Newspaper Page Text
--4-nJJSW pa THE ADVERTISER THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1SS0. 1 sad Dsaartnre of Hails at Brown- TiEePostoSce. "vniE a? closing", B- i M. Mortis T:0Oa.m. ftO()p.m. R & SL Soath. K C & C. B. Poath. R.C&a B. Nerth- 2tf0p.:n. Tecsmseb DnSlr SUure 7:00 a. m. Tecaiaseh via Glen Roc&Pndnncfc c Mondays, 'Wedaesdays and KrMa.Trg film a. m. ?Wlig Mondays and Fridays ,7:00 a.m. AKRTYAI B &1L Uorth. ..7:3) a.m. JfcfO p. m- B. & M Sath. K. r. & r. B. Soaih. K. r. & c. . Nrth. TeeaKi.efc Dully SJaure Line tSOp.rm TecaRveh THilays. Therstkiys and Saturdays via. Glen Rscfe, ?miniwL- at.- , frftt p. m. FeeMac Tuesdays & SUardHyswfc3fl p. to. -e-OSce hour , a. m. to 8 p.m.""SS. T. C. HACKEE, P. 3L School books at XiekeH's. School supplies at ?TiekelF. New supply of nice cakes at Far man Painters. Beat boMnic of flour kept by Ste venson Jt Cross. TV- i Mtinml hws fine BrownviHe quite encoring. The best bcamfe of nour c hand at T. L. Jones'. aiwavs Grand La&s. Kl of P., loth seaeion, Nebraska Cisy, cbttr 12th. For the best nmi cheavcst cook stove go to Sfcevenson & Cms. The school redact yem received by us too late lor this week's issue. - A fidl and rowplcte stock of f ur nitore kept by Stevenson & Cross. roarieea awe Berkshire pigs to trade, for ftve tons of bar. Enouireat this oftee. Marsho Boify irM sell off of cattle and hoc-es at auction e lth inst. lot the! Grading en the B. ft AT.fetonoiou tt..I lgra at Xmiulra City afaont toe ah of this The nainiiwitiaa of Tipton for (rovrnor! "Whoc a btKtesatte. "Why he can't earrv Ms own Tke Guards-wb ksve tada hih - f TBi.-; hotae with tktum. are rqti4ed t bring them to headquarters, so that t.ier mar be oFd wheii wanted. It is wtowariitagto aee tba aaorat of znmbs omtmaally leaving the Rail r'.wlStoreeoodrtiWy2"Wiii. Tklrow, tt cpmwaU. lie wants i.00 pooabs of liuuer at 3 ets. per piwod aMd dtx-n of gs at JB eents pjr dooea and r h)i customers xo eacry away tke g - l past out by Jwiaceif aod tbrse god eierks. tf The GorfteM Goacds wore otit in fall force bwt "Wednestiay evemag ev erv anifirm beiag takea aad aaade a 'IfTvlid disphty. After warching p :ind dfnoi the streets for awhile, they t ! ma body into the opera koeee and l'.u-4 the speech of Gea. Taa Wyck. Ti.-y ormpied the gallery and ftUed it -u. The Gwmk are aHntys oa kand v ; -n it is at all important that they iVuM be. The Democrats lie so mitei abot the lack penskm laws, that we this vrH-k lay before oer readers the votes of the two parses in Congress, as taken from the official records. The artkle, p-hich. we take from the Inter Oeean, is fall in its informfttiofi. and exactly truthful, ae any Democrat wh cares rJx ut kaowing tke trath. may easily as tertain by examining tke Congression al proceedings. Aa exchange, speaking of canary 1 ink. 4avs to remove vermin from tke 1 .ni.-- and cages, "Pat a piece of cotton around the end of each perch at night, remove the cotton in the morning v ::h the vermin). Pat in new, clean pt-r-hes; dean the cage every day. i. t the lard a bath every morning in a .rood large dish; remove it as soon as the bird has finished; scald tke ends of tlit- perches every day before patting iiim in the cage again; renew the cot ton around tke perches every night, and remove the morning until the bird is free from the vermin. One of the most pleasant features of the Repobiieaa meeting last Wed nelay evening was the Abe "WaHaats martial band, composed of father and three little ens. The former is the fiferand Joseph the youngest, a di minutive specimen of six or seven years lwate the bass dram and keeps time perfectly, while George and Char lev rattle each a snare drum to per fection. Before tke speaking commenc ed thev appeared on the stand and pUedieveral pieces, at the encore of the rowd. Abe is training bis boys up in the way tbeyshoeld always go. Gen. Tan "Wyek, as per appoint ment, opened the campaign in this " city on last "Wednesday evening. He addressed the largest meeting that has oeen held here yet in this campaign. Everv seat in the opera koase was oc- cnpied, and many conM not find seats and stood up, Hiterested listeners, dunng the entire speech. The speech. ras thought by many tke best made here yet. Tke General is a very inter esting talker, taking np varions points of issue in rapid succession, withoat circumlocBtion, hittifig tke squirming copperbead every Hck where it hurt the worst. He quit when he got done some speakers don't do that, you. know and left Democracy, stripped of its stolen fine clothes, dangling a L'deous skeleton in auditors. the minds of his CLOSING OUT SALE. I mil close out DRY OTHIIT Hats and Caps. Ladies' and Childrens Shoes, Motions, Eib bons and Fancy Goods, at and KIT All who want OIAL BARG-AINS will call soon, as I will close out Regardless of st. I also offer my residence and store house property for sale, and BUSINESS BEEViTiiS. Teachers head quarters at Xickel's. Cask paid for butter and eggs at Gates'. For first class groceries call on T. L. Jones. 2iekefis diurrbce cure never fails. Sample free. Groceries of ail kinds by Ste ven son & Cross. Extra copies of the advertiser at A. TT. Xk-keiis. Smoked ball that, coilfisk al Xo. 1 mackerel as Gates'. CotSns and furattHre.a lacge stock of ail styles by Stevenson fe Cross. Moaej to loaa on Resd Estate se coritT. Apply to Wm. II. Hoover. Call at A. W. Xfcrkell's arag store for a bottle of Tkotuats' ecleetrk oil. Lamp cbiineys of every (iescrio tioo at Jonbs.' Heating stoves, all kinds, at prices ito saitaH. at Stevenson & Cross. Sargbam Mill and Evafwrator for f side ebeap. R. S. Kaxnaford. A big stock of beating stoves and , will be soM low by Stevenson & Cross Fresh Bread, pies and cakes al ways on hand at Fnrman & Palmers- If yon want stoves, furniture' qneeneware etc., very low, call on Ste venson & Cross. . Dr. Collins, Dentst, Bcownville. 0(3ce boors, 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Xot at home on Fridays. ifaney loaned on improved farms. 10 per cent, interest. Xo eoatxtEgkm T. L. Schick. Best Bread ia Brownville at the new Bakery of Fanaaa & Palmer al ways fresh and clean. Give them a trial. Stevenson & Crass invite all who wish to bay anything kopt in their line to look through their varied stock Goods sold low Big stock of fail wall paper and window shades, just received at Xick eU's Drag Store. Married, October 3d. at !? resi dence of tke bride s parents. Mr. John Harding and Miss Priscilia Perry, by EH. Chas. Rowe. Titus & Williams, 'Xemaha Gity, have an immense stock of goods the largest ever brought to that city. are constant! r receiving more. -And The nnmber of cattle that 1ms crossed on the ferry at this city with in the last two weeks, for feeding ia Missouri is about o,50; and droves continue to eomeda3y. 2emsba Times. Died. In Brownville, Sept. 2S, 1SS0. Clttie Duvdaxa, only daughter of Thomas X. and Julia L Sanders, aged 4 years 10 months and 13 days. Oar darrins sister, the pet of all who knew her, kas gone, nevermore to jx- turn. Ah. how lonely is the house hold without her, and how bard it is to believe that "He doeth aH things for the best." M AJteefe call' tfeeelttUe wHbj Called tfcee la Shy ery Meoni; "w thy Itttle form is tyt 1b the csld and biieet toaib. SfBA'l -K-hlte Iwads are Really folded. Qwtet.noT" her MtUe ftet ; BrigBtesSeyesIarc timed ferever Geae tbe srntles ttaftt were so sweet. We wtM znkfs tteec, rweet oae sadly, Neawef t sister now to ; Bet we'll meet thee. Itttteduriiag, In that home .perfect Miss." ilr. Editor, I happened to pick np the ffroner the other day, by which I see that the little g. e. who stole the school children's organ, and swindled tlmt Xew Tork firm out of thesg gold pent, is still publishing his Hes, and garbled extracts grom the Creilit Mobi- Ker report But whatever effect the utterances that sanctimonious rogue have now is for GarSehL A gentleman recently said to me: "I didn't know how it was about that Credit Mobilier matter. The Granger said one way and Tke Adveeteee said another, and for satisfaction I have examined for my self, and find The Advertiser's posi tion to be the true one tha there is no testimony convicting Gen. Garfield, and that the report of the commit tee touching Garfield's case, acquits him of all wrong. That Granger paper, I now nB7, constantly and persistent ly Hes about the matter, as deliberately as any conscienceless assassin ever struck in the dark at the back of his unsuspecting victim." And this is not an isolated case. The unenviable rep utation of the editor of the Granger for truth and honor, in political and busi ness affairs, which he has long had in Brownville, is extending to his readers . in the country, and they are dropping, ihim. Yon will see. Znrar.. my entire stock of GOODS, 0"W COST. possession given short- iOUIS LOWMAN. Eally! lally! Eslly ! On inst. the of Thursdav 14th Dr. B. Bell Andrews, and COX,. SAM. RICH, VViIl address the Garfield and Arthur Club, m the opera house this city. Bain Tragons the best and for sale by Stevenson & Cross. Coming, the largest stock of overcoats, winter .cloth ing in the market. CHEAP SAM. Ormraii Eotice. Tke Synod of Nebraska will meet in ;tbe First Presbvteriun Church of lirownville on Wednesdav evening Oct. 13th. at half post seven o'clock. The morning and afternoon sessions wiir be occupied in the regular" busi ness of the Synod and in the discussion of varions topics relatimT to Christian work. During the evening there -will be a sermon by the retiring moderator, aa ordination and installation service and a lecture by Chancellor Fairfield, snbjeet: "The Bible not of man." Friday will be devoted to Sabbath School work. All are invited to at tend. COXJOTTEE OF AeEAGESIEKTS. BHSI22SS! 3TJSI2SS!! Xow is the time to take advantage of the low prices which the Regulator is making on Furniture, Hardware and Agricultural Implements. T. Bjchaeds. For the best flour in- the market get the gilt edge at Cheap Sam's. Seioarrants every sack. School Books At the Drug and Book Store of W. H. McCkeeey, Brownville, Xeb. All kinds of yarn at J". L. McGee's. Eor your yarns and blankets call on Mc Gee & Moore. Attention Smokers. T. L. Jones has ordered the largest stock of fine cigars ever brought to his market. Come and see him. List ef Letters Bemaunng ia th postoSce at Brownville, Xebraska, for week end ing Oct. 2, 1SS0: Burget, 3rs. J. Ptandall, 3Iiss T. I Brown, J. P. Eider. Miss Ada. Cayton. Miss Stella. Senior, Cha-les. Morris, John H. flltey. Martin. Miller, Miss Ega. Worth, John. Park. J. W. POSTJLL C.UJDS. Dakon,Mr. Irwin, Mrs. M. A. FaHer, J. 2L Mason, Lloyd L. Moore, W. A. Persons calling for any of the above will please say mdserUmd. T. C. Hackee, P.M. If y oio want cheap glass sets IwiU sellthem clieaper than the cheapest. CHEAP SAM. Woven wire beds, all sizes low prices at Stevenson & Cross'. and NEW MADE sorghum for sale at McGee & Moore s. SEED. Fresh blue grass and Timothy, at the drug and book store of W. H. Mc Creerv. LOOEHESS! Okl stoves relined and made as good as ne'w at low figures, by "WiBrnsBros Eifty Blue Soldier fWfirP.rmf.S ft. MrCl p nr J& MOOFe S. I0CAL PERSONALS. Bev. Willis has been returned for another year at Brownville. He is well liked here and the people are sat isfied. Hon. WmDaiTygave tfieADVEE TisEE a very pleasant call Tuesday. He can get away with the best horse the bourbons can trot out and do it easy too. Capt John L CarKn and family returned home from their western tour Friday last We are pleased to see Mr. Carson restored to his usual good hadth. Eld. M. 3L Goode, of Petersburgh. Ttfmois, accompanied by Eld. J. C Cor- wine, of St Joseph, Mo will commence a series of meetings at the Christian Church, in this place, on Wednesday evening, Oct. 6th. All are invited. Seats free, Hon. Church Howe was down home last Saturday, He is filling; all Ids appointments to speak and is doing good work. Everywhere people turn out en masse'to hear him, as the tele graph reports. He opened the cam paign at Xorth. Platte on the 2Sth, in the evening; before an audience of not less than 600, and on the following ev ening he spoke at Grand Island to one thousand. His speeches are convinc ing and received with enthusiasm. In Eemenbnice Those who were fortunate enough. as to be acquainted with Fannie Cow ser, will be made sad to learn of her death. She departed this life Sept 13th, from her residence in Chicsgo, Hiinois. Hers was a very choice spirit with rare endowments, refined and cultiva ted. She was kind, courteous, and lovely. Her mind was of a literary cist, and she was very ambitious for the honors of an author, and with much prospect of success, with the drawback of failing health. She strug gled with poor health, most of her life. At times perfectly prostrated with ner vous exhaustion, then would rally again, but to engage again in intense study, until her power of resistance gave way to a nervous fever, whkh freed her lovely spirit from the frail body, at the early age of 24 years. She had the management of one of the departments in the Chicago Trib une. Site w:is a believer in the religion of Christ, and admired Prof. Swing's way of teaching it, and was? a member of the chnreh of which he is pastor. Miss Cowaer passed through an orde al of suffering (sueh seems to be the destiny of all natures Kke Iter's,) but its tending is to purify and sublime the life, and no doubt Fannie is now more blest for it in her mote congenial home in the skies. She was a niece of Mrs. Maria Dy sart, of London. Thfe baa keen a se vere blow to this aunt, who loved her so welL Her life, too, is under a con tinual cloud, because of poor health. May the brightness beyond the cloud, which has lighted her through so much sorrow, light her way in this loss. May the cousins who had learned almost to reverence her, as she would occasional ly visit tlieir home, like a messenger of light and joy may they try to imitate her in forming character, and prepare to meet this beloved relative in the heavens, whither she is at work and at rest Farewell lovely spirit; it is a cause of rejoicing amki the sordid souls we meet every day, to see so sweet a spirit as this pass over the earth to the heavens. It exalts hu manity and gives a ray of its origin, and promise of its destiny. Farewell, we will meet thee in the heavens, when our weary pilgrimage is over. Jexxette Hording. TO 'EXrGQY, FUMAS Tie Valuable Testirasai&l Present bHss Associates of the State Ec-ard of Asrkcl- tare. Ex-Gov. Furnas has been a member of the State Board of Agriculture for twenty-one years, and one of the fore most promoters of tlie interests of Xe bniska's farmers and horticulturists. It was quite fitting, therefore, that his associates should present him with a testimonial. The token is an ebony cane, highly polished ami handled with a solid gold crook, richly engraved and chased. The inscription from the donors is engraved on the crook, and their names appear on a shield. The following are the sentiments and names of the donors: "Presented September 25th 1SS0, to Bobert W. Furnas, ex-Preskient State Board of Agriculture, by members of the Board, sis a token of regard and appreciation of his valuable labor, for twenty-one consecutive years of active service as a member of the Board. "M. Dr"HA3, D. H. Wheelek, C. HA3rXA. G. W. E. DOESET, R-Datels, E. X. Gken-elLj J. F. KtNXET, .1. B. DrxsMORE, J. T. CXAUKSOX, A.HrXPHEET, W.B. White, . Ed MclirrYKE " The cane was manufactured for this presentation by Max Meyer & Brc in whose windows it is exhibited to-dav. Omaha Herald. In addition to this recognition of Gov. Furnas' usefulness as a citizen, and of his long and restless work in horticulture and other best lelds for developing the resources and possibili-1 ties ot .Nebraska's soil and climate which have drawn the attention of kindred minds from everywhere, and made her as the morning star in the constellation of States, the State Board of Agriculture at its last annual meet ing, conferred the further honor of making the ex-Governor a Life Honor ary Member of the Board. If you want a oargain call and see me, for I -mill 1 7io oe undersold by anyone. CSEAPSAM. THE J- L. MGrEE THE BE&TJLATOR OE PSICES, is now opening a mamoth Stock for the Win ter trade. I can now assure our patrons that every department is replete with the latest novelties. Our Stock, both in variety and the bargains it contains, offers at tractions unsurpassed by any house in the country. We call very especial at tention to the latest novelties in DESSS GOODS, VELVETS, SATINS, BEOCADSS, SILKS, FRINGES and TRIMMINGS of all descriptions to match, now on sale-. We Guarantee hy our uniform Low JPricesi We are also in receipt of a to save our customers money at tlie end oftJie Years Trading. We also Guarantee all our goods to be just as represented, and most respectfully invite all Tit-tSS SlZX 23 Prices. O. r ?!LAJEt&BL BLOCK, L0HD0F. Work for the election of Garfield. Mr. and Mrs. John. Winters left for Sheridan last Friday, where they will teach school this winter. Albert Smith, who has been very sick at bis home in Tecumseh, has im proved enough to get to London. He is at the residence of his mother, Mrs. Hayden. He is yet very feeble. Married at Pern. Wm. Clark of Humboldt and Mollie Travis of Lon don. Eld. Young is appointed president of the Methodist Protestant Conference, so he will leave London. He has made many friends here, and he leaves with the well wishes of many. I add my blessing, Bro. Young. So tlie world goes, and will to the end of time marriage and given in marriages Jolin Harding&no Prfecilla Perry believe in tliis institution, and gave expression of their faith in mar riage vows hist Sunday at Brownville Eider Ilowe performed the ceremony, presenting the bride and groom a very pretty copy of the Holy Scriptures. They received quite a number of nice presents from the guests present. Bles sings on their wedded life. ;,Ecco EomoF' "Behold the manT The Democratic State Convention iteki at Hastings last week, announce a ticket The "poiky" which has hitherto characterised the party prevailed- on this occasion. The party managers, like a juvenile canine deprived of the organ of vision, thrash ing around in a meat shop, with open mouth in all directions, ready to "take in' whatever presents itself, seized np on Tipton and Livingston, as represen tatives of the "rime honored principles of the Democratic party, and present them to Xemaha bourbons as candi dates for Governor and Congress. They are "chips off the same btock" with the Union Generals MeClellan and Han eock, and the old Xew York "Tribmte editor Greeley as Democratic Presi dential candidates. Tliese are the men around whom chairman Morton asks the Democrats of Xebraska to "stand up around, and "be counted." Pro ceed gentlemen, with the count Send at once, for Tipton to come home and canvass the Slate. Ask him to bring his sore head, and State rights doc trine along. If same results follow him here, as in Illinois, where he has Qeoxx canvassing in behalf of his apos- tate colleague Trumbull, Mr. Morton's Democratic "count will add handsome ly to our Republican majority this fall. Trot out Gen. Livingston too with his Surveyor General's sore head, and his challenge to fight Morton a duel. the penalty for which, under our stat utes is "imprisonment in the peniten tiary for not more than ten, nor less than one year, and shaE forever after be incapable of holding any office of honor, trust, or profit, within this State." See section 9, chapter 3, page 721, criminal code of Xebraska. The statutes of Xebraska will not be violated by Gen. Livingston "hohHng any office of honor, trust or pront in this State," If he waits for tlie Demo cracy to place him in such position. Will Bro. g. e. of the Granger start the "chune" and sing: "Here, Lnrd. I ive myself awaj-." etc Bro. Polock "jine in a medley cho rus: "This is tie ilaj T ton? have sacsfet," etc Pass the hat some Sro., and "let us have a change.'' Glen Rock. One horse and two horse Buckeye grain drills. Call and see sample. Bobert Teare agent. Sash Paid for Wheat. The "higliest -market price oaidf or good-srlieat at G-len 2.0Ck TV?4ng. 43tf JO.EUI)DAST& CO. FG- MACHIHSS. Buy the Xew American with self threading shuttle and self-setting need le lightest running machine; it is the boss ; no humbug. For sale by T. BlCTTATtPS. G. G. Bl ant's Wkat Press Drill, "Scvnon and Snnttler TFarons, For sale by David CamnbeE. IMZOZDZETj IHIOTTSS OIF1 to call and examine tliis SAT MATTERS, Bloomington Guard: There is a move on foot among physicians to se enre legislation on the practice of med icine in this State. Stringent lav?s have been enacted in many other States, the quacks are driven out and seek an asy lum here, and it is becoming high time something should be done to protect the unwary from their impositions. The Greenbackers ami Democrats of Richardson county held conventions at Falls City last week on the same day, and each nominated a ticket The bourbons wanted to fuse, but the g. Vs said "no sir." The hitter nominated C. A. Bocock and E. H. Barton for Seaa- tors; and H. C. Alien, -S. R.Stnmbo, T. K. Mitchell and Thos. Spragins for Representatives. The bourbons nomi- L nated J. C. Lincoln, J. F. Gardner for Senators, and A. P. Forney, Jos. Par sons, J. Fenton and J. Gfetsser for Rep resentatives. On Monday of last week Carl Gantz, residing near Elk Creek, John son county, wlifle fording the swollen Xemaha, on a male, was drowned. His family is a wife and two children. Xebraska Farmer: Dr. Converse has a "pions notion that deep plowing makes good crops. Last spring his plow-boys turned over the soil to the depth of ten inches, and he hag the re salt in a inagRifiVpnt yield of corn that promises seventy-five bushels to the acre, and no weeds or "trash" in the field. Tlie result will have a good ef fect upon tlie farmers of Seward who live in the vicinity of Dr. Converse's farm, win) can now see for themselves whether deep plotting pays or not. A man at Plum Creek was re cently somewhat burned and badly scared by the explosion of a cartridge while he was trying to remove the cap. That is dangerm btisinebf. Hon. Chnreh Howe addressed the people of Bloomington, Tuesday eve ning. Bloomington Argus: There is a rumor that the B. & M. folks wiH. in the ne-ir future, withdraw the daily passenger trains from the Republican Valley railroad and make Red Cloed or Bloonihtgton the ternrinns of the divis ion. Harlan eonniy is considering the matter of bonding the county to sup port its poor the eouiing winter. A correspondent ef the Bloom ington Argm says it is a question, out there, how many of the farmers are to live this winter on account of partial crop failnres, ami calls on the citizens to petition Jay Gould to extend hie "branch road now operated to Bur Oak, Eansas, to Bloom inston," so as to give farmers estpWment in. making the road bed. The mill dam ot Boyd & Ohneead, on the Republican, at Orleans, was washed out last week, second time this summer. A man named C. F. Trnmbold suicided, by shooting, at Kearney hist Pianos and Or?aiis First-class for less than ever ofiered before. Address J. R. Dte, ltf Brownville, Xeb. For the best stock of men's and boys' clothing call on Mc Gee & Moore. Want butter ami eggs. Highest price paid by Stevenson & Cross. The BOBe and ilaAe protectee; Matt, the Nerveqlettss Hop. tae soperfc Hntarial an tMote Qnlnlne. and other practMS larred ezits, ciMnfctaetl wt:fcoc fermensiuioa. are the ii3rellcHix of Bitters." prepared &5-the3IalC Bitters CorapaBj-. STOVES ! STOITSS ! The Charter Hot Blast is the best be cause it consumes the feast fuel and bakes most even and weighs more than J any other stove in the market. Regu lator. T. Richards. GRAIN ! Highest market price pnM by D. E. Douglas & Co. 50 Empty barrels for sor ghum at McGee $r Moore's. Best Bread in the city at Furman & Palmers and don't you forget it Boots, Queensware Hats, Caps, Trunks, Talises, &e. 111 TJk Sew (fetecSsm. Q Who shot the great and good" Lincoln? A A Democrat. Q Who was first to fire on the stars and stripes? A Democrats. Q Who declared secession desira ble? A Democrats. Q Who raised armies to destroy the union? A Democrats. Q Who raised armies to force slav ery into Kansas ? A Democrats. Q Who kllkd Dixon and the Chts holms? A Democrats. Q What are all rebels? A Democrats. Q What areKn klax? A Democrats. Q What are :ill the "white leag uers?" A Democrats. Q Who began the civil war? A Democrats. Q Who rejoked over Union de feats? A Democrats. Q Who mourned over rebel losses? A Democrats. Q Who raised the draft? A Democrats. Q -Who wiU not be satisfied rata "every vestige of war is wiped away ?" A Democrats. Q Who don't Hke te hear of the "bloody Shirt?" A Democrats. Q Who wants "by-gones to be by gooes?" A Democnds. Q Who demande "sitenra. for the poet?" A Democrats. Q Who will say that this whole catechism is a He? A Democrats. Learn this catechism by heart, young man; ponder well its tenchings; com pare it with history; digest its every line. Is it not true; is there one line in it ! Then why shook! we deliver the nag staff of our nation into the hands of those who spilled their blood and the blood of myriads of the noblest yuttmr men of the land in an effort to trail the glorious stars and stripes in the dust. Let every patriot stir himself and shake off asain the witherinc grasp of a foe wlio seeks in pence to undo that which wag gained in long and Woody warfare. Ofeorek Ease's AgponrianeEta. Hon. Church Howe will speak at the foUowinz named places and dates: Red Cload, Monday. Oct 4, T p. m. Bloomington, Tuesday, Oct 5, 7 p. m. Fairmont Wednesday, Oct. T p. ra. Aurora, Thursday, Oct 7, 7 p.m. York, Friday, Oct Sf 7 p. m. feeward. Saturday, Oct. 9, 7 p. m. Central City. Monday, Oct 11,7 p. m. Fremont Tuesdav, Oct. 12. 7 p. m. West Point, Wednesday Oct 13, 7 p. hi. Wahoo, Thurmy, Oct 14. 7 p. M. David City. Friday, Oct 15. 7 p. ra. Columbus, Saturday, Oct 1. 7 p. ar Hon. E. C. Came, candidate for Lieutenant Governor, will join Mr. Howe at Fairmont, Wednesday. Oct. tf, 7 p.m. Aurora. Thursday. Oct 7, 7 p. m. York. Friday, Oct 8, 7 p. nu Seward, Satnrdav, Oct , 7 p. m. CoL E. F. Smythe and Hon. D. G. Hull will join Mr. Howe as Fremont, Tuesdav. Oct 12. 7 p. m. West Point, Wednesday, Oct 13, dp. m. Wahoo ,Thoibda.v, Oct 14, 7 p. m. David Citv. Fridav. Oct. 15. 7 n. m. j Columbus. Saturday. Get. 1. 7 p. ra. ry ocuer ot sae nepeoQcnn aue Central Committer. Jambs W. Dawks, Chairman. Regarding the DemoeratiC?tite nominees, the following from the Oraa hulNepttbUean is true: The Xebraska democratic ticket is a very weak one. It will not call out the strength of the party vote, A number of the candidates are renegade rebubneans. and thecandidate for con gress is disqualified for the omee under the criminal code of the state. He will brobabiy be withdrawn. The candidate for governor has been the aughrKr-atock of the politicians of the state for a number of vears; two of the electoral candidates are demago gues who followed the greenback heresy to defeat ; and. in short to end. as we begun, a weaker ticket couhl not have been nominated. We bbali scoop it by about 30.600 in this year of tight fighting and small majorities. The MayesviDe, OSes.) Spectator, the Okoiona States, and everv other Demo cratic paper of Mississippi, declare that the Republicans have a majority in I that State on a free vote and fair count; but they say further, that Republican organizations shall not be ailowed nor Repubikaa. majorities tolerated. The vote down there is already counted, and the majorities for Hancock alreadv de cided upon. Fifteen thorough-bred Frsnca-Xor-maa horses have recently been brought from Havre ta Xew York eity. They are mostly iron-gray or black 'ia color, and weigh from 1700 to 1S0O pounds eaffc. LOTH 1NG, Shoss, and Groceries, Scathem Preedom. Mr., of Xense River Township, Wake County. Xorth Caro lina, has been a Democrat all his Kfe, and fought in the rebel army; but not long ago he announced his determina tion to vote for the Repebnean candi date for Congress. His neighbors," j among whom he was very much re- f spected, endeavored to persuade him to withdraw the announcement withoat success, and. ae a result, he received the following letter: Mr. Ueonlogham. Deae See: I understand yon have declared yourself a radical : if it is so I am verv Sorry for the sake of vour children. Yon have daughters grown with a bright future a head f them; but if this be true what will people think of them? They will be chissed with the kinky head African. It's a disgrace upon yon and upon the white nice; and. furthermore, the respectful people of your neighborhood must remedy it in some way. Did yea know there still exist an order called the cu ehtx dans, this is true, and if yon still persist in your iinprincible polities we wiM remedy it in some way we will not allow a person in our ranks, who is trying to ruin society and bring dis grace and rain upon owr race. We write yon these lines thinking you wiM see your blunder and torn from the way you are pursains. The next time yen hear from ns will be in some other way. Our order consists of 2oH mem bers. We will visit your section be tween this and 1st of Oct, and if you stiH stick Np to your mean designs, yon make yonr will ami select your phiceto dig your grave, by order of Capt of Crcixx Clajt. Perhaps yon think some one is doing this to scare you; if ra, you continue to think so: time will teiL If you are so mean and fiendish as to be a negro lover, we will advise you to leave this neighborhood. You certainly can't stay here. We will visit you before we resort to any emel menm, but we reset to have to do anything cmoL I truly hope you may reform befora any thine: of the kind occurs. By order Capt. D. K. Q. . What would be the effect of a Demo cratic jwttciary. secured in their seats by reason of a "solid South" in the matter sav of construing the word "loyal" where Southern claimants for war damages were concerned? oufcl it not be a different view from that held by Xorthen judges, who were dis tinctly on the Xorthen side? There are over $1,000,000,000 of sueh claims on the files of congress, and the question is one of importance. These claims are all presented by Democrats, and in far the larger proportion by ex-confederate Brigadiers. They insult the "ia teffisencp of the American people with a vengeance. C03IMERCIAI THE BUOW3TVILI.E MARKETS. Brb'a'nvxue. October 7. 16K1. FoHotrlnc are- the tatMas yesterday asoa, tint Ueae or ztrm t press. LIVESTOCK. CORRECTED BT B. X. BAIUST. STOCK DEALER. A5B SHIPPZK. Hss tt 75t m (Steers. fir to choice 3 K1 80 Cewa, Jat 2 602 53 GRAJiV MARKET. COHRECTEB BT 9. E. BOCL3, CBAHT BEALEK. Wheat, cbo-e;rti! $ g&a " aprt-. , , , r ..-. ., 6&a Rye Barter 33 Cam in tfaotxiy Q " shelled &. 7t TO 31 21 STREET JfARKTrrPROBSCE. Cora iieal, -p i $ S0l CO Bauer- Ees Liml . KV& 20 -& 3 . -tm go .2 6022 25 . 1 SOftl -in 3 S . " 8- 3 25SSO isixaseo 4 CO Potatoes. Osteos Cbfekeas. aid. per dozen . apclnc S Tarkeys. dressed, , fe Weod. f- cord HF. t ton RETAIL MARKET. Flear, K.T.Tw1b SaTaciwh Mill Ml wheai 6fea Keck aB wheat Glen Beck sprts wheat SfcerWaa spctog vhai Keiaaba Valley sprio Graham 4)50 4tH) 31 25 3 32 3 50 5 29 1.80 1W it 60 leo 80 100 ieo 1 GO I OJ 33fclM S II CO liCQ 20 35 10 s 75100 Bras aa4 Shorts ifcxed. per MO Cora, per has he! SBzar, coffee A, i for. .Extra. C. C.MCk 2w Ifclitbnwa, lrfts. Cat Leaf. 7 2k " PtrleretI,TB Ce8eo,Bie, 5 3a - CT. G. Ja-Kv. 3$4. - 3Jca.a Mj Tea - Cranfcerrles. per qC Dried Cora, per Dried Apples. M far Dried Peaehe. 3 Imr.... Pared Peaches. ?. Pi:ted Cherries, n Si Syrup, per gal . Lard Ccal Oltperallen WTilte Ftsfa.per lslt 3aclt2rsJ, per kit Salt, per barrel wanted isrrirszrs-s "CimiKlU T T.ig tCmrtM C,iv I I j r n fcri.ui. g famk Vr inh HfiniM aaa(3t i aaa - (m, tfcr brm wwis- rtr- Stun m avnA. Li u . si3 jiivxii rrc r&. fci n-t. Mc