Newspaper Page Text
by HUNTSVILLE GAZETTE COMPANY. “With Charity for All, and Malice Towards None.” SUBSCRIPTION: $1.60 t>er Aautia. -- VOLUME VIII._HUNTSVILLE, ALA., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1881._ NUMBER 2. lOPiCS OF THE DAT. News from Everywhere. Vorf. than one-half of tbeUnited States ^tors own real estate in Washington. The Comptroller of the Treasury has decided that a Congressman is not an of of the United States. Co:?oressmax Springer thinks Presi . nt Cleveland will he renominated in and that ho will carry Illinois. TUE re'irement of General Kanl bars from Bulgaria, is spoken of in all the European capitals as the retreat of Russia before tbo united force of Europe. The Cologne GaMt>‘ is forbidden to ,„rer Turkey on account of having ... ■ 1 -1— wav anf> Mm-rfHe Germans P'S5-” ._— The prospect that the American exhibi tion London will be the only exposi tion np«> during the jubilee year (1887) ha increased public interest in the enter prise- _._ (Iran immense Socialist demonstration jo Trafalgar squire, London, on the 21st, ^solutions were adopted colling on the government to relieve the distress among workingmen. ---» The President will nttend the funeral of u-Prcsident Arthur and will be accom pmiedbytho Secretary of State, Secre tary of the Navy, Secretary of the In terior and the Postmaster-General. The Berlin police seized 8,000 Socialst pamphlets on the 20th. They found that 7,000 had already bien distributed. Five workmen, w ho were employed to circulate thctn, were expelled from the city. -.-•-—— Secretary Manning is steadily im proving in health and strength. He walks (wv pleasant morning and drives out in the afternoon. The Secretary has dis pensed with (he daily attendance of a physician. Story's statu? nf America for the mon ument to the author of the “Star-Span gled Banner,” which he is making for California, has been successfully cast in bonze at Rome. The operation lasted three hours. - The Cook County (111.) grand iury j Ignored the bill against the Pinkerton men , charged by the coroner’s jury with com plicitv in the death of Terrence Begley, tesrrbe Union Stock Yarils after the close ef the former strike. -•—. ■ — - Ex-Governor Phelps of Missouri, who i lrecently in St. Louis, serve 1 nineteen fonsecutive years in C'ongreis, during nti-'i lime he made himself conspicu ously useful, not only to bis own constitu ency, but to the entire West. -- - .... »-.... The Vermont Legislature on the 10th passed a joint resolution expressing sor row at the death of “that illustrious and fminent son of Vermont, ex-President Chester A. Arthur,” eulogizing him and tendering sympathy to his famidy. The American legation at Berlin was fk-cl on the 20th, under the supposition that that was the day fixed for the fun fral of ex-President Arthur. The Berlin tross eulogize: General Arthur as an up hjttman and an independent politician. i ‘5i Third Auditor of the Treasury is* | -requisitions on the Treasurer of the “WStates on the 20th for £11,^,025 to '» pensions accruing D .-comber 1. ■' ftvs the Topeka (Kas.) agency gets »nd£|.207,0.)0 goes to the Chicago ‘Seucy. fuoxELJonx Moore, of the medical NEiuont of the army, has been ap nte.i Surgeon-General by the Presi -fnt,to ucceel Surgeon-General Mur b retired. Colonel Moore, who is in ^ 1 ancisco, has been directel to re* ,(lr‘: Washington immediately. ^overtures made by the tenants on ~ -'•1 muricade’s estates in Ireland, with '-of a settlement of the rentques bhave l een rejected. Messrs. Dillon • Brienspoke ou the 18th at Portumna, ’,f 0UntT Galway, where these estates • ’ iiiteil. Thcro was much excite* •at. J.5“r‘AL Kaulbars and bis s: aff de ^rcm h'Otla on the 20th. Only t , P°l!ions were at the station to bid ^ sr.Wfi] Tho l0Wn was decorated »;(n. a"’ a,1T illuminated; notin honor 'h e.."*8* Kaulbars, but because it was anniversary of the battle of 'SEyr - tiefc£"ee of Boston began on the 21st °Pen s|j ement°f the ancient law against kjrii,, 0!lJuAay- Bakers and res ba;!3r'i'alre exemp'ed bjr special laws, fcvMo-‘b ‘r 1Jit venders, news dealers, fcop.^1 aealers, druggists and Jewish Ur at ii Crf cJpeneA their establishments e r!sk of prosecution. Gjjfwj. ' . !W:iLK.AVLBAn8' *Q his note to the Wrtur„ ,'t>Vernai°nt announcing his ,f‘e'"e(] p Sa-^ that the government has We j . USs‘a’s counsels, which were in a ti«« est! ‘-ate Bulgaria from her ,!VSs n,311' *ias continued its violent Wber pre-l'1 ilU3sian subjects. His ?ria liavin..n ' he adds, is useless, Bui - c completely Inst confidence in Italian"1 i 1*" Atkixs' Commission 50 °a the i.faairs’returned to Washing » ' tiab'ihe l,'' ral!er 3 Illonth spend in ,6it- He id,an agencie* in the South > a"-" .that affairs at the m that ttr° 111 ? satisfactory con JfW tha| S **?<**? of the Indian h'ihal velalT' UnS *hculA abonAon £4**b seterlhS ’ ?d accept tbeir '^Haiong the tribes.'laily growin8 iB J PERSONAL AND GENERAL. The remains of ex-President Arthur, after solemn services in the Church of the Holy Name in New York on the 22d, were taken to Albany and laid to rest in Rural Cemetery. All the Russian steamers on the Dan ube have been ordered to proceed to Odessa. The idea lias been broached iu Wash ington to make the occasion of the Na tional drill there next spring conspicuous by a carnival pageant after the order of similar events in St. Louis, New Orleans and other cities. A desperate fight occurred on the 22d between the police and a mob at Listowel, County Kerry, Ireland, in which several of the latter were wounded before they were dispersed. Ahe'W sQSP’.ieast gale presq iled pc ■ • j-t!i? Std, Vrr:>t damage to shipping. The appropriation committee of the House of Representatives met in Wash ington on the 22d, and assigned the various appropriation bills to the sub' committees which had them in charge last session. The Yale freshmen have challenged the Harvard freshmen to an eight-oared two mile straight away race, to bo rowed at New London next June. Fire at Marysville, Pa., on the 22d, de stroyed seven buildings, including a stable, hotel, five dwellngs and two stores; loss, $20,000. Michael Geegle was instantly killed and J. Austin fatally injured by a falling scaffold at tho new cyciorama building at Detroit, Mich., on the 22d. William Reader and George Phillips also sustained serious injuries. TnE wheat crop of the Red River valley proves to be larger than the estimates, and the elevators and warehouses along the line of the Manitoba road are all full to overflowing. Chief Signal Officer Hazen laments the discontinuance of Fort Merer as a port of instruction. A sensation was created iu the Madi son Avenue Baptist Church in New York on (he 21st by the advent of fifty live In dians, in full border costume, into the sr.cre 1 edifice. They were Sioux, Paw nees and Cheyennes, connected with Buf- j falo Bill’s show. Two half-breeds, Pierre Larocques and j his undo Basil Richard, met at St. Vital, I Manitoba, on the night of the 21st, and during an angry discussion the former shot tb3 latter dead with a shotgun. The murderer was arrested. Tiie American Base Ball Association held a special meeting at Cincinnati on the 22,1 to take action on the matter of the withdrawal of the Pittsburgh club from the association. There was a large at tendance. Austrian diploinates and otllcials be- j lieve that the rupture between Russia and | Bulgaria will facilitate the solution of the | crisis in the Balkans. Civil Service Commissioner Edgarton says if there is any lesson to be learned from the late elections in Indiana, it is tiiat the opponents of Civil-Service re form had a hard t ini“. Ex-Public Printer Rounds wants the j committee w ho presented him with a three j hundred dollar clock to raise thirty dol- j lars to pay for damage? sustained in its j transit to him by express. The Adams Express Company is de fendant in a suit for §50,003 damages claimed by E. D. Coleman, the sick man in Topeka, Kan., who was placed under surveilance by detectives, who ransacked his private baggage and papers on sus picion of his 1 eiug the express robber. A RUMOR was in circulation in New York on the 22d that ex-Alderman Full graff, whose testimony proved him to be a perjurer, had committed suicide, but it lacked confirmation. United States District Attorney Stone, of Pennsylvania, has written a letter to the President asking to be rein stated in his position, denying that he neglected his duties. The Italian faster Merlatli i3 said to be still vivacious, but he suffers from pain in the stomach, and has terrible dreams at night. He will, if he succeeds in his present experiment, have no desire fora repat itioir. E. A. Maynard shot and killed W. H. Biddle, a blind man, near Anderson, Ind., on the 22d, end then sent a lullet through his own brain. The cne hundredth anniversary of the birth of Karl Von Weber, the composer, will be observed on December 18 with operatic performances throughout Ger many. It is intimated tnat secretary .Lamar will make some in portant recommenda tions in his report concerning territorial grnz'ng lands. The captain and seven of the crew of the French man-of-war Pengouin were massacred recently by natives of Am badu. An attempt at wliol esale poisoning was made in Springfield, Mass., cn the 221, thirteen persons being made severely sick by drinking tea with which “rough on rats’’ had been mixed. It is now stated that there will bene strike in the Conuellsville (Pa-) coke re gion, owing to the opposition of the Knights of Labor. A dispatch from Mandalay says that the Shan country is the scene of much fighting and anarchy, and that friendly natives are appealing to the British for assistance. Reports come that hog cholera prevails ieir, O. One farmer lias lost c-ighly bogs out of a herd of two hundred from the disease. Baldwin Gardiner, president of the Pacific Stock Board at San Francisco, and a leading stock broker of the city, has dis appeared. His liabilities are supposed to be about $200,WO, mostly to customers. About midnight of the night cf the 20th Elias Simmons, a good, law-abiding and peaceable negro, was most foully murder ed in his own bouse two mil«» frftm Min den, La. A party of masked men broke open his door and shot him to death while he was sleeping in his bed. A freight train on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad broke in two near Barnes ville, O., on the 22d. As a resalt thir teen cars were wrecked, canning a loss of |10,000. The track was blocked for sev eral hours. A Family of four persons living near Breslau, Germany, were killed on the night of the 22d by a peasant, who entered the house to rob it and, being discovered, attacked the inmates with a hatchet. The steamer Barnard Castle, in the coal trade between Puget Sound and|San Fran cisco, ran on the rocks near Race ltocks light on the 21st, and stove a large k's m her bottom, lue steamer was her and will prove a total loss. The c were saved. Loss, $10(1,000: well >;» -naming ana tnree annex iniilaings of the Newburgh woolen mills, nt AVest New burgh, N. Y., were destroyed by fire. One hundred and twenty-five persons are thrown out of employment. Loss es'i mated at $100,000; par:ly insured. Patrick McAdams, an old miner, and ever since its organization a prominent member of the order of Knights of Labor, was instantly killed while at work in the Nelson Coal Company’s mines at Mont gomery, Ind., on the 221, by tbeprematur discharge of a blast j> laced Ly another miner. News of a horrible affair comes from Catlettsfcurg, north cf Chattanooga, Tenn. A farmer named Thrower, while driving some hogs, was attacked by a boar and torn to pieces. The infuriated animal knocked the man down and seized him in the abdomen, tearing bis body al most in twain. Great excitement has been caused at Ghent by an order of the Communal Council forbidding the striking cotton operatives to bold a demonstration. The lamps in the torch of the Liberty statue at New York were again lighted on the night of the 22d, and will be hence forth kept burning by the lighthouse board. It is officially declared that Rosaire, in the Argentine Republic, is infected with cholera. Several points in the country along the de la Plata are supposed to be also infected. Canadian statistics show a shrinkage of only sixteen per cent, in fish exports, not withstanding the heavy duty imposed by the United States. The Liverpool Chamber of Commerce denounces the action of the British Gov ernment in giving the carriage of the American mails to “subsidized foreign steamships.” The London Sian dat'd considers the ap pointment of Sir Robert. Hamilton to tile Governorship of Tasmania a sign that Sir Michael Hicks-Beaeh is weak and irreso lute. Dr. John Hancock Dovgeass, who at tended General Grant during bis last ill ness, has been suffering recently from nervous prostration. His friends havo ad vised him to take a trip for his health, and the doctor has decided to travel through the Southern States. — , ——— LATE NEWS ITEMS. About 1000 coopers are out ou a sti ist at Cincinnati, demandiug an advance it the scale of wages of from 10 to 25 pel cent. The outlook promises a long lock ant. Officer Dan Scmnett, of Nashville, Tenn., was set upon by a gang of roughs and badly beaten on the 20th. Mrs. Lucy Parsons, the wife of th* condemned Anarchist, addressed a miscel laneous crowd of betwoen 300 and 400 at Allegheny City, Pa., on the 21st. She spoke for two hours, but the address did not differ materially from tboso delivered elsewhere. John Johnson, of Cleveland, Ohio, liai invented an apparatus by which he make* 1,000,000 feet of gas out of a barrel of coal Oil, and after this immense quantity of ga* has been made the residue of oil as a lubricator is said to be worth as much a? the barrel of oil originally. About one hundred bauds on the Fair view plantation, one mile above Berwick, La., are on a strike. Cutting and hauling and grinding cane has entirely ceased. Ge.v. Arthur is supposed to have saved £100,000 from bis salary as President. Hi! total estate, real and personal, is thought to be between $200,000 and $400,000. Alar and Neflie Arthur inherited from theii mother property valued at about $100,000. The State Comptroller of Tennessee has issued a statement of the collections of the current revenue for last year. It shows a total of $1,007,397.84, against $1,029*100.31 for the previous year, a decrease of $22, 502.46. E. J. Boasso, formerly chief of aids it New Orleans, under sentence of seventeen years imprisonment for forgery, and John Boniat, under a life sentence, escaped from the peniteutiary at Baton Rouge on the light of the 20th. A strike, in which 20,000 cotton oper atives will take part, will be inaugurated at Fall River, Mass., within a month, un less the manufacturers grant an increase in the wages of their employes. Hog cholera prevails near Urbaua, O One farmer has lost eighty bogs out of a herd of 2 W from the disease. The Postmaster-General's report, jus* out, shows: Number of new postoflice* j established for the year ending June 30, ! 1886 34$2. Number discontinued, 1120 J Total number remaining in operation, 63, , 614. , , , Heavy cyclones, gales and electrical storms are reported in Kansas, Michigan ana Wisconsin. It is apprehended tba; ships and steamers on the Northern lake* have suffered great damage. Of the total appropriations for the yeai amounting to $64,188,642.14. the entire out fay actually made and estimated to fc. made, is but $50,880,340.46, leaving a bat t.nce to be eventually covered into tbs j treasury of $3,344,J01-68. ' SOUTHERN GLEANINGS. One of the Florida hotels has advertised pine cone pillows for invalids as a "spe cialty.” The average cost per scholar of tin text books in the South Carolina schools is S9.4t> a year. j There are two counties in Speaker Car lisle's district in Kentucky that never had a railroad or a telegraph station, j Nathan Hobbs, of Penfield, Ga., who is ninety-six years old, works every day and , reads without spectacles. Iroquois, the only American horse that ever won the English Derby, is being wintered on a farm near Nashville, Tenn. A former named Mcore, of Chatham, N. ,f; , was sent to the chain gang recently •swapping off his wife. ' “T. E. Knox, of Daisy, Tenn., died , .5 fair dsye ago at Hot Springs, Arc., under circumstances indicating sui I Cide. Ten thousand acres of undeveloped land in Mississippi will be put in cultivation by i Northern capital no xt year. : Several Alabama papers want the State Legislature to pass a law requiring every man to produce a tax receipt before vot ; *>ig. At Atlanta, Ga., there has been formed an association of young Indies who are sworn to do everything in their power to abolish the “parlor-beau” fashion. George Long shot and accidentally killed .John H. Braswell at Cedar Hill, Robert son County, Tenn., a few days ago. Tbo charge of 6bot entered Braswell’s mouth, causing instant death. While Henry Esterwin was chopping wood in Bethany, Va., one day recently, his four-year-old daughter ran up play fully and put her little foot upon the log, and the next instant it was severed by the descending axe, the father not seeing his chihl in time to stay the blow. John McLaughlin, on the third trial at Fort Smith, Ark., for murder, was ac quitted. Vicksburg, Miss., has made a contract for the construction of a system of water works. The business quarter of Durham, N. C., was damaged by fire a few days ago to tho amount of $500,000. A. E. Peterson, late chief of pol'oe of Bine Bluff, was recently convicted in tho Circuit Court of highway robbery and was awarded two years in the peniten : tiary. • Nearly every citizen in Perry County, Kv., has armed himself for a share in the vendetta between French and Bversol, ri vals in business, who control the trade of several mountain counties. The Mississippi penitentiary and one thou ;nml convicts have been trnn«f«rrorl for six years to tire Gulf Ship Island Rail road Company, for $20,000 per annum and expenses. Attachments to the amount of $350,000 have been run on C. M. Neel, president of the First National Bank of Pine Bluff, Ark. Isaac Shelby, Sr., the only son of Ken tucky’s first Governor, died a few days ago in the ninety-second year cf his age at the home of his son, John W. Shelby, near Danville. Deceased had no disease, and seems to have died of old age. George D. Wise, a member of Congress from Virginia, was arrested in Richmond a few days since and held in $1,000 to keep the peace toward Colonel William Lamb, of Norfolk, whom he bitterly assailed in a published card. Rev. Gordon Jones, a colored nifbister, and who is somew hat of a noted local pol itician, was sent to jail at Memphis, Tenn., a few days ago in default of $2,000 bond. Jones has been systematic lly swindling colon d people there for the past six months by representing himself as president ot the “Sons and Daughters of Jacob,” a benevolent society, with headquarters a I Rome, Ga. Major S. W. Wood, an oid and highly* respected citizen of Canton, Miss., died a few nights ago. lie removed from Mis souri in ]8tU , where he has many friends and kindred. He was at one time sheriff of Franklin County, in that State. A passenger train on the Newport News Sc Mississippi Valley road partly ran off a trestle a lew days ago near Triplett Tun nel, Ky., caused by a broken wheel. A sleeper was thrown entirely off an eighteen-foot trestle. Chief Engineer Lum, Ihe Pullman conductor and several passengers were injured slightly. The trial of McDonald and Poppom at Aberdeen, Miss., for thr killing of Henry , Roberts in September last, w-as concluded a few days since, the jury rendering a verdict of not guilty. Nora Brown, stepdaughter of Mr. Jack Cull, of Owensboro, Ky., while suffering : with fever a few days ago. created quite , a stir in the family circle by suddenly ex- ' claiming that she saw an angel and the messenger said to her in clear tones- j “Thou shall live another year,” and fur* : ther said she felt its hands on herknee= She was not given to exaggeration, am* j it was certainly a strange message. Something was found to be wrong witt the kiln-drier of the Henderson Homing : Mills, at Henderson, Ky., a few days ago The engineer saw it was necessary to ge the accumulated dust out of the kiln, it order to prevent an explosion, and begai to take off a nut. The steam burs j through the aperture and badly seal dec j Joe Brant, who will lose his eyes if not hit life. John Jones and George Gaines wen r.lso badly scalded, but not seriously. The semi-annual exodus of Mormon con verts from the Southern States toTJtat took place a few days since. Chattanooga TenD., being the Southern headquarters o' the Church, the hundred converts as sembled there. They were from East Ten nessep, Virginia, North Carolina, Georgit and Alabama, and were of the most ig norant class. They were joined by re- j emits all along the line to Memphis, Rnd fully two hundred left that point. Tb< : elders state fljat the growth of Mortuou- j isnf In the South is marvefoua. H. M. HOXIE DEAD. The Agent of .Jav (imild’s Southwestern System Ides after a Lingering Illness. New York, Nov. 23.—Mr. H. M. Hoxie di«4l at 2:30 o’clock this morning at his room in the Metropolitan Opera House. The cause cf his tleatH was exhaustion, consequent on an operation performed on him at Saratoga ia June last by removing stones from the bladder. He has also suf lei'ed from kidney disease for the last thirty-five years, lie had been very weak for the last seven days, but his lioctors bad great hopes of his recovery. The pa tient began to sink rapidly at 5 o’clock last evening, but was conscious to the last. Mrs. Hoxie ami (.'apt. Haves'were with lint when he expired. shortly alter the trorbles on the Wabash system of railroads and the youth western •<>ads last May, Mr. Hoxie began to com plain of pains in his loins. Finally he became so much worse tint he was com pelled !o give up h s work and take a much-needed res:. The trouble-with the strikers woiried him very much. He left St. Louis in the latter part of May and fame Fust to Saratoga. After coiisulta ion with a physician he concluded to have ;he operation performed which resulted in ais death. After the operation Mr. Hoxie was relieved ami felt better for a time ;han he had for years. He hoped that by iaking a rest he would regain his health intirely. Mr. Hoxie, in company with his wife, :ook u trip to Montreal, August 25th. From '.here they went to (^ueliec and the White Mountains. He came to New York Sep tember 10th, and took apartments in the Broadw ay lla(s,iu the Metropolitan Opera House Block. He became ill. His physi cians, Drs. Metcalfe and Ward, were called. He was still weak from the effects if the operation. Any excitement was leleterious. He failed rapidly, but suf fered li.tle, and had hopes that he would oe able soon to attend a meeting of the managers of the Southwestern system. Mrs. Hoxie aud Capt. llayes were with jini continual]v. Friday Mr. Hoxie was ible to sit up for a short time nud had the lewspapers read to him. Yesterday he recieved several friends in the morning ind talked with his wife about business rffairs. At 5 o'clock in the evening he complained of being weak and said that le thought ho was going to die. Mr. Hoxie’s physician, Dr. Metcalfe, said to luy that his patient had a wonderful will power, and that he fought bravely against ieath. If he had been u young man with i strong constitution he would have lived. will be no funeral services iu this city. The lody will be embalmed and ;akeu to Des Moines, Iowa, to-morrow and .he funeral servi es will be held on Kalur lay. Mr. Hoxie bad a son, who is buried n the family plot in the cemetery at Des Moines, and before he died lie expressed i wish that he should be buried by the ••he side of his child. MR. HOXIE’S EARLY DAYS. Des Moms, I\., Nov. 2B.—In his early lays Mr. Hoxie resided here and for twenty years thereafter. He wssappoint* d rjniteil Stnkotf Muivlial for Iowa by PrtrSi* lent Lincoln in 1MI2 and was very efficient u suppressing Knights of the Golden Cir cle. Koon after the war he left here to iccept a position on the Union Pacific Railroad. His remains will be brought lere for burial. HIGHLY EULOGISTIC RESOLUTIONS. St. Lruis, Nov. 2l>.—The news of the Ieath of Col. 11. M. Hoxie, first vice-pres ident and general manager of the Missouri Pacific Railroad, was received here to-day with profound sorrow, not only bv his as sociates iu t.he management of the great system and the employes of the road, but .■y the wide circle of friends aud no [juaintance which he bad in the city. The general officers and employes at the central headquarters of the company and at the various stations in the city he'd a meeting this af ternoon and adopted high ly eulogistic resolutions- of Mr. Hoxie’* ability as a rail way manager, his kindness aud courtesy to associates and employes, aud his high personal worth. The reso lutions w ere signed by several hundred of the employ s, and they will he held a day or two for other names, when Ihey will be r ut to Mrs. Hoxie as a memorial. A committee representing each depart ment of the road aud a considerable num ber of Mr. Hoxie’s more intimate friends will attend the funeral at Des Moiue-. and it is expected a large number of railroad officers iu different parts of the West will be present aud attest their sorrow for the deoetrsed. Kan Down l»y Itlood hounds. Nashville, Te.v.v., Nov. 20.— Last spring young Mr. Tod cl, of good family in Talla poosa oouutv, Alabama, liis father teaches school, obtained of Gray & Knight, merchants in Da levil e, Tallapoosa county, advances on his crop by mortgaging about three head of stock and his prospective crop. .Subsequently it was ascertained he mortgaged what he did not possess. He farmed some little. The precise spot, however, w as unknown, but it was f' un 1 uut that ho “ranged” mostly across Talla poosa liver, his peculiar operations ex lerding within a ratio of about uiueieen miles, where he managed, without con fessing, to belong to the Mormons, and to keep within convenient distances, about lifteen white concub.ues, whom he success fully kept np by furnishing them with the provisions he obtained from his merchants on his crop and dividing them among these women. The latter part of the sum mer he succeeded in getiing more pro visions from his Dadeville merchants on his crop, dividing them again among his concubines. lteeeutly Gray & Knight learned that Todd sold a bale of cotton mortgaged to them in Alexander City, aud had pur chased a suit of clothes, preparatory to going to Texas. They obtained a warrant for his arrest, but he got posted before the officers reached his abode, and now- fol lowed a system of well-conceived eva sions of arrest all through his numerous concubines, who were well-posted and in strue’ed. they tor some time misdirecting amt misleading the officers o'' the law, who, being tired of being foiled by these women everv da'.', determined to hunt Todd w ith bloodhounds. They first scoured his range for two days, but his epacubim-s foiled eveu the bloodhounds. Two more ltioo Ihounds were secured, the concubine* still protect ing their utau. aud changing and obliter Ving bis trails. At last, however, an in furiated husband, whose wife charged Todd with having outraged her in the woods, joinetf the chase. His trail was quickly found, and the four bloodhounds spotted him in close quarters, with two concubines trying to hide him. He saw that be was cornered and surrendered, c:,d was followed part of the wav to prison hr seme of his concubines, and is solitarily .-alined in jail at Dfidt-vilie. The «if air ,reates much talk, ami is r.|. tTe v *-.ip Mini around Dade Vie. - THE WEATHER BUREAU. Interesting Kxeerjits From tlie Animal Re port of General VV. B. Hazen, Chief Signal Officer—The Value of the Service J»s Indi cated by Practical .Results—Further Ex tensions Desirable." ' Washington.' Nov. 21.—General W; B. Hazen. Chief Signal officer, has transmit ted to the Secretary of War his annual re j port, showing the operations of his bureau during the last fiscal year. The report j begins with'a statement of the value of tlia instruction afforded at Fort Myer. and I the service of the signal corps attached tc ; Gepearl Miles' command duriug.the Gero 1 ninio campaign are cited as evidence of the utility and necessity of trained1 sigfftfl'offi eers. Regret is-"ex pressed at.the action of Congress in failing to provide for a .contin uance of Fort post of instrno tion. On this subject General Hazeu says: “The present plan must inevitably bring into the service ^lnanCm^n not nt for it. and this fact cannot he learned until much time and money is lost, and the service im i paired.” Concerning the work ot the meteorologi cal division the report says: “Many very important laws have been recently de duced theoretically and confirmed by oh serveratious and experiments. Solar and terrestrial radiation, the conditions deter mining temperature; tin*, rations be tween the amount of solar heat- received by different jiarts of the earth's' su'rftii-p : and the corresponding resulting tempera ture; the effect of the deflecting forces of the earth's rotation on the mechanics of atmosphere, and the theory of the general , motion of the atmosphere, and o.f cyclones, tornadoes, etc., are subjects which have recently received much attention. “It is stated that the plan of securing as observers young men qualified by educa tion for the pursuit of Scientific studies, and thus raising the standard of the enlist ed force of the signal corps, has 'now been in; operation five years, and of the 8M en listments made during, that time ninety seven were college graduates; and it has proved of benefit to the service." WEATHER FORECASTS. Touching the weather forecasts anc special warnings issued during the year, it is said-that the increasing demand: for these forecasts may be taken as evidence of their value. The officers are unable to comply with the numerous requests re ceived from cities, towns and corporation I for the special warnings, owing to the lim ited appropriations for this branch of-the service. General Hazen says that the progress made in indicating the approach of cold waves lias been highly satisfactory and he is convinced that property to the.Value of many millions of dollars has been sa ved through the agency of this Service. The cold wave signal is now displayed by or ders from the central office at 290 cities and towns in ihe United States, and from these points distributed bv telephone antt and railways to about 2U.0.A) stations. An appropriation of $5.0: Ml is recommended for the extension of the service and thf1 opinion is expressed that no appropriation would be more acceptable to the people. Of the 1.085 cold wave signals displayed during the year. 911. or 95.5 per cent, were justified. The number of signal stations in opera tion June 30. pvsfi. in the 1’nited States was 452. These include the telegraph stations, display, special river, -cotton region and twelve repair stations. Ip addition, rr _ ports are received from Twenty-four (Aina dian stations by the co-operation of-tin* 1'anadian meteological service. The office has continued to co-operate with foreign observers in collecting simultaneous me teorological reports, and in this work re ports have been received from 294 foreign stations and tilt, naval and merchant mar ine vessels. •SYSTEM OF. WARNING.' <• Being desirous of ascertaining the opin . ion of the public as to the value of the svs tem of warnings and indications bv the dis • play of flags, the chief signal officer say* he addressed a circular letter to those ir charge of the display of those signals at various joints requesting that they report to what extent they give satisfaction. More than 2.50 replies were received ecuy mending in the highest'terms this new feature of the signal sen-fee which gives to many cities and towns the advantages of a signal service station without expense to the Government. An appropriation ol *10.000 is recommended to enable Jhebu reau to furnish flags and transmit tele grams to those volunteer stations. Of the utility of the flood warnings fur nished by the Signal Service, the rojiort says a careful estimate shows that prop erty valued at $129.Ot) was saved at v single slation (Nashville, lenn.). by thf flood warnings of the Signal Service in thf ; Cumberland river during March apd Ariri of the current year. The expense Jo thf Government in communicating thf: a’oovf warnings to all stations of that, system, in cluding pay of river observers, was *27.Kf)t This single cxamjde illustrates Yvhat is being done in the whole system The system of seacoast telegrajih iin'*« is said to be of great value, and its ex tension along the entire Atlanttc coast is - recommended. Of ihe State weather services. <Tericra flazen says: “The plan of organizing State weather services, co-operating with tin! Signal Service, has met with encourage ment during the year, and the evident value of such organizations in affording means for the rapid and economical dw-. tribution of the weather forecasts and. frost and cold wave warnings of this serv ice has led me to arrange for establishment of similar service in States where they are > not now in operation. The chief signal officer hopes that Con gress at its next session will recognize the . successful work performed by Lieutenant freely and his party in providing promo - tions of the survivors and support for the families of those who lost their lives while serving with this expedition. The report closes with recommendation* looking to the establishment of additional eautionarv stations on the lakes and the purchase.’at a cost of *K*.000, of a new building for the accommodation of t'nc bu reau. t. The UtpUltaerla Scourge. miFEMisa. Mkh.. NT s2 —On account ; Qf the prevalence of diphtheria.-all d&nbe* , and public have been prohibited in this city. The sehowjp ha- c been do*ed iititl no services were held in the eunrct-.e*-. b/order of the Board of Health, yester • c-*