Newspaper Page Text
-r X.AZA TE22IT0EY.- : Hon. Y.w.v, B. Chapmait, Delegate in Con gress from Nebraska, arrived in this cit' yes- terJar, direct froin Omaha City, which pace he left on the 19ih nil. lie reports everything quiet and prosperous throughout the Territory. Emigration is pouring in from all quarter?, and the countrj is settling up very fast. The In dians, with whom treaties have been made and Teserve3 assigned, are disposed to reside on 'their reservations, and have this year done con siderable in raising for themselves corn for the winter's supply. Tho Fawnees and Puncas, who inhabit the land3 in tho western and northwestern" parts of the Territory, never hav ing made treaties with tho United States, r.od consequently are receiving no annuities from the government, are a little disposed to make some troublo by' claiming some of tho lands ceded by the Omahas to the Utited States'. The Sioux on the Upper Missouri, since tho chastisement given them by Gen. Harney last year, seem very friendly disposed, and no fur- . thcr difficulty j3 apprehended from them. Ne braska, with her fertile soil, and position as the gateway cn the great route to the Pacific, must in a short time b3Com? one of the most flourishing Territories, if not. States, in the Union. -WasJunjton Union. Vasiis:gton, Dec. 1. There is no probability that the President's message will be sent in to-day. The report of Secretary of the Treasury will be sent oif this p. H. to New York, Boston, Philadelphia, and .Baltimore. ' "Wasiiikgtos.Dcc. 1. The debate on the admission of Whitfield, from Kansns, resulted in the refusal to admit,' yeas 97, rays 101. The Americans voted aye and a motion to reconsider wa3 carried Washington', Dec 1. House. Mr. Phelps contended that Mr. "Whitfield should be admitted n3 a represent ative, having presented prima facia evidence of election, and co one wa3 present to contest his scat Tho credentials," ho said, should be referred to the committee on Elections. On its report tho House could decido as they be lieved justice required. As objections had been made to swearing in Whitfield, the question of his admission was put to the House, and decided adversely by seven majority. t Mr. Grow move! a reconsideration of the vote, and to lay that motion on the table. The friends of Whitfield' then commenced a parliamentary struggle to stave off the vote pn tho position until the arrival of absentees, which proved unsuccessful. " A motion to adjourn was decided by ayes 'and nays, and negatived. Senate. The members of the Senate were all present with the exception of Messrs. Bell cf. New Hampshire, Bell, of Tennessee, Big ler, Butler, Douglas, Houston, Johnson, Jones, . of Tennessee., Mallory, liced, Sebastian, Toombs, Weller and Wright The Naval Committee was appointed to wait upon the President, who would commu nicato his annual message to-morrow about coon. " The senate then adjourned. The Fiu end Mcepeh Case. A special term of our Circuit Court having been set for the trial cf the alledgcd murderers of Jacob Friend and family, on the 15th inst., much in terest and feeling were manifested .on tho oc casion, and quite a concourse of people were , assembled to witness the proceedings. Tho non-attendance of witnesses, however, induced . the attorneys for the State to apply for a con tinuance to the March term, which was grant ed, at which time the case is agaia set for trial. St. Josqih Gazette. ' ' Z Tort is now worth $4 at St. Josepli, Willi art upward tendency. Tho price is $5,25 to $G at St. Louis; at Cincinnati, $5,85 to $0; a New York, $7,75; at Chicago, $1,75 to $5,37; . The number of blind persons in Japan is said to be enormous. In Jeddo, tho capital, alone, 2G,O0O is the computation. There are more blind people in America than inEurope. In Europe there is one blind man in every hundred. In Great Britiau .there arc 25,000. THE KXGE0IS MSIKG. Louisville, Dec 6 th. HoriaxsYiLLE. Dec 3. Our little town is tit) in arms at the present writing. "The ne crocs are marching upon us" is heard from ev cry mouth. This morning several messengers arrived from Lafayette, a small town 18 miles south cf Aophinsville, calling on the citizer.8 of th:.s place to come to their assistance, as thev wcro momentarily expecting an attack from about six. hundred negroes. About 150 nersoss left immediately for the seat of war. They were under tho command of captains .Jonc3 ana Jackson ana snenu uowan. v Hcphinsville '.s strongly guarded. It is m morcd that we shall bo attacked to-night. ! ' shall write 3ou again to-morrow, would tcle graph, but all communication has been cut off, the telegraph poles being cut down. Our whole community was thrown into a stato of intense excitement this morning upon the receipt of tho following letter from Lafayette VlGILAXCE CoMHITTEE ROOMS,") Lafavctte, KvM Dccembcr.2d. Oentlemcn of Horkinsvillc: From reliable information we expect an attack from tho ne groes of the Iron works, on our town to-mor - row morning pernaps to-mgnt; please come to our assistance, as wo arc in great danger. Yours, &c, ' JOHN 1L RUSSELL, Sec Hon. S. A. Douglas akd Biudal Fabtt. The distinguished Senator from Illinois was married on Thursday last, at Washington; to Miss Ada Cutts of that city. - The bridal parly consisting of Judge Douglas and lady, Miss Allen, Miss Graneer, General Shields, and Mr. Cutts, arrived in this city the same evening. Shortly after their arrival they were scranaded "by a private pa;ty, and last night they were serasaded I v th3 Keystono Club. To-day, wo understand, they proceed to New York.' FSladJ.jda Fcinsyhiinian Kov. 221. Tsagedt in Axeucus, Ga. Dr. B. IL llcrkins, cf Cuthhert county, Georgia, went to Americus cn the 8lh insL, with $1,500 to pay a bank debt, but was entrapped into a gambling ho'uso ar.d lest it all. In a moment of desper fvtion, ho ended his life by opening an artery ia his arm. Tho afTair -created great excite .rnent, and a public meeting was called by th mayor, and resolutions adopted to rid tha town of gambling-houses. Tns Hvstz r.irLE. A rrocf of the grci a Hkle rl Co vill carry a ba!l has been Htcs &t Kaslclur.rb. Son: 9 scUlers wcro fi nr &t a target at 1000 paces; laLorc.3 were wrrk TO'D races be vend, which was thorrrct to La a safe J.. --'; lut one of tho poor follows v-;.3 racrt.'.I'y vcardei ly a bullet. A sheep Lao beer. Jcatally LillcJ, in England, v.ilh tli Z-:ll rlile, from a distance cf 2,500 vc:::. c - Yc: "A THIVa ST EEAETY 13. ft JOYTonETErS.? COLE'S VOYAGE OF LIFE, Childhood. Youth, Jlasxliocd Old Age, Fear Fj.IcnJid Liii Engraving?, from the Origmals m tno 15x23. Gal cry or Si ngler .auiuio. i nies, Bayer, A GREAT NATIONAL WOKK. rr ... ..,.'....,.i;.'n ' t'OO. Artist's prcof-, 5t. Iitiia Loitered, g:)0. I'lain, ?20. . - ; ' ITSr. A pro?petu containing a full tlc t Tpil n of tuo work, with te:thH'al.. fttn our rt ALU'ISTS, curmstcin'nont, jJlV'lXES, our most distiriruished STATESMEN, tLe;bct accredited Jl'DGLS Or AUT, at homo ard a'croad, together with tho VOICE OF THE PRESS Of thicity, andahsoof the highest Europ3an au thority, TflE' LONDON ART JOURNAL, Will be forwardtA on tha xceeipt f tw postage stamps. ' . - The Trade fopplicil on tac saost i , - . Liberal Terms. -.----. . . Appropriate and tasteful styles of frames, prepar ed expressly for tl;i work, at the lowest ea.h rites, are furnished at frizes varying from $10 to $3 J the set. Boxing, pa-cUing and cartage from !l to $2. Address the Voyage of Life, RcvA. K. WOLFE," yl.nHtf :...-Siios!cr, Icstitut Y. J. M. MeFADIN & CO., FORWARDING .j- COMMISSION No. 28 Levee, and 5G Commercial street, . ...... SU Louis, . JIo.. .-, Especial attention given to talon of IIEMP, ROPE, Provisions, Flour, Grain, A.?, Coi-signraenta solicit ed, and promptly til-posed (f. ' -. "'. AMERICAN HISTORY. . . A GKEX1 WOUK COXrX-ETED I : ; .... LIFE AND .WORKS OF JOHN ADAMS Second Frcsi&eiit cf the United States. - . epiteo.ey ms caisrsox, ' '' : . . CIIARLES FRANCIS ADAMS. : : 10 vols 8vo. $22,50 vols, 1 & 10 just putlished Of the writing, of cur Revolutionary worthies, none have been presented to the piitlic with as mich ability, care aid good faith, as th.saof John Adaui3. The mi!a portion of the tabor devolved on Chairles Francis Adams, who has devoted, to it several ycirs, and has get an example of-thorsugh research imd sound judgement, wki.h cannot le to highly com mended. Krfas 17. GrincJJ. ':- . - . . It is a work for tho gtatc-man't. real and 'study a work especially eaitcd to young m:nr a work with whiet ve can well afford t identify our national reput'iion. Par it in JUcordtr. ": ; ,; Eveiy student of American listory, American laws, usuages. and institutions, should make himself acquainted with theso papers, containing a3 they do tha jelleetions of u mind cf great comprehension, deep sagacity and extensive lcarnirjj on tho fumla mcntal principles of government. National Era. One of the most valuable contributions yet made to American history, I'hlhidtljjhi'e Lulhtin. ' Such a contribution to American history we have not had before, except in the collections of the Writ ings of Washington and Jefferson. ' Probably in lit erary value and interest this will surpass them both. Iionton Transerijf. ' . - . LITLE, LuOWT? k CO., 112. Washington Street, Boston. Wholesale c Retail Department Ii. W. DOXXEIJj. ' ' A. 11. SASIOS. . DONNELL & SAXTONf Arrangement for Fall '507 Winter '57. . THE PjEOrLTS STORE. ST. JOSEPH. MO. ; ' New Goods ree'd by every; Steamboat. Llore of .them: Cheaper than ever. "T7E aro prerarcd. to offer Extra Inducements V V ; this season; and call attention to our laige DRY GOODS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS, (Latest Styles) .-.'ASlliaNAliLE BONNETS, READY MADE CLOTHING, . WINTER GOODS,' ; 17. ts, Caps, Boots andi.'hoes, (b;x hundred casa?,) Groceries, Xails, Hardware, ("roe'rery "Wapo te.- . Cash paid for licmrv. cn udiuty, at all times. Country Produce " " W AKTED, and for wbieh'we allow' tho Tiirh:3t Market price , UOEE1TZELL CO; THOMAS II. LARKIN; & CO., .. . UOIIIIISSIOX MEECIIANTS. AXD ' ' t-ttt-ti : -at -m - I "r ' No.' 30 Levee, Corfier of Olive street, ' -: ST. LOUIS, MO."' , Srepial attention givci to sales of HEMP, GRAIN and TOBACCO. No orders takcn.forthc purchase of Hemp, under any circumstances.. - : GEO. C. ' FERGUSON. : MILLWRIGHT AND ENGINEER RHOWNVILLE, N T. A NNOUXCES to the public, that he is prorared "JL to erect Steam Saw and Merob'nt Mills at short notic 3 and reasonable terms. .' ', . . . ; .'. ALL WORK WARRANTED. -; - i ; Ho is also Agent for - " - . A. B. IIOLLiniRD & CO'S., Western "FouiadiT; CINCINNATI, O.; . ' LEE & LIIWYITT'S Saw Mamif Eicterjr- CINCINNATI, a, ,. And is prepared to receive and 11 order? for ncy ma chinery manufacture 1 or kept on itand, by the;50 e- tabhshment?. . . . . . ' Letters of enquiry, promptly atETcrod.' ' ' - . REFFEREXCPS. ' - , r Noel, Lake k Co., llroirnrille, N. T. Steam Mill. Nuckolls "White, Rockport, Mo. t' - ' James Lowe, Linden, u. vln31y. Brownvillc, June 21, ISjS. IMPORTANT HEY WORKS. PUBLISHED BV ' ; ' , 1 -Moore; -Wilstach, Ktr & Co. No. 25 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, O. A HISTORY OF MEDICINE, from its Origin to tho Close of the Eighteenth C.'nturjV By Dr. Uenouard, of Paris Translated by Dr. tf. C. Comcgys, Professor in Miami Medical College. One olumc, largo bvo. iv pasres,-: itj:c $p.,uu. . An Introduction to the fctudy cf Lstiet:cs. ' 15y Professor J. J. C. Moffat, of tlioCor.cge of 'ew Jer sey, Princeton. Author of 'Lifo of Chalmers:" &c. 1 vol. 12(110, pages, l ncc 1. - . The. 1 cacher s jisce'any. A sel action of articles from the proceeding.. of the Collog. of Professional Teachers. By J. M. Campbell and A. M, Hadley, cf Wabash College. Ono vol, 12mo, 450 pages. Price $1,25. ' - WILL JJii KAUV SlriLMJ;Li Tho Cyclopedia of Modem Travel, A riecorJ of Advcnturo, Exploration and Discovery for the list Fifty years. 1 Edited by Bayard Taylor, Author of "Views Afoot," "Travels in Central Africa," Ac., ic. One vol., 8vo Handsomely illuisxatcd with 12 maps by Schonberg, and numerous rood engravings by Orr, and an elabora,to. teel frontuppcice by Buttre. pj Will be sold to rab?cribcrs or.l v, MOORE, WiLSTACII,lBY. k CO., ' .. Wholosalo and Itetail. Bookseller, 4 23 'cst Fourth street, Cincinnati. . OLIVER IlENNETT & CO., MAJXFACTl.-Rrr3 AST WHOLTESAUt DEALERS IK . Boots Shoes c Brogan?," ' XO. S7 JLIt.V STL' LET, SAIXT LOUIS, MO. 4 BE XOIV IX BECCHT of a complete assortment 1 A. of goods from their own and other manufac tories, adapted efpecukily to tho Western trade. Purchasers are invited to exambie their stock, manufactnrcd and K.lected with p-eat care and warranted c f superior yj.;v!ity. ( will receive prompt and careful attention. ' ' " PALMER HOUSE, S. BAJlDOUn, rroprictor. ' . Comer cf Illinois avjd AVasliington Streets, INDIAOPOLTS, tD. fTnlllS wc',l-kr.ovrii an.pci'ular IIool, has recently X re-built srj f' -l''J er.Iargi!d by tho Mdi tion of ri..ty or sevt:tity room, and U furni?hed throughovt vi-ith iiw an 1 beautiful furniture, a;.d is in aUrespvt?, a Tirst Class Hotel. Travelers will Mil th. J'a.mer ' all thcvc-.n ilssira !or i:oia' fort, luxury nnl i.loi.-ur-i. The table will at UK 1 no pains win te .par cd t.. the sriv gucits bi'in cciiiii.rtaii.e am pleasant. . - TRY THE PALMER HOUSE." Auut 30, 1S55. vlnl3-ly FH02I THE KEVYSPAPEB ADVErwTISIXQ AGEXCT OF VY S. SWYMMER, ' Corner oi uuve ana ..a:a fct?., tver ino ir v.k- ir,? House of John J.- Anderson , ' PAGE'3 ;iATUJT . Portable 'Circular Er.v-IIill, FOR STEAM AND nORSE TOWER. THE most useful and cocefsary machinery' in op eration: is simple in construction and easily kept in order, andean bo moved on a wagon as reauily rs a threshing machine, and put in operation at ft small expense, "it will saw from one to t wo thousand feet.i oi lamocra uay, wiin one icaia oi iix nurses, a.s uu averago business, and in a better style tkan-other mill3 now in use. It i3 enaily well adapted to Steam, Water or Horse' 'Power. "."The undersigned, "agents for tbfl patantce, would announco to thepublio that . they now prepared to furnub Mills, vith or without h(fse power, of su perior quality and workmanship, with the right to use the same, upon tho most favorable terms, at their manufactory, No. 202, Second street, St. Louis, Mo. "Yo have also th right for tho iranofactare cf : "; Childs'.; Patent . Double .Saw Mills. The successful practical operation of these mill 3 through tho count;y has been the moans of establish ing their great reputation and with improvements in construction and increased facilities in manufac turing, we offer them to tho public with full confi dence of their advantages. V . I All orders addressed to us will be promptly execu ted, and any information in regard to Jlills cheerful ly given. . ; '.. ; - Persons ordering Mills will plense mention the State and County in: which they wish to use them. XLN'GSLAXDS L FEItGUSON. : r- i t ... j r - i I Extension of Page's Patent. , ' ' ' "TOTICE is hereby given to the public, that tho IN paent of PAGE'S PORTABIj. C1RCCLAE SAV MILL has been extended for s.ven years from Jcly 16th, 1S55. All persons founi violating thin patent, or infringing on the fame, in making, usin or vending, will be proceeded against in accordance with tho laws in such ease made and provided.' . . . . . ': - GEORGE PAGE, Patentee. THE STATE . SUPERINTENDENT .'. And Board of .Education, Tlavc ordered the following Desirable "Works for the : Township Libraries of Indiana. Some of "them have been put into' cccry Library, others only into the more uopulou.. ttwnshing. 'The careful attention given to the examination of works for these libraries, is a guarantee of the merit of the dock, cnosen. - A! any families will de.ire to own the books, and read at their leisnre,- ralher thanwait their turn to get them from a llbraiy. Tho works may be purchased of Booksellers, or will bo sent by inai!,frcc of postage, ujxm payment of prices annex ed to each. - . ... Farr's Ancient History Much superior to Rollin, because more concise, aeeurat J,and up with modern research. 4 vols., Cloth, gilt, $3. Sheep, library style, $15,50. " The Teacher's Miscellany is anew and ex cellent collection of articled on Education, written by Judge McLeax, Drs. Stowe, Biggs, McGcf'fev. Aiutojn, i iu-uutt, iiykd, i'okt, ami otner distm guished members of the Collego of Teachers." vol., 12mo., Cloth, S 1,25. ' uiskuiy i int. ji-uriians mid iiirrim Fathers. By Stowell and Wilsom, 1 vol., 12mo JIofTat's Life of Dr. Chalmers. 1 vel. 12mo., $,25. The Ladies of the Covenant: Memoirs of distinguished bcottuh Female Characters; Embra cing the Period of the Covenant and the Persecu tion. JJy Ilcv. James Anderson. 3Io Cat's South Africa. Oncvoiumo. 12mo. Twelfth edition; , v- v i . . . . . SixjYcars in India. By Mn. Coum Makex zie. . 2 vols, 12mo., Cloth, 2.00 T . ' . ; . . ; Kern's Practical Landscape Gardening, with 22 plans and Illustrations. Third edition. $1.50 . n t .r rrr -r- - . . i ij.ciii-ui-vv ar jjuc. A Boy's Experience m the U. S. Navy. Sli-ia TUOCSAXD. ) 1 volume, 16mo.IUc:$t?ated.'" 75 cent3 The Mcrchaut Vesjcl, A Sailor-Boy's Voyages to see the World. (SIXTII TIIOUSAD.) volume, lSmo., Illustrated. 71 cents. NonpnoFF's admiral scries of volumes, "ilan-of ar lite,'w.Mercliant esjol," and tho new volume toappcar in September, under the title of "Whaling and Fishing," musk bo received with great favor, as the first two have been, wherever circu ated.. -They arp tho faithful iimninscs cf nine vcan cxncricnco at sea, of a common sailor, a native "Buckeye," ro- - i r- 1 ..- A a . . ccgniza as lmcnor w no writer oi tno present uay. - p i i T . i . i- i . .. id iiiO'Hii.0 -uciinvaiious oi aaFeniuro oy sea. ir Verj' striking and graphic pictures of lifo at Sea, evidently authentic and very instructive. lias adventure enough to . x4e. .se and truth ;h to dissipate the charm of a sailor's life. ' ' rv v....i. i' i- cnoug' There is in them a vast amount of information rorpecting the commerce of the world.Prcsby terian ltness. . .-."VViU take captive tho young. Journal and Mes scngcr. . ' . . A Buckeye Abroad, or "Wanderings in Europe anu ine uriem. jjy csasiceIj o. VOX. Xhird cui tiim, Illustrated. 1 vol., 12mo., muslin, 1,25K The Three Great Temptations of Young Men. c SliruEL W. Fismm. Fourth edition. 1 vol. 12mo, muslin, 1,00. These are capital w.rks for family libr irics. Pub lished by . MOORE, WILSTACU.KEYS & CO., , ; - 25 ."West Fourth St-Cincinnati II., "Vr- K. & CO. are the publishers of Bavard Taylor's Cyclopedia of Modern Travel, which is sold entirely Dy agents. .; . ; The only Exclusive Wholesale Grocery ' : TT-.- C! 7-.' ..T ; JENNINGS & SMITH, AND COMMISSION MERCliANTS ! wliolosalo Grooers, uorner .cona ana J. ranees sts, TlESPECTFULI.Y call the at,finti..t, f nnt JlV, Merchants to their large and varied stock of urocencs, which has been increased by late arrivals at the lowest rates of freight, and will receive daily additions through ihc Reason, i Having purchased for cash, they present more than ordinary inducements to buyers, and will satis fy all that favor them wiih a call, that they can and will compete wich St. Louis prices. Aney navq in store: - . - 600 bags Rio Coffee 50 boxes starch ' 40 O Q Java CoTco 70 do lemon syrup 100 chest and hf chests 250 whole and cf boxes - asr.rted Teas ' candy - 180 bblreboiled and S II 300 doz cans Pieldj cele Molassos brated Baltiijnre oysters 100 half bbls do ? " 100 bbls half ar d qr bbls 50 kg3 Iklcher's Syrup mackrcl v ; j 150 Ilhdi X O Sugar , , 600 doxen 8x10 and 10x12 60 bbls crushed 44 window sash' 80 bbls Tar ; - 100. hf bxs ass'.l giasa 100 stands do ' - 300 do bed cords 300 bbls- ft. hf blls crack- 80 coils manilla and jute r il. era oi various buuus 200 bxs tiss'd Tobacco 100,000 fLss'd Cignrs . 1000 sacks G A Salt 1500 sks Dairy " . 10 bales 4-4 Domestics 100 do cotton batting 125 do . do yarn r 500 kegs nails ; rope 4uu i cues wrajping paper 5('0 bbls S P and extra Flour ; .1200 qrand half bxs sar dines 80 dozen zinc rashbcards 50 nests tubs 75 dozen wood jn buckets 80 do. S C Soda ; 250 bxs star candles And a general as-oriracnt of sundries txo numer ous to mention in an advertisement. Our consignment, 5,000 bbls Kanawhar salt, at St Louis rates, freights added. Orders are respectfully solicited and shall receive prompt attention, and every enori mado to give en tire satisfaction. ; . -September, 27, 1S55 . vlnl6-ly Steam HillLumber. ' TT7E take this method of informing tho Publi V Y that we have put in operation on what is known as Sonora Isltuiu.i.ur miles above urown ville, a first quality .team Sawmill, and wc now pre pared to saw all kinds of Lumber on short notice, and in a manner, we P5 confident will give satisfac tion. . Wo will keep a Ferry toat to run t J tho main shore, kr free use oi cur customer.. . ' : W. S. HALL & CO. ESTRAT irOTICB. "tAME into my inclosure nbout the 1st of Agust J 15o5v 3 yoke of oxen; inarfc?, coicr ana ege as to, lows: ' One ox, a bluo roan, moot!i crop jtnd -under bit in the right ear; smooth crop from the left, and fivo year. old. One red roan, sanio marks and age. One yoke ox-its' pale red and wtite pied. S?une marks and age a. above. One red os, with tush of tail off, and smooth crop off left tar. Ono yoke ")xen one white, u;rrer bit in left car. tinder bit in riht, an looks as though it had been . ilit and the -ipper part icrccvi cxr nro same as above, Udo liaxric brown ox (tct o(T ri 'lit ear, and emoUi cror &e1 utdcr bit off ; rvTh! fir ri A. amil nrTrno-.A ,vf n m-q rt.-l rr Int f. h . r v " . "V. lul"' I'yiJi and payitg charges, within sixty days Iron: this date, Given uader my hand,- this Sih day oi' October, 1S55. . Vi il. wi;ddij, Koiaaha co., X. T., Towc-?aip 5. rlslSw. Myi-iaOsof-'lIdclara-; riants:- 1,000 J ' v . Bushels Madura Seed. FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. OVERMAN' f vMAMT; .B!o5ni??ton, III.,' n R EG loan to apnonuce that they hare, for, a XJ ser. ;ies oi years,1 been engaged in the culture of 'and hedgo plants, and having been greatly hedges encouraged ly the ' success ot tno .iacluru liedge, and stimulated by tae immensely increasing demand for the material, they iuve so a d, the present season on erood. new land, about 150 busheb of excellent jecd the produce of which is eitimated vX fifteen millions plant 1 1 which they offer for the Spring trade. It would have rewired more than that amount ci mi . ... . ... i -v n , . n ,H . tj : supiJy ths demand the wst npriny. lto terms for tlants will bo reasonable, and to dealers and oth- rs crdarm? plA&to by wnoiewne, great inw?!ent3i . - 1 " i ; . ! ill bo ouertxl. It l very imporiani, mai orucrj lould be sent in FAT.IT, as they will bo res'istertei n4 filled a tho osder in " Jich' thoy arc received, or the last three Tears th.y have been unable to upply tho demand, and it is probable that late or- r3 cannot be filled tho next prlng, as tno Uemancl is expected lo be four timet greater thaa heretofore, Plants, will bo ccurely pcc4 n4 delivered. "oa board the cars free of expense, except for cost of ma t'frml. They are al30 cxt.nsively engaged in importing hedge seed, which- they sell ; cn tha best terms, and alwav3 warrant fresh and good; orders for which should br sent in prior to the 15th of October next. l hey will be prepared to sprout seea lor such r3 no ire it. V ' " ; ' ELiving Several . extensive nurseries, they offer, at liolesale and retail, a large stock of thrifty Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Vines. ; Roses, Shrubbery, -be at the following points- to vit: Jioomington, 111.-: Mound Inrsery, Oanton, III,; Henry, lAra wood, and Havana, 11L . All Fruit Trees warrantei to ba of the est varieties and tru. to name. AH information heerfully given, and eataloguo and premium essay oalledgeing sent to all applicants. Address,- ; - U - ; : i OV JSKMAH Jt MA. Decl3, 1S53. r'i. . Jiloomington, Illinois. W. & A. 8EXSENDEKFER. IirOETT.3 AND WHOLESALE jKAIEK3 nr lavana and Dbmesfie-Cigars &' Tobacco. gOUTH EAST COEKEE PINK '& SECOND ST3 - JEST- XiOXJXS, 3VTO- - T"TTE have in store, and to arrive, avcry largo . -V V I- assortment of the very best brands of llavana Ci?ars., "We dp.iro, to call the special attention of caah buyen to our largo stock, which we are deter mined to sell very low lor cash., ihey eonsist, in an, or ineioiiowiDguranus: Prcntitudo Kegaliasj Diana Millars: ' Mi Dcstino do Newton - do' -Antiguedad " do . Pustamanto do Carnclia T : '. do : Deliranto do Saluadora t ; do Staffanonl do ? Jleridianas do Washington do El Sol do " 'EmpcroKichalds do . Mcnsagero . do Carventus : do ' Victoria ; do r, , Iberia . do ' i Espcnola do ; " " BegAdera do LaMonna do ' Kensag cro do' ' Emulaciondo ' La Yoz do . Fortuno Londress; Fidelidd dj . Granadina ii Poiahonta dj Rcinas Sultana do La plcra - d . - ElboldelaDrimea do Doco Mescs d ) Figaro Cillindradosi I). B. Castanor. do ' " Prensado D. D. do J. Y. P. Fama lo ' , V do la Rama .do . Vignera Plantations;' : P.L. . . do . Vellegas . do -- Mensagcro Trabucas; Do la Cruz rrincipt'S; .. Victoria -. do Barrios . do Lcght Guarfl Opera, Star d J. L. Panetelasj "Designlo Prcst. May ' W. & J. SEXSENDERFER. : . - McMechau & Ballentlne, WKOLESALE Grocers ;and Omimission -Merchants, No., 34 Lovco. St. Louis, Mo., between Olive and Locust sts- have now in storo and receiv ing the, largest and most general stick cf Groceries they have ever ottered, which they intend to sell ot tho lowest market rates. Ihcir stock . consists in part of: - ' , . ....... 3a hhdsiN.U.suar; 400 bbls clarified; 225 bbls loaf, crushed and powdered sugar; 350 do and hf do plantation molasses: 450 pkg3 Belcher's sy. molasses: 150 bl3 NOSH 150 hf hests lY II tea; 275 do Imp. G P and JJUVCK go: . - , . . -jlI 150 eaiiks S. Carb soda; 25 do salcratus; 200 boxes Babbitt's saieratus; 275' do Va and Mo tobacco: . 75,500 Spanish cigars; 200,000 Hav and Cuba sixes :f Aoi) Lxh star eanulcs; 111 casks currants; ; : 1500 bbls, hf do and kits 1 and 2, makerel; , i ' 50 pk3 No. 1 salmon: 3000 bxsass'd tumblers j 200 qt and pt flasks; 3000 nests tubs, 3 and 8; , 550 dozen assorted pails; r. 1500 sks prime Rio coffee; 300 packets Java; ' : 75 saoki llocha do; . ' -; ..,'2503 kgs "Wheeling and Boston nails and brad -.U : as36rtod 3d to 40d; ,. 75 .bxs Bait Cove oysters; 275 bales batting"; r 250'sks Eagle cotton yarn assorted; . ; . i 450 coils Man. and Jute rope; ' - ' ' :' .150 bxs pepcrand pimento: 75 bbls almonds t 150 drums figs; 600 bxs hf and qr M R raisins: - d drums cod nsn; izs 0x3 do; 15 cases sardines hf and qr; . , 350 boxes assorted piekles, ketchup; ' 350 bxs palm and fam. soan:39 do mould c'dl : . 550 do asst window glass: 50 bzs carpet chain 150 doz zinc washboards; 50 gross yeast pow'ds 60 nests willow basket.: -Together with a general and full stock of for eign and domestic V incs brandies, xc. "" 7IIOLE SALE GROCER. No. 130 Second street V y St. Louis, has in store a large and well select ed BtocK, whicn is ofierea at the jjket rates, con sisting in part as follows: lJ .... . :'370 hhds N. O. sugar; 200 bbls loaf, crushed & powaerea ao; 1500 bags liio couee; 100 do Java do; ' 150 bbls b. 11. syrup molasses: 850 do S II molasses; - . 20 bbls plantation molasses; 100 pkgsmackcrc; j.ou ooxes codnsn; i uo bbls i llmington tar; "' 500 kegs Boston and Pittsburgh naib; 65 kegs fine 3d nails; 75 bags cotton yarn; '. '50 bales carpet chain: 150 fin -ftrit.fnn fur inn -! 100 bales wicking; 450 els Manilla and .fute corlage; - . ; ' . ,100 doe plow and clothes lines; -'' 400 boxes window glass, assorted sizes: ' ' ' "2000 lbs W. chalk; 300 do alum; 1500 do s'tpeter; AAAIA 1 1 I (I I . . ' ;uuou osaauurgeuci-e; iu Kegs sup. corb. goda; 200 half chests Imp., Y; II. and G. P. teas .; 300 boxes Imp., Y. II. and G. P. teas; ' 450 boxes Virginia and Missouri tfjbacco: : 100 bx. smoking tobacco; 60 do cut chowir gdo iou px.siar car.oies; ju as sperm do; ; 300 candlo moulds; . '250 boxes soap; 350 pkgs.ialcratus; ' ; , 3 cases Ma. indigo; 6 ccroons S. F. do: 80 bg3 pepper; 45 do pimento; 200 bxs g'd .'ices 350 M. U. U. per. caps, Zal) mis C. & It. paper; 350 doi com. and fancy pailn, 1C0 no 3-boopdo; ,850 ncst3 2 and 8 qt tubs; 250 mats cassia; 1 25 cases prunes; 40 cks currants; 3 do maldcr; ' 5 bbls whiting; 400 rms wrapping paper; ' . 50 bales osnaburgs; brooms, zinc washboards, chums, Ac, Ac, " ' ' ,' June 7, '56 GLASGOW &. BROTHER. WHOLESALE 1 GROCERS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION. MERCHANTS, No. 50 Leve, have in storo and to arrive the following Goods, which they offer for salo at the lowest prices, rii " .- ; '. ' .. ". ' - i 1000 hhds fair to prime N. 500 boxes Veast powdrs; ' O. Sugar; . ' 100 kegs sup Carb Soda; 1000 bbls clfd sugar; ' . 100 boxes saleratus; sou Uo If and crush'd do; 500 els Xdaniiia uoroage; 500 do S. IL molasses; ri rv t . . 300 do Jute do owt ao plantation ao; 10(1 tcs prime Rice; 1000 pks G, and B. Teas; 1000 bags Rio coffee; 100 do prime old Gov-: ernmant Ja. coffee; 1000 kegs Nails; 1000 boxes Pm, Oleino & Family Soap; 100 boxes Fancy Soap: 800 do Star Candles 250 do Mould do; 50 do Castile Soap; 100- do Starch;" 300 do Va.nafd To- bacco; 200 do Mo. do; ; 800 do Smoking do; 1 1100 'do Cuba Cigars; 00,000 Reg. Cig. Imp.) 100 bags Pepper; ' -25 do Alspice; 300 bbls k hf doMa'cT- 500 boxes Glass; 100 bales Batting; 509 dox Manilla k Grass Bed Cords; 500 boxes Raisins; 25 bbls Almonds; 100 boxes Lem. Syrup, 300 do ass'd Candles; 100 Preserved Fruits; 100 do Meats; ' 100 do rickles:. 100 do Ketchups; 100 do Olive Oil; 75 do Brand'd Cher.; '50 do . do Peaches; 30 cases Canaccaa - Chocolate; . .: 40 do Wood bx match's; 50 do Sardine?, qaarter and half boxes; 5 cases Citron; " ' 10 bbls Mason's Blk'ing; r I eases Nutmegs; , 5 do Indigo; 50 do B. C. Oysters; 1500 reams Wrop. Letter and Cap Paper; 200 doa Painted Eu'kts; 300 nests Tub?, 3'3-8's; LIQUORS. 10 half -pipes; pure old . 53 bbl3 Malaga Wine; Brandies; . 100 bkts Dennis Champ, 100 cases do -do - do: ' 100 do Ueid5:ck do; 100 bbls Monon. Whis'yi 50 eases old Md. Wine; 100 do old Rye Whisky, .20Q boxes Claret Wine; very superior: . . . , : : . St. Louis. Mo.' Joaelth, 1S56. : - .: r ' -, . -": .'..! : "' "11 F011SYTII & CO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS And Freight 'Agents, r . . OF TII2 BALTDIORE AND OHIO liAILP.OAD. . : No. 3, OIIto Street, St. Louis, Mo. 1 : r-::':; :BEOW '& CO:," " " So. 78, Main Steet, St. Louis; JIo. ...SPRING STOCK COMPLETE. Tbo cheapest and most extensive Fancy Goods and Yankee Notions Establish ,r mcnt in the, Western Country. MEHCUAMS in search of cheap gao ls are invi ted to examine our stock of silks, dres3 good.', hawls. white goods, Embroideries, ribbons, gloves ar.d hosiery, trimmings, furaihig goods and emaa wares irenc.njly. together with 15,000 Parasols cf the latest and most fashionable styles, at manu facturers' prices. Cash buyers, close purchasers, and prompt men will find our stock adapted to their want3 in every particular. A call from the trade is respectfully so- lcited. vlniZU August 23, 1353. ' - OREGON, MO. - ROBT. L. 11ATTEN, Proprietor. No puin3 or expense will be spared by the subscri ber, to wake his iruests comfortable in every respect, at this well known and highly reputable House. "The Fcry' best attention given to an;ma by a good and attentire llostler. . . vl-n4 ', iiVi.iKi .JLi. iiAiiw. 'Y GROCERY. V Head Quarters for Barga ins! RUFUS R.. EDWARDS, Wholesale and retail dealer in Staple anc, Fine" Groceries, ".Vines, Teas, Foreign and Domestic Liquor3, and every thing else appertaining to the business of a Grocer. Main, between Julo' and Second streets, (Opposite the Fdgar House.) . " ' ST. JOSEPH, MO. , '" Eagle , . : ST. JOSEPH, MO. ; JAMES CARGILL, Proprietor. "MANUFACTURES "and keeps constantly ATJL.on band for sale, all kinds of Flour, I?Iea!. and Feel stuffs. Orders solicited and promptly filled on most favorable terms. Cash paid constantly for Wheat. For character of Flour refer to everybody that ever used it. -' ' St. Joseph, Mo., Aug. 30, 1S5G. ' vln!3-ly Steel Flow" Factory, Market Square, St. ' Joseph, Mo. ; . . WILLIAM M. CARTER, n rAxrFArTTTTrFTi nt Pnivr, T,wa r.rn ono and two horso Plows and Shovel-plows, Cultivators and Harrows. All orders fund.r five-hun dred plows) filled immediately. Liberal discount to wnolesaln purchasers. - ' CHARLES WEST. ' N. J. II'ASIET. I "WEST & BIcASIIEN, FORWARDING & COMMISSION . -M0X,0fc.CV3Lt3, Grocers and Steamboat Agents, Corner Second and Francis Streets, ' (Opposite A. Beatio's Banking House.) 3t. Josopli, Tis3i30xxra. A assortment of Boat Stores, Groceries, Wines. jl-L Liquors, Meal, Flour, &c, kept constantly on hand. - - July 25. 1S56. vl-n8 FRANKLIN TYPE & STEREOTYPE FOUNDRY No. 163 Vine Bt., bet. Fourth aad Fiti CINCINNATI, O. : ' C. F. O'DItlSCOLL 3c CO. Manufacturers and dealers in News, Book and Job Type, Printing Presses, Cases, Gallies, Ac., Ac. Inks, and Printing Material of Every Description. STEREOTYPING of all kind Books, Music, Patent Medicino Directions,' Jobs, Wood Engrovings, Ac, de. - . ; , Brand and Pattern Letters, various styles. Wholesale Paper Warehouse. BUADXEIt, WARREN &. CO., WHOLESALE Dealers in Papers of every des cription: . " ' Printing,- Folio Post, " - Book Papery : ; Flat Cap, , . Wrapping, Foolscap.' .Manilas, : ..- Letter A Note," , Colored Paiiers, Medium A Dejnv's. of tho very best Eastorn' and Wcetorn Manufacture, ana tor sale at very low prices. . . Cash for Hags and Rope, BRADNEK, WARREN & CO., ' No. 12, La Sallo strecr Chicago, June. 23th. IS06. vl-nl .. Improved Little Giant CORN & COB PLANTATION MILL Price Hoducocl. rpBTE subscriber ha3 purchased exclusivo right of X lerritory in the West, of the abovo celebrated Mills, and is prepared to furnish them at all times, cither wholesale or retail, and guaranteed in tho most positive manner. It is now more than a year since tho "."'. "Little; Giant" V-. Was introduced to the public, daring which time, it has been constantly growing in the popular favor. The improvements recently effected and patented, makes it tho most perfect machine ever offered for general farm use. It h furnished ready for attaching team, and weighs a3 follows: No. 1, 225 No. 2, 330, No. 3, 400, No. 4, 500 pounds. Twenty minutes are sufficient to set one up, without mechanical aid, and when onco adjusted, it can with safety be entrusted to a boy. Full directions accompany each Mill. TP na xr cr2 nt j3 : ' No 1, $35, will grind 8 bu meal per hour with 1 horso No 2 40, " - - i No3 -50, ' 15 : u . " 1 No 4 60. 20 u " " . " 2 u ST" Liberal discount to dealers. JAMES B. CIIADWICK, No. 63 Locust street, bet. 2d and 3d June 23, 185(5. vl-n4 St. Louis, Mo. ALONZO PRATT, New York. K. O. TRATT, O. "W. CHILD, E. W. FOX, 8. C. M ANSl'E, St. Louis. St.' Louis. CniLI), PRATT & CO., Direct Imjiortcrs, Jobbers and Manufacturers' Agents English, French, German & American . Hard ware and Cutlery. GUNS, RIFLES, PISTOLS, &c.f &c. 130 & 141 Main St, cor. Washington Avenue, ST. LOUIS, MO. ' I. 0. of G. T. THE Brownrillc Lodge, No. 3, Independent Order of Good Templars, meets every Saturday eve- 4 a rW 1 TT I n. ,m . . . ring, at o cincK, at lempiars tiai, io. Z'i, Atlan tic street (Thnrbur'3 Block). . Alembera of the oruor visiting tne city, are respect fully invited to attend, when convenient; and those locating here, are earnestly solicited to join tho Lodge, as we look for the support of all friends of Temper ance, both male and female. t or information concerning the O rie. ennuire of Wm. Thurbur, Atlantic street, O. F. Lake, No. 27, Main street, or Richard Brown, corner of Main and First stroct. . By order of the Lod-o. Mr?. C. E. THURBUR, W. C. T. Attest: II. P. BUXTON, W. S. July 23, 1655. vl-nStf I. G. TUTTX.E. E. (J. TEHLEYj H. VT. 8M1TII. c SLOTH- TUTTLE, FEIUiETr FulLL STYLES. 185G. 77 Main street, St. Lis, Mo. MANUFACTURERS of Strav and Silk Bonnet?, Importers and Wholesale dealers in Ribbor. Silk Mil!in.ry,Flower3, Trimmings, Lace Good3, Em broideries, Ac. - Memhants and Milliners are particularly in vited to examine our stock, before makins thcir-sprinz purchases, 83 we (relying fully on the superiority cf our styles, ) intend to olfer inducements equal, if not 8tipcrion, to anyjobbinj house in tho United States. feeptemb.r 16, loao. . vlnl5-6m NEMAHA CITY FERRY Across tae Missouri Eiver at Nemaha City, mouth of Little Nemaha river, Nebraska Territory. THE Proprietor informs Emigrants, Travelers and the river-crossing public, that ho haa now in cd- eiation good, large and substantial boats at the above named point, and careful boatmen to cros3 person. and teams from either da of the river, At all time of tho day or night. The landing is s fe and easy, ana ins rropnetor tases pleasure m tailing upon tt.e public, for patronage. This X3 in direct roub le Big Blue, Fort Kearney and that region, atd ii t.e meat practical 'point at which t ross tha Mis souri rirer. It is nine miles frorvRck Port, Mo., mid seven telow Browtville, y,s Tho best of aa- ctmmodatiin3 to be had on citacr side of the riY.r. i Ketc&La City, Soft. 20, 1856.-3t S. C. ELLIS. Jrcnt Street, ne.r Et.anboat Lacdirg, BROWNVILLE, N. T. ' A. J I1UNEDICT, ' ANNOUNCES to tho public that ho hau taken the above House, formerly kept 'by T. U. Edwards, in Brownviile, N. and is no-v yrepared to aoccrao datoall who may favor him with their tatronage. Anew addition haa been built to tho hcu.? and ad ditions made of Furniture and Bed ling, R-.d ail ar- ramrement.. now are such as to render t equal to any in the Territory. Urownviile, J uly 5, l$ob. vi-nti yVT. II. AVILLIA3IS, ; , WHOLESALE AXD r-ETHI. TZ JLETt .I - ' STOVES & TINWARE ...... , Oronon,T4-o. ": ' rpAKES pleasure in announcing the citizens of Or- JL gon an! tho public ia general, that he has oa band the most extensive stock ot btove.H ana l in ware, ever offered in this market. My stock of Tin ware i3 of my own manufacture, and is for sale at holcsvlo and Ketail at bt. Louis prices.. I would call particular attention to my stock of COU.h.iu i(JVis, comprising the most improved patterns both Air-Tight and Premium. Anions them may bo found Filly's Charter Oak, the besc stove now in u3c, the Asiatic Air-light, 1 loneer and prize ire mium. Also - - Parlor & Box Stoves Of various Sizes and Patterns, "which I wilt . SELL LOWER THAN ANT HOUSE IN TOWN, Particular attention paid to making and putting np Tia Gutten, ia tho town and country. Also, re pairing done on short notice and on reasonable term.. Old copper, Brass and Pewtac taken in exchange for work or ware. W. W. WULIAtlS, vl-n5 s ; . Oregon, Mo., July 5, 13jfl. F0ETT THOUSAITD DOLIATS Wcrti of Goods " at a snail advance oa cost and carriajfa ly xxxixicia-. t2 n-flLWir, KOCKPOIIT, no., , , a "mrxs: tss dixjIoi, IIE-II-IIES LANDING MO. -"T 7E HAVE in store, and are receiving per S teata- iV cn Ilannibal, Warner, Edinburgh and Omaha, a largo and well assorted stock of : Dry Goods, Bonnets, . . ....... Medicine?, . ' ' Drug?, . . . FirrnituTe, Tinware, " Saddlery, Groceries, Castings . , Sah, Nail.-, Iron - Clothing, ' .'. Hardware, s'Queensware, Boots k Shoes,' Hats k Caps, Cutlery, Paints, Doors, Oils, CARPENTERS & BLACKSMITHS'. TOOLS AC. All of which wo ofer at very low prices for Cash cr Country Produce. NO nTJMBUG! T7e T7iH soil at S01IE KUCE!! DILLON k nAWlT. P. S. Ladies, if you haven't got a fine Silk Dress, Shawl or Bonnet, don't blamo Dillon & Hawk, for we certainly have the bc?t assortment cf Fancy Dress Goods ever offered in this market., No trouble io show Goods. vl-n5 ' D. A II. : CHARTER OAK v . LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY ! Hartford, Ct. : -Capital 3200,000 With largo and increasing receipts securely invested under tho sanction and approval of the Comptroller of 1 ublic Accounts. OFFICEftS. f . ' - . . ALFRED GILL, Pres't. JOHN L. BIINCE, V. P. JAMES C. -WALKLEY, Secretary. - ; " " DIBECTOES. Alfred Gill. John L. Bnnee, Wm. R. Cone, Jas. G Bolles, John A. Butler, Noah Whcaton, N. Hollis ter, Sam'l Coit, Dan'l Phillips, C. N. iimphrey. " BOARD OF FINANCE. Geo. Beach, Esq.,Presidcnt of Phoenix Bank, D. F.' Robinson, Esq., " " Hartford." Hon. Isaac Touccy, lata Attorney General U. S. Applications for insurance received by It. W. FURNAS, Agent. DR. A. S. nOLLIDAY, Med. Ex. GEO. 1. LUCKIIARDT, WATCHMAKER uk.xx.c5L J otvollor, OREGON, HOLT COUNTY, MO.. rTHAKES tha liberty to inform the citizens of L Brownville and vicinity, that ho has opened a WATCH. CLOCK k JEWELRY STORE In Oregon, Holt county, Mo., where ho will keep con stantly on hand, and for sale, a good assortment cf Gold and Silver WaU-hes, Clocks and Jewelry, which ho will sell extremely low, for CASH. Also, a fino lot of Violins, Accordeons, Silver, and Hated Spcc ta's, Gold Pens with Gold and Silver extension cas, Silver Thimbles, Ac, Ac. He is prepared to repair Watches, Clocks and Jew elry, of every description, in tho best manner and on liio most rea3onab!o terms. Every article bought in his establishment, is war ranted to be what it is represented to be. Watch re pairing warranted for one year. , July 26,1856. vl-n8tf UNITED STATES ESPK ESS' OTdPA R GIVE every possible facility for the safe and speedy transmission of Money, Valuable Tackages, Parcels, Goods, and Merchandize Of every description, on reasonable terms. PEixcirAL Offices New York, Buffalo, Cincin nati, Toledo, Chicago, Dayton, lndianopolis, and all the smaller towns on Railroads in the Eastern, Mid dle and Western States, connecting at St. Louis with Richardson's Missouri River Express. H. KIPP. ' July 25, lbo..-vl-n3 General bapenntendent. IS. CRDEKBRY. USE. JOHN W. TOOLEY. (Successor to KOOXAN, TOOLEY f Co,) . 53 Main st.t Old Stand, St. Louis, .Mo. , IMPORTER, Wholesale and Ketail Dealer, ia China, Glass and Quecnswaro, Yellow and Rockingham Ware, Chandeliers, Lamps, Lanterns, Lookinrr-daa- scs, Britannia Ware, Ac. Ac, with a great variety of r ancy ilintio and 1 arior urnaments, direct from tho Potteries and Manufacturers. fiPNow arriving and in store, a full stock of the above lino of gcod3, which is ofT.rcd to the Trade at reasonable rates. An examination 13 solicited. 37On hand, Assorted Crates, for Country Trade. N. B. Packing receives special attention. September 13, 1856. vlnl5-Cra XL ESTABROOK, TinTED STATES District Attorney, OMAHA CITY, N. T. REQUIRED to bo Jn attendance oTicially upon all tha terms of the District and Knnromn fV.nrt .f thoTerriUiry, tendorihisPrufessional nerviccs to such i TT ... tr . . ..... as neea mem. no mailers niimeii tnatins lacuiucs for gaining a knowlcdgo of the practice in each Dis trict, will enable bim to cire satisfaction titsiirh n.. entrust their busine.w to hi care. Omaha Oity, Juno 7, ISib. J. T. DOWDALU . K. I. C1KK..' DOWDALL, CARR & CO., WASHINGTON FOUNDRY, Engine and Macliino Llannfactory. Corner Second and Morgan Streets. ST. LOUIS, MO. MANUFACTURERS cf Steam Engines and Boil ers. Saw and Grist Mill Machinery, Tobacco Screws and Presses, Lad Kettles, Lird Screwi and Cylinders, Wool Carding Slachines, Young's Patent Smut Machines, Building Castings, Ac. 52"Agents for tho srleof Jamcj Smith k Co.'s Superior MACHINE CARDS. . YOUNG'S PATENT SMUT MACHINE. Well tried, always succe?.--ful, fully Guarantied. Manu factured and for sale by DOW ALL CARR, A CO.. ' Washington Foundry, St. Louis. SI. SAMUEL SPEXCEtt CO., No. Eighty-Two North Fourth Street, Near Locust. ST. LOUIS, MO. j f ANUFACTUREB3 of every description of 111. Frame?, dealers in Painting, EigravicgH, Litho graphs, Ac; IiOoking-g!a33 Ilates cf every size, and framed to any pattern in tho best manner. . Advertising Cards, Ac, Stained and Varnished or r ramed at short notice. Rosewood, Walnat and other fancy wood Picture frame Mouldings. The Trade Supplied. Old Framea. Ac. Re-gil t. O. I MASOtf, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. And Cieneral Land Agents, ' NEBRASKA CITY, X. T. ; WILL promptly attend to Laid Agencies, collec tions, investing money, locating and sellmg land warrants, and all other business pertiinicT to their prof ceiicn, ia Nebraska Territory ani Western Iowa. :it Portable rain senbers have entered inn . 'L ji: subs ins.iiuio in v.iaciniati. a Uoi. Lvrf.i "-Vli Win superior Mill rower. The aixive inlls tre - --v signed at their shop ia Cincinnati, o8' ccn bo famished ia &nyquntitTat.l-,rtr 't ino aoove u...s warr.ntea t0 perfonrt m' " 3. in. diara., per tour 50 B. Corn 25 Yfc. W15: 24 u u u 25 U U 2n u u u u lft o - i As this Mill tells its. own story, U is nai, quote from our nuiaerou . recoronu'aUi, , 'J' - - - 'Pginsat'n -. Fresh ArrivaFof "T NEW GOODS' . , AT ROCKPORT, Ht. THE subscribers would respectfully ten,! ; thanks to their customers ani tho Publi c rally for their liberal patronage he :ctof(ir .i :? a continuance cf the same ! as they are d to sell Goods as tow if not Iowit than House west of St. Joseph. Having jQn f. lJ lar"8 and wellseJcte.l Stvk nf Snrir,.. 1YC( Goods; also a superior Stx;k of Family with Hardware, GUsa and Queeisware. Fjrr;?np Saddkry,Iron,Ac. . ' . utarv. Como one and all, ' For well wo know; - Again youll call, ., We'il sell so low. . Of Goods the best, And prcfii small , YV11 beat tho rest, ; And suit you all. Our Stock cf Dry Goods huving been parcha; tho Eastern cities, we flatter ourselves that j surpass our competitors ia the low prices ani qualities of our Stock, and earnestly believe ;f-t make by calling andsecin fcr theinMre, .f. . purchasing elsewhere. C ARE Yr JONES, A tV N. B. Country Produce of all kinds takon in change at the highest prices-, for Gcodd. Jaae f -f DANIEL 200K, WHOLES ALB AND RETAIL mlm WIm 3 w 1 f o rr r. sy '1 Has in Store: Pure White Lead, Linseed Oil, Spanish Whiting, Red Lead, Litherage, White Chalk, Venitian Red, Spanish Brown, Cream of Tarter, Tartaric Acid, Sulpher Carb. Soda, Vinegar, Turpentine, Sal Soda, Copcras, Saltpeter, Borax, Mex. Liniment, Vol. Oil do, Morland's do, Ncrver and Bone do, Parrels do, Loudcn'tf do, Jays' Expt., Window Class, Putty, Caster Oi!,' Ex. Logwood, Blue Ston'j, . " Alum, Ground Ciagcr, Hoot do, Saint Louis Glue, Paris Green, Chrome d, do yi.'llow, Iron Paint, W'hite Ziu'i do, FUli Oil. Wha'o do, Wrights' Fill, Chaapian'.. do, Jayan's do, Ijoudon's do, " . lladway'..R.I..t Davis l'.tin Killer, Tahncstcck's Vcr, , Stone's Cough C;inily, London s do, -iicLrfiuc s u vcr 1 ills. In addition to tho above, 1 have the Stick of Druggist and Physicians Shop furniture, Chcui-. cals, Surgical instruments, and Patent MKlidcna ever offered fur sale in this C juntry, , Merchants and Fbysnciar.s of Iowa, KanMJ and Nebraska, are respectfully invited to rive me calL June 7, 1S50. DANIEL ZOOS. A. B. HOLLABIRD & CO. ENGINE BUILMS Tront Street, 7ast of . Srtitlt, : CI-VCINXATI, O, Would most respectfully inform their friends ani ' tha public crcnerall v. Lhat thev are now pre pared to execute ail orders ia theirline, with rrompt- . TT ; ! . ..i . . .i. uvs. iiarin idieiy cniarg:u ineir snop artti wiui tho increased facilities thnv row tv thY hor tn , . . - t t j i merit a continuation of the liberal natrona:! which ha3 heretofore been extended to them. : Saw Mill Engines' of every Description. - Constantly oa hnnh consisting of th. Sash, Circu lar r.nd Mulcv. Mill Gsara nnri (. aatings, warranted to bo well mado in every parlicn- establishment, which cnablci thcra to oversee all work in mat lino lunushcd by them, are pre? pared to Work Oil a reannnKlT, -r-m m mnv nthor shop in the country. - - , . Those in want of anything ia our I'jie, would do well to give us a call and ex.uni'jo our new pattern.. A. Ji. liULAlUlD & WJ. - B. W. LEWI3 JAMES W. LEWIS TU03. J. U.VRTIIOLOW ' late TERX n.lRTUOLOW... B. W. LEWIS k BI10S. -IANTPACTCREr.3 OP AT.I, PrsCRIinON OF CHE7IIIG TOBACCO. ' GLASGOW, .MISSOVilL ' : ' ' THANKFUL for the very liberal piilronage that we have heretofore riccived froia o lr nuiterom friends and customers, and while respectfully solicit ing a continuanco of tho same,x-lcdgini oursel rcs to ; spare neitherpains norcxpens-j to merit the patron-. ge of the public, we beg leave to announce that William J. Lewis haa withdrawn from our firm, nd Thos; J. Birtholow is admitted parttr from thi. date, the style of tho firm remaining unehangt,aDd that we have icurel tho services of lipt. (Jeorg O. Davis who will hereafter (ict ia ths capaj tjof, TRAVELING 8ALESMAS ?n COUUCCtioO With Oil Mr. - Bartholow and will dcirlng tie coming ScMor. pcr fonally wait upon our cu.ctomtTj for thop.arpce d soliciting their orders. OurtKk helit-vcr from last year of all descriptions ia utar.iaioasH' large; 1h. quality of whlth cannot fail to icive entire aci3fac tion to consumers. . , B. W. LEWIS A Bros. Glasgow, Mo., January 6, 13.)5. . J. D." WHITE. ' TIM manul wturo tho J. C. Reed, pa-ent p 4 tf Mill ar.d arc cow prepared to furnUh'''15 want cf a gxd Cora or Wheat tv" bility, siinplict j and economy; c:ccel aJ It i3 adapted to all Grain grimlintYP. to all others for the most..xter; .V'sUv , as it is for grmdins tho Farmers f,.e it'W ride:t '&' -white, , LAND AGENTS. : . NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. - . HAVING mado arrangements by wt ich w j will receive accurate copies t-f all tin Tovr.minp embniccd in the Eatern pwrtiou of Jt".bnwl.n, we are now prepared to oifjr our i:rvu:e to the "SQUATTERS OF TUK TERRITTORY . " In rilin? Dccliirntory Statem-sats of Intention to Preempt. Securing . rre-cinptions, Locatiaj; L8ji1 ' . Warrants rhu -r ENTERING LAND LAND WARRANTS BOUGHT & SOLD. . Laud Entered on Time, Ac," I ' Particular attention rrJ.A T'.-i.r.-. . ,.i s.,-TTn Property on comiuAion: Al-x to makiu" Collection. e . 7 n. . . ixwi lyrmiraiii rcmuiancc. to any part oi the Ltiou. Blanks of all kindd always on hand. RID EN k WHITS. - REFERENCES. .. - non. A. A. Bradford, Ncbrask. City. St. Jowpfr, Mo., , Wajhingtxia City a', . x.acolls, Messrs. Dnlmaa A West. Peter A. Keller, . Thorns Lumpkin, June 23, lSitf. vl-n4 GREAT VTA. R MARTIN,) i q r P JO. C. MARTIV ' Now Ycrk. f lOU. 1 SI.LooLs 1MARTIN & BJIOTIIER. TIIE OLD OHIGIXAL CLOTHIERS; ' So. Ill AJD Ko. 1 II Ad STSELT, . st. ions, 3io. . ; FIR the arrroaching spring, we wiM hare a TRE MENDOLS STOCIOF CLOIUISG.uiAaiiJM turei by ourselves in New YorJ:, esresjly t- thL market. . Ia point cf STYLE, QfJALITT ivA 1RICT, wo defyany anl all compcti.i ja I Wo hue tuirkeJ down our price very low, as we in '.end sallies to aina but , ... ' y .... cash axd pn oxi'T :rrx . - ; To such we would ax a thorysg1 cjL;i;:.a' cf ' our Stock btifora poxh-;i:. 'i ' 3UST1N i EO. H Li : 1