Newspaper Page Text
i i . mm MISER yy. rL'AS Editor. 50VEMBER 2?, -18SC. - TTiTv General Adrcr1srig Agent, in rear ? d Children's Otoe Store, rSSh street, Cincinnati . ' S- M: tES ' Chcstnat stredj'fcalnt ai5i- v'rLrsG.Trcj,Ohio. i P- ir H I)at Tippecanoe, Ohio.- . . . KiM, Archer, Nebraska V V rW&. Oregon, Mo. H. V rrllkrt. Kockport, Me. I 4 VinTE.Vera-ska City, NT. " 1 ,:;P f V Tatk. Linden, Mo. ' 1ki it ixT jr. Three Grove, N. T. ' ; f T-J- Agents to solicit Subscriptions and . Xrtu ;i!r,j.rihe AdvertUcr. and rccieve and Jformuniwthcreou. i - -iticnt in this Territory, coming irom . pcrs .r the .States, wften suggest to ntcV 1 y jn, in tbeir old neighborhoods, who : e "'Tle- iwiM nukwiberi if they could iee ' ,ul Vdrerti?ir." We always send a speci- 'T ' J. lwvome a i iiK rwievin!r. will consider it 11 J ,v V.k. lcf. ' -1 others, leciingiuuicicui. win.c trtB retain the usual per t for their ,., CiS': . - .... I V1 c ... infl .in-"' I " JOB W02Z. I ' .v- jecetit extensive .additions of new t ruts. -colored Inks, Bronzes, Cards, &c, rf' .Jgi.Qvertiscr'' Office, we claim to ; 77 Ant Job' Work in a manner un file wi"4-- r TL.nmnr;AFu;n. i 'v an 7s-! .Ordess from a The proprietor being "printer himself, and having in his accomplished and experienced Teh Frister, is 'Ceiermineu noi io ue ri5 jLn-Jn the execution of J ob Work. Cards t d one o Ftefi latest improved Card fatkl Work in Colors, Bronze Pressed, ij.MN ' , ... t,-at-- distance wUe promptly at- i , --a ;r-ontpA to nve satisiaction or j' -joira'isnfM wanted. I A -ood pur tritter of sder and steady 1 vfbits( totbef wed V$h) wn find a Pcr" Lwt situatloa at thii office, at good prices. . . ' Our out door engagements have been such Ai that wo hare been unable scarcely : tiite . . . . (o jfp into our efScc, let alone payin u3B to the editorial department. atten- ' grerrrlKHWESfESTS. Ibecontracs nas ;keii H and th wort, will commence on I May next, to grade and bridge Main street ! ttLe'corioratior: line.-. The men who have cd to do the -work, Williams 3s Uacojt, ed to jush it through before the i 1 r,.n,fl Thi"? is work mucn ncedea, have-tce ' rrofnii freezes. 33 IdU art bdr Improved and fenced up, so all .that -"the roads heretofore used are now Hocked 'up. When completed this will give an eifcHcLt-road out to the Prairie. . Xebraska ELcTi6ys. Ve; hoped that by our present !ssu we- could give our readers cLtlre' rt'urr.s fro the'Xebraska elections, but vt oily able to add.the following, from Dab. kota yiity. Council: ' .'. A. 7. TuetL " ' HfpTentatives: . . E. C. Jcnc" :.. j. F. Watts. " DtMlsp rou Voods. a he demand upon the jEfJcantilc men o( this region is far beyond t!i!r most sanguine expectation?. IIoblitzell, Co. of Uiis p!ice, although they brought on j a jaamtaoth stock,, axe' now cut, and' Capt. VHyte-has gone below to St. Joseph to re ! .Tcr.yij McAllister, . Doziee, & Co. are .J.oina fine business. Thev got under way . la!e m tie Sea son with a large stock, but are j out and ceropelled to go below also. The past week quite a number of teams cae passed here from Nebraska City on . their way to St. Joseph, for new supplies of gwJs. This' .peaks rolurans for the rapid filing -up pf tliis" prfion of ITebrasksL' - ebcaeka Farmer. The Prospectus of .Jie'-Farmer" i now-out, and being sent to Various porlicnsof the Territory and. also to the States,' Already, names are coming in rapier: Those Farmers in the States who re rooking-ft 3slward can find nothing better ly which-to keep posted than the. "Farmer." metope, cut Eastern friends will respond to tae call for rhscribers.- .Tie weather has been quite sharp again, a few days past slush ice running in tae nnr to. such an extent that the ferry boa has crossed with difficulty Akotheb. The small stern wheel steamer Castle Oarcten went up this week. We are . informed that this boat and the Lacon will con-t-nce to run' this trade as long as water and .father will permit. .They are making a tfccthiag" at the present rates of freight. S2 1t hundred from St. Joseph-$5 from SL . JsniAs Tatuest. Quite a number of our fciizens mace atrip to the -Otoe Settlement the Blue River last week, expecting a pay Jaet to be made." . The Indians mostly were ... ou. oas br.nt," consequently no payment. .-utnAXA uall.-- The Democracy of -'en. Mo, gave an erttDsive Ball on Tues- : evening last, in honor cf the election of Back&Brcck." . We had not foe pleasure .bfisg-present, but arc informed it wa5 a Sd." afiair. Sixty couple took snrpex. All toffia'arrilr. ' ' ' m .tficul Vote, We have neglected to . rh.tth the official vote of this county until It Vill be found in another col lumn. 2f. 4 D0 eeeasea Molasses. Mr. G. B. Tunison, aslass rniintr Vo1roci.- v acnrips molasses, out of the Chinese Su-ar .an, which the Omaha Democrat says he has ccsstully cultivated on his.fana this season, "e thiiese .Sugar Cane, can be cultivated . n'Sckmate,- which we. doubt not from the renrneni made, We can have the domestic we ot molasses, manufactured in our own ta 1st. 'The " jut i i hi a i . , . rn r t ti i i i . i t c er-r M . WiUVW CbK AA. 1 AiAlOOUUU. WftS encI'cn on the night of the 23tault e thieves blew open the safe b putting jder in tLe key-hole, and carrieJ ofT $1,000 fconey and land warrants calling for 1,300 f?cf lad, . CcrresponiJcaca of lbs jJebraska A&reTtiscrT ' Florence, X. T. ; . ' :. .'" :. ' November 14th; 18 it. w. trausn sq: --i ..; Deas SrR-One of the stockholders in the Bank of Florence lias arrived, and brings glad tidings in reference to the Railroad in the di rection to this places He assures our citizens that there is but little doubt of the road being located down the Pigeon Valley to its inter section with the Missouri valley at Crescent City, Iowa. The roads are tow in good condition for traveling, end our ride over the level bottom to Crescent was very, pleasant. There we fou jd the improvements, and busineus far be yond our most sanguine expectations. , Mr. Steele, of Florence, has already ; added an extensive addition to Crescent, and made sale of a large number of lots, some of which run as high as $150 each, and land shares in town sold a few" days since at three hundred dollars per acre. ' . -. Our road to Council Bluffs was more an?; dulatiig; leading up and down the several Kanycns between the towns, nevertheless a pleasat t road, with, varying scenery, which assists much in intercepting the dull monotony of the travel. At Ellisdale we drove up, expecting to wit ness Jo. Johnson up to his eyes in exchanges preparatory, of course, for the next issue of the Bugle,' but instead of that he was elbow deep in brick and mortar and laying up a wall of a shingle furnace, and expecting to furnish Crescent with roofing material for the year to come. He carries on a large farm, and is build ing largely in Crescent, besides being a partner in a mercantile establishment there which is doinz -an extensive and profitable trade. He turns bis hands to any kind of labor that coin es in his way, with much ease and judgement. This is something of the life of an editor in the West. - In Council Bluffs we found considerable anxiety in reference to the general result cf the Presidential election, also the desire to learn the vote cf some of the more doubtful North- em States. Bets had been running high, and no doubt many felt as if the purse strings were to be considerably effected by the minority and majority. reports. The Iiepublican party, ac knowledged whipped, but nevertheles s claimed that they had gained much by the campaign , A railroad survey had just been completed at Council Bluff which appeared to be a mat ter of rejoicing among the inhabitants, and those more deeply interested in the way of corner lots. I noticed the city limits had been extended two miles South of the Pacific House and over a mile West, making the extremes of its boundaries about three" miles distant from each other and judging from what we could hear that the town wll exterd its limits rapidly towards the Missouri river. Advance ment in prices among real estate dealers is very perceptible and many , are found desirous of purchaseing. At Glen wood we found the citizens rejoic ing over the news recently received that the M. &.M. Ptailroad would be extended through Mills county to terminate opposite Plattsmouth in the Territory of Nebraska. Nebraska City, St Mary, Bellevue and La Piatt are alj endeavoring to draw the terminous of the road; and are bidding high in the way of stock and donations, but they all appear from the surveys to be too far froH a direct line. Since it has been ascertained, by an actual survey of a line for a rail road up the Platte, that the route is practicable aud expedient, and that no diffi- culty exists in reference to getting in and oa of Plattsmouth, that town has taken a new start in the way of improvement, and it is now no more a matter of doubt as to the building of a town at that point. Holders are now asking a thousand dollars a snare, and lots are selling at great advances above the prices a few months since. ; ; . . j . The reports of the election in Cass county had not been sufficiently received, to give you the result. " ' ; :, ! . In St. Mary we were shown a plat of the town; which drew the premium medal in St. Louis over all similar competition.' Of course it is a superior piece of penmanship, and shows the extraordinary skill of the draftsmen Messrs. Seegar and Skemonnski, of St. Mary, Iowa. On the border was placed views of Council Bluff, Omaha, Belview, St. Mary, Glenwood and surrounding scenery; also, the united plats of the counties of Cass, Douglass and Washington, in Nebraska; and , Mills and Pottawattamie counties, Iowa. . It is useless for me to undertake a description of the plat for it is only, to be seen to be known and ap preciated.- From the .level taken, it appears from notes that St. Mary is nine feet above the highest water CV.rk known. The town is inhabited with Germans, and we were informed that there was only one American residing within the limits. We had about arrived at that conclusion from the fact that during our sojourn at one of the public houses we heard nothing but the German dialect, except a faint effort occasionally to show that they were not entirely destitute of the English language. We noticed there a very simply constructed wind mill for the purpose cf manufacturing shingles, which performed well and with much profit to' the proprietors. The entire mill only cost about two liundred dollars. I think sim ilar machinery erected in many of our Ne1 braska towns would be a profitable investment, and a great convenience to the citizens. Bellnre is also spreading its limits by ad ditions,- probably with the expectation of divid ing Douglass county and locating a county seat at that place, which question is already agitated, and will be urged during the Session next Winter. , . On arriving at Omaha we ascertained that difficulties existed somewhere in the ncigh-bor hood in reference to the claim of a young man who had recently died in town, and had been jumped up some unprincipled man on the day of the burial. The citizens took it in ban and on further investigation it was ascertained that the miscreant was a Dutch pettifoger wh resides here in town. He appeared1 determined to hold it right or wrong,- and did net field his claim tcrit nntil the people met in mass, end passed resolutions c'ondemnitcry cf his course, and resolved to" put him sccross the river if he did not comply. Thieves 6"nly submit, when overtaken in their evil deeds, and are compell ed to surrender. "Claim jumpers" have poor encourage m set in tVis country, as. very few are successful, tad always get off with listing diegraccu u' .i'A' -Y, -J '.i ::';. By the following figures you will seo that Douglass county, Nebraska, has three hundred and seventeen more voters than Pcttawa4.tarnie county, Iowa, andOma'aa Precinct twenty-five more than Council Blu X Precinct. U - -! Omaha, Douglass county, N. T. ' 5,35. Council Bluff, Pottawattamie Co., Ia. 5,10. .Douglass county, K.T; -;.!'-'-i Pottawattamie county, Iowa, -zz- By this you will see that there is already as many voters out of Omaha as in it, but it is not so with Council Bluff, as there you perceive but few outside the City. Outside of Omaha there arc four hundred and seventy-nine Voters, and outside of Council Bluff one hundred and eighty seven voters; making , a difference out side of the two cities of two hundred and ninety-two in favor of Douglass county, The District Court is in Session at Omaha, Judge Fergason presiding, but I am not able to report what has been done since the Session" commenced. P. ; 25 1,014 . 697 317 For Central OHo aid all around! "UR Stock of Fralt Treesiic, Tor Kile tha' pres- J ent Full and next Sprin is very larj and, fine, including all the most npprorid varieties cf Apples, Pear3, Peaches, Cherriea, Apriiots, Nectarines, Plums Quinces, Grapes. Corrants; GJsberries, Raspberries,' fctirwberries, etc. Especial (ore has b?en taken to pro:ur and prcpagata mostly Vucb. varieties of each clas ac are foand best suited b the soil and climate of -.he West and Sou;h, wh-e most of the winter traits, especially of the Lastra, are of no value. 5 Our stock cf Peaclt Trcts is remarkably fine, ami tho trice so low that all those who lost their tress the past winter, should nw replace them. Of Cherry .Trees also we have a fine supply, mostly grown on Mahaleb stocl: whiii secures greater har diness to the tree, and if trahed rather low. so as to eause the tops to tihade the stem from the hot sun, it is beleired no duacalty o lound in grow ing fine cherries in the South and West. Of Pears we have a splendid lot, especially on dwarf trees, on str sng Anger Quince toclc$, th best for speedy and abundant productivenras. . y Catalogues, with tirices. etc., will be sent to all applicants. Nurserymen and Dealers in Fruit Trees am invited to call and examine our stock of Peaches Pears and Cherries, especially, before sending East, as we believe they can save expense as well as risk oy purchasing of us. Wholesale catalogues now rendy.. M. B. BATEJIAM & CO, SIGEI&OM'NUKSERYi . .: . ; ST. LOUIS, MO. -JOim SIGZRS017 $ :BRO.j user ior saie uxe coining spring:, . -;t' , 5-3,003 Ap-,!o Trees, 2 and 4 years old, cm- 4 bracing lilt varieties. , Trice 15 to 43 cents. 25,00 Teiich Trees, from 6 to H feet high, 63 ' vareitie-, frcri 25 to 30c. " '2s503 standard Pear3, embracing 43 varieties, price from .'50 to 73 o;it3. ' 5,0 C 3 Dwarf P-ears, embracing 33 varieties, price $1 each. 5,C03 Cherry Trees, 31 varieties; 50 to 75 cents each. . ' 503 Apricots, Early Golden, Buda, Peach Apri cots. Lanre Early, price 50 cents. 14200 Quince, assorted, 25 to 50 cents. 500 Dwarf Apples, ou 500 White Grapo Currants" 25 500 Black Naples 25 500 Cherrv Currant .25 500 Red Dutch Currant- .....12" 500 Victoria Currants 15 500 White Dutch Currants 12f 500 Large Rwl Dutch Currants-"... ... 12 500 English Black-- W 2,000 Prolific Green - Y " ! a . Sad CAscAi.iTT.The Council TftvSUBugU of the 11th stys: On Saturday the 3d inst, a Mr. Smith suffered a most horrible death at Southland, in Woodbuty county. He was engaged as sawyer in the new steam mill at that place, and whilst gigging back . the car riage,' got his foot caught by the 6aw, which split his leg nearly the whole length before he could withdraw it, then "by an uncontrolla ble destiny hr.s body fell across the log before the saw and was severed near the middle, most horribly mutilating,- in fact, cutting the body into numerous pieces, which were gathered and decently interred. - ' ' ' : ' ' The deceased left a wife and two children. ' The Editor of the Keokuk Times congrat ulates his readears upon the sound of the steam whistle, "for the first time in the Valley of the Des Moines." It is reported that Manypenny has been re moved, and the land sales, in Kansas, past- poned. But it needs confirmation, and we place no reliance in the rumor. ' t- OFFICIAL ABSTRACT , Of Votes cast in NemaJia County. ... w o . p. Council: J. S-Mlnick 73.. R. W. Furnas 126 Representatives: - S. A. Chambers 94' R. J. Whitney- 82 . W. S. Horn .:. ; ; 53 E. Reid C3 W. A. Finney. 128 I. C. Lawrence 104 J. T. Edwards 11 County Commissioners: Jesse Cole 72 yj. W. Hall 121 vL. Kinnison ' 22 TD. C.Sanders 159 . vR.W. Frame 44 7L L. Knight 110 J. Long 15 Justice of the Peace: J. Lvons . . KReid A. Medley J. S. Reeken L. Kinnison J. Bishop D. McCluro Constable: S. Holmes J. Melloch . J. Blare s . J. Delay . - A. W. Burns N, U Hallock Re-elected. ; o 'A 10 51 39 8 29 17 48 26 i 9 37 1 47 37 45 1 29 38 17 . M KA O 14 w tn o 27 97 204 2 12 1 14 1 1 13 2 13 1 1 M35 Syracnso Ifurseries.; THORP SMITH HANCHETT, "PROPRIETORS Befides a general and AL I extensive assortment of articles usually kept by Nurseymen, we have on hand for the Spring trade, - - . ' . 200,000 Apple Trees, from 6 to v teet. 100,000 Dwarf Pear Trees, 2 years old. 50.000 Standard do from 2 to 4year 100,000 Cherry Trees, 1 to 2 years old, Dwarf and Standard. .- . ' . -. Peach, Plum, Apricot, and Nectarine Trees, in large numbers. - . 100,000 Raspberries, embracing every kind of any value. All the popular as well as rarer, kinds of otner small iruit. -. - Foreign and Natire Evergreens Norwav Spruce, Pines, Cryptomerias, Cedars,- Black ani White bpruce, Balsams, Hemlocks, etc., large, medium or snail. . Ornamental Trees, Roses, Shrubbery, Climbers, Hedge Plants, etc. : Bulbous Roots, native and imported; Ualilias, Car nations, Poenies, Chrysanthemums', Phloxes, all in great abundance, and of the most beautiful varie ties. , ... - While wo confidently claim for our productions in general an excellence not surpassed by any other 3 ursey, we particularly ana emphatically designate our stock of Pear tree3, both Dwarf and Standard, as nnparalelled either in extent or quality, by any existing stock in America. .The following notices refer to trees taken from the same lot a3 those now offered, when they were but one year old: From Thomas W. Field, Esq., an extensive dealer in and importer of. Pear trees in New York: "The fpecimens are really splendid; the finest I believe I ever saw." : From Robert Harwell, Esq., Mobile: "I have nev er seen finer trees.'.' : ; ' . .U ; From Mesrs. Neally &, Brothers, Burlington, Iowa: "They are really tho finest trees of their age we ev er saw, and we have purchased a great many in the few past years.'. ; . : ' As suggestive to persons about to purchase, we would remark that our trees were not subjected to the extreme cold during the last winter, which effec tod so extensive injury to Nurseries at the West, and that we have had no drought during the present summer by which the growth of our trees has been retarded. They may be relied upon, therefore, to be in prime health and vigor. ' . : OUR CATALOGUES : Will be sent post-paid to all who enclose for No. 1 a letter stamp, and for the others a one cent stamp each. ' ' No. 1 A general descriptive Catalogue of all our productions. - ' No. 2 A later edition of the Fruit Department of No. 1. No.. 3 A descriptive Catalogue of Ornamental Trees. Shrubs, Koses, etc. - , -' ' No. 4 A descriptive vatalogae or Dahlias, Green Cf u u u u u u u u H U a M u 1,000 Houghton's Seedling 2a 500 Warrington clo 25 1,000 Sulpher do .....25 1,000 Ashton ', do .'-25 500 Crown Eob do 2j 500 Ri3emen do ........25 2,000 Yellow Antwarp Raspberries W 1,000 Ohio Everbearing . do .....25 2,000 Large German Antwarp do 1,000 Red Antwarp. . ......'-10 t,000 English Filberts 50 1.000 Horse Chestnuts-. 50 5.000 Grape Tines, 2 to 3 years old 25 to 50, 150,000 GrapeYines, 1 year old --$5 $ 100 5.000 Dahlias assorted, each Z5 500 Pernias, do 50 10.000 Giant Asparagus Roots-. .$5 $ 100 6,000 Tube Koses 10 2,000 Yards Pink 50cts yard. 2,000 Plants Victoria Rhubarb 5oor$40$100 8.000 Wilmot's Early Red Rhubarb --12o 50,000 Strawberry Plants. 12 varieties .. - $5 to 10 per 2,0000 10,000 Shade and Ornamental Trees, embracing Uatalpa, liiacK Locust, t alionia lmponallis, Lmbirdv Poplar, Silver Leaved Poplar, Iiindcn Wood, Sweet Gum, Elm. Balsam Poplar. AUianthus, Tulip Trees, Upland Cy ' prssa. Sycamore, Paper Mulberry, American Larch. V ceping lllow. Buckeye. Monn tain Aih, White Birch, Red Maples, varyin" in price from 25 cents to $1,50, according to size. .-, i . . 15,000 Evergreens, embracing Kea jeaars, price eacn ouc to 52 White Fine do 50o to $1 Yellow Pino .do . 50c to $2 Balsam Fir, , do 50c to $1 American Arborvitas 25c, 50c, 75c, $1,50 Chinese Arborvitas, 5fc, $1,50, European Savin 50c, Tree box 50o Norway Spruce, 50c, 75c, 100, White Spruce, $1. bii Aivwi-J Alt mon rma rnvsrAPEn ADVEaTisrira agenct or W. S. SWYMMER, Corner of Olive and Main Sts over the Bank ing House cf John J. Anderson & Co. . , thu HORTICULTURIST, AND - Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste. rDITEDBT' ' .J J. JAT EHITII,- Editor !7orth Anericaa SjUL' Tns IIosTtcrLTrRisT, as its name implies, is de voted to Horticulture aul its kindred arts Rum? Architecture and Landscape Gardening, Knd will keep its rea l rs advised of tie new things on tha PAG US PATENT Portablo Circular Saw-Hill, FOR STEAM AND HORSE POWEJI. rpHE most ueful and necessary michinery ia op- eration; is simple in construc tion and easily kept subject, either ia Europe or America. It ij a Montt- w order, and can be moved on a wagon as readily as ly Journal of forty-eight pages, bcautifuHy printed a mresjiingmacnine, ana puj in opcrauon ai a Fmaii on ne paper, and elegantly illustrated. , Jn addititn exrxmse. It will saw from one to two thonsacd feet to numerous wool cuts in tho first stvlo of the art, ol lumber a day, with one team of six horses, as an earh number contains a full-T2e enrravirr. fro n average business, and in a better stylo, thaa other stone, of some new, rare, and valuable fruit, tree, ot luiua now ia use. iiia eqna.iy wcu aaipiea to Bower, and is on ol the most Itautijuf, as well as : Bttam, Water or Horse PoTver. th0 nKst ndCful xaontljl7 """w puwiica in u.e 7 world. . , .The undersigned, agents for the patantee, would Terhs 52 per year,' in aJvar.ce. The vc-laaie announce o inepuouc mat tncy are now prepared commenced on the 1st of January last, and we cm to furnish Mills, with or without horso power, of su- supply back numbers from that time. Thoso who penor quality and workmanship, with the right to prefer can commence with th-i current number, use the same, upon the most favorable terms, at their . Colored Plates. fc'tii! further to add to the val manufactory,;. 202, Second street, St. Louis, Mo. We have also the right for the manufacture of Childa' Patent Double Saw Mills. The successful practical operation of these mills ue of the work, and meet the improving taste and lnercaoini; wants of tho horticultural community, an edition is published with Colored Hates, each ncra- ber containing a full-rag? engraving of semft new, 1 i vi- r : . n ... . 3 H,,r,Vi,...v. u W r . . . t. , i rare, iia Yiiiuaoie iru u, or uewt-r, corriiMij ctuu.'.-Ji ui i - . . . , ... . . . iiuui uaiuiu vj uciii iitji." a. i iias in mis mic.- in construction and increased facilities in matiufac turing, we offer them to the publio with full confi- utuce vi weir a a vac lares All orders addressed to U3 will be promptlv execu ted, and any information in regard to Mills cheerful ly given. Persons ordering Mills will please mention the istaw ana bounty in wnieh they wish to use them. KINGSLANDS & FERGUSON. Extension of Page's Patent. ATOTICE is hereby given to the public, that the 11 patent of PAGE'S PORTABLE CIRCULAR work JlilV ITIT 1 1 , I ... : This is new and important feature in this country. Price $3 a year in advance. Address ROBERT PEAKSALL SMITH. Publisher; 17 and 19 Minor street, Ilhilad:!phi., AM ERICAN AND ORIGINAL: KNICKERBOCKER MAGAZINE For 1S3T.' The Forty-ninth Volume of tho Knickfrbockeu MaOAZIXK will comm(neo with the number for Jan uary, 1857; and it is tho intention of lhe Publi-der to make great additions to tho literary merits of tbV SA" MILL has been extended for seren rear frnm Jcly 16th, 1355. All persons found violating this patent, or infringing on the same, in making, using or vending, will be proceeded against in accordance with the laws in such case made and provided. ' GEORGE PAGE, Patentee. By Authority! ;THE STATE SUPERINTENDENT And Board of Education, Have ordered the following Desirable Works for the Township Libraries of Indiana. Some of them have been put into every Library, others finlv i n tli a mnrn nAmiTnitj fnnmV:.. rr i careful attention given to the examination of works Knickerbocker and Home Journal, one year for Four tor these libraries, is a guarantee of the merit of tho We take it for granted, there aro but few M.;a- line readers in the country who are not familiar with the cithora of hr. Legkk, and tho F.VRRow-ljaA?aw both old contributors to tho KsiCKEr.bucKEB. Wo aro pleased to be able to annouuee that they ill both write for our magaxino the coming year. ;lr. Cozzsxs will contribute a new and really original Story, which will appear ia every number; on-i Mr. Kimball will furnish a Sketch or a Story as often as hii other duiies will permit. . . lERMS: three Uol:rs a year, in advance. l wo copies l ive Dollars. Five copies aud upwards, Ten Dollars, lho .Magazine is sold by all jci'iodical dealers. Specimen numbers tent free of charge.' The Knickerbocker and any other Three Do'lar Magazine, sent ono year fur Five Dollars. Th books chosen. Many families will desire to own the books, and read at their leisure, rather than wait their turn to get them from a library. . The works may be purchased of Booksellers, or will be sent by iuj.n,irue wi postage, upon payment ol prices annex ed to each. . . . Fart's Ancient Ilistorv Much Rollin, because more concise, accurate, and up with modern resejirehj - 4, ti1 . P!wii -i ci, 1 Khh Vln-nt, nf Opnampntal RhrnMion, 1 i:k.. rn ' ' b " r in part as ioiiows: . . Snow Balls, each 37 M to $1. . Lylac, each 50c; Spiras, assorted, each 25c: 102 ; house and Bedding plants. 27 27 27 25 4 28 26 2 110 94 204 153 12 94 185 40 233 82 181 18 JS'o. 5 A wholesale Catalogue for Nurserymen and Dealers, v.:. AI30 a Supplementary Catalogue of the Ornamen tal and Greenhouse department. Also a circular on the Agusta Rose. Syracuse, N. Y., Nov. 2 1856. . GRAPE ROOTS. 20,000 Catawba Grape Roots, two years old, for sale. Price $5 per hundred $40 per thousand. - 4 J. M. BlcCULLOUGH, Nov. 29tf I'o. 200 Midn St., Cincinnati. Hardv Roses, each 50c; . ' Monthly Roses, each 50e Honey Suekles, asorted, 25c, 50o $1; TyriDga Philadelphus 25c to 50c; -"Rosa Acasia, 25o to 50cj - - f Privet for Hedges 25c; Bladdacina 25c: Corcorus Japonica 25c; Ellagnns 25c; Liburnum 50c; - A Tamarix Africana 25 to 50c; - - - Ribea Gordoni 25c to 50c: Weeping Mountain Ash 1,50; Whith Fringe Tree 1,50; " Forsvthea 50c to 1.00; . Cornice Dogwood Silver Striped 50c to 1,00 Deutxabcabia xdcDeutza Gracalis 50c; Weeping Birch 50c;" ; ; Magnolia Acuminctta 50q ' ' ' - Weeping Linden 1,50; Dwarf Box 50c per yard; Eauonimus 50c; - ' - Althcas, assorted, 25c to 50c. . - ESJ In offering the above Stock to our customers we beg to say it is superior in growth and quality to any heretofore offered, and persons wishing a supply can avail themselves of further information, by ad dressing the undersigned at St. Louis. Catalogues furnished to all post-paid applications. Respectfully, JOHiN SIGEKSO & BUU. Oct. 25, 1856. ... vln!9-ly FRESH AISKIVAIi ! ! OF 8. 8 14 13 NEW GOODS!! W. HOBLITZELL & CO. : BROWN VILLE, N. T. HAVE THIS DAY RECEIVED, per steamers A. C. Goddin and Wm. Campbell, and now opening, the most extensive stock of Goods ever of fered in this market. After the experience they have in Nebraska, they flatter themselves that they know what Kuit3 the people, and have purchased such a stock of Good3 as cannot fail to please. We will not pretend to enumerate, but say come and see; and you will not fail to bo suited. - , . . : Oct. lo, lSo5.-ly 17 2 o 7 7 13 LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in tae Post Office at Brownville, N. T October 1st. 1850, which if nit taken out within three months will bo sont to Ihfe Dead Letter Office, Washington, D. C. f ' Bradley lion Jaa Uurch KeviX Duby Geo 2 Uorithy Mrs S : Hale David - - i Jones James MedlevA ' Neal Mrs S Neilson Tason Keeaer luesaaie Persons calling for the above letters, will please say they are advertise. ' - CLAIM FOR SALE. THE undersigned will offer for sale a fine Improv J. ed Claim, situated one mile west of Brownville, . Vl , waaH lanIin in th ii ri i rnst inn I Ka Claim is pretty equally divided between Prairie and H , V , r f'. ' K ' j P TimW. . The improvements consist of a irood double t- v.i..ii,g,ju3i .uu A tiront rM f n.r fpnc A for sale cheap, by IIOBLITZELL A CO. llllllUU. W BClt Ail VIUCI LJ VJ JUllli;iUia 111 bil J -. - m W W VW . WAAV Ready Made Clothing, spring. . r or particulars cau upon mm at nis resi- j' dence on the above claim. , J. W. BENNETT. J. a Brownville, Nov. 22, 1856.-4 w Brownville" Market ' CAREFULLY CORRECTED. EACH' WEEK BY rpHE Copartnership heretofore existing between HOBBLTTZELL & CO. DEALERS IN PRODUCE. ; BuOWSTlLLE, N. T. Ti.Ant. sack of 100 5)3? ...-.. -$4,50 Corn Mkal, ) bushel-- - Coax, in the ear, old bushel Oats, 3 bushel, v Sugar, ? Ib Coffee, Tea, Bacon, Hams, Shoulders,- Sidos, Chickens, doi., Logs, do, r kksh Beef, g la Potatoes, bushel, new Bctter, unusually large stock of fine and coarse Boots and Shoes both Gentlemen and Ladies can be seen, and purchased low, at " HOBLITZELL & CO'S Hats and Caps. JL G. W. Crow and J. M. Patterson, as Attorneys at T ATEST styles of Hats and Caps, and of every The Teacfier's Miscellanv is anew and ex cellent collection of articles" on Education, written by uuugo Lr3. &TOWE, JJlGGS, ileGCFFET, Aydelott, Pickett, Lvkd, Post, and other distin guished members of the "College of Teachers." 1 vol., IZmo., Llota, $1,25. ' History of the Turitans and Pilfrrim Fathers. By Stowell and Wilson, 1 vol., 12mo MofTat's Life of Dr. Chalmers. 1 vcl. 12rao.,?,25. The Ladies of the Covenant: Memoirs of distinguished Scottish Female Characters; Embra cing the Period of the Covenant and the Persecu tion. By Rev. James Anderson. Moffat's South Africa. . One volume. 12mo. iweutn edition, si. Sixa ears in India. By Mrs. Colix Maxen zie. 2 vols- 12mo., Cloth, 2.00 with 22 plans and Illustrations. Third edition. $1,50 - xvian-oi-war ijiie. A Boy's Experience m the U. S. Navv. ( SIXTH TnOCSA.ND.) 1 volume, 16mo.; Illustrated. 75 cents. The Merchant Vessel, A Sailor-Boy's Voyages to see the World. (SIXTH thocs and.) 1 volume, 16mo.: Illustrated. 75 cents. Nokdhoff'3 admiral series of volumes. "Man-of- War Life," "Merchant Vessel," and the new volume toappcar in heptember, under the titlo of "Whaling and Wishing, must be received witn great favor, as the first two have been, wherever circulated. Thev aro the faithful limnings of nine years experienco at sea, oi a common sailor, a native -.buckeye, re cognized as inferior to no writer of the present day, in me-iiKe aeuneauona oi aa venture Dy sea. . w cry striking and graphic pictures of life at Sea, evidently authentic and very instructive. lias ad venturo enough to please and truth enough to dissipate the charm of a sailor's life. ' ewXork Evangelist. There is in them a vast amount of iuformation respecting the commerce of the world. Presbyterian Witness. - Will take captive the young. Journal and Mes senger. . . A Buckeye Abroad, or Wandering in Europe and the Orient. By Samtel S. Cox. Third edi tion, Llustratcd.- 1 vol., 12mo., muslin, 1,25. The Three Great Temptations of Young Men. Sajtcel W. Fisbeu. Fourth edition. 1 vol. 12mo- muslin, 1,00. These are capital works for family libraries. Pub lished by MOORE, WILSTACII, KEYS & CO., - 25 West Fourth St, Cincinnati. M- W., K. & CO. aro the publishers of Bayard Taylor's Cyclopedia of Modern Travel, which is sold entirely by agents. . Dollars. Letters containing remittances and evcrythingcon- neeted with the buisness department, should be d- ' dressed to SAMUEL Ilt'ESTON, Pcblishe?.. 3 IS Broadway, New York. - HARPER'S MAGAZINE.- Close of the Thirteenth Volume. Subscribers to IIartek's M.tGAZixn, wheso sub scriptions expire with the JNovembcr number, aro . respectfully requested ti renew them without a 'year, or iwenty-nvo Terms: Threo Dollars Ccnti a Wumbcr. lbe bemi-annual Volumes, as completed, neatly bound in cloth, are sold at 'Vo ' Doa;irs each, and muslin covers are turnishcd to thoso who wish to hive their backriumnrrsnniK-rra- ly bound, at Twnety-fiTe cents eoeh. ThirU-en vol- -, umcj aro now ready, bound in c kth, tnl alio la half calf; . ' ' : i Clubs of two rcr3ons at Five Dollrrs a year, five . persons at Ten Dollars, or eleven person at Twenty ; Dollars. . Tho coT.mcnccmrnt of a volume aiTurds a favora ble occasion for tho opening of new subscriptions.; The December number will commence a new, vol- . ume. . v'-' ' . . Tho Magai'.no weigh3 over Ecven and not over . eight ounces. The postage upon each number is Throe Cents. Each number of the Magazino wwlcontaia Vi oc- tavo pages, in double column?, each year thai com prising nearly two thousand pages of tho choicest , Miscellaneous Literature cf the day. Every num- ' bcr will contain numerous L'ietorial illustrAtio' ' curate Plates of t'ao Fashions, a copious Chrouiclj". of Current Events, and impartial Notiees of the im- ' portant Book3 of tho month. The Volume 'com. ; menco with the numbers for JUNE and DECE.U-:; DElt; but subscriptions may conmeneo with any . number. HARPER & BRO'ri., PaWshcrs. ' Franklin Square, New York.' D. M. HITCHCOCK. C. BKARDSLEE. RS,t. JOT,' D. JL HITCHCOCK $ CO.; . ... Bet. Olive and Locust streets, St Louis, ilo:.! MANUFACTUREItS of Cooking, Heating, and . Parlor Stoves and Grates. Also Manufacturers of four si2c3 of Jcweti'sTat- '" ent Ciry Plough, one and two horss, right and loft i hand. , 65c - 30c . 40e ' 1015c lbc 100 lOo 8-1 9.1 2,0) 20) 57 75c 25c Law, in the 12th Judicial Circuit, in the State of Missouri, was dissolved on the 23d day of July, by mutual con sent. Those who havo business entrusted to tho i irri, will have the joint attention of former firm to its completion, and those indebted to said firm will please call upon and settle the same witn G. W. Crow,' at his Law Office, west side of the pub j lio square, Oregon, Holt county, Missouri. jr. W. UUUtY. J. M. PATTERSON. Oregon, Nov. 22, 1856.-5w .Li grade and price, are offered at HOBLITZELL & CO S. Furniture. BEDSTEADS, Tables, Stands, Bureaus in short, everything in the Furniture line, can be had at IIOBLITZELL 4 IOd FORK WANTED! , . We wish to purchase Eight Hundred Corn-fed Hogs, For which we will pay the highest market price. W. HOBLITZJiLl. & UU. Brownville, N. T. Nov. 15, 1856. Stoves and Tinware. a v v Alvy UllVI U tAVA V UAW KJ ) T v. J VI V 6 A A V UU W terns; and I in ware, at , IIOBLITZELL & CO a. Hardware, Cutlery and Iron. A Notice. - f t . rA 1 TRAILING to foo several persons Deiore i ien, woo F had made bills at my auction, their accounts ft with R. W. Furnas, who advanced lhe amount?. - - - JOHN McPHERSON. Brownville, Nov. 29, 1856. i ZUO fine Flnnr inst received and for sale by Nov. 29,1856. - M'ALLISTER, DOZIER & UU. THOMAS VILLIAMS. Attoraey and Counsellor at Law. r. BROWNVILLE, N. T. Will practice ia the Third Judicial District in Ne braska Territory, and in the Twelfth Judicial Circuit in the State of Missouri. . ' REFERENCES. 7 Ri;hard Brown, Brownville, N. T. - R.W. Furnas, ,. " " , Dr. John McPherson Tippecanoe, Ohio. James Foster, . - Oregoc, Mo. . Goorge N. Miller, .. . : Archer, N. T. . Chinese Sugar Cane 7 I HAVE a supply of this seed on sale. Price per lb, $2; per o., 20 cents.-- Persons remitting me 25 cents, shall have one ounce sent them postage pa d. -.,'..-'. I bis exotic plant, known as &orghtm ibaccharatum, recently introduced into this country by the Patent Oface, may,be cultivated to advantage in even part of the United btates, . it will matti a good crop on the foret soil. From experiment. already cuide in syrup making from the juice of this plant, I fully believe that sugar can be profitably made; t.t any rate, it is. worth & trial by every farmer. ; j - . . ' - J. M. McCCLLOUGU, Nov. 29tf , No. 200 Main st-Cincinnati. Morgan Horses , 7 A ITIEJUUM ESSAY on the Origin; History and f A characteristics of this remar&iujle k AMERICAN BREED OF HORSES, TracinT the rtediarree from the orieinal Justin Mor gan, lUrough the most noted of his progeny- down to tho present tiro o. With numerous portraits. To which are addtd Hints for Breeding, Breaking, and general Use and Management of Jiorse3, with Prac tical Directions for Training them for Exhibitions at Agrfcmltaral Fair's.- By D. C LiNSLr?, Middielnry, Vt. , Price ?l. Sent free ,of postage. . : - . t . C. M. SAXTfJN & CO Agricultural Book PAlisi'ow, 140 Fulton , N. Y NEW CASH STORE!! BROWNVILLE, K T. The subscribers would inform the citizens of Brown ville, and surrounding country that their NEW STORE HOUSE Is completed, and they are now receiving and opening an extensive stock of NEW GOODS! ' 7 COMPRISING IN PART, BIHl GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Hardware, and Tinware, COOKING AM) BOX STOVES, GROCERIES, &C., &C To which they invite the attention of customers Their Goods are selected witn reference to the ' wants c-f tho town and urrounding conn - . i try, and will be sold as Low as any House ahove St.; Joseph PLOUR 'AND CORN MEAL, CONSTANTLY1 ON HAND. j COME ONE! COME ALL!! And examine our Stock for yourselves . 7 Respectfully. ; - McAllister, dozler & co. Bkffnville, October 25, 1855. vlnl9tf ; A. L. COATE, COUNTY SURVEYOR, - BROWNVILLE, NEMAHA CO. " ' - - -;ireDraska lemtory.'' Bricli! Briclui -TtE ITAVE now readyforsale 100,000 good mer VV chantebiaBrick. WESTFALL ck MARLOTT BrownviUe'August2,1859. vl-aOtf r BLoA LANR3 cf every description, for sals at this ise. LARGE assortment at IIOBLITZELL A CO'S Wood and Willow ware. T3UCKETS, Tubf, Churns, and an endless variety JLf of Willow ware, is for sale at HOBLITZELL. i CO'S. The only Exclusive Wholesale Grocery House in bt. Joseph. JENNINGS & SMITH, AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wliolosalo Grooors, Comer Second and Frances Sts. T ESPECTFULLY call the attention of Uountry JLL Merchants to their large and vaned stock ot Groceries, which ha3 been increased by late arrivals at the lowest rates of freight, and will receive daily additions through the season. Having purchased for cash, they present more than ordinary inducements to buyers, and will satisfy all that iavor them wuti a call, that they can and will compete with St. Louis prices. 1 hey have in store: tiOO bags Rio Coffee 50 boxes starch 40 O G Java Coffee 70 do lemon syrup 100 chest and hf che3ts 250 whole and of boxci assorted Teas oandy 180 bblreboiled and S H 300 doz cans Field,s cclc . Provisions7 WE keep constantly on hand, Flonr, Corn Meal, Bacon, Butter, and every variety of Groceries. UUbLlTZLLL. & W. Saddlery. Molasses 100 half bbls do 50 kg3 Belcher's Syrup 150 Hhds NO Sugar ( 60 bbls crushed -' 80 bbls Tar 100 stands do 300 bbls A hf blli crack . ers of various kinds 200 bxs ass'd Tobacco 100,000 ass'd Cigars 1000 sacks G A Salt 1500 sks Dairy 10 bales 4-4 Domestics O ADDLES, Bridles, Martingales, Checks, and cv- O ery variety of goods in this line can be had at 1 1 oo do cotton battin urDr TT'rt i tr rrt' I . Queensware OF all the latest styles, and in endless variety, j ust opened at HOBLITZELL fc CO'S. 120 do do yarn 500 kegs nails 80 do SCSoda brated Baltimore ovsters 100 bbls half and qr bbls mac km 6CfO doxen 8x10 and 10x12 - window sash 100 hf bxs ass'd glass 300 doz bed cords 80 coils manilla and jute rpe : 400 b dies wrapping paper 500 bbls S F and extra Hour i 1200 qr and half bxs sar dines 80 dozer zinc washboard 50 nests tubs 75' dozen Wooden buckets 250 bxs star candles G. & C. TODD & CO., No. 212, Forth First or Main Street, Lomi$. ' IMP0RTER3 AXD MAKUFACTTJEEIIS OF EMU Materials INCLUDING Dutch Bolting Cloths, Mill Stones, Saws, Screens, Damsels, Jtc. Also: . PORTABLE GRIST HILLS, Both Upper and Lower Stone Runners. MACHINE BELTING, Of Stretched Leather arad Rubber. , SL Louis, October 18, 1856. vlnlS-ly ... GREAT SALE OF LOTS!!! On Finndrei Extra Lots. la us lo-sra oi T5e. proprietors of the town of Archer knowing that they have one of the iaost beautiful To wp Sites : vv.aiV!i. Tprritnrv. fwl; as.snred that the place needs but to be Been to be :idmired, and they have, therefore, concluded to offer One Hundred Los, m the, hnve named Town, tit Public Auction, on ed e'esday, November 6th, 1856, it being the first day of the District t-ourr. ArchCr is situated on a high prairie,' nine iailc3 from the Missouri river, on the most direct route from Nebraska City to Topeki, in Kansas,- and is the County Seat of Richardson county; The Lot3 to be sold aadco mistako. Terms made known on day of Sale. A. D. KIRK. m - - Secretary Archer Towa Company. , Oct.' 24th; 1853; . . '. 2)-2t ; And a general assortment of sundries too numcr ous to mention in an advertisement. Our consignment, 5,000 bbls Kanawha salt, at St Leu is rates, freights added. Orders are respectfully solicited and snail receive prompt attention, and every effort made to give en tire satisfaction. September, 27, 1S53 vlnlC-ly Steam Hill Lumber. WE take this method of informing (he Fubllft that we have, just put in operation on what is known as aonora Inland, four miles above Lrown ville, a first quality steam Sawmill, and are now pre pared to saw all kinds of Lumber on short notice, and in a manner, we are confident will gir? satiKfac tion. We will keep a Ferry boat to run to the main shore, for free use of our customers. W. S. HALL & CO. AMERICAN HISTORY. ; A GREAT WORK COMPLETED ! JFE AND WORKS OF JOHN ADAMSr: Second rresident of the United States. . EDITED BY III3 GKANESON", ' '. CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS. 7 10 vols 8vo. $22,50 vols, 1 & 10 just pullisbod ' Of the writings of our" Revolutionary worthbs,' none have been presented" to thft public with as much" ability, care and good faith, as those of John Adams. . Themain portion of the labor devolved on ("bar ci "raneis Adams, who has devoted to it several years;: and has set an example of thorough r'senn h aad sound judgement, whi ;h cannot tu to highly co:c- mended. -Kxfa W. Gritioolll . It is a work tor tne statesoian to rea l and study a work especially suited to young men a work with which we can well afford to identify our national reputation. -Puritan. Recorder. Every student of American" history, American aws, uaaages. and institutions, Fhould make nimfe.i acquainted with these papers, containing aj they do the reflections of a mind of great comprehension,' deep sagacity and extensive learning oa the fun la- mental principles ci government. attontt x-ra. One of tho most valuable conf ributior.s yctraada to American hi'tory, Philadtlphic Bulletin. Such a contribution to Americas history wo h.tve not had before, except in th collection of tho Writ-'" ings of Washington and Jefferson. Probably ia lit,-. erary value and intcrcs2 this will surpats tLcm b til. Boston Tran.crijjt. 112 Washingbn SL'ect, BoBtorr." Shakespeare and hh Conteraporarie3; PAINTED BY JOnS FAF.D". . ' " WILLIAMS, STEVENS, WILLIAMS & CO 333 Broadway, ; Have pleasure in announcing that they have at length received a finished Proof of tho Ecj;ravin,jby James Faed, from the above painting. . - it is without exception one of tho moss brilliant; Engravings of otfr timo. Prints, 10 dolls; Proofs, 20 doI; Trfi with Au tographs, 30 dolb: Artist l'roof. 40 'Kill. A few choice mpressions of "Lv AMiLLL 'tra ' still to fe hal.' . Printo, 5 doll: Proofs, 1 0 dolls; Proofs before 1 ?t- tcr, 15 dolls: Artist Proofs, 25 dolls. ' Ncv. 15,18j5. . - JOHN P. SAMSELL, (LATE 07 BOSTOX) FasliionaMc Tailor, EOCK POUT, MO. INFORMS tho public that he is now j rcpnnd to serve them in the above named CBpieilr. H.iing had long and extensive experience',' h flatters hlm se f ho can please all who favnr him witii tacir pat ronage. Good fits warranted in ail ca.sej. PARTICULAR ATTENTION Given to cutting out garments for henio makinr. Brownville, Aug. 2:5, 1S55. ' vl-nlHy ' 2. A. WBITBIDGE. . R; J. lt'KIN'XIY. 31US. E. A. WIIITRIDGE t CO. '. , MAXtTFACTrfiERS 07 Masonic Clothing and Odd Felloes Alxo Eegalii for Teraperance'and other BocId-Je ' Ab. 123 Walnut Street, vp Stairs, , CINCINNATI, O. : ESTRAY IIOTICII. ZIAME into my inclosure about the 1st of Agust w laoa, i yoke cf oxen; maris, color ana age as fo. lows: One ox, a blue roan, smooth crop and under bit in the right ear; smooth crop from the left, and five yeari old; One red roan, same marks end age. One yoke oxen, palo red and white pie-J. Same marks and age a3 above. One red ox, with bush of tail off, and smooth crop off left ear. Oue yoka oxen one wtme, upper tit in left ear, under bit m rignt, and locks as though it had been split and he upper part forcxl off; age sanio as above.- One biack brown ox, cropoff right car, and smooth crop arfd under.bit off right and a small nptcarance of a brand oa left hip age smae as above. " The owner can have them by proving Prorcry and paying charges, within sixty days 1 rem trm date. Given under my hand, this 8th day of October. IBM.. . ' WM, WEDDLE. Xcnaha ., Tn Tcsrara . . . vla!3-w. mason's. References.' cxty rzutivs.' W.B.Dodd !,GMof Ohio O. P. MorU-n, P G )I la,?.' C. Moore Ed Masonic Rev; Turner 4 Gray, pub Cxk9T. F. J. Philips, H. P. City W.G.NciW, P G.a Ohio The Edi:or of the Advertiser will have specimen of Regalia from, the abore Manufactory, a.nd rcciive orders frm Lrlges or private neail-ers for Bej-aiin.. August 2, l5ii. vl-n9!f - - . . LOOK out: LL pprsoiis are hereby f.i-wvn;nl from t lying i theSt)-th West fourth ol" Section 25, T vmhip 6, North" Bacga I5, cf tho lx 1'rincipt.I.Meri- d;an, in eiu.iha county, N. T., nr.w occupied by Thos. Hod iv; u.i I have a right to said claim r,hat is Indisputable. -- ' )!. B. TH'.f.MPSiJN. . . -Brownvi'lo, Jcly 5th, IS." vi-.": ! , . Country Produce - WANTED, and for which we allow tha tighsit ..Market pri9. UOBLITI .L h XK , 7 " - ' ' 4.-. :-