Newspaper Page Text
''I'i ' i '1-1 ( f ? .';v- 1 a a Ja. r .M:'J i: -' C::OWXVILLE, THURSDAY NOV. I?, 14. k ... ... .. TJlc iccttorur It is a greal satisfaction 'to the truly Irvfll to see the. result of the election for, r.reideDt. All the dlsloyel' newspapers ( in the country may prate about execuure : usurpations, arbitrary arresisfttiil uncon .stitutional proclamations; all the - rebel , tytipa'bisftrs in .the universe, rmy as . wjiiil-la tbenfclTus together,' ac.J ecUre vw the aar for he Unifco. i$ a failure,' tut it doe not ii,(3ueuci tbe,.pejpU. Tru-y tnow their own interests,! the in ' trrp5 cf their country and posterity too u,'il i give credence "to och spleeny -?u..:i,:iiiuas from the hem of treason, or to : i?w then to have any influence upon (..'.'duel: atd whea the matter '(i.r. i.V t?st,' end they are ealled , v'.'i '.l "ir decision, they epealf a j '("it' t in tn their verv Juv.-.v'uiv. n. The war for Freedom and ' Vt.'trA ii not a failure. -The ;?acred;. 'rri-.-';-ie5 lor which we - have been ; so w a -v - " ---- ii:::pT'-.n!f!iaing, ana lor wnicn many ui '. ir hr'a i e Cjuiitrymeh ' hive : bled and '; net to be basely abandoned r vetciens are noi id. wc rcoJd at It the friends cf traitors. .The man whom the Union Convention could ' t nahimojsly ' BomioiVe, has been almost as liii'auimuus'.y elcetd by the people. ; Xoo at, the result... The- neat.niajof i'ics we have not yet Veen , tu as certain, but the following States;wiil can ihir 'i-h-cioral rotes for Lincoln and r w -w - - -.Johnson. : Maine, .. New Hampshire, E!trtyri. 7 5 : .: 5 ' 12 6 1 :u : 21 13 '16 ; -.4 i"r8 I8 3 .. 3 Vermont, y ' : , .Massachtetts, CotineclicuT, Jlhode IsianJj New Vork, 'X i 'j Per.njylTania, Maryland, WesV Virgici", i uiio; - ' Indiana, . 'llliuoi?, - . V .I "Missouri, - " ' Minnesota. ' -.(.Wiscoiiiin, . - , ; Iowa, ; , - ; - Kansas, ... Nvdaa, ,. . i California, WHL -Mi Total. ' v. AVhole number of Factors, tli3 J234 -us Ncesary to choice, Dele ware 3. and New Jersey, 7, iTii Lo iriven'to VliClellan, and Kentucky 11, 'p:ubally, nnkTuj in.aiyl. . : . i i ' - ' ' i i Vitrf or Bronvllle. i v ' ... . . . : GM.tlocan receuily arrived in tins '- - iri f.jttiihid us with the ff iiow- ur'.L't o?. our town.--; - - ' ; but rpcentWarrived is. )f tovu. id hve no in .. identify: me with die growth and prperr.y cf Brownville, but if. you will ' Y ' ' ' t ...III i.n itit rn tnmit nf i'.JvnLa'r:fc i see that your possesses. t a-d which, seem to have been overlooked ., r r ? rv rrf.( i ne(rlrled. , .. , ... . - - - - - o . I ' As a cemTt;rcial point. Brownville ha ' "riot' a ' mpricr' on' the Missouri River. Situated in abeautiful ravine, surrounded 'f ly.d. pir.g hills and heavy bodies of timber r that completely shelter the place from .. Ii f ,i iniur thnl rp sn UnCOtll- W.V,.Mi. " , - fortable in nil prairie countries, with one .of the b?st boat landings on the river, and l .V 1 ...n ,,t iKo rirKpil spction of 111 I ii u uiaii ''v . . . w . . ' - Nebraska, with direct and ready co n- i munication with the States and Territo rip nn th west, and a more direct conv i . , ! the east . .than any other place in Nebraska, you .possess advantages that are too apparent to be unobserved- Your, business - mtn u should look well to their interest just now. . ... . i .:i and fefure to; Brownville the . Railroad that is being surveyed .across Southern, Ft. Jveafny, to connect with the great Trunk Road to ; the Pacific. This could, no doubt,-be easily accom- ft W f ' : pluvhMd.' Wjtir 'the" natural ad vantages ,you;rosses, the, investment or a ;Emau :,'aniou.Cit pf capital would. aecure'it to you. " and ine'oenenis mat wouiu now iuwh w'oald te. incalculable.; ' i I V 1 r A I prSf ni your greatest uiiiri cm sccuij V to LeyourAncurLure Nemaha County . of which Browjivdle is the- county seat, t? one of tneif.ostiertue in tne icrruory. . ... ' -.- . ... " . . . , . 7 : I .Its many small streams iurniso an acun- dance of watej lor stock rowing p.ur poses, which;mRkes .. this ;a very , Ijc'ra. "tire-business- - V. ' r 'The ccnjnty 'is 'well supplied with mills, "f(V the" manufacture; cf the immenre "qunntities'of grain anu'ally1 produced', and this branch of business is destined to prosper and make the county wealthy. t:- ro-ntrr it far in advauoe of the . - - j - the future prosperity i filll '"pi ef'the place. It canct long TV. II. HUJUUtn, ElUTQU V4 .Vetioi opulat oc, it is destined lo becoma the shipping point tfeV country far. tOL the w est, and as weil, thfe neighboring &ee' lions of Misjuri and Iowa. .The inhabitance of the town. 0 well and he7hhily"locTt"ed;thoul(tpar8 no tgoxt that would increase th rapidity, of ts advancement; and if you, wij.1 allow ont so little interefted, to make a. few suffgestionf, I would;say.'hurj;y forward the erection of "ihe; Seminaryinow in course of construction, make large enough forViirst claps, graded, institution ; and instead of the-'people of Nemaha couny ertding-trieir Jchildrerj tcr-the; Fast t;) be ed'ucat'cd.rthe surrounding country-would send'jheif chilcfreri' to ' Bownville, and ihn. tiiL moner-and ' ten Xhnts the 1 -r--jy . . . - i ambunt-njDy s$nt out of the country tot educational purposes would fiud it way into your awn town. - . . Then! if "lhe authorities of th ' county would give heed to the presentment of th lite 'Grand 'Ury, i build 'th Court House they .recommend, It" would add much to the character aud convenience o.' the place. . - But I have one thin? more to speak of. And that ia the organiaation of a Joint Stock Company, the object of which vhall be the purchas and improvement of. a suitable tract of .land for a County or District Fair Ground. These .improvements would give an impetus to the advancement of the place that would astonish rn3si anguin friends, and the immediate advanc-s o! property would repay the amount invad ed in thenx ten fold. . t Uespectully Yours. , , We receive! very much the fame im pression on our arrival here'last August, and a better acquaintance with the place and the country around .ha only serv.d to deepen it. t Brownville certain ry possesses all .the advantages he names to an eminent de gree, and only needs to be a little better known to become oue cf the, firct .places in Nebraska. - The great interest of this part of the Territory is agriculture and if we should fail to obtain the railroad connections with, the eastern cities, that would make us.ns commercial town,' we are still sure to be the centre, of the agricultural andjstdck raising section of NtbraAa1. Hi sug gestion . of. the crgAnizaticn of a jojutj . stbek' company,1 for the .purpose. iof en couraging ahd fostering -"agriculture i certainly deserving of some coasidera lion. The existance of &uch ah inititu tion in our midst would not only give us name aud. character abroad, Ut would also give an impetus to home improve ment that would soon make us the lead ing county in Nebraska, in improvement as we are certainly the most favored in ftatural resources. r Ti-oro ti'iiv pris,t in Brownville a Lit- erary Association the first we believe that was ever oiganized in the Territory, and at this time the "beat " endowed. It members are the finest minds of this part of the Territory, and we are equal in that respect to anV other sectjen, and at its regular weekly meetings the leading.' -r .u' "j ...u... frtrrri (1UCMIUU9 tii I lie; uu " - - - - . . . for'discusjion,' and in this manner .much light is thrown 'up'on' subjects 'that would otherwise be dark to' many. It ifcato gether probable, that the.asscchition will make arrangements for a regular course of public lecturer as has been its custom heretofore,...., . ' '.,'. ".".' ' ! . . An association has. recently been form ed forhe purpose of further. improving the cemetery. Although the adommen1 of our cemetery now is an honor to so young a place, our enterprising citizens are not willing to cease , thr ir. efforts un til it shall possess erery improv ment and decoration to 'the "ciiy of the i'i. or' desirable to those who may have friends reposi :g their. With these improements we hall soon become'the finest ciiy cf Nebraska if 'wf are not the most commercial. And wiih its Seminary, Library As?ociation, Fair Ground and their kindred institutions; which we see must fprinj j' up around us soon, we knovv that jour city, is destined to become the seat. of the aoricuhura! and educational interests of Nebraska, as vvell asa seat of :Light and 'intelligence, .which mus bring wealth 'with , them aud makd this the inion desirable . place in Nebraska for a hbme.v .r ,;...t I - Poisoning of Ccnrshcrldan!r. v Several '. days ago 'th"e;' Telegraph brought us the report of the poisoning ot ; Gen. Sheridan and other officers, but the account' was very Vague, The following from the Herald's -'Martinsburg corres pondent will'explainit , ' ; f-' '.Gen. Sheridan, accompanied by Cob Corastock. cf Gen. . GnvX taff, Capt' T. W. Moore,, apd others, ' while on a tft it to Winchester, were suddenly taken with symptom. cf poisoning from corrosive- sublimate, .The most ready anti dotes wore administered, and at last ac counts, they, were doing well, (though their pases were at one time almost hope less. The, poison is supposed to have been contained'in some cheese, of which all had partaken freely. JSSThe N. Y. Tribun puts the pert tinent query, that "if a party that wants to put down this rebellion can't qut it down, how fcocn will a party put it down iii ' that don't want to rut it down?" Sustaice h t n n it n n- A P H Mil MB b A i- .. : Nasmtille Nov.. 1,0., ; G nUillirrl b'a utterly ;ouled lhe reb. els in 17asier,n, Teanessee, driving them forty four miles. Hi advance guard ii ninety miles east of Knoxville. The reb els are at Bristol. Reports concerning the destrucioa of Government property at Johagofille, are greatly exaggerated. No apprehension is entertained fur regard to.Udsaiety. Trjiedetruciicapf got. prop erty on the river was complete, involv ing immense Loss. Tha -electioa iax Fast Teniiessieewas uuanirU3 Litic0 Our Railroad and Telegraph co:mmiuicav ionsore cornpietuly secured. Hood's exact whereabouts is. known to our nu thonlles, and Federal movements, to be disclosed at the prdper titue, will elec trify the country, ' '! 1 ATr-- Vms Vnr. Ill" The 'Commaciar special aja th- President has already commenced, the nrpnaration uf his niessace. . Au anstaci ot the various bureaus has been furnished Liiu srNothiiig'ts . known respecting the views he" will take, but it ia understood that h 'will recommend. the enactment of lawjs abolishing iavery everywhere in .h United States immediately,. and it i$ further nuuorwl th.u there will be u change in th cabinet before the next ses sion of Congress." If Fessendeii is re elecitd to the Senate a new Secretary of thv Treasury must be selected. Possibly i ther changts wilt be made. ' " New Yca:,'Nuv. 11. The session of the Rebel Congress' commenced Monday, : Sixty ' .member were present In he.Hoise. bills to raise mure troops for the rebel army, promotions by senority. and make tnerii the basis', were forced through to rnilita- ry committee. Resolutions were oiierta by xMurray; of Tennessee, -declaring th. he Confederate states will neither give aid or fymj athy to the e.'ablishmeut ot a .'monarchy in Mexico. Referred t the committee on foreign alTairs. fiyvan, ol Tennessee, offered resolutions, declaring, hat no exoe exists, or is likely to ocrur. requiring the placeing of ntgroes in thr1 army. He also, introduced resolutions W recall all commissioners from foreign natums. The discussion on the. resolutions was brief but slurp. Moore, of South Carolina, opposed the propositions to arm the slaves. Foote, of Missouri favored it, and said he desired to await ihe decision cf the question by the. ene my. If the employment of negroes, was feaible, 'he decision would appear in the result of the Presidential .election. If Lincoln should be elected, then. he .would favor giving the President full power. .';; fEV York, Nov. 11. " 'Commercial Mvertistr says late elec tion returns' from' the counties . of this State, nearly all official, jJiovt a .majarity tor Lincoln of 800 and over 1,000 for Fenioa. New YoaT 9 Tbo Bostan Advertiser has an account of the cap-ure of the Pirate' Florida,, by the' VVa:husetts iu Bohia harbof,: the prirateer was cut OUt ant) carried ofl from ihtmuUt of the Btazillian fleet. The Wachusetts started down, the bay with her prize in tow", and was fired on from Fort St. Marceelus, and pursued ty two B an men of war which were leu behind. The Herald thinks the cap lure justifiable the Times says' the cap ture was clearly illegal, being a breach ot the law of nations,' which just dow more ihm timvt cowers, we are interested in uihoIJine.- The Macon lYicgraph. say of the proposition to arm slaves.- unless the Tresidtnt and Congress shall deter mine to blot out the landmarks cf the pa t. We warn them to be ware of such au experiment. We wouia viriuany ao curoplishthat lor them, for which the en j -my fcaVe sir. g,l d th ough four ytars of ! war. Itwould leadopt.rsg the spirit ot Aloliiionism. i A correspondent ot the S. C. jJdvtrtiser says ihe lower waids cf Charleston sire virtually ruined in con-sequence of shell. The Washington Jour nal expresses confidence iu their ability to repuls-e the fleet, but B.ays more land torces are needed. " ' New York, 12th. ' Herald's fperal says information re ceived that the rebels in the Siienandoah valley have been reinforced and are. at tempting to flank Sheridan's position in order to facilitate an invasion of Penn sylvania and Maryland. ' Sheridan is, however, prepared for them having on Wedneday given marching orders to his army, which is in fine condition. Onf dispaches from the front represent rbU west' jome time ago in force at station, and that it was the . intention to move on our lin-s at once. . . .Furty of Mosby's guerrillas disguised in Union uuiforms, this morning at-acked a small train near Charleston belonging to.SheridaVa army. captunVg'it. Learn from Little Rock that Captain Waite, of Steele's, on the 23. alter a fight of four hours, captured an entire traiu'of 35 wagons and 200 horses, this is probably one uf the. trains sent ahead of the main force by Price in the hope of thus saving it. ' The Richmond Sentinel of Wednesday says' there is a large fl-et of Iron Clads in James river below Dutch Gap; also that Union soldiers are not yet making ;aiiy preparations. for winter quarters, and mat lllscumoreu inai uram uuuiempiaies a rabemeni by the wny'of We Id on, on '.Wilmington and' tat he is alreadj strid ing troops to Welden. ' ? : V r : Herald's Orleans correspondent says our gunboat; are :hmg the mouth ot Ked ltiver Jor e -lormiaaLie recei rams which are expected to come. down ioon as the river rises sufficiently. f . . -'Jeff Davis icurrency.'has, been almbs; entirely set aside byithe Txas rebeU, only gold ad iler being accepted. " " Liffle news from Mobileour gunboats make experiments shelling the city three, hours-very day.. I : ; .' Late Richmond papers 3.contain pro ceedings of: the rebel Lougress: ludiciaryJ committee were directed to enquire into the expediency" of requiring citizens lia ble to military' du'y absept from the coun try, cot oq public Lusitit'?, to return and assist in lhe public: deftu-e ,in pain, of confiscation -of property, tiseafrauchiseV ment after the war vor ether adequate penalty. North Carolina papers' say that Wash ington in that State has been evacuated by the rebels. Herald's Matnraoras letter of the 27th' .. uh., says : Cortinas haying become Im perialist has been sent on an expedition , i i t l i 4 : . fi, after his brothtr. whose bind is at Gua nas; Jiw-u is at Chihuahua with 2000 troops, said, to bs fortifying j.h'5 , place with ihi determm'atisn of standics seige. , J Cincinatti, 12th. GUxette'a Nashville dispatches de nies the reported evacuation and de struction of Atlantz. and " Chattanooga R : .' 'Hi r. ;' i v. a o Washington, 12th. News from the valley to-day is that a Urge portion of Shridan's army is in the neightorhoocTof Winchester, and that the enemy is ; at New.Morket recey icg r-inforcem.ents, there has beeu no active military raoenieuts xececdy. . ....,. J - :.:v ,Clw,ttanooga,;lltbf l 'Arrival'froGJ. front report that -Moo- 'i' ' - J I. Ua Ant. n f uay morning aocnii uaynm- attacked 'our rickets south of. Atlanta HmMvere irepuh.d and fell batk :LUm Hon on parsed off quiet.., r ... i . re sujiiiisi largely i" v- " Wednesday morning the nemy nade an attack on Attattu; shell beiu thrown as far as Rolling Milb.and a. desperate I.I J I '. ...... i. . . f I l n ' I r i . . ntttwc wan.adeo;i ihe Rouijhand Keady road. The enemy's artilltry. were .with in 100 yard of our mortars, their infan try and demounted cavairy w'ethin J00 yard-', our rnen. aroused from' slomhler, (luickly manned nnd goon drove the ene my off no federal loss. Enemy retired towards' Macon. Oor army in- good spirits, and vyell supplied with rations. . r Wausgtoa. -1 lih. This evening's Starstates that itdeems it not improper at this time io say that ShermBa has been heaviiy, reintorced and otherwise strengthened in cavalry nil dismjuntr-d men hem? remounted. Thomas, now in Hood's frory. lias also been reinforced and strengthened suffi cient to inure thai Hood cn d,o no dam age to spt-ak of in Teunesseeor Kentuc ky which is. his ai,ra. Sherman is opera- ing with a corps n Hood's rear, and i already betweenhim. and any possible line for hi retreat southwhen he sees the necessity fox so doing. New; York; lath. ; Herald special says Banks has been in consultation with the President to-day at the YVur Department, it is reported in administration circles that there. is strong probability of his being assigned Port folio. Stactoa-is very ill. wale to be in the War Department past week. It is reported that Hao.cocl, in consequence of his wounds, wll be relieved from the command of the 2(1 corps, and as?ignd to command the ' Department . of Wash tngton;i Gen.-' Auuur &uccetding him in the, Army of the Pilo,Iiac- Deputation ifrom (Quakers in England who came to this i country to atlend year ly 'meetings' of 'the Friends in Baltimore and North Cat olina, w'ere uriun applica lion to the President,' furnished passes thro'u'gh''pur lines, were refuted aduiit iance info tliiR- bel lines.' ! ' ; 'Heraid's' special with Sheridan says: It, is stated that severaj regiments uld Mrylt ders of the lihe, whose'ierm' ot service has expired, recently enlisted hi Mosby's comm-Vrid, which by these acces sions n i in hem 15 hundred to 2 thousand uien. Mo'by not 1 sullioiently recivered from his wounds to take th lie 1.1. - ' Richmond Etaminer ot the lOih says: Tnere is a tvpar; apparently a,uthenticat ed ihat 30 Tioii duds with a number of torpedo Bi-ats and transports lately arriv ed ut City Point, Mary intelligent itli ,. i cers are of opinion that there will sfO:i be a grtat buttle on the wligje n below i Richmond, hu time of which' depends on the conmletim cf Duch .Gap' Cami! Phe general opinion is ,tl.a. ''Sheridan will j in Grant in assault on Richtr.ond an l lelerburg on the south side when ever t.'ie assalilt delivered. Gov Brown, of Ga., in his message, s-ays : Wo are satiM'ied that a la-ge ma joriiy of the people uf. this siaie di-ap-prove it many ao:s, and m.ich of the poiicy ot the Confederate AJuiiui-tra-fiou. We sh'Hild Keepctn?iiui.'ly in view ;tbe great principle l.r which we enter t d into i hi-- unequal contest, which should reb;.ke rvery ' encroachment inide op'ti ihent by our own Government. We have made-fearful strides since the war began towards a central gowrnn ent with unlimited-powers. .He advocate state sov ereignty, each State to negotiate its own terms of peace, lie regards as guriiia binds of deserters from otr nrniies and niall bodies of cavalry , belonging to conft'derate service that are. oon?tantly robbing" and plundering our people, and recommend s the paaje. of an act de claring all tuch as outlaw.", and aii'h'oriz iiig citizens whm ihey may avtempt to rob ta shoot them down or slay them in any ather wajr in their powet. C ; lie fa vors the use of negroes, every; way ex cept as' soldiers, I ' -. . t .'. '' !; Tlianksglvlng day. . ( " The following proclamation by . Gov. Sanders, setting apart the last Thursday of. this. month as a day of Thanksgiving aud prayer, has been kindly furnished u.-, by the Gov. -himself.'.' We hope our pat rons in the country Will 'give giod head to it , cbme foiward with the Tui kay.' " 1 A PROCLAMA FIUN. : 'I T ' ihtJGQVtrn&r 'oJ'JfebtaSkd Territory In accordance with a custom which has been practice J most of the States aud Territories for many years, and in obe dieiice fo what 1 believe to b' right aud proper, and a 'duty on my part, I, Alvih Sac ci'Wi.G over nor. pi brask a Tern iory, do hereby appuipt and deslguaie the ias't ThuVaday' or ' the present mouth' of XCoVeuiber.'as a day of ' Thanksgiviug and f-se'to Almighty God, fur his mei CMf' j blessings to us as a people, -nnd recommend and request ' a general op seTvanc of the day iu such a manner as '-yill properly ,.how our. dependence upon Him lor ibec qiauy favors we have re ceived during, the,' year which is"' now draying toa cjoie. .. Quribg the year oi-V Nation has. been-faTore4 with utb pros'-, perity,.. as . few, if. a'uy, other, people tn earth' ever enjoyed Joterua.'war-V.uccessivhjs.auei4ed our. armies, and glopoqs VictoRiea' have crowned their efjoris on almost every battle field. General good health has prevailed throughout most of the Coun- ' 1 i try, and especially has ibis been the case icocrown beloved. Territory. The ht tandaianhas. been. petmilteti jo.Yetp.aud ounttul suply of all th nPC- esiaries ci life, so tail none may wa;u or lack any thin. How proper it is tht a, thai our people houl J 'fcetp'a in to the Lord," aud lift up 'their hearts jxid. voi.cea. in praise and Thanksgiving to Hun to whom we are indebted" for "every good and perfect gift" and when our rejoicings are going up for all these blesuige;let us pn,t forget thn noble, and patriotic soldier in the field, nor the wid ow and the orphan of thos whose hus bands and fathers sleep with the heroic dead; bu,t let, U3 aslr God's bless in? Hipon thenC aud let usee that they lack . for none of the necessaries of life. Done at Omaha, this Sth. day, ot Ni -embN A-. D., ISQ r . . r By order of Governor; - ' . .. ' " . " ALVIN S'.VUNDEI S ' - j. Governor of Nebrita, Alcerkoi S. Paddock, - Secretary of the Territory. M 1R1RU. 'n- P-ru. Sept ember 1 1th . by Rot Ir Iiir(.h,.Plaant t 3wan Amanda HUiKuer -r nr l'eru. N'.iveuiber 3i, Lewis 15? tn Mnie. m um refiu.- aD'l Georgiau CHpmq.' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS To Close ilnsmcsa. THEODORE 111 LI No. Y Main Street, . , Having' detcTmitiei) i; ; ; to AYi'iid up my Dry ' Goods Business' this ;!,F.dl.;and '.Winter, I ! " vi I off r to the trade ' . my immense stock ' ut grentiy Reduced ' ' Prices. : . TIIKODOHE HILL, Hiving made Isgo purchases om; 'and - ' will slI1 my entire stick cumi'-rising the 1 itest Styles ollered hi te Territory tot Cafch buyers at a , . great s.crifice. ," TnEODORK hill; Intends to. dispose" ' of his superb Stock by March net,con : scqTiently is enabled to offer grcatei in- - - duccmcnta to the --: : ' ' t tr.tde thm can be given by any other ; House in the Wet, : THEODORE HILL. MIS OF BROW lWt MILLINERY GOODS! KIAUY IIEIVETT, Annonnr fs to the ta'tief B'Qwnvi'.le an4 Yl cinity, bat she b just 'tecfivea from th jL Bst a maanificent li'otk t I&Lb AKP IffllllJrSSY GCQES, Ladies and Misses' rennets and Hats, Rib- ta wtych invite the" ?ttenio' of h ldi, frel inft 46iireU they cannot be better suitcii in style, s'iai- nii.l. ity or price. United states Internal Revere, ;'!.--; '"Notice- ' Nntlce ! hereb-rtlven to all p"ont ( ocprned. that In reclai lncnn list, made and tke unrte' be Ex iLw oi il I'l-i'"- 'if ltlln i),p f(irMio, B crl!'on Kd111 n'1 Pawnee, l Terrl ory of N-v braka lvetf en mr. and will -openfi.r fiam-tat. o m piy fflre in thTuri tf FlW Ctty! tea C u' T 14 a",r,'ln f,,r th cpnte ten.d -iy tr- ,u. and arter tbe dste of tbi Notice. .td flint ap Deai relative to any rrarioii o xreMive valiistiii; ill be recld. y me. n tbe 19th da of Xwih. 1661 ill appeal to tbe Assjor not be wai 1? VslwM.l " c josipn'n? Br'itBAkt; j i...,.,.. ViKmclr Tmir'nff t Paledthlanthdaytf.v. lilr 3 no-9-2v : estuay KOTicrrr) ' ' . Tak.n tin hr tbe 8iibcribPr fivinx. three anl a bait miles Miln of Urownvlile on tbe b-.tun road, cue "ft D0W a BR A HA If PBKXT. . ; Ix-ft-n? 1. Fj j ' ' ' J . EST RAY' NOTICE ; ; Tiken np ty tbe nmlersiened. !liini to and a bal, tl.e aontb of Browiiv;!. In Xeniaha Co. Sfebralta Teiritory, Ona . wbite c.-wr wi'b eome red oa bf! and neck, crop off tne rlbt ear. and branded with ti e ie?ter "0"en rlbtbie,T Ore liDe bak bnudlesccw with tbe ram brn.d,' i)d jnarlt 'O ie icklel cow with' crop off he left er, andnnder kit out of ibe rkt Sr, braiidcd wiih4"B'B Uie te.t bj f . i N. 1gt.l84.'.Ix9l-'M EfTRAV "HOT ICE.' . 4. j altn tip It tbe cKltfrr-ier iirm? eievpn mi'e aontbweittof Bwniile-NK ;n at oar thre year ol. roa upotted . branded " tne left bip, ii!low lot kid Mcft'ev.1 4 ' AM03 T. P. HUGHS. lxS-nS-Sw. Ayers Cathartic Pills. H MAKSlr EKO'S & ZOOK'S Tbe ondt'fiime', having ?(cur6d for a term of years the ner aod spaciotu ruoxn uaJer HARE'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY rHvixi CStx-ootf B?it leave to announce that they are nreparert to Mil nit anj-ctlug ui4U may tot iu tLfr line, uct as 51 ISC ELLANE0 US BOOKS, O. tbe anest quality. .For CfcildiO. .-, VICTOR'S h KffTTLE'S History 4 o'f'.ths' Itebellion, .1 iAt'difririB. price. , Also: All the recommended School . Books for the Territory. .- , u iMf Pt ck of Letter. Cap and NVte rer neln re-y U'jC' adjf th.'ljdt (tu!i:j and bi n-lit lvii (Jl.l w ts d -'i,'ffe wo 1 0 ter ceirt. lower than any nvw pp..-i:;on tbai m tya; itu up. . We aito bav a.ewoi 'tu.jt Ntw Olie.ip r&irui 00Xl.lNr SIXSZiZjIITIS l.-rt. And BOVJ ueii BULLY HAN'O SLEuS as you never saw Coino nr everj body whrre yot; can flnd anything y u wiu u. read with a Kd p!acv t' real i- 13 M AK5II liRO'S & ZOOS. - Nov. 10th, 1SS1. lx-3-ly;, - TH03. 0. -OEENSHiLW,- MANUFACTURE! DEALER or y SADELERY COLLARS ALL KINDS Of fMRNESS, WJIIP.S, Sl'liRS, LASHES, &e.' &r. ' TTain Ptreel .Oopofite Vsre's Bank. NEBRASKA CITY, NEBRASKA. i ' 3u c ssor to R. Brown h. Co. W.nld rpsiietri:y ann-iin'e to th Citizen o' Brownvi.le aaU ieimtj, that lid purctiae-i th Large and Well Selected StocI; OF vvidT G- 3. 9 MEDIClrlESPAlNTSj ' i . OF, 3. BROWX 5t Co. ne a'nre t' e prblie BPTierany, that L.e will keep on band eveT tuJiu i.suaMy kefi't iu V -"" Fust Class Drug Store, ts4 i Jet ermlne'l nrt to be nndersold iir ca.k. i ' . - ... ! PRESCRIPTION'S AND OltDFRS CA R K FULLT FILI.fD AT Ai' L llU'!v !. 7 W1IITI jT BLOCIX, MATTT STREET B S 0 W : V 1 L L E t lV E B 11 A SKA. U-8-iy Brownville (enictery Association No'iec is hf.rrbv g: v.n that in aerorij"n'e 'i'h b n,vtic-J p;iUi.-!it.-l in tb" A'lverMser if the 'AA in-r. ihe fili-.wif!,j wr!in.''trt wit.' HwUff. J'-hr M-Ph-ranri , A. S. IJ'.Mii'tif . 1. W. fv-riford, TUo . U.M.vS. II. V.Ulvr. (,. V.B.-tfun. W. H. MeCrvcrv and K: V. Ti-.'imas a-i inh! 1 n? the finif n1 j-laoe i -l in !aifl n.-n.-e and .r,r:.?2cl tli tPtlTin into a cenr try a.o i i'i -m. to knowa for the pri-en h " 1 h- lirnwor ilc metrj Ai"i"ciatU'." Jn in-i- icn it .ttas reso'.v il thaMh next nwetin be V.tM at lbs l'r -sbrtoriori Oh-ir-h ii Hr iwr.vill, on th :itU J;iy of N..Y.;rrV-r, lsf4. at two o'ei.:li 1. M. Tor the purroe of c(4ale:in; th orauiiv;ion ot the ;iS'ipin'.la Vt tho c.!''fe-i'i of trn'tees and, a clerk, with a y iw 'tn having'tha as-iia'iori iiv'r-p.j-aU', luvt'r an aci cf ilia Ki!-Iature of " brikt iTriti'r.y"en itlii "An Art tw M-to nnf; fujrnhtto u(irpr.iti n- ia tli? Territory of Nebnw k ii iirv- 4 Flruary I br I' 4, Aii wh'i lv?.lri to bij-viin in :ai''orj (,f the associa tion aro invifO'l t) bo prrjsunt ataiid lucclinj a i.'! tofakeart ii (be atootiwnr i ; ' cv. 7ih lbl. ; L. ITOADLEY. rr. E. W. TdOUL, awy. t-1x nS-iw S10 JO. . LEGAL NOTICE. , John If. UHrey -n-l ary F. Uilrey, hi wife will r?k- noriie John Q. A. Smith a plaint. I Uh fil!-l peritir?in !h 1 i.-t ri--t Court of the C.mifv of Nem:ihii, Ni:tr.isk T rnt .ry. on the Chsiii- orv ii la theTPnf rai'nt tbm to?ther with, J"'.i Ci lem-iri an t U.'.I. WTiitney ilefnnilant. T h objurf and bray.-r of i id petition is to l"i,ri;l-S' in-irt'.-Hiw in ide by .i'.d Ulirer and wif.; in favor id i.iid pl'iituiif on th u:h E.t 1-4 if Si'ctii n No' 17. Tou-hij) Xo. 5 North, of Kanx No. IS Eswt ii the fth ! jTtnc'n ai nd inn, f O uatrrt in the raid Con j.ty of Nem i ':)", to b-ain di-cree for tbn itle of f- 1 land and to ap; 1y ih iT-cwdji iarrtvnii'ni of a certain riot ,ia d vhy l Uilrey in favor of aid ylaintif for jlZi Od . d.'ied Aru-t Lh ami due nv-i-m n'hn after date4 wirh i:ttoreit at the rt ot sixty er t-nr p-r aiinam frtn maturity. Siiid L'l rey find wil'eare reuiri-d ti a wr tH pemioD by tbe J ith daj of D'-eeiub T. . I). . V. I IHM S, - . hot. for CoDip. T-Ix-na-tT.-Sl.jO. DSHrSOI.l'TJOX. NOTICE is h.T 'bv iven th it tha 6nn her'tprr. - xi't n? un ir.thu nata-j and stla id R. brovri. Jt Co. i lbl day ilisdveu. R. DROWN f CO. Nov. 2d, M pt-rli. 0. l.itr. "Teoav nqtue, - i JameIl Ilc-ddovr and Frtui !)! low, b: wif.-. will t,k.' i)oti'-t; that John Q, A. Saiita .? rlaintitf n-ii Cied a . titio.i 'n tb -ry . aido of lh litrittt Court cf Neiu thi ('ou nty, Ncbrxsk i Ttrt i. ry, jj'i Lst tritm i df.-i;dar.t. the ot jfclof wbi.-i-is to fornclorio a f-ertiin m m iiv' by the m hVli 'itiean 1 J int; IT. Be 1 1 .w. Jane. 27th A 1. to9 on th? .ftli We.-t U'.arver. and the K,.mb W.s; Q uir'A-rof the N .rth Dit Quarter, and Lot. Xi. oU: tWtiiT .S.?uti:;n 26 JTli lfit No. 0 1S id Sjutiu'ii S l 2i atl ia tV:i-hip f-i4r (4 ) North, Rane Sixte..-n ( 18 E"tofo;,i Trini-ipl Merid an. toiled in thesaid County of Neniiih,. Said m rt 3ge having niiide to secure the j.yrai-nt of a rer- lin promi.'K-T note beri jr veo dt with said m irtjte.m d- by tle tx'-d Feltcitie snd damp fh ix-ddow l.r $52'1.0i). d,ue -ix m- ntbg f;pr duta wi'J) interest Trni niatuniy'af the rate of fiy percent ujoTifh, tha "myet of aii ption i tbaf. tH 1 !nd be !o!d . Uie: proceed J b kpriied Tn" .ay1 ts of 5Al;l t-.t9." ' defendants ar rq'iind f n!wer i I pa i'or btsfora ih- li ,i d . 4 I) ;inWll. , .... ., E. W. TtlOMAS, Sol. 'fo.-CVnt x . ' ; 11 t Ix-3 4w ESTRAY.SdLE . Xr)tip la bereby riven I will on tbe Mih rtiy of Xoemt-er 1364 oftVr f..r ?ite at niy're-ddencf i i tbe Tity of Femaba in-aieCotrttot -enMba Territory of Nerka, vi.e ret fteer l ut two years old. Jji l ieer temg aa eitray Ukea upbV.aieia issj UIUitAS HKiGIXS.' t V-rx-u-8 3w NOTICETO CITY TAX PAYERS. Notice is hereby given that Taxei of the Ci'y r f Brownrille L.r lhe year 13 51 ar j w dae and the Tax Lin ha? been phi i"d in my hnfi 1 for cjl!3itioo. Tut Payernre notifi;d to eall at iiiT.ofu ;e aftl sit-., tl their t.isem orb-f"re th fjrrdiy of January 1555, After tbatd" a jxMiat-y of tn percent. ai d tep percent. ntreft por nt;ort wi?l bpadddtoTT taxeji not lhn jvai J. The l now ri-qu-rY thec!lecor tociJi on t x jjay-.r.i f .r t'r-ir taxps bu: all"en are reiuired to I ay rhe sa:n a tba cU leptorV'-R-e. a ' ' "JONAS HACKKR. ix-9 3t : . V City Jfi..V'i'qfr-r - NUTi E, , - r fctirdiT th tk. day of SowraJ-er 16 at . Ihet ftU,,i,p u tt.lldif 1 will Br i.r i:e at? PiiMce auction at 'b b.-ue tf Pal-CnfiM Lafarefa Pre cinct. One Eiray Hare ft Coitf-r Ci-h. tot. 13 "64 NATnAN SQUtKSjj, J. P. . KIP eft Fkurfrom tbeL. S. T. G. Mil' In quarter half nd-who;e.a. k kept AT M'LAUGITLIS ft SPAN'S EST RAYED OR STOLE:; " From lhe Subwribtr b;.t two mile to city Xeb-aka ?Tcrr;Hry aWt.ut U7:h ,. . Dai a t.y C ,t with ber V ,U : it f-w whjt tind feet ,r! '- face. I wi i r give $ J5 reward io ny pr"iB ,,1 - ' -y.lTn--4. i . - - . tlnNl -EST RAY- NOTICE. Taken up by J. .. II. Tr!,t 2 DiiJaa V-... . tx of,:oil.wir.K ,!e..r iriu,n t -..' ox 4 yeirs 0H uiarke-l in Kie Ijfi ttr ' " ' in iiie Lou.ny or emaba Sirtj.k. 1 Bl"i-i peariio nrebT im fotkii the 'l r u.a.k:d ui the rUb er wtj, mooih lerable wiJeaua heavy no other mrky ' ceivable. s p. kr y. Oil, . ' t-Ix- n-8 3. NOTICE. On Situ'day the 5;h .Ut of n Clock P. 31. rt SiiddJT Vwill ,.'... Auction at the bu-e f Wimu ji ,7' eue Pa B..IIiCt or K.ra Cw aiij cl?rTt Oct. 13th IS64. C r,M NATHAN' SQ !. .H i.r ;;ESTRAygrrTcF' -Tatenupby tbe un defined li'vir, J' th Hr.t dW ot :,3.XV4 tin. JL-tr iy. b;,a laar---. iVney -Cr. lV' t lei t diui ier verr .1 i.i : . .i ---a d m-! ut tiri Brown ilft , Nov us ... - . ESTRAYuNOT.'Cr. Taken tin br th n.; . ,. . j:u miies co-uiu oi rrowriT;iie jn - . "iM, One L.-trry f ,!.,.y black withn, , ' forehead au.ib.-l; hi., Kllni " i eftro!.I n.xt Sf,'rir"cr -- t- - uiur.ii fca-.... ... ir. wnvi...'. (.v. 1st. I55. v-Ix-7-3vt. I'd. lEOALxoficiTr 'Oram a frota T,ii -x 2, for r-a!e tyr pi;'. A'.wuijA i ii j r'll I'i fit ed to said Bi?on yi.l Cimiai.-;., ,:" additional fm of -52 ,1 S i".-.-ney8j:.j t't . f J'i r.rth dj? r.r- Ht-.,n 7 "lj"i q'iMt. An H- tf a;hCF r issued out of .-.v l tVr a', ti: :,1.,W3T , tate sittmre t iu said Cour.ry'.f I.'.-r.ih West 12 i-t'South SVt t-4 .,.,,,, T " i iiinje 15 Eat. S. a h Fast 1-4. f Art',! .Section 9 Towiuhv o itine 1 j Ea; I tbe rr'p:rty of sa:d .o. S.iid l'ticon is ri"tjj:rd t nn.-wera:u 'hoith day of Uuctiuber loi Pept. 22nd 1SH , li:i;al notice 1 Fr:im"i3 A. ioir, adxiaU'trto.- c.' t'.j Y.y tViiliau t't-rka.d'jucusrd. ad ihe unsn..-: . fhu? ldr3 (Wke. wid t ike jtiu .1 4 ft !. iiowlcr hui f.i. i a p,it,'..a to t'le f . '-(' thy- District J-jrt ti' .Wi t. (i.u"j. ..e Territory, the (.bject of o.c!i mVm,;,-,! i..r tbe sa'e f fodoarjn-j d "til'i. in ?a l County cf u.ib i. t - t: tist -j.x. juarter seot:La a.JRtr 14, ti s-;-: -s i..rth of ru-;fT i: up. ber 14, east i.t' i .. -:-al u;eridiin. r d iha appl rnti'in oi . t . of ic! sale ir. rr.ynect '.f a oerV-io ;.u.l; . rn:ida by 'd Wilhau ti rk v.u' .3 i, i a vor of said pl.iiat.if, f jr ?2i;l.i 0 u he rate cf '25 j r rrr.t. r?r ana iai i r a -. iue twelve iii.iithu ut'.er'd Ce ; t.'ie aiU i Ven morfgRvtl t i s;.-juro tja.-ajsitih'u,. D-.fen lmt.-i ure rf jiiired tv ty th of Deeeinber, loJ-i.; L 7. TI!:J5!r. olickor fvT Ci n 'x Sept. 23ib, 1ST t. S 4-4; Si 4 ladies a Hd GE?:uL':r; If Toit w'nh -ft, Marrr, .a.t !reei lhv rj'.r r will send you wi. fiHt roonf y a.U illi.,'.. y t -ole rriM'i'ii tiut will e'i.'.i! y a ut -ri.Lspeivtily. irras ec'iye of a Kj.iu i rtt nforriM: ion i 1 it yj.i n t'.ii . u-.J ' !o uiir'y I wiii .bee la iy a-M yn. i st et y cofl'ie-ii T c"-ir. d infrm i . r.-Urn uiii!, '-n I noquti. n a '..til i'Ut S.trah ti L-iiio.rt, Crvr, k lx-7-2n J '. j. p j ' -A ? " -.. i r IS DEN'S TICKET'. . r- ;.---.--- . Aod Din' Can.HJ U ant evr wil'.t QncSALts.i:;,j's'-i.itP23.; YM. T. DEN, WHOLESALE A .1 1 KETIAI. HO.'I ' 1E5G! E5TBLISHID! 1 riu cow en b tad; th m..t-t c frr'e;' '!' "o-cnxiit oi iltn trwiie U B!l... 1 Coll-dilS of J c t m r ' m V . V. ' m AND GROCEBJl HATS & CAP-", Cticaj CaVi"-1ir BOOTS & siioi cf Superior Qialify. aV9 s Dres-Trimrr.icr?. llo-w Gloves aui (jd iatl'-'ts. H -'- III variety cr.rslt!l? cf Til) t ' ' CLiiel.-, ant. Fi-1 , l; rt.l t and Nr-ws. T.-.V- a'.-l ' ii'-de. Ainii a.-ocrt-uco' ut : 37 O V ASH Cn.kinu HeatitiK and Par'orStv' Stove Pipe, Siiee L 6d ZiJC" WOODEX, WJLLO AND V'L Jr-i. .AfuUMVuea.'l READY-MADE ClG - At Low rrif- ; Blank Boolcs. Pock"? ?',0i;;;,: ' kept coasuntly ca j ::it,-. ....:.v: : - ;A jr . . .. . A cotBSie'- ' ; ' . ? , r f f u it Si i r ? pa Mid. Baran. Bd-k , C'laira. M-a AUo: Plonks, Com Sh RPtrmher that tea pay j.- iia'i uiiiit.".'" .,k si--..- fait ana ennnj w . , rj.iiaats tbe Ch-,l,WJf" Fruit an.) uy.-rr,, -' n t . ou in the market. Try t J- Tnepb It.ift.n wili t.jke n..ti.. fjjjj I , titn?, pU.i.u J, taa td a 'La "T Ituoon, d.-f-,'iar.r,on tbo law 'i'i, f"i'i tri.. Ciwt of Now ih-i Cunty.XW t the oli?Ct of wl.l-.-h i$ tooltain'. :.i.. Xr