BARNU3I, Proprietors. THIS conrtnodicfta Hotel, situated upon Main Street, Nebraska City, will be found a do sirable resort for travellers. Stages leave this house for all parts of the Territory. W. P. LOAN, ATT0MIY1T WW. LAND AND LOT AGENT. ARCHER, RICHARDSON COUNTY, N. T. NO BOOKS KEPT!! ALL CASK!!! A. S. HOLLADAY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER EJ Drusrs and medicines Main Street, Brownville, IT. T. THE undersigned respectfully begs leave to inform the public, that he has now on hand a complete assortment of everything, usually kept in Drug Stores, which he offers for sale, Exclusively on a New System of CASH AND CASH ONLY ! It will be entirely foreign to this beautiful system, to "Book," "keep account," "note" or "remember for a few days."- Come with tho "Spondulicks" if you want anything in tho Drug line. Prescriptions Compounded at all Hours witu Accuracy and Dispatch. Rcmembfer the system I have adopted, and my pocket and your feelings will not suffer. Credit will positively not be given', ctless under circumstances cf peculiar destitution. July 12, 1856.-vl-n6tf A. S. EOLLADAY. BROWNVILLE STEAM MILL, NOEL LAKE, & E3IEUSON,. 1 Bro w JtAirAllo, INT T; N, B. , We would rospcctfully inform tho cit'i zens of Noraaha county and adjoining Missouri, that we nave always on nana a large and well selected supply cf LU JIBER, which we can furnish at low er rates than any mill in the Territory. Market prices paid fo logs delivered at tho yard, or on mc uanx oi tne river. All orders accompanied with the cash, will receive our immediate attention; Wholesale Paper "Warehouse; BKADNER, WARREN & CO., . WHOLESALE Dealers la Papan of every des oripticn: Folio Post, Flat Cap, Foolscap; Letter a, Note. Book Papef; Wrapping, Manilas, Colored Papers, Medium & Demy's, of the very best Eastern and Western Manufacture, and for sale at very low prices. - GT Cash for Bgs af RApe,' ' BBADNElt, WAHREN & CO- . . - . No. 12, La Salle streer. inicago, June. ztn. ij6. vl-n4 A. C. FOED, L, L. BO WEN. FORD 4t BOWEN, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. Office at the corner of Broadway and Madison eircciB, up siairs. JOSEVII MURPHY, Attorney tand Counsellor at Law. And Solicitor ia Chancery. Sidset, Fbemoxt Cocktt, Iowa. . Of5c in the Court House, np sUirt. ' FJebrnsIm Hones; ; Frost Street, near Eleatibcat Laaibg, BROWNVILLE, N. T. A. J. BENEDICT, NNOUNCE3 to the public that ho Las taken. tl Ix. above House, formerly kept by T. U. Edward, io Brownville, N. T anl is now prepare! to accomo date all rbo may fuVor him with their patronagj. A new additlorl his been built to the house, and au ditions made ofFaxniture and Bedding, and all ar rangemcnts now aro sticS as to render ttis Houat equal to any in the Territory; , Brownville, July 5, 1355. vl-n5tf W. II. AVILLIAIS", - WHOLES ALB AND RETi.IL LEALI3 If STOVES & TINWARE Oro;;on, r.Io., TAKES pleasure ii announcing the citizens of Or gon and the public in general, that he has n hand the most extensive stock of Stoves and Tin ware, ver offered in this market; My stock of Tin ware is of my own nranufactur, and is for salo at Wholesale and Retail at St. Louis prices.' . I Would call particular attention to iiy sEock of COOKING STOVES, compruing the moit uuprovfd patter ls both Air-Tizht and Premium. Amon; them may to found Filly's Charter Oak, the best stove noV in use, the.. Asiatic Air-TJght, Honcer and prijo Pre mium.' AliO Parlor & Bo Stoves Of various Sizes and Patterns, which I will SELL LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE LN TOWN; . Particular attention tali to making anS rutti-' up Tin Gutters, in the town and country; Al'i, re pairing done on short notice and on reasonable t-rri. Uid copper," lirass arid 1'ewtcr taken in Ci anza for work or ware; . W. W. WILLIAMS, - vl-n5 Oregon, Mo July 3, 1353. 70STY THOUSAND D0LLAZ3 Vorta ol Gooda at a tina.ll adtanca oa cost and carrlaira ty ROCK PORT, J5IO . HEM JIES LANDING, ilO.' WE HAVE in store, and are receiving per Stci ers Hannibal, Warner, Edinburgh and Omi am- Omaha. a largo and well assorted stock of Drv Goods. Bonnets, Medicines,' Drugs, Furniture, Tinware, Saddlery, Groceriei," Castings Sash,' - Naifi . Iroa Clothing, Hardware;. Queensware, Boots & Shoes, ' IIat3 & Caps, Cutlery, 1'aiaU, Doors," Oils, : CARPENTERS 4 BLACKSMITHS TOOLS . AC. All oi" which wo offer at very low prices for Cash r Country Produce. HO HTH2TJG! Wa will aeU at SOUS PSICElt ,DHXON & HAWK: P. S. Ladies, if you haven't irot.a fino Silk Dres:)! Shawl or Bonnet, don't blame Dillo A liir, for we certainlvbave the best assortment i Fancv Dress Goods ever olered in this market. No trouble to show Goods. vl-c5 IX & II: tireat Inducements THOSE wishing to purchase LOTS ip the Town of Brownville would do well to give us a call, as w) have 50 Lots which will be sold very cheap for eash.' - Also.5 Lots In OilAlIA CI1 , for salo. Lnqufru of B. B. & J. 1. N. THOMPSON. ' Brownville, N.T.June 28, 1855. 4tf B. W. LEWIS JAKES V.LEWI3 . TH03. J. a.ABTHOLOW' late PEBT A B ARTIIOLOW I3L W. LETOS & BROS. : MAXVFACTCREBS OF ALL I)E$CBIrTtOJl OF CHEWING TOBACCO.-- . GLASGOW. MISSOURI. THANKFUL for the very liberal patronage that we. have heretofore received from our numerous friends and customers,' ani vrhiie respectfully solicft ing a continuance of tho same, pledging ourselves to spare neither pains nor expense to merit the patron ae of the public,' we beg leave (o announce that William J. Lewis has withdrawn from our firm, aid Thos. J. Bartholow is admitted a partner from this date, the style of the firm remaining unchanged, and that we have secured the services of Capt. George , G. Davis who will hereafter act in the. capacity of TRAVELING SALESMAN in connection with our Mr. Bartholow and will daring the coming Season per sonally wait upon our customers for tho purpose of soliciting their orders-. Our stock held over from last year of all descriptions is unanimously largfl, tho. quality of which cannot fail to zive entire satisfac tion to consumers: B. W. LEWIS i Bros: jriB3gow, juu.,u.auary o, iojj. ST. LOUIS AND COUNCIL BLUFFS PACKET; THE steamer AD MIKAL, having ben tiorougbly repaired and refitted, will ply regujjrly between St. Louis and Council Bluffs,' during tho season of 1836, touching at Jefferson City, Boonviile, Leaven worth, St. Joseph, Savannah, Brownville, Sonora, Nebraska City, St. Mary, and atl intermediate point. Thapkful for the patronage extended! to the AD- MIRAL during the past season, the officers hor br punctuality and dispatch, to merit the continuance of the favors coaf erred by shippers,' airi passenger win receive au uue aueuupm . . CHAJS: K. BAKER, Master; R;A. DARST, Cioik. MISS6tfltl E1VEB PACKET; THE new, elegant and fast running passenjret packet and freizht steamer. E. A. OGDEN. Baldwin, Commander,' is now runnin? her regular trips between St. Louis and Council Bluffs. She. W one cf the best freight steamers on the river, havinr occu ouiu ezprcssiy iorinis iraae. COUNCIL BLUFFS PACKET. THE ffne pajsezr steamer GENOA; Throckmor ton, Master, will run regularly during the seasco, between St. Louis and Council Bluffs. Her officers hepe by regularly and" strict attention o business to merit a share of tha public patfonaee: . J. 1UKUUKUOUTON, Master. J.E. GORMAN, Clerk: . ST. JOSEPH AND COUNCIL BLUFFS PACKET LINE. Season Arrangements fcr'1856. TDE entirely new and fine pasMBger packet. OM,?l!A,' J. B. Holland. ComssinJer P. Kerchcval, Cierkj) .having beou built expressly for kuo uauo, is now running as a regular weet;y racket between thocitiej of Si. Joseph and Conacil. Elufs Leaving St. Joseph every Monday at 12 o'clock M. And returning will leave Council fluffs and Omaha City every Friday morning at S o'clock, and forming a connection with tho fivo rackct3 leaviaz St. Louis on Mondays and Tuesdays, which arrive hero on Saturday and Sunday evening, by which arrange ment passengers or freight .trill not be detained at bt. Joseph; but to preparo against all contingoncics, the owners of th(J Omaha have a hu-je TTare-lIouso to store all goods not meeting theni promptly, and .uv v0v w Wmw vnuA9 nuivu HO UkvUI ttlQ most pcfrec! arrangmcn11 to paVsc?;?? or shipper that can or will be made the present., season, and they therefore hope by promptness and strict atten tion of her officers and agents, fo receive a lar" thare of public patronage l)ONXELL,SAXTONA McDONALD,)' TOOTLES & FA1RIEIG3; f 1-tf ' J AgentJ. CHARTER OAK LIFK INSURANCE COMPANY ! Ilirtford, Ct... .. ....... .'Capital $200,00 With large and increasing receipts securely invested under the sanction and approval of tho Comptroller cf Public Aocouats." ALFRED. GILL, IWt. JOHN L. BUNCE, V. f 1 JAMES C. WALKXEY, Secretary. tIKECTORS. Alfred Gill. John L. Bunce, Wm. R. Cone, Jas. O Bollos,.. John A. Butler, Noah Whoaton, N. Hollis ter,Saml Coit,Daa1 Phillips, C. N. cmjhfcj. board or rrsAxcEi Geo. Bach, Esq., President of Phocsix Bank D. F.Robinson, Esq., " Hartford- . Hon. Isaae Touoey, late Attorney General U. S. Applictttions for insurance received by R. W FURNAS, Agent.' DR. A. S. nOLLIDAY, Med. Ex. A. MUDDt O. .14 HUGHES, J. J. iTUDD, U. T. MUDD, s. 0. GRCBB. MUDD & HUGHES. PRODUCE 4' COMMISSION No. 33 Lerea and C6 Commercxii Strcci ST. LOUIS, MO. AY & MATLACK, "Yhol6saIe DeaTerst Dry Good', Eo. 57 Poarl street, betwten Wa nut and Yin, Cincinnati; Ohio.