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f if IS1 7i Ax). it AXES UF ADYEIlUislNG. 0 si'Jsra (t.r. i or :-) ct.j i" r: . : i) ASKA ADVERTISER - . r - II. MILLER. 1 J D:ock,KinS't Between 1st & 2d. ' I ! If : : Jju3iaei3 cjf iix Iicei or K- clo y?ar in t, J OneculjEa oca year -One ha;f cu uma on year - Oaa fourth J co.'utj.b ;jn ye.r Cue eiclitli columu ,ne j ear Ona eoiuinri six iu"r.; h One bal vjIu en ?ix raat!: One fourth ctJuran fji in '.'hi One eiuti coiun:n p'.x -s One ci.urau three umnl.-.i - - One ha.lf coiu?in n ix m ?.'h One fourth coin ninth rue rT,"s i XV AS) 4 .j i. Z) t ) ) 0) :t o 2t C3 13 ( ) 23 CJ 2S O i b a ID C3 6 C) I 1 it 1 I I . J yJVs:P -v Ay -Ay Ay i t t tw y One eizbtii three ruonthj TERMS: Acnour.i.ii;ivaiiii,Jaf es lot tCce trear, In advance, - - 5 n, must irnnriaWj. bo raid Advance Turk, and Plain' nd Fancj- Job Work, t style, and on sbort i.otice. All transient aJ?erii;eiuect3 must be fli ia ed ane. Yearly aJreri'emnti qua'terlr ?n aJraree. All kiidj of Jt)b, Look and Card pretir d. t la the best tyle on fbnrt r.otice ani rr ; rht!o terroi LIBERT AND UNION,, ONE.AND INSEPARABLE, N O V AND FOREVER.' ERO WNV ILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER, 10, 1864.. NO. 8. , IX. r A An N'ES.S CARDS. IDW. THOMAS, ?JEY AT LAV, ;ii iJf ciiANctity, r of Vain aiM Vi-e Strpeta. , Nebraska. 3 Ci'iv, i;rBi:Ai.::.A. ,, C ail lie CoUlt of ?.-'-r-V-v 1 ti .ii :' Onr Castle. BV OATHABLE EAEKSHaW. 'EWA11T, LI. D., AH AHD SUEQEO-J. osiers rti t f Mr.-i mil Vrt, Srreots -1 U f a. M.and 1 to 2 and G)Z to el.raH, M;iy 'th, No :5j,ly. UUIINS, M. 1)., IAN & SURGEOIi! ilia. City, TSJ. 17. ( K AT HIS ULMDKNCE. '1. n47-vS--lW C..TIIUKMAN, T..:9-j2-!y-j-d C. HARE'S GUT GALLERY ret ronr Pictu-r-i. II c i s j-rj ared t0 f ru ti;jeia'P ie'i Plmtt trsphs, ml a we:i-f:eiect"1 htock of Album vie iiorlh Fii'.f "t Diniu Btrppt rpri .' Sioo. Kerwiiih will 1' well U- is takon tin ! J- iin, !. in copj inc -.! rot., p:een, or j'Uii ure M'lirt'uV drohso. iINERY GOODS ! u ji aiev iii:vett, mi Oi to 1 lp,K vt B:ownyj'Ie anJ vi y tliit !) li is iust , ttct li fevl f,'l. Ihe a m.tiiitlcciit iiiilct :;D.sua?m ::iLi:::rr.Y goods, CoI-tit.l; o." JMisrcs' U.T-rjerjP r.nd Hats, Kib boas. ricvors,' cite irn itf-flie. attention of the l4;e, fool ti v ch: :,t ie 1'fiier iuitoJ m tt lo. gnai- i.4t-iy Tn perfumfd air of ori;nt climes, - In fiihlight of ecroncf-t g'M, Which, flit-kerir.g thruugb our arched limes, Fleck yt-ilow on that verd int tnoald Bcnoath thi te royal purple -Lie3, . Here shall our cvil-'i turrets rise. ; - Its fcAttlcmcnted vrall? t-T.r.ll gleam With eiiu:-"n g ws and Uiry 'ihts And through itsuiu'.linncJ pUfs t-ball stream Tlie fiaillght of eiicbiintud niMti ; s Vl:il tin; scented firs shall blew, At. J bturs tliat couio sh.l Lc-vcrgo. Ia g'trlr-fis with our'.ar.j-tii bl'rrJ ii,'.2-'s I oej) their me! ti.m-ie Am! d..riii. rhri-njrh ihu loy glytiua '1 hvii -In ti.rth. giaiu-e ; And in this .Jt ous iia-k we r'mm Queens reuunt of our cattle Louie. a' b rosos never bloLicd before As I'loi in !it.ii ks.-f (ur t'Hstle wall?, The tur s:ghed in diyi uf yorn lirealne t.vcier ifcroi.0b tur louutala ta'.ls , '';Hili lu.igio rkioc, in lu.iic hunt.'', Our cbaruici ftpaiiibb t-itttie tatidi. With fc'"!et liri, she dying day Lriuthib Ki'ltnuor oerour mm pant heights The hul-t.ui's ii'n0', mIrtliou l.ty l'lt-ii-fHe tiling thu L'.den nights; . Ti.r( n-li t;;arry-bhiui.J iMMueriinute tree I lvi sucet tue ureaui;ui eveuii.g breizo. Afar, thesca in violet fluah I je-lrjiiiiii to the liftening night " Aiid we hi this eutriajiug huib ; Quuil'all we ureauiol dour tieligbt . "A lonely life 'iieath Southern skies, The bowks wo luve each other' eyes. For you ar:d I alone, my friendj Our oa.-tlj'e turret auiitj ; Fr usth(eday that never en4 Lriiig hit; to our Eiytian laud Imperial hours of pleasure raref' I'oi 1 1 io and yuu and 1 are there. r 'r.s. q Dross-making ic; i:. s. iz a sir is, i riftr;ti tho !:i'ii.'.s f Iriwnvi!!e and -Ik ha-' ju-t 0' t;ltl!. ni ed a fii"t olh.- ciiY k rni:r.s making k . '1 'tT" witii rroat care an I "r :hi- !.ik-t T..i-'t-r;i .'L'S. i-i 1 t ! nirir ' il'-r.e i;i tli very W.t f I ' l o. ! ;-:iso :rt tne rti y ..(:,:,;. hr l. V. Co'.eiun. i v 1- il. i: AM) I! UIMHESS0IV !-itr 1'. O. Puiltlingh'et. and 21. !:' ! l.i- j itrtn-, f, r forisT li'oertil 1 i- .':'. i ;i l.xf.J rci iy to (.have. 1 i r 1; ,t in the boct .-tj lo. , .;iriU!. -f J. i:3-S-lv. To-ier Wall Paper ! ! vn !l! r-i n."st fipi ri yeJ atyle, ar.t ;'U ..te 2 Sw a::; 11:12 saves kixl:'" 'IS WiDTEH, t ?!., rajj, uporlorm all work.par- t--itn-"!. -cu l".tirg.glsi;nS,and iper hart Tt tiirticf, Hriil the mit approved iivhiiQ a call, i f-treet, east of Atkinson' Cloth pril 7.. ly. ru Tin: old stand' 'l WATCHES. A SO SEP 1J SIIUTZ - -'thi:nnf..rta fcis oJJ rnatiMora that he " i his Jewelrj limp in liis old Man.i on "I'hM.le two d-K-r. e-it of the Wrwn Ue kpfjis o Lurxl a fpleorti I Hn.-oritnent "1 Ins line ,.f i.iiK.uei.6, iiicU he will ft ternferCit .'ehesand Jeweirj June on the hort- 3RK WARRANTED. Neb.. May l'h. ,,37-vS-Jr IXG HOUSE! 'iVfri). AUG VST, -T. FISST ASD SECOND STS. ;7;, eS' C'"!:i,!, Gincor Brea.1, etc. conai,t!y on haM 1-3 he a; lLe bet fcyle n(1 Bn phort ix-4-ly Bebel raJD into Ycrraact, . Fi oni Troy Vine O.t 2p. Troy nnd many other Northern cities were excited, last evening, by the news q a rtid upon the viUge of St' Allans, Yeruiont. We issued a third edition at 5. o'clock, containing the bare annoutice ip. t-nt n a trapbfer of the war to North ern soil, and awaited further particulars which we pre enabled to pre.-ent to-day, from the lips of an eye-wMne?s of the murderous and ruffianly transaction, Mr, J. IL Baldwin, tenductor of the -deeping tar train from Ro'ise's Point to Troy who ri ntLt J lit re at 5 o!ot k this moruipj. As narrated Ly him, the St. Allans raid will lonj be remeaibertd as one of the most daring and bruiai events, in the present war. 'Mr. Baldwin had been taking a vaca tion for a ftwr uays.sioppin at ihe Amer i' an Hotel, Stv. All ai;s. About a week eq orlle strangers ranu to board at this howj.y and i!ie Trmotit. Un? pf thein, rtiiling.l.irn, felt (Jttlnnel, appeared to be 11 proininenl ne aiucf g them. He w 55 a man ot iDHdium size, aoout tinny-five jears ot age. and appeared 10 linve no oihT natne loan that of Colonel. Oher? of the pariy, who tutf quenily proved to be jji'i-ves and uiurders. were hai.itt.d in i!ie Uijifonn of Uuiltd Smtes o(iin -T$.and all wlu wore a sort of w tapper o! tape, and each car tied a satchel slunn by a siioulder strap at the left fide, after lh uini.ntr oT sportsmen. There eilit;d to be no concert of action be tween any of these nun they said n-th-in to ench other in public to all ap parances, they were substitute brokers, contractors or speculators, such aa are of ten seen in frontier towns St. Albaus, being only sixteen miles from the Cana da Lue. Un Tuebday uiht the Mran gers in the village were re-iuforctd by others, who arrived in the train front Rouse's Point ,apd new faces appeared t the breakfast tables of the hotels. t)n Wednesday morning-, a further batch of con.-piraurs arrived, till about thirty raidershdd collected. And then the plot was rip fur execution At 3 o'clock p. Wednesday. Oct. Ipih. St. Albans was in a state of yppar ent4quiet common to New England towns manifesting no more excitement than an occasional team driving through the streets or a whistle from some approach- j ing tram among the Green Mountains. The blue waters of Lake Charnplain. at some distance from the to vn, were unrippled; the leafs slopes back of the place were still. Iet iae calm was soon succeeded by a storm. Our inform ant, Conductor Baldwin, was standing on the steps of the American IIoihI, jusl as the town bell rang out the hour of 3 o'clock, uhen he saw a man coming out of the door. of the First National Bank and as he did so a citizen on the step. knocke him down. A second was also floored; but . the third had a pistol in his hand, a,ad; the citizen-retreated. The Conductor thought the affair wa3 the'freak of some drunk en men, but soon he saw symptoms of a disturlan:e at other prints. Several men appeared to be rushing about with piatols, in parties of from five to ten. One of these gangs met a Mr, Morri and presented a weapon to him, demand ing hi surrender. He answnrrd, "You are joking, boys." They fired, and he fell, weltering in his blood. Our in formant saw him hro-.v up his hands and then sink on the ground, and then he realize', for the firi time that. the village ai'.itUd ly Mid otgar.iztd body of men, bent on-piiiage and regardless of human Lf' Meanwht.le the attatk had been si multaneous on the ihiee Banks the First National, Franklin County, and St Albuns. Panics tntered each. When the teller or "easier, suspecting no evil, asked what they desired, the lea- presented a pistol, with the: exclamation You are my prisoners. If you move an inch we'll blow you through." Oth ers r.f the gang then went to the vault, DO and drawers, and laid violent' hands on ail the tpecie bills and other articles which they could find, and filled the side satchels which each wore, as we before described. Of cour.-e, resistance ' was useless, for the surprise was complete At the Franklin County Park, the rai ders pushed the cashier, Mr. Peartbley, and one cf the clerks, into the vault and locked them up, and the prisoners 'were not release4 until late in the night. Then commenced a reign of terror in the .village. Plunder had Leeu accom rlished, and violence followed. The raid was brief, but the s.cene must have been terrible while it lasted. The thirty or more marauders rushed up and down the streets firing their pistol in every direction. Whenever they -ava citizen or group of men, they would aim in that direction. They had msguificent arms seven-shooters and as fats as one weapon was unloaded they iiher i and kept up the fusilade. Air. Oildwin says he can only liken the sounds to the noise of a Fourth of July morning in a barge city. There wa3 a continuous bang ! bang ! bang. Of course this reck less use of fire crms could qot continue with nobody hurt. The Sheriff of the County fell; Mr. Hunting-ton was shot while resisting the robbery of his store; a woman, whose name we did not 1-arn, ftjl and, nitvre dastardly than all, as the guei riilas were .leaving the town, thy saw a little girl in the street, aaJ wan uuily' kihed her. And the bullets were flying-around among th-; buildings in the main street, nearly all of which bear marks of lead. Windows, were broken, blinds chipped, o;:'h popjj wounded. It was a scene that beggars al descrip MQ'l. . ,. Of course, the entire populace rushed xwo the m reel.-. Tji-y havo 110 idea ! the cause of the disturbance, for they were engaged in tbeir'usual daily avoca lions, and the raid was vlike thunder f r in a clar ky." The gu-rnlla?, a.-, they ru-hed through the town, stopped ali ih ci:2rius they met. and gathered them in squads under guard of a few men armed wi h pistols, treating them as prisoners on the common. Meanwhile the remainder of the banditti started to s cure hor.-es. They took two from Fuller's, several from the American and Tremont stables, and a SI!oO span from Mr. Clark cf Rutland, securing; about thirty in all.; Their . adroitness in cut ting off harness was marvelous, .and the contents of the saddle makers, shops soon enibjecj the yiilians tq become cavalry, instead of foot-pads. Meanwhile their threats were terrible ''we will burn your d d towu," they said. We will treat you as the people of Atlanta were treated." They also said "We are a coming baclc agaip, and will burn every town in Vermont." At six o'clock, the out-buildings of the Aoirican Hotel were discovered to be ou fire. Whether f.he Marauders had fired the town during their three o'clock visit and the flames smouldered, or whether sympathizers or accomplices in the town had started the confiagrat9on three hours afterwards, is not known. Terrible to discover, water would not extinguish the flimes. The walls had been covered with phosphorous, and the engins were useless. In this emergency by tearing down the . fences, throwing vinegar and molasses on the fire, and smothering it with blankets, it was finaUy paout.' . ... Buffalo October 31. The city was patrolled by the military and a large force of last night. Companies were stationed onthe dry docks. Nothing 0!cu,rred, but it is thought the prompt action of the authorities, and the fact that the military were out yesterday attending Generel Bidweil's funeral, frustrated the raiders' jla,n. A- number of suspicious persons have been observed , in town within a short time past. . ' It is stated to-day that the rocket? were thrown up and guns fired lask night by unknown par'ies. They are thought to have teen signals to parlies on the oppo site shore. . - " The St. Allans Raid. Burlington, Vi..Oot. 23, 1SG4 Thirteen of the Rebel raiders are now in the jail at St. Johns, Canada; They are niosilj young men, and claim to bail from Kentucky, and insist that they are in the Confederate service,' They are confident they will be released. Two thousand of them claim to have captains commissions. A small quantity of Con federate money was found on them. Their examination before Judge Course!, will commence 'at St. John's to-morrow morning Bernard Devlin an eminent counselor of Montreal, will Conduct the case in behalf of the U. S. Government. ; - From Little RocK. Scouts csj me into Litlex Rock on the evening of, tie 15th, and reported that a body of from fifteen to twen'y thous and rebels; cavalry and infant ry.with ar tillery, were crossing the Saline river, northward, landing just below Benton, in Saline county. 'Benton is about twenty-five miles from little Rock. Next day two reconnoitering parties of cavalry left Little Rock, composed of the 1st and 14th Missouri cavalry, a mounung to 1,0(70 men. One party moved west and the" other in a direct line towards Benton. There were apftehension3 of a de sign to attack Little Rock, " but it wi. thought the rebel movement had for its object a co-operation with Price's forces advancing from Kansas presumed by the rebels to be laden with spoils col lected from the raid through Missouri and Kansas. Jt is highly probable that the Confederate trans-Mississippi pro gramme has" arranged for reinforcing Price at a period when it might have been expected the Union armies would be upon his heels. This new rebel force is reported to be under the command of (Jfc&eral Har Some three weeks agq the General was said to be leadina large body of rebel iroops withiu ten miles of Pine Bluff. An expedition was sent from the Rock to fiind them, when they retired ipwaid Camden, south of Saline county. Thar force may be he sajji? now repor ted. It was then found to be five thous and strong. The Largest Gun In tbe World. The grand test of 'he iweuty-inch Rodman gun at Fort Hamilton. - on the 26th, proved an entire uccesa. At 12 p,, for the first loading of the heav iest piece of ordnance in the world, the parapets of the fort were thronged with distinguished officers and ladies and gentlemen, anxious to witness the uial oAhe great gun. It was not until half past two o'clock, the first discharge, a blank cartidge, pf one hundred pounds of powder, was fired. The concussion fol lowing "the dischaige was slight, and the recoil of the gua much less" than was an: ticipated. The piece was next loaded with" a charge of fifty pound of . powder and a thousand pound shell. The time taken in loading was about half an hour. The seccond trial .was as successful as the first, the balhjin consequence of con siderable depression of he gun, striking the water at a quarter of a mile distance, ricoheting several times. The gun, on examination, being fcund to have receiv ed no strains, preparations were for a final test. At five o'clock the piece was again oaded with a charge, of Gne hundred pounds of powder and a ball weighing one thousand and eighty pounds one of the largest projectiles ever cast. It was found to be anything but an easy task to adjust the ball. However, at the hour mentioned, the piece was loaded, everybpdy stood clear for the last grand tria.1. The gun was raised to an eleva tion of twenty-Jivedegrees, and the dis charge was deafening. The Ball was twenty-four seconds in the sir, a,nd fell at the distance of about three miles and a half.- Considerable applause followed the final shot, and all concerned in the management of the piece were warmly congratulated. The following are r: dimensions of this last great achieve ment of. Captain" Rodman: Weight of the gun. 116,497 pounds; length 21 feet; ere, 20 inches; usual charge of , powder 1 0 pounds; . average weight of bail, I;L J'ew. York Times. Atrocious. Some o the atrocities committed by Trice and his minions, during their raid through Missouri, are so revolting and fiendish, that it is difficult to believe that mere men, possessing, the shape and na ture of common humanity, could be guilty of them. The following extract from an order issued by Gen Thomas Ewing, announc ing the intelligence cf the murder of AJajor Wilson, 3d. Cav. M. S. M., gives one, of the many diabolical crimes com mitted by them. "With profound sorrow the General Commanding announces thcmournful in telligence of the murder of Major Jame; Wilson, 3d. Cav. M. . S. M. and six of his command. "On the27ih of September they were taken in fair fight at Pilot KnoW, by Brigadier Gen Fagan's command, and were subjected to every indignity that malignant cowardice could invent, until the 5th iqst., when they were delivered over ten miles west of Union, Mo., by order of the rebel field Officer of the Day, to the guerilla Tim Reevs, for ex ecution. Their bodies were found yes terday,. and that of Major Wilson, thoush riddled by bullets and mutilated by long exposure, was identified by the uniform and private official papers found upon it. as well as by the personal recognition of his a isociates in service." This is a very-brief account The re port of the investigation into the circum stances attending the execution, show it to have been a most horrible affair un equaled, perhaps, by anything that has occurred during the war, except the massacre at Fort Pillow. Omelet. , Take three tallespoonfuls of milk and a pinch of salt to each egg, beat lightly for three or four minute and pour thern into a hot pan, in which a piece of Put-, ter the size of a Walnut had been mel ted a minute previous. The mass will begin to rise in Cakes'immediately,' ana the bottcm must be incessantlV lifted with a clean Knife so -that the softer parts run in. An Omelet should bd cooked about three cr four minutes, and made in this way will melt ia the mouth. ScicrAif c Jlnxericcn. it. Railroad AccISeat In Indian; Indianapolis, Nov. 2, A terrible col lision occurred on the Lafaye'te and In dianspolis railroad last evening, between the passenger train which lift here at 3 o'clock, and a cattle train cqmi South. Twenty-eight dead, bodies ba been taken out of the wreck, twenty or thirty wouuded. two of which hive sinca died. The accident occurred six miles south of Lafayette. A majority of th-3 killed and wounded are returned scl-' diers. The Atlantic Cable- Mr. George Seward. Secretary of the. Atlantic Telegraphic Company, in are port to Mr. Fi'-ld, says that the covering of the copper' conductor with its four layers of gutta peicha commenced or? ihe lOut of April, and ha3 'since then continued slowly and with great care and perfection.- Already about eight hun red mils have been completed. About sixteen hundred tuns, of wire have been already delivered. All the other mate rial for the cabie is being prepared as1 rapidly as possible, consistent with its being perfect . in every particular. Machines wiifsoon be in operation which will complete about eighty miles of cable per week. The Great Eastern is beiDg prepared for the reception of the cable', and will be ready to receiye her freight in December. The . Raleigh Standard denounces ?he Ultra position Rssi nud at the late Convention of the Rebel Governors. Correspondence has passed between Generals Grant and Lee conperning the condition of prisoners on both sides. It has beep agreed upon to allow supplies to be forwarded to the prisoners op each sicle. . The mode will be adopted forthwith- Benjamin has issued a paper on the United States indebtedness, endeavor ing to convince European capitalists that pur national securiries are ihe u'crst of investments. An ofikiial dispatch from Genearl Pleasanton received in St. Louis on the 30th of October, gives thu following ac count of his operations against Prior- : He marched 92 miles in 2 day: and fought for the last 2 miles. His force was less than 10,000, while Price's was fully 26,000, Price has but one gun left and no am uniiion.he laving blown up 's train an,d also burn d 4C0 wagons to. save them from capture. We have 200 pnsouers and several thousand stand of arms. Fiigan is reported killed. Price's army is ten pletely disorganized and flying in all directions. "Springfield, Oct. 23 1SG1. To Brig.' Gen. Gray: Price is in Ja?per'County, hard press f d I y cur forces. He has lost all of his artillery but twi pieces, one of them dis abled. The country ;s full of his strag glers. He hai lost a great pcrfipn of his trains. C. B. HOLLAND. Brig. Gen'l.- It is reported that Hon. E. M. Stan ton is to be appointed Chief Justice in the place of the late Chief Justice Tan ey, and Montgomery Blair is to be ap pointed Socretary of War. Tribune's corresptinder.t fror.i the left army Potomac, under date of the 30th. says the new angle of a mile and a half on ihe south-west, we acquired on our left by a recent strategic demonstration, is being strorgly fortified. He under stands that the army line road, is to be immediately pushed out to the left two or three miles beyoud its present ter minus. Why this important extension of our fortified line came to be so easily made, was by the enemy" weakening their lines of battle at this point, to in tercept what they look to be a flank movement around their extreme right. While they were niassjng agaipst the 2d and 5th corps on the extreme left, the 9th corps shoved in at this point and took a line of their works, "which was remov ed, and uqw form our new left angle, probably not during tho war, has so im portant an extension of fortified line been made with so little fighting. It U true, there was .considerable marching and counter-marching. All operations like this and other movement? gbow a grow ing weakness of the rebel army. General Sheridan in early life was a newsboy. An exchange says he circu lated news then, but makes it now. The New Bedford Herald won ders how it would do for Congress to .com pel the old bachelors to support the or phan children cf the men r.ho diq in de fence of the country. , - California Silk. It is said that lha silk grown in California is even letter than European, the fertility cf the soil and the dryness of the atmosphere favor jng the growth of the mulberry, and giv ing a more delicate quality to the fab- ric. Attack on the Bel! : St. Lonls. The following diptchej give the full particulars of. the attack made on the steamer Belle St. Louis, on the night of the 2Sth of Oct., while on her way from Memphis to St. Louis. .... Cairo, Oct., 0.' The stramer Belle St. Louis left Memphis on the 2Sih, loaded with cotton and was attacked on her way up. The follownig i3 the particulars of the at tempt to capture her. "She landed at Randolph, sixty miles above Memphis, at miduight,' for the purpose of taking on freight. Mr. Geo. H. Atherton and about twenty deck hands had gone ashore, when about forty guerillas commenced firing on the boat. A party rushed between ihe hands on shore and "the boat; and succeeded in boarding her, when Capt Zcigler; hex commander, ordered her to back put, which was promptly done. The rebels on boaad, finding that they were bemg carried away from their companions on shore, leaped into the wa ter and all but two susceeded in gaining the shore, wherr Major Puller, of Illinois and Major Smith, cf Minnesota, drew their revolvers and shot fhe two remain ing en board, killing one and mortally wounding the other. The fire was im mediately returned by the wounded.rebel wounding both paymasters, who soon after died. Tbos. Bruce, assistant engineer, was seriously wounded in the shoulder while in bed in the texas. Paymaster's clerk, named McGowan had his left arm broken. Atherton and ihdeck hands left on the shore when the boat pushed out, are supposed to have been captured by the rebels. The wounded rebel who killed the pay-J masters, was nroagnt to mis qty, aud caa survive but a few hours. The bodies of the paymasters have been forwarded to their relatives. The muster roll of the rebels, contain ing the Dames of Captain Ford and 39 men, was captured from the rebels on the boat' Majors Abraham Butler and D C. Smith, who have thus fallen in thi noble performance of their duty, have been at tached to the pay district of the Missis sippi for about a year. The had both done noble service in the. field, before poming into the pay Department, and their death will be deeply regretted in the wide circleof army officers, towhorx; their names were synonyms of honor and bravery. At the outbreak of the rebel lion Maj. Smith recruited a company cf soldiers in a Minnesotn Regiment, and being ordered to the Dpartnjent of Vir- An official announcement by Gover nor Hahn, of Louisiana, gives the total votes cast for and against the new Con sti'ution. as follows: For the Constitu tion, 6,536; against the Cei stitut.ion, 166. Gov. a prccla;nntkm ha.3 declared that the Constitution, is hence forth ordained and established as the law of Louisiann. Mew York, Oct. 27. The Irish refu- gee John Mitchell is repjrted in com mand of the reble fleet on James river. "Ccme here, my lad" said an attorney to a boy cf about nine years old. A case is between the devil and the people which do you think will be more likeiy to gain the action ?" The boy replied, M guess it will be a hard squeeze; the peopla have the money, but the devil has haj the most lawyers." Boston, Oct. 2S. Governor Cony ha$ appointed Nathan A. Farwell. of Rock land, to fill the unexpired tern of Secre tary Fasseuden in the United States Senate The Sanitary t'camlsslqa New York, Oct .27. By th' forth: coming report of th? Sanitary Commis sion, it will be shown that the va!u of the contributions recived exceediST, QUO' 000. The Racer Flora Temple Sold. Baltimore, Oct. 2-3. At the sale of the late Mr. -McDonough's effects, the racing mare Fiora Tempi0, wai bought by G. J. Presbury for eight thousand dollars. The la?t report cf the Canuni.-sbner of Internal Revenue shows that the in come of the Government from internal taxes is about 816,000.030 a "nrjcih, cr nearly S"2C0, 000,000 a year. Captain Ericsson has invented a ne;v crun. which is said to surpaise anything now in use throws a ball eight miles. ! Sinia did mu-h gallant service, and left ais regiment only when service wounds rendered him unft for field service. He, t at least, was a true patriot, and the em- The Lavv of Gravity Suspended. Jeff D.ivis,in his speech at "Montgomery, said of Mobile. "The city still stands, and 1 bodiment of honor and gallantry, will stand, though every wall and roof' thould fall to the ground." A bill has been ia'rodured in tho Louisiana legislature for a loan of a mil lion dollars, in order to enroll he Lou isiana militia. All pers-jna except retle deserters are liable. Washington, Oct. CO. The-Pre:.-dent has issued a proclama tion abmitiing Nevada Territory into the Union, on an eusl footing with the other Slates. Astronomers predict that in Novem ber of this year, a meteoric display cf falling stars, similar to that cf Noven ber, 1S33, will take place. A machine hi3 been invented in Springfield. Mass., wich wrshes dishes Jt will wash all the dishes cn a tabid for twelve persons in ten minutes. P3clal Yctc of 11 ARRISUCBC, NOV.-2. The official vote cf forty-nine connties Cbas been received at the Secretary cf State's office. The following gregate results is the a?- incluping th.; soldier's Lincoln will be elected. vote: Union 190,737; Democratic, 173 6GS; a a Ucicn major"