Newspaper Page Text
HE ADVERTISER; - i.-fnv 4 S. , Editor. . Iu ' ' XfllORXLNG, NOVEMBER 1, 1356: . . . . k . i - . I N 1 o'k Ladies' and Children's ftnoe store, r-e F.,ur:h street, Cincinnati. I J Cf , wV-cgill & Co. New York. ' t SrKHSRf No. 43 Chestnut street, Saint lf.Kr UrLrss, Troy, Ohio. ... ' v ' s J--':, ir iii!rr. TirnecanoP, UW3i K'C xf V Tate, Linden, Mo, T J. cntj xa solicit Subscriptions and ! Art au 'I'., fur the Advertiser, and recieve and ,.;snt ia this Territory, coming from " - .. t. ...... ... fn ng JOB WOEK. recent extensive additions of I i'to the "Advertiser" Omce, we clan additions oi new laim to out Job Work in a manner un- , v ,fnf.R. The proprietor berns iUr?"lS rrt cr himself, and Laving in his I . . . V-,,. 11 . determiner. 1 not to be 0 Tic in the execution of Job W or. Cards J uvixne of Foyer's Ltc.t improved Card I &) BlaiM Work in Colors Bronze j Vori; &c, v ill meet with particular atten- I .irs from a distance will be promptly at j fciTdcito, and warranted to give satisfaction or I ' VeffTacuse for lack of matter this j vcelc, -"election time."' We Lave been, in ' - v ..v.or,,i;,iiPs ner agreement . aU ies-upon the "stump" since Mon- iayraon.;nSlast,untiUV.5momenL Tuesday n-kt is election darken tbe "tale vill be ; ; tr.id7' after "which we'promise a closer arplwa- tkn to the "Advekitier." '. Elections -is tiie States. On Tuesday theHlh 'int, elections were held in Ohio, Indiana, ar.d -Pennsylvania, for members of G.ucs and State officers. Our exchanges Lave failed us for two weeks past, consequent ly ;ve have nothing as to the result. Since writing tho alxive we have verbal re ports that Per.t.fylvania and Indiana have gone Democratic and Ohio Republican. Kibe almost. Twice the past week, t'Vjfs of buildings in this place were discover ed to be on fire, and the buildings saved with out mh damage. Doth caught from the sfoyc-ppe. Be careful; these Nebraska winds will make a blaze out of a spark in "double quick time," if they get half a chance. "Monday last was the a Ijourned. day for the wcetin of the District Court for the Od Judi cial District No Courts however, was held ou account of the non-arrival of Judge Bbad This has been something of a disap-p-intment toTaar.y; and why the Judge has liot mad a his appearance, we are unable to say, tut presume he has a good excuse to offer. We think our Judges should be actual resi dents cf the Territory. f . In -Town" Gen. Estabbook, U. S. District Attorney, Col. Rankik, U. S. Marshal, Gov. ' riiraAiiDsoN arnl'-HoN. B. B. Chapman, our Congressional Delegate to Congress, have been "with us the past week. The Piqui (Ohio) Register brings the pain- Tul intelligence of the death of Rev. Wit. .Cox. We' have been intimately acquainted' with Mr. Cox for a number of years past, and can jay "truly a good man has fallen." N. C. Dawson, Esq., one of the editors of t.w Davenport Gazette, committed suicide on fcundar morning -tho 14th, inst.. by severing Uie jugular vein with a penknife. Axotoeii Shoemaker. We have failed to .. c,u,.u, ( aner snoemaKer m Ku.umuie. Mr. vm. t. has opened opened as n t. 1. . Yk T e M. 1 "iM,,Ult;rar0Ilx w- J.ii, A. lhomp- , son's store. uircui.- lionse- On miS Cnntin- .... .1. iiiii-iiam,- .WBSsacnuscWs. Jt is : ; wun ine ry rising - u-,u9 u, u.e roor. inside are the .. V ' . 1 ' " 'lv . hvu iiunured Tears Old t".., ...... . - auj.nnui- uurring gronna stones may be . seen, dated as tar back as 1619. Mobe Goltj. Amor-g the overland emi prnts who hare arrived frorr California, is one Alexand-r Chanvier, who sirs that after lear. lsgrort Lanmio he made an important dis rnrpry of gold, on the eastern slope of the Pulc y Mountains, in the Brule country. The ?old was in placer digng. " He was prevent ed from investigating the matter, by the IndU cn trscbles. " ' TKE EALT SPRINGS IN NEBRASKA. We are. informed by Mr. llebird. of this rftr, who recently visited Nebraska Territory, and made an examination of the newly dis covered Salt Lake and Springs, that there is no exaggeration in the accounts published that it is really the most valuable saline rejrion vet discovered in this country, and will afford s.dt enough r,o salt; the whole wcrld! Mr. Uebird says it is situated some forty ' miles from the Missouri, ar.d twenty-fire from tho Platte river that this water is discharged from v. ... yvi v. pjniii, i UU 1,1 J'.lUll V OI ' one of which ho measured, and found that it discharges 200,000 gallons in twenty-four hours.: He bron?ht a bottle or the water here, hich was handed to one of our druggists for .. analysis And this gentleman declares it al- raost frsc from mineral and other foreign sub-' stances, and that it will afford one pound of " pure salt to each gallon or vtcr. Here is a . tce ofreal wealth opened which will prove Aore Valuable than the gold mines of Califor- V Nebraska is destined to salt the entire ; West and Northwest. . Push along the Bar Jfflgton and Mis;onri River Railroad ar.d be rfdy to transport this new article of Western i ! T n ' Kmc, Archer, ebraska. i r," u- I'eter, Oregon, Mo. 1 - Jt If ir, Reexport, M a. Iun virTE. Ncbraika City, X. T. P.1-4..C P'Jng in their old neighborhoods, who V 'f become subscribers if they could see , ,w'Advcrti-er.' We always send a epoci- r5J'.V persons recicving, will consider it a V3 C : to become a regular Mibscnber Post i ' "' I , ther feeling efficient interest to make ) rSi tbe'usual per ceut for their The School Fellott, A J uremia Month ly of interest and mieftxlness to the yonng folks, has been received, and refered to oar boys who pronounce it superb. Terms 10 cents single Nos., or $1 a year. , Get rp a club, boys, and have something nice for the bng winter even ings. Dix, Edwauds & Co., Publishers, 321 Broadway, 2J. Y. Tke HoaTicn.TCEisT a J ournat of Rural Art and Rural Taste, edited by J. Jay Ssuth, Philadelphia, is one of the best of such works in the United States. Each No. contains a fine engraving, of some extra fruit, besides a number of cats of fruit, flowers, designs for residences, out buildings, &c The fruit en gravings are colored to nature, or plain, as de sired. Terms Colored edition, $5, Plain, $2. i ii There was a prize fight in New York' on the 20th :nst., which resulted in the death of one of the pugilist Served him right he shouldn't have fought Correspondence of the Advertiser. ' Council Bluffs, N. Tm ) September 29th, 1856. J R. W. Fubn-as, Esq.: - ' Deab Sib: Council Bluffs is still ad vancing in impr6vemer,ts and population at . a very healthy rate. The grading of Broadway, from Madison street westerly, towards the Missouri, has certainly added much to the beauty and convenience of the city. The city authorities are opening the streets to tneir proper width, by moving the buildings back on the line, thereby, I believe, making Broad- way one hundred leer, instead oi thai narrow contracted cow-path, as heretofore. I noticed in my round that the Palmer Block is nearly ready for the finish; and when com- pietea, win aaa mucn u me creun oi me pru- prietor for his building enterprise. The Pa cific House is to undergo an enlargement of just double its already extensive dimentions, by S. S. Bayless, its original proprietor. But it is nseless to undertake to recount the mar.y landsome buildings which are on the stocks; but let it be sufficient to say they are legion. But hold: friend Fubjtas, I believe you iave never yet ascended the Big Muddy as high as this Kanyon City, otherwise, the town in the hollow. It is located on a small brook termed in this country Ri- J,OUv" and A O J I at its intersection with the Missouri-Valley. The town was originally settled as a mormon settlement, and built up entirely within the Kanyon of this "gentle, murmuring Lousy," Its peaks and bluffs towering high on either side, and at a distance have the appearance of an almost perpendicular precipice. In the spring and summer seasons of the year, the greeu mantle of those lofty peaks bursts upon the vision of tho distant beholder, as one grand picture, soothing the mind of the weary trav eler whilst he gazes with wonder and aston ishment upon the irregularity of their surface. The scenery, for miles, as witnessed from the summit of some of those lofty pinacles, is more picturesque and captivating to the true lover of Nature, than is to ba found at any other point, save the bluffy regions of the old ML souri. From those points may be seen the loca tiou of old Fort Calhoun; the flourishing town of Florence; the unrivalled City of Omaha, with its twelve hundred inhabitants; the sub merged town of Trader's Point; the villago of Bellevue formerly Omaha Mission; the town of St Mary; and the whereabouts of the town of Plattsmoutb, which is not behind the rest in enterprise, according to the opportunitie offered; Again, turning the eves toward tho northeast, the beautiful site of Crescent City may be pointed out to the beholder, and not less than half a dozen ferry points may aUo be sccn. . But I started out to tell you of what had transpired since I last wrote you, in the twin sisters Council Bluffs and Omaha. , . Hon. A. Hall, the representative in Con- i gress of the southern portion of Iowa, and Col. Cobb, of Alabama, spoke here last even- ing, to a largo concourse of gentlemen of all parties, much to the edification of the compa- ny; and to-day went to Omaha City, and from there their course will be southerly. n :., Business is livelv herd, and I should think the mercbauts were adding a handsome pet ceutage to their capital regularly. 'FVtfi lowelrv ctnra in ftm-iViCi flifTf WfiC TVi1"- U r thrnn l.n,lro.l Jftllm in mnr.-T- th h.wi,.rnM.i.- .Tho ncw occupant of the Douglas -House talks of chan The new Uapitol remains yet untouched at V,oir r,,l ; ;u .l.a.. .!" w"v, it a cij uuuuuui w lit tut' r mrb . more will be done to it this season. H. ulackwood and THE Ketiews We have before ns the famed and valuable periodicals, republished ny Leonard ocott & Co, New "w,with ikitish, iXNDON CJUAETERLt, Edinbcegfi and Westminister Reviews. They need not our praise to in crease their circulation. Their contents; which are as follows, will give the reader an idea of the interesting Nos. before us; Contents. EmNEcnan:-The Civil Wars Of Cromwell Himabvan.TrmmalsTbnT?.,- rai Economy of France and Britain The j v v u wmj - U W Aft Wt Minister von Stein Lectures to Ladies on Practical Subjects The Use of Torturo in Indi: Sir Robert M.Clure's Discovery of the North West Passage The Life and Writings of M. de Stendhal (Henri Boole) The Suez Canal Russian Campaigns in Asia. West minister: German Wit: Heinrich Heine The Limited Liability Act of 1355 The House of Savoy Russia and the Allies Mil itary Elucation for Officers Athenian Com edyLions and Lion Hunting Letter from Dr. William B. Carpcn ter Contemporary Lit erature. London Qcarterky : Table-Talk Reformatory Schools Menander Henry Fielding Neology of the Cloister Landscape Gardaning The. Zoological Gardens The Results and Prospects of the War. North British: France and Scotland Dr. George Wilson on Color Blindness Scottish Schools for the Middle Classes-Bunsen's Signs of tho Times Mettray and Red Hill Ben Jonson Recent Sermons: Scotch, English and Irish Hotels Italian Character and Itallian Pros pects. Blackwood: The Scot Abroad Tho Man of D'plocvacykctchw cn the War Stockhlom The Atherlings ; or, The Three Gifts.: Part IV Sea-Side 'Studies. Part II -A Chapter on Peninsular Dogs Oldtower; a Brookside Dialogue The Poetry of Chris tian Art Macauhy. . . . : . Trans: $3 for either one.' Blackwood and any one of the Reviews, $5. - The four Reviews and Blackwood $10. Postage on all, 80 ceiits a year. , Address - LEONARD SCOTT & CO. 79 Fulton Street, N. Y. Look out fob Him, For the benefit of the Publishers, and also the public, we pub lish the following Notice from Leonard Scott & Co., Publishers of Blackwood's Magazine, and the Westminister, Edinburgh, London Quarterly and North British Reviews.' Will our Editorial friends caution their rea ders against a man, pretending to be a deaf mute, and forging our name to printed subscrip tion bills, got up by himself, expressly to cheat the public? Wo have no deaf mute in our employ. We have heard from this man's victims chiefly in the Western States, but he will doubtless go wherever he can be most successful in his villany. - We therefore wish to check and expose him sumultaneously, and hence this request from Editors writh whom we exchange. It is not for our benefit, but for that of the public, that we ask the favor, for we learn that this scamp is doing- a large business with -other Publications, as well as our own. He has, in one instance, given the name of (,Bboierick," but all the receipts we have 6een arfl iuiy signed "Leonard Scott & Ca .j even an assumed name as u Tl&XiQ pass him round. L. S. & Co. P. S One of his victims,, writing from - describes him as "short, thick set, back j. sallow complexion, German cast of countetance. WOre spectacles with steel rims, limped considerably, and was well dressed." His deafne.s, &c, is probably feigned. MALL SOTJTES ESTABLISHED IN KE- ESASKA TEEEITORY. From Nebraska City to Maryville, Kansas Territory. From Omadi to Fort Lookout. From Omadi to Elk Horn river. . From Omaha City by Fort Kearney and T?i t n en t v orl Mamle w weak oaii, uo wii. n 1 t ... TM1 TT 1.1 1 !? x rora umana Liity oy uoru, xumeuewB and Running Water via Fort Randal to Fort Pierre. From. Omaha City by Florence, Port Cal houn, De Soto, Cuming City, Tekama, Black Bird and Omadi to Dahkota City. From Omaha City to Kearney City. From. Omaha City by Kearney City, Ne braska City, Brownville and Kmaka City to White-Head. From Dahkota City to Sergeants Bluff, Iowa. v From Dahkota City by Azoway creek and Runninor Water river to Fort Laramie. From Dahkota City to Fort Parx. From Omadi to Sergeants Bluff. Frsm Plattsmoutb by Kanosha and Wyom ing to Kearny City. Frcon Wyoming to Sidney, Iowa. From Wvoming to S;ilt Creek. From Nebraska City to Salt Creek. From Kearney City to New Fort Kearney. From Brownville to New Fort Kearney. From Brownville to Linden, Missouri. From Missouri River between Great and Little Nemaha River by Archer and Salem to Bis Blue River. , - Land Offices Open. The acting Commis- sionerof the General Land Offico, in answer to recent inquiries, gave under date of tho 3d inst, the following list of Land Offices open in the Northwest: Fort Dodge, Iowa. Chatfield, Min. T. Minneapolis " " Winona, " " Red Wing. Chilicothe, Ohio. Indianapolis, Ind. Springfield, HL Osage, Sioux Citv, Mineral Point, Wis, Menosha, Stevens Point, Stillwater, M in. Ter. Sauk Rapids, llt-A-WA-THi-A-NA.--Oce of our sick com positors has recovered, and our friends who have job work on hand for us to do may now rely on having it attended to at once. He says that Tie took tho ague badly, And it shook him shook him sorely, Shook hia boots off and his toe-nails, Shook his teeth out and his hair off, Shook his eoat all into tatterz, .And his shirt all into ribbons : Shirtless, coatless, hairless, toothless, Minus boots and minus toe-nails; Still it shook him 'till it Male him yellow, gaunt and bony But he has shaken ia much that he has 20 the han? of it and hix last act was to shake the chills clean-off, and he is now up and kickin affain. PoafiiflA Bentinal. . . . ' Inew.Yoek, Oct, 6. A letter frorA Guajuna states tha the cholera was still very prevalen tcre, carrying fever and small pox in Ut3 tram. Maguire is ravaged by cholera and many of its leading settlers had diet of the epidemic, borne of the plant ers had lost a3 many as one hundred.! laborers and others from foroy to sixty. .... Botco fas free from disease. At Guaynnc trade was very dull. A severe drought prevailed there; r Fire. A sad casualty occurred in Cass county one day las't week. The prairie caught fire near the farm of Mr. Win. Jackson, and threatened the destruction of his house and fences. In his eagerness to save his house, Mr. Jackson had moved, his family and furniture oat of it, and vras endeavor ing to subdue the flames. While thus engaged, forgetting for the ' time all things else,-his oldest daughter, a girl of 8 or 9 vear old. not senaratcd from the jest of the family,. and Vas caught in the lire " and burned to death. Mi. J. lost everything butliis house, poor to f cOR$o3ati6rfcr tfc$ cost to Sire it. " For the Nebraska Advertiser. sora cr the aegel chud, .... BY HXSS. I was wandering in the forest, In the forest all alone, - . - : Plucking flowers in my pathway, ' Just the nweetest ever known; ' "v "t'hen I Beard, from out the wildwood, Strains of beanty dulcet straias," " Which , though, many years have vanished, My memory still retains. - T was as if an angel wandered, Wandered from its home on high, Where the flowers do not wither And the beautiful ne'er die ; . . And forgetting man were near it With, its bossomfull of bliss, . Sang a song composed in heaven, In so dark a world as this. As I listened to the music. Music sweet as ever fell 'Pon the ear of human being Fit a demon's rage to quelj j ; Just the sweetest littld creature That Jehovah ever made,- Stepped out 'mong the thickets And ran by me half afraid. From that moment to the present, To the pressnt fullof care, ' I have loved the world more dearly Since such beings wander here. I have read of angels anthems, Till my heart with joy grew wild, But 'twas discord to the Toico Of that little angel child. Nemaha City, Oct. 27, 1856. : Thanksgiving in Missouri. Gov. Price, of Missouri, has set apart Thurs day, the 20th of Nov., as a day of lhanksgiyiug.- &t. Louis Republican. : mi , Reported - Riot '-ix Panama.- A passenger by the Rlinois, at New York, states that just as the steamer "was to leave Aspinwall, a telegraphic dis patch reached Col. Colton from Panama, to the effect that a bloody riot had taken place there, and that some 14 or 15 persons had been killed and a large number of others badly beaten. NOVEMBER ELECTION. R. W. Furnas, Esq.: Sib, By permitting yourself to become acandi date for Councilman from Nemaha county to tho Ter ritorial Legislature, you will oblige : MANY VOTERS. Ilaving been repeatedly solicited as above, by nu merous citizons of this county, I havo consented to become a candidate for the Council, and shall take the earliest opportunity to sne, converse and consult with the people of the District. R. W.FURNAS We are authorized to announce I. L. KNIGHT as a candidate for County Commissioner at tho ap proaching election. . We are authorized to announce W.' S. tiORN, as a candids te for Representative, at the approaching election. . , . We are authorized to announce R. J. WHITNEY as a candidate for Representative at tho approach inz election. We arc authorized to announce J. T. EDWARDS as a candidate for Representative, at tho approach- ng election. Wo are authorized to announce W. A. FINNEY, as a candidate for Representative, at the approach ing election. We arc authorized to announce NATHAN MYERS as a candidate for Representative, at tho approach- nr. election We are authorized to announce J. S. MIXIOK as a candidate for Councilmcn, at tho approaching election. We are authorized to announce J. W. HALL, as a candidate for County Commissioner, at tho ap proaching election. Wo are authorized to announco LAWRENCE KINNISON as a candidate for County Commis sioner, at the approaching election. We are authorized to announce ISAAC C. LAW 1ENCE as a candidate for Representative at the ap- proacumg election. , , . We are authorized to announce JOHN LONG. as a canaiaato tor bounty Commissioner at. the ap roacnins uiecuon. ,. e aro authorized to announce I). C. SANDERS as a candidate for County Commissioner at the ap- proacninj election. . . A CARD. : Feeling desirous that the western portion of this County secure a Representatives, I have concluded to withdraw my name as a candidate, and in favor of Mr. Lawrence, II. S THORPS. We are authorized to' announce that Dr. Worrell on the Little Nemaha has withdrawn his name as a candidate for Representative to the Legislature. He requests his friends in the Lounty no; to cast there votes lor mm. Brownville Market CAREFULLY CORRECTED EACH WEEK BY HOBBUTZELL & CO. DEALERS IN PRODUCE. Bbowsville, N. T. . Flour, ?! sack of 100 2s. $4,50 Corn Meal, $ bushel ..' 50o Corn, in the ear, old $ bushel ' 30c Oats, $ bushel, 40o Sugar, $ 1015c Coffee, iutSo Tea, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders, Sides,- Chickens, dos., Egos,. do, Fbksji Beef, "4 lb 100 i 10c 8o 9o 2,00 15c 57 50s 15c Potatoes, bushel, new Butter, - MEW CASH STORE!! BROWNVILLE, N. T. The snbfcribcrs would .inform the eitizens of Brown vijle, and surrounding country that their. NEW STORE HOUSE Is completed, and they are now receiving and opening aa extensive stock of NEW GOODS! COMPRISING IN PART, BIEY GOODS, BOOTS AND. SHOES, . Hardware, and Tinware, COOKING AND BOX STOVES, FTJRinTTJRB, GROCERIES, &C,r&C, To whieh they invite the attention of customers. Their Goods are selected with reference to the wants of the town and surrounding coun try, and wiU be sold as Low a3 any House above St. Joseph FLOUR AND CORN MEAL, CONSTANTLY ON HAND. COilE ONE! COME ALL!! . And examine our Stock for yourselves , Respoctfullv, , . McAllister, dozier & co. Tirownville. October 25.185. vlnlOrf Country Produce TT 7 ANTED, and for which we allow the highest SIGEKSON'S NURSERY, ST. LOUIS, MO. . JOim SIGERSOX $ BRO.; OHer for sale the coming Spring, , 53,003 Apple Trees, and 4 roars old, era- bracing 175 Tarieties. Price 25 t 40 cent. 25,000 Peach Trees, from 6 to 8 feet high, 63 Sr. vareities, from 25 to 30c. . . 2:500 standard Pears, embracing 43 varieties, price from 53 to 75 eents. 5,003 Dwarf Pears, embracing 33 varieties, price . $1 each. 6,000 Cherry Trees, 31 varieties, 50 to T5 cents each. 500 Apricots, Fairly Golden, Buda, Teach Apri cots, Laree Etrly, trice 50 cents. ; . MOO Quince, assorted, 25 to 50 cents . 500 Dwarf Apples. a 500 White Grape Currants 500 Black Naples J5. .Ifin Charrv Currant.... ..... u M a 500 Rd Dutch Currant 500 Victoria Currants .500 White Dutch Currants Jjvi " 500 Large Red Dutch Curranta lf? 500 English Blnck 2.000 Prolific Green tin 1,000 Iloughton's Seedling. 500 Warrington do ........ 1,000 Sulphcr do ........ 1,000 Ashton do .... .... 500 Crown Bob do "500 Riaemcn do 2.000 Yellow Ant warp Raspberries 1.000 Ohio Everbearing do . 2,000 Largo German Antwarp do 1,000 Rod Antwarp -1,000 English Filberts 1.000 Horse Chestnuts ' ... " ...25 ...25 ...25 ...25 ...10 ...2 ...19. ...10 .. 50 ...50 u u u u u . u It u ( u ti M u u 5.C00 Grape Vine?, 2 to 3 years old 25 to 50 150.000 Grape Vines, I year old $5 100 5.000 Dahlias assorted, each 25 500 Pernias, ' do .... ....... 50 10 000 Giant Asparagus Roots...-$5 100 5.000 Tube Roses 10 .. 2.000 Yard3 Pink- 50cts $yard. 2,000 Plants Victoria Rhubarb-.. ' 50c or $40 100 " 8.000 Wilmot's Early Red Rhubarb.. ..12o 50,000 Strawberry Plants, 12 varieties $5. to 10 per 2,0000 i ; ' -' 10,000 Shade and Ornamental Trees, embracing Catalpa. Black Locust, Palionia Imnerialli?. Ix.rehirdT Poplar, Silver Len red Poplar, Linden Wood, Sweet Gnm, Elm. Balsam Poplar. Altianthus. Tulip Trees, Upland Cy- Drass. sycamore, raper MniDRrry, American Larch. Woeping Willow, Bnckeye, Moun- tain Ash, White Birch, Red Maples, varying in price from 25 cents to $1,50, according to me 15,000 Evergreens, embracing Red Cedars, price each 50c to $2 ' White Pine do 50o to $1 ' Yellow. Pine do 50o to $2 Balsam Fir, do 50c to $1 American Arborvltas 25c, 50c, 75c, $1,50. Chinese Arborvita, 50c, $1.50, European Savin 50c, Tree box 50o Norway Spruce, 50c, 75c, 100, . White Spruce. SI. 12,500 Plants of Ornamental Shrubbery, embracing in part a follows: Mac. e-eh 50c: Spires, assorted, eachSc; TTardT Roe each 50c S u vl'l l lL . " , Snow Balls, each 37 to $1, Monthlv Roses, each 50c' Honey Snckles, asorted, 25j, 50c St; Tyringa Philadelphn 25o to 50c; , , Rose Aeasria. 25o to 50c; Privet for Hedges 25c:. . Bladdacina 25c: Corcnrns Japonic 25c; Ellagnus 25c;Liburnum 50c; . Taraarix Africana 25 to 50c; , Ribes Gordoni 25o to 50c; . . Weepin? Mountain Ash 1,50; . . . Whith Frinze Tree 1,50; Forsvthea 50o to 1.00; . - Cornico Dogwood Silver Striped 50j to 1,00 DeutxaScnbia 25c:Dcutza Oracalis 50c; Wecpm? Jtirch 50c; Magnolia Acuminetta 50c; Weepins: Linden 1,50; Dwarf Box 50o per yard; " Eauonimus 50c: AHheas, assorted, 25c to 50s. fT" In offerin the above Stock to our customers wo beg to say it is superior in growth and quality to any heretofore offered, and persons wishing a supply can avail themselves or further information, by ad dressing the undersigned at St. Louis, Catalogues furnished to all poet-pnid applications Respectfully, JOFIN SIGERSON A ERO. Oct. 25, 1855. vlnl9-ly FRESH ARRIVAL!! OF -r 'T'T'T S rv Oil are the faithful limnings of nine years experienca Hi W ("Ti fC I I IS" at sea, of a common sailor, a native "Ruckeye," ro ' " ' Vy KJ cognized as inferior to no writer of the present day, BROWNVILLE, N. T. TTAVE TIIIS DAT RECEIVED, per steamers 1 JLJL A. C. Goddin and Win. Campbell, and now opening, the most extensive stock of troods ever of fered in this market. After the experience they iereu in mis marKCt. Alter ine experience iney have in Nebraska, they Hitter themselves that they know what suits the people, and have purchased such a stock of Gocdj as cannot fail to please. Wo will , . . . not pretend to enumerate, but Say come and sec; and you will not tail to be suited. Oct. 15, 1853.-ly - Ready Made 0101111110;, 17 VERY VARIETY1, style, quality, price, and pat- JLi tern of Ready Made Clothing, just received and for sale cheap, by , llOliLMZELL & CO. Boots and Shoes. . N unusually large stock of fine and coarse Boots XX and Shoes both Gentlemen and Ladies' can be seen, and purchased low, at IIOliLlTZELIj & CO S. Hats and Caps. T ATEST styles of Hats and Caps, an! of every Xa grade and price, are offered at IIOBLITZELL & CO 3. Furniture. OEDSTEADS, Table?, Stands, Bureaus in short, XJ everything in the r armture line, ean be had at HOBLITZliLL & CO 3. StoVes and Tinware. C- nnr r , , rx r . . OOK, Parlor and Offico Stoves of various pat- terns; ana nn ware, at Hardware, Cutlery and Iron. A LARGE assortment at IX nOBLITZELL A CO'S Wood and Willow ware. BUCKETS, Tubs, Churns, and an endless variety of Willow ware, is for sale at UOULlTZhLI CO 3 Provisions. TT7E keep constantly on hand, Flonr, Corn Meal, v t Bacon, Butter, and every vanetvof urocencs. HOULlTZEIi, 4 CO. Saddlery. SADDLES, Bridles, Martingales, Check', and ev ery variety of goods in this line cun be had at ftueensware, vF all tho latest 6tyles. and in endless variety, ts. and in e VjCst opened at IIOBLITZELL fr CO'S. &. k C. TODD & CO., A. 212, Xorth Firit or Main Street, &. LouU. IMPORTERS AKD MANUFACTURED OP Mill Materials INCLUDING Dutch Bolting Cloths, Mill Stones, Saws, Screens, Damsel, Ac. Also: ' PORTABLE GRIST MILLS, Both Upper and Lower Stone Runners. MACHINE BELTING, Of Stretched Leather amd Robber. St. Louis, October 13, 1S5C .vln8-ly GREAT SALE OF LOTS!!! One Hundred Extra Lots, In the Town of Therroprictors.of.the town of Archer, knowing that they have one.of the most beautiful Town Sites in Nebraska Territory,, feel assured that the place no-ids but to b seen t be admired, and they have, therefore, concluded to offer One Hundred Lota, in thu above named Town, at Public Auction, on Wed nesday, Novemlier 6th, 1355, it being the first day of tho District Court. ' .Archer U rituatcd on. a high:prairle, nine miles from tho Missouri river, oa the most d'aect route from Nebraska. City to Topcka, in Kansrs, and is the County Seat of Richardson county. The Lots to be so'd and no mistake; Terms made kn awn on day of bale. , A. D. KIRK. rToa Company. ' . ''" Secret arr Arebc: rUOJI THE KEWSPAPEB ADYXBTISINO AGENCY OP W. S. SWYMMEll, Corner of Olive and Main St?., over the Bank- ing Housa of John J. Anderson & Co. ri JPAGLi'a PATJCST Portable Circular Saw-IIill, FOR STEAM AND HORSE POWER. TEE most useful and neccsiary machinery in op eration; is simple in construction and easily kept in order, andean bo moved on a wagn aj readily as a threshing machine, and put iu tpcration at a small expense, (t will saw from one to two thousand feet of lumber a day, with one team of six horse, as an average business, and in a better styl 3 than other mills now in use. It is equally well adapted to Stcamr TVater or Horse Pcvrcr. The undersigned, agents for tho patantee, would announce to the public that theyaro now prepared to furnish Mills, with or without horsa power, of su perior quality arid workmanship, with the right to use the same, upon the most favorable terms, at their manufactory, No. 202, Second street, St. Loui3, Mo. We have also the right for the manufacture of ChildY Patent Double Saw Mills. Tho Successful practical operation of these mills through the country has been the means of establish ing their great reputation and with improvements in construction and increased facilities in manufac turing, we offer them to the public with full confi dence of their advantages. All orders addressed to us will bo promptly execu ted, and any information in regard to Mills cheerful ly given. Persons ordering Mills will ple.130 mention the State and County in which they wish to use them. mUSLASDS & FERGUSON. Extension of Page's Patent. NOTICE is hereby siren to tho public, that the patent of PAGE'S PORTABLE CIRCULAR SAV MILL has been extended i r seven vear from Jtly loth, .1355. All persons found violating this patent, orinfnnsini on tho same, in makin-r. usin? or vending, will he proceeded against in accordance witu tne laws in such enso made and provided. ULUKUrJ FAUli, Fatenteo. By -."Authority ! THE STATE SUPERINTENDENT And Board of Education. tto. ,,. n T . , , , , , IIa70rdercii & following Dcsxrable W orks for the uU51"i' muioncs ui Auuiaaa, Some of them havo been put into every Library, others only into the more populous townships. The careful attention given to the examination of works lor tne3e norarics, is a guarantee of the merit of the DOOK3 chosen. Alany families will deaire to own the books, and read at their leisure, rather than wait their turn to get them from a library. The works may be purchased of Booksellers, or will be sent by mail, free of postage, upon payment of prices annex ed to each. Farr's Ancient Ilistorv Munh Rollin, because more concise, accurate, and up with modern research. 4 vols., Cloth, tilt, $3. Sheep, The Teacher Jliscell .inv is a new and t cellent collection of articles on Education. wrin hv togJZ Pickett'lt JnUr"1 T' . ? . ' ' other distin- Bhed members of the -College of Teachers." 1 vol 12mo., Cloth, $1,25. History of the Puritans and Pil-rrim Fathers. By Stowell and Wilson. 1 vol.12mo j. , n: r Jlonat's Laic of Dr. Chalmers. 1 tcL. 12mo.,$,25. . - The Ladies of the Covenant: Memoirs cf distinguished Scottish Female Characters; Embra cing tho Period of the Covenant and tho Pcrsecu tion. By Kov. James Anderson. .. Moffat's South Africa. One volume, 12ino Twelfth edition. i. Six Years in India. By Mra. Colin Makex zie. 2 vols 12mo., Cloth, $2. Kern's Practical Landscape Gardening. with 22 plans and Illustrations. Third edition. $1,50 ivian-oi-war Life. A Boy's Experience in the U. S. Navy. SIXTH TnOLSAND. J 1 volume, 15mo.; Illustrated. 75 cents. Tho Merchant Vessel. A Sailor-Boy's Voyages to sec the World. 1 volume, lCmo., Illustrated. 75 cents. Nordhoff's admiral series of volumes. "Man-of- War Life," ".Merchant Vessel,"" and the xxcw volume to appear in September, under the title of "Whaling and Fishing," must be rweived with great favor, aa tne nrsi two nave been, wnerevcr circulated. Ihcy in life-like delineations of adventure bv sea. very striking ana graphic pictures ot lite at Sea, evidently authentic and very instructive. t lias adventure enough to please and truth enougn to aissipato the charjn of a sailor s life. New Aork Uvanicliit. There is in them a vast amount of information ... ,, , ,- - Pffs the commcrce (,f the orld.-I rcsby terian . 1 r 1 1 " ,U Uko caPtlT0 tbe Joong.-Journal and lies- sender. sender, A Buckeye Abroad, or Wandering' in Europe and the Orient. By Samuel S. Cox. Third edi tion, Illustrated. 1 vol., 12mo., muslin, 1,25. The Three Great Temptations of Younjr Men. Samuel W. Fisueb. Fourth edition. 1 vol. 12mo muslin, 1,00. ... These arc capital works for family libraries. Pub lished by MOORE, WILSTACIL KEYS A CO., 25 West Fourth St., Cincinnati. M- W K. & CO. aro tho publishers of Bayard Taylors Cyclopedia cf Modern Travel, which is sold enureiy uy ageuis. The only Exclusive Wholesale Grocery House in 81. Joseph. JENNINGS & SMITH, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, V lioloaalo Grooores, Corner Second and Frances Srs. FJESPECTFCLLY call tho attention of Country L Merchants to their large and varied stock of Groccric., which has been increased by Lite arrivals at the lowest rates of freight, nnd will receive d uly additions through the season. II mu,r purchased fur cash, tl. 7 present more than ordinary inducement to baVeJanii will satisfy all that favor them wiih ft thcJ. cm RnJ wJU compct(J with sjt Kais prices. 1 uey navo in store: uOO bags Rio CofFeo 50 boxes starch 40 " OU Java Coffee 70 do lemon iryrup 100 chest and hf chests 250 whole and cf boxes assorted Teas . candy ' ISO bbl reboiled and S II 300 dos cans Ficld?s cclo- Molassfls brated Baltimore oystcr-i 1C0 bbls half and or bbLi ciackrel COO doxen 8x10 ar.d 10x12 window sash 10J hf bx ass'd glass 3CJ) duz bed cordj 80 coils manilla and jut) rope 400 b'dles wrapping paper 500 bbls S F and extn Flour 1200 qr and half bxs sai dine3 80 dozen zinc washboards 50 nests tubs 75 dozen wooden buckets 100 half bbls do 50 kg Belcher's Syrup j 150 flhd N O Sugar CO Ibis crushed 80 Ibis Tar 100 stands do 300 bbls A hf blls crack ers of various kinds 200 bxs ass'd Tobacco 100,000 ass'd Cigars 1000 sacks G A Salt 1500 sks Dairy 44 13 bales 4-4 DomMtics 130 do cotton batting 125 do ' do yarn 500 kegs nail 83 do SCSoda 259 bxs star candles And a general assortment of sundries too numer ous to mention in an advertisement. Our consignment, 5.000 bbls Kanawha salt, at St Louis rate?, freights added. Orders are respectfully solicited and shall receive prompt attention, and every effort uoado to give en tire satisfaction. September, 2T, 1856 vlal(J-ly Steam Hill Lumber. WE tako this melhcd of informing tie Public that we have iust pat in operation on what w known as Sonora Island, four miles above Brown ville, a first quality steim Sawmill, and are now pre pared to s;iw nil kiud3 of Lumber on short notice, and in a manner, we are confident will gits satisfac tion. We will keep a Ferry boat to run to the shore, for free u3o of our customers. . W. S. HALL A CO, E3TRAY KOTICll CAME into my indosure alat the 1st cf Agiist 1855, 3 yoke of oxen; marks, color and age as fol lows: . One ox, a blue roaa," smooth crop and ui.dcr bit in tne ngut ear;ssooth ercp from th3 left, and Eve yevs old. One red rcan. same marks and age. One yoke ey'rn, tale red and white pied. Same marks and ag as above. On-J red ox, witlt bush of tail off, and,suiooth crop o J left ear. One roka vcr :ne white, upper bit in left ear, und.T lit ia light, nrid lroks ns though it had been split and the upj-er part forced off: ago same as above. Ono Whck brown ex crop off righi ear, and ?iaoth crop and under bit off! j right and a email appearance of a brand oa left hip T),n,nl 'i - v. v . ' " aftd myins charts, within sixtv dav,lrr,n tbUd.t, -Given ualcr y hand, this PtH'd.v Vf hvr,! it'Cat- "" 1S5G.. . . . W2IWEDDLE. PROCLAMATION " C2 THE . GOVEnnon 0? . riEEHAs:(A.;: Executive Di.tirte.nt, - Omaha Ci:yrN. T.- I To te QvnKyI Fcf? of Stbnitka Ttrritory: I. 21 A UK W. IZAIID. Governor tf the Ul Tetritorv. in cursuance of an act .f the, Lerioliiin . Asd-inilly, Uo provide for takic; the census, uakbj; appiirtionment, holdic; ilections," Ac, approved J B.' uary 2Sth, di hereby declare and uake known taat an election will lo'held in tho several ccuatiej-lu thi Territory en the first Tuesday in ov!iaber, A. D. 1353, for thirtcoa members of the Council, thirt.r , five p-cnibcrs cf tho House of Representatives, .tail thrco County ConunL&ionerj for each county, aaxir ding to tho apportionment hereunto; wlicU said election shall be conducted in all resjcU In M cordance with the provisions of an 4tei2tuled"2Ii: tiots," approved January 23 Ui, 12j3. Ihero 1x:id j no County Commissioners yet elected, the Prelate Judges cf the several counties are hrtby authored and r9quirel to proceed at once ta lay off their, r-., speotivo counties into convenient election precinct?, and appoint three competent Judges of election la cach, and generally to do and perform all i Jth dstif in conducting said, election as will, by the provisicss of said act, devolve urx.a the Board cf County Cora- miHsioners whu they saau hav beca au.:y e.Qiti and. organized. . . -k.ipToox'tlovi mont. !. ' Tho couutv of Dahkota will oloct one CouiicUtjib and two Representatives; tho counties. of Burt nA luaiing jointly will elect one I.cprescntaiire; cao county of Washington will elect one Councilman and ; thrco Representatives; the northern district of l)jut:- bu county will elect three Councilmcn and ujjbt Representatives; tho southern d'utvict of said eoiiity , will elect one Con:iIman and four Representative?;' tho siuthera district cf Du'iUs. V"ashiagto, Ca'-t and Cuming counties jcir.tly will elect one Council- mac; tho counties cf ludgi and I'Utt jolatly wi'I elect ono Rerrcjentative; the counties cf Cass, Lur cajterand Ci;iy jointly will elect one Coanciannn and four Kerrcsentative?; the county t: Utoe wiu elect two Councilmcn anl six Rpnte?ntJtLvci. tl.e .' county of NemaL will elect one Councilman nid three Representatives; tho counties tf RiohanLui . and Pawnee joinriy will elect ono Councilman rd Jhreo Representatives; the counties cf Dodge,- Cast and Otoa jointly will elect one Councilman. 5 V itn33 my hand and tho grcnt seal 0: tli Territory, this oth da of Septcmlxr . A. D.. 1S3S. : Dy the Governor, . . . MARS W... IZARD. ' T. 15. Ccmino, Secretary of Nebraska. Ijiiniber! ILumberl . . .. . . rilllG undersigned has on h ind and for salu nt liii JL mill,. Ilnh Bottom, Mo., One hindrwl and . Twonty-llve Thousand feet of. vat -us kinds of Lun- ber, which he offers for salo at tho following prici-a. . bquaroedged lumber, ' . Sheeting, - -. - - .1,25 Black Walnut, - - - - '2,03: ' There is a ferry across the Missouri riror, opsiti:, the mill. Lumber will be delivered on tho Nebraa'ia shore, at 50 cents in addition to the above primes. LOUIS LAYIti.Mt. . . September 20, 1353.. vlnl8-3inpd Groat fJalo of Xjotc ; , . At .--.Wybminsr, IV. -T.- : NOW IS THE CHANCE FOR MAKING NOTICE ii hereby givefl to the 'world ard thff rest of mankind," that then will bo a snltt of , Lots in Wyoming, Otoo county, Nelraskiv Territory' oathi . , ... .! I . Twenty-fifth day1 of October, . . A. D., 185G. ' To those who have had the pleasure cf seeing tnl 1 -beautiful site, and surrounding countryit ia.meles to say anjthing In commendation, 83 the reality U ,. superior ta aijy description that can ba given; builo those who have not, wo would say, thai Wyoiain; m located at tho mouth of Weeping V'at4T rivor, und " has the very best rock landing on the Missouri river without any exception whatever. The beach, fron, the mouth of Weeping W ator for a distance el tbroo . fourths of a mile down, is nearly in a Btraight Vuii and i3 a perfect royk base; in soma places ilready . graded. Tho bluff ii low, and full of, tho bi:st".im and sandstcno rock in the Territory, and abundant enough, to snpply a large city for all future ags, fvt; building, paving, Ac. There aro extensive houia cf . timber in tho immediate vicinity, on both indtl of ., the River; stone-coal, lime and sandstone boiiod-t throughout tha whele valley of tho Weeping Water, The bluff, from a few feet above high watr H.ark, slopes up at an angle cf about six ilcgrsea.Xor a dis--tance ot omj-fourtli of a mile, then spreads 1 ut into, the most beautiful table lauds, presenting to view the most romantic and magnifleieat landscape ever;. beheld by the eye of man. Tho surrounding coun; try U watered by the almost innumerable tributaries . of the Weeping Water, to cclobmtol in lominoe, and Indian traditions,) and 13 tbeflncst farming r-' . gion in the Western country. Yyoinir.g Ilea duo West cf Sidney, CUriuda, Bedford,.. LliKnJiold,: . . Kcosauqua and Burlington, and is tho best f.enainm . for a railroad on tho, Missouri river, and the b:t' point for a western extension, beinz due East of New; I Fort Kearney, and the nearest point on the Missouri 1 w iu great ouib owni m.'uiaw. . Froni tho preat ,fataraI aavant;15l.a tUi.UX las over every other place on thd river, it is defined to. become the Grcat Commercial Metropolis of thn T:r- r . tt- ; to the great bait springs ia ebraska. ntories est of the Missouri. - :. 1 Thero is the machinery for a steam saw jnill jmt landed at our Lcvoe, which will bo erected forth- . with. Tiuro ii Another expected in fc short, tuna.-. . Thero will be a Printing Office set up,, and weekly newspaper issued in a fcwd.iyi. Merchants, an l Me chanics are selecting lots in Wyoming for tlioianue- diato erection of buildings suitable fur their ausincss. The country back already presents a tlirivl g8pct; being dotted over with fields and houses of iulustri-, ous farmer'. There is no humbug about tho matter. Juitcoiiio an l see for yourselves, and get you u gcod homo wh'ilo you can g.vt it chw.p.; At tha ul rn ' tho day abovo named, you can buy fvr afirdi'.i-rs4 what would cost you tuonsan ls iu aahurt time hao.. Byord'jrof tho Wyoming Twn Cinpan) Jf. T. JACOjt DAWSON, He.-r clary. Wyoming7NrT."Sept: 2'.r, I?3fl.-"vlrft'Jt,f Dissolution of Partnership. - - - - NOTICE is hereby given, that the co-part a :nhip horetofvro existing bctwifcn J. D. N. Thojnrifion and II. P. Buxton, is this J.iy diso!ved by Tt,tal consent. Tho busines of tho firm will bo fisished, with consent cf parties concerned, bv II. I'.Biixka. II. P. BUXTON, J. D. N. THOMPSON. - Brownville, Sept. 8. 1S3". vlnlSlf iOO! OUT:-.'. ALL person ara hereby forwirncd from bnymj the South West fourth of Section 25. To'vnf-hip 6, North Range 15, East of the sixth Princ: ml Meri dian, in Nemaha county, N. T w jwrnpedby II103. itudiy; as 1 have a right to ?id clitim that 14 indisputable. B. B. THOM'SON. 1 lirownviue, July 5th, IbJO: vl-n5tf; j, AMES C AUG ILL. OTO. W, CLlUUtZ. J. &. C. XV. CAIIf.'ILL, . , : FORWARDING AND COMMISSION '. ME51CHAKTS." ' AND MANUFACTURER'S AGENTS,' Steamboat Landing, St. Joseph, Zlo. CONSIGNMENTS of Goodi and Trod-ico' respectfully solicited, and all hasineis I ntrrst. etl t j us will ho promptly and cr.r:f illy a.ciided to at the lowest ratc3. . - - . ' . References. v Taylor A Shepherd, Si. Louis, R. L. McGhee A Co., . Lirermore, Cooley X Co., .. , , ' j Merchants Generally, )t. Jjsot aph. BOBBINS & POMER05V-"... WHOLESALE DZALEr.3 IS . BOOTS, SHOES & SOLE LEATHHH, Nos. o, Tearl and ?i, Jlain Siroct, CINCINNATI, OL'IO. v .. REAL ESTATE AGENCY. C20BGE CLATI3. i. . LES. CLAYES ii Li:E, Real Estato and General. Agencv," OMAHA CITY, N. T... . V References. . James Wright, Broker, NwYork,! Wm. A. Woxlward, Esq. ''',-, Hon. R. Wood, Ex-Giv. cf Ohio Cleveland, - Wicks, Otic and Brownt!!, P.t3!;cr, ; Aloott A llorton, : ' v' ;4 ?, Col. Robert Carapbcil, ' ' Ttv Leuii - James Ridgwnr, Err, .' . v CrawfomauJ Sackctt. : i.l.r: Chitagj.. ; , Omaha City, Aog. 3), I356.. v bl3-lr : GIARLE3 KEARNY, ' ' ' 1 "Wholesale and Retail .Grocer. A"N I) STEAM BOAT AGENT. : E.isi side Market Square op'file Mar;;l IIor.9 D'Slwctoiuw the eiths cf Si.Jo.-.h. HQS Lavc to thj ! M 7 " i-3Pa.m,Jy thu. be h.j,ut Market price. HOI'LITZLLL 4 CO. Qct. 2 1th, 185?. 1