Newspaper Page Text
IE ADYJ! 1RTISER R. M. FCRXAS, Editor. VTURDAY MORXIXG, AUGUST 30 1858. Pawxek Couxty. Oa Monday last tho county ef Pawnee was organized by the elec tion of its officers, as follows: J.T.WILLIAMS, Probate Judge, IL Pabvix, No. 03 Fourth street, between nt and Viae, Cincinnati. M. riTTEXGiLL & Co. New York. . S. SwntiiE, No. 43 Chestnut street, Saint . - - . ; ' F. KcLrxu, Troy, Ohio. . i. IL II; Darst, Tippecanoe, Ohio. " : . C. McsGER, Covington, Ky. D. Kick. Archer, Nebraska. . W. Veteb, Oregon, Mo. iAX)S k Hawk, Koekport, Mo. . tx 4 Winn:, Nebraska City, X. T. authorized AgenU to solicit Subscriptions and sscmenUfor the Advertiser, and reciere and . for monies thereon. . o ' n ' i nr recent actions, we now have the most re Job Office in this extern woumry, ua red to execute Job Work of every deacrip l'the neatest style, and on reasonable terms.. ;lar attention given to Blank and Card work: ' purchased one of Foster's latest Improved 'resses. Orders from a distance will meet rompt attention. ons resident in this Territory, coming from is Dortion of the States, often susses to ns mcs of persons in their old neighborhoods, who i doubtless become subscribers if they could see r of the "Advertiser." We always send a spoei- ,'py, and persons rccieving, will consider .it a ition to become a regular subscriber. I'ost i and others, feeling sufficient interest to make lab, can retain the usual per cent for-their Sheriff, Treasurer. Cleik, Register. Supt, corn. Sju'Is, Surveyor, ' Co. Commissioners, J. ADAMS. - J. M. HENTON, X. S. LOVE, G. T. DOBST, - D. BRANCH, E. MARKEE, . JOS. FRIES IL HOG AX, E. JORDAN,; W. HOG AN, " 4 H. LOVE, A. JORDAN. J. O'LAUGULIN, A vote was also taken locating the County Seat, but no choicatfnade; there beicg three points voted for, neither one of which received a majority of all the votes cast. Table Rock City received the. highest number of votes, lacking but one vote necessary to locate tho County Seat. Another vote, we understand, will be taken on the County Seat question, af ter the expiration of 30 days. Justice of Peace. Constable. TL Qri7 Ci-4.ii: Dx"ZDa. asd Excxara jt E?izx.iZT. for sale at the advertiser ice. . . ; ZTZXMIK COTJXTY. . if Theriff . ColxmaK has -.just completed . his 'es &3 Assessor bf tins' County. Bj his kind- we are allowed the use cf his report The '.t nhcnvs an almost uriparralelled increase -orertv in a ualit v. quantity, number and ;e, since the last assessment, one year ago. 1 year the number of. acres under Cultiva- , in this county,- was not quite 1,000 acres, year there is being cultivated 4,800 acres; acd valuation 35,275. This shows the ."75 value of an acre of land fenced and O r good state of cultivation, to be about $7, hich add the government price, .$1,25, : vre have $S,25 per acre; the cost of a farin .braska, wth a good comfortable house, fences and crop standing. Now. to- the We feel saf in saying that corn in this iV Will (IICIJjC ik.uuouch w inv BUl-i ve will put thet price per bushel low 25 i pet bushel and the figures show $18, cr acre for corn land. All other crops are .lly productive and proEtable, grown upon 3iL Here we have a profit of $10,50 per on two xcurs experience in Nebraska :ng. . . . umber of horses in this county last year 1,10; this year 2G0.. Cattle are mostly 1 for farming purposes tfere", consequently ;omparatively fev 'horses' afe owned; but - we have are good : average vdrw $12o, .it year the 777 cattle of all a This year J,50. The average value t down at $15; "We think this low. A . number of oxen are employed, the aver value of which is about $00 per pair, or a. Milclf caws wngc from $20 to $40. '.e will be niuqh cheaper, however, after , when we Tiave 'sufficient to reasonably k the countv. To raise cattle cosLj almost Jug.,, JThey cepd no feed during thesum - and hay caa be put' up for winter use, at st of $lpef tin." .ast Tear the total amount of - taxable prop- ' in Netdalia county wiis $74,80,00; thu r the rercft shows $174.546,O0L Last year claim3 were taxed; this veaf simply the rovemcnts thereon. TotaljValue of 'town property in tliis county ycarj$3c,8s0,00. This year, '$39,870,00. .t year we may safely look for still greater rotionite results. .bove we liave given a etatament of facts i figures. One thing, however, should le e in mind; that tax valuations are gener- - below the actual value. " Host person's ia thd habit of putting down the figures, .ichr occasions to the -'lowest notch." COXGItESS. . CoDgress adjourned on Monday the 18th, without passing tho army appropriation BilL The President immediately called an extra ses sion, to meet Thursday, the 21st The Dcs lloincs Rapids Bill," appropria ting two hundred thousand dollars for the re moval of obstructions in the M ississippi river, between Keokuk and Montrose, has past. This, bill', u will be reccollected, passed both c -Flouexce, Douglas Co., N. T.) ;-n - rj ; August 18,1856. $ .s . Peiesd Pcthnas: A Tecent attendance at church, in the large dining hall of the Doug las House, in Omaha City, which the citizens, by the kindness of Mr. Mills, the proprietor, are permitted to occupy during the Sabbath, for religious service, satisfied me that Nebras ka u settling with the right kind of inhabit ants, and tho youthful Citt or Extension es pecially. The congregation was large, well behaved and attentive; bearing the appearance of morality and religion. Many united in the singing, which reminded us of olden times, in the land of steady habits. As there is not a fiuished church edifice in the town, and there fore the necessity of resoiting to a public j house for room; although the Catholic, Metho dist and Presbyterian orders have their houses under way, and will be finish e I, probably thw fall, and when completed, as anticipated, will be ornaments to the city. There are several other buildings going up for dwelling and store houses, which will add greatly to the beauty and convenience of the city. We welcome to tmr columns a new corres pondent, JHome," who we hope to hear from often. ; S t . iaffle'EIills;:- ; ST. JOSEPH, MO., ' JAMES CAKGILL, Proprietor. MANUFACTURES and keeps constantly on hand for Hale, all kinds of Floor, Sleal, and Feed staff's. " Orders solicited and promptly filled on most favorable terms. Cash paid constantly for Wheat. For character of Floar refer to everybody that erer uned it. St. Joseph, Mo., Aag. 30,18j8. rlnl3-ly JAMES C A. KG ILL. CEO. W. CAIUJILL. J. & G. TV. CARGIIX, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. , AND MANUFACTUKER'S ; AGENTS, Steamboat Landing, St. Joseph, Mo. Our relations with;England arc in progress ' J;t F 'SAISELL,; i of adjustment, &r,d thcredoes not now reem (xate or boston) - to be even a remote prospect of a war in that OlliOIlQblC 'E'O.IlCr, P- . BROWN VILLE..X..T. V - IXF0R11S tha puhlic that he is now prepare! to genre them in tho above named capacity. IIarin had Ion and extensive experience, he flatters him self he can please sJl who favov him with their pat ronage. Good fits warranted in all cases. PARTICULAR ATTENTION Given to cutting out garments for homa making. Browmrille, Aug. 23, 1S5(J. Tl-nl21y Bridge Notice. THE stock holders oE the Nemaha Bridge Company are hertby notified that it is neeessary io insure uie immeuiave erecuoa idu compieuuu ui said Lridge, that the amount of stock subscribed, ho paid in in full, before 1st, September. i ISy order of tne Boara Ansu5t2.1S56.-T2-n9-2t JOHN S. G. & C. TODD k CO., No. 212, Xorth First or Main Street, Si. Loni. IHPOSTEKS AND MAXCFACTCKHRS OK Mill Materials INCLUDING Bolting Cloths, Mill Stones, Saws, Scrccas', Damsel?, Kc. Alio, portablo aills, leather and metauc rufcbir belts; tha leather Li selected in the hide and tanned -llillou's Pictoiial Drawinir-rooni J ' Companion.- - l i (late gleason's ricromxL.) THIS PAPER presents, in the most elegant and available form, a weekly literary mdange of nt Ubte events of tho d y. Its columns tire demted to original ta!, sketches and poems, by tho eest AMKiiit'AK Atrnoas, and tho cream cf the domestic and ftirei":n news: tho whole well spieeAwith wit and humir. Each paper is beautifully Illustrated with numerous accurate engravings, by eminent artists, of notable object?, current events in all purU of the world, and cf men and manners, altogether making paper entirely original in this country. Its pages contain views of every populous city in the known world, of all buildings of uoto in the exstern or west ern hemisphere, of all the principal hips and steam ers of the navy and merchant service, with ne and accurate portraits of every noted character iu the world, both male and female. - TER5IS: INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. 1 subscriber, one year $3.00 4 subscribers, " " . 10,0 J 10 u u 20,00 Any person sending us tixteen subscribers at the last rate, shall receive tbo necenteeulk copy gratis. One copy of The Flag or oca Usio.v, and one copy of Balloc's FiCTOiaAL, together, $4 per annum. - Published every Saturday, by M. M. BALI.OU. Corner of Tremont and Bromficld St. Boston. D. 'PLA5TER3, H. SAK t;t. 3 t j i.ii.. i i uuu Ewry, anu win, prooauiy, not De raisea higher than the square this season, and, there fore, will not be ready for the reception of the Legislature this winter, as was in the spring anticipated. When finished, as designed by the architect, it will be one of the handsomest edifices of the kind in the United States. Sit uated &s it is, on the summit of Capitol Hill, it can be seen from this end of "Extension Houses of CoDgress was sent to the President, City," and also from Calhoun, Crescent City, was by him returned to the House without his ani Council Bluffs, in the State of Iowa, and signature was there passed by the cunstitu- commanding a large and extensive view of the tional majority of two-thirds was sent to the surrounding country, both sides of the Missou- Senate for concurrence, and by that body re- ri river. respectfully solicited, and all business entrust ed to us will be promptly and carefully attended to 1 at the lo west rates. . . References. Taylor & Shepherd, St. Louis, 1 K. L. McGhee & Co., j- " M iu Livermoro, Cooley & Co., u u Merchants Generally, St. Joseph. HEAL ESTATE AGENCY. . J. W. LEE. k, LEE, Real Estate and General Agency, Oil AH A CITY, N. IV CEOUCiK CLAYES. . C LA YES yew York," jected, not quite two-thirds voting iu its favor. But .the friends of the bill did not, it seems, give it up; they procured a reconsideration of the vote, and carried the bill and appropria tion ' Missouci Electiox.Wo learn from the St. Louis Republican, of the 20th, that returns are m from 4 counties 32 . counties vet to IWlW VVtflUUt. HWI Villi A4A.A9 ttliVA U J LULU UUIU Ud I warehouses, and the Steam Sawmill of Sals- Walking on to the 'Park; we noticed a very 1 important improvement going ou, in the way of grading Faruham street, which we under stand is desigued to extend to the river, aDd will, probably, cost when completed as now contemplated, over four thousand dollars. Continuing our walk to the landing, we noticed several new buildings, used for various pur-! rear from. Tolk is without doubt elected Governor. . The probability is that Jackson, for Lieut. Governor, is beaten by Newlasd, the American candidate. Tha" other candi- dates on the Democratic ticket are, in all prob ability elected, except possibly th Superinten dent of Schools. We made a short trip into Pawnee county a few weeks ago, and were pleaded to fiud at the close of a wearisome days travel aboard of a mule, the "Walnut Grove House," kept by D. B. Thompson, who is prepared to accom modate, "man and beast" in true western hos pitable style. Although Mr. T. is kcepin; "bach,' he performs the part of landlord,, land lady, Stewart, ostler, &c, in a style altogether comfortable, agreeable and refreshing. Give him a call. Kansas Coxtested Seat. The action of the, House npon the contested election case of Delegates from . Kansas, has resulted in the re jectioh of both Whitfield and Beedeb. The consequence will be that a new election will be held as soon as practicable. It is certain that Whitfield will again be a candidate. It is rumored that Reedeb will not. We are. however, of the opinion that the race will again be "by the. same nags. We call the attention of travelers to the card of the Palmer House, Indianopolis, Ind. This popular House, for a time closed, has been re-opened, under favorable circumstances and increased energy, under the care of Dr. Baebocr. We. notice that our old friend, J. F. Cclbertsox, has a place in the office. Those stopping at Indianopolis, will be well cared for by taking quartere at the Palmer House. . v berry & Smith, which is doing a good business both for the proprietors and the city. On re turning to our horses, our attention wai drawn towards some new stakes, which by inquiry we ascertained to be stations, on the line of tho new military road, just completed by Captain Dickinson and his engineering corps, between Omaha City and New Fort Kearney, a distance of one hundred and eighty miles, at an expense of, probably," thousands of dollars whilst one of our western field surveyors, would have lo cated the road for aa many hundreds. The road passes up on the north side -of the Platte river, through Elkhorn -City, 'North Bend, Buchanan and Columbus, at the . Ferry on Loup Fork. - The probability is that they will proceed immediately to improve the crossings of all the streams on the route, and expend the money appropriated for the road. From the business commencing in Omaha, in the way of Agencies, Mercantile and Me chanical occupations, it will certainly pro ee profitable to the printer, in the advertising pat ronage, whilst some, of those who are now commencing with high hopes, will eventually find that all is not gold that shines, and others will realize ease and independence, and others fortunes, credit and honor everlasting. Property has risen in value very rapidly, since "tie adjournment of the Legislature. Lots which could then have been purchased from $2 to $100 will now sell at from $50 to $3,000, and the higher the price, tho more eager they are sought after. ' ." , ' . Preparations are now being made to extend References. James Wright, Broker, Wm'A. Woodwlrd. Esa.' Hon. K. Wood, Ei-Gov. of Ohio',' ' ' Cleveland, Wicks, Otic and Brownell, Bankers, '.i .a AlcottA Horton,-f j,.,-? , Col. Robert Campbell, ' ' St. Louis, - James Bidgway, Esq. '- u v Urawicrn and oacKctf. . : unicago. . uinana uity, Aug. 6vf isoo. vinia-iy , ; PALMER HOUSE,- ; S. BARBOUR, Proprietor. Corner of Illinois and Washington Streets, INDIANOPOLIS, IKD fTiniS well-known and popular Hotel: has recently X . bicn re-built and greatly enlarged by the addi tion oi -isty or seventy rooms, and is furnished throughout with new and beautiful furniture, and is in all re-wvt!--, a First Class Ilotril.' Travelors will find fn! -rainier" all they can dosiro for com fort, luxury nod pleasure. The table will at all times be supplied with the best tha market affords, and nopaina will be spared to render the stay of guests botn comfortable and pleasant. ' . , "TP.Yr THE PALMER HOUSE." August SO, IS55. vlnl3-ly MICHAEL McUEE. Saddle and; Harness Maker, East side of Jtain, bet. Francis and Felix St., ST. JOSEPH. HO. rpHANKFUL for past favors, bcg3 leave to inform J. tbe public, that be has just returned from M. Louis with as fine an assortment of materials as has ever been purchased' In that market.' His stock consist of a superior articla of .Skirting Harness, bridle leather, hog, calf, and sheep skins; fine goat morocco, and a surpassingly beautiful arti cle of enameled leather of various hues. He has every variety of saddle trees, from the real Mexicans and English, Beard's and Grimsley's pat ent, down to the common fall-back He has on hand and will continue to keep saddles, saddle-bags, bri dles, martingales, halters, eollars, whips of every quality, whip-lashes, hames, traces, spurs, &o. Ha? also, coach, buggy, Pennsylvania, yankec, cart and dray harness. He has not now, nor will he keep any other than AO 1 workmen, and bis instructions to them are neat ness and strength. He, therefore, feels no hesitation in sayiLgthat his work will seldom bo equaled, no where surpassed. As small profits and quick sale, is his motto, he pledge himself to cll (considering the quality of the article) lower than any house west of the Alle- jrheny Mountains. Those disposed to suspect him cf gassing, have on ly-to call to be assured of tneir mistake. St. Joseph, August 20, 1856. vlnl3tf. mented, riveted and stretched by machines, until it will run straight an 1 even. All work sold warranted. St. Louis, Aug. 23, 1858. vl-nl2tf -F. DINGS & CO., . Importer! of, and VTholetoit Dealer in French, German; British & American Fancy Goods. HOSIERY, GLOVES, TOYS, NOTIONS Manufacturers of all kinds of Brushes. , 30 Xorth Main Street, (Up Stairs,) ST. LOUIS, MO. TTAVIJTG Vinae the first -of January. adoDted the JLjL Exclsive Cash System, we ds-aw tho atten siou of close buyers to the fitet that we have revised our entire stock, and reduced former Credit Prices from i to 20 per cent, according to the nature of the dincrent articles, j., . i ... .-, ; ... Comparison, Respectfully ; Solicited. Price Lists may be had on application. St. Louis, Aug. 13, 1856. vl-nl2tf : 1856 SPRING TRADE. -1850 EDWARD MEAD. H, MAURICE. E. H. MEAD. Oldest lloute of the kind in the irt Etabliked 183a. EDWARD MEAD & CO., ; No. 50 Main, cor. Pine it, Importers and Wholsalers c OF Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods. WATCHMAKERS'' TOOLS, and materials, 1 ; ver and plate! ware, shot guns, rifles, pistols, revolvers, musical in?trument5, daguerreotype ambnJ1 types; Ac., chrystalo'type materials; llotcl and bteam- boat table ware. St. Louis, Aug. 23, 1857. vl-n!2tf NATIONAL MAGAZINE. EDITED BY ALEL STEVEXS. . IT WILL be the aim of this periodical, to combine, with such articles as the public mind 3ually rel ishes with most aviditv, an elevated literary tone, a critical appreciation of art, the discussion of great practical questions, and a just recognition of religion religion without dogmatism and without sectarian ism. Bosides an abundant miscellany of essays, sketch es, translations, poetry, e., original and selected, it will comprise departments of literary news, art in telligence, book notices, religious information, and general news, prepared thoroughly by skillful hands. it is embellished wita numerous engravings most of tbein illuarative of real scenes or facts. Every number contains ninety -six pages, making two vol umes a year, of six hundred nazes each. It is the largest monthly of ill price in the United States. A liberal discount made to wholesale purchasers. A tttn copy ot the wors will be allowed for four sub 8cribers: and any person forwarding sixteen dollar shall have the Magazine for ten subscriber, and, as a premium, a bound volume worth $2. Clubs of ten, to one, address, shall have the work for .fifteen dollars a year. , '. ?, ' ' . f Orders for the Jlagnzine may be directed to either Cahltox & Thillip, Ne York, S wobmstkbi A Vet Cincinnati, W. JL-DoL'Girrr; Chicago, J. L. Reab, Pittsburgh, Or'J. P. Magse. Boston. . . Terms, $2 a yeir, in advance. Single numbers, 18? cents. CAItLTON & PHILUPS. -r EROWNViLLE FERRY PLASTERS & BAKEK, AXXOUXCE. to the Travelling Public, that they are prepared with every f i. inty tJ accommxlat those cro-Hwig tho MLisonri liver. This bein;; tb best crossing point on tho ucper lliss;uri, traellors coming to Nebraska, will greatly to their V-vantag-j tj ctojs at this twint, lilRRY KATES. For every tiolcrs3,muIesorox!u A wagon, ?I;C0 each indiviiuut pa;r cf horses males or cx a 2 j horse or inule and buggy, li u led horse or mule, 2 loose cattla per head, 1 0 sheep and higs per head, Hi each footmin, 10 ewt. of freight, 10 " M fact of lumber, 2,03 unloaded warcu aul hordes. Liulea or oxen therewith, 7i Brownville, August 2, lS55.-!y 7" BROVZirVILLB STEAM MILL, SOUL, LAKH, A LL'MXliSO.'V. ' X. B. We would r.srci ti'ii!!y infunu tho eiti- lens of Nem;iha county and adjoining Missouri, Xhul we have always on hand a larg and well selected supply of LU jlBEU, which we can furnish a; low er rates than any mill in the Territory. Market prices paid for logj delivered at the yurd, or on tho bank of the river. AH orders accompanied with the cash,, will rrctiT our immediate attention. . I. 0. of G. T. THE Brown ville Lodge, Xo. 3rLndendent OidT of Good Templar, meetd every .S it unlay eve ning, at 7 o'clnck, at Templars Hall, ivo. 2iJ, Atlan tic street (Thurbur's Block). Members of the order visiting the city, are rwpwt fally invited to attend, when convenient; and tho locating here,. are earnestly s(jlicited to join th) Ixxlg?, as we lxtk for the suppuxi. of all.fricols of Temper ance, both male aixi feiatilo. . For inSormation concerning the Or.lo4nqniro T Wm. Thurbur, Atlantic street, O. F. Lake. No. 2T, Main street, or liichard Brown, eoruer of Main and lirst street. By onler of tha Lodg, Mr?. C. K. THUBBL'K, W. C. T. Attest: II. P. BU3LTOX. W. S. ! ' July 20, IS jG. . vl-n8tf. , , 1 ; BROWN & CO., No, 18, lain Steet, St. Louis; HIo. 1 ' SPRING STOCK COMPLETE. 7 Tbe cheapest and most extensive Fancy Goods and Yankee Notions Establish- - -' ' nient in the Western Country. H TERCIIAXTS in search of chean foods are lnvl 1YI ted. to examine our stock of. silks, dress gods, shawls, white goods, Embroideries, ribbons, gloves and hosiery, trimmings, furnishing goods and small wares generally, together with 15,OOfl Parasols of the latest and most fashionable stylos, at manu facturers' prices. Lash buyers, close purchasers, and prompt men will find our stock adapted to their wants in every particular. A call from the trade U respectfully so licited.' . ; -vlnlitf August 23, 1856., . . ; . NOTICE. NOTICE. Merchants, Sportsmen and Manufacturers. HORACE E. DI2IICK & COS GBEAT WESTERN EMPORIUM, for Shot Guns, Rifles, Pistols, Fishing Tackle and Sporting Ap paratus of every varietv, ii at Xo. 12, JTorth Main street, St. Louis, tho of the Deer iu the Win We keep constantly on Land a full assortment of Hunting, Target and Minnie Tlifles, Together with every variety of.Purcussion" Cups. Guns, Wads, and Wadding Paper, Fishing Tackle, &c, &o.; in fact, everytluag connected with the Oun Trade. Two Hundred Brooch loading T.iflos of various patents. JL il U Allium Ul UU LLU&bClii QUIA lUUUUMii in th forged, filed and fa ai med state. I lease call and examiaa for yourselves before you make your purchases, as experience ii the only true ten A a Our goods are all warranted by us. August 23, 1305. . vln!2tf irESSASKA CITY HOTEL. : : i NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. .-. OARNES& BA1'U3X,' Proprietors. TIIIS conimodioits Hotel, situated npea Main Street, Xebraska City, will be found a de sirable report for travellers. Stages Icav3 thia homo for all parts of the Territory. . Twenty Laborers YantedtI : TWENTY LABORERS, who can , handls tha ftpade, are wanted immediately at . " Brownville, Nebraska Territory. Liheral wages will be given by the suhcriber. . ' ' J. l. X. THOMPSON. . t i . i .. ..I I., i . BLANKS of every description, for sale at this OZBce. .- ! . ' E. G. rHATT, ;0. W. CHILD, St. Lvais. ev. rox, S. C.JtAN'SCR, Purniture and - Upholstry Of Great Variety. ' At the Banner Furniture Ware Rooms of HEATON & TRIMBLE, CEXSU-S OF THIS COTOTT. r. Lake, TJeputy U. S. Atarshall, havin leted taking the .Census of this county, ermittedr'ni to make extracts from his re That it may-be jiroiejly -appreciated we -arcvim rast .vear. . i!csc21 j'cars and upwards, - - m ltwcen- 21 acd 16, ' :: " under 1G ,rnalcse'16 acd upwards under 16. Jiii Coleman thinks if his melons are not quite ss large as other folks, he'll bet on the quality. If those ho left at this office are specimens, we'll bet on both quality and size. They were, crowders and as ne eatiDg as oue could desire. L50-, 12G 144 Capt. Iea Goodiit, who commands the prairie boat from Nebraska City to Brownville, astonished the natives" last Saturday with 'a "bran new?' wagon, lie is now prepared to carry passengers in nice style. Patronize him. tal popu!atin,last year, .isyerthe report shows Jcsl and'Bpwards, " . between 21 and, 16, . " under 16, emales 16 and upwards, under 16, . C01 545 101 .403: 3G6. 302 1815 Coates didn't leave any melons at our office the past week, consequently, in company with a number of friends we called on .his patch, during Lis absence, and eat and carried away just lo. tuarge 'era up Alien. . otal population, ast year there was a deficiency in the num :f females above 16 years of age, corres- ling A-ith males; this year the deficiency t bo great. L&it vear the number of fe- s under 16 years of age was greater than orresponding age of the' males; thU year ales are ahead. 3 may be allowed the suggestion here, as 3 -article from Sheriff Coleman's, :he above figures are below what they ac- are. In taking the valuation of nroner- 4 1 "We noticed Dr. LTolladat with' a" h'ue musk melon on his shoulders the 'other day (we expect it grew for the Editor, but was mis-applied,) which "knocked the 'simmons" -weighed 32 pounds, measured 42 inches in circumference, and 19 length. We call the attention of our agricultural readers to the prospectus of the Country Gen tleman and Cultivator. We have been a read er of the Gentlemen for several years,' and consider it oue of the star agricultural papers. Elections. The news we hear from the ,ve never yet known the .reported .fig '.o come up to the actual ioint : :CIty has presented, the past week, an il lively appearance. A number of hand been engnged grading the Etreets.. Toople the country, back as fat as 50 miles, have in laying in supplies.. The emigration . 1 - Ti l 1 "l - " oecn large, uunareas nave crossed at tees' & Bakehs Ferry, at this place; j having crossed at Omaha and Nebraska arc here looking , for locatiops both in and country. In almost every direction outskirts of town are to be seen encamp . Sales in town property have been Additions of Cajitalar.d population large. Our holders of real estate, 2 tllink' aclin3 very prudent, in keeping at moderate rates, within the reach of There is still room. Ncw comers this .11 cot have the difficulties of those com rctoforc, to contend with, in having to 1 on tupplies from a distance. Our y has produced a large surplds, and ; arc moderate." On Second Slrcet, Si'jn of the Chair and Led stead. the already large limit of Omaha and Florence, "HP HE continued liberal patronage of the citizens of i ., ., , 1. St. Jo3eph,Xortb Western Missouri, Kansas, Xe- and umle the two and commence unew enter- KPacVa and Western Iowa, for nil r,r WMh wi ALONZO PRATT, . . Xew York. St. Louis. CHILD, PRATT & CO., Direct Importers, Jobbers and Manufacturers' Agents English, French, German & American Hardware and Cutlery. GUNS, RIFLES, FIST.OLS, &c, &c 139 & 141 Main St, cor. Washington Avenue, ST. LOUIS, MO. prise; and l beleive it is also contemplated to enlarge the boundaries of Council Bluffs, so as to give that City a river front, making a town connection of about twelve miles, and only separated by the Big Muddy, which certainly should, entitle this precinct to the appellation of the City of Extension. IIome. Politics. -Thought we'd write a short arti cle on the subject this week: Guess we'll defer it. Subject to us is drv, when compared with matters intimately connected with Nebraska, We like to talk with our readeri upon this subject There is always something refresh ing, cheerful and enlivening to talk about, con nected with our iuterests here. Our fine wide spread prairies, hiexbaustable soil, social, neigh borly people, encouraging prenpects; far out shiufl. the dull monotonous, abus:ver friend severing,' money spending, whisky drinking, routine of politics! Escas3. us this week? .The. geullethanly, obliging, eVer accommo dating," polite" energetic,, good loQking,.yell behaved, much thought !of, ar-Ways-on-hand-wUh-favoh Clerks of the Oma ha, Emma and Ediuburg, have again compel led us to acknowledge ouiselves under obliga tions for supplies of late papers! Call at our Watermelon Saloon, gents, and we'll introduce you to agreeable friends. ' ' ' ' taxation; or census for regular purposes several States recently holding elections, is that Iowa is largely Republican; Arkansas is reported to have gone the American ticket; North Carolina is strongly Democratic, and in Kentucky the Democrats have gained largely. , ' .)-.. . . ; j j Our "better half " initructs U3 to say that Bex Thompson has the thauks of the "wim min folks" for a melon treat, sent to our resi dence. ' ' x 1 . Kaxsas. At the time of going to press we have no news of hostilities, further than given last week. Considerable excitement prevails yet, and, as we remarked in our last issue, we , are prepared to hear almost any report from there. ! Relief of tue Widow Gat. In the U. S. Senate, on the I4th, a petition was present ed from Makt Gat, widow of Wm. Gat, late Indian agent in the Territory of .Kansas, ask ing that provision be made for her support, in consequence of her husband having been mur dered while in the discharge of his public du ty. It was referred. Fresh Beef. -We have no regular butcher in Brownville; but when we get tired of "salt hog," all that is uecessarv, is to lei Geo7 Feb- gitsox know, and he'll find a fat bullock, if its in the land, and "bring it to quarters," if there is any "such thing in the book." !( George is always ready to supply our wants in that line. thankful, has induced us to increas? our facilities for doing business. Having uilt last spring, a very large Manufactory Establishment on Francis street, and having employed some of the very best workmen in tho Eastern cities, we are now determined not to be out done by any other Furniture Establishment in the Missouri Valley, in quantity, quality, durability, styles and prices. Our stock consists in part of Rose-1 wooa, wainm ana Manogony ltureaus, marble and solid tops of every style; extension, centre, card, din ing and side table; Bock cases, Wash stands, Work tables and Wradrobes, Sofas, divans, ottoman? and footstool, spring seat parlor chairs, rocking, nurse, elizabeth chairs of every variety. Mahoeony, wal nut, cherry and maple bedsteads of every style and variety. Spring, hair, moss, cotton and Bhuck mat tresses, Ac., together with all other articles in our line, usually kept ia a Furniture Wareroom. Wo say then to all who may want good Furniture, either for hotel., parlora or bed room?, give us aeall and ex amine our work and prices, and we think you . will leave your money here in place of tending it to St Louis and getting an inferior article "at- the. same price you can get a good one here at. ;. -; : - . Out. motto is tho cash system, which will enable us to sell at smaller profit than ours or any other estab lishment ciin do where the credit system is adopted. X. B, The highest price paid for seasoned Wal nut ana Cherry Lumler. St. Joseph, Aug 3l),lS5G";TlnlStf.r' ' Will,.U. S. Depnly Marshall Loajt and Suaup, and Sheriff. McMullex, of Richard son and Pawnee counties, be kind enough to furnish us with the footings of their labors, for publication. ' ' The Missouri River is now low; boats ex perience considerable difSculfy in" getting, up. The BxAs cf this trade, however, "are com manded .by. energetic go-ahead "officers; and will go oyer the sand birseven though com pelled to unload half their freight below, pass up with the remainder, unload it above, and go back for the balance. . V We 6ee that pr. LTooveb has completed a bridge across the Nemaha at" his' mill, bv so arrarging tha mill dam that k can be used for that purpose; then only requiring 12 or 15 feet across the tail-race, to be bridged, which he has done. ; . RURAL PUBLICATIONS. i TnE Cocxtet GeStle4AN U a beautifully illus trated weekly of Iff pages quarto, with f pedal De partments for the Farm, the Grazier, the Dairy, the Fruit Garden and Orchard, the Florist, the Kitehen Garden, the Housewife, the Fireside, Ac. "This is without question, the best Acrieultural Paper in the United States." lion. Jon Wextwobtu, M. C. of Illinois. 1'nce 52 ft year. . The Ccltivatou, monthly,52 pc.ges octavo well known for twenty years, as tho best monthlv amcul tural Journal ia this country. Price 50 cents per year. ' ' ' - " ' THE iLLrSTRATED AXAt, It EG tSTEa' OT l?rKAL Affaiiis. . The two Xos. issued for'1855 and 1856, . I r ' r f. i .... uumaia more man ju engravings oi DttUuings, am mais, trees fruits, ic. t vica Zo pents c-ach sent post paid by mail. . i . . . t These works combine attractions to be found in no similar publications, and the publishers will send specimens of the papers to alt who would like to ex amine them. Published at Albany, X. Y., by , xlnlStf LUTHER TUCKXEU & SOX. GEO. C. FERGUSON. MILLWRIGHT AND ENGINEER BROWNVILLE, N. TV i XXOUXCES to the public, that he is prepared 11 to erect btcam baw and Alercnput Mills at short notice and reasonable term?. . . ALL WORK WARRANTED. ( t TJo is also Agent for A. B. IIOLL1BIRD & CO'S., WesterriFoiisidry. CINCINNATI, O., IX.Y. St LEAVITT'S Saw . Manufactory, ; CINCINNATI, O., : And is prepared to receive and fill orders for any ma chinery manufactured or kept on hand, by these es tablishments. . , r Letters of enquiry, promptly answered. - REFFEUEXCES. Xoel, Lake & Co.,' Brownville, X. T. Steam Mill. . i m. g. iiorES & co., r .; Nol-16," Main' Street,' St. Louis Mo. 4 GENTS for'StranVs Corn and Wheat Mil il. the Qaeon of the South." Thia rtmarkablj Mill has been kept secured to the inventor by caveat recently, However, (June 2tn, lSi.) Letlsr. latent for the United States have been sitiTiied, se curing the invention for fourteen yoars. This Mill has sustained itself Vi'-rrcver it has been brought in to comrrtitioa with other Mills. It was run against UiC other make of Mill j of cur city, at the Ohio State lair, in lSol), when it drew & diploma aa the best Corn Mill, and was awarded a finc'silver medal. Of these Milla we manufacture five sizes for eora. and three expressly for grinding wheat flour. The peculiar novelty of this Mill ij, the under stone is the running stono, in all case?. There is no limit to the speed, and as speed is everything in grind ing, it will out grind any upper grinder in the world. Secondly; By this arrangement we are enabled to get grain into the Mill with a very small eye, conse quently we grind nearer the centre, and of course with less powei than any upper runner can be made. ThirdK: Our Mill hikes any kind of jrrain without choking. We warrant agiinst choking in any and all cases. This is a great vexation cauain delay and trouble in all Mills where the upper stone is the run ner. Of course, we mean snull Mills, where the mo tion must be high to do much bnsincss. Fourthly: Our Mills never tako unjury by running empty the under stone not touching the upper one, no injury can be don-J. This is aa important advan tage over all jLIIs where the upper stone is the run ner. August 23.1305. vlnl2tf Xuckolls & White, Rockport, Mo. James Lowe, Linden, ' " . vlnSly. ; : . .v . Brownrille June 21, ISjG. u -. liOOK out: ALL persons ore hereby forwarned from baying 'the Sooth West fourth of Section 2j, Township o, .North ltapge !, hast of tho sixth rriiicipal .Meri dian, in Xemaha county, X.. T., now occupied by Thos. Hnddyj as I have a right to said claim that ia indisputable, i . 1. B. TUOJirSOX. Brownvilla, July $tli, 1355. vl-n5tf , , ; ire w Hardware Store. n Sign of the Mill Saw. : ': i . j. tLaiierty., . Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in American German, 'English &Trench HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, v ST. JOSEPH, Ma ;" ' IS XOW receiving and opening the largest and most varied arsortment of goods in the above line ever offered in any market west of St. Louis, .v , .' My stock cmlirwd a full and complete assortment of Cabinet and Houso Builder's Hardware, Mechan ic's tooU of erery description, direct from the most approved manufacturers; agricultural and horticul tural tools and impleraint. in great variety, combin ing all the recent and useful improvement for the saving of a vast amount of labor to tho farming com munity, from whom I respectfully request' a careful examination of this dtrpsrtment of ray stock. I am also exclusive agent for tbe sale of the celebrated St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cut Saws, which I will warrant, ard fill all orders at iha factary prices. Also a larjjs assortment of Guns, Rifles and Pistols, Iron, Steel, XaHs. &e of the best brands: ia a word, my f tock is very complete, which, for its quality and priee, I am dstenuined to o!Ter sueh inducements as will command a liberal sharo of .trade from this and adjoining countie. My arrangements for importing and aewies for American Hardware 3Ianufacurcrs, together with a long experience ia the general Hard ware trade, enables me; not only to defy all competi tion, but has convinced me that the true principle of trade is cash sales and small profits. . August SO, 1S55. Tlnljtf . - . First Come, First Served, ONE HUNDRED TOWN LOTS Donated to ncttml settlers, in the best town site on the Jlinsonri river, Nemaha , - City. Nemaha Comity.; - , j '-'- . Nebraska Territory. : ' i ATEMATJA CITY, is jituated at the junction of the 1 Litti Xcroaha and Missouri rivers, in the most thickly settled and improved part of the neraaha.V al ley, being the centre of the county, on the river, 72 miles abovo st. Jotfcpb, and Go miles below Council Bluffs, and on the Stage thoroughfare from Iowa to Kannas .The town site is beautifully located rm an elevation of iJ2 feet above low water mark, on a level pLvin, rolling enough for drainage, but not a hill on the town site Bo unnecessary expenses for grading Lots or streets. A beautiful Public Square, 316 feet by 352. Two street 100 feet wide, crossing each other at right angle?, in the centre of the town: all other streets are 60 feet wide; Lots 44 by 150 feet, with t sixteen foot alloy. A Ferry is in operation at this point, tho road fioui which intersects the Bluff Oity road through Missouri. A permanent Landing, a Saw and Gri.-'l Mill now in operation, nod a Steam Sawmill to bo in operalioij by 1st September next. It is jimncaiateiy on tae territorial Koad from Brown ville to Archer, where it intersects the Territorial Koad from Oregon. Mo., to t ort Kearney: a Post Office a weekly maiL building material, Timber, Stone and Stonecoal in . abundance. The IYoprietors pledge themselves to donate 100 lota ia the town to actual 8ettlers,who will erect on a lot, they may eelact, a respectable building,' within a reasonable tinie, to be agreed upon. . ' r ' ' . -l " For particuhirs address either the Secretary or Pres- laeut, at Nemaha City, .eniai county. T. ' i JEUOJE HOOVEP..Prest. E. M. MeCOMAS. Sd:'y. XcmahaCity,X. T.Aug. 9,1856. vl-nlOtf COUNCIL BLUFFS PACKET. THE fine passenger steamer GEXOA, Throclmor ton, Master, will run regularly during the sewoc, t l c . X l iTir. T .nl - hope by regularly and itrict attention to businisi'tj 0 merit a sharu tf the- pnbMc iatronar?. J. TIIROCKV'OKTOX, Master . . J. E.COIIMAX, Clerk. , CLAIM FOR SALE. 1 1 GO acre Claim within 2 miles cf Brownvilla, xx on tae bounty itoau lea-jing to neorasta i:y; with a good log House, 20 aeras ia corn and undeif fence, and good sprin . Eaiuira of Riin in, o iax n v. ftthxas. - JACOD SAFFOR17," ' Attorney and Counsellor at Law. , GEXERAL IXSURAXCH AND LAXD AUEXT. And ITotary Public' . Nebraska City, Nebraska Territory. WILL attend promptly to all buLwess entrusted to his care, in Xcbrask Territory and West- era Iowa. , H. P. JOHNSON. . P. CASSADT. J.P. TE3T... JOHNSON, CASSAIiY & TEST, Attorneys and Counsellors at L:iv. """And General Land Agents,, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. WILL promptly attend to Land Agencies. Iu- vesting Mouey, Ijocating and wiling Land Warrants, and all other businof pertaining to tacir profession, In Western Iowa and Xcbraska. Land Ofilce at Brownville. All persons knowing themselves indebted tons, are hereby n-itified that their accounts are due, and must be bcttlcd Immediately, by JNotc or C!h: as a settle ment wo mujt have, inordar to continue onr business. B. B. &. J. D. X. T1I0MPS0X. Brownville, August 1st, 1355. TO STEAMBOATMEN. ; CORD-WOOD FOR SALE. At' 82,25 per Cord. JAMES W. COLEMAXinforms the Bmts running the upper Missouri trade, that he keep, constantly a3 good, a supply of Dry Cord-Wood, as can be found on the river. Landing always jrood. Wood Yard one mile above Brownville, XcUraska Territory, on the Nebraska shore. . ' ' - Augusts, 1855-xl-nSli" . THE lim -BREEDS AND MIXED-BLOODS, Of the Iowa, Otoe, Omaha tribes nad the lankton and Sitntie bands of Indians, ' having an interest in the lieserva ; tion between the (i'reat and Lit ' ;: tie Nemaha river?, in the : TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA. "VTOTICE is hereby given to ail persons interested, XI by tno undersigned Commieiioner, appointed in THirsuauco of the second section of an act of Con gress, passed July 17th, 1351, entitled "An Act to authorise the President of the United States to cause to be surveyed the tract of land in tho Territory of Xebraska, belonging to tbe llalf-breeda or Mixed- bloodi, ot tue UaiioUU or bioux Nation of Indians, and for other purpo-es:" Providing: "That the Pres ident be and he is brebv authorized to cause to b ascertained the number and niraes of tho half -breeds and mixed-bloods who are entitled to participate in tho beneSts of a grant contained in tho ninth article of the treaty of the Prairie du Chicn, of the 15th of July, A. U.16.jv, between the Lnited States and de putations cf the cohfederatcd bands bf Sioux, lox, and other Indians, wherein a reservation of land on Lake Pepin rnd the Missouri Bivcr (described in said treaty) was granted to the half-breed relations of the Iowa. Ottoe, and Omaha Tribe!1, and Yankton and Santie bands of Sioux Indian, ' Tbat.I will attend at Sionx City, Iowa, on the last Monday, 25th day of August next, remaining there three weeks; then at Belieview, on the 22d of Sept remaining there two weeks; then at Archer, Rk-aard-son county, Xebraska Territory (near the half-breed line) on tho 22d day of October, remaining there four weeks for the purpose ef ascertaining the num ber and names of the half-breeds or mixed-bloods, now living, of tho Iowa, Ottoes, Omahas, Yankton and Santio bands of the Sioux Indians, parties to the treaties aforesaid." When the duties of the eommissioa will be closed as soon thereafter as po?si Lie, at Glenwcod, Mills county, Iowa. All persons interested, are hereby notified to ap pear with their evidence at either of the places before-mentioned, at th? time specified, to prove their ngnt rto participate in the bencht of the said grant or reservation, commonly known as the balf-t.ree. tract," situated on the Missouri river, between the Great and Little Xemaha riven, in the Territory of Nebraska, aad deriv ed from sail treaty aud law of cougrcs.;!i . . . , : -. In order to carry out tho instructions fcf the Do partment, it will be ncces.sary to furnish names of all the applicaatg arranged by families and single persons sex, agi, and rebvtiim-ship to the Sioux, and place of msmence oi caca; ai?o, wnc arc orpnans or wards,and their guardians, legally appointed, or otherwise. 'At all times thts Let evidence the nature of tho cuo will admit of, will be required to prove identity and degree of relationship to the Souixand lands herein nam!, and of an amount sufficient to ctablich tho facta heroin required to be proved; and unW good tenson can be shown, such a :e, distant residence, or vjcknesf, the npplU-ant should appear in pr-r n,in 'addition to their other testimony. All interested will see the nec?ity tf prcDtin their elaims ikw, that they may cbfain the beiiofit designed by the said grant or reservation. JOSEPH L. SilARP, Commissioner. Archer, X. T., July 20, 1$."5. no ll:lw. i"13rownviUa Advertiser, Nebrn?lia City Xcw., Council Blu3"i Buk', ac-ISt. liOiiis Republican will please publish four we-k.i and forward their bills to this oS'icq for payment. R.W.FURNAS, urn ui w tm INSURANCE AGENT. AND AGENT FOR AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. EROWNVILLE, N. T. ' rTTiTUT"! TK SVfTIT. vaai&atuiJrJ mw sj m. m. Croxicral Land jSwcozit . AND NOTAltY PUBLIC. OMAHA CITY, N. T. CfSce ia State Houa . TTTILL give particular attention to orders and c ni-. V V amissions from abroad, and to the supervision of the tale of lots and Claiuu in Xebraka Territory. References. , IIox. JES3r T). BRtcnT. Washington, D. C. Jans as Uukks, ew lorit City. Edwin-Ckoswell, . Makk W. Izzaud, Guv. of Xohmka. . T. B. CiMiNo, Sec. ' - ' ! Gseesje, Wears i Ckntox, Council Bluffs. low. - u a D. II. SOLOMON, i Attorncv ,and Counsellor at ; Law. ' ' ; : GLEN WOOD, IOWA. Will practice in tho Sixth and Seventh Judiciifl Districts of Iowa. . ; rorpLirroN & byehs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. And General Land Agents, OMAHA, NEBRASKA.' Land. Warrant! Eousht and Sold. . LAND ENTERED ON TIME. ' SPECIAL attention given to the xcleetion and en try of Land. for Settlers, and all others desiring choice locations. .-. , Land Claims, Town Lot? and afl kinds of Real Es tate, bought and sold and investments made for dis tant Dealers. c. y. sn'ow, ' SURGEON, PHYSICIAN And. Accouclxoiir, LOCKPORT, MO, OLIVER BEXXET. P. F1SKE. . il. GABBIT. - . 'AVCrsTl'3 KNIGHT. victe ! Brick ! ! WE HAVK now readv for sale 100,009 good mer- 1 chantable Brick. WESTFALL & 31ARLOTT. browTAUle, Au;ust 2, usoo. vl-n?tf - - 'A. D. JGStJS, . DEALER IN RExVL ESTATE, General Laml Aient. i OMAHA CITY, N. T. 0LIrER BENNETT & CO., JIanufactdreri and Whalesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, NO. 87 MAIN STItEET,' (F0R3iZBI.T,X0. 101, COKXER OF MaIX ASdLOCCST.) ST. LOUIS, MO. Attorney and Cuunsellor at Iav.'. 1 And Solicitor in Chancery. SIDNEV,' IOWA. Will practice ia the Ditrijt Courts of Western Iowa. , ' KTOSeo at the Court Houie, up Jtairs.. J. HART 6- SON : saddle immi Oregon, Ilo'.t Comity, Missouri. Keep conaiantlv on hand all dcsjrij t on cf Ilarncs, Saddle?. Bridiesic, A. X". -B. Every articlti in our hp ia ran nHfa by ouxschT5, anl warranted to give r-itufaotion.-