Newspaper Page Text
. . - - - A frM 1 MMgjMI 1 H Wf-MW Afc-.n AA,Tg jafci. JlL't i-A1 -4;ts?:?: -stj- '.Jj I'H"-J JLJW-! JJM.weg!gBri??grJ5T!B y-L.'-u-ju.'jgJBdr. rifirtfK '.vaw vruf r?-yv --JsT-JgiCTagTzraBarsx-prTgzaai M ' i . i . t AGRICULTURAL. "Tim DaPViiiTMEjfTortho Advehti3er Lsnndor do editorial charge or Col. R. W. FnnSA, President of iho Nebraska .State Hoard of Agriculture. Xcuraslca Arbor Day. At the last meeting of the Nebraska "Winter Protection of Vines. We again refer to this, the bugaboo of so many vintners, and which pre vents them from planting many oth erwise valuable varieties, which would suit their localities because now U the time to protect them if at i all. J His id not such a swum! jju as i mnnv stmnose. If the vines have State Board of Argiculture held at j been pruned choose a rainy day, or Lincoln, Jan. 3, 1S72, the following, just after a rain, when the wood is , .. ,- Unft nd nimble, and bend down the among otner resolutions, were auoiu- r treUU 0ntf beslds ed OPPENHEIMER & MEYEE, Manufacturers of CIGARS , And. WlioleHnle Dealers In Tobacco, Pipes, &c. 9. H Jnrth Third St. 45f . Joseph Ho i ... i j KNOX FRUIT FARM them down while another follows) i pi rji i:ceo:vc;l. That WeSncadRF, ie J"1!s "" 1 with the spade ami thrown one or iv.o . -imC rI0W8F5. bccUS. Of April,an'ltl.o same . hereby e ' ,)U(Jefuls of earth on twcra to ket-p ! " w4ivJJ ' " yccialiy t npnrt and cwec-ntted Jorr" I .,., : nrnnr.r Motitimi Th"ii after! plaatlax '. xe.St!e or Xcbruka. aud tr , them ill proper position. i J. u, , a lie r ('ATAI-OOrE cr Small Fruits. conUlu- JSlale BfiaiJ cf Agriculture hrey mi:no it the whole piece I til Ur- if-lie tnroUr!J, J ;: , a Kh vlj!!e Information on .-small Fruit "ARBOIt HAY." RH'lunce tipon tli X'-op'.e . .j.e jle prnv nil d tilfAV S flirrW s i : s'ld two Colored Chromu., with Price of the Slate the vita! imp ..nan o? of!-; fmni n(,i siii.. rn tn tbt-m which i- it "-' ur Wcwiu. plantios, h?rl?v ollVr R "Jpecii! Premiur-r from eacll 51 (le up to IJ.t-Ii.. v.nuu i. ; rAT Vjl0fa;x 0fVeeUMe nd Flower of our Au?'iriz- to the-CoantyArSfii'-; generally SUIIlCient tO Cover i tein. ! s. ;,. .-.tRjtims Instructions for cultivation, tarafsoci. :y f that o.i.aly In Xvtras-a (j,e gr,rjo- take csnadil'jr ! 'lk and s- - r eipt t staaip. which shall ispon thil day plain, properly. .. . , -. t j Fj.,,.,i( I1(,( I GVtl UVT M.ORrH of Emm, Shrubs Ever- thc larji.t iicmt. r o tiv--. titnl r j lilt Wicm up w Jill it , i''",1' Xr."-:u.Strrr.s,2:.-ntal, Floweruis, Ueddintf and ".-m ift-fi-v of 7Vi.'y-i' - ; '.' jj worth of i he done too earlv, HS the V1UC-! ure , .rve.i h.u de-criptloas of C?.k, t that p-wun t. on ". ! somewhat more "susceptible to .rinjr V "ua '"" 1,iaaW5en, oU x"Avi of SfmhoWr. ln Ne!,r:;a lUe Kreslte fro.t than if left uncovered; nor UuvinT th. ftboTe CRtal0irnM. which. c(n- Srt T'irt thf neVf-I-apers of thU should tt 1P delaved too long, as the j erion-.ases.sent for 15 cents. State b r.'-oa-!iHl by tn.- Sta Uonl o! j )Ut;;re apt to break OlT if they have ed-Weor Kwi iiiducemenu to imrehMen. AHricuuure. i".' " " r ,.( tiaiit-' started too nuieli. me nest uine it i tabiuLiuHtu:uvej-uii'- iim.r. ari1 uiu,n?s !,rt,r,i April !j,,t when the bud begii. to swell on .it. Vix jnOX lOti; the frot h next, an.l call the espe.-inl uttentlon of j tj,e (.ae?i which the' will do Some- j people to tii importance of the mutter wjmt i!ltt.r on the covered vines than m time to time. on tliose left uncovered. When they iiuvo lipon liftoil iIipv should be tied SaffonaPjAgrteultKral Convention. , ,,- forti,w:(h as tjiev will It will be remembered that Judge b(Uti imK.j, niore readily and are not "Watts, U.'S. Com. of Washington City, called Coi cull at Washington on the loth of Febru ary ,1S72, to be composed of two dele Horticultural organizations in the t can therein- secure a full crop of such United States. The Nebrasko State valuable vane ie as the iierbemont, t, i r t.., ,,, u,n o.f0 Cuniiintrham. Rulando, etc. rl he Board of Agriculture, am. the .-.a.e HlM.Wiaont jf thu.mtected, wlll.on Horticultural Scciety, ea"h apponr.ed Uc proj)or coj a.j j a Miitableloca- delegat. The former, its President J tlmi, produce a much in weight to .". T i- t.- , ....? n '!,. fifii ; l!ii f 'iit'cr.rd Mini sold "".; -,"-.,.. ....... ,-. ,.wi.t n-Hdilyutsevon to eitr t cents per. n. wiei, ir .... - , , j.r,-!:i 1 thi-full, when '-i:ifc.ri!s were J. II. Masters, and the Hon. J. Mer-(a (jr,,.4 j,, tiH. m,.rkei at two to th ee Seel Store, SDPmlthfleld St. I'ittuburfft Pn. iy-3in. iSO"WErVSLIiE 5 111,11 J"" bend much more readily and are not CvyT?3?: pg rgszqs traa Agriculture, t?0 apt to lie hurt by fro.-t, should any ; wtjj 3 J JK? g ga,jj JL ft Xnthmnli occur, as when lying on the ground, ci dbih& dgM&i&i UlllUiUii . ....- .. i - ,. - ., . . . ' ", ,- i e ,.,-, I Tlie frost or April last na given a invention of the friends of Agn- , strikJn i1f,Htralion aild ,)roof of at lture in the United States to meet ti,-,s. ns it often killed the shoots on .,, , , Washington on the loth of Febru- cr near tlie ground, while the upper iJrOWUVIilG iSDrSKSi " . i .. .!.! ...-.rA".tii,irv n?a lint tnooliorl nrv -lS7i to Decomposed oi i wo ue.c- uam. u u. ."- "-.v ."-". - - -y-r- j-.. Ztll frni each of the Agricultural About ten dollars worth of labor per J . JVl. Ivanillliail. gated from eacu oi uie a e""11""" j acre wi 5ei.lire vour vine? from frost; ' Colleges aud State Agricultural n1 j nmi this K-, certninlv a trifle when we PliQI'R.IIS'TOXS. .ATI. AT THIS XrilSKUV f-r your I.'urwy V 'liwk. Farmers nre .vssur?l tht it will he lo their interest to do o. All will he served fuithful 1 loonier, mid positively at lnucit Oi KaulT muii in-ire Kruli Trees, shrubbery. verreeii3,iiii.l HEDGE PIiANTS, can he hnn'it for the snme money than nl nv oth er Xarierj in the couiary. " uf ling Morton On account, principal ly, of expense, but one delegate at tended. Major Wheeler of Tlatts mouth represented both societies. The States were nearly all represented, and a very general and commendable interest was manifested. Many Sen ators and Representatives in Congress were present as Delegates and partic ipated in the proceedings. President Grant was also present and spent the greater portion of one day in the Con vention. The body was in session three days. While there was, to some extent, that almost inevitable cliu-li which seems to show itself in nearly all National assemblies- now-a-days, there was a vast amount of good work cut out, and a ball put in mo tion which cannot fail, if followed up to result in great good to the coun Uobr&sfea Gtarowai. Fruit Tree s! FOR cents per pound. They will always ell readily to wine maker, a- the wine al-o nieeU with a ready sale. a hih figures. when it is difficult todis-po.-e of the Concord at all, even at one-third of the price. Thi 1 not mere theory, but the re sult of about twenty years oi ooserva-, pp ji 5fjy; tion and practice. "We can safely say j f h . g ? ...v fc... ..,--. ---- ..-.. .-.. r , BfcftB a s . 4X have been our best paying varieties among all we have had, although we were one of the first to introduce the Concord here, received high prices for tlie fruit ami wine, and have rai-ed as large crops of it as anybody. But they will not succeed cvcrtulttrc. like the Concord. While we are on thi topic, we will rive another niece of advice for. which we think the time has come, and it is RussianApples, Sroa Clad Ap 'ir-n-gft- i-wnii T-,.-. I .-,..,,.-,, Thoroughly Tested, Well Known Hardy, West ern Varieties Fruits. the following: If you intend to fol- i low grape growing and wine making as a uu-ines, cnoose none uiu uiewcw locations. We have enough of them all throuuh the country, and it is cer- trv at large. The principal aubjecls ! "" unueceai iu n m. .u..- ., .. , r lereni ioc.tiio:is. ins weiienmiKu ii uiscusseu were me (lueaiiuu oi con gressional land grants in aid of insti tutions for the diffusion of scientific pics, Slfr5aa Crab Apples, Mljcelaltiey. ' A ..! T i.fc lit v-w-c j , --,-r- agriculture education; the distribu- every farmer to have an abundance of grapes for family u.-e, and even to make hi own wine, but to gain a rep utation for American wines, it is m- li-'iiitii l.lo flu. tlm iFron.s -kT wliw-ll tion of seeds and plants, and tho. m.Mit-.Awv.M bo o the be.t glad to announce, the subject of tiru- ' cimiJitv. anil -ueh arc only grown on II73;fKC Effect of Food, oa tlie Composition of A series of experiments prosecuted tint !nir .itii'i ill ( JfTlil!' V ll'f? to lh. eoncltiHou that, contrary to the Usual j FOREST TSEE SEEDLINGS BY ,'sts. Not oniv are they a- impr.--iou on tlie .-.ubject, very Con-1 TH"P MI"LT0fT t the prospective .-carcitv 0f Ubleial.le changes in the eompo-iti-i. j xu-uii. ot iioii may oe inane witn.n.i tnajc- r; rrXCrJSSStfSSr i!i rnrrrimTKllliif rluiTlSfS III Lilt- IV.- ative coiistituenti of the milk of the J 0 PaIITICULARS C021IIKSP0X1). ber'cultivation fceemed to be the lead ing one under consideration. The old and formerly heavily timbered States, where the effort has been here tofore, to get rid of their surplus, are alarmed at the rapid di?appeaia?iceof their fores iariiieii at the prosp timber, but they are alr-ady fet 1 inirand seeing the resuii- of climatic efi'oct in coiisequeii' j ' f dvt:r. !in their lands. Who dar- g.-tt'i-ay the prediction, that in the c.-:i.isg half ceiitiuy the 'Great American De-ert' will be the timber region u. America. It can be, if our people but do their duty. On this subject, the following among other resolutions was adopted: "Jirsotvnr, That wo earnestly mlvfpe "taul Hie farmers of our whole country, who nre favorably located for the purpo-e, to plant foreit trees, not merely for shade and ornament. Hut by the acre and hundreds of ncrcs. In order to reproduce forests, to take the place of those that are being ho rapidly and leurfully demolished In every direction, thereby not only providing for the actual necessities of iho-e who are to come after us, but nlo toavert calamities that can nelher bef imagined nor described, that must event ually ensue whenever our broad land shall bestrlpped or Its forests", and consequently deprived of the numerous benlrteent influ ences they are known to impart'" Another idea we have been endeav oring for years, in a feeble manner to advance, we are glad to know receiv ed a goodly share of auc-ition. We refer to the diffusion of agricultural knowledge by means oi tn;u.i:ition, as to efforts and results, n.! ;mv niftJ'i gent application of int.-;:ig -i.t labor. Prom the remarks of Mr. Barnett of Georgia, in considering tiiis suljct. we quote the following: "It is not Utopian, nor Impracticable. The great nunuat facts In the world'ri history is the crop season which God deals out to it Reed time and harvest. The present condi tion of the seasons and the crops; Uio breadth of land sown or planted, and the general in lluenaes all'ecting it, are all facts obvious to thesense, capable of expression and commu nication. When collected they are capable of tabulation and ditluslon. The light shed on the pursuits of the agriculturist should accompany him through all the periods of his labor. It should guide his policy; guide him in jtroduciion, and guide him In his tales " Wherever Nebraska is properly rep resented she does not fall behimfeveu her older sisters. The St. Louis and Chicago Price Currents have for years quoted Nebraska Spring Wheat high er than any other in the Union. Af ter our State Fair last fall, our premi um grains were sent to the Agricul tural Department at Washington. On examination, the specimens are found to be superior to all others under cul tivation in the country, as will be seen by the following resolution pass ed by the National Convention, with others, on the subject of distribution of seeds. "7io7rf(f,That the Department be reques ted to distribute in New ISndnnd and other places a.s it may sistn d-Mr.ible. -ainpips of I the Trcad-n:!il and Dihl Winter Wh.iu grown is: Mlchic-m. and la- spring W'Ueut grown In Nebraska." the best lacations. Osage Orange and Honey Locust Hedge Pants. r rvmo-2j53racrrvvusraia ocauunauAuaisaasaacE s:arjy Koj;c sotaoes, Extra i:ar!y Corajt'ooiey rx ira Vi hiJcora, San ford Corn raised in A?braIta, sciected witli care for Seed. 1 6-.!!y 1 cow ; the only effect being in th. : nnonnt of the concentration uf tl.-j . milk. To determine these r"-i!k-i y a wun accuracy, j-t. ivuuu nas, n.-i.-n.- , ed the experiments, with the L'etierul re-ult of showing that an increa-e in the albumen and fatty elements of a moderate d'u tpjrobuce- an increa-e in the milky yield, which gradually rises i along with bodily condition to a cer tain maximum increu-e of the above elements. Sooner or later, however, the natural diminution depending on the duration of location occurs, and no increase can be produced by in creasing the food. Diminution of the above elements of the food causes a diminution in the milk yield. The addition of fat increases the ingredi ents of milk generally, and has no speel 1 influence on the amount of fat in the milk. The absolute production of the Individual elements of the milk agrees generally with the relative pro duction of the milk as a whole (most regularly in the cae of suirar). The variation from this are different for the different ingredients. In the percentage numbers, sugar iloes not seem to be affected by the diet. The variation, in the amount of albumen are so small as not to be eapa?1e of determination. No influ ence on the atnmtni of engine could be traced to the fod. The influence ,f fo4 i.n the amount of fat is '-een to be very -mail. When it appeared lo h alteied k wt, after in-enM' of thest'.-hiiro'iiswi'!.- of the foorl. In create of the fatty elements of the food did not -pecially allect the amount of butter : the variations, in the percentile amount of ca-eine and fat are to be attributed to irregularities in the fat production in the gland. The farmer must therefore hope by variations in the food to produce a "butter cow' or a "cheese cow." The difference in this re-pcet are differences of stock and individuals. J". Jl. Dcp. Ag. xAvanzrTCT rjjytcoo.-MKt'i-.mj:i i.riujtyEgiaoaa o. : i m -s T-s- -. -m X "5 Mi nr'S i c5nov?svi5iitj9 iVJwrj. Sons Burlington & Missouri River E, E l?i NEBRASKA. PASSENGER AND MIXED TRAINS, ItUN'NING J1ETWKEN PlaUsmouth jnd Lincoln. TotRke l.T'Ct, Dec. 20.J;-7J. STATIONS I'lattsuimith OinMiH Junction. Louisville Houtli Hend- Ashland (Ireenwimd Vv'averlr Newton Lincoln WESTWARD. Train No. 3., Trnln No. 1. MIXED. r.N-K.-iER. I, 1: IS p.m. leave, lfttx) a.m. leave. .'.:: ilfciS ... a:li ho-.Vi i &"fci..... 1 1 lav, 1 7:15 .. ! 1 1:3) S:15 J !:. s:. 19:00 :30n.ra. arrive s:00a.m. Iove. l.lncoln. . Deiitou '(:: lllUIaud ! y:05 Crete & Dorchestwr I l0:ii.rn.rriTe. W.) 12:12 p. in Ii20 p.ui.arrlro HIXXD. 2 no p.m. leave.. 2:.Vi.. .. . 35 3.-20 STATIONS I'luttsmoutu Diimhit Junction.. Louisville. s-outli Hend. Ashland (Jreenuood . Waverly Newton Lincoln ... Lincoln Dpnton HUtiland I'rete J)orchster . EASTWARD. . Trl.o.a. I'AsetNOKtt. Trala '.4. M1JCEI). 3-V p.m. irrlv 3:00 a.m. arrive 3.-J0 r:2i) 3:00. 7: i T.-20 3-2.5 ' 6: W.. 2:10 ,6:10 l:-)"i. ." 50 1:1.1 5:i 1:30 p. in. lave,5.-U) a. la. lsave .vixicn. j 10:M.iu. ttrrive i'V p.m. arrive. 10:15 4:15 y: 3- I 9:3) fi:.W a.m. Iwave. 3:20 p. m. leave. Tlietlmsslven abovnln that of Omaha, being 33 minuted ilower than that of I'lneao. THOs. DOANIS, C.tff JSnginrw and Sui-rinlrndmt. Kansas City, St. Joseph & 0. Bluffs, TIME TAIJL.K No. Ifl. 7b takt ffect ixitulu'j, July ICth, 171. GOING NORTH. STATIONS KXV. UA1L A.V1) Kansivs Citv Ilnfl P.M. 6:50A.M. Kftst I-LMVciiworth 12:15 A. ul. -2s s.t.Jo-.-iih 2:30 U-:.0 I'UHLl'S I 5: llamSurs ' fcli I'dUiic! lSltilln ' h:.o l-:c ?. M. 2:25 1:10 GOIUG S O TJ P i-M STATIONS. nh.ut Ki.1. MAII.ASt ! lie. Ksnsns I'i'y I nst Leavenworth. f. J iscph r;il Li's. Ilambiir Council lllull's ' 2:11 A.M. MP.M ISiWI'.M. 3:15 10:15 12:45 7:35 IHtt'O 7:5 !t:25 4:40 I ti:5t) Tii-kets lor sale t nil theceneral Ticket OlTlces. A. C. DAAVKS, A. L. UCPSISS, Uen'l i'.vsi. Vgcnt, Uen"ls.uyeriiitejihnt, St. Jo-eph. Mn. s.- Joseph. Mo. Great Through Passenger Route Tin: OLD KELI MILK HANNIBAL & ST. JOE, AND Council BInSs S. R. Liae. VI V s.T JiisKIMI AND liUINCV. TWO FAST EXPESSS TfiAINS l ros-nns the Mli-Iipi.i at Clulnry on Ilride wltt 1'1'IIjMAJ SLKEPISO PALACES, FIIOM- 25ROWXVILS.E TO QHT2xY, Without Chanve of Cars. Tills, Is TjiK HKVr sIIOI'.T LINK TO OL'IXCY, ST. LOUIS, CAIRO. Hi-trphls. New Orleans, JarkonviIIe. SprlDK- lleid. I'eeatur. ToIoiki. Ln Kayette, Indiaii- upn'.is. Cinciiiimf.. Louisville. NiiMiUlu. C'liatlaniH'!?.. Lemxt'tii, ( olumhus, WlaelliiK. I'lirkersburrf. U.iltl- luure. Washington, Ki.'liiiu.ud, j.v . .host i3sznR.iar.s:'miiorTi: To Ft. Wayne. Toledo, Crestline. I'ittsurjc, llarrishur. Philadelphia. New York, Iloiton, and all pi. nt3, soxja?i3:.3sriD east. Passennrs taking' iher hues east or west. vhou. h i:ll means tukuthis m retiiriim.;, and Fie a net 'fctinti of splendid country. Euy Your Tarousli Tickots Via Sst. Te niitl Qnliio. Kor sale at Ticket oilices St. Joreph ,t Cm.nei: Iilulls It. It., at the Star Hotc-I. Itroniiville, Siev enson.t I'ross.Tiektt Aenti. and at Pi'e;pss:af.i. ai-il i thcr stati'iiiion line of road, at a lo. rate- ii y. an ullierrnute. I!.ti;-ase checked through to all points easi. Al. i iiiirrtio'x via tluin-vars- direct ami perfect. IJ. P. (iltOAT, (iLO. II. NI-7rTLKT N, Cen'lTieket Ak'L Gen. rsupt. fftaEElR'Sl CoJ SBWS H0TGUN1K BST IH THE W0RLffi3 How York Office, 27 BEEZMAH ST. W. T. BEN, IS THE ONLY MAN IN BROWNVILLE WHO KEEPS THESE OUNS FOK BALE. N-Iy S5&.Tree3 a-Plants SlffiSeeds Avte aiU Oil KoatffrcrfU. bt sorts, 10.000. 50.00 yiror. std Kxtra. 1 yr. Ilartlet Ae.3 to 4 ft., doi., 2.00 Strtu. yeach. tu.. 9-: Apple. t)fge, new, bti., 12.00 sjfMinc, on Maple, 1 .., I ; ApIi, : Elm, 2.00 lttlntnts. White Peach islow. Early Hose, bu., 2.00 lilt: l$-9 .snillTIi,', llil IUIIC, l.WF, 1 , .PII, yn. iiii, w IIIi:stratei!C.italoxne.lo,)pai',tNewl,rIeeLl3t. 10c . K. lUiUiiNiA.. iiioonungioii, Illinois " I g I timt: jl Pair Berkshire Hogs. adoui jsior ieDniiry ne.xiwe win nave on &ale -V) pair Crowder Jlro.'s tine strain Illnck ISvrk.shlre piss, old enough for Imme diate breeding purposed. Prices to suit the FUKNAS A SONS, Brownvlllc, Neb. Fresti Garden, Flower, Tree laud ShruS), Evergreen, Fruit sissd Elerb Seeds, Prepaid by .1iaI. A couapieic & JudlciouH a.s9ijrliJionl, 2. sorls of either class, Sl.OO. T!:e six clashes, 'H5 5sicUe?Hi for $5.00. ALSO, as :)iiesa:se xSuck of one year trr&fiecJ E-'rsiii Trees, Small t'E-riitM, Fruit Sioclm, Young Fruit, Ornamental and Ever Grei'H SeetSiiKffs, Bulb.s, Roses, Vines, BSousc &. Korder Plants, &c. &.c, the most complete as .sorsinoutin A:nerica. Prepaid Jy siai!. Priced catalogues to any address, j;Iso- trade lists, gratis. Seeds on Commission. Agents Wanted. s5. S3. WATSOX, Old Colony r urseries and Seed Warehoutie Plymouth, JBass. Established, Rsii5s .5EC-M53S-li- vK4'riJ vmi &n3-$ S-E5S ?:. ... f,.-3 .b i, -. v . . i' ?:. !.: C. - . g3 1 .a i Mis 1 ii 1M Ja i&a CC GO! ? s .s'isa- i'jwii'ai. .'5iS- Wliolesale and Eelail tr Ik IB J IV f OIL O J K, I3 E T JLW MATTl A ML& V& frT 3tow jm. t'r.'JS'Tk. MTtttm I rt' til -- McPKERSON BLOCK, :NTo. 76 -MAIN ST., BEOWNYILLE, K"EB, We have the Largest Stock, and make the Lowest Prices. &3 "" a AH afa3 KTti WIS HT H M JTT W K- E M H tr&m ittmat bls ttsaazzsiazaeiu 1SSS. OPEN S& a No. 70 Main Street, - - Brownville, Nebraska. Largest Stock in the Market. Great Inducements Offered. THE BOTTOM PRICE 0T ALL ARTICLES SOLD. 1871. to THE WORLD FOR ? 4-lv Ifta? && ESsr-S & fg&&ii'$2& ca sz&iz&csxssd .xi&Ssii U'rolesale and lie tail Stealers in Kansas Pacific Railway. Short, Favorite and Only ALL 12 AIL KOUTKI A3iXA9ZI rT'rrrriiEii Trnp"Ttnrvt- -r-ai lE' 63 o 0 V j? - H 5 I 3 f ft E ill?- - -; Ul fi I o i 4 - hail 5 2 -T u s";; J George Getidea lay- dvrn ihe fol Jowiag general rules for thi -tal.le lUftnagotncut of fatening awiiusi!-: The time ! feed to pioiit i- diir-iij the early lilt; . f the uuiiual. All th food should be given that the animal can digest and well eat with good ap petite and no more. Keep tlie feed ing boxes clean and remove all "orts" or leavings.' Perfect quiet and com fort must be secured to the animal. No barking dogs or swearing men should be allowed to disturb their nerves. No cold storms should beat upon them. Feed regularly and give n reasonable quantity of pure water. Jleep the animals and stables or sheds clean, and be gentle in your treat- Topics for Farmers' Clulm The following list of subjects for the winter meetings of the Waltlmm, Mass., Farmer' Club for 1S72, have been announced, together with time, place and disputants lor each meeting. This gives time for the thought and preparation on the part of those ap pointed to engage in the exerciser. The programme may be of interest to the members of farmers' ciubsiu other localities. The result of farming 1S71, and what has been learned that "Will be beneficial in the future. Has the importation of the foreign breed of cattle horses and other stock been a benetit to the community. Trades and trade unions their in fluence on the business of the commu nity. ould a combination oi the farming interest be a benetit to their general properity. Woodland and forest trees their advantages or disadvantages to the farm and community. Farm and farmers what are the in-dienton- of good farming? Swineand poultry the best breed of each and theb-t method of keeping am! feeding, and the profit or loss. Fruits and vegtables the proper time tou.itherand the best way of pre serving them. Milk cows the feeding and man augment in regard to health mid the )'i"dtict:on of milk. 1 he raiding, feeding and training of horses for speed, road and farm work. .- r ' w -J C MZi LJ r " X 7Z H Z7.1 r H 01 KvJ D a g H It5 -" "J" - . ?- - A-.2 'w y..- Ox; 2 b ,- f I & o a.- 9 4 e - z - F 0 H N W 0 rp K K i 0 0 J w nr.xvLP., i:iui.. m-.w memphis II H( sil'UINUs, '.iu:nxerrY, IU.KO. MAl'.YSVILI.r. :koih;i;twn. M).f;io.vr, 210 GXSSS s o V mm ft X A correspondent of a newspaper down east enquiring as to what would make ''a good drain" on a farm. Tho editor answered "a heavy mortgage on the farm, drawing 10 per cent in terest would drain it about as rapidly as anything" he knew of. "Going to press," about to call on one's sweetheart. "Looking-up," putting one,s arms around her. i pESSl 3 it iisa) t-J M 1 T v. ft &J e ?! 5 ftf BBS JR SOLB DSPOT Fon Surgical Instruments, IN N. W. MISSOURI. GEO. M. TEALE & CO., 3DR.TJC3-G-ISTS, ST. JOSEPH, MO. SVMni dlowt toxJe. Mm TO (;ui:kli:y. C IltM.XNE, Itl'NO. (iiil.HKN CITY. fKN'TJlALC'ITV. VILLA LA FONT. KVANS SALT LAKF.riTY, sckmi:nh. COLORADO SPKINflS. SAN KI'.ANCIsCO. Ami nil points m ICaiiinns, Colormio, tlie "5errlSorl, anu tlie Pnclfic Con-4. j QQ MILr tlie Shorten: Lint- from Ivsrisas Ci 1 OO ty to Iu'iiwr. MI Li: tin- 'h'irto-t Llii" tr I'co'ilo. Trin lilsul. s,tntn I'f.anfl 11 yoinw In Nt-w Mex ico una Arizona. Itonicmbcrtl.ntthii Is theGrcat Through Llne.anil tht-r K No Otlier All Rail Route toHiiy of tliealKtve ioinJ. Thorp lsno trilloui omnlhui or fnrry tran..V'r ly this route, as tln-Cri-at Klvf-r-t :re all Ilrulcfd Pn,I,MA?i PAIj.VCE CARS, nm throng!' fn.m KAN-s CITY to IiENVKP Without Chanel'. P.r tici-rs by thlx r(-i-t" f mi Hort'in!ty ol 'ii-wjig the Hife Ar:oii!l:iraI Iii-intts of Ks.nss's. j.nd ". -.toj. fVi r at Iiftr. r :ir:! i-t tit- r.rl. r'ii::iiiK. fi?r:ou!iural anl lir.izmx ilistrits ot Color.: 1 . Clovo'innnot'nrn ti'A'li' itt ICr.nsits City with :rrt':i '. a: J In. in tin- Kan', N rth asiil South. Jl- sure to tvsV for Tli-luMa v!h. -.-i-Clzy r.itil tJc KnHKii- Pnoltfc Knilw &y i:ti;.n s. h.-wkn (.: isnjit. b::vi:pi.y u. kkim.; i 1 .ti ak nt. (JKS It.. I. OKIi l!.S,Knniun CJt-,'Ii lie Florence IS A LOCK STITCH Family Sewing Machine. IT MAKES A TRULY ELASTIC LOCK STUCK. It never PucUcrs the Work, norlJraivs after being AVnulied. IT SKLF-FA-TENS ALL TIIK END? OF THE SEAMS, 15KINO THE ONLY SEWINC5 MACHINE HAYINU THE Celebrated "Reversible Feed," It Is tho most Hlmplo nnl oay to Irani to US', and tlii; least liable to K-'t out of order, having no "Wiro Springs, Wire Coils, Lovers or Brush Pads. To Get Out of Order. No Cos "Wliools to Make a Racket, AND NO CAMS TO MAKE IT P.UN HARD. Warranted to fasta Life-Time ! ALL OI'K lIAClllNr,-. KEPT IN OP.DEU FRJJJJ OF CHARGE. THIS FLORENCE Euns Light and Comparatively Over 90,000iin Use. TVm. S. PLANT, Gon'l Agent, 214- N"ortli ITirtli Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. DUNN & HAYS, Agents, l- Ho. 30 MAIN ST3&SST, BTPO"VvrT'VIXJXjS5 IsTEB. w - xas 'jb jb jb -fcs m -za a Can and -roil sell you all kinds of Implements chea tnan any otner lionse in IeLraslra. per We sell tlie STUDEBAKER AND WHITE WATER tTgSiay'x--vSgi,'i?W, l'r! ,V$?3?:TJiZ2-JLjZZZZZ2 'UiJT.ictionRbh the iJpit SuniRtncd Work ot the kind Izi tho World." No:1cpm of iln Press. 'lHEItEare ft'v ititfllitrent American families In I v. i ''h lli.r;.'r'b Mk-" wmilfl not he nn ap preciated iitiil lncMy wlrome Sliest. There H no :i) Muttnzin- .111 intellwent reading fmiiy can lLMiTiirl to be without. Many nianzlne-Hre accinniil.Hti'd. Hari-r"n is wlitwl. There is not n mniiz.tie that U pri.-itert wlw-h shows niorpintelll pn; i:hii-.itiiii(1imI mi lt,rlic:esjiiid -Ti-ciit!on. Thereii not a cheaper maicuzlnepuh-li-sln-l. Thert-is mt. nri-iilly. a inure pnpulnr tmi:az:iif In l'ie inrlil. Vi Kniilaml Himrit'att. A rfo.itorv of hiicr.ipny and history. literature, scieno' Riid art uiieiiii.t'. il by any other American Miblication. " The voluniM ureiw valuable i a mere work of referenre an any cyclopedia we can plic In our libraries. Harper) Mai:azlno Is a record of travel everywhere since tho hour of It" est.ibll-hment. Llvlnstoiseanduordon t'uiumlnt? in Atriea, train anions tli Andes, and ltod Hrowiu-In the p.fce n the Nile and JIc--.'nvi.rynn the Jnrdin- In-h il.nll recent travelers of not ha", e seen tht ir most important discoveries rei.r.ii-cf.fl in t.-e iaz'!. M-nt of our youiiKi-r I and many of our older writers find here their Ilter- nrv li'o.-rapliy. niirarii-n'- -e me oesi vviuciicm ift!:eir ifcil"i' and pi"; ei:.!i:nnK pecimenti of ch ..-worrt !n 'he Mui;.iz:r.' .V. V. Standard. It j one of the 'Hler- ofjonrna!i-m the edito rial management of "Hnr;or."-TheXittion, .V. V. svasvmwioysisift. TKIiMs Harper's Mrtquz'ne, one year fl 00 An Extra 'opv of either tne Macazlne. Weekly. .r 11 .zs.r will he . ij-.-lieil K-iti" for every t'lilh of - ,v eberihert at S ':. without extra copy. -t b cr!j '..onsto Harper's Magazine, Weekly and "n-ar t.n.-ie s.drtre-. foriine vear, $10; or. two of II .rper'- 1 eri-xlica'r-. tooneu'lilri'ss fi.r onejear.jr. rtu'Ite.-k iiumherHcan buiipllel at anytime A i'iiiiip'i" ! ol Harper Iaa7liie. now com pr.s i: rt v"liin.i-.. in neat cloth binding, will be -n: i iv etp-es.., ire:Ki" a expense oi purcn iser, iii per v .liunie !iiI" vidumes by mull, post paid. .t. CI for binding. -is cents, by mail. po"-t-;aid. The posta ' on !I?.rper's Mr.cazine 1 21 cents n vear. whic i .'i-t be p.i.d at bubcriber's post olllce. All'r. HAIil'Ei: & IHtOTHEHS. New York. 'A('ompIctePlctor!n,?IlstoroniheTInieM." "Ilest. t'heupt'Ht, nmi most Jsncre- l"u! !';. r.iilj Puper In the I tiiou.'' ELS.RPER'SJWSSKIiY. SPLEN DI DL V 1 1. LlT HATE D. Notices of the Press. HMIE Model Newspaper of our Country. Com i plete In all the department of an Ameircam Family Paper, Harper's Weekly ha.searuisl for it elt a rU-tn to i( title. "A Journal of Civilization.' A"ir Y'irk Krrmnu The best publication of its das- in America, and ' so fiirnheau of all other weekly journals as not to permit of any comparison between it and any of their number. Its columns contain the finest col lection of reading matter thut are printed. Its illustrations are numerous and beautiful, belns ftirnl.shed l the chief artists of the country. lion tun Trurtlrr. Harper's Weekly Is the best and most Interes-tim: Illustrated newspaper. Nor does its alue depend on its illustrations alon. Its re?.ilintr matter is ofa hiRfi order of literary merit arictl. Instructive, untertuimnv, and unexceptionable. A", I". .Sun. SUBSCItlPTIOXS 1 s?7a. TEH3IS : Harper's Weekly, one tear f4 OJ AnEitraCopy of either the Maaze. Weekly, or Bazar, will be supplied gratis for uverv Club of l-'Ive subscribers tit tIM each, in one remittance; ors.Jx Copies fer i"-M.oo. without extra copy. subscriptions to Harper's Mazarine. Weekly and Ilazar. to one address tor onp jear. Jl; or. twoof Harper's Periodicals, to one mlili ess, for one eHr, ?"- jS-Ilack Numbers can bcsupplied at any time. The Annual Volumes of Harper's WeeKIj .In neat cloth binding, will be sent h epn s, fr. e.itex- etise, for 7 each. A compii-te et. "i.nii-ri-.t.s Fifteen .Volumes, .sent on reirlpt o: ca-h at ti.e rats of yt,'i per volume, freight at epen-e of ! ur cbaser. The postace on Harper's Weeklv Is '2- ornt ". ar winch must be paiil at thesub-criber's pi --, ti"..s Address HAP.PEU t IlItOTHEK. N w "fL. ''A lteposltor of I'nshlon, Plensure nmi In-ntrt'ction.' Vlft r.ytirVi' WAGONS, AND BUGGIES OF ALL KINDS. We sell the Eiinner Cultivator, Garden City Clipper Plo PSKIK" TWO AND TS21BS-KOHSS PLOWS SMITH'S Casi Cast-Steel PLOWS, EXCELSIOR and GANG P!K! PRINCETON IRON-BEAM PLOWS. ALL KINDS OF COKN PLOWS. We keeio for sale HARPER'S .ZAR. The only Pili,.b"ie f.lft I'strIbution In the County te a It 3 a IN VALTTAP,LE GIFTS be dUtribntd In L. D. HIISTE'S 8E3II-AWPfUAL 3 1FT ENTERPRISE ! 55-i !r o S gR5 T o he ilrairn Mor.dar, 3Iarch 2.1. 1 S72. OSE GllVS'D;CAPITAli OP 3I0,0ou IN GOLD ! ONE 1'KIZE $5,000 IX SILVER! i??ia Greenbacks! 10 Frizes 100 t I a '.iu sliver-mounted Har- -Jy BROAVXVIIitE, NEBRASKA. One IIre and I5uiy iir-. w.irtli j . -'. One tuii'-d l'.mi'woii! Piano, worth vw. Ton I uni,'; --fwlii M .r.i iihm, worth :!''ifach. Five IUmiv- t'awrt J-i .1 Hunting Wntclies and IJ'avT....,l ( a n . irthJ.)ich. rivc-'i- idAsKT.rtii H li.tliii; Watches, worth JI2" Ten I.''f!'- Tl-i'-"- r Watches. worth fio" each s-mt;. ! ' -.r.1-''vcrl.".- r "1'intlng Watcht-sdn all) v.i"!i ''" n ?. ' i" ' '"Ii. IaiIifs'i..i'!I i.i ' r--.-is, (Spnt'o Oold Vest Chiiiis. .s-.ilwT-fl-iT-d cs ..-, stolid silver und donMu jilateri'l ahVavl T". -'.oons. Ivory-Ilandled Iiinner HniVf.Sil'. i-r Plate) Dinner Firki. silver Vest Chain. Phi' crur'i ihuins. I.Kdles's rjold BrvAsttHiisand E-r rlhs . .its' Cold Hreastpins. Shiets-lnds snd -leev.-1 ! !, Fluber-rlng. Gold Pens, (silver extension. . i '. lole XiunluT Gtftx, 0,000. Ticket Limited to 6r0,000. Agents wanted to - U tickets, to whom liberal Pre miums u 111 be paid. SINGLE TICKirrI: TICKETS 5.1; 12 TJfiK ETriaiK; 'TICKETS ?. Circulars containing a full lLst of prize, a des cription uf the manner ofdrawinir. and other In formation in reference to the Distribution, will be pent to any one ordering them. All letters must tx addressed to la. D. SINE, Bos 86. Cincinnati, Ohio. A,ir Office. lfll W. 5th St. OX.ANKS of alI,lci(ls,forsaI-ttt"AdrextiBvr COTintlng'P.cosis. Notlpcs of the Prens. TTIsreallv the onlv illii'truted rhmnlrler of f ih L ion in the country. Its suppit-n. ents ali.t.i .ire 'tis.' worth the hiibscription price of the papf r vv nl ICloJ fully nialutainiiii; Its position as n nrrmr f fm-l 1 !T ll'll, II ili'MI I.I7II..IIII'. -ll'Ji,"..'l,-ll'".lllll. rtH'"' .- le-idfH general and persona! gossip. 7;-.'"i s. (t'(V -'"""; 'imtttr. There never was any paprr puMislied sodt lighted the heart ot woman. Neer it It does cost on a now donnet; it uill s.e ji.uten times the price In the household economy It teach es you. It i-riili nri journal. The yoiim; lady who buys a stnele number of Harper's IS.iar is niaile u Mibfcrlher for life. -Vk ir Y'.ik v. mnp Itif. The itaiuir is excellent. I.iice all tlie perlouical? whiehlbe Harpers pulIIsheI. It is ainiot'Menlly well edited, and the class uf readers for whom it Is Intended the mothers and daughters in averasre f.iinilies can imt but protit by its coodseneand ool taste, which we have no dmibt. are to-da;. inakinc very iirtny homes happier tlmn tjiey may have been b'e'oretty women bfna'i Inking lesson, in personal and household ami sox-iai nianuiceiiient from thLs good uatured mentcir. Tlie AViiwi, A. Y. SUBSCUIPTIOXS 172. TEKMS: lla.tper'i year - ?S" An extra copy of either tho MasAzine. Weekly, or Ilaznr. will bes'upphed .-rati lureverj I lubol Hv subscribers at ?!. e;ieb. in one remittance: or six copies fur Wmii i w it limit extra ropy. "subscription to Harper s Magazine. Weekly and Hazarto one :.ddn.s for one jear.$W: or. twoof Harper's lVrlilir&li. to one address for on" j ear.f . ifo'ltaek numbers can he supplied at any time. The four volumes of Harpers Ilazar. tor tin years 1st., v.') 'T(. '71. eliit'-ntly bound In green m-nx-o cloth, will be sent by express, freight prepaid, for ;7 each. The postage on Harper's HazarKCn cents a rear, which must b pa'il a! the si.bscr.ber's pir'tof?. Address HAP.PI-.U A lU'.HTH Kit. New ork. The "Country Gentiesnan. Volume for 1872. HE CUI.TIVATfilt A-rorN'TVi'.KXTt.n!! -fornean. twnr -re ,'.r. bac rmike-t ' " this counts and abroail.'as tlie .! " ni.iik AjH::i an Ai.m ULTficE. The I il t-r and Prupni 'nr- in adtl tion ti.tlninmi' pr-i.nn' Inhoisi :iri tv -ii. .rli .visted bv a er .ar.e nrr' her ot Sprciul t'orrcponi!tMit anI Contributors., among whom are included n m: Leading Agriculturists, m all psrt.s o: then untry i.stand West and bv over Five llunilrril rr Monal and Voluntary Writers, directlv in the ranks of the Beat Farmer and Hiirtlculturj.sts ! tie rU every Mate In the Union. With the ci.-operat.on of s( large a corps of practical men. this Journal I intended to possess exceptional value as the chosen "Wediiini of Intercommunication ami ng ull clases Intere-ted In the Priducts ami Fertil'ty of the Land those who Cultivate and those w ho Con Mime the Iluver and shipper, as well as the first owner ot the Crop Kreeders of Improved Animals and their Customers Manufacturers of Improved Machinery and those who purchase and employ It Nurserymen and Fruit raisers ar.d. especially, to supply fuller and better data as to the progre-j, prospects and returns of each succeaslve season, as throwing light upon one of the most Important or all questions- When to Khj nmi When to Soil. TERMS-The ('(icntrt ukstlkm s is pub lished weeklv. on the following terms, when paid strictly in advance- One copy, one year. 2,W: fourcopie. 510. and an additional copy for the year free to the sender of the Club: ten copies. . anil an additional copy for the year free to the sender of wmmn mm- i ?rVt Iii r r 8 fl -, Vv, " r k T I I g7 - Also th.o --yC-Jl-Sfi-gKr-. Mi.K.jfrSyf j,jiy Zl-i&5Zd?Z n.-cuWiV-sSi rS!JZiTsz 9 .- - -? a --:i - o r .cz -" - ..V . ZKli3l 4.II . - fc' ' I 11 Zm- . rfK-' r tt V-Z- .-jv IFm-tiAr- VLT TB I ii ? IlVrIO'VEID FOB 1871- Most Durable and Lightest Machines J"M If you want anything, come and ask foi u' AYE KEEP XOTHI'C4 BUT FIRST CLASS GOODS, "'jj, ' TEE ALL OUR GOODS TO BE AS REC0M3I1--A LTTWESfxJpnd,?iTher.jA fa Supplj7 of Extras always on U i 3, t rnyTirr7-xrrnTTrm'-wr-Ti-'vvte