Newspaper Page Text
.V V Y S I THE ADVERTISER Brownville Bubs nine to Phelps., and 3 p.m. Arrive at Brownville 1E p. m., and 630 p. m.t ;j. a BOTJSKIELD. Superintendent. THURSDAY, NOV. 27, 1879. Jewelry at Nickell's. Lead and oil at Nickell's. Look at those new dreB8goodB at Mrs. White's. Now Ib the time to advertleeyour holiday goods. Two horees for at Marsh Houpc sale. Inquire Holiday goods haveoommenced to arrive at Nickell's. Stevenson & CroBB are receiving another fine lot of Rtoves. Go to Mrs. White's for your rub ber and arctio overshoes. A beautiful line of new jewelry at NickeH'e, astonishingly low. Cornshellers, harness and barbed wire. Stevenson & Cross. Lan;eBt five and ten cent counters ever In Brownville at Mrs. Small's. Mrs. White will receive this week an entire new line of millinery goods. Our stores are crammed and jam med with goods, the best and the cheapest. Turkeys, nice, young, fat and dressed, cheap, and cranberries by Stevensou & Cross. Let everybody lie at churoh In time on Thanksgiving day, -to hear the opening anthem. Every business man who has an adveriisement in The Advertiser Is doing a good business. Nickell Is the busiest man in town, receiving ills immense stock of books and holiday goods. Try the Central Boarding House, -rntnedlately back of J. L. McGeo's reuideuce, for a Bquare meal. New stock of confections, can ned goods, cigars and tobaccos juBt received at Johnson fc Palmer's. Stevenson & Cross rn Felling more furniture than ever low prices and nice goods does the business. Full new stock of Drugs, Medi cines, Books. Fine Stationery, Al liums, Desks, Work Boxes, &c. at NlckelPa. - L. A. Polock will sell you mil linery goods cheaper than any other bouse In town. Call at Mrs. Cook's building. Tho New HomeJSewing machine Is becoming the favorite iu this coun ty and Is sold for less Minn any "other first class raachiue, by Stevenson & Cross. Don't stay uway from tho Opera House this evening because you think you can't be seated. There are plenty of good seats to be had yet. It will be Interesting to the ninny friends of Mr. and Mrii. J. K. Finch, in tills section, to know that a son was born unto them on the 221 lust. ForChrlstmaB PreneBnts, albums, vases, easel frames, velvet frame", obromoes, dolls, fco., call and see my atook before buying. MBS. Berkshire males for sale, Grand nire cost fourteen hundred dollars. Grand dam one thousand. The best pedigree hogs in the state of Nebras ka, without doubt, for sale hi' Stev eneon fc Cross. New married folks and new com ers, Stevenson & Crons can fit you up In everything for housekeeping Stoves, Furniture, Grooeries, Queens ware, Kuives, Forks, Carpets, Pic tures, etc, cheaper than the cheap est. Give us a call. Stevenson & Cross. We have received information from Mr. Charles Forbes, Manager of Forbai' Dramatic Company that they will be in Brownville ere long. Thi company la far superior to any that ev er vl.-lted our city, and has most flat tering notices from the press of Chica go, Detroit, Springfield. 111., and oth er western cities. Among the dramas presented by this company are "Black Diamond," "Uncle Asa Whltcomb,'' and "Uncle Toms Cabin," a new ver sion in eix acts. The Forbes Com pany may be assured of an unanimous greeting by our people. It Is due to the candidates in the election this fall to say that they all came up like meu willing to pay for what they got, and paid promptly for their tickets and other printing ex penses necessarily incurred. We make special comment on this from the fact that suoh is not always the case. For instance, the printing ex penses at this office inourred last fall waa entirely ignored by the candi datesall of them, excepting Dr. Neal. Dr. Neal paid his bill and that was all. We think that candidates, even if defeated should pay all ex penses incurred In their behalf. It i3 a debt they contraot and owe as legit imately as any other debt. The cen tral committee ought to see that can didates "fork over" to pay at least cash outlays made for them by the printer, but in the case of last fall It was not done, and the printing office gutTers. NICE STOYES, FTJ BUSINESS BREVITIES. See Felthouser's card. Not an egg In the market. Paints and Oils at Nickeli'a. Pinafore Thanksgiving night. Choice eating apples at Gate's. Book store is now at Nickell'e. California Caned Fruit at Hill's. Plenty of seats for Pinafore, yet. Eggs are soarce at 20 cents per dozen. Eggs 10,000 dozen wanted In Brownville. Barb and smooth wire, by Stev enBon & Cross. Buckwheat Flour and Maple Syrup at Hill's. Pies mince and apple at John son & Palmer's. Ned O'Pelt has opened a livery stable in the city. Geo. Arkwright, watohmaker, etc., 90 Main street. Carpets, new Btyles, cheap, by Stevenson & Cross. Go to Mrs. White's for your cloaks and wraps. Call at Mrs. White'e;for anything In the millinery line. Everything in the millinery line at cost by Mrs. Yauney. Rev. E. J. WIUIb will preaohthe Thanksgiving sermon. See advertisement of the Omaha Bee "gift enterprise." Harness, baby cribs and silver ware at Stevenson & Cross'. New and elegant Bti'leB trimmed hats at cost, at Mrs. Yauuey'fl. Shot Guns, Powder, Shot and Caps by Stevenson & Cross, Another poBtofflce employe of Omaha, has been caught stealing. Bain, Studebaker and Nebraska wagons. Stevenson & Cross. Money to loan on Real Estate se curity. Apply to Wm. H. Hoover. Geo. Arkwright will do you a ten cent job or 1111 you a $20 bill, O.K. Call, at A. W. N'ckell's dru store for a bottle of Thomas' eclectiic oil. Go see "Pinafore," and take your cistern and your cousins and your aunts. Complete atook of freh drugs at drug and book store of W. H. Mc- Creery. Gmo3 For the Best working oook stove with nutomatlo shelf, call on Stevn Bon & Cross. Dr. Collins, Dentlt. Brownville. Office hours, 9 a. in. to 5 p. m. Not at home on Fridays. 39tf Two t.eated.;fam!ly carriage, and one horso, for sale, cheap. Ted Huddart. The St. Joe Herald U one of the very best papers in the west. Read the advertisement. 2,500 acres of land In Bedford Precinct for sale on'reaponable terms. Apply to William H. Hoover. Do not buy furniture until you look through our mammoth stock. Stevenson & Cross. I have for sale, cheap, some choice lots, in Nemaha City, for those who waut to build. Wm. H. Hoover. S. M. Summers is selling glass ware and queensware cheaper than was ever before offered in this city. We are prepared to do all kinds of tlnwork on short notice and at low pricen. Stevenson & Cross. Such lovely weather, frosty moon Jight nights, bright days. Indian Summer we have now moht enchant ing. The Thanksgiving sermon will be preached at 11 a. m. In the Presbyte rian church by Rev. Willis of the M. E. Church. Tho rpason why Stevenson & Cross are constantly selling stoves iB because they keep the latest pat terns and sell at lowest prices. While you are attending Pina foro call and see my large stock of Dry Gooda aud Queensware. S. M. Summers. Never too late to mend. What never? Well, hardly ever! What? My Watches, Clocks, etc. Geo. Ark wright. 90 Main street. We will give The Advertiser one year to any one who will send us the names of Jive new subscribers ac companied by the cash, terms, $2 a year Pinafore. Three hundred seats already taken and three huudred more on sale. Tuero is room for eight hundred people at our Opera House. The county clerk this week sends notices to all county and precinct offi cers elected on the 4th inst., to be on hand on the first Tuesday iu January to give bond aud be installed into office. For your millinery goods, at low prices, you should call on Mrs. White, No. 45 Main street. She also has iu stock an elegant line of lace coods, dress goods, jewelry, notions, ladles' cloaks, dotmuna, &o. Give her a call. We call the nttention of the read era of The Advertiser to the adver ti?ementof the Weekly Stale Journal. published at our capitoljcity. We re gard the Journal as one of our best exchanges, and it certainly, possess es every feature of attraction and worth that the advertisement claims for It. The beautiful, new aud commodi ous church erected by the Christian denomination of Brownville, will be dedicated the sccend Sunday in De cember, the 14th. It i expected that there will be two or three eminent Ministers present on that occasion. A special and cordial invitation ex tended. Come, everybody, as the church is large. Men's. jLadie's and Misses Ankle Strap Rnbbers at Robison's. FURS ! PURS ! PURS ! Ladles and Children's furs, a large stoclt received, tli is xcceJt, Call and take your choice, at Louis Low man's. BAItGAIXS IX CLOTHIVG at HACKNEY'S. RNITUBE, CARP Children 1 Children!! Children, we want you all to oome to the Presbyterian churoh on Thanksgiving day. Rev. E. J. Wil lis will talk about five minutes to you just before the bermon. So oome, and bring Pa and Ma with you. JYew Clothing just receiv ed at the cheap store of J. L. jxc Gee CLOAKS! DOLMANS ! We have just Eeceived another immense Stock. Call an take your Choice. LOUIS LOWMAN. kmn w In nr The Den .building Immediately back of J. L. McGee'a residence has recently been refitted and furnished by B. Li Dalbey, in first clabB Btyle for a boarding house, and is now open for the accommodation of guests. With or without lodging, at living rates. 500 cloaks and dolmans iust opened at Dolen's. La dies call and see. FURS! FURS! FURS! Ladies' and Children's furs, a large stoch received thisivcels. Call immediately and lalze your choice, at Louis Loivman's. Tlie Xcw American, Self-threading Sewing Maohine the best in the market. For sale at tho "Regulator" by Tiros. Richards. MMIiuerj-. A large stock just received by MiBa L. A. Polock, Mrs. Cook's building. College St. Trimmed hata for Gfty ceuta. 22tf EEolitlay Goods. There will be the finest stock over iu Brownville at Nickell's. Apples, Ap;iles by the barrel at H. C. Lett'a. before the price goos up. Buy For.Sale Cheap. Tho S. S. W. , Kec. 8, T. 5, R. 15, 60 acres in cultivation, good frame house, granary, stable, good well, orchard and living water, will be Fold at a ImrgniP. Apply to 8. A. Osborn. Brownville Neb., or to Wm. R. Harris, on the premises. See Fred August's card beaded "Everybody." DreiS'HIak ing. Ladles, MIbs V. A. Perry and Miss L. A. Polook are prepared to do dress making in tho latest styles and at lowest prices. Call at Mrs. Cook's building. 22tf YOUNG MEN. McGee have just large line Clothing. & Moore opened a of new Call and see the Boss Stock. Por your Bauer's. whips go to 55. C. Lett Will pay the highest market price for Butter aud Eggs. Hedge! Hedge!! Farmers, if you wish to purchase first-class Osage hedge plants, call on F. P. Tenney, Sheridan, Neb. 13-3m Underwear! Underwear! Men's, Women's and Children's underwear by the suit or piece at. Low man's. II. C. Lett Hbb a full' stock of fresh Groceries, and Drugs. Now Is the the time to buy a nice stove at a low price, of Stevenson & Cross. WE DO SELL Cloaks & Dolmans Cheap er than any other house in the city. LOUIS LOWMAN. IVew Goods! Sew Goods! A new stock of millinery goods will be received this week by Mn. Yauney. Ladies, call and examine. HATS. CAPS AXD FCE1S. An entire and complete new stock at Lowninn's this yvccIl. List of Letters Remaining In the Postoffice at Brownville, Nebraska, for the week ending Nov. 22. 1S79. which if not called for will be Bent to the dead let ter office: Derason. E. R.; Rhodes, Ephram ; Reever, Sarah Jaue; Welton, Bea ley A. Persons calling for any of the above letters will please say Advertised. T. C. Hacker, P. M. Grain ! Grain ! Grain ! Highest market price paid for grain by Hackney & Handley. 27 J. L. McGee on gro ceries and see how much you ETS. SHOT GUNS, Thanksgiving Day. The Psalmist says : "Let tho peo ple praise Thee O God ; let all the people praise Thee." The President of the United States says : "Let it be a day of thanksgiving and prayer to AIniightj' God.' The Governor of Nebraska desires that all the people of the State make it a day of Thanks giving for the manifold blessing re ceived from our Heavenly Father. So may everybody in Brownville come to the house of the Lord with hearts full of praise to God, and sup plicate at this throne for a continu ance of His blessings to us. "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." WE DO SELL Cloaks & Dolmans cheap er than any other house in the city. LOUIS LOWMAN. Call and see those $1.75 cloaks at Dolen's. New stock of Men's neavy Weseot calf boots atltobi- sons. H. C. LETT has cranberries. Cloaks ! Cloaks ! ! cheap at J. L. McGee' s. DRESS GOODS. A large, complete, new stock just arrived at Louis Lowmans. Everybody! Whose parlor, sitting-room or other carpets are rotting by rains beating in under the doors, should have the pro tection of Fred. August's Weather Strip. It is the best thing ever invented for the purpose. Can be made to fit any door, Is simple, cheap, and thor ough. Scarfs, nubias, ties, queensware, glassware, just received at J. L, Jlfc Gee's. EOY'S CLOTHING. Tlie cheapest stock of any house in town, at Louis Lowxnan's. IJusiness. lam now ready to receive orders for Picture Frames, Upholstering and re pairing Furniture, at Roj''s old stand. All orders promptly attended to. M. Felthauser. Glows, mittens, Arctics, overcoats, all cheap at J. L. JllcGee's. Men's Ladie's and Blisses Arctics at R obison's . Teas! Teas!! A new stock, cheaper than ever, at Nickell's. Call and get a sample. Furs just arrived at J. L. McGee' s. CARPETS! CAEPETS! Bolts. Call and take you? choice. L. LOWMAN. dvF0R Business GLEN ROCK MILLS ! The undersigned, having an entire new mill, with new and the latest improved machinery, and the best practical miller iu the State, are now ready to do both Merchant and Exchaugework. Address all orders to Hallam & Huddart. Glen Rock, Nemaha.Co.(Neb. For your narness go to Bauer's Boss stock of dress goods at J. L. McGee' s. Dancing- School. Prof. Berkley will open a dancing school in the Opera House, Saturday 29th inst., in the afternoon, for the instruction of young ladies, masters and misses. Application made at the Marsh House. For your Baner's saddles go to For Sale. Twenty head young cattle spring calvps and yearlincB. Apply to W. H. Griffith, U miles southwest of As pinwall. " 22-w2 Ladies cloaks at Dolen's from $1.75 to $50. GOOD LEATHER. Ts what our ladies' and children's fine shoes are made of. LOUTS ZOJTMAX. A large line of car pets received by tele graph at ficGEES MOORE'S. OVSRCOA.TS AND CLO THING. Another large stock just arrived. Call and see my prices before you purchase. LOUIS LOWMAN. WAGONS, HAED LOCAL PERSONALS. . JaB. Hannaford, brother of Wm. and R. S., recently from Illinois, has located in our city. Harry Doien contemplates re moving his store to Nemaha City, and so do Willing Bros. Mr. C. Shuck, Nemaha City, last week added his name to our subscrip tion list, and has our thanks. Ed. Wert, of Sheridan, and brother, called on us Tuesday to get some letter heads printed. Mi'sbLou Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Minick and several others, are going to hear Carlotta Patti eing at St. Joe. to-night. Our respected and prompt old Bubscriber, E-q. Robbins of St. Der oin, will .accept our thanks for sub stantial favors. Our esteemed friend Rate Elliott, has our thanks for renewal of sub scriptions for himself and the paper lie sends to his brother Lewis In New Mexico. R. O. Hikes, Alex. Robison and W. T. Den started Tuesday morning for the Platte River, where they wllj indulge in a few days hunting. Mr. Joseph Body, wa9 up to Oma ha last week as a juror, and after see ing all he desired of that show, got excused by the court from further du ty, and returned home Saturday. Mr. Joseph Body never forgets the editor at Thanksgiving ; and we have again to thank him for the big gest turkey iu the market. Mr. Body has plenty more, witii a variety of the Quest, fattest poultry to suit every body. We are pleased to give this week the aggregates of the vote cast at the late electiou for State officers. We congratulate our honored fellow-citizen, Jno. L. Carson, upon receiving the largest vote polled, and the larg est ever polled for any caudidate in the State. Mr. Hoover, Nemaha City, after a short close of bis hotel, has reopen ed it for the accommodation of peo ple who want first class fare. Mr. and Mrs Green as olerk and landlady, are in immediate charge, and in ev ery way fitted for the business, spar ing no pains to .serve the best to guests, aud make them comfortable. See card of the Hoover House, with Nemaha cards. Dr. B. Bell Andrews delivered several lectures in Nemaha City last week. We had the pleasure of hear ing him on one evening. HiB subject wa physiognomy, and we were never more interested in a lecture. The Dr. is thorough, fluent and pleasant, and his audiences enlarge uightly. But all should hear him from the begin ning. He will begin a series of lec tures in Brownville on the evening of December 1st. GOOD GOODS Of all kinds and descrip tions at the lowest jiossible cash. j)riccs at Louis Loiv man's. Bargains in shawls Dolen's. at "Republican," in The Adver tiser of last week, "touched the spot.' aud the editor of that concern wriggles aud squirms as a iittle impo tent garter snake. Now, the truth is, every word, or at least every essen tial feature of Republican's article is true as we well know and as every body else knows, of both parlies, in this city. Wo have heard many Democrats, as well as Republicans, say that our correspondent's hitat the egotistical Moore was, "truo as preaching." We care very little about this matter, and should have treated tho immoderate egotism of the Qrang er with our usual silence; for the ed itor who will for 2Jay agree to "be Btill," oratbesttolakea weak, wiahy-wit-liy course, is too contemptible, too low down for any kind of notice from us. Mind you, now, Moore was hired to take the course he did in tho last election. Of course one who would do such business would lie about it when told of it. Moore has no other way to get out. but to lie out. MOTIONS, NOTIONS. New goods arriving every day. Call and see tliem, at Louis Lowman's. A 6 Shot Rei'olver Free. The famous American Model G Shot Bull Dizer Revolver is made of se lect metal and neatly finished. Tho cylinder revolves when the hammer is raised. Can be loaded iu an In stant. Just tho thing for Tramps Hiid Burglars. Having perfected ar rangements for au immense quantity of these Revolvers, we are enabled to make the following and heretofore un paralleled ofFer. To introduce the Mammouth Guest into New Homes, we oiler to send an elegant art pre mium and one Revolver free, to any one who will send 75 cents for a bix months trial subscription. The Mammouth Gue-t is one of the lar-ge-t papers published in the World. The famili' favorite and homo paper or themiiliou. It had 1G pags. 64 columns, crowded with illustrated ar ticles, stories, poetry, sketches, wit, humor, fun, receipts, &o., &c, by the ablest writers. Our sole purpose iu making this great nfier is to introduce our paper, well knowing we can se cure hundreds of i-ub-icribers in al most any town. The offer is open onli' GO days. Remember 3'ou get a 6 Shot Revolver free. Please remit 3ct. po-tage stamp. Order at once, and address, J. A. Roartv, Philadelphia, Penna. HEX'S FCR.XISniXG GOODS, An entire netv oc!l of all the latest agonies In tie, scarfs, collars, underwear and hosiery, at Louis Lowmaa's. 2,000 Pounds of white lead for sale at co3t. W. H. McCREERY. WARE, SILVER Obituary. Carson Sept. 24lh, 1879, at her residence, iu Merceraburg, Pa., Mrs. Rosanna White, relict of James O. Carson, in theS9th year of her age. Deceased was born in Westmore land co., Pa., May 2d 1791, and united with the A- R- Church of Hagerstown, Mri., at the time of Its organization. Her religious life was marked by con stancy, diligence and faithfulness In the observance of Divine ordinances. She loved God's house, his service, and his Word, especially the Psalms, soraeof which were her song by day and by night. As the infirmitiob In cident to age Increased, she seemed to be affected by nothing so much as the thought that she was too feeble to go to the house of God, a privilege of which for nearly a year alio was en tirely deprived. But through the life of faith she was able to bear the cross cheerfully. Patient in tribula tion, she was a verv angel of light to children and friends aud always spoke of death with calmness which betoken conscious peace with God. Often did her soul seom near enough the harbor to catob the land-breeze of heaven, when again the tempest tossed bark would be beaten back to sea. But though "alllicted and tossed with tempest," she yet was "comfort ed" by the voice and sustained by the presence and power of Him who is invisible. And as she slept in Jesus, the breaking clouds wbloh bounded the horizon of eternity admitted enough light to scatter tho mists from the valley of death. To her haa been verified the blessing of "the dead who die In the Lord ;" for bIjb has ceased from suffering, and her works follow her in the rising up of many to bless her for her kindness to the poor, and to testify to other fruits of the Spirit, which gave evidence that she had lived, as she died, in the Lord. "Light Is sown for the righteous, and gladness for the upright in heart." Pa. xcvii. 11. The United Presby teritin. The deceased wag the mother Jno. L. Caraon of this city. of Editor Nebraska Advertiser. We noticed an article In The Ad vertiser from W. A. Polock, re questing answers to several questions. The first is, "Have the States any rights?" There was once a numer ous family ; among the children there appeared to be one, a boy, possessed of a restless, uncontrolable disposi tion. He was continually bringinir the balance of the family into trouble. This little cur took particular delight in tormenting his older sisters. He appeared to be in the height of his glory if he could have an opportunity to bedaub and cover with mud and slimp their nice dresses, destroy their artificial flowers, etc. He panted for more liberty and rights than the rest of the family were willing to yield to him, and to obtain them he ran away from homo, and unlike the prodigal son he did not return of his own ao cord. Nothwistanding all his way wardness his parents loved him, and at jireat expense seut for him and forced him to return. They tried to whitewash and forget the past. The fated calf was brought forth ; a feast was prepared ; he admitted to ail the rights of the family ; all went smooth ly on for a time, but to the mortifica tion and disgrace to this family it mut be told, he lias been cauuht at hi.s old tricks again ; he has once more covered his sister's garments with blood, slime and tobacco juice. And what would Mr. Polock have his par ents do with him now? Shall anoth er feast be prepared for him? We would say, take him by the neck, shake him out of his boots ; spare not the rod ; sklu the little cur alive. Fair view. Unwholesome Food. By the unuuturul combination by ignorant persons, forbaking powder, they rentier food very iudii:etible, an the chemical action in the stomach prevents their heintr digested. Dr. Price's Cream Bukinir Powder is prp pared by tho application of scientific principles, forminir a perfect powder. An Appropriate Odor. In Dr. Price's Unique Perfumes, each particular character can find an appropriate odor. For the clergyman and orator, his refreshing and fra irrant Floral Riches ; for the brilliant and witty, his charming Evening Violet; for the sedate and rolnist. Ill persistent Thibet Muk; for the lady of fiihion. his captivating Hyacinth; for the vonnir Gentleman, his delicate Alita BonqiiPt ; for the younir lady, hiswet Pet Rose. Wp know our frienda by their voice; why not rec neniz tlim by their sweet and par ticular odor? When physicians recommend Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup for eougho. colds, etc., of long standing, it certainly must tie good. Call at the try bottle of it. Price 5 cents. 50 cpiitsandSl a bottle. Sold by A. W. Nickell. . 'I Won't Waul a I'lastev" alllCl u nlCh. Uiall IUU UIUgt,lst "CUU't on give me souieliilug tu cure me ?" His uiptouiB w ere tv oure Iiiuie back uuu uisuruereu urine, auu .ere a aiire luoiuaiiou ot kJuiiey disease, l'ne uruKist told him to u3e Kiduey WoriauU in adhortiime it etleuted a complete cure. Have you iheriettympt oma.' Then get a box to-day tietore juu Oecome incurable. It is thecure ; wile uuu sure. lr:ze iiutter at tlic.V. Y. Fair. 1 Here was a very fiueUispluy ot ex tra choice butter at the great Interna tional Dairy Fair. The packaged that took the prizes were splendid "am plea of what gilt-edged butter ought to be. perfect in quality and color. Many of them were colored to a perfect June tint with WelU. Rich ardson & Co's Perfected Butter Color, the ue of whioh was universally rec ommended both by the makers anil the butter buj'ers. Sediment or mufii" in the nrinf- is a ure indication of disease. Take Kidney-Wort. Original. The process adopted hv Dr. Prlc in makine bis Special Flavoring Ex tracts Is original. By this new pro cess he i enihlpd to produce flavor lne of the finest quality, retsininc tho frphnp?s of fruit, so concentra ted that a email qimntity produce6 each characteriotic flavor. WARE, AND GEO L0SD0X ITEMS. "Oh, praise the Lord, all ye na tions ; praise him, all ye people, for his merciful kindness Is great toward us, aud the truth of the Lord endur elh forever. Praise ye the Lord. ' It is an expression of a cultivated nature to be greatful to God as man for favorB. Benj. Savell, Sen., was thrown from hia horse and injured quite se verely, but is gaining. November 19ih a daughter was born unto Henry and Rosa Seymour. The household of Charles Face mire was made glad by the presence of a little one November 22d a boy. Persons who cannotdiscriminate between the laws which govern the rights of United States aud those of independent States, ought to hush up aud not bewilder the people and lead them on to rebellion. What does all this clamor for states rights, at this time, mean, any way? Let us all eat our thanksgiving dinner with thankfulness, for we all have many reasons for whioh to, be thankful. In our opinion Judge Stull help ed just a9 much, aud deserves just as much glory as does any other Repub lican iu the county, though Tub Ad vfrtiser seems not to recocnize the fact, and lauds Mr. Howe alone. a having accomplished all that was ac complished. Sheridan Post. If our neighbor editors would do the fair thing toward us, they would never have any quarrel with u.s We detest newspaper quarrels, and never enter into them except in defense of self, or cherished principles, or friends. Now the Post man slashps away at us regardless of truth or how he will appear In the end, aud with out provocation on our part. With the readers of The Advertiser, any notice from us.of tho Post's misrepre sentations Is unnecessary. They all know what we have said, giving Mr. Howe, Mr. Majors, Mr. Daily, and the Republicans of the county gener ally, praise for the victory they achieved ; aud all, we doubt not had sufficient sense to appreciate and un derstand what we said and why wo said It, So far as Judge Stull is con cerned, no man has received more wordd of praise from us than he has ; and when the Post man can say some thing complimentary of the Judge, short of a burlesque, wo will cordial ly Indorse, but we cannot enter the lists with Mr. Peery as a lickspittle, nor accept his IU advised slobber for more than slobber merits. We did not mention Judge Stull's efficiency. nor that of Mr. Gilmore, nor any of the candidates, from the fuct that it would be, as we believe, In bad taste to review the work of candidates, in dividualizing, for to dojso, candidly, it would necessitate what would doubt less be termed unjust discrimination, and wound the feelings of good men. who, If they could uot do as much a? somo others, did as well and honestly as they could, for themselves and the ticket. It was the duty of Judge Stull, and every candidate on the ticket to do their utmost. It was ex pected of them as a matter of course; aud had they done otherwise, they would huve been unworthy the posi tions of standard bearers of the party and justly merited the party's curse. But when we look at outside help we see another phase of the matter altogether. The candidates were pledged to carry our fiag to victory. the following was volunteer; aud while It would be unjust to charge negligence upon any supporter of the ticket, and blame them for not doing more ; or not to uccord to every one to be the beet judge of his own man ner of work, and how much he should do; we are led to again refer to Mr. Iiowe'H arduous labors. While we dd not, und do uot, "laud Mr. Howe alone," we do accord to him and to him alone the honor of secur ing the big victory that was obtained. We believe that Mr. Howe's return to the party aud his indefatigable ex ertions for the ticket, and for the re turn of his partisan followers, added at least three hundred and fifty to the small majority which we might Irnve received had he been against the ticket. As we intimated above, while we would applaud the party In the aggregate, for rallying around the Hug. we deem it generous and emi nently proper, in making up the rec ord, to give a special page iu honor of Mr. Howe. No man spent more hours, nor spoke half as many hours In pleading, notpo much for the individ uals of the county ticket, as for the National cause, the supremacy of the Stars and Stripes, as did Church Howe; thus arousing and firing their patriotism, as no other man could do in tills county, the people fell into line and voted for "measures and not men." When we are sick tho man who cures us is tho best doctor. When the Republican party of Nemaha was sick Senator Howe stepped to the front and cured it. Facts, figures, all data, and comparisons with what we were and what we are, give the credit to Mr. Howe, aud a generous people would nut withhold it. Wuat Makes You sick? You nave allowed your bowels to become habitually costive, your liver lius become torpid, the same thing uilctyour kidueyrt. and you are juot used up. Now be sensible, get a package of Kidney-Wort, talie it iaithtully ana soon you will forget you've got any siicu organs, for you will be a well man. Hutttr Iluyers everywhere are retumg to take white lardy looking butter except at 'grease' prices. Consumers waut nothing but Kilt-edsied butter, and buj'ers there fore recommend their patrons to keep a uniform color thn uuhnut the year by uHng the Perfected Butter Color mad by Well, Richardron &. Co., Burlington. Vt. It is the only color that can be relied on to never injure the butter, and to always cive the perfect color. Sold by drucci-ts. Kidney-Wort in hot weather sus tains the system and keeps up the strength. Anew stock of Men's and 3oy's '. "RnhlaQv Soots at Eotrison's. , CEEIES CHEAP , eanacaj 11 mi vmwrmn luiawatwi . Kidney Complaints ' . of all dbtscriptluuanlt: 1 elleVeU atoned and speedily cured by Klduey-Wort. It otems luteuded by nature for the cure of all diseases ot the kidneyd by weakness and debility. Its great tonio now an are eopeuially directed to the ituioval of this clu3aof,diaeuae8. Try it to-day. Low i'rlces for flutter. The New York Tribune u in mar ket report, explained why some but ter is sold for such low prices. la speaking of gutter it said "light col ored goods are very hard to d if pose of and several lots were thought well sojj at Sto IQceHts-.'' Ifbuttermak ers would get the top prloe. they Mi0uld use the Perfected Butter Col or, made by Wells Richardson & Co., Bu rlington, Vt. It gives a pure dan delion color and never turns red, or rancid, but tends 10 Improve and! preserve the butter. Guard Afrnlnt Disease. If yon find yourself getting billouo,. head heavy, mouth foil, eyes yellow, kldnpyp disordered. symptoms of piles tormentlntr you. take at once a few doses orKid'ney-Wort. It is nature's great assistant. Use It advance guard don't wait to get down sick. feeble Ladies. Those languid, Ureopmaensatlous, causing you to feel scarcely able to bo ou your feet; that coustant drain that is taking from your system all its elasticity ; driving the bloom from your cheeks; that continual strain upon yoar vital forces, rendering yqu irritable and fretful, can easily be re moved by the use of that marvelous remedy. Hop Bitters. Irregularities and obstructions of your system are relieved at once, while the special calico of periodical pain la permantly removed. Will you heed this? Cjn cinnati Saturday Wight. Don't ruin your health, and be sides mako yourself disagreeable to other people by your continual couch inc. A 25 cent bottle of Dr. Marsh all's Lung Syrup will euro you. Sold by A. W. Nickell. Home Grown Trees and Vines. I have a good supply of well known and western leuted AppleTreejjone and two years old. Grape Tines and Evergreens, all grown hero in the soil in which they stand. Come and havo your trees dug utider your own eye. Osage Hedge Plants. One million Osage Hedge Plants for sale. Get treec vines and plants whoa you aro ready to plant them. Rort. W. Furnas. Brownville. Neb. m aegnn-niu ua Isolation IVotlce. Nottco la hereby Riven that by mutunl nRreement'tho co-pnrtncrshlp of Richard A. Ilawley and Danlol E. Donglni. pnrtnars,-. itolnic luIne-s under the firm nnmu of Haw Icy & Pauglas, Is dissolved from and after this date. All Indebtments to above firm, cither book account or aol03, cau be settled with D, E. Douglas. R.A.IIAWLSY. November 1. 1S70. D. E.iDouOLAH. Tho business will bo continued n' hereto fore under tho firm' name or D. E. Dounlni & Co. who will pay the highest market prlco. for all kinds of Grain. D. K. Douglas fcCo. COMMERCIAL. THE liU01VXYlI.Ie 3IAKKKTS. BnoWNViLLE. November. 27 1S7H. Following nre the quotations yesterday noon, tho time of colng to prcw. livk Stock. CORRECTED BY n. M. BAII.KY. STOCK DEAX.KR AND SIIII'I'KIC. IIors .SE 760 GO Steers, fair to choice 2 5mH- 00 Cows, fat '- 00&2 50 G RA 77V MA RJCRT.Z CORRECTED BY W. W. HACKNEY, GRAIN DKALBR. Wheat, choloo fall ..- S 60f 100 " spring......... ............ O UO Ityc ... .................. - .. -5 Barley 10 00 Corn In the ear ....-. ... . 21 shelled ft STREET MA RKRTrRODUCR. COKKFCTF.rt WEHKLV BY II. V. UKTT. DEALER IN DKUGB, OROCKRIES AND I'KODIWK. Corn Moal, V 10) -. 5 SOftl 00 Butter. . . -.. " 25 l'mS ..................................... 15' liiinl. ....... ......- ................ 7 10 Potatoes . ............... to Apples...............- 1 601 'J5 Onions .......... ... 50 ChlckenK.oId.per doum ...... 2 6fc2 23 " spring. ... 1 Wl S Chlckensurt'SSPil.'p E . .... 5 Turk oy s, d reed , f. B .. ....... 7 8 Wf.od.-p cord 3 25W6 00 Hay,-? ton 1 505 Qt RETAIL MARKET. Flour, R. T. Davis .. " Savannah Mill fall wheat Olen Koek fall wheat " Glen Roek spring wheat " Sheridan spring wheat- . . " 3emahi Valley spring.. " Graham ....... . .350 3 50 300 2 38 2 25 225 250 7.1 76 20- 1 Qi) 1 00 1 CO 1 00 1 00 1 00 Apples....... .... Bran and Shorts mixed, por 100. Corn, per bushel.. .... Susar, collee A. 9 Bi for.. Extra C. 10 &a C. 19 " IlKlit brown, lifts. Cu t Ir. 7?J ' Powdered, 7Ji&s..... Coiree, UIo, 5 fc O. G.Java, S&lba.- 1 00 1 w 33J4S1 00 . 10 . 8 . I 00 .31 ' 1 601 00 . . 10 : 20&25 Oi75 Uti m Cranberries, per qt -... Dried Corn, ptr a . .... Dried Apples, 28 ft for Dried Peaches. 30 K 'or . Pared Peaches. "j k .... Pitted Cherries, f, L Syrup, per gal ..... .... . . Coal Oil, pergallon ; White Fish, per kit Mankerel. per kit .... ... Salt, per barrel . Coal Ft. bcott red. per ton. ... black, per (on .. 8 W 78 8URLINGT0NHfiWKEYL TWO DOL.L.AHS A YEAR, May be had at all the Xew Stand at Fire Centi per Copy. Yearly club of 9v?. ach -SI 59 Tl.e ll.iwfcfeea!lny frl.WM.isaain.- or rrW oM'-'. . ., ..-! T6e llwfcjrf nd-aitiJnKvr.riaeOiriM ' a Vf ry handsome and valuable Itook of Ml jm-i i-ctavo . 4 09 Th- Hawfeeye and tbe New Holly Sendl Suw for ttva ,, , 3 few The llawtaul(;rave-t- Target Ouh 'i3 Free Seed Distribution, 1879-80. Culhbert ICaspbsry. two pteat to eaek eob- a.-ribf . ., JM K " MoM't Ka;i Oftts X T-l-booe l u - 2.1 Abu-) S;.,iric.i f- - - i . S MftKnuim Sreil (aas'ij. InctoiHm; iMhms;.Hma.. Lrnnl. ke.) . L. - X Ii1 ( fro u stealing I. K&mpfeA) 2T, Hvbrrt r"eni-4o" : ; , ... SO ! nyntt" .iqtMiegias.. Arfcrtolwhw ?uo, Iionvjeu. Letupbyli - 25 - 10 iyils. We wl n.l th IT A WTKEYK. I year. The Rl'RAL SEW YOSKSM. I yvr 2 .2 B Ami loe a-Mve ft f FiUBd aa b To-al AH. posiase tM. to any luMrM, tbr Aldn-a Hawkeya Publishing Co., BURLINGTON, IOWA. by Stevensoii & Cross ,