Newspaper Page Text
w i 1 1 Cormpondencc of the N. Y. Courier and Enquirer. mci: WASHINGTON. . Washington, Monday, Aug. 25. The Committee of Ways' end Means this morning, decided by a veto of 5 to 3, to report no new Army IV.l Mr. ( Uamnbell. tiie L-nainnan. rrcrosca ai bill with a proviso repealing the Kan sas acts, and appointing five commis sioners to settle the difficulties. The proposition was voted down. Senators Jones and Brglcr desire to repeal the worst of the Kxmsas spurious laws, and that motion will be made to morrow. 1 'j -The feeling of the Senate now is to sit the, session through until . next Marcli, unless the' army bill is .sooner parsed, take u? t: An cfTortwill be rnnde.,to ;o regular orders of business, notwithstanding they agreed in caucus " to do nothing until the army bill was disposed cf. ' -'-'' -; . " ' : - Washdtgto Aug. 20. : Senate Mr. Crittenden ashed leave to introduce a bill to alter and amend the Kansas-Nebraska act.- ; : Mr.' Wcllcr r"! he was willing to do all in his pen to obviate existing ulL.CHitiC3. J-iiC had, in a dLTer enct forr cxprc. v. ihcir dissent from ansa3 Legislature, X that body that rio!aternct only K .J . lllO A. ! and he agreed v some of those I " the organic act. cf the United States. He jras.thcrc- fore, anxious to wipe the obnoxious laws oil cf the' statue books as infamous and atrocious in their character. ' If .such a bill be passed, he thought there wc M be r.o tiiL:cv.ltv in palmer the rl regarded Mr. Wellcr s . y more ciTcct than a decla :ihts,r'and, as such, could I .k .; v . ration of vote for i some cf fhockin:? , He was free to admit that the laws . of i Kansas were to the moral sense : of the community, ' aud that some of them invaded natural right.?. Such laws, he was willing, by a declaration of fights, - to abrogate,. because tliatasthe only way m whicn tcngrcss could act.-,;'. Mr. Mason voted for and approved the bill passed May; 1654, to organize . the Territories t)f Nebraska and Kan Tsnsj'bccatrsd - it gave the "people the right to regulate their domestic ' insti tutions i in their own way. 'This bill proposed to undo that work and pre scribe how far they snould be free to make their own institutions "and ; in what respect they should not be : thus . frec This proposition did not meet liis apprcT riation. -: He would move to . lay upon the - table, every proposition oi inai Kina unui luey . wno were endeavoring to carry into effect their revolutionary purposes should be re due cod to submission. ' ' '- Mr. Vrellcr- said he wa3 one of "the last Senators that' would sympathise with the House in its factious course on the Army bill. The; only object which he Lid in vicw was to do what the Senator had done, some three or four wechs ago,' and the bill which he offered was no more nor less than one section of that bilb which the ' Senate lias passed, but which, for some reason or other;had been suffered to slumber, on'. the Speakers table.., "But "as the House find so much fault with tho op prcssirc laws of Kansas and he would admit some "of them were oppressive, and infamdus., as any laws which had ever found their way upon their statute book of a free people in any age of the world, why should the' Senate hesitate to declare them null and void? . As he had before declared,' " many . of them vvcrc not only in derogation" of 1 the organic laws, but of the . Constitution ' of the -united States. Freedom of speech was. guaranteed by the consti tution, but by some ; of these laws , it . was .denied. ;hcn he. found laws which were in conflict with the constitution,- he did ncrt choose to wait for the Judiciary, but. wanted to wipe them .out at once. - . .... . .. ctcs nrLursTisiis r. - The Otoe .Indians have under .'culti vation nearly.- two hundred acres: of land. . ' Tins, large farm is : under the immediate supervision of their farmer, uncle John Lorton,' of this place. 'Mr. Lorton is ! probably the oldest man hi Nebraska; he has lived on the frontier ' during : ; the last , ff! y'cart, . having moved into Illinois in 1803. He fenrrht all through the Black Hawk war, after . wards removed to Iowa., and has finally at the age of Seventy-five - been ap ' pointed Government Farmer for the .Oiocs, and settled in Nebraska. . And truly the Indians are very fortunate in having- him. to superintend the first steps -towards . , cililizaticn, for ' his knowledge of the Indian character.' to gcthcr with his long experience. ;upon uthc borders,"- peculiarly. fits him. for the position.- ; He is just in from the Reservation cn Blue river,- and from "him we gather the following items: . ,' The Otoes have very nearly, fifty acres of-melon i and pumkins, which Mr. Lorton-platted for them with his ' own -hands.. Because they . insisted that if melons Were planted by Indian laborj they would never : attain a re . spectacle growth. But it has been discovered already,. that these planted at their, request have never : reached any size larger th?ii that of a common apple. .- And the reason is, that so soon as it i3 outcf the blossom, Mr. Indian cuts it from the ' stem,- peels it, and devours it at a single mouthful, which proceeding is decidedly against any farther growth 1 cn the part cf -the melon.-' - :- "-: --. . : n,-. 1 '. They have' seme cf the finest corn . in the world, u kind which they have raised for years, and which their fathers raise! before them.; It is , a'very fat, plump kernel an 1 the cob growSj some times, to the length of two fed, At thhs( Ladies tn: for winter. : of the year, tie Otoe , Vjjt preparing com they do by boiling cutting it. off the -it intliCEun. VTrcp:r- it tlicrO'J cob a cd in tl.;.3 :v it. keeps svoct, zm lhatc 3 fdfer the coriing cold weather. At la?t ncco: :is, they had ever ere thousand buslcte, boiled and drying in the sun before their Lodgers.; Nebras ka Ncics. X, The plan put in operation at" New York'so'.ne vc ' hi; go for the? "dispo sition cf unpaid' letters addressed' to pcrsc: :3 . idiin the L nited Statcs,being found to wcrk satisfactorily tlioJost mastcr General has given1 directions fur it to be extended. to nil othercfaccrs as early ss practicable. Blank xirculars andnotes cf irustrrtcticnsj have been printed and will be distributed to post masters in due course of business. The following copy, of .this circular and note- will show -what this plan is, sviz: i- "Post 0?ncE, , 1C5-1-, A letter bearing your address is de tained in this office for non-payment of postage. By enclosing to me, imme diately on receipt : ot -tm3 three cent stamp and pre-paying your note of reply, the letted will bo duly Ior: warded acconhng to its direction.-- " Ecspcctfully yours, '' ' ' : J ; h - t --Postmaster. - Note. -Postmaskrs will fill up ad- di-ess, and frank the above notice, with- oui ine use oi an mveiopc, xo, au purr sons in the . United States for '. whom unpaidlettcrs shall have been deposit ed m their onice; and . may dispense with the former practice of posting up notices in their offices1 that such letters have been deposited therein. X 'Y'.' , J A3IES CAMPBELL, h h -. Postmaster GrericraL" , , j .i i .- . . .... .i 1 1?. - ' - v.. v ., .. r: 1. . In a caso. recently before the Com missioner ;of the General Land ;01Sce tha( testimony hoFcd ;that'.the pro em n tor, who was the owner of- a; farm on which ha rpsidedjn.the fiame town ship in whicli the trcxt claimed is situ ated, made a contract for itssale, " re ceiving a portiononlyofthd price, and gave bond for a dee dy conditioned to be executed upon the baymcnt in full of the' rrico afn-eed upon. The title of the vendee beiaj; defeasible by the non-pei'formance of tlic condition, the fee simple was still in tho vendor (the pre-cmptor) and ho 'was therefore such an owner and occupant of real estate as to preclude him from; acquiring :a right under the pre-emtion act of Sep tember 4, 1841. The Commissioners ordered that the entry be cancelled and the party required to apply in the usual" manner for the return; of the purchase 'moncj.WasJdr.ffton ' S?ar, 'English' barristers have a; ludicrous habit of identifying . themselves with their clients; by speaking in the plural numDer. , "uenucmcn oi tne jury, said a luminary of the ' Western Cir cuit, i4at the moment the policeman says hesaw us in the tap, I will prove that we were -locked up in the station mvuww AAA v m.mtw A AAA W WR w u , A New ;RpLiTLT ', and' Shape Distanced. r-The .manufacture of fire arms in .this 'country has become a very important branch of industry, employ ing a largo nnmbcr of the most skill ful artisans," and u heavy outlay .of capuai. , ii nas aiso atiainea a greater degree of perfection than in any other part of the world. Indeed the Pistols of Colt,' Celt and Sbarps Bifics cnjoy a reputation unequalled by any other weapons.;,'-! '.,l'-X?.: . i!- We were shown yesterday at R. P. Lithrop's, 4T State street, a small car bine, on an entirely hew principle. ; It is simple ; in. its .construction," and elegant in its proportions.' , , V, ' ' . It can be loaded with twenty-five balls in ten seconds. - "No ' caps, no priming and no powder is required ex: ccj t that which is contained in thebalh Tho ball is a Patent Loaded .Balloon the Minie principle and 'is. perfectly water proof. The curious in such matters should call 'and see. Albany tournawzi'Lz ?.irz:3 't'::z Yellow Fever ri Kew YoRsrYe learn from ' the Herald tliat ,th'e first case of yelloV feyer , was entered in trie Marine '., Hospital,' at - New; . York Quarantine, on the 18th of Junesince which time there have been in the same institution eichtv. cases, fortyrBix- of all, however, as it is' alleged, tracalne directly to infection from . ship-board. The number of deatasTvas cinu,.ana cf." .discharged thirteen... , ! f ". It 13 well known to a mnjonty of ouf read that we 'opposed the incorporation of any k. in Xebfaf ka. But now that those insti ers, Dank tutions are in operation, it becomes cur duty to fff ak car opinions concernirg'lhcnV:- We can not s peak knowingly of but two the "West ern Harino Fire and Kxc!tanc;o" cf Oraaha City, and tfcs "Platte Valloy Ban!:, of le braska City. ' ' ' ' . - The "Vi'cstcra llaricc, &c' Thcs. IL Ben ton, Jr President, and Lcroy R. Tattlo Cash ier; had one week since, cepoaits on ,iiand, amounting to' oyer Kesety Tkocsa.xd Dol LAiis, a circulation of loss than fifty thoujruad and gold on hand for any errcrrrcacy. NehrWi? ka generally and Omaha. City -in rarticulcrj nay well be proud cf a, manctcry ijstutltion like it, r.rtd one, too, oDatrolIed by :such men. im "Fiatta v a.iev Jack" is a rounder la st;tatioa than tha cue jest' m'ent'onijd,'and its 0Licerr, vr3 beleiva, ictend: nuking it fully eqaal in reputation and worlh, to any sitnilar concern in the WesL -.TnniTr '.Thocsass in American ?o&. twenty thousand In'silver. for- Ign gold, and- Eastern drafts may bo seen in the vaults of the Flatter Valley from7 day to Tvmcn nave come ..(urccrjy ire-m board, ten from the neighboring village, and seventeen from. Neio York Oily-- 1S5G. i I j J IK 11 U issu. scARRrrr,& mason.., puranTURB aupnoi: .. hit, . i DrAlRSAXD x XlJ v 'rvtZftix-sjCnotxii'c- -S3. o. iland 32 Va?hint a Avenue, . t. Lonis,ila TTAV lv - censp;. r arran;jc:" ,ta for a full r line, anJ '. a viag ihq'best in t assort ient ;n tuo to purahB;::r3 both jiLSAIt . il I.- . A Hi i . I CO doiea wood scat CJuurs, 2C0 do cano scat do, i ;JOO0 IievUtcaa, 1000 Bureaus, 500 Plains Table, 500 Breakfast do,, 200 Work Stanii, 200 Wash do, 1000 Lookius U liases, 100 do rwkiuj do,' 1C0 do cUildrcas'db, 500 tin safes, 200 Cribs, assorted sizes, ,200 Loun-;e.v- 100 doLliushandqilifbot- irr? we ad 1 raaliojrany and -n-alnut. "par- loir and rocking Ciuiirs, Sofas, centre, sido&nd exten sion Tablcsf Sceneries and Book Cases. -Upholstery in great variety, such as tprin!, hair, e'oiton, iao?s and au$ ilsct-iS, boiaiorw, sircaa5, and BiankeL., i .f . ; J A; : ; ' Our work ia all Warranted as represented our Prices as Iovms tho Lowest :- Orders promptly Jid faithfully executed and re spectfully 6oilcitod Satisfaction guaranteed.; r ,f' i Ileasa call and wvtwfy yourselves. r . .? I St. Louii,July25.1Sj6. vlnS-6m- -1 - ; ' ; Virginia r rHoteT, TO ' TIIE TRAVELINCr PUBLIC. millS now and extensive Hotel, located on tho eor X, ner of Main itud Green streets, in the city of St. Louis, continacs in snccessfal oeration, under the ProprictcrsL:p of J. IL SrAKB and his abl-fcteis- tanu. . ' " i Tor the information of Btraner?; wc t?oulJ itate that this is the most extensive Hotel in thi City, fronting c u JIain, Green and Second sts, and having a louthorly front of S23 feet, which affords good ven tilation during tho Bummer months, the rooms bing ircll arranged to. insure that end; and i3 one squjubk CKI.T from the Kailmod racket Landir-:. and directly crt"sito the liailroad Ferry. " There is attached to the Hotel, an extensive shaving Saloon, with Ba.th3j and tho rropr.etor has fitted up .. - Bathing '-Itoo ais r for 1 the Ladies, "Which they .may enjoy, free of Charge ly "The 'Publio are respectfully invited to call'tho Prcnrietor pledging for his house, every eomforfc us ually found in first class Hotels. Meals furnLshod to uit Railroad timei Charges ? 2,00 per day. -Tl-n4 : ', , . J. H. SPArJi. Improved Little' Giant ; i CORN & C03 PLANTATION-MILL rX ". 2rico X3Locl"w.oocLi fTWIE subscriber has purchased exclusive right of .j. lemioiy xa wo est, ui monvuio iticji ;u Mills, and is prepared to furnish theur at ail times, cither wholcsala or retail, and guaranteed in tho most poi live -manner. . . - : It is now more than a-year since the ! "Little Giant" Was introdnerd to the pubHc, daring which time, it has been constantly growing in the popular favor. ' The ircprovemtnU recently effected and patented maies it tho most, perfect machine ever pETered for rreneraJ farm u?e. r It is furnished readvfor nttncbin team, and weighs as follows: 'No; l, 225 No. 2,'ZZd Nol 3; f 00, No, '4 -50Q pounds..; ;T wen ty minutes-are euGicient to set one up, wiinont fneenanicai aiu,.ana wheii once adjus'scdjit can with safety be entrusted lo a boy. Full directions accompany each .MuL' No 1, $35, wfU grind 8 bu meal pes hour with 1 horse Ko2 40, . JO.",,"- " I No3 60, 15 1 No 4 f0, '20 :I1 2 u ti E7" liberal discount to dealers. - , 1 JAMES B. MAD WICK,' " ...... f r Ko. 63 Locust street, bot. 2d and ?d June 2S IS56. " vl-nl . ' St. Louis, 3Io, . 'E. X. WniTEIIiGE. ; T ., 8; J. MIIXSKT.,. ; MRS.' E. A. WIIITRIDGE & CO. . - . ,MAXCFACTrBEB3 0P - ' ' ' Masonic. ClotMng and Odd ' Feiioivs Also Eegalia for Temperance'aM other Societies,' AV128 Walnut Street,' vp St(iirs,L.: ; " '' ! ' CIXCrNITATI, Oi n i . ;-; KA80X5. , ,-References. ovr tellow. i W. B. Dodds, G M of Ohio. O; P. Morton J PGM ' Ind. C. Moore Ed Ma3oni$5Rev;' Turner & Gray, pub Casket F. J. lliillips, Hi P. City W. G. Neilsnr PGM Ohid ; - The Editor of the Advcrtiserwyi hare Bpecimcna of Regalia from the above Manufactory, and recieve orders from Lodges or private nicmbere for Regalia. 'August 2, 1S56.J; vl-n9tf ;;,:: j; -rM 5S ill IBS. s ; PAINTS, , OILS, VAENISIIE5, .11 : ; French anil American Window Glast & dasncare, .i Spice Imditjo, Madder, PcrfumerieBf&c. t)-,' ySPRINGTs.T.OC'EI : 1: ' ' CHARLESS, BLOW CO. 1 - i l : IXTCKTBR3 WHOLESALE DE ALESS. ' ' 2To. 63 and 67 'Haia street, Et. louis,' Ho. rJ r . "'i . ' : ' . . ., . . .... 1 Are now in receipt of their new Stock,' embracing everything in their line.. f, ; r . i ;; r r ; -t : Merchants visiting our City are requested, to give us a call, as wo are determined tf sell for Cash or Prompt Time Paper, as low as liny House in . th United btates.-. rf, ; f r . .i f. H.rniTTMOBE. ;?H. B. WniTTEMOEE. J. CABTXB . v It & E. B, WIIITTEMORE C0., ; . 1 BONNETS MD STRAW GOODS.4' KO. 1 JfAIN STRRET,5. ;i V ; i (First door above tho Xank of Missouri.) :..r at- Xiiotiio ZSZo. fsrJ tSCash paid for Furs and Deer Skins. : :.i ft . FORD Sc. BOWEN 7t:,f;- Attorneys, and .Counsellors at :Xar. ' , COUyClIi J3LUFFS,'IOWAJ ::w:J i Office at the cornc of Broadway and liadlgon streets, up stairs. - . . . . , r .. W. P. LOAN, mm m m i, IiANI), .AjnD lot .agent.; ABCHER, HIGH ABD SON COUNTY, N. T. CHAELE3- WEST. ? J -M'ASHEIT. """iVEST & SIcASlIEN, ' F0IlWARi)l4G'& COtIMISSl6N Grocery and Steamboat Agents,'; v . ' . Center Second and Trancis -StrccUy u l (Opposite A. BeAiie'j Banking Hoiise.) v A N assortment; oi: Boat Stores. Groceries. Wines il. Liquors, Meal, Flour, iept constantly oa hand.V, j.-.;.:.-,-. July 28,1856, t1-e8; ... NOBOOKSKEPTU ALL CASE!" i A; S.' HQLLADAYy ; j: -r . WKOLESALE ASD EETAIL DSALEB TX -; Lloin Otrcst, TSrbTTnvillo, IT. T. rnilE anders!s?ied rcyrtfallyTjelcaro to infona X. the public, that he has now on hand a complete assortment of everything usually kcrt in Dru Stores, which he of ers for sale, Exclasively'on a new system tr : CASH A1TD CASH ONLY I ' It will be ttitirjly foreign to this Lcautiul rr'steia. to Uook," "kwp aosoun V' "note" cr "reoiciuber for ft Tew days." Come- with ihe Spondulicks " if you want anything tn the Drug line. - . , "Prescriptions C'cmpouzded at all Eours wita Accuracy ana Eisjatch. - Rensembsr tie fystem I have kdopted, and iny pocket and jer feelinrs will not fuffcr. Credit will jVotitirelif nou be 'gi t cn, unless under circumstances of peculiar aestitntion. ; - i , J nly 12,18 .?wl-D6 tf A HOLLADAT. "MOTICE is" hereby inrcn. that tho eo-TeirtncTshin IX heretofore eristiag under the and stylo of won r, iwgcr3 k v&, was, cn lao rota day of i etru ary, A. D.JSSSdJiKlycdj - . .r - .,, . , f r . - .b.-brown;- 1 : ". ' ' " 'S. E.: ROGERS. .V.-B. B. FRA'ZF.R. 1': ; HENRY EMERSON, IL W. LAKE A BKO, July 2(5, lS58.-vl-a3 1 ACT Troat Street. ,.i;.edict the yublic that ho :-;ncrly kept by T, . :mdi-i nov repar. . nr b'm wiia tliO ANNOUNCES to above House, f ta'.:.. ? lt.,t". :.. -r pal diiae. n Urownvillc, K. T. date all who may f. A new addition has ditions made of IV rangcinents now tu 1 Ml 1 IT. - 1. tiu3 and iiedding, and ;tll ar ach as to render this House equal to any in tho lerntory. Urownville, July 5, ISoB. Ti-nou W. II. WILLIA3IS, VmOLrSAI-B AKD RETAIL JDEAT PTlt STO,YES:& .TINWARE alAKES pleasure in announcing the citizens of Or . "eon and tho nubile in general,- that ho has on hand the most extensiro stock of Stoves -and-Tinware, ever offered in this market. My stock of Tin ware is of my tt n niiinufacture, and U for nale at Wholesale find Ret r il nt.t Loui? prices. , I would call particular attention to my stocx or COOKING STOVES, comprising the most improve.1 patterns both Air-Tigbt and Premium. Among them may bo found Filly's Charter Oak, tho best store nour in use, the Asiatic Air-Tight, Fionccr and prize Pro- niium. Also " "," Parlor' S Soi Stoves Of yafious Sues nd raitorns, which I will . .. SELL LOWER THAN ANY EOUSE.IN TOWN. Particular attention pail to making and putting up Tin Gutters, inr th town and country. Also, re pairing dono on short notice and on reasonable term. Old copper, Brass and Pewter taken in exchange for work or ware. ,W W. WU.LLULS, ' Tl-n5 , ' Orcsroa. Mo., July 6, 1355. t F0ETT THOUSAND D0IXAES 7orth. of Goods at a snail aivaaca on cost, and carriage If l" ROCIIPORT, 2IO., . ; , f. : ,': - ,; "' axd ' -r : r .f. .. i :ILE2IHESXANDING, JIO. ;r : WE IIAVTE in store, aid are receiving per Steam ers lIannibaI,,Warner, Edinburgh and Omaha, a large and well assorted stock of - - k '- Dry Woods, , . , n - Bonnets, Medicines," , tj llardware."- h i f. iJrugs, ; -, Furniture,; ; Tinware, -v ' ; , Saddlery, ; ; Gro:erie.. i , Quecnswarc, : r, ' Boots & Shoes, f : .1 l Hats & Capsv t . J. f 1 - T- ! . x - ' Owtinars DoT3, . ,un-,, Oils, Sashj': '.Nails, 'i -, -. : -; i Iron CAKPSXTERS & BLACMITUS' TOOLS 4C All of which1 wo oifer at very low prices for Cash or Uountry 1 roduco. . . ' . NO ZnJUEXrGS.We will sell at S01TE P2IC2!! i "' v 'DILLON & IIAWKl ! P. S, Ladies, jf you haven't got a fine Silk Dress, Shawl or Bonnpt, don't blamo l)iLto?r. & Hawk, for we certainly hare the best assortment of t ancy Dress Goods. ever offered in this market. No troublo to shew Goods. - Tl-n5 ' ' ' 1 ' " '' ' D. All. T i Great Inducement. - 4 i-' mHOSEi'shingtopurehasQ LOTS in the Town of Aj" Brownvillt would do well to give usacaU,aAvc hare 50 Lots' which will bo sold very cheap for cash. :.Al5ri 5 Lots; in OMAHA CITY, for sale, i Enquire or r J, IS, & J. JJ. -HiUiU'SU.N. Brownvilie,N.T. June 28, 1858. ' at ;I st. jqsErn and council bluffs ; PACKET; LINE. Season Arrangements Tor 1856. : fTUIE entirely new "and' fino passenger jacket, 1 ; OMAHA, J. B. Holland, Commander, , F. B. Kcrcheral, Clerk;) having been built ciprcsily for the trade, is now running as a rcgular'weckly packet between the cities of &t. Joseph and Council Uluffs. Ivcaring St. Joseph every Monday at 12 ocl(k"!lI. And returning will lero Council Bluffij and Omaha City every Jrnuay morning at 8 o clock, and forming a connection with the five packe ts leating St; Louis on Mondays and lucsdeys, which. arrive h(rro on faaturday and bunday evenings, bv which arrange ment passengers or freight will not be detained at St. Joseph; but to prepare-, .against all contingencies, tho owners of tho Omnha have a largo Ware-House to store i, all goods not meeting them "promptly, and without charge to tho. owners, . which wo decia the most pcrrcct arrangement to pncngcr or shipper thatoan or will, bo made tha present season, and they therefore hopq by promptness and strict atten tion of her officers and agents. 'to reccivo a large tbare of publie patronago. . '!! :. '"-":' : . . TOOTLES & FAIRLEIGII," ' . f ; Acnt3' CHARTER -OAK , . ... . .-. LIFE INSURANCE. . COMPANY !.. Hartford, Ct.- ............... rCapital $200,000 Withlareo and incrcasms rec;ints securely invested under the sanction and approval of tho Comptroller of Fubho Accounts. . M , . . , - .,;' ' ' ' " ' OFFICESS... . r .... ALFRED GILL, IWt: JOnN L. BTJNCE, X. ,(;;!.! JAME3 CJ WAlJUJil, Bocrctary. Alfred Gill. John L. Bunce, Wm. R. Cone, Jas. G : Bolles, John A. Bailor, IS oah beaton, lioins 5 ter, am'l Coit, DanT Phillip C, N. umphrcy." ; X.'-'''-' ' ' BOABD.'OF FINANCK. , .. ,.. Geo!. Bcacn' Escu.Vi-csident of Ilioenii Bank, V. t . ltobmson, - - namum Hnh. IsaacToueey. Tavfce. Attorney General U.: S. . , : .Applications for insurance received by X. " R. W. FURNAS, Agcnt.; DR: A.S.pOLLIUAl,ilea.fcx. -r GEO. P. XUCKIIARDT, . Watchmaker r ; OREGON, HOLT COUNT Y, MO. ; TIKES tha liberty to inform the Citizens of Brownville and vicinity, that he has "opened a WATCH, CLOCK & JEWELRY STORE In Oregon, nolt county, ilo, where be will keep con stantly on hand, and for sale, a good assortment of woia ana cuvcr. awnes, blocks and Jewelry, which ho will sell extremely low, for CASH. Also, a fine lot of .Violins, Accordeonsy Silver, and Plated Spec tacles, Gold, Pens with. Gold and Silver extension cases, Silver Thimbles. Ac, 4c. , " ' j iie is prepared to repair ) ate lies, uiocks and Jew elry, of. every description, in tho best manner and on the most reasonable term. ' "J.' lJ ."' : Every article "bought in his establishment, iti war ranted to ba what it is represented to bo, Watch re pairing warranted for one year. ' ' July 28, 1856. vl-uStf .roi :.rl il y ": VNITlil) STATES GrV'E every possible facility for the safo and speedy transmission of -1 ,.2Ioneyy Valuable ! Packages, rarcels, ; ' t Goods, and, .Merchandize ' Of every description on reasonalIo terms, ' i - -PKLvcirAl OrFiCE3r-New;Yprkj Buffalo; Cincin nati, Toledo, Chicago, Dayton, lndianopolis, aTid all the smaller towns on Railroads in the Eastern, Mid dle and Western States, connecting at St. Lmiinwith Richardson's Jlissouri River Express. II. KIPP. July 25, lSoG.-vl-nS"" J General Superintendent. Wholesale Paper - Warehouse. ! -,-i 'BRADNER, W ARREN Si CO., : Wiwx.jjoivjaJit.;aicrs in rapcrs oi every acs oriptior: - . CUjiq Printing l-ilf. i :' : Folio" Post, V r:i ' Book Paper, Flat Cap, . Wrapping,,... Foolscap. - -- r I.:', Manilas, ' . '. ';-' i Litter A-Notc, i Colored Papers, Medium & Bemy'g,, of tha very best Eastern and Western Manufacture, and for sale at very low prices. " i . , . .. tjm Cash for Ras and Rope? r. r. . : .. r : . t BRADNER, WARREN A CO., "' r : ; No. 12, La. Salle streer. : Chicago, June. 23th. 1S56. ',.- r . rl-nl r r. fc.N.MSTT, . S. MOETOX, . Ii. E. nA!U)IXO BENNET, MORTON Ai HARDING.; Attdrjaeys;''at'-;iLa7, Nebraska City, N. T., and GlenwoocL la. X7nX practice in all the Courts of "Nebraska 'and 1 -Western Iowa. Particular attention obtaining, locaUng Land Warrants, and coiicctioa of - i -.v;- ' -UEFERENCE' r . Hon. Lewis Cass, Detroit. lf. Julius D. Morton, Michigan; Gov. Joel A.. Mattesoa, Springfield, Illj' ' ' ' : . Gov. J. W. Grime. Iowa Citjj Iowa: ' B.P.FiClod.St.r.ouM.Mo.: . ' . '!- ' Hon. Daniel O. Morton, Toledd, Ohio; r - r ' , P. A. Sarpy, Bollevue, Nebraska ' ' Sedgcwich k Walker, Chicago, 111; ' ' ' ' " ' ' 1 ' ' " v.tvviu, m vurv a Denton, council Uluuj.Iowa. - 3 .. 1 1 T 1 ' - I at Jir.ov:;viLL:; n. t. Vr. IIODLliZELL & CO. x r . 33 StTrt.T c? i i' ";1 S -'"J Lk:.i, when c CO" .1 Si A 5 ecu: O ur. STOCK OF GI:OCir,IES AUS EOLOJT at the lowest rr'cc f .r caih, and cotiiat3 of Coffee, Sasar, Tca, ri.Ii,Rice, Currants, . Raisins, Candies 21olassns, it yrup, Fruit. r.t ""DRY GOOD". -them, .nnd price f r y full assortment of I. i Lawn U a Two Dollr r a:il Ccxto, c:-i ar. I sco selves. Late styles and a s Gon's, jrnra. a tcne .iit Ik. At3, a few Cc SILK SHAWLS, BOXNSTS & PARASOLS CLOTIIING.A Cna stack old and young, fogit-3 and, 'fast mrr, Call f con if you want a nice ccafe, vest or pants or. re:.ei vr.aU a tenus. HATS. New Ft vies chea i and durtil lc. '-IIAIlDTTAIIi:. Artry lio oitaicrt, con siiting i- part of Smiths' Tools, Spades. Shovels, Rakes, IIocsBls, Mill, Crooat and Handsaws, Files, Augers, Ase?,:iKidaxc.- Adzs, Chisel &c, h to the end of thec'h.4'tDr. BUlLDINCf i!iATi;iUALS.-A iarg9 nu ... . - k.' ..I.- T"4a flih consisting.oi i ine uoovs, iainu, ouuu -- Paints, hails. Lock.'Latchcs,l'utty,oia-8 sc. . FUKNITUllE. Bureaus Beds tcads, Tables, Chairs, Tin Safes, Cupboards, SUnds Ac. : ' Wa will selLehcipcr lor casa inaa any touu in Nebraska Territory. , ' , ' .... : '.Juno 7,-1858.' ' ; : A.' A. BBAPFOKIV v. ' ; i D. L. KC O ABV, . I . Browaviile, N. T. Nebraska City, Ji.T. r . , BSADF0ED, McLENNAN & IIcGAKY, ATTOEIinYS AT : JrAW , . - AND " ! SOIilCITEES IN CILVNCERY. V- Broiyville anil Nebraska City, : ! ! . 'NEBRASKA TERRITORY. : ..; ' :. BEING permanently located in tho Territory,' we 1 will give our .entire time and attention to tho practice of our profession, in all ita branches. Hat tors in Litigation, Collection of Debt", Sales and Purchases of Real Estate, Selections of Land, Loca ting of Land Warrants, and all other business en trusted to oar management, will receive prompt and faithful attention. ... X; 1 '1 REFERENCES. ' 'V . 'S.-F. Nnckoll3, '; : : ' r : Nebraska City, -Richard Brown, Brownville,. Wm. Hoblitzcll &-Co., : .. Hon. James Craig, . St. Joseph, Mo, - Hon. James M. Hughes, " St. Louis, Mo,' ' Hon. John R.ShcpIey, " r ilessrs.Crow, MeCrcary&Co: ' Messrs. S. G. Hubbard Si Co, Cincinnati O. , 1 Hon. J. M. Love-, . : Keokuk, Iowa. , : ' Tl-nl Juno 7, ISoC. s.;b. mier, . , . iViGKSMITH AND WAGON UAKER. First St; bet. Llain. and Water, ; - BROWNVILLE, N- T. ' JOHN S. HOYT, - County . Surveyor and land Agent, OF Richardson county, N. T., will attend promptly to all business in his profession, when called on: such as PayingTaxes, Recording Claims, Subdividing Land, Laying out Town LotsJDrafting City Plats Ac. -Residence and address ; ARCHER, Richardson eoi N. T. . FRANKLIN v TYPE d STEREOTYPE F0U.'B3Y i Ho. 133 Viae St., let.' Fourtli and Fifth, . -;7"'-: - -.CINCINNATI, a- : ' C. F. O'DRIS COLL & CO. . j "jl Tanufacturcrs and dealers in N?ws, Book and Job IVjL Typo, Printing Presses,. Cases, Gallics, Ac, Ac. Ink?, and Printing Material of Every Description. STEREOTYPING of all kind Books, Music, Patent Mcdicinfl Directions, Jobs,. Wood Engrcvings, Ao., -f-c. - . ; " : Brand and Pattern LeUerg, various styles, SPRIGMAN & BROWN, . RAILROAD ' AflD ; STEAFS9AT AGENTS. ,v :s."! And General" Commission 3Ierchaats. 'Tf Nou 4G, Tublic Landing. ; i -, ','" " CINCINNATI, OHIO. - . C. P. EAILY. B. T. BAXKIX. BAILY & RANKIN, iiiiiMifflis OMAHA CITY, N. T.- , Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. f And General Land -''Asrentv" ' i : u 'Xi NEBRASKA CITY, K T. : r : WILL promptly attend to LanJ Agencies, collec tions, investing money, -locating and selling land warrants, and all other business pertaining to their profession, in Nebraska Territory and Western 1VWS, -.,-' - 1 .' K FORSYTH & CO. :: COMMISSION MERCHANTS : And Freight Agents, OF THE"" : . ; BALTIilOBE 1 rAND I OHIO: c HAILKOAD. No. 3, Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. : 'X. A. MUCD, G, L. HTGHE3, . 3. J. . JTtJDD. II. T. MTJDD,-'- " - S. O. GBUBB. ! M UDD HUGHES. ? PRODUCE COMMISSION No. 33 Levee and 6G Commercial Street : - f STj LOUIS, MO. - : -''' NUCKOLLS, RUSSELL, & CO. riocltport, LIo. : ' WHOLESALE AND BET AIL DKALER3 l ' X HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, L '" Hediciries Dye StuiS, ; .' . Saddlery,7 Boots: & 'Slices, -Hats & Caps, QTJEENSWAEE, ST0NET7AEE,' TINT7ASE, . ;.. IRON,-NAILS, STOVES, FLOWS c. Also Turniture of all kinds,' "Window Sasi, &c ; '"'" a: d. kirii, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Land Agent and Notary Public, - -.r .'ArciLCJ', Richardson county, N. T. Will practice in tho Courts of Nebraska, assisted uj AiATuiug anu uenceu, ieDraska Uity. " ; oregon, mo. ; ROBT. L; ITATTEN, Propr i etor. - So pains dr. expenso will be spared by the eubscri- wx, w make nis guests eomrortable in every respcet. at th!3 well known and highly reputable House. The rcry best attention given to animals bv a T1n4 ,-. ROBERT L. ILVTTEN. i; "M e. estabrooh:, ;! " T7N17ED STATE3 District Attorncv, ; ; OMAHA CITY, N. T. - OEQUIRED to bo in attendance nfTio'W .n 1 tho terms of tho District and Supreme Court cf th Territory, tenders his Professional services to fraeh. as need them, lie flatters himself that f,.:i.-.: e yuins Knuwiocge ot the practice ia each Dis triit, wul enable him to give satisfaction to such & entrust their business to his care. Omaha City, June 7, 1353. . . - - , 1 .5 i.V 111 C i II. V7.3.. BROVVNVILLE FcRFlY. PL STEK3 BAIvER, I tS: ::htcn r:?;X:X:" to o to crj :.t i- i T ' ' ' . T T 1 . J. V'l ' 2 j ' 73 .23 ID Cj 10 -10 2.CJ e.u.u i.: ;.vi i ' ; 1 1r .: . " u c" i. .' t. :':'.t, :i f:.-t ..:!a:.i...r, " u-u!,,-.i'.i.' V-Y l r. Y 1 liCT3-', TZSi t!i( icwltl'.. Ervavii!e,A? ju.-t i-. v.-iy miOTTZTVILJj'D . STEALI MILL, - -noi:l, li.vTi iJ, - i:;::isoN, v it Wft wnnM roFTecifuIIv inform tho citi- ions of Nemaha county and adjoining Missouri, Uat we have always on hand a largo and well selected supply of LLTII3EIt, which wo can furnLh at low er raU;3 than any mill ia tha Territory. Mirtrrt Tiricj mini f r lo" ileliverel at tho vard. AAMuw J ' I W or on the bank of the river. - ! All orders accompanied with, tho ca;h, wul receive our ixmediatc attention. . , . . ,, , . I ,0. of G,:T.: ; THE Brownville Lodge, No. 3, Independent Order of Good Templar?, iaoeta every Saturday eve ning, at 7 o'clnck, at Templars. Hall, JN. 25, Atlan tic street (Thurburs Llock). Wembcrs of the crier vi.-iitinsr the city, are repi?ct fully invited to ntlc.w, when convenient; and those Iocatinghcre.orc! - mesUv solicited to join the Lodge, &3 wa look for tho supfo'-t : f all fnenda of, icn: .r flicc. Jntli uale and fe; 1 -. - For information conoeming the Orler, enqnirs of Wm. Thurbur, Atlantic street, O. Y. Lake. No. 27, diaiU BUUCW VI AlWU.tfcAU AJk U w AJf tv V First stroct. ' ' IjJ oraer oi tnoixxi2;e, . . ITrs. C. E. TIIUKBUR. W. C. T. Attest: n. P. BUXTON, W. S. Jaly 25, 1355. vl-nStf ' IIEBRASIIA CITY HOTEL. .NEBRASIvA CITY, N. T. , BAUNES & BAItNUJl, Troprietors. THIS comxnodious Hotel, situated upon Alain Street, Nebraska City, will ba found a de sirable resort for travellers. Stages Icavo this house for all parts of the Territory. Twenty Laborers 7antcd ! I TWENTY LABORERS, who caa handle tha spade, ar wanted immediately at . Brownville, Nebraska Territory. Liberal wagc3 will bo given by the subscriber, J. D. N. TIIO.Ul'SON. B LANKS of every description, for sale at thh omce. . ':" COUNCIL BLUFFS PACKET. THE j5no passenger steamer GENOA, Throckmor ton, Master, will run regularly daring theseason, between St. Louis and Council ill uJs.' Her officers hopo by regularly and strict attention to bnsincisto merit a share of the pnblic patronage. - "' J. TilliOCKMOiiTON, ilastcr J.KUOIUIAN,Clcrk. CLAIM FOR SALE. A1GO acre Claim within 2 miles of Brownville, oa the County Road leading to .Nebraska City; with a good log House, 20 acres- in corn 'and under fence, and a good spring. Enquire of Brownville, Aug. 2, 1850. R. W. FURNAS. It. V. JOHXSON. J. T. CASSADT. 3. D. TEST. JOHNSON, CASSADY TEST, Attorneys" and ' Counsellors at Law. And General Land Agent?, C OU XCIL BLUFFS, IOW A . WILL promptly attend to Land Agencies. In vesting Monev. Ijocatin? and iw'.Hn Ijin.l Warrants, and all other business pertaining to their profession, in Western Iowa and Nebraska. R. W. FURNAS, LAUD ill LOT ME, INSUEANCS .:. AGSIIT. , ri AND AGENT FOR ' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. ... - BROWNVILLE, X T. ' CHARLES B. S3IITII,- r ' AND NOTARY PUBLIC. OilAIIA CITY, N. T. - TTTILL ffive rjarticular attentinn tn rnlpr ;ytw1 i-Am. V V missions from abroad, and to tha supervision of A. 1 1 4 1 . - . JL- iuo aaio oi iois ana uiaims in Nebraska lerntory. References, nox. Jesss D. BmcnT. Washington, D. C.-' " Jonx Van- BiKEy, New York City. - " Edwin Ckoswell, " " u ) u Makk W. Izzakd, Gov. of Nebraska. " T.U. Cuming, - Sec. . Gkeexk,Weare & Bextox, Council Cluffs. Iowa. , r: d. H..ISOLOJION, .; c; x, Attorney and -Counsellor at Law. . r; :;i glen.wood,':iowa;:v-:: c 0 r. Will practice in the Sixth and Seventh Judicial Districts of Iowa. A. J. POFPLETOX. Tit. . BYIRJ. POP PLETOX 4L BYERS, ATTORNEYS AT LA W. And General Land Agent," . OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Xl V Land Warrants Bought and Sold. LAND ENTERED ON TIME. SPECIAL attention given to the wlcetioa and en try of Lands for Settlers, unil nil ,t.. ... , 7 " vwuwo Vi 11 ' V- cnoice locations. - ' . . Lani Claims, Town Iict? and all kinds of Real E tetc, bought and sold and investments made for dis tant Dealers. . . , , . - ; C. V. SNOW, SURGEON, PHYSICIAN Suaacl Accoucliour, ;'; rKOCKPORT.MO.- '. ,V - OLIVEU KKNXCT. ' ' WM. B. (l ibhtt JTAUE3 y. FJSKE. . , s . . ' J ' COCSTCS KNIGHT. f: OLIVER BENNETT & C07 : Manufacturers and Whalesale Deabrs'in BOOTS AND SHOES, NO. 8T MAIN STREET, (Fovxeblt; No. ID 1, Cokxeb of M aix and Locust ) ST. LOUIS, MO. .. E. F. SEARS. Attorney and Counsellor at; Law. - Aiid Solicitor in Chancery. - SIDNEY, IOWA. - :- Will practice ia tha District Courts of Western Iowa. ).-..... ; Sconce at tha Court House, op stairs. vj J. HART ci SOU SADDLE Oregon, Holt County, Jlissouri. Keep constantly m hand all descrij tion of Harness, baddies, Undies, Ac., Ac. . . . , N. L. Every article in our shop is manufiwetared uj uurjiuTws ana warranted to give natisiaetinn FRESH DRY GOODS, EEDY, JAJIESON & CO., Not. 170 and 172 Main St., St. Louis W ttre D0W in roce"rt of tha most comrleto and f Y magnificent stock, ever offered to the Western Trade. Merchants visiting this city are invited to vAumiaauon oi our stocX and prices EDDY, JAMESON & CO. P. PLASTEKS, tmmm Balloa'a Pictorial Dr C (LAV" C17AJC'S riCTCRIXL.) rpiIIS PAri:?. irescru, in tho Bctt I and aval'. .1 la T a reeily lit?mr, r:otablo even bio even! y cf V. ..iy. It colanici ' ar"i ' igiaal V ';: ' .lies and poeins, l,, .- t ori amek; sicas a; :To:i-. ar.i tho rn-eaa 0f ts. T 1 and ffre:n I L - .V-: . J Whol9 W Jll .fr.icc, yfX' T" .r Lj liojmtifur.y LinnnL,!''"' ' Lamor. ki:. numerous iwcu. a;-e engravings, notable object.', current events . by eminent i,." t m all r:: world, and cf men and rnar.nerj, altotHo. , paper entirely origins.! in thii country, i. contain views or every populous city iQ the' s world, of all building of noto ".n the eastern . l'2"' ern hemisphere, cf ail tho prinrlpa! hips' eri of the t.wy id ' ticrdit service, irpj," nc? urate portraits of cverr noted characti wirl 1. botli male and fcraalc. TEEMS :INVAKIAl)LY IN ADVAJ 1 aiibscribcr, one year ' ' : a i' 4 subscribers. " " H Any person, serving ni li-tU&i.8n'bxT,X.. last rate, shall recei vo the icwttwnlh eorv ' ' One copy cf Tin: rncror om U of B At.LOC'3 TiCTOKHi, tvrether. Si ra cory Published every SaturJi.y, by. M. M.bVj ' rTlor Corner of Trea-.onta.nd Crt-infielJ sTo n ,,A: , . 1-uai- KATION.VL MAGAZINE v EDITED EY.ALEL STETE.$. ' TT V. II. I. hn t,! .,!Ti fhlj . J " ' t - ' nviitu Msr,l withsnch articles a the puilij e;cj w,r var. religion without dogm-iijsrzi'lnd without sept- , r' Besides an abundant rni jccllony of tmr a. tea; OS, number contains ntnety-su piig3, iaakb bij" ur'csayear, of si.x hund;ed pagos each! 1 Urgest monthly of its prio in the Unite! Sat , A liberal discount made to wholesale piv," A fifth copy of the work will be al'owej fur f.'o f scribcr3; and any person fcrrarding sixteen i . shall have the Magazine for tn subsrHbcn, lr? a premium, a bound volumo worth $2. vXct c ten, to one address, shall Lav 3 the worker & dollars a year. 'c- " Orders for the llagazino may bo directed to j .1 Cakltox A Phillits, New York, S woBM3rariN . Cincinnati, W. IL DorGirrT, Chicjgo, J. L. l--nttsburgh, or J. P. Macek, R)ston. ercc Terms, 52 a year, in advance. SInr'a ninV -1$X cents. CARLTON A THILUppr L , NOTICE. V . NOTICE. Merchint?, Shorten and Marnfrfei: HORACE E. DE5IICK & COS Sint ' GREAT WESTERN EMPORIUM, fjf Siait, iV Rides, Pistols, Fishing Tackle and Sponi-i c para t as of every variety, is at No. 32, XorthiTO street, St. Louis, tho sign of tho Doer in tlul . dow. . ...... atr Wo keep constantly oa hand a full aisortaw'1' Hunting, Target aiul 'Minnie Pffa Together with every variety of ParcosiuB CrCurc Guns, Wads, and Wadding. -Pa per, Ib;D T;t3 : Ac, Ac; in fact, everything connected wiih iha (X Trado. - - '.. - '. . U3CC Two Ilnndrcd Drcechkloftding Ki5esof Ti.ii u- patents.'. " - ', - -.;'-. N. B. All kindj of gun material and moM;"3 ' in th.o forged, filed and finished stat. ricase call and examino fcr vourselres krs n ' make your purchases, as eigericace id the oalj L ZST Vur gwd s arQ all warranted by us. , 1 . August 23, 185C. -vlnl2J ; i , . -: tr? II. G. IJ0IES ;ro No. 1G, ITaia Street, -St. Louij 1T f J A GENTS for Straulj Cera and WficiL jfl. tho'Qaecn of the Sctith." This renar'a Mill has been kept secured tx. fie inventor br r recently,, however, (June 27th, 1?M.) k:b 0 Patent fur tho United Statcj h ivo ham grantci'.t: -curing the invention for fucrte'ir: yean. Thii i 3 ' has suitained itself wherever it. has b-eon bDn.riC?, to competition with other Mi"s. It nai rart' , the other make of ..Mills of oartity, at the Ohio - n ""t Fair,- in 13j(), when ii drei a diplomi m ti -4 l' Corn Mill, anl wa3 awarded fine silver medal. . tv Of these Mills wo manf-'trra five sizes fatef and three expressly, for grin, ti n;s w'v .?,. ,. ,. f. . i he peculiar; novelty of. this i:.iw i stne is the running ftoae, in all cases." Thrt!!.' limit to the jpccl, ail ?pel licverythin:E iat li icg, it will out grind any upper grinder in "iM Secondly: Dy this arrangtucnt we arj enaila r" get grain into the Mill with a very small ey?.t cf quently we grinT nearer the centre, ar.Jofr with less powet than any uypcr runner caa kit Thirdly: Our Mill takes aay kind of grain ri 0 :i choking. We warrant against choking in any a; . r cases. This is a groat vexatioi c:u-iing J-I.ijy"' " trouble in all Mills wLcro the upper stone is the-X f.;: ncr. Of course, we mean srv.ill Mills, whec ti-:ri.c tion mast Le high to do much tiuincss. .Fourthly: Oar Mills nercrfako unjaryliy unlets? empty the under stone n lonchlng tho a; tT'cr : no injury can lc dons. This is an important oti. . u' tago over all Mills where thj upper sUne u tU nil.. ncr. , .. .-August 23,1333. Tlncrc- Land "OlHce at IJrou'nTillc. isct . All persons kutwin themselves indolwj tox j, , hereby notiQcd that their aersucts are dafjiDtii . be Settled Immediately, by Noto ur Cash: t-n ment we must huve,inrder to5ontinaeonrb:.i?n i . . x i B. U. A J. D.N. TliOMV Brownville, August 1st, 'i!-o TIIEJIALE-BIIEEPi id; a rr ATrB-TTr,nTi.nT.nnii5. o:y Of the Iowa, Otoe, Omnia tribe, anil Eot ' Yauktou and Santie Inuids of laiias let:. having aa interest ia the Kcserv ' , . tion between the Ureat and Lit 0 u J . tie Nemaha rircr?, ia the there: TIT.RITORY OF NEBEASE1 it cf "VJOTICE is hcn.hy givrn ti til person if" , . pursuance of the second .ct '.iiii an tet if UrU!; grs, parsed Jaly Ulh, entitled -iai'.tv auiorizo ina i'i-tniant of tl.. L nited ?Uta to be sun-eyed tho tract of land in th Tcrraio. Nebraska, belonging to the IIilf-breed,tr L" Qq , bloods, of the Dakotah tr Si)ux Nation of h and for other purposes.-" Providing: Tbattle?,n r.2: ident be nndhe is hrebv nnthirizl to ew i-. ascertained the number and n.inics of the twf r. and mixed-bloods who arc entitled' to cink'rjiorv; the benefits of a grant containcl in the ninijr , of the tmity of the- Prairie d j Chico.of the " iyf A. i. i.;u, bctweca th I nited suw w.i. .tationsof thj cohfedmtfsl Y-.irU ct Si"-. . e and other Indian.-, wherein a rtservation of ." Lake Pep';n and the Mio!tri Rircr (dcacru-' has treaty) was granted to the half-breed rela'je-' -Iowa,Ottoe, Tribes-,, and T "', Santie bajads of Sioux In(lit?, . . ,-' That I will attend at Sioux Ci:y,"lora,;a; Monday, 25th day cf August next, rcniainitf ' three week; then at IV..eviw, on tho 2 rcmaiaing there two wce'ts; U.eix at Arcb,3 t0.v. son county, Nebraska Terntory ( near the " mm; un mo xji aay or UcU.tH?r, rema'1 fiar weeks, for tho'Trtioa of a.rtainiSt berand rames of lie half-brwds or ni. X , now living, of the Iowa, OttWJ, Omahas - and Santie bands of the- Sioux Indians, PiJ p tho treaties aforesaid." . When the dut:d , commissioa w ill bo closed a3 soon thereafW " ? ;r J R Die, at Oienwood, Mills countv,Iowa. erj v,- All porsocs interested, are tercby noti' . pear with their eridence at t-Ith-r of the rjce. v fore-mcr.ticncd,"iit tho lima specified, t Pfdl!: right "to yarticii ato in the btwfiiof tht or rcse rva ami " eonraca ! v k ttiw n s th a o Great and Little Ncinahi rivers, ia the T. -t, Nebraska, and derived' froai said treat treaty - LonLTe.. c cf f partincnt, st w.U le necsary to furniah b, sex, n re, and re ela.a)ii.,Iup to tho SioaJ,Ba residence of e'ach; al, who ir orphans or ' their guardian, legally appoijtiid, or other ..J . all times tho TiPzt rv! I .ri rhn T.T.flirc u ' .1. will admit of, nill bo reuir-d to prove iJ', degreo of relatianhip U ihe Sooix nI t' " facts herein require 1 t j t3 T t3V;d; and ,n t j reason can be shown, sach as ae, diiWBtag or sickness, the applicant should appear ifff. r; ' . i atlJition. to taeir otl'.cr.tcstiavmy Will S1 tha Ttrvr!n. All i'' of i" that they m:iy ottaia the bVjcia di oiu giiiutorrcaerviicion. jusu u . j ... I rf ...,.n' please publish four weeks and forward tn . . this cce for payment. ' ' f' MISSOURI RIVER PAC THE new, clcgnnt and fiut running 'r:s:t ' packet and freight eteamcr, E Baldwin, Commander, is now running trips between St. Louis and Council Y ono of the best freight steamers on tho v been built exvrc?dy fur this trade. ijheswith most avidity, an clevaUxl Iiterarv'' tritical appreciation of art, tae d'ueussion of" timet leal nucstifins. an. I a rnt.n-t-, r r - . J - - - - ...iiu.j J will compno utpartmcnti of literary bct, r: tclligcnce, book notice?, religions iiifina'V' gencral ncw3, prepared tb.(ough!y by skif'w It is embellished with nr.morous eni!I 7 1 t..