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fi. 10 THE REPUBLIC: MOXDAT. -.lAIn 5. IflOO. W t third time and passed b- the following i ote. A-es Messrs. Albright. Burke, Cronln. Decker. Denny. Faulkner, i.utkr. Hnnnl ssui, Harunann. Helms. Holtramp. Kelly. Uhmann, Madera. Murrell J. K.. larKrr. ltobertsoa. Schr.ettler. Schumacher. Mivrt dan, Sturdevar t. Sweeney. Tamblyn, n rlta. and Mr. Speaker Murrell Xoes 0. Absent Mr. Bc.rsch L . . House Bill No. Z&, as above, mi read third time and passed by the following vote: Aves Messrs Albrieht. Burke. ronm. Deekcr. IVnr.y. F-nlkner. C.utkc. Hannt gan. Hartmann. Helms. Holtcamp . lahmann. Madera. Murrell J. K.. ''"fr Robertson. Schnettler. Schumacher. dtur.leva: t. Sweeney. Tamblvn. .neu rit:, and Mr. Speaker Murrell . Noes 0. Absent Mr. Bcrsch 1- . House BUI No. 233. as ah?v,V T" T third time and parsed by the following vote. Jives Messrs Albright. Burke. ronin. Decker. Irn: y. Faulkner. OiKKf, ,J?n''1 can. Hartmann. Helms. Hollcamp. Ivi-llv. behmanc. Maiera. Murr.-ll J. K-. I'-;ker. Robertson. Si hnc-tllee. Schumacher. Sheri dan. Stunlevai t. Sweeney. Tamblyn. Cich riz. and Mr. Speaker Murrell 2. Noe: 0. Absent Mr. B.rseh-L . House Bill No. I'l". as above, war ret., third time and passe 1 bv the following vole: Axes Me?rs. Albright. Bmke Crontti. Decker. Den v. Faulkner, C.utke. Hanni can. Hannunn. lli-'ms, Holtcamp. Ke-iiv. Ihmann. Ma.bra. Mjii.U .1 K.. Par'" f-Hobert-on. Schumacher, r-norl-lan. Siurdeva-'. Sweenej. Tatnb'v.n. len niz. an 1 Mr. Speaker M -.rrell -Zi Noes 0 Absent Mr. I'.crsch -1. Mr. Speaker Fro Ten). Hartm-inn In the Mr." Speaker Murrell was excused for the remainder of the evening. House bill No. 241. as above, was read third time and passed by the following X Ayes Messrs. Albtlght, Burke. Decker. Dennv. Faulkner. Gutke, llinnl gan. Helms. Holtcamp, Kelly, Lchmann. Madera. Murrell J. K.. Parker. Robertson. SchnettlT. Schumacher. Sheridan. Sturde vant, Sweenev. Tamblvn. Zact -Hz and Mr. Speaker Pro Tern. Hartmann -4. Noes 0. Absent Mr. Bersch-1. Absent on leave Mr Speaner Murrell. House bill No Z2. as above, was read third time and passed by the following vote: Ayes Messrs. Albrieht. Burke, i renm. Decker. Dennv. Faulknt. Ciuko. Hami--2n. Helms. THoItcan-p. IWIj. i.chmann. Madera. Murrell J. K. 1'irti-r nob'tson. Schnettlr. Schumacher. Sturidan. Sturd "."int. Sweenev T.inihlx n.'tiz and Mr. Speaker Pro Tern Hartmann -4 Nces fl. Absent Mr. Borsch 1. Absent on lav Mr Speaker Murrell. Mr. Kelly, acting chairman frrm the rum mittee on Engrossed ard Enrolled Bill", submitted the following report- House of Delegate. St. Loub. March 19-" To the Speaker of the Hou of Delegates: Sir The Committee on Engrossed ami Knrolled Bills report the following as truly enrolled, to-wlt- House Bill No. Ill An ordinance to amend an ordinance entitle i "An ordin mco in re vision of the ordinances of the city of St. Txauls. and to establish new- ordinance pro visions for the government of said city." approved Apt 'I Tth. b?3 aid numbered J71SS (In relat'on to Treasurer). ly striking out sections 157S and lfsn and by ub-tltu-'ing therefor new factions to If ta'iwn as Fections 1STS and l"a House Bill No. 1SS An ordimnce to pro vide for the payment of the excos of twenty-five per centum for hr construction of granitoid sidewalks on Ninth street, be tween Bremen avenue and Angelica street. House Bill No. 19. An ord ntrjee making an appropriation to pay city's portion of cost of improving Lucky street. r F. KKLI-Y. Acting Chairman. House Bills Nos. 121. i and 19$. as above, were read at length, no objection be irg made, and all other business being suspended. Mr. Speikcr Pro Tcm. Hart mann, in the presence of the Houe. in open session, affiled his signature thvreto In accordance with the provisions of the Charter. UNFINISHED 1JFSINESS. On motion of Mr. Murrell J. K-. a bill of John E. Meyer. Jr.. of K6.OT for labor was. allowed. On motion of Mr. Schumacher a bill of A Krone Livery and Undertaking Co. of K0.09 for carriages used by the Sanitiry Committee was allowed. Mr. Lehmann moved that the House do now adjourn. The motion prevailed. The House adjourned to meet Tuesday. March 6. lS'V). at 7 p. m. Tv H. JUDT. Clerk. IRON BEDSTEADS WANTED. Office of Commissioner of Supplies. City II 11. Mirch 1A Sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned, to lie oj-ened at his oflice at 12 m.. of THURSDAY NEXT. THE STH INST., for furnishing the Female Hospi-al with V) AH Iron Beds with woven wire mattresses ns per Req. 450. fall on Commissioner of Supplies for blanks md further information. Bids must be In duplicate. frc- from all alteration or erasure, and to both the orfs ina! and duplicate mut be attached a copy of this adverti.-ement. All bids having any alteration or erasure thereon will be rejected The Commissioner reserves the right to reject any and all bids FRED C. M El Kit. Commissioner of Supplies. HOSE WANTED. Office of Commisloner of Supplies. Citj Hall. March 5, IS." Sealed proposals will be received by th undersigned, to be opened at his office at 12 o'clock m.. en THURSDAT NEXT. STH INST, for furnishing the Harbor and Wharf Com missioner with I.OmO feet S-Inch fi-plv. JSK Para W. Hose, of the New York Belting and Packing Company make. Must be delivered within 3 days from dte of order to the H.irl'or Boat. Bond will be required. Bids must be in duplicate, free from all alterations or erasures, and lo IkMi the original and duplicate must he attached a copy of this advertisement. All bids having inv jilteratlon or or.tiure thereon will be rejected. The Commissioner reserves the right to reject any and all bid. FRED C. ME1KR. Commissioner of Supplies. SPONGES WANTED. Office of Commissioner of Supplies. City Hall. Mar.-h 5. Ki Sealed proposals v.111 lx- riilvetl i the tindersigned. to be opened at bis office at 12 o'clock m. on THURSDAY NEXT. STH INST. for furnishing the Fire Department with 2A0 pounds of best sheep wool rponts Bids must be in duplicate, free from al teration or erasure, and to liotii the original and duplicate must be attached :i copy of. this aovertlscment. Samples to be submitted wi'h bid-. For further Information e-ill at Commis sioner's office. All bids having any alteration or erasure thereon will be rejected. The Commissioner reserves th" right to reject any and all bids. FRED C. MEIER. Commissioner of Supplies. DEAN CARROL DAVIS'S LECTURE He Relates the History or tin Kpl t'ojtal Church. The story of the KpUcopal .s told last night In the Ethlcil S tf'-ty rooms at the Museum of Fine Arts before the Youns People's Ethical Society In- the Rev erend Dean Carrol Davis of Chri.-t Church Cathedral. This lecture m-, the third In a scries being ghe:i by prf.mincnt divines of the city before 1hi society. Dean Davis traced the Episcopalian Church back to the primitive organization. He said that the first trouble bat come in the days of the Eastern and Western fSre cian Empire. When t hce two corrupt Gov ernments parted, their bonds and the ties of religion were severed and other rituals j adopted. Then he followed it through the I Crusades and up to the time of Luther, i who boldly seceded from the church when he perceived its trend toward secularism. 1 This cpused many troubles, said the speak- , or. and eventually led to many either di vergences. Miss Alma Baler gave several piano solus. . i-n(i Tim MiTunitLAMbi. Iln rou firitr, the New Ilinbler. Ar rives in Wnlbiiiitton. WashlnKton. Jlach L-eRaron Gevers. tha new Minister Tro:n the Netherlands, ar rived here to-nlsht. The po-t of Minister from that country haj. been vacant for some time, the business of the legation beimr transacted throuch the Consul General's . office at 'eiY. York i k X- 1 .-..'. -. . " - . " -.--J. -i " . .- .; . . , - - - - "lifci ytgs&tiZyx&i TJimtkiS WONDERFUL YOUNG RAGING MACHINE. Itjirnev Scluvibcr's B;iIu'h;hi Fill. Sofiila. Ifjis Won Kiulit Kates in Tmi Starts. IMPERIOUS AND HIS OWNER. JoipIi I. Lucas's Prnmisinp Two Vrtir-OM hr Dr. Ilashinuck- Salli VlO(!foll .Mary Wintoiiiifr in Illiiiois. Itarnev Svhr- ibor's 2- ear-old filly Sof.itj. b Aima by lii-hop. Is the most si-iisational rjcirg tool of her age ha- ever tlashcil on the American turf. Tills ri-markable voting thorouahbr-d celebrated her di-but as a race horse a few days after her 2- ear-old birthday by spread-eaglirg .1 tleit uf wt-tl-hrod youngste-rs at T.ttiforan Park, one of the San Francisco tracks". This was hardly two month- ago. During that period the liilv has started in ten races, winning eight of them and finishing second twice. Sctala has demons rati-d Kr abllity to pack stake weight and run fast over any Utid of a track. Like most of the Bal gowans. she is a wonder In heavy going. After winning five straight race. S-dala sulfere.1 her first d- feat at the t taklatid track, when n-ros (- eti rhouse's imp Dunoombe colt Pttnfree ju-t did manage to -tagger horn,- in front of the tlliy. .iffr retting five let gth the Nest of the start. Since then Sofala, and Dunfree met again and the filly had no trouble whatever dis poning or the colt. Ed Corrigan's Itassftt law gelding M. F. T-irpey defi.iti-d Sofal.i at Tanfiiran Irk. but Schreilxr's filly re versed the verdict the next time they met in a race. The filly Is iM-Iii-ved to have been a trifle short when M. F Tarpey b?at her. due to the faot that she had ju-t recov ered from a slight coid, which forced her to lit up on her f..r two wtirks. Sofnla captureii two purse-s ot Oakland la: week, 'n it last start -he took up lis pounds and. after getting .ivvay from the !o-t alisolutelv last. rn around her field rtvl Wnn ;ulll up by live lengths from n field that lneluii-d the sieily Liicidia. who 1ms svorvd twi.-.- f.r her owiurs. Burn.- ,t Waterhouse L:i--idi.i is by Huckma-ier Hei;y Itrigrs. ord. like Snf.ila. was bre) in St luis e-ountv. !eing a product of Mr. Joseph D. L'j.js'.. ioo.iwovvj stud. Imperious, winner of the Jin.WH Hums Hand!) up at (.'i-kland last Saturday. L a lulf brother to the old grey cam paigner. Braw- Scot, who is now a pen sioner on BJrniy Sotrciber's grateful tmunty at the latt.-r's Won j1.i neb farm In St. I.ouis County. Braw Scot probably win more' raivs for Schrelber than ,in other h' rse the big St. Loui turfman everownetl. On the -trenslh of Braw Scot's great show ing in ids col' rs. Sci:tlln-r r-id a fanev prit- for lm!enous. who is by the Moeello. Dutins the raeirg sr-s,),, f $;.?$ at San isco. lmpenoua smi a number of purses for Schrit"r. The following summer liarney turne.1 the horse out at his iarm and gavi- him a chance to freshen jp for the winter season of --'9-l .m the roa.-t. Things broke bad for the Schreilier stable that winter at San Franrjsco and Imperi ous, after running a number of disuppo.nt ing rac-s. was .-old tn Pat Iun:'e. ore of the cleverest hoiemen on the American turf. Dunne sh. -voided in winnirg the horse out in a hurry, but as soon as he did he offered the animal lor sale and Doctor H. E. Row ell bought h:in. The first time Imperious pertorniel la Rowejl colors he ran a .-mahirg g od raie. but the next Umi- he starteii a lot of huun:. beat him. Doctor Roweil Immciliately li und hims.-lf in trouhle with the r.n-ing ptewnrn who demanded an explanHtion of the animal's e-hirge of torm. Tho d'K-tor was unib'n- to offer any. hi.t Dupne came tn hi rcsc-:-. wh-h eplaine. why lie di-p -M ")f "the hor-e. lic.ili Pat .nil his j-ck'"V. " Skeets" Miirtln. voutheil for the fact tl at ll.e hor."! wo.- the ranK-st kind of smki-r at tjm. wh:ch. of cour-e mnde him a dangerous horse for a man to bave in lib -tame Im rx nou '. like Hraw S-ot. has alTitiys been :it 111 b-,i in the mu t. It'll- nou- is tli serond horse to carrv Tiortor Howell's- 4 iirs to vinorv In tui-cla-st"- Burns handicap, vvnlih : iuinil in honor ot Cedom I li.iniirl .M. Burns who i. one uf the ltepulilicau eaders eif "alif-r:iia. senior mi-mli-r of 'be hi, racing firm o Burns i- Waterhouse. and a bl sio-khmde in the Uaklrnd tuck. "old I mm Face" S.;tsuma anni-xnl the Burrs :- Doctor Rnwell in !S;t. and ol-o tiiu.siit-1 .ecord tei Fleur-de-L's In the Burn.- of li. DiK-inr Rov.ill originally bails from Minneapo lis, but has made San Francisco his home of recent ear. He is well know., here in St. L lib. having race: at the Fair rounds the lie made his debut a a horse owner. He inaugurat'd h.s turl c.i reer bv claiming the gnoil horse URaro out of a selling s:jke at .Memphis. Ilarrbk hau big i-tring at Memphis sprt.-g. be.l eil by toctor Hasbrnuck Emin Uv, Mr.u rle und ttner racks L'iMi Cal'.e-. th plungmg St Loir.s Irfvokm.iker. was tiettl g on Barritk's bore-s. and ikey were prepar ing for a big coup wit j Figaro in the St. Lou:- lmus'iral. When Rovn-'i cUimtd the horse, however, it put .in end !j :h:it dca. It Is hnrdlv i-ecssary to add tliat both Gaine- and Barriik swore to git evm wit 1 Roweil. fialtes thiiuglit hih eh.tni-e cam" the fo lowing win'er at Sin Fninctseo. when hi- elaimeil Rowell's bteadwlnner at the time. Collins, out eif .- selling race, f'.ov.i 11 did Uil.o tne loss .if the linn buck iit."o priity hard. Imt he aft'-rw.-.rds nad the mnsolation of knowing Calnes mver lad anv uck w-i h thi Kid.i ioM man j big b-t on. llins. ami evintu ally was cl.ul eiouch lo gi i rid of him for lit tie ..r nothing V.i.-y, thi pame von of Hindoo, is vviu tiriig 't lAiuii Kzell':- faim ii: llli::ol This is the horse that John W. Schorr sold toCobni-1 SJm I.zarus and ".aeh Mul hall for J3.i at the Fair Orctu !& last si ring. Maoy lid Iieen camiwgned pretty hard for a whole year previou- 10 his s.le. and l.e wi-n"t within fifty !-iUr.i!s of hb real form wiien t'oione! I,-iz--inis bought him Alter Iiein? turned out for two months, the horse was- put in training again at.d given .1 hnrr'ed "pruji. ' in or der to enable hi: :o win him cut be fore the Fair Grounds meeting endeil Macy mule goe.l hb end of the pro gramme, running i good race, considering the fact that lie wa- onlv two w--ks off the farm, but a bad ride he it him. Later ill the fail, at e-iiieago. the horse rin .1 numbT of m-es. but neve- -how-iil h mself to Ik- anv thine Uko the hor-e he was in lSfC and 1V3S. A whoh- winter's n-si may bring him hack to hi- best fort-i ag.iiu. mid for the ske of hb owner, who ire Iru' siMinsmen i-f the ver- hich 't clas-. It b to be hoped that the horse respond- to the bugl-i e-ell thi- spring In shape to dunli vale some of his performane-i-s of -tS. when lie .--howiil to be one of highest-class rjcing 100b on the American turf Mr. Joseph D. Lucas, the master of Good wood, informs nir that Sallle Wooilfonl's first foal, a liandsome C-year-old filly bv lioctor Ilisbrouck. has developeil into as nucu looking veiangster .is any man would 1 are to own. This filly showed a nre turn of speed in her trials a.- a ye.:rl'ug. and hf owner think- -he will mak .. 11-eiiil racing toed this spring. The rt in o." this fillv. Sallle V.-iKulfo'il. b the r v.illv Nreil mare tbJt attracted so much -tlention as .1 2-year-old. em .-ic-ouut of -he fict th-t -hi was Miss Woodford's foal by the great Salvator.. Greit thing- were expected of Sallle. but s-he proveil to lie a disipi-o'.nt-mmt as a ruing lee.l During her racing cateer sh won a few selling races, anil eventually fe'I Into the himb of Mr Lucas, who liked her bre-eillnc. SjlilcV mother. Miss WeKKlford. will be- rcmemtwrod 3s the greatest race mire of her diy. while her sire. &ilvator. had no equal as a rnce horso in hi day R. J. C. mot:oiikhy r.vniv. The Coneiurror AYfirkeil n tllr and nn I'.lchlh In i:nlt. nnrcnuic spistial Jtcmthls. Tni. Mar-h L The uerk a Ma-itrrsncrv fatfe th- vear war ilone t,v r Totr.linr.n-s The c-irtqis-i.vr tbi' mc"ml"iT. when, w-ih si-methini: ovir l.r. tru;i,b u . he wrfciil a hatiilv- nnle a::d an etchlli in li Tn- frai tiona! lime vvss- KKbla ::'-j nuttier. :S. three -e:Eht!isv :3.x,. half. .'J: fne-.umras. l.idS: three-Tiiartens l-ics. sev .n eljcthr. 1UI: mile. !!. mile and an eirh-h. I5v. svime hnrae.-nrn tum-d the vriirk n Utile raster than as ctvrn aliove. The coll rbowe.1 no ittrtri-55 after the vcrk. ami war as rbvful as ir he hal not been sept over the route Aa the track was rmrw!iai dead and only la fair condition after the freeie-up. too work 1 considered excelUnt Avcnstuke. with Joe ts a. coapasuo. -. i Tn il i- i.. .eaa. li fe-7rira-ijJ;Jnrl;--,Ti -r - -;;' t.".-rj "'?'.?'" --' -. --zi LJaREKB "" m?T J'i .iJ T ViaTir--e- - . --------MMgMaMH Rorlvl rnllr in I trs Tlie tlrl half In :l-i. lut tired on the end. rbt tiin isirt ot tb mil-' was worKM ery tat. 1 W sv-hoiT .V SVm- Para Itliillp' an.1 Stream er brwied Ht- iKhtl in 16. with n-amr bailee ihe littr of th ancunient. Kliintih Kl. In. a itotitnrnt CaV candi-late. .ik..t lx furl..n;j in 1 .17 lun.llly etrr.a- Lanit'llchtol. n-ih atut w iunJ. up. n.1 TI-rIe. lth IK fnlin'l up. norkrd three-Jt"r- tr in 1 I with X.imr-litMr.t hvm: ih lt r It P:i:trrn l m-MhAt tl-.ii'reinil Hh ihe son of l.vnpllcht-r. T-ar .M are wrk ii'S tu-rii-ri m Ji jail In M teinndr. rh Iwrtr re Kt- i,rttln; rrat frt 51 WTKKKD VICIIIIN IIOIIM. I'rofrisur Clrimou finvc nu Klilblllon of III). M.I1I. Cl!e x. large .nw.i galli'te-S lat nlcht at lh rsl Bnd Ouh io ti PnfesAr iibaon turn llie fierj- be-ses. Thru many bbe In itK- mi licit, nho bei-anie vry enthusiastic oter in- or sV.111 an.t iM nerve. In Ice firt rsMMtk.o the imMnl a Ma--k c-IJIi.j; tr-m lUllivllle. III.. ciilnl JI31 VVi. k II. vi. 11 verv uclv brute, and im-m- lljlrly mn .ivjy wiin itliacon when he raiau tule the rln It vjf all the tamer ouM d-i to har to hlii nrcr. Atle- ih.rtv mlnutei et lirt hrip eve-lniliins. iturtni; hlih the liilim n e-r-JIp! s..n.e of the mn l.M thilr lin-jlli the I it. wi. calinii Htl thivoucMv umlcr ennlr-il II. was hli,he.l to a biupv an 1 i.-jisva ilie.e l.:m .ir..un.I the jnn.1 hili inr auliime . 1 "i-ri-1 .1 -ifrnlnplv. Not s.itjplieil ulth thu tiretliur lhi be eiiuM i-re Jnit. ihe ulz.ipt thren tlnienn kern Into Ihi hucj: ami t.iaitHlle,! the M t.i ss.nlt 1 iree rfruunii the tins white the Hackers Wctw o.-eha reins. ll.'l-e Xo. 2 Was ret quite to tfcl't but he act ..I very skittish and baLiItor.t; He was .1 1-ar. ni in this rili He Marts,! istt hji Ihiejcti I tul.l b anyth'nc wilh Ihe inmer. hul, helnt seii lie. he oon won nn hb knt-. tisurailveb na Uleially. to Gleayon. Tie thltil horne nj an urbrokm hronrho. fresu from the -iltilin of T xas. vvcich came into Ihe j.rna nllh everv hair hn?Hlng ilefl:tnic. lie hit an 1 ki' Iced v i toul . He was not airen al.b 10 sen-e. and 4Slea-oa ha I t.i wutK vrr liar.! In eoler lo ruhjucHtr and htt'h hliu to a v. -l.i. le wi,i Jrlve him atuut JLMl h l not et m.iMeir.1 The train, r will try lilia as-iln tw niehi. with a nuniher of other unhre.ken anl n.t!s ;ieaon sas to Itriria th'-n- on he (b eail In 1-u.Iiie them. ' they -hall eu!.lue hiei lb will be at the West Knd Hall even niiht this week. liii-ii.i,k jhciii:y ci.rn. Knlrlen fr flu- Three Hff Mnken Aniioiineeil. bui-iti:e. Kv . M.inh 4 -The time In whl. h !- 1 iMi-nnts 1 mane .r the thfee hg ilk- et iho bMllSVllle Ji. ke Oul. Ii3 Just rvpi-..! The (nil.. kins put of HlSlWe Is an- Tl- k'nns ke Iierhy. Js. k niile an-l a Admiral Srhlr. Thrive l"rlr.e Wilhi'ra. 11,-1.1. nne. KMtint Oronliii. lltnlus Moen. -l.'..k. SoMan. Hb i:.-ellerey InaJier. .'o-n-1 Mrathrv. I". vv I :..). Aim lhllifi. itie. ek Iaeutn.ut etitt-iei. 1 -amtiurp. Star Itriht, Illchl-a! l-i.l. Fl. ri7ir. I'avtir. The .-lirk -rak . JI . mllr an.t an et.fcth Kfnir ls-lhs. Tlnlve. Mem. Admiral S hl-y.fii-f- lenne. Flaunt. Ofanta-. Hindus Sim Phihpr. V.'11-le.-k, sV,Man. lii-oller. 1. V llrode etreen- ek. l.euten-mt itili-'ti. Ira:nur.. HtruUnJ lei.1. Flirlor. 5!arl-lw. Caviar Tne K'ntuckr ei-iks. $3.oi. mle and a sb-tienih-' e.T. .nnt lliln. S-atlil Ij!1. I.nlv f.tue KNie Venner. hrnve Tursibv. Mis le.i. I'rL.-llLl. lloi;enuj.l llizal-th Klein. Ticri . Ke-.en Antliraciti. Mas-ev. tllta. l'i!ale. I -nsatly. .Vi-llie ltrgert. Villa v.. iln-ro, Itoyal. Netv Orlenn Ktifrlrn. I'irnt rare, selling th-ee quarters of a ralle. Jear !-'-neer JITlWi t1 K'llv ; 4, Viua . tO llilkan iaiI Sinnepiah' ne . 1T l:s-ne ' tist !' r-lle ..f o-lin- . ! AM Itm t tVci.iIr.s i.uest .. ! laitle smoke .. . ml lynnnnrt It seiond rare. sevcn-ehth of a mib. e-herrv Head -. 1 1: i line i! Ila.-e roxl 'Tel-e Inline It'. ITee lidy tert loinoine IO fc-'cnei e-a-jidy i I Thin! race, one and one-f-tchth mile: TII!r.(-ih M t..jsm3n . - t1 llaiw r:eli3 5 litn i-eway I15 Kln Klkv.te.! .... m fvorter Vauehan. . t hmerrbman 1C Bllthefu! ! rat :rre:t la or.riA Klta 11 l-i.1v ..r the West., pet Jimp HI 1 '.mil fluke M Alh-rt Vale I IS . .e- 2G Kieirth nice, handlran. one mile and a half: tVBrbn Wf '' 1 Obi ' !. -sum i-.'Kyrat IV M'-tv Ijica" pira-eet H- Vif-h race. ?rlllng. iei mib: Lillian Re., WBi " e Liver Ill Il !:o- V Ljyaltv Ill li-ne F 15! te.pi.-ath II' .Liarlca M, Sen Knlchl IW In-o-etta 1'" 1. T lum ... . 11 K-eit lllft. !-r Acltatir It Lit-b l.ii: Ill Sixth nrr. ix and one-half furlonc: llera Dri'.eb W I-i'Iv i.llah3n f Moiseltnn 11. Prince Kredenrk ...! Ucl- Parts M Zib -'? Pabrm . . 1; .-atama I- lunk-r f.reen i". The uurllnetcn saamp Ansel f1 Koute . Xjran 1" 10m MUtMon MJ Maillann Turf Hvchanjf. Trains leave foot of Olive strctt 1 p. n, 1-2J. i 2-30 ".io. -?. i. tii. 15. C23. an Frnnrbctt Entries. I-,-st race. cvrn-;bTen:h- mib. e!iinc. rille ilTir WJi W.r.vah . .. einb Far Hr, Isaline P'-blb t7 Jlil.'re.! Huchea Iuis Havman 117 lr Free, . T-nobe inZ i"alent: . . JUjulne .. . . .MT Netll "lajl. ... .- n-l r.-ee. faturltv coure. iiriitr.: SoM Biron tot Imt llurpbv .. .. Cr.'in Wbsvnla t InetirV Ill 1 Paiundlce Monrovia Ia- Vbrl . .. Jollv Itrlton S Trank bcSv Pcna -l ' '"-taraadu .- eh.rd ra-e. half-irlle. trse. ;--ear oM. irtlie bet ( Intr-pidlo L.-eitn. in i latum Marie ... Lta-iiiia If. CaKlmnif" .. K'urth rae. fellies, one rule: ivrecu 1- I'radv laie II t Alvmone ...... Monientuni 112 ScoKh llali ... .in: 11: . w ..'it H7 .... it: .. 11: ... : ... .bit HI . Iti lt- .. II- .. 1T ...! .1 lins: ..! .. lit .. I'M . .! .. m ...tali-; Fifth iae. one aisl a Ut.nth nil Imie-rtrtus 1Y Wrcminc Mortnel MJ rCone Siirb e-ap:tvc 1 ftl lltate Hlbp ne,! IOj Ilortan . . SSyrm King ' -nirs s..xth race, sb futb. s. -tllne: Anilttrr t,v Svlian . . p.a.e HI ll.irtwater la loll na'XovU 1 -.irta-irant Ill ! 1 1 ten Hoe Iv.mpino 1.: I el',u-iy an-1 mully . hllM'LTKII l A Til Mmiitrort-H nml C. II. '. I'ol t n t.ooil l.nnie r Fiiotbiill. The his fonttdll gail.e at Athbtlr Talk l-etreen the We.l Vuli ami -eire wo- iHi't;-nd on areocnt Cf the tn-l aotHMbin "t ih- crouwb It 1-ir.s iv.r-d with oft le-. n' an-1 -bJh .1 liatt f the Ke.J Nir.c a ti diep In ur. mul. TN i It ".i .11.1 Shanir.'k tlni-l u amis- ! sftio-fv th ri.u4 II was .1 very cvio Cairo- all thi war ttevWE'i. tN Shamf ki seerlnc ert p.-tl -oun after the 1 .iir.irii t e,-t:..nt ft: r... Hrt salf Tl.e 1- It. ' s,.,ft- tnl lfi the 111-1 ha'f Tl-e flianino-k. tleil t' e -11.-- In the se.--mil half, but not mi-il the ttir w nearly UP. "iKlmiKe t'Ultlnv e'to tall thriejch. -- luo ..t three of the othrr ferw.iM had Ihe K-slkeit--r anil pal him iai ht ha. k. Lie. Snurclc.-v an-i lite uther ha- ki l'lavi-l the te-st game f.r the ' It I . whlb ih- ciMlkee nf the s.aniroi-k illd well. The war cjalte ivt'i se all the way throusn. as n.ttter sl-le iult! hosl the t-all anv bnicth of tins-, on k 1 urt uf the men slipping o la.llv that every ilnie two men,e t'iether one or hoin went ibwn on the loe or In the s;u,h The water arsi mud -ila?lH-I all -nv, tti-ni tn every mix up. aisi tlie r-byvrs weie a slcht at the eni! ot the cine, lelnir so covere.1 with rnud thvt It was I r; to dlrtlnrul-ii the illfTerrn e in the tini fertrji The rame rn.1-1 In . lie. the score starsllng Z an1 2. The llre-up: 1' Jt c. ".el-Ion Shamrocis Tally lUal U I'opp mblfilce Full Kirk ... l.i?p M.ire Kul tstrk Strap Ia!r Half rts Malth- Swaretra Half !- k II.T...:l llea;.;on Half barl; lo-mer lU-kof Terwarii lUcgnlt I'u-lnein Korwonl ia:-ev N'ne-.a Kornaril e'oiMlnt-.m KiflonK Ko'waiii I: ie,i.-l lirvapt Forward obt-'elthus It btec William Ktman. nimciM; tiii: i-iiii,ic. ntlntnl I.entctle fire-lilt f'oiiiiiilUer Cannot Ho Loomed In (ieitliilln. Nrw York. Jlarrh I -Thete 1. Jn jtr 0f mjs tei .-ibmt the d-ini: of tne ilieuit -innnilttee ..f the N-atlcnal UW I. wan e,n , tUal t!.y vrere to mwt In tl ,-ltj tn-monorr. hut Ihiy are evblfiitly trllic to !. the -qme tide i.- : us aei tncy o.a in e.le".rluad te-entlv. wls-r tt.e wore sneak rheej. Hrrl fale vihl-kera anil rifle up h- k aMew tn an e.-i,Ie.r..r l eca, thr 1 b . Ui il n"ari.iT men. None nf t-ei IRep-lil-s ,.f the renniltli-e vr i- rrislere. ll-rufcht at tbe h rl- th-j uuatli rb.p at, und It Is tb uifht the e r-.mlitie win ne-rt In rcme .ither eitv i-i fo-txn-lji. their -rt-itt. which will e subailtteil to the lo-asue. wlil-h tceeta at the Fifth Av.i.u- I!, tel .n V. eiltienday. The It-t-jklyn-f-ililmcirv niarnatra. Itanba. Kthllr and Ale-It air. In t-inullalion ava.. this aetern'on at the ib.tri HarthcMI. To-nlaht thiy retc Ji'r-1 by Harry Von der Horst of tvltlniere. Tji all claim to he completely in tb dxtk a- ti the Intentions ot the ilrrult evmrrltlee. anl a tnev hail no nrcotiattens wtth t'itt trrlr rime the e'bveland meetlnc. Ilan ln reltrrxtl hb statement of Saturday tna,t tbytr Mctlraw and Ilchlnron of Ihe ILiltiima-e rluh wxre ni t for tab and that a Irn-iiuh Ieazue war the moxt probable outcome. The sdlcate U ev-ldenily somewhat worrie.1 over the rltuatlon. althcuch they put en a itirf. front. Pre-ldrnt Hbt-eta t erpeciatly anxious ti have a r'-ttbrnent irrlve.1 at which will reault In a re.!uctbn lo ient clubs. He savs that the ri-.-t will t-e inin.i.trely lienetlte.1 by such a re. duetbin. AM.Ti:in atjh.kti:s. i:nlern lloxera nml "Areiillera Have Arrived nt Friaeo. SUt; Francisco. Oil, March 4 - Th eliamrlon Iitem loxers and wrrttlera who are to par ticipate l-i the amateur tournament lven under ihe auf-nicen of the Olvmric CHub of this city. arrived frwn New Ycrk- to-day. Tlie party 10- amveia mill -tw iiiii leiai. iii Kiriy id- ...j - a e...H. m .1 -1- . .- mer.t will teiln TuesaaT nlcht ard continue dunni: the week. Jack Kitchen of the Keilanoi Athlrtks C5ub of Oaklas-a baa been chosea aot referee. i GOLF CONVENTION VOTED A S080ESS. Srlortiinis; of Courses for tin Tlmv Chsiiiipionsliips An Kn- tirclv Sniisfni'ttiry. TWO EAST AND ONE WEST. Dntos Ihivr Not as Vot Ri-cn Ajirvi'il ljtin AHrrntions in lln Links :it fJanlrii Tity rmliT C'diisiilt'i-sitinii. nnpi-ni.ii- spdtal New York. March I. Never before In the history of the I'nlinl Slates Oolf Asiocta llon has so much Rcnuine satisfaction been felt In the selection of courses for the three different champlonshlpr. As resards the amateur evem. every golfer of repute favored Oanlen City, the chosen scene, while no better selicitoti than Shlnneeock Hills for the bijt strUKKle lwtwern the lair sex could rosslbly have len made As for the. open championship. Chicago was en titled to the honor, not only iiecause utie of the thre-o events should, under existing conditions, po west, but also because the Windy Citj can claim that a very blc jwr-centat-e of the better class of iTofeyyionab are eneajtiiil there. Taken all toi;i iher. the rchc ral meetlni; cf the I". ?. ;. A ha.- b-en votei! by every one as a huge- success, and all I hit stents to be neitiH tu pUiec the (toiernlri; bnly !n .1 Ihoriiuchly Invulnerable io?H!mi b tho abandonment of the 'stii.eiion between as sociate and allied clubs In the course of last week the pube of the tlanlen city nutliorities was felt on the que-tlon of alterations. To make It the Ideal course which ur.'iurstloii.iblj it can b several hclcs. csieclolly thu.e encoun tered on the outward Journey, want alter ing from their jire-ent distances. The chances would have been made lone since, but as .1 tnemb-r of tho committee! put It. "There b ver properly a sentiment union;; members that nothing should be chanced .mil Jlr. LH-vercux mmett hat lovn d-:i-tulliil. He conceivrd the links and what It is now is entirely d-jo, (o his effort. Mr. Kmmett b due lucU from Pi.-oiland very r onl av. alt lib arrival to hcRin work." , the alterations are such that ihev tiiiuire vtry lit'le time, as the oiily neeesary chanses are the plaelm; back of tees and biilldini: nev. bunkers. "Tee-s." to quote former Judjte Horac.t Itus-ell. -van bv marked out 0:1 the eve of a tournament, while owinc to the nature of the soil at tbnieii Cu. hunkers can itrow durinc ihe night." The nrevjIlinK op.tdnn ns to the sclec tiem of tin- dite fur tlie .mi.ttiur ch-implon-fc.-.lp seitus point to June i.r July, those In a more author. tntlve ivlt!ii!i express ni; their opttili.-i in favor of ihe earlier m mth. The onlv ol.jntlon to June b that rrvvr.ii plavets ut only just in-j;u;i to limb-r up. vvnbe it would tract ieally the eoII.-i.e element. Sh.nnccock Hllb. whKh has nl wavs hei'n amoui; players, means this vear lo evtablbh 1 r.c.ird for it-e-lf. M.eaklnK with Mr. 11. ;. Trevor 0:1 Satur day, he mm- -'Th rcgulir open tourca tuer.t will b. held the lasi we.k In July, and If feasible a ill oc.tipy th. etitiro week, its in all prolia.Mlity v-.e verll introduce some new such as four-bill matches and foursomes. For the women's. cr.atnp.oiiy..p. our choice would lo u-.. iHi week In Auitust. bur In thai in bdies Iheniselves will have an entirely free hand. A eomrallleo of women memb.-rs of the cub 1,-c belnc formed, nml as manv com r''.!;t?r!; ?s e r3I!m;es in th neiehborhiwv; will hold will h we.i ji. If the iec,liPV, are . thau-ited the lemnlnder v.ill he our cuests at the most comfortable hni.-b Al a :n-etni held rerentlv of th Ensle wmal t.uir club, the foilonim: offic-rs were elect eil: I'ri-idcrit. Th.)nia Timelier: vice elert. A. T. I.nos. -niereltry. ; H Ilurritt .riasur.r. H l an-1 n'tptiln c ;i Kell The .Ine vvere in. rra-.ii frm i 111 foo. rmiTJ i:.i riiii tJTooi.!imi:i. I'ljlnc I'ov i:xu-rieil tn e nniiiinnd nn linen limns I'istirr. I- .-!! l.l. "tk. Jbri h I Tlie I'nilnl it,i,. Nrw !.! bl. llie r. .r.l lr lavlrh. Il.nueh well .!-n-ie,l. sen r-)-l: In the j..,-!iie hichlas:. Ihulnlurhhn-. II loii- .r ruirent wek ikI t!, i-ark tent vvti ft u, .u..k v.,.,m nijer Ua.-i-.n-ucti ot . alllinu i-ul iiiirii f tie eieat irnn.n.Ie ntay t- pj.r-.-i w...n ui in.- Tn, l.m,! l"1- ' "'" "" En!an. -n Tt.Jlli). Atel Ihoueh ll ia m I. -Tct,,l tht Soald IslnMareis rbKltd ..nrti their :n--ptsnw tiniler sin 1 i-lreurnsi.ta.-. 11 la le- n , 11-nns lonriesl tts- 'luvb ! i..-.a.-.l.llliv "that rlyicc will tlnj hts f-lari lsi i tni- ski, f the AtUcll. That ir ertinvite .; .hie rur. e.t llvini rox is t t Iw-,ni1 OMji-n nn 1 cair.r--l tiuen It t ta: .1 tljt sir J-.n liiu&tel, Mapli '.-.lei. J " fT lie .Ji ,.i ,,,,r. sqr Jnni, 1, thi trent Ivnod'ti furniture dealer, rv I-, hi m inaiH) is tsiw 1 iintac an tnn that he d'-s n-e know h-iv o. Invext it er iujt to d, vrllh .t. le n An-erb-tn throvi .lievn the eatm-tei ti Sir John, lie ptotahly ill le- WlllUm c vi!t n e. ' VTboni prti-e l- n vrv tnin-r rnsit -r. pnvHlei that he 1- iox to sr-ure au- h nrrt-i-lar& -tnrle aa he t Laiklnc fr. It w olid be a hattle ft tae linain l ktantjt l: th-.. tw, men l.icrther Jlr. Whilnei. Ir. tu- p-. 1 haxr of Jian lleraul. Me,.i;.-r f.tsl tnanv r a b pai.lbll aliai lr J.,hn atapk ilkl svn la I'Tiichl tiiblnlek anil f-tid elJ.-i ft -,en-imp Lbe vilpn-r f V Twe. i.ulneas l.Hi a-sl .ai r in li sUniuld Mi h;tner re-ll-e I'lvlni: v.-x lie teliiM kr.p tb ! .irer lr! In -inler 1. the tleajeire ,.e vvli:ilni: the Ar-' VTI-I him a-vl t-rhap have a rhv at tlie rre-v- ti -k i-Tvl hanlli-aps. S. farrlirli!rej.hae nnl 'MeiVJie wl.h a-sl ,t-er Uc .-.- f-tvtnr Kiii-w leilti-rr- li rll-iply -ut rl. IIU rl-e wan not t Matter PO- llie lietbj ,ei si .M3' its- tamoun trnuMe that Ihe bte rahe of Velnilnte- allee-I re-tllteil tri.-ll mlsimllH Hut lM.-k uf him Weri O-TC Hide winner III tlr triple event la I'M. Homager, tvibv wlnmr of lTa and then stiakwri! the -i.iro- of -eal-II tin ivlio In la--n. n.i ties .lien Ir "Hie tl.irn o-n of that mare w:.e-e njp-e vein 1 famis t. all time I'-aeHhr.a di otrn i;ienioe 1 in tlie itam'a side tlviar I'ux" iie-ilcr. Ir eerly an ertiei Hr ra- ilalonln airaln -! no er hb ibm: Van.ple I- by that horre ,m. in fact, there rmn rcareelv he m iiue-imn llw.i jt I.. Ihe bb-ji-1 llpea ,.f the fat-ViiU- jrar-i.! e-. lie thi- week i ex-iflos ra Ins eiiiamil lltee all ,er Ihe w.rll MIXItbi:, A.MI riTZM'JMOS. rtlclr for -1 t.i ml ted ftntiiiil lion! 'Iny He Mnril T-II. nnrcn.ii s-r-ii. Neu AVrfk. Mao h I- Tnl'ss nil autca f I Th.-na .lTrkrv. the r-ibr ic.clh-l npil I!.J-rt ntxrlmnvnn will Js- map led to-tnerrorf t meet tn n limllnl round liout in lire p.r futute. Tian eritcuike. n-I-r.-se-nllnc Ihe mill, and !-"rrlmn--n. who le. nfir hw own affa-rr. will meet tiemoirtw nsimlns lo lalfc ovr d-.ixlla ,IU ir li. trm r. reieTiiabb to hutll I fin. 1 ;.t. artlel-a will I rlsnnl anl fi.rf.lts i I to hind the match. a -a . Jla ! tTKV e- m X n !.. . . ' ," 2'3 -. L rTnv- reah b .-.n.1111. n will lia -.itlrfai-frv. It Ir. thete, ire. xnect1 that llitie time will t-e lost In comics ti"a detlnite tin Virtan-Hnff. ntj-lnimnns la run strtlenbr or to the rule f ti'ntlns. and will 1.1 s-haikev haie hl h.i e in Ihlr tnaltet. The Itlftl-n of tefrr.e , n bably Will t-e s.ttb-1 -it later da-c. when the t-al Ir aw-ardei in ri-ei. CiUh If Ihe -e-nl.!e club "f e-iesrv bland b the bUKert MiMrr, It b asl 'hat ihe ,-;iih vrtli m rut iunn the el-jb'r rrfen- ofllclatiue n all taateher held In ilr orf-a. fl'ht b-twieti Flir-l-imons and sbarkei will attract consliferabie attention as nr lm tneir Deht in s'an Cranlan over three )rar aao. whleh nrulte.1 In 11 8a. aiuther ip.eetlnc h t-n ltsjkcl for letaon tlar-- iwn turn, but all rrevlour efforts to t-nnc tn- men together tare fallrd. Tl.l. Up. It looka o If ev er) tMnj; would be arransi-l rallrfactortlr. KANSAS CITVMIMJII SHOW. I-'lxe Hundred Iib Are Kxpected to , He In Comprtltlon. Kansaa City. Mo.. Man-b I. The Kansas CTlty Kernel OuVa third anmnt doc show, which Is eheiluled for convent! Hall frrrn March II to ' t:. pronl to be tlie best ever hell la the ' evrtral Wert, aa It fellw the ClitcaKo rhow. Tlib a-ti- a b-x:e tntrv lift, and the Itrndi shew ar-mitte exiweta Uuit about V dons will It In "mi-UU T The rrrmluma ascreratq n.i 1.1 eorh ex b'ive of the usual xU.vty .-lub misUlr and --vv The oreat Dan- CTub. Ihe notcn Terrier Club, the Ametlcan Fox mer rier Cluh. the Cnille Club of America, ami the American Spaniel lMJ '5tI...V,i'S, S rnler lren ni tm he rrand circuit show-a. fvn4 iiie .. . .- -- i-.-- , . ,K. r-.. Tl- -1- i-A,iia x n. kelson an3 eojier ran cbra of natlenml reputations alro orrrr valuabb oirs In rartoua ebuie-. The entttej cloa, oa March T. d oaxj cornlaatlona ar already ccsslss to. TEBEAU WILL START PLAY QUITE EARLY. S. I.ohU Tiiuii Will Pint Kxhil.i linn C.-iiiinM ,-h iln. K: f tin I'rc.-i'iit W-.k. HARD Gfi PUYERS' ARMS. I'ili'InTS. rrttdiors :inil InticMf-rs Will N'fi-i! to Me. i;ir,.fn "-i Mnll in nn Eilu- CIllIi I.t;illi. Acrordlnc tn Iate.t odvtre. jlr. TetHMii. manaser or the St. losub basvl-ill Club, will l-o In s-'t. loxui? thb mcrnlnc. lie bft Hot Sprincs last nlcht Mr. Teb-an vvlll abide In his native city until March S. when, according tn si-hedub . In- will b take himself and team tu Memphis, where he will start his training reason. The team will play three r.imn with a strom; ptckiil nine of pil profi ixbnab. e-ne of whom ts Cliirby Kmnk. once the ilounder-fnotisl left canbm-r of the derrepl: rtro-.vns of 'S3-'M. The pitnw will he pLiyeil 00 M..irrh 3. 10 and II. Frank has a'.r:ih!iv,I a jTettj- nice- te-nm. for In- lci. lieen able to pbk up a lot eif American ond othir minor I-eism plij-em who are vi ry much above ihp an rise team, tlolnc dlret-t frem win'ir lasslnnla Inio a ttatne b lUlde in ir.- a I4t tr ins to Tilieau's tar.s:. Tlie .Mn-ph: jnn have hail i:ood weather and a chanee to llmlar tip. All Tib-au bttib- have lieen In northern latitudes during the winter, save Kill.lnl und SbM I.ati and Ctijpv. Yuns h.i no ilouht had tie practice, at Hot ISprinKs. but il b hatdly pmhabb thet Oliver will risk puittnn bi i.y tn to pilch tn th- t-arlj irt .f March, whlb e'uppy's tender flipper must lie treateel with respect, roweil lias lie.-n in Chi. ami. McllrUe In up jier New Vnrk State. Taomas In IVtroit. siudhoff in Ki. Iamb. June- in luMo all cold weather towns. Then (Connor will not take much ehitiices with his arm -irly In tlm year, while Crler. KchrecK and lluelovv iiave ben In tile North. Tmis the bittery men vvlll hr in very ?ooi hape to play in Memphis. r-tll-ird nnd Shi-ehan -houhl lie tit. whllo Joe- iulnn can I"- thete. ricbt a trivet. but Qulnn will hardly 0 ,-oulii with the club risht awa. He b ,-ir.a. ready for buir.esa ale I never n jiorts to any eluh be lias with until abiut April I. So it Is likely that Iiliinrd will pUy third and Sheehan short in the three -antes at Mem phis, for lliiir amis v.-ifl be- in fair kind of condition for ihe lone ihrov.-. Tl.e out fteiiiers are nutnerutis and th-.te Is not much ch-ntcc to hurt them. Hut far Mr. Tele-Hu seems to be up .i-rain-t it in a bat tery way b. hLs piu-heranl catchers will b tikiec hirge chances vvltn their pre-clous arms tl.i.s early. One virtu of the "trls-er" games will be that they will iry o.:i mi.. -ban and Ll. luril ncht aw:iy--that b. curious nni a siliai-e uf th-lr stjle. Di.lard is a prvpr nrst iMoni'iti, Sh--n,in i far has brn a ill nl b sim-n. l-tt jevr Lhluinl played .mm Imrre ftr ltetrott. out Teoe.tu ura.te-i him with tlrs- lu-H iUiiilLaliun In view. He Is a letl-uan-Ie. c.iil-r and I- to b- fast to titst. .-nouid he and Chi!. la pity reiiiiariy there will te .i,en Kft-handed hitlers on Ihe cluh. Uiirkeu. Ion.ln. lleld ri k. Chllds ur.d Lilllard. qul.e an imi-isir.s atta 10 Kfret .1 rihi-roindril pltcci r Hnd a bunch .iKainrt whieh a uithpavv should prave effeii.v-- until they ha-.- facetl so many of him tlu-r all pitchers look alike to them. Aithouch no one connected with the St. Loub club s-ems to Know anything .ihou It. no! ven Mr. Telvnn or Mr. Koblson. 1. 1- a e,.n. aie.ptui fact mat ij'llrl n. tl.e t.ihinsti n oij:fl. l'.e-. v.-n .se vvonderiul tiattlb ret or 1 In :-t. louis v. 1.1 lv wed remembered, b-lonra to .he leical clio. Captain Joe Kedy 01 l.rdt&lyri en -a 11 Unen thr bnnt of hi streimc approv il. Mr. Keilj. vvhoM. jud.rrn.ent u vvortli so.-trf?-thinc. -.., thai i liilrn will till the nrst litis- teisiti'iii 10 Tela-.u's entire, and coui M' te "..Iblactb.n. A- f--r the Ii.ttlns end of lib same, u'ltrbn ImU'o .7v !n some nine c.tmes ihe Sei.ati rs pi.ti 1 tn St. laiub last vear. but h.- .tson".- avernse was only .?ii It b tru' Tim a bivd knee, whieh r laved with him ullliort ml e-.son. was .1 seven- handicap, and il 1- also nrorihy of note thai he did his h-st Kittlm; in the late fall lb hit a cm-.! clip rlcht .ilo-ig iflr Seylember I. The fellow very forlurale on the Si. Louis pri-imb. it tidch! te that his m.1.1 fortdne vvlb rnduro f he lolm ih- ba-el club. Should it do so be will he s;milv Inv. iln jl.Ii- I tut there have ben several men who invariably Pl.ive-d wcnoi rril parnej In SI. Ioub when thi-v .me here a-, vb tors lter. tibii thi v Income niemlo-rr of ihi- St. Iamb eliin. tl:c ulo.i tis.v 1. 11 dr.wn. lttrrb.iuer. the famous i-id s-eornl baicra-t. wriii mre of these. McKean was- .utoiher. Prank rion ner one mure Tuck Turner ulll anr.tbrr Also aim Cbtnent: cblbb. iw Jlniiiiy ll.-iii-iey and ntl:r.- Ui:t in most of tbe.-e cus natural de. ay had set In. the men wero on the incline that bads to llisheen vlile and fll.,...nt v.n. ti Rrbn I- a jouns man und rhould va-llv improve. "With 11:1 eicln-iiub losiKu.. nml .1 ui ptme eihiii:le ' temarkeil Si-rappv Joji-e is:erday. "it will not b- :it :ili surprislns ! -.-e tho iPldin: IliltTS tat.e u s'imp r.i l se.-t ti. and the basc-riintn-.K will h.-ve .ts lioiihiex hchli-iB Its own. 1.10. Wlih only eiht 1 lubs. twinty-iroir pin hers will fur nish li-c entire la :icue K.nIi 1 luh e in wurk Its three ciaxl prlrhern In turn, using th siib.e i.nly upun oci a-e.),! uf di.uliii-hcaders and l.-knc .. prtnetpab. Thb will ..-nd Ihe h'tten 1151 acalns; a noo I pitcher v-ry day. tn the l.".t-g-ime sch-dale und iwelve clulrs. which requ.revl abiul sixly pllehi-rs. 'hrv !)i:ii:peii up against . soft mark two ilas In iverv fiv Thai Is rot .ill of It The entelier-i. in fir lb in and on: fielders will show- a much higher iv erase. b-ciue ttrre will he. about sixteen rejnV.r init io Mor- ami twenty Inlleiif.-rs anl sum- len eaiclurs d-eipel The trducilnn of ike to-aguo will result in th survival of the t'lie-t nnd the ije:th cf th- u::fllte-t. The hltli r" vi ill Iw a tirs: Iho real thing everv ! iy. if i-oitrse the general h't-lt:- m-iy b-hlg- -r. that b. more tn-a cai b 1 biige. ,ivee,Ko .r the whoh- : ..:v lut I iter, ftr the .iv.-r-jg- of Hit tru;. fc. tt, othero. will ! iinptuveil ir the el.sp , f the w ik -ilifcer- but ih-r? will to a fHlling .ff t ieiivliual tapes ri.-tn' tlnwi: the line i,f. I slmuld mv. m p-T ini, !.'l-.'-v- be the '. ..--nn e-iloN rs xvtll bt Co ..11.1 the l-xe-rotiiier will b eorr,.ajii,i.i.ply re sult tnl in M.i ehim-os. The r-id of an eight-i-Iub l.-igue wi'l - .- me-!.iTr 5tnrt-llno-. .ind I bin. T'-he-i-i t. 1I1 -. 1 n'f on hb iw. Von will have 1 1 Is In the b 'nrli all tb' Hr.ic. -Tliere wiil lie no -oft spef n lambvllle. St. l.ouls and ".'.ishtnrton. thrr used to be in the old -w v - mh ihivs. Kvery one of the eii ii.-.. vvlll b 11 tough proposi tion. In bin riph: j .- - rareer a a tnan aqer. Ti b ati never has It-n out of llie llr-i d.vbl'.n. .-md I do not thin, even fie harde-t kind of fortune can put h'rri i-:t-s de the tlrsi four In an elqht-c! bb-r. Im hi must be right there when the jd:.. cracks and going liko a greyhound." It Is a remarkab'e fact, acd Irrefraglbb testimony of t'.e utter wor'hbs-r'.js !. (Teveland and Washington clul- too. that neither tenm contained an utflelder o catehcr. hardly an InfieMer. who iieiH lo usel to strengthen another club. of Waslilngton could hnrd"v tl-nl a rlac in Teb-nu's outer works, nnd the Wish-ne-ton field, or fad deportment, h. Id no man whom he c uld use, not even Dan Mcl'.ann. Qeltn b the only man In either club capa ble of traveling; with a National League team, that b outside of the pitchers. Washington had two very good pitchers Mercer and Oineen. and ore fair one. Wevhlng. whose worth b reeluced by his agr and length of service. Ctevefaid really did not have a x-ss uahle pitcher. Hughey has speeil ar.d ccrves. but no heail and b utterly unable to handle bunts, m much o that a nuntlna: tenm ran him an -in-ilnv; It chooses. Teb-ati tnkes Harper, but Harper Is n minor !e-agur not a t'bvelund crmttict. as he onlv ulaved n few ennrs f-ir I tbat team In the fall. The reduction of the CtrCUl' WIU se-m ! rweii le.j , i;wr- iri- lows. collegians nnd neat dressers. Dowd and Hnrley. to the minor leagues. Pnnr old Jo- Sueden. who wa" overlooked In the annual League housecbanlng of the ast seven years, and managed to stay In the League because no ono sa-a- him. will Ifcave to step down. Joe w a nice tovy but bow he managed to duck the ten days' n- ADVICE 8040LIVESL. IV ilIM WK f TTie UrputUc Cn ip or f t u.-i a all L liritii &M l-.r . . . r IIU F- . (1 , itit t .r,I 'llnl I3lrtitnr "! Illltfaat ... ..I a. a.-.- Keeiin ' Irv'tl. 1 fi.f Ilfr P - trilinrv J.j lUnTlVlrr J terll. Ta r .rrd fanfut MffeJI". ' if .i ifrriii ' - . . i nra;lri-il -n i-KW onntiii nr a nTM ll- 1 . I. t a. e-w I T Tm n BR. WHBTTI8 t . ESS ?Vu--eJ V. Acrc-t. - 1 fcT. I.UCIS Arrlvnb nml tleimrtores of Trains at llie I nloo Mittloa. ti!e :- m wy rl tl'ailr ..-pt iiiavla : .-..'.iotay my t'a-i.-... . i Mn. .)- . ... . !. Saturday. ,.n. t o.. -i. -1 iMiiiAi a"h:i.i.k. lo-jflSVILW !. ...- ilj.r. AM' ST. LOCtS V.-i.ll.ll.:i UAIIJeiil. Tr il-i. tJepan. Arrive. a JJ. V. rii.e it,. J.rri.1. r-.r.e.t n I. .:tl . Va- .rui-n l'liu.-.l lv. a. ... ... 1 , . . -an tAyrm il! V.ri -i A'- a-iT. .tttt n . I.i. tMU :t.a-n S firi-.i .Mr a. .e Leu.-vi,,. I uistr. e oili 1-n-;e Atttbta Jai on il e. II, . . li p-n " tlm ' " ii. ah. -tt. 11. Tnirt. lArpa't. I'lni .mu.ti. b-'iisvllle Voli- ArriTe. ino-n n Lli mo-. . lhlla.tei rOllA au. .-.ear Voxk Caterer. ::tl am -CO rtn .Ils-inoail. K.lte bwrir. V. ashinirjijii. itoitiiaote. f'riUadir'ita anil .Niff Yor' Ta-t Jfail . 'JAipa Cir.i -niu. Aiei.rnrjratatien . .. ts:l asx fin. inn, baiuivltie. ritts u e vv Khinct' n. tuitlne. it ikail -iiaiva anl Nw Vnri Ib.val nVie Ianute.1 eSj:)nr, fl ,-x Ar 1 mmi-lateoi l:V pn Vbifa A vTnxnortat!tn ;ipm 7 am tb M pm :Saprn tv-CTa-a !!j:ai-i We-l lia.irn and Fre-n-h IVIC S;ringA rra Mnon i:rute .. 5:3am 'O-iSpm 11 in porn. bike S-hore N y e'entril .t llu-Iron laver. Bo- I .1 Alhanr and Ohesajaake i Ohio Ij. Trim Impart. Arrive. Icu Kxprer- tr.lUra bJ4 pm Km tten-.-er e. ul New ea Hort.-n. WaahlnEt m. ... i-altim-rr im Phtud'-lpela am vi Alion Uvrr--J t:t.'pm tt 3) pm "Jiltwo arul Allen Ai ra-iie- dation ti-m tl-'am !e-.rlor New Yi rk. ilnemnat!. Was.-iincfia. l-altlmoce. l-ail- adelphla, . ... '-'.pm 'iJinn A'ton I.nvea io a. m.. 1 l Ik nx. Arrives ta a. m . 1 II a. in. CHICAtiO A.l) AI.TO.N. Train. Iiepart. Arrive. Alf-a IJ-nlte.1. r iTilro -,: pm CMCKa l-aLtc. xiirerj. ) pm, 'laam Chrrai.o ll-anitht snn-lal l!lpm Sajl an "br.:t., Ihor b-ral xprrrs.. . T.tinm .-ipir Sprlnr-ceW Aii'.tr.rv-blbn .. ssftrm bysani Kansi.- itty VetllHi!ed Urn- iie. . ... ... :rm -iKa-si lt.-ui.aii t biT "-:xpre-.. .. T.S.'.am 'iiirm Ja.-kannvillA ts.'. pm ;i: am l-enru MldniirM .-pe.!al ... . 1 1 . JTpnt Mn ci.ovi:u i.::ai. Arrive. 1 ra:n. -i-.,.. . -,-. ard New- York r.xrrT Km pm Toirdn nnl N" Yeik Uxpti-ss. ; la pm i :J am i-OTTOX IlKLT. ST LOl'IS 4.fTIIVIiTB.S RAIUWAT. Train. Is-part. Arrtv- Cr.ttcn ivit tUpre-s i-iiiiajn i-npm r!t!co I.IM:. Train Iepart. Valley rark Aceor.imodatl.i-i... t.:lam x'aPej- rark Acrommeoatlon .. i1?rari Valley l"aric .. rJoiOam Texa rd Kansas Mill, fr Cx-tlae, Jtplin. Wicttla. Arsarjas citv. Oklat. ma. bilUr. italv-rrtoa aisl Fert Worth ... e:ISam FaetSe Arcccimi-latlon t:lpm xbI1v PirL A.fim-nr!at!rin... 3. nm Arrive. thiico am I:1S nm ttpm sip :!) am t':4 am SJ pm Valley Park Acccen-nodatlon... 'Ipm 1-veifor Ai-commodatton Texas Umlte.1 iVe-tltUleJ for jreka sprtntra. l'iet smltn. I'rl-. balia Creer-vtlle. Knnla. Crr-tima. Atxrtla. san Antiauo. lbuaion and fSalveston SSIpm 7:am JApm :0ara We-trra lpn"e fr Vtnltt. HKb.omA e ar haice. JopPn, UK- !ta. Nrvxton and the 1Vei :",rm Vi.-i.nrit AMI IIAAMIlAl' VIA WAUASIt IIAII.UAY. Train fvr-it. Mall on! Express 17:11am Moll and tiress bMipsi Arrive, tltnaam i.l'i pm ir. i.m s-Tikii v mm. IS c . I'. & St. b) (UK-.:. i't:iit v .i t. loVis KAH.WA C. I. .V T. I Train. Depart. Arrlva. I'-erta. Fekln. SprlmrSeld ar.d Iraftea Express .latb SirmKi-id and elraft .11 Matt. rixtlr .... (Eoprn .......... HrrTnsheld and llraftia Malt ,Iatt ... .......... 10:5 am IV. ri. Pekln. Hp-lrgfle! I and :rifl'-l Express, dailr .. :e0 pra IKHV Mdl.Vl'AIV. Train. Depart. "Arrive. Texas Fart Mall to IJtt'o ltick. Textrkxna. Dallas. Fort Ura-tr- so.1 AHI-ne . . !an fAS pm Delta. Column"-. cnlro and Shierer. rt llxp-ese -J.iain Arm F-vt bv Exp.-em. !lit .-.rlni;s, Kalr, fcrt vvor-h. Vi.sin -1 -on.o. Iloris- leo an'i .,---. - . . - - . - Trvxs Mexico arsl California 1. imi -i-aliar rn Kl t-a--. lor Anae'is. San Ant.ub and Lre.: ... :IS pm 7 am Mm.prOs al Il"t ri,.rlrc Ex ptv . 37 pm 7j am III IMX(iTO Itlll'Ti:. Train Depart Arrive. St I . K. It N. v.. t:. It.- Vnlon Station. Jl -neai-atr. t Paul. Oiin.-v. K. xank ami ''s'ar lUpktr. nviss :. rto I:U pm Tb Nebraska- "olora b Kx- p-ira." for Inver. vb St. jereph -ii-fm -Jpm Denver. I.ln-olr. aba Kan sas iitx - Joserh. loeiveti vrtb ant California Nla-ttt l" . pm 7:a am lie', na. M.vr.ian.1 point-. Ntrth Pa. is.- e-oant ami nta'K !-- :loni ;:ijam lbri.llal. liuiii--. ItenkcJi ami :vrltnt"-. liiimwa and b M Iner. Nlhi Fxpr.. ?: pm c)am K:ieas "ltv te" M. Jo- r. .-n a-Ht laxvenw-.t-i . . isjam ) rm f.. . Mill Hanni''. ulnc). l.-rllr-bsl a-el - P" ' b.' lies-a-wrr fr r Ilaanl- l-l 'tsam bsal lisfrenaer f-om itannl- hal anl "ITileeT S:i pre Ft Fanl an-f M'aaiP-- . "T:Wpm II. r bland. ' Dnul. Minne- aisdls. La 'rors. aw 1U- brqu Kxpreer . :- am S'l r--n llrek bli.a-1 Pawtrneli nates bur nsurrrs "'Inn 'itram Dubtmne Kxpria "'' m x:iam St I-. K. N. VV. It. 11 t rt:n Sfatiwn. For Alios - t a o. dall 'TI a m. ibtlv .Hum italb. I 0. to. except sunif iv . -..-e-i p. m. ex--er Sur..!av. iAf p. m. dally. I p ir. djOj-; j,i ri rs dallr -ri.m Alti-n Arrive :i a. m. elxllv. ,aa.m errepl yursbr. Vi a. m ilally: ll. a m ex cept sii.sImv 1i p. ra. dally: t n. m. rxcrpt Sur-Vvv ::iti m dallv . p m. dally. All train rxm-t on' departing at p m. Jtop at Va-hirctin e.enir I Tire jor -ven vriir is i.i-'ie mia 1 w.. . 111 r xnlain He vkas an h.mest. hard I v- rki: r p-r i-hnp, and as long as hb th i-vv t.- Ir h go' I Poun'i to sei-ein'i oase ro t.i- '.-.k ! .. bit Mr. M. Stanley llobi son. who i.-! for Malliew sitar.Iev t;;iav. in.iv iers.i-de Mr. Tebenu to try out K:i. rrr. b-.-i it i nut known yet. Tlie tat' -t lailbttti from Washington hoadiiunrttrs sn, tha- Pitcher Harper anJ Inflrltbr Kruiz-r have lr-en released by Cle-.vl.-ind to t. loub. linrrier b a hand some. iutrei,ve-lie king voung man aid disHayeid some embr tb pitching abllltv when he did a ktnkltig stunt here laM fall for Ihe Cleveland club. Kmgcr essayed third base In tho same srbs. and looked very much minor league, imbed he dl.L Ho piaved second base in the Iiilerstatn. and no one heard of any diamonds horning tin a.. a.ii e..t Ha 1. n umall fallow, a rlzht 1 field hitter "when he hits, which b Infre- 7uenl. accorittng to reirans irau u-.m n. irmiil nuarters. Upon the fare of It Mr. Tebeau will lako an awful hunch of athletes into Hot Springs next week. He will haver. ITchers Y.-ung. Cuppy. roweil. Sudhoff. Mellrlib. Thomas. Harper, Kneppcr and Jones 9 . , i . Catchers O'Connor. Crlger. Buctow and Schtee-kongost -4. Inflelbts Cro s. Wallace. Sheehan,childs. Qulnn, Kruser. Dlllard and Tebeau-S. Outfielders Burkett. Jleldrlck. Dontln. Blake. Griffin arol Hemphill. Of these. Kne.iper. Cld-o.dOrli aro e.50b,i;- rviprrnonw. CkV.y, 'vl el .. ie, iov- s. ritcoex. -r cir-Hfas iJi7yct-3 po-ancy, tott Power, HlcM-t-ojar,-, 80-V4-vvrw7 id Ie3s! le.ll Bajiret. a-mlncl E.-nljsij i?5 !. orto-i" ipatlori.'atoqs oulcknojo'of .."j-y r.111; Tv tnnin" o? keiia-- -a ,-- er-- -"1 ix-e 1 1 " -' - . .- . i . :t ' I U U tt& il fciO a 1 -VT iaVT 4a s CALL OR WfclTE. FREE. at loai,. M. ? OmVM 8!" flourx.- i m. I.I.J "'-.-r' rW tmohar. - ...a alDCC cxv. J" ' - WKITTIER la person t-4rv m trv m,aji. u t sav. v - Honest Treatment. 0L J kU tC aVai - - ou-. liioei'f. .-;;,.-,. ,., prcrtuctia: n-rv. ilel.iui. .'"-,, buslnea. or maxri.: ,rv w unntns "'. ' - -aunesa. oulckn-ia. . mik-y armf " -Vk for nbo' St.. db-al cure ruaranitM ik for HUnk 3. . 1 iJ- ...-nt Ar UlOQUT TOO rOte '"'rJl'lrJf n.e for . 'rM c-.l'V!T- .. T -i J- t-T. t enr;i -- - -, A.aaaw ir uj r-T rr -an uj - ,.i- Pree AC VmZ Separate VV.ItInr'" en. '-- iMMMmm&M r .t ix..x'iaeil aJ r-r "! o Kerr. Vmatorrnoea n","'i,uTaia,a. 6y Kill Charcot 9topr9r- -" - mT,l to;. a. .eenltt. ll?.i?Tt?U3t)rl F " " Il(rj -..Mem -J.ffU.-- ta JJliir.ou rtomody Co.t San FrancIacOi Cat. t I-iti 5. Mo TABLE, TIME. ILLINOIS CKXTRAt- NOKTHERN LINES. Tnln. Depxrt. -"iso Daj-H-ht Srerl-il . .. sitJJ) pra li .e. frlinvrnd Special .. j-Vi pm .-P.n.ttrlrl Mail Mian Si -tnttli. M Ai-eomreeslall-jn .l-frrpnt' Seil-TIIKRN LIX1-S. 1-oili-ih Mall x-i'l Express. Murt.hvrb. ro. Care-indale end Jbrlr n 'ISl-s New i-Tleaas Kast Jiail, e-iim, I'eniio;.-! J.o I.-K.O. Ti -in.. anil iVxaa Ki-ovi 33 am Nash-.ill baj i:xirerH. e-hat- vvga Arhevllle. N C. and Atlanta . . 3:-am Ne-r le-iamr Unvted. i-ilro. Pafew-ah and Metniihb . . 3.4t pm Dii:- -rlyer" Naahvilb.Ctat- tas-i-isa. Atlant-v an.1 Jeck- ronvlile. Fix S.M pm Arei,mmidatl- n Murrhysbore. Marlrr. e'alni. ?iarta an! tl-e-itr. ttCapml Aei-.mrnedatlen Murph shoro. Marlon und Creal !"prlRK .. 'CSpn ' Arrlve-7-20 am laain T .U) pel I0U-S a.a i:licm er-4 rm Til pm 7:15 an 7 :1ft am 'tl!arr. '11:32 am I.. & X. It. II. 1 Train. Depart. Arrive, ' I"xt JIail (Eransv-llb. Nsh ' vine. ftlrrnlrgham. Mi-nt--rnKmerx. chattairxon. At 1 brta .Vbcon. Char'eton. S. J '" Mebib New Orleans and Ja-k-r-iMlle. ria-i am 7:lprx M-u-t Vem--n Ai-ccmnnylatlon tapm t3am S-m-1 rj l--xr'-e to Evans- v-T Narhvihe. Dlrmincham. Jlr-bile. New Orleans. Th-m-asv i:e. Jaefciv lib, Palat kx. OcaU and st. Petersburg. Fb Sipm Tim I... II. A STrritVr(lIedersonliontr.. Train. Depart. Arrlra. Fast Mall Owensbn-rx Cbver- port. Loulrvllle and the nast $5 am Taipm Eastern Exprers. otvenrlroro. "lev erjie-t. biahenlle and the Farr . .. . "v:5 pm 721 pm 31- K. & "F. Tralr. Depart. Arrive, Jreron City. Columbia. Fe- 1xln. Cllntcn. Fcrt P,tt. t-arsons and fadlria TerTltorj- Exprs rjitsin .- pm r t VTorth. Dallas. Waco Taylne an,j Austin Repress. S:I6pm 7:11 am Fort Worth. Daltap. Pxt An- tor.b and Galve-tjon Expre. ):is ara C:0t p-a Ft. Charles. Sedxlla. Fort Scott Denlrcn Express 'SilSpm 7:U am MOIUI.E Train. st-inthern Fpecbl No-the-n S-eui ...... vVerr India Fiver. Vie-t India Flyer AM OHIO. j. Depart. Arriv e. 4iai ....... . .... S:25pm Svipm .......... 7am awrpnr-oerri. narta. Cf ester and Percy Aeco-rm.fatton .. tt:Cpm IllfS am MISMHIU I'ACIPIC Train. Derxrr. Arrive. "as jtxll 1 ii am sio-iispmi bcal Express T5ani S'Mpm Kansas Cltr. St. Joseph, r-maha. acd Se-them Kansas Express n.Mjji e-ISpra rarMrurton Aeomm"dt!en t:-pra tf-Wam Jva-sas and Nebn-a Lleilted -Kan-ix Qtv- jiplln. vctch- Itx. St. Jcs eph. Omaha. Sonth-n Kansas and South- xre.tMlssr.nrt S:lrm fillrl Kan-en and Colorado nxores.. ):srim 7:tiim tt-ve Oar Lake trains leave Unirn Station at a. m . 3.1S a. m.. lo p. a. Sunday only. 1-3-p. tn Oak IIIII trains leave, rnlcn Station at H:5 a. m ta a. m.. t-i3 p. 1 and t5:l p. m. Klrs-i red train leaves Felon Station at t7-r a, ra.. tl-o rK m tl-i p. ra. and 83 p. nu Leaves Vanderenter Ave. Station tll'v a- tn. Dailv eteetjt taro!av tsunday only. st. i.nris urncn xtj- nninc.E teii- auvti. ttAILWAY SCnntllAX TRAIN" snnvicE. liit-turd Leaver Elrhth and fratlet st, -VTeek days :b 7JT. g-51 193. 11.19 a- rn.. ard 1 ret t-e ;-!- p m. Sim-lav S-i 7 Jl. pill a. m.. and 51 p. m. leave WaMnc-on Ave Week d-ivs . :l, 7:1. :-s ,. 11 3 a. r. and isb 1:50. 4rl. 5:ta, 6 P. m. Fattxnlavs 11. t5 p. m. s-tr-davs . S-?7 7-sx. ii-ta a m. and 53 p. m Wert-brar t Leave. Granite fttv Week- dav , T-o e:ii 9 ?x. y-i-K a . aPa t;-. r-o. 3. 4:as 3-SS 7. p. m. Satardavs. tO o. m- Snndava. S- s-S a- m.. ant tW and SX) p. m. leiin Madl-on w-eeie da . 7:01. s:l -. :r a. m. and ti:5J. ::1I J37. 4:C S:. T.lf p m Sata-sv 4:7.1? p tn. Sundiys. 5-no. 9:41 a. nv. and 1. :05 p. m. ST. I. K. C. & C. K. IU Easr-bncod. Train Na l"z. Fnion Express, dally, ar- riven St Lmils t:3)an IVe-t-bonnd Train No. F". TJn!-5n Kxpre-s. fialhr. leaves St Louis. 4:10 pm V.UDALU LIK. Train. Deaart. Arrive. Trams Nos "3 and ZL JV am ;:ji pr., Day Express "-'I am 5sv rm New York I.Iralte.1 lS-pra 1:pm NeteVor-e pMla-Mnhla. C-'tl- more and VTa-hl-eton Exp.. :ta pm 7?vj am circlnratt Night Kxairers. S: pm "THWarT. cttcinnatl Dav Exnress s.-'Uara T:i;am Var.lalia rcon-icdatloa . ; pm S:lS3m Initlar.npollx and New TotIc Mall grtraai 1:44 am VHll T.IVR. I.INE3 CAST OF THE MISSISSIPPI. Train. Depart- Arrive. 'Aittlnrrtal Limited Ilam pm ttarrer Express. Chleagr sal am 5pri leettiir Accorrmolstlon . .. ISS pm ItrfOam TidMo In-il Express.. 70ara !:Cpa Toledo, nurtato Detroit New Yerfc anil Boetrin Veatlbuled Limited - S:IOcni Fi-t Jian. rtuffalo and the Krt ....... . . ... ... Chleago. Toleilo. New- Tork and Iloston Fat Mall .... elMSam New York Rortnn and Toledo Fat Mall Ranee- 1 liilreit Caili-(n.. . . ninm 7:1S ana -:Wpm ":Bm :iaam LINKS! n tir -pin: MISSISSIPPI. Me-"tr a-..! Pattonxtrarg Er- pra's . . "!:Oan 6:5a pm CotumMa!on ... T:r am ........ Kre-as City. Otttl-nna. Des Moines n:15ri :tx rm. c,.iu-bia Accommodation . r:t am $:!$ pnx Moberb A-immodatlon . ... a:05 pra '11:10 am Kansas Cltr Qttunra Des ai,a-e- st -aui ana a-i'lls Kxnre.3 ... naa pm ea Bi.i IJmlte.1 7!J pm :-r.p-as i-ttv Llmllnt .... Omaha St Paul MlnrrarnMs. IV- Moines ard Otttlmua Exnrerr .. 7:oaam 2:15 pm l:Slani Kama cltv Fast Mall Ferexis. n .Vi--mmctatlnn. ...... ta-ao am Kerr-or. n ,-t rernoilatlon 110S am Si e-mrte- veciimmodattjn rtta pm -ttlrrm Fermi-on .'.-mnihtInii "2:1. am i??pia Fft-roi in Vi im o d a 1 1 o n ; iThumlav ortrl 1U1 pm 11 .S pm I vlr.U-h Park Accommodation . ta-1 J pm I Frrsus-in Vccom-nridatlon . ...4anm t5:ra n 1 t FlieiVf eil.tVI- STP.EET STATION. ' i!ridcer..-i n .nmr.lail.iii . ts.liam t:lflpm t-erxu'n Aer.m-re..atia .. . im t'.Wprj -- n irir- ai ; KriiLmn A'- ort-mii-atuna. Itr' i.-r.mivl-tior .. s' il.irl.r Aei.immodaibm Fe-rii- - Aei-e-nnsstrtlori. . -tl-COam -1 pm -I'liTinm I i; pm :Hsti c 41 am 174 am ! am ta-w nm c rn- -1 ' . ommorfailnri . ta & pm t pm. Kerr- o-n- irlaf-in . t!' 3) pm ttlO: pm 7S- v,j-',..- we sa . C -f-s -r l :&?&&&?, -SjflrjfSiJti. .",'S-.", ! ABSOLUTE SPESIFIC FOB Indigestion, Constipation. COLDS, SHATTERED NERVES. 3 A Del Ira Iter red plli rasde oaur f IN.tla.1 Cavern lir.S. Y Eeabnctri. Hr3-Qi3-lr--- elouhtfut Thus. jir. rt',ati vvlll go Into can-p with at lepst tnimty-fttur men on hi staff p-.s-slbly tvrent-se-an. It b . blc burih. lu.s e; iiuantlty, but It might Ik? cut In r.ut without hurting its o,u.i!lty. All that Ollvirmw neisls ha ikirnumlc pr-s agent. (Icorge Munson for Instance, an.l a thrte sheet with- '-ft Count 'Em SO. a First I kisemen 5. 4 Second Basemen L Z- (tames on Three Diamonds 3. All at tho Para Irlce. (Ireatest Baseball Show on Earth. Uct Tour Tickets Now." J. B. S. tr-55iisih?fr'-fh I 7l(pw t. fr m mm saaKKZ s A V u . f V j3 r :: MM am 1 I N w fl i-S: