sO 'LJA. .
in iiiimihiihiim hi mini ii mi ,iBwwp'--''t',,siJMwiiJ-' jn'wiwri1 uaw nwww
Cn tq3r9.(t lists or Itu) i--ni:n, V, i)
Each aJiitional icsertioa "- " IS)
Basiae eardsia lice crlie-i Jf 1JO
Oaci.IaE:a ccsear ;)
Caabalf conn?, onajcr 5) CI
Oas fourth! cla3r3or9 jear C,
- Cdo e;;lit!i column caa jr . 21
. Od half eo'ama i;i taootha ' ' -t
Ona fourt'j eiJumo n'u tnon?-S 21 C
One e!.i:h colutnn -ix tuubtLi Ii C3
Oae coiaiaa tarse uidntht . . 2? C 3
Qae hlcoSuiDn n six months SI t )
8oe fourth co!umnthrc moDih 15 CJ
ae eighth column three njcnfi:! - 13 fl
Annuuaoin canJiijs'p f -t.'Z: 6 CI
All tricsieiit fcdTertiaea.--.U csit b ia ai
aioce. Yearly adTrti-pn:"n'.s qnirterlr ia 3rasc.
Ail kinds cf Ji b. Uk au J Car l rintisg. don ia
n Kr ' r v' r -nrt ?Paj
-t : . , t
t Block, llain B't Between lit . 2d,
: ' ' q:-- J.-i J t . -,.r i V ' ,. .. ...... . -. . ' '' I i '.'.
c year, in advance, - -w
on, must tnvariah'y,ber'd advtnce(
Work, and Plain and Fancy Jb Work,
ft style, and on short notice.
,1 ;
it . i a
NO. 9.
:iir: J i
,r Cf lin and Fltvt Strwti.
1 n2-6yly
e m all 'be Ourta of Nebraska.
" T-ix-l-6ui Pd-
aer of Mia and Firit Strceta
7 to 9 a. m. and 1 to 2 and C to
ebrs-ka, Maj 6th, 1864- No 35, ly.
. BURNS, M. D.,
,liaf City, TNT. T.
H. n47-v3-pdly
vol9-c2-Iy-pd .
eStern P&otograpli
.7est of BrQ-iTille House,
Ay anno'ince to tlie rn,,i; ,rit
7-LiKlit Gallfry. ami is now 1,; areU
J, m and style of pit" mre ktn.wn U
e fiiel and must iprwel slylf.
a thai) any oilter nr:it west of 5-.
ifhaif )iuure will Cud It creatly U;
cjiiI anJ exauiipe my upeiuicn and
Pictures copied into Photo
grophs. l7-3ina
. 0. HARE'S
pet ynwr Pictnre. IT If preparpd to
itt PKture Urge tUea FUotogcaphk,
l and a well-selectM atock of Albunu
J g(MKlH.
ery i north ride of main Stieet oppo
oi.u'a pure. Persons will do well to
re getting work done eUewhere.
ins taken witb fhiidruu, aUu in Copyin?
Drk red, black, green, or plaid are
r children' Jrefea.
y & Dress-making
nform the UJies of Brownville and
she baa jut comtntfDcod a firtc!a?
iirbedin with cret ear anl
fter t'ue )a.tet Eastern Btyles.
.d repairing done in the very bent
iOtt nctice. riae call at the resi
ccupied bv J. W. Ooleman.
Uy 4:h, 1864.
5SnIl I. ROY, 7
site P. 0. Building bet. 1st and 3d.
k to big iatrorj8 for former liberal
i ia it iil on hand ready to abare,
'res Lair in the Lett stvle.
April 21, r.33-8-ly.
'aper Wall Paper!!
1 hand at Marohu's Tailor S'ao?, ty
d'Ma in tte moat approved atyle, and
b. J una 2 IS64. 6w
rct,ro-Jy loprrloria all work.par-
0???. -
IMiiDting.glan.and paper hang
not c, and tba m.Bt approred
. tieh"nn a call,
-reel, cat of Atkinson's Cloth -
1 7, iy.
I inform his old customers that he
nnweweirj onopiu bis old ai and on
a siae, two Goors esst 01 the Brown
s keep on band a mleudid aMrtnwnt
his Hue of business, wlilch La will
irrois ier can
:hes and Jewelry dyna on fh phort
May Ith, 1S64. nJ7-T8.:y
September 19,1864.
Fheridan,Sbericl8B,caTalry Sheridan,
Him of the horses a.nd sabres I sing ,
Look, how he drove them 1
Look, how he clove them,!
Sabred, belabored, confuse 1 and confounded,
Tlie whole rebel route as they fell bark astounded
At the fierco ttr-de and swing
Of our men gallopicg
Shouting with vengence, roaring with laughter,
Cheering with vitVory, ploughed after
Sheridan, Sheridan, cavalry Slieridanl
Ah ! fair Shenandoah, then test of the robber,
Ilow fciarid the count with thy people to-day ?
Viere U the fire now,
SLowin.jtby ir now,
B:aiii.g, while gcz-g vritb fear and amszement;
As ou it crept swiftly froia door-post to casement
Weeping ;th pale dismay?
Stood maids and matrons gray ?
lias it r.a sr-eBd t0 y end of the valley?
Did it not follow thee in thy grand sally,
Sheridan, Sheridan, cavalry Sheridan I
III. -
CbsmtenWg, Chambersburg, Smouldering'
S it in thy ruins, corjtent with thy lot 1
Lo ! thy desrV)ilcr.
Snared by the toiler,
Retreated, defeated, torn, pieced, slashed with
gashes, '
And what tby homes weie,now their bodies are
ashes !
()h 1 be ;' . pricf forgof, .. .
' fvcry bright laurelled spot,
Ou thy fair hill-sides wait tnttron and maiden
With cbaplcts of glory; . to welcome and laden
Sheridan, Shcridun, canlry Sheridan.
0 ! Early, lmd Early.thoo ruthless invader.
V Ler'f are the troops who fullvwed thy raid ?
Look at their corpes,
Soldiers and horses,
Whiten and brighten with bones, shining gr'mly
On ail the wide plains they rode over m tnmljr.
What has the raven said !
Where ha the red fox preyed ?
What is Jhehi-h-Bsiitn,.!; bnanrd declaring,
Iu Richmond's whit, upturned face, of thy warfar-
Sheridan, Sheridan, cavalry Sheridan?
' V.
Sheridan, Shcridsn, rayalry Sterdan,
When thou shalt come to thy people gin.
Crowns we shall twine for thee'
And the rip wine fr thee.
F!iihipgr4'plainS 'ro,n ?"v,!t "nd be,lke,
Shall whirl round the iyoi m eio iuem
A he essays in vain
IIomg to make it plain
How the great heart of i he jub ilant nation
Swells toward thy pwn in its fiill admiration,
Sberidau, Slicridrn, cavalry Sheridan I
George II Roker.
1 jJ -
'5"; Cinfw iread, etc.
arv4 ia u, M $kr
. U-4-lf
pcath of Sam Mcdary.
Semuei Medary, lorgthe editor of ihe
Ohio Statesman, died on the 9th inst.
after an illness of eleven weeks.
Mr. Medary has been for a longtime
one of the forraost Democrats in Ohio.and
as the editor of the Statesman has been
regarded as one of the best men of the
'He was a man whose native powers
were very considerable, as is clearly
;noph shown in ihe large influence he
exened upon nis Itjioy uuinia,
had not many early advantages of educa-
lion. His editorials ana ne wrote iuy
innHs f thpm were never polished
literary performances; there were often
J ' 11. 1 1 or.
sentences that wouia not dkav t-
aminaiion as to their grammatical struc
ture; but they were never lacking in
something of force bearing the marks ol
1 1' .t, If)
a stron understanding rjiciici
public atlairs, and the resolute oictaies
f n nnflmrlm." will. He did not shrink
from saying the bitterest things of .'his
opponents, and did not spare uiem ca
sonally. or take pains to soften the first
harsh ords in which his displeasure
found expressions. So in his long pub,:
he life he made many enemies; but we
rlipir it wns cbaraciefitic of him to be
as quick to forgive as to offend. Iu his
domestic and social relations, he was gen
erous and kindly; the luarl ot an inte ?
estmg and amiable family, and as tender
at home as he was rugged eisevin'ire.
The Ohio Statesman says he was tooiu
in the year 1801, the day before the in
auguration of Thomas Jefferson as Pres
ident of the United States, and states the
circumstances of his death as follows:
"After an illness of abe t eleven
weeks, during most of which ' :?he was
strong enough tp travel an a brief
journey for his healih; he v.i 'tacked,
with his old complaint at his ! kfast
table yesterday morning, and at 5
o'clock last evening, sqrrounitd by all
but three members of his family. The
exact nature of his disease remains un.
known. He was among the many pois
oned at the National Hotel, in yashing
ton, in 1S57. and it is believed that some
remnant qf the old poison prompted his
death. Another theory is that pancerin
his stomach was his diseas.e. He was
faen suddenly ill while delivering a
speech on th Court house steps last Aug.
and as we hare said, never fully recover
ed, fie died fully conscious ol his ap
proaching devolution, and met his ' fate
with the serenity of one who falls to
sleep after a long and weary journey,
where there was nothing to disturb him
yt wa tiiui
1 .....
Eeported Kkpreesly lor the NebraRka Advertiser.
v " New York, a
' Pennsylvaniav-Alleghany'-countyLin-coIn
majority 9,000. Philadelphia city
gives Lincoln 10,000 majority. Return:
from the State show almost invariable
Union gains. '
FranVlin Mo., 8.
Three of McCJellan'a votes have ben
hrownoMt. This returns his vote to 21.
Illiijoi?, pisia-gives Lincoln 496 Mc
Cle',hn 2S7. Mattoon, Lincoln 564"Mc
Glellan 211, a gain of 200; Dwight, 65
majority for Lincoln; Townada Lincoln
1?j6 maioritv: Atlanta 154 rraiority. Aur-
rora city 813 majority Mammouth 295i
majority, Mornstown UU majority, vnei
bowrs 185 Lincoln majority,; Semont,
McCIellan 160 majority Jolliot 640 ma
jority Ouawa,y 2J20, majorily,
Wisconsin; Ktnoshot, Lincoln 61 ma
jority Lincoln received 200 votes. In
diana, Michigan city, 20, Union gain
of 13 eince October..
Naperville Wi. 8.
This placft gives Lincoln 137 majority.
Elpaso 111. 18 Union majority D.ekalb 1C2
for Lincoln, Champaign 229, a gam of
8(3, Janesvillc city Wis., Lincoln 334
Uuion majority Harmony 133 Union ma
jority; Prairie 119 majority; tovn of
Janenville 65 Union majority; Rock 5
Turtle 179 mnjoriiy; Tjwn of Winfield
Pa;e Co Ills. ISO majority City Gallna
114 McClellaii majority, a gain of 1124
majority, the town of Scotland 265 Union
majority.a gain of 14, D.xon 220 Union
majority. Franklin gives 212 Union
majority. 'Ogle Station 63 Union major
ity. Neelly 166, Union majority; West
port 95, -a -Union -gain of 22; Scales
Mound 7 Union majority, a loss of 1 1
Rockford 1050 Union majority a gain of
212; Henley 969; Galesburg 300 ma
jority;; Kendle county two- towns gives
McCIellan 40 majority'; Parly1 always
Lt?mocratic gives 96Union majority; 'Pe
ora 175 niajor for McCIellan. Paola 237
Fulton 40 majority, Albany 2Q majority,
Goodn 13 majority Eight towns in Lane
county gives 931 majority Genevie gives
143 a gain of-;2 -Caenau:h Carrol
county 122 Union majority; Darien 200
Unifn Delana 330 Union majority. Clin
ton 156.Bloit Wis, 613 Arrora III 813
a gainof 74 Ambory ofljcial 151 U;iion
majority a gain of 21. Township of Fair
field whiteside county 2c Union rmjori'y
Bourboabis 176 for the Union a cain of
So, Wheatland 114 Union, Pekin 11S
for McCIellan.
Mac lacan 26 Drm Honry74 do"Eu
roau Junction 12 do Chicago about 165
Union cnok coun'y about 3500 maj ritv
for the Union; Desota Mo. Union 208
Dtii. 1, Jefferson Barracks 8. The sol
diers vote here, thus - Missouri for the
Union 20S; Mac none. Kansas Union 15;
Pern, none Ohio Uniqn29 Mc, 1 Iowa
Lincoln l Mc 12. . ;
, Oswego. 8th.
There is reported a disturbance at
Sackett's harbor, a small squad of men
with one gun have been sent there from
Ft Ontario.
Union 168 Mc 11.
Boston, Nov. 8.
Voting proceeds quietly, partial re
turns . from several wards in this citv at
noon foot up Lincoln's maj 11Q7, Alac,
353. . ' ; : .
The U.S. Stearqer Kearsarge arrived
last night, she brings in as prisoners ot
war the chief engineer and B iatswain of
the Alabama, a surgeon and 16 men of
the pirale Florid!, thi lat'.er arrived at
Botio Bay, San Salvador, on the nisht of
the : 7th: The' Wachusett was also in
harbor waiting for coal. Capt Colliu
determined to sink the Florida in port
a id at 3 o'clock started for her, sheelin;?
her on. the .quarter without doing much
damage, he then called to them to sur
render. The Jst jieutenant of the Flor
ida replifd that uuder the circumstances
he would surrender. The .Florida was
then towed to sea, and 12 officers and IS
men werp captured, her captain and the
rest of her crew beinf ashore at the time
escaped. '
. .. Phicago, 8th.
The startling developments of yester
day have had a most salutary effect,
A large number of men were nrrested
this morning on the Central R. R. frqm
Shelby; GhristianT Jasper, Fayette and
counties and examined befoie provo mar
shal Jones and Commissioner ; JNielliker,"
many of them confessed that they were
senthere to vole. the copperhead ticket
or fiffht jf nqt allowed to yote and that
thnir expanses were paid. They were
to be furnished pistols by parties here on
their arrival. Walsh has copfessed, im
plicating some leading epppearheadshere
in a diabolical plot to liberate the "'prif
oners at camp I)ougIas. '
' ; Chicago; 9. :
Illinois' giver Lincoln 20 000 majority.
Cook county , 3,50Q Union majori'y.
Douglas 225 'Union niajorjiy. . White
aide 1,800 Union majority.' Sangumon
500 Democratic majority. Peora county
400 democratic majority, , McLinn coun
ty 1.00Q Union majority. Grundy coun
ty 600 Union majority. Lee county 550
Unijn rnajo i y. EeTvalk, 2,000 Union
majority. - La-alle 150 Union majority.'
Kane, 8 to' p, 941 Union majority
Will, 360 Deinucraiicraajority. Kanka
kee 500 Union majority. Davis .county,
Halena, "114, Democratic majority.
Winnebago 1.400 majority for Lincoln.
Kendal county 40 Lincoln's majority.'
Ogle er mty Union n.ajority 500. 'Nieoln
niaj- ri y 500. ' Knox county, Gale'turp;
1.033;Uiion majority. Tazwell county,
Pekln, 118 Democratic majority.,., Mar
shall county, Lacon, 16 Drtinocratic ma
jority. Henry county Union , majority
14U0. Bureau, county, Princeton, 267
Union majority. Coles county, Mattoon,
453 Union. Lake county 1.077 Union.
Carrol coun'y, Savaunaa, ,122 Union.
DuP.ige county 600 Union majority. Ale
Henry county, Woodstock, 112 ynion
majority. county, , Quincy, 114
Democratic majority.
.''' ' . ' ' ' Springfielci. 8.
The State has gone ynirn, and will,
probably gire small majority in the Leg
islature. Democjtits lose Congressmen in
Sth, 13ih, and 7m districts, and probably
Harr.s in Coun ter Quincy district. Un
ioniots elect Statw Senators in Madison
and St. Clair ctwinties. This indicates
Union majority iu State Senate and Unit
ed States Senate from this S'ate ia place
of Richardson. ' ' , ,
Springfield 9, 3 a. m.
It is now belief ed that Republicans
have a majority in both branches of Leg
islature, and elect three Congressmen.
Later. Kane county. Union majority
2,S00. McLean county Union majority
1,3UQ. Alacon county. 400 Union major
ity. Bureau county 1.500 Union majori
ty. Sangamon only 100 Demociaiic ma
jority. Effingham 1 ,000 Union majority.
Returns from .Indiana indicate Uniou
majority 35,000 in the State. Heavy
Union gains in parts of the Slate over
October election.' Marion county; gives
Uuiou about 9 000 majority. Return
from 5th district show large gains. La
porte has gone 269 Union mqjp.rjty.
; Later.' Indianapolis gives 1,000 Un
ion majority. Wabash county 620 Union
majority. Elkhart county 300 Union ma-
jority. JNoble county ouu union majori
ty, yniqn county bS Union majority
Returns thus far show large Union gains
over October election. Union majority
will not be ess than 30,000 in the State.
Des Moines, low., 9.
There seems to have been a full vote
judging from returns now received which
indicate larger majorities than that ot
ast year. . We c.arry every Cjngcesion-
al district by increased majorities. Keo
kuk 430 union majority, Dubuque and
Juliau township 350. Democratic majori
ty. ' . ... . V
; Wisconsin Unionists carry boih branch
es of Legislature, and elect 4 of . the 6
Congressmen. Sixiy-six towns, aud cit
es including Milvyaukie give Union 5234.
Democratic 4.4(;6. Milwaukie city 2-.
4Q0 Democratic majority... Gen. Payne
is ejected to Cougrcss iu Milwaukie dis
Minnesota will give ynion 3,000 ma
jority, judging from few returns receivt ,
'Michigan return received indicate
Uniqn majority of 15,000, on home vote.
D,eiroii800 Democratic majqrity. Wayne
county 6 )0 Democratic majorily. ,aw
reuce county 1.200 Uuion majority Cal
houn 1,000 Union. Calamazoo 1,000
Uuion. Iowa county 800 Union.
Detroit 9.
Republicans claim lo have carried the
State by 15,. 000 majority. .
Ohio Siate is estimated 75,000 mnjori
iy for Union. Toledo city gives Union
247 majority. Oberlin 421 Union ma
jority. York township. Sandusky county,
172 Union. Geneva, Ashtabula county.
344 Union. Scion, Portage, 103 Union.
Windham 181 Union. Willougby 239
Union. Perry 122 Union. E yria 3:20
Union. Yellow Creek, ColiiDib is coun
ty, 15 Union, gain 23 over October elec
tion. Paynsville township 333 Union,
gain 41. New London,. Heron county,
195 Union. Vermillion, 57 Democratic,
gain of 14 Connecticut, Ashtabula
county, 534 Union. Newburg 2hH Un
ion, gain 37. Cuyhoa Falls 204 Un
ion, gain 47. Pin:reld 63 Uuion. Bu
reau 139 Washington township. Wood
county 145 Union. Carlylington 214
Union. Masselton 104 Union, gain 48.
Mansfield 96 Union, gain 22." Welling
ton lbO Union gain 13. Johnston 46
Democratic, gain 7. Sandusky city 29
Union. Newark 229 yniou, Defiance
township goes 114 Democratic, loss 13
NewYoik, 8.
Gold. There having been no meeting
at the gqlti room . to-day, transactions
were quite limited, and fluctuations in
prices much, less marked.
. i--. , , : , ! , New'A'ork, 8...
. (iuotat.ions were 2-47 " and 2-4S, and
latest 2-47 1-2. " '' " "
u ' i! ... . ,.. Columbus, 9.
.nd icali6ns. are that the PJnioa major
ity will be 30.000 on home vote. Four
wards of this city give 420 Union major
ily. Hamilton county' 5X)00. Union.
Returns troin southern Ohio show Union
gams.' J !;,..'.';; -; ;
'The foil jwing are Union majorities in
Ohio: ' .: : . ty
Ifamilion county 5.C00. . Clark county
1.500,' gain 2.00 Green 2 000,- gain
300. 1 Ashtabula 105. , gain 200. .
Partial",. returns from 15 countfes in
Pennsylvania show a gain of. 1,200 over
October, vote. Philidelpbra all But two
wards e200 Union maj y. Erie city
294,,uni'on gain 72.' ;-. ' v " ' ""
' . I.Philadelphia, 9.
Later. Returns from State fhow al
most invariably majority for Unioq. . 3
districts cf'-Westchester Borrough shows
a Union gain of 40 over October election.
Springfield 311 : union : majority. -Alle
ghany ' district, including Pittsburg and
Alleghany cify, give onion raajortty 700!
asa over October election. Erie coun
' : : : ....
ty 3,000 union. XilusniJl l0,S union
rranklm 177 dunorratu. L.inesville
104 union. SpareVreek 15 democratic,
Alleghany 79 district 1 155 union, other
towns western Dortion of State give un
ion psins.
Delaware, Little district ha gon fur
' W T I I rirtli
union. Wellington gives cuu union.
gain 500, ; ' 1
. Maryland, it is stated,, has gone union.
We have no returns. " ?'.
New York, Essex county 150 union,, a
gain of 100. Legislature 6 union and
3 democratic.
'Massachusetts, 176 towns give union
79.C0Q, democratic 36,000. - - - - '
, Boston, 9,
In 3J and 4th districts, Rice and Hoop
er, union candidates. for Congres?, are
far ahead. Boston give 5.00Q union ma
jority. Rhode Island gives about 5.000 union
majority. Fifty towns give union 16 6,61
democratic 4.667. Uuion majority will
probably reach thirty thousand.
'Vermont gives thirty thousand union
New Hampshire. 1010 towns give 22,
395, democratic 20,271 home voe. Sol
diers' vo'e will largely increase majority.
The state 2,500 majority on home vote
Cincinnati. Two counties, union 5276,
democratic 5,047. ; Bridgeport 93 union.
Narwalk 26S. union. , New Canada 93
union. Hartford city 3S3 democratic.
Later. Connecticut claims ., twenty
thousand union - majority. Thirty-one
tovyns including cities of , New Haven,
Hartford, Bridgeport, Waterbury, Nor
wich and New London gaye. ), 159,. union
majority. I
x Maine Twentv-eight towns, union
13,261, democratic 7,984, gaiqs over Oc
tober vo;e 3S0. .. . . . . .
Later. Twenty-eight towns in Maine
gives union .14,264.! democratic. 7,794
Maine goes union by . increased majori
ties.: . . - 1 .. - . ; j
' V , Nashville, 9.
' Union 1,307, democratic 21. Gallatin
inion 109, democratic 12. , Iowa,, Clin
ton county, union 105, Massilon township
25 union., Oxford township, Jones coun
ty, union 84. Wyoming township union
Si. Linn county Franklin township 295
democratic 64. Clarence, union. D
Witt, Clinton county, 109 union.' . .
7 . .. Chicago, 9. -
Union 1703 majority. -
, Chicago, 9.
.The Lr. S. Telegraph office has a re
port that Gen. Sherman has destroyed
Atlanta by fire and seot all, his supplier
to Chattanooga, and is marching on
Charleston with forty thousand iruop.
' New York, 10.
A correspondent of the Charleston
Mercury regards the expression of Steph
ens, Boyce and others as intiuiaiing sur
render, and have fallen upqn reflecting
minds with a shock electrical as lightn
ing. The Montgomery Mail urges Con
gress lo propose a convention of all the
States. The Macon Confederacy re
gards the decision of the Peace Question
as impolitic on the part of the rebels.
The anticipated attack on Wilmington i
discussed by all the papers, who claim the
defences are very strong, but regard the
solution with axiety- Ttie barbarities
practised on Union prisoners at Ander
sonville, were repeated at f lorence. South
Carolina, , . .
Head Ves" Army' Potomac,
;r' Potomac, ) ,
Nov. 9th.
A. flag of truce was ' asked by ; the ene
my and granted),' yesterday to bury the
bodies of those killed in the attack Sat
urday night near the centre. rh'e enemy
acknowledged 200 killed and wounded.
The election yesterday through this
armv ra?sed off very quietly. ' Thirty-
eiirht Pennsylvania regiments give Mc-
Clellau 1,811; Lincoln 4,44y.
Albany, 10.
Nothing more definite here to-night as
to the result in this State. The Demo
crats claim it by a few hundred, and the
Unionists insist that they nave carried it
by at leasf 5,000 majorily. . .:r .
; Harrisburg.Ta , 10.
The majority in Pennsylvania will be
from fifteen to twenty thousand withoui
the soldiers' vote in the field.
: '" 1 New Yorktl0.
Gen.; Wright, just elected , to Consress
by the Democrats for the ih STew York
districtdied this morning. ,
' :; ' New York, 10.
Herald says New York and Pennsyl
vania have both gone Republican. The
indications are that, defeated
Fenton appears, to have been' 'ahead, of
Lincoln in severaf counties.' , -
Thus far ' Clellan has carriid three
States N. rsey, Delaware and Ken
tucky. . j . ' " '
The next Congress will be overwhelm
ingly Republican.. The Cqrjgressional
delegation from the States yet, to elect
members to Congress to stand the same
as Et present will be three mor than a
two-thirds vote on a joint ballot in , New
York. The Legishuure will be Repub
lican by 37. ; (j , .
New York has gone Republican by
5,000 majority. Pennsylvania by 10.000
majority. The Republican gain jn this
State since 1S62, so far. as absolutely
known, is about twenty-two thousand
The Atlas and Argus insists there is two
hundred to Qftesa hundred majority for
licCiellin-- V .:: :
: - : New York, 10.
It has been ascertained that the 5ih
corps has been represented ia 65 bat'.les.
including acnons by rejiraents that be
longed and now belong to other corps.
The Times', Martiusburj psci&! says
Gen Sheridan has so far recovered from
his recent indisposition as to be able to
ride on horseback. Capt. Moore of his
staff is better but cot well enough to, ride.
. . New York, 10.
Herald,'?, Fort Monroe special says all
tL,e regulations for the exchange of ten
thuusanch prisoners at Savannah have
been completed. The first installment
o ebel prisoners, sailed from Hampton
Roads on Monday for Savannah River
on Monday. Qn thei.r arrival mere, ten
thousand of our men will ba received in
return. '
Tbe 'World's New Orleans letter of the
29th says : Gen.- Backner, commanding
Confederate forces in west Louisiana,,
surprised the garrison at Morgansra the
26ih, and held the place several hours;
captured 1,900 prisoners, carried off the
field artillery, disabled the seige guns
and all war materials.
From the Chicago Journal 10th:
Cairo. 10th.
Everything pissed off quietly Tues
day. Cairo, city" gives Mac 354 maj.
Mat ion coun'y Mac's maj 100, Centralia
union nnj 300, Williamson county small
union majority. Union county Mac 450,
Massac county uuion 625, Paducah, Ky.,
union maj 227, Columbus union maj 20,
Hickman union maj 45, Clinton union
maj 60, Alexander county dem maj 100.
ftew York..9ih.
.. Tabor, dem, elected in 7ih Congres
sional district;Rudford and Sarfield.
dem. in 10 and 11th districts; Hubbel
and Toodicor in 12th and ih 'districts.
Present congressional district stands 15
union to 16 dem.
Later Albany Journal claims New
York State by 5000 republican majorily.
It tays returns are very scattering and
do not justifiy possible estimate. The
Albany Argti3 claims. the State a3 gone
democratic' The Tribqne claims all
New EnglandPennsylvania, Delaware.
Ne.w York, Maryland,' Ohio, Indiana,
Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin. Minneso
ta, Iowa and "Kansas for Lincoin, 190
electoral yqies, independent of the Pa
cific States. ,
... Pittsburg, Pa., 9th.
Alleghany county union maj 9000.
Armstrong union maj 200. '
llartford. Ct., 9th.
Union majority in Connecticut in all
but 13 towns is 2594,
Providence, R. I., 9th.
Returns from all towns in S.tate but
one g'veoQll union majority, soldier's
vote will increase this.
Wheelmsr. Va.,8,h.
Col Phelp3 is elected in 3d district of
West Va.
: Columbus. O.. 9ih.
Returns indicate inciease union major
ity over October vote of from 10 to 15
Baltimore, 8th
City gives 12,000 uuion majority, the
State has undoubtedly gone Union strong
ly. Swan, elected Governor.
Concord, N. H , 9th.
Vote of 132 towns foot up 25.745
union, 24.6S7.
' Louisville, 9.h.
' Nashville, Tena, 1267 union majority.
.-', St Louis. 9ih. ,
.Qen. Canby and. Brig. Gen. Davidson
came from New Orleans I lo mouth ol
White River, Ark., on steamer Magenta
Uhich arrived at Cairo yesterday, desti
nation Little Rock. (Jeq. lerron recent
ly at Little Rock on tour of. inspectior
reported unfavorably of affairs in Ark
This visit of Gen Canby in person i
strongly indicative of a supercedure of
Gen. Steele.' '
j : f - ' Cairo, 10 h.
' Gazette this morning published the
following from N YJ; We think the State
safe for th ynion ar.i Fernado Wood
and Jim Brooks are certainly defeated
for Congress, we gain 3 Congressmen in
ihis city and 7 in the state. ,
; . ; New York, 9th.
.We have ,no doubt of the State by 5
to 7 thousand majority for Lincoln. Sey
mour runs behind his ticket considera
bly. It is feared that Jim Brooks is
chosen to Congress, but official' returns
must decide. . A dispatch received at Cin
cinnati from New York yesterday states
Commercial. Advertiser's Washington
special says "M'CIellatj's 'resignation a
Maj-Gen'l in U. S. rmy was received
by the' War Department Tuesday. New
from Pa. was tq the, effect .that Lincoiu
carried the State by ten thousand on
home vote. "
. . ! l-i .:, Nashville, 8th. '
r Reports from Johnsonville represent
r orrest as retreating tne direction ot
Corinth. " -.:.;'
' i :-. -' Philadelphia, 9th.' '
Bulletin. estimates. Rep majority of 10
to 15 thoa'iand will be sweljeof. I :
"Newark, . J.; 9th. ;
, Gives McCIellan 5500 maj. .
Wilmiogton. Del., 9th.
"McCIellan carried tha State by four
huadred and fifty. '' -.!...,'
: ' Baltimore, Md., 9:h.
: Republican have . pajority in the
House, Senate doubtful. ' State union by
abiut'seven thousand.
' ; ' Rock Island. 111., 10.
This county 600 union rnaj, Mercer
county 500 unica maj.
Cinciucati, 9...'.
OfSceri from Chattanooga report Sher
saaa returntd t Atlanta list week with
5 corps, of his army leaving 2 corps ?a
Tennessee under, Thomas to watch (ico.
He destroyed railroad from Chaacorga
t Atlanta and sending iron to Chattanoo
go, Atlanta was burned and Sherniaa
noy marching directly -for, Charleston,
s c. - -
Just previous to, entering upon tha
present mavement Gen. Sherrrsan wrote;
IIxd has crossed the Tennessee. Geor
gia and South Carolina are at my m'erty
and I shall strike, do not bs anxious about
me, I am U right.
' ' New York. S.h.
Detailed nws by City of Baltimore;
Hong Kong advices Sept. 10;h say fleet
of S British ships, mounting IS 4 gun?,
3 French ships and 5 Dutrh, were nearjy
ready to leave for Japan, a merchant
Steamer has been chartered by the Am
rican Miuister to carry U. S. flag into
the action in order to be represented, the
object is to force the opening of th in
land sea according to treaty.
New York, 0th.
Herald's FtMnrce dispatch says tha
Pirate Tallahasse was fired into by 5
ships at one time as she ran out of Wil
mington, 5 fast vessels are in pursuit.
Columbus. 9
Numerous scattering returns show
heavy Uuion majorities. The Bjck-Eye
State is good for 50.000 Union on h-nne
vote, soldiers' vote will make it dq ble.
In Missouri Mitchell isdouhlesa elect
ed. St. Louis give 4,000 Union on home
Blow is re-elested te Congress by a
j .rge majority. .
Twenty-eight counties' in Kentucky
give a Union najority of 250. " Louis
ville Union 1,817 Democratic 4.S73, Cov
ington 601 Union. Falhnouth 6j5, Ua
ion. Lexington 10 Uuicn. Paris 13
Democratic. - ,
Returns seem to indicate the Derao
crals have carried the State.
. t . . Louisville. 9.
Later. Partia returns from 23 coun
ties in Kentucky, excluding Jeffersca, go
250 Unjsn. '
.." " " ' New York, 9.
Returps show etectiqn to Congress of
Darling over Fernando Wood". Ray
mond 19 elected in 6 districts for New York
City, and, Humphrey for Brooklyn.
Taylor democrat for 5th, and Chandler
democrat in 7ih are also elected. The
vote of If6w York City 13 Lincoln
36,442. cpiella'n.,73,329 For Governor--
Republican 35,122, Dercocratic
Returns from 105 towns and 2 coun
ties give Union 20,704 majority Ia S3
towns aDcj cities.'incfudiDg Albany, Bjf-
falo, Troy, Schenectady and Utica, also
3 counties, McCIellan has 16.094 mijori
ty. New York Herald mtes the city
37,500 majority for McCIellan, with a
the wards in. "
-Union men claim the State by 20,000.
Elmyra union maj 205, Buybartoa
union maj 353, Kinsrs co dem maj 3000.
Joneston union rriaj 469. Randolph union
maj 115, Oswego (jem maj 738. Syracusa
dem maj 24, Aurora union maj 254, Well
ville twp. union 154, Cuba union maj 116
Bellville union 25, Alfred union 151,
Oswego union 145, Addison union 125,
Fanby union 10, Ithaca uniou 150, Corn
ing union 243. . , . 4
Later, New York, 9th.
Total vote of City for Mac 75 319,
for Lincoln 36,448, Mac's maj 36 SS7.
Alleghany give 2,476 Demopratic ma.
jority. Seymour's majority 'is 2,473.
Troy gives 7,58 Democratic majority.-
Little Falls gives 227 Democratri; major
ity. Niagara Falfs 72 Democratic ma
jority. Suspension Bridge 1,37 Dcmn-
cranc. Harnelsviile 96 D inoTaiic .-
Schenectady 229 Democratic' Iud.oa
217 Di-mTraiic. Lyons 94 D rn ratir.
Rochester 4 Democratic, gain 2U0 Am
sterdam 139 Uuioi. Saratogi 221 Ua
lon. Mechaniciville 1 Uniou.
: The peace sentiment in Alabama
seems to be gaining ground. At a re
cent session of the Legislature, a .raern
ber introduced a resolution offering con
cilatory terms to the Federal Govern
ment, and askiqg a cessation of hoitili
tics, which has caused muchdissention.
The Governor called upon the Leis
laturefor aid in strengthening the de
tenses' of the State, but that body ad
journed without acceding to his demands.
After they had refused to make the ap-
propriaiion'ihe Governor demanded, h?
sent th.e,a a message, scolding the mem
bers which was returned to him ia
black envelop. ,
The militia of Alabama is virtailly disbanded.
: Another fight "Between Prjca an
Blunt, occurred at Newtcnia, 3lo. cn th
2th'of October, in whfch Price was de
feated and beaten from the p ace witb
a loss of 200killed- Our loss was on
ly 119. and about 175 horses killed- ' '
A rebel Surgeon, who came into out
liner. under a flag- of truce, repartel
Price,s"Ic'ss anf said that Price has yet
about 40t) wagons loaded with stolen
plunder, and a large number of uaaraei
conscripts. Price expected when he
came to Missouri tq make his Headquar
ters at Kansas City for this winter, ani
would have done so if possibfe. Oatha
29th Rosecraos orderprf the troops un
der the command of Pleisanton to' aban
don the pursuit of Price aud .retara j
the District whers tbey 9.0ugti.
- - i i
t r
; ' .'.-6 - -,'