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BY Huntsville gazette company. .. :_r- —--.. " —-r —-—i-V— -=^ - --—___ __ __ With Charity for All. and Malice Towards None.” SUBSCRIPTION $1.60 per Annum. \ OLl ME \ Ilf._HUNTSVILLE, ALA., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1880. NUMBER 3. fQPICS OF THE DAT. News from Everywhere. Canadian Government lias ordered but no vessels be allowed to pass through be Welland canal on Sundays. * number of London companies have leefded to sell tlieir lands in the north of Ireland on easy terms to tenants. O’Donovan Rossa has bean retired from Pi lership or the Fenian Brotherhood, and ir. Hamilton Williams succeeds him. lTis now so*' MSSMxja& &£*. ,eie about restored between Conkling i,,,} Arthur just previous to the latter’s eatb. —-• ■ ■ ■ George Hazeett and Miss Sadie Allen. U sister-in-law, of Buffalo, N. Y., went rtfolv through the Niagara rapids and whirlpool on iheSSHi in a barrel. The will of the late Margareta S. Lewis, ,f Philadelphia, which was ad mitten! to ^obate on the Kith, bequeaths over $200, DO to religious and philamthropical pur V55«S. ___ N;i htndred and fourteen* horses, ref unborn, have been entered for the ire thousand guineas stake to ho run in ’.izlsnd in 188!). This is the largest entry trer recorded. - - • For killing his wife Chandler S. Wells ras convicted of murder in the first de nes at Ann Arbor, Mich., on the 22J, and ms immediately sentenced to State irison for life. Tite Mils of tho House of Repressnta res for draping the Capitol with mourn ngon (he occasions of both Grant’s and Hendricks’ death remain unpaid for want 1 if an appropriation. In his speech from tire throne or. Hip ;.Vh Emperor William sai l the m^aswe ’or increasing the strength of the, arir.y ,3 justified by the increasing of tgi^ "armies if neighboring States. -• The President had tak^ no action up otho 231 upon the V>lication of dj3. ri, r Attorney Slone of PennsylVania for ■einstatement. Nr . kn of col)rse> 'efinitely just w ^ ^ Pre3idgnt will do. Miss 51AR' Fahuveatft, M. D., sailed '*! ' ' /ork on the 271li en route to the ^ ’ province of India, where she ; .ot.ako charge of the Countess of iferin’s newly-establishe l medical mis sion. Bishop Whipple had a me lal struck at the Unite 1 States mint at Philadelphia, and lias presented it to Engineer Thomas I.ittle, of Portage, Wis., In recognition of his bravery in saving life at the Rio dis aster. -• It is stated at Rome that Mgr. Stranfero, .vho carried the hats to Cardinals Gibbons and Taschereau, will be sent to England to negotiate with the British Government fora renewal of diplomatic relations with the Vatican. -m The latest sensation in Scotland is the seizure, among other chattel ••, of a baby for rent on Lori MacDonald’s estate in rennless. The child was listed at the valu3 of sixpence,while a dog was valued at a shilling. ---»■.— On the afternoon of tho 28th a slight fiiock of earthquake was felt throughout Columbia, S. C., shaking loose windows, trickery, etc. The tremor lasted about ex seconds and was accompanied by Right detonations. -« •Were Scott, of the Illinois Supremo fawn has granted a supersedeas in the • liicago Anarchist cases, which stays their execution until the full bench of the Supreme Court can pass upon tho points hived in their behalf. fbe Government announcoment of im portant new gold discoveries in Australia Las caused a general revival in the in dustries of the colony. Owing to recent hitis in New South Wales the largest crop 1,1 tnany years i3 expecto 1. IRE jury in the celebrated English case of Charles W. Adams against his father in-law, Lord Chief Justice Coleridge, for libel and defamation of character, return ed a verdict on tho 25th in favor of the de endant on the ground of privileged com munication. ■ holer a lias been officially declared [to exist in Cordova, South America, where five cases and three deaths were reported °n the 23d inst. In Roasario there have been twenty-one cases and eight deaths. ’LLeie have boen also three or four cases in busnos Ayres. -• Commodore Schley, chief of the Bu reau °f Equipment, in his annual report, Urges the necessity for two modern-in ake ■:eam cruiser training ships, on the Wound that it is only on such vessels that “e training necessary for modern war ,u!e can bo given.' Three Russians living near Roscoe jik., while going home on the night of the found a bottle bv the roadsido which “ v supposed to contain alcohol, and | '-ink it. It proved to be aconite and all ' | them died from the effects. Their Djiues have not been learned. ^ Arthe State Department on the 23d a tl/V *’ which had been printed on a'; that Minister Manning, the ' ' ‘^‘n!SlCr to Mexico, had become in j iu a trouble similar to that with J* > Sedgwick was charged, was ll< a8 wholly unworthy of attention. ^ourt °f Appeals has low i,m/iC t le •'u^’ment °f the court be yort , “® case ot Buddensiek, the New havingWer’ convicted of manslaughter, oeati =',-eSn lieclare<1 resPonsiMe forth’ of bait \ 8 rTor*5!1*an employ ed on a row fcitci „ n'S,fell while in course o' under his supervision. PERSONAL AND GENERAL. The new two-dollar silver certificates will be ready for issue by December 10. Bullock & Co., of New York, have concluded the purchase of the Memphis (lenn.) water-works, the consideration being 5500,000. The steamers Alaska and Oregon col lided in Labe Erie, near Detroit, Mich., on the, and the Oregon had to be beached to save her from sinking. S. H. H. C lark has been appointed to auiueeu uie late xl. M. Iloxie, first vice president of the Missouri Pacific Railway Company and goneral manager of the Southwestern system. 4* k..i-uu,wM;a tUr<x Genevfiil s'if'KtSfYi rs ’ Buller is to succeed Sir Robert Hamilton as Under Secretary for Ireland, and that he will soon be transferred to Dublin Cas tle. Coroner West, at Cleveland, O., an nounces the. verdict of the jury in the Wheller muirder case, holding the husband of thi inurMered woman responsible for her death. A statc/e of Richard C’obden, tbe cele brated English free trade advocate, was unveiled by his daughter at Loekport, Eng., on the 27th. The Marquis of Ripen delivered the of the occasion. According to the report of the acting Surgecn-General th^ health of the United States army was never so good before or the deatn rate so V>w. Elevators Q and owned by the St. Paul & Duluth Elevator Company and lo« cated^at Dulr^^ was destroyed by fire on the _’ith. Chas. Moore, Ed. Lee and a man nam rf,| Leronchi lost their lives, the tvo lat jjeiiig burned to death. The loss bv jjre was $8,^001). A n^w two cent postage-stamp will l’e er ^'profile of George Washington. •A-T.ian supposed to be Janies H. Farns ’ iv^rtb, of Detroit, Mich., committed sui , Aide by hanging in a New York hotel on the morning of tbe 27th. The St. Louis Exposition made a net profit of $59,939.99 as the result of the sea son of 1886, a marked increase over former years, notwithstanding increased ex penses. Buenos Ayres advices indicate that cholera is spreading with marked rapidity in South America. The report of General Superintendent. Kimball shows great improvement in the Government Life-Saving service. General Henry J. Hunt, who com manded the Union artillery at the battle of Gettysburg, explains in tbe Century why Lee fought at the time he did. It is explained Ilia1’ the gates to the White House yard at Washington have been closed mornings on account of un gentlemanlv behavior of treasury clerks. Captain F. A. Cloudman, of Rondout, j N. Y., started Iro n Savannah, Ga., c*n | the 28.h, in the twenty-four-foot sloop vacht “Outing” on a trip around the ' world. Before going ten miles, he ran aground in the mud and did not get off until midnight. The cables at the northwest corner of the Niagara suspension biidge have been successfully transferred from the old stone tower lo the new iron one I y the use of powerful uydraulic jacks. Traffic was suspended during the operation. Other transfers will follow at weekly intervals. The (Id towers are to be taken down. Pennsylvania “river” miners have de manded an increase in wages. Kerner. the Reading (Pa.) wife mur derer, has made a confessiun. A public meeting has been called at Dublin to protest against the Govern ment’s tyranny. Fire occurred in the Pittsburgh Plate Glass works on the 29th, causing a loss of $35,030. Fifty cases of cholera are reported tbe past week in the military barracks of Belgrade Sarvia. Numerous disasters, including loss of life, are reported on the Northern lakes, as the result of recent storms. A crank named Boddie, who has of late been annoying Mrs. Garfield, has beon locked up. The Sultan of Turkey assures the Czar of Russia of his “warmest regard and friendship.” A second trial began on the 29th of Ar thur J. McQuade, ex-boodle alderman of New York. Several Englishmen have been arrested in Brussels in connection with the recent mail robbery in Belgium. William Kurz attempted suicide on the 29th by jumping off the Brooklyn bridge, but was pulled out and saved. It is stated at London that no progress is being made toward a settlement of the fisheries dispute. The great tanner s’ strike at Salem, Mass., which has lasted since July 12, has ended, the men surrendering uncondition ally. Gladstone is sai l to favor an immedi ate challenge to tbe government, upon the opening of Parliament, to state its Irish policy. A lengthy address to labor organiza tions has been issued by the National Woman’s Christian Temperance Union. SColonkl N. M. Bell, Superintendent of Foreign mails, says the Belgian Govern m ent is not legally responsible for money lost in the recent mail robbery. The extradition treaty between Canada and the United States, it is said, has been defluitely settled upon the term s drafted by Minister Phelps and Lord Rosebery. Mr. S. W. Cobb and his associates on the 29th presented an elaborate and able brief to Commissioner Atkins in behalf of St. Louis’ claims for the Indian supply depot. In the case of Carl Mussefeldt, John Ruuge and August Gautz, the Milwaukee Garden rioters, Judge Sloan on the 29th suspended sentence. The prisoners were immediately freed. The family of Jos. Keller, deader in general merchandise at Chilton, Wis.,was chloroformed by burglars a few nights ago. The thieves secured $3*5 in cash and about $300 worth of goods, which l they carried off iu a wagon. Sam Jones closed a three weeks’ cam paign in Omaha on the 2‘.):h. At his 1st meeting he raised $8,100 for the Y. M. C, A. building. He left the same night for his home iu Georgia to take a rest. A young man went into the store of J. H. Johnson, jeweler, at Broome street and the Bowery, New York, on the night of the 29th, nnd asked to see some diamond rings. He snatched the tray as a cus tomer entered, and though hotly pursued he escaped. The tray contained ring? valued at $5,000. TriE dend body of Mrs. Alicia Douglass, wife of Dell Douglass, a Chicago seem painter, who had been doing seme work near the latter place on the 29 h. Near the body was a chlorc form bottle, and Mrs. Douglass bad evidently committed suicide. A Carpenter named John Reed was oarrying a bunch of shingles from the scaffolding to the roof of the Second Re formed Church in Kalamazoo, Mich., on the £9 th when he slipped and fell to the ground, eighteen feet lelow\ breaking his neck. The shingles fell on his bead, smnshing his skull. He w-as forty years old and leaves a family. The Pope has invite l the editors of Catholic papers throughout lho world to send their publications regularly to the press office of the Vatican. Ex-President Wm. Hep.bst and Cashier Henry Seitz of the First National Bank of Glen Rock, York County, Pa., were held in $5,000 bail each on the 29th by United States Commissioner Edmunds to answer the charge of embezzlement. The President was compelled to omit bis usual afternoon reception on the 29th in order to devote his attention entirely tc his message and other matters to be sub mitted to Congress. The issue of standard silver dollars from the mints during the week ended November 27 was 585,985: same week last year, 059,584. The shipments of fractional silver coin since November 1 amounted to $ CSS, 291. Mrs. Hunt, willow ot' the lata Secretary Hunt, of the navy, has joined the Catholic Church. She is a prominent figure in Washington society, and the event excites considerable comment. Mrs. Cleveland will resume soon aftei the reassembling of Congress her bi-week lyimorningreceptions, which were so much enjoyed last July. Those who call at the White House in the evening are presu mv hlv closer acquaintances and their pres ence there is usually because they were asked to drop in informally by the Presi dent or his wife. Active measures are being taken to prevent the introduction of cholera into Chili from the Argentine Republic. A sanitary cordon has been formed in the Cordilleras, and a post of medical officers of health has Lean established in Punts Arenas. A slight shoes: of earthquake was very plainly felt by the inhabitants of Van Wert, O., on the 29th. Many people ran out of their houses, so perceptible was the shock. The surrounding towns were at once called up by telephone, but none of them had noticed the shock. -* * *■ LATE NEWS ITEMS. It is rumored that the Illinois Cent:a nas bought out the Georgia Pacific Rail road, and. will take charge January 1st. The iss 10 of standard silver dollars from the mints dining the week end-lug ou the 27;h was $585,98C; same week last year, $659,384. The postoffice at Conway, Ark., was en tered by burglars on the night of the 27th, who robbed the safe of a considerable sum of money. Four registered letters, con taining several hundred dollars, were also taken. The Bureau of Statistics reports the value of our imports for the year ending October 31st at $656,439,776, against $572, 437,378 for the preceding twelve mouths, and the exports at $697,020,863, against $716,672,617. Everything is said to he booming in Sheffield, Ala. Strangers are constantly arriving, and operations in real estate are brisk. The sales on the 27th amounted to $23,000. The Socialists of New York were elated on the 27th over the action of Judge Store in granting a stay of proceedings to the Chicago Anarchists, but their jubilations did not take the shape of a public demon stration. Fire at Duluth, Minn., on the 27tb, de sti oyed 880,000 bushels of grain, together with several buildings. The aggregate less is $840,000. It is stated that the revenue from the j tax ou oleomargarine which went into ef fect on the 1st of November, will amount : to $400,000 for the month. S. S. H. Clarke, formerly manager of the Union Pacific railroad, has been ap- I pointed as first vice-president of the Mis- ! souri Pacific railroad, vice H M. Hoxie i deceased. The municipal council of Paris has re quested United States Minister McLane to intercede with the Governor of Illinois in behalf of the condemned Anarchists of Chicago. In the recent blizzard in Montana the loss of stock was immense. Whole (locks of sheep have been lost and presumably perished. Returns to the Marine Department, Ottowa, show that the storm which swept all the lakes on 17th and l>th was terribly disastrous. Thirty-seven lives were lost and thirty-three vessels, worth $039,100, were wrecked. The corn crop of the country this year Is said to be 1,050,000,000 bushels, ihe same authority gives the consumption a* more than this, namely: ISO,000,0*0 bushels used in human food. 024,000,00-' for working animals, 20,000,000 for seed, 100,000,000 for the production of spirit; and glucose, 65,000,000 for export, and 900,00;*, 000 for th* food of meat producing aniiu“ls< SOUTHERN GLEANINGS. It is stated that some of the wealthiest taxpayers in Wythe County, Va., have i purchased coupons and propose to use them in the payment of their State taxes. Francis Darnell and his seventeen-year old son visited Giiftin, (jla.,tbe other day, and crowds followed then. The father is four ioet four inches tall, and the sor three feat an 1 one inch. The French and Kversolo factions in Ferry County, Kv., had a battle at Hazard a few days ago, where one man was killed, v hen it was agreed that all differ | eiy *s l c left to arbitration. !_dfinoi ■ 1 mar, daughter of Secre tar v Lamar, is to appear in WasfflflflBP ■ society this winter. She is described a? atj’pical Southern leauty, tall, graceful and of pleasant address. By authority from the At.torney-Ueu eral of the United States, Marshal Jchn Carroll offers iJGOO reward for the arrest and delivery at Fort Smith, Ark., of Joe Stulzer, charged with complicity in the murder of Th omes and John Mahoney on February lf>, Ussti, in the Cherokee Nation. His accomplice, Patrick McCarty, Is now in jail at Fort Smith under sentence of death for this murder, the execution to lake place January 14, 1887. T. J. Boasso, formerly chief of aids in New Orleans, under sentence of fourteen years’ imprisonment for forgery, and John Soniat, of St. Landres Parish, under life sentence, escaped from Ihe penitentiary at Baton Rouge a few nights ago lay break ing through the wall of the hospital inti the cotton factory and thence making their way through a largo gate. They were undoubtedly assisted by some one outside, as the binges on the gate had been wrenched from the bricks of the wall from the outside. A syndicate has been formed to build a 'ailroad from Memphis to Nashville, l'enn. John Davis, a negro, was lynched by u nob at Randolph, Ala., a few days ago. a is offense having been a ciitninal assault jn a \vb ite lady. Jacob Maas, of Cochran, Ga., has as signed, with liabilities between $10,000 and $50,000 and assets about the same amount. Colonel E Iward S. J< ues, prominent at Gettysburg, and Department Commander of tlie G. A. R. for Tennessee and Georgia, died at Nashville a few nights ago. M‘\ McGee, who was elected to the Georgia Legislature by the farmers of Murray County, has introduced a bill lim iting mercantile prolife on the necessities of life to fifteen per cent, under severe penalties. The measure has some chance of passing the House. A switch engine in (lie yard of the In ternational .& Great Northern at Houston, Tex., cut off the foot of John Ryan, a well known railroader. Amputation of the lower portion of the leg was necessary. He was sent to the Missouri Pacific Hos pital at Palestine. The lawyers of Nashville, Tenn., have offered the Lawyers’ stake, of $l,Cfi:>, to be run for at the spring meeting of the Nash ville Blood-Horse Association. The race is for three-year-olds, an l ihe distance is one and one-sixteenth miles. C. F. llfrev, a well-known German citi zen of Harris County, Tex., was found deed in his room a few days ago. He was a country merchant for a long time, and finally became proprietor of the Arlington Hotel, a railway house. Ihe cause of his death is not known. The final survey for th e extension of tho Memphis & Charleston railroad from Stevenson, Ale., to Chattanooga, Tenn., is in progress. As soon as the survey is completed it is believed the woik will be commenced. The colored people of Owensboro, Ky.. | some time since made a proposition to the j State Educational Foard offering fifto n teres of land, worth .*-1,500. or .f500 cash, in return for the establishment in that city j | of the State Colored Normal School. Col- | ! oncl J. O. Hodges, of Lexington, visited i | Dwells boro recently to select a location I : for 1he school, and work will be begun at once. A petition, signed by eighty-eight citi- j sens, has tc?n presented to Attorney-Gen- ! sral Cunningham, of Louisiana, praying ! him to take proceedings before the Su preme Court for the removal from cilice of Judge Henry E. Lazarus, of Division E, Civil District Court, in New Orleans, The petition charges him with nonfeas ance, misfeasance, grrss misconduct, ill competency, abuse o f judicial power, etc. R. G. Thomas & Co., dealers in dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, at Brownsville, Tenu., made an assignment a few days ago. Their liabilities arc' placed at .$20,000, due mostly to Memphis j linns; assets $10,000 in stock and$10,000 in accounts. The firm is composed of I*. G. ! Thomas and T. E. Glass, ihe latter rf j wlipta is the principal stockholder of tin- j Brownsville Furniture Company. A north-bound freight on the Mobile & Ohio railroad, while passing an'unlocked sw itch in leaving Mobile a few days ago, worked tliS switch open and Iwo cars and a caboose were ditched. Of the four per sons in the caboose,' one, a brokomani jumped and escaped. Conductor Frazer was thrown out the door and fell on the sidewalk, breaking bis hipbone. A\ . E. Cole, president of the Cole Pole Road En gine Company, of Richmond and Nash ville, had bis foot crushed and leg injured by a box falling on it. The North Georgia Methogist Confer ence has just completed an important special session. Rev, Joseph Jones, a brother of the celebrated evangelist, Sam Jones, went to Ringgold some time since and began a revival. He used the vilest pulpit language to a mixed congregation, which fairly set his bearers wild with in dignation. His conduct was reported to the conference, which has denounced the minister in the severest terms. He wili not be allowed to preach in that distric again until the General Conference of tin State disposes of th* chargest against hj!p. HENRY GEORGE. Be Speak* at a United>or Gathering at New Haven, Connecticut—The Itallnt the Workingman’s Weapon—Some of Ilfs Pe culiar Idea* of Ileum et Tu urn. New Haven, Coun., Nov. 30.—Carll's Jpera-house was crowded to its utmost opacity last night, the occasion being the j jrand rally of the United Labor party and . ;he presence of Henry George, of New York, as principal speaker of the evening. Brief speeches were made by P. J. Lynch, Dhe Labor candidate of New Haven, and j Henry C. Bahviu. of Naugatuck, the well- j inown ex-Greeubacker. Henry George i ivas ttien introduced. After the applause I iad Mr. George stepped to the ■'inrttt-xff 'flTtr‘f»lol* tri.T end suld : '• • *" •' Ladies and Gentlemen—I thank you for :his reception. Men of New Haven, I came here Vow New York to bid you God speed In this movement. You are taking the only right step •o purify the ballot. I do not know whether you .'an select your candidates or not. and I don't 'are. Success does not mean the filling of an lflice. We did not meet with success in our ate election in New York but we accomplished i work, the news of which has travelled all Ivor the land. Public opinion in the long run will rule. Our politics have become corrupt because principal has gone out of them. The last State election turned on * question of personal character. Think of it, a Nation of 60,000.000 of people haggling over the l>ersonal character of the rival candidates. The work of the Republican party is done. Black slavery lias been abolished. But the crusade now begun is a crusade for the emanci pation of all mankind, both white and black. At last the laboring masses, all over the country are organizing. Strikes and boycotts, to my mind, are like swords and rifles; they ire ugly weapons, and, although it may be necessary in some instances to resort to them, it is not by the use of either that the workingmen can secure their rights. All over the country great awakening of minds has been going on. but these thoughts have been crude until recently, when they have begun to crystalizc. The real heart of the labor question lies in the land question. Your candidate for mayor has told you that for over thirty years he lias earned his bread in the sweat of his face. |There was some applause, but it was limited.] Men do not applaud those who earn their living in that way. The good things of life the riches and amusements, are not for working men. It is not natural for men to like work. I never saw men looking for work because thjjy liked work, and yet we have massive protective laws to keep work in the country. We are building enormous ships of war lliat, we do not want, and are told that we may need them some time, and, at any rate, work is furnished lor thousands. Well, if we burned up houses we would furnish men work in re building them. No man has a right to demand work of another. No man has a right to say to unother that he must or must not employ a certain mar. what we must do is to produce a condition of things that will fur nish an opportunity for all to work. What we want is that all men should have equal oppor (unities to secure work. Our civilization now does not give this, it absolutely denies it. We have abolished slavery and boast of out splendid country, when tramps abound and the alms houses are full. I was reading to night of a new alms-house that was being con structed in a Western city, In this house is to lie ;»tramp-room, which is to be so constructed that it can be filled with water, and the tramps forced to pump it out or drown. What is a tramp? He is an American citizen; he will work and he will vote, and the rich man who runs for office will buy his vote, It is the very rich and the very pour man that we fear. What a ridiculous thing it is to tax houses. Are there too many houses in the country? Referring to his well-known principle that taxation should fall upon land values, and that no individual should own land to the exclusion of the community's right therein. Mr. George continued: What right have those who are dead in the land on this continent' About as much right as a mar who lias left a railroad has in the car that speeds on its way. If I want to buv a vacant lot In New York. 'I am obliged to pay the large part of my earnings to some rich man be* cause lb" will of some dead English King, who never set a foot in this country, says so. What foolishne -3. You enter a railway ear and you find a!l the seats filled with bundles. \ou at tempt to sit down, and you are told that the seat is engaged. You ask how- it came to be engaged, and you are told that it was bought from the person who alighted at the last sta tion. There is just as much sense in the car illustration as there is in the selling of land for building purposes. There ought to be no such thing as starvation when the great granaries are all full—the great Creator has put enough in this world for all. Equality of opportunity is what is needed. Justice is what we want. AVhat you are doing in this election is to elevate principles. I hope no true Democrat or Republican will fail to vote for your labor candidates. If you cannot elect them, eome as near as you ean, your in fluence will be exerted for good. Men of New Haven, do your duty and let it go forth to the world that Connecticut is waking up to the cause of labor. -—k » k The Recent Mail Robbery in Belgium. AVashixoto.n. Nov. '2d.—Superintendent Bell of the Foreign Mail Office has re ceived from Postmaster Pearson of New York the list containing the registered numbers of mail matter sent bv the steam er Eider, which were stolen in Belgium.. It contained 150 packages, and all but- sev en packages are reported lost. The [jack ages recovered were: Two from Phila delphia: '2 from Shenandoah. Pa.: 3 from Baltimore, Md.: 1 from Norwich. Conn., and 1 from Washington. D. C. Of the packages lost, fit were from New York City; Baltimore, Md.. 3: Bis marck. D. T., 1; Stillwater. Minn.. 1; Montgomery. Ala.. 1: Sharon. Pa.,1: Prov idenee, R. 1., 1; Boston. 0: Traverse City, Mich., 1; Detroit, 2; Franklii:, Pa., 1: Cin cinnati, 7; Du Bois, Pa.. 1; New Orieans. 1; What Cheer. 1; Sacramento, CaL, l; Milwaukee, 1: Chicago, 2: Rockford, 111.. 1; Philadelphia. 7: l.eaveuworth. Kas . 1; Wilkesbarre, Pa.. 1; Shamokin. Pa., i; Pittsburgh, 3; Waco. Tex., 3; Jackson. Tex., 1: Syracuse. N. Y . 2: Des Moines, la., 1; St. Paul. Miuu., 1; Hurley, Wis.. 1: Plymouth. Pa., 2; Washington. D. C.,3: Shenandoah. Pa.. 2; Buffalo. N. Y., 1: Kingston. N. A’., 1: Haverhill, Mass.. 1 Gilbertville, Mass.. 1; New Brunswick. N ].. 1: Webster, Mass.. 1: Peoria, ill.. 1. Jaklaud. C’a!.. 2: Sau Francisco. 3; Roch ester, X. Y.. 2: Cambria. Pa.. 2; Glovers ville. N. A’.. 1; New Haven. Conn.. 2. Mr. Bell states that under postal unior regulations for mail originating in the United States which is lost in transit in any country mEurope, no responsibility attaches either to this country or to the country ii which the robbery occurs. This state ol affairs exists from the tact that Congres refuses to sanction acquiescence oirtha clause of the postal union regulations, which provides for reciprocal l'espomi aility for lost mail. TEMPTING FATE. W+mmmmmm ■ r George Hazlitt and His Sister-In-Law, MIm Sadie Allen, of BnffMo, X. Y„ ..-Make the Perilous Voyage of the Niagara Whirl - pool Kayt-b in Safety, Encased in a Bar rel. Niagara Falls; Nov. 29—One more chapter to the romanth- history of Niagara river was added yesterday afternoon bv the feat of George Hazlitt and Miss Sadie Allen, both of this city, who made the trip of Niagara whirlpool and rapids in a bar rel. This was the iirst time a lady has ever attempted the feat, and curiosity was aroused to the highest pitch. Hazlitt went through the rapids and whirlpool on the Sth of lust August with Wntjem Potts. ’ a* ;--Wt * be n* aii. G order to avenge themselves An .Graham, the pioneer in the enterprise whc had slighted them. Hazlitt and FoUs decided to have a woman go through to take away his glory. Thanksgivihg'eve Miss Sadie Allen, Potts’ sister-in-law. was visited, the matter proposed to her, and/lip said at once she would go, so it whs ’aV ranged. Potts and Hazlitt went to Chip pewa, and towed up the barrel. Yester day morning Miss Allen went to tire Falls and slopped at Michael Hearn’s hotel on Falls street. She said to your.correspond* »nt: , “Yes, I have fully, made .up my rnmd u> make the trip, and 1 thuik I can truthfully say that 1 am not afraid. •• The boys asked me to go and I am sure they-would not take me where I would be injured. I might, for what 1 know, be just as well killed now as any time, but of course I don’t think 1 will lie. -The papers say-I atn eighteen years old, but 1 might just as well tell you that I am twenty, as I have no wish to' conceal it. The-' story that 1 have a husband who is in Chicago is, of course, a lie. I never' had a husband and don't expect to- have. lam an orphan, and aside from my sister, whc is with me. and two brothers, who are en gineers on the railroad. 1, huge-no.friend? on earth. My father, John Allep, died seven years ago, and my mother passed away three years ago last June. Mv father was a railroad man,.employed by the New York Central at Fast Buffalo, iihd' always kept me in good style. He was a member of one of the Buffalo Masonic lodge sand. God bless them, IheVhave done enough for me since. His-life was injured in the Masonic Life Association of Western New York, but owing tohis'long sickness we were unable to keep up the dews and the policy expired a few days before his death. The Masons paid the funeral es pouses and have continually, helped me since. Three months ago Lwas sept for to take care of Mrs. John Scully, Who lives at. 1073 Seneca street, .-Buffalo, add. have been with them since.'7 THE .STA11T. The couple iu their barrel" started ot their perilous voyage at half pant two o’clock, from the old Maid of \he Mist land ing. on the Cnnftda side.' MlsS Allen,when she appeared at the. ferry- ready .;td entei upon the perilous, journey,-wot*, ji noal walking dross. Taking “off' Her Irtit and jacket, and throwing a shawl aver her head, she stepped lightly into,the. barrel through the mitii-HolK tucking hPk gar ments closely iibojit her and langldiigly re marking: "Come, (ieorge, jump in; I’m alt fixed.' Soon after HAzliti stepped into the craft, fastening himself iu the opposite end to that occupied by Miss Allen. . At 2:55 the new suspension -bridge was passed. People on 1 he. bankswaved their handkerchiefs',' And Hazlitt waved his hand in reply to the greeting.’ Ib-wias just 2:59 when the turn hj the l'iver was passed at'the old Maid of the Mist lanSiiig. where the rapids begin. Here-.the-.battle began The barrel rolled and dived, being out of sight half the time. People"who were in position to * see thought. ; it was gone half-a-dozen times, Jt was loaded With five hurt fired pbun'&s of'sahcf,'and was very loggy in the wator. At three o’clock the whirlpool was .reached, and iu the brave little 'craft went. The roaring billows coveted it with toanr - and mist, and everv time it was lost sight of people thought it had surely struck the lug rock ou which Captain Webb's head Was split. The barrel went down once seemingly for good, but when it righted again it was seen moving down the. stream out of the maelstrom. It continued for five hundred rods probably, and then turned back just as fast and came into Thompson's eddy, ou the Canadian shore. This is only separated ,Ji*om the whirl pool by a great rock, which shut off the view of the spectators on the bluff. They thought the boat had gone down to Lewis ton and some of the party went there with carriages to bring them back. At last Frank L. Lawson, who keeps the gate at the Colt's elevator, espied the party anil came running along tin1 shereof .the whirl pool. They had then been.there three quarters of an ' hour. Others came down, but there was no such thing as making a noise which, would at tract their attention. Wlifen the bar rel came .near the shore .again he threw a club and struck the barrel, llaz litt sti rk -nit his headfc&ffght a rope that was presently thrown him and-tlm barrel was safely landed at 3:45 o’clock, Hazlitt gol out. but the voting lady had fo lie car ried;to the elevator, .where-hpr friends were waiting. She was driven back to Heurne's Hotel us quickly a*possible, anil at six o'clock was able to sit pp- Hhe was so ill she could not go fo Buffalo last, even iug. but probably will today.; -kShe said she was terribly bvuised_and that the ridt made her sick at her stomach. Miss Sadie Alien, heroine of Niagara, is i pretty girl that would make some honest young man a good tVife. She has dark brown hair anil eyes, gupd-foatuxes, a rosy complexion und o mouth which, when she smiles, is positively beiuttifnl. She is as modest as she is comely, and . has made this attempt, seenyiigly, in blind confi dence in the judgnlent of Her brother-in law. and his friends. y ^ ; The OunriiKhaui Shaft Aline Disaster. Wii.KU'Uinnr. Pa.. Xj»v. 28,—The excite ment at the Conyngham shaft having sub jided a« examination was made.yesterdav to ascertain the extent of the_ damage caused by the explosion. "It-"wab found that the company vviU-oiiffer buUjitt Ic loss by the damage to the workings..- The Bal I imore slope Suspended operations yester day-owing to the largo quiwitit^' of gas worktug m from the Cotiyngtyun mine, with which it is connected.' None of the wclve men. who were/reportfcd as having jeen fatally burned, have died