Newspaper Page Text
" rCcbra sis a IS cuse. Trcas Street, rear Etessitoat L&ndizg, 15EOWNVILLE, K. T. A. J. BENEDICT, ANNOUNCES to the public that be has taken the above House, formerly kept by '. II. Edwards, in Urownville, X. T., and U now prepared to accomo date a.11 ho may favor Litn with their patronage. A iicw addition has been built to the house, and ad ditions mado of Furniture and Bedding, and all ar rangements bow are euch as to render this House equal to any in tho Territory. Brownviile, July 5, 1S55. . vl-nStf W. II. WILLI A.3IS, WHOLESALE AKD EETAIL DEALEB IV STOVES & TINWARE Oregon, ZTo., TAXES pleasure in announcing the citizens of Or gon and the public in general, that he has on Land the mo.t extensive stock of Stoves and Tin ware, ever offered in this market. My stock of Tin ware is of my own manufacture, and Ls for sale at "Wholesale and Kctall at St. Louis prices. I would call particular attention to my stock of COOkLNG STOVES, comprising the most improved patterns both Air-Tight and Premium. Among them Eiay be found Filly's Charter Oak, the best stove now ia use, the Asiatic Air-Tight, Pioneer and prize Pre mium. Also Parlor & Box Stoves Of various Size3 and Patterns, which I will SELL LOWER THAN ANY HOUSE IX TOWN. - Particular attention paid to making and putting up Tin Hatters, in the town and country. Also, re pairing done on short notice and on reasonable term. Old copper, Urass and Pewter taken in exchange for work or ware. W. W. "WILLIAMS, ' vl-n5 Oregon, Mo., July 5, 1856. lOIITY TEOUSAXD DOLLARS "Worth of Goods at a i mall advance on cost and carriage by i:ockioiit, MO . AST) 7IA.W11 tfa DIIjIiOX, IIE.IIJIES LANDING, 3lO. WE HAVE in store, and are receiving per Steam ers ILaunibaL Warner, Edinburgh and Omaha, a larce and well assorted stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hardware, Quecnsware. liooU A Shoes, llati A Caps, Cutlery, Paints, Doors, . ' Oils, Bonnets, Medicines, Drugs, Furniture, Tinware, Saddlery, Groceries, Castings Sash, ... Nails, Iron CAKrEXTEES A BLACKSMITHS' TOOLS AC. . All of which we offer at very low prices for Cash or ' Country Produce. KO HUXEX'G! We will sell at SOKE PEICE!! DILLON A nAWK. r. S.' Ladies, if you haven't got a fine Silk Dress, Shawl or Bonnet, don't blame Dillo.n A Hawk, for . we certainly have the best assortment of Fancy Dress Goods ever offered 5n this market. No trouble to ihow Goods. vl-n5 D. A JL (JllAUl'Lli UA1V LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY! Hartford, Ct. Capital $200,000 VTith largo and increasing receipts securely invested n a Tmvin a ender the sanction and approval of the Comptroller ct Public Accounts. ' OFFICERS. ALFRED GILL, Tres't. JOHN L. BUNCE, T. P, JAMES C. WALKLEl, Secretary. DI SECTORS. - AlficdGill. John L. Bunee, Wra. K. Cone, Jas. G liollRR. John A. Iiutler. Ar.ah 'k hftatnn. I loll is ' ter, Sam! Coit, DanT Phillips, C. N. nmphrey. BOARD OF FIXAVCE. Geo. Beach, Esq., President of Phoenix Bank, D. F. Robinon, Esq., " u Hartford " Hon. Isaac Toucey, late Attorney General U. S. Applications for insurance roeei red by Ii. W. FCENAS, Agent. DR. A. P. HOLLIDAY, Med. Ex. . CEO. P. LUCKIIAltDT, : WATCH MAKER OHEGQN, HOLT COUNTY, MO. TAKES the liberty to iuform the citizens of Erownville and vicinity, that he baa opened a W ATrir. n.ork' i jr wrr.n v mi?r Jn Oregon, Holt county, Mo., where he will keep-con-Uintly on hand, and for sale, a good assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, which he will sell extremely low, for CASH. '- Also, a fine Jot of Violins, Aceordcons, Silver, and Platod Spec ials, Gold Pens with (Jold and Silver extension caTs, Silver Thimbles, Ac, Ae. , . He is prepared to repair Watches, Clkr and Jew elry, of every description, ia the best maimer and tn ihe most reasonable terms. Krj article bought in his establishment, 5s war rsr.Udiote whatitis represented to be. Watchre yairirg warranted for one year. July25,lS5G. vl-nStf UNITED STATES S .COMPANY IVE evtry pfsible facility for the eafo and VV" rx:edy transmission ot- r , Ionej Tluable Patkae, Parcels," v Coois, and Merchandize t5f rvery descripti, on reasonable terms. pKiNCirit Offices New York, BuSalo, Cincin rati, Toledo, Chicago, Dayton, lndianopolis, and li the nrfiLer towns on Bailroftds m the Lastern, Mid tile and Western States, connecting at St. Louis with Biehardsun's Missouri Liver Express II. KIPP. July 2!5,lS5L.-vl-n3 General Superintendent IC!iO- CilOCKBIiY 10SG. -JOHN W. TOOLEY,- - (Successor to NOONAN, T00LEY A Co,) W Uxui tt, (A'J Stand, SL Louis; Ho, 1MPORTEB,Who!c5RlanJ EeUilDealer, in China, Class and Queensware, Yellow and Bockingham Ware, Chandeliers, Lamps, Lanterns, Looking-glas-es, Britannia "Ware, Ac. Ac, with a great variety of Fancy Mantle and Parlor Ornaments, direct from the Potteries and Manufacturers. . . iNow arriving and in store, a full stock of the fcbove line of goods, which is offered to tho Trade at reasonable rates. An examination is solicited. " riOs hand, Assorted Crates, for Country Trade. N. B . Packing receives special attention. . ! September 13, 1858. rlnl5-6m H ESTABROOK,. ;, :".'"'. irXITE3 STATES . . . . . District Attorney, OAHA CITY, N. T. REQUIBED to be in attendance officially upon all the terms of the District and Supreme Court of the Territory, tenders hie Professional services to such as aed tbeia. lie flatters himself thathig facilities for gaining m. knowledge of the practice in each Dis trict, wili enable him to give satisfaction to such as entrust their business to his care. . . On-mha Citr. Jane 7, 1S56. J. T. OOWDAIA. K. K. CAB.&. DOW DALE, CARR & CO., WASHINGTON FOUND BY, -JL3 mid I.Iachino Llannfactory. . O 1 lf f-. . ( . vrpyr cocona ana morgan Mreetc, ST. LOUIS, MO. t. r ANUFACTUBEBS of S teu Engines and Boil 1 I tv. Saw and Grist Mill Machinery. Tobace.n Screws and lYcusc, Lard Kettles, Lard Screws and Cyl:rdTsV"wI Ciriiej Machines, Young's Patent K-,rt 'rvrVinf. Euiliin'Caslir.'s, Ac. ' : - : f ttj f..r the sa' f Jmes Smith Jk Co.'g Supe'rior'IACIIINE CARDS. . . .'vnrvrr TATrxT SMUT MACHINE. Wca tried, always tuecr -ful, fally Guarantied." Mam faci-rtl fct-i for f-!c I? ' . ' 1)0 WALL CABB.ACO - Washicrton Foundrr, St. Louis, Mt. sa;iui:l sriiNCEU co., yo. I'hty-T wo North Fourth Street, Near LoetsL v ST. LOUIS, 2IO. " "A?"UTACTr::Er of every dascription of j. L Frac.cs, dealers in Pair, Ung Engravings, LUho-j- ; , Is, Look is ass llates of every size, and ;-. . 1 1) tZf pattern ia tie best maccer. A Lj i r; lilrg Cards, Ac, i" t&inti til Varnished or r. -1st fhrt notice. ; - - . ?. V,&lnt ixi ether fasey weed Tkture rs '- ?r . - -' Tr- - Su; : lie i. CM Fra.??, kt.. Be-r'.U. o. r. jiasox, s r.nd CouEicIIors' at Law. Land Agents, - , i. . o ti. f zzl to Agencle?, c ' io ns to v e . -r.r-1 ' rr 'I r". iting f.EJ Ed nes porta inin :a Territory cud Western 1 THE subscribers have entered into a prirtnmhip -under the linn of Rcc-J, Holabird A Co., to manufacture the J. C. Reed, Patent Purtibla Grist Mill and arc now prepared to farniA all tlwHJ in want of a good Corn or Whett Mill that for dura bility, siroplicty and economy j excel my Mill in the world. On the lato exhibition of the Mechanics institute in"CincLnnati, a Coll JMvdal aj awarded them for it. It is adapted to all Grain grinding purposes ; it is superior to all others for the most extensive Merchant Mill, a3 it is for grinding the Farmers feed by Horse power. The above Mills aro manufactured by the under signed at their shop in Cincinnati, 0., where they con be furnished in any quantity at short notice. Tho above Mills warranted to perform 88 follows: 36 in. diam., per hour 50 B. Cora, 25 Wheat, $300 30 JO " 15 250 tt u M 21 20 " 13 " Jsl'D 20 u u u u is 8 ' " 150 As this Mill tells its own story, it is nnnocessary to quotofrom our numerous recommendations, recoii-ed. BLED, HO LAEITiD L- CO. . ' Cincinnati, O. ' Fresh Arrival cf NEW GOODS! " AT ROCKPOUT, ?IO, THE subscribers would rcspootfully tender their thanks to their customers and the Public Gene rally for their liberal patronage heretofore, and solicit a continuance of tho same ; as they are determined to sell Goods as low if not lower than any other House west of St. t Joseph. Having just received a largo and wollsel'3cted Stock of Spring and Summer Goods ; also a superior Stock of Family tfrc-ceries with Hardware, Glass and Queenswarc, Furniture, Saddlery, Iron, Ac. " . Come one and all, ' For well we know; ' Again you'll call, , "We'll sell so low. ' , " ' . Of Goods the bcit, And profits small, ' " . ' "We'll beat the rest, ; j . ' i And suit you all. ; Our Stock of Dry Goods havngbecn purchased in the Eastern cities, wo flatter ourselves that ve can surpass our comjietitors in the low prices and good qualifies of our Stock, and earnestly believe all will make by calling and seeing for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. CAKEY, JONES, A CO. N. B. Country Produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the highest prices, for Goods. June 7, '53. DANIEL ZOOK, 'WHOLESALE AXI EETAIL Oreijon, Halt Count t, ZIo. 1 ' Has in Store : . Pure "White Lead, Linseed Oil, Spanish "Whiting, Bed Lead, Litherage, White Chalk, Venitian Bed, Spanish Brown, Cream of Tarter, Tartaric Acid, Sulpher Carb. Soda, Vinegar, Turpentine, Sal Soda, Coperas, Saltpeter, . .. Borax, -Mex. Liniment, Vol. Oil do, Morland's do, Nerver and Bone do, Farrels do, Loudon's do" , : -Jays' Exr t., "Window Glass, Pulty, Caster Oil, Ex. Logwood, h Blue Stone, . Alum, Ground Ginger, Boot do, Saint Louis Glue, Paris Green, j Chrome do, , d . yellow, ; Iron Paint, . ; i . "White Zink do, ,; Fish Oil, ; j; "Whale do, : Wrights' Pill?,, j Champian's do, Jayan's do, ) Loudon's do, j B;vd way's B. ' ILJ . , '. Davis Pain Killer, Fabnestock'a Ver., Stone's Cough Candy, ' London's do, jicLanc 8 Liver 1 MLs.' In addition to the above, I have the larger t Stock of Druggist and Physicians Shop furniture, Chemi cals, Surgical instruments, and Patent Modiciens ever offered for sale in this Country. . - ilerchants and lTiysicians of Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska, are respectfully invited to give mo a call. June 7, 1&56. DANIEL ZOOK.: A. B. HOLLABIRD & CO. Z : " Macliiniste, Founders and . v-1 ENGINE BUILDERS Froat Street, "West cf. Smith., " CINCINNATI, . O, "yTTouU most rerpectfully inform their friends and . v V. the pubuc generally, Lnai xney are now pre pared to execute al.' orders ia tiieir line, witn prompt ness. Having lateir enargea -ineir fnop aaawitn the increased facilitich" they tow possess, they hopo to merit a continuation o the liberal patronage which has heretofore been extended to them. Saw Mill Engines of . every Description. Constantly oa han h consistiag of the Sash, Circu lar and Mulev. Hill Gears nrd every description of (. astiags, warranted to be wellnade in every particu uir. t : i i . They fcavo'&Iso a Boiler Yard attacTied to their establishment, whick enables theci to oversee all work in that line furnished by them, and are pre pared to work on as rcaaonablo terms as any other shop in the country. r 1 Those in want of anything In our line, would do wed w give us a call and exarnmu onr mw patterns . . - A. B. IIOIJVBIRD & CO. B. W." LEWIS - VHoS. J. BAKTEOLOV late l'EKr bartholow. .... B. W. LEWIS : & BROS. : MAKrFACTntrr!soF iT.i, pssckiption of C HE VING TOBACCO. Glasgow; missovri.: ' :N THANKFUL for tho very liberal ( patronage that we have heretofore received from our numerous friends and customers, and while respectfully solicit ing a continuance of tho same, pledging ourselves to spare neither pains norerpense to merit tho patron age of the public, we beg leave to anDOHnce. that William J. Lewis has withdrawn from oar f xm, and Thos. J. Br-rtholow is admitted a partner from this date, the style of tho firm remaining unchanged, and that we have secured the services of Capt. George G. Davis who will hereafter act in tho capacity of traveling SALESMAN in Connection with our Mr. Bartholow and will during the coming Season per sonally wait upon our customers for the purpose of soliciting their orders. . Our stock held over from last year of all descriptions is unanimou?ly large, the quality of which cannot fail to give entire satisfac tion to consumers. B. "W. LEWIS A Bros. Glasgow, Mo., January 6, 1855.' . . . ; 1L' r. EIDST. ' ! J D. .WHITE. BID EN & WHITE, LAND AGENTS; . . NEBRASKA CITY, N. T. HAVING made amngeTnents by which we will receive accurate eopies of all tho Townships embraced in the Eastern portion of Nebraska, we are now prepnred to offer oar pervicea to tho r r "SQUATTERS OF THE TEEBITTOKY In Filina: Declaratory Statements of Intention to Pre-empt. Securing Pre-emptions, Locating Lund ' Warrants and J- v" ENTERING LVND. 1 LAND W AUKANTS EOUG I1T & 'SOLD. Land Entered on Time, &C.V " Particular tttention'mid to Buyicij. and Selling Property on commission: AJsoito luakirg Collections ana lorwaraiEg remittances 10 Rny pxwoi uio uuua lilants of all kindi alFv 011 naca- r ft 1 .. . KID EN & WHITE. . ? BEFEIiENCES." - - Bion. A.A.Bradford, S. F.Xuci.o".ls, , Messrs. Dolman & West, lleU;r A. Keller, .; ' . Thomas Lumpkin, June 28,lSoG. vl-nt , Eebrwka City. u ,u St. Joseph, M(., Waihingtoa City, - GREAT :L"' -:CIotIiiiior'Saief WM. R MAETDTJ . (C. C. MABTLN, New York. ) lOJD; St. Louis. . MARTIN : & BROTIIEll. TEE OLD OPJQIXAL CLOTIIIEBS, iro. ui a::d ito. i r Am btbhet, ST. LOUIS, HO. I'OBtho tTrroaetiirr pprir.g. we will hare i TBEt ! JlEXDOvS STOCK OF CLOTIUXG,xnMufac tured by iarselves in York, expressly for this market. - - In roitt of STYI.r, (QUALITY and KilCTJ, we defyanvaDil ell r, -.letitioa I i e havn i :d dowa ojir priio very low, 83 we ictund ie.ajig to non tut , ; - . . cjsitaxd rro::pr To such wo would ask a. ticro rh cxiiiui nation of our Slock b-eforopuTha-I;,,','. 1-M r MAKIIXIBO.- - ; OLIVER -BENNETI' h CO., V 51 INVFACTCJIEES . AND WnOLEALE DEALERS I Boots Sioes c Brcgcns, ; VO.S7 XAW SWEET, SAIST LOUIS, MO. - A BE NOWr IS EECEIPT of a complete a-crLment li of goods from their own and other i;i;mufac tori:s, adapted especially to the. Wtstern trad.". Parchastrs are invited to exanino their stwk, macufMtured ani selected with great care and warranted of i;uperior quality. Orders will receive prompt and careful attention. , IUPOETANT NEW "WORKS. PCBLISIIED BY Moore, Wiistach, Keys & Co. No. 23 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, O. AniSTORY OF MEDICINE, from its Origin to the Close of tho Eighteenth Century. By Dr. Hpnn?i:ir.l. rf Paris. Tran.latel by Dr. G. C. Comegys, Professor in TiLiami Medical College. Vf.l ime. larc-e Bvo. 750 nazes. Iiice $3,00. One An Introduction to the Study of Esthetics. By I'rol'essor J. J. C. Moffat, of theCoUege of New Jer sey, Princeton. Author of "Life of Chalmers:" Ac. 1 vd.l2mo, pages. Price $1. ' . The Teacher's Ali.scellany. A selection oi articles from tho proceedings of the College of Professional Teachers, lij J. Jl. Uampbell ana a. ssi. uaaiey, oi Wabash College. , One vol, 12ino, 150 pages. Price ?1'"' WILL BE BEADY IN SEITEMBER Tt c Cyclopedia of Modem Travel, A Record of Adventure, Exploration and . v Discovery for the last Fifty years. Edited by Bayard Taylor, Author of "Views Afoot," "Travels in Central Africa." Ac, Ac. One vol., 8vo., Handsomely illustrated with 12 maps by Schonberg, and numcroun wood engravings by Orr, and an ela borate stoel front ispeico by Buttre. EsT Will bo sold to subscribers only, . - lOORE, WiLSTACH, KEYS & CO., Wholejalo and Retail Booksellers, . - 2- West Fourth street, Cincinnati. : GEO. C. FERGUSON. MH iLWRIGHT AND ENGINEER RROIVN VILLE, N. T. NNOUNCES to the public, that he is prepared 1 . to erect Steam Saw and Merchant Mills at short uotico and reasonable terms. ALL WORK WARRANTED. . Ha is also Agent for. I " . A. B. IIOLLIBIRD Sc CO'S., ".Western Foundry." CINCINNATI, O., LEE & LEAV1TTS Saw manufactory,' . CINCINNATI, O., And is prepaid to receive and nil orders for any ma chinery manufactured or kept oa hand, by these e3 tatlishments. - ' t "' Ijettcrs of enquiry, promptly answeroi. ' BEFFEBENCES. . ' . Noel, Lako A Co., Erownville, N. T. Steam Mill. Nuckolls & White, Bockport, Mo - ' " : Jaines Lowe, Linden,. u u u " vln31y. ; ; ' Brownvillo,' Juno 21, 1S56. ' PALMER HOUSE, S. BAUIJOUR, Proprietor. ! . Ccrncr of Illicoia. and Washington Streets, INDIANOPOLIS'IND. : fTniS wcll-knowa and popular -Hotl, has recently7! X been re-built and greatly enlarged by the addi tion "pf .-isty or seventy rooms, and is furnished throughout vfith new and beautiful furniture, and is in all respict?, a first Class Hotel. Travelers will find thj '"Palmer all they can desire for com fort, luxury and pleasure. ,The table will at all time3 bo Eppl!el.witu the best the market atlorus, ani no pains spared to render' the- stay of guests both comfortable and plcavnt. "TRY THE PALMER HOUSE." v Angast 3P, 185U.7 vlnl3-ly ' " ." ' -K T; ,( II. WniTTEiIOHEt-f H.T0tWHlTTM,JftE. J. F. CARTES II. & E:I3. JIITXEMOKE & CO- : iWkoftmli Dealers in EONNirrS AND STRAW GUODS. r N0.143 MAIN STl;BET,f :- 7-. ' -; - First door above the Bank of Missouri.) j "Cash iid for urs and Deer Skins-.' i ; REAL ESTATE AGENCY. CEOKGE CLATE3. 3. W. LEE. CLAYES.Ai LEE, Real Estate , and General Agency, OMAHA CITY, N. T. ' Ueferences.' ' James WrighVBioker, New York, Wm. A. Woodward, Esq. ' : . - " " , IIonB. Wood, Ex-Gov. of Ohio, Cleveland, -Wricks, Otic and Brownell, Bankers, - AlcottA Horton, ; . .. . ; Col. Bobcrt Campbell, . -.-. St. Louis, James Bidgway,E?q. " " Crawforn and iSackett' - - Chicago. -Omaha City, Aug. 30, 1855. vln!3-ly CHARLES KEARNY, T t:0 .-: Wholesale and ' Retail - Grocer " AND STEAMBOAT .AGENT. East side Market Square op'site Market Hoixae BEGS laav tci inform the citiiens ef St. Joseph, and the public generally, that he has just open ed alarge and fin6 assortment td , Groceries, to which h-3 invites the attention of Country Merchants, Plan ters and tho public generally. E-oatstorcs constant ly on hand ' ' 7 . : ILniiiber! 'ILmmber! rpHE undersigned has on hand and for sale at his X. ' mill, Itusk Bottom, JIo.. One hundred and Twenty-fivo Thousand feet of various kinds of Lum ber, which ho offers for sale at the following prices. Sheeting, " -. ' " . : 15 Black: Walnut.' - ' - - -:. . 2.00' There is a ferry across the Missouri river, opposite tlt mill. Lumber will be delivered oa the Nebraska shore, at 50 cents in addition to the above prices. . . . , , L.UU1S LAWltlSAClS. September 20, 1855. Tlnl0-3mpd ' t JAJCE3 CABGIIX. , GEO. W. OABGUX, J. & G. W. C ARC ILL, rORWAEDING AND COMMISSION AND MANUFACTUEER'S AGENTS, - Steamboat Landing, St. Joseph, Mo. CONSIGNMENTS of Goods and Produce respectfully solicited, and all business entrust ed to u3 will be promptly and carefully attended to ai me lowest rates. - " - Heferences. Taylor ii Shepherd, r JL. L. McGhee A Co., - Liveracre, Cooley & Co., ' - . ". Merchants Generally, st; Lou IS. M U St. Joseph. ISoG. rUUNITUIlE. tS33. . - - SCAKRITT& MASON. FURNITURE & UPHOLSTERY, LEALEBS AND - No. 45 and 42 Yashington Av enuo, St. Louis, ilo. HAXG completed our amngements for a full js tock of Goods in oar line, and bavins thebct tissortment in tho West, we take pleasure in offering topursnaseis Doia n xiwiovucj ana kaaii; :;000 Bedstead;?, ivv aozenwooa scatunrars. 1000 Bureaus, ' 50(1' Dining Tables,' 500 Breakfast do? 200 Work ; Stands, . 200 Wash do, 100 Wardrobes, 1000 Looking Glasses, ZuU aa cane seat do, 1C9 3o rocking . , do, 103 do childrens' ' do, 500 ti'i safes, . . , ... 200 C.-ibs, assorted sizes,' 200 L)unge?,' I0O doz.Bitsh and split bot torn Chairs. . . t !"To which we add mahojiany and walnut, par lor ar. I rocking Chair?, Sofas, csntre, side and ex ten don Tables; Secretaries and look Cases Vrholsterr in great variety, Each as spring, hair. col tori, mosa aad husk Alatrcss js, Comforts, Spreads, und Blankets. ' ..,..... Our work is idl Warranted as 'represented cur Prices as Low na tho Iiowest. - ' ' : (' 1 i-. ' Orders prcui?tly and faithfally executed and rii ftvectfally solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. , ' ' Please call and satisfy vourselves. . St.-' Louis, July 23. 1850. vlnS-Om T' H. I. JOHN-SC X. J. r. CASiADV. , i. D. TEST. JOHNSON, CASSADY A; TEST, "Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. And Ceeeral-Land Agents ; COUNCIL-BLUFFS, IOWA.: WILL promptly tt'.end to Land Agencies, In vesting ik.ncy, Lwathg ani eeUing Land Warrant", nnd all other b'l '. s s y eruiiniag to their nrc PATENT GRAIN i SEPARATOR rMIIE SUBSCRlREli ?3 now prepared to far X nish Farmers and others with his "GrliAlN SEPARATOR' for the present sea-ton It unnecessary to speak particularly of the, merits of these Machines, as they are too well known throughout the country to noed extolling but the fact that they have heretofore and .ire continuing to receive the premiums at the State an(j County Faira where they have been exhibited is sufficient to indncfl all those in want of such a Ma chine, to purchase one of these. , --.'.. At a practical test of tins oennrator incompenuon with the best of those mwlo in England, in 1S53, it received the highest commendations of the press, and of the leadinsr eri:?ulturalista of that country,' I have a larze number of them on hand, ready for he coming crop, made of the best material, and war ranted to do srood work. ' '' ' : 1 have made manv valuable improvements in ttese machines within the last year, and have no hesitation in warrantins them superior .to any in U5c lam also prenarinffalarge number oi craTiioras ImproTed Clover llullers, patented in 185 1, which are greatly snjiorior to his patent of ISit, being in-itself feeder, and greatly ahead of it in other ,re;p?cts. - They will be manu factured undor tlw iiamediato stipervrsion .of tho patentee, who h' s permanently located in this place The above cut represents my four hor30 " Sepira- tor, and is ucsignca especially for. tho farmery own use." -.... Im also agent for McCormick's celebrated BEA.P' ER and MO WING MAClIDsE, combined. J. R. MOFFTTT, Piqua, Miami' con niy, Oh'io:. ! Furniture and ITpriolstry , Of Great Variety.- Ai tho Banner Furniture Ware Booms of . IIENTON & TRIMBLE, Oil Second Street) Sign of . the Cr.air ani Bahtiad rl uIE continued Lbernl patronage ef the citizens of JL St. Joseph, orth Western Missouri. Kansas. Ne braska and Western Iowa, for all of which wo feel thankful, has induced us to increase our facilities for demg business; . Having built last spring, a very largo Manufactory Establishment on Francis stveet, and having employed some of the very best workmen m the eastern cities, wo are now determined not to be out done by any other Furniture Establishment in tho Missouri Valley, in quantity, quality; durability, styles and prices. Our stock consists in part of Bocc wood, Walnut and Mahogony Bureaus, .marble and solid tops of every style; extension, centre, card, din ing and eide table; Book eases, Wash stands, Work tables and YV radrobes, boiits, divans, ottomans an lootstools, spring seat parlor cuairs, rocking, nilrse, elizabcth chairs of every variety;. Mahogony, wal nut,' cherry ana maplo bedsteads of every stylo and variety, fcpnng, hair, mo??, cotton and shuck mat tresses,. Ac., .together- witli all other articles in our line, usually kepf in a Farniture Wareroom. Wo say then to all who may w vntgood Furniture, either for hotels, parlors or bed room-", give us a call and ex amine our work and prices, and wo think you .will leave your money hero in place of sending it to St Louis and getting an inferior articles at the name price ypu can get a good one here at. . r , , ; Our motto is the cash system, which will enable its to sell at smaller profits than ours or any other estab lishment can do where the credit system is adopted. N. B, Tno highest price paid for seasoned 'Wal nut and vaerry Lumber. -, ' ' , : St. Joseph, Aug 30, 1S5G vlnistf 1 - MICHAEL -31 cGEIi, f Saddle and -Harness.. Maker, East sido of Main, "bet. Francis and F elix St., ' ST.' JOSEPH. MO.V i. TnAITKFUIj for pasi; favors, begs leave to inform the public, that ho has just returnrd from St. Louis with as fine an assortment of materials ai has ever been purchased. In that market- ' .- ' ' His stock consists of a superior article of Skirting Harness, bridle leather, hog, calf, and sheep skins: fine goat morocco, ami a surpa-rsingly beautiiul arti cle of enameled leather of various hues. He has every variety of saddlo trees, from tho real jiexicnna and tnglish, Beard s and Gnmsley's pat cnt, down to the common fall -back. Ho has on hand and will continue to keep saddles, saddle-bags, bri cues, martingales, natters, collars, wnips ct tvery quality, whip-lashes, hame?, traces, spurs, Ac. Has also, eoaeh,- buggy, Pennsylvania, yankec, cari and dray harness. . : : "i ' " - He has not now, nor will he keep any other than No 1 workmen, and his instructions to them are neat ness and strength. He, therefore, fiiels no hesitation in saying that his work will, ecldom bo equaled, no wuero surpassed. , - 1 .t As small profits and quiclc sale, is his motto, he pledges himself to-soil (considering tho quality of il 1 - , 11 ' 1 . - . S. . mc anieic ; lower man any nouso vest oi tne Alle gheny Mountains. . :. i i . ' . r Those disposed to suspect him of gassing, have on ly to call, to De assured of their mistaki!. . St. Joseph,. August 30, 185G-. vJnlStf . rr wai. h. TiroiiPSON. - j. h. taaffe V.TII0M1?S0N,& TAAFFE, - ouccebsora io narrows cc inompson,; . , . Wliolcsalc':-. Giaoceii;s ; : : ' And : .Oommi ssion Merchaiits, ' i .... , o. w ean Street,; Cinciimati.-. , : Particular attention will be rriven to order for Groceries, which will always be executed at current market prices. " : . : ,.- WM. GAB111SOX. . . B-eal Estate As-cut ;: . .--rLATTKUOUTU; 1?.- T. i - . - r . HAS now on hand several valuable town lots and also. Timber and Prairie Claims, which he will sell cheap. , ; '- ",' -, ... ' ; -r. ; ? -Being agent for the City of Plattsniouth. h will furnish lots to those who wiih to settle in the town on cheap and treasonable terms. , . J ' ; Oiflco with J. 11. Urown, fcsq. . H .1 : I ' s-M . 1 . . . : New Hardware Store. ign of the Mill Sawv ' '- - :) , :. FLAHERTY; ? 7 J- . '-" Importer; Wholesale and Betail Pealer i'n American German, English & French ' HARDWARE ANIV CTJTLERY; . -v. ''.' st. josepii," mo. '; IS NOW receiving and opening the largest and most varied arsortment of goods in the above lin ever offered in any market west of St. Louis. My stock ecibracc3 a full and complete assortment of Cabinet ani nouso Buildcr'r Hardware, Mechan ic's tools of every description, direct from the most approved manufacturers; agricultural and horticul tural tools and implements, in great variety, combin ing all tho recent and nseful improvements for the saving of a rtst amount of labor to the fanning com munity, from whom I respectfully request a cireful examination of this department of my stock.- I m also exclusive1 agent for the sale of the celebrated St. Louis Circular Mill and Cross Cut Saws, which I will warrant, and fill all orders at ihe factary prices. Also a large assortment of Guns, Bifles and Pistols, Iron, Steel, Nails, Ac, of the best brands: in a word, my stock is very complete, which, for its quality and price, I am determined to offer such inducements as will eommand a liberal sharo of trade fronj this and adjoining Bounties. My arrangement for impirting and agencies for American Hardware Manufacturers, together with a long erpcrienco in the general Hard ware trade, enables m-r, not only to defy all eoruneti- tion, but has convinced mo that the true principle of trade is casu sales anu raan proms. August 30, 1S55. - - BROWITVILLB S T E A M' M I LL , ISOEL, LAKIr & raiERSQN, I3rowxiviUo, 37. X. B: 'We1 would respectfully inform tho citi zens of Nemaha county and adjoining Missouri, that we have always on hand a larga and well selected supply of LIUI HE If, which we can furnish ut low er rates Uian anv mill in the Territorr. Market t rices paid forlogj delivered at the yard, oron the tank of the river. - . All orders accompanied with the ca:b, will receive our immediate attention. NEBRASKA - CITY HOTEL. . NEBRASKA CITY, K. T. BARNES & BAISNICI, Troprictors. - THIS comraodious Hotel, situated J ttpen Main Street. Nebraska City, will bo foacd a de sirable resort for travellers. St.igcs leave tail hcuiJ fcr alt pirtt of the Territory, . , , ; ' .. . NOTim NOTICE. - : Merits, Sportsmen and Marciirxturcrs. riioiiACE x: DCIICK & :. cors - GBE AT WESTERN EMPORIUM, for ffct Guns, BiS es, Fistols, Fishir.g Tachle and Sporting Ap paratus of every variety, , ai o. iNcnn-'iain street, St. Louis, the sign of tho Doer in tho "N in- Wet keep constantly on hand a full assort men i oi Hunting, Target and Minnie Rifles. Toolher with very variety of lircussjjn Caps,. Guns, Wads, and Wadding Paper, Fishing Tackle, Ac, &c; in fact, everything connected rritL the Gun Two Hundred Breech loading Bille3 of various pdt-cttts. , ' ;- ' - ..... . m I 1 a . i T JS. JJ. All Rinas 01 gun mairiai anu douuuug, m tL29 lorgca, niea anu Lnisuea . Iloaso call and examine for yourselves before you make your purchases, a3 experience U tho only true uiu. ; , " . . ; , ' . ' f Our gocxls are nil -warranted by us. August : vln!2tf Richardson's Llissouri . Express Compaiay, Priricipal Oflicc No. 12,' N. Main St., ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. BEG leave to inform the public, that they have ilxtonded their Express Line to this places Hav- ing'" complied with, the requisition cf their Charter, and being fully organized, xe now prepared to trans act ft i . General - Agency Business. ;' The bucccss which. has attended the original Propri etor, is a guarantee .of tho satisfaction rendfpcd,and lt w ul al ways bo the aim and study, of the Lxecutive of this. Company, .to give evory pa'isihio facility for the speedy .and safe transmission f..f Money -Valuable- Pnekiures?,- Tarcel, and r limiales ot ioods'xJerchandi2e, and every description of Freight, on reasonable terms, to ad' points' bn tho Missouri Liver, and at St Louis, with other responsible Express Companies, for New York, New Orleans. Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Cincinnati, Burlington. Lduisvillc, Bock Island, Mem phis, Pittsburgh" and ' Buffalo, and to almost every town and vunago in the Lmtcd State?, Lurcpc, Aus tral and California." ' -- '" - A Messenger will be put cn tho new steamer Oma- ba, making weekly trips between hero and St. Jo seph, there connecting with ourdaily hne to bt Louis and all points as above In behalf of the Enterprise, the patronage of the publif is respectfully solicited. All business entrusted to as, will meet with the same energetic and prompt attention -which has always charactcrrzcd this Express, and made it pro-eminent in V estcrn Express business. : . JJlKEUTOuS. St. Lonis. Edwart Mkat. . " - SAMxn. JIcOartxet. W. D. W. Bernard, - Jonx W. Toole y. . JosErn F. BicnARDsoN. B. F. Barby, Aiton. - W. J. Pigot, l,exington. JC3EP1I F. B1CIIABDS05, Pres't. S. M. Gray, Sec'y. . ' ' . , . vln2. IIenev Kyle, General Agent. BOOK STORE! JUST OFENED AT THE HEAD OF BROADWAY, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. WHERE may be found a largo assortment of -.BOOKS ANI STATIONERY", and everything in their line, consisting in part, as fel lows: ; Fiistories and Biographies, Narratives and Travels, . School Books, ' " Misscollaneous Works, ' Lives of Eminent Persons, . - r Agricultural Works, Standard Poetical Works, Beligious Works, '- " ' ." - Song Book?, - .' .. BibU-s and Hymn Books, . rovcH ami Li rht Beading, ' Pictorial Works, . . . Blank Bwks, Pa per, Pens and Ink, V " " , Cards and Gift Bock?, ', Toys and Fancy Primers, ' Portfolios and Albums, Anil a thousand other useful and necessary articles in tho lino.. ... " . . - Also, red, black and blue INKS, of our own man ufacture, Wholesale and Retail, as Cheap as can be had in St. Louis, and warranted of the best quality, put up in quart, pint and halfpint bottles; also, in four and two ounce bottled. . . Professional men wishing a bill of IS i Si IAS 3".3 1.14 1 1 HAMJiilM Ca?iTo supplied here at 20 per. cent above pub lishers prices, wo paying all costs and obtaining them at the shortest notice. Our arrangements embrace any STAND ABD BOOKS printed in tho Uni ted States. " . ' - Call and see our stock wo are new beginners but will serve our customers to tho best of our ability. r ... . . . uxr prices, wo aro sure will bo gatistnctor. - CBAIGl & SAN FORD Council Bluffs, Iowa, Juno 1L '35 vln2. F. DINGS & CO., ', 'j .Importers of, and Wholesale DeaUrt in ' Frcrieh, German; British ( American Fancy GgoiIs. nOSIERT, GLOVES, TOYS, NOTIONS Manufacturers of all kinds of Eru&hes. 30 North JIain Street, (Up Stairs,) ... ... ..... ... . . sx.- LOUIS, MO. '. . , ; HAVING since the first of January, adopted the Exclsive Cash System, we draw tho atten- sion of close buyers to the fact that waliave rovised ourentire stocky and reduced former Credit 3'rices from 5 to 20 per cent, according to the nature of the different articles, v - . i ! 1 : "T -. Coniparisbri .'Rcspcctfiilljr- Solicited. Price List? may be had on application. . S t. Louis, Aug-. 13, 1 858. '. : vl-nl2tf l'S5G." SPRING , SALES. 180G. "lOW rKICESfb CASH AND PKOJIIT TIME EUTEES. s JOHN HALS ALL, WHOLESALE AND EETAIL BOOjKSELER & STATIONER. : AND BLANK UOOK MANUFACTUKERS, Ho. 120 Main, St. Ioui3, STo. . HAS for sale all tho Spelling boots,' Geographies, Readers; Uistoririesj-Chemistrics; Dictionaries; Arithmetics; Philosophies, f-c, now ia use, together with a large stock of Law, Medical and miscellaneous boots forming the most complete assortment to be found in the city. Also, Writing paper, and Foreign and Domestic stationary, of the finest quality, country merchants and others should not fail to call at No. 120 Main st. 135G FALL TRADE. . 1856 EDWARD MEAD. W. II. MAURICE. E. H. MEAD. Oldest lloune of tlie Had in the- Went , 1 . . . IMalliHhed 1335 . EDWARD MEAD k CO., ." v : No. 50 Main, cor. Tine st, Importers and Wholsalers , . .-. of - --- -Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods. WATCHMAKERS' TOOLS, and materials, sil ver and plated ware, shot guns, rifl?, pistols, re vol vers, m usk-al i nst ru men Is, da gu errcotypc a mbro types, Ac, ebrystalotype materials; Hotel and btcam bt at table ware. . . St. Louis, September 13, 13 jo. vl-nlJ-3m - . ROBBINS & POMEROY, ' -WHOLES ALK DEALERS IX,.. - BOOTS. SHOES & SOLE LEATHER, Fos. v, Pearl and 71, JIain Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. . ru r. bewcett,- I" J. a- Norton; ' : uxuisq : bennktiorton a hahdinc;. ; Attorneys ."'at Law, - Kohmu Citr. X. T., and GJenwood, Ia. A. - ' debts. - . - ' REFERENCE: . . : . "TlnJ Lewis Cass, Detroit. ) . jf;chan: ' .lulia D. Morton, . . " S j iUcn-.-a" , : Gov. Joel A.Iattcson, Springfield, Llj . ' Cfov. J. W. Grimes, Iowa Cr.y,iowa; B.r.Fifi!ed,St.Louis,Mo.; - i llon. Daniel O. Morton. Toledo, Ohio; , P. A. Sarpy, Rellevuc, Nebraskic 3 Sedgewich A Walker, Chicago, I'd: Green, Weare A U nton, Council inuT,Iowa. .PiLOW -FACTORY. - - " . A. J. 'MORROW, T'AXACTLTxE of the Premium Row, of v.a ifi rioussize?: ona and two horse Prairio plows Urush and Steel plows, for salo Wholesalo and Re- j t.'iil, on Second street, th J Square, St. Joseph, Mo, ttrco ooors ixoria oi iuaxnci; 81 k Ii TT7ILL practice in all the Court3 of ebraska and VV Western Iowa. Particular attention paid to obtaining locating Land Warnnts, and coUectiun of d. sr. nrrcncocx". r. zzt,iltt iekj. jot. p. Jf. HITCHCOCK cp7 Eef. Olivo'anJ Lccut streets, St. Louis', 3Io. M ANUFACTUBEBS of Cooking, Heating, ,ul Piirlor Stoves and Grates. Also Manufacturers of four sizes of Jevett's ri;. ent Cary Plough, one and two Lorso, riht aad left hand. ' Shakespeare and Lis Contemporaries. - - " PAINTED BY JOUS FAS.D. WILLIAMS, STEVENS, WILLIAMS & CO i S3 Broadvrap, : ; ' : Have pleasure, in announcing that, they have at length received a finished Proof of the Engraving by James FaE!, from the above painting.- V It is without .exception one of the . most brilliant Engravings of our time. " Prints, 10 dJls; Proofs, 20 doll.: Proofs with Au tographs, 30 dolls: Artist Proofs, 40 A ills. A few choice impressions of "EVANGELINE" are still to be had. ' Prints, 5 dolls; Proofs, 10. dolls; Proof before let ters, 15 dolls: Artist Proofs, 23 dolls. " - Ncv.13,-1350..; ',:.' ' V' , joiix p. samsell: (late of boston) - - IiionaMc Tailor, i? no EOCK POUT, MO., INTOBMS the public that he is now prepared to serve them in the above named capacity. Having had long and extensivo experience, he flatters him self he can please all who favor him with their pat ronage. Good fits warranted in all cases. . , "PARTICULAR ATTENTION . Given to cutting out garments for borne miking. Brownville, Aug. 1866. vl-nl21y E A. WniTKIDGE. R; J. M KIN5ET. M RS. E. A. WniTIlIDGU & co. r . : MANXPACTCBERS OP .I- 1 " - Masonic Clothing and Odd Fellows Also Ee.alia for Temperance and otLur Societies, ; Aro. 128 Walnut" EtreeS, vp Stairs," -. ; , CINCINNATI, Q. masons. '"" References, odd fellows. W.B.Dodds,GMcf Ohio O. P. Morton, P G M Ind. C. Moore l.d Masonic Kev; turner A (jrny.rub Casket F. J. Phillips, II. P. City . W. O. Ntilson, P 0 51 Ohio the .ditor of the Advertiser will have specimens of Regalia from the above Llanu factory, and reoieve orders from Lodges or private members for Eegalia. 2, ISob. vl-n'Jtf HARPER'S MAGAZINE. Close of the Thirteenth Volume Subscribers to IIarfer's Magazixe,-whoso ub- scrptionst expire with 'the November cumber, aro re?pectfully.requested ti renew them without delay. lE.i.s: lhreo Dollars a year, or Twenty-five Cents a Mumber. The Semi-annual volumes, as completed, neatly bound in cloth, aro sold at Two Dollars each, and muslin covers aro furnished to those who wish U have their back numbers uniform ly bound, at Twnety-fivc cents coch. Thirteen vol umes are now ready, bound in cloth, and alio in half calf. ' ' Clubs of two persona at Five DoHurs a year, five persons at Ten Dollars, or eleven persons at Twenty Dollars. ,? : . ' ' ' The commencement of a volume affords a favora ble occasion for the opening of new subscriptions. The December number will commence a new vol ume. ' ' -: The Magazine weighs over seven and not over eight ounces. The postage upon eaoh number is Thrce'Conts. - , . : : "., ': Each number of the Magazine .will contain 141 oc tavo pages, in double columns, each year thus com prising noarly two thousand pages of the choicest Miscellaneous Literature of tho day. Every num ber will contain numerous Pictorial Illustrat ions, ac curate Plates of tho Fashions, a copious Chronicle of Current Events, and impartial Notices of the im portant Books of the month. Tho Volumes com mence with tho numbers for JUNE and DECEM BER; but subscriptions may commence with any number.. . UAKPEU A BKO'S., Publishers, Franklin Square, New York. PAINTS, OILS, AKNISIIES, French and Anxericari . Window Clasi & Glatncare, Slices, Indigo, Jfadder, Perfumer ie,dc SPRING ST O OK! CIIAllLESS, BLOW & CO, IMPORTERS WHOLES AIX DEALERS. 63 and 67 Slain itreet, St. Loui3, ITo. Are now in receipt of their now Stock, embracing everything in their line. . - g7"Mcrchant visiting our City are renested to give us a call. a3 we aro determined b sell for Cash or Prompt Timo Papier, as low as any House in tha United States. T. J. KAFTEKT. . . J. P. KELLY. Llarket Square, "West, St. Joseph, llo., KAFTERY Sc KELLY, WHOLESALE & EETAIL DEALERS. HAVE the pleasure of announcing to their friends patrons, and the public, that they-have remov ed their establishment from Main street to Market Square, West side of the Market House, where they will keep constantly bn band a largo and varied as sortment of groceries, salt, liquors, dry goods, queens ware, boots, shoes, Ac, with a large supply of choice family flour and meal. Attention i3invited t their select stock of Virginia and Missouri tobacco, manu facrured expressly to their order, which will bo sold as usual, at a low figure. - . With n thousand thante for the generous support that proceeded their removal, which w:i3 occasioned by the accroachment of tao Mwonri river, they now solicit a continuance of thatsupport, and 3 tho best inducements to customers, they guarantee that their prices shall be low, and their goods unsurpassed. They invito country dealers and the public to inspect their stoc k of groceries, particularly their choice col lection of Teas, with full assurance that they etand alone in this city, both as regards quality and cheapness.- Received per steamer "Edinburgh," 30 this of Iittsburgh and Dayton ale. Terms eash or produce Cash paid for wheat, hides, beeswax; tc . . . AMERICAN AND ORIGINAL. , KNICmUBOCKER MAGAZINE For 1S3T. -i Tho Forty-ninth Volume of the Knickerbocker Magazine will commence with tho number fcr Jan uary, 1857; and it is the intention of Ihe Publisher to make great additions to tho literary merit? of the work. - ' We tike it for granted, there are but -few Maga zine readers in the country who are not familiar with the authcTs of St. LEcr.i:,and the Sparrow-Okas, both old,eontributors to tho Knickerbocker. We are pleased to be ablo to announce that they will both write for our magazine the corning year. Mr. Cozzens will contribute a new and really original Story, which will appear In every number; and Mr. Kimball will furnish a Sketch or a Story as often aa hi other duties w ill permit. . j - Terms: Three Dollars a year, in advance. Two copies FiTe Dollars. Five copies and upwards Ten Dollars. The Magazine is sold by all periodical dealer?.'' Specimen numbers sent free of charge. The Knickerbocker and any other Three Dollar Magazine, sent one year for Five Dollars. The Knickerbocker and Hume Journal, one year for Four Dollars. letters cortainingremittancca and every thingeon nected with the bni?nes department, should be ad dressed to SAMUEL IIL'EriroX, ITblishex. 313 jjroud way, New York. ; , - - THE ... HORTICULTURIST, .... AXD . . . Journal of Rural Art and Rural Taste. : ; ' EDITED BT'" ' ' r J. JAY,;S1HTHj Editor Kortli Ansricaa S7IYI. TnE IIoTmcrLrcpiT, as its name implies, is do voted to Horticulture aud its kindred arts Rural Architecture and Landscape Carlening, and will keep its readers advised cf the new th'mgs on the subjec t, either in Europe or America. It is a Month ly Journal of forty-eight p;cs, beautifully printed on fine paper, and elegantly illustrated. In adlition to numerous wood cuts in the frit style of the art, caoh number contains a full-page engraving, from stone, tf some new, rare, and valuable fruit, tree, or flower, and is one of the most beautiful, a well as the most useful Monthly Journals published ia the world. Teems $2 per ycar, in advance. Tho volamo commenced on the 1st of January last, and wo can supply back numbers from that time. Those who prefer can enrnmenoo with the current number. ' Coi.oeed Plates. Still further to add to the ral uo of the work, and meet the improving ta$to and increasing wanta of the horticultural coiiisiur.ity, an edition is published with Colcrrd llates, each num bereoLlainbg a full-pag-i ongravi: g tf s.a.o new, rare, and valuable fruic, or fi:wer, ei rrecMy colored from n.iture by the best living artists in this line. Thu is new. and iavportant feature in tLis eiuatry. Price ?3 a year in fvlrno. Addre? KOUKRT PIlARSALL SMITH, PubLsher, 17 and 13 Minor street, Uhiladclphio. fill II . v o. "Main- K'vocf - c?i S GENTS for SuV.Cb, II the -Qaeca cf the Sunt - : ,Lil has boca kept secured to th ittii i recently, however, (Juno 21 Patent for the United ktes Iwi & cunt? the invention for fourteen C2H? h;isl Kil I it.olP t, .. . 'WS. TV- .. .. nuvi-y-r u nat bpw.. to competition with othet Milla It . :? the other-make of Mills cf oureity Fair in -1330, whe,itd,ew a J&fi voru iui, ana was awarded a fine silver rTf W - uumus zy :d three .xpressij for grinding wheat an The peculiar -novelty of thfj Xi uZ' stone is tho running stoce, in a get grain into the Hill an. . .. quently wo grinl nearer the centre an1iJl'- wiui ie?3 powet than nynpprru:inVr-V? Itnrcuy: Uur M;ll take, any kinUf gn choking. e warrant againstcholiin.:. 1 V. xourtniy: uur .ms n;ver tak unjarrlsr empty the under stone not tou:hiiT th9 1 M no injury can ho done. . This is in importaT1' tag over all Mills where the upper rtoneV ?, ccr- ' - ' August 23, is: j. " FRESH DRY GOOD eedy, JAnxrsoN & CO Si. JLVui WE are now in receipt of the most cornet magnificent stock, cverolared to ta.j vl Trade. . ilcrchanfa vitfting. thia city ar, m-X makeaa examination of our stock and prii-n : DDY,Ji3ld.):iiC0 THEBRI :tish phhiodic IIR FARMERS ' . AiND TUli i AnME..V3 GCTUT v Great Reduction ith? Fric of iha latter i ; Ii. SCOTT vfe CO New York, . Continue to publish tli'J folio sing BritL-h Psnofi cals, viz: ' " ' The London Quarterly ( C nservatta 'i The Ediabursh llrview ;Wbi). The North liritish Review (FneChareti The Westminister ltevicw (Libeml' " Blackwood's Edinburgh JlagarinefT-rt' . ineso pol ivauici, uui puii.iLs luriM.-tua.y one leatureof -w. on Science Liters ture? Morality, and Religion, stand, as they ever have stood, unriraL'ei j world If-letters, being considtrd indosMnaiJ the scholar and the professional man, wLila to U, intelligent reader of evsry clas, -vhey fumuhiacr, correct record of the current literature (if ttt at throughout the world, than can t posibij oLui' from any other source. 23-xly Copies. ' ThoTcceiptof Advance Shuets from tbiSriu ish publishers gives adiitional value to then fc. prints, especially during the presant eici:ei stw jf European affairs, inafmuch as th.?y can noa bt pi, cd in the hands of subscribers about as oon u ti original editions. TERMS. For any one ef the four Reviews For any two of the four Reviews, For any three of tho four Reviews " . .For all four of the Reviews - .. For Blackwood's Magazine - - , . For Blackwood and tareo Rertjws For Blackwood and the four Reviews $1.M ' la - 8,i. 3.i1 . 9.3 - l')Ji) Payments to bo mad' in all c asses iaadvin...- Money current in tno Btati wiere issued will b r ceived at par. ( " Clcusiso. A disco-act of twenty-are percci. from the above priees will bo allowed to (lob oil ing direct from h. Scott A Co, four or inro i..pim of any one or more of the abovw works. Than F copies of Blackwood, or of onu Review, will beast to ono address for 9 do".ls.t fonr copies of th Lc Reviews and Blackwood for 3 ) dolls.; ami' so on Postac.k. In nil the principal Cities and Tow these works will be delivered Fs.tK or Vuxki When sent by mail the Postage to anv port of tin United States will be but Tweoty-four'CenU a jw for '-Blackwood,' and tnt Fourteen Cents a jcar for each of the Reviews. "TIio Parmor'H Goxlde TO SCIENTIFIC AND TIlACT2C.iL ACUKXITUZ, By nENRY STErtENS, 1'. R. of EvVilX tai the lute J. P. Nortov, Profesft of Scieatifie Aj riculture in. Yule College, 'w Ilavun. 2 vs. Royal Octavo. 1500 pages, and nuaierouj Wood and steel Engraving!. ' -This is confessedly the raost complete work oa Ag riculture ever puijiistieX ana in order to jrivtf it a wiaer circulation the publishers have resolved lore dace the price to Five Dollars for tlie Two Volumes.. When sent by mail (post-paid) to California ind Oregon the price will bo 7 dull). .To every other. part of the Union and to Canada (poit-paiJ),6 dolh. Ji tcorh it xot th old "Ho ik of the Fam .Remittances for any of tho Above subtati.iM should always bo addressed, post-pail, ti the Pub- iisners . . . ; LhUAIil) SLOT! X LU, ' ' - Xo. f-4, Go A Street, 5. T. NO BOOKS KI'JH ALL CASE A. S. HOLLADAY,. WHOLESALE AKD BETAI1. LF.ALER W and lllcilicincs r.'Iain Street, Erownville. N. T. THE undersigned refpactfully begs leava to infon th public, that he h:w now on hand a comply a.5ortmt-nt of everything, usually kept in Dn? Stores, which, he offers for ful, Exclusively o New System of . CASH AND CASH . It will be entirely foreign- to this btnutifal T&to to "Book," "keep account," "noun'sratca-bA or "remember for a few diy3." Cotia with ti "Spondulicks " Ujon want iiaything in tha Pn 11C3. Prescript! oca Ccmpo-mJed at all IloirJ Till Accuracy, and Dispatch. rtcmrr.ibcr the system I have adopted, anlT pocket and your feelings will nt suffer. Credit politicly not be given, nnlesamlercircarxiitaoeesi peculiar destitution. -July 12, 13G3.-rl-n6tf A. S. IIOLLAPAY. THE NEW IXOUKIXG-. CIUVRK'S PATENT COMB1NKD GKINDIN5 and Polting or Merchant flouring Milb TiJ hi;ily ingenious and much needed invention ff an entirely new featoro ia the manufacture WLTEAT and FLOUR, by tho mnerior mDDcria which it performs its work (Jill SDLVCr and bOLT IXl the Grain at a jingle operation into di.Terent kinds of flour and feed. " ' This mill advantagis to numerouJ to w enumerated in any advcrtiserim- The proper" to fully apiTeciate its great merit is to scet it roa. It is in operation daily at ' It o. 313 Broadway, Corner Court at.. Ft'.Lcn'u, State and CVnatry liigLtr uv, Mills For Sale. W. W. IIAMEKJkfOi Croadwayand Court, 2d Story. ST. JOSEPH LUMBER YARD. Oa EJmondi Strccf, rtar Carill'a Mill, St. Joseph, Iisoari. W. J. TAYLOR; Removed from the oi Stand to tho abovo place. THE undersigned is now fully prepared to accom modate bis pitrorw and friends with th bes:W sortrncnt of l"iao Lumber evei tfifered in this ket, comprising r.ot only Whito Hue Lumber nJ White and Yellow Fhx.rin,' r;a-ly Uresel; hut aJ best assortment of PLaeanl Cottonwood shins'- Poplar Siding, Ac. . lie has nowen hand, at bin Lumber Yard,th In gest and bet sisortment tf Doors, Sash d )eDl tian blinds, ever oITered ia thif taarket, a portin.' which is direct from Cincinna ti manufactories, whK enables him to ell at very reduced prices. fully prepared to fill ad order inhis line, at notice, and particularly solicits the Kacas ani braska trade, for he hits tho articles th-y wnt mat have. Ho pure ti give ue a call, near C" Mill,- and La the imnaediato vitinity cf the t. seph Prewery. 1. rtASTEKV BROWNVILLE FERFtY PLASTEUS-& BAKER, A are prepared with ev. ry ,7 . mmoiI1 ;lo:i;iy 10 ...- thosocro-ssinr the Ml.i.uri river. This being cess crossuig point oa th irc .Missouri, . coming toXebraka, wili f r.d'it :;ruutly ta their vacta9 to cross a th's voizt. '-. rEILRY llATl.S. e,j F..r everv two horses, ui'ile cf o.t;a i ' 4 each individual pair of horse:, males or ox ' horso or ruulo and bagrj. " led horse or c.ale, . loose cattle per heuJ, : '. . sheep an J hgs per heal, -. eaoh f'-i truin, " li ii it 1 ! 1 . " cwt.of fre'ghr.. icci 01 turacer, - . . unloaded w,i:')a ai Jiarscs, mules of oxen therewith, -7 Erownrillc, August 2, 15iJ.-W llLULb L( LilR PTtrPII. 3.71.1 fta InAA.I : ing, it will out grind any nrpor EriaOor ' S Socondlyj l!y this arrancrement w .T cases. ini3 is a great veiation ciusb, i i 1 trouble in all Mills where the nrpr stona ner. Of course, we mean t mill Mil, wt " . tion mu.t be high to do much ' i cruxucais aoiy represent the thr... itical parties of Greut Britain Wti;, Torj r