-HrttlVJ-. THE REPUBLIC: SUNDAY. 'AUGUST 5. 1900. gnt you hearlhe bell ring? j If, ' 7 z ii'i vx I III W!-v V C" g&f r 1 I I y iV ns Ding- arhngaling- ling"! Can't you hear the bell ring-? First the man who sells the mu Then a lady dressed in silH CANT YOU HEAR THE BELL R1NW , n u ' E -- ol &m -- f 3i E Ding-a-ling-a -ling-a-Iingl Can't you hear the bell ring? First the man who Very smoothly. -- 5: J ., Cres. iT zfcztat S !a I 18 4-r. Next a beggar asking bread, Glad to worl when he is fed; Ting'- a-ling--a-ling-ling! Cant jou hear the bell ring? Now the gas man affer money, Then a peddlar peddling honey; Then a plumb erthen a drummer. Selling bools to read in summer, Ting a- ling- a- ling- ling ! Can't you hear the bell ring? 5 EP f ffi pi t-u.y.. , . -4f- g j H- Ding - a-ling - a - ling -a-Iingl Can't you hear the bell ring?- Now the gas man P te5 i -rv- Vcry smoothly. S -fc- p - Cres. - S i i (S (Si y J rJI fE es 2 M hi ' 4 J -sells ihe milk, Then a la -dy dressed in silk. Next a beg -gar ask-ing bread, 4 4 4 h I '. jE 0 1 0 J E? S d d s ' ar to S $ aft - er money, Then a ped-dler ped-dling hon-ey; Then a plumb-er, then adrummcr. IS ijEES fr-F'-- ? 3t3t 5P J J jl J P fee jU7J - p r P J rf.J 3 P?PEP: - r "1 1 Glad to work when he is fed;' Ting-a-Iing - arling - a-ling! Can't you hear the bell ring? 7 Urcs. j - "T i f r P H f; P -p- I -IV a5P5: 3C Sell-ing books to read' in summer; Ting-a-ling - a-ling - a-Iingl Can't you hear the bell ring? t k 3L mm Ld- 0 m- atzi: Ty 00 -- 9 a -ft- ?r-0 -P- Cres. ?C23C 5 (Selected from "The Songs of Father Goose," by Permission of the Publishers. Copyright, J900, by L. Frank Baum, W. W. Denslow, Alberta N. Hale.) a -a I ' & s 5j v it l ir; S.TS3 s