Newspaper Page Text
W. ruilXAS, Editor. I J xuiiDAy morning;, DECEMBER 13, 1856. "Tti' Wkvik, GneraT Advertising Agent, in rear r 1 York," Laics'' and -Children's oe Store, Wet Fourth street, Cincinnati. Co. New York. gwTiUEV'0- 43 Chestnut street, Saint S. M I'bttencili k ,fjrt Trr'r. Ohio. - IL II. UAKST, A ippTCiu'JC, vuiw . j, "p Kick, Archer, Nebraska, 4i" 1'etiR, Oregon, Mo. W-itX) a Uockpnrt, Mo. " i;,'r A Whits, Nebraska City, N. i, f V: TTE, Llden, Mo. . T 'J -iunvr. Three Grove, N. T, .' Jnthorized A rents to solicit bubsenpt . Advert ions and mr nts for the Adverti3r, and recieve and it for monies fhcreon. " i i rrr j resident in this Territory, coming from LT. rortioM of tbe.SUtcs, often suggest to us mcs f-f persons in their old neighborhoods, who i jjoubtlws bcooniepubscribcrs if they could tee -r of the -Advertiser." We always send a epeci . r,,r.v an 1 persons recieving, will consider it a r.iiatioB to become a regular subscriber. Post 1 i .i ru;n .iifTipirnt interest to make uUjrsanaoK-is, .v."0 - - 'tf club, can reUm the usual per cent for their ' . J&3 WORK. ; W;ta recoct extensive additions of rew True Cas, colored Ink, Bron2e., Cards, &c, Vaieto lia "Advertiser" Office, ' we claim to "ie-u to tura out Job Work ia a manncr CD" .-massed." bv any ofUce. The proprietor being .Vwrticar printer hsmsclt and laving-in his ,' an accomplished and. experienced &y Job Trinter, is determined not to be out-done in the execution of J ob W otk. Cards (having one of Foster's Litest improved Card WecO Clar.ks Work" in Colors, Bronze WoYk, ic., will rn'eft w ith particular attcn- Orders from a distance will be promptly at 1 to, and warranted to give satisfaction or IiO p5J. ' JJ- JOtS PRINTER "WAITED. X' good "jour Trinter of sdtr and steady liUs (nose other need apply,) can nd a pcr xnMciit situation. at this office, -at good prices. EIGHT CF TP.E-ESIPTION. . Our article last week, "Land-SaLi in Ne Irai'tca," appeaw to bare awakened a Spirit of ! " fnrt'acr enquiry. We desire to famish correct I ' infurmUin, and iu this article shall upon d;s- . "ftkd, raise i:s:rued, or misunderstood points, . quote frsia the Act. of llh . September, 1S41, I jiv.i te instructions xf the Commissioners re J !(. V2 thereto. As to who are entitled to the The present number compTetea the first half year cf the "Advertiser." . It was once cus tomary to stop as it vrere, at this point, and retrospect the ground gone over, and prospect that yet to travel. But in this " Young Amer ica" "fast" "go-ahead" age we all purchase "through tickets" and dash along to the end. We feel no inclination therefare. to depart from the 'customsof the times. We feel a little, however, like the old lady did at her rst ride on the cars "Gracious are vre .here already !" We have been so closely . engaged that "we scarcely thought of the "flight of time, and it seems bnt yesterday since the "first numbei" the 'rst paper in Brown rillo" was given to the public. Since that timo we think we have added many friends to our list-and -we know we have names to our subscription list -and if we have made f.ny enemies, don't know it, and certainly have not-desired to do so.' Our success has far exceeded our most sanguine expectations, for which we feel grate ful. We have endeavored to render the "Ad vertiser" useful to every portiorfof the County and Territory. Dow far we have succeeded in assisting to build up our flourishing young town, and rich and beautiful County surround ing, we leave for our readers and the future to say.' One thing we desire to inform our friends. The carrying on of a printing establishment and more especially is it so ia a new Country like this is expensive and requires Cash. Liberal as has been our patronage we shall be abundantly satisfied if we make "both ends meet" at the end of the year... We have now, considerable due ns from varions sources more than we ever intended should be land ing out which we greatly need, to enable us to meet outstanding engagements. We know times are hard and money scarce, owing to a continual drain by being compelled to go from home for supplies, in place xf having a large surplus to dispose of, and thus bringing" money among us. All we ask under the circumstances is that you "divide" give us a portioa-we are willing to "weather it.through" with you, and wait for profits until times are better. position cn tha people; and lis Cbntalscisssj' would doubtlets be censured severely for iwt mataging the financial affairs of the County bettor;' as they now are for doicg what they conceive to be thtir indispensable duty to their constituents and the County, by daring it of debt at c nee, (while the debt is small) and give Nemaha a respectable name among her Euter counties in our far farced Territory. . The Bum total of our taxable property for for. the County is seventeen thousand doUara only, and at the aboYe'rate of three milh to the dollar or thirty cents on the hundred dol lars, gjvesus the small sum of five hundred dollars for County funds to pay our djbts with, &c .. Our tchool tax three mills on the dollar, and the Territorial tax two mills, (both of which we have nothing to do with) makes our whole -tax eight ;rjaills to the dollar or eighty; cents to the hundred dollars, ten! cents higher than it was last Jfear. ? ' , ' Ye intend to spare no pains in trying to manage th.e affairs of the County for the best interests of all, and hops, those who are dis posed to find fault with all public officers will be patient aadf withhold theif ungenerous censures a season, and give us a chance to get matters and things arranged and straighfcjned up, and then if Ve do not servo them wisely and justly, wo hope they will hereafter give thair suffices to othera more wise and judicious. . , ; . How our County came to bo in debt, is not for me to Retail, but would say, in due credit for our predesessor, that it is chiefly on ac count of non-payment of last years taxes, in stead of bad management of raid officer. 1 .More anon.. ,j ..' : : ...... . - i :-r- .-. D. C. SANDE3S. . Heavily loaded teams have crossed "Big 3Iuddy on features bridge" the past ' week, at th:s. place. - . -.-..! - -. -. , v. . ef pre-emption, all appear to under siil A to the number of acres to be pre tr.i'el there is a difference of opinion viz : foae cliira thiit by a Territorial enactment, 'itr.c har.flred and ter.ty acres cr a half sec- . t'ou can be pro-cro i. ted. The Uw cf Cocress i'.rr, "will be 'entitled to tiir, by TetJ sribdi- Wi.on any numLerct ac-js, net ezcmumj one Ii.-n.7ffi an! sizty: cr. a -r.urier Srction." Ail .Lawyers, we Itu-eve airreu tliat the.Leiiihla.- of thrs',.cr ar.v ether Trfitorr-or-Siata. . " " hare fcd. rijlU to fftsaa'ivs rciitivc. to.iha dla- posal cf the S.-Tl .cnnfliciirtg'.viih the "argru::c Law. or cf Giinrcs. "ovirriintr, tlidise V TO ALL VTE02I IT KAY CONCSIUL Far be it from our intention to wound your feelings,' or say that we are not at all times pleased to see you ; but allow us to say with all respect, that wo mast have more seclusion in our compositors room, if xye are to furnish the "Advertiser"; regularly. :: Oar compositors cannot sett type when their room Is made a place of public resort. W e are aware tnat a printing establishment especially in a small new place is somewhat "of a novelty, and many who have never stc'j the like, are anxious to see how the types are sett ; how, the paper ! nrintpd &rT To finch urn sav. re 'are not ir -7-7. ' - ----- nly pleased to have you call, butinvite you to do so; and to those who aesire, they are perfectly welcome, to call and peruse our ex changes. But to those who are in tte habit of calling to pass away an hour in chatting with nutters. iiercii t-e.' l-.ttr.aria-v amoc ail ti:a cne pers.?n caa rrc-tnrt. A- ) q,ats the Coil- to cotlrir-j, aLd lS-Jicria ar . jtfiiioper fcSjs ia j"jvuctxrs to Registers and I Eticeivers.v 4iIt is 'evident that 40 acre sub divisions, cau iu no ca e, be pernritted, of land rot yet proclaimed and rftrtld Ptillic Sik." Thus is scenis'that 100 acres is the only sized parcel toLe'attained ty- pre-emption before the day cf, land -sales, sr.d that 40. arid SO acre i tracts can only be had cf such lands cs hare Uen (Jtrel. - . . , : f Again there' is a disagreeing as to filing a Declaratiori.of intention to pre-empt, and the time proof -and payment must be made We qus' from -the act of '41," Whenever any person has settled, or .shall se2le and improve a tract of land, subject at the time of settle ment to private entry, and shrill intend to pur chase the same under the provisions of this ." act, such person fehall within SO days next after the .djite of such scUkmcct, file with the Jlegislcrof the proper District a written state ment, describing the lands settled upon, and declaring the intention cf such person to claim the same under the provisions of this act;'and shall within 12 months from the dale of such ; seilleracLt make the proof affidavit and pay- .mcr.t required. This act shall not delay .the ' a'e of- any of the public lands of the United States, beyond the time which has been, or may be appointed by the proclamation c the Presi dent; nor shall the provisions of thi3 act be available to r.ny peicoa or persons who shall .fad to mate the proof and payment and file the aodavit required before the day appointed fJribe commencement 'of .the 'sales .as ,aforer- 2iu." Many contend that the 'proof and affidavit are all that is required before the day cf sale, and that 12 months time isgiveu froni w. I the compositors, we most rcspectfullyj address ourselves. We know you are not aware to what great inconvenience you subject us, and hope no feelings will be hurt because of our caliic We understand that the store of. Hawk & Dillon, liockport, Mo.j was robbed of $500 one night this week.1. The particulars we have not learned. ;, '.I; :- :i - L0CEW00D $ P01XE&0Y, TTTwleailo and EetaU Dealers ia ; ; , ALL JLSXD3 OF . HATS & CAPS, T. JOSEPil, HO, : WE invite the attention of our friends and a Trad generally to or unusually lares stock of the above goods, which we design selling at prices to suit the times, : Desirics to Increase our tusiness, ; wo will ofer every po&iibla advantage to buyers, either at wbolo talo or retail. Being Practical Clatters, them selTev they bavo a decided anranUge in buying their stock cf go-ids over taoso unacquainted with the trade. . 1 ' " Merchants visiting our city are invited to examine our stock before -purchasing elsewhere. Our Retail berartment wo are determined shall sot be excelled in point of variety by any iiouse in tie West. Czlzzzlizz, ITnrscry. ;.! 2cr CcrJrd Ohio and all around! - OUTw Sl:k cf Fruit Trees, for sale tbo pres ent 1 ail and nait Spring, is very large and fit?- incmc.nj ai tae most approved varieties of Apples, Fears, Peaches, Cherries, Apricots, Nectarines, l'lums Quinces, Grapes, Currants, Ooosberrics, Itaapbcrrics, fctnwberrics, etc. Imperial care tas been taken to procure and propagate mostly such varieties of each clas3 ns are found besit suited to the soil and climate of tho Wei t and South, where most of the winter fruits, esptjcially of the Eastern States, aro of no value. Our stock of Peach Trees is remarkably fine, and the price so low that all those who lost their trees the pist winter, should now replace them. Of Cherry Tres also we have a fine supply, mostly grown on JUaKahb ttocls, which secures greater har diness to the tree, and if trained rather low, so as to cause tho tops to shad the stem from the hot sun, it is boleived no difficulty will be found in grow ing fine cherries in the South and West. Of Pears we have a splendid lot, especially on dwarf trees, on strong Anyert Quince itocit, the best for speedy and abundant productiveness. - Catalogues, with prices, etc., will bo sent to all applicants. Nurserymen and Dealers in Fruit Trees are invited to call aiid examine our stock of Peuches Pears and Cherries, especially, before sending East, as wo believe they can save expense as well as risk by purchasing of us. Wholesale Catalogues now ready. M. B. BATEUAM & CC .Syracuse Nurseries. THORP, SMITH & HANCHETT, i ' KELlGIOTJS NOTICE. ' Religions tServicesll be held in Brown- ville, on each Lords day, at 11 o'clock and also' every Thursday. ; evening at early candle lighting". - Browiiville Ilarket ; CAREFULLY CORRECTED EACH WEEK BY HOEBUTZELL & CO. DEALERS IN PRODUCE. BaoWNVILLE,' N; T. : - (SEIUXS' KATES.J , ; -V Flgtb, 1? sack of 100 Bs--.- -J5,00 Corn Meai bushel v - 85c CoEN,in theear,old 13. bushel-.-." 40c Oats, bushel,.. ..... ...... . . 40a sugar, 5 ui ...... ...j.. .. xvi'V73 Coi'FEK, . ...16C Tea, 100 Bacon, ................;. IIam, .... 10c JOHK COLHOUN & BROTHER, Sign of the Padlock, one door below the Post-Office, . WHOLESALE AXO RETAIL, DEALEBS IN - SARD WARE AJW CUTLERY. ' A REcow receiving a full and complete assortment IX. of all kinds .of Hardware and Cutlery, to which they invite tho attention of purchasers. Our etock having been purchased on the most advantage ous terms, wo are determined to sell at such prices as will be satisfactory to buyers. .; i . Do not forget to give us a call before you purchase elsewhere, or you may resrrt it. - J. COLHOUN & BROTHER. MAMMOTH STOCK. ' 2J"a,ll db Wlntor Goodn. POWEL, LEVY & CO, Are now Receiving one of: the. largest . and Best Selected Stocks of win uy uuuj U11UU1.11II.UJ "Ulj EVER offered in St.' Joseph which they intend offering to the Trade at prices which will com pare favorably with those of goods in St. Louis - We solicit buyers to call and examine our stock before making thdr purchases.' " Among the articles they offer for sale are. " 40 bales brown sheeting; 200 pi'es flanl. all grades ' 5 bales osnaburg; 250 satinettes; . 10 fhirting, striped: 150 " tw'ds and cas'rs: 5 tyliner bagging; 5 bales seamless bazs: 400 pieces plaid linsey; 10 cases ticking; " 10 cases bt ched shirting and sh'ting; 20 dot shawU; 20 pair three pleet green mackinaw blankets; . 20 " scarlet ' ' . ' " 40 " blue ' ;;' ' m u - 8 cases brown and bleached drillin?: 160 pair sad dle blankets.- t ST. JOSEPK LUMBER YARD. Shoulders, r . Sides,-.-. Chickens, dox., E&i, r, i- da, v t Fkesh Bnsr, 2.. .. . Potatoes, bushel, new Bctter, . .. f . 8c : , 9C- 2,00 . 63 . 75c 25o attention to the matter. Our 'fours' claim to have an average share, at least, of so ciability and love for the company of friends, and cannot find it in their hearts when visited, busy as they may be, to refrain from friendly chat, cracking jokes &c. So aside goes-labor, when, the real fact is; their "bread and butter" he rcading matter for over one thousand sub scribers is "cut short',' - Friends, . please don't hinder the "jours." The Editor claims to be the talking, as well as writing member of ' the establishment, and if you will call at his room he will endeavor to entertain you the best he knows how. ' ' " ! : . ' Menialifi Valley Bank mills. INSTITUTION data iU commencement 1 . from tho lOth JSot. Uwing to tho unfinished state of the Banking House,' we have not thought proper to giro out any public notice, though prepar ed at all times to redeem our paper in circulation. We now give general notico that we are solicitous si SASH ; Ci BLINDS B DQO 4s; 5 tte- uay of sales to pay; and others, that there 'is no necessity for filing - a' Declaration of inten tion These arc mistaken' ideas aud may lead to serious consequences. The law of -'Si re pealed that portion of the law cf '41 requiring teiucmeLt to bo made after the land had been surveyed, and extended to settlers in Nebraska ai;d Kansas .'the right: of pre-emption if his settlement -be made after the extinguishment f the Indian title -although before the land as surveyed. - It also provided a Surveyor General for the Territories cf Nebraska arid Kansas at whose office Declarations of inten tion to pre-empt 'could be filed until the Land Offices were opened. We fear matters relative to i-ie-empting land, have, in mry cases, bcealert at rather 'loose ends," and that great difficulty will be encountered by many when the CBai compliances' must bo' made.' We r-ol:ce that in many portions of this Territory reguUr county or. township, organizations are entered into for the benefit and protection' of settlers. We advise similar action in this por tion of the Territory. .Let the settlers consult regard to this matter, and call a meeting at seme convenient point, at as early a day as practicable. We are cocGdcr.t that a "mutual bcacCt will be the result cf such a meeting; . ana we are equally as confident that unless something pf the kind is done, many will iose the;r homes and labor. . . . Otoe PAtMirsT. Ges-. Eobebtsos called at our office this week on his return from making a payment to the Otoo Indians,' :He informs us that the Otoes are in a healthy, peacable and comfortable condition, numbering about 700 to whom he paid $-0 each. ' They were out on a hunt when he arrived at their settle- ment, but such was ;thel ' interest the General felt in having them made comfortable this win ter that he waited, until their return. - The Government is fortunate in securing such a man as .Geru RoiairTSON for this posi tion ,He is not content with a simple dis charge oX his dHty, as to the letter of instruc- on as an officer; but feels a lively interest in seeing the Indians .made comfortable and fairly dealt with. The General although advanced in years and has been eiposed'to much hard ship and expoawe, looks healthy robust and is a lively "sociable old gentleman." TF. J. TAYLOR, DEALEB IN ' waccwmimateouririenaanawmioan.iooneana - , pAnfr TmU TTInrtrinrr all on good security. We will at all times pcarehaso a iuk a viu uuiiivi x iuviiug, Eastern Exchange, and are now ready to make Drafts on St. Louis, llo ia rums U suit, in exchange for either Gold or eurrency. . ALEX. HALLAM, Cosh'r. Brownvilla, N, 1 Doc. 8, 1856. vln26tf WM. HOSSELL.: ' brown ville; T.-- RESPECTFULLY informs the public -1 that he is prepared. U serve them with any- Tl!ri94AO Hill I I A MO X thin? in his line, at short notice, and with a , ' : I llUllinO If IL.B.iniilU stjle and quality of yrorli ho feels confident will j AffApv' And Councilor at Law please. To his old friends and customers he deems bWWy. JIUU VOUllbtilOl AJaY SHINiGLES "AKD -LiATH. AND ItANUFACTUBEIt OF ' DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, Seventh and Edmund sts., near Cargill's Mill, . ST. JOSEPH, MO.' " The above articles are constantly on hand, and for sale low., . ',, ., v . Ofin SAta':5 ooa 8 oio wins Jcxira oupcr wUU fine Flour just received nnd for sale by Nov. 29, 1856; .- - M'AJ.LISTER, DOZIER & CO. PROPRIETORS. Besides a frenaral and ii i exfcensire assoruneni oi aruciea usually tept by a arseymen, we have on hand for the Spring iraae, 200,000 Apple Trees, from 6 to 9 feet. 100,000 Dwarf Pear Trees, 2 years old. : 50,000 Standard do . from 2 to 4 year-. . 100,000 Cherry Trees, 1 to 2 years old, Dwarf and Standard. . Peach, Plum, Apricot, and Nectarine Trees, in large numbers. 100,000 Raspberries, embracing everv lind" of anv value. All tho popular as well as rarer kinds, of otnersmau rruit. . -- ' r ': - Foreign and Native Evergreens Norway Spruce, Pines, Cryptomerias. Cedars. , Black . and AVhito Spruce, Balsams, Hemlocks, etc., large, medium or small. . . Ornamental Trees, Roses, Shrubbery, Climber's. unige i lauu, cus. ........ ; Bulbous Roots, native and imnortcd: Car nations, Pocnies, Chrysanthemums, Phloxes all in great aDunaance, and oi the most beautiful varie ties. ' " mile we conCdently claim for our productions in general &n excelleneo not surpassed by any other Nursey, we particuliirly and emphatically desienate our stock of Pear trees, both Dwarf and Standard. as unparalelled either in extent or quality, by any existing stock in America, The following notices refer to trees taken from tho same lot as those now offered, when thev were but one var rAA- from i nomas W.r icld, hsq., an extensive dealer in and importer of Pear trees in New York: "The specimens are really eplendidj the finest I believe I ever saw. ' " ' 1 ! ' From Robert Hir jrell, Esq., Mobile: "l havo nev er seen finer trees." . . i. From Messrs. Nqally & Brothers, Burlington, Iowa: "lhey are really tho hnest trees of their ase we ev er saw, and we have purchased a great many in the lew past years' As 8uggestire to persons about to purchase, we would remark that our trees were not subjected to the extreme cold during the last winter, which effec ted so extensive injury to Nurseries at the - West, and that we hare had no drought during the present summer by which the growth of our tr?es has been retarded, lhey may be ralied npon, therefore, tj bo in prime health n.nd vigor. OUR CATALOGUES - Will bo sent post.taid to all who enclose for No. 1 a letter atamp, and for the others a. one cent stamp each, - -. . No. I A general descriptive Catalogue of all our nroductions. -. . ' - . : . . - Io. Is A later edition oi tno t ruit department of No. 1.. - . No. 3 A descriptire Catalogao of Ornamental Trees, shrubs, hoses, etc. No. 4 A descriptive Catalogue of Dahlias, Grccn- housoand Bedding plants. No. ,5 A wholesale Catalogue for Nurserymen and Dealers. " . - - Also a Supplementary Catalogue of tho Ornamen tal and Oreonhouso department. Also a circular on the A gustiiRoso." 'Syraoa8e, N, Y Nov. 29, 1856. GRAPE ROOTS. 20,000 Catawba Grapa Roots, two years old, Sot sale. Price $5 per hundred StO per tnousand. J. M. MeCLLLOUULI. v on i e IT'' fi.1,1 trt- : : ? - - i-U. AUU 1AJ-1U VlitClUUAU. ..,-...' LIST OF LETTERS ' Remaining in the Post Ofilce at Brownville, N. T. October. 1st,- 1856, which if not taken OHt within three months will be sont to the Dead Letter Office, Washington, D. C. Bradley Hon J as ' ' Jiurch Kev 11 Duby Geo 2 i'll'.- ' Dcritby Mrs S Hale David 1 Jones James Medley A, ' "'' : ' :Neal Mrs S Neilson Tason Recdcr Tuesdale Persons calling for tho above letters, will please say they are advertise. . ' A. S. liULiLAJJAl, 1 . 31. CLAIM FOR SALE. SIGEESON'S NUESEEY, ST. LOUIS, no. JOim SIQERSOX f BRO., CfTer for sale tlie comin; Spring, v . . - . . f . -. 50,000 Arple Trees, 'J and 4 yean oia, era- . bracing 173 varieties. Price 25 t 43 cents. rS y UW 1 l44.ll lit.' a vm - - . 'j , - vareities, from 25 to 30a. 25)0 standard Pear?, embracing 12 varietins, price from 50 to 75 cents. 5,000 Dwarf Pears, embracing 33 varieties, price Sleach. 5,000 Cherry Trees, 31 varieties, 50 to 75 cents each. 5C0 Apricot;, Early Golden, Bada, Teach Apri - eotj, Large Early, price 50 cents. 1.2)0 Quince. assorted. .....25 to 50 certs. 5C0 Dwarf Apples, 50 5C0 White Grape Currants "25 500 T?1aek Nr,lM 2i - 500 Cherrv Cnrrant... 25 500 Red Dutch Currant".. 500 Victoria Carrant3 15 ; 500 White Dutch Currants-... 500 Large Red Dutch Currant3. 530 English Black 2,0)0 Prolific Green-" 1,000 Houghton's Seedling 500 Warrington do 1,000 Sulpher do 1,000 Ashton " do 500 Crown Bob do 500 Riflemen no ........ 2,000 Yellow Antwarp Raspberries 1.C00 Ohio Everbearing do 2,000 Large German Antwarp do" 1,000 Red Antwarp 1.000 English Filberts- 1.000 norso Chestnuts 5.000 Grape Tinop, 2 to .1 years old 25 to 50 150.000 Grape Vines, 1 year old--$5 100 5.000 Dahlias assorted, each ....... 2- 500 Pernias, do 50 10.000 Giant A?paragus Roots $5 -j? 100 5.000 Tube Roses 10 2.000 Yards Pink 50cts yard. 2,000 Plants Victoria Rhubarb , it 1234" 12" 12;" .12K" u u u f u u u u cr u H U f u u 25 25 25 25 25 25 .10 .25 .10 ;io . 50 50 10,000 TZOZl THE K2WSPAFE3 ADTEETISHTQ AGSSCf C7 V. S. SWYMMER, Comer of Olivo and Main Sts- over tho BanJi ing House cf John J. Anuerson A Co. PAGE'S PATHT Portable Circular Saw-IBll, X Ui. O 1 Jtj A ui Ail U XiUiiOXi i'UWi.11. THE most useful and necessary machinery iu op- eration: is simple ia coostructicn and easily kett ia order, and can bo moved on a wagon u rea-Lly aa a threshing machine, and put in operation at a imaU expense, it win saw fronr one to two thousand feet) of lumber a day, with one team of six horses, ss as averago business, and in a better stylo than uthes mills now in use. It is equally woit adapted to Steam, Water or Horse VovrbT -' The undersigned, gcnt3 for tho patantee, vouli announce to tho public that they are now prejarecj lo rarniia JUlls, with or without hor30 power, cf su perior quality and workmanship, with the rig'it to use the same, upon the most favorable term, at their manufactory, No. 202, Second street, St Louis, Mo. IT 1 . 1 ... o caro aiso iao ngat lor tte manufacture cf Childs' Patent Double Sa Mill, The successful practical operation cf theiio mills through the country haj been the means of establish ing tlicir great reputation and with improvements' in construction and increased facilities in miwiufaq turing, wo offer them to tho publw with full oona dence of their advantages. All orders addressed to us will be promptly axfcai tifd, and any information in regard to Mill3 che irf uN lygiTen. Persons ordering Mills will pleasa mentio:i tho State and County in which they wish to um ttein; KINGSLANDS A FERGUSON.- 8.000 Wilmot's Early Red Uhubarh - - 12o 50,000 Strawberry Plants, 12 varieties to io iv ner z.uuuu Shade and Omamentnl Tree?, cmbracin? Catalpa, Black Locust, Palionia Impcrialli?, Poplar, Silver Leaved Poplar, Linden Wood, Swoft Gnra, Elm, Balnm Poplar. Allianthn?, Tulin Trees, Upland Cy pres', Syamore, Paivr JfulhTrr, American Larch. Wooding Willow. T!uclfye, Monn tain Ash. White Birch, Red Maples, vnryin in price from 25 cents to $1,50, according to 15,000 Evcrgrf-pn', embracing lion upnars, price eacn ons io "White Pine do 50e to SI Yellow Pine do . .Mia to ?2 Balaam Fir. d. 50s to SI . American Arborvitas 2oe. 50c, 75e, 1,50. Chinese Arhorvitu-.-, 50e, $1.50, European Savin 50e, Tree box 50o Nrwnv Spruce. 50c, 75c, 100, Whito'Snnice. SI. 12,500 riants of Ornamental Shrubbery, cmbraiing in part loiiow?: Snow JSalls. earn Ai to 51, Extension of Page's PatentV NOTICE is hereby given to the public, th it tno patent of PAGES PORTABLE CIRCULAR SAW MILL has-been extended f .rsoren years frouf Jcly lCth, 1355. All persons found f iolatinr this patent, or infringing on tho jam?, in making, niin- . or vending, will bo proceeded against in accordance with the laws ia such caso made and provided. " GEOUGE PAGE, Patentee. . By Authority: THE STATE SUPERINTENDENT And Board of Education, FJav'j ordered tho following Desirable Works for th Township Libraries of Indiana. Some of thcui havo been j ut into every Libra ry, others only into the moro populous township.. Tho e ireful attention given to tho examination of works for these libraries, is & gu.Trantco of tho merit of the books chosen. Many families will desire to own tho books, and read at their lcisnre, rather than wait their turn to get them from c. library. Th woiks may be purchased of Booksellers, or ill bo tent by mail, free of postage, upon payment of prices unnox- ed to each. Farrs Ancient History Mach superior ta- Rollin,-becauso more concije, aecura'.e.and up with . modern research. 4 vols., Cloth, cilL $3. Sheep, library style, $3,50. r The Teacher's 31isccllnnv is a new and ex- . I n1U.A 1t.. j. t . r- . ... . f viae, e-ch 50c; Snim.-, assorted, each 25c: "u";TT? aruc es 0,1 i?eon, written- by . ' . " - ' (Jllllirn llil.l,-iv I FT Jl Mf4WP I T " Mtllr I o- k. j v n rjj Ai JUI, JVJ VI I it, unnecessary to say a word, to others ho says only try me. i. f - .'""x t ' ; f " ; ; , , -j ' . ,i December 13, 1855. vlnlfi-ly ; , i Wholesale 8i Retail Department E, W. DOSXELUi. , , f f jA. M. SAXTOX. :;" DONNELL & SAXTON; "'a irrangcmcrit 'for Fall '.56, .-TPinfcr .'57. " : t; ; tue. people's store. New Goods re6d byejyery Steaijahojit. More of themr Cfceaper tnan ever, t hate a supply or this seed on wie. i nc per - ' .' V t 1 lb- $2; per o 20 cents. Persons remitting me AtTTTl1 FT T T - .T m . Will fcractice in the Third Judicial District In Ne braska Territory, and in the Twelfth Judicial Circuit in tho Stato of Missouri.- ' i. I -,r REFERENCES, r Richard Brown, Brownville, N. T. j. R. W.Furnas,.-, -." , " ; -' Dr. John McPherson, - . TiFpecsirjoc, Ohio. ' , James Foster, " ' 'Oregon, Mo. . , . George N. Miller, Archer, N. T. . . , (, ,. .Chinese Sugar , Cane T'nE undersigned will offer for sale a fino Improv A el Claim, situated one mile west of Brownville, on the main road , leading in that direction. The Claim is pretty equally divided between Prairie and l lmlier. The imorovemcnts consist or a roxl double loe houso and twenty acres of corn under fence. A I f"r sale. cheap, by ; good bargain may be had as the proprietor w deter j mined to sell in order to go to California in thi spring, tor particulars call upon him at his resi dence on the above claim. J. W. BENNETT. ; B-rownville, Nov. 22, 1855.lw . Hardy Roaes, each 50c Monthly Rosr, ench 50?? . Honey Suckle?, aborted, 25c. 50s SI; j . Tyrintra Philadclphn 25c to 50c; Rose Acasia. 253 to 50c; ; Privet for Ilpdes 25c; Blnddaeina 25?:: Coreoru? Japonica 25c; ' ' Ellagnus 25c; Libnrnnm 50c; Tamarix Afrieana 25 tooOu; ' Ribcs Gordoni 25c to 50c; WeeTun? Mounfain-Ash 1,50; Whith Frirtie Tree 1.50; '" Fors.rthra 50c tol.00; 1 Cornice Dogwood Silver. Striped 50c to 1,00 DeutxaScabia 25c;Deutza Gracali3 53j; Weeping Birch 50c; ! Magnolia Acuminetta 50?; Weepinsr Linden 1,50; Dwarf Box 50c per yard; Eanonimus 50c; Altheas. a?orted, 25f! to 50j. f?f In offering tho above Stock to our cu'omtrs we lx?g to say it is superior in growth and quality to any heretofore offered, and persons wishing a supply can avail themselves of further information, by r.d- dressing tho undersigned at St. Louis. Catalogues furnished to tAl post-paid application?. T i . T , . TAHV c.Tio.-i- f - TNrf lkespcciiuiiy, c;iuLi.oD. . Oct. 25, 1S5C. vlnl9-ly J FRESH AHItlYAIi!! NEW GOODS!! W. IIOBLITZELL & CO. BROWNVILLE, N. T. HAVE THIS DAY RECEIVED, per steamers A., C. Goddin and Wrn. Campbell, and now opening, tho most extensive stock of Goods ever of fered in this market. After the experience they have in Nebraska, they flatter themselves that they know what suits the people, and have purchased sucn a stock of Gocd3 as cannot fail to please. Wc -will not pretend to enumerate, bat say come aid see; and you will not fail to bo suited, i Uct. 15, ISooVly Ready Hade Clothing, " EVERY VARIETY, style, quality, prico, and pit tern of Ready Made Clothing, just rwei red and Boots and Shoes. AN unusually large stock of Lne anl conr?o ioots and Shoes both Gentlemen and Ladiei' can bo seen, and purchased low, at llUULlljbLL. V.U a. (Jrrrer Aydelott, IIckett, LtSD. Post, and other distin guished members of tho 'College cf Teachers." 1 vol., izmo., iiotn, 513. i History of the Parttant and Pllgrini s Fathers. By Stowell and Wilson. 1 vol- 12ma 1,25. ' 3Io(Tats Life of Dr. Chalmers.- H.vcl., ' 12mo., S.25. Tho Lndies of the Covenant: Memoiri of distinguished Scottish Femalo Characters; Embrn-,'"-cing tho Period of tho Covenant and the Jrcrs-MU- tion. By R;v. Jame3 Anderson. , i'iipi..u .-.juui i-iriuu. vao voiumu, xmo. . TwclfLh edition. SI. ' Six.Years in India. By Mrs. Coux MaiErf- . ZIE. 2vo'.s.,12mo.. Cloth. 2.00 Kern's Practical Landscape Gardening, . wi -h 22 plans and Illustrations. Third cditicn. $l,sff IJan-of-War Life. A Boy's Experience in the U. S XxtjS (sixth. 1 vol a me, 15mo.; Illustrated. 75 cctts. ; . The Merchant Vessel, ' . A Sailor-Boy's Voyages to see the World. (SIXTII THOUSAND.) ' 1 volume, lCmo., lllustratpd. 75 eent. Norpuoff'3 admiral series of volumes, "Ms n-of-War Life," "Merchant Vessel," and tho new volunuf , tonppear in September, under the title of "'Whaling, and Fishing," must be received with great favor, as tue Erst two have been, wherever circulated.. The aro the faithful limnings of nine years experieno . at sea, of a common sailor, a nativa "Bucksyc," re cognized as inferior to no writer of tho prercot day, in liCc-liko delineations of adventure by bc;u " " ' Very striking and graphic pictures of lif at So:i," . evidently authentic and very instructive. lias adveutura enough to pluascand truth enough to dissipate tLo charm of a sailor's life. New Xork Evangelist. There is in them a vast amount of information Pftj t inf. t r ;,itl ir r T C ( , f" , n I'f wt . v 'VV n uQ v wvuu jw. v w fcuw nuito. J 1.; WJ Vkl 1M , w:. Will take captiro tho young. JoarntJ and Mes- ". sender. . . . .. . A Buckeye Abroad, or Wan Jering LnEaroptif and tho Orient. By Samuel S. Cox. Third edi tion, llluitrated. 1 vol., 12uiq., muslin, 1,25. The Three Great Temptations of Yonn? Men. Samuel . Fisher. Fturth tiditron. a. vol. 12mo-muslin, 1,00. Theso arc capital works fur family irrarif.. Pub- Ikhed by J100I1E, WII.ST.VCU, KEYS A CO., 2.j V.rr I . ,;lrlh St I i n.' i OTinti . M- W., Tv. & CO. aro tue yubliher.i o lit yar i Taylor's Cyclopedia of Modern Travel, which Is soli entirely by agents. . WE are; prepared to offer fcxtra inducements 25 ccnt3 8hall have one ounce sent them postage this.scason, and call attention to tnr largo . , : , . ., ... u, -, iS , DRY. GOODS.-." I - : - '. -i kV LADIES DRESS GOODS, (Latest Styles) . FASEIIONABLE BONNETS, . . , . . ' READY MADE CLOTHING," j t v-1 .- WINTER GOODS, : j - ';" nats; Cap, "Boots aTJ,J Shoes, (six hundrsd cases,-) Groceries, Nails, llardwaro, vrocaery vvaps sc., Cash paid for llemp, on delivery, at all times. . il 1"; Notice. 'V':' FA-HJNG toteo several perponi before I left, who bad madd bills at niy auction, their accounts - Geist llnL-We learn that a'snsV'niil owned V7D.IeVir'E3 aud oUTefs, is now in 0r?atioa t 'Tloovers Millf. near Nemaha Uty.-, ihre will pro ye -auite an accornraoda tion to settlers. We hope the proprietors vi illl nave been left with R. W.Funras; who , advanced the fir. tm .j.i -i e-. . , .1 amounts. ;'h v, . V,'.-- -"JOILA ilcl iiijKSOj. wj luiouasui a jrontaDie one, ana open "f '- cvicusne in xae ispnng. ? iMelviD is one of your "go ahead" men; 'and if there U "any sight" he will crowd matters throirh. Uar rna;ls having entirely failed this vreek, eare without any news. This we are in- lormed l7 the "old inhabitants" U a "to ha .tel occnrracce, fiequently, during the ier months. - Pd the New AdvertUcaetla ia to-dav's .HjvuutnMw ueeDra&aa Adrertiser. i ; Nejiaha CocsTT.1T. T. . Dec6th,.lSo6. , R. W. Fcxas, Esq.? ' - - 't- - '-. . Dab Sie WTishiog to correct the rais tahen idea that the Commissioners have levied an unnecessary tax on the people of Nemaha county: also to give Sour reasons (which: we think just) for putting the tax at three nulla to the doilar. , 1 improve this opportcnitr of communicating the same through the columns of your paper." ".' "' ; , - - Our County is at this time over four "buni dred dollars- in delt, and not'a dime ia the Treasury, and our County warrants selling at Efty ceats to the dollar. Every man will tc knowledge that the above fact are t least a bad state of afTairs and the soocer it is rectified, and ourCour.ty warrants and credit redeemed, the better it will be for us all , Of sll things to be alhored, end dfeadvantagcous, indebted ness is the worst, either personally orpnhlicly and there is nothing that will impede the pro gress of, or pat a county back so much, as in dehtedness, which is bound to increase in j ten fold manner' all the .time, t3 wit:: by inte rest and the enerraons prices an - indebted county is bound to pay for every job of f'0t they have to get dons, which is not ouly an j everlasting drawback to the county tyatiiUp Myriads of s Madura 'Plaints. -Bushels Maclura -Se ed.' ; FRUIT, AND? ORNAMENTAL .TREES. Brownville, Nov. 29, 1S 1,000 It This bxotio Tlant. known as SbroSuw Sdecharat urn, recently introduced into this country by the Patent Office, may be cultivated to advantage in every part of the United States. It will mak a good crop on the poorest soil. From experiments already made tn syrup making from tho juico of this plant, I fully believe that sugar can be prof-tably made; at any rate, it is worth a trial by every fanner: - - . ; r. J. M. McCULLOUGH, Nov. 29tf ' ' I ...'.No. 200 Main st., Cincinnati. ' -' Uorgan Horsea " ,TA PREMIUM ESSAY on the .Origin, History and Jrx. characteristics of this remarkable . , , AMERICAN BREED OF HORSES, Tnu-inir the nediirree from the original Justin Mor- wt, throwiA the most noted of his progeny, down to the present time. . tiu uuuiuk r1"""" - " which are added Hints for Breeding, Breaking, and eeners.1 Use aad Management of Horses, with Prac- tieat lireetjons lor xrainiug tut iummvus . Agricultural Fairs. By D. C. Liislet, Middlebury, t. Ji. SAAIU.M & WJ, r1liE Copartnership heretofore existing between A G. W. Crow and J. M. Patterson, as Attorneys at Law. in the 12th Judicial Circuit, in tho State of Missouri, was dissolved onthe 23d day of July, by mutual consent. Those who have business entrusted to the firm, will havo tho joint attention of former firm to its completion, and those indebted to said firm will please call upon and settle the same with G.. W. Crow, at his Law Office, west side of the pub lic square, Oregon, Holt county, Missouri.- , - G. W. CROW. T , . , - J. M. PATTERSON.- , ,. Oregon, Nov. 22, 1355.-5w . . . . We wish to purchase . Eight 5 Hundred Corn-fed Hcgs, For which we wiR pay the highest market price. BrownviUo, N. T. Nov. 15, 1855. ; r- MEW CASH STOKES! B1? , imowwiLLE, jr. t: The subscribers would inform tho citizens of Brown . k villa, and aurrouadiag country that their Hats and Caps. , LATE ST styles of Hats and Caps, and of every grade and pricej are offered at ' - nUiilAlLt.L.U S lU Si.' Furniture. BEDSTEADS, Tables, Stands, Bureau fia short, everything in tho Furniture line, can be had 'at llUI'LIlZLLLi & W3. Stoves and Tinware. plOOK, Parlor and OiSje Stives of various jat- J terns; ond Tin ware, at llVliljllLrlj S 75. Hardware, Cutlery and Iron. A LARGE assortment at . HODLITZELL i COS Wood and Willow ware. w ware, is for sale at Provisions. ..OVERMAN, MAmrt; ; ,IloomiDgton, Ill.j .. ' ' . TEG leavj to announce that they hate, for a A) ser ios of years, been engaged in th culture of hedges and hedgo plants, and having bci-n greatly encouraged; by the success of the Maclimt. Hedge, and stimulated by the immensely increasing demand for the nutenaltljcy .have sown, the present season pa good, new land about' 150 bushels cf excellent seed the produce of which.' is estimatd ,i fifteen mOtion jiantt 1 1 which they offer' for the Spring trade, it taouia Mte reiuired tnore tlta tMat amovnt to ttipply t denmnd ie part -Spring. The terms for plants will be reatowaUe, and to dealers and oth ers ordering plants by wholesale, great udnceaents will be offered. ..It is very important that orders she-aid bo sent io Sarlt, as they will bo registered and fined la the order in which they are received. For the last throe years thev have been unable to Supply the demand, and it is probable that late or- uers cannot he ti.ied the next Spnnz, as the demand Is expected to le3r time greater than heretofore, Plant will be securely packed and delivered on board the ears free of expense, except for cost of ma terial. ' - They aro al?o extensively engaged ia importing hedge seeJ, which they sell on the best terms, and alwava warrant fre d joW orderl for which should br sent in prior to the 15th of Ojtober next. They will be prepared to sprout seed for such as de sire it - Havirgsevertl eStensite nurseries, they offer, at wholtaale and retail, a large stock of -Jirifty Fruit and Ores-nrental Trees, Vines. Roses, Shrubbery. Ac at tie fwllbwing points, in wit: Llcsin-ton. Bl.; Monad Nursery, Canton, L?,; Henry, E.mwood, and Havana, Bl. Ail Fruit Trees warranto 1 to be of tho best varieties and trae to name. All information chetrf ally given, and catalogue and premium essay on Bedgeing sent to til applicants. Address, . !:r v - . . . , OVERMAN 4 MANN. ; Dee. 13, 1S55. .., taoU Bacon, Cutter, and cvnry variety of Gr.xerie3 IIUI.L11 jCLI.Li 4 1U, Agricultural Book Publishers,-149 Fulton st, N. Y . . ; BOOTS "AND-. SHOES, : ":. iriA; OTOOC 1 UPlI IQCT T7E keep cnsUnUy on hnnd.ilonr, Cora, deal, IMU VV VJ I WIIU i I I w w k vv Is completed,. and they are now receiving and opening an extensive- stock of NEW GOODS! COMPRISING IN PART, Saddlery. SADDLES, Bridles, ilartingile.", Checks, and ev ery variety of goods in this line can bo had at The only Exclusive Wholesale Grozery . ' ' . - . House in St. Joseph. ' . JENNINGS & SMITH. - AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wlaolooalo Crooeru, . Corner Second and Frances S?$. F RESPECTFULLY call the attention of Country J L Merchants to their largo ai;d varied ituck of. Groceries, which hs been increased by late aiTivali at tha lowest rates of freight, ond will recuira daily additions through the season. Having j.upilx'scd ftr caih, they present mora than ordinary taJucementi ' to buyers, and will sati.ify all that fav)r then wlia a call, that they can and will compete with St. Louii . prices. They have ia store: 600 bugs Rio Coffeo - - 50 boX33 star:a 40 O G Java Coffee 70 do lemon itynp . '". 100 cicst and hf chests 250 whole acd cf boxes aisortcd Teas ' candy 130 bbl rcboilcd and S H 300 dca cans Fields ccle-" Mo'assM bratcd Baltimore oyster 100 half Ul? do JU0 btls hrL'ar.d qr bbls ov Kg4 ijci.:iier ynlp mackrel GOOdoxen 8j:10 aad 10x12 window ssh ' 100 hf bxs ass'd irTjus. 200 dczbed cordi 80 coils eueHIj. aal Jute rot vi ;. ' ;. " Rare Scoa : CIROWN under the personal supervision of the T mhsf-riher. warranted true genuine seed enough of which will be sent to supply alargo family, on reception of price propad, . , . CASSABAR MCSK UEIjON i. vui ana uuucious frait. (Asiatie origin, 25 centSw Obamjs Water Mixojr--I'ecls off like r the rind of an orange very tne i ; flavor..--- ;r 2! GLASS Lesox A beautiful Uttlo melon for preserves when green-.. ...... 25 " Chinese AsrAKAcrs-Annuat, and efrual ; - to the common easily raised 20 Fm Feet Ctcusbebs Very large and : curious to behold ' . 25 MAirurtm PrvPKlN. " 20 Or the whole fir one dollar, sent by mail to any 2ddress. ; ' V - '- :"' JOSEPH L. ASHBY, aO-tf .... Plattsburgh, Clinton Co., Mo. -4. -' hardware, and Tinware, COOKING AND BOX STOVES, FTJR1TITTJRB, GROCERIES, iiC.,&C., To whieh they invite the attention cf eustomcn Their Coodi are selected with reference to tho wants of the town and surronndtng cocn- try, and will bo 6old as Low as any House above St. Joseph. FLOUR AKD COKN MEAL, CONSTANTLY OX HAND'. C031E ONE t COME ALL 1 ! And examine our Stock for yourselves Respectfully. McAllister, dozier & co. Brownville, October 25, 1S5S. vln!9tf A. L. COATE, Que ens ware, OF all the latest styles, anil m endless variety, just opened at IIOBLITZELL f- CD'S. 150 Lhds N 0 Sugar CO bbls crushed " SO bbU Tar 100 stands do 300 bbh A hf tils crack "en of various kinda 200 bxs ass'd Toba:co 100,000 ass'd Cigars 1000 sack3 G A Salt 1500 sks Dairy 10 bales 4-4 Domestics 100 do cotton batting 125 do do yam aOO ke nail b C bola 400 b'dlei wrs .Hoar 500 Ibis S F and extra rpipg paper . G. & C. TODD & CO. . Ao. 212, Y.rt7 Ft?t or Jatw Street, St. Loiii IMrorwTEBS AXD M A5CFACTCKU3 op El ill"- Materials TNCLUDINO Dutch Bolting Coths, Mill Stones, JL bawa, bcreens, UamscL, Ac. Also: PORTABLE GRIST HILLS, Loth Upper and Lower Stone Runnen. MACHINE BELTING, Of Stretched Leather amd Robber. St. Louis, October 13, 1853. vin!3-ly 80 do 1200 qr and ht2 bxs sar- 0 do ten tine imkboards 59 nsUj tubs ' 75 dcioa wooden bucksti 250 bxs su canlics And ft general assortment of sundnci.too narair cu3 to mention i a an ad vert i?cmnt. Our consignment, 5.000 bb!3 Kar.a :vhj. iialf, at Si. Lons rate?, freights added. Orders are respjctfally roaoitcd aid rhall receive j.rompt attention, and every ciTurt nado "a giro en tire satisfaction. ... . , September, 27,1355 vlnl5-ly E taka this method of informinr the rubl'ft at we have just put In operation on what is 4 -H. A. TERRY & CO., - HOXJESALjT ASP KETAtL DEALERS IX GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS, FRUITS and Sbrabs, Grape and Craabery Vines Gr&ss, Clover Seeds, Bird seeds of all kinds, Ag ricultural and Horticultural Books, Inrplements &e u.sraaL?! le"Bnapili"tioM",u" county surveyor, IUJXJ r.' . ... A JITJDD,- &. I FUGSiS, J. J. MUDD - 7. ITCDD, i 1 '.. ' - . $. to.''. csrsn. rtfUUB & HUGHES. PRODUCE. $ COMMISSION Uatraska territory. ""'Briclir- IBricIin ITyE HAVE bow ready'for nle 100,000 rood mer- V V chantable Brick. WESTFALL A MARLQTT. BrownviUo, August 2, lo56. vl-n9tf No.: S3 LeveeandiCommercial Street j -nLASKS cf every description, for aal at Cus GREAT SALE OF LOTS!!! Oae Hundred Extra Lois'. In the Town of The proprietors of the town of Archer, knowing that they have no of the most beautiful Town Sites ia Nebraska Territory, feel a?sumi that the place needs out to be sei;n to be admired, and they have, therefore, concluded to offer Une Hundred Lot. 10 the above named own, at Pubhe Auction, cn ed- ncsday, rvovenibcr Cth, laju, it Icing tlia first (Liy of tho District Court. Archer is situs ted on a hr-h -Lrairie, nine miles from the Mi souri river, oat lie mostdirct-t route iroai Nebraska City t Topvha, in Kanjns, and is the County Scat of Hicharl son county. Tl.e Lots to be sdl and no mistake. Tcrais mala known on hr of Sale. ; A.P.lilUK. Secretary AroherToTa Cttircay. Oct. Jiih,lS31. - ,.s 2-2: Steam Hill Lumter. knowa as Sonora Irlnnd. fo-jr niIle2A&.)vo Eiown ville, a Urst quality steam Sawmill, and are now pre partd to saw ail kicds of Lumber ori short notice, and in n manner, we aro conSdcnt will giv? satisfac tion'. We will keep a Ferry boat to run to tlie xaaia shore, for f.-co use of our customer!. - W. 3. HAIL A CO. ESTHAY KOTICK CAM into my inelo?ure about th 1st of Ag'ist 1355, Z yoko of oxen; mirks, color ai d 8 re as fol lows; Or.0 ex. a blue rcan smooth crop anl under bit in the riht ear; smooth crt-p from tho loft, aad fiv year old. Oao red roan, same marks Ml age. One yuks oxen, palo red and white pi ?d. marks and ago as above- One red os, with ba h of til oC, and smooth cmp off left ear. One yik' ..xcn tni white, u;per bit in l ft cir, on-ler l it ia ri-ht, riid l.xik.s as though It been fi lit and :tc v.pi-r rf.rt r, - j -.ff. " . . 1 . .. r... 1 .t. 1 ... cr-p;ff ri -h t ear, and snoot's crp sal and?! bit off right and a small appearance of a braalou lef; hij. agT 'mao as alnjvc. The ownor can have them by prt vir yrr; ttr, and rayicg charges, within Ixty dwsticia tliij dito. uirea nuaor tiy uona, la.s sia 0.13- or Vttsrr, ISio. VII. VEL!;Lli ' Yec:iiao.iy.T,Tos.riip rtY, ' t.