Newspaper Page Text
7Z . - . -r- .-. r- ,. - . -. - j- - , .--, ' s l . t--'fT n" "3 '- ajC-t3C4viTi fvWwSAAM THE ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC. Ill ' ' TO-DAY'S REPUBLIC: f PART I. 14 PAGES. The Special Mall Ed I Mom la Printed In Tvro Parts. The. Sandar Mffaslne I Printed In One Part. VAWVWAVMW COPYRIGHT, 1900, BY PUBLISHERS. GEORGE- KNAPP & COMPANY. ..'.' ! """ NINETY-THIRD YEAR. ST. LOUIS, MO., SUNDAY, AUGUST 5, 1900. PRICE FIVE CENTS. W-4 V-''cYT?g jf--h . ys7vp , . txt- , jf.? "?5g ONLY THREE POWERS Russia and France Re fuse to Support Expedition. CHAFFEE'S REPORT. Opening Wedge to Split the Concert of Nations. REJECTS ULTIMATUM China Refuses to Permit Communication With the Envo3rs. REPUBIC SPECTAU Washington, Auc 4. China has rejected the ultimatum of the United States. Tho Tsung LI Yamen has declined to per mit free communication with Minister Con ger. The refusal, -which Secretary Hay declared would be an unfriendly act and tantamount to a declaration of war, has been officially communicated by Minister Wu. The Taotal of Shanghai, speaking for tho Tsung Li Yamen, declares that It was deemed "Inexpedient" by tho Chinese Gov ernment that cipher dispatches be sent to the foreign Ministers at Pekin. LI Hung Chang has assumed the "heavy responsibility" referred to by Secretary Hay In hi ultimatum for tho purpose of delaying the movement on Pekln or bluffing the allies. Either the United States must back down or China must be punished. There Is no middle course. The authorities are inclined to accept tho Chinese statement that tho Ministers are safe at present, but the fact that communication with them In tho usual way is denied Is tantamount to a declara tion by the Chinese Government that a state of war exists. Only in time of war is the cipher barred, and then only In tho cose of tho representatives of a hostile Govern ment. It is well understood by the authorities here that the situation will remain un changed until the allied forces reach Pekln, and every effort Is being mode to facilitate the advance. Power Divided. Bnt far beyond tha.-jiresent advance pn Pekhvm Importance Is' the news conveyed to tho "War Department by Major General Chaffee. Some features of the dispatch received from General Chaffee yesterday, and which the War Department refused to make pub lic, became known to-day. The flrrt dispatch received by the War Department from General Chaffee con tained very little Information, but dosed with the statement that he was going for ward to Tien-Tsln and would give hl3 views. That Is what ho has done. His views, as cabled in the dispatch of yester day, would be far from palatablo to several foreign Governments, and that is one rea son why the dispatch was not made pub lic This much is asserted: General Chaf fee and the United States forces avail able under his command have gone forward toward Pekln with the British and Japa nese forces. Tho troops of the other na tions assembled at Tien-Tsln did not Join In the movement, but the reasons given by General Chaffee could not be learned. It is understood that the criticism con tained in the Associated Press dispatch re ceived yesterday of the sanitary condition existing at Tlen-Tsin is borne out in Gen eral Chaffee's dispatch, but in discussing the matter with tho War Department ho has been mora specific, and tho names of the commands are given which failed to take the proper precaution for the health of the international forces. Ret oaed to Discuss Dispatch. War Department officials generally re fuse to discuss tho contents of the dis patch, and Secretary Root announced em phatically that it would not be given to the public, and, further, that no additional dispatches had been received from General Chaffee. The international questions Involved make it impossible, on account of diplomatic re lations, to give the dispatch to tho public, and it Is further desired that the proposed movement of troops should not bo heralded to the world for the advantage of the Chi nese forces, which are opposing tho advance for tho rescue of the besieged Ministers. The steady prosecution of the military movements undoubtedly has frightened tho Chinese Viceroys, who have been sparring for time, and endeavoring to use the Diplo matic Corps at Pekin as protection. The Tsung Li Yamen dispatch received this morning through Yuan and Wu fairly Il lustrated this condition and made it plain that the Imperial Government again is try ing to force a suspension of the advance on Pekln by menacing the foreign Ministers. CHINAS DECLINATION. Washington. Aug. 4. The State Depart ment to-day Issued tho following: "Minister Wu this morning handed to the Acting Secretary of State a copy of a tele gram from the Taotai of Shanghai, dated August 2, and received by Mr. Wu on the evening of the 3d. It confirms tho -nessago of Yuan Shlh Kal, Governor of Shan-Tung, to Mr. Fowler, Consul at Che-Foo, purport ing to communicate the same telosiam of July 30 from the Tbung Li Yamen, but it is to be noted that it contains a passage omitted trom Governor Yuan's message, namely, tho announcement that as lighting is going on In Tlen-Tsin, it 13 inexpedient to send other telegrams to the foreign Min isters in l'ckln. In this particular the present telegram agrees with Consul General Goodnow's re port, received yesterday, that Earl LI Hung Chang had told the French Consul at Shang hai, on tho 3d, that no messages would be delivered to the Ministers becauso the for eigner were advancing on Pekin. Tho Tsung LI Yamcn's cablegram of July 30 is as follows: "Foreign Ministers in Pekln are all safe and well. Recently vegetables, fruit and provisions have been repeatedly supplied to them. Relations most friendlv. "At present consultations are going on for the protection of various Ministers going to iien-iuin tor tempotary shelter, whicn will soon be concluded satisfactorily. But, as fighting is going on in Tien-Tsln, It is in expedient that cipher telegrams should bo Bent. Different Consuls have been notified so that they may inform their respective Governments. Please inform the Foreign Office. Besides wiring to other Ministers, I transmit the above to you. "YU LIEN YUEN." A 'ifWwmJ & m FLORY: SHAKE UP IN POLICE FORCE. More Than 300 Sergeants and Patrolmen Trans ferred More Changes May Be Made Cap- . tains and Lieutenants Not Removed. Chief of Police John W. Campbell yes terday ordered the transfer of more than 300 police officers from tho Fifth and Sixth districts In North St. Louis, respectively, to the Second and Third districts In South St. Louis. Tho vacancies in the northern districts will be filled by the officers who have been stationed In South St. Louis. The transfers were confined to Sergeants and patrolmen. All uf the Captains and Lieu tenants will remain in their old districts. Tho transfers of yescterday, according to good authority, may be followed by other changes of men. Transfers from two other districts will be announced to-day, and oth ers will follow as soon as It Is possible for tho clerical force in the Chief's office to compile the list. The object in making tho wholesale trans fers has not be?n clearly defined. Chiefs Campbell and Pickel were reticent when questioned last night, and Pollco Commis sioners Atmore, Steuvcr and Forster could not be located. It is the prevailing opin ion, however, that the transfers are due Indirectly, at least, to the street railway strike, and the arrests resultant. Those who profess. to know declare that the Board of Police Commissioners and Ghlpf Campbell havp h reason to be dissatis fied with the action of n number of patrol men In different police districts on account of their attitude townrd citizens charged with infractions of the law this assertion has particular reference to the First, Sec ond and Third districts, which cover South St. Louis territory. Tho consensus of opin ion of the heads of the department Is that better pollco duty can be obtained by shift ing the regular patrolmen to strange dis tricts, where their official duty will not be hampered by influences which might emanate from friends and acquaintances. The transfer was the sole topic of dis cussion in police circles last night. The Im port of the order did not become generally known until about 0 o'clock last night. Tho general orders wero read at the 11 o'clock roll call, in the stations. The transfers ro into effect to-day. The transfers do not affect the following officers: Captain O'Malley and Lieutenant Keeble, Fifth District; Captain SchroeJcr and Lieutenant Stack, 8econd District; Cap tain Phillips and Lieutenant Schwartz, Sixth District; Captain Young and Lieuten ant Hammett, Third District. The desk Sergeants and clerical forces of the differ ent districts will remain the same. Chief Campbell said last night: "I do not care now to explain the causes that Im pelled me to make the transfers I have or dered. Briefly. I may say it was for the betterment of the force and additional pro tection to the public This Is sufficient ex planation for the present. "I called Mr. Messlk. Mr. Edwards and other strikers before me two days ago and informed them that I would hold them re sponsible in case murder or personal Injury was sustained. Since then I have heard of no dynamiting." O Ulcers Transferred. The Sergeants and patrolmen transferred are ns follows: From the Sixth District to the Third Dis trictSergeants Mathew Gilmore, Henry Hurst, Patrick E. Kennedy, Gustavo Leh mann and John Eagan; Patrolmen John Antrim, Joseph L. Baggett, William C. Ball, M. Brady, B. J. Borgeld, George W. Brlece, John J. Beecher, Edward T. Burke, N. Barr. T. B. Courtenay, Michael Coyne, Patrick Cremine, John H. Coughlln, Joseph W. Cost'ello, Joseph H. Doule, Joseph J. Dunn, Joseph N. Du niont, Joseph Duker, William C. Ed lefson, Thomas J. Finan, Charles F. Gates, Daniel Gallagher, Robert J. Flynn, Joseph Gerke, August F. Henke, Oliver Hennessey, William B. Hennessey, Henry F. Hinke, Roger Hardy, Antonc Herr, John P. Hannagan, George E. Jennings, William V. Jeans, Fred Jccklln, W. J. Kelly, MARCH "HERE'S WHEIJE I BREAK MY Joseph M. Ketts, E. Kotlenslclto, P. Kelly. Joseph Lobeck, Hy. Tynhurst, Daniel Ma honey, Walter Martin, Thomas Median, James Mannebach, Charles Madson, Fred Mundinger, James Maher, Fred Meder, Peter McCann, Edward McEvlney, Andrew J. McGlInn, Harry McLaughlin, James P. McDonald, Patrick McMahoney, John J. Noonan. John O'Connell, M. O'Sul llvan, David O'Brien, J. Phillips. N. II. Phillips, Gustave Reaper, Louis Schlueter, William P. Schmittker, Charles Sydnor, M. Schrambrlck, John Schmersohl, Thomas Schmidt, Charles P. Sanders, Thomas Shce han, Daniel Sullivan, David Sharlow. Will iam Trampe, George Tabll, Patrick, Walsh, A. J. Warner, Jacob Welnacht, Edward Woods. F. P. Yeaker. From the Fifth District to the Second Dis trictSergeants John Collins, J. S. Fleming, S. P. Hurst, P. Maher, Peter Monrotis, Hugh McFarland; Patrolmen F. H. Bokam per, Charles Brennan, John Copplnger, Ed ward Courtenay, Charles F. Cullen, Thomas J. Churchill, Dennis Cunningham, Timothy Dee, John J. Denekee, J. Doollng, Thomas Dowilng, M. Donohue, P. M. Duffy, Georgo Erby, P. A. Flnnerty, Thomas A. Flood, James Goggin, James Gorman, M. J. Halloran, Henry Gobel, B. Hinke, Charles Hewitt. Herman Hacgcle, Frank Holden, James Halbert, James 51. Johnson, Daniel Keenan, Martin King, Charles F. Coring, F. H. Coring, Lawrence Krewett, James Lynch, Edward Mack, B. A. Martin, P. J. Maloney, Bernard Moran, John Mor rison, E. L. Morton, P. J. Murphy, J. St. L. Maher. J. J. Meley, J. J. Moran, James J. McCarthy, John J. McCarthy. Jcre McCarthy, James McShcehy, Dan McGratli, William G. Nolan, Daniel O'Connell, Eugene O'Connor, Joseph O'Connor, Hugh Qulnn, Peter Qulnn, M. Ready, William Sale, M. Scanlan, George Shaw, Edmond Shulton, John Shea, Henry W. Simon, John Stead, Henry Sullivan, L. P. Scully, M. Shea, L. B. Stock, T. R. Taylor Harry Saffert, Chris Virden, Peter Walsh, Harry V. Wilson. From the Second District to the Fifth District Sergeants Thomas Nugent, John J. Connors, August B. Deatheridge, William F. Hoffner, Henry F. Lucey, Thomas Con ley; Patrolmen Henry Amalung, James W. Alexander, AVilllam Bouchein, Fred Bllle meyer, Charles Ball, George W. Burgess, J. B. Brandt, James Campbell, V. Dumphy, Thomas Daltoii, John Driscoll, Charles F. Drewlng, Harry B. Dyson, George Ellen berger, Edward Eichorn, Thomas Elliott, R. Fruin, John Flemming, Thomas W. Fo garty, David Ferry, Georgo Fox, Charles Fisher, John H. Finnell, P. Faust, James P. Gannon, John Heldecker, Edward Hurl, Edward Herndon. Claude Hayhurst, Jacob Helnze, Frank Hartung, John J. Hurley, Lewis Held, Joseph H. Jones, Frank Krekler, Charles Kirchner, John Kucera, Otto Leahy, Leo R. Locke, Ernest Monder, Thomas Moran, Robert McCormick, Lewis Maerz. Thomas Maher, John McAllster, Pat McNlchols, Ed ward McCullough, Pat Mc.Mahon, John F. Nlcolay, Henry Nienaber, Michael Ogara, James O'Rourke, John Prendergast, Fred Pazdemick, Arthur J. Roach, Dennis Roach, James E. Rowland, Con Ryan, Wm. Schulte, Simon Sullivan, 'Joseph Sepemann, A. J. Smith, Julius Schmolinski, Edward Stein berg, Frank Stutte, Nicholas Stlegers, John Schick, Henry Stiftcr, Gustave A. Severen, Edward Steveison, Charles Stuart, Charles Sylvia, Joseph Stutte. From Third to Sixth Districts Sergeants Thomas Allen, Fred Bauer, George W. Barnes, William C. Hess and John Lally; patrolmen William Appleby, George W. Beard, John BIckerton, William Bornefield, John C. Bruce. Fred Bozdk, John A. Bran denburger. William Baker, Frank P. Cash els, James Corcoran, Isaac Craig, John Cul linan, William Clifford, John Dickoson, Michael Drissel, John Dugge, George Dai ley, George Eichncr, John Fehllng, Theo dore Flegelspan. John B. Fitzgerald, Perry E. Fraser, Michael Finn, Edward J. Fox, Albert Gross. William E. Gut- ON PEKIN. NECK!" ohrel, John Gotting, William R. Groto, uimm neei, iuwaiu jiuuiauuu, Joseph C. Hofte, Andrew Harder, Samuel Harrison, Edward Helgoth, Albert Helm holt, John Hilker, James Henneberry, Fred Krnmnr, Charles G. Kraeger, Edward Kess ler, Edward Herbert, JiUIufjiJCumz, Chris C. Labler; Ferd Lanz. Fred'&elnert, Charles ,Mansfleld,'Dennls.Xi. Murphy, Fred Mangier, Tr"'F.'-M5ylSrr ''Cmfrles "Hfcnaeir "E.- H. Mlller, L. J. Murphy. William Malkemus, Robert B. Miller, James McGovern, John P. McBriarty, John Nirk, James O'Leary, Henry Oswald, Lewis C. Rodemlch, George Rudolph, Edward Randle, Frank Stutter mann, Benjamin Stone, William Stoops, Charles B. Stuart, Albert Sicking, Daniel Slattery, Harry M. Symonds, Frank Tik wert, William W. Tomas; Michael J. Usher, Henry Viehle, John R. Wall, Richard Ward, William Weldi and Thomas J. Whalen. MOB AT BAYB0B0, N. C. Election Oflicprs Uesieged in Court House Governor Acts. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Raleigh. N. C, Aug. 4. Tho Pamlico County Board of Canvassers, which met to day. Is barricaded in the Courthouse, and the fuslonlsts have them surrounded and threaten them if they como out. There has been no canvass yet. Sheriff Hooker, who was the fusion can didate for re-election, is powerless to do anything. A request was sent to Newbern to send the naval reserves. At 11 o'clock to night the Governor heard of the trouble and has decided to send troops, if necessary, to liberate the board. To-night the wires were cut. Tho Gov ernor to-night received this telegram: "Election officers In Courthouse nt Bay boro surrounded by a mob of 125 men, paid to be led by Sheriff W. E. Hooker and others. Mob says it will kill tho o'Jlcers If they come out, and will blow up the Court house If they do not come out. Urgent need for you to send naval reserves at onco from Newbern to save the officers. Tele phone wire nt Bayboro cut by tne mob. Answer quick." A. D. Ward, a prominent citizen of New born, sent the following: "Am requested by citizens of Pamlico to ask you to net at once. Said that Sheriff Is In the mob, Intoxicated. Tho leaders cf tho mob are said to be intoxicated." Upon receipt of these messages at U o'clock to-night. Governor Russell ordeied the Newbern Naval Reserves., the reirest military organization, to go to the soeno of trouble, which is twenty miles away, by water. WHITES ACT IN GEORGIA. Plan to Have the State Constitu tion Amended. Atlanta, Ga.. Aus. 4. Owing to the result of the recent election in North Carolina, in which white supremacy was engrafted on the State, Representative Hardwick will in troduce In the next session of the Georgia Legislature a bill providing for a constitu tional amendment similar in form and pro visions as that adopted In the old "North State." This enforces a property and educational qualification on suffrage which practically disfranchises the negroes. REPUBLICANS FOR BRYAN. Joined the Democratic Club at Kin mundy, 111. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Klnmundy, 111., Aug. 4. Tho Democrats of Klnmundy Township organized a Bryan and Alschuler Club hero to-night of 119 members, including several former Republicans. The officers are: President, Judge C. H. Holt; secretary, F. O. Grlssom. Great enthusiasm prevailed. The enrollment will reach 200. AGAINST ANARCHISM. Papal Encyclical Is Being' Pre pared, Say Vatican Journals. Rome, Aug. 4. A papal encyclical against anarchism, the "Vatican journals assert, is being prepared. The letter will review the causes of anarchy'3 rise and will point out the methods the Catholic Church ap proves for the extirpation of anarchists and other criminal sects. ON EYE OF Thirty Thousand Boxers Facing Allies Eight Miles From Tien-Tsin. CANAL CUT AND THE Chinese Make Great Effort to Hamper the Ad vance Twenty Thousand Internationals Are Ticn-Tsiu, Aug. 1, via Che-Foo, Aug.."?. It is reported that the Chinese have broken the canal bank, flooding the country between Tien-Tsin and Fekin. Thirty thousand Boxers are eight miles north of Tien-Tsin, and a battle is imminent. REPORTED SUICIDE effect that Li Hung Chang had committed suicide, a foreign oflicial sent a mse senger to his residence, but an answer was refused. j CHAFFEE ON THE ADYANCE. REPUBLIC SPECIAL. Washington, Aug. 4. Major General Chaffee has sent to tho War Department a clear statement of the military situation be tween Tien-Tsln and Pekln. The relief col umn movitig upon Pekln is composed of 20, (W0 men. The American troops hold the right of the line and their flanks touch the British and Germans. The advantage of this plan lies in the fact that there will be no confusion arising from misunderstanding of orders. The Japanese who hold the cen ter and advanced position, have 8,000 men, while tach of the other Powers has contrib uted from 2,000 to -1,000 troops. It is understood that General Chaffee has 3,000 Americana with him in the advance. No Commander-in-Chief will direct tne operations, the allies being unablo to reach an agreement after frequent conferences at Tien-Tsln. Conteicnces of the commanders will take place each night and the plan 6t operations for the following day will be decided upon. Bach officer will bo Informed of tne route his column must traverso and the part It shall play In the operations. 1I ay Lead to Failure. Military men here agree that this ar rangement is unfortunate. They do not be lieve there can be effective co-operation be tween the allies on this basis. Defeat by the Chinese would throw tho whole move ment into contusion, and if tho column should eventually reach Pekln a question will arise as to who is in command. The ad ministration authorities, however, are con- ndenfcthaUpractlcaL harroonyv-oflacipn ,.will prevail, xney say mat me military -commanders will act as an administrative coun cil whenever necessary and that the ma jority will rule. All questions will be dis posed of In this manner, pending the adop tion of some better plan. To Use the Hirer. Scouting has developed a comparatively sale line of advance, and this will be fol lowed for a time, at least. The river will be used as far as possible for the transpor tation of supplies. General Chalfee complains of the lack of equipment of the American troops, and urges tho utmost diligence on the part of the War Department In rushing supplies to him. He has also called for surgeons, who will probably be sent from Manila. Quartermaster General JLuddlngton is mak ing arrangements to send transports to Taku as soon as possible, so that the entire force of U.000 men intended for the Chinese campaign will be at General Chaffee's dis posal before tho Gulf of Pe-Chi-LJ freezes over. Supplies will be hurried to General Chaffee's base for the same reason. It will be Impossible during the winter for the warships to remain ut Taku, Lut the Monocacy and perhaps the Vorktown will be sent to Tlen-Tsin, with instructljns to enter mud docks and remain housed un til spring. This will be no new exp-jrwnce for the Monocacy. Surgeon General Sternberg to-day assigned Major John Van R. Hoff to China as Chief Surgeon of the troops there. "Upon his arrival," said General Stern berg, "Major Hoff will select a hospital base. The medical ollicers already soiit to China uro provided with ample funds', i50, 000 having been placed at their disposal. Each command sent from Manila and from this countty has been provided with tho usual medical supplies. In addition, we are sending quantities of medicines, bandig.-s, etc., so that the troops will be well CMed for by our department." CHINESE EIIECT DEFEASES. London, Aug. 5, 3:30 a. m. According to a dispatch from Shanghai, dated August 3, the principal opposition to the advance of the allies will be met twenty 'miles west of Tien-Tsln, where it is stated tho Chinese have erected extensive barriers and ob structions have been placed in tho river. Mines are said to havo been located under the railway, the line apparently being left Intact. 3hcng, the Administrator of Telegraphs and Railways, objected to tho measures taken for tho defense of the foreign settle ments, tho enrollment of volunteers and the presence of numerous warships, and asked tho foreign Consuls to suspend these meas ures. The British Consul replied by point ing out that tho measures wero only In tended to strengthen the hands of the law ful Chinese authorities A dispatch from St. Petersburg, dated August 4, says that General Mozievski re- ports from Chita Wat a part of General Orion's forces attacked and drove back tho Chinese regulars on July 30, capturing one gun and a number of flags and killing the Chinese commander and 200 men. The Russian loss was seven killed and twenty wounded. Reports from Berlin say that Prlnco Henry, In behalf of Emperor William, msde the parting address, bidding good-by to tho Fourth East Asian Reglmtnt, which sailed from Brcmerhaven in the direction of China to-day. I'EACE IN YAXG-TSE VALLEY. London, Aug. 4. Admiral Seymour tele graphed to the Admiralty to-day that ho had seen the "Viceroy of Nankin on August 2; that the Viceroy was very friendly and seemed anxious to maintain peace in the Yang-tse Valley, and had agreed to tho landing of a force of 3,000 British troops for the defense of Shanghai. The Viceroy returned the Admiral's visit the next day and renewed his assurances of friendship. An agreement was arrived at for maintaining order in the Yang-tse Val ley. CHINESE FORTIFYING. Shanghai, Friday, Aug. 3. According to trustworthy reports received here to-day the Cnlnese are fortifying the Yang-tse River. At the fort near Nankin two six Inch quick-lire guns were disabled at the first trial. Chinese officials affirm that the guns were mounted as a precaution against Boxers advancing southward. REVOLT AT CANTON. St. Petersburg, Aug. i. A dispatch from BATTLE COUNTRY INUNDATED Engaged. OF LI HUNG CHANG. Shanghai, dated Thursday, August 2, re ceived here to-day, says that after LI Hung Ching left Canton the imperial troops Joined the Boxers. The dispatch adds that the provisional troops along the Yang-tse River remain quiet, owing to the promise of the Viceroy of Nankin to the foreign Consuls. "Boxers," It Is further stated In this dis patch, are murdering missionaries in South China, but are not disturbing treaty ports. Troops are being secretly brought to treaty ports. Batteries of the Yang-tse River, the dis patch says, are being repaired, and new ones are being erected at Woo Sung. De spite the declaration of the Viceroy that tho work would be stopped, five guns have been mounted. The dispatch accuses the British of a se cret understanding with the Viceroy In ac counting for the indifference of the British fleet to the strengthening of the Chinese fortifications at Woo Sung. RUSSIANS TAKE SAKHALIN. St. Petersburg, Aug. 4. General GrodekofC has sent the following dispatch to the War Office: "Khabarovsk, Aug. 3. Two columns from Blagovestchensk crossed over the Amur River at 7 a. m.. under Colonels Schwerln and Scherlklnoff, attacked the Chinese troops and took the town of Sakhalin, one gun and a quantity of Mauser cartridges. The steamer Silenga suffered severely from rifle Are. "The Transseisk detachment under O'onel Pfotenhauer- bombarded Aigun -with. ltAvar mortars, ana tne (Jinnese replied, one of ficer and five men wore killed and fifteen men were wounded. Four armored steam ers are patrolling the Amur." A telegram received here to-day from En gineer Offanberg, dated Kawg-Kumslg, Gaslmur in the Transbalkan Province, Wednesday, August 1, says: "In the retreat to the frontier the agents, workmen and guards were sur prised and bombarded by Chinese in the Shingan passes. Three guards and ono workman were killed and twenty workmen fled to the mountains, none of whom have returned." SENATOR MORGAN'S WAY. Would Call Congress and Enlist 100,000 More Men. BY SENATOR JOHN T. MORGAN. REPUBLIC SFECIAL. Washington, Aug. 4. If I had my way I should enlist a volunteer army of 1W.0CO men and send them to' the Island of Luzon to take the place of the seasoned troops now there. Those 65,000 seasoned troops I would eend to China and deal with the situation that has arisen as it ought to be dealt with. I would protect the life of every American citizen in China and would compel respect for the rights of every American citizen In the country. I would do this independently of the other Powers. I would not interfero with their plans, but Independently and alone, would show China that the United States was a Power whose rlghta and privileges could not be trampled upon . Such action would show the whole world that the United States was a great Power and that every right conferred upon its people through treaty stipulation or other wise must be respected. I am afraid there will be a great war in China. I do not want to see the United States get Into it, for the mere sake of war. However, we must rescue our Minis ters and compel China to pay the cost of that expedition. I believe Congress should now be In ses sion. Tho President ought not to be con ducting a foreign war without the advice of Congress1. We now see war movements going on. When that condition arises it is time for Congress to have something to say. There are in the Philippines within strik ing distance of China men acclimated and accustomed to the hardships of war in the Orient. Send them to China, and let the world and China know our strength and our power. From my point of view, our Government unaided end alone has the facilities at hand and Is able to deal with this situation. We should do It and do it with a promptness that would emphasize the American method of transacting business. MAIL SERVICE TO CHINA. Government Establishes It for Ben efit of Soldiers. Washington, Aug. 4. The War Depart ment desires It to be known that mail in tended for the United States soldiers in China should be addressed with the full name of the soldier, his company and regi ment, with the words, "China, via San Francisco." In the case of staff officers cr civilians of the army, the same means "China, via San Francisco" should be em ployed. All the regular China mall route3 In that section having been suspended, the Gov ernment has been obliged to devise a service of its own, using the army transports, as far as possible. A postal agent, stationed at Nagasaki, will make the rirst distribution of these mails, and another agent at Taku will care for the details. These agents havo started for China and will be in position to handle any malls written after this date. UNKNOWN MAN KILLED. Supposed Missourian Ground to Death Under a Train. Clarendon, Ark., Aug. 4. A man who was stealing a ride was killed here this morn ing by a Cotton Belt freight train. No body saw him when the accident hap- AUCUST I. rli t..f ..! t. .1. .t. .f .,f ..f ..t.T i .1 TTTTTTTTTtTTTI t TWO HOURS' FIGHT AT NEW-CHWANG. Che-Foo, Aujr. 4. Dispatches from New-Chwaujr state that 200 Russians suddenly appeared on July 20 at the railway station and, attacked the Chinese camp outside of the south gate. The Chinese had behaved with propriety, and the attack did not appear to lie justified. After two hours of figbt in:r, with little damage on either side, the Itussiaus retired. The Consuls at New-Chwaug, includ ing the Russian Consul, protested, anil received a verbal reply to the effect that the attack would not be repeated. 5 ' -T-.TiT1 T,T',TiT LEADING TOPICS -IN- TO-DAY'S REPUBLIC. Mlitourl-Generally fair Snndjiy, ex cept IioTver and coaler In north went portion. Monday, fair; aonth easterly wind. IIHnoiH Generally fair Sunday anfl Monday; Usht to fresh aontherlr, vrlndft. Arkanxnn Generally fair Snads and Monday) north to enst tvlnds. PAIIT I. , n I. On Eve of Battle on August L Only Three Powers JIarch on Pekin. Shake-Up In Police Force. Six Hundred Christians Massacred. Relief Columns Face Terrible Task. i Japan Has Endeavored to Civilize China. Incidents at Tien-Tsin Before the Rescua S. Boy Reporter Talks to tho Pope at Rome. Names of Anarchist Plotters Savt Known. 4- Hearty Welcome to Jlr. Stevenson. Bryan Ready for Notification. 5. Price Offered for Hiss Jewett'a Head. To Stop Dynamiting. Correspondent Back from Africa, 6. Missouri School Money. Illinois Politics. 7. Must Wear Coats in This Cafe. St. Loulsan Shot at Tien-Tsin. In an Insurgent Trap. The Railroads. River New3. 8- Harcourt's Speech Stirs London. Alexander of Servla Explains. , German Emperor Is Hasty. Queen Victoria, In 'Mourning-. BoyaUy'sBIood-Is Tainted. 9. The Church and the Press- Opportunities War Brought to OlHceH of tho Line. Look Upon Death as Their Friend. Two Boys Drowned in the Mississippi. Sixty Thousand Votes for Bryan. Youtseys Plan to Kill Goebcl. 10. Local Golfers at Home for the Season McGraw Explains Failure of Sf, Louis Team. American League Batting Averages. Baseball Outdone by Horse-Racing. Bat Masterson In a Fist Fight. 11. McCoy and Corbett Will Draw Thot sands. Captain Rees May Preside at Klnloch. 12. Tennis Needs Practice and Money. Paris Regatta Attracts Notice. Baseball Scores. 13. Race Track Results. 14. Selbert's Letter is Brimful of Facts. Dogs Make Discord of His Music. Doctor Kneedler to Serve In China. Week's End at Chautauqua. PART II. 1. Mr. Bryan Discusses the Republican Party of To-Day. Why Reed Opposes McKlnley's Re-dec tlon. Robert Halg and His queer Burying Ground. 2. At the Summer Resorts. 3. The Week In Society. 4. Week's Record In Real Esiate. Family Pursued by Sinister Fate. Saved the Lives of Three !:oys. Fighting Filipinos Is Anything but Fun. 6. Mado Counterfeits with Pen and Ink. Built a Home for Her Husband. Guided by Ghost's Advice. A Woman Recluse. Maids Return from tho Klondike. 6. Editorial. Senator Wellington Against Imperialism. Monarchical Tendencies Fostered fc Hamilton. Bailey's Successor In Congress. i 7. Death Notices. Chairman Thompson Resumes Fa! Work. Many Complalnto as to Garbage. Street Department Work Crippled. Attractions for the Exposition. 8. Help and Situations Wanted. 9. Rooms, Flats and Houses for Rent. 10. Real Estate Agents' Kent Lists. 11. Miscellaneous Want Ads. f 12. Miscellaneous Wand Ads. 13. Grain and Produce. Financial News. ' 14. Fraternal Order News. PART III. Magazine Section. , pencd. His body was fearfully mangled. Indications are that he has enjoyed better days. On his person was a letter from C. E. Trumbo, cashier of the Farmers and Merchants" Bank of Llnneus, Mo., dated April IS, 1900, and addressed to Ed T. Men. fee, Columbia, Mo. This letter was in re gard to some furniture which Trumbo had sold for Menefee. A friendly letter from H. J. Wlgginston of the Bulletin, Llnneus. Mo., under date of April 8, 1300; a photo graph of a man dressed in black and wear ing a white vest, and taken at London England, at the Colonial and Indian Exhibi tion In 1886, and an obituary notice of Mrs. Emma L. Dryden were also found in tho pockets of the dead man. He was appar ently 45 years old. The body was so badly mangled that little could be told aa to. kScus'ht and weight- r r r &L . ..., .K i -j- -. s. .S4a. V.C i" , fr -& jgts'at--;f i. '.i- iWsss--A..A-.hAS.-Sg2aa