Newspaper Page Text
tDIW VTICTITVf!'rW "Washington, Sept. C. . The becrmry ot Kir, -writing to Gen. Smith, under date of September, 3d, says: "Your dispatch of the 2d August, "and enclosures, sufficiently 'exhibit the- inadequacy of the force tinder your command to perform the duties which have been devolved upon you, in the present unhappy condition cf Kansas, by the orders and instruc tions - heretofore communicated. To i; I'l l. I . I J ' . I . I . L a . k. l A l ..AULil k iLlLt7 ""directed the Governor of the Territory ' to complete the enlistment and organi- " . rife . . tit 1 i 11 zation ot militia, as you v. ill nna tuny Fet forth in the enclosed copy of a letter addressed to him by the Secre tary of State; and the President has directed mo to 3ny to you, that you arc authorized, from time to time, to . make requisitions upon the Governor for such militia force as you may re quire, to enable you promptly and suc cessfully to execute your orders, and suppress the insurrection against the government of the Territory of Kansas; and, under the circumstances hereto fore set forth in your instructions, to give the requisite aid to c&ecri of th'e ci vil"government, uho may be obstruct ed in the diio'-eseeutioii of the law. ; "SjuU you not be . able to derive - "trrjhe militia of Kansas an adequate "forcer for these purposes, such addition al number of militia as may be- neces sary, v. ill be dravrn from the States of Tii- i ir.-i ..l 1 a1 Illinois ana J-vcniucKy, asiuuum me requisition, a copy of which is en closed. The view3 contained in your .instructions to the officers commanding the troops, under the date of August 10 th, arc fully approved, end accorded Fa entirely with the purposes of the Executive, as to leave but little to add. In relation to th6 course which it is desired you should pursue, the position - cf the insurgents, as -shown by your letter and its inclosures, is that of open rebellion against the laws and the con stitutional authorities, with such mani festation of purpose as to spread de vastation over the land, and as no !.".. inef tfinn flnir Airtlinii l'OClf of lrtn iOHilCi 1 ii. L4isi .lii y tuuuv.1 uvciiuuuu or indulgence. To you as well every soldier, whose habitual feeling is to protect the citizens of his own country, and only to use his arms against the public enemy, it cannot be otherwise than deeply painful to be brought into conflict with any portion of his fellow countrymicn. Bat patriotism and humanity alike require that rebellion should be promptly crushed, and the peace and security of the good people ot tnc lemtory restored. ". New York, Sept. 6. A lengthy correspondence between the Department at Washington and the authorities in Kansas is published, to gether with instructions to Col. Geary, the .newly .appointed Governor, who was at St. Louis on the 4th inst, en route for the scene of disturbance. . The force of troops being inadequate to the exigency of the-case, the Gov ernor is ordered to enroll and organize ' the-militia of the Territory; one divi sion under Gen. Richardson, is already " in the field. Requisitions have been . also made upon the Governors of Ken- tucky and. Illinois, for two regiments xf infantry, to be placed under the n . ! T . C T ciiruiitu'jut vi vim. cumu, iu am m suppressing insurrectionarycombina tions against the constitutional go vern- mcnt of Kansas. " Secretary Marcy writes as follows to " Gov. Geary: . Washington City, Aus. 26. ( nu The present condition of the . Territory of Kansas, renders your caties asviovernor, highly responsible and delicate. . In instructions hereto- in 1 ebruary last, m the Annual Message to Congress of the 21th of the previous 1 December, and an order issued from the War Department, printed copies . of which arc herewith furnished, you will find the policy of the President fully presented. It is, first, to obtain 4 l : rp u r Kansas; and secondly, if disturbances do occur therein, .to" bring to punish raent.thc offenders. .. Should the force . which has been provided to obtain these . object's . prove insufficient, you will ' promptly make known the same to the jl rvjiiuui, iuui may uku sucu xutas- tires in regard thereto, as to him may seem to be demanded bv the exigencies t of the case. It is important that the President should be kept well informed " as to the state of things in Kansas, and that the source of his information should be such as to insure its accuracy. You arc therefore directed by him ' to' communicate constantly with this Department." Such facts as are deemed important to be early knoSvn here, you will cause to be . transmitted by tele graph as well as by moil. -' The President indulges a hope that by your energy, impartiality and dis cretion, the tranquility of the Territory will be restored, and the persons and the property of our citizens protected. feigned, I am, sir, &c, WM. L. MARCY. Department of State, Washington, Sept. 2, 1S5G. j Sir; Reliable information having reached the President that armed and organized bodies of men, avowedly in rebellion against the Territorial Gov ernment, have concentrated such num bers as to.requirc additional military forces for their dispersion, you will have the militia of the Territory com pletely enrolled and organized, to the end that they may, on short notice, be brought into" the service of the United States. Upon the requisition of the commander of the Military Depart ment m which Kansas is embraced, you will furnish by companies cr regiments, or brigade? or divisions, such numbers aYyo? from time to time may find, on his report to you, to be necessary for the .suppression 'of all combinations to resist the laws of the United State,?, too powerful to l: sup pressed by the civil authorities, and for the maintamanco of publb ; order and civil government is the Territory. Signed, WM. L. MA11CY. To his Excellency, J. W. Geary, Gov ernor of Kansas Territory. CTCSEAEID C0XPESSATTO3' 07 C0XCP.ESS ?K5f . The Senate passed a bill on Wcdnes dav. fix in? the compensation of mem bcrs of Congress at '$2,500 per annum in addition to the mileage allowed by existing laws. This is f;n increase over the present per diem compensation of something more than 50 per cent. Kg one who knows the cost of living in Washington will deny that the present pay of members is inadequate. Its increase, therefore, is a simple act ot justice; and we. were gratified to see theoill pass without any party division. The necessity for such a measure has been felt for years, but members have heretofore been restrained bv the indisposition to, act in a matter which seemed to involve their own interests. It will be remembere d thai it has been found necessary to increase the 'com pensation of most cf the officers and employees of the government, includ ing the members of the cabinet and of the supreme. court. ; The same reason existed for a like course in regard to , members of Con gress; and, if we were, not personally interested, we would suggest that ex actly the same reason exists for saving the public printers from the loss they have sustained by the increased wages they have to pay to, their two or three hundred agents in executing the pub lic work, thereby operating as a heavy reduction on the prices fixed by. law in 1852. At least, while justice is being done to all others, the public printers might be allowed to receive the amount decided by the court to be due them under the law of 1854. But the fact that Congress refuses to do justice to the printers, will .not prevent us from awarding to members proper commendation for the justice they are doing to others. We. know that members are laboring under the most -serious' misapprehensions as to the heavy profits the printers, and doubt not they suppose that the 20 per cent, claim, decided to be due to them, would mako them rich. - The fact is, that the printers have been paying most of the time the law of 1854 passed, to their employees, a large in crease on their wages; and they have done it cheerfully, because they are entitled to it. Washinnton Unicm. Another Blidge Across the Ohio. Their exists no longer tnv doubt concerning tlio erection of a 1 bridge across the Ohio het-n een the cities of Cincinnati and Covington. All the stock has hcen paid in, and prepara tions arc being made for, the early commencement of this important struc ture. An axent of the comnanv is now m this city authorized to purchase thirty thousand barrels of cement, that immense amount being necessary for the construction of the bridge piers. This is quite the largest order that has ever been received in Louisville at one time, and to fill it will tax the capacity even of Frank McIIarry's mommoth works. The bridge will not, so it is said, interfere in the least with river navigation, as the arches are to be fully sixty feet above hi s;h watermark, thus alio wine the tallest chimnevs of boats to pass beneath it without the slightest trouble. Louisville Cour. 30. A dispatch from "Washington states that intelligence has been received there of a very heavy defalcation on the part of a government officer, in California. He is said to be a promi nent member of the Vigilance Com mittee. - ' '1 A German "working on the Court House in St. Louis. Thursdav. .ivas precipitated from the scaffolding down a descent of about thirty-five feet, and falling upon some -iron bars, his &kull was fractured in a most horrible manner. The Edgefield (S. C.) Advertiser says that Mr. Wm. Gre;'g, of Kalmia, in that district, has realized this year nearly $4,000 from sales in the New iorK marKCi oi peaciies, raiseu upuu the sandhills of his farm. In New York placards can he seen in all the principal streets, offering a free passage to Nicaragua, worth 150 to 250 acres of land, to such able- bodied young men as are desirou3 of joining the standard of ben. Yalker. Every triumph over an inclination to do w rong, renders future conquest more easy; and strengthens the inch nation to dp right, i Wc hear very disastrous accounts of the destruction of the coming crops in the vicinity of Natches, Mbs.; by the recent storms in tho South. The cotton on many plantations has been entirely prostrated. One-fourth, one third, nay, one-half, is freely spoken ot as the amount o: injury. The Editor of the Alexandria (Miss.) uazctlc recently saw a specimen of cigars made by machinery. They were perfect in form, though rather hard and tight. It is savi that cigars can be made much cheaper bv this ii i .i - memoa man Dy nana. 185G. FURNITURE. 1S56. SCARRITT & MASON. FURNITURE c UPHOLSTERY, DEALERS AND v . No. 40 and 42 Washington 'Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. HAyiNG completed our arrangement? for a fall stock of Guods ia our lino, and ha ving the oest fjwrtraont in tho W-t, we take t-leasure in offering to purchasers both WHOLESALE and JiETATL ".000 BedteaJi, ; " t CO dozen wood soai Chair?, 1000 Bureaus, 2U0 ao cane seas ao, 100 do rocking da, 100 do chLldrcns' , , ds, 600 tin safes, 200 Cribi;, assorted sizes, 200 Lour-rcs, 500 Pining Tables, 500 Breakfast do, 200 Work Stands, 200 Wash do, 100 Wardrobes, I000-lookin2 Glasses, "10a dc.-Kosnaaa split aoi- - torn Lhairs. C3T"To which we add mahogany and walnut, par lor and rockinir Chairs, Sofa3, centre, side fcnd ei'en tion Tables; Secretaries and Book Cases. Upholstery in great variety, suoh as spring, Lair, coiton, moss and husk Matresses, Comforts, Spreads, and lilaakets. - Our work is all Warranted as represented our Prices ns Low as the Lowest. Orders promptly and faithfully executed and re spectfully solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed.. , J'lean; call and satisly yourselves. St. Louis, July 20, 1S55. vlii8-6m - Improved Little Giant CORN & COB PLANTATION MILL I?rico Hoducod. rpiTE subscriber has purchased exclusive right of JL Territory in tlie est, ot tuo aoovo celebratea Mills, and is prepared to' furnish them at all times, either wholesale or retail, and guaranteed in the most positivo manner. It is now more than a year since the . "Mttlc - Giant" Was introduced to thepublie, daring which time, it has been constantly growing in the popular favor. The improvements recently effected and patented, mak'33 it the most prfect .machines ever offered for general f arm use. It is furnished ready for attaching team, and weighs as follows: ". 1, 225 No. 2, -Vo'i, No. 3, 400, "No. 4, 500 pounds. .. Twenty m'nutes are sufficient to set one up, without mechanical aid, and when once adjusted, it can with safety bo entrusted to a boy. .r ull directions accompany each. Mill. 13? JEH. 'EL OZ3 2323 S3 , No 1, $35, will grind 8 bu meal per hour with 1 horse No 2 i " " .10 " " " . - , 1 No 3 50, " 15 " : u " 1 u u Liberal discount to dealers.' JAMES B. CIIADWICK, , No. 63 Locust street, bet. 2d and 3d 1 June 28, 1S56. Tl-n4 .1 St. Louis, Mo. . A. TVpiTKIDGE. - B; J. M KXXXEV. 31KS. E. A. WIHTRIDG12 & CO. MAXTFACTUBERS OP . ! Masonic Clothing and Odd Felloes Also Eegalia for Tampcracce and other Societies, Ko. 123 Walnut Street, vj Stairs, . CINCINNATI, O. xasons. References, odd fellows. W.B.DoddsGMof Ohio O. P. Morton, P G M Ind C. Moore Ed Masonic Rev: Turner k Gray, pub Casket F. J. Phillips, U. P. City W. U. Neilson, P G M Ohio Tho Editor of the Advertiser will have specimens of Kegalia from the above Manufactory, and redeye orders from Lodge3 or private members for Kegalia August 2, 185ti. vl-n(Jtf 1HI, PAINTS, OILS, YARNISIIES, French and American Window Glas & ClattncarCf Fpicet, Indigo, Madder, Perf 'umeries, d'c. SPRING-STOCK! CHARLESS, BLOW c CO. - I3iPOETEF3 & WHOLESALE DEALXE3. Ko. 63 and67.Eaxa street, St. loxus, Ho. Are now in receipt of their new Stock, embracing everything in their line. JifMerchants visiting our City are requested to t ive us a call, as we are determined tn sell for Cash r Prompt Timo Paper, as low as any House in th United btates. IT. WniTTElIORE. s. b. wiiittemoks. j. f. cabteb II. & K. B. lnilTTBlOBE & CO., Wholecde Dealers ia BONNETS AND STRAW GOODS. NO. 143 IAIN STURET, . (First door alovo the Bank of Missouri.) . CJt. Ijouis, Mo. Cash paid for Furs and Deer Skins. A. C. FOKD, L. L. BOWES. TORI) Si BOWEX, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. Office at the corner of Broadway and Madison streets, up stairs. W. P. LOAN, 1TT0MSYIT L. LiVND AND LOT AGENT. ARCHER, RICHARDSON COUNTY, N. T. CHARLES WEST. ; . N. J. '31' ASH EX, , ."WEST & McASIIEX, FORWARDING & COMMISSION Morolian.tsf Grocers and Steamboat Agents, Comer Second and Francis Streets, . " (Opposite-A. Beatic's Banking House.) f3t. iTosojplx, r.liesotari. 4 X assortment of Boat Stores, Groceries, Wines l. Liquors, Meal, Flour, 4c., kept constantly on hind. JUIY J.J, ioju, i-uo NO BOOKS KEPT" ALL CASH!!! A. S. HOLLADAY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN B vugs aiml llledicisics Main Street, Brownville, ri. T. THE tmdnHgned respeetfullyhegslea to inform the public, that he has now on haud a complete assortment of -everything, usually kept in mug Stores, which he offers for sale, Inclusively on a ?ew System of CASH AND CASH ONLY! It will be entirely foreign to this beautiful svstcm, to ""Book," "keep account," "note" or "remember for a few days." Coma with the fc Spondulicks ".if you want anything in the Drug line. Prescriptions Compounded at aU Hours with. Accuracy and Dxspatca. Remember the system I have adopted, and my pocket and your feeling3 will not suffer. Credit will pa it inly not be givea, unless undar circumstances of peculiar destitution. July 12, lS55.-vl-n0tf A. S. HOLLADAY "VrOTICE is hereby riven, that tho co-partnership heretofore existing under the namo and style of Brown, lingers s, Co., was, oa the 2Uth day of r ebru try, A. V., lb jd, diiKdvcd. K. BROWN, S. E. ROGERS, 15. B. FRAZEK. HENRY EMERSON. H. W. LAKE A BRO. July25,lS5S.-vl-n3 JOHN P. SAMSELL, (LATE OF BOSTON) ?asIiionable Tailor, 1? BROWNVILLE, N. T. LNFORMS the public that he is now prepared to serve them in the above named capacitr. Havin- had long and extensive experience, he fiatters him self he can please all who faror him with their put ronage. Good fits warranted in all cases. PARTICULAR ATTENTION Given to cutting out garments for Lome making. : Brownville, Aug. 1, lS5f. vl-nl21y Bridae Notice. rTIIE stock .holders of the Nemaha Bridge I Company axe heribv notified that to insure tho immediate erection and completion of oiu inuge, mai me amount oi stock subscribed, be jwummniujTO jiu mi, oeptemoer. -, By order of tho Board August 2, 1855.-v2-n9-2t JOIIN S. MINN1CK. pvAY & MATLACK, Wholesale Dealers XJ Dry Goods, Eo. 57 Pearl street, between "Wal nut nd Vine, Cincimiati, Ohio. UK li Nebraska House. Froat Street, near. Steamhoat Landing, BROWNVILLE, N. T. A. J. BENEDICT, : ANNOUNCES to the public that he hr.s taken the above House, formerly kept by T. II. Edwards, in Lrownville, N. T, nrd is now prepared to accomo date all who may favor him with their patronage A new addition has been built to tu5 house, ana ad ditions made of Fuinlturo. and Ucdding, and -all ar rangements now are such aa to render thia House equal to any in tho Territory. Urownville, July 5, 1S5G. vl-notr W. II. WILLIAMS, WHOLESALE AKO BETAIL PEAT.EK IS STOVES & TINWARE TAKES pleasure in announcing the citizens of Or gon and tho public in general, that ho has on hand the most extensive sv zk of Stoves and Tin ware, ever offered in this market. My stock of Tin ware is of my own manufacture, and is for sals at Wholesale and Retailat St. Louis prices. - I would call particular attention to-my stock of COOKING STOVES, comprising the most imf roved patterns both Air-Tight and Premium. Among them may be found Filly'tt Charter Oak, the best stova now in use, the Asiatic Air-Tight, Pioneer nd prize Pre mium. Also , . - Parlor' & Box Stoves. ' Of various Sizes tnd Patterns, which I will SELL LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE IN TOWN. Particular attention paid to making and putting up Tin Gutters, in the town and country, ALo, re pairing done on short notics and on reasonable term. Old copper, Bras and Pewter taken in exchange for work or ware. . ' .W.W.WILLIAMS, vl-n5 ; . Oregon, Mo.; July 5, IS 56. F0BTY THOUSAND COLLARS Worth of Goods at a small advance on cost and carriage hy XDXXiZLiOIKr s TTZkXTZXy ; ItOC!FOItT, .iO., ,k . . ' r"y , AXD IIAVJI1 ct? DIXiXjODJ, . IIEJI3IES LANDING, . WE HAVE in store, and are receiving per S'xam ers Hannibal, Warner, Edinburgh and Omaha, a large and well assorted stock of - Dry Goods, 1 Eonnets, Clothing, Hardware, Queensware, -Boots & Shoes, Hats & Caps, Cutlery, . Paints, . Doors, Oils, Medicines, Drugs, Furniture, : Tinware, Saddleiy, Groceries, Cawtings Sash, Nails, Iron CARPENTERS & BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS iC. All of which we offer at very low prices for Cash or Country Produce. NO HUHBTJG! Wa will sell at SOME P2ICE!! DILLON Si HAWK. P, S. Ladies, if yon haven't got a fine Silk Dress, Shawl or Bonnet, don't blame Dillox & Hawk, fur we certainly have the best assortment of Fancy Dress Goods ever offered in this market. No trouble to show Goods. vl-n5 D. & II. Great Imlaccnierat. mnOSE wishing to purchase LOTS in the Town of L JJrownvilIe would do well to give us a call, as we have 50 Lots which will be sold very cheap for cash. Also, 5 Lois in OMAHA CITY, for sale. Eninire of B. B. & J. D. N. THOMPSON. Brownvillc, N.T.June 23, 1S5(5. 4tf ST. JOSEPH AND COUNCIL BLUFFS PACKET LINE. . Season Arrangements fcr 1856. THE entirely now and fine passenger packet, OMAHA, J. B. Holland, Commander, F. B. K(rtbeval, Clerk;) having been built expressly for the trade, i3 now running as a regular weekly picket between the cities of St. Joseph and Council BlufTs. Leaving St. Joseph every Monday at 12 o'clock M. And returning will leave Council Bluffi and Omaha City every Friday morning at 8 o'clock, and farming a connection with the five packets leaving St. Louis on Mondays and Tuesdays, which arrive hcra on Saturday and Sunday evenings, by which arrange ment passengers or freight will not be detained at St. Joseph; but to prepare against all contingencies, the owners of the Oinalia have a larga Ware-House to store all goods not meeting them promptly, and without charge to the owners, which we deem the most pcrrect arrangement to : passenger or shipper that can or will be made the present season, and they therefore hope by promptness and strict atten tion of her clhcors anl agents to receive a large thare of pnbiic patronage. . TOOTLES & FAIRLEIGH, f A0ent3. -tf ' CHARTER OAK LIFE INSTANCE COMPANY ! Hartford, Ct. Capital J2Q0,000 With large and increasing receipts securely invested under the sanction and approval of the Comptroller of Public Accounts. OFFICERS. ALFRED GILL, Prcs't. JOHN L. BUNCE, Y. P, JAMES C. WALKLEY, Secretary. DIKECTOES. Alfred Gill. John L. Bunco, Yv'm. R. Cone, .Tas. G Bolles, John A. Butler, roah bcaton, . llolhs- tcr, Sam 1 Coit, Lan'l rhiilips, t. nmphrcy. BOARD OF FINANCE. Geo. Beach, Esq., President of Phoenix Bank, D. F.Robinson, Esq " " Hartford " Hon. Isaac Toucey, late Attorney General U. S. Applications for insurance received by R. Wr. FURNAS, Agent. DR. A. S. HOLLIDAY, Med. Ex. GEO. P. LUCKIIAKDT, WATCHMAKER .zxoL Jo-woilcr, OREGON, HOLT COUNTY, MO. . npAKES the liberty to inform the citizens of -JL Lrownville and vicinity, that he has opened a WATCH, CLOCK & JEWELRY STORE In Oregon, Holt county, Mo., where he will kecD con stantly on hand, and for sale, a good assortment of Gold and Silver . atches, Clocks and Jewelry, which ho will sell extremely low, for CASH. Also, a fine lot of lblins, Accordeons, hilver, and Plated Spec tacles, Gold Pens with Gold and Silver extension cases, Silver Thimbles, Ac, La. - Ue is prepared to repair W atcbes, Clocks and Jew elry, of every description, in the best manner and on the most reasonable terms. Every article bought ia his establishment, is war ranted to be what it is represented to be. Watch re pairing warranted for one year. July Z'o, lSjli. vl-nStf .UNITED STATES GIVE every possible facility for the safe .and speedy transmission of Money, Valuable Packages. Parcels, Goods, and merchandize Of.every description, oa reasonable terms. I'RixcrpAL UFFICE3 New 1 ork, llugalo, Cincin nati, Toledo, Chicago, Dayton, lndianopolis, and all Ihe smaller towns on Railroads in the Eastern, Mid die and Western States, connecting at St. Louis with Kichardson s Missouri liiver Express. 11. KIPP. July25,18oO.-vl-nS General Superintendent. Wholesale Paper Warehouse. BRADNER, WARREN JL CO.. 7"HOLES ALE Dealers ia Papers of every des- t oripuon: Printing, - Folio Post, Book Paper. Flat Cap, Wrapping, Foolscap. , Manilas, Letter & Note, Colored Pacer.?. Medium A Dcmv'.t of tho very best Eastern and Western Manufacture. i r 1 . 1 . ai'u lor aaie i very low pnees. ZW Cash for Rags and Rope, ERADNER, WARREN k C()M . No. 12, La Salle strccr. .nicago, June. 2bth. 18o6. - vl-n4 a. r. ot.TT, J. g. MOBTOX, - K. H. HARDING RENNET, MORTON & HARDING. Attorneys at Law, Nebraska City, N. T., and Glenwood, la. WILL practice in all tho Courts of Nebraska and Western Iowa. - Particular obtaining, locating Land Warrants, and collection of REFERENCE i lion. Lewis Cass, Detroit. ) , . Julius D. Morton. f JIlchlJ Cor. Joel A. Matteson, Springfield, El; (?ov. J. W. Grimes, Iowa City, Ion a; r..P.FiSlcd,St.Louis,Mo.; Hon. Daniel 0. Morton, Toledo, Ohio: I'. A. Sarpy, Bellevue, Nebraska; Sedgcwich & Walker, Chicago, III: Green, W care & Bentoa, Council Bluffs, Iowa. liATB AEKIVAEj!! AT BROWNVILLE, N. T. W. nOBLITZELL & CO. ASH OW IM KECEIPT CP A FHE3H SCPTLT OP r nun m Mil Which, when completewill compose the Largest . : and best selected stock in this country. UR STOCK OF 0CERIES ARE BOUGHT J at tho lowest price for cash, and consists cf Coffee, Sugar, Teas, Fish, Rice, Currants, Uaisius, Candies, Molasses, Syrup, Fruit. Nuts, &c, &c. DRY GOODS. Ladies and Gents, call and sco them, and price for yourselves. Late styles and a full assortment cf Dress Goods, from a ten cent L&wa to a Two Dollar Silk. Also, a few fino STLK SHAWLS. BONNETS & PARASOLS CLOTHING. A fina stock old and young, fogies and 'fast' men, Call soon if you want a nice coat, vest or pants on reasonable terni3.- II ATS. New strlcs cheap and durable. ' . HARDWARE. A very large assortment, con siiing in part of Smiths' Tools, Spades, Shovels, Rakes', Hoes, Bells, Mill, Crosscut and Handsaws, Files, Augers, Axes, Broadaxcs, Adzs, Chisels Ac, fc, to the end of tho chapter. - i . 1UTII.DING MATERIALS. A large lot. consisting of Pine Docre, Sash, Shutter Blinds, Oils, Paints, Nails. Locks, Latches, Putty, Glass &c. FURNITURE. Bureaus, Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Tin Safes, Cttpboards, Stards Ac. , 53" We will sell cheipcr for cash thaa any house in Nebraska Territory. June 7.1S5G. A. A. BRADFORD, i D. L. 1IC GARY, Brownvillc, N. T. W:. MCLENNAN', Nebraska City, N . T. BRADFORD, McLENNAN & McGARY, ATTourmys at w SOLICITERS iN CHANCERY. CrownTille and Nebrasia City, NEBRASKA TERRITORY. BEIXG permanently located in tho Territory, we will give our entire time and attention to the practice of our profession, in til its branches. Hat ters in Litigation, Collections of Debts, Sales and Purchases of Real Estate, Selections of Land, Loca ting of Land Warrants, and all other business en trusted to our management, will receive prompt and faithful attention. REFERENCES. S. F. Nuckolls, Nebra.-ka City, Richard Brown, Brownvillc, Win. Hoblitzcll & Co., lion. James Craig, Hon. James M. Hughes, lion. John R. Shepley, iicssrs. Crow, MoCrearvA Co Messrs. S. G. Hubbard A Co. lion. J. II. Love, vl-nl St. Joseph, Mo., St. Louis, Mo., u Cincinnati O. Keokuk, Iowa. June 7, 185G. S. B. MIER, BLACKSMITH AND WAGON-HAKER. First St, bet Main and Water, BROWNVILLE, N. T. JOHN S. HOYT, County Surveyor and Land Agent, OF Richardson county, N. T., will attend promptly to all business in his profession, wben called on: such as Paying Taxes, Recording Claims, Subdividing Laod, Laying out Town Lots,l)rafting City Ilats ic. Residence and address . Richardson co., N. T. FRANKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY Ho. 133 Vine St., het. Fourth and Fifth, CINCINNATI, O. C. F. O'DRISCOLL Jt CO. Manufacturers and dealers in News, Book and Job Type, Printing Presses, Cases, Gallies, Ac, Ac. Inks, and Printing Material cf Every Description. STEREOTYPING of all kind Books, ilusic, Patent Medicino Directions, Jobs, Wood Engrcvings, &C, d o. Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles, - SPFJGMAN & BROWN, RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS. And General Commission Merchants. No. 4:6, Tuhlic Landing. CINCINNATI, OHIO. C. P. BAILY. B. r. EAXSIX. BAILY & RANKIN, OMAHA CITY, N. T. O. P. MASO., Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. And General Land Agents, ' NEBRASKA CITY, X. T. WILL promptly attend to Land Agencies, collec tions, investing money, locating and selling land warrants, and all other business pertaining to their profession, in Nebraska Territory and Western Iowar- L. FORSYTH & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Frciglit ilgesits, OF THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. No. 3, Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. A. aiUDD, G. L. HUGHES, J. J. MCDD, II. T. MUDD, S. O. GRUEB. MUDD k HUGHES. VPRODVCE COMMISSION No. 33 Leveo and 60 Commercial Street ST. LOUIS, MO. NUCKULLS, RUSSELL, & CO. XTooLLX03rt, Mo. W HOLESALE AND BETAIL DEALERS IS 1Y HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, Medicines, Dye Stuf&, Saddlery, Boots k Shoes, Hats & Caps, QuEEXSWAEE, ST0KET7ASE, TINWAEE, IRON, NAILS, STOVES, PLOWS Ac. Also Furniture of all kinds, "Window Sash, &c f A. D. KIRK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Land Agent and N otaiy Public, ' Archer, Richardson county, N. T. Will practice in the Courts of Nebraska. by Harding and Bennett, Nebraska City. 9 OHEGON, MO. ROB'T. L. II ATT EX, Proprietor. Xo pains or eipense will be spared by the subscri ber, make his guests comfortable in every respeet, at this well known and highly reputable Ilouse. ' The very best attention given to animals by a good and attentive Hostler. Tl-nl ROBERT L. HATTEX. - E. ESTABROOK, ITSTTET) STATE3 tstrict Attorney OAIA1IA CITY, X. T. REQUIRED to be in attendance oGcially upon all the terms of the District and Supreme Court cf me lemtory, tenders his Professional services to such as need them. lie flatters himself that . .a r.m;. for gaining a knowledge of the practice in each Dis trict, will enable him to pve eatisfaction to such as entrust tneir business to hia ca?e. Omaha City, June 7, 1933. mm lliliMIffilK buu H. BAKES. BROWNVILLE FERRY PLASTERS & BAIvfcK, . wfiT'vnr thn TravpilinT Publi Publi?, that they i ,r;tv. ar f:iri!itv t- a'.-commoc.ito x i. are itc ';ijvv w.. . -j . . ..m.jin-. h Mi.aannri river. i"' w.i-0 best'crossirVnt on the upper Mtouri, traTcers coding to Nebraska, will fad it greatly to their wi vantaga to cxssat thi.'t point. FERHV KATES r. ,r prrrv two horss. males or oxen & W.lgOC, v l'J ' each individual pair of horses mules or ox a " " hor?e or mula and buggy, u u .led horse cr male, " loose cattle per head, " sheep and hogs per head, " each footman, ' freight, "u " M feet of lumber, u unloaded wagon and hor3C?, mules or oxen therewith, Brownvillc, August 2, IS j3.-!y 75 23 10 C3 10 10 2,00 BROV7ITVILLS STEAM MILL, NOEL, LAKE, fe E?IERSON, Xjroxviivlllo, X'JT. 17m N. B. We would r os pec t fully, inform tho citi zens of Nemaha county and adjoining Missouri, that wo .ov filwavst cn hind a larcro and well selected supply of JLUJIIJCU, which we can furnish at low er rates Uian any mm m tne ierruory. Market prices paid for logs delivered at the yard, or oa the bank of the river. All .orders accompanied with the cash, will receive our immediate attention. I. 0. of G. T. THE Brownvillc. Lodge, No. 3, Independent Order of Good Temp-ars, Ejects every Saturday' eve ning, at 7 oVInck, at Templars' Hail, No. 25, Atlan tic street (Thurbur's Block). ' Members of the order visiting the city, are respect fully invited to attend, when convenient; and those locating here, are earnestly solicited to join the Lodg5, as wo look for the p uppors of all friends t-f Temper ance, both male and hmi'.c-. For information coneeni.i; the Order, ensure of Wra. Thurbur, Atlantic street, O. F. Lake. No. 27, Main street, or Bichard Brown, coraor of Main and l'ir3t stroct. By order of the I).)?ey Mrs. C . TIIUREUB, W. C. T. Attest: II. P. BUXTON, W. S. July 23, 1350. Tl-nStf NEBBASKA CITY HOTEL. NEBRASKA CITY, X. T. BARNES & BAKNUJI, Proprietors. THIS commodious Hotel, situated upon Main Street, Nebraska City, wiil be found a de sirable resort for travellers. Stages leave this house for all parts of tho Territory. Twenty Laborers 7anted!! TWENTY LABORERS, who can handle th j spade, ar wanted immediately at Brownville, A'ebraska Territory. Liberal wages will be given by the ?;ib5eriber, J.D.N. THOMPSON. BLANKS of every des.-ription, for salo at thi dike. COUNCIL BLUFFS PACKET. THE fine passenger steamer GENOA, Throckmor ton, Master, will run regularly during the season, between St. Louis and Council Bluffs. Her ofheers hope by regularly and strict attention to business to merit a share of the public patronage. . J. TIIUOCKMOUTON, Master. J.E.GORMAN, Clerk. CLAIM FOR SALE. 4 100 acre Claim within 2 miles of Brownville, 1 JL on the County Road leading to Nebraska City: with a good I jg House, 20 acres in cc rn and under fence, aid a guod spring. Enquire of Brown vi!k-, Aug. 2, is ji). Ii. W. FURNAS. U. D. JOHNSON'. ' 3. P. CASPADT. J". D. TEST. JOIINSOX, CASSADY &. TEST, xittorncys and Counsellors at Law. Aad General Land Agents, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. WILL promf.tly attend to Land Agencies, In vesting Money, Locating and selling Land "Warrants, aud all other business pertaining to their profession, i a Western Iowa and Nebraska. R, W. FURNAS, AND AGENT FOR AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. BROWNVILLE, N. T. f CHARLES B. SJIITir, Oroxo3rrtl XiaucI -a.soaa.-t y ATD NOTARY PUBLIC. OMAHA CITY, X. T. CfElca ia State Hons?. WILL give particular attention to orders and com missions from abroad, and to the supervision of the sale of lots and Claims in Nebraska Territory. References. Hos. Jesss D. EitiunT. Washington, D. C. Joas Vax Ei re New York City. Edwin Cko'ell, " " " . Mark W. Izzard, Gov. of Nebraska. T. Ii. CcmxG, Sec. " U u U Greene, Weake A Eenton, Council Bluffs. Iowa. D. H. SOLO.HON, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. GLENWOOD, IOWA. Will practico in the Sixth and Seventh Judicial Districts of Iowa. A. J. rOlTLKTON. TM. N. ETEK3. i'oppleton & bveks, ATTORNEYS AT LAW Aal General Land Agents, OilAIIA, NEBRASKA. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. LAND ENTERED ON TIME. CECIAL attention riven to the selection ard Otry of Lands for Settlers, and ail others desirin" choice locations. 0 Land Claims, Town Lots and all kinds of Heal Es tate, bocght and sold and investments made for dis tant Dealers. C. V. SNOW, SURGEON, PHYSICIAN J.13.cL Aoooucli nn-r, EOCKPOET, 1IO, OLIVER BEXXT. JAMES P. FI3SE. "Wil. B. GARRIT. AtCl'STUS KNIGUT. OLIVER BENNETT & CO., Manufacturers and Whalesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES, NO. 87 3IAIX STREET, (FORHEKLY, No. 101, CoRXER OF MAIN AXD LoCCST.) 1 ST. LOUIS, MO. E. F. SEARS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law And Solicitor In Chancery. SIDNEY. IOWA. Will practice in tho District Courts cf Western Iowa 1ST OSce at the Court Ilouao, up stairs. Oregon, Holt Conuty, Missouri. Jveep constantly on band all description of Harness, Saddles, Dridles, An., Ac. D. TLASTEBS, i i 11 1 1 nt-ill i iJi AlM'iMifl I mg, it will outgnnd any upper gnmur ia tunc 1 HI i hm M Mum Jnxrt: T"n- tf 7 juently.wo grind nearer the ce itrf, an! ff f Jibi S 1 1 R A ?) OTI LGSUT. with less jk. wc: than any upper runnej can be m J. HART t SON mum 1 N. li. Every article in our shop is manufactured Dy ourseive?, ana warranted to give satisfaction FRESH DRY GOODS EEDY, JA3IESCOT & CO., m"r.. - ita t t rr ir c, r. -1- xtv ana xi- JiSll Of., sC. JOIUS "ITTE are now in receipt of the most complete an t T magnificent stock, everoffcred to the Western Trade. Merchants visiting this city are invited uiivean eiamma.uoa 01 oor piock am! price . EDDY, JA31EON S CO. Billou'a Pictorial Drr.n Companion. (l-ATS GLEA30NT,3 PICTOSUJ,,) f 1 IJLiAU - i V. li lg IPCS1 ' ! and aval" nn, a w; Sl'7 htjrarTTn-' nc table event- cf the d y. lt eolumai.Jf'' to original t.-,:o, ske AMERICAS ATT UOII., ncs a ad a.tjui.., ar.a ia i:raa of thee i new?; tho wliola W'.H spiej v-i'' lach paper is UeautL'Vdy liYj'Ji.?''7 ar.ii IU iTn r r " li. - - and foreign humor, llach numerous a."curate engravin by euiint -notable object?, curreni eventi in all 'fa''' world, and of men and iaannr, altrgetaw paper entirely original in tl ij country t.4:. contain views oj every popuaas c;t7 ; iv.. fit: .! ik world, cf all bollding3 cf nots in tha eaf.terj era hemisphere, of ail the pr.ndpal ,.f er3 of tho navy and mcrchaat service. . i- . F ii . accurate portraits of every nted character world, both male and female. " 14 i . TEIiilS: INVARIABLY IN ADVAXc 1 subscriber, one year 4 subscribers, " M 11 u u u i' roc JL U 1 . Any pereon gendlcg m titl&ui ttrrV.' la3t rate, shall receive the mtUvr.t e-t7 i T One copy of Tnz iuui cr oca l0.x7t Tari copy of Balloc's Iictojial, t( got her, I i pcrt!i4 Vuhlishcd every Saturday, by M. 31 Ruiiv0" Corner of &nI 11-dTf : ! i c". J1- a " "rcm.Hit and Bromtell NATIONAL MAGAZSI; a mi s' ' XT.. EDITED BY ABEL STE7EJ? up I T VTILL to the aim of tU eriodical.'te.. t"Jl ith such articles as tha j u jlio nini m;-"31 i with tuoit aridity, an eh vated liti-mm'' wit : .1 . vif.l at.rrpiatifin " art tii '. r,.. "-l, practical qaesiions, aiia juti Ttvogin'.jc q 0f r -? , . . .. IJ religion without dogmiituni end wltLoit j.Tjl ism. in a. general ncw3. prepared thoroughly lysk'vj a I It is embellished with numerous enricX. - of them illusrative of roal hciiics or fax 1 r1 number contain iiiacty-six pag'i:, rniui- t,,, i: urn-' a veat of six hurdled but- jcs tc. on lar.- , . - . . vt. t mnnrhlT 4.1 i tm :h I r-W.. C.. " A liberal discount made t wholesale -. ul . j . - .... u.m :.; A fifth copy of the work will be nil'. wo! fur f, ,nx Pre scribers: and any person forwiirdiDsiitiea, -.t. shall have the Magazine for ten sub nhn, n.i a premium, a bound volnu.o worth' i2. CsV ti;r. ten. to one address, shall have the vrrk Ut r dollars a year. Orders for the Magazice mij bedirecteltoe:i, C aklton A Phillips, New Y rl:, S rop.yTFPi 1 n ' Cincinnati, W. SL DorciiTY, Chicago, J.'L. 1 -IitL-burgh. or J. P. Magtk. lloKtonr Terms, $2 a year, in advrn?e. Sinj'e rjV. 13 cents. CARLTON A 1'IIILLlis 4 NOTICE. NOTICE. Merchant, Sportsmen acl 3Iascfj:c JIOKACC r. DI3JICK & COS lui!. GREAT V'ESTERN EMPORIUM, f..r Sh.,tfe win: Ride?, Pistol-", Fishing Tstl.Ie and Sjx.rjj. 8.K paratus of every variety, u at No. 12, North 1L street, St. Louis, tho sign of th Doer iatliol. TaT dow. - Vr V"e keep constantly on haal a full tss'jTtz HuntiB, Target and Minnie IiiI rX Together with every vmic'y .f Purf.j,fl fj, (Juns, V.'ad:. and Wadding 1'afer. Fi.-hi 4. T4; tba Ac Ac; ia f act, e eery tiling connected V.Ji tho 0 wee Trade. Two Ilnxxdrcd Brccuh loading lUlcs of ra,-". -p patents. ' . ij. au kir..s 01 gun ciiuriai ana s.a,:jin t; in tho forced, filed and finished jtat. v 1 llcase call and examine for make your purchii, as cxperiea-: is thea!j2 elect jruide. Besides an aoendant raiscel'ioy of es, translations, poetry, .'c, original aa.I to will compriso departments nf literary ac tellirence, book notice?, rel'cicus inf.n-TB,.7. ' writ; ' time the ' the 1 or 1 1 ZST" Our goo.18 arc all warranted by us. August 23, ISiC. . vlnl2tf . H. G. iiorss & CO., Xo. 16, Main Street, St. Louis Hi 4 GENTS for StrauL's Cora SlrJ.l rl . - ... r, . . to s-: 1 1 ine -ij'j?i?n ri inn nr. ri - 1 m r.Mt- Mill has been kent secured to tin. inventor bri-. phi O recently, however, Juno 27th, '.) Lt- V(,rt I atent for th t rated Starts have b;en s:vA- curmr tne invention for fourteen wars. rili! "u has sustained itself wherever ic ha.. b:ca 1'X'.",".:: t!Jsi to competition with ether Mi'.U. It w.s rfai.": the other inaksof Mill of ourci-y, at thebh.'i: Fair, in lSjt), when it drew 1 dip'.. ; -dfiUi Corn Mill, and was awarded '. fine i! vcr M era a evi Of these Mills we manuf:ur.jrs 1 ,.;; 4- .',tw t2:. and three expressly for grinding wheat, a jur. . r p, Tbo peculiar rovclty of this Mid 1.-, true stone is the running stene, in v.W cn.c.-. Tmy I limit 10 ine fpeeu, ana as sjcoa is jv:r;t:iinin,T: Thirdly: Our Mill takes anr kind of rria wiu choking. V.'e warrant again, t choking ia any it. cases. This is a great vexation can.i.'ig dub; . trouble in all Mills tbeupncfstoDi ink' ner. Of course, we rmi!! M1IK whore th.: 0 th; tion must be high to do much Lnsincss. Fourthly: Our Mills never take unjuryby n:r empty the under stone mt touching the bjt no injury can be done. This is an imoSrtantn- tago over all Mills w here tho uper t:ne is the " 0i,h ner. August 23,1? jo. tliii Land Ofilcc at IJrownville.'; , jr All persons knowing themselves indelteJ to if . ; hereby notified that their aoounts are due, wJi l2CiL'5 bo Settled Immediately, by Note or Cash: a : in la ment we muit nave, m ordfr t)C(ntinuG.oiir')"' (,q .13.B. A J. D. N.TUU- Brownville, August 1st, IS,)?. cJ to THE HALF-EREi AND niXED-ELOODS;. Of the Iowa. Otoo, Oirtiiha tribc83: iKuktoii aad antic b-UHts of Iadi; having au interest iu the lltn tion botween the Ureal and Lit tle Nrmaha riv.r, in the TERRITORY OF XKBRASSA "V"OTICE is hereby given to all persons in:t-" 1 by the ur.d -Tsigucd Coraais!-i..iien app pursuance ot" the second s.ftiou cf auifc't'i1 gress, pnscd July lTlh, lfcjj, entitlct "Ja authorize tho I'residenti.f tho United ta:vs'! o be survejed the tract of bind in tbeTn".:. Nebraska, belonging to the Ilaif-r.reeil.sw-- bloods, of tho Dukotah cr Sicux NiU'h.q of nd for other purr.oses;" 1'nmdinsr: Tbsl"' - ident be and he is hereby aat.hyiizc'l.t cau-e ascertained the number and nam' s of thW lT and mixed-bli.ds who are eiilitbd ti pftfp the benc&us of a grant contained in the ninr .f the treaty of Iho i'rairie du Chijn,of &J' July, A. D. 1830, between the Ui.itcd Stat-:, putationsof the chfedented bands, ot and other Indian, wliorein a re -err a tic a of ake I'cpiaand the Missouri .Uiv.r (desert- ,Borl v.. ' treaty) was granted to the half-breed rd-f", Iowa, Oltoe, ar i Om.ih:. Tribes, acd Santio bond- S ijui In-liar,?, wit!, over That I wiil attend at Sinus Ci'y, Liw.s.on- Monday, 2i.h day of August next, rennii:' three weeks: then ai UcIieTic w', on the 2-1 f remaining there two w-.-eks: theu at A.-ch'.-r. son county, Nebraoki Territory ( near the; niioy vu iie i aiy ct ov-tow r, rua.u", four weeks, fur the purpose nf as ertainirg a' c'-r 2: ber and names of the half-breeds or m:';. now living, tf ihi Iowas, Ottocs. OaiaI--S " ana antle bamls of the hioux In-uans, r the treaties aforesaid" "When tho (iit'rt ' commission wiil be eloscd as soon thereaitf f- ole, at Glenwwd, lliils county, Iowa. ,. All Tior.i.n intri' .fml am Y.I r.'bt II'.1 pear with at ei.her cf the p'J fore-m,ntior.'.,d, at the time s:c. ifie'l, f ... right uto partieipjue ia the beneiltof tif or reservation," cc mmoiilv knwis as tho "M c 1 r tract," situated on the Missouri river, Orcat and Little Nemaha rivers, in the Nebraska, and derived frcm sail treaty6 Congress. - .., .v. :( r5 ' . W 1 .k ItJ I.OliT J la LJ !,.! 1 .1 " . the applieantii arranzci bv fam;Ii:s and ftfi , ser, age, and relationship to the ?hux, reidfnce of eK'h: also, who are ofphan-?; their riiardian. li-.rl!v nrw.i n!cd. or u1 . .. all times the best evidence tho nature-.' o , .- 'II r of- will admit of, will be required tc PruTe.rS degree of relationship to iho C i . ir naiuct, and of an amount suiieieni facts herein required to be irovel: nJ reason can be -hown, such as a, disw ' or sickness, th applicant should rPer.j6' addition totheir other testiinoay. .f will see the necewity of presenting i1 1 that they may obtain the benefits "fn; ar.2 lore Cr::: please publish four weeks aal fcra this odee for payment. MISSOURI K1YER- THE new, elegant and fist rura v packet and freight stauner, h Baldwin, Commander, is now runai, 'fi trips between St. Louis and Couae" i' one of the best freight steara?rs"U ti been built ciprtjsly forthii tral. to Archer, N. T., July 23, lS3 J.-nT lhV 23TBrownvile Advertiser, N'liri' ouncil l.Uiffs llu-le, and St. I-uis "? ,( -.1 . . -4t a?;,.. tior.i cotin. Ct n: : Fx. TOSY. tion ; of th to rr. says ir. .7 4 t cut c i:!i And s i L 1 " lika c Ul'. V act, i or t:; ar l r tbe i rr : r 1