Newspaper Page Text
7 THEEEPTJBLTr: TUESDAY. JULY 10. 1900. tf k I f ipfUlWWW1 BRAINS esa be rerre.- dally. hive no pe- PjJ; rior. Tcty re ccrre:t brala to-.-i. Trrtf tsrpVH tr - ADAM BOTH GROCERY CO. Tfc-s bargains at Barr's are so attractive that the. street cars -an north. scu.h. e s. -. . . ,. 4Tfr -10- .u west wj ue vrtu- . . -- - - I pers, b 2nd for Err". Sixth, vl ve and L--- 1 ccst strc'.s- 25 s a BiKd Vls-e to l k " for lMt shopping tour?. rro-"-ably. tco. AIDED BYfHdUGHfWAVES. Woman Goes to ome to Dig Gold lor a School. HsrnsLic special. Boston. July S. Doctor Lydia Clements. c graduate cf Boston Vntver-dty. is now on her way to Citse Nome, where she expect? to ills sold enot-sh to fcund a. n-w school of pJ-.Uephy in the East. She visited Alas ka in IS an! wa-s the tirrt woman to t-avrse CMlkoot Paa Befor- start .nr for Cape Nome Doctor Clements 'ryinJacd a corrpar.y with a cap ital c S5isV. It Is -a! e-d the Leo Libra. Doctur C!fanri J prt-'deat. Phil ip Stir.! cf Boston. Alto-! Holbrooke and Charks- JUrase,! of Ne-w York are the rnm- Irg exp-rts. Mrs. . .Fn-r.ts iook ann;; with htr a companion Mrs. Helen J.-nn-- n of S-attlr. The party socs pien1Idiy equ;pi-a on the steam-r Victoria There tire twent -five worknsen under a jears contract t do the rough work of the ex-I-ediik r. Zkot n-rai-nts i a disciple of Pro fessor e-ber -s E. Maoki-v . whoe "nlsd over matlir" ! Seas will be tt-H i in 'he rclrooi the purposes to establish at a -: cf HV. Aecord:n; to Ioctor Cl-ment. the-a "Ideas" will assure the success- of her nlninc venture. She sald- "I akr! him to extrt hi mtntai power !n aiv behilf. At flr?t ho atttinptn to dtesiade iec. Ke finally sae his consent aixi pronsfced o asfit me with his wonder ful prr-er. nn I left his sfjdy I wa m inprryj that I am new full of con fidence. H em orily pave ra his consent to po. but he al?o j-rtniisM me that I would has c&nplte success I do not fear ti result. I knew that I shall suc ceed." NO TRACE OF THE CHILD. Gladys Zimmer's Disappearance Savors of Mystery. No trace has yet ben disvered by th police of little Glidys Ziramer. the adopted daughter of Mrs. U Zlmmer. who ran away front her fotor tnclhar at the Union Sta tion last Friday even'nc a few rnicstes be fore the time lor the derarture of the train oc a aica they w?re to have pone to Peters- tmrr. I3L There is considerable mystery oonBectea with th abs-jiute dirafpearance of tha child, as she 1 not known to hio any frlen3s m the City. She taken from the ChJdrets Hurae Society of JIis;-ouri, on Ches-tsut street near T"Kenty-eipfcth Mreet, by Mrs. Zlraajer nearly a yar ago. and It -js iuppuse-1 at first i -at she wculd S2.r ?f3LLte-.i:i.".?SSS; "IZZ-Z Mrs, Zimmer went to I'tersburg Satur day eTenlng. but is expectel to return to the city shortly and continue the search Sho wa.? for tome j-ars- forewoman of the Provt-ieat Association here. DIAZ AGA.H RE-ELECTED. Mexicans Direct Him io Remain at tb Government's Head. fif-r- rt Me-r5 Julv S. The electoral col- lejres met in the cMef towns and cities all j ever the Republic to-day and cast their votes for Presklett. The returns T-ill cent In slowly from the outlying State, but a majority of votes were cas for General Man. Insuring his I fcr the term, of four yair. dat- I rt-electlc-n fcr t yars. da Inrr uva. Decern" -r i - ext- The Clerlaii and cnenatire party mace co uomlnati n t: .s ear. the only formal .--ing that of Dlg by the Na tional Liberal Convention, held here in Jart-ary The National Bank cf Mexico has raised the discount rate to Vs pr cent. Kilns are generally laUing- over the Republic Pnddler. Walk Oat. Pittsburg. Pa.. July . Puddlers to th number of 3C) empi-oyed at llcorhead"! jda-te sUlL Sharpstarg, struck to-day against a. redaction of 3D per cent In wages. The finishers accepted the reduction, hut unless a compromise la effected it Is only a Question cf a few days until the mill will fcave to shut down, throwing over a5 out fcf wort. Tb Beat Preaerlptlon for Malaria ChilU ac ever Is a bolt! of Grove' i Ilr.-ltu fSlil Toue. It is stapl; Iron as! qilrJr.e la a rvo Kii-M ij. tmcx. m. Frisco RallTray Win.. BETCBLIC EPEC3AL. Oklahoma. Ok.. July S. The Injunction to restrain the Oklahoma City Terminal Rail way Company from building over certain lots along Its proposed right-of-way was de nied to-day by Judge BurweU. and the com pany will at onco begin the construction of the terminal which Is to give the St. Louis and San, Francisco Railroad Company an uptown statlDa- The read win be abcut three isiles Ions. g Andrew Itardinc Ilanaed Blm.elf. KEPCEL1C EPECIAL. Jacksonville. I1L. Jsly J. Yesterday mom lnr Andrew Eardlnr. aced T years, was found hanging from a rafter la the bam at his residence, e.ght mile from this city. Family troubles are given as the cause of the. suicide. Jtlchael "White a Suicide. RETTBLIC SPECIAL. Jackscnvine, 111., July S This ofternoon about 5 o'clock Michael Vhite, for many years a resident of this city, committed sai lde by drowning himself. SPECIALTIES. WAGONER UNDERTAKING CO. H. JI. 1VAGOXER, Parrivtrg re-ember cf lie late Cm of SMITUERS &. 1V.IGONCR, Prealdeat. FUNERAL DIRECTORS, 1127 OLIVE STREET. Tel., Main 2840; CGSS. Si. Lonli, Mo. DAY' AD .MGUT SERVICE. Mr. IL H. Warocer. administrator cf tie e tat of the late nra c Sait-irs & Wig"5eT. win settte al; claims psrrjuajcg to aaid partjitr shlp catale at ttelr old ;,:3c. lT OUl st. LOUIS C. BOHLE HVERY CO. CXDEKTAKEPJ! AND njIBALMERS. Cm.rri8gzs .. $3.00 tiearses. ..SS.00 ar.ak Cloth Carteta. Kirrt-Ctai. Owda. 144 aaa Cwar4s. OLOBE STABLE, 1122 CHESTNUT ST. SXLSPKOK KAJW f. DEATHS. CODT On Pcciay, July . at 4 o p. m Nell! Oxly, belored dausater cf Iteinrond Cody anz tbe late Slarv Coor 'nee Fsea), anj iliur of Inward. Mara xcd Xiu Cody, aged IS year, and t moctbs. Funeral will lake place from the family rl Ceaca. No. r3 Sosth Third u-et. on Tuesday, July 13. at ; p. xx, to Calvary Cemetery. PENDLETON Entered into rest July . J3. at S30 a. cj Allen B. Pecd'etoo. Ui W !r Ctth j-ear. Barn in Caroline Touty. Virgia'jw Funeral from bis residence. No. teOt Ltcdell avesue. Tusiiy. July 19. at X o'clock p. in, la . tenaent prtvate. WALLOF Suenly en tbe evectar cf July t. 1M0, P-l G. E. WaUof. ta tha a-fecty-founa year cf his age. Foneral fp?n retljenc cf hii sen. Paul G. -Waltof. No. :tlA Cote BrllllaBte avenue. Tues day, tbe 10th test., at Z o'clock p. ra.. to BII fctitalrie. Iinrieaoils. Minn., papers yiecse crpy. WIIirrLE July's. 1JT. at Gray Sununlt. Mo J. Drocks Wblrrle. aged U years. Was !trfd at the same place on July , IMS. pSquirrel T0ats mir ,, , EXCESS FARES ON FAST TRAINS EAST. Effort to Make the Rule Applicable between St. Louis and New York. DIFFICULTIES IN THE WAY. Serious Effect on Uates to Inter mediate Points Chicago Lines Losing Money tieneral Railroad Notes. The dispatch from Cleveland. O.. pub lished In Sunday's papers r;lative to ex cess fares between St. Louis and New- York was aoi clear. At present thre are 1 no excess ires cn&rpea on any train.-" run- . nine out of St. I-ouis. thoueh there is a diffrenUal rat era.-.ted certain cart-bound ta One of ,h Ihts the Baltimore and . yjy.iQ ju . Jiw t leru. .las iauc a ue.iranu. a. i said, that excess fares be charged on ail fast trains tt New York, the same as tho . . . . . . . . , . , i lmp:se-1 en east-bound trains out of Chi- I caro. The standarl time nx-d for ChicaRO- Ntw- Y"ork trains 1 twenty-eight hours, and Jl extra must be chirped for etch hour on all trains maklnc the trip in lets than the standard tinw. The regular fare from Chl cixo jo New York is J1S. and as some of the fast trams make the trip In twenty-Sv- hours, they are csmpellr-d to charse !3 extra Ter the service. Tht tff.,rt ft-ure excels fares from St Louis is likely to caus-e much mora friction than the excess fares out of Chi cago. While th- arbitrations which have settled the principle of an excess fare for fat time have held that such a charge should apply to Intermediate points ss well as to throuph trains between New York and Chlcapi'. the charges which should be to and from St. Louis end interme diate pc-lnts have never been formulated. The dispute on excess farc on west bound trains between New York and Chi cago ws juickly rettled by the decision cf the presidents of the lines concerned that the excess fares applied to westbound as well as to eastbound trains, bc-causo the amount cf the excess was already set tled. But If the presidents cf the Eastern lines runninc out of St. LauIs leclde that ex cess fars should t applied out of St Louis, they will have to agree upon a standard time to New Tork anl all other petnts to which the excess-fare charge will be- applied. It is not tAely that the excess-fare nil will ever t put !-;to effect on eastbound trains from this city. Some of the Chl CRj?o lined are eriouMy considering the abandonment of th-lr fat trains, on ins to the Inforcemnt of this excess-fare rate. Nearly an of the fast trairs from Chicago to New York, which paid well at the ordi nary rate of fare, are said to be loslr.e money under the excess-fare rule. Pas sengers object to pa !ng the extra C and a.aa ke standard twenty-eight hour trcsns. leavtnc tie twenty-six and tw-nty-fire hour trains with scarcely enough patronage to pay expenses. I. JL G. A. UXTKAMOV. It I Reported the Conl.In -Will nnlld It Thlk Fall. nrrruLJc spkctal. Fort Worth. Tex.. Jnly S. From a cor poration attorney of prominence in Fort Worth the Information comes that the Goulds have determined to bulM the exten- slon r.r th Intcmatic.-.s! and Great North era Railway from Marlin to Fort Worth and that the txtension will strike the Text" and Piclfic at Mancheiter Mills, three miles Jrcm th. rltT- Y-? fmm 1h Vii. l.j-V a 1 the Texas and Pacific will be used itost of tr.e line o-. t that far Is double. ana with little addit:onal exp rse d -He tracks can be had all the wai . For half the d.stance there are three and fcur tracks. This Is the line whi'-h has recently been started north and south from Calvert and about which there has been roro lght doubt as to the Northern terminus WoTk wIU not be commenced until after the fall elec tion. CLOVER LEAK LINE. It I. 2Cow the Toledo, St. Lonla and Weatern Rallruart. IndtsnapoLs, Ind.. July S. The Toledo. St. Louis and Western Railroad Company, a re organization of the old Clover Laf. ex tending from Toledo to East St. Louis, was Incorporated here to-day with a capital stock of H0.0W.CO. Its dire"tor are New Y'crkers and are Jams N. Wal'aee. Arthur IL Van Erunt, J Edward WycfcoJf and others. The Incorporation fee was ZX.V8. Illlnol Central Teat Car. Within a few days ther- will be turned out of the Burn.-ide -hop of the Illinois Central on of the finest and probably the best-equipped railway test cats in the Uni ted States. It Is being built under the su pervision of William Renjbaw, superintend ent of michln-ry, ard Profess, r L. P. Brcckenridtre and Edrard C. Schmidt of the University of Illinois. The mechanical and eogln'ering students of this university have the free ue of the -Illinois Central road for experiments anu test, and In the pat few years th-y have r adduced valuable data which have been I utilized by the officials of the road. The new car will belong Jointly to the univer sity ar2 the road, and is designed for gen eral railroad experimental work. It will be adapted to the following porpoe. for each tf wV4rS 4t wllf Sib an .rtBlal ttn. ment: lleauring of train rsistanc-. auto- I graphic track Inspection, loccmotiv- road tets. airbrake teiis an 1 station tests The cur Is feet S inches In length and , 40 feet iii-er the -nt IUil & fe t -1. fr.che wide lnsid and S feet IS Inches wid- out fide, with an extreme width of li feet over the ohservaticn There Is about twenty-fire feet of working space in the car. which will be tak'n up with all sorts of queer-looking instruments capable of show ing anything from the amount of drawbar pull V the location o mile posts. By the aid of thl car the university profeijTs, as well as the railroad ofacials. expect to make man- experiment which will be of valao In operating railroads. tstomatlc Conpler Lnr. The time limit whifh the Interstata Com merce Cummlsslo.n. together with Concress. nas piacea upon raiiroag companies tor tne ei;;:pme-it cf cars with the regulation coupler jxpi6 the first of next month. At present tbe railroads doing an interstate i with correspt,nder.-e to the Associated builness are putting forth every effort to ' jress from Horiulu unler date of June 00. comply -vith the interstate regulation, and j The aataori'lcrj in the island are endear it is thcught that when the law goes Into I orlng to make the Japan labo- riottrs force every railroad will be properly i und-rstand that they miwt respect the law. e-quipped. j t Siirecklesvllle a r.umtscr -f Jpa"e- Ilegarding the export trade of the Atnerl- J -who bad mail-: an attac k upun a coa'.taker can yl of car couplers, .t was said that and attacke-d a number of officials who came 5? far the attempt to introduce them In i to his rescue, were convicted and fined 5 -urope ba not rt-sul'eu in success. In C. P. A. at Pnl-ln-Bay. The regular monthly meeting of the Cen tral Passenger Ars&ciatlcn wl.l taks place to-morrow at Put-In-Bay. C S. Crane, gen eral passenger agent of the Wabash: J. JL Chesbrotich. assistant general passenger agent cf the Vandalia. and R. M. Allen. -slstant general passeiger agent of the Louisville Air Line, left here last night to attend the meeting. Sew Tork and Ottawa Case. New- Tork. Julv 9. Judge Liccmbe of th. United States Circuit Court to-day denied the application of John L. Henning. a judg ment creditor cf the New- York and Ottawa Railroad Company, to intervene in the sJlt In equity against the railroad company, by Alanson T. Enoa. The order also denies an application asking that tbe order appointing Henry W. Gaya receiver be set aside. Illinois Central and Iowa System. Fort Dodge, la.. July S- Captain J. II. Merry of the Illinois Central is here per fectins the details or the sale of the Jort Dodge and Omaha road to the Duhuqae and Sioux City and Its lease to the Illinois Central. This will round up the liUaois Central and Iowa Sys tem. Road Tkroaaa the Andea. Khoxvllle. Tenn.. July 9.-3. P. McDonald, a KnoxvUlo railroad contractor, has Jost Mexico, however, the general tendency of i u ,s understood that the plantation man- ,'il' ." " ".'.' '". . '"j -. jw, Si,- ii,ii."tii J-ander waiters oi . the linn f. in ntnnr American mthnrf. In ' . v.U. n-i-.. rf. .irfl f- rmH-. ,.1 , thelarge fct-y and idJolnLig bu'lilnys -..-.v. L'cation"! W. railroading and a fairly large market has Farther with the' strikers. They have In- i? r'S JllT' ,", f.'.f )i'. 1"S?1 "Pentecosta! Pw. been found there. P.u-;la is also adopting Crea-ed the men's wages beyond contract " V7.CL. ' 'J ' UT;U. .'t TTZ-'Trii'"" -v B-verend rioa vv. American couplers on Its trar.s-slberian Prtce from JU t? SI. a month, and th- -,; " .... . . :a?roW w il Ct P."1": ..-, -.. wuwu, jananese cuauur iu te uisc-i-ieiji-. .- I been arfl the contract to build a ra'l ' read In Ecuador for the Kcuid -t Asoca , t'.-n of Shetland- The contract price 1 J1S. I ('. The road will be 30 mile, in length and will exUnd from Guayaquil to Quito. I rhrrtr-ch the Andes Mf-"-it:iIn Sfi Relay Ilriiot M-etlne. The Eat St. Louis Relay Depot Associa t!on. of which C. r Parker of the lilinois Central I chairman. will meet to-day In the office of General Manaser Turner of the Vandalia in the Century building Plans fo: the new structure wlU t sibi.lteJ etrf , taken for letting tbe con-; racts as toon as pi.ssioie. Meellntr of iothTclrrn I,lne- Tt.e Southwestern Paenrer Bureau and ' -.e Sou'hweftTn Mileace Bureau ate I booked f-r retra'ar meeincs t morr"w at 1 hiilauarters in the Union Trust bu.ldlnc j The lradinc subj-cts to be d!.euN.-d hale I ttn announced already in these columns. reronnl noil Current Nute. J. X. Seale. uperinteri3ent of tr importa tion. J. V Clark, iruperlatcnltnt f' th Jackson division, and Harry "r' u;-r-lstecdent of the lobile divslon of the Mo bil and Ohio, are In the city. Vice President anJ Gr.eral ManapT Rarns-ey cf the Wabash hat cone East for a General Pa."rcer Acent It TV. Wake ley of the Burllnrton his eone to Wiscon fin. The rfcular bimonthly tneetlr.c of the Southern rre'.vht Comrritte .11 tak" plac I tf-v at ihe Chicjiro iVsch liotl hair man Cfcie ie:i ctre lur cuKaco tunuay nlch- v .- - . . '-- . .-- - , -Comrliers cr rate sbet? In tn trr-orj r-t !. cter-n latiFT AAI:1n will - ---. s. ,,.. ,... ,. ,, .k. ,a.a ci'erks will hold a meetinc the nrxt day at Hotel Ryan in the same city. They -will g? arnt of the trio at r-an An'on'o. i -X and E. M WJotead. f-isht ap thre. e !f!q0?r:trs ?"TV ,l;te!M?Jv . The bocv of the late Jadce J-hi A. v.-llhams of the Federal Court a: Little ; 1' vvl; Ark.. Wit Denver eterdav after noon In a Mfe-iuuri 1'acffic spt Hi cr in charce of Judc W E Hetmnerway Judge Williams was spending hl vacation in in" mountains and pnssed away sadd-nly of hcurt fa .lure. Ml Katv of "Katy Flyer" re-own h at last been induced to ca-t aside her tbree-vear-old. antejuated c-tura and tion a jeliow robe that I strlct.y in style It was brevcht about by a lady stenographer in the Pullman otScts In fe l &i n jra"n building, wno called up Gfersl lx;:ner i Agent Barker over the i-hune ar.1 su- ' Kefed that it was t!r.i- he gave "Kuty , . . -...-... rTAi. te- . biHimnp i permission at home Mr. Barker in'tructe-l ( Fur booklet with full laior the mo-Jlste wno hardier the M- K.4T. I it or, n11r-ss , . . paint pot to bring "KatV up to da; Ue..d- I a. K. YANCEY. Prrililent. Mexico. Mo. and ell. Tne work now pro--es-!..; 1 -lcelv. thanks to the lady stcnoerapr r E. S. Orr. general agent -f the Balti more ard Ohio Southwe-tcrn. I in Boston. laymater A. C St.-r.e vf tl-e Son has resigned, to take effect July 11. 11" will be succeeded by H. N Iai e of the account ing department. Mr. Stone began work for the Soo when he n-ad started, and in ad dition to being paymaster. h is alo as sistant secrcl.rj- and treasurer cf the road. The tctal gros etm.ngs cf 'he TiIai:o Great Western for the ear cnd-d June 3". were Ii.ti.C5. a Fain ever the frvvluus ear of 1Sjb.7s3. SUGAR TRUST AT WORK. Another Raise of Price (Vts Public Five Millions. '.lit; RKPrBIJC SPECIAL. New York. July S The Sucar Truyt made another dip inti the ptke't of tie Aairnean hcureholdtr to-day when It raised the price cf sugar to 6 cen s r. pound who.esale. This i the eighth raie it has made in the price since it obtained abselute control ol the market two months ago. It tt- n beat the ArbuckUs and other . -jr. pe, li-tu a tate of submi!on. It dli nut allsw them to rise from their kne-r uctll they slimed an lion-dad agteemcai permitting the trust to I.x the reaicg price. It was then i.2 per W pounds. Raises have ben made at Interval, since .ty 3. Each ra;-e vu at the rn of one-tenia o. a cent a pound. Kavh raise of or.e-t-nth o. a ceit impo'-d a pro. s lax of tw . uiin the sugar U"r vl this country, who con sume i.tH.(WAI pounds a rar. A raise from . to ptr liO pounds Is to an arbitrary lax upoa .he tru. -ridden people of th.s country of $- Already the susar barons, by ?". their mor.rp)ly. uraw mre than .. a year :.i j tne American i-rojHe ever and abvve h-g.tlmate pntiis Part of this wealth Is represented by steam yachts. bi diamonds and palace. ,. The so-called -independent rehnerles, the National, the Arbutklrs and the Jlc Cahans. all raised the pric cf sugar to- cay in acc-rdance wltn tne irusi s omvi. ' '" "" .".: '. rr -----. ,.i announced a diwaena oi m i-r "". """. with monev obtained from the sale of this stock. In other words, it eve back to Its stockholders half the cash tsey subscribed that is. tssumlnc that the price was at par. The comivany also pays dividend, of I. t cent. The sugar barons are by r.o means satis fied wiUt present price.sIt Is sa.d Tbey w-ant to put sugar up t . cents, which iw.ii be a rirse of 1 s-W c-nt t p Jid. u Ith sugar at 7 cents tre trust wold tax tht American people tsr more than they did when it w as J.2a ctcts. on Ma -last, IDLER'S CREW IS BLAMED. Yacht SNiid to Have Gone Down With ails Set. Cleveland. O.. July S No attempt ha yti pten made to recover the bodies of Mrs. James Corrlaan. her throe duhter. niece and granddaughter. who were drowned by the c-p;iz-ng of the acht Idler -f this frt last tuti.roay afternoon. A terrific gale blew all day ester da y and coatirueu until late this aftemcon. iDuklr.g it ltrpossible for tugs to ;i near the scene c-f the wreck for the purpose of making a search. A party will g out to the wreck with divers to-morraw mcroing. Captain Mat tin Creole cf the steamer Ogemaw, which was close ;o the yacht w;n-n it caped. says the accident was entirily Inexcusable. OToole said to-day. "There was plenty oi ..arainir ol 4-,ii.i approach of th saral!, and the Idler . eiftden the st rra r.11 richt if P rre-ra- i'l'-i"" tions had been, raadv Not a jard of her CanVaS .43 S..u'.fV. .JU.c.ri. utl . went our she had her mainsail, staysail and two Jibs set. There was no sea to speak of. c- titrary to the assertions of the crew, and if sails had ben taken In there would have been no trouble -A ic...ler schoo-ier tnar and a Httl naphth launch we-t through the squall i without d'fiiculty Thtre wrs no m-re I rcas- n why the Idler sbojld have cap- . - V. . - . ir--t r v . 1 i fn-. rtxT.i ' MZCU lal-a ' r.n . -.-.. nr-i-ir.ini .- ,.iiv i u- ,iUu-, OFFlUALb MUb I ti t AfVI-MIL-AJi. Governor Dole Turns Out Subjects of Foreign Powers. Ean Francisco. CaL. July 5. The Bio Janeiro, twenty-eight dajs from Hong- Kong, v.a Honolulu, arrived here to-day 1 -ach and costs. though every demand of the laborers ha been allowed. S m- ! the plantation managers have oecid tt.n nm work theT i t;i, iLve ,h nr SS.,t.l,-ti5.e .S,J".n-,va: tions. Other managers are abcut to take the same course. Governor Dole ha dee'ded that subjects of toreicn i-uwris cannot noii onirr uno-r l'- . . -.. . - . . I tbe government i tne Territory c "-;'- i.nd?L.;:;7.-.r;Uvrn-rr.f.x.ab,e ana iii-' -v.. "... .- w..n.. u- Trnnavaal T.naa of Life. ; Moralist are discussing the terrible low of Hfe broueht about by tbe Transvaal war. Tet ; here life sacrjic j cor a r-arpoe lor an bsnest principle, which will prcbably result j In rain ta the whole world It wsre b-tter to i preach against the se-d!ci aactiSce cf life. ' Thouaani of pct! all over tha wld auc- J cumb to aiimecv wrjea raicnt easily iive been checked m the Ugtnning. r.Tsppa carrlea vB more pcuple than are kill! la wir. The use cf llestetter'a Stomach Bltiera at prcper time woaw actually re rcmy tires. Cbnstiratlnn may teem a little ting. bot It InrarUbiy devei-pa into aoraete're worse, and tte locrer it Is allowed to run 11-- aM--r It 1 to cure. The Bitten cur- laj!iiestci. rowtl patloa. dyspepata aril btllousnn... It d.ea ii naturally and pemactntly. without shocking tha system. It is eoo-1 for eveoboy. You will find It at axy drug store. Tnrt MM-arn sL.irar i.eii..i .k" . t -..... rK.,.i...i, -Mz-vi Jnrinr the tteht -t tr.e . right of ail other persons Havemtyers issued trcasur' st n k to ob- 1 fcund on any oirer rolls a -!. .tV.w. rn nn n.sizi. iu-ii& I a znav nave s uiauru i SGHOOLS. IVIU I It.t. IIOISH- P.X5PT HAI.U, tE, ,;ur, t, .- a limited n.ictr lt j tztcticn" acd cite. calTade fiSS cr Skl nrolcn tor N and Oirt r uttts. B M ?ashxille,"' ftCjApf ftRCn9FV' Tennessee. iiuihvwiiiiuh'J Tot r-nsi- lJl. rmli LIU C..r.rth n.rif. Art. liX UrniD'iw.C sBr;i.a, imwiu Wjii;V BAU)SIJ PCMISAr.T-rer Tome 3l iiiw. Trrot-Slri'Pt.e.;. IxoiIa -jeai-ioih V;ier of Irrfula. I c;t;-t dl zcw z -fa fr'a'" nr "em tpomtnies!. ,0tt(ie-spatftsffai3nfr!nr7,-ti.. Term raol trie" Puw: eoier Kiyt 3ie : fjrcsn:rBe. ".l5sjC.VEliAIt.lTa..-aoU!n.. Illinois Conservatory . clX jrn LArrlw iui ir-v e bnt tee 1 rYj&tMU A- . KLLl-AUL. A. AU eru Jwlioinr.l, I1L POTTED COLLEGE "-- V.'-rli tea- -e:. Tt vry k-.:"gtri' Te.Tii ? "-! Sod Jr et- FJe. KOSRflR HALL. ii iv iioriinr school ron .IHL-. rrrt'f-A'e aJa ts tJ bt r.-.rn e.-.-J'S. Ai Afe !". s ' 4rl "iwtera Ur.ruirs. r-- s.-t a ! cat.:w s.iir.5.- ili V' riM II Hs. rttt-li- 2 -i.ilhiBgt-3 WtLLUia JEWELL COLLEGE. I-onnilrd !!!. Liberty. .Ill.sonrl. lieM endows r.l r-"t iirr.iy tt-aed cob 4. f y ,.,1 ct . ..?-" .- -r.-ir-.tir- iw !- ! rrr j- -' ' ' ' r.-ai-c - '-n. r-t c'ltese rrrmr.- .-on : '' ,'- tl . .-t. 'i-.!;' tteani ha- . .rgu-.j ca-e,n-.i. uri jf.-eJ c- i-re Fi l.t . S lo .r v- I- -r -ataKr--. ai.-- 'Tr gkAns i- u ij u . rrw.dgt MISSGU3I K'UTAHY CADEIKY. HiF 1EW SULMICS. rnmpar. One Hundred Acre. Huntir.z. Sn:mrtmz. Hshlnz. lioatin,.. roroltj- .if ?iecinli-t a umnl pf twelve leading Mi.ltary School and Lalvertltl'S. -r; ..,-- . .oral r ri.tatl r. Aloaern Benton Go'lege cf Law. . E. Cor. FrnnUHn end Grand Ave... ST. LOU?. MO. FVgKIFfi SESSIOSS OHLY lHm. 3. F-T ianl-t.f, an tt l.n.icr.t .. fii .. 1 t iru. w. CHEROKEE ALLOTMENTS. Not ire Itsued l". the Dawes Coin- iniAsio;!. rep'-blic srEaAi- Vlrita. I. T.. July ?- The Daw-s Cora-m-.son have given out th? following notire with reference to the Coramls-ion's w,rk in enro'ling Clierokee for Seal allotment. "Heals of famine may enroll the mem bers ..f tlnlr famdtes and minor children who make thMr tomes with tnm. i"ii.rtS; lans m.ij ennll the.r watJs. Thi Wf.r. Jt done, prepiratory to making fina. roj.J. Cherokte cmz'.ns ur.der prv u-ors ; c . tne act of Congre-s approved Juae r. .!-S ; Teat in making rolls of citUtnship . the several tribs, as rvqalred by a w th3 C- mmis.-.on to the Five Cv.liiM Tr.bts is authorized and directed to take the roll of C.-jen.kie citizens of 1 inot laciuo.ns Frredmcr.j as the only ro.l Inttnoed to .-tf conhrmed b this and prtcedi: g aits o. iv-ngresj!, and to enroll aU jhts-jos now liv i.. n..c .,. at. f.iund on i? id ro.t. and all deseendants bora since the date of sa--d roll, and aU dtceodai-ts bom since the dat cf said roll to persons whose r.arats are found thereon; and all persons Hh'i have been enroHed by the trlbil au thcrltie who hive heretofore made perma nent seflemect it tlw Cherokee Nation whop; parent, by reason of their Cherokee blood h .v been lawfully admitted to citi rei ship r." the trlbii authoriue". and who wer- iritors when the.r paivnts were so and they shall investigate me wnose namtT are rd nrai- all surh tnerror. by fiaJd or without authority of lir. enr"liing only such as tny have lawful right thereto, and their desceniai ts born since such roll were made, wi.h such intermarried white I-r-ons as may be entitled to citizenship under Chrokee laws. "It sbil make a roll of Cherokee Frecd rren In strict compliance with the decree of the Court of Claims rendtred the third day of February, ei.nteen hundred and iL'nety-six. "SJ comml'kn shall mske said rolls de-vripllve of the i-rcns tneron. so that they may be tl.eteb lueMirled. and it Is authorized to take a census of each of said tribes, or to ai..-pt any other means by thTj Je med nt-essary to enable them to make rolls They shall have access to all rolls and trords of the evral trie, and the United State Court In Indian Tet rttory hall have Jurldlcllon to compel the officers of the tribal governments, and ci todtm of suen roll- an-1 rei.rds. to de liver same to .i:d romrals--Ion and on their refusal or failure to di so to punish them a for ontetnpt: as alao to require all iitl xti of ald tribe and p-rsors who shxtjid be enrolled, to arpear Itfvtv said commis sion fr enrollment at rmch tlrr Ar.d places as mi be 2xd by said coram' gs. ard to - force o'oedicnce to ill oth-rs .-"n-ce-ned so .far as th. sprite may be ne -sary to tnatK snl-i conimSs' to mke r. "s as h :L-.n repaired, and to pur.!h any one who may In any acanacr or by any means obstruct said work. "No iwron snail be enrolled who has rot I herf.ofcT removtvl t and in good faith I f.-itl-yj in the Natlos in watch he claims 1 c.t znship I -The s .-ie. when approved b; fcv l "ie Secretary of tt Interior, shall be .Inai. ' '-' i-.vm- ..-.- .. - -,-c .-uiiu ther.on. ullh tsx-lr de.rfndsntii liirrffur , , to tnetn. witii s.:cn jfetsciiu as ma..- in- n-nran--. aerordtnit to tribal taw. sv.all aln- iEtitute the severe! tr-bes wnich they represent "The memb'-r- of said commltan shall. In pcrfnrralrg all th tnjulred of tlieaf Ijj- ian-. bve authority to administer oaths, examine wl'r-es-. and end for per-s-jns and papers, -J anj person who snill wilfully and in cwinaly make nnv false af- nua-.ji or oat, to jr. mi;nii r.-vct or mat- !-, ,-.,. -.--,K f . L Va -.!.. -- I--.. - .--!. ii j ,1 --. -.ii no. v.U.lll12IU: 4r r' aitrr ocer 'borizeJ to administer oath. to any athdavlt or other faptr. to be. i nieu, nr oam maer. miuf ram rimmisMon. r-.Ta-j w ueemen gui:t ui t"-r;ury. arst on cvnvlctlcc Jhall 1 jxmlshed as for su-h of fense." The Kllm-r l'nctory In Alie. BBEIG12! sisyii v.. ...- - 1 TT-.2 X ee1 - . 11 Or.- y-sr urte Ki!r 'c dcre cf L M; PJ-Se. -17: ,' i-r'L & ,TCff v.t sk t: rt-rj r-.--'- "' -- - 4 lU'.li-fc The fire which destroyed tbe ln-wnse I I-,rcja;'i.ras,niV. Itev.rend M. D. Bab Swamp Boo: medicine pant cf Doctor Kll- ' cock on "SoclM Problems the Uterature of xner ; .o.. juiy j. K-immw disastrous jj!c crr,.-.--. in t micnaiicn. x.owerr. ijj- rviirr-ezs j-r-jnoj next moralng. though not at the old stand. w bl-h is a h. ap o: tnol.lere.1 :. vh.le tne nrcme- we.e yet pounng wti.r on the burning Cbenaagt stfet establishment the turners if. arrangins to Co business . . . o .- v www. , . , . . Industry might not bo men:, through the our- rvi.n:ni.cii. -iae. That this steal crippled for a momen be tnrnlnir out PwanlP Boot, the crrat KM- cey Itemedy. in qi.antines ct about C3WJ !h full cap-iclty of times that amount I3 b. o cr inree weeics trior than four b pro"iuced. Tbe 1 ,1.11..- .Z.-C U...!..... .W. '" .- i.UV. ,.1 IUU3 .MWM.. jn...J fn. MM'n FTfn .vl.t .k... i in no wav l- Inlcrfcrea wun On the oid site, with adjoin1 1 f.t-, . !. V- en. em'twV-i lr'e -n.-. PT Pf, y m7ft eSi'JS t I'tra ti.i 1111 t ii atua -a.k- erected Immedlr.telr an absolutely fireproof sx-stcr -tructure. plans for which have ( Uea UttiTiy ccmpleted. TUl'Clv BY LIOIITMXG. Farmer Fatally Injured Ilia Wife Alan Was llnrl. jicpciiLtf t;ri-CLu AntUr. L T.. Jul 9. Last nlbt durins an electric stcrm art old man from Arkan- sas named Seba.tian and wife were struck by lightning. They saw It coming. It 1 , , , ... .,, ,. fir- rv. .., M. 1 '"."' "nc u" " ". " " ,"' . th in cuaraelrr. ar.u as i. etoea mem. . reeroed tt burst, stnxicg me oiq man on the shoulder. Jt tore ms clothing lrto string? t- his feet, ripped one shoe open t the tje. and split the other to the hceL Th case of his watch was melted, but tho -cr.rlr rttrt nt strtTV. SetiEtlan is UCCOn- sclous. and there 1 DO chance for h re- covery. His wife Is not so badly hurt and wlil survive. fM ....- nrAr MERCANTILE TRUST CO. 8th and Locust Streets. PAYS INTEREST AS FOLLOWS: 2 on Dally Balances. 4 on Time Certificates. 4 on Sayings Accounts. DUIEOTOHS: LOP.ENZO E. ANDEP.SON. GEO. W.U1RES BROWS. JAMES W. BELL. PAUL KHOIVS. JAJ1ES i. BUTLEH. JAMES CAMPBELL. Ix D. DOZIER. c r GACSS. H. GUIESEDEICK. JP E.VEP.SOS MCMILLIN. C H. JMIILLAN WILLIAM MAFFITT. PETEU A. 0"NEIL. VALLE P.EYPVP.N. SCHOOLS. WESTERN MILITARY ACADEMY, Uppar Alton, l!l, ESTABLISHED reputation. Limited number. Thoroughly equipped. Excellent location. Convenient to St. Louis. Owned and managed by teachers of long experience, who take personal charge of the cadets arid1 cssurne personal responsibility for their care and instruction. Ask for Circular. ALBERT LIBERTY LADIES' COLLECT Plirnnmrnnl inppf!, . -,-. -.(. i Iadlnir Lillrice ir lllr Hutl ra.-... - .. .- . - AMERICA i MOZART v::vit?awi nf:i riV. TKfr... inMiu"- ixiif "- ;7Cs:ir??yc HOWARD-PAYWE For hleher edneatlon of Y'oTinB Women irncl filrK Modern and p -T Ua begtis S?! H. t. 1. fcead for U.ostratM Svnodical College and Conservatory of Music Fcr Tcung Ladle. Elegant l-v-atian: Faculty specialists; steam heat: electrls lights. For catalogue address RZV. T. P. WALTON, Prest., Fulton, Wlo. (331-LIMDENWOOD COLLEGE FOR WOMEN-1930 ST. C1IAIII.E. MO. 2l 3lllea From St. Lonla. F,',r niwifi'aalCol cr--lTri rat -v - viro&g FacuitT of experierre-lTBjcher. 5cS.oolV.Maj!: and Electron fTeo. Olf-rf I7.-S. Dirrcrar. -tajt.aa Jetitafrr. beictlful AIlBOd. eraVcivenier-ets. Her .J NIivOLLb.D.D..LUa.Prt Trutee. M. H. BLASEIt. IH.D..Prest. rsr Tr7r;T;-j izi. MixiiTiiaiv Schooii, nr.nvvif f P Mix 0-.dtaid tait . .. x-- .. m Rn.'..i. 11. i-jr reru- M in... I . - . . n a I. I sera in-3j j-iuu , v-. .-; -- - jXfj Lgliiwj wy c-u.u ;ww -- W 50tti Yoar. mUitii OGLLEGE. iffi Wenlworth Hililary Academy ?8 rv-nrni!.3-rrtioa. f-t!cooinii-itrr-iMn. rTraucnf..rVn!Tershle SatoalASlerSra: ML SaKCFOKD SELLEPS. VU .. Swt. LEXIXCTOK. ITO. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. cealeJ pror-ol will be received until 1 received until 1 j i . i- -n Mcndav July 1. i.v. a 4Ii o vb.k p. ra . i)i .. . . .. . c,h. T.O at mi , e;rtbe B-trdTf Tmteerof th- Suth trV HUnc!s Stale N-rmal University. Car b ndale. Il.mtis. for dep wtu pump -. e- .. . t.i ii..... Aii,.- ftf ermine ard pump and attachments, f. o. b.. Carbon- dale. lillnots. ana m-sv '""-'"" "" . in wcrk and onnevtior-s fitted necesary to go in wrll acccrdlag to specifications. Separate b'y will be r-celvcd for piping tank and fountains far fresh water upp.y froni well to bulUmgs as ptr specifications Plans to be seen at the "Sice f the Boird rf Trustees, or at the ode- of C VT. Kapp. a chltt-'t, 15 Washi-gton street. Cblrago. Th -v-ard reserves the right to reject iy cr all b!df. . , Ad,rs all coa.-ajJc.t!on,ctRohu Sec'y B:crd of Trustees, Carbondal?, L Postal TeieppliCaljle Co. Main oarr. Laelcd. Balldlns. FOURTH AND OLIVE STREETS. 4C0.09O Mile Wire, S.OOO OCee. W ;on!d be pleaaed to handle Tint Telesrara. Try m. Telephone SJnlB 1SU1. t READY FOR THE Y. P. S. C. E. Programme- for the World's Con vention Outlined. 0rr ?rrrdrr ef The Ariatrd Tr. Lcndop. Jcly 1 The programme of She Wo-'u's Chri'tlan Ende.vor Onventlon. to trf held at London July II -IS. ha a sprink ling of distinguished spiakets from the Untied States. Tne W-iid-s president I Ilevercsd Doctor Francis E. Clark cf B&s- ton. The meetings will be h Id at Al'xandra Palnce. In a large tent provided for the occa- .... . ... i ..n w.ih . vtrsrer rt.tin fri.a T .1 ai. ;al p. tn. rrMay. July . 1 K"vr.d Trsncis E. Clark and wif -nd , John Willis IUer. th" gvJieral cr-i-.-y. will rcriHiial tc tte aaaiessea oi weenmr. ! H N 1-tthrop cf K-ton and Miss Eisla Travi of Brightor. Mas., will u dv-r addrtsses fcunday evening. July li. whin Heverend 1-oct. r Maitbe D. Babcock of New Yok will preach the sermon. Aldre-s wlli b delivered Monday. Ju.y ... i .- ..k .t ...a 1 tT.-it. Ii.vr. 1 .;A?k..!.. m ck,u"n f TnneVa m ' ' the Twenihtli Century"-. BIhop B. w Ar- rett ef Wllber rf?ce. O.. on "Abroad." under. Ihe Missionary OuUook". Bv- j Nourse c New York on "At . . head ..f , -,i nwrt Home." and T. B. EJ Jy of Auburn. N. T j on .-Abroid." . nr Clarke, as p-esidmt. wilt deliver lc ' - ,.. Tnvit.iv Julv tr u whieh I U....1.1. .... - . --T -- -'- -.. annua aauress iu-s,a. juiy i. hi misu tlni- Gecrge W Coleman of Boston. Mass- ' nJU art as leader, and addresses will bi , .,1 t,y Reverend W. V. McElveen. Bl'op ew Jerar en "Tn-s Shaw of ItDjtoa eci its Arpllcatlon an-i tompkins oi pni j- tl. nat." and Reverend John S. Park -r. I and closing words by Rvernd Reuoct t Tr.m cf Brooklme. Mass. ' Th S-:h3Jl of Method. Monday. July 1. i will be conductfl bv Reverr .1 C. E. Eber- man. Ge-rce W. Colman will be leader of the Quiet Hour Tuesday morning. The School of Metnoaa win tie conducted Wednesday morning by Professor Ames Wei's of Boston T. B R'.iy will be leader at the Tent Mlxpah Wednesday. Roll call Wednesday win be by Reverend FranrU Clarke, John Willis Baer and Reverend Dec tor James L. HU1 of Saltra. Mass. Lafly Henry ttmei-ei. wprias president ot vvome ,5";-f?Sgrac' """' iTI-. American headouarters will lo In -he central section cf the western picture gal- I Itry Ef: rv arrangement has been mad for the convenience and comfort of the visitors, writing ronms. free typewriters, a photog rapher and even a tor.scrUI departm nt, r- l.-e b-a!quarters ar.d ambulan e being p-ovided at the convection building. The Best Prescription for Malaria J ctalla and Fever la a bottle of Grora'a Tasuieas cfclll Tenlc It laaimply tron and quinia. la a tasulen form. N -net no pax. Prsre Mc. ah. reKrt w-UT be Julv V bv T. van i : .. r i nit - I Kcsofba, wia. Patten "f Vermont and T. B. Eddy of Au- ' ui it tvTTTACr Ojtk; STlNWra. I t,tter eli" ef peot;- ff. " - t- -. t.i,'.... .t.n l... 1l- -TS TO TItOE WIinNO TO EKJOf i .1-. .-arimi. -rcun-a 4 aeroa): num. .- .",""-f -,-"" ".'. r- um-r urn with tt DrtvacT of tb-lr en i I7.s. ' vii.Mns views ana brex: uevtt w ..- . "a"-". """ I T " aiut.cut :tt. J-iTnc. 'A bo-aekeping. Sroltioriiir U. lck cr elL r-nnnil CJ ntt-uuiKi.y v.. ... vuiiiich-." . tfc -'. HI.4S:CHAItD S, 1IAOKR. I JOSATHAN RICE. HAHRT SCCXXIK. COP. WIN II.-SPENCER. JOHN S. SULLIVAN. D D. WALKER. GEO. W. WILSOS. FESTVS J. WADE. M. JCKS0S, A. M., President. Lnlvcrftltlrk of America mail Kroir. J.-. . mm m. ,. 1. CONSa' vaiukt nr nz 1 mflbodt .jviorr .be of thrp "'. - ::r.. .i t... .. , n . .. -..,. COLLEGE Fayetto, Missouri. Modern and progressive. tur-. nnr-ixtii acsust s- calalag - jc HlltAM U. l.KUitJ. iTwwriii. rrcs "rg ilitv A -aaeniT la n.oar.. ioor- i-r D-psrtra-nt rec- . Gevemm-avv CL T. - - - zir- r - A. JOHXSTON, A- .T., 5ort. Kp:Czset Sew BalKlajt. Sthi c ilnv.c. Ar: snJ Elocu t a. Prcrorc fcr Us vervitie iri r!rr id ' ii i i stttcat.t litr-' 'rcntirj tirtstiai fU-rr. tiltltU. I. Ollest 14 UrrtJt n-illtarj- tchtel la central we. vviLLiAMT noi ies. n.J nirKN'Errz. 1 res-iert. tvert rr. E5TAELJ ISHTD IN -. Missouri State Mutual Fire aril rtarlae Insaranc Comn . j -.. jj .. t-ctet.t St.. St. Louis. Jlx Trl ieii am ;. 'i- -. iv ,--. .... iLn., i urim rer suc vieni: P c. tiHECTona AgutTi NelJersut. HtnrrC Ilssritic K. R. Ors'r-f lc y . r. 3ic. ;. E. C Loci. 1) V Wa;kr. ' ,.. ".- t-.ti , jaa. E. Xai-e. ST. LOUIS PROVIDENT ASSOCIATION LAUNDRY 1T2C -. TmRTEEXTH 5T. Oatic to rre aa aprr-clatlnr p-llv- wiUj Cni-thn ranJ isrv. .;ln no cheralcata act taIS tetely aitpt3 I uat ::i NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed r-rccoals will be received ttntll 1 oViock p. mi Mcndy. July IS. K. at tb ofli'-e cf the Board cf Trustees of the South ern liMnoU stale Normal Unlv rslty. Car- i bonOale. Illinois, for tv.e removal of present wood base board and S or (inciuamg aeaira lng material underneath), ccrrldor floors, and the rep.a-irg of gruut ;. according to pla.-.s atd sp-ciSca t!-js for foundation of marble tile User. All labor and material requred to be furnished by contractor. A.s . as epsrat" Item, the letting cf marble tiie Ccor and replacing present wcod bae boarl tmarble t be furnished by own c - on cirs at Carbond'-'e. Ill ). aU other materials and labor requped to be furnished by contractor, according to plans and speci fications. rian and specification may be seen at the office In Cerbf da e. IIL, or at the ofSce cf the Vermont Mi'ble Co., St. Louis. Mo. Thv B'ard reserves the right to reject any cr aU bids. Addresfs all communication to E. J IN'EP.-KILU S---y Board cf Tr-'te'S Carbondale. 11L SUMMER RESORTS. THE WILTSHIRE, Vlrslcla a. acd iisaeB. At-otla CStj. N. i n.-st-cu aa nxom .3 enry CtuUL Wnw V tsacales kJ special stri'ut ntsa. S. S I'HOESC.. Veranerlr rt ISrtrla. Ota ro.-ir CcrsfJrt. iVALDORF - SXORIw, ATLANTIC CITY. S. J. Plrect.y ca o-eaa fr-ct. cenictel with board walk capac.t. f- Mri.-tir n--pr if la every ease Ann ef crr.!-rt acd Iuaurt--H.ej. ew raa.iag.rr.eot. Erer arritrwi. Bet and rcll m. anj frea talh 12al - to (U-Mt Jtpcoi I acd ea sjtte. IjlaSag roc -a ca trp crr irr ocean. Sr-dal rates w July al. iuo.let. Harry Bjttnvxa. NEW LONDON, CONN. 13a. ii.f 1-5 r.71 WT C ii HO L li J UMv ana Cottages. Fort Criswoid House. NOW OPEX. Ccmfcrtab'e. wJ-iirt b.:.. pitronlied by I -a OELtQllTFkL nMI'l.VATHiX OF SEA SUOI1K JVN'l fj NTKT LIFE." r.ilr--- racfctji-. fcshlnc ty-autiful oacacl amied rxada for dilinr and tncrclmc. arr-plt r- .ra rur tennis ana cniJx. tiM5iai Fishers Island, Rew Ytrk A CMARMINQ SEASIDE RESORT. SEVEX 51ILE AT SEA. Tbrea H-sura by Rail rrem Nr Tk City. Th-nr fit. Minute by gteamer. MEETING ALt DAT EXPRESS TRAIN'S. MANSION HOUSE cw OPEe. MUNNATAWKET HOTEL OPESS Jl'LY 1ST. BATHING. FlSlHN'CSAn.IKO. MUSIC CVS1X0. LIVIfRT. TENNIS. For Illoetrateil Circular, al-trisa. A. T. UALU, Xanizer. ETTAWAS. KIKGSVILLE. OSTARIO. On north mtct et Lake Erta. an no-ir'a rt. from U-trelt; the most heantlfal Surcrcr Itescrt cc the Grrat Lake. Nine-hits gilt links, bath- leg boating, carucg. c suprtor acccmmocattona. Popular pncea. Is &or pen. . For Ututrated bnokiet, terras. etc address th. r--rit3ra. John F. Anttdel U c AUCTIONEERS. 1 L SELKIRK A CO., AUCTION and STORAGE Keeuiar Ml .rerT Batordar at BC-l'j-U Choc:n t. 6a's la gKlalty. Xaia taoa, $U S. SUA AMUSEMENTS. BASEBALL! Leagut Park ChamplwsWp StriN. St. Louis vs. Boston. to-day. To-tionnow THURSDAY. Game starts 2 a) p. ex. AXD ! FAIR GROUNDS TO-PAY, Six High-Glass Racts. Racisj begins at 2:33 o'clock, rain or shine. Admission, including Grand Stand, $1.93. Concert by Seymour's First Regiment Band. WjgSTMM nfiics' Paillkn. HIGHLANDS Daily "Girl With the Anbura Hair.' A&siskic to OnrjcJ. 1 : Renrred Seats K. and 15c Next Week I'oSlct P.:ief Association BeseSt. SUBURBAN. TWICE rAlLT t : VXD jsa. KAIN OR SHINE. SUBURBAN MINSTRELS. Xrclcdlv Carrotl John?3. Lew Sally. Dn Atl rx.a. Frrf WrtT!. Al iCacarS aid Jotn P. R'-r. Vaaderiil- !-ifil by IJrcas ana Ntna anj t&a Ksoa aty Quartet. umtiG's oj SPENC--R OPERA CO. To-sianr. sou-E.nt at. satvroay. CHIMES OF NORMINDY. Feats ca sale at AaTs. 52 Locust, acd Oiter-ta- Bro . tits Wasaington axe. rCI WLM A r-Maim.Y- sunday. LKIbIVIMIX WED. and sat. oats. E.E.RICE'S -".-THE GIRL FROM PARIS S ihe Sfiawar riaitanee acd steeple Chasa. Adracce s-ale Bro.. tict Olive it- BELLE1LLE. ILL. Traction Coapaay Electrlu Carv leave Eat End of Elds Bridie every li ramulcx. Pleaanre Reaortal ECreossat Park. Vaudeville nightly and Saa- dzy Stat Prlester's Park. Beautiful picnic grotisds. Kotlpp Sanitarium. Two free concerts Sunday. Belirville Fair Oronad. Pygoalloa aod Oala- tea nighti; tii week. CONCERT AT THE CQTTIIE, F-rrt Park. ScEiar. inm every Weccs-fay 0 to ll'JSd p. re Saturday acd SUMMER RESORTS. Summer Resorts. Tbe Republic Bureau. Fnll rari;u!ar concercln all So Resorts surpUed. Circulars, booklets vine J information of Hotels and Ra cay be bad at The ilepubiic'9 Information Bureau. Service, of the Bureau abvolBtalj free. HOT SPRINGS. VA. Jlew Hotel Alpnln, capacity UP: rate. Sinj to B.M sr CajF. J1S.00 per w-k aad upwaran. L. d ALPBIN. Preprletar. MECOX INN Acd :e Cettcga Acccx. TVater itiu. Lcy lla2. nar Southarastoa. lioi-ra llsuua, aj improvement.. Oao. A. Grunn. Qr-r ar3 Prsrnetcr. SICEDT Hal.'cw Resort, 5outh Kavca. fUck. A Crst-clau family soman' resort, attsated th bl(a tank n! Lake -tieblgaa. Fin. aaaaty beech, slcplr-r cently into tea laae. larartas aua bJthlac. hu grlf links, baseball, tencia, ex cuet st.'S. aa-i-Ei and a tireusand ahadr cooks Hot acd cth-r entenaloments rrerr Ten!nr. Cuta-ae unicelld. F;r particular. S aresa giee?y HaM.w. -Jo-jta HaTen. lilcX Grttfibricr White Sur-Hw SpiiHSt WEST VIRGISIA- rterrs.-itatiTe reiirt cf the South. Opes June iz. Jl5.4 is improTssunta; new eewera.-. plncttlrg irct.t. irtvate tiatt and tclleta; r- ... n- .C K J ti farscua sarpejr tatiu ctcr-bde rlf course. Z.TN jarda: prcnnaloaal la charge. Write for .ln-lea rJel. UARItlXGTON HILL. Macateav KAYE'S PARK HOTEL, On beautiful LAKK GENEVA, the faTOftt rararcer rejert ci W'-cwJa. nj open. Tw rtrs' ride rrcra Chicago via CL a N. W. Ry-Eae-llent table, mrrlied p abTindacee wtrh, rrll. rrrm and fresb Tea-ftiblea oirect ron Pirk Farm. Writ far circular and forUMr ""Ka'rV.rark Hctli-J'oeaevl. , THE NANEPASHEMET. MAItnLEIIE.vJD 5ECK. MASS. Ore- Jane L Finest loiatloa en tbe Nortli abar. Every rccratai ocean view. 'pjcU. rateaf-r Jan. Send fcr tscrlrtl eltrular E. O. Brews, rt-a. liCTEL MAGATAWA, umwik, MICH. Hre-ytMri C.-st-elass Pjites reasonable. Aa lieal "enracier JiMet. located en the afcora. at L Sti h.iin ard Maratia Par. near MaOana. M' a. O i yaftlnr. Siiii'J.s aal bathing. raltT H'jciaa to aad from Chieaas. For terms at ireaf MP- L A. RYDER. fdacatawa. Ulca. T'ir Tiiniiniyr r JAMESTOWN, nc nu Ruixc, n.i. DeHtbtfutlr Lecatri en AaiiJjsaaYBJ CrpaslU Stwfort. . nea-mn.i-.ur. etc Of-a jSJ CO HOTEL STERLING, rv-s End cf Keitncky.ATtBoa, City. . J- . Tre re-est an see cf the f-iit irpomted by. t.a "? ct capa-tty X-) abuMly to rroef tx.Ut cf itcsie and brtca: 'eT,taT.?; trte Vgru. it-" h- rocTO i5 . . iuTie aSd with, bot and cold bat bat apaclal lata fwr July: UoHiet nulled, u. L Flnca. 6RARD ATLAHTIC MOTEL VlrriaV. are. aad Beach. AU4ct:e City. K. t. rvth rear Cir-ic'ty ; wwuiaur a..wgg.taCtaifc. E. Qe. TKE rEUrtOTEt!, Tbe Meal Reaetea- A sacttartam of Kenofha, Wla. h'eneat crada. far ; cool awmraert; Deaa uaiiva Cad fcr Cpen from J era to September. a laTCtal'V aiaaaaaviiaas. U b till J Ilajin.ts-I. KUTAb Tie Irvs-rt Tea miles belaw .-viaaara xau. -- -- tano. tAJlF Iteto-ssqv. tins aa 1K25 leads a&l clnitr jatha. BUCX UA j INOT UKACH BACHING. RATX3 KEAbOI- ilo&Ec n tcit laa ' .- and Hotel, OKAIUVILLE, ILL. .- -n.. i. nnen for the season ot : r teen thoroughly remodeled. The culJ SSry department ls now flrst-dass. Ratea, Js. JIO and JX? per week, under new mi-, agtment. yuXSK 8. KRJkASL lUc. 3 miles from St. LouU. L. & N. R. R. I I RACES ! Wasbinffton JlinepalSprings J -i-?rv--r !-:- '- ,-.-- -..: v-jrt-tt -V-fc.rVT'