Newspaper Page Text
An intcrc:tbzleitcr frcmxCicraiLa to tbe 2Caiimal intelligencer, describes some cf the inhabitants and products 0 , Lizard3 and scorpions are plentiful ly interspersed through the country, besides hich there is a large lizard ivhich the natives call "iguano " and Tvhich chiefly inhahits the woods, feed ing cn bugs Lnd ether insects. I have only teen a couple of them since I have been "here. They measure about two feet from tho tip cf the no?e to the end cf the tail, and are of a light brownish color. I bare seen two makes only since I have been in the country; znl a friend at my elbow says he has lived here a rear, aniens cf them is the cnlv cne"hs ha3 seen. The one I allude to resembles that so frequently found incur Western prairies, called the whip Enake, but the natives fear them very much, saying they are poisonous, and ldll people." The tobacco grown in the country is - . - . excellent,to my taste, almost equalling tt- c.nh fnhrn T hnrf PrprsmntpdJine lerriDie inieiuzencB oi vne uuriniiK ThV r.ativps roll it nn into verv nice ci-ars, Tvhkhthey sell at the remarta- lly low rate cf one dime per dozen. They are of an excellent flavor, except ihri hp'.-nrr snnlrorl sn unnn r.ftpr thpv ere made? thev have a creen taste, w hich i3 never found in Havana cigars, following particulars. . -i Every thing cf American manufac- The. Niagara left Collingvrqod at 2 ture is sold at the hi-hest possible rates; o'clock on Monday afternoon last, with little tin pans, which sell for six and about one hundred and fifty passengers, eight cents in the States, readily oring- She supplied the place of the Keystone ing twenty and thirty here. Bat the State, which, having been disabled in reverse is the case with regard to native the gale of Tuesday last, had to remain manufactures and fruits. Hammocks for repairs. . The Niagara proceeded which in the States sell for five and ten safely as far as Sheyboygan, where dollars pan be bought here for from she landed . about ' 25 passengers, one to two dollars and a half; plantains principally steerage. ' are sold six for a half dime and other She left Sherboygan at 2 o'clock, things in -proportion. The scarcest Wednesday afternoon, and abcut two article here, I believe, is ink, as I have hours afterwards, while four or five hud the greatest possible difficulty in miles of Port Washington, iire was netting enough to write this letter. discovered by passengers, in the cabin, The lion. Pierre Soule came out in tlie lost "steamer from Kew Orleans, and has just purchased a fine cocoa estate, for which he paid the Govern- dent fifty thousand dollars. By an article . whicli appeared last week in ' ."El Xicarajucnse" the editor of that paper seemed to think he was about to ' BCUle in the country. X VUilwlUll I f ci.lA.Ci. O I i-imVia V firmly established now, and the "know- ing ones" in the States will make im- mense fortunes by it, as the numerous hacienda3 which have been confiscated bv the Government will be -sold in s,Vi y 1 rim a v n i ! rTvn -m rTi r i about three months. These estates .can then be bought with scrip at par; and as that article is now selling at ci-ht and ten cents on the dollar, you tnay readily suppose that there is a lively speculation going on in it. C.C.V. gotx: Eicnpis ASTj EXPESTI- The receipts and expenditures of the United States Government for the fiscal ' year ending June SO, 1856, arc said to have been as follows: f -eio-Mi ar lvce.pt4 ...... 3,318,141 45 Expenditures ------ 72,048,792 C2 T7,a .w. n mm of wv lie debt were: r.yme.t of Tcxaa creditors -5,320,016 77 llexicaa Indemnity - - - - 3,000,000 CO Domestic Debt - - - - -" 5.35C.373 61 Total ------ 13.776,390 30 The revenues were derived from the following sources ; Customs - - - - - - $64,022,803 50 Laads 8,917,644 98 uu ----- w The Washington correspondent of the New York Courier, in furnishing her. . the forgoing facts, says : Capt. Miller stopped at Port Wash- "Froni the statement of current re- ington to take care of those who were ccipts during tho quarter now at its saved. A majority of the passengers "close, it will be perceived that the were woman and children. Tho pknk revenue of this present year is like to life preservers were all thrown over exceed that of the last by a large board and many were found clin?in amount. If we have a busy and pros- to them. At tie time of the fire there pcrous condition of commercial affairs was a heavy ground swell, but it was laricg the balance of the period, the not very rough. The wind blew very " receipts for 1857 will probably exceed cold. " . $78,000,000. No modification of the The propellor Illinois also picked up tariff that may be agreed on at the next about thirty passengers and landed session of Congress, will take effect them at Port Washington, it was im before the commencement of the ensu- possble to get their names. - Several ing year. sail vessels came promptly up to the "The public debt is now reduced to asistance of .the Niagara, and did good about $80,000,000, on which the in- service in saving life. Tho life boat terest is 1,800,000; the reduction in from Port Washington wls likewise this item alone constituting an impor- promptly on hand and rendered timely taut saving in the annual accounts. aid. . . - ' M The Mexican war debt, at its highest It is impossible to tell how the fire point, involved an annual charge of originated. When first discovered by fc4,UW,WU tor interest. Four Days Later frou Europe. The steamer Anglo-fcaxon, with four days later intelligence from Europe, board side. It is supposed that it first arrived at Quebec on Monday. broke out near the engine room. The The news is not of much import- 1st engineer and steward wero not on ance. Advices from Madrid state that board. From all the facts that could the Queen and O'Donnell are much at bo learned, most of those composing variance. O'Donnell had tendered his the crew were saved. resignation, but the Queen had refused There is a painful rumor in circula to accept it. The reports concerning tion in regard to the fire being the an united French and English demon- work of an incendiary. It is stated stration against Naples, acquire con- that on the previous trip of the Niagara, Eistance, and are pretty generally be- an anonymous letter addressed to the lieved. It is stated that if Naples does steward, was put into' the captain's not agree immediately to' make the office, which letter warned the steward concessions demanded by England and to keep off the boat, as she would be Fra ncc, a fleet of eight vessels, already burned. This letter, our informant aeiaueator tne purpose, wm proceed to Aspics to brmg home the Lnghsh .pl( and Freucli Arnhassaders. Hostilities will probaUy follow this demonstration. An uneasy feeling i3 perceptible in London, caused by the belief that Eng land acts in this aflair without the hearty concurrency cf France. Even- iLLKOis-Hcn. John7ood, Mayor of Quincy, has been nominated for Lieut. Governor cf Illinois in place of Francis Herman declined. Oxn-Tzxin c? a Sxccsi roou Dsate. It Trill bo remembered that the Kct. Mr. Selhrood, qf the Episco pal Church, missionary, to Oregon, Trfts in the Punama nass-crc, andrcportei among the deal. v In a letter just re ceived frca Hra, bo r.iys ho received four wounds, zzi-1 is dhSrared for life. II13 narrow escape frc m daith if thus described: , . After I had recovered, and previous to leaving the, cno of my medical attendants gaii to me: "I look upon your escap 2 as a miracle; , the ball Easred so near the heart that it must ave pr .:cd at the instant of its con- traction, for had it passed at. its cx- pansicn you must have been killed. Just the cne-tcnth of a second made all the difference in'ycur case between life and death." jlvtitl cxh.ihty. , Bupjciin'g of tiie Steamix Niagara. Forty or Fifty Liyxs Lost. The steamer Traveler, from Sherboygari, i i . . ii . Drongnx to tms cityyesicraay morning, cf the steamer Niagara, off Port Wash ington, on Wedncsc.ay afternoon, about 4 o'clock. The Traveler also brought fifteen of the passengers and eight of the crew, who were rescued from the burning vrrect, from them vre learn the j proceeding from ithe encme room. The alarm was ins'antly given by the passengers, but Kucii consternation seized every one, that no efforts seemed to be made to stay the conflagration, CapL Miller was asleep at the time in kis cabin, having been'npall the night before. He was immediately awaken ed, and rushed out on deck. Attempts a i i t. liia ur: hi ii.n hit- i i i f r . iiii l i i, ii i - - - 7 " w ' found to be useless. Several of the passengers after recovering their presence of mind somewhat, began to break down the doors and wooden work and to throw it overboard. The two boats on the hurricane deck, were immediately ordered to be lowered, but & the excitement and confusion, they were thrown overboard, immediately capsized ana were rendered, useless. The stern and quarter boats were lowered, and all capsized but one, in which about twenty passengers were saved. Lare numbers of passengers. paralyzed with fear at the. first nn- nouncement of the fire, jumped over- board and were drowned. Mothers threw their children overboard and tflcn wildly followed them. Every one seemed perfectly insane with fear, and . i . J . , ' . tiirew themselves over without the sliehtest attempt to escape. Capt. Miller and five or six others sa,Te tliemselves by clinging to the wheels until succor came. The Iraveler was about ten miles distant, and dis- covering tho fire immediately put off t th great efforts iu rescuing thirty of the passengers. All the saved give the I a m wa- uuvv vvuvvl uitvl captain great credit for his noble con- duct.' The Traveler towed the Niagara gome distance, but was unable to bring her into shoal water and therefore left the officers of the Traveler, the boat was completely enveloped in a cloud of smoke. The fire appeared to burst out forward of the wheel on the Ktar states, is now m the possession of Captain Miller. It is hardly nosiblp Capti to conceive of a human bein; so de 7 praved as to be capable of perpetrat ing so diabolical an act; yet, if thi3 statement should prove correct, it aS'ords foundation for such a belief. Among the saved was one old lady who was found clinging to a pi ant life preserver, nearly exhausted, with her shawl wrapped round her, binding her to it, and actually holding on with her teeth. . , She was restored bythe actire exer- tion3 cf thoss on board tho Traveler, and is now restored to her usual health. Mr. G. Haley, it is feared, is among the lostT" He has been : clerk cf the Niagara ever since she has run. "--He wasrr ell known in this city and greatly respected by all who knew Lim. , His son was d clerk and was saved. The 21 engluccr,., ship' .3 carpenter, 4 or o deck hands, and about iz pas sengers, escaped in one of the quarter boats, and landed safely nortlTof-Pcrt Washington. The steamer Dan. Marble and three other vessels picked up about 20 bodies. The following is a list of the passen gers and crew who were saved and brought to this city on the Traveler: 1 Harvey Ains worth, Royalton,vVt.' - J. B. Curtis,- Steubeny R;Yr " H. Dock, Washington, N.'T. Wm. Hoag, Buffalo, N. X. , John HilL Collingswood, C." W. H. Chalmers and wife, ' Hamilton, New.Brunswick. . S. Lock, Waterburv, Tt. II. Lock. " " . J. P. PIcnnedy, Minnesota. II. Kennedy, St Lawrence, N. Y. Mis3 Julia Kennedy. " . , " C. C. Westbrook, ; Green Bay, Wis. J. H. -"Allen, Concord, N. H. f J. Robinson, Knox, 111. ' . chew. Capt:F. S. Miller. - , ' Gillies, 1st mate. N. JIcKennan, 3 W. G. Thorburn, waiter. Daniel Osborn. " ' Andrew Snyder, fireman. John Gordon, Robert Gillespie, Angus . Kerr, Amos Odell, . a Li u u It is impossible at the present time w uuum a umui muse nuu nacuwi, or to judge with any certainty of the ! number. The trip sheet, containing No. Eighty-Two North Fourth Street, Xeax Locust. Cf. LOUIS. MO. I Tl f ANUFACTOIEES of every description; of I ill Frames.dealersinPaintrng,Engravings,Litho- J graphs, Ac.; tjooking-glass Plates of every siie, and I trained to any pattern in the best manner. ; Advertising Lards, fetained and V arnishel or x ramed at short notice. Iiosewood, Walnut and other fancy wood Picture r rame Jlouldings. The Trade Supplied. Old Frames, 4c., He-gilt. 3. T. POWDA1L. B.E. CABS., DOWDALL, CARIl & CO., -WASHINGTON FOUNDRY, : Engine and XJachine Mannfactory. Corner Scond and Morgan Streets. ' ST. LOUIS, 3IO. IV rANCFACTL'RERS of Steam Engines and LVil- ItJL ers. Saw and Grist Mill Machinery, Tob;icco Screws and Presses, Lard Kettles, Lard Screws and Cylinders Word Carding Machines, Yoang'i Patent Smut Machines, Building Casting, Ac. ZSf"AsiDts for the sale of James Smith & Co.'s Superior MACHINE CARDS. . YOUNG'S PATENT SMUT MACHINE. Well tried, always rnccessful, fully Guarantied. Manu factured and for sale bv i ; DO WALL CARR,ACO., . Wiishington Foundry, St. Louis, Mo. GREAT Clothing Saler WM.RMARTINJ 1Qr? (C C. -MARTIN, ! JNew lork. . ) AjJj bt. Louis. MARTIN & BROTHER." THE OLD ORIGINAL CLOTHIERS, iro. 114 AJTD No. 1 TJAITf STREET, ST. LOUIS, MO. FiR the appronehinff spring, we will have a TEE- tured bv ourselves in New York. er-eSslv for ihU market. I In point of STYLE, QUALITY and PRICE, we aeiy any ana an competition I e nave marked down our price very low, as we intend selliDg to none bit CASH AKD PROMPT HEX. To such we would ask a thorough examination of our Stock before purchasing. l-5t MARTIN &BRO. ALONZO PRATT, E. G. PBATT E. V. FOI, 8. C. MAXSCB, St. Louis. New York. O. W. CHILD, "; SL Louis CniLD, TIIATT & CO., Direct Importers, Jobbers and Manufactureri Agents English, French, German & American . Hardware and Cutlerr. GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, &c, &c. 139 & 141 Main St, cor. Washington Avenue, . ST. LOUIS, MO. XL ESTABROOK, UHITED STAT23 District Attorney, . OMAHA CITY, N. T. rEQrTRED to be in attendance officially upon all XV the terms of the District and Supreme Court cf the Territory, tenders his Professional services to such as need them. He flatters himself that his facilities for gaining a knowledge of the practice in each I)is . .. . vl Vim trt 4T11TA CuTisfu'itiriTi tj ctr o tricfc, will enable him to give eacisfactioa to such as entrust their business to his care. Omaha City, June 7, 1856 L. FORSYTH & CO. ' 'COMMISSION MERCHANTS Ana Frcifjlit JArrents, OF THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO HAILHOAD. Ko. 3, Olive Street, St. Loui3, Mo. . . A. MUDD, O. Mvuif, U. u. aL GILES, J. J. MtrSD. ii. T. JttUUO, . 8. O. CBUBB. MUBD & HUGHES. PRODUCE COMMISSION Ko. oS Lievea and tt Commercial Street ST. LOUIS, 2IO. JOSEPH MURPHY. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. And Solicitor in Chanceiy. . .Sidxey, Fbemost Cocxty, Iowa. OlSce in the Court IIouso. up stairs. FRANKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY Ko. 163 Vine St., bet. FourUi and Tifti, CINCINNATI, O. C. F. O'DllISCOLE & CO. Patent Medicine Directions. Jo 'rA rn.J . . , , V" Brand ad Pattern Letters, various styles. O. P. 3IASOW, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. And General Land Agents, NEBRASKA CITY, N. T, ILL promptly attend to Land Agencies, collee y tiens. mvesticg ; money, locating and selling bind warrants, ani all other business pertaining to their profession, in ebraiaJeitory and Western BLolSS f eTer7 de3crirtion, for sale at this Manufaeturei-s and dealers in News, Book and Job Type, Printing Presses, Cases, Gallies, Ac, Ac. Inks, and Printing of Every Description STEItEOT'lEG of all tin,lTv-. lSSC. FUXXXITCRE. iSSC. SOARRTTT & MASON. FTJItniTTJRI &TJ?H0L3TEItT, DEALERS AND No. 40 and 42 Wa?ingfpn Avenue, suwu TTiVnT -nrriT.Vf.wl' our arras eB.5nt3 for a 0. fali XX stock assortment i j to pur3base 3000 Jieds 1000 Bu finn nil Sdi) P.reakfast do. 100 do childrens' do, 200 Work Standi, 200 Wash do, 500 tin safes, 200 Crihs, assarted tizes, 100 Wardrobes, 200 Lounges, W 100 J- 1. f2TTo which we dJ maho-any and walnct, par lor androeUng Chair?, Sofas, centre, ens ana eion Tables; Secretaries and liooic yases. Uphclsterr in creat variety, euen as Bpnnr, uir, cotton, moss and husk JIatresses, Lomloru, sreaas, and Blankets. ' Our work is all Warranted as representee our Prices as Lot as the Lowest.-- " , Orders promptly ard faithtuliy execntca ana re- spectf uUy solicited. Satisfactior. guaranteea. ' 11e8ecallani6ati3iyyourn 5. . St. Louis, Jaly 26. 1S55. Tln3-Cm . . . Improved Little GiaRt CORN & COB PLANTATION 3HLL 1 T-!-i rr TlcdUCOCi. mm? ,.,T.r;Ko. kni THTnha.Hd cxclasive riht of I ft 1JJU BUUilWtl w t , , , ,' ' , j 1 Territory in the West, of the above ccbrated Mills. ills, and is prepared to larnisn tnem a, u.i times, tv,f rhr.ipfi!n irt- retail, and (ruaranteed in the most either wholesale or retail, and gnarante positive manner, It ia now tnnre thnt a VeaT FiDCG tDO Was introduced to tLo public, during which time, it bas been constantly ,vov in:; in the popular favor. The improvements recently elected and paten'. make's it the most inect luacaine ever :uiAAv.wi. " - ' ... wnen once mijusieu, jfc cou mm mijr to a boy. Full -directions accompany ch ililL . !Tol, $25, will grind 8 bu meal per hourvithl horse No2 40,; : Ju.. --... Nq3 50, ' 15 j - 1 Vni 60. 10 " u 1 , ' " 2 u Libertl discount to dealers. . . . JA5IES 13. CHADWICK, ". ; ' No. C3 Locust Street, bet. 2d and 2d June 23, 1S58. vl-n4 St. Louis, Mo.' E. A. THITEIDGE.: " E; J. il KIXXET. MRS. E. A. WIIITKIDGE & CO. ' JIAKITFACTrEEKS OP . ' ' . i. ... i .nn t?n Masonic Clothing and Odd, FeHo 71 Societies, : 1RfprpnrM. ODD FELLOW3 Doids. Gil of Ohio O. P. Morton, POM Ind. C. Moore Ed MasonieUev; Turner Gray, pub Casket F. J. Phillips, II. P. City W.G.Xeilson, P G M Obio The Editor of the Advertiser will have specimens of Regalia from the tbove Manufactory, and recieve orders from Lodgcsor private members tor Legaiia, August 2, looo. !vl-nytt 811 ISIffi . ; PAINTS, i OILS, YARNISIIES, ' . Trenck and American Wiudow Glast & Glatticare, I fyiees, Ind ijo, Madder, Pcrjuvierie,d!. SPRING STOCK! CHAPJLESS, BLOW &. CO. . TLMFOKfEllS t WHOLE3ALI DEALERS. ' Uo. C6and67 Sain street, St. Louis, llo. Are now in receipt of their ne-ar Stock, embracing evervthiis in their I jc rMerebant3 Tisitin our City are requested to give us a call, as weare determined t" sell for Cah or Prompt Time Paper, as low as nny House ja tha United fctatcs. H. WIltTTEMORK. B." B. WIIITTEilOKE. J. F. ciETEK II. & JL B. MITTEMOEE & CO., DOXNETS AKD STRAW GOODS. NO. 1 43 3AIN STREET, " : ' (First door abov the Bank of Missouri.) ' Qt.XjOxxis, rlo. f47Cash paid for lurs and Deer Skins. A.. C. FOKD, . ' : I .. . L. L. BOTK. FOR5 & BOWEN, Attorneys and 1OUnSellOrS at laW. - ' COL&U1 lLLr k9 1UW A OCce at Ihe ctrner of Ercadway and Madison streets, up stairs. W. P. LOAN, iTT.0P.IY M m , LAND AD LOT AGENT. ARCHER, RICH RDSON COUNTY, N. T. CHARLES YTEST 2T. J. M.'ASni22T. . & JIcASIIEN, ;g & COMMISSION clonnta, - ' "WES'! FORWARD1 . . Me: Grocere and Steamboat Agents, Corner Secant ami Francis Streets, , (Opposite A. Peatio's Banking House.) AH assortment of Boat Storei?, Groceries, Wines. Liquors, Meal, Hour, Ac, kept constantly on hand. July 25, 1S5G, Vl-n3 ' NO BOOKS KEPT!! ALL (fASWU A. S. HOLLADAY, .WHOLESALE 3TD BE TAIL LEALEB 15 Drnsrs aiid JSIedicino's Llain Street, Brov7nviU3, 13". T. ..r : r .i ; -- - rnHE nndersienedresioectfullvbe?lenTitrt inf J. 'the public, that he has now on hand a complete yuuium vi uieriuuij, usually Kept in Drug Stores, which he oSxts for sale, Eiclasively on a New System of CASH AID CASH ONLY! It will be entirolyToreign to this beautiful system, to "Book." "keen aount.""note"8cm.tch,'n!i!ib- or "remember for a few da vs." Coma witli th line. " ; 7 ' " 5 m rug Prescriptions Cotrpouaaei at all Honrs with Accuracy and DistJitca.' Rmmlr fh.Wtom T h, pocketand your feelings will not suffer. Credit will potitivdy Hot be given, unless under circumstances of peculiar uesuttfion. Julyl2,lS56.-vlm5tf A. S. HOLLADAY. "VfOTICE ia hertly given, that the co-partnurship ll heretofore existing under tho nanie and style of uiunuwiaa, vd, w as, on iae zvisx aav ot xobru- ry, -ix. v., xojo, coivea. K. BROWN, S. E. ROGERS, , HENRY EMEUSON. J aly 26, lS55.-vl !nS I . V. LAKE A BRO. r JOHN?. SAMSELL, - (lLtz OF BOcTOX) FasIiioiiaMe Tailor, - nOGK PORT, MO. self he can please all who favor him with their put ronage. Good fits varranted in all cases. PARTICULAR ATTENTION . Given to cutting out garments for heme makin - Brownvmc, Aug. 23, 1S50. vl-nfily Land Office at Brownville. All persons knowing themselves indebted too is, are ucreuy uouuea mat u.eir aecounts are due, and must UD uuuw uimeaia:eiy, Dy rote or teh: as a settle mont we must have.inorder tocontinueourbusinesj p D-?-iJ-D-. THOMPSON. Brownville, August 1st, 1S55. . D. H.'SOLCIION, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. - GLEXWOOD, IOWA. ' Will practice in tho Sixth anl Seventh Judicial Districts of Iowa. of ti in our i, uaa ,u.;5 ,.,4,1 do " " - . :. , i , . l-EKin llAlO- a tke Wst, taso we8Hure in oncrxug, A neir Edition fas i.evn 7 ! rnr .ri-rr trro Lor5e?, mules or oxen vra-.n. v i ra botlx WnOLLALt. ana ulau ditioas made of x uriiiiur . uu - . v v idaal rir of horses calt-s-or a ;; c.n J ,.,1 ..M'.oi'j' i..mti ii rf filler 1.13 'liOU? - i vfl ! t. J ' i T teads, -' v - r-tcgctiicuw nor , hare cr ra'Ue and buy, , ' r reans, 200 Uo eaaeEeas,a ejual to any in tw icrnuaj . mul , .!pTiMa. 100 do roctm do, iSrownrille. July 5, 1So5. Tl-n5tf ' .,.,,M.Kni 10 general farm nsc.', it is furnished ready i -r f w : t-arn, and weighs. aa follows: Ko. 1, 223 o. 2, 2.3 ,, Xo. 3, 400, Xo. 4, 500 pounds. Twenty minuses are 2,ir;nt. tn bpI ona sc. witbout inecbanical u ..J, and INFORMS the pulliu that he is now prepared to serve them in the above named capacity. Havin had long and e.vteiuive experience. h .tt.r v;,,,'' a T-ont Etresi, near tteasDan. . i BROWNVILLE, X. T. A. J. BENEDICT, t W0r5T!?"3 t-s the ptnMc C it to bi3 taken tV A YwWuk fortaorlT kcjt by T. L Edward .vnvi'la. N. T and ii now rreur : 1 t nccomo- W. II. WI.LLIAJIS, tniOLESAL AND BET AIL DEALER IN STOVES & -TINWARE OrcsoxLi ,r,lo., ry mAKES pleasure in annruncing tbecit:zen3 of Or 1 gon and tho pullie in general, that be has on hand the most extensive etock cf Stoves aDl Tin ware, ever offered in this market. My etock of 1 in ware is of ray own ir.anuffceture, and is fr sale at Wholesale and Iiet ail at S 6. Lonis prices. , - - ' I would call particular attention to iry stock of COOKIXG STOVES, eomjsrising the raoft improve! patterns both Air-Tirrht and Premium. Among theia may be found FiHy's Chart?r Oak, the best stove now in use, the Asiatic Air-Tig it, Pioneer and prize 1 re mium. Also " ' " ,. Parlor- Bo j Stovca Of various Sizes and I'atterns, which I will SELL LOWER THJJS' AXY HOUSE II TOWS'. , Particular attention paid to making and putting up Tin Gutters, in tbe town and country. Alio, re- vl-n5 Oregon, 2Jo July 1S33. ! J0STY THOrSAUD L3LLAH3 "Worti cf G oods ' at a enall advarcs on tost and carriage I7 ' nocKroxiT, aoi . AD - IIE3IJJES LADIXC, MO. "VT7"E IIAVE in store, and are receivin.'lh- Steara V V ers Hannibal, Warner, Edinburgh and Omaha, a larjrc and well assorted stock cf . Dry(iood3, l0Hnct3, Clothing:, Hardware, v Queens ware, Boots A Shoes, Hiits A Caps, Cutlery, Paint?, Doors, Oils, Medicine.1?, Drugs, Furniture, Tinware, Saddlery, -Groceries, . Casings Sash, NiiiU, Iroa CARPENTERS & BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS AC. All of which we offer at very low prices for Cash or Country Produce. , BT0 HTJHBUG! "We will jell at S0IIE P2IC2J! DILLON A nAWKL. P. S. Ladie3,if you haven't got a fine Silk Dres.", Shawl or Bonnet, don't blame Dillo.v A Hawk, for we certainly have the best assortment of Fancy Dress Goods ever o5ercd in thi. miirket. No trouble to show Goods. ' vl-n5 " ' ' 1). i II. CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY I Hartford, Ct. - -Capital $200,000 With large and increasing receipts securely invested under the. sanction and approval of the Comptroller of Public Accounts. OFFICERS. ALFRED GILL, Pres't. JOBS' L, ElNCE, Y. P. JAili.SC. WALkLUY, Secretary. DIEE cross. Alfred Gill. John L. Buncs, Wm. R. Cone, Ja?. (i Bolles, John A. Butler, Noah Wheaton, N. Ilollis tcr, Saml Coit,Dan'l Ilillips, C N. Emj lirey. BOAUD OF PrSAXCE. Geo. Beach, Esq.. President of Phoenix Bank, D. F. Kubinson, Esq " Hartford u lion. Isaac Toucey, luto Attorney General U. S. Aj'plications fur insuranire received tv R.W. FdiNAS. Agent. DR. A. S. HOLLIDAY, Med. Ex. , CJEO. T. LUCKIIAItDT, . WATCHMAKER , ' OREGON, HOLT COUNTY - MO. ; TTAKES the liberty to in form the citizens of J Brownville and vicinity, that lie has opened a WATCH, CLOCK A JEWELRY STOUE In Oregon, Holt county, Mo. where he will keep con stantly on hand, and for sale, a g-od aascrtmcnt of Gold and Silver Wa tches, Clocks and Jewelry, which h? will sell extremely low, for CASH. Also, a fine let of Yjolina, Accordeons, Silver, and Ilnted Spec-ta-cles, Gold Pens with Gold ani Silver extension e:iKe?, Silver Thimbles, Ac, Ac. He is prepared to repair Watches, Clocks ami Jew elry, of every description, in the best manner and on iho most reasonable term. Every article bought in his establishment, is war ranted to be what it is represented to be. Watch re pairing warranted for one year. jury zo, iso. vl-nStf . UNITED STATES EXPHE COMPANY inE every pos.'ible faiility for the safe "and " -jccuy transmiijion oi : . , : Jloney, Valuable Packages. Parcels, Goods, and Merchandize Of every description, en reasonable terms. Pkixcipal Offices Ner York, Buffalo, Cincin nati, Toledo, Chicago. Day;on, lndianopolis, and all the (smaller town3 on Railrcads in the Eastern, Mid dle and Western States, connecting aJ. St. Louis with RT.chardson's Missouri River Express. 11. KIIT. Juiy a, isj(j.-vl-n5 General Superintendent. Wholesale Taper Warehouse. JlilADXEIl, WARREN Si. CO., WHOLESALE Dealers in Papers of every des cription: ! : Printing, Folio P Book Paper, Flat Cp, Wrapping, Foolscap. Manilas, : Letter & Note, : ' ' Colored Papers. " Medium A Dam v's. of the very best Eastern and "Westera Manufacture, and for sale at very low prices. . Cash for lags and Rope, BRADNZlt, WARREN A CO, No. 12, la Salle stroer. Chicago, June. 2Sth. ISifi. vl-ni II. P. BEXKETT. J. S-IIOITOV. TT TT ttititv REXXET, 5IORTOX & IL4.RDING. Attorneys at ILaw. Nebraska City, N. T. and Glen wood, Ia. YV 1L,J Practice 1Q the Courts of Nebraska and V Western Io obtaining, locating Land Warrants, and collection of . REFERENCE : lion. Lewis Cass, Detroit. Julius D.Morton,' M . -M5igan; .. -Gov. Joel A. Matteson, Springfield, III; Gov. J. W. Grimes, Iowa City. Iowa; B.P.FifiIed,St.Louis,Mj.; Hon. Daniel O. Morton, Toledo, Ohio; P. A. Sarpy, Bellevue, Nebraska; Sedgewich A Walker, Chicago, 111; Grecu, Weare A Benton, Council Bluffs, Iowa. n. d. joiessox. ; j. p. cassadt. j.d.test.. JOnxSOX, CASSADY t TEST, . Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. ! And General Iand Agents,' COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. TT7ILL promptly attend to Land Agencies; Ia- vesting Money, Locating and selling Kind Warrants, and all other business pertaining to their profession, in Western Iowa and Nebraska.3 COUNCIL BLUFFS PACKET. milV fine passenger steamer GENOA; Tin-sskmor-i t.n,51a?ter,wiil run repilarlr during theson, between St. Louis and Council Bluffs. II;r ofacers hope ty regularly and strict attention to buiiiaes'to merit a share of the public patronage J. THROCKMORTON, Master. . J.E. GORMAN. Clerk. 1850. SPRING SALES. 185G. low prices' casu axd rRosirr time ictehs JOHN HALS ALL, WHOLESALE AND HETAtL BOOKSELLER & STATIONEH. AD BLANIv LOOK MANUFACTURERS. 2To. 120 Main, St.Lca.ij, ITo. HAS for wle all the Spelling books; Geographies Leaders: Xlutoriries; Cheniistries; Dictionaries: AnthmetJcs; nulosopbies, dc, now in ue, together wnh a large stock of Law, Medical and miscellaneous books rormirs the moat complete assortment to be found in the city. Also, Writing paper, and Foreign ami Domestic stationary, cf -the finest quality,--country merchants and othen should not fail to call t No. 120 Main tt. i . . pairing uone on snon noncn anu on icaeuuiuiD v-vi m . Old copper, Bra?3 and Pewter laen i;i exchange for work or ware. " ,W. W. WILLIAMS, rr. basef.. BROWNVILLE FERRY PLASIEES h BAKEK, . , . . . i i - y V v.rrirvrtr tn tha TraTClnnj t uu.ic that t 1 ro '-.'r-Ttha MiiFouri rir;r . ;; on the nrye . . :cbm.4.-li, will Cod 't S': 7re.j,nj ----j 'lUii, t ' ivt I -T ly to '-cir 1 -t r. ,.r(sst this r'int. " 117,.!)' u gbec-p and tog per head, 03 10 10 AC 3 -73 - ea.;h lootman, " twt. of fre'ght, " ,21 feet cf lumber, - . unloaded wagon and hordes, mules or - r .xen tbprewitb, t - Erownvilie, August 2, lS53.-!y; , ' Br.OV7IIVILI3 STEAM MILL, - !OEL, LAKi; & EJIEISSON, N. B. We would respectfully inform tho citi zena'of Ncn?Alia county and adjoiuitg Missouri, that j,rr.'iTi r.n hund ft l.irfc and well selected " ' " J ' " .7 . o . .. ., lsaallOWr , . our ininiediato uttvntioa. NEBRASKA CITY HOTEL.' NEBRASKA CITY, X. T. ' BARNES & BA::XU?J, Proprietors. THIS ccmci odious Ilctol, situated upon Yum Street, Nebrfiik.-i City, will be found a de sfcabbi resr.rt f r travellers. S;agcs leave this hoofe f'T r parts of the Territory. 1 " ' IC PPL ETON IJYERS, ATT Oil KEYS AT LAW. '.'"""'Ana Oncral Lnnd Arnt, : OMAHA, NEBRASKA. .1. Land TTarrants Eouglit and Sold. LAND ENTERED ON TIMR FECIAL attention given to the selection and en Otry of Lazids for Settlers, and til others desiring choice locations. Land Claim?, Town Iiots and all kind3 of Real Es tate, longh.t and sdd and investments made for dis tant Dealen. - i ' " ' ' OLIVE 1 1ESSET. J AXES P. riSSE. TIL B. GAF.31T. jlf;rSTl"3 SXIGHT. OLIVER BENNETT & CO., Manufacturers and Whalesala Dealers ia BOOTS AND SHOES, NO. 8T MAIN STREET, (FOEHKLY, NO. 101, CoRXER OF Jl.itS AND LOCTST.) ST. LOUIS, MO, E. SEViiS, . . .... .... . 7 , Attorney and J Counsellor at Liw. And Solicitor in Ch.iacery. ' SIDNEY, I07A. Will practice- iu tbe L-istrieb Courts of Western Iowa. - ' - - 233Ofiice at the Court Hou.?e, ut) stain. FRESH DRY GOODS. EEDV. JAMESON ft' CO., Nos. 170 and 172 Main St., Si. Louix. T"ri are bow in receipt of the vmt corapl-;to and V mngmSecnt tstc-k, ever off ere 1 to the Western Trade. Merchants visiting this city are invited to make an examination of onr stock arid prices. EDDY, JAMESON A CO. NEMAHA CITY FERRY Across the Missouri River at Nemaha City, mouth of Little Nemcha river, Nelr.iska Territory. THY, Proprietor informs Emirant. Travelers and tlio nver-cn?s"ai2r iiublic, that he has no'v in cd- eration good, large a nl substantial b(ts at the above named point, and m.-cful boatmen to cross rwrsons and tenuis ffom either side of the river, at all times of the day or night' The landing ii safo and ea?y. and the Proprietor takes pleasure in calling upon me puouc Mr patronage. Has w in a direct route to Big Blue, Fort Kearney and lhat region, and is the most practical point at which to cross the Mis souri rirer. It is nine miles from Rock Port, Mo., and seven below Brownville. N. T. The best of ac commodations to bo had on either side of the river. Nemaha City, Sept. 20, 1855.-St J. C. ELLIS. IE. CMKBBY. 11. fc JOHN .W. TOOLEY. (Successor to NO O NAN, TOOLEY & Co,) 53 -Main st.', OU Stal, St. Louis, 2To. IMPORTER, Wholesale and Retail Dealer, in China, Glass and Qucsenswarc, Yellow and Rockingham Ware, Chandeliers. LamM. Lanterns. Lookinr-cr!a.- ses, Britannia Ware, 4e. Ac., With a jrreat variety of rancy Jianiie ana l arlor Urnaments, direct from the Potteries and Manufacturers, " taTNo'.v arrivim and in store, a fall stock of the above line of g'cJs, which is offered to the Trade at reasonable rates. An examination is solicited. t5?"0n-hand, Assorted Crates, for Country Trade. N. B. Packing receives Fpeeial attention. . - September 13, 1S55. vlnl5-(iia 1850" FALL TRADE. -1850 ETV7AnD MEAD. V.'. U. MAURICE. E. IL MEAD. n Oldest Iloit' of tie kind in th$ West E(uUihd 1S.15. - . . EDWARD MEAD &:CO., . No. 50 Main, cor. Vina st. ' Importers and Vholsalers OF Watches, J ewelry and Fancy Goods. WATCHMAKERS' TOOLS, and materials, sil- ver and plated ware, shot guns, rifle? pistols, revolvers, musical instruments, dagwerreotrpe ambro types, Ac , chrystalotype materials Hotel and Steam boat table ware. ' St. Louis, September 13, lSjfJ. vl-Bl5-3m' E. G. TUTTLE. K. G. PEKLET. n. SMITH. TUTTLE, PEHLEY" & SI.HTH. EA&L STYLES. 186. . 77 Main street, St. Wi-.,iIo. V rAXUFACTURERScr Straw and SiTk Bonnets, dpi" MM,10rtCri"lJ Whc-lesaleealew in Ribbons. br;ideriiS'H0WerS' Trimmi, LeGood3,Em- CSPMerchants and Milliners are yarticniarly in vited to examine oar stock, before mnkin s their si.i in " purchases, m we (reiving fully on tho saperionty cf our styles,) intend ta offer inducement equal, if not supenon. to any jobbing house in the United State beptember 13, ISiS. vlnl3-6m " Steel Ploir Factory, Market Saare, St. Joseph, Ho. WILLIAM 21. CARTER. " ttZlL7Jri A.1,JW3 nd Shovel-plows! dred plows) filled inimedlatelv. r.:..13U1Jalltrr0W3- AIIord?rsfi!Til,f-T-"?,. Liberal dicount to 'uvicm10 purcaasers. J. IL McFADIX & CO. FORWMIDING' COMMISSION No. 23 Levee, and GG Commercial street, St. Louis, 2Io. au,?ntion 1Ven to sales of HEMP . inoih, r luur, v.ram, Ac. Consignor 2nti Solicit eu, uaa promptly djsposjj of. ' THOMAS II. L All KIN & CO., COHMISSIO MEECnAXTS AKD wvcti y, o. u, i,evee, Corner of Olive street ST. LOUIS, MO. Spppnti0v giTt? sales of IIE-'Ip. GRAIN and TOhACCO. No orders Ukca for the vurch. oi ncnsp, under any circumstances. FLOW FACTOI1Y. A. J. MORROW. F tail, on Second street, three doon North of Market bpme, St. Joseph, Mo. ikci supply cf LUJIKUI:, which we c:in I urn. or r:it'8 than anv ni;i ia the Territory. . Market rricej paid f-T lfg3 delivered at Vac yard, nrnn tho fjatk t-f tlc river. ' ! MAUFACTUr,Er of tho Premium Plow, of va nous fires; ona and two bora Prairie tJow Brush and Steel t.Iows. for U Wh. A w 4 TV ' ,r ' yiiiiii.e.the ?:;-. . - 1 i.r:ca;cai i, u no enrr r t .f n'i e t iiLeratijre sav vrv The t ward Cu man rt '' who ed'.: of T,' e but centurj, that it'i,5 'acrraiB-.t. ::v utcenturj, that it . v-crniDg'X Ma ?, tb- 1 ar r..1 r, , ior uis inte!iirsii,.- .. r: 'Si.;.. Sylvanus Ur' was in tb v 'J, jrC3I. at. IfuSoenfT :ie gate-luu?e cf t early contnouurs was ur. Joanxon, wL. in,. ary .roductiors sppcared ia tUs llnnzi to the forebodings cf many iookseilt-if. ft. it succeeded from it coraiijnticant, tained an honorable and o obi subbed rpr. ncro than a cent cry r.n J a, ..quarter. 'iT brought fjrwari m:my esajj-cctors, 'bj,. Urban h.u always held hin p;ition, aaj -years ho.3 xrovcd as jrrrat x f ivorite aj ;j- " With the nunber fur July, 1", tb9 y; ilagazine changed publubexa, but iu etxcni""51 ter will reinniu tho ame as btfore. .M jr. . interest will, from ti.-ne tc'ti;j!e, b? h,j , A r. araon: a a thoo rcHierj who i ar5 to kof, ft ' Engltrh ScuUr3 aod Gentlecun r.i, T ions of of thlay, it it will be aunch bwrkH f' more and special pains will b'j tikea v-.f " uary, which, will be ms des a fiiifdl m.' ! v th : v. persons c; eminence, i. ;r:u eaj. f. ;.: 1.- , I 113 peri-ion as nuiiuv oiia ana rTf,.., ' J Historical aci Archaeo'ogpcil LiUratu.-j e Lave mads arrao;enicnts wj., v i Proprietors, Mefm. J. IL h J. Paiuu f' 1 ' t publiah the 3Ia?az.'u ia .LIs country v j supply it with regularity, j, - . " 1:31 t Aerni j pcraiiiiuu, or cents pr thope remitting Si in advuee, will rev-ir azina freq cf pyi.tag-3. : : - IIEDWAHT)n, i. v , - Households -V7crlv. 1 , COX2U(TE3 tT . CHA RLES 'DICKER Containing tales, stcr'cs an-1 o'.Vt--Ly William Uowitt,Lei;i.IIcr.t, tleli-' of "Mary Barton," liter r Om Collins, and all tlio rlsir Erliih now universally rafc!ed as bv far interesting and popular of lbs K'-.-'iA?;" cals it3 circulation in thij coantrv stnZ ly increasing, and to meet the public de Messrs. Dix, Edwards JL- Co., tar arrangementi with tho Editor and Prr in England to introdaca . new feature j pablicetion, by issnin: it, from the rj time, in Weekly Numbont. Thejrec regularly in advance, and will puL'V; American Edition imm2di Italy on tie r of the weekly steamer.'.. The Mociilv t; will be hsued as usuab . Term3 for tbe Weekly Editior, fr.; number, $3.00 per snta r.x. Jf ontLlrE " a j r Jl ... c;t (h, Vrz Wc r t;on. ' C t- : ' T'. 1 - el. ccr" ' As a tril, : r-nlj rui. ( V V..i. . prompt remittance of $3 will recureir?: iuv delivery, pc-st paid. : .r . . SeUcf Houiehold Words, 13 To!s. ' ' now be had, bo end in cbfch, tl 2'lM0t , r in half calf, $35.00; sect fne Z Hal), oh receipt of prioj. g-t' . A3 a safe, interesting, aratisin, ncd 5? titled series for Families and Fielding 'Club, it cot be surpassed. It . ooctiitis mors ur J and information, given ia a pieningc than any other set of Books everpuL' es A few et3 of the English Editions: lion-.- in fine bicdings, at an ailvanced price. 0nj Dix, Ejhvahds, A- Ca T1 321Eroadwav,XewT.-1 ' ; ; , ' have ' . Ladies' Hspcsitcry. be ele This periodicrd is published mcmLlri of the cinnati arri Xew York, AH traveling pn.r our r: of the MethodLst Episcojuil Church areir Tx c ized agents. , " 0 T, Cash in advance will bs expected in:!': " t'""' This can be paid to aiy of our aadt , agents, who can order ii. charged ta (zc -Wo count, if rotconveniont ta 'remit p,or3 t The agents and frieidu of this trrri earnesdy revues ted to make aa imme-J: , simultaneous e Jort m e very sec'Jta cf " country, to procure ntw jn-scr'Ieri. ' cc" " We solicit those- who '-cceive'I t'.. . volume to continue their nlcriptiosi l;0 C l; sixteenth, and otherwise aid in its cirru ti r r which we hove to be able to make vori ."' 1 .v.: I..' r 1. All communications contairiin; remir v'"' - Publishers; th'-se designed for pull cat:- rv the Editor, at CinciunalL Letters net co: ,- ing tea dollars, or five ce subscribers, ' be post-paid. In remitting, please pr crairs, or me most ccrreiii Dan?t-r.ot2i . ".We thank you sincerjlyfor pv-t f.r: Lore a Uur list is now quite Iar;e, Uut the:; rj3. itire. Jiav ; to wo it circu'n! : 7 "J ' ?n telpty? WiUci have no pecuniary lrAercsti work, we would like exiensjveir. . win. yon ceip . ? 1 - " 1 men, wul the heads of families, will the.r r"ur: ; gentleman and ladies of our common rr. up c: will our former patrons, 'will all who ; . see a pure and sound yet entcrtaiDrn t? j j,. , structive literature-put intt fa 9 Izrla -p.,,'!' rising veneration, lend na , heartvari ''"'' tmued co-operation? '."Wc .fcoja 'cor.Sj u that all will continue their efforts ia bc!s day t : tJ a . . -1,1 the work. ' t ' " ;r ' ' ' Tesms: $2' per an-um,. in adnr.t unjer! subscriptions received for less thnn c volume SWOI.M.TEI-T & 1 Crj.Tox & roc: in th! - BROWX i: CO., Th-3 So. 78, Iaia Steet, St. LonM &jm! ' sprixct stock 'ODii'rLtTE ti i ... . . . r - . . j. uts ciiL'anesi and t:cz: i'ttph k i 7T- & - - , , , I K . ' . uocKii and Yankeo Notions EiUOiji-. . . . inc.! L. merit ia tha W&stera Couuty. The A T ERCIIANT3 ia search cf hen evil . 1 llx ted to examine onr stock of silk'. dr--' shawls, white goods. Embroideries riul'1 and hosiery, trimtninrr?, funriain r5 ' wares jjene all v. together witl 15 JK . in.... of the latest and most fashionable stjlrt5 3 f.ketarers' prices." 1 ' ' j. .. ; Cash buyers, close purehiiScrs, ana f -will find our ti V Jat.rf.T van!-'"1 Uct-r i i particular. A call fn,ni the trade U re-Tx';V licited.- . - , - . ' - Aunriit '13".,-. - 1 i, V OREGON, M0. coo u - ROBT. Jj. IIATTia, Pro?rU pea!:j 111 - . town. No pains or expoaso will b sred lj u ber,U make hi guest comfartahle ia er' . 'J at this well known and biirhl v mnUbl n -H The very bet attention iven to Tlo-7. good and attentive Uostler. " ,V ' . fx, ;.. KEW ; GIIOCERT. harrj t Ileal Quarters for Earpiitt tiut.3 RUFUS R. : EDWAI . .Wholesale and reLiil d.:aUr" Stople anil Fine : Gi-cccries, " Teas, Foreign and Domestic Li-1101?1; thing else app.crtaia!rg to tho basinf ' MaiD, between Julo ard SoconJ") (OpTMiHite th d".rai IT.- We n. Erowsv Jo-:; . ST. JOSEPJ,'31U. ' ST. JOSETH, 310. . e . JA3XES CAUGILI., Prop"1' M ANUFACTURES unJ te&K on hand for sale, all kind. of T',. and Feed stuffs. Orders solici tol ? on most favorable terms. Cush piiJ Wheat. For character of Flour ref'-'5B that ever used it.' ' ' ' St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. SO, 133JJ " Their I t'. 'i nv. ' a . o r. DEALER IN SAL & OMAHA CIT1", li nrLands carefully bwatJ, nJ, tomers. L:u and Lauds hw-ht ' '