Newspaper Page Text
..-; " THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC. M ARVELS in Newspaper "" iest Half-Tone QTDIIflfl Ever Printed Half-Tone Work will be found in next Sun w 1 1 I Im .e West with next Republic. day's Republic. In St. Louis. Ob Cent. Ontslde St. Loais. Two. Ceata, On TrrJn, Three Cent. ETY-THIED YEAR. ST. LOUIS. MO.. TUESDAY. JULY 10. 1900. PRICE Union PRINCE CHING FIGHTING FOR FOREIGNERS. f NIAGARA'S CALEB POWERS'S CASE IS GALLED. RAPIDS IN A BOAT, AttOi flgo Dane's Feat of Bravado in Former Secretary of State Accused ef Complicity in Goebel's Murder. be "Foolkiller" Witnessed by Thousands. Three Thousand Rebels Re ported Slain at the Gates of Pekin. terf Th .ESCUEO FROM WHIRLPOOL. DELAY TO TUESDAY GRANTED. i 3 I s Hi Frightful Experience With the Wild Waters Causes Him to Abandon a Proposed Sec ond Attempt. Buffalo. M. Y.. Jul- ?. I'ctcr Missn. the Chicago Dalle who prefers Jo be known ai Mr. Bowser.Imadc a successful trip through the rapid3 Ind whirlpool of Niagara this afternoon InVhis boat the l'ool ICUler. TTc xperience vyas fur more terrible than he had expecteu. and. while l.e came out un harmed, he 'jays, he will not repeat the trip. Mr. UJowser wore his ordinary clothes, covered with :i cork jacket. A tight-fitting JersO" cap covered his head, lie was not fattened Into the boat, as he desired a chance to swim for life in cae the boat should upset ami fall to right lt ielf. Bowser sot Into the Fool Killer at 4 o'clock and was towed out Into the center of the stream by two mtri In a rowboat. He started from near the Schoolkopf Mills, close to the Bridal Veil Falls. Before ho sot to the beginning of the rapids he struck an eddy. In which he floated for forty minute?. He was unabiu to set out of the eddy by means of the foot propulsion of his boat, and after he had drifted for half an hour the men In the rowboat went to his rescue again and towed him out of the eddy. This time he struck the stream all right, and In ten sec onds his dangerous voyage had begun. Al most at once the boat pitched Into one of the biff foam-topped waves. The 1.2G0-pound keel went straight In the air as If It were a mere stick, and the boat executed a somersault. For an Instant boat and man were lost in the bowels of the wave. People along- the shores and on the thought the adventurer had met his fate thus early. But presently out of the foam rose the boat and the man. That Bowser had not lost heart was quickly evidenced. Holding to the boat with his left hand, he drew off the Jersey cap with the rlgnt nana nnu waved It. A great cheer broke from the watchers ashore. The flight of the Fool killer through the rapid:, occupied two and a half minutes. During onc-thlrd of that time at least, the navigator and the craft were' out of sight under the waves. Just when the watching crowd thought the end had corns the nosj of the Foolkiller would rise from the waters and Bowser would wave his hat to show he was all right. The passage was so swift that it was hard to follow tho boat. Whenever It dived under the waters It came up bo far down stream that one could Just catch sight of It, when It would disappear once more. Having safely run the rapids, the little craft found ii.jn-the whirlpool. The Impetus of Its Journey carried It right to the-voitex-tjf the pool, where. It was sucked down quickly, but rose at once, and again Bowser swung hit hat over his head The whirlpool held him fully forty min utes. Its vortex changed. For awhile It would Epln the boat around like a top. un til Bowser's head ached. Then It would let him whirl around in the larger circles. Gradually he moved the boat toward the outer rim. Then three men. fastened to the shore with a rope, swam Into the river as far as they dared and caught the ropo which Bowser tnrew to item. - "' him ashore. Women ran to him to shako his hands and men cheered him. The navigator com plained of tho cold. The water was icy nd he wa almost paralyzed by his long immersion. "It was worse than I expected, said Bowser. "I expected to be drowned when the boat capsized. I know I could not have swum out. I guess I'll give up the scheme to run a line of passenger boats through the rapids. I meant to go through again the lh. but I've changed my mind." Thought He Was Lout. Bowser warmed himself at n. firp. built m tho shore, and put on dry clothing and appeared to be little the worse for his mad "Had I known Just how bad the whirl pool rapids are I would never have attempt ed that trip," he said. "After I had passed through the first big waves. I realized that my hat had been washed off. Then some more waves came over me. and I did not know where I was. I did not know what was. going n until I came out in the whirlpool. During- that brief time it seemed that a hundred ham mers were pounding my head and my boat, "I never turned over, but we were on our side or end several times; and each time I thought that I was a goner. If It had not been for the shoulder straps, which I put on tho last minute, I would havo been hurled to death. I was conscious of noth ing except the fearful sensation of being overwhelmed with blows from every side. I was mighty cold and tired when I camo out at tne wninpooju. ly gone, and then the water would Open ana 1 woum bv '" ,.. ,;.,--- ; not use my steering apparatus. When I got Into the rapids tho water took complete oontrol of the boat and I simply clung on and tried to keep breath In my body. The boat was la good shape after Its rough voyage. Bowser did not get a cent for making; the rThe Fool Killer is twenty feot long and four feet deep and is made of two-inch pine, with four air-tight compartments. The keel weighs 1,250 pounds. Formerly a Bookkeeper. Chicago. 111.. July 9.-"F. M. Bowser" is the falls-shooting alias assumed by Peter Nissen, who resides at No. S7S Francisco street. Chicago. Nissan Is a Dane. Zl yeara of nge. and until recently had acted as bookkeeper for Jessen & Rcsberg. No. lrj North Union street. He has been a reel dent of Chicago for seventeen jeurs, Nissens boat was finished in this city Inst May, requiring thirteen months to com plete it. After a trial trip to Lake Michigan it waa shipped to Niagara Falls on June ZS. FIREMANLEAPED FROM CAB. Crazed by Intense Ileat While Shoveling Coal. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Chicago, I1L. July 9. Crazed by the torrid day Fireman George Bowcn of the- Chicago and Alton road leaped from his big freight i, enalne. No. 305. as his train was passine Dwlght, 111., and though its speed was twenty-five miles an hour, steadied himself as ne ougntea in the Ultcn ana men ran Into the woods and disappeared. Search 1 being made for him in the -vicinity of . Pwlght by friends and railroad men. but so far as known he has not been captured. He has been seen twice, but has escaped, run ning and yelling like a madman. y The engine from which he leaped was of ' the big mogul type and the work of firing it during the Intense heat is supposed to have been too heavy a strain on Bowcn and caused 'him to become partly Insane. He left Chicago Friday morning on l-.U engine, which was drawing a freight train to Bloomlngton. It was a long, heavy . train and Bowen had to work desperately in th" terrible heat. While passing tho woods near DwIght.Bowcn suddenly dropped his shovel, and. turning to the engineer, William Taylor, called out: "It is all up with me." and sprang from the cab. Ho rolled down the embankment by the side of the track, landed on his feet "and running across the right-of-way dis appeared In the woods. Three Bullets Are Said to Have J Seen, Found in Fowers's OHice The Fatal Kail. nnrupuc sn-.cnu Georgetown, Ky.. July 0. I'nles all -lqns to-night fall. Caleb Pow th. former Secre tary of State, will be placed on trial Tor his life In the Scott Circuit Court to-morrow, on charge of being accessory liofore the fact to the murdir of Governor William U-ebcl The cis-". of the Cb-nmonwcaUh aalr.t Youtsey. Powers. Davis, Whltaker and Combs, charged with complicity In the mur der of William Goebel at Frankfort. Jan uary 3 were called before Judge Couirill on a change of veaue. to-daj. The work of selecting a Jury w-as first en tered rpon, and the pallet of those sum moned to draw from was read. The attorneys for the defense were sworn In. They were taken by surprise when the Commonwealth announced that a principal would be pat on trial first. The case against Caleb Powers was the fir-t called. The prosecution sisked for and was granted an order on the jailor of Franklin County to bring him, as wit nesses, Culton and Noaks. who are In Jail at Frankfort. Tho defendant, former Secretary of State Caleb Powers, was brought Into court and took a seat with the attornejs for the de fense. Though he has been in Jail since March 10. he shows but few marks of con finement and looks In good spirits. Ninety-seven witnesses for tho prosecu tion were called nnd, though sixty-two failed to answer, the prosecution announced Itself ready for trial. Tho court then an nounced that the defense would be given till 2:20 to make up its list of witnesses. Defense AnUs for Time. When the court reconvened at I0 this afternoon former Governor Brown, for the defense, slated that the attorneys for that tide had held a consultation, but had ben unable to decide whether they will go into trial, as they did not know what num ber of their witnesses are present. He as sured the court that he and his clients are anxious for a trial at once, if it Is possible, and, at the same time, prudent. He asked till 9 o'clock to-morrow for the attornejs to dlscu&s whether to go to trial or to ask a continuance. Tho lima was granted. The attorneys for the defense, sixteen In number, held n meeting to-night, after which It was announced that the' were scsiou for trial and will snnoanre ready to-morrow If they can possibly have their witnesses on hand. It is understood that the defense will file a general demurrer to all the Indictments on the ground of Insufllclent evidence to holl the men. Another step, said to be in con templation but which cannot be verified. Is to swear Judge Cantrlll off the bench. The attorneys In the case are: For the prosecution: Commonwealth At torney Bob Franklin. County Attorney Vic tor Bradley, B. G. Williams of Frankfort. Colonel Tom C. Campbell and Wlllard Mitchell. For Youtsey: It. W. Nelson. L. J. Craw ford. John M. Stevenson, J. F. Askew, J. II. Tinsley and W. C. Owens. For Caleb Powers: J. C SImms. It. C. Klnkead and John Young Brown. For Whltaker: G. B. Phelps. For Combs: It. C. O. Benjamin (negro) and Woote G. Duniap. For John Davis: Judge George Denny. Klnkhead. SImms, Brown and Owens have a general supervision over all tho cases for the defense. Everybody Searched for Weapon. By order of Judgo Cantrill. every person who entered the courtroom attorneys, wit nesses, spectators and reporters w cro starched for weapons. Several revolvers and long knives were held up at the door. This plan will bo followed every day. Former Governor Brown did not like to bo searched. In fact, he objected to It so much that he put up a serious kick, first to Sheriff Schuff and then to Judge Cantrlll. "There l no law," said he to Judgo Can trlll, "that permits a man to be starched before colng Into a courtroom any more than there Is a law which permits you to go through my pockets and take my money and private- papers." "Well." replied Judgo Cantrlll. "they searched me. and I guess you'll havo to put up with It, too." Case Agnlnut I'owi-r.. The case of the Commonwealth against Powers has not been clearly outlined by the preliminary hearing, and the defense has announced nothing. Tho principal witnesses against Towers will bo F. Wharton Golden and W. H. Cul ton. Golden Is understood to have turned State's evidence, Culton. who is held with out ball, was brought here from Frankfort to-day In the custody of Sheriff Suter. Powers and Golden went to Louisville the day of tho assassination. The purpose was, Golden says, to provide an alibi. Mean time Youtsey. it Is charged, had possession of the key to Powers's private office, from which, it is alleged, the assassin fired. A new bit of evidence was uncovered when Commonwealth's) Attorney Franklin made the motion that a subpoena duces tecum be Issued to require Professor Ste vens to produce in court a letter received in February from Caleb Powers. In which a certain expression was used. The expres sion was shown to Judge Cantrlll, but waa not read out. The order was made. Tho phrase alleged to be contained in the Powers letter to Professor Stevens Is as fol lows: "The disorganization of the Demo cratic party Is due more to him thnn to any one else." If this, hi supposed to refer to Goebel. Just why ro much secrecy is belrg maintained Rbout the phrase does not appear, but both the prosecution nnd defense refused to glv e it out. Another suggestion is that Powers himself is to be represented as claiming the credit for the "disorganization." It also dcvelupcd to-day that all the phots fired at the time of the assassination are believed to have been located. There were four shots. Three followed the first and fatal one, and these last three, ac cording to witnesses, pounded like pistol shots. The ride bullet which killed Goebel was found In a tree. It Is now said that In removing the carpet In Powers's' office, after the Democrats hud obtained possession, bullet holes were found In the door, from which bullets have since been extracted. CAUSES UNEASINESS. Mails and Telegraphs in South Africa Shut Down. . . London. July 10. The Cape Town' corre spondent of the Standard say?, under date of July 9: "The post office authorities have Issued a notics that civil maiht have been suspend ed for Johannesburg. This, with the fact that telegrams for Pretoria are refused, causes uneasiness." THIS IS ONE OF TUB UNWELCOME TniNOS IMPERIALISM USED A WOMAN AS HIS SHIELD. From Behind Her Tipton Hay FdlLd Deputy Maishal Wilson. OFFICER FEARED TO SHOOT. When lie Fell His Companion Opened Fire and Hay Died at the End of a Des perate Duel. nEi-L-nLic si'kciai.. Mount Sterling. Ky.. July 9. The body of Deputy United States Marshal J. Howard Wilson arrived here to-day nnd will bo buried to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. The story of the killing 13 more thrilling as the facts become known. When Tipton Day was located. Wilson and his deputy hid in some buhcs. and allowed Day and I!uh and tlm two women to pass them and then camo from their place of concealment and ran within a few "ter- and demands! their surrender. Day pulled one of the women between him and Wilson and ulr;r her for protection, shot Wilson, who held fire for fear of killing the woman. Receiving hta death wound he said to Stamper, "Kill him." and a moment later Day nnd Stamper engaged In n duel until lioth their pistols were empty und Day fell to his knee. Stamper then ran to WINon. turned him over, took his forty-live gun and ag-iin ad vanced. From Wilson's fire on of Day's arms had been disabled, but with the other he ejected the empty shells and replaced them with two cartridges and deliberately aimed again, but missed. Stamper let fly a forty-fivo and Day fell, but rose to shoot again, but Stamper kicked the gun from his hand. Day was heard from to-night and is dy ing. Bush is dead. Stamper kept watch over Wilson's body the entire night. Day'-j relatives gathered to do Stamper harm, but, knowing death was suro fur somo of them, their courage failed. Two men finally approached him and de manded that he go with them several paces and Stamper followed with a forty-five In one hand and a forty-four In the other, determined Ihey should pay dearly for his life, and their hearts failed. Stamper was then left alone until Under taker Eastin arrived from this city and at dawn they started with the body. Stamper surrendered at Frenchbars und wa- re leased on J1.0OJ bonil. The examining trial was fixed for Friday. Bush Is the man who shot and wounded his wife here several years ago. Wilson's wife is a daughter of Captain W:.liam Tipton of Conftderate utitlnctljn and Is re lated to the best families- of the State. TURNING TO BRYAN. German-Americans Will Zs'ot Vote for Imperialism. REPUCMC SriXIAU New York. July 3. The German vote, which in some of the Middle Western States ! strong enough to swing the election. Is no longer solid for McKinley and the Repub lican party. Imperialism and militarism have turned many to the Democratic ranks. In Wisconsin, Illinois and Ohio, where the that the Germans will voe for JSran and J Stevenson almost to a man. The Journil has secured expressions of opinions on this point from editors and prominent Germans in these States confirming this statement. B. H. Bohm of Cleveland, one of the most prominent German Republicans In that city and an officeholder under McKinley, tele graphs: "We do not like Imperialism. Neither do we like McKlnley's attitude toward the Boers. I feci thn the Republican party Is going far away from Its first principles. I cannot tell how many German-American citizens will vote for Bryan. There will be many." Rudolph MaJoesky of the Voiks Freund of Cincinnati wires: "I beJi,' that Bryan will poll 0 cr cent a CONSUL H0LLIS J NOW RECALLED. o London. July 10. The Lorenzo Marquez correspondent of the Daily Teltgraph says, under date of July S: "I understand that Mr. Hollis, the American Consul here, has been re- called. Ho la a well-known pro- Boer. 1 LEADING TOPICS -is- TO-DAY'S REPUBLIC. For Minnrl Partly finally Tne lnj unci Wcducxilnyi warmer Ton lni Miiiitlirrly vtlnilN. For IlllnoU Kiilr Toeodny nnil Wcdnewilnyi -narmrr In northern por tion Ttiemlnys Haul to frexh nonth Treterly wind. For Arknii.nit t.eiiernlly fitlr Tqm da) nnd Wrriu-In fanterly wiodfl. Page. I'rlneo Chlng Fighting for Foreigners. Shot Niagara's Rapids in a Boat. Caleb Powers on Trial In Kentucky. Used a Woman as Ills Shield. Rovealed a Menace to Jinny IJvc. 2. Minister Wu Has Advices. 3. Strike Renewed on Transit I.lnet. Jester on Trial at New Iindon. i. Race Track Results. Baseball Scores. Sporting News. 5. Tow ne Willing to Withdraw. Itnberts Reports Fighting. Mutiny I.Ike Thst of Olden Time. Wee Children Drowned IJke Cat. Beer Permitted at Camp Lincoln. 6. Kdltorfal. DemocratH Active In the Twelfth Mis souri. Hallway Building and China Riots. 7. The Rail was. Kxccss Fares on Fast Trains East. Aided by Thought Waves. 9. New Corporations. Wrathcr ReiKjrt. Transfers of Realty. City News In Brief. 10. Grain nnd Produce 11. Financial News. River Telegrams. 12. Mote Litigation In Prospect. Ordinance for Payment of Posse. Fiance's Absence Prevents Wedding. Girl Burned to Death. Many Doss, But No Owners. As to the Police of the German vote. McKinley had SO ner cent of the German vote four years aso. I That was because the Germans were for sound money. Tills year they frel that the I currency question is dead. Besides, there j is imperialism. That means militarism. and ou know what Germans think of that." The Chicago Frele Prese. In reply to nn Inquiry as to the German support of the Kansas City nominees, wires: "Bryan and Stevenson appear before tho American people with a very strong plat form. It Is an expression of American lib erty and true democracy. The Germans generally Indorse the platform heartily." A dispatch from Milwaukee, Wis., says: "William Jennings Bryan will get strong support from among the German-American following in Wisconsin. From all sides come reports that the Germans will not support the administration's coloni-il pol icy, and this alone is going to lose the Re publican party many votes this fall." FRANCE FINDS IT COSTLY. New Credit of 14,o00,000 Francs Asked for China Operations. Paris. July 9. The Government has an nounced that It will need a new credit of H.MO.000 francs for Chtra, in addition to the 0)0.000 francs already voted. IS 15KING1XG HOME TO VS. REVEALED MENAGE TO LIVES OF MANY, Comer of Stone Coping Fell From Third Story of Insurance Ex change Ituilding. GRADUALLY DETACHED ITSELF. ISrukc Loose at 1 1:"0 p. in., Narrow ly Misinji a Man in Its De scent and Suiashiu; the Iron Sidewalk. A" rlece of stone weighing more than a hundred pounds became detached last night from the coping which marks the third story of the insurance Exchange building. at the bouth-ast corner of Broadway and Olive street, and fell to the Mdewnlk. nar rowly mihslng John Pochran, a tamalc ped dler. It smashed a hole In the heavy 'ron studded with prisms, which extends fro.ii tho Magging to the building line, on the Olive street side of the building, making a naise which resembled that accompanying the discharge of a cannon. At any time lwtWeen the hours of C a. ru. nml 7 p. m. the fall of the stone probably would have resulted in loss of life, aa the corn'r where It fell Is one of the bublcst In the city und Is parsed by thousands of pedtstrians. Hut It was U-JSO o'clack and only the tamalc peddler was within the dan ger line. When a reporter arrived on the scene at 11:13 he found Pochran still gazing up at the place whence the stone had fallen The proprietor of the portable lunch estab lishment seemed to le lot In the contem plation of what might ha-e happened to him. In broken English he told of his ex perience. "I vas stindiug here." he wild. Indicating with his foot a spot not more thnn three feet from where the stone struck the flagging. "ven I heard a vlzz und a 'crash. Den I shump In dcr street. Ven I get my nerve yet und come back again I see dls big stein here. I tlnk tffer since vat a narrow sus enpe I haf. "Say. if I hed been "standing dere den I vouldn't been now. vould I?" The stone formed the corner of the coping snd Is about two feet long, one foot wide and svven Inches thick. An examination showed that the fresh break was not more than three Inches across, indicating that the stone had been gradnilly breaking nvvay probably for months, finally detaching itself by its own weight. It seems peculiar. If nothing more, that It did not fall In the daytime, when the rumbling of cars and heavy wagons would help to jar it looe. The few persons who were on the streets last night when the Incident occurred heard the tamalc pddlers story, and. comment ing on the menace to life which hail been hovering over passersby on that particular corner, invariably skirted the outer edge of the sidewalk when walking awayi nerv ously gazing up at the copings and cor nices of ihe big buildings as If they expect ed another piece of stone to drop. BRINGING TROOPS FROM CUBA. Four Transports Under Orders to Do the Work. New York. July 9. The transport Raw lings sailed from Brooklyn to-day for Ha vana and Matanzas. At Matanzas she will take on board a battalion of the Tenth In fantry, which she will disembark at Santi ago. At Santiago she will embark a bat talion of the Fifth Infantry, under uealed orders. To-morrow the Sedge wick will sail for Matanzas to take aboard one battalion of the Tenth Infantry, which will be disem barked at Clenfuegos. and at Clenfucgos she will take on board a battalion of the Second Infantry for New York, unless oth erwise ordered The McCIellan will also sail to-morrow for Havana to bring the Eighth Infantry to New York. On Wednesday the transport Crook will sail for Havana to bring to New York an other portion of the same regiment. DELAY OF POWERS COSTLY. Shanghai Dispatch Says Boxers Gain a Hundred Men Where Allies Gain One. SPECIAL BY CABLE. Canton, Monday, via Houu-Kons, TtifMiay, July 1U (Cop.vrlslit. VJW, by tlie Nuvv York Her.iM Company.) An oilk-Ial toli'jrr-.iin from l'ckiti confirms the previous report that the Kritisb Lega tion, vt herein all the foreigners have gathered, was intact on July :!. The Chinese have hcen repulsed tvlth a loss of It.otjo, and are afraid to renew the attack. , ADMIRAL BRUCE'S DISPATCH. London. July !. Admiral Ilruee has sent a telegram to the Admiralty De partment from Taku under date of July 7, to the effect that there are grounds for hoping that Prince Cliing. with his army, is at Pekin protecting the lega tions against Prince Titan, his army and the lloxers. CHING DEFENDING THEM. Brusselis, July 9. A Shanghai dis patch of date received here says that a Chinese newspaper asserts that Prince Chiug's troops have arrived at Pekin to rev'ctual the Kurorans and defend them against the rebels. BATTLE AT GATES OF PEKIN. Berlin, July 9. Lti Hai Ilouan, the Chinese Minister to Germany, to-day told a representative of the Associated Press that he had received a dispatch dated July 7, saying: "Xo authentic continuation has ar rived of the Pekiu slaughter, but I have reliable information that Prince Cuing has organized a determined opposition to the Boxers-, lightiug them with regular troops, a majority of which retnaiu loyal. Several severe encounters have been fought, in which the loyal troops were victorious. Three thousand rebels have been killed in the streets before the gates of Pekin." DELAY PROVING COSTLY. London. July 10, 3:23 a. xu. From a foreign point, the capture of Pekin is the key to the situation, as there Is a fear, according to the Dally Mail's) Shanghai correspondent, that delay now menus loo recruits for the Boxers for every soldier of the allies in the hind. JAPAN SENDING AN ARMY. Yokohama. July 9. The Government has decided to immediately dispatch 23, ouo men and 3.000 horses to China. The newspapers in indorsing this ac tion, poiut out that should the foreigners at Pekin perish. Japan could not be ab solved from blame. NINTH INFANTRY LANDS. SPECIAL BY CABLE. Che-Koo. Sunilay, July S. (Copyright, by the Xcw 'iork I lea rid Com pany.) The Ninth Regiment of Ameri can Infantry landed at Taku Saturday morning from the transport Logan. KAISER IS VENGEFUL. Kiel. July 9. The German Kast Astatic Squadron sailed this morning for ! China. Emperor William and Prlnn Henry of Prussia witnessed the de parture oi tne warsmps. Addressing the first naval division prior to its departure, Euiiieror William said: Yours is the first division of armored ships which I send abroad. Hemember, you will have to light a cunning foe, provided with modern weapons, to avenge the German blood which has flowed. But spare the women and chil dren. I shall not rest till China Is Mibdued, and all the bloody deeds are avenged. You will fight together with the troops of various nationalities. See that you maintain good comradeship with them." TIMES DOUBTS THE NEWS. London. July 10. The Times this morning says: "Some Chinese officials arc evidently de sirous to have It believed in Europe that the legations in Pekin are still under the protection of one section of the Chinese RUSSIA IS OPPOSING JAPAN. Japs May Use Any Number of Troops, but Must Not Expect Extra Indemnity. St. Petersburg, July 9. Authoritative in formation Just obtained confirms the report that Russia has consented to and is even desirous that Japanese should actively co operate in the pacification of China. Russia places no limit on the number of Japanese troops to be employed and only stipulates that this agreement Is not to constitute a mandate whereby Japan will obtain a priv ileged position. Japan, it Is added, must co-operate on the work of pacification on the same basis as other Powers. HAS SOT A FREE IIAXD. London. July 10. Baron HayaabI, being- Army. But that only makes It more re markable that they should not employ the only convincing argument by allow ing direct communication between the Ministers and the outer world. We do not wish to insist too strongly upon this aspect, but the circumstantial rumors lack the continuation so easily supplied if they are true." ALLIES' FIRST OBJECT. SPECIAL BY CABLE. Chc-Foo, July S. t.Copyright, 1900, by the New York Herald Company.) The immediate object of the allies is to take the native city and stop the bombarding ami sniping. It is impossible to attempt the relief of Pekin at present. OUTLOOK MORE HOPEFUL London. July 10. 323 a. m. With the for eigners in Pekin probably safe amid civil war, with Prince Chins on their side, with the Powers united and their forces con stantly increasing, the outlook in China la now rather more hopeful than It has been for a month past. It appears from the cautious statement given out by Taoltai Sheng. In Shanghai, that the reason that the heavy guns bear ing on the legations at Pekin wera not used is that Prince Chins, who is served by 10.CW troops, seized all the artillery am munition. Cheng likewise 'ntimates that Yung Lu, Commander-in-Chief of the Northern army. Is associated with Prince Chins in opposing Prince Tuan's ferocious designs and dicta tcrlal amblUon. Shenjr. who appears to be the sole Shang hai conduit of Pekin news, cheers the for eign Consuls by these confidential commun ications, but takes excessive precautions to prevent the Chinese from thinking him friendly to the foreigners. The feeling of unrest in the Southern and Central Provinces continues. The members of the official classes In those Provinces utrivo to remain neutral, with a leaning- to ward the foreigners, until they shall sea whether the moderate or extreme factions will win In Pekin. Prince Chins seems to be standing for the dynasty and old order against Prince Tuan's inordinate ambition. Two couriers arrived at Tlen-Tsln on July 1 from Pekin. One brought a letter from Sir Claude MacDonald. the British Minister, to the same effect as that previously re ceived from Sir Robert Hart. The couriers confirm the reports of the death of Baron von Kctteler. They say that Prince Chins is doing his utmost to protect the foreign ers, but that the native feeling against the whites Is strong. Two high officials op posed to the Boxers are reported by the couriers to have been assassinated. Sir Claude MacDonald's letter is dated four days earlier than that of Sir Robert Hart. A dispatch to a news agency here, dated Tlen-Tsln. July 2. says: "The Empress Dowager, so far from be ing dead, is actively s-trivinff to prevent the factions fighting. Pripce Chins has In formed her that he would rather lose his head than be constantly obliged to warn her of the consequences of the prolonga tion of the present anarchy. Prince Tuaa Is quite willing that Chlng should be de capitated, but the Dowager Empress will not allow this. Frincc Tuan has decided that he will take full responsibility. Hs proposes to retake Tlen-Tsln and Taku. Outside of Pekin, except in the Pe-Cht-Ll-nnd Shan-Tung country, the people are su premely Indifferent." Military opinion is unanimous that if the legations did not need relief it would be foolish to attempt to advance before September. The Dally Mall's Shanghai correspondent, under date of July 9, says: "It Is certain that if the Towers malt any movement elsewhere north of Taku they mut be prepared to meet opposition. A Chinese official In high favor with Vice roy Liu Kunyl. in the course of an inter view, says the southern Viceroys are only bound to neutrality as long as they are not Interfered with. They have more war materials than they can use, and the mili tary forces all over the provinces are in creasing. The Yang Tse Klang is mined with torpedoes. The garrison at the Shang hai arsenal have Just been re-enforccd ty two newly recruited regiments." If any sort of government existed in Te kln. the settlement of the trouble woull not present serious difficulties, hut if an archv nrevalls. the situation would be se rious Indeed. George Wyndham, Parliamentary Under secretary of State for War, said in the House of Commons yesterday that sinc lSTJ English Arms had sold the Chinese Government seventy-one guns of position, 1ZS field guns and 97 machine guns, with ammunition for each class. He also said that a German firm In 1S09 sold China , OuO Mauser rifles. asked by a representative of the Dally Chronicle. "Do you understand that Japan has now been allowed a free hand to settle the trouble?" replied: "I do not understand so. but I knorv-'at Japan is quite willing to do all la ' er to bring the rising to an end. &Mtm the other Powers. Japan is rear., r.000 men into the field." X POWERS' CONCERT X5 iMJt Berlin. July 9. Regarding g . the Powers, a Foreign Offl' said that the relations co , and that the harmony Jr ' CoatlBBcd o " . " " I S .,..;-;. .o - 'V-.-i'". ;:- . -j:- -.Ji;, .X' .St - 1-- - r i--w-s. ;.a . .. -.;y ej-yazzz jr..p't.jsgyf'."'