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M t $ il 0 th ' H I ij f 3Z3EE3a2552I3eZ2SrSSE3K3 THE ADVERTISER THUH.-HAY, MARCH 7, 1-72. Republican State Convention, Heat! (Quarters or the State Republi can Committee. l--.tBV,I,el,e,a nv ?. -uue - . . . . . . x , . ,... . TAb. A. I" 1T2. The btisli of resrssentatlon to the State Convention vIH tlij last Cmre-Monitl vote for Jo.n T-.UU: K.ti-h tonnty will Ik--ntitlei to oncf'' for each one l.umlrM voles cas at vahl election for John Taifo, -jpltli an-H'lition.-.l deleK'ite for jifly and 'ip irsrJs iu excess thereof, anl each organized co&uiy will be entitled to one additional del tste. Tif following t-b!e exhiWts the number of JWegntcA to -.vblcli eueh county Is entitK-J: XitBitAsnA City. Feb. 26. JS72. iinon inp. herau-e 1 ton: mm uuuiM , ,. i, 1:1.0-., 1 mnl iuralHo-Piit ! A Republican fetate L.iiiveatK.n will be ,., (,...; j,t (all that carpel-. , , , . r niin Rnok-T 1-eM hi the city of Lincoln on w-lne-dny, n- "i""" "- '"' ' m.,iii setters a ready here, in the name of, t,un UOCK nieisthdnvo Miv,A. 1). o'clock, Shagging would not pa 111 JSemali.t : ' wou Rrownville . w .v.. - . ..r ,.!,..., !.. 1 i: : -v' f..:... ,..i. , ,..., tn tins nrri'TP." Juki hnm.initv. ISemanul "1U,UI "a Kate-, to the n;st Nntlonal Repnuiican Con- colMlty an, n-umed control of the re- cmnt v need- additional brains. ca;i- -N pmaiia L u vnslon tor the nomliintlon of cauilldalpi . . .. J , 1 ; iin.,,ir...l , ,, ;ninvi!! T.irPH-Mfiitnn.iviccl'r Wentof tiserni-lpubliesiii party we hnd ix nu.iiirtu . , ..., mi Pariiet-batf!:ers." A.-pinwau Adr.tns. 1 Antelope, 1 Hoone. .. 1 Ifurt, 5 Bitller, 2 Btitfa o 1 Vis-, 10 Cedar, ., 2 Cheyenne - I Colfax. 3 eiy, 1 Cammlnjr, 4 lUkolH, 1 Dawson, 1 J'isou, 3 l-d2e. 0 JioiiKliis 2) Franklin 1 Fillmore 1 Frontier.'. 1 ;H-4f, '3 Kreeley, . 1 Jlhrliiti . 1 Hall, -. 2 Ilmnilton. 1 Howard, 1 Jeireron, ... 5 Johns-m, 4 JCearnsMT. 1 Lancaster. . 9 JM tS Court, 1 Lincoln.. 1 Mndifetin, 2 .Merrick, 2 Xocl:oi-. 1 Otoe, NcniHlin, 16 Flprco, 1 Pawnee, . 0 Polk, 1 llatf. 2 Valine 4 RichnrLon. 11 S :nn er-, 5 Sarpy, ..... -.. 3 Sherman, 1 Se-rird, . 4 Thayer, 1 SUuilon, 1 Wu.liiiiton, . VnSley. 1 Webster,.- 1 Wayne. 1 York,.- .-. 2 All County Rpabllean C.mmlttos are hereby notlti?'! and r'ieVM to mill Coun ty Convent! n-, to elect the delegates pre tserlbe!. and the chairman an-1 feeretary of f-nch convention will fnrnlsb -jU1j delesate--xlth crientlaN of eK-ctlon, duly certified iimlpr their bandi. .,.., .,.. ...i- i i. i.r.Mtf i AIIQ ilJiwiriii-iiU uraiit-ii "j uhh'miiuu- lee Hint full and barmonlons r-prenta- lion will gather from ail -cetlm- of , l,-e Mate nd tha all It. putdlenns who uphold theirreat principles wul-h nave so dsrual.y ; crowned the nn'lon ua ler Republican ad- j tnInlratJon. will rene-.v their co-op-ration for pn.?re and parly purity, and will at- tBl the plm'y n-eeins- and teeth: tgood rtien are delegates to the Conven tion. C. W. SEYilOUR, Ch-r.. V. T. C:.AnJTE. Sec'y. 12. C Cnnninshani, 1st District. T. J. Majors 2d H. A. Newman, 3d " If. IX Jlnthaway, 4tli Geo. O. William?, 5tb '.' 31. F. Hilton, Cth I. N. ITay--, 7th A. Ieyo, Stli .M. D. Jloxle,, 0th C. V.V-wllev, 10th J. R. L'roiin, Iltb " i SEjtaha cofXTY iikptblicaa j CE.VTitAii CO.H.MITTEE.. : The :ne:nler-of the Nemaha County Rf- rhe :ne:nler-of the Nemaha County Rf- iMimn fen'ral Committer are r-n.--fally I pWin-n-ral(oiijmltte.-arer.n. lauy i xeqwefeted to meet at tiie Court lio-u-& la i Ittuwaviiieon J Msturony, April n, liis, ai a ociock the place with a new man-one from the ro.r T!ip n.b.Pinr of , I meet with universal approval. We hope if a change i- made, that the -, ., tmcitio'i will bo -lpeo-ilffl tn fbo vt jHibuio.j win ut .icco.ulu to tne vest. .t ne rajnu progress anil develop re and development our own young State has made, and is still making in Agricultural mat mr- ,-,..,iii. .mv,.- i.B .. ,..!. M..;,,, ler, ieall gees Ub as much claim to the oflice as any other -S-ate. In this I connection we take the libertv of suit- ug gesting a name, one which would do : p.2n.toeorsldertheprorercoursetopur-ne is-3"- y!eI,Klul- l" LIUlt u -'" with Dr. YaiiSandt, Col. Hepburn VT u "Tu- ir i ! ity W ViLUi. j n.-une to ultli a fraud. under the aiKJve call, and to transact such ' j,tt-jj?fger " and we became as used ' ltj,j (j H. Powers, we made our wav er" Mis- Muir & Mbs Mcaut'liton, i,, i;,,. state of :eiir.a, at cio-e of J. N. cassell. otliir business a.- :nav present ibe!f for eon-! l ' ' , -i-;is ,..", ... ..t,..,'t ., ,...i;.,.. rii. !.,i, r..f'.i.. vr i;.,,...,, -ii. lu.l:e--, 1't 'ir;-.tiry -47tli, 17-1 Box :a. Lincoln, Nebraska. ivlderatlon. to the term as to our own name, and ; to il.i-ea t ntteno a meeting ot tle John ,MiLule, . Ii. Hainan, m.-. J We are acquainted with Mr. (as-eii. and H.M.Atkinson. i,..,,,.!.! nn.u-er one a readilv as the ' directors ol the :S mu way alley rail- H..,nher , Mi-s Sallied- Lottie Jttdkin-, PSOURCES hi-property mentioned In tir.-t om. It 1- Ch'nC-). Cent, c.immlttee. '-ouiU .liisttir one ns renmij 1,s "ll i We arrived there in due time -,,. ,, ,,. ., r - , T ,, iM ,,' r-t ei:is property, and we believe thi- Brownvllle. Neb., March :h. 1S72. other. We endeavored to aigue wilh ' '"'SI. !.,:. to 'o into bu-ine-- -r- JIu"S M,,htf ihirnian, & Ml-s Lou , - M im e,..noill be conducted with the greatest , Sour new neighbors that the fortunes iRU,Kcmei.t.-. whMi vu!d uKiiiiat-ly MePheron, On the way receho- .. g. l- u-n XZZnu ISi Mumphrey Br.s.', .T. F.Sudduth. U.S. OP AGHICUL. , , . , .j . . mn-t be seeuieusa railroad, but mativ of the were made bv II. C. Lett, and others. , -.her. -t.n-t. Boi.d3nidMirtses 7. ca u; Chas. Cameron, A . F.Chapln, TC11E. ot war liatl uLClUttl mat wt .i.u-b ui , . ' f : i...viM,r -, , . ' ,. , ' r . Hueftoci KedumlnunJ Knerve agents n.7 h7 .1. I). MInshall. E. K., oMP neoii'e and -hould be friend , director.-:n..n o.ntr pan.- not n.i mg stopped at -Mr. .-nydi-rs, for refresh- ihh-from ou-r. National K.nk- 11 w s. 1: iioiminnn, Seth Robinson. vVe learn from private and reliable) , V ' " ,,, , " interest eisf'iirh to atteiul. ami Uiere ,, ., f.1M,vnr,t;fin n 1 ju -from teUmk, and iakew tv vo , G. Ensign, Wm. A. Coleman, rut'-oritv that thelate Xutioual -- ' lhat fr 0Ur i,art "C WOultl IOVC tfKPS t being a quorum present, the .M 14-Us a,tl sOU;1 . ("ner ,'t""; U i VtiZJZTIi: sn lh ' yp- ""V,1?:"1,, J" "" l'Mston- auu.0110, that tl.elatt Natioual AB , y. dirti,lClion3 !o.sL siglitof in i organi.rUion wa- aban.loned. Then, tne way home at tne depot, amid con- , t , J .::...: -.m; J$fc Ti n BrownvJi'.- hv ncultural Convention held atash- i Hfelhi;t ia our judgment, at -wen- present. (Jen. Itemick. ami II. j fusion wa- heard "free bus- for A meri-1 &aM&ttZ M7, H ""'"j.V DICKER. int'toil f itV. I'-l. l-itll. PXnrPSSetl 111 . J .. . . , f I at! f P.nm-ni-illi. VulvmuL-fl t tt.. .. f-. :.. 11....1 1 . tiish on hand FJ.ITa . ---o - t t - i f,,..i,t-...tir nr or,tf.itif-i to iiniitiea! - -",-"-' " - --v- .- , "-ieuu iiousu. l iiioh riuiei. anu oiar : private circles a decided diatisfac- nt or oppcsitio.i to poi.titai , . of p.:it.:nnl,lM Xebra-ka, -7 , riTi x t ,1 1 . ' partv snould not be a pre-requite or , r s (...,., f.f ijiii-Hn'rfoii lo- -r -r . --r-r n-c- tion with the present incumbent, , . . . I .1 . ' a J; . .' .-'UIK.riu, " "i:illst"" 1W , s-r LIAjalLxTIES. 7. , ... ,. , , T, ,.i, .,,;, . negation to a man a social Stat its tliat wn all Jive railmad men. men who- T . c , ..fu, -.,; ,1 ;:. ,- cp!talJtoc!:paidii 4t.cfoc-i more particularly on account of hi3 , "tr. i rectmnp, 01 cnai..cur &.iou 1ul,liu oJa ruroniI u: the Xml. February iSJrd, 1S72, Mr. Hitcheoek . Sct:ir:r.:ZZZZZ:ZZ: location. It was held that the west ""cUhoul.l be his purport mto sue c- VaJ,ey - , ... .wul by unaiIjraous (.ou.t I nt . r-: - -F"lh.- ,...i.t., j..... .. .. ...... .....l , ....... .1. ...... :..,..... t .1 i ,i,.,i,.,.n ,,-iti, iu m - -- -v....v --. ...v. ..... ,...,..-., r.;;-iiiu.- being the great agricultural producing . l- 'ulc " t,1Lt- ;,'AULS ",s "; It wa.- moved that we prou e to the : obtnineel leave to bring in the follow- .-: t7?1,4, m ,f ,, ?...,. 5 ' inr ! nial therein-that we did not relish ' organization of a .onipriny to bund a ; . r .... . ... . tw. t !"-l,S """"""' v"" --"- 1 "ll- (l f ..i..,0 .),n .railrond from Brownville. X-hra-ka. i ' ' " r.ntilbwl In r.ftL.o "VVIiilo l"- -""M'"'J tv.i. .,,.... tw .. ..v, .. . : ln llu. r,inmitti. nn Mi.. lavidrni! Ulifcai .......... w...v - . " ,10,1 .l,n,,nSitP llionrv whiln frntn ' a "'',,a8,i .. -u wwii- - ---. - - ""-'""" j sto and bUto Iriinte nr(fliitiirr,f Imlin U-iHc ml mr !- . - - -J - i I . Mil ! (i -Mi 1: 1 1 1 1 el- :1 1 .111 il III !! In drill I ri- 11 till nriliirm tn l.n n.:nli A 1, 1 1. I t tn.1' X .c tn h?c i!ft..iir ..,ii. f I the acquaintance of ladie who would nTvv f jiK-.-rn-iration. con-isting of "':., ,., .,-,, ,,r ti. t;V,i e.t-1 rJ7o,Is0 " ! e-TD aj w 111 iiuiiiiiii.olioii. ui wLuiiiii i:l : ... &.i.k.ttLA.jrAL,iiwi4titiri w-i k nv if r.i'.iKk a i i nesa for the position, we agree in that - - ' '' -- i r,n W.W. -erM,. .!-,. time m- .1 r.r :.. .i. ... .... -,,- .1 ruin or me -cciion 01 country inim,-' -- --- :...,. ,. .......-.-. t i. . uii;ici!.i.cuui Liie oi.jeci.iuu.-. v e ... . .,,. , j , ', ,,,- I ported ami ailoptPii. understand further, that in all proba-! whlcu !jc slI"J!Jf-r 00(1 Lord ,le,,w , l j he nrtk-le, -ail for r. point in Mis- bilitv. an ftfTort will bo mnde fn (ill ' er us '' But ihey were of the mater-1 ouri 0,,K,.,le P.rownville. .sel.ra-ka, present incumbent, Gen. Capron, whoi cnerisiieu natreu oi nortiiern met. u,.-, dim.tor3 ,.,.,,..,1, wore John was honored with, and accepted a call . til they were hedged upon all mo 8 ; FilZfIl.rald-, .foht, JL.ri.ett. H. C. Lett to fill the portion of Agricultural; rilh such' ""eVt'r. we had --" 'v. J- s- V-:l",er""' S'" Director 'n Hnnn w,i frr.-n Illinr.U "sual good health while there, nndl H'K 'ur. I he m.-etm- adjourned, jjirector in jajian, a-iro.ii Illinois,! . b . After the meeting there was a meet- and his ellbrts i.nd lab ,r, f-eometl hv I rat'er eiijoyi-1 oun-?!!. I - , ,tjr.,(.to ..R,i ,i. fuiiow,,,,. iiiiifc;.! iiii.aiu, jias lii.wii uuuiu uu; ? . Pprli'ina too lip ;:riiio-pil to "eiiiiipt-' iionorto our young commomvealth, I1 trnal' .K 'it wop.K,., ito ui.ptt and strike with pleading and musical , b:lJ-er-' If sn w- '-vould advise him cimhonv nnnn the enrs and other I t0 !,uve a oi-n l"""'.! and hang It ov- senes o the neople of the countrv at ! liiffhohl-V... -etivP in.PrP.t in jarge w no ttiue an acne liuerest in Agricultural and Horticultural mat- tors we mean Col. R-jbkbt W. Fch- i nas, of this city, whose name is ftt- ' '! miliar to every one, not alone in this State, bat to every live Agriculturist or Horticulturist in the Union, from .his identification with their interests! .ma imju i.i uuuijuii nn tutu luieresis; as a worker nnohieo.- -erWor ', , as a worker, producei, writer, etc. His services at Richmond, Va., last I .as f-pnson. will lmrtnnn bo f.irtrntton hv o,.r neni.lo .i wbilo ,i,,. -.!.i;; il lho fol in tiio .,m.Pti.iMa ..rwi .not. ' . w ... ....-..-... ...... rt..,v- ltu ded and one cated We call upon our Senators and Rep resentative at Washington to investi gate this matter, ami if our under standing be found correct, and a" va cancy is likely to occur, urge upon them to piesent the name of Col. Fur nas as Wattd' succes-or. "ntlonal Agricultural Soclety The recent National Agricultural Co Jonvention held at Washington City, .''nt, -.,,... i-ri. , ..i ,i :.. .1 ' .ebruary loth, resulted in the orgam- , I le of Nebraskians-, they surroun-; J --unueu .-uue.-, is. i.eetoeverv - . ,-;:lMbt shall was one ot the I argot ev . . . . i M' ... r-..:...! p...... :. i- i - rtit, his name with iv halo of honor ' zen not onli' lo every citizen, but to , jr l)el J in Clarimla, and one that will I J-V -& V a a . .11 .f I.I t l ' I) l.r . 1,1 I hiuli merit recoirnlzed by everv every alien : -NebraM-a i.-a portion of; unn, ". " ' -.- ; . V " XV T. .. r " . - i.T'-,t.i cji.,4 i i. wi-n enl?..'i to liiv vuiiii. ii.-iii- ldentilied with the interests nidi- "---u .n-., . m .iinii iio .-"---- - then ad.!re-.-ed nation of a National Agricultural So- to thought or action to the native? I ring the right of way though this coun ciety. The oflice.-s are W. G. Beck-' We have our oi)inion of men hold- tv : the motion carried without a di with of Michigan, Presideut. A Vice, President from each State Maj. D. II. Wheeier for Nebraska, Ben Per ley Poore of Massachusetts. Secreta-j ry and Treasurer. Robt. W. Furnas, of Nebraska, chairman of the Exec utive committee. Recently the question came up be fore our Supreme Court as to the lo .rality of negroes serving as juror?. Judges Lake and Crounse decided that the legality attaching was un doubted. Mason dissented. As a dissenter, Mason is a success. Wo verily believe he would dissent from any opinion given by his associates j tb.e Union, everywhere, and the ene unless, peradventuro, they decided j mes of our Hag We have no sympa- :nat ne, -Mason, was tne smartest judge of the three. o- Tlie jseurasKa Lity chronicle favors , an extra session of the Legislature. ' The people do not. They want the j time of the barnacles to exnire before ' ., il T 1 - another session of the Legislatnro is - - held, zszzssz AVtryDondalxoHc.. Tn last week'-s DcmomiF, appeared iiirf mv hninp sind revenue himself : , ..... , . majjniy . . , . .y .-.. . - -k 1!...-.. .. . '! " 100 I run tne n 11 the pnrtv nxe m ueauuiuu wrja . tavern, "Likeh 1!' Here is my opinion of you : "Alinlchty v 11 seance sternly wait-, to roll j Iilverbofaulpurcnyonr treaeherons on!' . , ... .... r "-.V t ,.. Tn.ri.rr..tin i w. ! nd or- of Xemaim Lou nty met ana or- cent-, each m-emo . j..-: e . .... -1'rmnnTl 'n Ifll T in I HI VIIMIIinm brownville, Nebraska, from which strangers to come here. And they are . chairman, and Charles, ee- S - Ul U U Ul 3 U UHIUU LlUllUI UilU ULULlUliUl I we clip the following : coming, and we feel our-eif commis- j i : f, I Post OiEce Building, BROWNVII1I1E. NSB. I -,,- 1 1 . r.,.i:.i ar,f t ;,- ' inr,P,l tn wprnmi them in the name i l " 1U1IU" 'S -c uics- T7QK-vi.i--u.s ..i...- 2i-3m I .UL II- IlilL Iv I il LillHUU LilWIV k" " w .wi ,...--,- -Vs, - , rTr ftlli. fill UIILI-?. U. ... I -... - n i iiibii i imm i ll nil 111 Ml TTTlMrrMnT . K. JKACir. j ,,pnn our rjeh !nnd, picturesque, roll Xow, friend Rufe, evidently expects ; .. anf, fl.i,illg prairies, and Heaven a ref-ponse to hi- poetical, classical and be.lowe,j Water course-. A few more chaste efTuion,and we are too kindly yea.s M, ,)f?e "Carpet-baer" will disposed to disappoint him .arrv the ed?re, of irov.:ni!le up ami We will pass over his untrue and uitl lhem over the toJ)S of the hill ungentlemanly apersions, and eon- .lAvh now Iok doWn so invitingly fineourself to the cause which he 1-1 U.on us. The war-te place.- in our leges actuate u- to revenue. If he ev- couutv wi bt. :naiieglad, cattle will eru-el the expression of -carpel-bag-!f.nver-ourprairi.St ,., m.uIs wiiI be ger ' toward us we have forgotten ", $huUf on and overwhi-h our producL i.itt rii! fur neennmiotbilioM -nke. as- : .... . . ......... ""- ' ' ' ' 'ne that he did. j Rufe, ve are well used to this sort of argument, but the taunt has usually fallen from trnitoroti lips rather than j from those of g od ualured Republi-1 caiia like unto yourself. No man who j wore the blue during the late r" ! out l!, Karled teeth. It is nota pret Hon could forget if he would with ; f rS ion am no reMv mat, ,ike wn:u meunu.L- sc.u ..- w,,-o.wv advoctites of "Southern itigitt," met him upon the .-treeta how, in ball rooms, wheii"Johiinies",and,Yai.ks" . . , , i,i - alilie, parueipaieu, me com niuhiul-i ! - ,,...! , ,vnSe hej A Si ' en Hit l.-lier mat Miut mei (anisils (:r.ii ei in loving embrace , with grev coats they lefiteed toper-, -. .,!;,. .,.,. ..,i .tc 1...! "" m" i" ". -- - , :.,- nnn .!n!lll.I ill 1l1IP imtl llll- fltlf'O ! . ii r i .o ,. .tt,- -nr: kissed bv c n-fedt-rate 'outlis were. nonsitiered a to sacred to be polluted . bv the smack of a ' Yank." To avoid misapprehension, we will now add by way of parenth .-sis, tht we became conversant with this latter fact from observation and hear say, not by ex- who ' perience. Now. if women, -i i-i ..,... .1. ,...., ,.i,.r,.- u J.,affT i -11UU1U JIUS U uauisi'l to lilt Mimi angels," dolhee things, of course, milder treatment should not be es- I)ecied of tnen of the same lamilv. r,ecied of tnen of the same familv. ... . , , ' ....i,,.! After the closot tile war we fceiueu ln Missouri, and there the term I . .a 1 i in Aiissouri, ami . ,4 t ' - , . e. ..i...i. . i.-.. 4 :..,. .. i ,n! out OI w,,1Cl1 " j made and they would not hide I heir A few years si nee Rufe and ourself i lived in the same Statu and congres- j . ...t -.- ...... i iri bionui uisiriei. -o .u iinu .nuaeu a,01,-suc UI iU,ie aim ne ea,, " u ' ' lrMirii(if.l..4iri,nr T' Uh, lie, Uur : .ll J'l C W...-.. mutual friend, Beaubien, of whom i .... . I he speaks. lived in Hie same .-.-., r i ,, propmqu ny w ith Rufe and ourself, mm kt'i,t ,;oll'L Iavhaps Rufe took , lessons from him in the Boniface line, i or the threshold of the Star, "No car- ! 1-ct-bnggers wanted here." I x ' I fever there was a foolish expres-; fcion lllis one of "c:,rlet bagger" is , ' ..-.... In !- f ...a I 1 m,.l I.. .l,vI - ri,l""K""''J '""." "- -" "' j i.:. :. -i i.i ii i. i iiuii who ii-es il -iiouui oiiisu ami burn with shame. Is there a man in Nemaha county, who lays claim to J anymore ot the soil oi said county i than jV-t wllich he has acquiied by ! . ; ' l,lirt',,ase- Is t,,eiea l,m" in thlfe . county whodaresminouiiceiiHiu-cii as opposed to the incom.'.ng "d settliiiK ; of any man whoconforms iC the laws? ka a his home is privileged to make such selection. When he does settle he becomes a part of the body politic, and social, and is endowed, at the ex- piration oi six montlis, Willi tliepnv- ilege of voting as fully as though he notifying outsiders that "carj)et-bag-! gers" were not wanted.or.if admitted, j .1 . ii i ill l- ii - , that they shouhl deliver over all right j opi ing such views, and consider that he who gives expression to them, provides evidence of being the po-sc-or of fewer brains than Phil Beuser'sccon. We have ever held in contempt the eTpirit of prejudice exhibited by citi zens of one section of our glorious country toward those of another. It was this; prejudice which in '(51 culmi natedin internecine war. And even during the war it wasoommon to boar j people prating about the contest be tween the North and the South, leav ing out of view the faet Mint the war waa contest between the friends of tiiv with those who wax eloquent in calumniating the South and the southern people, nor with those whose gan becomes effervescent as they dilate upon New England. "Man made the towns and God .undo ,bn . nn.vB i UOU'S COUntrv " I aboundeth hereauays. It is rich in ,vv fc.V V-OllllliJ VJI-'V4 .3 VUJtiJkl y-j agrieultural reourceP and coal depo-i ,.! a mm. I.AnAlir ftf K C 1 tft. , f'i.l 1 T ... l.ll M. IF ' I .-1 f -HW " " 11 . lf. 4 I J -lli' V cnooses :o select a portion ot Zebras- . ,. Illol.Mnfr :it ... ,ir.i(i..r, .Me ienjith were to the manner born. Are there Moore, Col. Hepburn, A. Loranz, .1. -&Ynzzr.:SZ '" ., , , , r . i W. Ginthir, and otners, al urging oi'-e. eh..iee.,ua!ity . ' 4 ."" t'' ' "' any amongst us who would fence in , the j rtnnpe nf our citizens taking 'z'I"TJ1 - " iVW. Nemaha county, and erect sign boards , no!i of this project' r...d working u n - L,, SttMsS&Si&ZZESSSSaESZSZSSSS tS. "Carpet-buggers" are just find- , ins this out. Our State Colons have nf Wim who mnrie the soil, in theien ... , ,iWi.ratum so devoutlv t - - - --- wished for. Tlsev are to he -een in our streets every dny,a:id wagon loads of them are peret;riiiaMiisrour county, fl. w? ritc.lrM.kini: with wi.-hflll eyes will be conveveo 10 metropoman mar- ,. retunij;;, wilh lho pmius tlsere- ( f am, eetl,,ent v and good wn,tWiH ,olj. trife, impecu ninety and cv W(? ,voldj lliereforef advise I .,. , r rtr . t , . , j i..,rr.if -l.aopr'o izzinr from I I I 1 IITIIII ILTII1. 1IVI1 IIC.III 11 wr h. V V W 1 hjm shouhl ,,. j Rufe threw Bvron at us. We will, in . ! conclusion, quote what Bums aid ! when a lady called him a iouie. -We foraave ie dear creature for the , , ,, li.i 1 -raM. For women will talk Of what runs In their head." and lrUSt tl,e application will he fountl clear. I" the same spirit we forgive our .... , T1 BroTiivllIc r.iul Xoilairaj- Valley Hall Jtnad. In our lost i-jiic we simply announ ced the organization of this, to us, im- portant Rail Road Company. Since that time we have received the Clarin- ! frkivn "Pufir f'f.itnftt flfiiinorrif. fn-ni ......,. -v v --, which we dip the following Stem i.i relation to this euterpri-e. A NEW AM LP. L oitt.A.l.A HON CI.AKINDA SUBE OF A BA1LKOAD LvEWiMiiri! 1S7-?. .-.!-- -- On Tuesday morning, in company , :.. . ... .i ...!.. i:. :,... "' run- . a ... ..t-n-.i-,., "; l " P?"" ' H MoiiKh a'- j,(.ntii,,m.n Wl.rc. idvctwl officers for the ensuing yeai': '-. ii fi) i J '. I. eti: v:fp-trp-i- i'-i-nlent, 11. C. Lett; vscc-pre-i- - - ....... .-. ....., - . ,- ilen- .Ihn harnttt : trea-urer. (.Jen. llemick : chief engineer, J. S. Came- Iim . j-ccretarv and attornev. Colonel Hejiluirn. - ':!.:. ,.. .,:.,.. :, :. ,,,.., :... ,.... i,r. "'k"""-""1 .-....y... ... .e relied upo.i ; one that if our people u . d() ..j,.'., ,vin 5.,uo raiI. roai l(C.forc. tllt. fi,st day of Se t ember. 172. Mv. r.- Fitzgerald and Itemick. , ., t i -t l , . uho are the largest rail roa J contraet- the we-t, propn-e to build the r((.id as ft , . .iUinK h(k lint. wi!I v:i mfini.y -.ifiicient to jus- iify them iu puttimr ll.oir money intoj ''-.,-' on mt:?t .subscribe -tori; . w.urh will be dc-iiimtt ti -lion" the li'ie ,fmr ..j ' to jr,. :mme; ; diately atidrai.-e the money rqnired to 1 .... I . I II... .....! f . .v 1 ,. - . Jt '.... ; ' " " ". flinv will lint. ;i mnim firr-o to v.-nr : --.- i---- t- - '- ; lmme'tiatelv. Will our citizens do I this '.' We tire of the opinion they will. JlM( wo wjn do it quick. So ve nre nil to take Hold ot tin's matter and i ,, . . , . r-'-ve it a shove e know that our town one vear longer without a rail- mad, K fnianeiallv damned. For one t,me jel Us ali go to work, and work together, and victory will be ours Hip Hip Hurrah ! The r.tilroad j meeting bt-t night at Loy fc Van- nmj , a Way that everyone ,:pe.-ent coiihl uive a heartv amen to. J h ." . ..r.l-k I".,,. llfAM'tiviUi. o,,l llnlt'nfl ! rimi,v mi jhiii.., ,,i.,i rim tn their situation, and n-sured us that the- people of Rrownville would give a i,eJUtv ini,):,rt to this road. Tl.t meeting wa-then addresed by N. B til we have a railroad. A vote wa- taken to know whether tho-e nresent would he willing to cooperate with the (,iro4lniv. ; rai:in ,,. nIlli 0f.. Renting vote. The meeting adjourn ed witn a inn determination to go to work and secure the road. The selection of Hon. II. C. Let', is a high compliment to that gentleman and an evidence to our people that they have not over estimated him. He is peculiarly tidapted to the posi tion devolved upon him, possessing, as he does, a soul heavily freighted with energy and public spirit. We trust that but fovr years will elapse ere the public enterprises of which he is the head, wiil be consummated, and the locomotive prance over terri tory now separated from us by deep ruts and threatening sioughs. Congrec has occupied the pa.-t three weeks in diseasing all incendiary re- -- Solution Of Sumiiers, to the ellect that the U. S. had acted as treacher- OU-IJ IOW am 111 llieiaiewar, as OKI iiiiigiauu lowani tins countrv I- t 1 a 1 it i m ol,r nnur OI ,?n, l " W, oi . i . m t a ,,, .c e;, ,i,. ,i. n,."i,i V...UIC.. I. U.-.CHII 111 IU UI.IIIC UlilUll .1- against fie Administration, but has simply enveloped himself in disgrace, j 1- ! I J 1 . 1 Precinct Aesors Meeting, j rureuant 10 huull iwc l.c xv 3t rem 1 . U. nicnaius. Burress. Elias Hay ties. " St. Deroin L Rice. Bedford L. Maon. Benton W. Win.dscheiHe. Isla'id-P. P. Baker. Wtiahiugton II. Hockann-er. Lafayette Chas. Blodgett. Doujrhis J. Dundas. London B. F. McTniiich. Moved that we commence at the western tier of tow nship to estimate the price of lands. Motion carried. On motion it was ordered that land in Lafayette precinct be a.-sesed at c-3 per acre; Washington at $-1,50 aud Benton at $4 per acre. On motion it was ordered that the land in Glen Rock be asses.-ed at?7; - - iu Douglas at $3, and Bedford at $3 P?r acre. On motion it was ordered that in Peru tIje ,aI,,, be spsseJ at S10; in London ai S10 : iu St. at$S;! 5n Aspin wall at $10 ; in Nemaha City Ill -lCjIUJ IliUl ill v'i", III .Ci it ill! 21 V II S at $10 ; in Brownville at $12. ar.d iJ- land precinct $-5 per acre. On motion it was ordered that per- "al property be assessed at the fol- . -, - owing rate : Horses nt aa average of cGO on Mules " 7.5 00 Work Cattle, " SO 00 Cows, " 1.5 00 Stock cattle, 1 year old, 5 00 " " 2 ' 10 00 " " 3 " 35 00 Beef cattle at 3 cents per pound. Brownville, March '2i, 1S72. On arurdj.y 2Iarch 2nd, ar 'o'clock P. .M., H. C. Lett, Pre--identof Ii., Ft. K. fc P. C. R. It. aud H. M. Atkinson, together with the, following invited t gue-t-, as-eml)led at the depot, prepar atory to the firt-t grand exrursion on the'li., Ft. K. & P. It. R. H. C. Lett, H. M. Atkinson, Mr. & Mr-. .1. C. Whittemore, Mr.& Mi-. Lew. Hill, -. ,. .r ,.., ,, -r, . . Mr. & Ml P. II. Glb-'.n, F. E. Juiill- .... t- m; r.n.; -timH - i ,t -on. A. Mi .Iiime ,-btirt-, Robert fixing the salaries of the United Jrtites A t ifirrtpv nnil I'nitpi! Siiitp- Alsir-li!-!'' for the di-trict of Nebraska. . r, . ,,- Sir ir tii-K'H a ".' Hi' O' it'tc 'iJtu Ji'tti. '; uf Ilfnerwn'iiHris nj Ihe l.inftd t.n l.U.,l Walt. uf Attn iv i in Congsi&t o,.si- b'td : That the United States Di.-tiiot At trney and United States for the di-tr ft o IT -jbra-kn shall, in ad dition to their stated fee-, be paid by the United States, four hundred dol-lat- each, in full compen-ation for all extra service-, said payment to be made quarterly at the Treasury of the United State.-. T r - KAUJIEItS IJCY THE BKST Implement- at the lowest prices. Brown's Illinois Corn Planter. 1st. The Plow that is mo-t durable and scour- the be-t, and Ihrht draft. i. 'I lie Cultivator that runs light and cleans the corn. 3d. The wagon that never was !cnown lo reak down, nor cot the farmer ono cent for repairis the Jack-on Wagon. The above imple ments you can find on -ale at W. T. 1)i:n's. Spades, Pitch Fork", Grindstone. ; Cutlery, Hinges, Locks. Braces i jj;tl. Thimble sheens Barn door Hinger. Bobs Screws. Guns and trimming-. Powder, Shot ami Cart ridges Salt Lake Peaches Coffee, Su gar, Dry Goods, Hoot-, Shoes, Hats, Cap-ami the Dictator ."-love at W. T. Di:x's. MXKET BSPOBTS. fll'KI' f. IlBuivsriw:, .March 7, i-7i Winter Wheat . hpnr. Wheat Vel'.iw Corn. ... .... Wtille lat-,.V bushel Itye i- ur I'a.l, tM-st quality.. - -yrlnt; Chicken-. 7" tt i-K. Y dozen... -.,, -, , l-hoice Butter, at i","ah. t ?oand I'f.TMliiM. l !,tii,tirl .. .... 1 .' I ' ..... t li '.. 1 . IS -J I ... .. -' -"- 1 In J . . 4." ' .Vi f".l IK1 4 oi 7(1 -"-. 2". ... i:',i-. 15 .7! X. V. iner.iry fhc, 1 pHind...- SPECIAL I-TOTICES. Happy relief fur Young ne-n from the -iree!n u.r Error and Ahuestn Party life. Jlanl. -).! n s'en d. Nervous debility cureil. Impediments t iiarria--- removed. New nn thed of treatment. New a- I . remarkable reme-1!es. Books and Clre.ihirs soul j free, in sealed envelope. Address. UOWABD AlsSOWATIOX.N'o, South Xiatn.-t., I'hiladilphia. lfi-is-iy Jl3 A 1EGTUES 23SSSf to -stotttg- .lEisr Jnit I'l'hfi'hrtl.m it nlfti Is. 'ti,j.f. 7Vi i-j-r.-1. A Lecture nn the Nature. Treatan ri'and l: .!; d Cure o! .-'perin.kthorce. or r-minul W-.,).m-ss, la vnluiiUirj I-inis-ions. Sexual Dih.'i'v, ji ;lli,i.ej-imeut-. to Marrl.iire ;eneraily. Xervonsne-. Con sumption, Ep.lepsy. and Fits; Mental and Phy Incap.ic-iti . resultins from scIf-Abu-e, ,v-. 15 BOBPBT J. CSJLVEItWELL, M. D. Author oV the '"trcen Itonk."' Ac. The world-reaowncd author. In thifa admirable Lecture, cbarly proves from his own e.xperlenee that the awful coneipieuces oi SVlfvbtie may he effectually removed without mislicliies. and with out dangerous surgical oppr.iticn.s, housies, instru ments, rings, or cordials, poiutiu:; out a mone of ro once certain and eOVeW.1 by which every eiiiTurjr no nl fxtf rr tint llt riif1(r-mit m a m n.e- Ue. may rare himself cheaply, privately.' ami rad'-, : 'diy. this, lectcbe will pp.ove a boon ' f rixk rpiini; A ATIi A "V II TIinTT-i VT1C I s.,nt under ial. to any address, mil nliiiHSPfiiod ' envelope, on the receipt oi six cents, or two uot age stamps. Alo, Dr. Cilverwell's 'Marriage Guide." price 2.1 cents. Address-the Publisher, ,,r. ,.,-r.s,-t... , . '"i:" sty" ' ' " " ' ll:iv A' u Us ivirln Wfinil' 1 Kinr. -. -v -.-..- v-?T-x-i-rrr - -ri 1 . ' ireu ' leiueii w ll'i wwiiiii mil. .iiiu tiiei tu , 1a f on FOR SALE. Advcrtlenienf.u..jfrn. bechnrgedss FOIt ?VLR Twenty head of sir-t-c!a.s, fresh , Milch Cow, and SprinRcrs. Ail of their t calve- are lialf-bre.1 .Durham?. CV. all ''l brake and unite ceiitle. Mn-t be?n!d by the .:rv. oi April. 1S7J. A rare chance. Apply to . A. j jSTKW.UJT, on Bis Mnddy, NumKlia conaty. Ne- bnv-ka. J;t. 170r.SALB.-Aroo.lclnce. Oneliimv. fence. I etc on reasonable terms,. kae wi lt.s p;- otilre at this oslice. 19-U T'OK rALK OH TRAIF-A Pt et Door an.l i T Wsi,d nv frames -suitable ir dwelling. lh- I frtiniessre new nd made of pine. SaWi made and 1 frtinipsare lltttd to the window fram S. K. JAMTr-ON. yOU for sate abmt of tn.-,e V fine Peach Tree-, known as the Curt,t feacb, which I after hi-tor &vr. inose naami, u m.v peSi wm do ueu to "jiTts. lU. fl niile south" et Neinahn City. TO RENT. dvertlsement- under this ha-l n'!l he cliared 25 cents each insertion. lor iic lines or les-. TO Iin2sT.-IF YOf I! Wi: A Iifll"-K on 1 1'ar in to r. nl. r,'l erf :: is tl:e Advertiser, in i .. .... - - -- .-- i our che:i;iaJvtrti-:i I'.iiiiiui HS W ADVERTISEZklENTS. j - j ' p ITS f j ff ?S i U fj J f" F h HlhllM IWllhL J v-r,,nrK stivfn. that on TneMlay. . the "Jild liil' '! Apili. 1-7-'. an -ie-tion will '- held lor the eheiion of the following (.thei-r-: me Mayor, line Police Jn-lge One Marshal, One Clerk. (Jne Treasurer, One Connellman, 1't Ward, One Councilman. 2nd Ward. Pi. u-es or Election : lvt Ward At the! Ilou-e. 2nd Ward Atotilber.f Ur. Thurman, two doors ;.' of P-t t Hlie". Wbie!, eheti.m will !eopenelnt S o'clock In the rnorniiisr.nml will continue open until i oV-Ioek In tin afternoon oi day, Bv order oi ti; Covnell. 2lw3 .1. B. DOCKER. City Clerk. nilllS is to gie noli'-e that my wife, Ilar t rl.-i Farnaui. has: hft my ln-I and Ixiard witln.-it ja-t cau- or provm-ation, and all person- iir h re'iy w.iriiMl not to trust h,-r on mv atvount, a I will fay no debts of her e..ntr,ieti!i4 DAVID K. FAItN'AM. February 2!1, I-wi. 21wJ- REPORT OF TEE CONDITION or i iik ; rs A "c !J 1?30. fil 1 p eg s f Psi1! S aT'la ! 0 u W a3n 15 fM f lJi5't . sji CI f , g tig htJiSUtHlL 5 2l Si L-Jiwi .11 1 . : i j l..i-t 14 IrcuUUun outstswlins . iiO.'fO 00 j Batiks .J 'm ;c Hunks arid ifcuiki w .... 7.TU1 Si rvd.scouiUed l.!,''1 -i) r-TO,ls0 11 state of nkbbaska.i OM.STY OF rwKHAMA. J i. i. ii. ua ison.ix.'.nier oi use I irsi guMS: is true, to tht 4 j .uuniia. limiii. iinnvii ine. .enraj; ; u awear iiiai u.t-a-)ove siaiment Bc-ioi my Kiiuwieu-,-e anci feiiei. s. UA iSU..l lisl.'Pr. Subscribed and sworn to befure me this .th dav of JUrch, l7i J. IT. r.P.OADY, N'otsry isab'.'c. . ConuFiT Attwt: I", y. Jfi'iason. Jolm J. Car-J son. IL M. At!. iu-on, Directors. 3HI5GS 2TOTIOS. "rOTlCK is hereby given, thAt p.-pos:ils 1U1LAW I . vf.- Brouitvllie.ICeb. ! IOU -ALK.-Oiii- nir thr.t- j -,r o!d Ii..r-ts. u!e ij 8 fi twv yet,r old M.,rr-. and one iij..faii It i ( j i two ve&r old L" t. Wdl tice pnrt py in - -p. .-r J I LH L ' wlf eenrel tictes Addrs It. A. MhWAKi. Uratt'.n NVin&ha C5o., iseb.. ueur J'-- -m j on It,. Muddy. ' '" - - .... Will .. received Up to no in of V.'e-Ines- j L'ndcr the iiiunediut" in.inae'iieat off J. IL COL ibiv, i il.ty i-f April. K:', f .r the eree- I.1N.S, of the well ku-.wi. urn. ot t;. IL.t J. .-. tion of a bridge on Lng's B.-aneh, on the -e t;..n line oeiween M-. li and a. Town i, 11. Kt'l. The Bridge to b" a I) fi'! spin, with an ap- pioaeh at F..ste!id of tv.-uS i,s-t. one bent I feet high, budge H feet wide. The bents t. ' e out of leir oak or walnut, and brlle.ot good miter. al. The Hoard of County Coramissloner.s re Rervirgthe rlut.t t rejet any or all Mils. By oider of the Boanl. 21wl JAMICS M, HACKER, Clerk. BBIDGS 2-TGTICS. "r)TU'K is herehy iiien. t?:at proposals jj w 111 be r.'e. i .-.I i.pti. ii in oi Wiilne--il-iv the .n ,)rty -it Apr:!. I ..'. lor the ereo :.m of a Br.!:e on i ne-y Cieek, near the house of A. -I. I!el,-i (.nn. The bri.Ige lo tie a :ai toot scan, and 1 1 feet in wlfltb, .mil al-o ertp-; oil the -piling alrea dy drove, as per p'an .n tile In"i ik's olliee. The Board ot County Commissioners re--ervlng the rliibr to reject any or all bid--. By order of the Bo-inl. 21 w JAMES il. HADKEIt, olerk. BRIDGE IMOTIOS. "VyOTb'l" is In r-'by given, i'i it proposals i win i e ri e.-.v. ii ii f. r a.K.:: ..! Weiinr l-iy. tin -!rd d.iv ! April. 1-7J. r.,r the erec- J. Tir the eroc tion of a Biidetiu Ii.-k Creek. In (ib-n Bock r ..,.,., !., near tile .l. n It ek P.-t Oiii-e, where spiling f; -i lirl Ige U .ilre-nly done to receive said br..l- Th.- bridge to be a 80 fn. t -p.ui. I! ffsf wl le. Tin- B-.ard of County Commfsdonors re--ei vlng the rlht to -.- ,-t any or all bid--. By order ef the Board. 21wl J A 51 1 M. IIACKKR, Clerk. S. T.-18S0-Z. This W2?4Tfi:3 T?p:eKh!c ri-StOrRtif; iSlzt'isIPP-5iSlc!ittr of tHu Vvvhla nnil dcliSIJ;iod . t, ., ,...-... -. -. .. ft,." .3 lOBlC i2 1'Ori.JiU r SJiP ..-,. ,. i .--. i s ,CC1I ! a ti.,lll'j ii liiiK Jif "o!s?5 Hiio'tv Soiijacjiic sc;j2rv :"r !ye cvv:js weak. ,,,,1, ,. .. J,-.Hs T-i-ii,-. r-i r nS'S-s iO IIul WOldf-a .IPC er,- ...... j. 5J v s"i?p" it i sitinf-nOf'- 4,1 . .tlC3. n...Jt if - iilv. tu- !::g-v':y thfr I'tsimzSani. eh uli ciiiiintps, trrcji2, teuiper Jtte or aYlgi:!, l m- nv a ssje"i SJc Jii " cry Niiocies of disorder tvhjc'i (Bidcnnines the ?tIil3 .slrctiijS.i asuJ JireaKs dovrcs tlie aEslai:s! JjEirIts. LYON'S KATHAIRON, for Preserving and Beautifying the Human Hair. To Prevent Its i-'alliitg Out. ami Turning Gray. A well-preserved Head of Hair, in a person of middle age. at once bespeaks refinement, eiegance, health and beauty. It may truly be culUd Wo man's Crowning Glory, while men are not Inseasi- j ble to Its advantages and charms. Few things are R10rr 'yustlag tl iiair.-s-im head a- than thin, frizzly, harsh, untamed .nd coat covered with Dandruff .Ith Dandruff, ... . ... - - . . ... i.. ti.i t.- ...t..-. i . "-. x- t. m t x i - ill inun. miMi iiiih. i w.i s iv.ii ii. iiiiu.i viii ao a" le llnle- lJ,e enarm wnicu lies iu wen pl-ced Ha.r. Glossy Curls Lux-jnant Tresis, and s-sd sy a icust-a zzi ccuzy s-es. PiQirNfiflfl BiftQin liUiiiailuiliiiiiulj; i "W. jSl. poilocz:, (M r p i n i I C3-EO. IDTTGrieilEIRr, ROp.iEa:oPt I I 1 I -V I If ) f mJmJi J V L-J g SB Ss 90 2sJLjA.Tlsr STBEET, SK.O"V7"IT"V"IXjIjEi j ' - eil5BOO I mm mm UliUl VMTi sprint:, I olfcr a deed, i free ot all Inrtmibnm-i-is', to any ot the property mention-, d he low, for $10. 1-t. tJiFT. My fine residence and prounK, crrn r .1 nnil 13th S'ts, valiieil at Sb.OOO. Tin-1st tie mot deimb!eviiot most valuable) property In tile place. Fronts-uth on J street. 12)Jftet wide which U-ad-In nithe M. P. It. It. IH pot, past Court Ilou-e Square to .--tatt- llou-'e, and is the prospective center of the city. I one block from the Capitol, and joining the TIchnor Hou-e property, whieli cost i.ouo. 2ndGirT One o acre lot about a mile from Gov. Butler's line mansion 400 3rd Gut one 5 acre lot adjoining the above 1W 4th Got I 5 acre lot joining above 4i) 5th G:i--r Lot 11. bloeic 217 ' Gth Gift Lot o. block 221 200 7th Gift One lot In Ashland, Co. Seat of Saunders Co 2j0 ?th Girr One lot in Ashland. coun ty aeat of Saunders Co 25) Oth Gift One lot in A.-hland, coun ty --at of Ashland Co 2 10th Gut One lot in Ashlhnd.Coun- t v seat of Saunders Co 200 11 to W, 60 cash prizes, SI0 each njo Total St 1,3 0 Onlv 1,1.7) Ticket- and '.lOGin 1 eham-e ln 12. Ticket.- 510. halves S5,0, fourth- S2.-7J. Parties wishing less than a whole u-k, t AT ! Attacnment Aotlce. LiHcour, isrsB., Brownville. Nebraska. N'SKJsrMBaai! -ielPCll I . ftftPil3PF4 5"fT ?nr 5Sim IT, l',nj1-'- !- of the Peace .j "-LtlX iJ- 3 J-1-" innLryn tfl5 li3L OSSUMr Coun:y.Nebra.-ka.andth.,!rd- ITAVIN'OiillnivfiUHMn R..lI-L-lnte.aml. Sirnif 11 ?Hh I U fSjillli, ".-ntwas ioei! by iW.ln.t:-.t :nut club, a- no less Mini than 31o.i.o will b. avj SilCC'f illffM. liisscns, Table n':t! quarter -ee-ion n-c-ived. M.Mle of drawing to be de-ignat.-d r,',-.l,4. '.ixic IM!!ivf,'n.o- town No. -ix . r.inze No. el.v. by ticket hoMer-at time of drawing. lvl.10lH.s, ...qiKKis, t iiio- LdMt. , .iin-oin-..imty. NVi ra-ka; ; . o! Trust made out to First National Bank. Lincoln, Neb., wh.ich Is lepo-itory. an 1 all onler for Tick, t. accompanied with money, i;i uhl hed-reeb'd to same. Tho-e wi-hlm: to ri-k a few dollar:, can find no other -i-hi-meso lair as this. 1-t. the property N put in at a fair price, with a reasonable per cent added to defray expen-e ot - lllng. Property doe-not diminish like ca-h prizes when drawn. 2nd Yon are tint 'ngiwoorinreeiimesiiii.aiiiouin.oi urn I tot-to.-ombui.i-volent siheme. .lnl-Y..ii I' ueoneehance in twelve, in-tca.l of one in . n.trty to titty or unehundr.d. I am endors- 'ng twoorthreelimesiiieauiounioi hih $30,000 !" 10.000 TiclivtH at $3 Each ! $500 IX GOLD 10 THE P O O R O F O Ai A II A . secure an closranl resi deuce in the most fashiona r 1 ble part of the city. ti' ! KEAD, PONDER and INVEST ! 117 GIFTS VALUED AT i- - 5 ,v' V& TO BE DIS'flllBVTKI) DRAWING TO TAKB PLACE IN Tim CIT?Y OF Omaha, April istli, 172, tXU.LINs. deiier. in L .i'.Iht. swwidlerj , Jarnei, and .-h'.x.-s. LIST OF PHEJimiS. ' 1st Grand Prize, llu;w and Lot. cor I'.nh and Cupitol AM-nue. the residence oil.. II. Col lins. ciintahiinK nine rjjin. g.e-. water, cis tern, well, stable etc., c..:iini-iithiic a view of the city, on the liHiiiNiiiiiu-t.coriier lot in Omaha . ?ID.C0 -ii i-rize, iioiiie on isr. l-ih ami ivpitoi Ave- m.e. ciinia.niii elijlit riioms Jifp,- 3rd Prize. Ilou-e nn corner lsth "niid Capitnt Ai'ini". cuiit.ihiin -et ! rooms 1 tit Prize. One set ele-iant U.ud Mounted I'ar- riuce llarnesi - ... 5tli lrize. one elevrant two seat Pony far- riage 1 -i-t l,n!d Mounted Iltmlile ISusy llarne . 1 -et Silver Mounted IlMinle Bintgy Ilnrne-s.. ( set -liver Mounted simple llugy Hariiey... 'ii set good. ohd Farm liivrnesiu. j.;j 1 P.iir ele-.'imt Ker-ey Hcr-e Iilankets IPhkIs to match... . 1 Jlowtxsewhii; Machine .. 3.7fO s.r.o 5i) 4lTO -lim i"ii NO ! SVll v . Ii". I Iliiwes-eulng Machine I II.iwe"-o-.vm Machine .. ' I'.itrh Gents' l-'me, 1'rencli Calf, aeweil Ihiots. (a ir, 3) Paris Gents Fine, French C:ilf. -sewed Hoots, uh Jii : Pairs LadicV Fine, Fri-M-li Kid lleo!..-.. '-i- l.v .-li For the purpose of Increasing our business. I adopt this method of converting rue oi my ;u-r--onal property Into i-aih. and the .lih-jer'b.-r cim--. his word and honor that ev.-rtii n : mil he -in- - ' miciiil in tlie !!iirnt iiiMiiiier nfivid.e. AH moneys shoHld he sent in Bettered Letter. or Postotlite Money Order, anil .iilrtre-i-ed t (i. II. COLLINS. 2TV. Karaari s:reet,.Oniaha. BKFEKKNCES. First National Ilauk. Omaha. J)r. Geo. L Miller. 1-Mitor Omaha Itfttil. C. It. Thomas. Kditor Omaha .YpuWtaia. Merchants of miaha generally. II. m S. E. Paine. Iowa City. Iowa. Hun. I. A. Iley, Iowa City, Iowa. Gen. G. M. Dodge. Council DlufEi, Iowa. I). T. C.i-enieiit. Esq.. Denver. W. le Iaiiii-1. E-ii.. Denver. W. II. sup"t C. S. K. Co.. Ft. Des Molnt-s. N. II. Claw -ton. sup't salt Iike, Utah. Walker Itros.. S.ilt Iikc.Utnh. lion. T. I-Siekels. -up't V. P. It. K. Ilnrry Iteger, 1j .Cheyenne, Wyoming. I.,t. L. I. Itniiihiii. Diil:i.ii'. Iovva linn. John Thoiiipsun, Duhiniue. iiifani Willmrrt. L-q., Mjrshallt.iwn, Iowa. ACTI VE. KEUGETIC AGENTS- WANTED ! l"-eov.-tf. A CHEAP FASM FOE SALE ! ! 'ClUqmlorsigneil will offer at private .i!e h! l.i-thly linpriiviHi r.irio. "iiuateii in .itn-i.Hru i count j". NehrjksKa, cori!i.i:iili;;oue him In d and i mv-'w-o at-re-i. I lie una lies nve nines inun . A-j. u.i,all.a!id-ix miles from Kemaha ny. A1.-0 ' - ' .' . i oi tiii.ui-r neiir me .ii.-irari ruer. -; ii i- rom the Ihrm. The one hiiiiilrrdaiiii sixty- ! , t a. res is all itiidt-r hedge, and In a high "tate of c . ,,'vaMoii. The improvement' consist of a xood dwelllnz i house and other iryipr.i'. enn-nts. Ho- a iioiiu oeariiii oreimni. uiomi.u is wi-.i iiHirrni. prM.e. j.".... v. om-i.,..r:iiat time of sale. tle re- ' rnamdi-r in payments to -i!t pareha-r. r'er pi-.r- tieulari enquire of W. J., Hnvnvilie...r oi theunuersiicneil on the iie;n: -2lKf. J O H XS )N I EN DE It' V. FOE FKUIT TEEES GOTO FURNAS &S0XS, Bro'wnvilie, ITeb. THEY CAN SELL YOU Two Year Old APPLE TREES, At Fifty Dollars per Thousand, which U only Five Cents j)cr Tree. Corn. Oats. Wheat. Wood, Youn Cattle and Hoj i taken in exchange for Nur-ery stock. -JO-tt. Real Estate for Sale. SE qr. Pee. 21. Tje r. Banee U East. lo acre. od upland prairie, near the town of sher.dan ,., 1 the center of Nemaha county, one and a half miles ! tvrmr "ninrih rinwn. naliincv rrm 1 too I VMK i.ienual ailmiMl n nienLS.wUli 10 lier cent. -- - - ----- ..--- . 1 interest payable annually. Addre-s. JOHN I- SMITH. lMt. Haser HaRerstown. Jixiryiand. ! ruscRiiiK ibrtiw -w.- Advftrtt-er. Old- 7 et-fpapcr fa the sarc I L J f VMM! . I t V, J I . . 1 il m lllilili II il I EG311 - ' JSS SI lAAMiA 1 iJJUB B iUM ... Next door to State BankJi;T?ScMrr',he,'!:' Gent's Furnishing Goflcis - EATS A5TS GAS'S, Boots&Shoes, for Men, Women AKD CHILDREN. Dry G-oocls, Fancv Goods. .Large aild Complete aS- debt, and expenses of idimitK:- sortment in Ladies' Fnrn- fcr.Vnl:To.wl,T,lTl,i, iskingGoods, suclt asReady M Vi2 ulSKS, "1 Blade Uiiaer Grarzneiixs, n. ti..rt-tiv:o.t..!rt.. ;,.. ; T. TM-K--;.-,4rc. Ot.-P No. foirteen. U af. in Nemv jjaut;a) iiuAViucAio3, .bu. fliTlf STn.iflq Comets &LC. ' , .' . , 'c. , EEtiusekeoper s (.ood ! Such .lluslius. cic. w Zcj XotiOUS, llltiTiaI forFancy "! the northeu.-r quarreroi :-tirp: - nrii 11; Mollis vr 6Yil'iC(I Sl)iil l r" " " "7. ' "" .ramp- OTK.afst 111131 V7UI nicu.imii . ... . , Pawnee e..imiv. N.'.-. lii 5:inbrojderedi.IIpiJer.s. : northwest quarterof s..ti, -,, . etc.. etc. Mrs. LOWMAN, Who'ad to the I..n'.e" Ih-j artn-.-nt. !rs a'.. hIh'.v iMti.l selection of Prtprn- lorstuinpini; r ani-N. ri'i-nns, VeItt.ete.,on huad. Your- Ite-vctfuliy, Jjoiiis iOTsrznaxi. 52tf JOHN IiOU"SITIEIL.I9 Bricklayer and Plasierer, Bro""nvillo. Ne'brasl:a. Is prepared to take contract- ia hi- line, in city or vi:ntry. All ortc doneui the te-to stle. AIo, witrntiild Cistern- .nd wanant tliem pei j-t. 2"y (( BUSINESS." "FfRNA-ASoNs: Wa have been fooled by Iitstern Fnut Airint.- long enmicn : and havecometo the -neIu-iou that the lie-t thing weesin do Is to -upport "home indus try.'" inr neichb as are g-:tinir up a "club" and are going to "Furna- Nur-eries' for onr Spring stiek.- By this mean-, can we In our own agents, and save that per cent?" Kx trnct from L'-lter. lis SIR: You can lie vonr own agent-. and by making up the refjuislte number varieties, can lia e V'jn- siock at wnoitsuu rates. Thi-propo-Ition we make to all wantint anythli-g m our line. Come and -ee us. V pledge -atisfaction as tw pi Ice. ipiality and - 1 v:iriet-v FURNAS A SONS. 72. lJ-tf. Brownville. F b II. m LIYEBY, FEEB 110 SUE STABLE ! Ben. ROOTERS, PROPRIETOR. if m a 5 j fel " (ft n0TMw 'i- rt HEWBU6GltSaDdWnGSs?r. CARSrULDSIVEaS. TTAVIN'J lC!tf II V-F.D THE CfXtSWFI.I. i 1 It lieiter tian ci-r i repareii : . eeoaipiete-iit.siiM-tion t.iall patron Dealer In ail !hidir"trtefc- Hofwh lUClit Mild orexe'i imr'-il: -Jock lnsn.'-s! .- the !..y i-rweeV.. 51y sl-k iatl frvoi.Hn.! t i V h .- iie-v. 1 li HiliLic can bv acconimodated at ..II hours, itey or nisUt. Stock Oorrqll, vnih Good "Water, .'! e lied t'l'he-tahle. :t-!y Plant Sliade Trees ! See X brnJ Statute, ipprnveil ?IarcI 1-1, It Pas" .Il hmiffitli Tib and Stb .Scsmoii. SdFT, A NI -sslt LL.xF "Tv JT A TZD T "Ln -LV-L. z." i i i , ir1 1 SUITABLE 51ZK FOR SIDH WALKS FCItNA"- A M..V-i. Hro-!-nvr!! "Vh r is g &s m , r: j. - . '"fiSS&iri&A Ai h- ! ys nr t3 S L J r rrt h CO HI 1 jieJWW ta3 HI "-: :-"! la 5 Sfc3 5N La Also, on hand a choice stock of READY MADE GOODS! which lie will Sell Very low for Cash. ! I .,7,("J,V.e,re eiatt that .lea.ts .in ex.i iisie exp r enlP ,n ine He would call the attention of the public to I and thr,ewh want Boot and &how . l Fit U ell LOOK CU ami ll Oaf 1 ell '. will r.ot he di-ap;-r.'nted. Boots ami Shoes Xratly and Promptly 1 lioots anil .-jliocs Arany ntxu trompuy i Kcrpatr-eil iS-tf J Mm r. f3- fW-, ( " ESros.siBKiot'-rrr.fWx-;' taV- V fi L'J in th-LEAST Pis.-.tULB( filiT" V- frr JS Sjfe; N , will do the work with JiHSH.Ua-n-. J P-S' z? &?-! " Thcwdwhoi-mcesMtHMaarlinw'-' Jl" y SMK tb lumberin. nn-ifWdv. u.t-s "-j ' . C--- hare iinalo fndoiJ toact.-ffipl-.b tce SUJESliSj Admlnltrator' si. " i In i the matter of tr.euter.f a."t y Mrtaeofa :i'vi).Mn!on',r . IJ tn crante.1 ty ulf. i'rl''J. k - 3 rtheConntyof-Iu,s-dC,r '' .-il- Til v. L"' ouri Hon. ! .He. in the faoaty of ,tJL the r,lb day of April ntaTlVrl) ' , altenifK.c.the follow!,,- Vieiblt'.t. j land situate in ,1 cT.nntv, of V? ! aid LushlmuKh. dii --ij V.wW.- " ' ILLK. ! . r. ' i r-TltOn 1 Ti.irrul.ini: n. ' I .oriii -. feee. .11, Tonhi , ,: r , , e-t U N. W . See. .11. Town-hio t- - I ; W - 5, H.tlon 19. f.,wn-h,J!f & -. !.--.,. ', ... . -.-,, Jig, . 'i ' All of block 21 in MM1. HrownvuL' J! -r' V Lot, Kloelc. 15 u T 45 47 16 ? 7" I 39 12 6? 12 m y c 4 1 1 11 . Terms or Sale. One rht i rw. balanct- 'n two equal annual " cured bv in.-riKSt; on toe preoiL-. - , tere-t at lo vr cent. 1 Mrh!.lsa-R-,ITDA-,- ail b."j-!doth.-, with int.T-.t frm 'm i-.i. aim in.ii ine rir-l .tJ,:. BrowniIIebasb-en i-inv'ui Jlw.l VILLIAM D. SHELLEM.. Legal A-otlee. In the District Court of Xkd&Iii 4 ; cN; isss.-; cause. ArHEREAS. the Mid Stephen -t . rninl-tratorot theet.u-.,; ; Read, dece-ed. h.i- prsented i " me, suiting forth th amr.nnt ,,f ... tate which has come into hl r ,. debts outtanding against thede, scription of the real estate of wb , te-tatedied seized, and the c,c value thereof. ver;Tb-l by the oat tltioner. and It appears by said t,-ther- i- not .-nttielent peiNoa.4jnt ,. Nebraska; lot No. tblrt. en I.t,"!r tweie !', and tux title to h.-s N '" an 1 sixteen -I., in W.kX., - . , i:r.wniiie. Nebraska: henct;, t t!e northwot quarter, ai, ' the town N. three ..;. rm.v N-. t en.-t; the south w-t .juarter of .. eight IS .town No. three ? . the j, of the northeast quarter ai ! tho -of the northwe-t quart, r .f wti" ' ty-rtvet.V town No. three t. ni. feen (lot east, all in Rii-i.ardsuta braska. and pnij lug that th d.., widow of deeea-cd thereia le . her, anda Ih'en-e be granted tot!.- ; er to sell -ai 1 real e-tate. Ni-w. t O. P. M-ison.Jnd-ieof the D.str.- i he Mr-t.Indlelai Dittrietof flips-, bra-ka, hereby app-tnt tr-e ! M.ireh, A. I. 1-7J. at the ron-t : Brownville. Nemaha eonniy. N. the t;m and pl:u-e for hearing .t at which time and p'aee Km a --aid widow. Nellie B. Kea'. -nndGeoreeW. Re:ul. -hii.!ren : and all other- inere-ted tn -ad reqnirwl to appeir and show m. they have, why the pnr- r of t ' should not 1h grante-1. n! that : -published tn tile NFBKAsKA V four consecutive weeks, h rd . P. 3. Hewett A Newman, Att'ya. I5-ot Legal rfotice. In the District Court of Net b: . Nebraska. Louisa Meler, Plalntifl, vs. Funice N Mender and ol j Joshua It. Meader, Ivfendant XOTICK Is hereby ictven t I x1 nlceN. Ma.ier and J'isJ 'I: defcndent.s, and lo all other ed that s ne -aid plalntitf has - ton in 6 ot court asfelt g fh.t ! the said defendant- in and to ..- : h-s.Tlld real estate, sit iiat. 1- etmnty. Nebraska. to-,:t : TI n- - the s-Uliie:tl quart! r ill - neity-p-en.rownh, p r.rr mtm'ier fourteen PR.-r, and t; . tie i ortle al quarter C er i-f section nnm' -r tl -r iinmber six. rangi i;n:o ' ingenst of the Little N talititig flvraere.-n.or.- raS.l plair.Utr.and : l wer in sabt est-ite t Meader. as widow .f t' dwelt' I, and asking tii i nppointAl to asiertaln tin tate. and ! ipprai-e tel .' est fjf the said Haniee N. V It. Mender, and th-it oiM k rj ns Interested are b r. rear Iiefore khhI court -n t. n-xt term thereof, t-i '.e he. i ut said county, on the Isih f . IS72. and sihow a-jsf . If an. -the ptayer of said ptllKer - . rantetl. HEWRT X: '' IS-tt. Atlones Mr LEGAL JTOOTtr-. The mas M. Green, Plff ,) 1 TT. John AV.Ileuderson. ad ministrator estate of G-orgeM. Henderson, dee'u. t,eo. B. Hen derson. .Iary K. lien- er-oii. widow ot dt cea-i.t. Minnie Iten- der-oii. (J race Ilen- d r-on. (Iiark-t; II n- ili-rson mill May lleu dersi.n. defendants. rnili: said defendants wiB 1 ott the 7th day of l-'el.n:: itioina- m. Green. pla:ntilf. M. Ilender-im. ui.l. uriu i make an agreement t c-.n I plaint ill" the halt 't lot ' No. I'. in Brownville. Net.ra that satd.Iidm W. Heder.s i e- ahitesHid. be order-1 an 1 Court to execute alio lU-l.'n a kocmI ami suffietent dee'l the said real i-tMle. arionln of said arei-i.i-nt. Anl t..i Henderson, a-lri-.iiil-tnit r s B. Henderson. Marv K. H .. Henderson, Grace I lender-' i ' ili-rs'iii ami May IIen.lero!i. H-rsons Interesteii are notlfed t required to apjier. and answer s. on or before the :3th day f 31 IsTL. 1IEWKTT A St."' Mareli T, l."7J. o.3iss.2:r ? L"1 GHAMPIOH WS- . r. --r- rut. rf-i i"---iA. PATENTED OtToBEB i f. ' It 1c a C'ompteto Bhcccs . : ., Time and Bradcerrt "'.VI " ' of Vu.tlRe Way. Buy this WaTi-r ami o . Iru. i- l tia Kaf At ., In.,.. . r ,i..ri, u . t -' V . .. ...... nr.A f.,..,. ! A fl. 2l. I ' orrv which will rer7 tbs sm!l sy'X , S7.5II is all that U as-x.-! h hf..Tj' , AKt-nf wanted eTerywbero. A '"?r? Asentd and tho trarfe. i, '"iVrtU 0- Octureis CALIv-rt- l.?.. 39 S. Canai sto -'"' 20-2m , f.-rtrl DnrnrlC hT,V i 1111UI UTOU jui w. iaiiiiriii 2- i rm i l - , , .,,,-, td iit TPT r. ' - ' .Vwa'ite ifrnma. sam- H-i- '-.' freveC. -ire audi... !-i I'h- ' ! "-tostusin . stre. . ot. Block, 12 12 4 13 1 r 1! 28 1 12 32 '2 33 12 31 7 42 t.Hcv , In 1 l. ....r-l l ffirjWui-iv sis? IK S KgJc, H Is aa prfet lur a Wsi,-r -;; , Y,x-Pv b trrmfer. The universal i:ir-i...!7 m- - I ln rruiiinieiit.iiid loadom:,.w",-,'L., 1 Ths pries another neiuc ii" l'; ! b-nn pUce.1 bo low tte.: it is vri'i in i- I, J I LLlv ir-. : Tw-r'YiinTtmxxz T-yitTn.yyrtj-T-TrnK