Newspaper Page Text
Huntsville Gazette S VTL'I’P V Xovernl pr, 27tb, 1886. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A mod J el of purity, strength and holesome ness. More economical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold ncompetition with the multitude of ou test, short weight alum or plios p ate powders. Sold only in can* It vai. Bakino Powdkh Co , 106 Wall St . X V Oct 31-ly j fresh, coni lager beer always on tap. The finest i-tock of native and (unrein wines in the city, to lie found at saloon of. \Y. F. STRUVE’S. We have a large lot. of Boys suit Irani 4 to 10 years, which we are of faring at about half price. C ill early if you want a bargain. A. Campbell & Son Good Gray Blankets at. SI.00 per pair. Lap Robes, House Blankets, af A. Campbell A Son. — M. E Conference December !e — The schools are well attended — 1 lie marriage b ) >tu is swelling bust fustifute is doing good work. —.Sever.I mini tee m high Irf. ! are near at h >ml. —The Chattanooga Tin wh savg I'- atur :s ei joying a boom ~0ur do it cir lin t is set down tt*cert ;i'dy -AIvertise in the Gazette f»>r Holiday ti«d< . ~Tin Indies are indignant at the reduction n, the uiirii.ige license fee -d’anl jr Harrison, of P, ori », III. S-urclnsed the Nidi,Lon farm’ 'uUr “"fa* w. ?t if the city. b uiou fhanksgiviug services ’Fre held at the 2nd ('. P. church Thinksgiving morning. "fhs is a splendid season to show Fur sympathy with the poor aud by giving them a helping hand. p " The Chattanooga Time.s says ^ 1.0O0 houses have been built in ^ thriving town during the pres *je«. f ' tr' Toanbsgiving .lay whs observed j‘I,le Schools and churches. A ^ Du‘‘‘her of people were on the 6et» and business went on as us. 4ll^0tl e *8 ®iven tbroQKh the Will! that an application aQie ® 111 do to the legislature to ci^611 8 *bs 'hree and four of the Prov)4 lei' **le 8eci>°,,a named 1 e and define the division of the Qor o^l°i " aat- *erW8, man: Or an!)6 m' ' ,1' ‘‘tc ’ o{ tlje naayor Posodbvu lbclia^ Pro id. amendment is not stat m bw'r? "‘U Cttlf Shw,s in fare button 8r^“t S3 50 per. pair. A Campbell a Son. Personal. Mr. W m. R. Rieon 1r»s been or« a visit to Birmingham. MV. Tticwas Butties w is down from Bluteher’s Ford lust week. Mr. Chas Brown after a pleasant visit lx me left Wednesdiy night for his business at Eutaw. Miss Lillian Br« water, c l Mont gomery has been captivating the Magic City social circles by a short visi\ I>r. Sam Lowry and Messrs. Oscar Ful gham, Robert Jones and Luke Matthews of Huntsville, are taking a look at Rir mingham-—A<je. The Mechanic* Men Rill |>efeal<<l. Tlie above hill offered by Oscar R. Hundley, Ksq., of this district, was de feated in the House yesterday, by a vote of nil to lid. It was reported on favorably by the judiciary committee, and our special correspondent at the Capitol, in forms us that Hundley made a gallant tight in favor of the bill. The Speaker of the House voted for it, and the ablest jurists of the State speak favorably of it. The Rill in question was',to be entitled “an act to give laborers, workmen, me chanics and all persons who work for wages, a lien on t've' prof*"-*! * o.ii | plovers, for the amount of their wages. It is a pity the bill did not pass and be come a taw; it could not possibly be pro ductive of any harm, but would, cer tainly, be productive oj much good. The gallant stand made by the gifted and eloquent Hundley, will be remem bered by the masses whom he struggled j to protect. The Dispatch says editorially: 1 “Representative Hundley, is a young J man that North Alabama can count on. He ranks among the lirst in the house.” To which we add, he ranks among 1110 the lirst in the land. to Weil. WHITE. Geo. W. Campbell to Maggie Jones. j Richard Heckles to Henrietta Kraus. COLORED. j Harrison Jefferson to Dora Harris. i MARRIED. Brandon —Owens—In this ci'y Tuesday night Nov. 23, 1886. Mr. Tommie J. Brandon and Miss Maty Owens. Resaw—Lewis—At the residence! of the hi 'do’s mother iu this county, Sunday. Nov. 14, 1886, l»y Rev Mr. Nissan, Pastor of the Poplar Hill 0. P. Church, Mr. William Resaw to Miss Isabella l.ewis. The happy couple will make their home in Co lumbus, O. May Fortune’s smiles *hvays brighten their pathway through life. -- -«•».. Admitted to Bail. Chancellor McSpudden in the mat ter the writ of habens corpus sued out by William Hussey, decided Monday that the case was a bailable j one, and tixed t he dt fendants bond at 810.000 for his personal appearance; before the Ciicnit Court at its next j term. The bond was ex* ruted. Teacher’s Institute. The Teac hers’ Ii eti ute for the colored teachers of Madison county will convene at Rust Institute Sat - urday. Dec. 4, 1886, at 1 o’clock p. M. All teachers are earnestly re quested to be pre sent. R. M. Lowe, Miss Delia L Scruggs, Pits. Secy. A CARD. Huntsville. Ala., Nov 23, ’86 To the Editor of the Gazette. Permit me to encroach upon your apace enough to acknowledge on be half of the Immaculates the cordial reception and entertainment tender ed us at the C. P. Bazaar last week Rev. J. F. Humphrey and the mem bers of the C P. church richly de serve the liberal patronage and sup port of the public in their efforts to raise money for the benefit of thpiy church. May God continue to bless the I Pastor and congregation. Respectfully. Joseph McGill. t SPECIAL OFFEH (lood Carpets at 20c. 25c. 30c. and 40c. pr. yd. Handsome Window Shades w ith fixtures *1.00 pr pair 3x4 Oil Cloth at 25 c. pr. wd, Rugs, Mats, Crumb Clothes, at bottom prices. A. Campbell & Son. ATHENS. Personals and Happenings About.Limestone’s County Seat W. L. Cox is in Decatur Chits. M ilouft Ins gone to Oxoioor. Mr. D Hi ‘own is expecieil Iroiu Nashville soon. The rise in cotton will give the far mers a keenei Appetite for their Thanksgiviuij turkey. Mr. Jno. Hijjoins am) wife, of Chi* c igo. 111., are vi.-iiiiifcr relatives here. Lillie Lottie May Austin lias been liaviny a ton}; i time with the chills aid fever. T. B. CiensLnw hss returned home from Koxville College, ill health }>re* ventita'him from st • yint* until the close «>f t he let m . It \vas beyoi d my power to pr< vent the recent marriage »r Deeahij and I amsc-rry tor Dr. Mrloj e—he ]< oks sad Tim young 1 dies of At :ens ft *n templrte giving a Holiday enter tainn.en1 and inviting only young men from a distance --Atli-us’ young men *vi 11 spend Hie holidays n I! untsville. Mc-fe .> tmht i iS: St n Tine adding a Urges iw mil! to their wail arrang ed plai ting and grist mill. Athens does not talk vi rv loud about booms, bu* is moving on war 1 just the same. Rabbit Foot. The C. P. Bazaar. Th‘> 1* church baz«ar is meet ing with quite a success—attracting good crowds every night. Tue room js kept warm, and e\e y thing neat a d ti ty. Fresh oysters, a special ity Tue free r< ception uights o i.if t'ei« nt societies takes vvell and adds much to the popularity < f the baztar The proceeds go to pay oft’ the in debtedness f>»r the recent remodel ing of the church. JlHilisou C ounty Convicts. From a private letter received by a gentleman in our city, we learn that the Bill introduced in the Legislature by the Hon. A. Whited, “To Regulate the Working of Convicts in Madison couio ty,” w ill be reported favorably by the Committee of “Local Legislation” in the House. This is a most important meas ure to the people of our county. The labor of the convicts can certainly be made available on our public roads, and we trust that our worthy representatives in the General Assembly from Madison, will pass some law giving the people of our County the full benefit of this labor. We are informed that Mr. W hited s hill turns over the convicts from all the Courts of our County, to the Commis sioners’ Court, free from the pa\ ment of any fine or costs, assessing from the trial or conviction of the convict. This would make our Commissioners’ Court give the matter a fair and full trial, and-thereby meet the w ishes and demands of our people. The convict labor used in connection with a bill also introduced by Mr. Whited, authorizing our Commissoners’ Court to adopt a system of gradually; macadamizing our public roads, might economically solve the great problem of improving our public roads._ Sixtieth Year The Youths ('oinpfinion ctlehr-iles t lis year i-s Mxti-th anniversary. It migh well be uaiu: d the -I nirersnl Jt so widely i- it read aud so ,wis*ly adapt d to nil age*. Irs contributors are the most nojt-d writ* rs of thi- co :utr*’andof Europe. Among them are W I) How-ells, J. I\ Town, bridge. Prof. Hi xh-y, The Duke of Argyle, The Marquis of Lome and Prince s L -uise Archdeacon Farrarr, C. A Steph* n**, Ad mind David Porter, L-ent. Schw-.t'kH and many others. We do not wonder tba* t he - nearly 400 000 subset iberr. It costs but $1 75 a year, and a subscription sent now it ; credited to January, 1888 Just received New Goods. All Wool Tricots38 inches wide. All the new shades 50c per yard. Astracan Beads and Velvet Trimmings to match. New assortment of Boys Clothing at very much reduced prices. Circulars, New Markets, land short Raps for Ladies and Misses, at greatly reduced prices. Do not purchase until you have visits ed us. we will save you money. M. M. NEWMAN £ CO. The Public schools ire still crowd ed to ove) flowing. The question is continually asked, ‘Ts it the increase of the scholastic population, or has I the black race decided that intelli gence must crowd down ignorance and vice.” It is expressed in the latter. It is not that there are so many children, but that the light, in the form cf educated miuds, is being reflected and the parents are awak ing to their duty, the result of which hundreds of children more than for mer years are now iu attendance throughout the south.— T. E. M. i« Chattanooga Time.s. I We are sure that the sufferer with Piles ^ ho gives Tablers Buckeye Ointment a ti ial will experience a complete cure »nd go on bis way rejoicing tint there is a (n cuedy for Piles, composed of sin pie iu~ *4Jo iieut. which f 1 11 the pnrp s of this j excellent pn paratii n more conipleiely than all the so-called Pile remedies in existence. All Wool extra weight Kerseys for men ; twvs Wear, at 65 c per yard. Fancy Ca- ai mers and Worsteds. A. Campbell .t Sjn. Disease is uo respecter of persi n~', and there is something about an eftVctual rem edy for it appeals to common humanity characterized by the highest intellect, or simplest intelligence, and which poseases an interest alike for rich and poor. Such is Conssaus Honey of Tar, a weli tried remedy for coughs, colds, and diseas es of throat and lungs. “Twelve Years ok My Like,” bv Mrs B. Beaumont, of Woodville, Miss., is a highly interesting autobiography, in press and soon to be published by Messrs 1. B. Peterson <.t Bro., Philadelphia, Pa. It relates chiefly to the varied and trying experience of the author, who is so wide ly known and »\ ho is a close and keen observer, while her comments on what she saw and underwent, are vividly de scribed in a. erisf and flowing style, and the in;ui&Jf ?'1 iK»mcu tv..•». ♦ 1,, meneement to the end of the book. The price will be $1.50 a copy, and orders for it can be sent to“The Beaumont House,” Woodville, Miss., or direct to the pub lishers, T. B. Peterson A Bros. Philadel phia, Pa.— I‘hiliulrlplt!</ Kanina Iliilh tin. Religious Services. PRIMITIVE EAITIST AFRICAN M- E. CHURCH Sunday services at 4 p. B1 und- r tie arbor s>uth« fColored Cemeteiv, by Rev A S Johns n Pastor. LAKESIDE M. E. CHURCH. R v A \V McKinney, Pastor, i Sunday tchool 91 o'clock a m Services 11a, m. 3 p. m. and 71 p -• 2nd C. I*. CHURCH Rev J F Humphrey Pastor. S. S at 9 o’clock a. in. Service? at 11 a in 3 p. in. and 8 o’clock A M. E. CHURCH Rev Juo M Goodloe, Pastor. Sun day School ot 9 a. in Services at 3 and 8 o’clock p m. DRPRICESi j SPECIAL j NATURAL FRUIT FLAVORS MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared with strict regard to Purity, Strength, and • Uealthfulness. Dr. Price's Baking Powder contains no Ammonia, Lime or Alum. Dr. Price s Extracts, Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, etc., flavor deliciously. PRICE BAKING POWDER GO., Chicago and St. Louis. 1 Scribner’s Magazine. Published Monthly WITH ILSUSTRATIONS — First Number Ready Dec. 15 Scribner’s Magazine will I e in the wid-st sens, a magazine of general literature, and eac-n number will be fully illustrated. Some of the most;noUble papers t > ap. pear during the first jear are a series of Unpublished Letters of Thackeray of very great autobiographical value; ex Minister E B Washburne’s Reminiscences of the Siege and Commune of Paris- Glimpses at the Diaries ofGouverneur Morris, Minister to France at the close of the last century (giving descript’ons of social life and characters at the time): a collection of con temporary lettrrs discrilicg Early New York and New England Society. There is much excellent fiction, includ ing a serial by Harold Frederic; stories ex tending through several numbers by H. C. ; Banner, J. S. of Dale, and others; and hort sterns by R L Stevenson, Joel Chandler Harris, T. A. Janvier, Miss Jew, tt, Getave Tbauet, H. H. Bovesen, Miss Crosby, and a host of others. Notable special oapers to be published very early are General F. A. Walker's on Socialism; Dr. William Hiyes Ward’s on Babylonian Cylinders; Mr John C Rope®’ on the Portraits of Caesor; Captain Greene1.-, on Coast Defence, etc., etc. Scribner’s Magazine will be published at $3 00 a yea;, or $5 cents a copy. Sub scriptions may be sent to any newsdealer or bookseller, or to CHARLES SCRIBNER’S SONS. Fob., 743 and 745 Broadway, N. X* it y Helow Cost ! SCHAUDIES' IMMENSE STO K OP Boots and Shoes are now being sold at and below cost to make room for an entire new Stock. CALL EARLY FOR BARGAINS Best and latest styles Boots and Shoe* made to order of the best Materials. A. C. SCHAUDIES, Below National Bank, Huntsville, Ala. ----“ V You Will Find Every Thing You Want znsr WATCHES, CLOCKS, Best of Re pairing. JEWEL Y Silver ware spectacle Elegant Goods and Most Reasonable Prices ' CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. SSTSign of Big Watch No 12 Commercial Row. VERY RESPECTFULLY. Enest Ka rthaus. A $55 SEWI 'IG MACHINE FREE. Great Inducement to Delinquents to Settle Up. I Every subscriber to the GAZETTE who will settle up his or her subscription in full before December and renew for one year, will get a ticket giving one chance at drawing a fine, new $55 New Home Sewing Machine. Drawing in Public Xmas week. Not less than 100 chances Rare inducements to GAZETTE subscrbers new and old for the next thirty days. Announcement next week, or call at the GAZETTE Office. A Book Free to every yearly cash subscriber to the Huntsville GAZETTE or 45 Books and the GAZETTE one year for 99.00. Call at Office and subscribe ; or address. GAZETTE COMPANY. Box 130, Huntsville, Ala. HUNTSVILLE Steam Bottling Works. Manufactures of. Carbonated Drinks. From Disilled SpringWater For Sale by all Groceries, Confectioneries and Saloons, BOWLINGS SUGG. HUNTSVILLE ALA