Newspaper Page Text
HUNTSVILLE GAZETTE. BTIPNTSYILLE GAZETTE COMPANY. “With Charity for All, end Malice Towards None.” SUBSCRIPTION: S1.6uuir Annum. VOLUME VII._HUNTSVILLE, ALA., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1880._MU 1 1! '2. . TOPICS OF TIIE DAI. Nows from Everywhere. NTrw transatlantic steamship line be Trten Newport-News and Liverpool, En -IaB'1, has been established. " Bis-iaiu'TC, it is sail, perceives serious ,an;er in 1he increasing fondness of tier in'* for foreign investments. The Vermont House of Representatives h6 31 passed a bill granting suffrage :o women by a vole ly» to St. rsi'FonMA- i'0* only electe 1 a Demo ,'ir'(; .remnr and Legislature, biP four •, f thesir Congressmen ore Democrats. ^coRTUNotolhe Democratic National cot in it tee the Democrats will have at |prst seventeen majority in the next lioase. ..._: The friends of Parson Downs announce lha- P.eni. F. Butler ha? been retained to •wind Mr. Downs in his coming trial at boston. _ t dr.nroF. Tsr-Br, Republican candidate fo''Congress in the Sixth Kentucky dis ivirt, says he will contest Speaker Car lisle’s election._ \ BtWtOATtox of French farmers wait M on Pres idea* Grew and Premier De F-wrii»ton the •') 1 and ur red the neces fitrol a day of five francs on imported corn. __ The Unite 1 State; r venue entfer Man hattan is reported to foundered with ill on board a few miles off New Haven ; (Conn.) harbor during a heavy galo on (he 7th. _ ---• The Fiftieth Congress will bo n purely shite Corirress, for the first time in lirentv vears, Small, of South Carolina, nml O’Hara, of North Carolina, having failed of elec ion. j.'Wn Socialists met on the Oth and it ? S' l against the stopping of their popos-d proccs don on Lord Mayor’s Day, and repeated their determination to meet in Trafalgar square. The Chicago Anrrchists, through Cap tain Bi t tc, of their counsel, are en learor incto secure li e services of Rohert Ineer roll to nreue their appeal before the Su preme Court of Illinois. A state of siege has been proclaimed «t Bhillippopolis, the capital of Eastern h mneiia, for the purpose of suppressing the hands of brigands who are infesting the environs of the city. --- » T;/e President, accompanis t Viv Secre fcr'jt Bayard and toinar, left Washing ton on a special trai l on the afternoon of the 7th for N»w Yorl:. thence to Boston. Secretary Whitney left on an earlier train. Thu London St im.i'ird says the great lesson of the Leeds conference is that where the Liberal party stood last session there it still stands, on the unalterable basis of an independent parliament for Ireland. Lawrence Donovan, who jumped from Prooklyn 1 ridge recently, jumped from Suspend n bridge, Niagara Falls, a dis tance of lilt feet, on the 7th, sustaining no injuries excepting a broken rib an 1 a f \v Blight bruises. -» An oflieer of the Victoria (Australia) '•! ning Department reparts that a pav ing gold reef has been discovered near Point, mi the Woodt Point Dis triet,Queensland. Fino specimens have Wn obla'ned. r Hn\. Edwakd Staxkopk, British .'il Secretary, announces that West *>2altilan ! will form a new It:-public. -tern Zuhilaud will be reserved for the •'■..usuw• ;v British protectorate, if the Zulus desire it. .1 Pt'PATcrt from New Z calau 1 says '■'•I news has been received from Samoa S‘.iT:ng that perfect cordiality exists at between the respective consulates, ^recent v sir of British commissioners °fa confidential character. ‘a ■ French delegates rotnrnel to New v5,',!‘0,1 t ie 2d from their visit to Niagara ^ v All of the n were vastly pleased 11 **1(:‘ir trip an 1 unstinted in their ad ’■ aV^ °n 01 ''le P,oaf natural wonder they , ,"en- They dcpartol ou the morning [ the 3d for Washington. f vote for George in New York r",; a profound impression in Lon where he is well known. A11 Uiepa . ’lS totalize on the growth of anarchic ^‘•enc;es, and express the opinion that ^ bt's nr ideas ore more advanced than e,l’ressed by him in England. (lj 'tlegraphie reports from collectors ,r,. ;1,;al1 evenue in various parts of the ^ .i« Meats that the number cf ^sn-daud stamps sold to oieo ifi. .. 'ae ^eal«fs so far is gieatlv in ex o?, ’ ions, and the total amount ist'"atlon’ ’u'ter place l upon the mar j, °uties the amount that had “c‘shiuute l as possible. n. .-- • the 1 :‘lan Ministry have directo l that ^hieh1 " Action ‘ " musical works iibrgj.. • 1111i)arf °f the municipal the aV 13 Home shall le trans erred to coliec<; ' fMu'a di Santa Cecilia. This ‘-st of j,3.11,.333 }lcen described as the rich ‘°§U8oe ■ln'1'n the world, and the catn »s the m ,nU;'icai wo: ks which it contains ffiost complete^ in existence. tt* Camwc‘ ^1D.D1'ETOx, commander of Port win 1HU ,uilit*a> in ids annual re mn5newli7'<'nnmrnd 'h:it t!'e £atlinS kansferr, ■ V 'T-A and 11 batteries le *Hdthat ariH?*tW0,0f'b.' infnntry schools, cLased to | 031 gatiin2 ^nns l e pur *hool " t, ’p‘‘ - 0ao to each infantry *'% «f tv.* V . afttT a thorough c°ttidb« !Dn i<rnenfRn ^capon, that it ’-Le tailiti: ’fron lce;il’i0 in the hau ls of PERSONAL AND GENERAL. The reports in the Austrian press that Mme. Gerster, since the birth of her daughter, had lost her voice, that her husband deserted her and that she had become insane, has elicited a telegram from Mme. Gerster, declaring the storv a libelous untruth and that she is living happily w ith her husband. There was a slight snow-fall through out ttie East on the Gth. The Comptroller of the Currency has authorized the Merchants’ National Bank of Lawrence, Kas., to begin business with a capital of $100,00). Senator Vest says Colonel Benton, the recently suspended district attorney, i3 ! too good an officer and man to bo sacri I ficed. Great damage has been done on the 1 const of Scotland by recent heavy storms. Count DeLessef.s and several others j of the French visitors sailed for France ! on the Stli. British workingmen 'ssue an address protesting against Socialism. Theodore Roosevelt, late Republican candidate for mayor of Now York, -sailed for Europe on the Gth, and, it is said, w ill bring a wife back with him. Eight hundred miners at the Cameron j Colliery, in the Sliamokin valley, Penn sylvania, decided to strike on the 8th. Montreal hackmen have agreed to ab stain from labor on Sundays. A. J. VaUGIIan, a workman, and Lis fourteon-year-old son were run down by ! an express train at Cleveland, O., on the i G.h, and both were killed. The cession of Bregov.i to Servia is i protested against by the Russian Minis f tor at Belgrade. James Briauel, an American painter, i I was robbed and badly maltreated on a I railway train between Monaco ami Can nes <11 Ibe Gtii. He bus furnished the police with a sketch of the robbers. S:g. Bexnetti, an Italian, of New York, is demonstrating that people can live on horse feed. Fecbetaby Lamar, it is positively an nounc’d, will be married before Christ mas. The sell ooner C'iiy of Sheboygan wen to the bottom of Lake Michigan on the 4lh, and the cook, a woman,was drowned. A meeting of the Birmin .ham (Eng.) Socialists, on the Gth, denounced the sen tence of the Chicago Anarchists. In accordance with President Cleve land’s request, the degree of LL. 1). was not conferred upon him, as proposed, liy Harvard College. The Czar, it is announced, intends to inti ust the administration of Bulgaria to the Russian Senator Stojanowski. The sheriff of Cook County, 111., says he ; is p,...-lives 10 cope wun the packers’ ; strike. The Governor has placed the : militia at his service. Art fir ft Orton, the Tichborne claimant, I is in jail at New York charged with pen- ' skn fr;.u 1. Oknerai, Sheridan anl Senator Don J Cameron contemplate going on a horse back excursion to Strasburg, Va. j Senator JIorrilr, of Vermont, lias purchased for bis use iu Washington a ! p lir of carriage horses which received the ' 1 lu 3 ribbon at the Vermont State fair. Owen (1. Leggett, an English artist, was shot and killed at San Jo3e, Cal., on the Till, by John Clark, who was recently discharged from an iusane asylum. Irish m etings were liel l at Castlebar nn l Skibbereen Ireland, on the (itb, and i also at Liverpool, which we e addressed I by prominent National L aguers. Patrick Newmas, a New York black smith. forty-five years old, was found dead in a cistern in the backyard of Iris home early on the morning of the 7th. Fire cu the 7th entirely consurn -d Emil Winter’s grease rendering establishment, ' MeConway <fc Torley’s foundry and West ingbome Machine Company’s foundry at Pittsburgh, Pa. Loss, tfSO.OW; fully in sure.!. Sam Jones began a two-weeks’ cam paign in Omaha, Neb., on the 7th. The meetings nre hel 1 in the new Exposition building, capal lo of holding a,000 people. At the afternoon meeting there were about 3 000 present, and the evening’s congregation numbered about 4,000. Jone; made quite a favorable impression, and bis revival promises to be successful. President Cleveland atten'.el the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of j Harvard College on the 8th, according to programme. Another big land steal in New Mexi co has just been unearthed by the Govern ment. A Russian war vessel lies just rrrived at B urgns, a Bulgarian seaport. The body of Dr. Gardner, of Silver City, N. M., was found in a pond at Bnn | got-, Me., on the 8tb. The convention of the American Sun j d.'iy-Sebcol Union, at Cedar IDpids, la., i closed on the 8th. A state of siege- has been proclaimed i throughout Bulgaria. I James G. Blaine spent the 8th in Wall ! street. New Yoik, looking after business ; in which be is interested. I The London Socialists finally aban | doned the idea of holding a meeting at I Trafalgar square on the 8 h. Samuel K. Gay, the deL.ulting Pitts burgh (I*o.) pe.isi m office clerk, has been sentenced to five years’ imprisonment. The official canvass in the Second Illi nois c< ngressional district shows that 1 Frank Lawler is elected by a majority of - six votes. Two passengers were killed and five wounded in a collision on the Canadian Pacific i oilway at Rogeis Pass, British Ctlumbia, bn-the8;b. Tommy Warren anl Patsy O’Leary fought twelve icunds in Meade County, j ! Ky.” on the 8ih, for the feather-weight . I championship, Warien winning cu a ioul. j Washington ges-ips soy the Attorney - Genersl is niak ng a strict examination j into Cc-lonei Benton’s action during the : ; campaign with the view of ascertaining! i the extent pf his culpability* I The Grau Cathedral, the most magnifi cent modern building in Hungary, was badly damaged by fire on the 8th. The revenue cutter Manhattan, reported foundere d cl? New Haven, Conn., arrived safe at Greenpoint, L. I., on theStb. According to the census of Saxony for 1885, Hie jHpultttiou of the kingdom was 3,182,003. In Dresden the population numbered 240,080, and in Leipsic 170,340. Edward Hinton, aged seventeen, was killed by the bursting of r flywheel at the Milwaukee (Wis.) Cement Compa ny’s works on the 8 h. Additional interest has been created j in the recent’Frisco express robbery by the reception by the officials in St. Louis of a letter from the robber, in which ho asserts the innocence of j Messenger Fotheringham, sends wi uppers of some of the stolen money packages and gives information as to where difisrent articles were hidden in tended to have been used in tho robbery as occasion might require. Five mounted police havedeserted from the Northwest Territory and decamped to the States. They carried away thousands of dollars, being tho pay of tho men sta tioned at Regina. Fred Archer, the noted jockey, died on tho 8th. Death was the resuit of a pistol shot wound, inflicted by himself while in a delirium resulting from fever. It is re ported that he was ill with typhoid fever, j Charles Herron was honorably ac- [ quitted at Cincinnati on the 8th on a charge of having made out false vouchers while a member of the old Board of Pub lic Works. O. J. Hall, a prominent member of the Milwaukee (Wis.) Chamber of Commerce, was found dead in bed at bis residence on the Sth; cause, heart disease. The de e eased was a native of New York State and was in his fifty-ninth year. The four-oared shell race between Han lan. Teenier, Hamm and Ten Eyck in one boat, and Ross, Lee, Bubcar and Perkins in the other, was rowed on tho Sth on the Thames at London, llanlan’s crew won. The race was for $50) a side. The culture of tobacco in Germany which has declined since 1S81 is now pro gressing, 1,980.597 acres having been plant ed this year, again ft 1,052,859 acres last year. The nuptials of Princess Elizabeth of f’axe-Weimar and tho Duke of Mechlon burg, look place on the 8r.h in the palace chapel at Woimar. Among' those present were the Crown Prince, Frederick Will iam, and theGrand Duke and Grand Duch ess Vladimir of Russia. An uproar exists at Lacrosse, Wis., on account of the enforcement of Sunday laws. Not only have saloons been com pelled, to close, but tei"srraph a»<i tile phone companies are required to suspend operations. Milk and bakers’ wagons are also stopped. The DanS/.ig Zritung predicts terrible distress during the coming winter. I says that trade is paralyzed and tha' work is failing everywhere; that the au thorities of the State dockyards dis charge men weekly and that in tho arm factories there are also many hundreds idle. --< » ► LATE NEWS ITEMS. George Castile and John and Georg< Shipman, of Hardin county, Tenu., wer scuie iced on the Dili to thirty days eaci in the bhtlby County Jail and fined ijdO and costs for working and selliug corn t illicit distilleries. A sensation was created in Chatta nooga, Tenu., on the Hwi. hr tke discover} of about four hundred dollars of counter felt money. It is believed there are t gang of counterfeitsrs in t!>e city, am evory effort is being made to ferret oui the criminals. J. M. Johnston, (he county treasurer ot Green county, Ark., has absconded, and b considerably behind in his accounts wit) the county. A near friend of Mr. Randall’s is re-’ ported as saving that Randall will not b a candidate for Speaker of the next House hut w ill put forward Bu nos, of Missouri, as his candidate for the place. The Supreme Court of Mississippi ou the Sth diliveredan opinion holdiug the local option law passed by tho last legis lature to be constitutional. The Chicago packet s have declared war upon ail labor organizations, and on th. 8th signed a resolution declaring th.*-' hereafter none of them will employ any man connected with any labor organiza tion. Butchers at Albany, N. Y., ore refusing to slaughter stock from Chicago, as th> Knights of Labor ere bound to support their brethren in their strike. The Executive Committee of the Knights of Later on the 7th issued a general order directing all the men employed in the Chicago packing establishments to stop work. Tliis makes the strike general, and causes 25,0(10 meu to stop work. The imports into great Britain of cotton during the past week were 91,202 bales, and exports MklO bales. Since January 1 the imports of cotton have been 2,901,20V j bales, and the exports 368,009 bales. The Augusta. Ga., cotton factories have voluntarily reduced the hours of labor from sixty-eight to sixty-five hours per we:k, and all the mills resumed opera tions ou the Slli. Thoebe, candidate against | Speaker Carlisle for Congress in the Sixth Kentucky District, announces his intern tion to contest the election of Mr. Carlisle. He claims that after the contest had been very (dose the returns of the back coun ties were "doctored,” David Hcdsox, of Shelby county, Mo-, has lost seven head of fine cattle from black leg. The disease was epidemic in that region last winter, and its reappear- '■ ance has caused w idespread olarm among i the farmer*. SOUTHERN GLEANINGS. Joseph Green, n Louisville (Ky.) book keeper, was robbed and fatally injured by highwaymen on the street of that city a few nights ago. John Graham, colored, a magistrate, re siding fifteen miles southeast of Memphis, Tenn., was assassinated a few nights ago. Ho was shot down by unknown persons as he stood in the door of his dwelling. The revival of tho race issues at Rich mond by the Knights of Labor led to a lifficulty which it was thought would end a duel between ex-Mayor Lamb of Nor -Vdk and Representative George D. Wise, of Richmond. ■* extensive fire ac Ennis, Tex., do ■j r iyed buildings and stocks valued at $25,000; insurance, $10,000. One man, S. Goldburg, was fatally burned while es caping from the building. During the past few weeks there have been ninety-thro9 gin-houses fired in South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama, two-thirds of which were of incendiary origin, several were caused by careless smokers, an 1 one %vas caused by a box of matches in the pocket of a workman. Tbe money loss in price of cotton and giD plant is not less than $250,000. The trial of tho cass against Jael; Kendricks, colored, at Macon, Ga., whe killed his wife with a billot of wood in Henry County, has been t een postponed until April. This has deeply incensed tin negro women of the county, who decl-re their purpose of lynching Kendrick raihri than 1ft him be taken to another jail. nhay say that the leniency toward K-ndrick will put the lives of eve^y black wife in the county in danger. Two unknown men, evidently tramps, were run over and killed a few days age on the Louisville & Nashville Short Line, by on east-bound freight. The men were riding on tHe dead irons, when the train broke in two. Left on the front section, hey attempted to jiimp off, and were run over by tho rear section and were in stantly killed. Gin saws have deprived one hundred persons of their hands and arms in Ala bama this year. Thick ice was reported in many places n Alabama a few days ago as the result of i heavy frost. One nail factory at Briefield, Ala., is shipping five hundred k'-gs of nails daily. In Somerville, Ala., live eight persons whose ages aggregate 668 years. Beef brings only two an 1 three cents a pound in several Georgia towns. In six y> ars the number of miles of rail way in Florida has increased from six hundred to two thousand. sunfioifti parish, II tceissippi, has tv. c colored teachers, (he only ones who were able to pass the required examination. The police of Petersburg, Va., recently arrested several prominent persons of that city on a charge of poker-playing. A ci:iz3n of Key W< st, Fia., has feet that measure sixteen inches long and six and i half inches wide. His naiua is Tom Acrefoot. A Mexican lion killed recently near Meridian, Miss., measured nine and a half feet in length and nine inches between the ayes. A fifteen-year-old lad in Fayefie Ci un ty, Ala., is said to have recently picked in average of 225 pounds of cottcn for sii consecutive day?. Deputy Sheriff Qaaries, of Jefferson Countv, Tcnn., was totally stabbed a few lays since in attempt ng to arrest George McManus, a somewhat tough character. James Clark, a wealthy farmer of Cocke County, Tenn., commit!o 1 suicide a few days ago l v cutting his throat with a razor. Financial trouble is said to have been the cause. F. M. Jcnes was stabbed an 1 instantly ■cilled at a voting plnre in Muhlenburg County, Kentucky, by J. R. Randolph The killing is said to have been unpro- | voked. Randolph was drunk. An Alabama moonshiner, recen’ly ar raigned oh a charge of illicit distilling, said: ‘‘Well, it is mighty quare, ver can make peaches in a pie, stew ’em or pickle ’em, 1 ut jest lot a man bile ’em, and lie is j clapped in jail or made to pay the Gov- I eminent morc’n his year’s wages. And it i dees seem cnreasonalde.” The Georgia Legislative is again in ses sion. Hon. J. S. Davidson was elected president of the Senate and Hon. W. A. Little Speaker of the House. Governor Gordi n was inaugurated cn the 0 li. Sam Lindsey, deputy sheriff of Raines Couniy, Tex., was killed a few days age by a negro named Stand. Stan 1 and his pal were recused of horse-theft, and Lind sey, with a posse, was attempting their capture when Stand shot Lindsey, killing him in-tan’iy. Stand was killed by the posse cf c it'z ns. Several deputy marshals from the In* I dian country arrived in Fort Smith. Ark., I a few days ago, and among the prisoners lodged in jail by them were Z-'iio John son, charge 1 with murder; N. L. Martin. John Weaver, Charles Robinson, Johr, Fields, assault with intent to kill, ami Les Hutchins, larceny. In December, 18<S, during a very dark night, a genera: di unken row occurred at Eu aul i, ir which Pilot Grayson and a man named Wolf were killed. Zeno Johnson, who was a member of the Indian police force at the tim •, stands charged with the mur der of Wo!f. Walter Myers, a mere child, stabled and killed a burly negro at Augusta, Ga., a few days ago, using a small pen-knife, which ordinarily would not produce death. The wound was Inflicted in the breast, and it is supposed the knife penetrated the lungs. Fuur or five little ones were play ing near tne toll-gate, and a« a gang of workmen were returning from labor one the children threw a handful of dirt into tho face of Thomas Mitchell. He retal iated by hurling a brick into the crowd of children, the m'ssile striking little TV alte Myers. The little fellow rushed upon his assailant, and, wich one l low from a toy* knife, ended the negro’s life. AN ARMED CAMP. — I'll* Sheriff of Cook County, Illinois, *5e-* lievin;; the Situation Critical, Apucais to the Governor for Troops — Two Itcfji nientg Quartered at the stork Yards ami the Striking Butchers In the Main Or derly. Chicago, Nov. 8.—There was consid erable excitement but little violence at ilie stock yards this morning. Deputy sheriffs and Lake police were patroling tlie houses and railroad tracks, dispersing all assemblages and anticipating any at tempts of crowds to gather. Outside of the yards large crowds of strikers had assembled in every avenue of approach. Determined efforts were made to prevent the men on their way to work from entering the yards. Every individual w ho approached, whether known as a neighbor or stranger was quickly sur rounded and questioned as to iiis inten tions. Those who came with dinner pails on their arms were set upon, their pails taken from them aud in many cases severe beatings administered. Few suc ceeded in running the gaum let and iiain lng access to tile packing houses, ex cept under pretense of having other busi ness than the killing of cattle and hogs on hand. At Armour’s house slaughtering was joing oil with mixed gangs of men, many • if the old hands being still at work, and they and the new men were engaged side bv side, the best of feeling prevailing be tween them. The houses of Swift and Morris were running,as on Saturday, with light forces of new men. No other houses appear to be running. Of the twenty thousand men on strike, to judge from expressions heard, a large majority are plea-ed rather than otherwise at the calling out of the militia. “This,” said one man of a group on Halstead street, “is a strike, and a Dad one; bnt the greatbuik of us want it to proceed decently. The presence of the militia will preserve order and keep un der an element that our committees can not control. Bloodshed and r!ot is the worst thing that can happen. The hot heads are against the militia, but decent men are in their hearts glad of their ap pearance.” At the yards now two packing-houses have been turned into boarding house*. Ranges have gone in and cooks have been employed by the mouth. The pack ers say that this big boarding-house, capable of housing 2,000 men, will be one of the prominent fe uures of the winter. Eigiu hundred militiamen left the Lake Shore depot at half-past ten o’clock this morning for the stock yards. They were under command of General Fitzsimmons and Colonels Knox and Wheeler. Tticii orders were to disi*m'>«.-k at Thirtv-nipiii oiicci/.iiul march to Ferguson’s packing house, which is to be their barracks and headquarters. All seemed in good spirits, j the opinion prevailing that there will be | no active duty required,tne moral effect of j their presence rendering patrol duly snf- : tleieut to preserve lire peace and protect j property. The First regiment carried their Gatling gun. Springfield, 111., Nov. 8.—The Gov ernor has telegraphed orders to General ! Fitzsimmons of the Second Brigade lili- j nois National Guards to have the First j and Second regiments in readiness for l’ackingtown in the event of trouble tiiere to-day. NO BLANK CARTRIDGES. Governor Oglesby says he does not caic to talk about the strike or the ac tion he has taken in ordering out the militia. He appears to be aware of the gravity ot the situation, and there is no doubt lie will act promptly and effectual- ; ly to preserve tiie peace and protect life 1 and property. A gentleman present at the interview j with Sheriff Hanchett, savs: “The Sher iff represented to the Governor that there j were Hi,000 men on strike at the Chicago | stock yards and lie was ut'crly power- ; less to cope with such a body of ! strikers with the force at his com- j in and. He considered it of the utmost j importance that the militia should be or- , tiered out at once, and made a demand ! lo the Governor for assistance. The Governor issued the order lor the a*- j embling of two regiments, and no blank j cat fridges will be used.” - j Sbetiff Hanchett and Senator Campbell both declined lo talk about the situation. Assistant Adjutant-Gener d Ewert says: ‘•Sheriff Hanchett informed Governoi Oglesby that it would do no good to swear in deputy sheriff* in citizen-’ dollies, as they had no effect against the , strikers. He was sati*fiea no other course but to order out the militia would , beeffective, and asked forfour regiments, but the Governor thought he would starl with two.” All is quiet at ihe yard*. Mr. Join j Cudahy says: “The peri! will be now in ; getting the men to their ironies at night and from their homes in the morning A IJroad Hut to f ast Conitrtmmfii. Washington, Nov. 8.—It is quite pos -ible that a number of Congressmen will have to change their habits this winter and walk through nothing but the avenue of rectitude. Mr. Cleveland’s new chief of police is about entering up >n a svs tern of espionage to be placed over the movements of Congressmen by the po lice. It is said tnat not a great while ago the chief sumiuoncd his lieutenants into his office and informed them that he de sired each officer to be on the alert to as certain if any Congressm :n were keep ing extra establishments over which a! female presided, or were visiting women that might compromise tirem, an l report the same to him. One lieu tenant, it is said, replied that some time since lie had noticed something of th kind, but not taking any interest iu the matter, gave it no atteu ion. The chie said that he wished the information be C: n-e wbcu Congress met it might. In useful in aiding legislation for the Di* irict. It is said the plan has hem formulated by the District Commi sinners, who a:e interested i divers and sundry schemes in Distric legislation, which, if successful, will ado to the extent of their individual ex ' chequer an 1 are willing to resort to tb|> ! method of doing It niiRDi;il IV GEORGIA. ’ %e»p ratc Fight Jlot’voon Whife* and Ellarks.—One of the Parties Killed and Two Thought to be itlortuily Wounded. Cutiibeut, Ga., Nov. G.—Sheliman, fa miliarly known as Ward’s Station, iu this county, was to-day the seem of a dastard ly attempt upon the port of a lamiiy of negroes to take the lives of several 61 the best citizens of that place, ui which they partially succeeded, aud in which one of their number was shot xlead on the. spot. Mr. G orge Oliver, one of the best citizens of the | lace,is postmaster, ex press'agent and telegraph operator, fa which he is< s sjsicd by liis son Joe, u young loan just attaining to manhood. Yesterday a negro girl named Francis 'Co email went to l he depot to look alter a box. While.there she took offense at son .etiiiilg, and return ing home, a half mile from the sta ion, re ported tiie matter to her brothers, two young bucks, who at once determined to resent t he wounded dignity of their sister. Arming themselves this morning with sticks aid knives, they repaired to tho depot, and, seeking out Joe Oliver, at au opportune time, set upon him suddenly, plunging a kuife into his throat, which did its ghostly work well, cutting a gush from ear to ear, from w hich the blood shot ten feet high. When they had ac complished thi-ir diabolical deed they lied for home. At this juncture Jesse Oliver, a brothei- of George, and an uncle of tho unfortunate lad whose throat was cut, ac companied by the lather, appeared on the grounds. They at once gave pursuit, and were uot long in overtaking the demons at or near their home. The mother, i n old negress, ran out with a-musket,-handed it to one of her sons, and commanded him to shoot. lie did so, and at the crack of ill gun Jesse Oliver fell from hi horse. The negro girl7 the instigator of the whole af fair, ran forw ard, seized the musk-1, and clubbed him over kho bead, completely shattering the slock of th'o gun and crush ing in the skull of Mr. Oliver. The effect of the s ot was to shatter his left arm from the elbow up to the shoulder, and at latest reports physicians are preparing to taka it off. When Mr. Oliver was shot fioin his horse one of tint negro meu was shot dead in his tracks. One escaped into the woods, and, it is said, w as lost bjr the pursuing party. The third negro man, the girl and the old woman were brought to this place this evening by a i eav.v guard. Their cases will be investigated Monday. Iu the meantime Judge Clark has ordered a heavy guard to be placed around be jail day und night by way of protection, as the outraged public might attempt to take tho law into their hands. It is thought young Oliver will.die, while Jesse is in a precarious.condition. Mr. Iloxio, of tlir JHiooiiri Pacific Railroad, said to be Efyiisg. New York, Nov. 0.—The Herald this morning says: Up in a big,_ airy and sunny room iu Broadway, over tho Metro politan Opera House, Herbert M. H'fxie, the manager of Jay Gould’s Bo tiiwestern railroad*, is lying, struggling for bis life. pofljdA his bed. for v. l.ia faithful Wife and bis steady friend, (.'apt. it. .8. Hays, general manager of the New* Jersey Central, have been coirstfftnt 'attendants. The end must come soon. The railroa l men of tho Southwest recognize '"Old Man” Hoxio as a sturdy-, fighter. ' He has now, after weeks of agony, come to tire parting oi the ways th .t lead either to life or death. His-disease, an affection of the bladder, has troubled him for many years, and only last summer at Karatoga,.he urf-* derwent a very dangerous operation in the hope of complete recovery. For ovir a ' month past he has-been in tho Broadway, room, his whereabouts known to a. few friends only, and every visitor absolutely excluded. Ex-Gov. Curtin was not aware of the fact when he intimated some time * since that Mr. Hoxie was unwilling though able, to appear before the Central Labor Committee. The very day that Gov. Curtin made that statement Mr. Hoxio lay weak and Unconscious, Very i near the borderland of death,, and nt no itune sinco bus he been in condition to see even ex-Ooy. Curtin. Jay Gould’s 'friends In the West aud iu New York havo stead ily denied that Mr. Iioxie’s condition iS at nil critical, but the truth is that to day lye , is very near that last terrible struggle in Which not even the tend© , foviug hands around him can help him to victory. ( Nkw Youk, N iv 6;—The "friends'of Manager Herbert M. Hoxie, ol Jay Gould's Southwestern railroads, deny that £e is in danger of. dying. Itlorrboa's Siifi'fiwor. ' ati, O., November 0.—Tho Eu* qnirer’s Washington correspondent tele* graphs that the loss of Mr. Morrison will be seriously ielt as a leader of revertuo reiorm, and will emb-.rrass the Speaker of the fiftieth Congress not a little to select bis successor. Breckinridge, o: Kentucky, is well * quipped, but he iif now only on his first term with the eomrubtee, and his elevation to the first place would cause j‘ alousies which a Speaker would hardly care to arouse. It is more than prob ilde that 8. S. Cox will be Mr. Morrison’s suc cessor. The abun lance, of now .aterial iu the next House will make it quite < asv for the Speaker to satisfy the demand© < f t ie old members returned. They can all be well plac-d. It is quite protial Id‘that Judge R agan, of Texas, will lie the sue- . ecssor of Albert Willis as cha rams of ti e Com i itteo ou Rivers and Harbors. This is the committee which frauu s the river and harbor bill. Of" the 17<> Democratic members iu the next House .the South con tributes about 100. . A l'. S. Judge (faiwi* (iiiii Ui Arkansan Little Hock, Auk., Nov. a sensation occurred in this city this morn ing. A jury in the United d-tuffes 'Court was sent out yesterdiv evening to. con sider the case of the United t-tates vs *1. C. Pratt, charged with Couotel (kitin *. Capf. Plants, the 1 ailitr, look the jury to the Capi ol Hotel for supper. 1'ue prif pri- tor refused to permit the colored juror to sit at toe table with the whites, and I lie negro refused to eat. This morning the same thing occurred a' Knott's restau rant, whereupon Jud^o dJa!dwell wi nt to Knott’s and raised Cain. When the court opened he reprimanded and discharged the bailiff and again sent (ibo jury to Knott’s for breakfast. Knott a.ain re fused admissi n to tbs negro. Then the Midge sent the jury tc the Capitol Hotel rud the proprietor admitted (ha uegro int > the dlniut room. A great deal i f excite ment prevails about the matter. —-<4 • » ■— Confederate yioiiument on Pcnnsylra* nia Soil. Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. C.—A special to tbo Press (r un Gettysburg, Pa., says: the first Con fed in. t monument ever recte 1 on this battl.-lieM arrived and was put in position to-day. I marks the po rtion of the Second Maryland Infantry., it"the foot of Culp’s IIill. on the UonfeiUr ,te left. The monamtiit win •>$ de.Ur*mh - November ',n,th. . -. 1