Newspaper Page Text
- -.-- - ?' 1 MUSICIANS, amateur and pro- FTT fessional, wiii be interested in ' I ' THE THE most WONDERFUL STORY of the year. Next Sunday's Republic. Four Maga zine pages in colors. A four-page Comic Section. Colors. four or five taking Sunday Republic features. & & COLORS. & A NIXETY-TLTIRB YEA.E. ST. LOUIS, MO., FRIDAY. OCTOBER 39. 1000. lilt. J1' OutsloVM. l.ul.'Sit Cent llii Trains. Tlirt-e CsMUs. QPTl LOUIS xiiiil UJdJuIO. P n 4 i I k r KANSAS CITY CROWD STIRRED Wt D0CKERY. Republican and Democratic Ad ministrations Pointedly Compared. SPEECH AT LEE'S SUMMIT. Fallacy of Republican Pros perity Argument Clever ly Expasei. . I!--l-I nj('SPK"'J.l. !;?!. niv, M.. Oct. U s4Irrta I,,r.f-.. ,t lmnnrrats .if Countv wt.' i rtr-?-'! hv -Aloiandt-r 1'oekvrv -'tern to!-!.i. Tw.ntv-tlve liuntlnd eti'u "ia'ti rtiC'Vrv wor.- in aid armi'id Tn-ncr II !! wl' Ststo PofunlFeemsn Frank I'. TWh c. I!-I the meeting to order. .'!l"ir t!e p-j.i-t':nitv to pav it graceful tribut- to ti-o u. trflitI record of sixteen rears In Co c-rsit of tbe Democratic candidate for Go-. ..-r. J .-.'. K Peak, mi ettnrno' of Kanas 'ly. who wis Minister to Switzerland un lrr Cleveland, presided. "J Iocfce-. In Ills stvc-h, covo-ed br'ellv the. rntirt tlctil f 3r-,!e nM.? TinMan-,! (ssi!-. He -- for two V.ur. topite the piln-j nil.- ?nfmed rlItloti - f Ji's hroit. and tl-e nnnlctuf of hi U'M I'-e showeJ lh:it he wo "fsw Ir g- a fertile foil. :'-. r-Krrj- b3n since lt Tuesday bon eor'tfiltti to forego spepVlng in tl-e ovn rlr bec'se of the cenoition of his vo'c. In tf'e ; demonstration ?.t Noosho he ad dressed some I.Xt persons from a stand In th Courthouse stjuare. The !. wa raw :ml pustv nn-1 the ef fort to Trfco !!-trfIf heard bv so Iare a rather t,t j.:ovtd a pevr ro ta on his voice. Since thn he has hail to narw it caro-'il-Iv. N'i matter low ipcny wanted to bear hirr- ' lia oki'n irdocr. r!Iowi:iir othr FIHai:trs to aJ-trcrs overflow rnc'tlni hn other s;cakers were at hand. At .loplin strcnr priojre was hroucht to pet Mr. IVx-kerj' to MaJi f'om the Courteous pervV. ;.t Uutirr a sjK-erli in the Court'ioiue hxji'iro had ben arrar-ed for and at llleii , il! a meeting it th cit- park wa irojrhel. hut i!r. Df-rkv was eompeilfl to f-peak Indoors Ilf suetI and rv celd trMmnt from Doctor J. W. Gain, u throat f.p-oiili'-t, o! this city this evening. I.i'e Stimniit Itt'orpticiu. This cfternoon Mr. DocSerr spolte at Xoc'3 Summit in Jackson County. Lee's Summit is the center of one of th lt-t annle-produrlni sectiirna of the country- Apple Catherine is now In proves. Tnp!oinK larpe nmnheis ot pickers. Store house rr.en and cider pressors are alo at teir huIest. Despite these drawbacks a larpe Ratberlni; Rreetcd llr. Docker". The meeting had been rlanncd for the Fair Grounds, but Jlr. Dockery inflated in H?:'klns Indoors, and a hall was hastily Fecured. in which the decorations! from a previous Republican meeting were still up. A. .AOis hwl iiHJn-aiiitJhe.j:j!lI.dinr..r themes, was among theso 0vn'tlons. It J j;ae tho. speaker a topic for discussion that ! licited appr!ati ap:iAUc. I 'There, has teen a vc-y limited measura I 6f prosperity durinjr tlie recent tast," he caid. "This condition has, however, been , Fhared by every civilized country on earth. . Germany, England and Frtice were not a whit behind the United States. The much- j Vaunted lull dinner pail was carried by NINE PROFESSORS CHANGE TO BRYAN, Missouri University Teachers Are Opposed io Imperialism and the" Trusts. ei'Kciai. Columbia. Mo.. Oct. It 'vVilllam J. Eryin ill receive the votes of nine professor of the Missouri Etato University who did not tupport him in 1SSC Jn addition there are tv.o or more who have not decided whom they will support for President. Four years aso several Missouri Univer sity professors, who had been voting tho Democratic ticket, left tho party upon the monetary is.ue. These have all returned upon the iysue of imperialism and trustj. COHSUHER PAYS THE PRICE. Coal Will le lTiaher-l'riced Tlmn I'efore the Strike. J:Kri'Bl,IC Sl'KCIAI Xew York, Oct. IS. Coal prices will never lie reduced to the point where they were be!ore the Pennsylvania strike in the opin ion of rpiail coal dealers of this city. They tay that the ttrike has iermanently ralstd the price of coal at least W cents on the ton. "The consumer will have to pay the !n-creux- in the wascs of the miners." said Thomas Stokes, one of the largest retailers !n tha city, to-night. Other coal men agreed .with this view. New York consumers In other words, to gether with tho consumers of the rest of the country, the dealem say, will take tho role of the toal operators and pay the min rs the advance of 10 per cent they have won in their tight for more wages. In speaking of the present situation to night Thomas Stokes said: "There la a gen eral supposition on the part of the con sumers that, as the strike is over, the price of coal oucht to go back at once to the old figures. They do nut understand wny It does not go back. Tho reason is plain. There is no coal end the operator." will see to it that the tupply is not greatly increased for the present, at least." CAN NEVER ACT AGAIN. Roland Heed's Physician Says He lias Intestinal Cancer. r.trunuc spcciau New- York, Oct. IS. noland Kecd, the weli kr.own comedian, underwent a. third opera tion to-day. As a victim of intestinal can cer lie has been under treatment at St. Luke's Hospital for the last six months. At midnight to-night it was said at tho hospital that the operation was considered a success, that Mr. Uevd was doing as well a could be expected under the circumstances, and that he was In no Immediate dangciT Natur ally, after tho operation he was very weak. Physicians say that even if Mr. Heed sur vives tho shock of the three operations, he can never hope to act again. His malady, they declare, h of such a character as to make that impossible. They give It as their oplnton that ho may even be.bedrU den for life. If the doctors are right the stage has lost one of its most popular comedians. - ?..,-- .' . D0CKSRY COMPARES o o PARTY RECORDS. ""oinpaio the records nf I'm Dcino- 4 cralio aiid tho i:ev"blicJn party iu A Jlh-tiiiri: "The KepuhlKans Ionic! the school fund, wiplm; out from It iKxIlly over J.". The Democrats have a;.d that fund so that it has Mcadl- ly iiicreail. and so it now s I rliiRS In en income oC from S to C O Iicr cent. r Tlii Iteptiblicaiis made a record fvr extr.'ivatianco and wastefulness c eiiual"d orlv hy the State govern- incuts in the South during mini- direction das. The IHinoersits have O O eoiiducted the State gnvcrnmont with O le money in proiortion to the size O of the Ptato th:ui any otlier State in O V tfce I'nion. Tho tax rate for State V revenue punioyes. which Is the lowest & A in the Union, proves thl. ? "Tile Keruhlieans sold to Iteptih- Mean rol'ticiar.s for M131.4M the Itm of ?JlSI0 held by the State O asaiii.t the rallrcud-s. "The Democrats hac rclu.-eil the f Imn-Icd debt of the State from ..- Jh,'JiO to Jl.STO-i in twenty-live O years, lejvlns out of account the school fur.d certiticitcs amounting to O a'wut J I.SuO.OOil." Alexander Dockery 0 at !CitL"as City. Frenchmen. Uncllshmcn and Germans in thtir home counrles as well as by Ameri cans. Did McKinley Rive these nations the measure of prosperity they fnJoyedT Ho ('Ij fot. Nor did he give it to Americans, l'rosperity ilors not depend on adminltra lien and legislation, ecvpt irust prosper ity, which is the outgrowth of lli tmblican ler'slation. "I'resiJent llelllnley and h!' supporters re estoTiins tniJ reputed prosperity so that the people may not notice the mine lelnc; dujr under tho founJatlom of tho American Hepublic The d.nuer pall is to diftract the attention of the people from the los of the Declaration of Independence. It Is offered as a bribe to induce the Ameri can people to condone the hdation of the provisions of the United States Constitu tion. Thes men are reekonlns without their ho.t. Americans won: f r tl eC'-ntenU of thf.Ir dinner pUls and tho- will vote to preserve the rrlnrplcs on which this Re public is founded." Congressman Cowherd, whose district cm braces Jackson County, nlt-o addressed the meeting. Epeaklns on the Philippine ques tion. Mr. Dockerv was entertained at I,ee's Summit by the family of Mr. I.. Lampkin. (tl tor of the Journal, a. former fellow townsman. A rairaV: of good sized bets are belmr made in Missouri. Henry Christman of Uich 1III1 has bet John Karnhaur. a cattle raider near theic. $1,010 to liOSO that McKlnI,y will be defeated. The former lost Jl.DOJ to -e..l3n. oct!iej:amo list In ItS-t ' a Kanssts City travellnc; mm who covers AVestern M,issouri has bet that he can name live States which llryan lost In li"50 and will carry this year, and that his opi'onent can not name Ave States which McKinlcy lost in WJQ and will carry. In IW. The Bryan man named Kentucky. Mary 'and, Delaware, Xew York and Indiana. Ills opponent baa not yet submitted his list. Twenty-llvo dol lars kocs on each State named. joiix c. i.nnn.N-3. A CHICAGO TRUST ATTEMPTS COERCION, Is Endeavoring to Influence Voles by Discharging Trusted Employe.-. nKPirni.ic si'i:ci.i Terre Haute, Ind., Oct. IS. Plerson Tiros., the largest lumber firm ot this city, to-day notified President George II. Holt of the American Lumber Company of Chicago that they desired to cflso all farther business relations with that company ns tho result of a letter from President Holt, under dato of October 17, which opens as follows: "We beg to inform you that J. T. Cropsey is no longer In the employ of this company. We expect to send ar.ither man in his plico t'S soon after McKlnley is elected as practi cable." Plerson Ifros. ma.e public a statement that tho letter constitutes such an indecent attempt to Influence votes for a political party that they desire to permanently revcr business relation with the company, al though they have maintained pleasant busi ness relations with tho company for somo years. Similar letters arc supposed to have been sent all ever the country. BOERS GROW MORE ACTIVE. They Xow Interrupt Communica tion With Pretoria. Pretoria, Oct. IS. The IJoers are daily tearing up portions of tho railroad and cut ting the telephone and tr.legraph wires. Their attacks are Intolerable. Tho repair linesman cannot leave the ganUbn points without considerable e2cort The only remedy seems to lie to corral all tho burghers and deport them, a apparent ly none can lie trusted. DILLINGHAM IS ELECTED. Former Governor of Vermont Be comes United States Senator. Montpeller, Vt.. Oct. IS. rormcr Govern or W. 1. Dillingham was elected United States Senator by the Vermont Legislature to-day. Tho choice was made on the third ballot, C. A. Prouty, one of the four Republican candidates, having withdrawn, and the Democr-itlc members, who previously had voted for Stnee-a Hazelton, having decided to support Dillingham. TRANSPORT'S MOURNFUL CARGO Twelve Insane, U Sick and 42 Dead From the Philippines. San Francisco,-Cal., Oct. IS. The United States transport Sherman arrived to-night, thirty-five, days "from Manila, via Nagasaki. She brought fifty-three cabin passenseis, 487 sick. 1S2 discharged, 71 prisoners, 12 ln lano soldiers and 42 bodies. -.i..-rfr .-",''C''."'J'J'l')"'"' '''""' s----' ; -.? .--'-" j,...,aJ' - - - te. .;.if? Ais cT4- l,Al? Atfon y KffSSff I ftBl yy 4&SH O Q Rlir f a mmSSm Wmm W THE ESTJSH.IOJLIsr SWEATSHOP. R3JS55A ANSWERS THAI SHE Czar Declared to Cc 5ceking No further Territory Only Foirght When Siberia Wes Invaded Striking Interview. SPECIAL 1W CAIil.B. Yalta, Russia, Oct. IS. (Copyright. iffl. ty tho New York Herald Company.) While In St. Petersburg a few days I was ablo to gauge up to a certain desree tho vast r.mount of annoyance which recent even:s In China had caufed in the Russian For eign Ofjcs., Tii.2nnoyanco was unlimited. l'here are tnusc who have held that Rus rla was at the bottom of all the recent ChlneFO troubles. Never wero people moro utterly misled than those who formed s,uch a concluMo.n. It Is utterly fal.-e. On the contrary, what I It amed In St. Petersburg was that, so far from fomenting nny trouble In the Far Last, Count .Mo-i-a-v.'eff. tho la to Minister for Foreign Affnl-s, waj so utteily unsuspecting of tho t' mote events which sent tho whole of Uurope Into paroxysms of alarm the Insurrection, massacres and the like that when tu whole truth burst upon him it was with a :tu.-Idenncss th:.t caused his death. In St. Petersburg I found that tho im pulsive action of the G-rman Ka!er Is taken very seriously a3 marking a new lino of German policy, a working away from Russia and thus a direct departure from the ItNmarckian policy, which was hlgh'.y prized by Russia. The Kinperor's couro had caused likewise n feeding of resentment. Tho right ptr-on was here, a personage who has the rlsht to j-peal: uron the foreign Ixjlltles of Rus.ti.i. and none could doubt his knowledge. It Is not the Czar. You can gues who Is. and you Will prob ably guess right the first time. He m es his Imperial Majesty daily and is fully con versant with the Emperor's political views. What he sild In general follow: "The position taken by the United States has been in the highest dc-ree gratlfving to Russia. I have noticed in all our dea -Ings with the United State how tiuicklv and intelligently the true meaning of the rituatiun was grasped. In this cjso t.f China the American Government at onco seized with practical Instinct th. true line to follow, eo us to obtain Justice without placing the Government in an position and thus defeating tho very ends necessary to obtain if peace were to be pre served." "Hut. jour Excellency, evil d s,j,ns have been attributid to liusia in this e'h.iie.-.. matter. Among other things, it has said sho Iwid brought about the cntirn trouble." Frienilffliip for America. "What sensible, thinking person Is going to bellove t-uch a thing a3 that In the face of facts7 Russia's net.ou has bee-u an open book from beginning to end." Then, continuing with mor force in his tone, he said: "I defy any one to show that Ru-bia has deviated In any respect from tho policy which has btcn announced, and which it glvtn openly In tho Russian press-. What Russia undertook to do she did. Hvr policy has been open and perfectly simple from the first." "You are accused Of a desiro to anne Manchuria." With an impatleut Gesture, ho replied. sharply: "How ridiculous, in the face of ovenfs. The truth Is that so far from havlnir ue signs upon Manchuria. Rus'a's frontier in that part was not properly protected. We are po unprepared that we had to submit to be attacked and frimixirileJ. Does that look like our being prepared to annex Man churia7" It Is none too politio In Russia to touch uiMin the name ot tho Czar, so I asked him what ho thought of the Czar himself. b ing talked of as a partisan of war. At this he locked as if he thought of asking wheth er Fueh a thing could be 'meant seriously; then, replying, he said: "Can any one believe that. In the face of what my august master has done to show himself the truest friend of penccT" At this point the conversation turned up on the peace convention at The Hague, and the energetic manner In which Americans had taken up the matter, compared with the lukewarmness of many other nations. This his Excellency admitted, saying: "His Majesty the Emperor never omits nr. opportunity of commenting upon the good si irit of Americans upon all matters In which we have come In contact." This led on to the matter of Interests which should bring the United States and Russia together arid of the early Increasing trade relations which tho United States were building up with Russia. ot SerWInc Territory. Finally we came back to the Chirco aucstlon. Putting some rather pointed questions. I asked him whether he knew of the report, which had fo-.nd some believers, that Russia had sugg'sted the recall of the allied troops so that, havin? once got them away, she might herself at a given moment return and occupy tho Chinese capital. "Really," he said, "the whole matter ap pears to me so simple-. Our Ministers and our people were In great danger In Pekln. It was one duty to relieve them. We under NU, x J 3p I m WrL w " vrif? m. & THE CHARGE PROVOKED CHINA. took to do ro and we achieved their rescue. "Hut Pekln from that moment had nn further Importance, because It was no longer tho t-eat of tho ChlneFO Govern ment." "Russlri does not, then, want to gain ter ritory In China?" IIIi Excellency sut back and looked un utterable things. That, with a touch of sarcasm In his voice, lie said: "Just look at our country." "Can nny one who knows this country Imaglno for a moment that Russia Is In want of neditional territory?" "Rut Russia nteds harbors." "Russia," replied his Evccllency, "is i cmito content with what she has got. What s.he wuncs is time to develop." "Rut suppose Germany forces tho situa tion?" "If the other Powers, one or any of them, wero to thftik It right to push matters and .inius Chinese territory, then Rus.-la would have to come In and hold her own. That Is not whit Rusla wishes. Such a policy would only be forced upon hrr." VICE CONSUL RAGSDALE DEAD. Ilcpresentalive at Tien-T.Mn Ex pired at Nagasaki. . Washington. Oct. 13. Tho Statn Depart ment has received a rerort from tho Con Mil at Nagasaki of the death at that pljco I oi Septfinher 13 of uertrnnd W. Ragsdalo. i Vice Consul ntid Marshal of tho Consular I Court at TIcn-Tfln. China, i Mr. Ragsdalo was u resident of Santa ' Rosa. Cal.. and was appointed Marshal In j lti'S and Vice Consul In KvX He had gone from Tlen-Tsln to Nagasaki Jn July for ! the benefit of his health. LEADING TOPICS IX 10-DAY'S REPUBLIC. I'or Mlisfinri OcnTal!- fair Friday mitl iirolinlily S.iiur!u : stiutht'Usterl) ivintift. I'or Illinois Fair I'rltlny nnrt S-atnr-layt llKht fre!i nortlicnstrrly, sl,lrtl:iK tn koiithcrlj, winds. For .trUiinsns Generally fair Fritlny nnil :iturda; Miiilurrly nlnils. Page. 1. Dockery at Kansas City. Ilryan's Reception Unprecedented. 2. Doctor W. J. Walt Abandons McKinlcy. 2. Democrats Nominato City Ticket. i. Hl.nols Politics. One WIro Carried Two Languages. Captured Rand ot Counterfeiters. S:ored City Administration. Instantly Killed by Kinlcch Special. Race Horse to Run for Creditor. S?ven Rursluries In Two Months. o. Gray Is Oppo-cd to Imperialism. Two Sisters In Double Wedding. Miners May Call Second Convention. St 1juI.s Schools Are ModeLs. Federal Emplojcs Made to Disgorge. Elklns Faitcd to Greet Roc-'evelt. Shot In Quarrel With a Woman. C. Race Track Results. Chit-Ago Real Country Club. Lroti'tvlyns Won the Scries. 7. Stark Ce In Supreme Court. Had to Pay His Tailor. Druggist Perished Amid the Flames. 8. Editorial. Plays and Plaj crs. Social News. 9. Tho Railways. 10. Republic Want Advertisements. Record of Rlrths, Marriages, Deaths. Transfers of Realty. U. Republic Want Advertisements. Nw Corporations. Growth of Commerce in tho Far East. Hawaiian Politics Warming Up. 12. Grain and Produce. Cattle Sales. 32. Financial News. River Telegrams. 14. Tried for Six Weeks to Wed. Masons- Elect and Install Officers. Iloibera Fled Frcm Aci;craicjia. - ;;.j - .. MOST PONISH GUILTY BEFORE WAR CEASES, France Insists on Immediate Exe cution of loxers and Accomplices. LI ADMITS RESPONSIBILITY. Peace Envoys Ask the Plenipoten tiaries to Formulate Separate Demands China's Position. Paris, Oct. 1J. The Havaa agency has re ceived tho following dispatch from Pekln: "Tho Diplomatic Corp3 has received a Joint note from LI Hung Chang and Prince Ching. raying that it Is tlmo to end the present situation, and to treat for peace, nrd that tho Princes and Ministers who were accomplices of th Eosers will be handed over to tho courts to bo Judged and pun ished according to Chincso law. "In their quality of plenipotentiaries, Li Hung Chang and Prince Ching offer to treat for peace and accept tha principle of In demnities for the legations destroyed. The losses aro to be estimated by dc-legales of the Powcre. "European nations can be accorded fresh commercial advantages on tho old treaties modified, but. r-s the requirement of tho Powers vary, each Power mast formulate Its own. "The plenipotentiaries demand nn Imme diate cessation of hostilities because of their offer, nnd request nn interview with the Tsung Li Yamen for October a. "Replying to the note. M. Plnchon, th French Minlr-ter. raid that China, hiving recognized that she had violattd tho law of nations, was bound to accept, for that very rc'tMiii. tho responsibilities Involved. Con Lcquently ho demanded that cscmplary punishment bo Inflicted upon the principals gullty.namcly: Prince Tuan.Prince Chwang. Kang Ylnd Tung nnd Ty Hsiang.adding that so long ns their heads had not fallen It was impossible tn ce.u-i hostilities. "M. Pinchou has been confined to his bed for wv nil das with a slight attack of tjphus. but his condition is not grave. "Owing to the arrival of Count von Wal derser. Gcreral eyron. commander of tho French forcer, has decided to pinions his stay In IWn until he receives fresh or-d-rs." WILL LOSE ENGLAND'S TRADE. Frenchmen Warned Against the Intended Ovation to Kruger. SPECIAL RY CARLE. Paris. Oct. IS. (Copyright. 150, by tr New York Herald Co-npany.) M. Cm-i'ly In the Figaro points out that nny oW-l-'T to President Kruscr In Franco will s'iil further spoil tho relations between Franco and Encland. English society has held aloof, or nearly so. from tho Exposition. Last winter it de serted the Azure Coast and went elsewhere to spend 113 guineas. This 13 a situation of which the rntel keepcrs and manufacturers v. ho depend up on the English complain. It will ba worthy only of brawlers to prolong It. "Moreover," tho writer continues, "part cf our foreign trade lives on tLo English. England dally absorbs tho cgricultural products of a French Province. It Is tho profit for our peasants which Is the envy of our neighbors to the north. "It will be a Cno thing to dcprlvo them ot it for the benefit of the Uelgians. Dutch, Swedes, Norwegians, and. to a certain ex tent, the Germans. "We can obtain this desirable result by giving ovatlon3 to President Kruger, against whom the English are still mu;h ir ritated." fi'KINLEY GOING TO FRISCO. Will Witness the Launching of the Ohio in April. San Francisco, Cal.. Oct. IS. The Ohio Society of California has received informa tion of a definite nature to the effect that President McKinlcy will vWt this city next April to witness the launching of Iho bat tleship Ohio, which is new nearlng compts tlon at the Union Iron Works in this cty. The society Is alrcaoy working on plans for tho reception of the President and tho distinguished guests who will accompany him on his visit to thLs cltr. life- BRYAN'S RECEPTION WITHOUT Every Newspaper in New York Admits His Tour of the Slate Is Unparalleled. Republican Managers Astonished ot the Warmth and txtent of Democratic Candidate's Welcome to Their Former Strongholds Another Day of Continuous Ovations. rnrtmuc srnriAu New York. O-t. IS. Ever7 new .-paper in New York, whether hostile or friendly to tho Democratic candidate for the presi dency, is compelled to admit that Mr. Ilryan's reception In the Interior ot tho Empire Sate is without preclnt No presidential candidate eve- addressed lirger or moru enthu-Iastis audio! ce. In many cases the crowds haw exceed- I tho population of th towns visited. Democratic- lea.krs here in New York, from former Governor Stone and Richard t'rok.r iluv.ii. ure s-ttisfifl that the recep tion accord. '1 to Mr. Rryan In the Re publican ..trii.sholds can mean but oni j f titi g. There villi Ik; an Increased Demo cratic vote up th? State In November. Of the temper of the people who greeted Mr. Rryan to-day the staff correspondent of tho Herald. w1h has accomiati!ed the jmccrat.c candidate through half a dozen States, says: "William J. Ilryan's second tiny of cam paigning In this State was productive of larger crowds and greater enthusiasm than the first. His route lay throuijli the Mo hawk Valley, lie made twenty speeches, equaling his highest mark in this cam paign. Tho econd day In Michigan ho inado tho same number of spetches. "Mr. Rryan waj heard to-day with greuier rtspcet than has been shown In any ether State this year. Since his campion tour along the va.ley In !'? there has been a striking change in the attitude of the resi eentff. He was then without question in tin- enemy's country. He was to-day every where amors friends. In strong Republican countiei. like Fulton, no man could have been treated with sreatrr consideration. "Mr. Rryan himself to-r.lght Is seriously GREAT WAVE OF BRYAN ENTHUSIASM Q SWEPT REPUBLICAN MOHAWK VALLEY. j IIY LANGDON SMITH. ittrimuc srojiAK Syracuse. N, Y.. Oct. IS. William Jen nings Hryin to-diy followed tho lipe of greatest Republican resistance. He followed the moss-covered backbone of tho Stato from Albany alon,r the Mohawk Valley to this city. He made eighteen speeches to crowd ranging from 1.C0O to 13.0CO. In all thoso rpecches there was r.o tremor or deviation from his fixed principles. Into all of them ho threw his heart and souL In each of them was the splendid infusion of belief and cnthurfasm which marked the opening ad dress of M present campaign. Those who say that Rryan is an actor do not know tho man: thoe who areert that he is a shallow charlatan tpeal: foolishly and without knowledge. The Interest and enthusiasm tOiown by the great crowds along the line of cni'ada to-day was In no way Inferior to that of yesterday. The towns at which he stopped rrcmed to ft el the prci-ence of the man. They made that feeling visible in ilag3 and Lunting and para-ling crowds. The throngs were not altogether Demo crats. Hundreds, nay thousands, of them were men who. realizing that they wero citizens cf a Stato without n Governor, came to listen to the Democratic candidate and were converted. There was no doubt among thoso on tho Iiryan train that th-j trip of the Democratic candidate was giving a grent Impetus to the Democratic canviss In th's section, and that a well-defined and crystallized srupport from new voters was being rstablL-htsl. oi.n CA.Mi'.iGM:ns AttE A5TO.MMIUU. Frank Campbell, chairman of the Dem ocratic State. Committee, under whese dlr.c tlon this trip Is being made, is an o.d cam paigner In this neck of the wood.-. So Is Judge Rulgcr of Oswego. Roth men are careful and conservative, and are not given to fl!,;ht.s ,f political fancy. When war hortc3, as hardened to Imprcs sion as these, get up and shake hands with each other at tho end of a dsy's campaign, it is pretty good evIJenco that things arc going to their satisfaction. Governor Roosevelt's shameful desertion of tho duties to v.-hlch he is sworn lias had much to do with this recession of Re publican sentiment. The It- publicans them selves are awar cf It and are tolng la a hundred wajs to overcome it. They havo no loophole of excuse for Roosevelt. At almost every station along the route to-day they had ported hugo bills warning the voters against Democracy in the fol lowing way: "Rryan Is here, lis t-1 ction means na tional dishonor and Indusmal collapse." "A vote for Rrvan is a voto for low waises or no wages: brea I riots and siup'ioUse3." There were no foot notes explaining why Bryan's election meant nalionil dishonor. There wero no postscripts telling how he raeint to bring ab ut Irdusffo! collapsi. There was no marginal light thrown on the. question as to Juat how n vote for Rryan would be a vote for low wages or no wages. or how ho would Inaugurate bread riots or cnnnhnilFiMi Tl-prp iriq nnthlnt- in sooth, but pinchbeck assertions without fact or foundation. As early as was tho hour for starting this dav'.s harvesting, Rrjan found 4 0 0 pt r-'ons waiting for him at Schenectady. Her.? were the huge electrical works which cmplov thousands of men. To them Rryan spoke of the evils of trusts In tho m-itter of consolidation. To the large crowd at Fond.-t. Bryan opoka as to an agricultural community. lie tol.l them that they had enjoyed four vears of good rains and r.o drought. "If you vote the Democratic ticket, do you think there will be a drought? Tho Re pubiicars do not control the rain crop. If they did you can depend that you woulJ have to buy every shower." When the train rolled away the crowd was still laughing ar.d cheering. IMIYA.V CIIEKHEU DY ItEPinMCAXS. At Johnstown, a notoriously Republican town, there were 2rt persons ar.d a band. Speaking of the trusts, Bryan expressed his belief that they should run their business through the legislature Instead of forcing upon the people a government of the syndi cates and for the syndicates. "Suppose all these glove factories were combined under one management." he sild. "what would hapien then? Your trade would be ru)nel ar.d your poverty assured. Under the present condition if an emplover does not pay ou fair wages there Is an opportunity of going to other employer in your trade who will." There was a splendid crowd and much en thusiasm at Clovcrsvllle. Four thousand persons were gathered around the speak er's platform. A low shed went down with a crash under a superabundance of we'cht of enthusiasm, but nobedy was Injure i. Bryan was asked about the Ice Trust. He again referred the matter to Governor IlooBovelt. wh once hod it In charge. At c,....... -. ..-.w,...... - . -.- .-.- n. . PiECE! a-ttliig, 'What doe c this change meant "Th cr-iwds have bee'i large lntrinicil ly. ar! the overshibiwing feature of tho ,1'iy's work has lieen tlie deep seriousness of an extra' rdlnarlly large number of intelli gent v,.i rs " AM. l-'.rTMl' MIW SIIM1I I-'Olt IIJtY.W. Incidentally Mr. Ilrvan. during Ii' May In New York, has effected n rwonc'llation bf tween Ittchxrd Croktr and Davli It. H'lt. At Madison Square- Gar Ion on OctoVr 27. when Mr. Rryan 1 to address tho lc no--croti- ClnKs of tbe tountrv. he will I sur rounded by Croktr. IIIU nl tceir respcet'vo fo"ower. nnd by Comptroller Rird ri. Coler. TMs meeting will 1 tAlv a Democratic love feast. It will mark Mr. Rrvan's la3t nprearance In the metropolis. He will go from here tp interior counties not previously v'slftl and then continue on his Journey cs alr'.sdv laid down. Richard Croker Is supremely confident that Rryan and Stevenson will carry th3 State l.v a large majority, and Former Gov ernor Stone, who Is a close observer, is in cline! to accept the Tammany chieftain's Judgment. It seems certain. In any event, that if Mr. Croker"" estlmat" of 10.000 as I'rycn's probable plurality In Greater New York Is borne out. the electoral vote of tho Empire State will bo placed In the Democratic column, for the Republican managers cencede Frlvaly that McKIn Iey'a plurality above the Bronx will not go over 7a.. and several of Chairman Odell's assistants are disposed to cut this esli mite down to Zn.vfr). The Issue, therefore, rests very largely with the Tammaay organization, which Is active and aggressive, as the Madison Square Garden demonstration amply show cd. t Fort riain tho great campaigner -poke to nn enthusiastic crowd of 2.000. FRA",KroiiT cx'ny.nxs sCOnCIJ SENATOR DllI'l'AV. Fivo thousand lungs were working over time os the train pulled Into Little Falls. Cannons and anvils boomed and tlrs llttls city looked very gay. Hundreds of flam waved from the windows and along the streets. It was a great turnout for a stanch Republican stronghold and un doubtedly Indicated a great change of senti ment. In Ms discourse, Mr. Bryan said: The great .danger of the country at tb preent time is that a great industrial despotism may be "established and tho cahrres cf tho children for futuro inde pendence and prosperity bo lessened. "I want the avenues of trade left open to your children and mine that they may as pire to financial Independence. Havo you ny assurance that jour ' will not be combined Into a trust? I want you to th'nk seriously about ke?pm.r monopolv cut ot your town. I find factories In control of thi trusts shutting down everywhere. Are you willing that intimidation shall pre vail In this country?" Rryan made practically tho ssrao ppreal to 2.000 persons at Herkimer and 2.SM at lllon. A short- stop was mado at Frankfort. Here stood tho huge deserted ships of tho Wot Shore Railroad, without a sign cf life. The crowd nbcut tho station was small because the town had been deserted ar bitrarily by the rallrcad. Scarcely had Rryan begun to speak before a raggtd looklng man shouted shrilly: "Chauncey Depew has bankrupted th's village. We have nothing now but empty houses and empty dinner pall." "Then." replied Bryan quickly, "thero Is no need why you should bo told of tho ef fects of consolidation." As he continued hair a dozen men cams along bearing transparencies whereon were the words: "Who moved the West Phoro shops?" A string was pulled, disclosing this reply: "Our Chaur.cey." Tho men of Frankfort can bo depended upon to vote the Democratic ticket. At the foot of Gcnesco street In Utlca n, crowd of 6.00U wero gathered to which. Bryan mado a ringing speech on Imperial ism and the trusts. As the train proceed ed the men at tho Oriskany malleable iron works, leithcr-aproned ard bronzed, turned out to greet the candidate with cheers. Romo brought out a huge crowd ot S-flO1). Here Bryan spoke on tho subject of pros perity. Among other things he said: "The Republican party spends lots of time telling about tho rains God has sent us, but It says nothing about the reign it Intend3 to give this country." HAI.N CO KM) XOT CHECK UVTIIL'bllSM. Oneida, with an audlenco of S.OflO. was the next s'op. It was on enthusiastic and -o-ciftrous crowd and welcomed Bryan with tumult and che-ro. Crowds were found at Canosta and at Chlttenango. Two mile from Kirksvllle the train was delayed half an hour by a freight wreck. A ehort stop was made at Dovvttt, where uryan spons to 5.000 persons There was no doubt as to . j ... -... u... nf Hn-all .entlment in ueiuii UUU -wi'O v ..... ..- .....-.....- at Oswego. At least &.0W rersons paciceo. -vv.-.jMnnton Park, whero Bryan spoke. It was a breathless crush that all but took the entire party off its feet. Bryan's speech was continually inter rupted by cheers. Before he had finished rain began to fill and thousands rushed ftr shelter Senator Wager held an umbreit-1. over Mr. Bryan's head and be paid no at tention to the downpour. It was here In Syracuse, however, that the crowning demonstration of the day took place. From the city limits to the depot tho engine of the Bryan train ran ovsr a continuous lino of torpedoes. They sounded like Infantry fire In a tattle. As Rryan emerged from his car the rain ccazed and every man, woman and child who had taken shelter rushed for tho square in front of tho opera-house, whera tho speakers.' stand haB been erected for the open-air meeting. Here Bryan spoke to a crowd of 15.QU0. Hundreds ot torches blazed and smoked over the great gather lng. It was tho largest political gathering that this city has ever witnessed, and It brought great comfort to tha souls of tho Democratic spellbinders. To-night former Mayor Jones of Toledo left for Detroit and Judge Bulger will re turn to New York. SHERMAN IS NO BETTER. Former Secretary of State Is Be coming Weaker Gradually. Washington, Oct. 18. There was no ma terial change In Mr. Sherman's condition to night, except that he showed gurns of In creasing weakness. The patient Is partially unconscious much of tha time, railyloz and brightening at intervals. He has a disagreeable cough, which irri tates htm a great deal In his debilitated condition. Doctor Johnson remained at tha houao to-night. "J t - . - . 1 K-