Newspaper Page Text
-- - ' -- If THE REPUBLIC: TUESDAY. JULY 10. 1900. 4 V , id K h EDUCATIONAL AT 8t Louis Coranwrcitl CoUte. O-axd and Trtcilic Commercial, shorthand. Eairtlsb, by wrr; for root ota arid Utiw. P. Rimer, p-e.. ttAnya Ttcje-iM Academy. jjjs Taoas st: a-ae-uetlo... tA backward a:hslsr3 O.cnacri-4 and gramaae a-hol biacta: aa i iraer; cay afa rrteiaa-. LADIES ta 'earn dreasaakas: and th. World". SSVt- r-ftf-i ttr .TVTea- ma.. if-T CW. wfcll. learning. U3 LisxUe yKi.VA.TE lemas. shorthand typewriting x aunex: experienced teao-cr; !. MviatTaly; cpaa a. , emtt court. 5 Traahinrtca ar. " 4T J; U raoc-a. Bamta. BICYCLES. FOR SALE. !: CSereltaa. Colambas. Crse-nt Ci-ari ind 'Aadra bicycle: repirt.-g and re'tin v7?n' SJardlag & Lalng. K O-tv t. LiaJell I4I4A. CTTVELAND. Cresc-at end Caesar bicycles korrtn. Teieahcs. Main t-4: Ktaloch A Tit. FOR SALE. POULTRY, EGGS, ETC. PRIZE starred P-cV err;' 'aarid t nrc for asie Otto Sehcaaca.r. Sit N. Third Teet. BELCTAN HARES. ' ELSTUN BROS., 3917 COOK AVE. High-Grade Belgian Haras. ltn- i!nTi welcome. Call and u. vistts-. always welcome. Ca3 and FOR SAUK MISCELLANEOIS. BARBED ruppne. kuw Tl'.. c-.i riadlcc our sp-clalty Jo Aiders E-. - OUv. st. MUtli, Mo. Est CAMERA-Oa- 1x18 Tfn carce:a with shut ter tad :m ltna. -a perieet crier. h- pru.e B-gfcop S-d.o iJ'J Watalntnoa ve. ELEGANT Er-rjrwlex roii and "frd tablet, sell or rent -ea-sile. b-1-'. cu-t c-oths cheap. J I rcltr. 11 Mtrket tt. "jOBtrr maTi) li. tJr n- fpr " caeap. St- Bnt lVUrc cu. :: Olle tt. mVE -r rittarsj cpplfi. Jrraf rie t rnirr. rJ-o battenf. ll ::. t tl prict. I.Tilk' New Art storr. JCSFrl!ar "PAPERCUTTEP.-a-Lich Prlc. A4ire Jcwpa Kk. Wiilr.s trg. Mo. LATE!T EJ-"a PrsJfcU-r Kla'tt-wp- a Ft orleoa cnb'i-i cpTTplvt- r.trt J. ' " f-t cf Sirs: cooa calltisa. Ian- iclct D U. Btpua Jlc rHTH'TAy? .urclci! chi.r rw "H4jt--J." hit a!l tte Uirt tTrrrqi.sfat. t tTftrt crtw Doetcr PpX 1MB Wife JUm " . -- a. . - J?-.--i.-'Tte- TT MUSICAL. "1IEAR ta jcl cf t KxikxJfr s": tot'tr nit u tar It. Sola onlr br Dirjirt G-.?"-l'tr pltao Ceapaar Ftgrt.'ata tnd Jcrm MaiKtt. FOR Eie A aaa. Arpr i No. I N. Car rlJoa t. w...k-r cj to-tlaic. A 1 B11 iCT. ST LOXHS ffKTVO." ltt rap-lte F110 J two-stta, tT Frxa ?- L;1,'i:" - recti, postpaid. rcra Jcra llactt L. sea. u g. ETOaawu. J1K eaa bcr traad clest jUao. cw Id Xonh aijKtt t- RENT PUao-t SI aaJ prr nwath, f ae a.5rtfCi F G Erclta. IK: 01!t it.. A K. WhSttXtr. ctr. JO tt-T. f j3J " cUao. coft CTI: !oo; a4 fcror. 1C N. gatteata t. ESTEY ORGAKS the lea2m for ctoarrh. Khool or tame: rw xsi t-Hi: EsTET CO . SU OUt t. THE INGELUS. U(K prft PUao Flirrr la ta. ort4- Aet cr. er.a cai:i-cta pr It. St. w atar jt. THE ESTET COilPANT. r.t OUT. 3u Pianos for Rent at ji.m nJ4 Jl.OO 11.10 FtrMccta. , Rrnt 75lid en rnrea r-rj wbea !-. O d Icrtrueeau takes at fall iJce la excaaac. Ior """'the Es-nrr oompant. :t o'jt. f-- H0USEH0LD GOODS. FOR SALE. BEDROOM tt. : rr:cr. tl: wta niactlaj. robf. tatlf. dock., plctcrta. l.rt J-. I-Tcata. t.irnr r.rtir!. cf liat carrot. Is-Z2rl9 aa4 lncrils roc rasa, fKra J ap; tir lan ralrrcra. SO Praatlaave.: ctratr REMOVAX. Salt J. "W. Ntorota Brt t caiaaad furaltirr aai carrtt ticm. "rill reraov. frca ES to lias Praaalla are- JUy IX SEtVlNa MACHINES Oc Elarr. Ji; 1 "VTa!:.. ; J Jw I!e-, IT- 1 Dcawtlc. V.; all a&rv.Z. and taajaatred. Srtr trace. liC aaatr-cttr, car Plaaty; ppga .rtslata. STOVES, ntw aaa Hcoaiaaad fnrcltn-e. car y f sa!: tlra parratru. tr.c saiiaxa. w Sccic Stsrat. Co.. IS tvaaa tt. TWO tores. oae Railaat librae, c-s. roaa-I " eauaiaei bat.&uT5-r; braklrx tip acv fcteptat. cat 'CTett H.U. sg.. DLTUAIICn KBnaNStinTMatT KblWUVtU 316-18 N. Third. A. G. BBAIEB, Rrpalra fopAJIStarea. WASTED. PEATHEPJ waaf-i: wlU par Kc D-: pottal. sac P. O. bciSJt. ftai I tVILX. par th Ttry tlcaMt raarktt prtc. for (tiei. carptta, etc. tall or ol paul to M. Epatlam. .1 OUieat. PARTIE3 d-cKalac ro:Stpla(r. e ra be fore pelliajc faraltor. i'iti carpet, etc.. wt.. pay fc-rbeT: prloe. Wolf. II S. sa. Pfaoae C .C SECONDHAND faraltare. etovei. etc.. laxe cr araall Set., bespat at reeacace or store.: ool prtre. ztven bi Gibssa. m Wtaa at. LOST AND FOUND. tOST Pocketio. en City of ProTllaei rv-aey. key. trasi tax. caper.: reward. Dovtcr Mll. Old Oroaarg. Ma. LOST li-rtr aai irh!t -tter. la oeicaborSocS et Kinr rta-way aaa DeSaar areau: rttara to 783 Asbert are. aoJ reoelved reward. LOST Oa Eatorday extnlcr. Jcae 3. a pock etbnok oatala!ar a larte ja cf awtey aad a note for UE. Ta iader U1 be caadoaiely r--mrlJ ty cosssrlcarc wiai "B," lA L. re. " STOLEN A iay Wlai tine aaJ raaaaoat at ca Taoraa. t- Apply at 1CT N. TwaatyfMrtli far clear till cf sale. SUNDRY WAnTS. PARTNERS WAXTED. TARTNER Tf ANTED la eroetry asl raeat EraTket. caaa. eatabUihed trade, not able to ma tbe baalaeat rayclf: c4 alitaa. E H. RtpabUe. UOCSES, BOOMS, ETC., WASTED. ET . roaar coap3 ale 3-roora Cat cr 4wlUr-i tear Tower Orore Park, close to private boara Ick roc.. Adlre. Feajer1. On.t .tare, tkS rark ave. BC5IESS WASTED. .....'. ! -" " '' AMERICAN Law and A4uta: At. a., tx Poizoal tlOr-. Q Chutaot at. Dtrorce. aad dasi aa rstu a .pectalty: coaraltatloa frg. EDEN FLORAL, CO, SB Ftaney Are. Ka ream, oa Bower., boutteu. palcia pBtav .rsa asd oeocratlat a .pedalty. Pbcse LiadeU iUM. VfE eaa rent yoar toa. ta ycJT prcperty r bullae.. Sad joa rooausc bouae. wetra K. E. & Brck. Ox. C OSre zU BT CLAIH Rooftnc Co repair, all rraT.l or ooaTOutlUba roori; crop a. pc.tal for rrtcea. Offlc. n7 Cteaat at. Beta "paoaea. MISCELXAMinlS WAATS. xli, klad. ef poeUl card, acd oaawd .taaip. Bnit for caaa; ptrajara itiaa? lit: ISc. Ha- nian yr Co.. U rulltrtoa oalldlat. "CASH fcr uacanceirj ptal card, coin, poet are iuxsj. premium coin lltt. 13c at. LrfSU, ilaatp aai bun Co-. 8 N. Eclta at. " STRAW Uau cJeaaed. :So each, tr MarMa Co. Watbirtoa avreoe. cpp. LiadaJ Hotel Ut'Lff N. Broaa ay laft .aauatr). TO tay"eoon4aaad Natlcnii caaa rlar. J. Di.fry. lit N. Xlnta et. SECRET SOCIETIES. KNIGHTS OF HONOR. . . . . 1 V nWI erldaa Rail. o. 3x1 FraskUn arena. kjUl kdctu of Ronor IBTlted. Oi West BeU. place. A. W. tVTaur. Repcrter. Rood 409 Odd Pel- 10W brcldlcc. KrHiii.rm rnrxiE. no. . K or : R zaeeta Mcoed and fonrtA Tueadar. a Loasa-a H:i. FUtaecth and Oaaa uau All KalcbU of Honor Inrliad to our inbruasa. uritHAN -JeSITZ. Dictator. 113 Ifoaroa strMt. JVm, r. KJarta Reporter. li Bailey a-rccs. . SECRET SOCIETIES. KMGHTS OF PYTHIAS. . II II. l..ll.l........... ....I.l.l .... I. .I. .. 'I' -I' I'l . fi- ACME UODGE.NO J.X-OP I'.XEBTS tOlfk .Tery Tuefday eTealac at o'clock taaro. Tff Barllarton ballilar. K Oilv. Kreet. MeeUar every Taeaay evealrr. Went la raaki alwari oa band. Vlitor ccrdlal a Tlted and raeaiber. expected to .'tend JOHN T PHEVUN. & C Attet: Geo. C Kaapp. K. cf B.8. ATTENTION. SIR KNIGHT? OK P-ED Crt. Co:aay. No. 4. V. R.. It ofP. Toa are war:l at roll call ery Toe-- Mark.: creela. Visiter, alwar. ico! L H KEEFEH. Capttla. D. r Jewctt. Eeccrder picttt mi.T. inNtTon TJODGK. & No. R. K. cf P -tpe-ll r-.tlcc: ra aai after Jaly t. oar- aitei. a wawu toJdlar. tcp f vT wtere ail r;::r a. warttd aad Itcwelc xaazBa, c a tv J Otto. K- cf n. A CASTI.E ?AI.L. KOBEt-T t IJW r.-v.f. vn in. v fiP. VTeet HalL rea. turr ra'iair.c r.iaia ana uim . COL.1-MBIA LODGE. NO t. K. Or Jt., P. -ceet every Tue-dav evea:-.-. B9r o'clock. Castle Ha!L Ceatarr baM-i M teat!- s-wr. r.I) No L N.r.tii aad Ollie street. Tjee4a. July li Ti-etk In raj e. Pure All cieher reQOced to atttad. If Use blower, .-coe, H ,,. & a J r Den-pwy. K. of R. A CONFIDENCE LODGE. NO IS. K OP P. c;et fiT Tta day evealcr at BO aee.j tVork ta raV cf Pat- Tk3-; t. 2n,r ' V-rbr eirjecti ta attead acd visiter. cordlaSly svlted. ... JOHN M. HrDSON. C C. TTOUara Faber. K. cl R. f 3 DAMON LODGE NO Is. K OF IV. Jr- raen eveo Wed-day evjclcc at Pr Gr terrjl taa Eleve-th aai Fraak!l-i v Q na. hall Nn. 1 TVrrk la raa rf Pc acd Kr.ltat Ncailaatvnn. a-nd el--tlca cf rtp tectatlve. to G-aaJ Lotc Veratr tre re eaf.ed to t- prelect aad vl'lucf kalea. c dlal'y tatl. FKEP TOENGE5 C. C. At: H. R. EerraeL tclR. tS, raA Evar. .veaat FTTfRE GREAT LODGE. NO r K. rf T Tr.M.t. eterr tt Hliir .Teal, at V Ho.-d. Hall Thirtieth aad Ol'v. " :rt Nex- TT-re;aT TtalSC JaTy II. w-crk la raak tf Eti-t. aarpUCed. Visiter, welccrae. l'arrmaMv. P.OEERT P. FRITSCHLS. C. C. Jf . Pctne. K. cf R A g COLOEIt GOLDEN CROWN LTDGE NO O. js. -eM evry FrllAT eveal-r HI1 X". r tea'v S -x Ce-ta-r lall-tay NiatS FLICS' -d OMve e.ts. Wrrk In risk 9S Tv.-Jt at rx rerulir c -ve-tio-i. FViav. Ju'y 11 11 rae-abc-" ex- 190Wr ;:ei VlrJ-". cr-1s'lv tjvlted C A WILJ-ET. & C Reary C Scett. K. ef R. 8. LArATETTE LODGE. NO 1? K Of P. la! We-ilav eveni-r July 11. at rlurll-ttca Ecl'dlrr. F' Olive trst. ffiehtb fn. Wn-k !n ra-k of Par WALTER H WILCOX. C C A -ft F-ed Rorr, K. cf R A B. MILrI.RI LODGE. NO S. K OF P . SMS'eTT misy evcriar vislf-e alwaM wel- , JtA cczzr JC51N J MTEP.?. C C Cats. C Flak. :-Ccf P S; a PACIFIC I3DGE. NO "s-4. K. OF p fcJJj N;Uc-Pac!Sc L!? !".l meet We-lcee-meW !' eve-x Jcy II la hall on tt-1 S Z-t cf Cea-.ory bolld'-r Nlrta aai Ollxe .uete A a a.-.wcrral-'c aad aaaiv.rsary Ma ilor L-tdi:. err-ected. Eten rrerrter aed to t- prenat. F T FOLK. C a J w Ctpbn. K. cf R A S ?. TARAGON LODGE. NO. JJ. K, OP P sTjir rattle eie-y Teaday eveatce ta.I No Jfe5 t. Odd Fellow talMmt Nlatb aai ' OH' etrets. Next Tie-day. e!elca of oaTlctrs. Mtstere aai rlriic-i corilallr Irvlted. . . . O M. RFTHERFORD C. C. f Atttt: ITaak K. of R A S. d PREMIER LODGE. NO U) K. OF P. tr Ir-.pcrtant All raerci.- ari eircly TjQ reue'ed to te rreat at eealtT rjet- " ire Tbc-sd.y tven'az Jj'y u. Work ta tae rack, cf Kalfbt. H.U No. I ftld FHowV ta'Jd'a. GEu E. STl isIT. C. C Attef Caa. jz. WlRiaaa. K. cf I: As JJ. RED CROSS LODGE. NO. W K. OP wLi.p rae-ts .verr tedstdar at Odd Fel vSc51cwr HalL Nicth ald Olive rt. Nxt 4 We.Iae.dav resrlar ....fa. Etfre.a ratatt. AH kalctt are ... . s- F DEAN, c a Alfred Bov. K. cf ?. a (. WAI-NIT LODGE NO. ru XT, OF P.. .'Vaieet. trr Tburtday esenla at i o cloca scarp at uraias lau. ecaictas: corBcr Nirth and Mark't street. Visiter, cor dially Icvtted aad t-'tr-fcer. exttcted. WItLJAM WAS -MAN. a C. W J. JX rer.'.cs. K. of R. A S. SVAHct7 LODGE. NO 141. K. OF iVP wl.l tae wcrk la the rxnk cf Knlxht Taesday. July li. at li.. broaway aai J. R. IvELAHAN, C C F. R. StCtltttT. K. cfR A B. & WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. US. K. OP CsP. raeeu ever Friday tvealcj;. wt hall. TMatocW Tecple beTtath aad Market et-t. foath nor. Wcrk la rack cf Esx:aire. Fr.d.y. Jaly 11. 13. Mtrober. are r cuested to tt prtteat. VlsiUag trotier. alway. vtlccme. GRANT L-TCE. C. C. J P. D-mrnlca. X. of R A B, tin Clark ava. ANCIENT FREE AND ACCEPTED MASONS. A GEORGE WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 8 A. F A M.. Will bold etaled ccra rnsrJcatlja at S o'clock Tattday eieclar. July i. at Masonic Ha.L Grand and ln. .. itMi-. ACT. IB lif J.. kTfcHC .c.- ters are trateraally Invited to attend. Vitlicr. ui alway. J njT.N0IOS. JR.. W. M. Htarr Laca. Sercttry ...ecftinjT .nri"; vn s a a. A A. M- Called reaiasinlcatiea ot Weda't W dar. Jaly IL at M p. ra. M. M de- en. Stated o.rcrasnicatlsa July IJ, I l-J 'i. l E. A detrre-. Co-tMan Hall. Mascalo Temple. Me-rtrs are reqaested aad vt" -as tttthren lrlted to atttad. GP.EGOKY S MILi-Ert. W M. John H. Dtete Secretary. " a PJDSE HILL. LODGE, NO SM, A F A Jk A. M, will h 11 a .tiled corajaaalcatlon F Jf at MxMe and Hara.::cn th'9 yr tTneeda j) eveainj; at f p. aa. VS ork. Vj.- ltere rratercal.y lavltcd. F G. MFONG. W. if Reward Wtttc-i. Screury ROYAL ARCANUM. GRAND ConncIL MltKurl. Royal Araaauo. K-J-tll Holland Buliaia A cccdlal w.lcora. to vUIto-a. frleai.. brethren ac-1 lae-nbe-. frota acroad. L. J. KEIbER. O. B. Ct. R Ccx. Oiasd Secrttary- i FOREST TAP.K COrNCIU. NO. 5T7. w r.syal Arcaaara. rat. tae Err. ana vrirj .-..". -a - 'a-as IVatkiar st Maache-tr aveaae.. at i o'cloci. Meratr. are resred to auend VIKtcr. collally tnrtted. rec-e-tea to JOHN W REED. Resent. W. A. 3rathtr. Serntary. oi& itocND crrr cocncil. no. 7s. r. A raeeta la lioiai osaiiiar. ;o. m Tadin -t i r m A ecrdlal welocme ta vtrltlnx brethren ana all Arraaamite.. CARL, II WITTE. Rerect. Attest: John T Walsh, s-cretarr us Oltva, 1M1 Idncoln Trust bulldlrx. BARONS OF RUNNYMEDE. ST. LOCI? LOCAL. COCNCIU NO 1, AN cleat 0-ir Barcas of Runnytnede. will held a rernlar rcetlcc at t o'clock Thursday evealcr Jjly 1J. 2J-. at thet halL No 4 o:d Fellow.' tailiiag. so-theast craer Ninth aad Ollv. streets. Three candidate, to 1 Initiated, tracker and recitation. JOHN WEERTS. Lrl MarihaL Atteet: A. H Bath, Baron cf Rreoria. ti Cheraleal Bill. INDEPLNDLNT ORDER OF ODD FELLOWS. OOOMOS-DE SOTO LODGE. NO. t . I. O. O. r- raeeu trit fTuewlayl eveaiac. . o cioca. caij ivo. s. eicata ocr. t:a t enow. ai i oa ara recaesed tn atte: A. WINTER. N O. John Cle. Secretary. HALL, W1LDET Lodce No. t. L O. O P. Wlldey Lode, rseet. every Tuesday eveains at e o'clock, hall No- i. southwett co-aer Ninth aad til Hrit'np troth. .r t m? j.v- dlally lavlted to atcad Member, earnestly re C,c.;ed to be pretrt. Work every rcetir. rr wder, OEO. D. BROWN. N O. C H. Adaras, Secretary. LACLEDE LODGE. NO. 11, I O. O. P.. ?eta In tall No. s O-t sp .:...-. : ...-- v.-..: .. -." 'sCr- ffvt- f.T-t and thlrtt Tc.ti r. each racath. Wcrk la tt. decree, every nirat. 1utcr fraternally Invited. . M. F. DOED. NcbU Grant F. C Bd.. Secretary. -Jistov PRIDS Or THE WEST LODGE. jitf'Bfe.t. No. US, L O. O. 1. zatf. n-cUtt Siil- at I o Clock in hall in Bar.irrtoa ' balldln. Mo Otlre t-ett tetchta aoori. Meobers are reaoe-d to attest j. jaejaov. JOHN STOtZ. N. G. Robert WCllaai.. Secretary. WLNGENUND LODGE. NO. ST. L O. O. F.. raeet. every Tuesday even. lae at Fraternal tulldlri;. Elereath and Franklin avenue. t ( t. t- d treea. All Tlsiuar b-ettren fraternally welcomed. J. D COHEN. N. O. Peter Htbtr. Recerolat Secretary. ANCIENT ORDER OF UNITED WORKMEN. ST LOUIS LODGE, NO. I. A. O. 17. W meet regularly every Ttea. day .venrnr;. t o dock. HalL north west comer of Ninth and Lata! atreeta. Visitor, fraternally tsntad. J. M. RROAD11ENT. U. f. T. H. ArbocaK. Kecorder. "El rar of Eiaire. 1iltlc knUM. ccrdaPy ln ti.J. SAM HAR1U-ON, C C Attest: Harry P.ctrt. K. cf It. A S. SECRET SOCIETIES. LEGION OF HONOR. t IP.11NO COUNCIL,. NO 'LOP A . shWwUI cld It. next rca:ar ra'we oa Ml TcestJiy eveslrr. the 3 last at ! tall. Tblrtywi.ryi and Oll-.e Meajb-r. are reaaested to attecl. MORRIS O LEVINSON. Catattlls-. KMGHTS OF FATHER MATHEW. SUPREME COUNCIL. KflQHTS et rather Mathew. Ofdre UU Lucut BUeet-Exuav. Beard ceeu Snt atd UJrd Frtlarx lo-nt. DANIEL. OC TRACT. Eupreaie Calrf .- Ealcat. Ttoa. S. Bowdtrn. a.piee llc-orctr. KMGHTS AD UDItS OF StCLRIIY. TRK AVE- COrNCTU NO 7J7. KNIGHTS a-i " cf S-carity iremt-er.' fw-tTw 11 raett tb. Srst and tbi-d Tuecjy. rf .acli ratata at Paw-alx Hall. J2trun aad S.- e c-t. Pl'ter. and br l"r of f l.ter rS-clis tr cord.allv lanted tft attesd. By order Attrt: W. II. Adara.. "ectetarr NATJ0NAL LMON . "laclede coisau no sn nat.nm. r- -'a. roet secead aad f. una Tat a e. -ircs"at Bws:aa. Hll, U.eata aad L.. -ft street, tblrd flocr Meral-er cxpe'ted tj a.tead aad lltwr. crdiJy A. 1L GOOD. Prcdeat. Fraak Malaae. Secretary. KF.a etate TRxrr.n. COTE ERItLIANTE I ft. 5i .3. . . . tet. Ualua and Klrc". fc,tuway A ex ader CansU to Wajae J btede.jr w d ... . CHEr.OKEE-5o ft. Fa. ce s-.roa to Jo- .., -b--v hiira urn? wlft V d LSM LIM 1W ri 3.KJ tea. MJ LC' L4S 1.4 S s LK0 ' CI1 1 ULs-Ot Lot. and 3 and part lot 1-. Ttv P Bas.Van to S J Fitter DTiMAP.-liV !z. S la. taara. C. HHI to Priscl.U VI Carrcil-w. d . .. - H SteJ w d .- rAlR-Co ft.. Jallat E. GrlSett to Mar- curet H'pyla w. d JU ..- St.. Jtcts IL H-st to Jen nie 05fei u d LAFAlETTE-TO ft a. . bet rd aai Jd. jjtry A. Weraecke to Benedict Miye- IjLTCSt) St-""L! A."Urrlt aad wi: t Darl J Fetbaro-w a t.inD.i: V, f . Wbl W Hew t.i Fred- eri V Ja- rk.-w J M.NM-r'TA 11 ft.. Wra. P.;-e to Jo- La H. B:ca w d . . - SJlNi.ATA Ili ft. J-a II P.toch to A-ra Par-'W d NBOtllo -5 ft. Ctas Uende to VillhW- ntra Gella-aan w. d OrrtLr-Ss ft Z-, la. V.ett End BM; . t- s-r to Caaa E Ma ej a PIN.n5jL.V4MA r ft. .a., w ..b-t Ca-PI-ewa and .inabco Eiwaid IL Fl-r to Frederick Oery a . pj-VN?TL.VANIA-r ft. i .a w bet Chippewa and V.ln3tir Kathtnne Told to Edward H w d M 11M U1 KE M ft. Henry C Bradford to Cbarl.. G Cicud s. d Rl'ILDIAG PERMITS. D.vtT Cfcarle. Blaax. repair stable. No. 1SS Soata Sixth .trt. -j J Lculs Ebtrt. tftct twe-stcry brick .tore sad dw!iii:. No. IMS Ctrokee street, l LHjctor s-taidle, a-tr store aad Cat. No. . . a V . v1 e. . taA I " til3laa Kraake. erect two-stKT t-iek dwll- .- .. ec. Ut.T.' avM.e IT mO Waer IL Daaeaa. erect two-story trick fiats. No TK I.irltde aieaue. lii LcIIjw siy.or W Ire Co . erect pa:t tewr. jc v4-M Newrtead av.aae JxvO Ird D- sttr, alter .tore frcat. No. sis Pine ftrttt TJ . .. . -c Ea-aa Thoele. rebaiM frame clottt. Foar teeath aad Carr tueet. i'.fj. MARRIAGE tICSS. C H Wallar .. .. Ji.Ua Ttlta.3 . - ,.... North Tw.atitth Ciillasvlilt. Hi Jenalats. Mo ... . t4!d Vernon , 1 N-cth Caaaala .Kansas City Ma ... .. . . Hit Sprar IRt bprsc" (It North Eeath M7 North Teath SCi B'raard , i; cs I4T4 Crestaal Z'Sl L-oIedt IK outh Teata , li Calhoun 14S Cats 14. Ca. W E. Batie MaUl I- Grtea E A. Btl Daisy lv ier'-e J. G. Jcaet sail!. Mcrrta J. H Meyer l'allllrptaa rhaitlsitr ... Frank O Aaaa Stetltrc Arthar W. It-ker tel.a M. Taylor J natl-mana lzrje Hack ..... ...... ' Richard Fielder .. .... Htttir A. Raca, Philip Rosier Role May ttarkaoate.... llllxia HoSataa Mary J Hickraxa Kaufraaan Jcetptlae Hter .. ....... K A ti.r. Mary Dn-xll Rsdolph Talkenratb. .... . Harr-et E. Jtakln John Weber ttlu Weber . .... ...... C. W. ...-acn ........... JcU E. Be-tty C J. Daly Mary E. Maxlaalt Comtlla. Dcaaha. ...... Annie MeGciik J. Eittle Mara.e Breyle I G Jcae. lxaa C sbecermaan J H. RasUe . . srU Pott . .. . W. P. Keller . .. . Ljd.i A. LfeiEttoa .. . , Klmn-.wi.k. Mo Klmraswvk. M; Tower Cant. Mo ... . . Veci.ce. Ill .iV. Vincent. Ark .SIS North Nineteenth US Cab-r.C4 Ull De Hodiasncnt t- I-la. M .lIfcrrisbi.rK. LI TTii Dyoas ,.JSX tsrata B-oaaway Gr-alte City. Ill , ecice. Hi , e I."!ed 4.17 D-i-iax H37 1-apia 1M7 Papii 31t Talc-It . . . ir: S-al- ... 3 t-.-th Broadway Sl Hereford rru Iowa IlAiA California TCJ Water .. TDi: Mlaaesot- Soltd Gold Weddl.c Rlnca. Newest tles!s. J3 to J. at HerraaJ a Jaccard's. Brtadw;ay acd Locust. ni'RLVL PERMIT?. Eess!. Calseci. tf year.. IIS Cirr: tart dls- " Alex. R. LaanlciT. half day. 4B3 titaHe. Hnry"a H!.diie, rcontts. tl.-S D Soto, dtnutl.a . , ., Mary HaraUton. U yeira, w Arsaa!. nepcrt- il-rry Hafataaa. C year.. MS North Market. ,Cw?MetiMr. Jl y4r. Ua Seventh; ccceaa- ptKn. .... Joan B.lUsta. I year. St. Ana.; dtar- "joserh Pc!r-r. S raoatha, Et. Ann'. Asylaai. "rtnoay Ghcra. u year.. 14W Ohio; clph- iTwi, ryt. a years M-Bacphy HolxI: ''Auiast'A. L-vsde., 11 rasnlhs. KM GravoU: Iejcha I- Gehard. J jtar. SiJ Franklin: laaa- ltCaper H. Bja'ea. X year'. ! Strut., shock and lnlurlts. KMfcertae IIkXt. IS 7ri m Ncrti Toz? itrzilhi troncMti- , Xcoj iUli. I ar ICS Kentucky, cci la- I.?3 .. -a.- Ve-W Vt-.,. ..Xm. jiinir ioui-c- jt . s. st4- .. ,-v eHfflry'Kocb. 71 yea.-. Ill Berton. c!d ae. tn.e.1 fc,..., . .... r"l?itrt!Thornton. li years. Mcrtan ForJ road, .hock and talurlea. Hlitbe-a Kalstr. 7 years, ir.5 Carr. sepili-y. Knst Roedlter. n yetrs. UU Ncrth Ettht- "joha raSer M years. i trftltes: "J?i' Allc- F. Remolds - xovtlh.. IS North Hlrh. "nort'nc M rats', 1 year. ISM Sosjth Ktht- ' ArlhufcG ecre'P, 1 ye-r. STS North Eleventh. bam. due to aendent. Inilse Kory. M year.. Insane AryH-nj. .p- ''ISea M. Abersea. 1 m-nth. SiCI Olive. aasTo- " OeSxe Welts. I raentts. Hi OFalloa. castro- CAna:. Caasliy. U yt-rs, Pooroout.. hec- S"clrtt. F. Brner. It years, lies Ollse. con- Ed iwralnttr. 17 ytn. Risen. Xas.: ranta- Addl. Belltr. . years, ili North Taylor; an- CAnthony G Winkler, il years. XX Lp; ecn- "caSeriae Moore, is yara. SH Ncrtn Garrl- "BilarlS'Dtlahar. 7 ytare. Vf North Ninth; ajtS!aUC:e;i-. t j ear.. !' Warren, dlph- "c-tterln. GU. t roontas. ES7 Grahata; castro- Mary " Well. raoatat. M Morcaa. ccn- 'wSa Aura-t KtSt. U year.. 41 Coaaectl- "bJi'tuSZZ. 1 years. IKI Soath Brcadway: a;cnlrS:te Bro". t aths. Sl St. ton'.; "Ner? 'bow.I SU North Broadway; "pearTsa.pero. i ytar.. F.U North EJ.hth; .hock and NEW CORPORATIONS. MISSOCRI. TtrPUBLIC SPECIAL jr.reoa Cty. Ma.. Jaly l.-Certlctte cf i jt..reAKi v- .. ' c-..-. cf stare ! SSTt -S-SS Mlnr'cinP.ay cf Cart.rria.: tf,i .tocsc tua.fO Incorporators W. R. K-n. Matt ZeK and J C. Davda. , x it Oliver Wall Paper corapxnj of Ft. Lea!; cxlltal .toc- .--.-. r?-s.;w.T. ?-- tal etock, I,w'' jnccrporwicr r i. .aiu . .hi foUoVlnz increase, cf capital etock wer. fiEoiaek tarater Company cf 9u Louis, froai ilLoalV Dairy Company, from JK.W3 to i sandwlea MAnnfactnrirr Coatpany cf Ifil J flled evlienoe cf loccTpoittion: rapltsl stock ?-oo- capital to b employed In fe Rsts d laiicurl. .. ILtl.OI.. REPCBUC SPECIAt. irTvw ljtsued todar .- Seeretarr of Stata ?-",.ririi - ' Elc a.i.'",-' P KJS?. r-.elrcann Manofactnrinsr Company Ktriator- capltaL H.V. taanufacturlrr aad deaS Si In fbmltcxe. Jraplttneats and hardware, la- cvtic-ators Octave Wecrelraaa: Ed It Oter- lt . 1J Ue ?'k .Cunipaoy. Cr -a capi tal. !.). deaUac ta Use .tocic. I& j-voratjs-R M. Bxseett. V U.:aas D. Petttl aad Itcazo E. iJill Bros, Altoa " ,1cr raana'ictu--Sac tc:. I?-r-raui.-Ctaxle u. ii.. fca U.ld Beall aod Jarae. H e-13' , Ta Marlre Gvtanstf-ai ' -easiir. Clob. Cal Hxilal. . Gor. Tjetk J tw1 ard 1-r.r.t B-w te HtXZldrd x.ievai unuiae;urirc Oiarany located at fbicaco rt aj to s la c.ptral ' -" Jwt! -' to -. T'-e Har-svn Tbicca CKrpa. wc.'.ed at ae- Cal- Cifo. t J's.vel. THE WEATHER. To-nn- Forecast. Wa-y -rtcn Jo.y ;.-Fureca-t J r Ts.sday ar.i irlilniaid I'llnola-Falr Tuewl rl Wedcet da. winner in n nr.em rcrtlun. Tuesda 1 ;tt to treat: f-jsi'tweMerly - , ArUxcaH-43eMl. f'r TUeday aad Wests. da, e-sttily wind ... ... I'klaixsa aad Indian .ertltery air aad coa tlnied uarci Tuely. partly clojdy Vedarday. nutar.y winds . . . lo- and Ml'eouri-Partly clOEdr Taefav and We-laesiiy. -a-raoer toJllteriy winds. Local rntbcr Report. ft Lovl; Jaly 1V0. iJfi. 3i ti p n. Rar-aeter. iacat . . 3il :.: Tr.rn, m'er decrees H LK t nl. decree .... z 1' recti c tf wind "A W V Ojlty cf wlaS 3 tbr at .i a. ra clear. Ci p ra.. c.ear. Max lann. f min.raiarr, C. zidmx. u I'.lic. ID . Itti lillirc. R J HYATT. Lyt! Government Report. Ipartert cf rrtcj t.-e. Weatc-r Bj-eta. MetearCKFlcal ot.m.tias received at rU lyuli Z'-ix t. . itt J ; ra. taae aad i p. as. teseaiy-afi reitia ttax Otetrsauns taken at ico .n.c raoa;at f tlai At ail station Sutlcae Dlr Bar To Mx. Is. tteatrtr. New Yi.- .. ..Ntv aa a - zar lt,;ladelcaU . . W Dr H w ti-ij- "Akshlasti.a . . NV 78 tS Vit N&rfxa W .52 M Ot-ir Cfrloite N S . H K .... ct-r 'J-iks..avlU . V 3 :i to Atiaata . . . .NW U :i N . . Clear Mncic.mtry . . N J b n kksburc ... .- M H New Orlcaat . .. NW r.s 12 ss Little R.c NE a -J : t Calvtsr.a . j lis !( . C.etr C".er .tl rr Clear . Ctar .. Oat . Cir 01ar ... tXt.r aJeetiE. Mtn.pcl. , Na-bvUl. .. . Caattroora L4X.lsrti!e lodt&aapo!:. Ctrciaaa'. .. Fut-va-.-a . . I'r -stM.ra' itua'.Jo . CT.eveUad Grand Haven Mtraattte . .. S S.M !t 1 . NW Zt.a t. k NW Zi tt H M N S 4 Is S3 ..NW r- ii 71 4 NW .! .... IV sir 3 K 75 (3 ... C.ear nw n rz ti s .X cic.iy N r- 71 74 Cear W a. ii O U .tt W 3 H ear .. -IV Stt M . Fair nw aw u t: . .. Clear fE i M a . Fair Kca . ... Dblut Dabtce . . . Dastc;. rt . ... St. Paal fprtrraeli. Ill ., St LJls NE 3 ': t. t: NE rj fi It c a K K M Cler Fair r-ir Fa-r . Fair Ctar Clear Cear cr.etr ('a: C-ar K Coudy ralr ea- C-r .. Clear .. Cl-ar .. Cl-xr Cloudy .. 'Tjudy Cicvidr . . Cudy Clear . Claady .. Clear Otar -lar .. -e.r NE 3 !7 7. S3 .W - .' K M W t3 id it N Ml 13 U Cairo . S;.-icr3-ld. Mo. .. SW r- S4 w Kansas aty .. -E fJ.-t tl S Omaha i-E a Tl S4 I! .ran E 4 M - W.-narck NW 79 U tt tQ'AppKle N ft '! "4 Ca'r.ry tv !":; Havre .. . . NW a 7s 7S H Hi ... . NW i'M RecVS Oiy .... N 3 !4 ft Ncnh I".atte.. .NiV J8 H H Lac'e- .. NW ae i SS Cheytlae. NW r -5 Dtcver STE 7S t M Pteblo W B7; Si J-, Dodte Cty - ?S W K OklaNtr-a ?'l : Con o-dia T4 S M El Paso -.. N 3 "4 K Atlun W a ; '4 w nartllo . w 3 ' St JuncUca- NW t II1 Slt Lfik ... NW 3 74 K J2 Cedar ty ?W 3 "t S .j Santa Fe fE SS ( SI . Cl-ar Inil ates inappreciable jr:lrltitlcn. tTJi under o-rc. R J HT KTT. total I .recast OaTclal. GREAT MEETING OF TEACHERS. National Association in Sfe.-ion at Charle-ton. Charleston. S C. July J ARJio-JsJ: the reneral cinter.tlon ot th National Educa tion Aiscclatlon will not be called to or der until to-morrow afiemoon. larse num bers of delegates bate alreadv arrive.! Th hotels re crowded. cd tu-da s trains brouer.t In CHegatr Irera man parts of the country Charleston nas thrown open nun) o ter jriate tontes to the rtsltors). The dtk-fratts .pent tee dav In vlsltlrff tbo many jolnt5 of interest In tbe city and rt-iellnc In a temperature tvblcb is hlgblj" invigorating Tie Nations Council of Eiucaton. the Iwrarirr.ent of Indan Edu cation and lb Natluca! Conference of Ke U'Tlou's Education heid brief eions Professor Nicholas Murray Butler called tbe Educational Council together and. in the absence of I'restdt-it Soldan ard v!c lTt-ident lirown. C M Jordan. Superin ttndent of tbe i!lnntalclls -Jcrxl". rre-t-lded. Supenntendent of Scboois Aaron Gote of Denter opened tbe d!i-usion with the readier of a pap-r on "Edacation in Our New Fos rsl jns " He faored the creation of a co-nmls-slcn of rraciical men to further tbe work of sprc-dtr.c education amonf: the l-'habl-tants of our cue rOnsessiorj and to work In co-cperaticn with tbe VJr Department. He lellevtd tbe ar Uepartment as tbe only executive force wbich could carry on th! branch of educational work. "Seme Hleh School atatrsti, was dis cujed by Superintendent J. JL Greenwood of Kansas City. A payer on "Education ProEres Durlntr the le-ar wa read at the nicnt esE!o. b Ireidvr;t Hinsda.e of tbe I'riti erlt- of lilchinan. At the IVjartmtnt of Indian Education CHilns tapers cf interest to teachers In Indian t-cbools were read by Dtor Charles B. Pyke of Hampton. Va.; Irofor A J 3:aniin-r of Carlis.e. Doctor C. c V.'ainwricit cf t-an Jatirto Cat. I'ro feBor r. K. Rodgers and Miss Josvphlna Richard". ,. Tbe National Conference of Eellt-io-:. Education held sessio-s durinB tbe d?iy at Citadel square) Hapt.t Church, ana ad journed. Papers arr real by Doctor F. It I'almtr. principal cf t? State Ntirrnal School, of New iorfc. on Th" Principles and Method of nib'e Stud": by 11Is Bufford on "The R'Me as th Great of Tbouobt." and Th Collen as an Asem nf Biblical InuruoUor " prepared by Doctor - W Foster. Jr . cf Holly Spricsr-. Mis. A lirely coatt is already in proirrt.-" for next -.ear's conference. Five cities h.-.e entered their claims Detroit. Cincinnati. Dululh. Boston arl Buffalo ihe Circln nat! deleration. Lead-1 b Doctor R. C Bione. has oped headquarters In the Charleston Hotel. jr.d is makinc a strong fight. Detroli has trade crrat bcidwav dur lntr tb day and tbe choice i believed to lia between the-e two cities, with chances tf-nlsht favonr Circlnnati A i.reUm!trr n:inB for the comple tion of the formation of the National Grade Teacher' Federation which was Inaugu rated by Chlcas-3 teacbe-. was .tarted tbis afternoon. It i expected a cont!tu tlon for tb new bod will be adopted to znoTrtvr The pjunc will be to unite all erode teachers 'n the ccuntry In ar. or ganization for their commen good. ELKINS DESIGNATES VHITE. West Virginia Republicans Will Nominate Him for Governor. Charleston. V." Va.. July J. The capital is rapidly filling up to-night with Repub licans frjrn all over tbe State for the State Convention, which conven-s here "iVedne! i!av noon. They bgua coming In jesterday and hotel are taxed to their capacity. Senator Elfclns. who is lo lie temporary chairman will arrive to-morrow There Is no contest over the gubernatorial nomination. A. It 'White of Parkeburs. Collector of In ternal Revenue, tas no orpo-ttlon and will be nominated by acc'.amatiprL The rrinc!:l fight is over tbe Audltorshlp. for which there are five candidates- AtaOTs those menUoned for the perma nent chairmanship of the conventi.n are Govtmur ALVlnon. Corcreman Freer an J dlate Treasurer KthdalL Hotel MetropoUlan. St Paul, stopping Place for tourists. E. or Am. plan.) 1'opu ... m.. vt.t accommodations. Cam depots aad landing. ASHANTI REVOLT WIDESPREAD. Thirty Thousand Savages Await British Attack. London. July ?. The C:lonial Office has received Ihe followins dispatch from Coi onel vVHlcocks. dated from FumstAshantl: Three companies of troops joined Col one! Burroughs's regiment at TKrapcssj at the exact hour appointrd. thus upsetting the plans of the enemy, who offered no re s.stance. Burrougbi attackwi Kckofu. July 2. but failed to take the town. Lieu tenant Brownies of tbe West Indian Regi ment and five soldiers were killed and eighty-two were wounded. Including several olS cers slightly wounded. Proceed to Bekwal to-morrow. About 30,O Ashaatls are awaltintp o-or approach at Cooraa-sJe." IN THE CITY. I IN"CORIOTfJlTJ!n Th 5r T-il. rt , G.ifs Company filed article r.f Imorpora- ' i tion srerda). capital fZ''f) Stocahold-' cr loui. F. Booth. UJatavus .V, Sptess and Marc C. Booth GIRL RAN A WAT Mrs. Mary Telne of No. I7C Franklin avenue jesterday re ouested the police to locate her 11-year-old daughter. Opal, who ran a-vay Sunday morning immediately after breakfast PETITION IN BANKP.CPTCT-A peti tion in vo'..nttry lr.krt.ptcy was t.lo in the United States District Cu.r jesterday by Solomoi Hamme- of fct L- u The schedule showo liabilities amojntlng toET, WS. amt n0 assets SHOT HIMSELF BT CHANCE-Gustave Wuasch. a b.rtender at N- South Eichteenlh ir-tt. while oa nil way home it I o'clo.k yesttrday mora rig. ae-iacn-tally discharged hi? rev o.ver. which he w as carring m his hard, shootl-g himself throujh tbe nsht leg. The wend ta pro nounced teriou". BCTZE-GP.ESN V.'EDDING-W E. Butre. secretar' of the lUI'waj fcuip Ifmpiany. was marri-d last nlcht to .M Mabel I-. Green of No C Vernon avenue by the Reverend W J McKittrick ! th- First Presbyterian Church at the parson ge. No. I'7 Wahsr.gten boulevard Tbe vounir couple will depart this morning for points in the Eaft on an cxleadtd bor.eynK-on. MP.5. VAN STfDDIFORD P.ETrRNS The d'ffere"ce whl-h have existed for the last few days bvtwrea Mr Grace Van Stud- dlford. prima doara. and the management Of Uhng". Cave have been amicably ad- j:ed. Mrs Van Studdlfrd will appear wi-n the company next week. T.he trouoie tros over her refu-il to ting tbe part as signed her in this weVs opera. CABANNE CLVB EXCURSION The Cabanne Clab will give an excursion on I the :eamr City of Providence to-morrow tveniaj; The rnerarrs win tones ana do vaudeville tuni." aad VoUr-tbs Or chestra will coatilbute the dce music The chef who does the coo..n; at tbe duhoue wil prepare the upp--r that U to be served en tbe boat. The s:-am-r will leave tbe foot of Olive trtvt at iJX o'clock and return at 11 o'clock. CHILD'S BOOT IN RIVER-Fred Wal trr, night watchman for the felon Sand Company at the foot of Tyle- street, found tbe bodr cf a female thild abo.t two weks old in t":e river st o'clock yester dty mo-nlng He pulled it ashore, aad sent 1: to the morgue. It Is supposed thit the bodv which w badly decorrixsed. came I out of the fewer Just above Tjler A pest-monem xamma:ion sr.oweu tnat the child was dead before beia; pced in the water. HELD FOP. OBSERVATION-Fraak P. Nugent, a sal'sman. of No. : Washing ton avenue, -va taken to the Cty Hos pital ye:rday at tbe request of the mother. Mrs. H. Nueent. to be held for observation. Nugent has been suffering from delu'on for some time He thought that he wa being followed iv- seme Per son, who had dts'gas upoa his prop-rty and who wl.fced to co him h3rra. The pre cautions which he took to be ready lor a contest with the unknown person when he should appear were very warlike. F0P.MEP. ST. LOU13AN DEAD J. Brooks Whipple, formerly a resident of at LouK died at Gray's Summit. Mo last Friday His fur.e-al. which took place on Sundav. wa ai'ended by msnv pnmlaent buines men f-cm this citj. whi had bet-n a-ociated with him la the cour.-e of his rtidence here. D L Parrish and VT P. Trefnev atec as palltwarer Mr Whipple lived for twenty jear In St. Lout before moviac w'th b s f tmlly to Grav S.mmlt. He was an ur.swerv.ns; IVmoc-at and ms for a number of sear a member of the City Committee from the Suth Ward. FINED FOR SHOOTING Albert Boim er. a St- Louis Transit Company conductor, was Sned Sl jesterday in th- Second Di tnct Pol-ce Ccurt on a charge of discharg ing a atearm. Last Sit area j as ihe car of which be was in charge wa east on Eas:-n avnue rear B'.rd ave nue, it passei a wagon. Ir. which were Walter Thomas Gf No 3-B Ca-s averue 1 and four other men. wjamer ii i antt.. 3-el a revolver "J the direction of the wagon, but :o tn" struck. Bodlner I .i.i tfcet k. telseve that fWe cne in the wagon was about to throw a missile at blm. CAPTAIN LESUEUR HERE-Capt!n A. A Isueur. editor of the Kansas City Tlme. arrived in the city last nght accom panied bj- Mrs Lesueur and their daughter. Mi.s Octawa Lesuu-. Tbe Captain de clare" the Kanas City people were highly pleasd with tbe convent on and sa:aea that they bad done the best they could to .r.terti their visitors. "I have heard o. ! no complaints." he aH "Everything pissed off P eaantly and so far as we can ste the visl'ors enjoyea tncir p;u , are ! a fw of them left in K.-ina Citj. althojgh the lulk of the delegate so: o.t th evening the coavention adjourned. WARRANT FOR STABB:NG-Chri'o-pher Brown, a bricklayer, of No ZZZZ Me nard st-eet 1 at the City Hosp'tal, wih two severe stab wounds in hi chest The curing, he says, was done by a man named Pace Gillespie, who live on Lyon itre-t. According to Brown's !o-y. he was stand ing at the corner of De Kalb anl t Gcorge s'reets when Gillespie happened along The two men hd not been on the tst of te-ro. tJt Brown cla!m that he gave Gil!er!e absol-tely no p ovocatlon for a-v 3ault No:wlU-.'anding. be -trts. C.illetpie drew a kn fe and slaved him twice. A warrart wa issued agains. Gillespie, ch-rgmg assault to kill. CONDITION OF BANKS-Comptroller of the Currency Dawe of Wishlngton basis sued a call for a statement of the condi tion of tbe SL Lous national bink" a tb close of bu--'.niss on June . and A. A Lesueur. Secretary cf Stale of Mscuri. ha lued a call for a. statement cf the ronl!iloi of tbe State banks of St Louis or. Jun . A cording to tbe rules of the Iul C'ea-inc-hous Asodat!o-i whenever a call fsr a statement 1 .made bv either tbe IT-lied Statts ComptrcMer of Cu'-eacy or the Secretary of State of Ml "u"ri all of t'-e a.lied banks of St. Louis uH furnfsh a ta-e-nent of their cortli-tip-J on the spec bed date to MraprStod crt and thi aement is publb-hed by .hi Clearing-house AsrocUtlon. Lnder the IrcseVt U. the cat'o-a. banks will give a .tatemeat of their condition on Jane . and llfotbethr barks will fural-h state ertl I' th'" condition June 3D. bdt these rtMements wi.l all be published oa the one date. IN THE COUNTY. Marrisfe license were lsue-S at Clr-.i.j.-'.rj.aj. to John J. Cotello and Clara. v rs-lv of St and to Albert E. Wlefracr and Mary Stewart also cf St. L!!jlob Studt Jr was In Clayton yeter daV arVangiag for the meeting tc, b- heH at his place next Saturday to decide on a proposUioa of b-lding the annual fair at CrVv- Cce-r this jear. The Fair Associa tion Is In a bad way financially, and Mr. "tadt offers to defray all the expenses, pro vided the exhibition is held at his place Tke will of Anton Wetbrock of Caron j... Towr.biP was filed in the Probate Court a? Clayton jesterday His personal rTrow-tv and farm cf thirteen acre- are bequeathed to hi wife. Recine. unti. her J hbf I-vear-olJ son. John WctbroCK. on condition tnat nc pa? v iu .i.-u u. r:r.'"" rninor sister-. To bi- four grown children tbe te'tator bequeathed ... each. Henry J. Webr was appoint ed executor. The st Louis. Fenton and Southwestern Railway Company was framed aa exten sion of txty days yesterday in which to complv w th an order made by the County Court on April 3. Ina letter to the Court r Lewis W Blackmer it wasstated Tha?Joan C Wilkinson, ct th- head of a nv.- of Sedaila capitalists, wemd prob ably sume control of the fraachlse and build tae roau. ton rrierles lieian" v..-... ... .... meyerof Manchester road H. M. Koch of creve I CoeurTThcmaa Madden of Wlndom. H C'inc of Georgetown. J L. Bobring of Robrin-viHe. F D Hoefer of Luxembourg. H W Glmbel of Altheim. WillUrn F Ket' l.r 0e Nursery. E. Bems of WeIlton aad CCliic-rof Valley Park. Another pretest was made to the Couc tv Court jttrday against Justice of the Peace Eugere Hansmann. In a written communication E J. Speacer declared that on June jw i. -j ..- . v..t of 139 a. nt and 4 a. to., there was sn ia- j peseaat iiricjj w jia.w. . atM-..-er" caaaon crackers. ekyrockeLs and Ro man candles. He aid tbe firing was done bv negroes and that the fireworks were sold to tb-ra by Mr Har.smann's clerk. He ,-, e protested, but Mr. Hansmann only laughed at him. The communication was received and filed. The quarterly collection of stenogra nbers'. unclaimed witness and Jury fees, as reported by Sheriff verih to the County Court jeterday. amouatd to ESkSS. Cir cuit Clerk Kollocter'a report for the same period shows a collection of JTvTJi. RAILROAD ST. tOCIS ST. LOCIS TIME. Arrivals and Departure, of Train, at Lnton Station. Dally. JjuadiT enly tDai.y except Sunday m-cturday only rn'iturdjy aad ssajay Daily exc-pt .-itcrdiy. only. txcept Monday. AIR tl.M.'. LOUiy.ltLE. EVANs-nttE AND ST. LOCIS CuNSOtlDATED RAILROAD. TJaln. Depart. Arrive. Louievule Exrres Centralis. Munt Vemcn. X"-nt CUs- rc. Pnavtn. l.alvtlie. vv athinrt .a. Ph.lade.pala and New J .fa. . ..... '( ' P-l M&jat Verrn Ar-cnanodation tl i pax t4nv Jvaalv.n L.T5"ed. t. Lou- MUe. Wa-c n- -n. Baitlnwrc, PhiUde ;hu. aad New Tort... t Ipra ia.-apm BIG FOLR. LAKE SHORE. NEW YORK CENTRAL AND 1ILTW3N RIVER. BOSTON AND ALBANY AND CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RAJLWAT. TJ-ln. Dei art. Arrive. InliasapaL. Exprt '!- -ra t-w rra Ntw York aad LisUed. nst ia 'Clin KrUktrbt.ktr tj-fial New Yolk. Boston, vv aehlnKVon. liiiinvre an! l"h.a3e4pa-'::- aav 4j pav A-.ta Kxre - HI JP :4a)pav Mttoon and Alton Accjramo- c.t.on . . .. t43pnx t'-Oanx New Ycri. Cinttnaati. W ashincun. B-J'-nijte. Ph. 1- . , .delate ... ! rev 7 13 aai A.t-a te-vet H ti a. ra.. 3.4i P m. Arrives Im a. an- : 44 n. av. o. S-W It. R. Train. Depatt. Arrive. Ctac.ncatL irjeti.n. Baltimore.!- ptia and New York Expres. fj: am 12 4J pax Ciaeicaau. LoaltvUie. lntts- bur;. Watiucetoe. more, Pti ade.paa aad New . . .. Toe- Fa- MaU M-Spra ,-:anx Clacraaau Acavmodulca t'-i -ax s.aa sni ClacirnaU. Lui-si:e. Pitts burg. Waahiacti. ras Pal.-delptia and New icrk Royal B.ue LinU'.ed.... ain t rra Flora Accvaisodation t.Jm t' aai Fl-ra Ac.i:a:nv.Oa:icn 7S pnv V- -at VV est Badea and Preach tici t Spriaca. v. Msncn Iwatt .. 'IJJaax ttrn IlLRLISGTON ilOUC-sT. l K. AMI . W. R. lLw-LMO. TATIO. 7-tin. Depart. Arrive. For Haaalb.1. II Ft- J. .. .... .. - - .--.i lca! to Haaaltal .7J-Janj ;f;ai ror Qjumt aal Nerth.. t,-J-ni Ia pra Fer it PaaL Miaatapclls. via Etst Side liaes. Ilunoit aad Wlfccnsln 'S '- rra TT- B--rlSrgun-Nothe-n Pa- clic Express." for Kansas nty. tt Jcph NTthw.tst Netras.a. B.acc HtUs Wyo- ralag. M-ataa-. w asa-trtoa, Pace, scuad. Portland sad Ortion ara t4 pa The Twin C-jEtfr--" fo- Mma.ipclls. St Paul and lewa IJupra l.ra The "NeCnska-Cal-rads Ex- p-ett." for Deaver. foltrado. Vtah and r.c5e Coast via gt JcsP3 - rav f1 Lal to Barliacton I-Mpts SiSia Far Nonhera I wr. St Ps-al ,--.. ard Mlaaeapot ..c;aa li.OJ ara Fcr Kansas city. Omaha. St Jose.h. LViver. Neb-aska. rtlcrado Utah aad Paciic Coast, also Northwest 'teres 7 J3 ara Fcr Illtesis via Eat; sld 11. to R- Island "!?! 1 a For L-t.-a-e aai UCwif."ij);a fr-a Haanlba ... . .... n.? J Far Alt-n-teave 7 X a. ra , dally: i a a. nx. dally; tl a nt. datK. 19 ra ratarda cr'y. S J p ra except catcrday and f-ada;. 5l p. ro- excrp; Sanday. ..1 p. ra.. dally; 4J p ra. dally. tO p. .. daily CHICAGO AD ALTOV. -i- Drart Arrive. Alt r."Lt-"ed for Chleaca -S'.I !-t fa. Expre" . . -?-r .- ? ChlrtEO " Midnlsit -clli It Jt pax ;.-. aax Ch casro PraJ-.e. SUte T-. . rt pra -a pnv -rrlnratid Acc'snnv-latti iMtisx iiaisa Kansas C'ty titaled W- -oa- llfr. . .J" I" pra ;?s ara K.i,ras"i-tr Iar Exrreta . .'tjara ttpni Jacksonv,..e Ac oraraodaUon ..-o P Ti; v... -ii a-d -t Paul Express .s;;-! pra "7:3 aaa anx CHICAGO. PEORIA ASD T. LOLIS RAItWAV .C P. Ac ST. L.) -,. Depart Arrive. IExrr-sr"'3., fX . .. t : aa 15 Pn Gr::cn and Chautaa;ai ri.H am KM pax A -ton. Cl.non Terrace aad Grafton Ts aa .......... Alter Clft03 Terrace '...-,,-.- Grsfton t-t.4p-car1l Pax A.ton. -.ilton Terrace aad rprtngfieil . ttj pta -io am Alton IHtcn Terrac- and i-r.n:r"eld .. --. Mtpra - C.r-ftSS Vl Chautauua... 14 J pa tin la A.un- l.'t3 Terrace and t--s-m Greftea - - 3-6rai t-s a "CLOVER LEAF. Trala Depart Mrtve. T.oo a-d New York Exprfs j U aa it 1 Todo and New York Express, .Sjsax 1.ii COTTO.N BELT. S-T. LOUIS tOmrvVESTERN RAILWAT. (Illinois Cenual.v t.. 3 Depart A-flT. Cit.n Belt Express - fcax 1-4 ;a FRISCO LIAE. Trala Depart Vi.".v"park Aeceraraodatlon.. t7.19aa Part Accccaod.ticn.. 1 ara Valley Park Aecraaoc-tlcn . rr. aa Texat end Kan-a. Mall, fcr Canh.ce. J pUa. Wlcalti. Atkaasa. City Okl-hoai-. DkUas. Galvrttja and Fort Wcrth ... . ...... .. J'Cxa Valley Park Ac-saraodaU.n.. tljora Pactae Accaaawdatisa . p;1'"? VaL'ey I-artf AccoranoCitl.n.. It J pa p.cinc Acccaaodatlwa ti4 pa Vailey Park ArcrnrcoditJon. J74ia Texas tlmlteJ (Vestibule), fcr Evrrti.. Sprlasr. Fort Saith. Parts. Da.lxs. Greenville. En- ais. Ccrsirana. Aantn. San Arrive. t,l..30aa jk.liani TlSicn irn tt.tScm pl2aa ;;jJ:a t: Caa plrtipa Art aia. iii.--.- --w -.- veIin . . S- e :a TJin W-te-a Express, fr Vlaita. Okbca. Carthage. Jcplln. W ichlt. Burton and th. Wet ... J W pa 7JSaa "iLtlNOK CEVTRAL. NORTHERN LINES. Traia Depart Northern Ill'nois Exp-t. Ltc.-fl-ld. frptinrttlt Free-r-.rt and Dueo. - . ara CMcc rayii-hi St-rial . .: pa Ci.asi DIxraM-d sr-eul' - "la sprlncflcld Ag5!ftxA " New rceani Ftn MalL Cal-o. J'eaphis. J.eatcn. Tenn., and Tex. Expres. . 7- aa New Clean. Special Cairo. Sieapals and New Orleans . I'St pa AccJ-raacdatioa M.-rphysbcro. Marioa. Calnx, Sparta aad tTester t43-pa Ae-cptraMatlcn Murphrscbcro. Marii-n atd C-eAl Sr-nacs . 4 ta pa Net- ttar Llmfed. Calm. Memptl. New Orleans I"rxt Ilyer Nathvl.!e. Atiaata aad JacksonT.Se. Fix S 44 pa Arrive. 7-45 pa IJtto 714 aa 'le 4$ aa 74 pra :l pa 1112)3 IRTaa tit aa ARRANGING THE TAX. Cuban Plantations in Idleness Will Be Levied Upon. Havana. July J. General Wood will Issue an important order oa the recommendation of the Secretary of Finance with regard to the power of municipalities concerning th taxation of rural estates, already decided upon. It Is Intended particularly to prevent injustice to those whose estates have been ruined duriag the war by the burning or devastation of the sugar plantations, the destruction of machinery and the farm buildircs and the raring of fences. The C-ban Treasurer Fiscal o the Zone will decide -eh cases, but his decision may be appealed from by either the Mayer or acr interested party to the Secretary of Finance. Delinquent taxpayers wiU b charged S per cent upon tbe amount of their taxes after two months and Et per cent after six months until the property shall be sold at auction to pay the assess- TheTmcst Important feature cf the order, however, confers the right of taxation or estates which were not destroyed and yet have not been worked. These will be taxed according to their present ability to pro djee There are many estates such as those in Caba. the owners of which have been re tardlrg the prosperity of the island by re fusing to work their plantations until some definite form of government for Cuba has been decided upon. Many of these owners, whs are mostly Spaniards, but Include a few Americans, will be compelled either to pay fcr keeping; their estates In Idleness or to work or sell them. Civil Governor Betanconrt of Matanxas called upon General Wcod to-day to ex press his appreciation of the steps tho Governor has taken toward frlvlns the Cubans Independence, and alo of General Wood's attitude la endeavoring to lift up C&ban pubac life. In this coaaectioa he mentioned the reorganization of the Ha vana University, and said that he hop-ed that la the future It would be a university in fact as well as ia name, and that lis rt-olessors will be chosen rather for their ntnt-ss than because of their relations to El Commerclo suggests the formlntp la each municipality of a syndicate of pro prietors aad farmers to pledge their credit to the value of their lands. In order to ob tain agricultural Implements, oxen, etc VA ILI.ING TO PAT THE TAX. wonre.Ideala ia ffclekasmw Satlcta Appeal to Haahlnsxtois. Fort Worth, Tex.. July . Ncndtixeaa of TIME TABLE. TIME. IROX MOC.TTAIX. Depart. Arriva, Ttxas ras; Jiaii to uttie R -ck. Ttxx-kaaa. Dallas. F..TC Worth aad Ahlleae : am 7 X pa D;ta. Col-mbus and Cairo Ex- pr S. aa IJ :a Fast Day Express.Hct Spriags. D-iias. Fort Worth. Austin. t Antonio. Houston and Galveston ": ps 4 S pax Texas. Mexico ani Cali'omla i-pectal DaUas. Fot Wortr. El Paso. to. Aaceles. Gal- vetsn. Saa Antonio and La- rdi 71 :! rax :.JS ara Mea-phl. aad H:rspriacs Ex- . precs Z: pa 7oD ara L. A X. R. R. Train. Depart Arrive. Fal Mail. EvaasviCe. Ntah- vtil. Blrrmaftam. Mont g55ery, Chatianocra. At iaata. Mtcj. Ch-rleston. S. c : Mobile. New Orleans and Ja.ksonvil.e. Fla. nasal eritpra Mount Veraca Accomaodatioa SJ pra SA ara &ou'hm nx--es to Evaa.- vllle. Nasavlil. Biralcc- bara. SI Hie. Nw Orleans. Thomuvllle. Jacktonvll'e. I'alatka. Ooata and St Pe- tersburg Fla 1.55. r '.Jtani I. II. A: ST. L Rl". (Henueraon Boale.) Train. Depart Arrive. Ftt Mxii-Owensbcro. Clover- 1-ort LoisviIl and the 1S& ara 7Jq pnx Eert.rn Ex; res Owesborr. Clcverport Louisville and the Lis- 5ipra MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY Train. Dec-art Arrtv.. Fast MaU a ara 14aiirn Lvti txprere - - "7 aai ? pnx Xacsas Cltv. t-t Joseph, Oma ha and rathera Kansas Ex- prtss .........-... . ....... s)anx t.l pra TVas-hj:srton Acroraxnodauan. . TSCSpni 17-ara -- Jcpa Joplln, w icrata and Kxxsa. Untteo. d-li. ..... S Dpas TJlin Ersas aad Colorado Expr-s'. 10.19 pra s7.; as Crtv. coecr Lke trains leave Unlea Static at f -y a. ax, -- a. at. ttUJ p. nu. 15 Ji p. ra-. 17:33 p. n teav. Vaaderente- avecoe at tllJ p. ra. O-k Rill train, leave Uron Station ata.4S a. c.. -19 ! a. rs 544 p. nt and tvlp.n Klrkwood train, leae falcn Station at l.avja. za . rlau p. nt. :tiJ p. ra.. ;sau p. ra. l-v. and.vccter Avenue St-lica at TIlI a. ra. Daily. tExcept Sunday. Sunday caly. MODItE AAD OHIO. Train. Fccthera tTpecial . Northern Special . West Irila Fiver. Depart Arriv . I.slin .. SIpca ZZZ aa Murphyeboro. sastrta. Cheater aac i-ercy .WmtUla M., K. At T. "Tain. Depart. Arrive. Jeftrca Oty. Cclarala. S- dalia, Ctnton. Pert Sscott. Parson, and Indian Tcrntcy Express ........ .......... ..... sjSaax H.Slpca Fort Worth. Dallas- Waao. Taylor and Actla Express.. 'JJ pa 7:laa r&rt Worth Dallas, fvn An- ur.'o and Galves:rt: txpr-s. aa HM pm Sid-lla. Nevada. Fort scott and Deaoa Express........ . S.IS an ST. LOCIS -AAD OASi.MBAL. Trxla. Depart Arrive. Mall aad Express 17U9 aa 11:1 pa Mali aad Express TtrK pa 17-1) pra 6T. LOCIS-PEORIA IOAE. (St C. P. A Et L) ST. 1 X. C. C. R. R. "ST. LOUIS LINE" Tribj. Dpart. Arriv. Calcn Express tdaily) 4 pa t JS aa CVev. Coeur tSunday cnly .... Idiaa C J pa Oev. cueur isonday only) .. t-sn "it am Creve Cooar t bandar enly).... I4ipa i-ipo ST. LOUIS MERCHANTS' BRIDGE TErT 3II.NAL RAILWAT SUBURBAN TRA1X SERVICE. Eastbocnd Leave Elabtb and Grattjt Street. Except euaday. 4aT SJt. 7J7. ait M-ftk lta a ct. Uaa S.4. t.48w 4 5:11. tni. u2 p. m. saurcUy zoi Sunday only n 41 p. m. Sunday cn.y :. 7-J4. 10 a; a. nt; 51 p. ct Leave Washington Ave. Except Sundar, 4C4. trt 7 41. IJIZ. 13 c. aa3 a- &: 13SA l:s. S-S9. 4-4. S II tVS. tnH p. ra. Satarday aad Sunday ccly 11 tP p. nt Sunday only 537, "Si, 10JS a. ra.. ZtZ p. ra. Westbound Leaves Granit aty Except Rxn dav. ICX. 7. 'J4. 9t3. 11CL Ct: 13. JJt 1J3. 4. t.4C i Jt 7 It 'I7 p. m. fiaturaay only 4J p. m. oonday ocry S Zi. J-tt a. nt; pnS. p. xa. Leave Madison Except Sanday. ts, Ja54 -it. 9SZ. 12't a. nt; 1:15. i:11. 17. 4'. i. 7:If. 11 p. ra. 5atcrdav cclv 4 Jo p. a. tSuaday ccly 4. a7. t.-M p.rt VAADALIA LI5E. Train. Depart Fs't Mail .. ep.sA am Trsms No. 3 and S. New Yc-k. Pclladtlphla.Ralt!aor. an.1 Waahlastxn Special .. . s.44 aax laitaspcjl. and New Yor toal ...... .. . .. ........... 9 94 SB Arrive. 1:44 aa I4pa New Yor Limited la50 pa Petr-key and Mackinaw Ho tted ...... .... .............. 14 pa Colaraba. and Eastera Expres 3.1S aax Vandals Accora-nodatiea ..... pa Indlanapoha and New Tcrst Exp-est ........ ...... 11ZZ pax Fast Mall 1-43 aa Bpn npJtpea 7Z jxn Jat pra VtJpin 1:44 aa WABASH. Eaatera Liar. Train. Depart Ci-ctinental Limited Detroit Nlacara F.l.s. B-ffalo. New York and Bcstoa .f.-tsi Toledo Dtr-oit. Niagara Falls. BuSalo. New York aad Bo- tca Exprtss .... . "3 JO pa Toledo. Nw Tork and Boston Fast Mall .. 2.6 am Mlda'gat Limited Detroit Funalx, Ntw York aad Bos ton ..... ..... .. ..... ......11:33 pa Toledo Local Exprs -Ta4tn Cblcaspo Llae. Itacaer Express-Chicago .... S.tflaa Banner Limited Chicago. ; pra Midalrht LI-ntte6V-Calcajo....11 JO pax Fast Mall Chlcan 7 45 aa Kansas City Line. K2atasi City Exprese.......... IS aa Kansas CUT Fast I'.xil 7J5 pa Kansas City Limited JJSpm Arrira. IJJpa TOJaa 7.45 aa .3pa n:6pa f.apm I.Utn lOiasx IJara AorthTfe.tera Llaea. Train. Depart Arrive. Cannon Rail Oa-iaa IJii pa InsJ aa Ottumwa and De Mclnes Ex pre. -..- .. . - - n.laa Srsfpta Ottuawa aad Des Molaes Lla- Ited ..... ... .... 1.W V .. am Local Trala. West-Mrb-rlr. Kansa. City and Ptfrnsbarr L-cal S-CS pa ua aa Slst-rlv Lotal .... pa1Ra Eat Decatnr. Iel . t .x pra Ha5 aa Decatur Local (Sunday only)., t.lipa Suburb.. Trala. From I'nien Station St Charles ... ....771:3a pa ppla. pa Klaloch Fark J?,V fa . ... . Ferguson .. - ............... -.4- pa Mo pra Fergusoa 4-S fa j Pn Feriruscn .... .......... ...... vs JA an Fergascn .. .. . . ...... .. ..... 13:3 am Ferroson (Tbursday only).... naipa WAS pa Fe-tTUvyn . - 7711:30 paT19a pm Fma Olive Street Statlco St Charles - 11;W aa ItA pea St Charles t. pa t-ai aa Rrtdxetoo .VV1"35 S-J?"1 Rl!tcn '"4 a tt j pa Verruson .-...... ....-... J am : aa Fenr-scn 131 pra IJJS aa Fergasca PS 4. pa SS3 pa FerguKn rtawpa tn pa tho Chickasaw Nation deny that they re fuse to pay tribal taxes, as demanded by tha Chickasaw authorities, and have sent Secretary of the Interior Hitchcock a peti tion to that effect ... These citirens believe they cave a lawful right under the provisions of the Atoka, agrment and Curtis act to reside In the Chickasaw Nation and should not be con sidered In any sense intruders. They say there Is no necessity fcr Federal troops be lngr sent there to enforce the collection of taxes. SAY HIS STAMPS WERE BAD. Omaha Young Man Held for the Government. New Tork. Jaly 9. J. Frank .Negreen, IS years of age. a stamp dealer in Omaha, wss arra'gned before a United States Commis sioner to-day charged with bavins; used canceled 7-cent stamps for mailing letters and with being a fugitive from Justice. Negreen was arrested in Omaha a month ago and arraigned before a United States Commissioner for using canceled stamps. His examination was set for a day or two later, and he was allowed to go on his own recognizance, lastead of appearing at this appointed time he left for this city. Post Office Inspector Swift of Omaha tele graphed the police here and two detectives arrested Negreen Saturday night He wait arraigned In the Central Street Court aad beld for the United States authorities. To-day Negreen waived examination and was held for removal back to Omaha. It is understood that oticers are on their way to take him back. BIG BRYAN DEMONSTRATION. EnthBsla.tlc Crowd Batiste the. Ticket at Joplia. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Joplln. Mo.. July . An Immense Bryan and Stevenson ratification mettlng waa bold here this evenhtg in the open air. No build ing la Joplin was large enough to accommo date the crowd. Bryan's name always brought cheers and the meeting waa oae of the most enthusiastic ever held in this city. Ex-Lieutenant Governor CXaycomb presided. The speakers were Richard Graham. F. L. Tale. Judge J. G- Slenkard. H. A. Ptersoi. P. E. Gatdner. The ratification was par ticipated in bv Deraocrata, Populists and Fret fcllver ReputUcaaa. rV """.