Newspaper Page Text
I i 8 ' Advertiser, rt'RXAS, Editor. JJIORNLVG, DECEMBER SO. 1858. CnG-nmd Advertising Agent, in rear S.-H. nd ctajjen-g fehoa Store, 't e P Cincinnati. C. NewTork. HrV, 4'rTTENCILfc- 43 Chestnut atreet, Saint Pu Hearst, Tippecanoe, Ohio. I !'i!vrvGER. Covington, Ly. r i'EB 0rts? M?-" 1!- '. jt Hawk, Uockport, Mo. r:U - Whte, Ncbniu City, X. T. K:Dtr tte. Linden. Mo, I T HiavrV Three Grove, X. T. T' 'ized Agents to solicit Subscriptions and ArUrnisfor the Advertiser, and reciere and AiVtlSr inures thereon. , ' res;jent in this Territory, coming from rerSrtinof the States, often suggest to us nriou I , nnnnn, :n their id neighborhoods, who .. :.V 1.1.... ' A l.tIuS become luumriienu vijcjr tuum ocv 1 f the "Advertiser." w J seB1 epeci r' nd persons relieving, -will consider it a i80';'. became a rtrular subscriber. Post- or even to stop there; consequent! jr iae Brown ville mail for the route from hereto Sharp's Grpve serves no other pcict has tc en accumu lating at that point for six weeks past. This is outrageora negligence on the parf of some body, and we are determined to find out'to whom tho blame belongs, and when we do, trill kt Lie public know who lu is, sube. The route from thi3 place, intersecting as above mentioned, c ever has been worth a fig to us, and ought long since to have been discontinued. The distance from here to the intersection is 25 mile, the" point there simply a station, where no care is given or expected in assorting the mail. If we could have a route from Bra wn ville to Eockport, Mo., distance 8 mile3 intersecting the same line, it would be of some benefit to us. A petition has long since been sent to the Department requesting this change, and again we say, we earnestly entreat Mr. Chapman to look after this matter. Nemaha Valley Bask. We have neglect ed to notice the appearance in public of the Nemaha Valley Bank Bills. They are the best designed and executed Bills in circulation. Only ones, twos, fives and tens are being issued at present Judge S. H. Riddle is the Presi dent and Alexandes Hallam, Esq , Cashier. In regard to this Bank we need say nothing further than what we have previously said, that the Capital, business qualifications and integri ty of all concerned in it, are such as to render its Bills a safe circulating medium. Late and unpleasant as the serison now is, a number of persons from the States have been here the East week, looking out locations for next Spring, and have decided to locate in Brown ville. Those who come and look at our Country and like it now, will be delighted with it in the pleasant seasons. These cutting wintry winds are pretty sharp, yet there is much to over balance them, and one can't well help liking Nebraska at all times of the year. Ms. Editoh: . , . - , . ' Being slmost daily asked the question, ''TVhy a magnetized needle stands North and South;' for the information of .these 'and others, I ans wer, it dees not stand North and South, in this longitude, by 11 degrees, nor is it the North Star or North Pole that attracts the North end of the needle; but there is a strong current of Electricity continually flowing around the earth, which, when a needle is suspended, this "cur rent" repulses one end cf the needle and at tracts the other, consequently, the needle stands at right angles with the "current" of Elec tricity around the Earth. To test the matter, form an artificial current, and try your needle, and you will, at once, set it down as a fixed fact, not to be disputed ! A. L. Coats. ; See the advertisement of- the : Messrs. Bekstets New Stage Line through this place. We hope they may be liberally patronized. Again we acknowledge the receipt of a bountiful supply of fine fat venison from Geo. Ferguson. ., : : Mr. N. Biddlecome will also "please accept our thanks'! for a similar favor. 1- Such favors are always acceptable to hungry editors, and we will not be offended if they occur very often. EELIGIOTJS NOTICE. . Religious services in Brownville, commencing on Saturday evening, the 20th, by Revs. Cabteb, Boo com and Mullis. . RELIGIOUS NOTICE. Religious Services will be held in Brown ville, on each Lords day, at 11 o'clock, and also every Thursday evening at early candle lighting. i Is Towx. Our old friend 0)1. Sharp called on us this week. He has been confined to hs room, at Archer, by sickness, for several weeks j past. We are glad to see him so far recovered as to resume his duties as Commissioner for the Half-Breeds. He has a very difficult duty to perform, requiring much discrimination to do justice to all entitled to a share in the Re On Thursday, the 18th, by Judge Benedict, Mr. Harrison Adams and Miss Mabt J3ovee, all of Nemaha county. " l ' ' ; Sugar, Coffee, Tea,- A lengthy and ably written arficlefrom the pen of Father Edwards has been received, and we decline it onlv because uwn a subiect we Bacos, . j: -i j: Hams, uesire noi 10 ulscuss, or uao uiauu&acu tu uui i Phalders, nol u mna at Present At some future time we Sides,- Br ownville Market. CAREFULLY CORRECTED EACH WEEK BY HOBEUTZELL & CO. DEALERS; IN PRODUCE. Browsvill'e, N. T. 1 - (SEILIXO BATES.) FLorni,)sackof 10 J&8.... - $5,00 CORJf MEiL, bashel ooa Corv, in the ear, old $ bushel" i r- 40o Oats, bushel, 40o IO(lOC 16c 100 TTimp YEAR OF ; The management of this new and popular logkwood fpojiMor; r Wholes:.!.) aLJ lUtail Dealer in -v ALL, KISDSOP i Ins-itution announce, with pleasure,' that ar- M . A I M ' i XT ( A . j----- -- V1AX a) s others, feeling sufficient interest to make e-'"? v:an retain the usual per cent for their JOB W0SK. recent extensive additions of new rTne' Cats, "colored Inks, Bronzes, Cards, l?e to' the "Ad verier" Office, we claim to wble to turn out Job Work in a manner un " ,pd" lv anv oEce. The proprietor being .'uctical -printer himself, and having in his ' reov a!i accomplished and experienced S Tii'cV-Job Printer, is determined not to be I -nt-dotse in the execution of J ob Work. Cards I fbjrr-one of Foster's latest improved Card Ir-esseA BlankN Work in Colors, Bronze I V.'ork.'&'c., will meft with particular atten- (Vders from a distance will be promptly at- tJ-dcd to.'and warranted to give satisfaction or i . ' JOITR TEINTEB WASTED. i A food jour Printer of sober and steady j kts(tone other need apply,) can find apcr- situation at this office, at good prices. 1 CriAVGB or Publication Day. Hereafter tie 'Xdveri'iser will be issued on Thursdays j-Jfead cf Saturdays. This change is made to 'suit the arrival and departure of mails at this HALF BREED LANES. Vhile writing upon matters connected with the-SoH of Nebraska, it may not be unprofita U'toiiy'"a word' in relation to the "Half Ureed Lands" in thi.-and Richardson Counties; the'f ri'pvr disposition of which is fraught with interest to" there two counties. This work we .trust will loEonh accomplished by the perse . vcring and energetic Commi.ssioner. are often asked; "Why Government let apaS a Reserve thus situated, .embracing the.frearn'of the two Counties," "When will ; lie lfalf-Creeds become possessed of a trans fimUe title." Ja lit year 1830 the United States entered into'a Tteaty'at Prairie' Du Chien, with several Talics of which the Indians made two KeScrveF; .one at Lke Tippin, the other tmveen the. two Nemaha Rivers, for the bene fit cf the Ilalf-Breed Iowas, Otoes,' Omahas, '. Yar.ctor.g ar.d Saute Bands of Siouxs; the lud;a:is themselves selecting the Reserves as Maied above, to be owned occupied .or held improves by age; The present number is full I It them as other Indian lands, during the or interest. ' .v.-d tJ . -f .u tt:,i c:"' t mi.- .M .asa -j CL 17 V 77 A T. T. A 7V7J A 3 'J5? ?VT T'.Cf anJ by. Lim held in trust, and to be divided reliable work hold its owr John Phoenix. is on I equa ly among tnem wnen ne saw proper. An nand at length. act ot congress in oo requirea mm to nave t tttels Liviko Age. weeklr. is always the lands burveyea and consumate the ireaty. UqoUa for with anxiety and perused with' i ne survey cas oecn maae, and tue emana nip-o,irp r Blackwood, as it always has, still holds a place in the first ranks of the monthlies. The National, varied in contents, of a rangements for the third year havo been com pieced on the most extensive scale. . W or:is of American Art. and - the encouragement of American genius, have not been overlooked. Commissions have been issued to many distin guished American Artist3,and a special Agent has visited the great Art Repositories of .Eu rope, and made careful selections , or choice Paintings, Bronze and MaTble btatuary &c. Araong which, are the following-.exquisito pie ces of Sculpture, executed from-the finest Ca rara Marble. . . ' . , The New and Beautiful Statue of the ' ' " "WOOD NYMPH." v";" The Busts of the three great American ; ' Statesmen, .... CLAY, WEBSTER AND CALHOUN. Palmer's exquisite Ideal Bust . " 5 V ' . , ... " SPRING." Together with the Busts and Statues in Marble of . . , APOLLO AND DIANA. " The Struggle for the Heart, Psyche, Venus and Apple, Child of the Sea, Magdalen, In nocence, The Little Truant, and the Captive Bird. Besides which, are numerous Statu ettes in Bronze, Medallions, and a large and choice collection of beautiful : . , OIL PAINTINGS, : , ' By leading Artists; the whole of which, are to be distributed or alloted to subscribers of the Association gratutiouslyj at the next Annual Distribution on the 28th of January next. Terms of Subscription. f ! The payment of Three Dollars constitutes my person a Member of the Association, and entitles him to First The large and costly steel Engraving " Satcbday Night," or any of the month ly Magazines giveri below one year -i Second A copy, of the Cosmopolitan Art JOSEPH, mo.; WE iavite thj attention of our fricmb atd tho srncrallv to our lares stock of the above gx,d3, which we design selling at prices to sui tas tiaie.?. .. . Desiring to increasa our Ic3ines3, wu will ofTcr every jo?sible ad raatae to buj;rs, cither at whole sale or retail. l;irg Practical Hatter, theui? selves, they havo a decided anvantage in l-ojing their stock of goods ever ihosa unaamainted with tae trade.- .-. , .. .. .;' , ., Merchants visi Arg our city are invited ta ciamino oar stock beforo purchasing elsewhere. '" - -Oar lletail Department we tre'detennLned shall no6 be excelled in t-oint of varietv bv anr Oouse in the WisU . ; . . . . . iff 101111 ML ColnniTaTii Ilnfscry." """TT" For Central Ohio and all around! . .. . OUR S t'xlc of Fruit Tree?, io for sal the pres ent Fall and noxt Spring, ia very larje Rnd ne, incladinj all the most approved varieties of Apples, Pears, Peaches, Cherries, Apricot?, Nectarines, Pianu Quince.'', Grapti, CurranL, Goosberriej, Posj berries, Strawberries, etc. Especial care has beea taken to procure and propagate mostly such varieties cf each clais as nra found lest suited to tho Soil and climate of tho Wes; and South, where most cf th j winter fruits, especially cf tho Eastern States, are of no value. ' ' . Our stxii cf leach Tlt(3 is remarkably fine, and tho prioo so low that a? 1 thoso who l-.-tt their trees the past winter, should now replace theui. Of Cherry Trees also. we hare & fine supply, mostly frown on Ju ihalth ttoclt, which secures greater har dinsss to tho tnc, and if trained rather law, so as to causo the .top,'i to shada the- stem from tho hot sun, it is beleived no dilrieulty will be found in grow ing fine cherries in the South and West. . Of Pear we hare a splendid lot, especially on dwarf trees, on strong Anjert Quinca stockt, the best for speedy and abundant productiveness. catalogues, with pnecs, et j., wul be sent to all applicant. Nurserymen and Dealers in Fruit Trees are invited to call and examine our stock of Perthes Pears and Cherries,. especially, before sending Eat. as we believe they can save expense as well as by purcaasmg of us. W holesale Catalonies now ready. , . -M. II. BATEIIAM A CO. XT JOHN COLUOUN -BROTHER. 1 1 Sign of tha Padlock, ona door beW the Post-OlSce. - ST. JOSEPH, MO. ; . ::.: WHOLE3ALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ' ' ' HARD ware: and cutlery. Journal, one year an illustrated Magazine I A now receiving a full and complete assortment Third A share in the Annual Distribution of Works of Art, comprising a large num berbf Paintings, Sculpture, &c, &c- ' v The following Magazinesire furnished to those who prefer them to the engraving: Har per's Magazine, Godey's Lady's Book, Knick erbocker .Magazine, Graham's Magazine, Blackwood's Magazine, Southern ' Literary Messenger, . TJ S. Magazine, Mrs. Stephens' New Monthly, and the British Quarterly Re views. Li ttell'V Living Age, (weekly,) and two Memberstiips lor $b. Thus it is seen, that for every $2 paid, the subscriber not only gets a three dollar Maga zine or Engraving, but also the Art Journal one year, and a ticket in the distribution of Works of Art, making four dollars worth of ttvey invito the attention of purchasers. Our stock having been purchased on the most advantaze- ou terms, we are determined to tell at such prices as will be satisfactory to buyers. vo noi iorgt to give us a call before you purchase elsewhere, or you Tuny resret it. - J. COLHOUN k BROTIIER. MAMMOTH STOCK. POWEL, LEVY" & CO, Are dow 'Receiving one 'of (the Largest and Best Selected Slocks of . ... DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, T?VET; oftired'in St. Joseph, which thev intend jJ-i offering to tho Trade at prices which will com pare tavorably with those of goods in St. Louis We SmlfMt n IT Tr ora i r nn!l on1 .rdtninn n..., 1. 1 C reading mauer, oesmes nie uctet, wlicii may, i making their ru.chases in addition, draw a Beautiful Painting, Statue, I ' Among the articles they offer frr sale aro- t cation. NOTICES. ' Monthlies for Decextbeb.' Haiiper, ever welcome, is again' before us, full of interesting and refreshing matter. Putnam. This desirable monthly contains its usual variety of original and excellent read' in?. The present Nd. closes the 8th volume, and the New Year affords an appropriate time to commence or renew. Dicken'? Household Words, like old wine, Fresh Beef, $ 5 Potatoes, ? bushel, new Bctter, - 10c i 80 9o 2,00 20c 75c . 25c J 40 bales brown sheeting; 200 pi'es flanl, all grades 5 bales osnaburg; ' , 250 " satinettes;. iu " snirting,stnped; U0 tw'ds and cas'rs: ' 5 . 44 ' cyliner ba?!rine; 5 bales seamless bass 100 pieces plaid linsey; - 10 casc3 tickin?; 10 cases pi ened shirting and sh tin?; 10 dot shawls; 20 pair three pleet green mackinaw blankets; ,t 20 " scarlet " ' ' " 40 f blue ' : ''', - - : : ' - ! .t'--- ; ; 8 cases brown and bleached drilling; I&0 pair sad dle blankets. -' flEMAHA VALLEY BANK,' BROWN VILLE, N. T.:' A. Hallam, Cash'r. " . : S. H. Riddlk, Pres'L s OFFERING DAYS, Mondays and Thursdays. DISCOUNT DAYS, Tuesdays and Fridays. .. BANKING HOURS, from 1st November to 1st March, 10 A. M., to 3 P. M.; from 1st November, 9 A. M., to 3 P. M. 1st March to 6m B. B. TEG RAM. ' S. H. RIDDLE B. R. PEGRA1M 8c CO., 33 Bl 33- IS. O IT i3 COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. GREAT U. S. reservation" found to contain 1G2 Sections. TLe'Cerisus is cow being taken of the differ ent Ilalf-Brceds entitled to a' portion, that it miy be equally divided; when completed the MAIL ROUTE. . From Agency, in Kansas, to tJui, mouth cf the yovoay liiver, Nebraska. 1 ! - or other work of Art, of great value. No person is restricted to a single share.-?- j Those taking five memberships are entitled to six Engravings, or any five of the Magazines, one year, and to six. tickets in the Distribution, j PLAN OF The Cosmopolitan Art Association. This new Art Association, organized June, r:: Trr.rr 3 josepk lumber yard. Literature throughout the country. , It is nn- I dor. the direction of a council of memlers, whoso services are honorary,' and who receive !no compensation To accomplish btruly nnhonal dyed, uniting great public good with private gratification, at a smal individual expense, in a manner est suited to the wants, habits and tastes "of the people, the Committee have adopted ;the fol lowing plan: ; . : , Every subscriber of three dollars ,8 a member for one v ear, and " entitled . to all its crivileges. ' , ' The money thus obtained t alter paying nec essarv expenses) is applied, ' JPJU51 luiiio piwiutiiuu ui a. lare autr . j i 1 l . T1 costly ""steel Engraving, and the "purchase of rLQ0 -UI1U n)MZ JLlilHier, l'IUUUU-; ' iSJ Syracnss Nurseries. : "- ? ;T110KP, SMITH & 1IANC1IETT, pIU)rRlET0KS.Basiie3 general and extensive assortment of articles usually kept by Xurseymen, we hare on hand for tha Spring trade, - . t 200,000 Apple Trees, from 6 to 9 feet. 100,000 Dwarf Fear Trees, 2 years old. 50,000 Standard do . from 2 to 4 year-. 100,000 Cherry Trees, 1 to 2 years old, Dwarf and - Standard. .,' Peach, Ham, Apricot, and Nectarine Trees, in largo numbers. . , . , 100,000 Raspberries embracing every kind of anj value. All the popular as well as rarer kinds of other small fruit. Foreign and Native' Erersrrcens Norway Spruce. Pines, Cryptomerias, Cedars, Black and "White bpruce, Balsams, licmljtks, etc- large, medium or small. Ornamental Trees, Rosea,' Shrubbery. Climbers. fledge l'Lints, etc. . .. Bulbons lioots, native and imported; Dahlias. Car nations, Fcenies, Chrysanthemams, Phloxes, all in great abundance, and of tho most beautiful varie ties '" " ., While we confidently' claim for our productions ia general aa excellence not surpassed by any other JS'urseyl we particularly and emphatically dosiznate our stock of Pear trees, both Dwarf and Standard, a3 unparalellcd either in extont or quality, by any existing stock in America.. Tha following notices refer to trees taken from the samo lot as those now offered, when thev were bat ore year oil: i rom 1 nomas VY . x icld, iisq., aa extensive dealer in and importer of Tear trees ia w 1 ork: "lb specimens are really splendid: the finest I believe I ever saw." From Robert Har yell, Esq., Mobile. 1 hava nev er seen finer trees." J - From Messrs. Neally A Brothers, Burlington, Iowa: fThey are really the finest trees of their age we ev er saw, and we nave purchased a great maoy in the few past years. , ; As suor'restiTO to persons about to purchase, we would remark that our trees wero not subjected to tho extreme cold during the list winter, which effec ted so extensive injury to Nurseries at the West, fcndthatwe have had no drought during tha present Bummer by which tho crowta ot our trees has been retarded. , They may be reiicd upon, therefore, to be m prime health and vigor. OUH CATALOGUES Will bo sent post.paid to all who enclose for No. 1 a letter stamp, and for tha others & ono cent stamp each. No. 1 A general descriptive Catalogue cf all our productions. i No. 2 A later edition of the Fruit Department of No. 1. .; No. 3 A descriptive Catalogue of, Ornamcnta lrees, bhrubs, lloes, eta. No. i A descriptive Catalogue of Dahlia3, Green houso and Bedcan plants No. 5 A wholesale Catalogue for Nurserymen and Dealers. .- . , .1 .-. . Also a Supplementary Catalogue of the Ornanion- tal andrOreen house department. ; . Also a circular on tho Ajrnsta Ilose;. ; Syracuse, N.-j'.jov. SASH . GLASS, .BLINDS 8 DOORS. 9(1 ISC. Vi UAPJ; ROOTS.-20,0()0 Carawbi Grap') Roots VJi twd years old," lor sale, itics 3o por hurrdre SIGEESON'S NUESE11Y- ST. LOUI3, 110. JOHN SIGERSON. $ BRO., Offer for sale the coming Sprin;:, 50,C00 Apple. Trccs 2 an-1 4 years ell, es34 I ranccr 175 varieties. Price 23 ti 4? cratf. rs.COO Peach Treo.frora 8 to 8 f bet h!gl,C3 varriti??, frcm 23 to 3J:.. .-, '. - ' ' 2.;5C0 stardard Fear, eml'racing 43 V&rlfctlesj ' price from 50 to 75 cents. .. 5,003 D warf Pear?, embracing 33 varieties, price $1 ewh. . ' ' , 5,000 Cherry Trees, 31 varieties, 50 ta 75 sent each. 500 Apricot", Karly G.J.len, Buda, Peach Apri . ctti. Large Early, i rice 50 cents. . 1,200 Quince. flirted, 25 t 50ten.' ,500 P'varf Apple. ; .J..'v.. '0 . v k.:6a0MiiteOrapCurrants.-".-..-2 f -. 500 Black Naples -25 " 500 Cliorrv Currant- ..25 ' . 500 Red Dutch Currant ....'12s" ; '500 Victori: Currants...." ....15 5t)0 White Dutch Currants Vi" 500 Red Dnt-h Currant3 500 English Black 12 -4 44 2,000 Prolifla Green 3 Sce.iiia 23 23 25 rt it l M U H M M i.onft Ilon?1 500 Warrir.gtori &( ........... l.f-00 Sulpher do l.iini Asnicn uu .... ........ 500 Crown Bob do 25 5f)0Ri3cm?n dt -.25 2.00iT Yellow Antwerp Ra?prwfrie9 -1? 1.00) Ohio Everbearing da .... . 23 2.00) r.arg? German Antwarp do 10 J.OQf) Red Antwarp 10 1,000 English Filberts- 50 l.OrtO ITorse Chestnuts ' 50 5.000 Grape- Vines, 2 to 3 years old 23 to 59 150.000 Grape Vines, 1 year old....J5 i? J 00 5,000 Dahlias assorted, each 500 IVrnias, do ....501 ! 10.000 Giant Asparagus RootS"$5 100 :5 0t OTube Koes . 10 , 2.000 Yards Pick 50ctsyard 2,000 nnts Victoria Rhnbrtrb '-.o so or $40$ 1 co. 8,000 Wilmnfs Early Red Rhubarb-.. 12o 50,000 Strawberry Plants, 12 varieties.. . .. ; $5 to 10 per 2,CC0O ' 10 000 Sha la and Iroc, embracing uataipa, Diri"K mkwt, 1 imonia lTTiprriaii.'Jn Ixmibxrdv Poplar, Silver Leaved Poplar,' Linden Wootl, Sweet Gum, ETni Balsaml Poplar. Allianthns, Tulip Tree, U fluid Cy-. : prs., S vamre, Paper Mulberry, American Larjh, Weeping Willow, Bnckrye, Mfmn tain Ash, White Birch, Red Maples, varying In prico from 25 cents to $1,50, accordins to . iie. .'"'' 35 CC0 Eversrroen.?, embracing . ' RM Cedars, pneo each 59a to $2 ' White Pino do . 50c to $ I - Yellow Pin'tk do 50o to $2 1 I Balsam Fir, do '50c tot I ' American Arborvitas 25c, 50 75c, $1,55. . . 1 - Chinese Arborvitas, 50c, $1,50, " , European Savin 50e, Tree box 5?j Norway Spruce, 50c, 75c, 100, : '-' White'Pprnco. $t. . ' - - . '- ; 12,500 Plants of Ornamental Shrubbery, embracing ' ' in part as follows: . ;.! : Snow Balls, each 37 to $1, .,..,.'. ; Lylac. fi'wh 50o; Spiras, assorted, each 25c; Hanly Rose, each 50c 1 ; . .: Monthly Rose, each SOe? . , . ' ; ITony Suflklos. aborted, 25c, 50a $1; . TyrinJ'hiiadelphus 25a to 50c; . Rrso Acisia, 25o to 50c; ... .- ,.. Privet, for lfrdges 25cj ' 1 '' 1 Rladdieina 25c: Corcoru Jsponicai 23; ' ' . - Ellapius 25c: Libumuni 50c; . 1 1 : : lmanx Aincana 2o todOu; Ribes Gorloni 25c to 50c; . . Wcci inor Mountain Ash 1,50; . Wbith Fringo Tree 1.50; . ' " ' ' ForsTthca 50c to 1.00; . Cornico Dojwoo. Silver Striped 303 to 1,0 J " PcutxaSonbia 2;Deulza Qrcali3 50c; T ' Weeping Birch 50c: ... " 'Magnolia Aenminett 50c; -';tlIv - " - Weepinsj Linden 1,50; " 'J Pw.irf Box 50c per yard; -r Earronimas 50-; - . lt 4 ' Althas, assorted, 23o to 50c f57? Iij nfforing the abovo Stock to ourcustotnersj we beg to sny it is superior in growth arul quality to any heretofore ofTored. and person wishing ft supply can avail themselves of further information, by aa dressing the undersigned at St. Louis. . Catalogues furni-hed tfl all pc0t-p:U nnj-lictlro. 1 . ... . -.Respectfully, .JOUX SIGEK.0N JLERO," Oct. 25, 133.'.. vlnia-ly t ; $10 per tneusand. ; Noyt?3tf J. 3L McOJLLOCGIL No.. 200 Main St., Cincinnati. . . W. J. TAYLOR, ,'..: DEALER; IS" ; ' , i j .:i 1.' 11 j. TT.10 n'ire and devoted character, combines man v I horses and nice voung men for drivers. inu m ue cquaiiy apporuonea 10 eacnuati- r ; - - J. B. & W. BENXET, Contractors. the leading monthly Magazines, a copy of either of which is furnished to the member for every three dollars paid by him. Second To the purchase of Faintinjrs, Sculpture, Bronzes, &c, which arc. annuallv jli'ol iViit aA V,tt Inf flmrtnffl Vi r tnamlmrfl two I o .1,. di n t M!.ti each member being entitled s to one share for River. Good Hacks all the way through, and good every three dollars paid by him. ThirdTo the publishing of the Cosmo- nnJi'fnn Art .Tniirnnl. vvhifn ia fnrnishn trratnit.- n. 1Q 1S1I1 . v1r97.1 :.' ! .. " -------- o -.. xj. x-, . . -j nnelir fn nil mprrvhp.ra rinrinr tha vpat. The great success attending the Association, has made it universally popular, wherever' it SIIlKGllES i'A'ND 'IiATII, AND MANUFACTURER OF DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, Seventh and Edmund sts,;bear Cargill's Mill, ; '; st.!jose?ii;;mo. , ! . ; The above .articles are constantly on hand, and for sale low; . . Es tray Notice. i iaouk . .... ... I It rnltivatfis il enmnraoros Ihft Kine Arts Ire(d,.and he be at ouce placi d in possession attractions. cf a-pced in fee simple. The number of Half- Schoolfellow, for the young folks, is unsur Breeds-will be found much larger than antici- J passed. pciej; and consequently the amount of land CosiioroLiTAN Art Association. This j lo each leas probably not over 100 acres to new and popular institution offers rare induce j . " eaca. Iments for membershiD. The Editor of the There is cow quite a large Eumberof Ilalf- Advertiser has' been appointei -an ajrent 'and Breeds on" this Reserve, many of them men of will receive and forwared subscriptions. Aside .1.. i . . i . consideraUe means, and they arc driving ahead from the encouragement rendered artiste, those u:te trislly in the way of improvement, such who desire to become subsctibers to any of the opet;ng farms, erecting machinery of various leading monthlies above mentioned now have k:cus; They have one thriving little town, an extra chance. For particulars read the Cir ,e learn, at tlie mouth of the Bl2 Nemaha. ntlar in annthpr rolnmn. The followinr notice TLis is considered, and, really is, one'of the nf t h Pnsmonnlitan we mnv from the Lnnis- owner is herebv notified to prove property, pay char ntst desirable tracts of land in Nebraska.- ville Courier: . ... ' . S Lni .k.' .Tltlun tllirty 1 .... 1 ... iv. inoo. oil Aiaay depredations have been and are ret "The Cosmopolitan Art Association have re- : ieicgmade.upori ihcts lands by white settlers, ceived and are constantly leceiving large num-j . ITCji'TnV TJ flf llP. Caution such TSefsons against MmwiftiniT I hpra of KTil-srrirwr from nil nnftrtenL We do 1 - ' i . ; - trespass by-removing Stone, Coal, Tiraber or not wonder at it. AlmMt ercry indi cmer valuables, as the "Intercourse law" is is struck ty the advantages offered by this In- er has sold the pigs and left the sow in my possession. tpmrm - A ; . - 3 . , . . I .. , ,. . c 1 i- 1 TD4 (IpCDHe IS 0D6 DU5QC1 oi cora per niuinu, null tcrcre,ui u required to be put m force rigidly stitution. . Each member receives a Splendid adVertisement, and unless paid within thirty ST "oeHs, or otner clucers. Onn l3A"-;iv's c oo.a Uuio jviilis jxtra .uper wUU line Flour just received nnd fur sale by Nov. 29, 1856. , M'ALLISTER, DOZIER k CO. left branded with tho letter O on right hip. TEE HAILS. ' . "We did .cot know, until recently, but that ve in this region were special victims of mail rregiTariiies ; but the Omaha and Nebraska City papejes) in their last issues, arjout "loud nd, long" upon this ' subject. Sorry for yom laa fortunes, gentlemen, but feel somewhnt consoled that we have company in our afHic yon. Morton clones his article in the follow ing style'; V.nrrrQvinT nr Wnmni cnVicrril-ir In nm 1 daw. the SOW to be Sold to the highest bidder. , v . . . . .. Dec. 19. 1855. 3t JAMES ENTWISTLE. regularly for one year, paying no more than the subscription price. lie also receives that beauti ful publication, tha 'Art Journal ! frea of charge, and, at the 6ame time, stands a chance of drawing some one of the numerous Works of Art to be distributed. Therefore, it simply amounts lo this: if you are taking some maga zines, renew your subscriptions with the Cos mopolitan Art Association. If you do not take a magazine, then send your name 5n. hv aa means, and snnnW -mm-colf uiJ.v rapcTs from Chlcacro arc so old when they matter, at ih.. v j;. r a?i PplPW1Mrlhf1m art over our land." wantiqutties. And letters are so long on the - , nte, from Detroit and Chicago, that the hair " e sbau make remittance on Friday next, fa iAe litaJs 'thai alorn tU postage stamps actu- Those wishing tti'suUcribe will please hand in i turn gray during the trip!! Wont some- their names before that time. ' wdy .straighten out the roads and the Post- i -, The Ball or the Season, was given at the residence of Hon. W. A. FrsxtT, on Tuesday evening last. The dancing was good Ladies vi- Dronned hofus. blind in one eve, three or four I and disseminates Sterling Literature through- years old.' The owner is required ta prove property, out the land; "thereby .adapting itself to the pay charges, and take away within thirty days fjom preSent wants1 and-tastes of the American peo- Cate. ' ' '" v. iiun.ii.i., i , v; t,iv, 4 w,V i;. homes pleasant and attractive -by the aid of Ed -i -i Vo -vr ; Tv'Trf 1 Sculpture, Paihtings, and the ! Jeit reading bilcAy ' liulltC; matter which the wide rane of American and I t : t: - er mirrv rri v- .K.r?W n fb 25tb .Idt nf i ureiu uiteiuiuiv auurus. I k Airpmbfir.' 1S56. a steer of the followins doscrip- Persons in 'remitting funds for membership, 1 . I i h .ff il t il . . n. . 11 - I tion: Dark red, halt crop oa ngm ear, inn crop ou will, piease give ineir rost: uuice-aaaress in j.j i V. . v.u.. f I t w, .h. hin ' I ha - .'j. l - .f if l xl' r I I T7T t t ennnfr t n n mnnm t h a w n-un inn ni zine to commence, and register, the letter at the Post Office to prevent loss; on the receipt of which a Certificate of Membership, together with the Engraving or Magazine desired, will be forwarded to any part of the country. For Membership Address, K. W. FURNAS, Agent . Brown ville, K. T. C. L. DERBY. Actuary. C. A. A. At Eastern Umce, 348 Uroadway, JNew York, or Western, Office, 165 "Water Street, Sandusky, O. NEW HARDWARE STORE. . J. K WASHINGTON, - DEALER IS Hardware, Cutlery and Guns, West Side Main street, . St. Joseph Mo;, IS NOW receiving and opening a stocs or iiara ware and Cutlery adapted to the wants of Far mers; Mechanics, and Merchants, and having purchas ed American goo3s frcm Manufa.:turers, and made permanent arrangements for the direct importation of au toy foreign goods, logemer wiia a long experi ence in the Hardwire business, I shall offer such in- m AKEN UP by the subscriber, on the . 1st lay of ducementa to purchasers i in ww maraet, as win insure e followine de sausiaciioD, ana respecuuiv uweuiDw pixou- THOMAS; WILLIAMS, Attorneys aiid .Counsellor , at ; Law. BROWN VILLE, KT. ; : : "Will r.ractico in the Third Judicial District in Ne braska Territory, and in the Twelfth Judicial Circuit - 'REEttEciers:1 7'' ;": . Riohard Rrownr - JJrowjivillc, N. T. . R, WrFurnas, . "T r y ; f .. .. Dn John Mcl'hcrsou, I Tippecanoe, Ohio. James l oster, George N. Miller, , Dreiron, Mo. Archef, N. T. i IBs tray; Notice.' mAKEN UP by the subscriber on the 6th day of X December, 1856, three stray cattle of tue tollow ing description: One spotted cow, i years old, and smooth crop off nght ear; one pale red slightly roan cow, bush of tail off, no mark or brand: one calf,red, line back, crop off rhrht ear. The owner or owners aro required to prove property and pay charges with in thirty days, jvnx lwxu. - Town. 5, 12 miles dae W.from Brownville. Dec. 19, 1355. 3t asters ?" la aH earnest, it is shameful the way we are treated in this Territory, in regard to mail ar Seratnts. We speak more particularly of his region, and a3 cur Delegate is now at ashingtcn, in behalf of our citizens, we appeal him to bring the matter to the attention of the Department We send all our mail matter from-B'rownville to Oregon, SL Joseph and K Louis, ar.d that direction, by way of Omaha . ad Council Blufo, and whit liule we receive onies the same way; We give an instance ktely come to our knowledge, that the Depart eUaud ocr readers who are complaining u't-eriy :may know how our mail arracge fcer.ts wcTk. What we call our Eastern route this place, intersects the route from St. Joseph tO Council Tt?r?fT et RhsirnP. fTror. - ... I " - " " ' -1 l. The mail carrier ou this route informs that for six weeks past the Hail Stage, on , St. Joseph and Council BlnfTs route, ha .uiei to receiva the nail &t Sharps' Grovo handsome Gentlemen well behaved, and Supper gotten up and arranged ty Mb3. Fxxscr, and Music, by McDonald and Dailt, were MA No. 1." We never spent an evenirg more agreeable. Although room was scarce, the arrangements were) such that all were made connorwuie buu tuscutunj "iiifeaoie. Uar thanks are due Coleman and Finney for special favors shown us. Consider the , debutant in debt to you, gentlemen, until a "convenient season." .. . lEstray Motice.- A. September, 185G, two cattle of the scription, via: One large, red cow, one bom drooped, six or seven years old, branded on-the hip wi th the letter D. One two year old heifer, red nnd white spotted, branded with letter D. The owner is re quired to prove property, pay charges, and taki away wiLiiiu iniriy uays iroia mis aaie, : Dec. 19, 1656. 3t ; , W. A. ALDEP.MAN. Kemalia ValleyJ Basils:. THIS INSTITUTION dates its commencement from the 10th Nov. Owinz to the tnfiinished Ktate of the Barking DJouse, we have not thought proper to give oat any publio notice, thoujh prepar ed at all times t redeem out paper in circulation. We now give g'sneral notice that we are. solicitous to accommodate our friends, and will loan to one and all on good security. We will at all times purchase Eastern Exchange, and are bow? r'esuy to make Drafts oa St. Loui3, M., in sums to -suit, in eichange for either Gold or earrency. ALEX. II ALL AM, Cash'r. Drownvillo, N. T, Dec. 8, 1356. vln6tf mi. On the first page will be found an article from ,'Faemes" one ia which 11 Farmcra are interested. He is & "netv hand at the business" but promises he shall be heard from frequent We have also another article frciiHocsier;'7 bat wasrcccircd too lata fcr th's rrctl- r""- ROSSELL BE.OWN VILLE, N. T., J k 1 that he is prepared to serve then with anv- " thing ia his line, at short notice, and with a style and quality cf or'k he feds confident will please.- T bis Id frtends and customers ha deems it unnacs-s ury to say a woni, to others he says only "t-ry ice.1 nix i??.--t: age from' the section of country trading at fct. Jo seph. . ' - ' ' ' ' Hunts and Simmon's axes, Augers, Mouse hole Anvils, - '; Chisels, Solid Box Vices, , - -' ' ' Chains - Spear A Jackson's and Buthers flea, Fry Pans, Ames & Rowland's shovels k spados, Coffee Mills, Cut, wrought and horse shoe nauj Seives, Cotton and Manilla cordage, Wostenholm, pocket knives,' KniVes and forks, Guns; rifles, and pistols,' . t ? Shears, scissors and raiors, Hammers and Hatchets,' i Spear AJackson's saws, , Braces and Bitta . ... . " Bnilriing, Hardware -and Carpen . is . .i. I. ; ter's Tools ,. y , OF EVERY DESCBIPTION. Dec.l9,lS5r3. f :. .-Ij.! " "."-;-.- . . . i! Curry Combs. Planes, Locks, Bolts, Latches, ; Screws, Butts, :-: ' &o kc; " - Wotice.--- FAILINQ to fee several perso&s before I Teft, who bad made bills at my auction, their accounts havetwen left with B. W.Fnraas, who advanced the amounts. -wii.i Aicrii.iou-. Brownville, Nov. 29, 1S56. A LI. persons are hereby forwarned from buying the South West foarth of, Section "25, Township 6, rorth Range 15,fca3tef the sixth Principal .Meri dian, in Nemaha, county, N. T., now occupied by Thos. Hoddy: is I have a right to saivf cllina thatii indisputable. .' B. B. THOMPSON. : Chinese Sugar Cane. T HAVE a supply of this seed on sUe. Price per J. Ib. $2; per o., 20 cents. Persona remitting ruo 2a cents, shall nave one ounce sent taom postage paid. ; , : -.; i : ..- . i . -- ;-: t - -i 1 bis exotic plant, known as borghavi sacckaratim, recently introduced into this'conntry by the l atent Office, may be cultivateJ to advantage in every part of the United States.' It will make a good crop on the poorest soil. From experiments already made in syrup snaking from the juice of this plant, I fally believo that sugar' can" be .profitably joade; at any rate, it is worth a trial bv every -farmer , - , I. IU ilcCULLOUGH, Nov. 29tf. " ;. . No. 200 Main." St., Cincinnati. , . :. -. i . Morgan Horse3.' -1 1 ' - rREMrUJf ESSAY on tha Origin, History and XX characteristics of this remarkable : ; A3IERICAN BREED OF. IIORSE5, Tracing the pedigree from the original Justin Slcr gan, through the most noted of his progeny, down to the present timo With numerous portraits. To which are added Hints for Breeding, Breaking, and general Use aal Management of Horses, wiln l rac tical Directions for Training thorn for Exhibitions at Agricultural Fairs. By D. C. Linsley, Middlebury, Vt. Pric-3 f 1. Sent free of postage. C. If. SAkTON & CO.,, Agricultural Book Publishers, 110 Fulton si, N. Y GROWN under the personal suirvlsfon of the subscriber.' warranted-rrwe mnuine seed wbioh will be sent to supply a lare family, on reception of price pre-paid. , . . ; . CASSABAtt Mcsk Melon A beautiful and delicious fruit. (Asiatic origin,; 25cents Obange Water Melon Peels off like the rind of an orangevery fine . .flavor--.---'t J:.-.:...; -20 , " Glass Lehon A beautiful little melon 1 'for preserves when green ' 25 . Chinese Xepakagcs Annual, and sqnat -V ' to the common easily raired 23 ', . Fttte Feet CrcriiBEKS Very larso and ' curious to behold ' Mammoth PciirKlN... 20 ' Or the whole fir ono dollar, sent by maillo any 2ddress, ' JOSEPH L. ASliliX, aO-tf Plattsburgh, Clinton Co., Mo. u u fit IIST 0? XETTESS BcrnainiEg in the Post Ofllco at Brownville, N. T October f st, ISdO,' which if not taken but within three months will be sont to the-DeaJ Letter Omce, Washington. T. C Bnidlev Hon Jaa ... Buroh BcV n ' f -DubyGeoi .... Hale David Medley A - Neilsjn Tason Persons calling far tho above letters, will please say they are advertised. . .- . i A. S. liULiiAtJAi , V. .u. Buroh BcV n Doritby Mrs S Jone9 James Neat Mrs S. Reader Toesdalo CLAIM FOR SALE. THE undersigned will ofTer for sale a fine Impr v ed. Claim, situated one mile west of Brownville, on tho mam road leading in that direction, lbe Claim ia pretty equally divided between Pr:iirio and Timber, . The improvements consist of a good double looj himso and twenty acres of corn under fence. A good bargain may oe had as too proprietor is deter mined to sell in order to go to California in the spring. For particulars cail upon hi:n at his resi dence on the above claim. J,. AY ,. LLLTi. Brownville, Nov. 22, lS55.-lw ; '-'-:3VOTICE:VV.r TIIE Copartnership heretofore existinr between X (J. W. Crow and J. M. Pattcron.'a.s-Attorneys at Law, yi the U'th Jtaicm uircait, in tno Mate ci Missouri, was. dissolved on the 231 day of July, by mutual consent. 1 Those who bavo business entrusted ta the firm, will have the joint attention cf fanner firm to its completion, and taose indcttiu to snj l firm will please call upon and settlo the same with G. W. Crow, at his Law Oilice, west side of the pub lic square, Oregon, Holt county, Missouri. . . G. W. CJtOW. - .... J. M. PATTERSON. . Oregon, Nov. 22, 1850.-5W : FRESH ; . 'A RRIVA1L ! ! . NEW GOOt)S!i: :: ;ay. iioblitzell ;co.1 : C ' ' BROWNVILLE, N. T. ; V-' HAVE Tins DA-V RFXEIVED; per' atesrW A. Ct G(),ildin nd Win. Campbell, Jini ne w opcningt the. most extensive stock of Goods evei: tt-y fered in ibis market. After the exnericne they, , have in NeLraska, they fl.Vtcr themselves tliasAaev know, what suits the people, and havo purchase! luch,. t a stock of (Jowls as caunot fail to please. We will not pretend to enumerate, but say ccmi and oe;aad you will not fail to bo suited. : .., , Oct. 15, lSSo.-ly . - Ready Made Clothing', EVERY VAllIET V, style, quality, price, and pat tern of Ready Made Clothing, iu-t reccivwl ana for sale cheap, by IIOBLITZELL 4 C O. Boots and Shoe.' T . PORK WAiWED I We wish to purchase Eight Hundred Corn-fed Hogs, For which we will pay the highest, market price. W. HOIiLITZELL & CO. Brownville, N. T. Nov. 15, 18 StJ. NEW' CASH STOKE!! ., BROWNVILLE, N. T.. The subscribers would inform the citizens of Brown ville,"and surroonding country that their NEW STORE HOUSE Is completed, and, they &ry ngw receiving r and opening an extensive stock of NEW GOODS! - ... CCMPEISINO' IN. PART,' , , . ; BOOTS AND SHOES, DHEaifc'iS, .Gaps; 1 J Hardware, and Tinware, ' : COOKING AND BOX STOVES, . FIJRNITTJRE, GROCERIES, ciC, fcC, To which they invito the attention cf customers. Their Goods are selected wi th reference to the .- wants cf tha town and ?urrouncTir.s coua- ; try, and will be sold as Low a3 any House above St. Joseph. FLOUR AND CORN MEAL, . CONSTANTLY Otf IIAND. COME ONE!. COME ALL!! And caniia our Stock for yourselves ' '. ' 'Respectfully,' " --. mcalli.ster, bozteh & co. Brownville, October 25, 13o3. ' vlnlCtf 1 A'N nnnua!ly large stock of Cno anil coar3'i BcotJ, and Shoes both Gentlemen and Ladiei'-n-aa beaeen, acd purchased low. at ' ' '' 'V. HOIILITZELL k CO'5. . ; j i . i ii - i t i. - - i i i i i ' . Hats and, Caps." . , - L'ATEvST styles f Hats and Caps an J of eicry grade and price, are tT.;rl nt -''... ... UOELITZELLACO. . 1 ' " . . i . .i i i . . .. . )i in i i , ; V Furniture. ,J r ;. ;J BEDSTEADS, Tabl-s, Stanls Bureaus in siort;" everything ia the Fumitory line, can be hail at HOIiLITZELL k CO?J. . . Stove3 and Tinware. - C- OOK, Parlor and OSco Stoves cf varins pa6 terns: and Tin ware, at - " ' ' . IIOBLITZELL & CO3. Hardware, Cutlery and Iron; A LARGE assortment at - . . IIOBLITZELL 4 CO '3 7ood and Willow ware. ; BUCKETS, Tub?, Churns, and an endlcsi varfoty cf Willow wai'e, is for sale at ' - HOBLITZELL k CO'Si. Provisions. WE kacp constantly on land, Flonr, Ct Bacon, B'JtUr, anl evory variety of G ' IIOBLITZELL I rn SfcaT, Grc-iericj. k CO. Saddlery. SADDLES, Bridles, Maxtinjilcr, .Chcckrt ery variety cf goods in Ifno ciin ; and ev bo. Il 1.1 t irODL-lTZELL ACQ'S. Quccnsware,- ; II. A.. TERRY , & CO., ' ' s-H0LK3ALK,AXlBETAII. DEAI.Ea3 r" GjLRDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS, FRUITS and Shrubs, Crape and Cranbery Vines, Grass, Clover Seeds, Bird seeds of all kinds, Ag ricultural an! Horticultural Book.',- Implement", Ac. Agents for all tha best Rural Publications in the. United States. "'.'. ' t ' Store next door U)Po3t-OuIce, Council Bluffy Iowa. " vlnS5-ly A. Mf DD, G. L. HUGHES, n. t. jftrrn,- ' . . k f "tL ; ' MUDD J& HUGHES; ' : PRODUCE, 1 -COMMISSION T' . fjr, Pi 1 I . I l 1. 11 I I il l 111 I 1' r "f .'-TTCr r w . --m ... I- rrTia im " 1 Oa.a, evcrySKnj-ie, for nJe at ihie i , Oi. ,.VJ.'-. - iv.w . .JlJf V ... , , .' " f- - J' 8, 6. J. -MUDD,1 -v., A. L. COATE, V,; COUNTY SURVEYOR, ... . BROWNVILLE, NEMAHA CO. . 27 ehraska, Territory. . , - . '. Brick r. . Briclni T WTZ HAVE now rcvlyforsnle.lCO.O)!) eW mr V chantabls Brick. W LSTFALL A MARLOTT. Ercwiivu.e, August J, It j.j. vl-n'J;f; OF all the latest styles, aril 'in eruilera nriety.' just opencl at ; -. IIOBLITZELL CS. . ' : G. . & C. TODD & CO., , 2r. 212, Xvrth Firtt or Ja.; Sfrcrtf Zom't. s iiircuTZivS axd XANrrici c kl.! i cV ' ' ' SI ill -'-BE a t er j a Is T5CLUDIX Dutch Boltinj Cloths, UiU Stones, JL Saws, Screens, Daauels, Ae. Also: PORTABLE GRIST tJJIIXS, Both Upper and Lower Sion Hnnasri. . MACHINE BELTING; . Of Stretched Leather ami! R ibher." " St. Louis, October 13, 1353.. vlnlS-ry- i. GREAT SALE OF LG'JS !!!. ' 0a Emirs! Extra Lois, , la . thi To-ara' of rciicr,.;.;,,;,;.' The prorrictorsuf t;i town r.f Ar -ber? knowirr that they hav? th rr'ct beautiful Town Sites ine.,:kaTerr:t-.ry. fuel iuurpd thj.t the place ce?l but to be Keen t.- bfl aclinlr.'d. nn! ti er hjf, th;rtf.rc, conclude to .i-r One IlmwLot. fo theawve naai-iTown. at PullT.; A;ir:ti..n. UVrU 7. ovcl1bor 6h, I it being thj .-;t day of the District Cucrr- i.r.'L;r ii -Hitua;cJ on a Liab r-raUit'f n n?. c tt'm the Mi s'ouri r;v'r. oat!: ui-J dh-8:.t rvu'- i. Xebns' Ci'.7 t: 7f e!.a, ia K.nvK aif i Co-iatj Seit cf llh -m ti canr.t. T!'. L.:n u sdlaulo iuIcUk.-. . Tcnju iacIi k::o'ra o:i C sv si. '' ' a;-i, - . . v .... . ... , . a w - f v . . '.' .) Cf ' t f