Newspaper Page Text
....-4 U 1 "Met ' ' z . -- banners' intent Aran ihuit thiis. : It is rccoramervJc;! in r hie number ci ir.e .iJfnH to remove rbm-mits r.Sont dices Fruit Trees" to th arc m my by :rfj.ce." c 11 f 1 1 -( r r in tkci io tiiispract: two objection!?: lose cc tlicre "1st. If this slioul.1 ultimately result in getting rid of. the sprouts, it .vould Have n "test" of acad stumps attached )cncr or to its injury if not to its tvouU to t.:o louy, or root, of the parent tree, ttMcn, in my opinion vrcuild so later tend carlv clceir ficstroy them. The 'stumps vrculd re main and be forever sending forth new FprouL-. I would say, let the sprouts remain till Fcmctime in June 'or .July, (earlier or later,) then tlig- away the soil froin the root of, the tree and cut oil the. sprouts closa to -the body, or rootto which they are attached,) as a scientific pruncr would cut off a branch, r.nd then replace the soil. If the work be done as it ought to be, no m ore s p r o u t s will h e se en that y e ar, and generally, very few .the- next Treat those, that' come afterwards in tho same manner, and you will toon fcr-rjl of iLcm, aiiU ybuT trees will thrive under the treatment. J. L. II. Rural Kezc-Ycrkcr, VICIOUS CATTLE. '. . .The common 5vica" of jumping and throwing fencing" :ist taught to -cattle, with scarcely any exception, by their owners and care takers. t Fences half down soon fall by the nibbling of cattle, . and teach the first lesson, especially if , cattle have any- shrewdness in obscry . ing cause" and effect. '. Very fine feed just over a poor, fence is the next . lesson; letting down bars and rail ' fences to the calves,- from laziness, so . -that the animal has to leap, i3 the third lesson, and the last is oftentimes first, s"econd;and third with, sheep until they will 'scale anything. , .These thrce lessons are usually enough, but a fourth . is often added, namely; placing one additional rail on the fence each suc cessive day, as they become more skill-ful,-for the ostensible object of keepin2 the jumper within bounds, but really " operating as a most ingenious contriv . . ancc to teach the art of vaulting. We have heard of French bcins "taught in six lessons," but very few animals require more than four to take "French leave of an ordinary cnclosurc. J)oUar Kcic?papcr, 1 " . .', " ' ' The exports cf domesti - butter -and irom the, United fe;atesj&jrc on a much larger scale; t ban mcy,. -perhaps arc aware of. During the Sscd year of.lS55, the shipments of butter amounted to i.ylo.iU(J lbs., valued at 418,723; and of fhcc?e;;'!.84G,5G3 lbs., valued at P514,03 L Of Lie butter, the largest ' proportion,' ' bl,0T5 lb?., was sent to British 'Vest jjidi'es." To England there wcrs c :;portcd3?&43,000 lbs., of : cheese more tlumy. three fourths of tlie entire shipment. "Nearly 50,000 lbs., of butter i were -sent to China, and nbput .234,000 Dr;, to Aus tralia. Strange as it may seem, during the same fiscal year S70,CC0 lbs., of butter Avere imported into tlje United States from British 'N or'L' America; Hamburg, Bremen, Holland, England and France, for home- consumption! Besides this,: 005,214 lbs.; . re' im ported for exportation.; ; !; Tho imports of foreign cheese were on a moro ex tensive scale, the total - amount !'bcinn 1,520,942 lbs., valued' at $li6,2G The Germans sent us 157,163 lbs.,'' of their fragrant . Limburgcr ; and - other varieties, and the Butch 223,021 lbs, France sent us the largest supply .-'viz: 1.002,14Glbs. ';: ? r i. , t": ;' iniE CAPACITY CF CISTE2X i The simple, rulo byf -which : farmers and others can determine the contents of a cistern, circular in its form, and of equal size, at" top", and bottom, is this: Find the. depth and.-diameter; in inches; square the diameter, arid rhulr tiply the square by the. dicimal ,0034, which will find the quantity of gallons Zoi cuDic mencs ocmx a (rnon for one inch in depth! Multiply Jhis by thcVdcplh,"ah(I -divide by r3 J, and the result "yul be the number Gi barrels the cistern will ihold.. Fori 'ccli foot in depth the number of barrels," ans wering to the, diiterent diameters, are: oliver Bennetts co:, .: y ANTFACTiTKEBS ANT- WHOLESALE rEAtXKS IX XO'. 87 '"JTALV Sinr.LT, ,SA 1X7-1 0 CIS, MO. A EE "SOW lS.Ki:c::i IT of a com assortment of wd3 from tlieir own and c'Jiot jBUcufac torics,a iapted ejpec:al!y to the Wc-tern trade. " - Fur?hA-;crs an invited .to' "cxaiune their stock, manufactured aud selected with great care end Warranted of superior qnaiity.' Orders will receive prompt and carefal attention. mroETAiiT i:e7- tzoiiiig. PUBLISHED' lY ' '- Moore, :.WiIstacb, Keys t Co. No. 23 TTest Fcarlh Street, Cincinnati, O. A HISTORY OF JIEDICIXE, from its Origin to the Closo of the Eigbteciith Centurj'. llj Dr. Jlenouard, of I'a.ris. Translated hy Dr. G. C. Comefrys Professor in iliami iledieal College.' One Volume, lareSro. ' 7j0 pacs, l'rico $3,03. An introduction to the .Study of Esthetics. 'T)j Profc?-!or J. J. C., of tho Colleges of Xeir Jer sey, iVinceton. Autlicr cf "Lifa of (Jiialmcrs;" &,oi I vol. 12rao, pages. .Price $i. ., Tho Teacher's Miscellany. A selection cf articles from the proceedings of the College of Professional Teachers. By Jl. .Campbell and A.iL Had ley, f Wabaah Collese;; One vol, 12ino, 450 pages. Price WILL" BE HEADY IX SEPTEMBER ' ' Ths Cyclopedia cf Llcclcm Travel, ; A KecorJ of Adventure, Exploration and' r Discovery for tho last Fifty years. Edited by Bayard Taylor, Author of "Views Afoot," -L - "Travels in Central Africa," 4c., ka. . One vol., 8vo., ilandsomely illustrated with 12 maps by Sthonberg, and numerous wood engrarings by Orr, and an elaborate steel fronti?pcico ly Buttro. tS-Will be sold to subscribers on!r, MOORE. WiLSTAClI, KEYS t CO., Wholesale a adJLBta-1 . -ii.L'-ii. jJ- patent gun s: 'f; CI r1 I. 0. ..." t v- " Tn,1."nen Ic-nl Qtl--t cvry iiiui(-..ijf - mTTE Brownv I i. ri ...1 Trmr.lon. lnf'JtS in we lo(ii! K" t iJ Li . - ' . .. . . n ' . e, rp , - o r. t J V 1 ance, uoiu w.iio - - . f,f .JT. AM.,r,t; stnet. O..P. Lrk?. .10. - Attest: II. P.'EL'XTOV W: . .." 1530. ' yi-nu - 3 ' T - . ... 1 tJ arnv to -virn GrltlOT -Jllly -t J trand ot li-iv t i '! .-.r ! rn.nua i'J rets nitcf th:f .lj' j.:... J, Vp".1 r c-j'j.. : . ;:bl: -at'oat i ;h we trj ;.Cu?y cor?: sal a of I milE s-jhscri'-crs Lave cntcrs Uato r 1 nr..!:r te Urn f Se, i:,uH-; T!n jr.:in tu? J. C.-Bas.l, rt3ntlr..X . 1 f .rn 1 Jtly V. WAIL2 IS EABN-YAHBS. Such. Is "tfie . solvent power of -water, that if admitted .in larc quantities into barn-yards, it will dissolve into tho earth, or' into streams and ponds, For-a feet diameter For 6 . " For 7 u : u For 8 For 9 " a For 10 - i m mm ' ft t.C3 barrels. 3 n 0.15 15.10 13.65 ' ' GEO. C. FERGUSOIT. ; 1 MILLWRIGHT AND ENGINEER ; ; RKOWNVILLE, N. T. V V ANNOUNCES to the public, that he is prepared te erect Steam Saw and Merchant 111113 at ahort notice and reasonable terms. : ; 1 " ' . :, " ; ALL JYQRK AY ARRANTED. He id also Agent for M . : ,':c j ,; y : A. B. HOLLIBIItD COS., -i ' ' W cstern::. 'Fonndryv " ..'V",.V,:' , CINCINNATI, O.: - LEE & liKAYITT'S 1 ' : Saw '-Mminfactory; . " - ' ' r CINCINNATI, O:,. And is rrerared to rcccire and fill orders for any ma chinery manufactured or kept on band, by tbese es tablishments. - - - '. : Letters of enquiry, promptly answered. ' ' ' ;r - :r - REFFEKENCESr ..." Noel, Late:- & .Cb Bit rnTiIIc," N. T, Steam Mill. N uckolls & nite, lctport, Zlo. f . James Lowe, Linden, ' " ' Tln31y. .-. - Brownvi'.lo, Juno 21, 1856. J PALMER HOUSE, : S. BARBOUR, Proprietor. Bv the above rule, tho ccntcnts of harn-yard, cistern, and manure-tanks Corncr?f Illinoi;i.an4 Wasliington Streets, may. be calculated t for , any Urainc larnier; ize.- rnilE SUrSCRIX:R is now prepared to far 'JL nish Farmers and gts with his - . . ' "-GICAIN PARATOn," ; v for the Trpson :nn. lh' nnneces:-ary t speaK particularly of tho ineri'f these llschinc?, ss they are too well known thrcrhout tho country io a eito are con and Jnfic chinc,.to purchase one of hes At ST. JOSEFII AND COUNCIL BLUFFS i -irr-mm - i l tit f j Jli Do -Lino P.uitamanta Caruelia Durante do do TIIi;-entirely.ECW:nd fine pasenscr pa.Kcw OMAHA, ,T. P. Holland, Comma ader, K B. Kerc?ct Clerk;) hann.b.en built for Saluado-a . Sta-n6oi JlcridlaiKU Washington rnperoNicluV.Ji d Carvcr.tai 'i tana uo- do. dJ . : d) 'do do do , it,., f:li n noir niraiin; Iling; but tho fact tit they nave here toi ore anu ;-non t'hpitie3 of St. . . . .i, r IknS ntA . . to receivanc premiuaia u , . Trf.'irinf St. Joseph evcrj Cr.-nntv FiilM TiiPT h;iva been exniDiuM is I . . :n i,k, w v J . . . c t , i rnr. i rrni r H114 1' : n.i.i ,1 "j-. w yf cno V ft Bia- I . iCUb IU JEUUCU Ikil tll-O 111 nau vi o" I 1 Mn1-ivJlt OClrx;S .u. ncil Bluffi and Omaha ji-ii if s : 1. m - - - r.ciaa lilt Fijrirc'Ci'Hi Diar.i Milra;,-, Newton' do - : . her;. ; d Ilfiii-nola- d) BocrAdcM da T.-iirc.a-dj . La Yoa Fortu nid:i,d'ui-i I'ocul'rr.t.v J.i, r J rt. 1 .- want c-t :t-)i. 1 ; -t- .:m! ri.:t7 ani eonimj ; excel a- ii-L-ll'- - it, if aii) itn tj ",1 ir-s. , o Jo on di d) O ill. nu:C:.-, CO d) do ie.-ea uo . . .1 TV 1 I- n rM CU . - 1 with the best of themio in England, , in lso., i; "tjaT and Sand iy evenicg?, tyVw:ii anar Le3ht GuarC Upcra, .Trt.y ; received the highest inundations of the rp?, -and "itfsens or freight w .11 not bo detained at J. L. Panttc'ai; - - Ut'M)r rEIi. - 6f the leading ,. griptltunlists of that county. gut to p:orro ajra inst all conUr-gcnucs, . t..i.c. . - -.Iliave a large, nomber them ou band, ready for 'ncrsof ihe Omaha have, a largo : V, are-Hoa-o ,v .T v.- TTnatlac, !- ' becoming crop, mad of the best material, ani war- ""cds not meeting them prnapt.y, and f; . - c.lcchn i ranted to do good work. ' ' " ' t Sthoutchae to Do owners,, which we-dec:n the tHOLES ALE Grocers and Comn,. J.Iha,BmadeBttny.tiIuaWolmproTcnicDt1n these etrreemcnt to passen-r or shiver X .tc., SILevee, tl1VS!nMw!t.? n.nw.f nd bavo no hesitation "''"l1" the Drcjcut season, and 1 t .-t have now it Htoro ai.,. . in warrwting tbent superior to any mine. therefore hope by promptness and strict ata- tbe, large at atd uost goncMv ) -aMaalaorjaringjllarge camlet of Crr.wford fS "officers and n,;cnts to receive a lar-e Mo 1 Q -?cr .r ,rclf MjuchijcntJ.-d t 1 u ft ,.t l u, -1 it,. rior-oall others for tl.e a.t ex-.t2..ii ' power. - ; ;' 4 The abovo -....a are mjiaasuarcdlj j,. T,cd at their shtp in Cincinnati, 0.. con be famish lia any 'V. an ;iiy at iliort 5... The above wirrai.iea to lerionu,, . , - in. di.iui., 1-cr hjur 5 J is. Lorn, 23 a M U tt u 4 II - 1J 15 13 ; 8 A? this Mill tells its owa starlit 13 n-n(. ' nuoto froia our naaierousecmmen Un, f - Ki:ED,lI0LADI;.DiT Ciaciir-.- NEW!. (xOODj AJ KOCJI PCJIIT, 210. T1 f" t, . v. .1 Improved Clover llullrr, thn immediate . sancrvis!ca cf the patentee, who hs pennancntly located latins place The above ciitrcDrcsenU car four horse " Sep;wa- tor," and is designed especially for tkc larmcr s own " " - Im also agent' foT McCormick'a ;cokbratcd EEVP- EB awl MOWIJiO ACHlMS,coialinca.. J.' R: JI0FPITT, Piqj MiATin coumy, Uhio. i;b 1-tf : NOTICE., NOTICE. Merchants, .Spoitsmcn and Manifacturcrs. (HORACE E. DI.1IICK & CO'S "1P.EAT WESTE1N EMPOPJ'UM, f- y-r' -'t Guns, VT lliflcs. ristols. Pishing Tackle and h,, ,ang'Ap- paratus of every variety, is at'Xo. 12, orth Main street. St. Louis,: the sign of the Doer In tho Win dow., , r ' -." ' We keep constantly on hand a full assortment ot Ilimtin' Target and Minnie Rifles, Together with -every variety" of Purcu?sion Cups, Guns, AVad and Wadding Paper, Fishing Tackle, kc, A-c.;in fact, everything connected with the Gun Tradd. - ' ' ' ' ' ' '. Two Ilttnurea Urecch loauicg iiiuca of various patents. . . , . - D. All kinds of- gun material and mounting, La the forged, filed and finished state. :.. .1 : , PJeasp eaU and examine for yourselves before you make your purchases; as experience is th3 only true snide. ' . ; v; .: r-'- : - Our goods are' all warranted by ts - August 23, 1S5G. vlnltf ; - large guare of fcrtilizinjr salts or . a rrtt n . 11 . manure. lne manure 01 stalls snouia, . if. possible, be housed; it should be .. kept moist "vrith the urine of animals, . ; and suScient litter should be used to ;ibsorb the whole of this, unless it be .' preserved in a tank,. to be used as a liquid manure, the policy , of which is thought to be doubtful in this country, I where labor is high. ": The true pro . . 'cceding-. for barn-yard manure is to keep it as far as possible moist, but ". not to. suffer, it to be drenched. - If Mrv and hot, it aires its nutritious . gases to the winds; if drenched, it . " loses its most fertilizing salts; when . cither scorched or drenched it is de- - composed faster, and doe3 net retain in itself a due proportion of itsenrich . ang properties. Selected. . INDIANOPOLIS, IND. rnlTIS well-known and popular note!, has recently'. A bjen re-built ahd greatly enlarged by the addi tion ot tixty or seventy room1, and is furnuhed throuzhoat with new and beautiful furniture, and is How to Destroy, 'CQciaioAciiEs, ln.1l.t;r-stHas8 IIie!-.'.JraTdcrs -.r rn . ' will find th Palmor' all they can desire for eom- iiATS, AND ALICE. lake a' feixpenny fort, lux-ury and pleasure. The fable will at all loaf of bread, the'f Staler tl.b" better J times be supplied with the best the market affords, , ., 1 7 1.1 .. i' 1.1 and no pains will be snared to render the stay of icuuuu it io u, uum;, iijcu 111 a, put, ui guests b0th comforta.ule and pleasant. water put two spoonfuls; of cayenne "TRY . THH 'PALMER HOUSE." ! nenncr. one snoonful of nulverized August so, 1356. . -?ini3-iy iii' i 4 ----- annij seed, half a drachm of saltpetre, the same of white lead,, and a. wineglass of extract of 'hops. Now throw in your crumbs of bread: digest for ix hours in a moderate heat; strain through a cloth; add thereto thirty drops of the tincture of quassia,;;an'd let it stand in next uay, ana men. Dome ix.- come urnbs of sugar saturated - w ith this iquor will bo a speedy-cure for cock roaches: Some pieces of bread satura- cd with it twill destroy all the fats and mice, me aoovc lS.cxtensiveiY manu- actured and sold at' a great profit. :! Furuituro and ; XTpholstry . ,u. .r.f. Of Great Variety.,, : a : At the Sanner Furniture AVare Room? of , HEATON , & 'TJIDIBLE,: ,- 'On Second Street, Si'jn of tie Qhairand Bcdittad; THE continued literal patronage of thecitizenaof , St. Joseph, North Western Jiissouri, Kansas, Ne braska and Western Iowa, for all of ;which we feel thankful, has induced U3 to increase our facilities for doing .business1- Having built dast spring,1-' a very large JJannfactory E-tabiishmsnt en Francis street, anil having employed some of tho very best workmen ia the Eastern, cities; we are now determined net to be out done bv any other Furniture Establishment in the Jlissouri Valley, in quantity, quality, durability, styles and prices. Oar stock consists in part of E)so- wood. Walnut and Wahorony Uureaus, marlle and solid toM of every style: extension, centre, caid. din ing -and side table; Book cases, Wash stand?. Work tables and Wradrobes, Sofas, divans, ottomans find footstools. sorin2 seat parlor chairs, rocking, nurso, elizabcth chairs : of .every variety. - 'Mahogany, wal nut, cherry and maple bedsteads of every stvle- and variety. Spring, hair, moss, cotton and shuck faat- iroaiM A-n. .knotithni with all. other articles in our line, usually kept ia a Furniture Wareroom. Wo ing complied with tli requisition of their Charter, say then to all who may want good Furniture, ei ther and being fully orgaxuzcU, are now prepared to trans fur hotels, nw on nr bed rooms, rive ns acaii ana ex- ut, a J X O Richai'dison's Llisscuri Principii Office No. .12, .Main St, . ... - ST.; LOUIS, MISSOURI:- BEu leave to inform the public,- that they have extended their Express Lino to this place. Hav- :)7o LhdsK.;-J.Vi ..ll.l on;,-a; ,- . . .'ri'5 lbl3 loar.cruih-idand scet; . 200 do and bf di plantation moli.e?; - - 400 pkgs Bclcber's sy.; 10 b,s U" ; liO hf thestj Y 11 tea; 27i do Imp. (x P and Black do: - " - ; ' - ' 150 casks R. Cirb sodn; 2j di sa.leratu3j , ! . 2CU -boxcit Cabbilt'd saleratus; ! - - " 273 do Va and tbnoco;- 73,000 Spanish ciar; 20,000 iTav and CaKasixc?; ,..i;ai bxs star a:.dles; 111 cask3 currantsj 1000 bi.l.-3 bfd):nd kits 1 and 2, makcrel; - . -r 50 pkgj No. 1 sa!xan; SOOt) .b:cs a.-s"d tumblers: 20 D itaad pt Casks; Z CO 3 nests tub, 3 and S; -503 dozen aiSDried pail;; ;'15C0 ski prime coffee; GOO packets Java; . - ;75 sacks Muha. do; '2500 k"3 Winol-ng and Eoston nails asd brads assorled 3d to 4JJ; '75 bx3 Bait Cove oyster?; 275 bales batting; 200 ska El 3 cotton yara assorted;. . ;. 400 coils 31an. find Jute rop; ' . . ' -100 bxs pcprranl -pimento; 7 bhls a'monds; .100 drums G:)l) bxs lif and qr 11 11 raiiin'i 5 drum3 cod sh:;i25bx3 do;' ., .r , , 15 case-3 sardiaes bf and qr: : i' ' ' -. 350 boxes asserted pickles, ketchup; : 300 bxs palsu and fjia. soap;30 do tiorll c'dls: .'500 do asst window glass: 50 lg3 earpel chain; 100 doz line Mivhboard?: 50 grckS yeasi pow'ds; : - GO ne.sts willow basket-; . To-ether-witii a gvnerat raid full stock of for- ci'rn and doniC4tic Wiacs brandies, tc " , - ;1 HIT. fnbscnocri weull nscctfally ter,. thanks to t'i:ir casu-mcrs and tin P ' rally fr tbcirlii-erul paxron.-j;e aorcivfor?.' a continuance of the saa.e ; as they ar j.. to sell Goods as bw if nofto-srcr thaa i7T tr,.. ,.t S Jf:M,ll- llavir.T IT.- ' JU.O nwi, w . 1 . 1.1 . VJ7ICE CP THE T7A1TH 2IEL0IT. . A. , corrcspondent-of - tho - Prairie Tarlncr presents the following -method of using water melons: ' v- "I endcaror, every year, to raise -a rood water-melon patch.' They are a healthy and delicrhtfulfniit, I think. I cultivate the. icing .variety; plant early m May, and aam toward the end of the month, so that they may cone m succession. Hhen they. com mence ripening, we commence cutting, and use them freely during the hot weather. When the weather becomes cool in September, we haul a quantity of them to the house, split them open, With a spoon scrape but the pulps in a cullender, and strain- tho water into vessels.1 Tv'e boil it in an Iron vessel, then put in apples or peaches, like snaking apple-butter, and . boil slowly until the fruit is well cooked, then spice to taste, and you have something that most people will prefer to apple butter or any kind of preserves. Or .the syrup may be boiled without fruit down to molasses,' which will "be found tQ be as -Cue as -any-- sugar-house molasses.' TTc Lave made in a fall as much as ten gallons of the apple . bultcr, it 1 mavso caLut, andmoiassc which has kept in fine condition till May." A. . . . :. ' . i Hi i ,i17ill high teices coninjin" Under this heading the last number of the Prairie Parmer proceeds to argue and figure in tnc aurniative. To sustain the position assumed our contemporary gives the rate, of in crease of population, and production of the principal crops from 1840 to 1850 shoeing that r tho increase of the latter should have been much creator than it was, . in order to cor respond with the former. The increase of population during the period named was 56 per cent. while tho increase of wheat - and oats were only 20 per cent, each, and, rye decreased -'nearly four and a half millions . of-bushels. Indian corn' increased 57 per cent however, or 21 per cent, over' the rate of increase of population while the ncrcaso. ofhay-Jias-kept; pacG-with population; The ratio of incrcasa bf animals is also cited as lar bbw that of population. For. the period named, while the .population as above' stated incrcased.oC) per cent., tho ratio of in crease of cattle was- only 24 per -cent., of sheep 16 per cent., and ot swine 15 per cent..' t These and other figures and reasonings lead our contemporary to the conclusion , that . present hign prices must continue. . V e think, how evcr,thatif the figures could be brough down to 1856, and the present condi tion and production of foreign countries were duly considered, the Farmer would harulj- venture-,- as it now does, to "hazard tho prediction that" prices will go vp, rather than down, although under: the. influence, of .momentary causes they may fall below tho present standard, but not to rema in long down." Though able, our contemporary's article is not convincing to our mind, and we still adhere to the opinion, ex pressed in a recent number of this amine our work and prices, and we think tou will leave your money hero in place of sending it to fcf Louis and getting aa inferior article at me!?aino price you can get a good one here at. . s , : Our motto is tho cash system, which will enable us to sell at smaller profits than ours or any other estab lishment can do where the credit sj'stem is adopted. N. B, Tho highest pneo paid"Tor scasoncu al- nut and Cherry Lumber, r :i . . " . : , St. Joseph, Aug 30, 18a5 vlnl3lf - "A TUIiTQ OF. JiJiUTY IS A. JOY 470LEVEE. COLES VOTAGB OT LIFE. Childhood, '-Youth. SJIaahood Old Ase, Four splendid Line Engravings, from the Originals in -the Gallery of, tht Spingler Institute.- l'lates, loxii." J'aper.Z'oxJi. ? v s ; r (j RE AT .NATIONAL tVOF.K. Of five years' execution, involving an expense of $20, 000. Artist's proofv 3-0, India Lettered, 530. Plain, $20..- ' 17 A nrospectns containing a full description of tho work, with testimonial from our first ARTISTS, our most eminent, DI VLXES, our most distinguished STATESMEN, the best accredited JLUuES OE AliT, at home and abroad, together with tho VOICE OP THE PRESS ' i ' Of this city, and also of the highest European au thority, - ' ' , . . ,, - THE LONDON ART JOURNAL, ' Will be forwarded on the receipt of two postage stamps.; :, ; MICHAEL McCiEE, Saddle v and . Harness Ilakcr, East eido of Alain, bet. Francis and Felix St., ; ' . ST. JOSEPH. MO. . nnHAKKFUL for pa3t favors, begs leave to inform X the public, that he has just returned from St. Louis with as fino an assortment of materials as has ever been purchased In that market. His stock consists of a superior articlo of Skirting The Trade supplied on the most Liberal Terms. - I( ' Appropriate and tasteful styles of frames, prepar ed expressly for this work, at the lowest cash rates, are furnished at prions varying from $1(1 to $32 the set. Uoxing, packing and cartage from ?1 to $2 Address the Voyage of Life, Rev. A. It. WOLFE, ? Tlnl4tx , Spingler Institute, JN. 1 MORE MEN WANTED. A FEW more activi and energetic young men can Xjl find immediate employment, by which they can easily make $600 to $ 1000 a year, to act as agents for seven! new and popidar works, just published fpr agenfcu and not for sale in book stores. We have a great many agents employed, many of whom are making from $la to Slit) per week. Ihoso who visb. to engage in this -pleasant and arrecable businuss, will for particular requisites, &c, address ::J U. It UElillY & CO. i -Publisher:) and Wholcsalo Booksellers. Editors of Xcwspaters, bv riving the above and following, three inserdons, and calling attention to it, shall receive any three of tho following works; Lift of Josephine, by Ileadly, .$15 1 Lift of. Lafayette,-, '"' ' $1,25 ! Life of Napoleon. ' " $1,25 : Wild Scenes cf a Hunter's Life, . . v $1,00 T ' .Life of. Mary and .Martha V ashington,- $1,1)0 i Odd Fellows' Amulet, , . , , , $1,00 ; Any person wishing any of the above books, can bave them sent by mail, frea of. postage, on receipt of Uie above retail pneo. - .- r. vl-n4 C. L-. DERBY & CO., New Tork. ! ' RURAL PUBLICATIONS. - ! TttE Cooctey Gehtlemax is a beautifully illus trated weekly of 18 pages quarto, with special Do partments for the Farai, tho Grazier,, the Dairy, the Fruit Garden and Orchard, tho Florist, the Kitchen Garden, the Housewife, the Fireside, Ac. "This i without question, tho best Agricultural Paper in the United States." Hen. John Wextwoeth, iL C. of Illinois. I'nce 52 a year. ... . , . - Tub Ccltivator, monthly, 32 pages octavo well known for twenty ycar3, as the best monthly ajrricul tural Journal in this country.- Price 60 cents per year. '. - . i TEB iLirSTKlTED AXXTAI r.EGISTEIt OP RrRAL Atfaiks. The two N os. issued for 1855 andlS5f, contain more than 250 engravings of building?, a Cut Straw for Ianure. Not only the economy of cut feed recommends the practice to the farmer, hut -as materials designed merely r.s hedding for animalsjthe plan is valuahle. Where this is done, the manure is much more readily retted, while it can he spread upon the land with far greater facility end umiormity. This point is not generally considered EuGciently. Manure while rotting in the yard is constantly losing some-part of its most valuable clement?, and yet long straw nnot well t o incorporated with the U until it i3 thoroughly decomposed. hy cutting it short it can he well tnDutcd, even without any previous ting, and then the elements cscap during decomposition are retained the soil for the us cf of growing nts. hdcel'd. journal relative to the Wheat Crop and the prohahle price of that important staple. Jiural JS ew-1 orker. ,. , V Prico 25 cents each sen maJs, trees fruits, io, To?t paid by mail. J nesa works combine attractions to be found in no similar publications, and the publishers will sen: specimens of tho papers to all who would lika to cx amino them, i'ubhthed at Albanv, Is. Y.. bv SON. General Agency Business. . . The success which has attended tho original Propri etor, is a guarantee cf tho satisfaction rendered, and it will alway? be the aim and study of the ticcutive of this Company, to give every pc'siblc facility for the epeedy and saio transmission cr - - Honey, Valuable Packages, Parcels, and JJuntlles oi uooas, jjercaanaize, T and every description of Frcigh t, on reasonable terms, to all points on the .Missouri liiver, and at St Louis, with other responsible Express Comxanies, for New York, New Orleans. Boston, Philadelphia, Ghicago, Cincinnati, Uurhngton, Louisville, KockIsiand,llcm phis, Pittsburgh and Puffalo; and to almost every tc wn and vilnnge in tne Lnitcd States,.Luropc, Aus tralia and California. ' " :' '' A llessenger will ba put cn the new steamer Omv ha, making weekly trips between here and St. Jo sepbthere connecting with ourdaily line to St Louis and all points aa above. In behalf of the Enterprise, the patronage of tho public is respecttully solicited. vr. p. oilman : .: WHOLESALE GROCER, No. ISO Scw sfreet, St. Louis Las ia store a large and well select ed stock, which is offered at the market, con- lstmg in part a f-jilows:. f ... 370 hhd3 U. svi'xt; i';,'J u;s loa:, cruised a. powdercil do; - - - - laUt) bags liioi'ooe: luu uo Java qo; . r 150 ibla S. II. syrup molassei'; S5D do S. II. Iarncss, bridle leather, hog, calf, and ghcep skins; fine goat morocco, and a surpassingly beautiful arti- A business entrusted to us, wiUmcet with tho same niA &Tii m ni a1 laarnA? rY rnfiiii a hunt . -f . .. .. . . . vTr V , energetic and prompt attention wnicn nas nlways xie nas every variety oi aaoaio xreos, irom ine rea! cbartcrized this Express, and made it pre-eminent Mexicana and Enzlish. Beard s and Gnmslev s rat-1 : wt v; lasiness. cnt down to the common fail-back. He has on "hand and will continue to keep saddles, saddlc-bagi, bri dles, martingales halters, eollars, whips of evcrv quality, whip-lashes, hames, traces, spurs, &c. ' lias also, coach, buggy, Pennsylvania, yankce, cart and drsT harness, Uo has not now, nor will ho keep any other than No 1 workmen, and hi$ instructions to them are neat ness and strength, lie, therefore, feels no hesitation in saying that his work will seldom be equalod, no wuero surpaaseu. - - - L 1 A S 'XT' n nl TT I - As small profits and quicx sale, is bi3 motto, he 1I If I I '. I I I M ity of -a-- Ky ; DIRECTORS.; St. Louis.. Enw Ann Mead. ' - ' SxMErr. JfcCAiiTXEY. W. D. W. Eekxakd, Jons W. Toolet. . Joseph F. EiCHARP?of. B. F. Barry, Alton. W. J. I'igot, l,ex!ngton, r JCSEPH F. RICHARDSON, Pres't. S.' M. Grat, See'y. vln2. . Henry Ktlk, General Agent.' pledges himself to soil (considering the quality the article) lower than any house west of tho Alio gheny Mountains. Those disposed to suspect him of gassing, have on ly to call to be assured of tneir mistake. - oi. josepn, Augusi ju, iooo. viuiju The-Great' Western Central Koutc. Dayton & Western & Indiana - rail no ad. T IN through trains without change of gt!5ge, - . Between Dayton, Indianapolis aiuUChicago, : " " " ' -- - jfayetto, ' 7. ;,..;.".::. - Terre Haute, " " Ix)uisville. i First Morning Train leaves Dayton for Indianapolis at 6:20 A. m. -. ' Second, Eveninr Train leaves Dayton for Indian apolis at 3U 1 . Ai. . JAMES M, MITn Sup't. WM, H. THOIIPSON. - .: J. . n TAAFFK ! THOMPSON & TAAFFE,- ( Successors to Barrows d- Thompson.-) - Wholesale Grocers, And Commission Merchant, Ho. 13, Pearl Street, Ciaciasati. ; Particular attention will be given to order for UrocerLa , which will always be executed at current market prices. ...... JCST OPENED AT THE HEAD OF BROADWAY, , COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. WHERE may bo found a large assortment of BOOKS AND STATIONERY, and everything in their line, consisting in part, as fol lows: -- - - . Histories and Biographies, Narratives and Travcb, School Books, .'Missccllaneou3 "Works, :: Lives of Eminent Persons, , Agricultural Works, " . . Standard Poetical Works, ' Religious Works, Song Books, , Bibles and Hymn Books, 1 , Novell and Light Reading, Pictorial Works, ;.; Blank Books, . . Paper, Pens and Ink, . . Cards and Gift Books," ' , Toys and Fancy Primcrsj .Portfolios ano Albums. And a thousand other nscful and necessary articles in the line, , , t , - Also, red, black and blue INKS, of our own man- nfacturc. Wholesale and Retail, as chean ils ran be had in St. Louis, and warranted of tho best quality, yuu up in quart, pint ana nalt-pint bottles: also, iu tour and two ounce bottles. " - iTofcssional men wishing a bill of ' ; W i 111 IS ; '-'W3I. GfARRISON, : eal Estate Arent ! PLATTSlIOTJTir, X T. ; , HAS now on hand several valuable town lots and also Timber and Prairio Claims, which he will sell cheap. . . , Being agent for the City of Flattsmouth, he will furnish lots to thoso who wish to settle in the tjwn on cheap and reasonable terms. r . . . , Ofileo with J. H. Brown, Esq. Can be' supplied here at 20 uer cent above nub lishers prices, we paying all costs and obtaining them a; the shortest notice. Uur arranzements embrace any STANDARD COOKS printed in tho Uni ted States. ' . Call and see our stock wo aro new besrmnera bnt . tj - -, - wni serve our customers to the best of onr hilifv A : . : vu in-us, hc a suro win oe saiistactort. n ) , CRAIG & SANFORD. Council Bluffs, Iowa, June 11, '55 vln2. i-, - -r-r ttt. . - trr " SEVEN HEADED UIE AT. C I1S.VC been shown by Mr. McColIotigb, of this place, a -fevr Eample heads of the seven headed "wheat, TYhich vtq think a little ahead of any of the cereals yet exhibited. They are from the farm of Mr. II. Hudson, on .Santa creek, who ha3 a four aero pat:h of this variety, which he confidently expects will yield him from seventy to eighty bushels per acre. Pciahma (Califor nia (Journal. - - ! The celebrated race horse, i Lex ington has been sold for 15,000. This is the highest price' e ver paad for a horse in this country. OT. JOSEPH LUMBER YARD ; On Edmond Street near CargilPs Mill, - .St. Joseph, Missouri. W. J. TAYLOR,- Removed" from the clc1 ' Str.nd io tna above cataed place. rTinE undersigned is now fully prepared to accom J. modato his patrons and friends with the best as sortment of Pine Lumber ever ofTored in this mar ket, comprising not only White Pine Lumber end White and Yellow Flooring, ready dressed; but also best assortment of I'mo and Cottonwood shingles Poplar Siding, &e.' -; -. '-).vi - ' . He has now on hand, at his Lumber Yard, the lar gest and best assortment of Boors, Sash and Veni- tian blinds, ever offered in this market, a portion of which is direct from Cincinnati manufactories, which enables him to-sell at very reduced prices. He in fully prepared to 11 all orders in his line, at short notice, and particularly solicits the Kansas and Ne braska trade, for ho has the articles they want and m ast hare. Be rure to give mo a call, near CargiU'a Mill, and in the immediate vicinity of the St? Jo seph Brewery. . - , . V; THE NEW FLOURING LULL. CLARK'S PATENT COMBINED GRINDING and Bolting cr Llerchant Flouring Mill. Thi highly ingenious and much needed invention forms an entirely new feature in the manufacture of WHEAT and FLOUR, by the superior manner ia which it performs its work GRINDING and BOLT ING the Grain at a -single operation into Seven different kinds of fiour and. feed. ' This mill possesses advantages to numerous to be enumerated in any advertisement. The propel way to fully appreciate its great merit is to seet it run. It is in operation daily at No. 313 Broadway, Corner Court St., St. Louis, Mow State and Country Rights and Mills For Sale. . i W. W. HAMER & CO., Broadway and Court, 2d Story. New Hardware ; Store. Sign of the Jlill Saw. ' ': ' - J. FLAHERTY, ' Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in American German, English & French TeFritorv n 7 Aagust 2, 185C-.T HAEDWAKE AND CUTLERY. : ST. JOSEPH, MO. ' " ; " '. F- DINGS & CO., TS NOW receiving and opening the largest and most TO STEAMBOATMEN. r CORD-WOOD FOR SALE. - At '2.25 -ner Cord. TAMES W. COLEMAN informs the IWf. Fnt.nJr, O the upper Missouri trade, that he keeps constantly a3 good a. supply of Dry Cord-Wood, as can be found on the river. ... Landing alwavs srood. ood x ard one mile above BrownvL'dc. Nebra-ka tcbraska 'shore. -.Tl-nStX s-go and weIl'-l-- ted bxT of 5pria dsral.;oa su-vrior i: t'.oc of Family L " C(.r.:o c-ne ar.'.i all,; "- - 1 : ; : Ft r well W- l:now; . . I . A.Hiiri yot.Ti uul,.' . ; - - ' V'eril sell S3 loW, Of Gccdi the bet, Ar! profit small, n . .": ' ! We'll b.jat; th.s rest, " J?" - . : - -'--Ar.d suiSyouun. i . Oar Stock cf Dry Goods havin rbcen pu.;,., the Eastern cities, wo flatter onr?e'v?s that surj asa our competitors.' it life luw pricej 13j qualities oi our ococx, ecu c;irnos-jy her.nt make by cu'.lirg isd S3ein;r: for them-n!, purchasing tL-e where. . - CAREY, iv . N. B. Country rrod ij cf, all kinds bkj ;hange at the highest prlcc-j, for Guodj. J1Zi- DA'NISL,, Z00K, .WnOU:31I.B,;ANpj KZTAIL wj JLia -.;..'' O'-'.jvii, ilitt County, 0. " lTa3in Store : , :-'.: Pur o V.'hita Lad, i Window Clas, ' Caster Oil, ; i Ei.Legworyi - Blue htcn?, 5 Alum, "iflr mad Glfv. 'Root do,. ' Saint LonisCla, Pan Grcee, L'hwme du. : do "yellow, , irtn 1 a;nt, mola.-cp; 2.";0 bbls plantation r.ol;v !cs: 10 3 yl:gn!at-jvcrel 100 boxes cod Hah : 100 bbls Wilningtoa tar: 5C0 kegs P..ston and Pittsburgh naiLj; : . 63 kegs fing lid m-'!; 73 tags cotton yarn; . ; " 50 bales caqt; 130 do cotton twine; 100 bales- wickingi 430 els JLinilLi and Jute cordiigc; ,. . . , 1C0 doz plow and cofhes Jmc; 400 boxes window glass, assorted sizes;-; 2000, lbs W. chalk: 3D0 do alum; 1300 do s'tpcter; 20000 osnabnrg suets; 10 ke sup. ci)rb. foda; 200 half cheets Imp.. Y.-H. and G.P.tas; 300 boxes Imp., Y. J. and G. P. teas; , . 450 boxes Virginia" nnd Missouri tobacco; 100 bx. smoking tobacco; 50 do cut chewing do; 150 br. star candles; 70 do sperm do; 30 candle mould?; 239 bonces p 350 j.lcg5?aleratus: - ' 3 cases Ma. indigo; 6 ccroonu H. P. do; ' SOHjgs peeper; -15 d pimento; 200 bxs g' J sices: SO). 31 . G. D, per. caps, 250 mn C. & L. piper: 30) doacorn. and fary pails, 100 no 3-boopdo: 800 C3ts 2 and 8 qt tiib.; 250 mats cajsia; . 23 razes prunes; 40 t-ks currant; 3 do madder; 'r 5' bbls whiting: 10) rms wrapping p-aper; ' -50 bales Osnaburg?; broom, zinc washboards, churns, Ac., Ac., . , June-7, '53. W GLAStJOW & BROTHER. COLESAIJ3 CBOCEP.S, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MEIiC HANTS, No. 50 Levee, have in elora and to arrive the following Goods, which they oiler ior salo at the lowest prices, 1000 hhds fair toJp rlmo N. 500 boxes Yeast powdrs; U. bugar; loo kejs sap Caro btxla; 1CC0 blia clfd sugar; , 100 box-s t-alcratns; 800 do If and crush'd do; 500 els Manilla Cordage; 300 do . Jute do: 500 doi Manilla A; Grass Bed Cords; SH0 biixes Baisins; 2o bbU Almonds; lOOboxosLcm. Sj-mp, 300 do 'ass'd Candles; 100 Preserved Fraiti'; 100 do . Meats; '100 do : Pickles: 100 'do Ketchups; 100 do Olive Oil; 73 do Brand'd Cher.; 50 do ' do Pcaihep; 30 coses Carjaccas ' " ' Cbocolate; 40 Jo Wood bx mafch's; 50 do Sardines, quarter and half boxes; 5 caes Citron; lObbbMxscnsElViflg: 5 cas Nutmeg?; 5 lo Indigo; . 50 clo B. C. Oysters; 1500 r,:nms Wrop. Letter at.d Cap Paper; 300 nests Tubs, U's-S's; .lite Zink do. 3 FishGil, Wjalo do. ','Wrighti' Illls, Chanipian's di, Jayan' London's i u r : Can C tt it u 4i '' A-- Ci TZ - A 0 c ono y - -j ' u - '. : : s t'l i (!.-rl All sr v. : '. cot . All r.ite. Ah- Linseed Oil. Spanish Whiting, -; Bed Lea 1,.. . Lithcrage, ' " . Whita Clialk, ' Vcni:ian lied, S'4; Brown, Cream of T.irter," " TarL-iric Acid, .. - ' Sa'phcr Carb. Soda, Vinegar,- i- ' Turpontine, hal c?')da, . Copcra?, : ; Saltpeter, . . , Ui.rax, Mcx. Liniment, ; ' -Vol. Oil do, ; Morland's do," l Nerverand Bona do, Parrels , do, , , Louden's ' do, Jay3' Expt., Ionc'.on's do. In addition to the above, I hare the bra.- of Druggist and Physician Shop furnitare, f.? C'" cals, Surgical instrument, a:id l'atcat i.L J '' ever ofTered for ?a!e ia this C'ouatry. .Jkrehants and Ihys;ci;i-a3 ,of Iowt, laisi C!l Nebraska, are respectfully, in v. tod ti give iki: - . June 7, ISO..-- - :' -.' DAHL ZD'.: r , ,t eha"J i:Ka.lway'aK.IL TP r Baris Pain Kiilfr, .11. V raI:neptocki V. v W Stone'3 Conirb Car -n , . 3-TcIianc'aLiTerFi i HEW GO rj nir An rrr. V JUST -ESCIXYTD b. b. j. d. -rx. -Troird ; . : BROWNVnJLE, K T.' I,. Expressly for this Markj;-, Jv Laryj aidl i- Selected Stock rf DRY GOODS, " GROCEPJES. - tor- CLOTHING, 'HATS & CAPS, CASTINGS, NAILS, IRON", SASH, BOOTS & SHOES, qrEExswAir. PIXE DOCL'ef f- i--iIARDTA- r'i . .. CUTLER LATCI ' LGC, ' : Importer of, and Wholaale Dottlert in L varied arsortmcnt of goods in the above line ever Frfmr1l(rPrTTiTT' "RrifisK A ,'' offered in any market west of St. Louis... - T ? : My stock embraces a full and complete assortment of Cabinet and House Builder's Hardware, Mechan ic's toola of every description, din;ct from the most approved manufacturers; agricultural and horticul tural tools and implements, in great variety, eombia ing all the recent and useful improvements for the saving of a vast amount of labor to th farming com munity, from whom I respectfully request a careful also exclusive asent for the sale of the relpbrativi 4--1- VICISlve n&n ssystern, we draw the atten St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cut Saws which I E10n 0f . 0 taye" to tbe fact that we have revised will warrant, and fill all orders at ihe factary prices ur ctire stock an(l reduced former Credit Prices Also a large assortment of Guns, Kifles and Pisbd' .. 5 to 20 T ccn" aording to the naturo of the Iron, Steel, Nails, 4c.. cf the best brands: in a wnr.l aiacrent articles, my stock is very completewhich, for its quality a ad Commrison ResnPCtfllll V R-lip?frl pnco,Iamdctenuined to offer such inducement? as UiUi'aAitua AttJUUliy DOilCltCa. 41 'Jl HOSIERY, GLOVES, TOYS, NOTIONS Manufacturers of all kinds of Brushes. 39 North Main Street, (Up Stairs,) ' " : ' ST. LOUIS, MO,'. HAVING since the first of January, adopted the 500 do S. II. ni'; 81) 0 do pi a n ta 1 1 c n do; 100 tcs prime Rice; 1000 pks G, and B. Teas; " 1000 bags -Rio coffee; 100 do prime old Gov ernment Ja. eolTee; 1000 kegs Nails; UuO boxes I n, Ulemo a rarauy Soap; 100 boxes Fanev Snap; S00 do Star "Candles; 250 do Mould do; 60 . do Castilo Sonn; 100 do ' Starch: 300 do Va.mafd To- ) 11 CCO ' ' " ' 200 do Mo. ' do; 800 j do. Smoking do; " 1100" do iCuba Cigars; 00.000 Beg. Cig. Imp.; 100 bags Pepper; 23 : d Alspiec; . 300 bbls 3s hf do .Ma'cl.; 500 boxes Glass; 100 bales Batting: 200 doi Painted Bukts; LIQUORS. ,10 half pipes puro old 58 bbls Malaga Wine; .Brandies; 1C0 Ikts Dennis Champ, 100 cases do .do do; 100 do Ilcidsick do: 100 bbU Monon. U his'y; ' 50 ca.?cs t bl Md. Wine; 100 do old Bye Whisky, 200 boxes Claret Wine; - ery superior; St. Louis, Jnnolth, 1856. II. G. HOIES & CO., ' No. 16,'Mam Street, St. Louis Mo. . 4 GENTS for Straub's Com and Wheat Mill JL the "Queen of the South." This rcmarkabb Mill ha? been kept secured to the inventor by t avcat recently, nowevcr, (Juns 2(th; 1Sj4.) Letters Patent for the United States have been granted. !e- curing tne invention lor locrteen years. This Mi nas sustained itself wherever it has been brought in to competition with other Mills. It was run ag;t'nst the other make of. Mills of our city, at the Ohio"state Fair, in 1830, when it drew a diploma, as the best Corn Mill, and was awarded a fine silver medal. Of these Mills we manufacture five Kize.? fr corn and three expressly for grinding wheat fl;ur, ' The peculiar novelty of this Mill is, the under stone is th.8 running stone, ia all coses. . There is no limit to the speed, and as speed is everything in Tind ing, it wui out grind any upper grinder in tho world. Secondly: By thisi arrangement we aro enabled to get grain into tho Mill with a very small cj-e. qucntly we grind nearer tho centre, and of course with less powoi than any upper runner can be made. Thirdly: Oar Mill takes any kind of grain without choking W e warrant against chohing in any and nil cases. This is a great vexation causing delay and trouble in all Mills whero the nprer stono is the run ner. Of course, we mean small Mills, where the mo tion must be high to do much bmduess. Fourthly; Our Mills never take unjurr by mnnin" empty tho under stone not touching the upper one, no injury can be done. . This is an important advan tage over all Mills where the upper stono i3 the run-ncr- . August 23, 1351. vln!2tf ', - WINDOW, SHUTTERS 4',c' Q.i... . HAVING been bought art! sl.irpea allow!.-, we flatter ourselves we ire able it offer nr. ducements as have not beroN,f jjtj been (Aral We ask an examication o'.'our Gxxls and prlt? , fore purchasing elsewhere. .;Thi Ladies wU our IStore a larg'j assortment, of Kmuu u.N.i .ta i: lie rn::. Vi : roplin?, t.mghniny. ictom Lar Llmbroidered Ilabe?1, 1'taiJ Silky, &c., JiC. LC. ALL OF WHICH WILL IBS ISOLD VKH Juno 7, 1S50. ; :.. ;.;. j. i LI iiii. A. B. HOLLAIjird & CO. - Ma'cMniits FinsIers tri GU. EKGm Ah but ' s-. Villi , . .Troat 'Slrec':, Wot'of Sxii, CINCINNATI, O, Would mast respectfully infma thclrfr'- . tho public fencrally, t lit. they are - ' pared to execute ad orlcrs i:; -.hir line, wit?? ness. 'Having lately enlarged 1 heir six f the increased fa:il:tiei they .mw possess, th-7 f -merit a continuation of the liberal pa:rona;t II,-.r has heretofore been estendol to- thcai. ' Saw Mill Engines cf:i(:HTy De Constantly on tan ?: consisting of tho bir on 1 Muley. Mill Gears :;vl every destrif (. astings, warranted to be we i mi-do in ever?-' Iar. . - . . .T) j H " They have al-o a B oil ?r Void aitfteW'jj s establishment, which cnabl'-S; tjem to V". work in that lino furnished by them, id irr, 5 pared to work cn as rwwjocable terms i ? ' , siiop in the countrv. ,, well to give us a call nn i cxaeiioe car'v'?"..' ' A. B. IlC'LALiSD B. W. LKWIS JAMES "W.I.EWI3 ni s. J. Bir3 will command a liberal share of trado from this and adjoining counties. My arrangements for importing and agencies for American Hardware Manufacturers together with a long experience in tho general 11! ware trade, enables me; not only to defv all tion, but ha3 convinced mo that the true principle of " vxsu iviiu smaii prouts. August 30, 1856. . rlnlgtf ... .r MSSOURi BIYER PACKET. IS new, elegant and fast rnnni packet an freight steamer. E. A. OGDEN. Price Iist. may be had on application. ti. iiouis, ivug. ij, 1300. yi-ni2tf SIIAW, BUEL &,BARBOU , tiirORTllK3 & TOEBSRS OP .. oocl At, 53 Pearl Street, Cincinnati. L. BlBOCR, C. 6. SHAW. h. C. TTH. (I. H. niTinOTTrt TKSZ"?? KrWETY BORERS, who can handle Baldwin, Commanderf is now rnnnin" her regular tho spade, ara wanted immediately at trips between St. Louis and Council fllnff ,Khi, one of tho best freight steamers on tho river, having BrowntiHe, Nebraska Territory. Liberal wages will be given by tho subscriber, J. D. X. THOMPSON. lat l'EBT B. W. LE WIS & BKOS. t ' MANUFACTrr.Er3 OP AIL r'.25C31TTICS CHETTIirG TOBACC . ' GLASGOW, XISSOCM mnANKFrr. r.r tb vwhi vz&'J?'. r X Wfl bnirw tirotA-,,m -r,.io(I fnm OUf S friends and customer-', and while wpcc'-'ii-J v ing a continuance cf the sarae.piadjio.T 'f spare neither pains noreiumKi to merit t-ft agJ cf the public, we beg' Icito ta aan-) William J. Lewis has withdrwn from o "; Thos. J. Bartholow is admitted a partner date, the style of tho fii ra rea fining and ar, that we have secured tho sctTiccJ of tap G. Davis who will hereafter act ia tic .f1 traveling salesman in correction Bartholow and will during the e?miaj ' sonally wait upon our custooiers for tb!, soliciting their orders. ' Oursnock holiTtVv year cf all descriptions is unanimous! . quality of which cannot fail to P78"",; lo tion to consumer?. B. W. Lb Glasgow, Mo.. January 6, IS 55 THOSE wishing to purchase LOTS ia the Town of Brownville would do well to give ns a call, as wo have 60 Lots which will be sold very cheap far caH Also, &Xots in OMAHA CITY, for sal. Una Are of B. B. k J. D. X. THOMPSON. Brownville, X.T. June 23,1335. i;f ST. LOUIS AND COUNCIL PACKET. j TIE steairer ADMIRAL, baring Vea f ;,- rpn. cpaired and refittul.will ply reg,J1-u a. a e rr , i notice. THE stock' holders of the Xeracha .LriJa Company are hereby notified that it is necessary to insure the immediate ere-tion and ct-mletion of said Bridge; that the amount of stock subscribed, be paid ia in full, before 1st, September. By order of tho Board ' August 2, lS5S.-v2-n9-2t JOHN S. JUXXICK. DAY & M ATLACK, Wholesale Dealers . Dry Good., Eo. 57 Tearl street, between Wal nut and Vino, Cincinnati, Ohio. v St. Louis and Council BluS. during 1333, touching at Jcferson City, B.dvi.;;. ... worth, St." Joseph, Savannah, ' Browarl, Xebraska City, St. Mary, andrtl iotcrr,!'" V Thankful for the patronage extcnW v, , MI UAL during tho p;ut goaior,' the "-' ? ' punctuality and dispatch, to n srit tic of the- favors conferred by shippers, 3' will receive all due attontiuiu C1IAS.X.BAKW-" -0 -Il.A.DAilST.t . Or WE HAVE now reHulv f-r le chantablc Brick. WESWLM Ertwnvillc, Aaj-irt Z, IS3-J.