Newspaper Page Text
E ADYER mm IL. VS. FURNAS Editor. MOHNLVG, SEPTEMXH, 6 1S56. Patsvtx, No. C3 Fourth street, between i-tid Vine, Cincinnati. . Pettexgill A Co. yew York. 1. SwrXMER, No. 43 Chestnut street, Saint HcLryc, Trey, Ohio. I. II. Piart. Tippecanoe, Ohio. . MrxGER, Covington, Ky. Kirk, Archer, Nebraska. . pETEtt, Oreron, Mo. r A Have. Bockport. Wo. "Yhtte, Nebraska City, N. T. oriied Agents to solicit Subscriptions and ,enfc?for the Advertiser, and reoieve and monies therein. r recent additions; we now have tbe most Job Office in this Western Country, and ?d to execute Job ort ot every aesenp e neatest style, and on reasonable terms. attention given to Blar.k and Card work: Phased one of Foster's latest Improved es. Orders from a distance will meet spt attention. sis': t3 l:t?ep dovrn all prjr-y feelir: her citi zens will continue in well doirg;. -wb vrul con t:r:;i3 t; increase . both 'in population .and v.'ca'.tLu . . And var, fellow-citizens of Notr-ana county, s resident in this Territory, coming from rtions of the States, often nicest to us : of persons in their old neighborhoods, who btle?s lcecme eubaeribers if they could see '.he "Advertiser." We always send a epeci. , and, persons recievicg, will consider it a u to become a regularsubseriber. P-ust- J others, feeling sufficient interest to make , can retain the usual per cent for icir Q-it Ci-aiMpiiBs. and Excxaba SrAXiiixyrs, Jbr e.' at tie advertiser riTSf HALL ASLUTGLrpTT. -ndcrstari tuti a change been rnade -rival &T.'d departure of tho mail from 3 to J cbfaska City "and. Omaha. . It ves trem'the north oa Saturday instead ry, leavqs for t.b'e south Sunday rnorri :ad of Saturday, goes through to Iowa ''assas, instead of sloping at Archer; as re; rtftusnir. arrives -Thursday" and or "the north Friday morning. This .:iectsr jii IovraTdirrt uh the mail line . :aren-.v3rth. "By this arrangement, if n jTermaneut, we ttsnd some chance g isisteA and Southern mall matter -ularr As our mail facilkies have here in, we yquld bo about as well accom 1 without, as with ihem. This thing " 'otters 30dars on the road from La Uitv to'-Erownville, 27 miles, is past 'c: Sometimes we are without ex $ for a week or two, when, they come s all. in a heap, and out of date. The and Sharps Grove routes are of no use Let us hive them .dLsconttued and a J.v route established" frcrn Rocl Tort UrownViile, intersectirgtbe tri-weeMy ' 1 Si Jeseph to Council Bluff - X ... . , Tnrit Along.'--A .good many of ;rs cornplaia they are too poor to tate crtiscr," unless we take "garden truck" Ike, In ether words, as a clever old far to us one day last wtck: "M&r.ey none; but "if. you will put your labor iine, we can trade. Thave chickens, ' gg5! rr.j potatoes. oriioE; &C" Look ry .good; friend that is just .what We YVe have a. wife a2d five boys to feed, ;.nd'lake care of. We need all these- rojuzneEfion re have to pay cash fo"r If you have them; and wish to become riber, "or if tiT-y yu who are already ber s, wish io pay in that kind of currcn we Lave to say is "it suits." Bring it If you -shoot a' fine buck, send us a , 'tis good Or if fortune smiles,. 0 thrcS or. fjur good fat ; turkeys fall the unerring, aim of your ri2e, send us sther have it thaa silver y'ea upon 0 we delight to feed. - LFor the Nebraska Advertisir. " .rLcnrxcE, Docglas Co., K. T.J - August 23, 1S5S: f;- TciLXD rrr.xAS: One of the xaostimpor tv.t cucsUoes which cowintcrests the ciLumls of ATestera Iowa and ebnisa, Las at last I Jet cs try lo jcrpetuate the brotherly love that now eints among us, by speaking evil of eo cian. If your neighbor ba a Tree-State mar:, speak tot hard of him; if he I it Pro-slavery man treat him with respect, and do net abuse him for bo beleivirg; let every man enjoy his own cphuon; for he most certaiuly has a right to it And -when we shall have .obtained the amount of inhabitants -admiting'-ua into the Union as a State, let each and every man walk up to the polls, and cast his vote according to his own sentiments. Let U3 ackrowledge. the laws of Nebraska ts the supreme laws of the and, and cleave to the glorious Constitution of the United States, and mantain the same at all hazard.'' ' ; The above are the honest sentiments" of one of your nost humble readers. . .. k -.. . J. P. S. Since writing the above, I have seen and conversed with a family who were retum in from "Kansas, Thev had taoved there some ten days since, froia Iowa,' nd was so disgusted with the state of affairs in Kansas, that thuj were' unwilling to stay.',' Although matters were not so serious as represented at a distance, yet they preferred living in Xebr2s- a. The family consisted -of a man, his wife, and two iiinali children, who appeared to be in very -cestitute condition. Thsy also say tnauT o.l crs are leaving iu the satie s. J..'., The Ge.iy Cloud, loadcl v.-ith Government supplies passed rp the river laS weci. She is bound for the Unitary poiata high- up - the MLisourL - 5rx)ke a few. weeks arro. ajrainst' the 2 of goiftgto look at a newvcouctry and ing onry a day or two at a point, and aving ' with ucTaverable impressions, 1 persons' desirous of cdicg. business ?, canie here a few wfceks since, .who, -fst three or four days were cqrnplaio he lutk cf improvementi'il-e after wit the amount cf business . dene in two looking at the country; ne farms; increasing pc-pulation and capital, being 'e to judgVof jur fiituTc prospects, -pro-' Bcownville the best point in the west- .tfy; have "tiriven their" stakes:" pur- propeny, and gone to work erecting been permanently settled, by the location cf the Davenport and Council .tJlarls Lauroad line. And rumor says the Land OIEcer al Council Bluffs has been noticed of that fact, for the purpose of preventing any further jre emptions being made, on lanc3 whichi'ought to belong to said road, in pursuance of the grant by Congress for rail purposes. This will re move the doubts of many as to whether the road would be located down the Husquito, or intersect the Missouri valley at Cresent City, by establishing the line following closely, on the preliminary survey of said road through the valley of the Tigecn; and from thence ex tend to the terminus at Council Bluffs, ia -accordance with the requisitions of the grant A large amount of land has been pre-emjited along the line, since the orders were received to stop the sales, and, therefore, the necessity of making the location at this early day. , It is now possible that we will hear the whistl3 of the locomotive in our midst yet, before our heads have become whitened by years of anx iety and waiting. Another question, which Jhas agitated 'the minds of the community for several days pa.?t, Is of quite a different and les3 intcrutbjg theme; but one which has wakened up the drones to a sense cf th 'r duty, and tha; is horse theives, who appear, from the little ex perience they hare had, to meet with but poor encouragement in this part of Nebraska. !For the energy and perseverance of our Sheriff, is a sure guarantee that they will be compelled to revisit us under rather unpleasaLt circum stances. An occurrence ot tni3 kind took place at Omaha, a few days since, when there were several horses and saddles stolen from the citizens of that place, by men who had been working there, and who appeared to -un derstand the by and forbidden paths. They appeared to have had their arrangements all made, and at the word, mounted and passed through our town, when one of them feigning sick, made an excuse that he could go no fur- Uher,' and told the others to go on and he would meet them. About thirty-six hours after they started, the Sheriff was notified of the theft and immediately' followed in close pursuit, bul did not overtake them until in the neighbor hood of Dahkotah, in the northern portion 0; the Territory, endeavoring to make their es cape tow ds the Ferry. It was with much re luctance that they consented to stop, when overtaken by Sheriff Beeves, who was already getting out of patience, and finding that words would not suface, brought Colt to hi3 assist tance, and had they gone fifty feet farther, al that would have "been necessary for him to have returned, would have been their scalps, to have shown hi success in his energeticad venture. - But instead of their scalps, Le brought the theives and hoTscs as they went, and the lads are in safe custody for the wb:g house." .;... . There is no political excitement in this por tion of the Territory, except what is created by the news from the States, and when a ques tion of that kind arises, the argument is nearly all on the side of Republicanism, in our town and precinct, for if there are any Democrats they keep mum on the subject. I beleive the new town between this place .and Omaha, is to be christened Centre City. ' Easiness is lively, and buildings rapidly go ing up-here, in Cresent City, Omaha and Coran- cil Bluffs; the two latter nearly equaling in population and improvements of a permanent and. substantial character. ' Houe. ng a new Euan Bakes, we notice is i.u Perry Boat it-tends! we understand, fcr llr. Ellis, -wl v.-ill run it from Nemaha " City, to the Hi;: ; -:i :;lore opposite. ' 1 ' 6 J01CT P. . SAHSELL, -rl rn - . J. . -BIlO7XTILLi; :T0KiI3 tie ruUIa tii.t ha is Btw prcpr-rei to UT. JOSEPH, 110. . JA:.II:? CAr.CILL, rroprictcrvr MANUFACTURES ard kerps constantly on hani for Hale, aU kinds of FJorr, Tlea!, and Feed stui.. Oriei-s solicited and prcri w'y Llled on most favorable terms. Cash paid conuantly for self he t an j'case all who lavor hia wi:. Wheat. For character cf Flour refer to everybody ronaga. (.' .: I '..? wanrsuiU'd in all cnsn that ever useii it. St. Joseph, ilo An;. 20,1335. rlnl3 -ly ; them in the ahovs r.cmci csjocity. had la ? and extensive ez-.f.'zn?, no .v.. I..iVlE s him TpunV pTr-l TT)-T r '(tars CLSxaa'a ricT.-aua.J ' " . TTXZIZ PAPEIl p ::nt3, in the m: Uset to it!" Cr. AVErn.rj.. bavin? aed-Q ,rctre from the noisy,' bustlirrg the quiet retiroment of a country resi raoved out on. a claim last week. .ad he sank into the arms of Morpheus, t .night in his rev home, than-, he the customary prairie scra--"ra-usic by. the choir" on a half doieu 3 plcasani instrumeufs. known as cata- - organs. ".Dqg not' at hornet gun riot opened windoWj give them six rounds ilt csnseuence left for that night. mini, Cy.--a'I bo right when you get it. Thst was cnlv a ""fashionable call" g acquainted with new neighbors.. a.s For the following brief note, we bted to the gentlemanly clerk of steam ral, B. A. Darst, Esq: rted fight between the pro-blavery ; party --sdilers al Ossawattami 20 free soil 'led, including Brown and his son ivery men wounded. News from t$--urcc; but uncertain. B. A. Daiist. NrsiusEA CiTr Ne-bs ccmes to us k with the name cf Steeliso Mos- a at the head cf its editorial columns, terling Morton, now having dropped for reasons given. Mr, M. .is , full xf 1 humor,' and a good writer in general raakc the News" an interesting sheet vers of fun, see that the buttons are all nyour pants strapped down sides rped fhen read-"Sut Lovegood's Dad IIoss" found on Erst n?.ge. Oaio FAaiiEa is a large-sized, double , agricultural newspaper, published at 1, Ohio, Vy TEoaias Eeowx, Esq, ed-proprieton- Terms $2. -Specimens ea at this oSce.' Nehaiia' COUXTT, N. T. . " . September 1st, 1856. . ik. W. Fuexas, Esi.: Living as I do ia a very thickly populated part of the county, and mixing considerably with the citizens gen erally, I have a chance of becoming familliar with th8 general topic of the day, which ap pears to be' concerning the next election in this county, 'in November next; at which lime we are to elect members to both branches of the Legislature, County Judges, &c.' T hear'a great many persons spoken of as Candidates for the various ofSces; but none I beleive are vet fully before the people. There is a talk of having a mass meeting on the 20th inst, 'lot the purpose of selecting men to fill the differ ent offices; and I beleive thers is' being circu lated a call, for the purpose cf procuring the names of all those in favor of said convention, or mass meeting, which is greatly tending to the disquietude of the citizens of our row quiet Territory and county. TVe have all, heretofore, lived as one band of hfothers,'ss"it were, without any political, moral or other question, to divide or disturb the peace of the industrious aud enterprising citizens of -our beautiful and fertile Territory. ' I would here drop a hint, or a word, to those who arc cm ducting the above named , mass meeting. Abandon the idea of such a thing; and let the people do as they done before select their candidates without a Convention for when ever a Convention is calLd, and jmen nomina ted, it is sure to create a second party, which is then certain. to organize, and bring out a sett of candidates in opposition to thoie of the fist party. Then these is two parties and cont-jn tion and strife begins; and when once bc-un is easy kept going. . And now, I ask your numer ous readers of Nebrask&r to reflect for 'a m o ment - TThat a txintrast there is between nhe present condition of Nebraski; a:il" Jicr twl. sister Kansas; both settled about the same time, and perhaps by the same class of settlors; iori am personally acquaintti with'a""f?f. many persons in Kansas, both' Pro-slavery aJbd Free-State men, as they are termed and know them to be men cf the first class. But unfortunately, there his a division sprang hp among them; and only behold the siats-cf af fairs within her borders. "Where the husband man and mechanic mi:it be 'seen following Cousctl Bluffs, Iowa, ) ! ' ' ' -"August 16th, -.1856,7 $ t B. T7. Fuexas, Esq.:7; - ; ... Sil Every day brings a crowd of stran gers, havinj: varions intentions and schemes to carry forward, and very many become wofully disappointed, when they find that others have cometolhe "West for the accomplishment of the 'sam-J objects, who are equally competent Many hjve high hopes of enjoying all the ease and comfort of an older clime, butbenold! the fat of the land and the. flowery teds of ease are cot known so far west for the weary trav eler may. think himself well off if he can find a place to lay his head. ' 'Some ' of the larger towns of the West are not t?. he considered exceptions. . ; " .':'' '. ' , There are nevertheless persons whose knowl edge is westernized, and who are prepared to meet every privaticn and difficulty of a fron tier life, and, therefore, immediately '.conclude to settle and become permanent inhabitants, and -consequently become sooner " recognized among he squattera, as one of their mrmber, to whom they can confide their interests, and on whose judgement they can rely .with confidence.-"' - " '''- ' f'; ; New piC-riions' of the unsettled domain are daily becoming known and settled, and conse quently, towns are. next in order,, for the ac- commadation cf the pioneer; which spring in to existence as rapidly, in proportion to the eni migration.'- Already we find it in contempla- to unite the now largely extended cities of Om alta and Florence, by platting the plateau between' the two towns and on about the same ground which is generally known 'us "Douglas City,", "Wealthy ; capitalists are engaged in the enterprise,' and the presumption Is, that they intend to make a strong demonstration in rearirg a new city ,, Among the many places of noteriety,-in these (days, stands very promineat "Cresent City," at the junction of the Pigeon and Mis souri .vallics, which is laid out with the expec tation of the establishment of the Railroad Depct at thai point, on the roaiyiuading from Davenport" and terminating atCouncil Bluffs. It is iiisuated about ten miles northerly of the latter -place. ' Considerable prepera'tion is being made for the improvement of the town, and dready they have a Steam Sawmill un denvay, and a yard leaned for the inacufac ture of brick. " Several water mills and the finest portion of Pottawattamie county : are in its vicinity. fJ - Being in Omaha a.few'days since,. I ascer tained that the Docglas House was; still closed and I took, quarters at the 'Pacific .In 'Council Blvfi. See tho - I'r.rtlsenacntof A.D. Josp Esq Land Agent, Lo., Omaha C-ty. - Mr,. Jones, from rast experience and services, is justiy entitled to tie oppelation, "Pioneer Town builder" ''Land "banter." Tor us to say any thing recemmendatorj as to his fitness for the business he is engaged in, is useless, as he is already so favorably and extensively- known ; in this Western country. . - ' ., : Eagle Mills, St, Jeseph, Missouri; Jasies Caegill,' Proprietor. ..See advertisement in another column. ' 1: ' . . . 1 '- " i "We notice an article in a Keokuk paper, that come3 clown upon the 44 Platte Valley Bank" in particular, and Nebraska banks iu general. We will here remaik that wa are ac quainted with the writer of that 'Article, by renptation, and ha is in the same Sx with the fox and .the grapes. ' He jplryed .round, and sought to become, interested in that same "Platte .Valley swindling machine,". &3 he would have it, also, other tanks in Nebras ka until he found that the stockholders. in tended to place their bank on asound basis, and that ' swindlers could not be - admitted,- (he, consequently excluded,) now goes about crying sour grapes" or "nigger in the wool-pile." We would sav to our readers, and all .such a3 JAJIES CA&3UJ.. , GEO. W. CAKGILX J & G. W. CAItGILL, FOBWABDING- AND COMMISSION - . ....ijllki... Ai. li..uw.l Given to cuttli " out garments for horxe im'vir:?. LrownviUe, Al:. tia, lsof'.. vi-niiy rnLTE stock holders of 1 t . 4 .1 ; t AND' :iA!:iTACTUilEr.'S AGENTS, G Steamboat L-andin?, St. Jof;epli, --o ONSIGNMENTS of Goods and Produce Nemaha Erif!j3 X C0m.7nr.yare hereby not'.-..! '?.t it is necessary idiate erection r. 1 epmpiHion 01 the amount of st x '5. I wrL'ed, be pail ij li f all, lefore 1st, :r era t cf tl 0 i 1 respectfully scliuiscd- and all trainers entrust ed to us will le promptly and carefully attended to ! at taa lowest rates. References. . ; Tavlor t Shepherd, . St Iiouis, , ILL. AlcUhee k Co., u ' : Liverraore, Cooley 4 Co., . ilerchants Oeneral'.y, StJosoph. Anjns;2,lSjC.-v2-n9-:6' JOU IIINN G. L C. TODD L CO., Xo. 2U, Xjird First or JTai Eire-, Si. LouU. , - rtrdaTES3 and 21 x. xnr Acr-cxnt. 3 op A. . i. it HEAL ESTATE AGENCY. CE0EGE CXJ.VE3. ' . 3. TV. XXE. ,CLAYKS..Jt',I.EE, ... Real Estate find 'General Agency, . - OMAHA CITY, N. T. : . ;- References.' ' ' ' " James "Wrif;ht Erohf r, - eif Tork, Wm. A. Woodward, Esi ' ' u . Hon. li. Wood, Ex-Gov. of Ohio, Cleveland, " " icks, Otic and llrcvnell, Bankers, ' Alcott & llcrton, ' i , .. .. . Col,, Kobert Camphcll, St Lonia, Crawforn and tiackett' . . Chicago.. Omaha City, Aug. 30,1535. vlnl3-ly LDIS'G seriB, Damsels, &a. -f rt s TXCLLDING Eultins CoLUs, ZhA :nc3, biws, X bere Also. iortahle mills, leather aa-J mttebe r . -er belts; tho leather Li selected in the Lile ad Uuned with oak bark expressly for beltinj, then it is ce mented, riveted and stretched by machines, nntil it rill ran ptraiht and eren. All work booJ waiTant . J. Si. Ioais, Au. ZZ, ISjo. vl-nl2tf - : .."PALMER HOUSE, . ...ii-V. 4 rv rrot V rT holt 'Ploffa- V !1 Of I i O " I ' a h. t ?ft -, iCorner of Illinois ana W ashington Streets, will send you our paper one year, for every bill - XJxDIANOPOLIS, IND. that purports to be worth two del tars.' ? If we J V IlllS well-known and popular Hotel, has recently j jfrjQ articles. OUiU feel mUCU I -- a re-nuni uj peauj eiuarjea bt me iivu- t w had a few quires of it, we shou easier than we do now. Glenwood limes. F. DINGS & CO., Jivportcr$ cf, and W&olaalc D&zler in irencli, u-erman: linusii & A:ncr,cs.n 0 Fancy Gccds. . HOSIERY, GL0VE3, TOYS, NOTIONS Manufacturers of all kinds cf Brushes. S3 North 2Iaia Street, (tp Stairs,) . ST. LOUIS, MO. : HATTTG since the first of January, adopted tae Kxclsive Cash System, we draw tha atten tion of close buyers to the fact that we Lave revbed our entire stock, and reduced former Credit Prices from 5 to 20 per cent, according to the nature cf the JL availatlc f;na, a weekly literary e1i if nou.Vii) eventj of the dy. Itj colanin? ars d:v-wtji to criminal til-ss, sketches and poem?, by tho stsT ax EE-CAN AVTn-as, ari the eream of the Ji.m'.it. al forci.n rows: the whole well pi?ed with wit an i bualor. Alath paper is JJeautifuily Illatratpd w;t': naae-oas accurate cr-vir.js, by eminent artists, it notable objeets, cutrent ercnta in al! parts -.f thf world., and of men and xann-rrs, ali '-'uer ir.s'ir fc-ptre entirely original :a tL.'s eou-irr. lis jam CTiitain viewj cf every populous eiry ia the kaow-t work, cf all buudir: cf nota m th ent -rn or wesi- ern icrnisphtre, of a-1 the principal Li; and sUiai- ers tf the cary and Eierctaat 8rr.e:, accan.fe portraits cf every rotei character ia ti- worll, botir rhole and female. - - - - . - " 1 jcb'.crlbcr, cne year . ' 4 iub-cribcrs, " - l J ' " U 44 Asyjcrior. r-r.r.r sxisct?n t C.t last-rate, shaUricvir j :h -.-v'-; e7.y rratis. One copy cf Ihs Fiaa cf cca U: , zud ca etry of Kalxjj'c's I'ictoki al, tr ?:her, t p . r - 231; Published every Saturday, by li. 11- JJALU 'J. , Corner of Treiaont and LroiiHeU Sti. U .-'... a If NATIONAL MAGAZINE. EDITED BY AHHL STEVZ5S.- 1. i: r: YHLL bo the aia of thli periodical, ta c. r.'.iai!, with such urticli? a the public mii.d uiu..llj rel -ishss. with net avidity, an elevated. literary tcae, ii critil ppreciatioa cf art, the disrr?-:ra cf r"3t prac-.icul 1je.-Lion'?, anu a just rc, of ru:.3:l rait-iia aad witho: ,t soctariiarr tion ot thronirh ..We know not who this croaker on Nebraska ia all respt. a First Class Hotel. Travelers 1 ri 1 i : ":. i ' will fiad ta? "I "aimer Ad taey caa dosire lor eom-' uunais. Vu? imu5-B,uu .jwuuw k f luxury inii pe33are. The Uble will at all State or Territorr has more reliable banks than times be supplied with the-best the market affords, xt . 1 .'-tr, 1 l" .Jr,' and no pains Trill be Beared to render the stay of fixty or seventy rooms, and is famished CompSIlSOIl Respectfully Solicited. out with new and beautiful furniture, and ia . x . ... x rice may uc iiiiu uu appiicttuua. St. Louis, Auj. 13, 1S55. Tl-nL2tf i floating paragraphs of late, in regard to Nebras ka banks, and ' have strongly suspected that they-came from just such sources - as the "Times" cites toJ i - dfb '..i i ' ;PallicA 'JKleetinsr; 3"cmaha county, N. I. -) j; September 6th, 18J6, At the request of the undersigned citizens of Nemaha county,' a general Mass Meeting will be held on the 20th of September, lbob, at the residence of Mr. Jesse Cole, 'to decide Harness, bridle leather, Lo, calf, and sheep .skins; UDOIJ business of the utmost - importance and morocco, ana a surpassing oaaaiaip . . . . I cle of enameled leather of .various hues. ,' , ne has every variety of saddlo trees, front the real 185G ; SPRING TRADE, 185G rmvAED head. w. n. uAtmicx. z. tl stead. ; Oldest House of tl lind im the Wert JEntallinhed 1335. " . " EDWARD MEAD & CO., . . No. 50 Main, cor. Pine st, ' Importers and T7iiolsalcr3 ' ... OF ' , Watches,: Jcvclry and Fancy Goods. from SulAVATCIIXIAin:rkS' T00LS' aad mnttrials, aU i - as ha3 1 1 Ter ftn ptte'l ware, shot guns, riHetj, pistols interest to us alb '''' Christian Hinder, :; J JSl Alderroan, A Medley ': 1 JEastridg 1 '!"W A Alderman .,, Benj Chapman V". Josiah Roberta : '" Benj Carpenter "Jesse Cole ' ' J ames. McDonald AHobblitzell,.;: .' 0 F-Packets UU S Thorp IL'IV C Lucksge . ; J.Harman ' . , " W.Chambers. . W U Barnet :.:BJ Whitney'; ; R.S llanefoid. r J M Dpnogh ' J Bozarth ; "' ' ' H B Roberts ' ' . . i ;E Reia. . r :n' --B Mnnnig : .: 8 A Chambers -''MHastridge" T ;I. i:;"TWaldschnudk'T , G W Horn .' . J H Beard - -! ;' TBeardf ; '' -E 11 Alderman'- ' " F Tann - DO Hinders A J :Sherley - ,,W Haadleyt ' H RusseU , : "p. Auit R C Shaun . : " ; H Baker, .4. '' i J Tana :. ECorn ' - : : W Corn ; guusts both comfortable and pleasant. "TRY 'THE PALMER HOUSE."-' August 30,1856. vlaUJ-ly , . . JIICUAJGL McGEE, ' ;. . . Saddle i- and 1 Harness Ualier, East side of Main, btit. Francis and Felix SL, ST. JOSEPH, mo. ; -f : nnHANKFL'L fur past favors, bezs leave to inform J the nublic. that he has iust returned Louis with as fiao an assortment of materials as has , 1 V1 . , . " """-i b-"- ever been r.nrt-hiiscd In that market. - revolvers, musioal instruments, dagaerrootyiie am aro- His stock cqqs st3 of a saner or .article of Skirt n? V'. uu.j . u- St. Louis, Aug. 23, 1357. Tl-nl2tf .BROWN & CO., r No. 78, Slain Steet, Su IiOnis; 31 o. riJ;:icn without do i-r-i. licsidca an abaacaat mtsctllar-T of enay?, s1;er,;h- en, traaalatio-as, poetry, tc, original and C. -xtou", i:( will eompriie depnrtmcnti of Ltcrary r.ews, art is-telli.-reoce, book notices, tell-irvis iaiv-rrnatlca, aai gerer&l aes. prepared thoroughly by siillfal ta:iitlt It is erabeLL-hed with namcrjus engravings ta:t cf thera illusrative cf real s:nos or facts. Tver" two vol- It i tail camber rlaety-six r.rcs, ra: nmejayear, of six buadrsd rach. Mexicana and English, 'Deard's and Grimsley's pat ent, tlown to tlie common fau-tiack.' lie has oa hand and will continue to keep saddles, saddle-bags, bri- illea, martin giu eg, aaltirs, collars, whips of every quality, whip-lashes. names, traces, spurs, it. Ha3 1 also, coach, buggy; Pennsylvania, yaakee, cart and dray harness. .SPRING STOCK COMPLETE. ' . ; Tbe cheapest "and most extensive Fancy Goods and Yankee Notions Establish- ment in the Western Country. - He has not now, nor will be keep any other than , TEIt CHANTS ia eearch of cheap goods are invi- ,.u x o w aninea- 1 ted to CIamine our Btock of silk3t dre39 n urni cr rt t mra rucavtiEf ra iusiid win n -r o w i . v . - shawls, white goods, Embroideries, ribbons, gloves r in saying that hu work -will addam be equaled, no and siery, trimmings, furnishing goods and small I , ,i T: j i. -i - v i I wares gene. ally, icgetaer wiui u,wu X'arasois 1 As small profits and quick sale, is hw motto, he r tMf ,, nT,. rwb;,nbi twi . a. I the article) lower than any house west of tha Alio- favorers'" prices. gheny Alountains Those disponed to suspect him of gassing, have on- : ly to call to be assured cf their mistake. be. Joseph, August 6V, lbJt. . vlal3tf - largtst month! cf its price ia tha Uaiiei Sus.:. ; A liberal dldconat mads to whc-Ieanle parthacnu A f f 'A copy of the work will be allowed f-r four sub scribers; and" any person forwarding els'.sea dullars sh'J lave tho iligailne fit ten subrl'-or,' ail, i a premium, a bound vi.'.ume worth i-. Ciubn cf ten, to oao address, shall have the wsik f-r .r;ei:l dollarj a year, I Orders for the 2Iagaz!ne tn'.y be directed to etftttf Casltos 1 Patntirs, New York, S woniar ?:t'T k l'uit Cincinnati, il. L'orCHTT, ChLag'i, J. L. Heai Pittsburgh, or J. P. Magz3, B ?toa. ' m lerras, az a year, in . curoe tamoew lS?i ccnti CAItLTUX 4 1 HILLITS. NOTICE. NOTICE. . I IIOHACE E. PEIICK & CO'S GTJ1AT WHSTEIt rarCT.rCM, for Shot Gann. llifies, TUUAi, FLhing Tackle and S Portia? ApJ parat a of every varicr y, is at NoL2, North Mai; street, St. Louis, tho sia of the Deer ia tl' TVinJ lW. ' ' YTt keop constantly oa hard a full a'sortnur.t of Huiitin2,; .TuTget and linnie ItiUcsjj Togetlher witi erery ;variety of Purp.assjon Capii Gunsr.v. ads, nnd Waddin; Paper, lutm; Tafiklti JLc, ic; ia fact,' everything cc'aaected with the Coil Tradcu . . ' : r Two Ilandred Breech loading E12es of vanoai patents: . . Vi. .L.. iin liiaaj oi gun material na uuui.., in tho forged, filed and finished state. , .. .. riea5e call and examine for yourselves before you make your parchise3, 3 experience is tha only ,trai guide. . . - '.. ,. ; Zi vur go-xis are a-1 warraateu by U3. Aa:rast23, J553. vlalltf . .'.. ,'-r- .1 ' IL G. 1101X3 Cz CO.,'.;.-.-; -"No. 16, Main Street, St. Louis Mo. 4 GENTS for Stranb's Cora and Wheat I F3L the "Queen of the South." ; This remarkallj Siul has been kept secured to the inventor by cioi ' ' r iiii . t. . l'atent for the United States have been irrantod, iu lira our siocn. uua tu wWi is every ,Bntr ... ;nw.t,m r.tno -r. Vh.;. r Jtuiiu. Auuiiium tiio uouc ia jctra ua,:. v., :.lf V ; v., 1 1, n I - , . . i ubj si.uii ) v puiit-ci ih lias ir- vu L'lvu.tii uj w part licited August 23, 1856 vlaLUtf rurnitxire and TJpholstry ; i. V ! Of Great Tariety. At the Banner Fumitare "Ware Hooms of ?,HEATON & -TKDIBLE, There is yet one paper not returned vvitn On Seeon perhaps 2o names on. . rnHE eonti . .." i " ; : i o l - I JL Ob. JDIED. " ' - .1 " " I braska and vn paiuraay, augu.M oist, ui-ur iroiniiic, r i. i aomg nusuicss. iianng ouui lasx spring, a . very 'AtONZO Ml ATT, Kew York, E. G. TT1ATT, O. TV. CHILD, bL LouiS. x. tr. fox. 8. C. MAXSTB, St. Louis. ? CHILD, PRATT & CO-j, recently, boweveT, (June 2th, li5t.) iltter.t t to competition with other Mill, it was run n.insfc the other make of Hills of our city, at the Ohio Stai Fair, ia 13j0, when it drew a diploma- as the bust Corn Kill, and was awarded a fine e ilrer medal. Of these iliUi w manufacture five sizes for corp. and three expressly for grinding wheat fijur. .' , - f The peculiar mvelty of this Hill L?, the cnlfrf 1 T)Who.t Trnnrtrters. Jobbers and Manufacturers Aent stone is the runnirg stone, in an cases. There is no d Street, Sign of the Chawr ad liedttcad. I . , - ff . . I limit to the speed, t.nd asspeediseverjthingingriad nuert liberal patronage of the citizens of JiirgllSU, rXCHLIl, VJeniiau Cw JllLJ'jrilu.jJ iag, it will out grind any npper gnpder in tbe world, ' Joseptt,North Western Kissouri, Kansas, Xe-1 "XT 1 " ' ' "l n 1 - I Secondly: l!y thm arrangement we are enal.ei W AVestern Iowa, for all of which we feel -r--" ' " AaiUaiu iUU VUUL1V, . - - get g-ara into the JLU-wita a very snail eye, eoasc- . has induced to increase out facilities fori : rTrvc "tttt vjc? ttctat c .. I qnently we griad nearer the centre, and-of conrsj ot "t-aronic uiarraea, uoea.ce v8onoijjXADEK urge Jlan-actory tstahlishmeat on i- ran ;i street, aad JosnxaT. Fniiors.-Aged 1-year, 5 months and having employed somo of the very best workmen and 27 days, , ' 1 ' !' r ia the Eastern cities, xrf are now determined not to XT. Caeiu,; Porwardins & Com nerehants. We call the attention of re, havmS business in their lin- n.l ' "There is ho Cock, however watched and tended W-V But some lamb is there, .. n . ,. . ; , .... . There is no firesida howsoever defended.! ,.t:.T " Cut has its vacant chair."- - ' ' be oat doc e by any other Furniture Establitihaient in the 3Iissoi;n alley, in quantity, quality, durability, styles and prices. Our stock consists in part of Rose wood, Walnut and MaLogony Bureaus, marble and solid tep3 of every -style; extension; centre, card, din ing and s;de ablc; JJotk cases, Yt ash tandf, ork T TTTTP ' PT A XTF-' nfiTiltf 1VTTT T Q tables and fadrobes, iofa.s,' divans, ottomans and 1x1 4 KJlJXlS A : .UlUN xUiXi Lip. footstools, spring seat parlor chairs, rocking,' nurse, XTEXf .week, I will iend 'inV last'or-Jor of Tthe ced- eltzabcth -ihai;3 ot every' variety. " Jlahogony, waT- IN son, for a supply of the Littlo GiitCtrn Kills, nut, cherry ani'aiaplo tiedstehds of every style and As I order none but thDse engaged, Farmers whode- Variety.' Spring, hair, moss, eotton and t-huck mat- Rire this useful article.' will liand in their 'orders im- tresseij, i-J- together-with all othcT articles in our mediatly line, usually kept in a. 'Farnitnre Wareroom.' We "All Kills arc warranted to perform as represented. aT lDen x ail .wno may want gooa jrurnitureteither . Z Ttv FCRAS A "-t I hotels; parlors or bed-room, give n? a call and ex- , V : ' V:. ' ' -'.For J. B; .Chadwick, S Louis, amine wort and "d we. think;yoa win ' ' .... I leave vour inoaer here in Uace of eeadin? it to St- But ! learned that efforts' were Teins made to open a new house, hichjwill accom modate . many; belonging to C B.1 Smith,' the Territorial Auditor and ."other houses are builds tng for similar ' purposes: so that. travelers : to that place villnot be under the" .necessity. of leaviag, for want of accommodations. ' '; J Tie engineers,'! underctand," are,.on their retura from Fort '.Keamev, with the survev ., ., r ....... , ... j, : and "t" location 'of tho Military .Emigrant road from Omaha to tho' valley of tho Platte,, on the rbrth side, to Fort Kearney !t The valley is rapidly Betthng with intelligent farmers, who are making their mark, by turning the sod and making ready for" an early commencement in the Spring; and I.thinkit will, an a fewyears, be considered the most productive 'and wealthy porti ya pf tli e interior, cf .Nebraska r;Cxiil is found is; .the Counties of.DaVatah, Dodge, Platte !and Doiigliii"vritSbut any doubt, and I suppose theri is scarcely 'kt "exception south'of Platte; and I.beleive that limestone is to .bo Obtained from the banks of every river, county in 'the.Territory, with -probably the ex ception of Burt, which supplies th best'-qnal-'iryofsandstodel "'ti'; Ktz 2,' . Claims' hr"e BeUicgin,' Ihe vicinity of Oma ha, Its lii.h 7as 'drjsliundred uoJia,T per cre: and ieveral .have'iecenlly chVngecL'h3nds at fifty dollars an acre;,nd holders are refusing three rtbousanil dor.ars for lots ia Omaha, and four hncred in Florence.1' s '' ' .;i.Ther !i'but iittle excitement irw reference to politics. The result - of the elections you have era' this" learned. '., The Republicans are quite sanguine of success thronghoaSthe State. , 1. . . . t - t . . . - ... ..' - t ' DEALER . .REiESTA! ' ; .UilAUA" UlXX, v;.N. i, T. ; - ..;c ' JSyLands trsrefuny located, and entered for cus tomers. Lots and Lands bought aad Bold-- i nr. Xaia nd getting interior article at the 'tame pnee you can iret a good one here at. ' - i 'Ourirtdttd U the cash system, which will enable us to sail at mailer profits 'tinri orirs or anyother estab lishment lain do where ..the -credit system is adopted. y.'S. vine hignept pince paid tot seasoned Wal- nutand CheTry Lumber - ! -' ;-tJo8sph, Aug3C,l&56'-'vlnl3tf 1 - -TT 1 . V - An Ordinance For the improvement of streets and pfieyt in the RURAL PUBLICATIONS. ' Tan C(rr.vrar ak is a beautifully illus trated weekly of 16 png'is quarto, with speciarDe- Firtmenfei,forherarm,Xc.e Orazier, the Dairy, the ruii Gai-den and Orchard; tho Florist, the Ivitehen GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, &c, &c 139 & 111 Main St, cor. Washington Avenue, ST. LOUIS, MO., GEO. C. FEEIGUSOIT. JSHLLWlilGHT AND ENGINEER :t T:.; BHOWXYILLE, N. T. NNOUNCES to thepublic, that he is prepared ZX to erect steam baw and Msrchrct Alius at sLort aotieo aadTeasonableterm9. ' ' - ALL WORK- WARRANTED. ' ... He is also Agent for. x- "A.'B. UOLUBIlib k CfrS Westerii Foundry; :v-r : CINCINNATI, O., - -J- aw:; .rilaiiiifactory, 7rcicrNNATi, o:; " - ; with lesj powoi thaa any upper runner can be made. IhirdMyr Our KnJ takes any kind of cram witaout choking. We warrant against choking in any and all cases." This is a great -vexation causing, delav and. trouble in all Kills where- the upper stone i3 the rua ncr. Of course, we mean small Kills, where the mo tion must be tigh to do much business." - Fourthly: Our Kills never take unjurr by runnlc; empty the under atone not touching the aprer. one, no injury can be done. Thii is an imporlaut adaa-. tage over all Kills a hero the upper sttMie Li the run ner. - . August viniztrr LandOfSce at Erownyillr u . All persons knowing themselves indebted toxrs, are hereby notified that their accounts are dae,'a:j l ma?t , be Sett-d Iaimediaiy, by Jte or Cash: as asettlo mcat we mast have, in order toeontinueour bntiicss. ' '. is. 1. 4 J. D. i . TiiUili iUJi Erownville, August 1st, 1S3. -I ' " -'' - '.m THE HALF-BREEDS AIID HIZi:i)-IlLG01l3: ':?.:! Andla'ptrpared to receive and 11 orders for ay raa- Qf IoAra-0toc, Omaha triht -, and tb chincry minafaetared or kept oa hand, by these es- yaBkton Sautie band, of Indians , rec. l. lie- u oraainea fty the town Council of Garden, the lliasewife,'the-Fireside, Ac. 'This is ijrownvuie, enianaeounty. is. that live taiUson vithmit mtmii. ihn. trtr Ayrnitm-ii ranr-rin th the dollar, valuatioa of real ectate, be leried-for the United States." Hon. Jonx Wentwc bth, il ; C. of i purposo tf improving the atrocts and alleys ia said J xilinois. Price $2 a year. ' ' - '1 "m ' - '" iv V " f" Vlv I a" ".-' " Thk C7LTIVATOB, month!y,32 page; octavo-well. ui. i lUi lu b usint u, mm ineiaiui uun known for tlurbest montblyagricul U1 l""u ';eu vy iue ouerui uie asi tural Journal ia this country. Price 50 -cents per. above tax,', f.t ' r ';- '31; - . 1 t V f'.'l- H TtTW-Trt tablishmeats. 'Letters of enquiry, promptly answered. .a1 . jieffeiixces. .:. J Noel, Jjik Co., BrowaTille, If. T. Steam Kill. Nuckolls & bite, Iockport, lio. James Ixiwe, Linden, " Vln31y.' ' Erownville," Jane 21, 18.16, s;.;iiGorL: out:' t IT J. ec.:s.- JLe it further ordained, that .the ilavor I'i , r - tw fnATf. . rn tisss 0n,nd ;.u .ulB. ucwuiiiunaea uj receive- pToposaiF?ana leti C0Dtain more than 210 engravings of buildings, ani me cumiaci ior an woTEuoiie in said town; letting lnajs trees fro it hu' Price. 115. cents each ent " "O Jowesi reponsibio bidder, and requiring bond j 10),t raid by nail. " ' m lau -anotnt ot estimated worK.- .! ' -- 1 7-Tbjn wnrTr-AnbT ttfmrrtnn. rnnnS ;n n nd it wh o5B. , ieii.iurineTomainea;tnata-con:peM!nt Eimiiat publications, and the r-uhnsLers will se gineer be appointee, a City Engineer, whose duty Upecimens cf the pijrJIO at! who -s-ouLl Uke to eX shall be to an ostimate of all "work 'desired, l BTnlii tlmm 'Poh:i.b t Albhn-r: Nf V- w ieh work shall be done ia acecrdahc- witb' such I if . '! frfnvi? Trrrvrt? icnifr t.3 ii -.ifp ft Tift thf inrrrctinra cf I V.r r.nit ' . 1 . ' Se. 5. Bo'H further ordaiile-l, that it'siiall be V ?TTy TT'varnk . RaW ... the dlaty-bf the Jlarshal to proceed aiid eotleet ihe alxw tax,-' immodiatoly after the cxpiratkn- of 4en days from the passage of this Ordinance, ail pnythe money into the-hands of tho corpDration Tasurev, taking his. .receipt Iterefcr; which money ehall be drawn by an order, signed by the Mayor aad Clerk, and authorised by a vote of tho Council,. -'. Sec. C Do il farther ordained,! .that- should any property holder in said towa, fail to comp'y with -the requirements of pretseeding sections of thLr Ordi nance, ihea it shall 'be the duty of the Jlarshal to proeeed and enforce the' fame, in. accordance with the law ia such ':ase made and provided. ' 3. - This Ordinance to take effect from and-alter, ten days from the chute of its 'passage..-,.'"."," ", - Passed Septenibera, 1S.5C. - : " ' ' ' . " - '.: , A. S. COLLADAT, 2Iajor. , , Attest: Q; T. LAOQerk,' . :. '". ' - "- T iH. them, a share of custom from tbia -otters ectrostei to tbem will be and iTemptlV attended to. ' Ah .editor in Jo n-a has been fined $250 for hugging i girl in meeting.- -"Cheap-enough!" says another, of tho ; fraternity, ."we onc hug ged a girl in meeting, . and it has cost us $1,000 a ycareverxince'.; . i : kl 15.;' We cnniiidcr the latter clause of the above as unjust insinuatkra, for vre once uj)on a time met agii and huzifd her. and the result has their respective vocations, are only seen the ' bcicn a Gemination of our annual expense; and uuh is me h.iua or jiris we wonia advise, Xi- and fertile prairie in quest of some victim; only j it- Oaca a time a mcWe nsleav to hg n girl 1 - Rek, fire-boysi-great in crease of family expenses- moved West. i ' . . . , , , that is the kind of jirls we w war horse, with his terrific nder, loaded do-n iters" to hu,;. Gla ooi I'r, vith implements of war, gliding over the rich Don't cither of voa know to obtain revenge from, for an injury alleged to have been done himself or friend, by the opposite party. While Nebraska has reman ed undivided, and the whole mats of people has appeared to have the same end in visw, HciO. iJaJU ce3 II. SarwABT has cbr thanks COLES VOYAGE OF LIFE. ' Childhood, , Vnath," Ulan hood Oil Ae. Four fi.lendld Line EnrxariEirs..fronr the OriTinaLi ia tbe t.iiUery of th- bpmglcr Institute.". Kates, 15x23.. Paper, ;8x3S;. ' " 1 ' n.A; great National wosk" Of ve years' execution, iivolvin? an exnense of J 20 ' (i0. Artist's proofs, .$5041,. India Lettennl, llain, $110.; ,;'.,., ,,, r, j........... A proppeiius ttontaining a full deser ption of the work, with testimonials from our first AE-IISTS, ctirnvist eminent, PIVIIS'ES our most distinruisked STATESMEN, th test acreditl JUDGE'S OF AUT, at home and abroad, together with tbe -r '' VOICE OF THE PRESS''''i."1 Of thisity, aad also of the:lnghosti Eurojiairi au thority, . ":' ' THE LONDON ART JOUP.NAT,1:7: Witt be forwarded on tho receirjt of two iwstae T Trade wopplir .m the Tnost -si J .1 , L..JLiberaLT.erias. . . j' 'id Appropriate and tasteful styles of frame, prepar- -,;iijvr-.sign"ortSe- Mill Saw ' Vl J - Importer, Wholesale and Hetail Dealer in Aihcncn'Gerinanj.Eaglisli Si Fiencli HARDWARE; AND .CUTLERY. : " V;'.V.''T J0SLTII,jM0. . IS NT)Wreec'ivif,g and opening the largest and rar-tt varied arsortmerit of goods m the above line ever offered In uny market west of St. Lous. 7 f ' " : 4 1 --"My -stock" embraces a fall iad mpMe afw-rtment of Cabinet wd Ilou.e Hailder's. Hardware, Mechan ic's tooJs rf every description, direct frota the most pproved manufacturers; agricultural and bortieul- taral loo's Rod implcriieiits.'in great variety.,eon: lin irtgall the recent. and. U3oTi;I improve uisn"t f r the having of a vas t amount of lab-r to the fanning coin-; having an intercut in the Ite nrrva' -r ; , tie Nemaha rivers in the ' : ;'j' ': .TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA. : rv "VTOTlCE is hereby riven to all rersoas intcrcfted".' i. l by the undersigned Commi.saicner, appointed in pursuance of the eeeond section ef aa act of Coff' gress, pis?ed July 17th, ISbi, entitled fcAa Act t; . authorize the President of the United States to eau.i . to be itirvryed tbe tract of land in. the Territory of ALL persons are hereby forwamed from buying Nebraska, belonging to the llalf-breedi, cr Mixed - . the South West fourth tf Section 25,Township bloods, of the Lakotah or Sioux Nation of tiaai, 6, North Itange 15, East of the sixth. Principal Meri- and fcT other parposesr l"rovidicg: fThi:t the Prea- dian", in Nemaha" county, N. T- now Decupled by ident be and he is hereby authorized to cause to bt Thos. lleddy: as I have a right to said claim that is 1 ascertained the number and names of the half -breed":! indisputable. ; B. II. THOMPSON, land mixed-bboda whft are entitled to participate in Erownville, July 5th, 1S55. vl-n5tf : .Tirst Coins,-Tirst Served, ONE i 'HUNDRED TOWN LOTS Donated to uctnal settlers, in the bestto-WTi site on the 'I issonri river, Nemaha L f;i. . . City. Nemaha County, ' -- Nebraska Territory. - -' "VTEilAliA CITY, is situated at the junction of the il Lit'lo Nemaha and llissoua rivers, ia the most thickly e.Ued and improved part of the neruha Val ley, being1 the eentre of the county, on the river, 72 miles above St. Joseph, ar;d 53 miles below Council Lluffsaad on the Stage thoroughfare from' Iowa to Kansas.: The town site .is beaatifully located on an ekvatitin of 22fet above low water nmk on e Sevel TiUinralling enough for drin:ige, but nn a bill in the town tsite no unneeewary expenses for grading Lots or streets! A beautiful Pubi'ic Square, 313 fr-et by 352. : Two streets 130 feet wide, crosiing eth Other atr.ght angles, ia the centre of tbe town: all the benefits of a gant contained ia the ninth articlo of tie treaty cf the Prairie da Chien, of the 15ih of Juy; A. D. 1S38, between the United States paiatiorsof the cohfedenvtel bands of Sioux; I.os,' and other Indians, wherein a reserrat'on of land oU Lake Pepia and the llissonri P-iver (described in ssitt treaty) was grante-d to the balf-br.d relations cf thi Iowa, O'toe, and Omahi Tribes, aad Yaaktoa auU Snr.tiB tand3 cf Slcux Indians. .- ,i "...: Tbr.t I will attend at Sioux City; Iowa,ta thela Mond.iVH25th' Cay of Aurast next, remaining faerw threa wticks; ihea at DelteVieTir, ca the ZZi. cf. Sptl, remaining there two week-: thee at Ar;h?r, Itichart son ccunty, Nebraska Territory (near the half-Lr-'cd line) ca the 2Ii day cf Octcber, remaiain:thn four wctks, for the -purpose of ascertaining the num ber and names of Ue. half-breeds cr n.u:2d-blxlii, now l .viig,of the Iowas, Ottoc?,rOitiahaj, Taaktoli and San tie band cf the Sinux Indian yarties t taa t.'caties aiorcsaicL Y ben the "in--"' ior inis worK, ct me lowest cash rates, furnished at wiew. varying frsta ?10 tr 32 the set. - Box I nrrr lawfcin 2 and carta-e rrni?iA Address tha Tcynge of LifvKev. A.IL WOIJTi:, ,.,Z'JS ..T&ler Institut, Nt X. mumty, !rom whom 1 nspeetf any request s c;ircful Koadfrora Oregon. MotoFortKeannvtaPostUaee examiaation ol ttis aepartraeiit of my stoc!r. J ani ' a weekly mail, building raateml, Tio.bcr, Stone ar.d also exclusive -sge-it fT tbe aide of the e ;!ebrated ! Stoncctrfil -ia abandonee. - Tho IVc j rieton rled-c St. Ifluis Cireuhir Mill nnd Cro Cut Saw?, which I themselve? to donate 133 lot! in tha town to a-tual vftl tV-irranVaftd 11 all orders at iheiactary prices, j settlers, who will erect on a lot, they may pelct, a Also fclargear,rtcient irf Gnu 3, Eiaea ' and Tutol?, j Tepecial,b buildlrg, within a reasonable time.'tobe Iron, Steel, iSar.:-ice.t of the test brands: it a wor 1. '-a'Teed upn. ' '' -! . . , . - - i , ryorrres- T. ' Prest.- MrCOMA?. SmV. ,. i ' NcuiuLaTJity, N.T.Aug, Q,I3jo.' ' vl-uIOtT Siy stock is very complete, whK-h, for it qaatity and -Fur part ieularaadde?s either the Secreti i"."- ut-kcfiLin-a to oer such lnauetriemsn ; iaeai,ai -.eaiaaa vitv, ems-r.s eoun'v, i. wia eommani a liberal share of trade from this and - JEIiOME- ITOOVra aajOiningounties. My arrangements for importing andagEnciosfor American Hardware Micafaetrtrers, togsthijr with i, long experienei; in the general Hard ware trade, eai.bles met not only to defy all competi tion, bat has convinced in a that the true principle of trade is cahlales and. small profits. r - I . ; Angast 0, li53-: vlalgtf WALx' II. . ' . J. IL- TAATFE '.;!; THOITPSON TAAFFE, 1 ( Successors to Eurrows & Thompson,) . 1 :rocer AnO...Coiiiitiisi5:ori Merch lints, 9 fcatics aforesaid. V hen the d...ies of l'J coaaabsioa will be closed as 3oon thereafter &J pdcii lle. at Olenwod, Mills eoactyIowa; . . .- . Allicrsona interred, are lerfcbT'or'acd to a To other r.r:ota are to feet wi le; Lots 41 l y 10 fict, pear wita their evidence at eithtr of the places Lu with asixteea foot alley. - A Ferry is ia c juration at j the time spertcd, ta. pr-jve-their this point, tha r-ad from which inteTsoeu the Plaff riit,'to ia the beceil; of the said 'grant, Cify Toad through Missouri. A'pormanent Landing, j r j-es nrvfitiofl,' t!ca:ooly,taiWtt Ma tht ''half-hfcel a Saw and OristMill now in operation, and a Stearu j traut,' ituat;d on the Slissoari. river, bc-tweeo tlu Sawmil t be ia -operation by lt September next. It Ortat and Little Neauha rivers, ia tli Territorr tf i immedi ,it?Iy ca the Territorial Itoad L- Tra Brwn- j Neliraskii, aaJ derived "frssi ald treSry and 11? cf villa to Archer, where r, intTect the Territorial ' Congtess , ... la order to carry oat the fia'strac t.on3 of the Dc-psit-ienl, it will be neecssary to furnish names ( f all tht apt licanta arranged by familie and single penor.n sei, age, an d reLUioohip ta the Sioux, aad place of residence of each; alio, who are orphan j or wards, aall tht ir ,-fuardians, l?gtklly appoiatcd, cr cthsrrhc. At all the be.'i evidence the na;ure of the ca w31 alait of, will be required! to prove identity aad dejrei of relar.ionsbip tt ihe Saixand htn' here:n n.'wnod, and" of an amount suHTient to cstahlnh tlo foots herein required to be i roved: ahd. unless ood rcm can be shown, each a3 are. distant re?idenca. J orViekucss, th apjlieant should appear in peTion, in f j'adilltioa ta their other testimony. All interested iLla wil the necessity of present in their vl':ms now, UUU they may tbtain the benefit. des;:med bv tao slid gMltorrosen-aiioa. JUSEni L. SlIAni'' - Conitai3!ioner. "Archer, N. July 23, 1355. no ll:Iw. . , " XSyBrownvifle Advertiser, Nebraska City NeVs, Counuil Bluffs Bngle;ari4St." lcuis Rey cbltcarj will p'.tase. pr.V.i-h fr ur wths and forward their bills to Uiie oI" for pnyment. -. r ITt. I2e pearj trest, Ciaeitaati. . rCT Particular atteniioa. will be given to onter fcr (rroccries, which will always be executed it currt'ot markctf ricci. a'.- ,T -.4. TQ-STEAMBOATr , , .. -. CORD-T.'OOD FOR SALE JAMES TT. COLEMAN inr..nas the Boat? rucning thenpier Mi.-tsouri tr-.le, that he ket-p? ton.tiint.'v as pood a supply of Dry Cord-Wo-1, as ctn be f,.a-Ji on the river. Landing alwnys ood. - WoKi Vard ou mile above BrownvLUe, Nebraska Territorr, on the Nebraska short-. - -: August 2, 13."-xJ-nSif - . WE HAVE now read v for sule ICOX-OO co-I ra"r char table Brick. YFST FALL A "VUltLOTT. BrownvilIe,Aujuflt2,1556, -tl-aDtl- ' - MISSOlTa ; 1UVEI1 : PACKET. - rTjri3 . new, clfg-Tiit and f.?t ' rnna;r j -" "r JL pB'.lcet and frriht sneair-.r. E. A- O-lil.-N; Bauli:i, CounaaiHlcr, u now rauairg her re-iuiAr trips betweea St. LouU ar.d Council Uluf -. Sr i one of the best freight steamer.- n the iir?r,hiTi',i ' beoa Vailt eprtr-'y for this trala. -