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f FJ y i i A ; V v K in... A- jjTwiBciysjfcjsMyjS'jfcjjigMBwjjpjjjjBjjOji f r BK i(i i' ki, ''Tri.SHuLuurSVPAiBB JH HALF A HUNDRED MILES OYER A PICTURESQUE ROUTE IN THESE STEAM CAR DAYS. "WRITTEN roil XII SUNDAY IlEPl"BLir. "Driving stage coach is a mighty steady Job," says Chris lluskey of No. 1931 Warren street. Ana Chi is ought to know, for ho drives stage coach arl carries the United States mail from the St. l,ouib post ollice to the Morse Mill post office, a forty-two-mlle ride, with nine intermediate stations. Each morning but Sunday cither Hus key's stago coach or the one driven by Jim Hanson of No. 2MG Arsenal street starts from the north, or mall wagon, side of the Custom-house nt G:C0 o'clock, with its load of mall sacks strapped on behind. Let's make a trip, with Chris Huskey and tee what we see. At Peterson's, tho first stop on South Broadway, the driver gets out and goes into the place to pick up sundry packages, and a "red soda." There are some laundry, pome notions and some burners for a gasoline etove in the lot. There are also directions concerning meat orders to be tilled for cus tomers along tho route, and some minor de tails to be looked after. Coming out of Petersen's, we discover the old lady who has climhtd in unassisted, and. having arranged her few baskets and par cels to her eiden; satisfaction, now beams complacently beneath her new black lion net: her hands incised in black lace half mitts, folded benignly across her lap. Dear old soul! She lb 72. Out past the Soulard Market, through the maze of produce wagons, which, if coming In our direction, respectfully and alertly turn aside to keep from Interfering with or obstructing the United Status mail, we rat tle at a biisk gait until we stop at Gravois avenue and Arsenal street to pick up a. fresh-faced country lass of H, who has been visiting relatives in tho city. Her shining new black paper valise stowed away beneath the seat, she shakes down her yellow braids in pink llbluns and opens out lier Japanese fan a sure proof that she Is an exp.jrielmd traveler. At a point on Gravois avenue Just before wo come to the House of the Good Shep lieid Chris, the dilver, pointing to home wagons dumping jocks ahead, informs us in an undertone, so that it may not reach the old lady's ea:s, that "There they go again, lalsln the devil with more rocks." Pretty soon we come to Tholozan avenue, :.nd the old lady glows reminiscent. ".My, oh, me!" she says. "See this hill we're just getting le.idy to go down? It's the old Too louzhau Hill, aim many's the old person re members that hill to their sorrow. Forty yeais ago it didn't use to be like it is now. It was all clay then, long before they bu'lt this loek road. Pulling up Tooloozhan Hill then was mighty different from what it is now. "They say Grant, used to frequently get stuck with a load o' ties on this hill. 1 leckou. though, that ain't the only kind o' load he cvir gut stuck with between here and further on out, whete he used to live in those days. I'll show you where the house used to stand when we came to the place. Oh. no, gracious not! I should say we ain't close to the place. It's a right smart bit yet to go before we come to where Grant used to live. "I should say 1 did know Julia Dent. J knew -ner before she was married, and aft- crwaidi. too. I reckon I ought to; 1 was iTHISRWHAT THEY CAlOWLgS H1U. Vat PER CKUS5EN5 Hll.1 born out on this road, and that's seventy two years ago. Why, my parents, bless you, are buried right over there, about two miles this .side of Jeff et son Barracks. "Here's whero we cross the River des Peres. Hut I suppose you know all about that, living in the city. There's no use me telling you about a little stream like that, although I've heard that some do call it "the Liver Disperse.' "Taln't much of a river, is it? Still, there have been people drowned in it when It was on the rampage. "Yes, this is the first post office stop, I believe. Nursery Post Office they call it. But I don't know much about It. In my days there wasn't much nursery business along this road, and I'm getting too old now to try to keep up with all the new things. Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you, there used to be a toll gate at the foot of Tooloozhan Hill, which was a holy ttrror, and steep in war times." Affton Post Office Is tho next stop, and, after we have left it behind, Gravois road, as it has now become, stretches out from hill to hill like a wind-tossed ribbon over a field of green. Wero one to follow the old horse's advice to his dlrver, "Walk me up hill, walk me down. Trot me when on level giound,"' there would be little trotting- in dulged in on most parts of the Gravois road. lluskey Is an old-time street car man. In 3S79 he was foreman of the Sixth street bam. Ho has driven a street car and has been a motorman on the California avenue line, and he looks after his stage coacli brako just the same as ho used to look after tho brake on his car. Just as constant ly and Just as carefully. And all the time ho keeps a-driving, he keeps a-driving. "Hold on there! Ease up a little!" Slap gets the brake under the driver's extended fcot. "There's a lady running down to the roail over there. She wants a paper. Well, we'll just about get to the mouth of that lane the same time she does. "Whoa, there! What is it, madam?" "Republic, please," says the lean old woman, who, but for the fire in her sunken eyes beneath the brown sunbonnet, and her eager thirst for news of the day, would be classed as decrepit. See how her gaunt 1 and trembles as she reaches up the two pennies for her purchase. See the fcveiish impatience with which she scurries up the lane, opening the newspaper as she goes. Tho girl in the back seat hasn't said a word. Perhaps she is wise and knows that it is unsate to talk to strangers when travel ing. Perhaps she is shy. or has been taught not to speak until spoken to. Turning half around cur old lady address es her. "Are you comfortable, daughter?" she asks. "Oh. yes'm." says the girl, blushing with the effort. "That's all pasture stock from the city.' volunteers the driver, with a wave of his whip to tho right. Those are all city horses sent out here to be put on grass while their owners are away at the seashore or some other old place, I don't know where. Wouldn't mind having the pick of a couple of good teams out of that lot myself, but I'm doubtful if they could stand this rock read, day in and day out It wouldn't sur prise me if it would go pretty hard on some of thoso high-steppers, this stage coach run." "You remember," asks one old lady, "a i year and a half, or so. back, there was a fellow tried to kill his wife and her mother I In St. Louis? I don't know but what ho did kill them. He had been separated from his , wife and she was stopping with her mother. So lie went to work and took a basket of dirty clothes to where there they were liv ing. It was wash day, and they were wash ing, and he just took the dirty clothes along j so as to Imve an excuse for going. Well. when he got there he tried to shoot and kill them both with a pistol he had in his basket of dirty clothes. And then ho shot and killed himself. "Well, that man used to live on this road, over in that house there. See, in that stone house right through those trees there. His first wife died and he married the girl that was working for them, and that's the one he shot. What do you think of that? "Kight up there's where a man got drunk and fell down and broke hi head o:i some stone steps. He went crazy." Tiger lllhs and hollyhocks seem to bo most numerous of flowers after the nurs eries have been posted, and hardly a house from the most substantial brick to the humblest log" cabin along the entire route special conr.nsroNDnxcEi. Sandoval, 111., Aug. 3. If "Uncle" Frank Blnnlon of Vernon, this (Marion) county, lives untl lthe ninth day of this month ho will have rounded out a century of years, and great preparations arc being made for a great gathering at his home on that day, there being from :: to 500 people expected to be present and participate in the cele bration. "Uncle Frank." as he is familiarly known,, was born in Hedford County, Va., the 3th day of August. IS), and was mairled In lSZi. His wife died in lSK. and lie has never remarried. He is the father of nine children, has 23 grandchildren and 31 great grandchildren. Coming to Illinois In 1S42, he settled just four miles from where he now lives. He has always been a stanch Democrat, cast ing his first vote for President for Andrew Jackson, and declares W. J. Bryan will get his next vote, if he lives to cast it. In 1S61 Mr. Binnion united with the Metho dist Episcopal Church, South, and stiiil re mains a member of that church. The family has a military record, both his grandfathers having fought In the Rev olution, his father in the war of 1S12, three sons in the Civil War, and four grandsons in the Spanish-American War. "Uncle Frank" is still hale and hearty and with his daughter conducts a hotel at Vernon. He always attends the Old Set tlers' Reunions, and never fails to get the prizes offered to the oldest man. and the man most active for his age on the grounds. He prefers walking to riding, often visiting neighboring towns in this way. ' When asked how he accounted for his longevity, he replied that it was regular habit?, and added that his father lived to bo 101 years old and his grandfather 110. He has never used tobacco and but very little liquor. His occupation has been. me vai& . ON Ij glVER - MILL AT but has Its share of tlic gorgeous blooms in surrounding profusion. Through the green underbruMi and over the shocked fields of golden grain comes the call of "Bob White." See, there runs a pair of quail now, just ahead of u., across the road. Hut the hunting grounds along Graols road are all well posted with warn ings, and offending hunters are severely dealt with. Under this splendid system of each farmer serving a his own game nr- den, the qnail have multiplied, and If "Hob White" must contribute himself to the tooth and palate of man. he apparently proposes to lender the self-sacrifice on the altar of his protector, the man who plants the giain lie eats, for there are many quail in the posted rounds along Chris lluskej's route. Our old lady Is talking again. "A little further along here," she is saying, "i v.ncre I u-ed to go to school. I paid so eems a week for board, and a dollar a. month tor schooling. And ris;ht up where that big tree is we ued to wash. Theie's a pond ip on top of that mound, and it never go. s dry. We lived over yonder in the wnol on the light, but our spring water was too haul, so we used to bundle the clothes up and bring them over here to cleanse them. It's funny, Isn't It, how a pond can stay up on top of a. hill that way and never go dry? "Sappington's the town we come to next, and it's named after the Sappingtons. Old Bona it -IiiiMpc1 "5 A' i hi& rasjFTTw: 3$3vW?: feiii-i.V? X4.?-ZI2rK2ZX.3A -. HfMa. rXCLE" FRANK IUXXICTX. Taken a Year Ago, on His !)l)th IJir thday. chiefly farming, although he was a carpen ter by trade. Many of the early pioneers of the county He buried in coffins made by "Uncle Frank," and tho labor, and often the material, were given by him. Coffins in those days were very rude affairs, when made, as they were, at home. Mr. Binnion says that he believes that he has siven -J.-7r'Mj5SSjW5 CEDAR HILL, . I Zeph wn about the first one to settle down I arounl In re, ami lie used to have a grist mill run b osen. It was a good deal Iiko a treadmill. The oxen first kept a-stepplng up. a-Mepping up all the time, and going no place in particular. Hut I suppose tli"y were useful, because a powerful lot of grist was turned out at Sappington's. I believe they did saw some logs there once upon a time, too. "There was old Zeph S.ippington. I was i telling you about, and then there m Jack I and S.ippington. And over jonder tluough there was where old Judge Fine . settled The Fines wcie from the State of the Siate of Virginia." our old , Virgiuia- lady repeated in a measured voice of re mm ct. M" "And over to the right used to be Sarah's Lick. We ue to live over there, and when my father died it's said he had money buried there. I don't know whether was so or not. for we never could locate It. Hut, from all I've ever been able to gather it must liae been over to the northwest that he bulled It. Now, maybe I oughtn't to s-ay anything about it. it seems so fool ish, but there are a grc-at many who :-ay tbat after my father's death he u-ed to come baik with a lantern at nights and look for that money h'mcif. Of eoaise oti don't belli ve anything like that. It all seems so foolish, doesn't It? "This is the Meramec River we're com ing to now, boys," says Huskey, "and that's more labor away than any man in the county, a fact which gives him more real satisfaction than if he had charged for his services. His life has been one of useful ness, and his fellow citizens intend to honor him right roally on the 9th of August. The little child in the picture Is a neigh bor's In whom he takes Ereat-'plcasure. THEY KKQV CjQOP 3ADDLE HORSES AHP glPE. THEM.. 1 the Highlands over yonder, way np on top of that hill. I don't know just how far it Is to there, but I reckon it's about three miles or three miles and a half. Here's Fenton Post Office over on this side of the bridge." he adds, after we have crossed the Meramec. "Yes," interrupts our old lady, "and about all you can say about Fenton Is mat it never seemed to go ahead like It ought to. It never was what It ought to be until the Germans took hold of it and made it what it is. Still, Fenton could pick up some yet if they'd only push it." Out from Fenton we begin to encounter waving fields of millet German millet, and Huskey says it makes the very best kind of feed, but for horses it ought to be cut icasonably early, before It heads out and gets too hard. And this Is what they call Bowles Hill. When we get up on top it's the end of St. Uouis County. From Fenton to Murphy's Post Office it is mostly up hill, and from Murphy to High Ridge It is all that way. From the high gicund the read is now trai cling we can look back and faintly see the distant city of St. Louis, with the ascending smoke ot its manufacturing industries. And off to the left are the dense black smoke c!oads that hang between Cheltenham and the great blue sky. As we climb up to High Ridge the driver succors what remaining spirit there Is icft in the now tired team for a final spurt up to the tavern, where we encounter the stae from the south. Here we alight and find the tavern's dining table with each seat occupied. Somebody says s-omething about "seven-up" and the driver gets stuck. It's a good joke on the driver. For a respectable space of time after din ner we sit around in the shade while Huskey and Hansen compare notes and exchange orders for various articles they are to pick up and deliver to people along the route over which the other has already passed this morning. On an eminence out from High Ridgo our old lady points out the quaint little houo ot tho "Dirty Doctor." When he first built the house It was a los house, she says, anj when he built on that barren ridge every body predicted he would never get along there. But he did. and what's more, he beautified the place, planted peach and other fruit trees. The house Is boarded over now, and. while some log outbuild incs remain, it is altogether a quaint and picturesque setting In a most beautiful and romantic spot. But while the picture of ex ternal beauty still survives. It is said of the Dirty Doctor that he died as he lived, unmarried, unloved, unkempt and alone on a bed of dirty rags. "It's getting pretty hot, don't you think, boys?" asks Huskey. as we start down En tire Hill, the steepest and longest on the re.ute. This hill runs down and down through the timber, and the shade of spreading trees we find most enjoyable, Huskey is more th.-n busy with the brake when the sound of a "Holloa!" comes to us. We pull up and out of the' shade on the lower side of the road comes a man who afks If we see a boy a mile or so down the road looking' for lost cattle to please tell him he has them located down in the timber here and he's minding them, and to tell the boy to come en back and help drive 'em home. At House's Spring Post Office our old lady gets out and wo bid her a pleasant adieu. "Good-by, all," she cries from her dooryard, "and don't forget to throw one of those big fishing hats over In the yard when you come back this way. It will make a good sunshade for the garden." The girl on the back seat, she of the yel low braids in pink ribbons, manages to stammer a faint "good-by," and nearly choker with the effort. , Further on down the road j came to Y2:ii&ftm'&2gT - S?z the famous House's Sprlntr. ancT, whlta Huskey drives the team Into the branch that they may drink, we get out to quench, our thirst with the cooling water. A fleck of geese impedes our way. One glance at the camera is. enough for them, ani they allow us to pass. And now it Is the bashful girl's turn to get out. We deposit her at the mouth of a lane which lead up past a fie!J. wherein, above the rails of a worm fenco. we can see a thrashing' outfit at work. And now we come to Bis River, and, crossing it. -get a good view of Van der Crussen's mill. The waters or Big- River have a fall out of the ordinary, and numer ous water-power mills lot Us banks at good points of vantage. Byrnesvllle Is the next post office. Thl is the place where the tie rafts went to pieces the other day, and the boss rafter, who halls the stage coach down by the dam, points out scattered portions of the awful wreck. "I feel powerful bad over It." he says. "I sure feel powerful bad. About as bad a a man could feel about anything", I reckon, unless he lost his wife, or some thing like that. "Just think. Mister Huskey. there was I.;;??, tie? In them two rafts." he goes en. "It was two days after the big rain of last week. I knowed " "Get out!" says Huskey. "you don't say? Fifteen hundred and twenty-three! That's a powerful lot o' ties to lose nt once. Didn't you get any of 'em back?" "A few, just a few. Nothln like what I'd like to have. An' them I did recover had about four lnche" o" mud on 'em. Had to raise 'em f'm the bottom, y know. An just think. Mister Huskey. I could o' saved 'cm all If I'd only had one more rope. Yes, sir: Just one more rope. It's too bad. but I sure can't help It now. I done nil I could do, an' that'." all any man can do." At Cednr Hill Post Office we encountered another mill and the biggest store on tho route. It takes our driver, some time to transact his business here, as there 1st something of a "paper mail" to be turned over here to n man who Is waiting" for It with a cart and a saddle bag with "U. S. M." stamped on it. While the Important routine I" being gone through with we watch two small and freckled boys stoning" a lizard. Closer and closer nre we getting, now In to the heart of primitive nature. Into hill sides where myriads of rattling good shinny club"' are just naturally going to waste. This is Missouri, the Mirsouri so dear to those who dwell here, so teeming tvlth Its rich bottom lands, so resourceful In timber and mineral wealth hidden In Its hills. Here's where they raise good corn and good wheat- Here's where excellent potatoes are grown. Here's where the best of Irish set ters whelp their young pnd the squirrel dog comes in handy. Here's where they grow the "hillside navy." Here's where they know good horses and ride them. Here's where they raise that most valuable ani mal, the Missouri mule. Now we are far enough away from St. Louis to lose sight of the truck and vegetable farms. This Is our great, undeveloped Missouri. It Is getting late now and the long shad ows stealing through the runs, "the arrows of sunset lodging in the tree tops bright" on the lower side of the rock road, all go to remind us that we are getting- decidedly hungry. And now we are at Morse's mill, our journey's, end. Let us go In and wash up for supper. Ye-?, Mr. Winer will accommo date us. Corn pone, buttermilk, bacon and newly laid eggs, hot biscuits, jam. strong coffee, fresh vegetables and a quiet smoke on the store porch after supper. It's worth com ing for. Besides, the bass are biting good just below the dam now. DICK .WOOD, -jjSv z-n : -U"ii'' -tAtr P.S -.W jL ft 'V i in . ir--... its' J'.rw1i.3.v(.i ". .v-avje.-rir. jr . SSM