Newspaper Page Text
r- '! k i f iiCa: 7 X e ,! i' THE ADVERTISER " .. THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1880, Immigration to Nebraska opens up 3f3 i early and brisk- thta year. The up , river papers say travel-was never be fore bo heavy In February on any of the railroads.. DUBLIN, February 28. The Man sion house relief fund amounts to'78. 000. Grant's made, 39,000. Duchess . of Marlborough fund, 63,000. Belief grants, 32,000. -The President has approved the joint-resolution authorizing the Sec retary of the Navy to transport con tributions free foe the relief-of" the Buffering of Ireland. East week occurred the commence ment exercises of the St. Joseph, (Mo.) Medical College, and fourteen fall fledged new doctors were turned loose on the innocent public. A son of Stephen, A Douglas, in Illinois, is a stalwart Republican, and for Blaine. He recently made a speeoh, in w-bioh be said he thought he was-a Democrat until be bad re sided aw-hile In the South, when be became satisfied that be was not.. Crete Standard: The great query with us Is-why the Democratic press of vebrsBka concern themselves en much about Republican Senatorial candidates. Have they had such a hand in making Nebraska Republi can U. S. Senators, that tbey have abandoned their own organization, and find Republicans that make them suoh pledges that it amounts to the same thing as having a Democrat ic U. 8. Senator. Verily it eeeasJike it. It is thought at the treasury depart ment the total receipts from customs this mouth will be nearly $15,000,000; and from internal revenue about $&, 000.000. Taking this as a basis it is estimated the tota customera-reoeiptB of the government for the fiscal year ending June 30 next, will be about $153,000.OO0,and from Internal revenue $118,000,000, tbUB making the total in come to the government, including receipts from miscellaneous sources about $300,000,000. It is calculated the total expenditures, inolnding the sinking fund and interest on the pub lic debt, will foot up between $275, 000,000 and $278,000,009. This would leave a. profit to the government of about $25,000,000. And now-lheQmahai?e2?u& the falsehood of the Grand Is land Independent, that we talked and voted against Gannett, 16 days after Wfi-exoosed its falsity. It is a matter ofno consequence to us. But it ex poses the animus of such papers aR the Republican nnd the Brnwnville -Advertiser. Hastings Nebraskan. So far as- we are concerned, we didn't believe the denial of the-iVe-braskan. ThiB thing of taking for the truth the denial of an arraigned cut- Tirit id too thin. Tbey all deny, of course. However, had we not by ex perience known that the Nebraskan would deny the truth, and intention ally misinterpret and garble the plain writings ox contemporaries, its un corroborated denial might have been considered by us. Petitions, signed by more than Ave thousand citizens of Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas and Texas, were recently presented in Congress, asking such legislation as may be necessary to open the Indian Territory for settle ment by other tbau Indians. They may as well do this first as IaBt, for it will have to be done, or, at least, that gerilal country iclll be settled by whiteB. Immigration is crowding, and will keep on crowding until the Indian is crow.ded out of the way. Some of the most Intelligent of the Indians are asking for titles In sever alty. That would be all right, and he but a slight hlnderance to white set tlement, as the whites would soon oheat the Indians out of their lands. The Indians will have to clear the track for the car of Christianity and. civilization, a? be run over. Butwe persevered and triumphed, until, both in tbo conventions and tbo legislature, the west has her full share. And we shall fight this battle, also, to the same conclusion. If Gov. Furnas and others can'tsee, somebody will be sooner or later made to see. And don't you forget it I Hastings Nebraskan. The self conceited old dunce, has-s-'tany idea that the immense immi gration and settling of the country within the last five years have bad anything to do with representation. "But we persevered 1" The truth 1b the unpleasant and untruthful wbin lngs of granny Williams had'nothing !i do with it. He hurt his oauee bj' Ms miserable, unpopular stylo, more tbau he did it good. Representation has been accorded the west just as fast as population required it, and no person or place, orseotiou ever thought of depriving the west of a single right or a single representative. Last week an old and respected cit izen of Otoe county, named Absalom Donaboo, was killed by hia Insane son, Morrison Donahoo, aged about 22yeara. Before killing his father he killed a horse in the barn with a pis tol. Hia father and brother then took the pistol from and released him, when with a knife the maniao attack ed his father stabbing him four times. He then stabbed two dogs, killing one, tried to kitl his mother who saved herself by running to the bouse with her children and fastening doors and windows. H then went to the barn and again attacked the horses etabblng them with bis knife. He was kept at bay by armed neighbors until officers arrived from Nebraska City who captured and band cuffed him. We learn that the young au thor of this awful work was recover ing from an attack of sickness, and :waa not insane until suddenly seized with frenzy for blood at this time. Communicated. Hot Springs, Arkansas, Feb. 26, 1880. Editor, Nebraska Advertiser. I have been In this cosmopolitan city some days, and I find visitors here from every State In the Union, nearly all of whom, like myself, are health seekers. Almost every form of disease to which the human family are liable, is here represented; This is a city composed of hotels, boarding bouses, bath houses, saloons, etc. There are some good stores, em bracing all lines of business. You can bear.the-eound of the ham mer and saw. In eery direction. The houses are made of Arkansas pine, of which there is an abundauoe in the immediate neighborhood. I think this is destined to be the greatest watering place In the coun try. There is no question but thou sand who come here are completely restored. They claim that they oure elgbtper cent, of all cases of rheuma tism, skin diseases, oatarah, etc. Politically speaking, I find more Republicans here than Democrats. The Globe-Democrat Ib ahead of all other papers here. There are very few of the natives living in town, ex cept blacks, and they seem to be in a nrosnerouB condition, and of course all Republicans in politics. To-day I Interviewed an old South Carolinian. Said he: "We are guine to car ry South Carolina agjn." I ask ed him how they were going to do it. He replied : "Wal, we are jist a guine to do it, any bow." I asked if Borne of the blacks did not vote the Democratic ticket. "Wal, no, they let on to, but tbey don't do it." He told me that In his county the blacks out-numbered the whites five to one. "Yet wo are guine to beat them.' He was frank and honest, and admit ted all that we charge against Demo oratio rule in the South. It would do the readers of The Ad vertiser good to see the veritable "Arkansas Traveler" as he comes to town with bis little old span of oxen bitched to a cart, with one or two bales of cotton, the product of bis year's labor. Cotton is the staple here, and this is a market for it for a large scope of country. I. have drawn this out too long al ready, and will close by subscribing myself, W..G, G. m a. In reply to an invitation extended Mr. Tllden by a Pittsburgh club to at tend their annual reception, or Bend a sentiment, the President elect says: "As I cannot be present on the occa sion I give you a sentiment. Obedi ence to the choice of the majority as expressed in the elections ia the vital priuciple of self government, without which its forms are a sham, repre senting only fraud and force." Dcm ocratic Paper. Yet there are volumes of evidence that the old hypocrite would have bought or stolen the Presidency. A beautiful specimen to utter lessons of virtue and patriotism Is Tllden. With his political reoord staring him in the face, and a convicted swindler of the government, had he a particle of shame and decency left be would crawl into his hole, and bide away from the gaze of honest men, instead of uttering a sentiment that never was a guide for a single step of his life. 1 n am Had the voice of the people been heard and heeded in 1876 Samuel J. Tilden, and not R. B. Hayes would to-day be president, for Mr. Tilden had exceeding a quarlpr of a million majority. Beatrice Democrat. And his majority was obtained by ballot stuffing, bulldozing tissue bal lots and every other conoel vable phase of fraud and rascality. No Democrat with a grain of sense but knows that had the Republicans of Missis sippi, and other Southern States been allowed free expression, Hayes' pop ular majority would not have been less than half a million. Rulings, on the School Law. 147. Since adding unorganized ter ritory to a school district will obvious ly change its boundary,. It is held that such addition cau be legally made on ly on the petition of one-third of the legal voters. (8ee 8ec. 1, School Law.) 148. When the School-board Is unanimous in its action, a teacher may be hired who is a relative of one oral! of the Board. It is only when one member of the Board objects, that a relative cannot be legally hired. 149. The Director has not exclusive authority in regard to furniture and fix tares for the schoolroom. All suoh things should be regulated by the en tire board. S. R. Thompson, State Supc. Pubins. Democratic Call. Headquarters of the Democratic 8tate Central Committee. Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 22d, 18S0. The members of the State Demo cratic Central Committee are hereby notified that a meeting of the com mittee will be held at Witbnell Hotel in the oity of Omaha, on Tuesday, the ninth of March, at six o'clock p. m., for the purpose of fixing the time and place for the holding of the State Convention and for the transaction of such other business as may come be fore the committee. A full attend ance is respectfully solicited. S. H. Calhoun, Secretary. m i Mnzrling Free Speech. New Orleans. February 26. The Senate adopted a resolution suspend ing Senators Dtmaa, Cohen, Simms and Stewart, charged with contempt in signing the Kellogg memorial, and ordering the Sergeant-at-arms to keep tbem in custody until further orders of the senate. The first national bank, Galesbnrg, 111., V7as robbed by negroes on the night of 21st ult. In one of their bouses $93 in niekels were found un der the floor. Rhode Island Republicans their convention 8th fnet. hold IXPOKTAXT TOGH.00L,OEFICERS. School District Business. The attention of school officers is called to the approaching annual meet ing, in each district, which must be held on the first Monday of April. NOTICE. The Director must give written or printed notice of the annual meeting at least fifteen days before, stating day, hour and place of meeting. (See Sec. 21, Sohool Law.) CENSUS. The Director must take the census within ten dayB before the first Mon day In April. If the Director Is ab sen tor unable, the'Moderator or Treas urer must do It. The census can be legally taken only at this time. (Sec. 46, School Law.) THE ANNUAL MEETING, when assembled, should pursue the following order of business, unless speoial circumstances render some other more convenient : THE DIRECTOR'S REPORT. The Director's reportshould be read for the information of the meeting. It should embody : 1. A summary of all buBineos transacted by the district or the Board during the past year. 2. The number of mills of tax lev ied by the district at the last annual meeting; also the number of mills levied by the County Commissioners to pav bonds, or for other purposes connected with the schools. 3, Any other items which will be of use to the district In arranging bus iness for next year. TREASURER'S REPORT. The Treasurer's report should be read. It should contain : 1. An itemized statement of all moneys received by him during the year, and for what received. 2. An itemized statement of all moneys paid out during the year, and for whnt paid. 3. A statement showing money on hand. 4. The total amount of district in debtedness, and when each part of it is due. After this report Is read, the Treas urer should present his vouchers for money paid, and settle with the Board. The full details of this bpI tlement should be noted on the Di rector's record, for future reference. ESTIMATES. Themeetingshould next determine tiie number of months sohool shall be kppt in the ensuing year. (See Sec. 33. Sohool Law ) The Director should then present his estimate of the expenses neoessary to be incurred the ensuing year. If Che district desires to furnish text-booki, the amount to cover their cose should be estimated in "Furni ture and Apparatus." If the district votes to pay Its officers, there must be a special tax voted for this purpose. 3timate the number of mills on tha dollar necessary to be levied to cover each of these several amounts, and the total number. (See Sec. 50; School Law.) This tax, when voted, must be re ported to the County Clerk of the county, between the first and third Mondays of June. (See Sec. 55, School Law.) This report must be made by the Board and signed officially. It must not be forgotten that it is the duty of the district, at the annual meeting, to vote a tax sufficient to pay interest ou all outstanding bonds, and this tax should be reported to the County Clerk with the other levieB. The director should make his report to the County Superintendent within ten days after the annual meeting. If the'Couuty Superintendent has 'not furnished the Direotor with a blank for this report, one can be bad by writing for it to the County Superin tendent. The Director will send with bis re port to the County Superintendent all the teachers' monthly reports he has received during the year ending April 4th, 18S0. In the Director's report the item "number of mills of tax levied during the year ending. April 4th, 18S0," should inolude the taxes which were voted at the annual meetlug in 1879 or at any meeting between that date and the third Monday of June 1879. This report should not include taxes voted at theannual meeting of 1830. The law requires both Director and Treasurer to keep full aud complete accounts of all district business trans acted by tbem. It is the duty of the district to furnish suitable books for this purpose. Such records, properly kept, will do much to expedite busi ness, prevent mistakes, and insure the most economical management of school affairs. Philip Crother, Co. Supt. m m Dr. Brandretb, the noted pill man Ib dead. A convention of dairymen, very largely attended, was held at Monti cello, Iowa, last week. The methods of butter and cheese making were thoroughly discussed. To dun a debtor on a postal card baB been decided by the Supreme Court of Ohio to be unlawful. A mad dog bit three persons In Chi cago one day last week. A man in Seward county, Nebras ka, named Wilbur McNaul accident ally shot himself in one of bis legs last week, and when the limb was amputated the man died. Rev. Dr. C. P. Bush.N. Y., secreta ry of foreign missions, died 22d ult. Jas.McGuire, Grand Rapids, Mich., oonvioted of robbery, has been sen tenced to the penitentiry for 5 year. Rev. Josiah Leonard, of the Presby terian Church, Clinton, Iowa, died 22d ult. Charles Mauke. Buffalo, N. Y., Is to be hanged April 2d for murder. Enoch Young, a boy, was stabbed to death in a saloon fight, in Cincin nati. James Howard, for wife murder and Thos. Edmonds for murdering his mistress and illegitimate child, were hanged at Little Rock, 27th ult. A little boy named Watson was killed by tbt kick of a horse at Troy, Kanf&e. .A conflagration occurred at Frank-' lin, Franklin county, Neb., last week, destroying the store of ;Mr. Lohffand nearly all its contents $2,600 worth. A. R. Benton, of Chicago, suicided by shooting, at Topeka, Kansas, last week. F. E. Nororosa, a telegraph operator at Carlisle, 111., was killed by the cars 23d ult. O. G. Mender, residing near Atchis on, Kansas, was assassinated last week. He was shot dead through a window while he was eating his sup per. Mender's wife has been arrested as accessory to the crime. Ou the 23d ult. in Jefferson county. Texas, a MrB. Clark wasassaultedand outraged by three men. A mob arrest ed one of them, he confessed, and was then burned to death by having his clothing set on fire after they had been well saturated with coal oil. Postmaster Glofcke, of Cheyenne, W. T., has been detected in crooked ways, and bounced. He Is publisher of the Cheyenne Leader. My Good Woman Why are you bo out of sorts, never able to tell the folks yon ara well ? Ten to one It's all cansed In the first placo by habitual con stipation, which bos no doubt finally caused deranged Kidneys and Liver. The sure cure for constipation, 13 tho celebrated Kidney- Wort. It is nlso a speclflc.remedy for all Kidney and Liver diseases. Thousands are cured by It every mouth. Try it at once. A Successful Datrymnu lsthoone that makes -uniform "gilt-edged" butter the season through. The best dairy men all found that theie Is no article so per fectly adapted to keeping up the golden June color, now absolutely necessary in order to realize the best price, as Is Wells, RIchurdson & Co's Perfected Butter Color, inude at Burl ington, Vt. Buy it at the Druggists, or send for dercriptlve circular. Kidney-Wort radically cures Biliousness, Plies and nervous diseases. Carnenter tools and builders hardware at Willing Bros. Nemaha City. m Mr. John Schleyer, the proprietor of the Chilton, Wis., Volktbote, a progressive Ger man weekly, gratified na with the follow ing: With pleasure I add my testimonial to the many already given In favor of St. Jacobs Oil, which I had occasion tQ test personally. I suffered extreme pains In the back of my neck, which were almost unbearable. Hav ing heard of St. Jacobs Oil I dispatched one of my men to the nearest drug store, pro cured a bottle, and commenced to apply it at once. The pain subsided, and on the next morning I was all right again. Report of the Condition OF THE 1st NATIONAL BANK, AT BttOWNVILLE, In the State of Nebraska, at close of tmsinesii, Febrnary 31, 1880. RESOURCES. Loans andlHscounts . . Overdrafts. ... ,..-- $160,31 21 m.. 30 73 U. S. .Bonds to secure Circulation 60.000 00 Other Siosks.Bonlsaud Mortgages 13,320 54 Dae from approved reserve agents 8.066 41 Due from other National Banks ..... 41S 53 Due from State Banksand Bankers 2,241 SI Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures . 9,105 63 Current expenses and taxes paid 1,037 45 Checks arid other cash ltem3. . . 2,877 06 Bills of other Banks . 1,434 00 Fractional currency (Including nickels) 111 01 Specie (Including sold Treasury certifi cates) - 6,867 03 Legal-tender notes .. . . 14,000 00 Redemption fund with U.S. Treasurer (5 per cent, of circulation) 2,250 00 Total- ..5272,351 77 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid la Surplus fuod.. . .. TJndlvlded uronts. ..... .. ,. J50.000 00 .- 20,000 00 55.445 40 National Bank notes outstanding... . 45,000 00 Individual deposits subject to Chock J90.-415 53 Demand certificates ordcposlt 1.101 W Time certificates of deposit 8,306 33- Total Deposit 90.S23 8G Due to other .National Banks 1.059 93 Dte to State Banks and Bankers ...... 1,022 58 Total $272.l 77 STATE OF NEBRASKA, 1,, County or Nemaha. J I, A.R Davison. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. A.R. DAVIfiO. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2na day of March.lSSO. J.C. JTCNacohtom. Notary Public Correct Attest: JNO.L. CARSON,-) WM.T. DEN. -Directors. M.A.HAND LEY.) We Mean Cured, Not Merely Relieved And Can Procc lFhnt tee Claim. Cg There arc no failure and ninllmp pointtnenla. If you are troullcit with SICIt MEAHAC3n you can heeanllj and quickly cured. a humlrtdi have been already. TVc shall Ie pleael to mall a aheet of testimonials lo any Interested. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Also cure nil forms of Biliousness, prevent Consti pation and Dyspepsia, promote Digestion, relieve distress from too hearty eating; correct Disorders of the Stomach, Stimulate the Liver, and Regu late the Bowels. They do all this by taking Just one little pill at ft ioe. Tlicy are purely vegeta ble, do not gripe or purse, nnd are as nearly per fect as It is possible for a pill to lie. Price 25 cents, Sr for$I. Sola lir drMSJiti r tt) wIhtc ornent by mill. CARTER MEWriXJD CO ERIE. PA Sold by A. W. Nlckell. 27yl. CHARLES BODY Hereby calls the attention of tha people of Brownvllle and vicinity to the fact that he keeps a full line of tho best FAMILY GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, FLOUR, CONFECTIONS, etc. And jells at the very Lowest Living Rates. He also bis a L ESTAUTiANnp Where Steals at all Hears arts fnrnshed npon the shortest notice. People from the country are invited to call and get a "square meal" for only 25 CEJYTS JJ M. BAILEY, SUirrEK AND DEALER IN LIE STOCK BIIOWXVILLE, NEBRASKA. Farmers, please call and get prices; I want to handle yonr stoci. Offlce-FlrEt Matlcnal Back. MuftUCri J"JS CHILDREN CryforPitcker'sCaBtoria. TkeyUke itbecaHse it is sweet; Motkers like Caateria became it gives kealtk ta tke child; and. Physicians, because it oostaias no morphine or mineral Castoria Id nature's remedy for assimilating tke food. It cures Wind Colic, tke raising of Sour Curd and DiarrkcBa allays Foveriskness and Kills Worms. Thus tke Child kas kealtk and tbo Mother obtains rest. Pleas ant. Cheap, and Reliable. CENTAUR LINIMENTS The most effective Fain-reUoving aeenU for HAN and BEAST the world has over known. Over 1,000,000 Bottles sold last year I Tie reasons for this unprecedented popu larity, aro cTident; the Centaur Idni ments are made to deserve confidence thoy are absorbed into the structure; they always euro and never disappoint. No person need longor suffer with PAIN in the. BACK, Rheumatism or Stiff Joints, for the CENTAUR Liniments will surely exterminate the pain. There is no Strain, Sprain, flnt. Scold. Burn. Bruise, Sting, Gall or Lameness to whioh Mankind or Dumb JBruxos are sanjeoi, wu. iw not respond to this Soothing "balm. The Centaur LINIMENTS not only rolieve pain, but they Incite healthy action, subdue inflammation, and cure, whether the symptoms proceed from wounds of the flesh, or Neuralgia of the Nerves ; from contracted Cords or a scalded hand; from a sprained ankle or a gashed foot? whether from disgusting PIMPLES on a LADY'S PACE or a strained joint on a Horse's Log. The agony produced by a Burn or Scald; mortification from Frost-bites; Swell ings from Strains : the tortures of Rheu matism: Crippled for life, by some neglected accident: a valnahle horse or a Dootor's Bill nay all be saved from One Bottle of Centaur Liniment. No Housekeeper, Farmer, Planter, Teamster, or Liveryman, can afford to be without these wonderful Liniments. They can be procured in any part of tho glohe for 50 ctsi and $1.00 a bottle. Trial bottles 23cts. J". L. :R0"3T, Undertaker Keeps nfullllneol BURIRCASES&CASKETS Ornamented and Plain. Also Shrouds for men. ladles and Infants. All orders lert with Mike Felthouser will receive pi ompt attention. S3- Bodies Preserved and Embalmed. 5G 3Inin Street, BI101TOYILLT.,XEB. TGNSiORlAL Tho old Barbershop No. -17 Js now owned and run by J". H. Hawkins. t is the best flttedlshop In the city, and t place ls'generally patronized by the people. Mr. Hawkins keeps no assistants whoare not Experts at The Business, and gentlemanly and accommodating In their conduct. All kinds of T0NS0RIAL WORK dpne promptly and satisfaction guaranteed. THE BEST DYES made are always in preparation. J cu. . I i jC3 JL -1.-1. is now proprietor of the f14 IMfflffli u. L) and is prepared to accomodate tho public with GOOD, FRESH, SWEET MEAT, Gentlemanly and accommodating clerks will at all times be In attendance. Your patronase solicited. Remember the place the old Pascoe shop, Main-sU, Broicnvillc, - Nebraska ABBOTT & EMERY, Workers In "Wood and Iron3 at the old place, fot of COLLEGE ST. WAGONS, MACHINERY, PLOWS, ETC., promptly repaired. All kinds of BLACKSMITHIHG done to order, and Satisfaction Guarantied, WAN I fcU canity . On U.S. to uU ti. Cjel3pll of Tbtog truth KaowUc" J latiaiptics. To mth st, witu (4 ttttitMt, Uraui O. iUt fm, ul f In Wrs tin -will ixssn x crl.r srir 1 100 stfc. Adtjtt 13TWUrj.J3CXU rtB. CO,3:x tVO. Ctlt J Me. XFDTCITY CORNER Carpenter tools, rope and boltBat Willing Bros. ."5" -. Splendid weatber.Wt the fall wheat needs rain. You needn't go to Brownvllle for hardware, stoves and tinware,- for Willing Bros, haveeverylhlng. Bodineas Is going to boom iu Ise maba this season and don't you for get it. Philip Crother, County Superin tendent is again Buffering with bis eye. . "Drs. Andrews cc Foster are build ing a neatofflce justsouth of Bender's drug store. W. 8. Clark buried one of his children last Sunday. Another one, the youngest, baa diphtheria but it Ib hoped will get along. Immigration is setting in, and our hotels arc alive with business. Several n?w buIIdingB are under way of construction. The new Christian Church build ine as it nears completion shows wellabout the center of tbo hand somest town site on the Mo. river. The spire U altitudinal and will do well if it holds its own with our Ne braska zephyrs. See Wm. Dralu's nice advertise ment. Titus Bros, have just received a new stock, and are chock full of goods andorowded daily with custom ers. WiHing Bro3. are shelving a magnificent stock of hardware. For boots, shoes and hats call on Titus Bros. Willing Bros, have a full line of nails, from a tack to a spike. The farmers are getting ready for seed time. Stoves. Stoves, Stoves, at Will ing Bros. Nemaha City. Wm. Drain, Nemaha City, haB just opened out n large and excellent assortment of goods in the Minick block. Bead bis double column ad vertisement. J. P. Hoover, Nemaha City, last Friday sold to Rabe Elliott, with Bnusfield, four pigs which aggregated 1,730 lbs. We call attention to the article by our county superintendent, headed "Information to School Officers " The various school officers of the sev eral districts will receive the same also in circular. All who are interested In the or ganization of a Sabbath school at Ne maha City, are invited to be present at the services in the sohool honse at 3 p. m., as there will be a Sabbath school organization at the close of services. Communion services at Nemaha City Sabbath afternoon at 3 o'clock. NEW CASH STORE Tlie People of iTemaiia County -will Please take Notice William Drain lias again commenced business in and is now opening in the Minick "block, first door east of tne Hardware store, new and fall stocks of G-roceries, Queensware, Boots and Slaoes, JELats and Caps, and HA-RISTESS, of every kind. I propose to keep everything tke people want in tke lines above named, and to sell at lowest living prices for ROBERT Robert Teare. Robert Teare. Robert Teare. Farm Robert Teare. !Piows' Harrow WaBns- Suiky Robert Teare. ! Cultivators, Robert Teare. Robert Teare. Robert Teare. Call and see me one door West of Ponn's Store, Brownville, and I Will Sell you Goods as Cheap as the Cheapest. EOBBRT TEARE. Rupture rR. .T. A. STTER.WAW-IS TiE. ORIGNAI, A"ND ONI.7 DR. SHERMAW U known to the public Inr the past ;i5 yeat or more thrmigh his successful metlirwl of treating Rapture without the annoyance and Injury trusses inflict. Ills system of cure Is by local extern al application. 'nman is safe who matter how Insignificant he may consider It, foreverv man who has died from It once nttteri himself tnatit was but trilling ailment: nnd every mm who now suf fers from It and tne Injury of truoses, to such an extent that life has no enjoyment, once regarded It as unworthy apacial cttcntlon. It Is not a stand still affliction : Itlaprosrewtve. even unto death. Refer ences given to gentlemen in the city, who have been cured. Darin treatment no hindrance from labor. Patients from abroad co receive treatment and leare forborne ra eday. KCIS BOOK OrvT TtTJITTJIl.B plves the mo reliable proofs from distinguished professional gentlemen, clergymen and merchants of hi successful practice and popu .rlty therefrom throughout this country and th West Indies. The afflicted shonld read It and Inform themselves or the certainty of Intcured. It Is Illustrated with photostnpt ic likenesses of extremely bad caaei before and after cure nnd mailed to those who send In cents. Save tbU. and renn-mbfr In wri"ntrirB'i ! ''i-p ' DR.J.A.SHERMAN 251 Broadway, cor Murray at.. New xo... CAUTION The repueatton of Dr. J. A. Sherman, attained from -toyturs successful practice has start ed around fe country Pretenders who assume to be the original Iir. Sherman famous lor the cure of Kapture. Twoof these parties, an old aid youns man. recently turned np in lioston; thydup-d sever al by their Fraudulent Advert sements ; when detected, vult wai brought, and the fellows ran away leaving sorrowful victims, room rent, board bills and newspapers unpaid. ."lnce then thy nave been discovered at 211 Broadway, New York, where they recently, by base deceptions defrauded an ajed Clergyman. 35 wi JACOB MAROHN, MERCHANT TAILOR, and dealer In FraeEagllsh.rzaaes, Scotch tad Iulcj Cloths TeitiBgi, Etc., Etc. Brcwnvflle, PFebraekm, TITUS BROS DEALERS J1V DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. READYMADE CLOTHING, NOTIONS, Etc., Etc., Etc. Nemaha City, Nebraska, Will sell goods as cheap as any house In Southeastern Nebraska. jmw & Mimm Uemalia City, Neb., pENERAL MERCHANDISE: CANNED GOODS, CONFECTIONS, Etc. Keeps a varied stock of everythlng;the"peo ple want. Call and Bee him. L. M. FOSTER, PHYSICiAH I IBmi Nemaha City, Nebraska. Obstetrics a Specialty. Sight Calli Promptly JLnsnered. S IF llFOilte:? BOOTS. SHOES. AND HARNESS Made and repaired as well as can be done anywbero.and at short notlco AND VERY REASONABLE TERMS. LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. Good buggies and horses, charges reas onable. Best of care taken of transient stock. -V.TTJJtf CIT1 .VJ?.B. DAVID A. MORTON, Bladismitli, Nemaha City, Nebraska. Machine repairing and horseshoeing aspe clalty. HOOVER HOUSE. J. B. HOOVER, Proprietor 2-JE3UUA CITI, XEBBASKA. This house treats Its patrons to flrsNclass accommodations, in every particular: and has good stabling for horses. Hy Bote!? LEVI J0HHS0N, PROPRIETOR, NEMAHA CITY NEE, Centrally located : Good fare, and no trou ble spared to make guc3ts comfortable. Good barn for horses and Charges Reasonable. TEARE, Dealer in all Kinds of Machinery, SXJCIi -A.S hows, spring wagons, Reapers, Mowers, Corn Sheilers Threshing Ma chines, Corn Planters, Pumps, &c, and any other article in form of Machinery, rpHOMAS BUSHES.-, X N0TABY PTJBLIU GLEN ROOK, NEBRASKA. Deeds, Mortgages, powers of Attorney, and other Instruments in writing carefully drawn, and acknowledgment taken. CoI Ie;t!eB a Bcecialty. 8ltf. L2GAL ADVEXTISEMEJfTS. i J ESTATE OF JOSEPH J. PASCOE. deceased. In the County Court of Nema ha Coonty, Nebraska. In'the matteror allowing tho final admin istration account of Annie J. Pnscoc admin istratrix of the estate or Jcseph J. Poacoc, Notice" Is hereby given that the iOth day of March, A. D.. 1S8C, at 1C o'clock at the ofllco of the County Judge of Nemaha County, Nebraska, iff Brownvllle. Nebraska, has been fixed by tha court as the time and place for ezsmlnlng und allowlntcsald account when and where all persons Interested may appear and con test the name. h? Dated Febrnary 20. 18PO. 36w4 J. 8. STULL. Connty Judge. (No. 12H.) THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF JL Jesse L. Brown, deceased, will take no tice that a petition has been filed In the dis trict conrt in and for Nemaha county, Ne-brasRn-, wherein Geo. VT. Benfamf n Is plain tiff and the unknown heirs of .Teoae L. Brown are defendants. The object and prayer of said petition Is to correct an error In the acknowledgment of a deed from Jes se L. Brown and Sarah E. Brown, his wife, to Barton S. "Wood, for the south hnlf of tbo southeast qnarter of sect'on twenty-elfzht,. township four of range fourteen east. In Ne maha County, Nebraska. Said petition asks for the insertion of the name of Jesse L. Brown In the acknowledgment to sai.l deed, which is dated August 17th, 1879, and record ed in Nemaha County Peed Record. Book Four. Page 243. Said defendants are required to answer or otherwise plead to said petition on or before the 22d day of March. ISsO. 3. A.OSBORN. Attorney for Plaintiff A LONZO DOUD. OP THE STATE il. of New York, will tako notice that Xtt tle L. Dond. of tho County of Nemaha. Ne braska, did on the Sth day of I'ebninrv, 1-SO, file her petition In tbeiHstrict cnu t wlthtn and for Nemaha Connty, Nebrnsku. against said Alonzo Doud, defendant, settlnc forth that she had been a resident of said Nemaha county for six months last past, that Si p tember 1st. 1S36. she was married to defend ant, tbatnbout July 2d. 1879. defendant was guilty of extreme cruelty toward her. that defendant is of sufficient ability to provide a suitable maintenance for her. which he re fuses to do. and praying that on the tlnal hearing of this case she may bo divorced from him, and th sal J Alonzo Doud is nr. flcd that he Is required toapnear and answer said petition on or before the ld day of March, lfaSO. NETTIE L. DOT7P. 31w4 By her attorney, J. S.STCi.t. ESTATE OF JOHN. J. WARD, deceased. In the County Court of Nema ha County, NebraiKa. in tne matter or al lowing the final adm'nlstratlon account of Edmund Hnddart. ndnilnlsiru'oi of tho es tate or John J. Wird, def -o.. Notice Is Iierebv rIvt. .u March 6th A. D. 1SS0. at 0 oVr s . M.. at -the oClce of the County Ju..: of Nemaha County. Nebraska, in BrownUle. has been flxedrby the conrt, as the t:ui aud place for examining and allowing said account when and where all persons Interested may appear nnd contest the same. Febrnary 6tb, 1SS0. JOIIN S STULL. 3Jwi County Judge. WTATEOF WYMAN KENT. DE Xli ceased. In the County Court of Nema ha County, Nebraska. Notice Is hereby given that March 6th. April inth, and September 11th, 18S0. at 10 1 o'clock a. ni.. of each dny. at the office of the County Judge of Nemaha County. Ne braska, In Brownville. Nebraska, have Lcn nxed by the court as the times and place, when and where all persons who havo claims and demands against said deceased can have the same examined, adjusted and a- owed. All claims not presented at tto l-st mentioned date forever harred bv ordei of the court JOHN 8. STULL. 31wJ County Jndgo. Dated Febrnary 7th, 1830. Road Kotice. To all whom It may concern : The commis sioner appointed to locate a road commerc ing at the northeast corner of the northwrt quarter of section four, township four, norMj , of range thirteen east, and running south rii the west side of the line from the abfve li -scribed ca-ner to the southeast corner of th. southwet quarter of said section four, and on the wjuth line nrsald section: thence run ning wet on said section line to 'he nnr'h east corner of the west half of tho northwest quarter of section nine, township fonr, north of ranse thirteen east; thenco south on the west side of the line from said corner to the southeast corner of the west hnlf of tlo northwest quarter of said section nire, thence west to the southwest corner of tl'i northwest quarterof3ald section nine, town four, range thirteen ent, has reported in fa vor of the establishment of said road and the vacation of naif mile of a road from the quarter section corner on the west line of said section nine, north to the northwest corner of said section nine, town four, range thirteen cast thereof. And all objctlonn thereto or claims for damnacs, must be filed In the County Clerk's office on or before noon of the 10th day of May, A. D. 1W0. or such road will be established and vacated without reference fherfo. SAMUEL crr.BERTSON. 31w4 County Clerk. Dated this 10th day of February, 1S.0. Road Kotice. To all whom It may concern: The commis sioner appointed toalteraroad commencing at the southwest corner of section 2S, town ship 5. range 13 east In Nemaha county, Ne braska, and running thence north 6 chains, thence east 16U, south .1 chains thenee east fflj. south thrcp rhalns. thenco east 21 V, south 4 SO chains to the north Mneof the ro-i t on the section line between sections 2S and 33, townhip 5, range 1.5 eust ; and vac ting that portion of the old road between the southwest corner of said section 23. anJ where tho new location Intersects said line, has reported In favor of the establishment and vacation the-eof, and all objecuors thereto or claims for damntres, must bellied in the County Clerk's office on or beforo noon of tho 10th dav of May, A. D lSbO, or such road will be and vacated without reference thereto. SAMUEL CULBERTSON. Stwl County Clerk. Dated thl 10th day of February. 1SS. WANTED, 10,000 Bushels of Corn, for which I will pay the highest MAJRISET PRICE, in cash "Wm. Tidrow, Asplnwall. 500 Customers to buy 2,000 yards of prints at 6J ots per yard Men and Boys heavy boots at cost, and Wo men's heavy Hhoes at cost. "VVm. Tidrow, Asplnwall, Neb., Corner 2d and Main sts. Aaron Palmer. Soft. Joiiaioa. NEW RESTAURANT, Palmer & Jolmsoii. First Door West of tha Old National Bini Building. This Arm, having fltted up thoso rooms wit rnn a first class restaurant, -where good warm meals can be had at all hours. They give their customers, the best viand In tho market, including fresh ovstors served la any manner called for. ry iii2XL5!5tauran All Orders for an Express Left Triln Them t-v ill be Promptly attended to 0OSI!! &it7ebs The Bitters lnvarlab y rem dyye"owness of tha COmriTexInn And ?hlrMi r y,n .vm njtta 1. k right side and under the right shoulder-biade. fur row tongue, high colored urine, nausea, vertigo 1 dyspepsia, constipation, heav ness or the heaT mental despojfieney. and every other manifests! tton or accompaniment of a disordered condition of the liver. The stomach, bowels and kidneys ei I perienca their regulating and tonic Influence Par tzia by aabrsiisad Usilsis ssrallr. v Otfiftr y A ) --i