Newspaper Page Text
ni'.tiSAiinin'Hiijgnjiv.iaiw iui :j,ji. ,:mtj-.jyflw !fg3S"'aroiigMa8ij'i'j 1 1 1 u 1 1 1 n u in j.uuiuujubmi wrmwamuMiinm. J, NEBRASKA ADVERTISER THURSDAY, JULY' 11, 1881. 1TtfWmlimi wff'VVtll.y,tiytf Window Slmdcs at Nickell's. For first class groceries call on T. L. Jones. Kalsominiug of all colors, at Nick cll's Drug Store. Have- yon sore eyes? Soo Mrs. Monahau's card. Stoves, furniture, and queensware by Stovenson ca Cross. New supply of nico cakes at Fur man & Palmer's. Furniture and tinware repaired by Stovenson & Cross. Extra copies of the advkhtisicu at A. W. Nickcll's. Yorkshire hogs, highbred for sale by Stevenson fc Cross Haiti "Wagons, whips and cross-cut saws by Stovenson & Cross. Finest stock of wall papor over in Urownvillo at Nickcll's drugstore. "Want butter and eggs. Highest price paid by Stevenson & Cross. Best Uread in the city at Furman & Palmer's and don't you forget it. Collins and furniture, a large stock of all styles by Stevenson & Cross. A copious shower of rain fell in the southern portion of the county on Tuesduv. Dr. Collins, Dentist, Brownvillo Oilico hours, i) a. m. to ." p. m. Not at home on Fridays. Just received a very largo and choice stock of groceries and confec tions at the City Bakery. The woman suffragists held a big meeting in Omaha last week, and J. G. Clark dished up the taffy. t have engaged another baker and will furnish you fresh bread, calves, and pies every day. Ii. Stkohlh. Best Bread in Brownvillo at the now Bakery of Furman & Palmer al ways fresh and clean. Give them a trial. Nothing furnishes a room so nice ly and adds to the comfort of a homo . so much as that beautiful wall paper at Nickell's Drug Store. A convicted saloon keeper of Omaha, under the now law, has ap pealed to the supremo court, when a test decision will bo had on the consti tutionality of tho law. G. AW Fairbrother, Jr. has been spending most of his time for tho htdt ton dayo at Calvert, getting ready to issuo his paper. Tho first number of tho paper will appear Thursday this wool;. Guitoau told his brotherMn-law, Mr. Scovillo, of Chicago, that tho thought of tho assassination of tho President, camo to him while ho was in bed, ''as a revelation from God," about six weeks before tho commis sion of the crime. Titus & Williams, it will bo per; ceived, liavo tho nobbiest awning in town, but thoy can afford it; for thoy have- tho biggest stock of goods, sell moro goods, and cheaper, than any liouso in Southeast Nebraska. Call jLuid soo new goods just received sure to have just what you want. During tho past week tlio improve ment in tho condition of President Garilold has been constant; and wo aro pleased to say to our readers that while he is not yet out of danger, thoro aro reasons, based upon tho healthful condition of tho wound, for tho strong est hope that ho will entirely recover. Tho fact is Mr. IIowo has been long making favor with tho railroads. .iliiiuliUl Pud. Yes, Mr. Howe has worked, and is working, to induco tho great railroads to come, to invest their millions within our lines, to rib our county with their cteel bars, to bless our people. Mr. Ifowo is and has been doing this while tho idiots of tho Post aro whining . bout railroad monopolies and "rail road cappers." Now that tho "mo nopolists" stand aloof, and Sheridan i , likely to bo loft out in tho cold, they may liavo arrived at that dogreo of oinmon sonso as to wish that they too had been "making favor with tho railroads." Jblne teas at J. L, McGcg'h, LOOAL PEKSONALS. Baltist Stroble naid St. .Tnsouli n visit last week, on business. Capt. J. L. Carson returned from his visit to Pennsylvania last week. Don. Arnold returned this week from his visit to tho Hooky Mountains. Mr. Tlios. Tobin, of Glen Rock gave Thk AVKKTisi:n an agreeublo call on Tuesday last. Frank Harris, bmllmr nf .m. station agent, has charge of tho tele graph oilico at Calvert. lion. T. L. Schick is still confined to his room by sickness. He is, how ever, a little better this week, and will, wo trust, soon be able to bo out again. Mr. A. 11. Grable, father of Mm. Carr, of Cass County, 1ml., is in tho city. Mr. G. is an old reader of the AnvKimsim, and called on us to hear the latest from tho wounded Preside! f. Mr. J. I). Beach has located in Brownvillo purcnasing a half inter -it in Berlin's Lone Tree Barber Shop. Mr. B. is a good worKinan and a pleas ant gentleman, and we aro glad to wel come him to our cits. Tom Stocker last week sold to B. M. Bailey about 40 head of ven lino hogs, and received $.".:J0 per lu'u cwt. for them. A very good priro, by tho way. Twenty-six of stocker's hog averaged :12(1 pounds, and many of them were less than one year old! Undo Fred. Swart, starts this week for a visit to relatives in Penn sylvania, and from thoio will go to Germany to see his old home. Mr. s. lias not been out of Nebraska for 2i years, does not o'wo a dollar in the world, and thinks ho is entitled to a good vacation. AVe wish him a pleas ant visit and safe return. M I t Notwithstanding our large trade in barb wire last season, 18Su, we have again commanded the trade, and sonl over ?)."0 spools since Jan. 1st, issi. This fact alone proves the cxcellecv of our wire. AVe handle the following first class licensed u ire: The Joliet and Baker & Seutt' patents. Call and see us. AVillinc linos. & Jokonn. Champion Reaper glower AND NEW CORD BINDER, For sale by David Oajiimiislt.. Mr. J. D. Beach has purchased an interest in Berlin's Lone Tree Barber Shop, and the new firm invites, you to call when you want a shave, hair cut, sea foam or shampoo. Mr. Beach is recently from Ottawa, 111., and is a first-class workman, in every respect. Mr. Berlin is too well known as a skillful workman to need any recommendation from us. These gentlemen have tho neatest and best.furnished shop in this part of tho State, and all they ask is a trial. Thoy also have on hand tho best brands of cigars, and lovers of the weed are requested to give them a call. Mr. Berlin desires to return thanks to his friends for past patronage, and asks a continuance of favors in the future. fi'or Stent, A now Store Kooni in Nemaha City a desirable location for business. Apply to J no. S. Minick. A Car Load of Marsh No. 4, "Reaper and Mower ayiII arrive this week. Call and see 'em. For Sale by Ted Huddaht. FAIlftlEKS. T have just received a car of Champion machines consisting of Mowers, Reapers, Combined machines and new Twine Binder, Call and see for yourself. David Camfjiku.. For Halo. Twenty head of two year old steers, y-l w John Stokix For the next sixty days McGcc & Moore will sell all kinds of summer goods at cost. Largest stuck of screen wire, nas come to JJrownville lor Stovonson & Cross. Can give you plain, drab, green, black, figured and landscape, all widths, cheap, by Stoven son & Cross. FOR BARGAINS in Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Groceries and Millinory Goods go to John McNoal. Lowman's stand. GRAIN ! Highest market price paid by D. , Douglas & Co. Fine Groceries Flour, of all Grades, Solectdd Teas, Pure Coffee antl Spices, Choice Syrups and Molasses, Drlcil nml Cnmtcil Fruits In Vnt-lnt y, Glass and Queensware, Also, a complete stock of Ci'iars nml Tuhaiio, and a full stock of Candies at TmrzBtftcttssa LONDON, Weather, Jupiter must have let Phaeton have.thecar of tlie sun again, and he drives with tho same old fury -'" in the shade. -- As reporters failed.last tell of the fourth, (all ate too much, likely,) wo will say for this neighborhood, that about every one went to Sheridan, and many other neighborhoods went too, from the appearance of things thoro -such a big crowd. Ak for our self, we weut.but arrived there late.not too late however, to partake of an elegant din ner at tho table of Day and Dundus. An to the oration of Mr. llroady, all have had a chance to judge of its ex cellence.those not there as well as those who heard it. And if any ono has failed to see in it a product ion of much merit, why they must be blind, morally and intellectually. But we presume no such one can be found. Stowell, Mercer, Winters and Howe added each a dainty side dish to the more substantial centre ones, in the in tellectual feast. All very good. Harvesting has begun. Barley is good, oats fair, wheat not so good in many places. Although not chronicled in due time, yet it is not too late to say that it was a daughter that was born' unto Mr. and Mrs. Kacemire, and that it was a son that was born unto Jasper and Alice McKonnie, just a few weeks ago. Two persons wore baptised at Loudon last Sunday, by Kldor Thos. Edwards. The subjects were Eugene Winters, and Xellio Young. As they have "risen to walk in a new life," may they so form each a character that will give I hem an entrance into the beauti ful city, when their earthly pilgrimage is over. "Ono sinner destroyetli much good," That a cloud of gloom has been thrown over this nation because of the terrible act of that human monster, Charles (iinteau. tho assassin. While wo stand terror stricken in viewing that fearful crini$ and bow in reverence before the mystery of that providence which per mitted it let us write our prayers to the controller of events, tho arbiter of destiny of all his creatures, for tho re- cm orj of our beloved President; and that we may bo saved from crazy poli ticians, and religious fanatics, and con ceited fools, and dogmatic raving of idiots. We extend much sympathy for postmaster Gill, of Glen Hock, in his protracted illness. May he soon be re stored to health and usefulness. Mr. (Jill is one of the men of solid worth. The gang of men and teams at head quarters stuck her out during the heat Tuesday. Pott. It was cruel to "stuck her out" while so hot, she might have wilted. Ladies fine slices a,nd slippers, all grades, at J. L. M'cGee's. Boneless ham and dried beef by Stovenson fc Cross. JUDKINS has just received a new invoice of fine furniture and undertaking good. Buy no other than WALTER A. WOODS', orlUTKEYE, Thoso aro tho leading machines. For sale liy tho "Bogulator." TllOS. lllCIIAilOS. Frail jars at J. L Jl"o Gee's: Now Homo sewin' machine, all styles, at Stevenson & Cross. Attention Farmers ! If you, want the best Head er qet the WEYHRIOH, Made at Pel: In, 111., and for sale bij DA DTD CAMPBELL. Tho best cook Btovo, with tho latest improvements, you can buy of Stevenson &, Cross. Gold Coin makes the, whitest and best bread. Try it. TWiE BINDERS Shooting Match, Tim following Is Urn ncoro of lh shooting mutch by llio Nemnhn County Hportsmen'H Club on tlio Fourth of July) 1st nmtcli. 7 sIhkIo pIrooim : A, It. l)u loii,...i.. I I ii I o 1-.1 O. A C'ooll 0 10 0 0 0 l-'J W- W. lirownliur, 0 I I I l I o A W.T. l)Pll 00 I 1 I 1 l-A Dunham 1 4 1 i 1 l I 7 . '. Admin 0 10 10 1 0 ,1 u. c. linker 1 1 I 1 l o o-A 11. O. ltetkos I I o I 1 1 0-rt Win. KntitTninti t I 0 o I 1 (I-1 A. Wnlxh 1 I o 1 1 0 11 John F. Hum l I I o i I t-o Dr. Kberly I 1 I 0 I I l-ti Jim Don I I I I o 1 l-n w. w. iinckiicy... o 1 o i t o l-l II tram Fox I I 0 0 1 1 l-S 1110 0 1 0-4 1 1 I o I I O-A 0 I I 0 0 0 0-1 1 0 0 1 I I 0-1 Cnrbott John summon Hull' Hummers (loo. Iliu'hi'tt Hll'IIK O TtKH. RKCONll IMUZf.. John 1'. Hem t 1 I it Or. Ktiorly I I 1 0 1 I 1 1 1 l-li Jim Dim .. I o l l l l l t o 0-7 TI1IIUI I'ltlKK. A. It. Davison 0 0 W. W. ItrownhiK- o 1 1 1 t 4 W.T. Don t 1 t t 1 1 1 I I t-10 Il.O.IIiikor 110 i It. O. Ilolkoi 1 I 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I- A Wnlxli 0 ltlrnm l'nx 1 t I I 1 1 I 1 0 - h John i-MiuimerH I l o : PV imnbniii wlm llrnt nrl JU.4'.; Dr. Kberly pcom!.fi..V; W.T. Don Uilnl,fV7o. !il ninti-h 10 kIilvi ImllH. It Ilolkui 1 1 1 I 0 1 0 1 l 1-8 1) Ailuini., t I 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 l-A A WnNh O A Ooll A It DuvNon II V ltnkor , Junto Dqo , J (1 Medium , 1 1 I 0 I 0 1 I I 1-H 1 1 0 1 1 1 t 1 1 0-8 10 10 0 0 0 10 0 .1 1 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1-11 (I I 1 1 1 I) 1 I 1 1-8 . 0 0 I t I I I I 1 0-7 t 1 I I I 1 I 1 I 110 w w iiiicknpy... i i it........!.... W Wllrownlim' o I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 0-9 i' w omnium l o i o i i i i i 18 lllnim Vox I 1 1 0 1 I I I I 1-U .) F Horn I 1 0 I I I 0 I t 1-N Win ICiiuirmiin 1 I 1 1 I t I 1 I O-'J I It Doiiuli Mooilllol-7 Dr Kborly I I I I I o 1 1 1 l-l W. T. Don n i i i i i i o I i-ft li Snyder o u I I o o I l I l-n HCOIIH OK Tim. Mvl'ONII I'Klr.K, U (.' lhikor I t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t-10 lllriini Fox Win ICiiiilViniin.... Dr. Kberly 1111110 tlio 1 1 1 I I I I 1 0 Tiniin 1'itir.K. I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 0 It Itolkra.... A Wulsb () A i roll J iu nos Don W W llruwn iik, F W Ihinlmin... John F I loin.... W T Don II .... 110 'i . . 0 ..... 1 I I 1 1 I 1 I t 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1-1(1 I t I 1 t 111 I 11 t I 110 I- 1(1 110 2 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 t 0. 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 0 10 W. W. llnckney wlm Mrxt prist. i'J.W; It. O. Ibi krrn(conil,(.1.lo; Jdinon Dun nml ltrownltiK tllvlilu third. JIM 3d mntoh. S Hlnglo iiIkpoiw. A It DnvNnii .- 1 0 0 tl 1-2 F W Dlliihlilil I 0 0 0 0-1 II O llelkei I 0 I 0 0-2 (!(( Itilti'hlt. 1 1 0 IMIVJ .limn", Don 10 10 01 K W snyilor n 0 n 1 0-t W W Hackney 1 I 1 o ; W W Itrmvulim I 1 I o o-:i Drl-bprly 0 I 0 I 1-H fhiiM Ivrull I 1 o u I t II ('linker 1 1 I 01-1 Win Kmtllnmn .001 0 o-l O A ClCll 1110 0-3 Illnun Fox MM 0-3 WT Don 0 I I I I I J J Mti'hem..... 1 1 I) 0 1-3 Jieo!siilor 1 0 O'o 1-U I) Allium 00 0 1 0-1 C Colo I00t 1-2 hc i II I OS' Til s- -MIXO.N'II 1'llIZH. W w lliirkney W W llrownln, Dr Khorly Chili Krnll n a Cd'll Ollio a I I l 0 t 1 t 1 0 1 1 I t 0-1 1 1110 110 1110 11 1-11 10 0 10 2 0 t 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0- u Illnun Fox 10 10 1 J 'J Medium 0 1 o I I ,1 3 Til lit II I'lllK. A UDiwIson o o II o lliiikps 1 I 1 1 1 " (leo HiitphPt 0 1 1 Jumps Den 0 I 1 .IhpoIi Snyilor 1 o 1 ('Cole 0 0 linker nml W. T. Den illvlilo first prlro, flO.OO; Hrownliih'nml Khorly illvlilo hpcoiiiI, .); Ilelkes third,? 1.00. Mutch lor hiuti;e. 13 bitIK Win KmilTiiiiiii 1 1 I 1 I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 0 l-l I James Den 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 t 1 1 0 1 1 l-l I HCOIIK ON Till. Win Kanirmain 1111 0-1 J nines Don 1111 13 Ith m.iteh. 0 double plifooiH. A It Dnvlinli 1 0 I 0 0 1-3 K W Hinder 1111 0 II I WT Don II I 0 1 I I I F w imiilmtii , .... 0 0 0 0 I) 11 ... n o I o i -'-. . o o l o t 0-2 ...10001 0-2 ii O llnl. or T II I ll'lllllM T.I Meeohlilil. II AlllllllH 1 0 I 0 I 1 1 HO iielknx 10 10 1 11 () A t eel! 1 I I 0 I) 0-,l John F uorn 1 0 o 0 0 01 Dr Khorly 0 0 I 1 I 0-3 lllraui Fox I 1 00 I 0-3 Win Kuiillman I I 1 0 0 0-3 W W imckiiny 1 0 1 0 1 0'l James Den 10 111 0,-1 Nl'OltK ON TJIW HKCONII l'UIZnt K W wiyiler l n-l W T Don I 0-1 I) Aihims 0 0 H O nelkoH 1 1-2 J Don 0 0 TH1IUI I'lll.K. A It Dnvhon 0 0 O A (Veil DO , Dr Khorly 0 l-t lllnim Fnv o 11 Wm K'aiill'umn I I--2 W Wiiauknoy I 0-1 Helkes wins llrwt prize, s.00; Knuirninn peconrl,; linker, Dennis nml Mcnc'iniiF dlvldo third, S3.20. 5th nmtcli Ift Klnw bnlls: F W Dunham I 0 1 I I 1 I 0 1 1 t I 1 I 1-H D A.h s ,, .:...." 1 1 1 1 I I 0 0 I o I 1 I 0 I II T A I III lev. 1 0 I I 0 0 I I 1 1 1 0 0 0 0- H V r Don I I 0 I I 0 1 1 0 I I I J 1 J--J- Win Kiiuiniinii - J J J J J J J '" 11 O llelkejt 1 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 0 I 1 1 013 rVlVerly ..... I 1 1 0 I I I 1 I I 1 1 1 0-12 .lifmei DeJl 1 1 1 I 1 0 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I -II le" Fa rhrothor I 0 0 1 I 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 o I 1- 7 C '(Viln ................... . 0000 O0IO10.) 000 0-2 Kftiill'mnn wins llrnt prlre.f l.nn; JainoH Den Bee ond,2.h); HolkL-1 unil Dunham dlvldo third, $l.lo. Great Bargains in Sum mer Goods at J. L. Mo Gee's. When you want a jmoil meal, call at J. I.. Hawkins' restaurant, ilrst room east of .Imlkins' furniture storo. Meals only '25 cents. Keg Syi'up and Fish at J. L. McGce's. Wanted. I wantat,'ood farm horse; will pay a good price for a good animal. tW C. SlIAFIClt. J led ford. Ingrain and Bag Carpets at J. L.McGee's. Hay Hakes, Collins and Laco Cur tains, by Stovenson & Cross. Fruit Jars and Jelly Glasses Uy .Stovenson & Cross. STOUK IEOGS For sale by J. Hausoiikolii. ON DECK AND COMING. H. H. Dolcn has purchased a full stock of goods for his new store at Calvert, and will he there about the last of August or first o f September, a n d will take immediate charge of the Calvert store himself, while he will continue at the Great Interna tional his usual full and complete stock of goods. My Brown villo store will be un: dor the management of my present clerks, S. T. White and Al bert Gilmore, who will as ever merit the patronage of a kind public. 1 hanking my friends in the county for past patronage, I ask a continuance of favors in the future. Respectfully, H. H.DQLEN. Kotioo. Mrs. H..T. MoxAirAN, of Maryvillo, Mo., will visit HrownvUlo July 20th and remain four days. Sho will stop at the Sherman House where she will be prepared to treat all forms of oyo diseases successfully, except such as reipiiro surgery. Her treatment is a permanent euro for Granulated IOyo Lids and all forms of intlammatiouof tlio eyes. For the boss sets of ff ass ant ro fo to J. L. HfcGee's. SCllEENmtE, (OllKHN AND DUAII.) Weed and Grass Scyths, Oil Stoves, Lariat I'ins, Hope, Xails, Corn Shellers, Tinware and llepalriny, at Viu.ino linos. & J ono AN. Frank Farmer, Hock l'ort, had ono of his legs badly broken on tho 4 th by the upsetting of a four-horse bus ho was driving. Something new in Laces. Call and see them at J. L. Mo Gee's. iJWBapagicMxwrtniiiiiiii iiii"i i inn i mxmim num Report of tlio Condition 1st NATIONAL BANK, AT IlllOWKVIM.U, In the Htnte if Neliriixltn, nt olosc of IiiihIihihk, aTmiu .'lOtli, 1H81. llKHOV IU.'1'H. l.nnniniidDlKCOuiitH II0,:i: 29 Overdrnlts 2,S-.3 01 U. H, llondH to fiocuro rirouhitlnn BO.OOO 00 Other Stnoks. IIoikIs mill MortKOKi-H K.332 ttl Duo from npjiroveil ronervn iii;oiitn.. 1111,710 V lino from nthor National llnnkH W.lll II Dtid from state IlnnkHniKl lliuikor. if),iM S!) Itenl ftnto, Furniture and FUlurcH 0,002 f.3 Current oxpoiiHofi and ta.t.'s pnld 3,'j.Vi VJ Clirrks nml other ciinh Items 8,'Ul i'Z HIINof other HiuiIch CJDfi 00 Friiotlonnl curruncy IiioIiiiIIiik iilokoM uml pennies I'JI Tl Hpiulft - 11,172 SJ J.exnl-tondur nutew 20.000 00 llodemptlou fund with U. H. Tranuror (5 per rout, of clrculntlon) 2,'.p 10 Duo from U.S.Truasurur.othfcr than 5 per cunt, redemption fund l.nno 00 Total fl'K.ltf 'J I IilAHimTlIM. Capital Htock paid In fio.OOO fK Hurplus fund -0mO Oo Undivided prolllt M.11I 8.1 Natlomfl lliwiU mitiM outstandlim ,000.00 Individual deposit! Huhjrct to check r!7l,Wl Tl Demiuid curtlllcnton ol depoiilt 20,:tl wi Duo to other National Hanks...- 'i'ii 18 Dfifttohtatu llankmuid JIuuUore 2 13 Total Dcponlts 29I.C73 to Total HTATi:OFNKHltAHrCA.B1)i - 170,157 01 t It. DavlHon, Cnshlor or tho nhovo mimed lunik do Holmniily HWt'iir that the ahove Htutoineut J tnio to tho boat of my knowledRo and heller. U truo, iu Ai i)A viHON, Cashier. unhncrlbcrt nml sworn to herornniotlilH Ttlnluyol nilv IS 1. J- 0. AIoNauoiiton July' ' Notary Public. (.orrcct-AlteHti RSt M, A.HANDT.KV, VDIrectors, It. M. UAII.KV, J