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llontsvilleUazette CifAS. ilENDLBY, JR , Editor. SATURDAY, November 27th, 1886 rKUM8 TO 8UBSCRIBERS: {Pottage Prepaid.) i • <!« Copy, one yeer....$1.50 •• •• six mouths. 1.00 *• *• three months.50 Sample Copies 6 cents. titn espy to the getter up of s club eight (8) subscribers. Subscription payable in advance. Ta lttbore gsafety, money must be aeui by Poet-offloe money eider or reg istered letter. Address GAZETTE COMPANY,J Box 180. HnntaviUe, Ala. Caiette Buraau In Birm. Ingham. Mr, H C Binford at the old Gro cery stand of f.H. Binford. let Ave nue, opposite I he Slone Fnruace, is the authorised agent end Represent ative of theGAZETTi in Biruming Ua. All business pertaining to this journal wilt reeieve prompt attention by him. Let our Birmingham friends end patrons call in to see Mr Binford aed leave thbir Subscription, news notes end retrieve his waitn wel oouie. Single comes of the Gazette will b« kept for eels here. By a!l means let bullets be num bered. A blizzu-d carried the thermome t>ir down to * »ro ont in Dakota J uea day Montgomery is pursuing it* fottsiouul gamblers with a very snarp atiok. The Birmingham A<je wants a law prohibiting the re-election of solici tors. The Legislature can not afford to suffer the present electiou law^to re main uuchsuged. It must be site*"* ed and amended'so as to protect the ballot box from frand, and secure ao hoBset, fair eeuut. The Legislature is about to give the Mapie City power to'taxdtself to its heart’s content.]22dVith its {crav ings for big things: naturally comes the fashionable weakness of a big debt. Representative Hundley’s excel lent bill —giving the laborer sfcurity for lie honest wtges was defeated in the House. The failure to past, it must be considered a big blunder aud the people will remember the opposere. Mr Maples, of Jackson, ban in troduced a bill to abolish all Hie normal schools in the Btal*. It it a bold move and will doubt 1 imp provoke warm discussion, but there urw many arguments in its favor.— Decatur News. Thk death of Ex-President Arthur tempved from us one of the moateir eumsj ect, and able public men of our fauns. As Trssideut he won the confidence yf the whole peopl'', who now sincerely mourn bis kwr. RkpsiSiSTiTiVB Ml itted has intro.** dueed a bill in the House at Mon.* •wintry providing for an nsylum I< t inesie | eople of color. 1 tt tLe } n BStne measure be passed without de lay. It is a disgrace to state, its Christianity, that insane people should be h i ked op in jails as crim naV. Birmingham ia in the throea of a Major's fleotioo, the contesting can* didetss being the present incumbent. Major Lane, sad J. B. Luczia. Tbe Negro American ie red hot for Maj or Lane. As the MagieCity ia with out any representative of ita col ored citizens in andef the municipal offices it fould be a good time now to make terms any aeonre say a col ored policeman, if nothing more. The colored voters of Birmingham need to oast their vote solid, as the balance of power, and elect the man who wil. do Justice hy them in this matter Huntsville bests all in dealing fairly <p£th its colored citizens, and tbe great city of Birmingham needs to net at its M for a lesson in mag nsminitjr. Tuegood people of Nash vile Xenu. have lately been baviug much trouble with villiaulj iu the Pulpit. A dis guised villiau wearing the livery ot a saint is the worse enemy to pure mor als, the happy fireside and good so ciety that auy community can be cursed with, When thoyare f mu 1 out no tim should lie lost in uumusking them and showing up their deceit and base ness. If there is no other way to get \ rid of such as defy decency and scout at good people who oppose aud staud iu the way of their evil designs let them betaken out on a rail. The people must not suffer them selves tube imposed upon, the foun tains of society poisoned by scouiim drels prostituting high places to foul and selfish purposes. Yes, cut them off, diive them out si and upon the order of going. A pure pulpit aud upright teachers must me Is be the lever* to elevate, retiue and advance the pe iple aud coming generations. The Gazette, then-fire commends the action <-f the g<u.d peoj lc of Nashville is boldly and firmly defend ing the pulpit and drugging down from itr protection man ju iw i thy to occupy if. The prei-s of Nashville ha* cried aloud aud spared not. and deserves much credit. Tlik Colored Industrial and Fail Assoc la* Ion ot Uio Stale of Arkansas. Tlie*u>Hiiile*lation of the Fir-*! In dustrial Fair Asstrcin1 inn of the »lat« far exceeded the expectation »»f its most sauguiue fiicnds, It this af fair the colored people of Arkansas have outstriped those of any other state in the Union. For besides the display i.f the jjNegroe’ artistic and scientific ability, which gr*-et d the visitors everywhere they turned, one marktd feature if the a eociutiuu makes it unique, in ilie fact, that the fair grounds and b ulJingsjaro owned and controlled by a colored man, who in addition to this, is the owner of a line of street carj, which extends from the moat business part of this city to the fair grounds. Another grand feature about it, is that his is the first railway street car put into operation in the city of Pine B uff. la not this phenomenal in the histo ry of the woild Hi.I ali Lhesej| indues tries are the results of N«gro ener gy, business fact and brsi: ? Surely these facts sh iuld i u out age every member of the race to let ter effoits, and a more systematic <i<l jfenur il pi tu f rrjadva’ic ;in mt in the bchI • ol wealth and iuti lligeiic ■. This Fair demount rat* g clearl y the power and capability of the race, and neapeaki* lor tbe^Negroes of this stale ^1 >riinis possibilities • C <1 B 11. one of the best and most, wealth} ciliz ms of .1 Hereon County, relates ijnt bow on several occisio is the white people in^tbis county at* teiupte-l to form a Fair AsSot l * i >u *ud|^ I'uilid. Too colored*^ people -h mid fm J proti l?of ^the fact that they have gurmou .ted and conq ter ed difficulties which destroyed and buried (he hopes otfsoine of (lie h* at trained minds of J If. rsun Conn y. Recognizing tliese facts, let every colored person in the of Ark aiisas strive t > do his best to increase the int. test and io prepare to give more comprehensibly for the next in dustrial exhibit. Too much coin mendatiou cannot bo given to the manugere of the ^ufearciulniri. lliey have done lb#-nisei yea, as well as their people, an honor, which wijl live, not only for the present; but w;ll go down in the archives to the ages, to generations yet unborn. Tb'-ee «rp the lactajwhiih do more to convince Lhoae a’ho are continually asking ''what shall ho with the Negro,’’ than anything ciu-v h p must also reengnizi the Tact that the managers cannot succeed without a hearty co-operation of others, and our duty, our love of pace, our na* tional pride and our |ov* for the rising generation demand of us an extensive awakening in fostering and inculcating libs principle into the mind of every Negro jn the state. We do not forget the active part the white citizens of Jefersou Coun ty, took in ai'li g the association with means to earry on their enter prise . We thank them and assure them that such will inspire us to uo bier deeds. — Arkansas Baptist. NEWjAND SENTIMENT (From Colored Exchanges ) The Chattanooga Tribune La.-, so- - pended. Fred Douglass is r ceiving <>vi tioub in Europe. The Fine lihiff Aik , First Nation al 15ink has failed. Colored Odd Fellows tue istiiuuf od to nuinter 3(5.000. Lincoln U.iive-si y h is six Afii cun lads us students. Ex-Congressman Lynch, of Miss, was defeated for r< -eh cf ion. The K. of L. run a store in Staun ton, V i. The Col ir< d schools of Atlanta have finer buddings than the whi’ee. Mr. A. S. Smith, of Mobile, visit ed Birmingham list week. G. M. Hill was recently elected coroner of Princeton, led. Hop. J. K Moore rep re ents W sti inglon, Co., in the Texas Legisla tor1. J Delos S. Davis Esq, is the ~'ou]yv colored lawyer iu Ontario. Fr*nb \J. T uurman is cm on ir« elect of Jackson. Mich, Walker. Wolf & Brown, a c i’d. Boston law firm h is a yearly income of $G.000. : H. C. Bruce, brother of Ex-R'gs , islet Bruce, has been promoted to a j $1,000 cl- i kship in the Pension Be i pat tmeu f. | The N. Y Sun In is a funny Sun beim Hboiit Editor .Smith o| the Pittsburg, Prim., Hroad Are. It say9 that Bro. Smith asked a promie ueut candidate during the recent election to subscribe for his Broad Axe. I lie candid ite handed him a $20 bill, and was surprised to g.-t back instead of $19 in change, a re ceipt for 20years snhscripliot , w.t'.i the explanation “that the paper would still come on if he should1 dit” Two young men from the Creek I Nation, Indian Territory, euteied K >g< r VVilliams University, al Nash*, vilIts, Tetin,, hist week. If you earn one dolj ir be suit y-.u save fifty per cent. It. is the penny saved, net the penny made, that C‘ lints.—.V. }'. i' Minneapolis Western Appeal: The gteat French engineer, M. Do Les se| a, ha* a colored wile and .-ix chil dren. A s ihool b >y sh t and killed a school male at Pearl school li e bo vs Weir colored; Leach*, rs white — Nash rifle Star. Bro. John Hannon editor it the Odd Fellow* Journal ol M mtgo.neiy, Ala., was ivtphz • i () ;t 31-t ami !. ceived in the B pi is*, church —S ■Ima Inde/ntadenl. Q lite a mi m nor of colore i fimili.-s lot's toe u< ig’ib t-io >-i of Browns St-i., iu tbi s c unity an 1 Ttyhus St, in Peri) c unty list Saturday enroute for Mississippi.—Mont. Herald Afns'ichu-ietts eie -ted a c »iond man to the E'gidaluie last, week in the permit ot IV. O, Armstrong, His opponent \yis Clillord H. Piuinmor, a you ig colored lawyer, — Sentinel. oh iron, Ga,, in Wiilei c minty, Inis recently developed into a great heal ing p'ici for ih mmalisra. 'Hundreds nave been I bore an d came aw iy tio tif) iog as to ds healing pow< rs — S Recorder. Mr. A. A J mi >8, of Pike Hoad, vyrites if3 th it the p. 04>le in his sec tion of tijqcmnty, are in great dis tress, growing out t,r total failure of ere pa in flint section. Ho says if ever a people needed aid, it is the colo ed people of Pike U >ad, at this time.— jla. Herald. In toe Doniopiafic Legislature of Alabama which assembled last week, one mao in the senate and seventeen in the house were ruled out of the Democratic caucus because they are ftepabljcaus or Independents or bolt ers fiorn Democrat if rascality.—Sel ma Independent. According to the latest returns, the Legislature will stand as follows: H- - publics 1 Senators of, D unocr.ts, 15. Alliance 1; Republican Represent!. ifves 70, Democrats 32, Alliance 1; Republican maj oily on joint ballot, £8 The eleciion of Hon. (J 1C. Davis lo the United States Senate is assur ed .—Minn. Appeal. OF a CHICAGO * In Circulation and Political influence is the IN THE NORTHWEST. THE INTER OCEAN has from the beginning been the dole uier of home institutions and American Ideas Ji is the advocate of ©quid rights for all be fore the law. of protection to 3 bor, and of the lira that America is for •'.*».» ».t -not nec essarily Americans by birth, tom eo. 1.. ns of the Republic. It believes in the West and Western men, holds to the idea that the future scat of em pire will be in the Missis: ';>pt Valley, and is bold and aggressive in its >ppo tion to the unholy alli ance between fhe money-changers of New York City and the States lately in rebellion. THE INTER OCEAN is earnestly in favor of the Republican party because it believes ’he principles of that party are c orrect, and that, honestly car ried out they will best protect the rights and ad vance the interests of the whole people. It is not. however, u blind follower, but is always ready to denounc e Republican wrong-doing, either in high or low } laces. ^ THE INTER OCEAN has always maintained that the Nation is under an obligation to the soldiers oi the late war. who Jeopardized their lives to protect It from armed treason, which it can never re pa.? , and. cor-3-»quentl>, has advocated the establish ment o.? Soldiers' Homes and the enactment o' such pension laws as would leave no disabled vet eran in want. As ft Newspaper THE INTER OCE AN is not ex cellod in the United States. Aside fi cm the service . of the Associated Press, in which it holds a mom - . uership. It keeps a large body of Special Corre spondents, both in this c • • • , ’. ilv Oi' 1 Wo Id,and has SPECIAI. Lc *-.«• ■: vr.i.hv;HIC 1 WH PS? . ueotivg its Chks. ~o >flice ■. .'h V.'AS H i NO * ON end M *> ORK. V both o v.-V.«-b oiri© tin * SPECIAL NEW?* BUhUAUR and - brui) >L ‘fbe ijatiy inter 0oean !.«-• published rve-y day hi the year. c,clB.'.iti‘ 0! Ni'itliir, - - S 8.00 iter V SL^ tolaM, - * - 10.00“ - other stiu. 11*. -- . Jlajg:. Is published on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, an cot Pan: * the NVv* s condensed front the Dad y Am oily other tenturi s. THE S! - UT E.« L prints th • Sermons of Prof. Swing and other lead injf Million r« ct fr.k ago. i rice. i»«*r Vesir ghe V0Ge’Uy Ocean Haa the LARGEST CIRC !,ATIO>! of nay weekly paper West of N©v York. In 1884, befog- li.ft ref . .on < r ■ o*-my: . it pal* for POSTAGE ON CIRCULATION h.une over $25,000. 1 ‘rice, f* l ,00 per \r»*;ir. Every effort is used :»> make THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN e MODEL AM! UY Y E Y/S1 AP:' R one that can be taker m:o . ■ \ family wit-: profit f each ol"it-, members T’-». ories «’ other litei ary features are from tiv . o . i ablest err Biost approved write-— • r•» : • ; . : \i BF B : RNETT. MISS RYU; ; 'U . Un MESSRS. STOCKTON. P *0'VB:iM>GM LaTHROP BOYESEN. SIDNEY LI S. A. . ud K. . . ROE. All the loading feature.- >: * ' * pr o. v v n *. h»v* made it SO POPULAR IN "H ' iG.'.Cl a. ILL w i. be continued m- ’ impro ©«». .and nothing v.'SIl b left uudoDcJ ! 'kn‘pi'ijif!'. front rank as Y SOUND WHOLESOM K N £WSPAPER. ★ SPECIAL OFFERS. * There is a §r**e»».t demand from nil parts of f,b country for a correct but cheap Hr-dory of th. United States Most of uutT book art* so lecg. and expensive as? to be out of the renek of raos families Y ©t every boy and girl »u^ht to be lar with the hiiStyrv *h con ' . T* he : 1 ly fail to make then, better c-J-M :eu* Tit * • N ITT OCEAN hit.-, made .- pe-cm! ari a- manta tr- whic' Drown': History of H { nit.-<1 Suit-— Can be offered with THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN one year, at th© very low rate of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY ('ENTS For both the history and paper. BROWN’S HISTORY is a well-written story o our country. Lom the earliest settlement to th* present day. It is well printed in clear type, or good whit, paper, and bound in cloth. It contain? more than SIXTY ILLUSTRATIONS and over SIX HUNDRED PAOpS. RE MEMBER. OXE HOLLAR AXH Kil l ) EE XT pa//.* for tin paper ‘Jut V< >n and the History, both to b> tent portage paid. A PREMIUM TO WENTS. Th© price of THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN U $1.00 per year, and an3 person se;nilnr< four yeprD subscriptions for that edition, accom; -iiiied by th* fhll subscription price -FOUR DOLLARS send them A COPY OF THE HISTORY' FREE. Ai 01081 **r»y boy or »*i can secure four subscriber: and in thia way obtain a copy of tin.*- valuable book The price of THE SEMI- WEE RE > IX TEH Of 'EA A and BRO H X'S HIST OH Y f>l I HE EXETER S 7 1 / / • f.t TWO HOLLARS AXR ' IXETY EX IS. Sample copies of any edition f THE. INTF. OCEAN will be sent on application. Remittances may b© made at our ri-,k. ©Yhov b; draft, express. postofBc ordtr, •xpn *. < ^ postal notes, or registered leg- r. : • • >-< . i any other w ay Is at the risk a; a - •* • j It. Address THE INTET OCEAM, f?5 Madison St.. < ’hloar-r*. After Forty years’ experience in the preparat ion of more than One Hundred tlonR t'oi , • i n i an. ' • ii ers of the Scientific e to act as solicitors s, trade-marks, copy > United States, and i. F.nglnnd, France, dries Their expert* facilities are unsur* ■ i i j I 361 Broadway, Sew York. Handbook about patents mailed free. I Notice of Publication. Huntsville, Via., Oct. ltilbSh. ■ Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make iinal proof in support of j his.claim, and that proof will he nude be fore the Register and Receiver at Hunts ville on Nov 21. l.XiSti, viz: No. 1070'.* .1. M. Rears.' i for the S W ) S K' and S K 1 ’ of S Wsoo R! and N K | N W j and.N W > N E i S24T 1 SR 2 West lie names the billowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Daniel Turner I’O Madison Cross Roads Hugh L Tonev I’O Madison Cross Roads Oahniel Holliwav I’o Mailisoii ( res- Road Enoch Crowson I’o Madison <'mss Ronds. \V>li. C. Wells, Register. 10-1 <!-(>« *)f :--v: i< s vs. s-i, JHl'NTSVfliLF. - A * j A i'i -si«■ r j;. i TB'-J G-G-XZOS P'HAB L O N S CABRIAG t .-a % 11 AGE OB Pi rj >t iwmppBU^isr WAGONS j m_L. '^4- i:ii ^ . f, •- r • : r* [ ?X Ja J Jc lfc In Jp Jii ^ i W 1 M ji 1 *.»>• i<y g <r . IV n uf; c turer c j | Faroa and Sprin^ 77agot : $ '■ i . jh . ,15 hcHtv * J 3 Doors s ,;tiL of }\is* Cfll, tv OrtiCM Hours i r un *., »o 11 \ M , ,1 ? i o I' M Telephone 32. ' J< ' ; ! 1 :i" ''iii; i, t - ill . •t' 'IV, v. i!! , - <u i f . tlf lit n ii Cu'j ii i«,w t. , i Co:,; y (.vill ljr pii• i i i-11 t‘iii:oi: KCSIDENf E AT OF FI' E Lemons’ Hotel DECATUR,1"' 'itiii First Class Ar«>«nio(lati..ns \L* .?*,*"*. the Travelinsr j,ul»ii«- I-’vcrv tiling New, Neat an I t'fo,,/ Satisfaction Guarantee n-,.. „ yards from Depot. y 5° 31 ANOXIC Si I*l*f jj.;s Large fu" stock °f Books Clanks. Collars, A|ir Jewels Seals, Working Pools, Gavels, Ballot Bov' 03 etc. for Blue LotWg Robes, Jewels, Collars’ Aprons Arks, sWords, and Belts, Banners, etc for ft f* Chapter. Commao -cry. supplies and k <p Outfits. Send for cata logue price list JN’O. D. CALDWELL. - toiirth St Cincinnati, 0 hOOT AXI) SHOK SHOP litn>!sand HI ()<»s imil)e V’ ,n"1 - pairs do’it in best rix|(. H|)lt :t cheapest prices. James C. Hobbs, VI V. vfl nrim/ O. ortri, W. J. BARRON, s i S ? :v 'i i & i OF i'T E— I i FVjirik* BitiYYvv <y posit#? Market Him 1\ ti0 8rre* t. JOHN F. STK«T? , 49 Maiden Lane, Haw Talk Importer, Manufacturer A Wholmali Dmimn' MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. MUSICAL BOXES •AND INSTRUMENTS. BTRATTON’S 0El*7 •RATED RUSSIAN GUT VIO.LIN STRItf c- -0 SISD rox CATAL03UB. EustisSt. below Post Office. — !*!-; \l,s:li IN TOYS, FESTIVAL, BIRTHDAY, WEDDING AND HOLIDAY COODS ! ARGEST ASSORTMENTS. CIIEAFE3 PBICS PATH AT THE New Hide and Fur store Lamberts old .stand Mules, Furs, Bees w a x, Feat! ie rs, Woo?, fjrinsen^;, Old Iron and Ra^s &o. P i!i •><’ <> Hie inf< r< U of ti.o ;>?«>} le lot e nif fiJii'.g. J.W. "imes. N. E. Cor. Jefferson & HofmesSt The HORSE and EGO I To be given away, can now be seen in front of my Store from day to day. Dan Scliiffman's Southern Clothing Palace, WUcr the largest stock of MENS, BOYS and CHILDRENS’ CLOTHING in the cry has arrived ani! will be gold at the lowest prices. Read the advertisement and make your selection. Small I Dp School Suits, ages 4 to 12 years, with Knee Pants, from $2.00 to $3.50. Other styles of Cassi meres and Cheviots, material selected and designed for School Wear, at $3.50 to $4.50. ,See my $5.00 line of Knee lVnt>. School Suits, ages s to 12 years, made up from Worsteds, Cashmere and Cheviots □eluding all the novelties in BLOUSE and NORFOLK. Many of these suits are worth from $3.00t< $7.50- Large Boys Suits, ages from 11 to 17 years, with Long Pants, at $6.50 to $7.00. I can show you over ONE HUNDRED STYLES LARGE BOYS’ SCHOOL SUITS n WORSTED. CASHMERES and SCOTCH CHEVIOTS at $7.50, $8.50, $0.50 and $10.00. Appreciating tne fact that Boys are hard on clothes, I make it a point to use only seP material, and while the style and fit of my cheapest suits is perfect, the sewing is ah hong. Special Police:—My line of Underwear, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes-is n°u j complete, also the handsomest line of Neckwear in this city. Call and st*0 Dan Schiffman.